tux The Comm 3; publish! every Monday morning. by Hun! J. S: "nu, u $2 00 per noun a! paid uricdy xi Abuses—B2 50 pornunum if npt paid {inmdnncm No subscription discontinueh, unleu at the option of tho publisher, 4.lmm arranges we paid. i Apart-"lnns inserted at the usual ram. Jon Plxxnuo done nip: name-I 9nd Aispatoh. _Omc: in Southifintimém streot. nearly opposite Wamplen’ nifig Establishment VCoxu-xnu anrnm Onfixcx‘ " on the sign. Q mmgsmawi, saws. Law Partnershig; '~ * A. DUNCAN & 1‘". WE.» _ . ATTORNk-ZYS AT LAW, ,\ m promptly Attend to ‘3l) legal busineu mlruted g) them, lnclu-lin the procuring of Pension, Bounty, Buck P 3’, snd all other claim! against. the United ISmtel and Side Governments. ' Ofl‘u‘e ”m North WES! LI Celtyahnrg, Penn'u. Ayn! 331865‘ [I - J. 0. Ne- TTORNEY AT L.\\'y'.. Adieu! [HM tn colloc' nunty, 'nnd. Buck-pay. earner of the Diamond. Gettysburg, April 6, 13123 D. Mc 011 a. TTORVEYAT I“ w,(o A bf Buchln'sfin a! and‘ her-mm: lINN‘Y.) Anions” Pnimn no ‘ ansxoxn. B: rnnls, llwk-pxty “upended other clnims Again! 1110 Go urumeynlut Wash inz'on. D. 0.; nlloAmericgn ‘lniufl in Hu'ghlnl‘.” Land \VnrrnnulocMedund a M.orlmught.unll hizhest prit'e! given. Anpn s engugedjn In tnting wnrmnti in lawn, llinoin nnd mm: western States W \pply 0 him [wraon‘ally or by lottar. 1 Gettysburg. .\:ov. 21, ".3. ~ Edward B.‘ Buchlcr. T’l‘l)fl'.\'li\' 81‘ L:\,\\', will Millyl‘uily and A proxnm v uncut“ [0 all lgusineuoutrusted lu him. licipouks 313 (human language.— ()llic - M the nuur ‘plnmg in Sumh Nulmuore lint-t, new} Formry‘q drug avnrc, and neurly opposite I).umPr a Zirglrr‘a More. (;rnyslmrg, \larch 'JU. DIY. D. S. P:- HBOTTSTUWN, .\d'mix A the p :u-lice n! Inn [urn bun» hm, Vnnd wuull ”flu-1 p-Im'u nflhctml wm. nur o rn-M to cull un-l l‘nndlh luml' (Int. 3, 18'“. tf ' 4 Doctor (’.-W. FHFE nl Iho R lilrnA-i H O formerlv nruupin] hy I LITI'IJI‘TIHVN June 19. 156.3. lf Dr. J.‘ W. C. O’Neal’s . . FHI‘H 11nd hwc‘Jing. .\'. H. cnrm-r ol Rul- O liuwrc Mnd lhgh =lrccls,uenr l‘reub) lv rinn Church. (icltynll'lrg. I’m. new. 30, “‘63. 11' . Dr. J. A. Armstrcng, I I .\ VINO rrmmwl Vrnm‘ Vow Sui-'in, Yurk ‘ cmnny, muPln-nw: lnk‘uh-d u: \{ilMlo qu n. .\dunh count". 01111": he prufcssifimtl m rx ivws 10 [he pulmc. [July 31. '63. 6m ‘- 1 J. Bawrence H .\S In! ofiiu? obe I l dour \Yt‘i'flflhe :\_ Lulhr-rnn church in ‘ ’ C'mmlwrflurg ‘zrret. and a an '9, wh -rv: thou: wishing L OH prim] pe"fo!m9d are 11‘"! cm llnruumcan Urs. ll Kr uh. I). l) . “:4. H. L. 1h Pml’. \i. Jm-nlu. .’ruf. \l L. Limbs, l"r(:.~‘lul PM! ufid 'llxinds. .\‘pmin‘. Sm!- hotlyslumg, .\xllll 11,'33.| die- (lvl <. l‘ull Evil. Ring Bone. Hruiwu, ' ' - { -“‘~~ ~Swpll ms or' all ksnd. nnd in inc: every. dis. ReI'DOVR g - ease for which an Eiphroralinn is npplimhla‘, ‘FYP.nnull-raivavlmoin';the:Ulllmrin-d ;verunn WNW" I'l “ lg :71 B 1“? Price 2‘: CHI 5 n hal r: to mukn- ruinniailfi inln rho? (In-mi (ft-mp "“-—'l hi» l’rqp‘r‘lli‘lh WM"?! is n"iuin.tl “ ilh lorr.hnpp<lh it UH‘il n 9 t‘lbll'l‘l‘lliiflh‘ 1h!- removnl ll~‘. ‘ill in' lh_und tn he (ll oof Ihr- niufl and «(the rmnuim "(v'k'l‘l‘flStll r lniiwe nr'i'riqudi‘ "' ”I? I "W Imm one uf the mpsl xeanhle ap- Virill .u'ni‘i llzvmsvinw[ntlliiiégusun nl'Liu‘yeiu'lo Itnliun: Mtinl. . ll'll‘l' it liulll'. Rvmnhlu mm e- Willi pmmptness _“m'lmg‘ lu cu v-mpin} ml \‘erv ' cxlr‘nsiwly ——u~rm§ lmr, and no em"! "|:ll(‘lii!|l7in"~'9. {_Snu'c 1H xnlrnrlm lion nnri ll'l'iinK Ffl’isiifli or ‘ pi; ”an Tllmw, ;m nmm-dul [urupnrln-s‘ “'3 recummond it “in. Keeper flht‘ (‘O'llelt‘l'yn lilo Dim-bl,(‘uuliult'ht‘lx knowing: that no rne ~ _ u 7 . 4-4 am” hi: lii~nppululo~i m 115 use. I! is. :1! its Hardware and (iroca‘ies. Haw '"r‘l‘YiCS. u. \rlnu‘.ii..i-iuul‘9l 1i1.:r.~....:==5. ‘ I ~ . 7 .‘ ~ ,- ~ 1. PINTO rrmm. (”wk-Imp: nnl Img I . n~ne, rjfl’iiie’ia'hi‘ll'ilMimi: i'iiaifs‘o"'33,}..l';”Ti *1". er- mu be round um HARDWARE k lululi‘Hlll‘. g ahivi‘l v.f m l““"“‘" “m" "Wm 59‘ A onnrm: .1! their old «Mud l l'-.ult~mm~(- sin-H, , m. prit'l‘i luau”. llu- tum-s. )ur stuck wands in {MI} nl , - 1. 11l ILDIMI \IATI-TRIALS. UAILI‘ICNI HE‘S Tl OL3, _ ‘ lll.\(‘K~\JlTll'H Tom s. ('().-\(‘H Hx'mws 4; \«mb’ 1 '2. '6O SHOE rwmwas. _ _ . ‘ C.\IH.\ET “AMER S TQULS, lluL’.‘,i£!\'.'l':‘:.' s FIXH'RES, ' .\I.I. Kisms 01‘ Hum. kc. GROt‘ERII-Is or AIM. x I.\ ha". (um, PAINTS, Imm. flure 1~110217h1v Included In the sen-rd d: [vn‘hnuflls nu'nm nvd shove but wlmt can he hn .ut thi: Norm—— Every clans ot' .\irvhnuics can hl‘ nvrouunudmcd hero with molsnnd lind‘ng~ nrd Hourokeopers can find ever) nrliclv in the 1- ”do. Giu- us a uh, m w(' «re-prep xred m ‘H as low for cnah as any house out or PM city ‘ {JUkL :IMVI Ghlyshnrg, )[.l_\' 16, 13124: Grain and HAVING taken ”:91qu Warehouse rcc’endy ( Hersh, an., I N NE W (‘1 X wemre prepared to WY U e nll kinds DFPRODUQ‘E. A] on prices, mum-ml CUAL ot eyery de‘fiflflption.~ A. P. MYER. =5: WIERMAK New Oxford, Aug. 10, 186 . lr‘ fl . ~. M, g. . -__“L‘-- _._.- The Great D 1 covery l’ THE AGE.—lnflnm --' tory and Chronic Rheumntism Cam he on ed by using BIL. LLER'S CELEBRATE" IIEUMA'TIC MIX , . (IRE. .\(uny prominent ci izei'ia ofv this. and the Adjoining counties, hate ‘tefitified to its great utility. It: success in: Rheumatic afor ions, has been hitherto unparalleled By any Specific, introduced to theipublic. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggirts 3nd ttorekeeptrs. Prepared onlj‘v by H, L. MILLER, ‘Wholunle and Retail Driirgistffinst Berlin, \ldnmi county, Pm, dealer infirugd, Chemicals, Oilu, annisb, Spirits, Puiniz's7 Dye-stufl's,=bot {led Oils, Essences Ind ’lfiuctures, Window Blur, Perfumery, Patent Hg‘dicines. to., &c. fl'A. D. Buchler is tlid Agent in Getty burg for “ H. L. Miller's Celkbmted Rheumatic Mixture." \ -1 [June3,lB6l. tf - Young Men ND OLD NEH. do not uiiow your mothers A and your wives to ween-1 on their precious 'ves over the old Wash-tn longer. but like true men end henefnctora, 1:31:01“. them with an EXCELBIOR _ WASHE , and mutant! of frown lnd‘cross words on wash days, depend - ‘lpog it, chem-Fin! fncea will greet ydu. .\ IYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg, PI. Dec. H, ma. " , ‘ Battle-116m hows. , w PULL set. of our Photographic View! of - the Bottle-field of Gettysburg, form . 0p undid sin. for the Holidnys. - The finest yet publilhed can be seen Mthelxeflsior Guilery. ' TYSGN BROTEERS,\Geflbem-g. . Wfinted. . A _ {All in Adams many, for whioh I v’viii ~ exchange bhoiee Wooten bands, u u r price. . ' ' EEO. ARIIOLD. , - Aug. 7,1885, ’ “ . ‘ . , ‘41") 3.097854? m in reach. - ' ”firm, of S, «Le-P800?- (0! m , * (grim, mammoth Mien; thus ire any a) gullible.- ROW; :3 WOW; J mun. Br 11. J. S‘I'AHLE 48th Year. Grggt .Remedy for Colds.‘ rnei of Diamond, ELL‘a‘ 950 mm”. ' ‘ ”.\LSAMIC CURDIAL, o! » EX 1’ L'CTOMA'A' 7'»! ’- _ A mum-pal Agent prepared to es! the ur gent I‘emand lona momp! and 3e Antidote for an l’nlmonnry Uisordén. If propurh used it will give imhnv rt-lu-f in almost e’very in svrinre.nnd w.“ prove an effertnnl «me in n mujurm .nl' l‘he lulkm'ing mum of “fa Lions 5! He THROAT AND LUNGS! such as Collin Coughs. Aulnnulic .1 on-lnu‘let. Whoopin‘g Cough. Soreuemof the Bran; and . qunchiul Afi'vuiom. u ‘ " \ ‘Pnrlivufir atten [mg of Pensions, Tum 1n the S. E. ‘ 811?. see one door went nok atormChnm- Mm Sunmz‘ruu mu :unty Lupd Wur | Cluimn, and nil When N am commenced maunfu-tuflng the Expecvornutgov am home consumption it wn: not our intnnlion nor our“dush-e to put it before the puMic as A "airs-:11," :lon pub. “-11 n hing Int of u-slimnnialw us no Him-rice 'of its cumlwc wupt-nifi, hu! the dcmnnd or it bring 5:. «rent nnddpmxlerfly on the inchnao, bns‘imldfl‘d. und in that cnmpellcd ni to pre pun- npn u math lnmvr scale. n'nd Mac to (amymh uguecica Lhmugfiout this section of the country. » ( • 1 All m- :-:k is th 1 time thus afflicted mm‘ uiw it a blr!rm!._lhntiljmny [n-meJ n 9 m-my Mummy 3 m or other prppnmtio‘ns oft! aimllur nulure now I vim: employrd. . The pm'm'v thrmw it uitlJn mo ranch of nll, bring b u '.{s Ind to rents a bogus. V “E \HNT l."'\,'«H‘s‘l.\‘T. ,! LFAS'AVTQVD F I'IFI’IVHIVT HE‘HCHY L‘x CPR —.\ Ru nny Prune-r m ITSVLY.-.\‘n Caj'or 01110 (a Tatum—'n thin- Pwpurxtmn wu 112130 int-Jutkd smh remvdivd only in have beet; trH'd f'fl~ ymmx ;Nl‘ll .uro knvm‘n to rof-‘eu pmv'erfx.) Jl'nHIL-Lthß' vimws. LOHIHIIIE'I ytjivh mild 'ngmrm‘nn. p‘: “ran! {mummies nnd'angnr. An- I'n lmin‘umd r-f lhonmvlvus cunnov. prrfu-m thnir pot uh x: fun-Imin nr l-nve Ilm desired efl'wt. "nip-w 'h‘r ‘_ll\\\(']\‘ ’ro kept mpllcruu-ly upon. 'l'» pmxhzl'o- :th grntle purgntivcs urfi nll'vs mry and cm I) "uh nu-ght m be ust-rl Hm! mu lot in': HE“? mth tlm‘nut'm‘minfil- eruplm'ed: Th.- nll\.\ul:w-< \{e (”I m (01‘ thin 535 rnp :Iro: Isl [ll prmcr of DES'I'RUYING AND EX~ I’ELLLVG \VUH‘Yx". -nun'y.rnntinlw! ('"iun in n]! vls Mqu uni!!- all I] Handing d'is- 'enson. m=o (frunlmam . x<i.\m,.) ' Y.\. "= 241.1” nnid ng-mie-nt efi'u-f nnon Ihe bon‘als 3d. ltd plenum! bite and odor are mli’un tngvs L‘OSS-zfi- d or daimed by very lew Verm ifug“. ' 4th. 1': hnrmlrss-finfinence npnn thv sysicm, r‘nrgquanl) no i-junona Mich NH recnh from in lH'- should lh" pnliem have no Worma, but nn nppxzcnt dismue. arising frnth "mm nllxnr unknown cml‘ae, which is flequ‘nlly the cum. _ Tlu- cnnztimo’vs of (hi. ernp and its efi'fic's nru klyn \ n In many l‘hyficidne, who are now win: it in thmr pl clicv to A large extent.— I‘ricc ‘JI: unls n honje. ‘\ ' 7 Lfifii" The Greatest Liniment in Use. ELL n WHITE'U'L !—-7‘ln [Hamlin] f‘lmn- B m‘, mm! I'nlglralmg and mm! Frfinnmlml Imumrnl m L'-I.—.\" [unwex In! (llmcinus Unru- Immune {’irklng’! 'r l‘uve '\n§;- Dental 'ertlul!yinvitor§m [non Rev. G. P. ghur, D. D.,‘Rev. ‘.mver. J-bund inr Hm SpPN‘y Cure of Rhenmnli‘m, MEI R (‘OXIHTIOV I’JWDHNSI‘ ‘ MIR “HRH“. CATTLE h SWINE 23.01.“ L pup-r, or flu- [mpcri {m SI The Imuu-u‘ll SA!" uf lhrse- E’ude-rs timing: {he erv p p. 31 Hwy Imu- heen ht-fiue the ruhlicfi»: (sullivlunt guarantee “f lln ll’ grunt. pupahui _x. m-l the deculcd benefits dcm'ed from [1) iv I:-(‘. ( V anr .170- vvnfir‘J-mly recommended rot only an n i-rmc—uiiu- luv. mi n complenwnre far all Ihso so- uug'anl In lhe NURSE. l‘u'.\' or ‘MHY, w’ Lues or Appetite, Coughs” ”cures, Telluw \\' m‘r, Ris'mupcr, Glnudera. km, &c. . Hy Iln Ir .m- the: Marie‘s Apprme is impi-nv etl, all m rnngguwuts n 2 (hr dlg_e=l~i'.'e orgnni corn-Melt «hil. mug lhe Min. um] giving lo ll": mm n 511% nml shining :wgwnmnN-. .mni miy ic Irv-l will) peruem‘mt- U a: all times. m H, rpnmias no ingredienu wuich can injure u llOlsL‘, win- the: ale nr wall. Thr) clfii-e the breathing alumnus by ejemmg tr m the air Cell-ll coaguhnr‘l mint”, or (hut lurmminu which so seven 13 clogs them. Mining 3 ughlm-ss in hrm hing. nud by iht‘ll‘ pe‘cnlmr u: tion on that part. the) causal ‘ihe mucus memlmuw to re‘ume its natural dimenqona, thus equalizing the cirrul. Hun (If the hL-01. and lesloring the distended minds 'to their n-muul 517.0. B. name, "hunk. oduce. and com-“odious ccupied by Fmgk 1 0 R D , highest prices for -u, vll ut thelowl LIu«+(H'{OCERIES, For but: u'mg mule they nre- inrnhmhle, who possessing peculiar properties in increns ing the gummy of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing Imm nu imporlmu‘e and value whigh should flute [.hem thhiu the hands of all in terested. ' All disen-es to which Ihe Hog is ;nbject, a: Coughs, Ulcm in the Lungs ind Liver. nnd n} a gram! purifiel' of the blood w? guarantee “heir etfi‘ 31 if once {uh-2y tned. . ”field an. Gettysl-um by A. yam-bier, Apothecary. and by Drnggists and orekeep ers gen'prmly. Auk {Car Bell's Prepnmuons. Prepnrc d exclusiVely by w. D. Bell, Apothel Cary, (Graduate of tha Philadelphia College of lermncy,) West Washington Sr.., Hagen lown, .\ld. [oa. )6, 1865. 1y ~Clothlng. ' ' EORGEfRKUL!) has now on hand the largest wok. of READY-“ADE CLOTH ING in town. consisting of DRESS AND BUSI NESS 'COATS, of every description, OVER COATS, in great nrirly, Monkey Jacks", Venn, antaloona, Shiny Drawers, Glovn and Hofiery, Mach hf them. . ' My b tclothing‘nre mostly of my own man ufacture, and will be warranted well made, and well trimmed. g Together will: a. Inge stock of Clothe. Cu :inetn, Jeans, Dxillings,‘Shil-v.ing. Flann‘el. to. Also, Beaver Cloths, Doc Skin, Over Gosling: Ind Trimmings in gun variety. II.“ which gym be sold ul chap u the cheapeu. cm ind sea them‘. ' Gntvaburz. om. 9, 1865. 31:1 b ’ n i B subscriber h“ pom. valuable WEST ' ERR LANDS, which ‘he will trade for one or more FARMS in min county. The land: nit inll Imm, Ind very desirable for lum ing. Early gpphcuion desired. ' 1.5003 BRINKERHOFF. Gettysburg, April 3, 1865. if - A GREAT "tiny of P 1013055 FRAMES, with plain and convex gluten, {or salt u. ‘florner‘s Drug and Variety Store. ~ June 16. 1865. . ' ' _ _ MIKE'S PLANTATION‘ 3mm, 61' ’Old _Homa‘eu! Tunic, It Da_l.'ll'oml’fl ~\ [Sm’.‘ . ..4ul :- m: ..‘-...u' ICE ‘ ”‘ 73 : 1%,, B "-li’s Worm Svrup! SPINinF. Will‘mls. .\nmlmefiw of He Ben’s Alterative, Western Lands. Picture Frame. El @EMCQCRATHQ AND FAMHLV J©URNAL ‘ Two Farms 1‘ PUBLIC SA ”Li-On SATURDAY, (hé A ch day ox' NOVEMBE: next,the sub scnbr—r will ~me- av. Puhlic Sale, on the ‘premi- ‘ am. his v‘wo Farms. viz: \ No. I. THE HOME FARM, that“? in Strn. Inn township, Adam: county, 0n the Get‘ys burg Railroad and the York nnd Gettysburg Turnpike, one mile from Geyyabnrg, ndjuminz Inn-ls of (icnrgc Wolf, llvnry Bluufurt, Josmh Bonner, nml uthara, containing ll)“ Acres: m Ire or lr-.~~‘, with due {nonunion-I ot woodland nml mwnduw. The impgortmcnts ‘_ i; “N: u large Two-rtory‘hnelling ‘2' a” HORNE. (pm! brick and part r. {£s3 weutlwrhunrdqd.) a Lug [Slums-VJ: with Sheds m‘uunnl it. Ilurse Stable, Wagon Sheds and Corn Crihx Carriage House, largo [log PP". Blnclgsnnlh Shop, and uttwr hund inga; nu excellent. we‘l of water near Ihe door, and a gain: Orchard of chance fruit 'on the premuoi. . .\o. 2' A FAR)l,sitlmlein Butler tow‘nship, .\d 1m“ t'nuntygnulle nlvl Chmnhersbnrg road, nt‘juining tumlnpf Wm. Eichultthhn Quickel, John ‘.. is'nr, Joseph Bnylgy, and dthr-‘s, con mining 2:19 Acton, more or less—about ‘6O new in liluM-r, nn-J pltnl) 6f mendoyfl TM in: rnvr'me’nts are u Two-story Log ~ .. llHl'r‘Er: Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn "A if A SYMWMS ' ('nb, $O., with a gnml well in fmnt of thn . ' M . home, and n vnricty ul‘ fruit. Thistitrm wenlrl For [l]: “’o“!de O’f ihztlitl'n‘ms County [filth suit well lor divine", the old Chumberaburz. . "5 IL I .M‘. maul running through the mid-He of It. and lennng: nearly equal p an; of wood 9nd dented Lin Lo u-uvh. I érmns wishing to View the F.\rm3 ‘nro. re (p {Aslpd 'tn mil 0n the sul-scrilmr, residing an .\932. If (My mnnot lie scl-l, the Fnrms Will be mt. red for ronv. on slid day. my; Sale 10 cummencc on 'Fn’rm No. l M 10. n’clnkk. A‘. .\l., Mud on No. 2 m l o clock. r’.’ 31.. \\ Mn Mlcmhncu will ln- ghevn and Icrms Inn-h- kvixgwu My DAVID SIHIAH'EIL UcL. Z’Nb‘nfi. M \ _ _ - .. A“, _,_ A Good Farm _'l‘ Pt‘nmc‘ [L d If of .\0 will‘ oan-r M PM FAIL“, silmuc .\dnmq Lnnnh'. pining hlnnls or balm In. Wm. M John .\lu‘svlmm or lose, nhoul, 1K The {.nm Lind I dergoml (*nltivn menu are :I am Dwelling UUU: Spring House at Barr", nnd other. failing wn er nv' fruit, apples, [)1 munly nll grullcu. “>l.- hnnse, nml ”WIL“ IS : :Lzmm 01 “xx!” ”.ruugh tne pluw. ; " flv'l‘ Sale to Convml'nro n 1 1 n‘clmk. 1". .\I., on ~‘Hld day, when :dtvztlmce will be given mnl terms mud! known by ; . Oct. 16, 15%.. 15 Juli)? BENNETT. house and Lats, .\' FE’XIII‘IRrYxLLE, .XT PI'JBLH‘ SALE,— 1 “n SATI'RD \\ . the lllh dm 0! V(1"I‘I\l “HR next. the Hxhscrmr-r will nn-r at l‘nhlir‘ Sula, ml the '.n-nnwa. Hm [filluwirg p’roywrt): 4 HITS UF GRUK‘NIv. in 'Br-ndrrsnllo, Adwmi (onnl'r, I’ 1., ;mjuining Juhu M «Knight nu thn cnuth :mzl B‘luarq Blocher r-n lllf-nnrth. Un ore nf the 10‘s mo rrecled n. Two: L-4.' Ftnry‘ I)|\I‘HEI)Q ”NYSE. (part .bril-Hfi‘ ' um purl fr.|nn-;)‘.vith linseml-m, gt growl Stable And Bun Floor, Hm: Rem Jun, with hull. Mei-s on {bu lot. IThis property is very dash-able. ‘ ‘ 'firsno m commence‘nt lo‘clot‘k. P. .\i , on ~aiv| «lay. \vhnn uncnduuce wxli be ghen and terms m..(it- kpown ky I‘uNRAD BENDER. .OKt. 23. 1865. (3* Maryland Farm for Sale. A liAllE CHANCE FOR Pl-iXNSYLVANI ANS -—'l'lie iuhscnhcr ufl'nrs a: Private hme. n PAIN, tinnued in Fre'leriz-k rmuity, .\ld., about two miles lmm Union Bridge, the torminus 0: the WcSlern Maryland lléilrond, and about one nulv from the line of the con templxm-d exlension to llngprulown. This \rxrvu’consmins I 361; ACRES OF LAND. alum 40 of which nrel well limlwrerl, the balance Arable, and laid. if into convenient Bridg, un~ dér good l'oncin , with water in nenrlr 'nil the fields. l'ezu'qr sun sin-uni pus-ing through it. This lax-m h‘ousiecunuy bern hem‘ilylimcfl and will in n fejw 3‘2.an he seci‘nd to none in the neighborhood. Tlmimpxovt- kn} nu-ms consm of a comtmm’ule ,-,£§i_s_ .A 1,021)“ ELLING. Lo! Barn and '33; { __~:, all other nercssury ont-buildiu‘gs..¥=~'_“ “"9: There is an excgllcnt. Orchard of Apple ’l'rres, also a large quantity ol Cherry, Peach and Plum Trees. ‘ I ‘ An} person w‘réhing to view the property can do so by filling upon the subssnber, living at. Al'nion Bridge, “ho In]! take pleasure in show ing it to them. Price $4O pflr Acre. A - " Term! accémmodn‘ting and mud! to suit the purchaser. . GEO. P. BUCKEY. Uct. 16,11865. 4: ' New Millinery. ISS MARY 11. BEITLER has commenced_ M the Milhfiery business at her fn’ther’s lute residence, on the Baltimore turnpike, ih'rze, milei south of Getlyabnrg, where she will kecp on hand, for sale, at the lowest. profits, BONNETS, FANm’ RIBBUNS. ‘ Fenthergfifinnd 30x25, Straw. Leghorn and other Mullinery Goods, of lhe new est and bvst’styles. Rudy-trimmed Silk Bonnets are at _n“ times Io be had. Bonnet-making anti tfimming attended to with dispatch and cxnpncu. Lntest fash ions received f 0: Fall '1 Winter Bonnets. 0ct.23,1865. 3v. ‘ ’ Plctures! futures! ‘ EV! mum: having purebaled.S¢muel L Wm‘u's PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY” is prepared to execuve work in his line equal to any establishment. in the State. ILyou aeaire A good likeness, finished according to thelutzst improvements in the art, call at the above long-established Gallery, in Wes; Middle ’ltreel, Genysbnrg. , [Jam 9, 1865. _ Brooms ! Brpoms! <HE undonlgnedlhu rhqpenéd his BROOM FACTORY, opposite the Depot on Culisle inc“, Gettysburg, and in now prepnred to ac commodnte the public in his line. He will either make Brooms on the. shares or to order, ulna] bo desired. A stock of Broomsavill nllmyl be found on head. Give him n call. Oct.lB, 1865. an. s. R. TIPTON. ‘ nugsd ATTENTION.—Tbe apperior Pic!“ ‘ taken ‘nt ,MUMPER'S SKY ! 'l‘ GALLERY, on West liddle SL, are gunning universal nttegtion. .Good judge; pronounce them superior w any ever takgu ln M 1713“. Call ud examine for your-e 11", Jan. 16,1865. . ‘ ‘ , ‘ F Noni wish )hgn‘nel, Perlodicdl, Toy . Books. Kevan-pen, unlucky” to I. B. MINNIGH’S Confectionery; in Chmbenbnxg Almt.‘ =‘ . ~ mzmns.—A full um u 10".“ szkfi um”: , 9113231130ng . u ‘ i “rim-n IS man! As» nu. "nun.” GETTYSB' g _, .. 2 gtltdth grimy. The Inmmr, flow ntrenung from the heavens. Rdur'm a space, nrlh‘s beau!) m behnld. And through the mint: of pamng lean sh'a undo“: Ono In! {and flail: to haunt: beluved of old, Like the lgypllan queen in undue «My, nu: gubed hen-pm” will; to die, The yea around!!!" fuldl be: rob. of beauty, And “and! I (plan beneath the [WIN Iky, {And round her rpgnl furm, Ilka hushed attendlnu, The (oral! Hand In auzunlml mo‘ufinr Fused, For ’nenlh 1m- lplvndor [mu—on to death her buwm, Emote by the unit: a! the unhv ler [1 oil. Like Clem anon will come llm chill December, To gnu upon her form Ihcnce hrs In lled': And the wild winds tlmt lunl amunvl her, .1) lug, VD 11l nhrlek ln unguish o'er nu: brig“: yen: Ilead‘ Pur=uant oE adjournment. the nm‘mnll onnva-ntinn of the- Teauhers of AJI’IUB'COJI mnvenprl in Gettycburg an the 251!) od. The svs=innn of the Immute wpre held in‘l the (;or. Ruhdmfiélp—were, well attemled and clmra‘cter.z~-d by moat hm'mcny and prevuihng intorest. The attendancn‘of teachers! and friend: 0f liuluculinn from dif lerenc [nu-ta of the cnunty was lame.— Ahout 01::th teachers were pmsfinl durmg the se-«zim. oftrhe Insmu'e. ])l.rTng the prngxess of the InK‘tEHVI fm'!y-t\voxddltion~ ul nignnmren were rocmvod In tlm Constitu nn. There wnre during the three days m- Institute continm‘d in seseion, threp essioniwor day; (In- hourc of convening ‘nd ndjnuxnin: being 010 12 A. AL; 111: to and o.} lo 9 P. M. Af‘ior [he vxerciw dHho Inutrikuto had won nponed on ”I” 25th with pruyerfiy ‘rof. lihrelmrl. nlPvnna COHego, Mr.Shee- I. ch-m‘mnn oftlw Excculii'e Lcmmitlcé, mule nn inlvn-aun: verbal repurt.concprn- I}: the otfurta of tlu-Unmmiuee lo pmcure ‘cturrrs, I-tc. Hr- nlfo urged upon the acherc prescnt.‘Lhe ll<‘k't‘~aHV of 'wmg in rmnul m lhn kXGIOIfl'S oi the Institute. ua'l. It, A. Lynn: Hahn-rod a benuuful ml lnchm-zsva "Wee ming Addmwn,” ul nLng in touching t-‘rm‘ L 0 Hm Ilenll: OI'J. rrbr} (‘ n-k. lul‘p I‘M-C 1 0" the Awtr'iminn 'l‘uo with-Ma WA: repllml in Yry My. XZMPU‘. ‘('n. Sllgwnnlnmlent. m mnent and appro pine mher-s. Mr. Canmn-r, 01' Hump ,tnn. nmm‘m-«l a clam: m his m'Ptlmd of i[earlil‘u-nn‘M.wtir‘_: :rh-nglhy dhK‘lFEifin i anmvind. A numlvr n! hminecq commit» intros Mro nypmnted prevxous to adjourn ‘mrnf. A f Eruwxu Smcxox, Ouf. 23th, 1865 ' The r xm‘rc‘an oflhom Pning wuinn were N" nrr} v t-I-r' y I Irv R v. Comer. a‘nd Fev jorw] “'o‘” uxw'mcd pim'eq by tho “.\lmical «Ame-mnn " The plim‘iyal fvnture n! {ha ‘ c-w-nm: =ns<inn mu 3 cluu‘ (11111 1H (locu- nonnrv wading. mndnrlezl by My.“ Ennhe Ilnml-lulnn. The drill Wm: ‘.n the rpmhng of Edgar A. Pun-'3 ‘ “4“.” Min Humble- tun then re'ad “Bcr-mrdo De‘ (.afpio.” with ‘ excellent. (JR-ct. This Wm: lbllowod with an Pnuny on "Ethlcniimnd lik‘iy-nnml‘rlity.” by Miss O’flie E (Ihrrmictor. whioh “mini-t mu I :Atrrwnrdvahh' discu‘flfl lry Dwirl A. Unab n Ior; E~q.. Rm’.fiComnr.-aml Mefisrm A. Snee- Hy and S. Wmu‘ott. DJringx the evening [snnion the Aficin’lian Marv-ml a seri'ns of I rrsnlmiom in duw x 1 by Mr. Shoelv. as n. ‘ token n! respect to the memory of J. Kat'- , svy‘CnOk. ‘ SECOND DAY. 0ct.126!h-—-}lonxr.\'c fimsww. 9- After the owning axerc‘ses, the suljncc ;cf Gangrnphy wu: taken up by Mr. Wm!- riflt, follnwed hv Mis: Ihmblkton. Prof. Ehrvhnrl :lan Mewsrs Lytlln. Sheely and annsemi. 'l‘hP-dinr‘usmnn was exxended to NW snljwt nfa uniformity nHe-xL-books, whzch ranked in the appointment of a committee of three, (q drzlf'twrz‘snlutioua ex- iwdve of the sense bf the Association on xhv \importnnt subject. The election of nfl‘u-eri for tha emg‘mg year resulted in (be oh ice of the {OHUWIX‘IL' persons: PM“)! rt—Rubert A. Lvule‘. , an Pr -’ ant—John W. McConnell. Stcfelary— '. Howard Wert. Trcawrrr— ~nron Sheelyu ~ Assistant Star q—Paul Hersh. . Eavcutwc Comm ec—A’iron Sheely. Miss melie Hambleton,Miss E.G. kaersham. ;J. H. Wort read an E- E'luculion,” followul b; same sulject. partiéipm P. D. W. Ilankey', S. Townsend. The Association adj'r lock. for the purpose of visv -burg School-building. al'tcr ‘ V M ...n gm 8 previous invnntion from Prof. Ehregiqrt. the Association visited the building abd grounds of Pennsylvania College. The via»i it was delightful and profitable to all. ‘ Evzmxa stsxox'. At the evening ses'sion,, Liltlentown was chosen as the place for the next annnel meeting of the Institute. the time being the last week ofchber, 1866. The following local committee of Arrangements for the meeting mu appointed: A.’L.‘Keypnrtn, Dr. Bishop. Wlllllm McSherry, Esq.. Eph rain Myers, Eugenerßowe, James Lelever. The Arsocintion then proceeded in 31:06, ‘to the College Chapel, where a rich (rest was received in Prof, Mayer’s lecture ori Physical Science and the belt metnqu of imparting instruction in the name. The lecture was illustrated in all parts by inter esting experimental proolevr 'l‘nmn DAY. Oct. 27th—Monxrxe Sessrox. Mr. Wert. from committeeon uniformity. of text-books, pres’ented a preamble and resolution. which gnu rile to e ledgfixy dis cussion, perticipategl in by Prof“ burn, State Superintendent 0! Common Schools, D. A. Buehler, liq. D. McComughy. Seq" Rev. Conner. and Messrs. Lyttle. Sheely, Curt, end Winn-on. The preamble and resolutions were finally Amended and adop ted. nefulllms: ' . Wmnns..\’l_'e. the Teeéhers of Adams county, in Convention nssembled, believe‘ an entire uniformity of smndard textbook: 1 throughout this county absolutely necessa- ‘ ry to the full success at the Common-school ‘ ”stem, there fore. Resolved. That a committee of ten, (of which the County Superintendent shall be ex oficio Chairman, and the President of ‘his Amociation a member.) be appointed. whose duty it shall be toxoyort to the next tnnml meeting of this Convention the few libl. mum of wearing a lan-aiming of tub RC}, PA.‘, MONDAY, NOV. 6, 1865. Or!ober £l3m: fiisctllnny. C'ommumt‘aletl. AnmxooxSEssxox books for the Common Schools of the coun ty; and. that said committee further be re quested to report at sand meetmg, what change. “any, should be mude'in the series of text-books heretofore recommended by thin Association. , The committee unpainted mm- Mr. Aq ron Simply. Missez Mann Thompson, Edith G. Wzrkerkhnm. Emilio Hmrjblemn. Sly-ah A. Flnry. Rachel Wright. Mom’s J. How nr-l Wyn. Rnbvrt. A. Lvulv. R. McCuFai'unrl J. W. Mquucll. DJring the course 'of the foronoon session. Profe-sor Lvnn. of Newville, pure the Instilutoun uMy written and ‘WNH-dullvcrod lecture on "The Dutirs and Requeusxbxlitirs of the Teacher.” Anxnxoox .\'cssmx During {ha nfternnn‘n. Professor CWbum. the SIM? Supermtandent. nnswerovi :l num ’ bag of queries pmpoun'lod concerning the ,sohooHaw, nml the right: and dyiiw of f loacbprs, and explained vur'xnusgfsumler . flood pnint‘?"nf (Le lmx The ymtponcd discu=amn of the previous day WM thnn tu ken up, and varium topics connected with ‘he duties. rights. qm‘hiimfions and corn- Lponmtinn of 'te'nclwm dwell—NW] at Tengtb by the Aisor‘h'mn. ’l‘hndazmcfiinn resulted ‘ in the adoption ofthe following I’ronmble .nnd Hemlutmn, ofl'ured by Prof. P. D. W. ‘ Unhkoy: Wumnm, I}: Umjudgment of this Ingli tute, the sulurw; n; pungent. {Funny {mid to teachers in thn county; mrnish an inade quate iemunrrnlion, (wpr—cmlly in \‘iPW of the increased con/of the necessarins’of life; and [he coanunnt oxpomeq to which tonohors are >u9ject; then-fore. ‘ Resolved. That we lespectfully. but ear nefitlyq rcqmst tho dirccmrs of the conmy to increace the =nlnriesnl'touchers. and thus cuntnbute to elevalim: and dignify'mg the professmn.byinwungthereto well-qualified professional teachers. Emma's 82:51»): ‘ After the customary epr‘ninz exprolses, ‘ Ptolefi‘sor Cobum. State Superintendent. ‘ was introduced to the audimce and enter tained (hem lor a considerable time in a sound, practical arldres: on the qualifica jions and reqpomiblli'ies of tlm teacher. ()n'lnolion' of Mr. Sheoly. a rommllloe of six was :lppnintofd to pvt-pure fur the ment ina of the Pennsylvania State valmrs' ln~ elimla. nl‘ieltyelmrg. in Aurzutty. IQC-‘l. The cnmmxtzen “I'm'R-rlwl'p A Lvtllv. Davlvl A. l‘umhlér, Eu} . Dr. H G. T’Ahhcflnck. T. D. Carson. Aarcn Sheelv. amlll.’ H. Wort. After disposing of varlnus‘miscellmwnu: lrusmosn and rpceivinu and rhspnsin: offile resolutions reported by the mmnmtne on' resolutinnc. Ile lr‘ctitntn alljnurned will: singing of tho dnxnlngy. an’v-I, Tum our Cn-mtv Inclltph‘ in n nocwsitv. $1 onyx-Min are w» of i": utility; that. we would. if potsih‘m, lTl'lliF it obliga tm-y up m all leuchr-ri 10' attend its meet 4ngi. . > Rm’ml, That we return our sincore nhd hvartfelt thu‘nlz-z tn Hm it‘znne uf Gultyu burg and vicinity. fr-r-lfir- L‘nrtliullty will! whrch Hwy have racnivml u:. and the hm:- pilahly extended towards us, wth m their mh'wt. . Rgvolml', That we return our sincere thanks tq the board of tru~tves nfthe Gor m'm Rafnhnm] churnh. for tho Ibo- 01 ”mil whficu, in ’whu'h we hngn hold our intpresn him: nnd pinfilahlo meeting-n . h firm/rd. ’l‘hm, m 2 tominr our airmen: thnnki {n the momharq oi'thn “Mn-‘iml A~socmtiau.” for favoring us with their 9x cellom mn<ic. _ ‘ Run/"rd. That the sincerethnnkw offhi= Asmcintiu‘n are due to its (vfiicera. fur tha fvithfnl :md impuniul manner in which they have porfnrmt—d the nrdubus duties of the-1r Espective pmitinnfi. ' Rrsnwe'd. Tuut we ncknnwledszo in Mr. Shooly. om- worthy County Sumrintrndom. a Futons nd nrdwt mplaborar 1n the muse 0“ edncnth‘n. and therefore the thanks of lhia Association are tendered him. for the zvnlouq (hat-humor at his duties. and {n} the deep intemzt which he has munilested in the surcvg: 01 the present. meeting of the Ansncmtinn. Rrao’md,’Thnt we thrtiYy ivolmme the ‘presenm- nf our worthy State Snpermteml em, Prof." Column. and sincvrely Hunk Inn for hiE qtfenrlunce and valuable scrvnccs whilst, With us. Rumba/l. That to Prof. Mayer, far hié valunbie I|:an instructive lecture' on Physi-I ml Science,so promptly delivered at the re quesyof tlie Assnciatinn,—tol‘rnf. Enrehnrt for his I-fiesence and labors with us, and his attentions to the members of tlie ‘Assqcm-i 'tion whih-t visiting the grounds and build-l ings of Pénn’a.Cnllege’—to the Truskeinnd I chulty ‘pl' Penn's. Coilegé for the use of; the college clm'rel. on the evening of the 261 i! inst"; and to Prof. Lynn, for his able lecture; this Association retuni their warm— est tlnnlzm v 1 ly of “he eel-v. RLWLYL'UL That we heartily, thank fihe 'directors and citizens, who have enco r aged us by llwir presence and nekistmzoe stn’i'ed, That the members of lhifl’ =- aociation feel it incumbent upon themito unite in thanks to the Almighty Ruieq of the Universe. thin the prnyér breathedgnt the Inst meeting of the Association has bqen granted—that the. ' Star. Spangled Banner of our country now wuvea‘triumphant over 43ny inch of its surface, ennbhng us to wei~ coxfiekto qur noble fraternity, its membéra, who have been nohly battling for libel-Ly in the armies of the Union. Radical” That to the gallant ofiicers and soldiers w‘hb} under the blessing of God, have acoqmp ‘ bed thia'result, ;we, as a part of a rescued Rica. owe'an ever unpaid debt. of mtitudetx ‘ : Rmzfi‘it. That l'n\ thé'the death of our late President. J. Kérgey Cook, this A 330 ci-tion andlho commupity has nuaxamed a loss. which will. long he‘ufelt. His me o ry will long remain in oubbe‘nru. Toiil bereavedvfnendls, wefhis fellow teachers, present. our canldolence. \ ‘ Resolved. That. we earnestly request of all our members, that they use the,” {gent en dedvors to increase theirown (:12an d - u‘lopmem and secure the full succelp of the common wheel system. \" Ronn- .A.].amu. Prea’t. \ J‘ Hownn Wnr, Sec'y. ' ‘ fil’rosident Johnson mnd'e tspeeoh to a regimen]. of District of Columbia "cullud vets" on élection day. He told them con. aiderable' about. $1181: duty to works to obey tho laws. 9qu to get knowledge and sub- Itance llke whim folks. but be had nothing to any about. their “rights“ as voters. He was not sure that Lhe two race: could inter mingle or Would remain at. pens and in harmony. If they could not, he believed Providence would open I way for lepm tion and exodus to the promised had. ~[B‘Provisional Governor Johnson his been authorized to announce that all this 1 memben cube Georgia Convention mll hp ‘ pndonedlby the Pmidont. ' . .--J M Some weak-I ago I strolled into n frlend's cohnting-qmm. He being gbsl‘nt. 1 com menced a chat with his rlgrk, whom a good looking "culled pussun" entered, deified hil Mglnr. and mid: L “)IM’ Bub. kin you lmvl me a quarter till ulI- a'tornbnn. and I fin‘y him. sarlin ?" Mu" Bah applied his «lextor to lll‘i vent pm‘krt. but it made no “Sign " llnrnml. “Well, Buck. ynu look trulpmhlv hnnmt, but M I clan" know you. ifynu ml! give me .ecurily l wrll loml you the qumu‘r.” Hm 9w“: brughlonml as he uskl-d: . \ “.\lus’ Bob, will you go my accurity f',’ “Yon” replied Bah. I fm-kocl nvor. Same time afterwards. wanding (ha ano way. as 1 Wu. about to enter the office, the identical Buck utoéd bel'nre me. “ “But-k, where’s my qunrler? You didn’t pay mo as you'pmmispd." - “No. «nh, but I uxh vnu nerln‘ily." "Well. but I want, you to pay me—l lent you ma quarter." "Du's true. snh“. but- “. nm (19 onstom down hon} to must «lg-(security lust.” ‘ In the .lluri: Lana Erprr-a, the leading British farmingheivspniwr. there nrcahnnst always to be iouml useful nrliclee- fll'pilt‘fl ble to the daily necnhities of farmers. In A late number is the following. which eve rjv hug raiser. who knmvs nhythinz about thr business, mint confess to be correct: . “Pius have the repulntinn ofii real liking to dirt : nnil, qertuinly. the way in which they ni-e kept on same farms would show that their owners are {intermined to give them ample oiiporiunities Dr carrying out this Liiiug. NI) nntinn ‘ezin, however}. he more 'errnneious than this, 'nu hone ia‘eei‘: thinly so rroductive of lns: tn i‘nw keeper. Let any one not convinced 01 this try ilw two modes of pig-keeping—tho dirtv and the clean—the food in both CJ‘PS. Snr’i nth er general treatment; being the time, iind the. result Will show him which of‘the two 13‘ the best. A great deal .iepoitils upun the mode in Whi(hfill‘3y are hnustul. Mr. Raines, of Mills: adapts the followmq: A large. oiig~hou<a is enclosed at the sides, so as to be warm and dry. The flqor is paved and sprinkled viitli hiirnt clayrnnil mhes ohigzinml Ly burning weeds. In this the pigs are fmi ; while for rmlinz and «levying they hiive’ a cninpnrlmnnt railed nii'iit the. other end. amply provided with clean 'simw. In annihrr caisc box feeding has been applied. the pigs being: kept in u—Tpit, into which the manure from theox nr'cow ctnhlos is put. The pig-i tread this down, nml unrni lo enjny themselves amazingly. In one cam, “here this plan hm been adopted, the farmer girth-z that hil pigs h'ive ‘glVPn him n prqfit by their meat. and left the diing—as good as guano—for noth- ID= One nf thn mmt pnrimm articles of (he Wukrfiold. finglnnd. oxhibition is. pmhapq, a steam enhme and boiler inmininture, and described ne the “smwllcat strum Pnzine in the world." It stumh FCflI‘L‘PIy twn mohos in height, and is covered with a glass shade. ’l‘nc fly wheel 15 mm!» of gold, with steel arms, and mnkm 7000 rovoluljone per min ute. 'l‘he wholu engine uml boiler are fun tenod lngpthor wuh 38' screws and belts. tho whole welgzuin: fourteen prams, 0r less than a qu'trmrorun ounce. ’l‘ho manufac turer my: oLit that the evaporation of six tirnpfi of water wil‘ driver the engine eight. minutéi. l'hiw piece df mechanism is de su‘gned and made by a clockmakor at Hora !ox lh. wA mrreapnndvnt of the Pntnnhurg I-ulrx. writing fmm Granville, North Cum lzzm. on the 18:11; says: , . A fpnrt'ul trggmly was enacted name days nine», new B‘nchnnan. in this county. Th 6 with 0! Mr. ermnn Han-m was murdered by a. nngm woman whn formvflv bs-longml («1 (hp t‘umly. and still rt’udvd with them. Mrs. Harms man found dead in her-yam], her head having bnen crushed with a rock so as to but out, her brains. - ' The woman Was nrrntetl on suspicion, conic-359d the deed, and the neighbdrs exe cutml summary pmmhmem uyon her by hangxnc .mr to 1: mac. X 0 cause was .1:- signed {0: tbe act. .WBV an other from the War Depart ment. General Hnward, n (impact! to pm cecd to South Carohnn.lGe-Irgiu and Flpri da, and endeavor to mike rm nrmngvmcnt that Shall ho mululHyusutlsfuclory u) the lan'lnwpprs and heedmien, in the matter of certain vacant. land! that. we‘re set apart in‘ those Stains 11'; General Sherman -fm‘ the hem-fit of the rmdme and refugees that had cangrogntvd nt vaginus pnints during the war, and who hM‘OZhereu-fme been un derthe imprehivn that ”my wrmld br' nl - tn rnmin pwsficrsi'm of ~iuch Linda. A: the rightful owmm promin-a m aLsorb the labor and cure of frrmlmnn; the hmds are to be restnxed to them, if the coudn.on can be agreed upon. I ————- '--~ «I.» »—o~~——— ‘ .—-—» Thought [1: mu m Ghoul—A mu.- girl named Sarah Ann Yunng. aged four yvura. recently died In London lro‘m the’ lright of éeeing an Egiicopnl clergyman suddenly emergp‘from the vestry into: church, robed in his white surpl‘ices. The Child screamed, ran carried from the church in convulsions, and died the next day. ”Several deuhl have occurred from cholera at Soumampton and vicinity, in England. The cattle lpgfig ism“ aging and has extended to £2 harm. A special form of prayer (or deliverance from cholern and plague has born prepared by she Arch bishop of Canterbury. ' Eject of M; Drought—ki- stated thu wa ter. own; to "19 long continued drought, has been such an uncle of luxury in nome parts of. Massachusetts that it sell. for 75 cents per barrel, and thn people iré afraid 'lbey will noon be obliged to use as water. ;firThe Georgia. State Convention organ ized on Wednesday by elecxing Herschel V. Johnbon Pmident’. A message mu receiv: ed lromg’mvidonnl Governor Johnson. an uouucngbe Slaw debt at over twenty millions, ind advising the repudiation of that portion‘of i 9. winch Was‘ incurred {0! the rebel cam. ~ B'Father Sick. Catholic Priest. has been sent to prison in Franklm county, Ima ri. for wlemnizing the rites of matrimony wixhonc taking tho‘me oath.‘ , fiM-John,did In. Green get unmodi cine] 0:512:91)" ”a I h I. K "1 EH“! 503 ”I” '0 n. "."9!" on the door {he next uni-ulna." .69?! TWQ DOLLARS A-YEAR No_ The Adnntngt of Security. ... 4...- man Pigs nnd‘Nrly I’m. d Dwnrf Engine. {hi Mum mm Mm“. } several onrrewnn<lolnH—-some ohm ‘ mombon of the D-mncruie But. (tegtrd ‘ Cowman—mgr the mum of tho Damo crnflc pnvlyjn the 01d priaiim 67 holding cheu Sm: Cnmominm on (ha in. ofxarch. Tho vuggutmn in wnrtby at least hf con-id oration. Hrmewr. man my dlfler Mylo the nrgumtnts :nr 111;! ngaunt pmtpons men! that burn hem prnonmd {mm thus to time, (twin 1‘: m wndrd thnuhe f F ponemenh brought wi'h (Iv-m nn 9053?"). vantagn to the [MN m I‘m qfihlosln which followed. The] (In! mat. pwduno grater harmony and cnt‘mgsigfim.BOLdWtho bitm- nppoeitinn of t?!" umuonanmbf mm. ncralfo hum 9nd measure-I. nor ‘gtimquM lhn masses of tho Delnwwrucy to increased L‘b] and activity in put: "ting m nrqamza hon I>§whi~hlvmrrn cuuid be brought. to the pc-Ha. Nnnc- of {hem results hwa fol. lowed'the‘nomm Mon at a tate'thy 9”) ch ocrfl-Ec madman-I. ‘ > ' . Our own op'nign 3n in {arm nfn r'vhxm lo (ha 40. of Mart-. 1“ M [ho {Ema to} holding the Siam (Amwmh n‘ We haw, wathiuk, wisely alt-“rodjmg‘ : are of SCI'HL‘B of tho Slate C 92” .1 '.‘pmmuhw, in vrc‘ur to_give that cmnmihu- :xlonr‘ml orpnrhlnity for (”NIH/.115! HR” :5‘ ..1y m U)? Suva.“ This (‘hnnzzt‘ mu \‘nflq tunnh I,» nut made in sm aon m lwnf uny wrncr m the lulu concur, but uu lvr it (‘n- Dy-mncrntic lu'my mwube thvlnugMy dis-Liphm d l‘ur K renew}: of the fight. 'l'hv rn wml 9-H. and under the command 01 m:- prrmnl able and enorgatlo Chairman ofthnfaxmy Gum-ll Cnmmiltu m- vrnt'gv ~ to summon mil rm LP a mo mvux :rl uxmr ‘l‘:‘ry d- n‘V :1 cum'at‘nrjrgg 7‘ I . \_ \x. 1 Ho x3l film. IL, :I'wnl'h : 'x cm 1 :Ewnv‘ Uru‘r-r‘ the If mr'mw: tu 01': l: 17" amnmr}. l". u, |~l~ v ill .r nu n 'lll'v 'x'lle'l l;._!l;a fl'fih‘ 11M 1'9””: (If .run'llrlnlrx“ hymn a gnuml c-maljmni 11ml [ll‘allur'rL ML‘CH mm In :I W|l| lnr- llwmin FuLVLH‘t‘G nfllm 'nu-M‘nq of ”Iv-“Sm!” Can vemmn , IJUV ml'n l: mll rnmmh ‘li he 11-um nl'lmwardß—wvrk 'llml will n-qun'n months I‘m ils arcmnplEhmhnt -wmk [ll :I.‘ muul he damn dellln‘r|l"lv_. ja-unmmly and (hnr— ou‘ghlyjo HN‘lH‘.‘ “hut :ho De'unor'wy only mall to assuro‘lo 111 cm nn' nvvrwlu-lmmg Vietory nt tlmjml s in lSGS—uml thulh cmn‘rlnln nrz‘ufw xlmn. ' ‘1; l'plllm‘g, 11-rrr‘lnro. ‘.I‘Vl mallet nfooursr, (but me man-m. the 3112‘!" ('nnvomlnn Ihnll be Mlle-vi Hm lvpno-r. Th" 4'll (11 ‘M'uch ls 11‘13'1ww1 ll; [lu‘vv :lm‘nc‘nlmns, and ii let rl‘mote nnouulvfmm (hr.- day of unite” to ufilml ample time fururg'mlzmon.willmut being no long (1% It) weary or shall: the inter nstol'tlnm who :H‘L‘ milwl 111 mm lo partici pnul in the :wnvn an 1 lnl: w nus tml; afor ganizing. (lrilllug'nml bringing to Lln- nolli the/two hundred and wily Ilmusaml Unn ochl-of Hm Sun». -l’wmt|w 4.1 e ul'Murch to the ahcmi-l 'l'unsullq‘ in O:lnlwr, ii not mars time than "Is not-10d. and can he of?» cit-nlly med for tlm propor (liiseminnlion of dm-ummts mid ollm‘ purpnsna of putty organizuionu 11‘ “w C nun-nllon .pa posh pnnod. writ hm: been in una luxlnncc. to June‘ um] in number to August'lhe effort will he develow d in Hm dlqmtegmuon and shpinenoss ol' the party, null consequen" lailure ofour p'olllicni cnmmxgn. The Lima is mnnile=tly my sllmt fur the wnrk neces sary after [llO nominations are made, hnw ever dzllgvnt the committee may be. Why 11‘ giro them time enough? The an«.~,tion,is one of great importance to the Democratic pnrly in Pmnaylvanin. and we mew. 1! “Km" llm nunntmn ol‘our pnllfiml Iru-ndi. VHn-alm ‘k luv u prompt cnnsltlemticn by the Stale Cautml Commib, Inez—Aye. , Confiscation. Cnn any-good cume nul. of Nazuetb? Yes, occasionally. “’9 find the following in the Phrlavlolphiu North Ameriéan‘of Mon. day. It‘ii only what I) moor-mu have been Inymg and urging {or months past. When earning frnm‘ Gunmen“, however, it was “rllaloynl” and “Copperhfid doctrine.” It was (he truth, naverthvlus. 1!. is now ut tered by n Ru-pnbhcan chiaflnin. Sull it is the truth—nlwnyq Hw‘ truth. e‘ven ifuuered by Sataniv lips. We q'mte: Confiscation would ho. a anurce of endlm froublv. Km it hm been in every country where it 1m: 0791‘ hncn Inc-11. Outrakes of every kind and. dosqriptinn wnujrl Insult from it, «hdr-vcung llio‘wlnnie 999th for ma ny yum tur'omo. In addition lrulns, tho conutulutiunal meatriclion would :prevent the formation algmy :Ich title to land: sold undvr r. confiwnion not. and the con sequ‘em litigmfion would Operate to prevent. any improvamnnt offlm c‘ondxtion of the South fur yt‘urs toenmn. The ‘Rulica’l and (he President—Tho Wm-hingwn myrreflmm‘lent of '4? Sunday Mrrcmgy wnlm: Tue iliiheral c'o mrts are somewhat shmnnd by (beaver-y dzw aczibns of the Prm'nlmzt, In his straight-forward pnhcy,’:md they nnzv openly bond that Congreuv. w)” 562'.“ mm as «hon as they get prnpvrly walnut“! up; in (not, ‘sevv‘rul of hhmu slab) 1m“ [in y have been 'l'yiorizr-d, and thrown-n 19 MM \ch ”ms Excellency: [but this is nnfm mlnnihmt‘. and has no \lunly h 1:, In» thr- l‘rr-rhlr‘nh ha»: already ‘m‘mml nivnwh' wuh I’m cnnfi lenpe of “In larval Amvric Hi nmmn. rm-l nmv what nerd Hm mra for 1H1) upmmns at In» h-w ww rxdm soot. gvhr\":‘re nm'flr :11 I‘m". an'Lwim live upon ngzmtmn HI! wrrn 1m: Mr 111:1- ‘tiun l'm-ir My wmzl'! 1‘“ ,L'OIH'. tlwir Ijqn'm would no ti‘muml: m in: v MHZ” upon m 1! ihnhby. Imm N fur Um hlk“ v‘vl' zuin'wn and-m 1: Op L n‘(—v n‘ ‘v. s h- Soro'fim p» min. Tim {’.(‘n'Mnl .‘ 1;, z Y-urpmw, and “A: with t 2...: ,gg‘nruiznfle ;h-;‘a--vL-rnwe and IWl} I‘. 0 Hr Lugnv-h-r Inll Au hunt JJL-kmn, wnll carr: u xu‘muzh m spm: ohm: obno <ann. _h scvfm prom trim“! '.hal at cnu Period n! on: Lnnimm! L‘X‘-I(‘llf‘¢ wo’ luva such .1 mm 41?. M;- hmd u! nur union; and the country ntflax'yzn, wnh alums: rmr- unan imous about, ecfm bar-k thmr mln’firdlinn and cunflnlencd In his wise an [- hbeml mal aurL-s. I x. - 1'71: Put Fuck; Wu'.‘[-;r9.',-Suid Gen’ernl Jeff. Thnmx-wn umy «luvs mnce: “The only persona in Um .2171!” wlm wiuh (c’do any more 534 mg are those WM) dxdn't do any ilnon‘they had a chance." It. is the sang/in the N¢mn The most valorous M 351 bloodthirsw men ainno th- ww are those who, durmg My; canto-XL refused t 6 go into the army. [us the home-guard Lbs; mug, (or exeuul3on§ apvi persnr-utiqnu. for ma mnimmance of martial law, and formalin?" uing a condition at an: alter the proclamr tion of peaceA—Atbuny Aryan ' Free Nauru qu'uwy.~—(fhe qubingfnw corresxonucnfi m the Philadelphia. Lnlyzr gives us the follt'ming regal}. 08 freq negro labor on (11» Iteat‘c Mun lands in the world: 'l‘he lntPst‘ r‘eports from 1116 Sea Island of South Carokgna and Georgia, which Were given in charm cf the freedmen by Gen. Sherman. is, 11m they are murky barxeu of pmduclxfind hence we'nte‘l look for none of the Vlluahln cuxmn of those i-lundsun lil, say uyoar from the ;;_i'qeent dam ‘ [S‘The Sm Antonh ”(raid snyi thn Oman-d Hood 1m lemityon the 25m uh... for Wuflnngtnn add the Nnrth. 'l‘he‘ Har a/d bellow-s that, the Mum-l of Genera} Hood’s ristt to Washingtm h to t-nrloflqr to obtain f-mn the Resident an infill-View with Mt. Duls. ' [@33l thpusand acre: 01" land in A:- kunus, behmgipg to the ._x-rehel _Gencral Gideon- J. IPilguw, “duh baa beg; huh! an abandoned propprty {9r gape fine gun by the Government, In: Wu restore to it; original owner. ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘. ‘ . S'What three words deA-hm at when_ he inlroduced humid! to Ere. and which read the same backwards! Mam I'm ‘Adam. ‘ - ‘ ne'rh‘aon. L. F. 3. Foster, “up“... Idem. of the United Sum. in u W” 9‘ the city of Norwich C‘lvuefilcafi; -o M . ‘ wing-. - A. ' = , ‘- W’ ”per in hngfllfimb M A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers