‘ :17; . q 7;” =32, w, 2 » :“-_'x ; a VAmylg-tilrfjégagiig v . ,7 «- ..1 : F _f ~ 2. A ‘ - , . gym ‘7 ‘ _ ; i“ g as; - - , » ;r . f ‘ ,U....uuc.xu;.: w vies-5:» n ;7- ~: ‘ ; Nu."“mam;t¥¢ot:.:vwxz~W"'m V “a A V ‘'‘ x ‘ ‘ : ‘‘ ‘ " ~ ' Y ;.) «,4, .. t l .J,’ " ' '"Q “with ‘i a m?” * ’l‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘s‘ f» - 7‘“ »_ :72! 1,957.3: .; ‘. '4 #ssqu 3 .«. ' . M ‘7' J.~_.__.-:_ «f?;"';"" .:_ _.~_fi_:‘~,*~._._ ”.._-.. -.. >‘ . .__.“ -... _ _ TEBK§ op T&_;.,..Lf._l:‘: 1. 2‘ .:., '_ .9} _; 4; *3 fm » £3“ , “£33...” u i‘i‘?’ ‘ srswi: ct I.lg ‘3 5 ' ‘ mm {if .~ the Conn.“ it publibhed every Mongy 5’ "; , ~ ”g!“ ‘ ‘ If" ' p." 'j ”if" K” ‘ ' ’I: g» ' ~ ‘ 3;: ’ ”$3; -: "“ .. ‘ g» ,m ,1» morning. ”73“"! {affiélu’ “s3;er ‘‘ i " W 'I” v 4” V > {3”, It} ‘i ‘ ‘" h. ;. ,1' :3 ‘ ‘., .4 5 a per hunum if not paid 311, idnnca. No ' -g: 1% ‘4X .3/1 , :“gifr‘” v 2% ' ‘ ,_ ‘ ”‘- / ' I = [' : K 4 '_ l i 5 -' nubscription discontinn'ed, unless at thé; ''“l f ’~" ‘ ‘ . > '4, I. : ' ’33, 7- ‘ ~35" ' ,/' "3": 1‘ " ~ M ' option of the publisher,’until all arrenrgea: ‘. 'I 1‘ 4 . , \i. j» ." P”? 5 .gw .fi 7' r: vV I\ ,r‘. ~ ‘1" sre paid. ’ . - ~ 1 A y \ ‘fi .1 _~ ~ \ .. ) \ , Anvnnsuxxrs insei'ted at the usual rates. ' ‘ 4 ' ‘ A ‘ ‘ - J ‘ z Jon PRINTING done with nentnesa and I ‘ > , . " v E " - * f ‘ 7/- . 9 dispatch. 2 ’ ' ‘ ’ '4 .. < ‘ . . . * Ohio: in South Baltimore street, neariy . .. - ‘ , ~ , ‘ 3 - f - a ‘ i : or xite Wamplers’ Tjnning Estabii‘shment , 3L _ '-. --., ;;_ I‘ , :31 f . , . ‘ ~ > , 1"- :pposx Apt , > —-“Coxpu;n Puxnva Ornc: ” on thesign. PRIDEfifiQNALfiAfiDS, ' "it. c. NeelyZ—T TTO’BNEY AT LA\V.-—Patticular atten tion paid to collec'ian of Pensions. iounty, and Back-ply. Office in We 5. E. .cnrner of the Dinmoml. >chtxéggg, April 6, 1803. tf D. McConaughy, l SsflORN’EY AT LAW, (oliicu one door wesl “ ‘4 or Buehler's drug and book atore,Clmm- L} rsliurg strum) Anon”? AND Soucz-ron ron Tun-rs no szsxoxs. Bounty Land War nntq, Buck-pay suspended Clniml, um! All other claims against the GovernmentnLWnsh inglonl D. C.; ulsoAmcricnnCluims in England. {mud Warrantslocatednndaold.orhought,nnd {Unmet prices given. Agent: engaged in lo cating warrants in lawn, lllinoia nnd all": wuternStnLes WApply to him personally or by letter. . . Gcltysburg, NOVJQI, '53. 1‘ Law Partnership. W A.‘DU.\'OAN (c J. n. wm'rs, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will promptly attend :0 A“ legal business r-Illru-Itcd to them, including the procuring of Pensions. Bounty, Bax-k Pny. and all other claims lusting: lhé United States nut! Slalo (Jun'rnmenzs. n .» ‘ ()ffide in North West Come: [of Diamond, (icltphurg, Penn'u. ' ‘ Ayrll 1“, 1563. 1.1.4 ‘ Edward B. Buehler, 'I‘TURVEY AT LAW, will fuithl'ully and A promptly “tn-n»! (o n” hllsintas («attuned to him. lic speaks (he (ii-rum Magnum.— ()Ifir3 uz Mm Mme pix-cc, in Suyth “.rlthnorc urn-t, nmr Form-3"»; drur store, and uenrly ommfizo Banner 6: Zicgh'r’a note. Gettysburg, March 20. , ' Doctor 0. W. Benson. Fl “‘l'; ur‘lhif Railromj ”cum. (from roam, formerly m-vnznim} lIV Dr. Killdtl',) ( LIT'I'LI‘I-STU\\'.\', PA luau-19,151“. If ' J. Lawrence {l2‘ 11, M. D. A's his olfice one :47?“\“ 93* ," [‘l door er st of fife,“ . ' I a"?! fi’i‘i‘i/ ...“ c r 1 "' *~-" Lutln mu clnirch in ' “"“" , . .. ' - r ‘ , Chumhers‘ urg street, and ,oHuleL- I,lCkh'fl..gush:[in:‘fliglxlixe'aow‘lfxdLr,and allogtllhu 15 u . .. ~- "."I ' :".','l’ . I, ‘ v . 32:44-12. 2113;37:931325. ~ 5- A 0F mmm, L. ": K 2 I“ \ ... . l) . 1%, m“, ”Pt-v C‘ P in}: the mansion furm nndJands of Mont .\llo' K“ | If???” If“: H [rulhluuvl 13f; D" l.' ,' lrnn (‘mnpuny ou min-rs, cmmu'ning 17 Acres" P" (”31' J“ ‘ 1’: L " f 3‘l. [‘ ;: '_‘} ‘ " .e\. and 100 I'm-holy]! LOWJJt‘kl wuh good tim “l: 21' j I “"‘" i. “1,1,1 ;, 5‘ ‘ .ch-r. ,bc-r, and Tom': (Lam-lemming across it. _ _‘ '.‘S ””m -, 1’“ v“' _ ‘ h .- ' .\'o. 4. A ’HMUL‘ LU" WUUDLAND, adjoin . 43-01 ing the umnsiun hum und land; of Enoch Kep— Dl' 9' S. PC“"’rl _ euur nu-l others, cuum‘miug 22 Acres, covered Q 11!?!)1 12519“ 3‘. .l\.nln\n< (I'mm'h (Wilt-1'11"”? \\ 111'. chewul and rock oak timber, nud ia’ensy I]? I‘ m-huc u H; [mm-“Hm m u 1 K ‘Ol uCcCS‘. \ MA“- hm, ""4 “0”“ ""VW'l‘y‘lHE' ““m' s‘” » Nu. f). A TRACT OF W()ODLAND,!\Jjo‘m prrwun uan'lwl uil‘l um 031 ahnldillg dxs- 'ingJandsm Geurge Ilalrhnugh, Enoch KL-yncn vnw: to C 111 and rum-1111 lmu. : 'nnd others, containing-W Acres, covered with I OH. 3, ISM. l! lcluwnutmul or‘.” r timber. . I ‘ x .. ‘ ' .\'o. G. A TRACT OF WOODLAND adjoin- Dr. J. W. C- O’l-Jeal’s . ing 10!. .\'o. 5, mm! lands of James Waugh» Geo.l "I’L'Tl-I :m-I Dan-Hing. .\'. I'2. 'cmm-r of Bid} “nl’hullgh Imdotlmrs,covcrcd with ruck oak, ( Hume .unl leglz Tum», m-nx‘l‘rcshg lu‘nun _\\ |n'.c oak, (lusuu! und poplar timber. Tom's Cllwrl‘h,('l(-H'\‘b'n‘g! l'l. ~ ](‘reok yuns throgghy’tl.e trues, which is 11150: .\'w. 30, 1503. Lt‘ Dr. J . A. Armstrong, A \‘l.\"(; I‘IYHOVC‘d hum .\‘c-w San-m, York :1—1: ('(mmy, mu] Inning lm-nU-d m. .\limlle~ Imm, um um ennui)" ullor4‘his profi-sfinnnl H‘H n-uc lo the public. [July 121‘ "137:. Cm - Removals. Y WHEmuh'reiwod.lrvin:lhl:muhnrimdymrson l to nukt- raglan“; il-m lhcr (Hun Ceme— -11'1”“, hppcnhnt rjlt'llALE wun :upluLe the rmnovul of (hr- runndna ohdeccuslyi ruintivos or friends Mlll m‘uil llwum-h‘esofllfimmwn oflhcfeilr to h'n‘t' it demo. Removals made with prmnplness —u~mns low; and no cfl'orr .«pnrwl to plunge, 5 PETER THURS, Rumor of vhe (‘t-nmwry; Hardware and Grocerles. 7 VII]? oubsm—ibers I|.n'e;ju.=t .relux'nenl from 1 the ('iliJ'E wuh mi inmwusc snmfly LI ll.\!:h\\'.§l‘.l£.k [IHUL‘FIinS, v nix-1r they are Mom"; at I|.mr old stand in Bullnnoro smut, uqn‘u v: to wit the tll'llL'a. Uur stuck couribls in Inn! of ' , ‘ lil HAHN“ MATEIILUS. UAIU’PIN'X‘LH'S THOLS. BL.\(‘KS.\HTH'S TOOl 9‘ COACH “MMMIS .\l.\;l‘h 12"60 EHUE FIXDIXGR, CAUIM‘IT MAKER'S TUOLF“ HUUSEKEP l’l'lll’S FIX TYRES, ALI. KINDS OF IRUN. kc. (:ROCERIES 01“ ALL KINDS, 911.5, PAINTS, .20., (do. Then" is no "Hide mcl-uded in the severaldlpnrmwmanwmhnod “lune but whut mu be Inn] at. this Store.— Every class of .\ll'rhflnh'fl can he nu-unzmodutcd here with toolinud lindinmmnd “Ulht‘kL-qlers can find every article in their line. -(:i\'P us a} null, us we are prep Ind to sell as low for cash _ns any house uutLut the ciiy. ‘ John B. BANNER, DAVID ZLEGLEH. ‘ Gettysburg, .\IJyJG. 186-1. ':, ‘ P I Gram and Produce. AVING taken the la‘yrgc. and cbm'uodious I I Warehouse recuutl - occupied by Frank lcrau, Esq., f . ,IH NEW O§XFDRD, we me prepared to [my $llB highest. prices for pl] kinds of PRODUCE. 'Mso, sell at the low i9sL prices, LUMBER, COAL and GROCERIES, 9f every description. A. P. MYERS 5c WIERMAN. fiew Oxford, Aug. 10, [863. if The Great Discovery F THE AGE6—lnflnmmmory and Chronic \ Rheumatism can be cured by using H. L. xll .LER’S UELEBRATEI) llllEUllA'UC m. 730%. Mnny prominent citizens of this, and l..he adjoining counties, lmvo; testified to its grant utility. Its success in Rheumatic afl'ec pions, has been hitherto unparallelnd by any specific, introduced :0 the public. Price 50 ,cents per bouleu For sale liy’nll druggists and gtorekcepers. Prepared only 145' H. L. MILLER, "Wholesale and Emil Drug'ist, East. Berlin, Adnms county, Pm, dealer in grugskaemicnls, .Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dyc' tufl's, bot ,cled Oils, Essence; and Tinctures, WWW ”Glass, Piarfumery, Patent. Medicines, kc.,‘&c. WA. D. B chler is ;hg Agent in Gettys. burg {or “ H. ‘Miller’s Celebrated Rlieumntic Mixture." {June 3, 186}. if Young Man . ND OLD HEN, do not allow your mothers 3nd your wives to wear on; their precious gives over the old Wash-ugh longe}, but like \crue men and ben‘efnctors, present them with \u EXCELSIOI} W4SHER, and Instead of frown and cross words on flash dbrs, depefid #1101: it, cheerful face: will greet you. ? TYSON BROTHERS; Getty§buyg, Pt}. Dec. 14, 1863. ‘ Battle-field Vieivs. v FULL net of out; Photographic Vim" of A the Battle-field 9f Gettysburg. form a. Iplcnfiid gm for the Ho;idaya.' The finest yg; puhlhhed can be seen “the Excelsigr Gallery. TYSON BROTHERS, .Geltyabyrg. ‘ Wanted. , FARM in Adnma conmy, for which! vii; .uohange choice Western Lands, at a. fair ”ice, Q‘EO. ARNOLD: Aug. ,7. 1365- Q» 30 :; AND BOOTS—We no at: receiv- S ing nnrgé "joey oflshoes an! Boots for men, boywkdiu; GUIDE, “4 children, which we an :1 low 3: 'pouible..‘RQ\y g WOODS. BY H. J. STABLE 4:81:11. Year. Valuable Farm .\'n ”nouxmm LAND AT pvsmc A SALE—On TUESDAY, the 242}: of UUI‘OBHR next, in order or the ()rphnn's Court of Adams county, the subscriber, Ad miniatmlor oi the c:tzuc of Daniel Snyder, detensed‘ will oll‘er at Publ'e .Sx'le, on the prumiyes, the following Valentino Rezl Estate of Mid decedent. viz: i .\'o. 1. THE MANSION thllli, situate in llumillonbon township, Adninr‘canty, Pm, near the old Furnace road lehding,.rfo’m Fuir field to the, Gate on to]: of he mountain, 5 miles from the former and 3 lmm the latter, adj 'ning lands ot’James Watson, John l’riee, JohrKJ-‘unk, nnd others, containing 273 Acres nnd‘4o Perches, about 00 acres cleared, and the hulnnee in first rnte timber, ehesnut, rock unk, hickory, (cc. The flu-m Lind is under fine cultivn'ion and the host kind of fencing— is copper-atone lunil,und produces "u' well. The improvements nre n 3,54? : nearly new Two-story STONE ;m HOUSE, with Buscmcnt out ol;-'."i_'g."l~;;£\.‘:. mound, also a nearly new Story-anu-u-hnlt Log “01150, “'llsil “011% und Smoke House; a Bank llnrn, n new Dnuhle Horse St.-blc,\\'ogon Shed nnd Corn Crib, Carriage House, ling Pen, ’in, all in’gooil ordl r. A nucrlhiling spriqg ofevtcelleat water is piped it short dia tnnce into the basement kitchen, Ihen into an erecllent r‘nilk cellar, and Imm thence into the burn yard, making one of the mast convenient null desirable arrangements imaginable.— ‘i'he’n- is also upon the premises one 01 the finest Young (jrcllnrds in the county, just in‘ healing condition. There is also an excellent SAW .\lth on thel place, enleulnled to do A Luge mnount or walk. 50 2. A TRACT OF LAND,ndjoining the nlllllhil)” iarm and lands at Jumcfis Watson nnd nllu-rs,cont lining 44; .\eres nnd‘49 Perches— :tho‘m one-half cleared and the other half in timber. The iznprmL-menls era :1. Une-nnd-n -hnll {uh-y LUG llUlJSl‘} end llhukwuth Shop, “ilh running water near the door. The land IL cbntums about. 31: acres only of n‘ccess l .K'o. 7. A TRACT OF WOODLAND,situute in Washington township, Franklin county, od joining the .\lonterey property, John Ilenehofi'. Simon Leckrune, nod’nhers, éontniniag 61 Acres and 120 l’erehez, covered with chesimt, , ruck oak and hit-Rory timber. _, These properties are all desirable, nnd per {ions \xizhmg to View them are rmpiested to cull at. the mansion house ”on l\\'ednesdny previous, the lath, when they will be shonn ovtr them by the Administrntor. A draft of , the properties can be seen M any time by en 1- xnggn the Administrator in \\'3ynesboro", or ;m. the huteLof A. Benehoot ixL Fair-field. i mVSnle to commence M. Q o'clock, A. M, ,on mud day, whtn httend‘ will.be given not] terms tnude known Ly ' ' - ‘ D. It. [‘.I'SSELL, Adm’r. Jiy the Court—J. J.’ Fink, Cletk. , Sept. il; 1865. ‘l3 ‘ . i A Small Farm . 3 AT PITIiLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, the ‘L ZSlh‘luy at 0C L‘OIIER next, at! o’elor-k, 11‘. .\l., the subsonher. Executrix of the lust. iuill :uul test-mom. ofl):1niel S. L) nch, den-ML, l“ill offer‘n: Public Sale, on the prezniscu, i run FARM of said decedent, in Mount lplel‘;.lllt township. Adams conn’ty. adjoining t l moi: of Peter Stullsmilh, Ephrnim Miller, John ICurl, .l'ohn Eekenrode, rind others, and the ,ipnlilie road between Bonnughtown and the York turnpike, containing 37 Acres, more or ilcssjmprnved with n Log \l'ealher- _‘ V .1; {boarded Dwelling HOUSE, good W E . ' Log Burn, nitn Sheds, Wagon 2&3 ”ii-1,2 Shed,onrriage llouseflVoo’d House, are». 7;.3. I 110;: Pen .and Hon douse, a well of water at. , the door, It Peach Orchard and Apple Orchard. Allthr-hnildings nrecoveredmlh pine shingles. [ There ure uhontG acres of Woodland nnd uhont 10 of Meadow. All of it has been limed, some at it twice. I: is under good fencing and in ngnod state of cultivation. ‘ Any person desiring to view the property will be shown the sumo by Mr. Peter Smilé éniitli, who resides on an Adjoining farm. . marAttendnnce will be given and term imude known by . ' ' ELEA LYNCH, Executrix :Sepme, x 305. cu f ..Pubhc Sale ‘ . F REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.— 0 2On TUESDAY, the 24m day 01 OCTOBER inst., in pnrsuunw of an Order of the Orphnn's Court of Adams ogunty, the subscriber, Ad ministrator of the estate of chhnrinh E. 05- born, deceased, will ofier at Public Sale, on the premises, the following Real Estate, viz: No. l. A LOT OF GROU containing 1 ,Acre and 84 Perches:| situa ‘—Petvn~burg. (Y. S.) adjoining lands of Sa 01 Shelly and Charles W. Griest, havingthereon 1.» ‘7 a Two-story Roughcast HOUSE, .. $3; a: . an out-Kitclten.Blnckemith Shop, -5; g; u? Wagon-maker Shop. Log Stable, ‘E‘éi‘, and other out-buildings; a. well at water at the door. and all kinds of fruit on the premi ses: This is A very desirable properly. No. 2. A LOT 01“ GROUND, adjoining lot No. land Charles W. Griest, containing 130 Perches. No. 3. A TRACT DYLAXD, within hnli‘n mile of Petersbnrg,adjoiniugGeorge A. Peters, ; brah'gm Dietrich,and others, containing 5 A as and 74 Percheil ,Pe one wishing to‘ View the property are reques «.110 call on Richer}! Holgroft, resid ing on N- II or on George A. Peters, residing near by. Sale lo 203- ue_uce nt 9 o'clockgAflL, on said day. when tendsnce yill be given and terms made known .y FRAN .IN E. EBERT, Adm’r. Bythe Court—Jame: . ink, Cleric. RAT THE SAME ME AND PLACE, will be sold the following ‘ reonsl Prdperty, belonging to the estate of Ele- urn M. Oahorn, decensed, viz ; “.1 ‘ a SHOTES, } set of Harness, Be." and Bed, steeds, Tables and Chairs, Wash Sm - 5, Can dle Sands, Bureau, Corner Cupboard, lock ‘3 large lot of Carpeting, Cook Stove and "x -turcs, Z Templue Stoyea and Pipe, Brass :1. - lron Kettles, Glass-ware, Queens-ware, Tin ware, Crockery-ware, Pots,‘ Pans) Tnbs, Bar: rels, Boxes, and a variety of other articles, too numerona to mention. Angtencenien nd terms made known by FRANKLW {L EBER’l‘,A§m’r. _Dct. 72,_1§£§:_m ‘ ‘ _ ROCKRIES.—A full sung}? 3: lowest .- market. rates, at FAB STOCKS’. -XS&LER’B HERB BITTERS for file at _ {lon-net’s Drug Ind Valet, State: AEEMBEEQEWELAEEEAWET ML" a! Real Estate ’l‘ TUBLIC SALE—On’SATURDAY, the A an; my or UCTOBERinst., in‘pulsu uuce -an Alms Order of Hi} Orphan’s Court of Ad ms county, will be pffcred at. Public 5413, the premises, the rial estate of Mary Broug deer used. cnnciqingdf- A 'r (a? GnUI'SD. an’Hamplon, in snid count fronting: on the Hammer and (‘Mlisle turnpi ‘,boumlcd by 1073 of Frunkllzz Noel on each s c and n pubhl: alley in the reag. The impro men's are a. Two-story Log Dwolli g lIHI'SE, Una-story Log .. .. . Kitché, Log Shop, Log Stable, W‘ell :’ fl 3 of Water near the door, witba Yario- " " ly of Fruit Trees. WBule to comuLence at 1 o'clock, P. .\I., on said any, when attendance mn be given and terms made known by - LEVI CHROXJSTI‘IR, Adm'r. By tlerCourl—J J. link, Clerk. uu. 2, Aims. _ ls Register’s Notice. VOUCE is hereby given [an]! Legntees nn‘L‘ i othi‘lt pcrsom‘cnncerngd. that. the Ad ministrhfion- Accounts Imrcfin.»fter mention'ed will be pron-Mud m. the Ujphau’s Court of Adams crrmny,t'urcunfirurltian and Mlownnce, 0n MONDAY, lho‘ 23d dny‘ of -OCTUBER, ISCFI. at IU o'c‘lm-k, A. .\I., viz: 231. Fm! ncoouut ofJacnb F. OHPI‘. Ad minmtrator of the estate of Peter Baker, doansul. ' 232. Svcon'l and final nrcount ofJosoph P. McDirit. Hum-morn!" the Inc! will and testament ol Hun. James MuDivir, (lec'd: 233. The first account. of llnn. Joel 3. Dunner, l‘lxvcuun- of the will of Jnlxri Guinn. lntv 0| Cumberland towmlnip. tlec'd. 23-1. Fm: and final account of “on. J.‘ B. Dunnor. Exocuturol thc‘lnsl Will and testament of Sarah A. BAH], late of the Bur-nigh of Gettysburg, Adams cn., dec’d. 235 The uécnunl of Robert. MtGuuglly nnll Ahmlmm lluring, Administrators of Andn-w Martin. . I 2313. anL nml final account of DJvid Slnglc, Uunnliun of Mary Ann Sluglo, minor daughter 01 Solomon .\‘lugle. (lpceasml. SAMUEL LILLY, Register, Registex'a Olli‘ce, (irttpburg, 4 ()ctobcx: 2, 1805. td* } ‘ The Adams County TEACHERS“ INSTITUTE \\ ill hold A three dms‘ session inlhe Ger. Ref. Church, Gull} slngg. commencing \\'lv2!).\l'l>'l).\‘x', UC TUM-ZR 2.3111. Slate anwerinlcn-luuv. Culmrn, and I’rnf. .\'. W. CLlrk, at New York, besides olhEl‘ dishnguighcnl iuslructo:s, have been so- CUI'CLIJJJE the on nsiun. A” Who oxprct (q haul: in the county the comi 1;; “1:31“- :Ire Fulmsled 10 nut-n4l. Per sons \vlnn cumymplule laughing: in the future, as wvli us Directors and Olhefs inu-n-slml in schools’ “111 rind it much to Liuur iulq‘rcsl to nttend this rum-Ling. .\ sxmil-n‘ oppo‘nuniny for instrmlion and impruvemen'. nmy n 3! suun present itself. .\ gum! lime is expect: . .Auzux mummy 00. 3mm. 0ct.9,1865.. ul \ . Notice. O the heirs rund legit] rcptcsnnmth‘w of T Mary Sluhr, Ixntquf Lutinmm township, Adams wumy, l’n . deceased. fix the Ur pbnu‘s Court. of Adams chunky, nfowmid. Native is hereby given 'lmt a Rule has been granted upon the punk-s iutefn‘swd iu the‘vedl estate of 5.11:] .\lnry Spuhr, degassed, to be :I‘nd amu-m :u an ()rplmn's Cuurtto beheld uchCx tyslnurvz, for 341 d rounty, 0.1 MONDAY, the 20le d.\_\' of .\'UVEMBEI‘T, 15115, to accept or refuse to nt‘tcpl lhe said real estate at. the vnluution mad. thereuf, or (a show cpuse why the same should not be sold, it not nccppted. ADAM REBER’I‘, Sheriff. Oct. 9. 1865. at Notlce. . - TO the hrirs and legal roprrscu of . Dolor Hull, mm of Berwiuk v.O ship, .\dumi cnnmy, 1’.1., deceased. In the (Jr plimi's Count 0! Adams county, aforesaid. Mm is hereby gii'rn that 0. Rule Lns he'en gmmml upon the pnrtirs interested in (he lenl e.»t.u:c of said Peter Hull, ‘dl'cedscd, to be and appear an an Urphan’s Conn to be held at. (it-It} shurg, for said county, on MONDAY, the 20111 dny of KOYI-ZMBER, 1803, to accept 0 refine to accept the said rolllt':tdtc at the val unionn made rhereuf, or to chowamuse why the same shouM not be sold. if not aucepte d. “ ADAM REBERT, Sherill’. Oct. 9. 1865. SH. Notice. TILE first nnd finnl account of Henry W. Smith, TmSlee of Lewis I’. Weaver and Nancy his \Vqu, under nsgignmept for the bencfit of creditors to Joseph J. Smith, de cc-nsvd. has been filed in the Court of Common l'lens of Adnms county, and will be confirmed by the snhl Court. on the 231! day “OCTOBER next, unless cnuso be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Prothfly. Sept. 25, 1395. td‘ Established 1850. OTICE 0F REMOVAL. * LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, customers and. the public generally, that they have removed from No. 151 Franklin street, to the commodious four-story Warehouse, N 0: 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and Liberty, where they will for the future conduct the Wholesale Buii~ ness, snlely in ‘ Hosiery, Trimmings, Furnishing Goods. , Perfumery, Nollons, Stationery, Cutlery, ' Toys, &c., tc. to which they Invite the attention of city and country purchasers, feeling confident of their ability to offer inducements in prices and quality of Goods. ' Orders by~muil will receive prompt atten~ tion. Address ' r anfixcn D. mmz a; 00.. - 308 Baltimore street, Baltimore. March 14, 1864. " Cumb'erlamif Coal I A FARGE suppiy of In'péx-ipr . .‘ QLACKSMITIKCQAL, superior to an other Goal 333:!» 4bnited States for wt}djn_g and other blackmith purposes. ' For’ m"; by ‘ * P. B. PYFER, - w ; ; 1 ;2 :_cx,c_y,_coaryird; ? :‘i'ck cily,lld. ‘ \(Jungm 186?. 1y" I ' IF foo SHAVE YOUR ' ';F You grill find by! the labor_d6ue if fan buy onmf those Superior Razors {ar‘iuleby «QW k WOODS. WE have just received assortment. of Queenawue, to chh we invite the ttention of buyers. A. SCOTT & SON. 0 to Dr. R. HORNER’sDrng Stan and get Gm: UEDICATED GOHQB GANDY. “ram: 13 man" up WILL PKEVAIL.” GETTYSBURG, PA, ‘MONDAY, OCT- 23,1865- "you cannot on the ocean . Sail among the iwiftest fleet, y. Rocking on tho highest bliiou, n Laughing at the atonm you meet, ~ , You can stand I ng the sailors, 2‘ Anchuret! yet 3min tho bay, ~ You can lend I hand to help then), f As they hunch ,their bout: “my. ‘: ' If you are too vc‘k to journey " Up the muuntaiy steep and high; You can stand within the valloy ‘ While the mnltltndo _gou by; ' a You uh chant in happy menu rel, . A: they slowly ' dung; < ‘ ‘Thuugh they mfirget the singer, ‘ They will not {oi-got the song: e Ifyon hue not gain and :iiver Ever randy to cqmmlnd; r,‘ I! you cannot tannin the needy , .h Reach an ever wen hand ; { You'rmn visit the Inhaled, i O’er the erring yun can weep— _ - You can be a lrue—dincipir, ‘ Sitting at the Sitiour‘ll rent. 0 ”Mm cannot in the cnnflic: ‘ Prove yourselfaltoldiqr true: If, where fir: and Amalie are thin-Lent, There’s nu work‘ {or you tn do; ‘ When the (he battle-field u ..leuz, ~ .‘ You can go with cureful trend. , You cw hear any the wounled, You can cuver 9p the dead. Du not then “and My \mliing For some greater work to do! Fortune is a lung- goddess, the lull ncwr Came In you. Go and (ml in :my vineyard, Du not fur to do or' dare, Il'you want a field of labor, ' ' I \uu “I“ find “Anywhere, 'Cnceming he works—llo'l nernr n! rah. .Por 111» um ld'n unrated with new, Keeps .nking rurumre, {he huh-a: null be“, Apd he mutual—luv will not refuse. Biz momma! and speechei, nmrius and rhymes, “ith itww. Imth nnr‘rni and new. Sufihng [he peuplu, and mating {he limes, He Inna). (.nithful and constant review. Nut only deal: ha in subjach pmt'nuull; Uh roman nun! - niuglu will: fun; And the world n.” hugh .unl (In-Jake gn rouql Wheulbc r-duur scribbtus .1 luu. Auul huh though nut lewd. year in nn-l .\'enfmlt, U‘e dum hi~ su'écnhun fur my, And for [he dnlin ynu mm hilu nn doubt TLe poor fwlluw Ia stun in; hv-dny. A car full or[).l.~st‘nCP"s 1::|F~r-tl over the Wmlei'n rnml, in which a singular but tnuching am he (mourn-(l. worthy of rocnrul. One of the lifl<<PngPP< was a winmm cmry ing in hm‘urms n r-h.hl whnnnnnym! ovary one by hi< petulnnvo and crying. Mile sif tt-r milethc pussongms lmro the infliction of its nnise, which hither increased thnn diminished, until, at last, it became furious and the passengers nonrly so. There were open complaints, and mm mun shouted “take the child out!" The train, stopped at a Nation. and an old gentleman mnse and made the simple stntnmnnt that the father of the child hml dim] recently nwuy h-om home; that the mothprhnnl been on :1 visit to her t'x'iend=, and had died ;while on the visit;th>tt lwr dead body was on the train, rn l that. the chihl was in the hands ofastrunger. It was enough. Thene was a tear in nearly every eyv, and all were melted into pity :lan patience. All sel fishnets was loct in thinking of ghe ~lesnla tion of the poor little wanderer, who would have found A warm uéolcome in the hands that, a moment before. would‘ hlmmthuva visited it with a. blow. : ‘ \ 885 A sophist, wishing to puzzle Thales, n Milesinn, one of the ivisesl. men n! Grqece, proposed to him. in raftid succession, these difficult. questions: ‘ What is the oldeet of all things? God. because He always existed. What is 1116 mmt beautiful? \ The world, because it is the work ofGod. \V'hat is lhe greatest of all things. S ace, because it contains all that is cre ales). What is the quickest of all thingq? Thought, because in a moment. it can fly tolhe end ofthe univu-rse. . What is lhe strongest? Necessity, because it makes men face all the dangers of We. What [he most difficult? To'ktow thyself. What the most constant of all things? Hope, because it. still remains with man after he has lost everylhings else. The Philosopher replied to them all with out. the least hesitation. and with how much propriety the reader can judge for himself. AboutAdvertising.—The foliowing sensible remarks we copy from the Louisiana Flag. They arg true and to the point : “We can not' censure a man .in business who does not advertise if he has nothing worth ad vertising ; but, renders must know that. the Business man who throws out his sign in a newspaper, and is not. ashamed of ins stock of goods} can always furnish a better quali ty at lower prices than those who, either through shame or penuriousness, never let the public know what. they have or what they are’ doing.” '_... -r——AOl»‘—-—— ‘Q‘An Eastern editor mys that a man in Nfii York got himself into trouble by marrying two wives. A Western'editor re plies by» assuring his contemporary that a gquimhny men had done the some thing by film‘lying one. A Northern editor re teste mitt quite a number of his acquain tgn‘ges: found troubie enough by barely promising to marry. without going any fur ther. A_ Southern editor says that a friend of his was bothered enough when simply found it} company withfnother man's wife. '——-——-—~—«—«I ———~—w——— .E-The iron trade in the Lehigh Valley is, "covering from the late depression. and in a short time it is thought all the furna ces will he in full blast. This revival is oc cgsioned by the demand made on Northern manutnotories by the resumption of bush ness in the South. and the dilapidated con.- dition in which Southern railroads were found qn’the termination of the war. It will require an immense amount of iron to supply the Southern demand, and until that demand is filled we may sdfely con clude that the iron .workl in the North'will ho hum étlmcfi flaring. .__:TT_¥T:‘_V.—_ L; L'_..;..' _ {;;_—.._: You-5 Minion. unu.luuxu.n.anu. ' ‘ The Ignitor. éiigaitc gflisttihmy. A Touch of .\'nlurc. I=llll Facts About the Mormons. Polygamy introduces mnny curiouarcrnss relationships. and intertwines the branches of the genealogical tree in aninnner greatly to puzzle a mathematician. as well ((5 to dis gust the decent minded. The nmrrying of two or more sisters is very mmmnn; one young Mormon merchant in Salt Lake City has three meters for his three wivei. There are several cases of mm marrying both mother (widow)nnd her daughter or daugh tfirs; taking the “old woman” for the sake 0 getting the young ones; but havingchil— dren by all. ‘ Brigham Young's wives nre numberluzs: at least. no one seems to know hmv many he has; and he has himself mnt’ersed ,m forgetfulness in_the nmtter.- The prohnbih ity is he has from sixteen to twenty genu ine or‘boxnplet€ wives, and about as mztny more women “ipnletl” to him for heavenly awocfiatimn. The latter are‘mnst pious old Indies, eager i'otl a seat in th‘e Mornion hon von, and knowing no surer way to attain one Llinn to be licked on to Ilriuhnmfs‘nn gelic 'processiorf. Some of those sealed wives ofhis hrejbe earthly wives of other men, but, lacking faith in their hushnnds’ henvcnly glory, seek to make a sure thing nfit for the future by the griee of gracious Brigham. D)wn east. you know, many it husband calculates on stealing into heaven under the pious petticonts of his hotter half; here the thingis‘revoned. and women ;10 to heaven because their hueband tnkus them along. In many cases. the Mormon wives not only support, themselve: all-l (hair chi‘d rPn. but hnlp support. their hu~hlmds.—- Th_us a clerk or man with simihr hmited incnme, who has yielded to the Fascinations and desires of Hire? or fnur womnn, and hurried them all. ‘nmkes 1173 home wflh No. 1, perhaps, (”.1 Lherost hvcnpax I. each by herself, taking in sewing and washing, or engaging in other employment. to kewp up her establishment, and be no charge to her husband. When President Young goes on njour ney through the territory, on private or publicabuamesa. he takes it coneidemble retinue-with him.'and always a wife and a barber. The former is more his servant than his companion in such cones, however. His household is said to be admirably man~ nged. A son-in-hw acts as Commissary; the wi'es have nothing: to do with the la bles or supply: and whenever they want, new clothes or pocket-money, they mm; go to this chiefoTfi'emi of the family bureau . Cnnshleling llli opportunities. the head of the church of Latter D-y Saints has made a rather sorry sel'eotion oil women on the Home of beauty. The oldest or first: isn matrunly looking old lady, serene and sober ; the youngest and prt sent '.pet. who was obtained, they say. attor much seeking, ii comely and common looking. despite the extra millinery in which she alone of the entire family indulges. The \econd presi dent and i'uvorito prophet of the ohurch, lie-her Kimhnll, who in church and theatre. keeps tho cold from his hnro head. and the divine afllutn‘; in. lry throwing a red bnndnn no handkerchief over it, in even less fortu nate in the beauty 01 hiawives; if. is rather an imposition upon the word beauty indeed, to suggest it in theirpresence. Handsome women and girls. in (not. are scarce gtmnng the Mormon: at Salt Lake— the fewer Gen tiles can show many more of them. Brigham Young’s young children ns seen in his school. to which we Were admitted. look sprightly and bright nnrl handsome; and some of/his grown up daughters are comely nml clev‘hr; but llii older sons give no marked Sign oftheir father's smartness. The oldest. Brigham. .lr.. is mainly distin guished for size nnd strength—he weighs two or three hundred pounds, and is mus cularin prcportion. Ho has now taken one of his wives and gone to England with her on business for the church. The next son, John. IS a poor and puny looking fellow, with several wives; and an inordinate love for whiskey. Brigham's dynasty will die With himself. Two \ms of Doing :1 Thing. In the mail Imin dmvn from Harrisburg, recently. we bud in the next seat forward of us n gentleman .Llr‘k Tar in a gn-nshore outfit. jolly, gvnlet-l .nml happy, with a de cidedly ”envy specimen 0! eighteen-your old crilinlme. to whom he had been nweek spr‘led; and was conveying Philadelphia war . ~ ,‘o,)pasite Jack and wife were a couple that nnyxnne could see were on a honey moon cruisv, the bride all blushes, beauty and‘ bashl'ulness, and the' gallant bride groom all devotion and enrlearmpnt. At one of the way stutfins half way down the toatLthe cars stopped, and the careful. considemtc gentleman bridegroom thus ad dressed h’is fimi‘nl bride: “My love. I am abnut to slepou! for a few moments to procure some‘ refresh: manta. Do not be alarmed during my ab nencefl ' ~; Gentleman Jack took the fine. and pat ting his wife on the shoulder, sung out. as if he were hailing the main-top gallant yard in a gale of wind: , “I say, wifey, I’m going nshoroto wet my whistle; do not tumble overboard while I‘m gone.” Mam’age Notifies.-—A Western pger gives the following notice: All notices of marriage, where no bride cake is sent, will be sent up in small-type, and poked in some outlandish corner ofche paper. Where e handsome piece of cake is sent. it will be put conspicuously in large letters; when gloves or other bride favors are added, a piece ofillustrative poetry will be given in addition. When, however, the editor attends the: ceremony in propria per some, and kisses the bride, it Will have especial notice—very large’ type, ahd the most appropriate poetry that can be begged, borrowed, stolen, or ooineca from the brain editorial. - ' ' . , Fashionable ’ltzlkt—A lady thus addressed her servant in the presence of a fashiona ble party: u “Mary. relieve that burning luminary of the superincumbent dross that bean up on it." ' ‘ “Ma’am ?” said Mary, confused at what her mistress could mean, ‘ “Take.” said the lady, “from thafilumi nous body it: superincumbent wexgbl of consumed carbon.” 7 "Ma'nm 7" repeated Mary. “Snuff Lhzfi candle. you [many you,” ex chimed the lady in haste. \ V [Q’A clergyman said in a recent sermon that. the path of rectitude had been trav eled so little of late yam it. had completely run to grass. , ' fi-Most bachelors are smarm‘but it in only husband: who no soy uhrew’d. TWOj'DOLLARS A-Y EAR 1 3*;- A Pun that is m; Joke. A Frenchman near the Canada line. ::in Vermont, sold a Mrse to his Yankee neigh bor.’ which he recommon‘led as'being 5 Va ry sound and serviceable animal. in spite of Ms unprepossessing nppenrmu‘e. To every inquiry of the buyer ramming (he qunhtim of the horse, the Frenchman Have u favorublureply.l.~ut alwap rommencml his cnmmendntinn with the deprccntory xe‘ mmk: ‘ ‘ > "He’s not look (var good." ' The Yankee (hiring very little for the looks of‘the Inorsqkofwhxch lnrl‘jullgod for Ilium-If. without the seller’s. assistance, and being: fully persuaded after a mnmenl’g in. Spectmn. that the beast. was wm lh the mod ernte sum hiked; for him, made the pur chaue and foot: ‘him home. A few days afterwards he returned m high duvlgenn. and declared that. he had been cheated in the qunlity 6f the horse. ‘ "‘Vut is demnner’z” said the Frenchman. “Muller 7” said the Yam-:99. “maltvr enough; the horse can’t see; heis as blind us a but I" » . “Ah!” said the Frenchman; “vat I vns tell you, he was not [no]: ver good—be gar, I don't know if he look mull.” W‘Wthn,” asks the New York Times, "are we to Insurance more the; pleneunt jungle of gold and silver caiq‘? How long N Ihi§ filthy nml dlsgusting rag money “ hmh now represents the ahquot parts of a. dollar to defile éur pockets and fingers '3— lf‘ the country should be visited by a com municable pestnlvnce, the foul. 111-smelling ‘lrsctionul cutrency’ would unquestionably I propagate it witlflrightful ratpidny. Fuugh l it. is enough to tutu Ono’s stomach to [00}: at the dirty stufl'; and to handle itis dcfiling l to men." ‘ l ,A Q‘lcer Cartel—some time ago a man named Molanthon arrived at Lewismwn. and aiterduc time! mnrrieli a. widow lady re siding there. Tho celfije lived happily to gelhertill within New ayn, when a woman with several children arrived from Phila delphiu, and laid clnim to M. as her hus band, which claim beat once acknowledged. An arrangement. was finally madoby which in consideration of Mrs. M. No. Ereceiving and agreeing to rear No. I’s children, XO. 1 should return to the city. leaving [he couple unmolosted. No. 2 fulfilled her part. but No. I broke faith and took the husband with her, and thus No. 2 was left. with the children, to get along 113 bed she could. wThe common expression “humbug,” is a corruption nfthe word “Hamburg” and originated in the {ollnwing manner :—Du ringa period when war provailr’d on the Continent. so nnny Fake reports and lying bulletins Were fabricated at Humbug. that, at length, when at y one would signify lus disbelief of a mu empnt, he would say: "You had that from Ilnmlurz ;" and thus “l'hnt is Hamburg,” or lunnhug, became a a gommon expresa‘ion of incredulity. WA gentleman who had the curinrity to spend a (lime in annworing rfn advertise mentwhicli pxomiscd vnlunhle advice far that amount, received by mail the follow ing: nnnwer: “Friend. for your ten cents pastuge please find advice which may ha of grmt service to.yr-u. As many persons are injured for weeks. munlhs and yours. by the careless use of a knife. my advice is, when you use a. knife, always Whittle irom you.” ~ WA story is told 'ol' two Vermont cap tains in the war, between whom was a gen erous rivalry, relating to their own gallant ry and that. of their companion. Both Were dangerously wounded in the Wilderness.— Capt. B. wns'imenéible for two days, but on the third opened his eyes and inquired if Capt. W. was alive. and on being told he was doing we". <ui‘d, enargeticnliy. “well, if W. lives, I'll be darned,” ['ll die." and he didn’t. * [6?“ is a remarkable fact that élnclric- Fly travel: so rapidly that. it. may be sent. through gunpowder without igniting: it. and it is only when the current. is retarded that an'explosiun takes pines. The pro gress of eleciricity is nwilter than that. of light. being about two hundred miles a sec ond. , V Emlts.,—lfyou see a dozen mum in u wo man. you may rest. nulsured she h'u halt" a dozen virtues to caunterhdlmmc them.— We love your faulty. and (ear you! fault.- less women. Whenqou see wlmt is term .ed a faultless woman. dramlzher as you would a beautiful make. The power of concealing the (ls‘fccts which she must have is, of itself, a serious vice. >—‘- ——«»— «to: ——~—- ~ WAD instance of tli-stinntion William 21 difference was otl'vred by the Irishman who, .having legs of dill‘crent sizes, ordered his boots to be made accordingly. His direc tions were obeyed, but as he tried the small boat on the larger leg, lm exclaimed. petu lently. “Confouhd the fellow! I ordered him to make one larger than the other; and instead of that. lie has made oucsnmll er than‘lbe other." _ [Sui son of Neptune, who w-u in the habit ofqunrroling with his better half, was one day remonstrme-l with by the minister of the parish, who told him he nml his wife ought to live on more amicable terms, as they ware both one. ,"Oue!" said‘the old salt. shifting his quid, “if you should come by the home sometimes, blast my tarry top-lights, if you wouldn’t think we were about. twenty.” tfi‘A young lady. while walking with a gentleman, tumbled, and whén her com punim‘x. to“ prevent her fail. grasped her hand: somewhat Lightly, "Oh, sir!” she simmered, “if it. comes to thgt, you must. ask my pa.” . _ _.__»— .-.. so - -- —-__- What’s in a Name.-—Th_e following name is published in the list. of adverligpd _leners remaining in the New York pouofiice: John Ollenbaubengmbents!einersbobe'n bicker! ' @The La Ciosse Repuuican, After call ing a neighboring editor “a traitor, a bar lequin, and a lifirfi’ says, “we do not intend these remarks in the slighxest degree as personal or offensive ." 3‘l Western editor published I: long leader on hogs. A rival paper in the vil lage upbraids him for obtrudmg his family [Batters upon the Ipublic. . means, dull as they are, imitate met»: Notice that Echo of the flock drinks, the rest follow. . 5 fi'A kind of nngling um doesn't. al ways take: Fishing for oomplimenh.~ ‘ / ' I) ‘W “"Federu‘i’rgxuenhf‘ Eztractfranj a fi’tlik nfdlofm ruanurm," made at Albany}, Nw'rorb, Omaha 5‘ Lt. inn very curious fact thnt during the lust. sixty-five years only threi Federalist Presidents have been cinema—Generals “artisan ind Taylor. and Mr. Lincoln. Each one of these «had in the 'presidantial (Alice, and the Vice Presidents who succeed ed to the otfice in each case was n Demo-w cmt. So that. during the whole of (hue aixty~five years, Democratic rinciplu: have been in the ascenrlency. Y wonder that some of these clerical Republicans who hick for thn tinge: of God in every thing. do not. see Wham. prnvldential dlsa pensntion it ii? Sn Democratic President hns ever died in office, and no Federalist President ever lived out his term in it, showing the watchful ,care of Providence over the United States. ‘ From the first gun of the revolution to the has} scene of the re bollion, in‘no way has this benn more pro?- identiully nod cousplcuouwly presented than in the way tvhn people have b‘eeu'snv cd from the curse of Federal domination. No_ 4 .. Changes in the Cabinet. , The Washington correspondent. of the Sunday Murcnry tmyit: Rumors are rile, and we believe them to helruemf chances soon to occur in the Cub inet. of President Johnson. The natnes of didinguiahexl statesmen nru mentioned. as {trohnhlm to occupy these high positions; “12, “nth whntcortuiuty time‘w‘tll nlono de. velripe. Pmmim‘nt mnmgwt those whom tropnrl $lO5 firmly upnn is tho Hon. 'l‘hom as B. ‘lm‘ence, of Pennsylvania, who so long, smnccep'mbly. and an lmthfully mph» settled ;lm vital and materi-xl inmrom of (he «'ity'mf Philadelphia in the Cnnuro“ of the Unixetl Smlcs. It is said and lw‘.iv\'od that. Mr. Flnrence has ‘bonn invm-d [1) an. cupt tho. position of Sorrel‘n'v ul‘ le N nry m the Cabinet. 0! I'lt'iltlé‘lll .luhnion. 'l‘ku names of the ”on. June» llugllm, nl' lmll‘ uhn; of‘tlm Hon. L‘lmt'lx‘s Mwml. nl l M i; of the "on. W. (ltadlwfi‘lmt mm; of Gov .B. F. Perry, of Sauth UJl‘nlln‘t, 1h pro bable 10 o_cculw sent: nulm I‘mmHHll‘uullun of l’ruident Johnsoh’: U..btuul, are freely discussed. - General Howard said, in a. speech at l!»- loigh, N. Ci, on l‘hursiluy, lhni tho human would pz'ohihly exigt one yearfproh-ihly longer. It had~no means at, hand, and this was the ream“ why officers nlreaily in the" pay of the Upvermnenb were nsaignml'ln thiq duly. because they could dmw their pay us such ollicers. He would have pre lerred upfiiuht, intelligenc citizens for this duly, But hh means had been limited. ‘As soon as Nnrlh Carolina was restored to the Union the l'ropdmen would bn turned over later care. TM; is where the manor: pro ]. y" rests. In the meannhile he came to co-operate with citizens of the Bmm in the endeavor to establish local courts for the adjudication of all (lifliouliies between the' races until the bureau ceased to exist. and the Stale look the charge upon herself. To Revive 1:11ch Blpck‘Cloths. Boil two or three ounées of logwood in vinegar, and when the color is extructod,. drop in a piece of cnrbonqte of iron, which is of the same nature as rust-oriron, as large as a chestnut, let itboil. Have the coat. or pnntuloons well aponged with soap and hot water. luying'them on a table and brushing the nnp down with a sponge. Then take.the dye upon the table and sponge them all over with the ~dye. taking care to keep (him smooth and to brush downward. When completely wet with dye, dissolve a. tenspoonlul of salnratus in warm water, and sponge all over with this. and it sets thq color so completely that nothing rubs elf. They must not. he wrung or wrinkled, but cmel‘ully hung up to drain. The brownest cloth may be made D. perfect black .in this simple manner. ' Lay them on it clean beard, and first ugh the surface gently with a clean sponge and some cumphene. or a mi'xluie of mmphone null nicohol._ Now dip each glove into 1. cup containing the cuinphene, lift it out. l-unCZe it in the hnnd,.end again Juli-ii. gently with the sponge. to take out all the lvrinkles. After this gather up the eufl‘in the hand, and blow into it. to pu'fi'out the lingers, when it may be hung up with a thread to dry. .This operation should not be conducted genre lite, owing to the in-' flmnunéible‘nnture of the'cnmphene vapor. The receipts given in all the printed luck: we have consulted for cleaning gloves, are berburous. A ngh Opinion of \Negro Soldiers.—The' practice, now so common among leiculs, of depreciating the services of white, and culling those of negro soldiers, is being indulged in by Hon. Columbus Delano, of Ohio, for a long time in Congress, and a member elect to the next Congress. In a. late Speech at'Blt. Vernon, he.s:ml: “The heroism ofnegm troops has added lustre to our history, and wit/rout the negro'c aid our armies would not have nudged“ I The negro has fought and cnnqnmmlfar us, and deserves his reward. 11»: has a right to sit on. juries. 10 hold of“, and to vote as u [rtemarr at (lie ballotboz.” , WSdmhoru merchnnh, for some time past, have been visiting New York and other northern cities, in considerable num bers, whijre they have hoen paying off old scores, investing wlmt‘ little surpiuantheyr. bad in gondg, and getting time on new ven‘ tunes. The cutvulcmvliale seems to bé get ting pretty _well established between busia ms mew-however it may be withwe poli-' Leinns nnd’ preacher-3., ‘ A WThe London Salunluy Review is 861- (lom puzzled by‘ n slung pin-mo, but. can» fesses itself unable to understand a sen tenc_e which it. finds in «recent Amotican pgper—“Everything being lovely, the "go 'so was greatly. elevated.” The astoniebid' critic says: “What or whose goose was elevated, why it should be elevated, what, the process of elevating a goose consists in, and the connection between the elevation of the goons and the gvneml lovliness ‘of things, are all points on which we can throw no light.” ‘ , [@“Come till America, PM!” ' A son of the Emerald Isle. to his., ’ din Ireland. " ”l‘is a. fine counuy to get A liv ing in. All ye have to do is to gel. athrpe cornered box, and fill in wid bricks. and carry it While top of a four-story build ing,kagd the man at the top does All the wor . :B‘There'wns a wicked Boy who, when 11g win! told thaz‘tte best. cure for the pa!- pitahon of the hea L Was to quit kia'wg th. girls, and: “If that. is the ohiy reason {or palpitation, I anyhlet her pulp 1" |‘ _ ‘ —-»v vacu~~ >-»—-‘ _, WA Western young lady, jiltgnfi abandoned by ln-r iovefi, pursued him to St: Louis and married him by tome—with the aasifitafice ol'a. clergyman. ‘ ‘ @Jn Kentucky over one hundred mil itary officials have been indicted for flute!- rupcing the n-eedomfil' sutfmge. fi-Artemus Ward says: “I have 3119:: sustained a good moral \chnmcter. I was never a railroad director in my life,” ‘ fiLove m a cottage is all very. well .when you own the cottage, and _have plenty of money at. interest. « @ln a game of cud: a good deal do pendson playing, and good playing on n good—deal. ‘ @Valne the fiigndship‘of Him who stand: by you in th‘p‘itorm; swarms 01in lecu will unwound you in sunshine. . , M 0...“ ‘ Mp rtunities, like eggs, and b. hatched 3391: they as. fresh. 3 “3;; :"x 11 The FrebdmCll's Bureau. To Clean Glom. 1=1!!MI 0 11* 13 LEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers