“man. helluva Gentlemen: ”you with to‘ Bury ‘you up do no lay-Mr no. I will and you, with“ lan: I“ without price, "In. blo Mom-lion, um um unblo you to um, happlly n 6 Ipoedlly. lrhnpoemo of we, yum: or ten”. Thin Inform-don will can you my“, Mld ll you will: 10 um], I will cheerfully null! you. All lama lMcdy can fideuml. The denired lnfomulon not by re mm In”; nnd no mmd naked. Plan in clone pomge or stamped envelope, Addmud lo yourself. Adm“; SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenwlm, In, 22. 31:: Klngs co., New Yol‘k. A SINGLE BOX 0? BRAK’DRE'I'H'S3 PILLS roux-ins more vegetnbie extractive mnttar lhnn twenty boxes 0! any- pills in the world besides; fifty-five hundred phylicinnl me than in thoir practice to the excluhion of other pnrgotlru. \Thglrrt letter ortheir nine in yet rent-eel, Ipprecinted. When they In better known Indden duth Ind continued qukneu will ha of the put. Let than who knigw themlnpnk right out in their‘fsvor. it it (fiduty which will Invelife. 6hr race nre‘luhject to I redundancy ol vu‘tinkd bile at thin salon, and it is u dan gerous In it in purulent; but Brnndreth’l Pill: ntl'ord an invaluable and cflcicnt protec tion. By their orcuionnl me wemnvent the collection or those impuntiel, which, whén in autTu-lent qnnntitiel, curse so much danger to the body": health. They lopn cure liver com ‘piaint, ("pepsinl ion of appetite, pain in the head, henrtoburn, pain in the breast-hon’h, sudden {lintneu and coltivenesl. Sold by .i. (1. Quinn a. Bron, Gettysburg, and by all :n-npectnble dealers in medicinel. [éApn 3. lm uDR. TOBIAS’ VENETIAN “NINE-NT '1: cures Cholera, when first taken. in n fc_ hours ; Dy‘scntery in half an hourf Toothnche in five minutes. It in perfectly innocent to fake internally, and]: recommendgd by the .mo eminent physicinns in the United States. 1:44:40 and 80 cents. a Touwum, Pm. Aug. 6, 1859 Dr. S. l. Tobias, New York: Denr'Sirz—l lml‘o used your Venetian Liniment with great EUC‘EI‘SS, both us an internal as well as an ex u-rnul Inedficine. ln cages of Bilious‘ Colic and ('vholern .\lorhus I regard it as a sovereign ru-medy. Your Vonotinn Hone Llnimenlllnnds unrhulled M n hunt: liniment among‘szitar nxrs nnd [Malawi 0:; this cunnl. ' ‘. r ' WM. LEWIS, " Sup} Nonlzgllranqh Canal. Wald by all Druggisla. (Alive, No. 56 Curt !mun Street, Naw York. [April 3. lm ”(FORHATIUN FREE! To Nun ul‘l Burn-:nxlm—A Gyntleman,‘ r mm! of .\'rrvuus liability, incompeteucy, 1’ 9’? Annual-e Douay, Lad Youthful Error, nan-.15” M a duke w vho-mfil olhers, “ill behnppy‘lo rmnisii lo :Ll-l “hu need it. (run: or Gamma) [hr “wipe and dArPI‘KiDDS fnr making the sim pl‘ rum-.ly un-d in his case. Shlrcxers WHl iux m prolit by the advyrlism's and upcricnc'e, nnd possess u. sure und vnlunlilc remedy, can du- 50 bv nrlnlrvaaing him n: his place at busi u-«s The liuupehnnd lull infi-rmflion-of \ »l xl importmu-ci—mu be chetrfully sent by rmuru mull. Address ‘ JOHN B. OGDEN, IVK nu .\'usan SL. .\'cw York. i'. .\'. .\'grvons Sumatra of lmth sues will fin-I this ufbrmdpuu unalualfle. [.\pr. lufillm I ... - . ‘ » EDITOR "WINE C(HH’HJEII. In m f n z—Witln )our permission I Wi:h to (-n_\ tu fine I" uh Ii chum-p per-that l “I” send, 14} run.“ mu], m .m “llu ‘o3:}! it fiver)“. Rel uupl, “i h Lull Ilueulous for muklngnnd us ;ng n. simple; \‘egeta'hle Balm, lhutmill oflect unlly 10min c, in u-n «lugs, I'uululu, Blah-hos, Tun, Fret Hus, und uIl Impuliucs ol'llle Skin, Inning Llw snnuesol't, clcnr, smuolh nud beau- I] n]. ‘ , l “in nl<u mnil frce to those hxlring Brild U :Idr, or “me (”nu-5; riluph’ dmcliuns und in-, humanou Ihut \ull euublc them t'o nun“ full gmwlholeuurjnnl Muir, Whiskers, ornMdus-’ lull»). in loss llmu min) dun. i ‘ r\ll uppluuuuhs unMu-red byfielurn mail M IlLuuL £ll2“qu Rtspcélfully )(mrs, .a 'HIUS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, ‘ ' 85H Brondwuy,flcw York. Feb. 27, 186;. 30) . \ ‘ , 1F YUU WANT-T 0 KNPW . A lee nf owrglhing relul‘mg 0 (hi- human {’3 ~14 m, Innie um] Aenmle; the must-s :unl [rt-nt :mm. o! dlat‘nFQS; Xhe nuxrriage CIIaUJIJIS of [be 'uqu; hu“ :0 ,Ilmrry well und_a llummud «hung: uewr publisheg before, read the re \-.~rd um] enlarged edition of “Medical Com. mun .\'.-use," u flil’lOllE hunk l'ur_uuriuu3 pro: pie, umLJ good book for every one: 400 ,1 yrs, :01, Illualrzdmus. X'lirc‘b‘l 50. Con h~uls wbk» :vul {we to nny address. Booku uny he had at. Lhe Book stoma, or {\ill be Rent. L 3 mml, posv puid, on rewipt of the price“;- Addn-«s I'2. 13. FUOTI'}, M. 1)., ’ Jan. 39 6m “30 Broadway, N. Y. m: BRIDILJCHAMBER. \ " A note of warning nnd‘ 3dvice to those tuf ‘fvnng whli Seminal Wenkness, General Deg lnhly, or Premature Decay. from whatever muse llroxlncrd. Read, ponderfi‘nd reflect! He wise in lime. ' ,Som Flu-. 5 $0 nny addreyss, for the benefitof the nfllicxed. Sent. by return nmil. Address,» ‘ . JAMES s. BUTLER, April lfJ. 3m ‘ 429‘Broadwny, N. Y. OLD EYES MADE NEW A anphll-t diqecfing h’ow xo speedily re nnra sight and give up spectncln, wnbbut aid at doctor or medic‘me. Sent by mail, free, on recdpt of 10 cents. Address, . E. 'B. FUOTE, H. D., 'Jan. 30. 6111 1130 BrondwayKN. Y ' ——<..~- -._... v > 54 Confiadicfion.—lEx-Preeidént Buchanan hub published a letter relative‘ to a state. Imm; of the New York Pain that. Judge Bldc ,afterwardaamemberofur. Bantu» an’s eabinet, had made certain plefges to the South at the Cincinnati Convpn ion. in the name of Mr. Buchanan. The Ex- Presideut. contradicts the Itate‘ment totally. THE MARKETS. GETTYSBURG—Suuunn usr. F 101” .....m...........,.,.... ..... ’1 00 v.O 'I 50 Rye F10ur..................'............ ‘ 5 00 Wlfite Wheat.......................... 1 40310 1 50 Bed Wheat.......fi...................... l 30 lo 1 40 Conn, 90 Rye..." l 00 0M8.............. ........................ 55 8uckwbem......... ................... l 00 Timothy Seed..... ...........!....... 2 00 to 2 60 Flax 5eed............................... 1 50 to 1 50 Plaster 0anria....L¢................. .17 00 Plaster ground, per bag...‘...’...... - 200 BALTIMORE—Finn! LAST. F10ur............... ................... '1 75 w 8 00 WheM.....'.......,. ~. 1 65 lo 2 05 Ryfi....-uu"...-nunun-mounau-n. 'go ‘0 90 C0m...................................... 7310 85 0nt:...................................... 42 to 55 Beef Cattle, per hund............v..13 50 1020 00 Bags, per hund.......................12 so hub 00 th.........an"......-...J.............15 90 {O2O 00 Whiskey 2 05 m 72 06 71d1LEL.NIMt.IMIECI. At Hunov‘er, lily 14, 1863,by E". W. K. Zieber. Ir. JOHN VINA-NB, of York Springs, 1 Adams county, to In: LOUISA CATHABINE ‘ RICHTER, of Abbott-flown, Aduns county. 0n the 27121 nit, by Rev. E: Breidenbnugh, Hr. SAIUEL DICKSQN. “Cumberland town ahip, to Miss SAME YETTS, thin place. On the 7th 39“., by the any, Hr. GEORGE .A. STRAUSBAUGH $9 Hill MAGDALENE IBTZ. both of Hamflmfi “urn-big. - 0n the 30th ‘nlt, by Rev. J. 9, “leg, Ir. J. ORPHEUS GARDNER,“ Pqtfi‘r‘nhnrg, (Y. S? Adan canny, m 3'!" ROLL}: L. PGLAO , 4" York, h: _ . ;147c:11217.2. flihmv {mice- 3 coat: peg-’1!” m 3|! ever marlin-stalk *0 wee-mu; notice. ,mrMin'mlm‘m 56:; max. Maud-mar Hui '.' magma-rs W ~ 1 3th 3? din“. The Old Shad. N THE HILL. ' ' Q g . I.x.no’wx, T. nkful for an Mon, lnvlm m cmua of Gettysburg Ind vicinity!» hi: flock of 6631, confining in purl oi . ," SUGARS, ' CO FIRES, _ a ennui, ‘ ‘ - ‘ TEAS ‘ ottoman-wan,- ‘ l - TOBACCOS, ‘ BACON, ‘ . _ V LABD, L‘AIPS, BASKETS, FISH, OILS, BOAPS, NOTIONS, PLOURaAND FEED, all of wh‘ch he in pupsred to lell low as the love-l. Conger] amines taken in excbtnge for goodl. and the H but. price paid. My mono [I “Quick Sllxand Small Profit-fl Give [ln null. ‘ In] 22, 1866. u Now Goods. ; EOBG'E ARNOLD bu now on hlnd hi. G‘ neck of SPRING CLOTHING, mom, of hu own mnnfncturing, consistingoflllkindaof COATS, PANTS, ’ VESTS, BLOUSES. ‘ » iSHIRTB, DRAWEBS, to. Also, I. lugs stock of‘Piece Goodl, such :3 CLOTBSJIABSI EBES,DRILLINGS,JKANS, tc., to. Please call belore purchasing also”. where. They In to cheap as the cheapest. May 22, 1865. = K y- A- .. ___~‘_._T________ Last Chance. 0R SALE by 0. 3. Hanan, 80! G. W. Tol~ F huut's Wuvhers, manufnctured by S. S. bherfy. Apply noon. 0-. B. HANES. May 22, lssp. 23* “ Bark Wanted. HE oublcriber will pay EIGHT DOLLARS T PER. CORD for Rock Oak Bark, Ind FOUR DULLARS AND FIFTY CENTS FOR BLACK OAK; delivered M. his Tannery in Get... abuts. ~ May 22, 1865. an. ' 5.10112; 9139?. Public Sale l?I PERSONAL' PROPERTY.—The sub -0 lcribci’s, Executorl of the last. ,will and ietlfimenl ol‘John Rhee, deceased, will ofl'er at, Public Sale, on the Man-ion property of laid decedent, in Carroll'l ’l‘nct, Hamiltonian township, Adam! county, shout two mile: from Flirfield, on the public road from Carl:- tom, 0:: WEDNESDAY, the Slat day ofMAY, 1865, the following personal property‘of said decedent, 11l follows: I Valuable fining HORSE, 1 Sheep, 1 good Threébiné Muchine, excellent Wlnnowing Mill, Wagon, . lelgh, Sleigh Bells, ict Buggy Har ness, Bumilo Robe, 2 pair Saddle Bags, Grain Dnll,Stnnv Custer, Forks, Digging Irpn,Shovel, Spade, Axe, .\lnllock, Grain Cradle, Ladder, 3 Bee Boxes, Saddle and Bridle, Eight-day (‘lbck und Case} Rocking Chair, Bedstead, Bell and “adding, Parlor Store, Side-hoard, Corner Cupboard, Grain in the ground, any, Oats, and other articlel. , ' lay-Sale to commence at 12 o’clock, M, on ,flnid day, when attendance will he risen and terms made khown by ‘ ‘ ‘ ELIZABETH ANDREWS,’ , ‘ JAMEaj MARSHALL, Nay 2’2, 1865;: u Executors. Great Sale F wncmfs AND JEWELRY. O 51,000.000 WORTH] Tu‘be disposed of at OeroLun e‘nch, with out regard to vulue, not to be paid for unul yOu ‘know‘wbat you are to receive, BRA. U. ROWEN h 00., s ‘ (Agrnts for the .\Xunufuclurers,) ~-No. 36 Bunny Srum:l-,va'YonK. Wilma the following list of Article: to be sold lor ONE DOLLAR:— 100 Gold Hunting-cue Wncbeu, ‘ Jul: 8125 00 100 u . Watch", varioul nylu, 9‘ ‘ 75 no 200 “ [milen' Gold “Men“, 0 50 on 500 Silver Watches. ml: 820 00 to 36 no 6000 [.:leu ntyla rent Q. neck Chaim, “ 5001n20 on 5500 (ignt‘l Clint-uni: dmmqnd pinl, ” 500 to N no 4000 Cnlnrurnia d'unnndmnr drupn, " b no to lo 00 3000 Min! ntnro llovnlnng Plur, » U snotolo no 20,00 Culifnruin Dinnond And "Inn; rlled Uent'n warfplm, new lulu, " 5 on In In no 2009 “Monk: Ind Emhlam l‘ms, II 8 on to lo 00 2500 UoM‘ Band Brn‘filoho, churned “ 300t050 oo South-3pm! Mosaic Brooghen, " 3notoln 00 200 C Cnmm Brmchu, l' 50nm20 on 9000 Cox-.l] Eir qupl. V ~ “ , Ino to 800 moo Imm' w-Lcl‘: Chum. 4- 8 00 m 16 on 6000 flour: [‘iuu. a Iplundhnmor'l, “ 2ontolo on MlOO Solitaire News Bum-m. “ 3 on to In on noun-ma. Ind Sleeve Bullom, In new, ‘I B on to 10 do 5000 Elena nnnom, pl‘nlu, Ind curd, " 2noto 8 on 10000 pluln nnd mgr-red lung-I, “ 2 50 In lo 00 8000 Lockets, richly engraved, U 200tolo 00 16000521: Imdiu' Jew-Ir], no! and lute-t stylu, ‘ . H 60n1n12 00 6000 Hand-om. Soul Rings, “ a 3 no to Bno 2000 Sell Bonn-n Stalin; “ 250 m 0 00 1000 Hold You! Had Gold Hold-nu, " 15 no to 25.00 2000 Set. .m Ind Hold l'im Ind Ear ’ ~ Dru-pi, Intel: stylu, nu rich, I‘ _ 6notolo 00 2000 mm “mum“, Ptmib. Bmm, “ 4buln 6 00 10000 Guld Pen: and Interns-en, H sonm 3 00 10000 -- H Ebony hul-lers, “ I 000 i) 600 ‘This emit-e list of beautiful find valuable goods wilLbe sold for 0“ Don“: each. _ Cer tificates at all the above nnlclei will be placed in envelopes, and sealed. These envelopes are scm, by mail, as ordered, without t‘egmd to choice. 0n the receipt ofthu’ certificate you mill see whntyou are to have, and then it is at )Dur option to send the Doilar,and take the article, or not. ' \ \ ‘ Five ccrtificnt’és can be ord‘ered for SI ‘ eleven for $2 ; thirty fox-$5; sixty-6V ’ ' and one hundred lot 515. We W' 'slngle Certificate on the receipt of‘ _Agiim} wanted_ to whom we_ offer 51):} bend ‘25 cents for one ccrtiflcn'le nnd A. H. BOWEN lar with terms 36 Beekmgm Street, N. Y P. 0. Box 4271. ; May 22, 1365. 6m New- Flrm-uNew Goods. YANTIS I; BARKER, having taken the old ‘nnd wzlLknown Store Stand of Geo. W. Rowe, in LITTEESTQWN, Adm: ~county, would reapectfully inform their frien is and thel finblic genenliy, that they no prepnred to so“ Goods as low as ‘h‘ey can be bought anywhere ‘ out of the cities. With many addition! of new Goods, just. opened. :hey offer an unus unlly Duke and ultrattire variety, consisting of DRY GOODS, for, ' ‘MEN'S, WOMEN’S and , CHILDREN’S WEAR, ’ GROCERIES, HARDWARE, GLASS-WARE, QUEENS-WAKE, ‘ BOOTS AND SHOES, . HATS AND CAPS, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, ‘ '_ and in abort, everythinz to be found in I fin:- clus Ssore. The rublic an inmed to all null lee forlheiau vesn No trouble to Ihow .Goods; With large sales and squall profits, all parties will he benefited. . ' Mny 1,1865. 3m ‘ * Notice. : ENRY MASTER'S ESTATE.;Letten or administration on the estate of Henry aster, late of Germany tp., Minn: county, deceased, havin been granted to the under lignedfiuidingfntheumetownship,they here by give notice tn.a.ll persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims uguinst the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. 4 fiaBY MASTER, ‘ ENRY MASTER, ”65. 6t Adminiltratorl Notice. ' - ETER HULL'S ESTATE.——Letter| of ad ministration on the estate of Peter Hull, late of BerwiCk township,“ Adams county, de ceased, having been granted to the under signed, residini in the nine township, be hereby given nqtlce to :11 person: indebted to said estate to make immediate‘p‘pyment, Ind those having claims against the sum to pre sent them properly authenticates for lenie ment. JACOB BU L, Adm’r. Hey 15,1865. 6t* ‘ Dividend. qur NA-nolu. Bax or Gran-an, . my 1, 1865. } HE President sud Director: of this Inltitn -1 tion hue this dny declared I. semi-Inna“ - uidend of 4} yer cent., payable on or the: m, mu um. ‘ GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. lay 8, 1885. _ at ~ . ' Dindend. V~ Gnmnna Human. Bug} .4 ‘ In: 3, 1865. Bk Directors of this Bank have um dty «clued naming“; Dividend of RIGHT B 03“., pay»). an Ind mu- londq mm: Bth hm; 131's boom: mon thin ~Dlvidsnflkwill be pgdgyaeéggk. - ‘ _ . . x Cu 0?. ‘ Man». as , “' ‘» ’1: U. 8. no Loan! » TEE “In of the in: uric: of $300,000,000 ‘ hof tho 7-30 Lon '1! completed on “:91 ‘ am of luck, 1885. The Isle of the second * uric. of Thm Bundted lilliom, paynble three yam from the 15m d 1; of Jung? 1805, vu begun on the m of April. In the MW of thirty dayl, over One Hundred I‘l- ‘ lion: of thin mica have been told-Inving um day Jan thin Two Hundred Million: to be dupoled 0!: The interest in pnynble semi-annually in currency on 11:; 15th of December and 15th of June by Coppou “lubed to each note, which an rendily culled Anywhere. h. nmonnll to ‘ One cent per thy on 5 850 note. Two cent! “ ”‘ “ $lOO “I ‘ Ten u u n 3509 u 29 ‘,“ n M 31000 n 1 :1 u' u u 35000 H ‘ loan AND Ion: DESIRABLE. 41 J. IL ROWE Thu Rebellion in unp'prelud, Ind the Gov :rnmenc bu shady adopted manna Io re duce expendnnm n upidly u pyuiblo to 5 pence footing; than withdrnifingr (tom market I: borrower Ind pnrchuer. TMI ilrthe ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now ofl'ered by tho Government; Ind constitutes the GREAT POPULAR LQAN OF THE PEO PLE. The Seven-Thirty Notn are convertible on their maturity, It the option of the bother, into Q» U. 8. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS, which no Il'lyl worth a plemium. The 7.30 Note. cannot be taxed by ’l‘ownl, Cltiel,Conntiuor Hutu, and the intereet is not taxed n'nlemon n surplna of the owner’l unchme exceeding six hundred'dollnrn :1 year. This (Act incrueee their velne from one to three per cent. per nnnum, according to the nte levied on other proterty. ‘ SUBSCRIBE QUICKLY. ' Len than $200,000,000 of the Loan nulhor ized by the last Congress are now oh the inn ket. This “amount, at the rule at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for with in. two months, when the notes will undoubted ly command n premium,“ hns nnilormly been the can on closing'the subscriptions to other Loans. I! now acme probable (Int! no c‘omiderable amount beyond the pram! certain-:11 be (Jared la UM! public. “a . In order th itizen’s 0! every town and lection of the country may he efi‘orded five-fli ties .tor tnking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, nndhrivnte-Bnnhera thrcnghont the country have generally Agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confir dence, and who only are to be responsible. for the delivery of the' notes fur which they re-. ‘ceive orders. JAY 000 m, Stibtcription Agent, Philndelphin.‘ ”Subscriptions will be r¢ceived_ by the Gettysburg National Bank and the First Nu lionnl‘ Bank’of Gettysburg. Any 15, 1865. 391 " ' - Rebeccn . B’éltzhooveri] {n the Court of'Pom by he next "fend, l mun Pleas of Adams John Woltord, county. No. 12. .\'or. vs. }T.,'l>§4. Snbpmut Christiah H. Beltzhoo- in Disurce. ‘ ’ ver. J Alias Subpmnn, No. 32, Apri. T., IBM» ND now. April, 1865, it bung shown to the A Court that the sub} mnn nnd uliua sub— pmna in this casumve [Leon [thin-Cd mln'l, nut! that no appearance has been cult-rmLtor the Respondent, the Court dilect publit-ntinn to he made by the Sllerilf as prmided by law, and appoint George B. Bum-It (‘uluxniéziullcr to take testimony, to be read upon the fiuzll henring of the case, and dirett Hurt notice of the time and phce of tuklug the testimony be given by publication in one newspnper in Adam; county, and also Ivy uo'ice put up in the Prothnnolurk‘s office, m'u-en an,” [more the day fixed for taking the tu-stimony. lly the Court, JACOB L'L'SHI-IY, l’roth‘y. MR. CHRISTIAN 11. BELTZHOOVER:—You are hereby notified of the nhove proceedings and required to appear at nCourt of Common Pleal’to be held av. Getlysbnrg, inJgud for sqid county, onvthe THIRD .\XUNDAYui AUGUST next, to answer the complaint uf‘snid R- bgcca R. Bellzhoover against you- ‘\nd you are further notified thntldopnsilinns of Witnesses, to be read on the final hearing: of this case, will be taken beime Guy-gs U. Brnndt, the Commissioner appointed by Ike Ccurt fox thin. purpose. It his residence, in Lnlimore luwn~ ship, Adams couuly. on MONDAY, the 29th day 0! MAY inn, between the hour: of 9 o'clock,A. IL, und 8 o‘clock, P. XL, und.to continue from day to day until flanked,“ which time and place you are requested to ut tend end cross-examine the wimenes if you think proper. ADAM REBER‘I‘, Sheriff. ’ MayB,lBBs. td OODS AT REDUCED PRICES.—FAHNE- G STOCK BROTHERS have received Ind no new opening I large and uried stock of SPRING GOODS, to which they. invite the at tention of buyers. “ In Dress Goods their stock consists of BQMBAZINES, ALP-ACCAS, SHALLIES, ‘ DELAINES. MOZAMBXQUES, ‘ . ,uOHAm, . . MELAUX, ' CALICOES, he., of ovary Ityle Ind quality, and which cannot {nil to pious. . - ‘ For Gemlemen'l in! we hue : choice‘u lection of CLOTHS, , __ FANG? CASSHIRRES, _ J VESTINGS, and MW priced' Puts Goodl. at price: which we gnmngee m give “function. In Dome:- tics we can offer MUSLINS FROM 12; CENTS UPWARDS. In addition to the above we have increased our flock of Queen-vino Ind Hardwnn u re du_exdprcel. , Also— » , 7 , , GROCERIBS AT THE LOWEST RATES In fret, our mack comprises everything which cult-omen may desire, land u prices lower than In other esuihlishmcnt in the county. All w. ask is an examination'to utisfy 111 thu it is to their interest to give no a call. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. May I, 1885. ‘ u sums m . * ‘ CHINA, GLASS 1* mswmn, ATED WARE, mm cummk , _ . CASTORS, 30.. Na. 6 Huang igg‘gnyxinfjurmon St, BALTKMORE, 31D GLASSWABE z—Tumblers. Goblets, Winel', Lngon, Flukl, Blk. Bowel, Candy Jars, De. unto“, Pres. Dishes, Fruit Bowls, Sun, Ga. ‘3O", Castor Boulez, Ker. Lamps, Ker. Chim neya, Lutenu; kc. ‘ ‘Qunnnswuzs z—Plntes, Flat Dmm, Due}: (10., Covered 110., Covered Bumn, Tu Pou, Sngnfi,oreunl, Bowls, Pitchcrl, (Humbert, Basin: unjl Pitcherl, lust, Bpm.com, Tu Sou, Toilet Beta, Bc. _ con. BTONEWARE:—JngI,Iau, Pitchen, lilk Pun, la. [May 1, 1866. If. 1885. Spnng Mlllmery. 1865 SS IIéCREARY is just opening a large And beiitiful assortment of HATS, BON , RIBBON 3, Flowers» Lace and hue: Goodl, of “cry inscription, and nil of tbs moat fuhiouble uylu, which the will be pleased“ show than who In, fuor her in) a all. BM in also prop-rad to do up lap nd Bon non of "_ety kind, in the but winner and an nhpn notice. “imam bung ’ good: to lell n, will find it to tick ugly-mug: to pertain-mu, u bf, doing In tlgoy will who pram Ind mutation: M. _ ,P - m A I“ 1365. 2 "1 ans FREE FROM TA XATION Notice. New and Cheap B. P. Hayley 8: 00., List of Norobants Will! the County of Adult, returned Ind claimed by the unaligned, Ap pniaer of larcmtila Tun, in undue. with the nun! Act: of Aucnbiy, {or no yu: 1865—66, of Gouda, an sud Inch-mine: ‘ Boswell or Gums-no. cu Mk. Oh. ‘Fnhneslock Brothers, 9 ,20 oo Donner & Ziegler, 13 10 00 J. L. Schick, :1 15 00 George Arnold, 13 10 00 Jacob Bflnkerhofl’, 13 10 00 80" & Woodl, H 1 00 John L. Homwonh, ‘ M 1 00 F. B. Picking, 13 10 00 E. linnigh, . 14 1 00 Miss Julie Gilben, u 1 00 In. In, North, 14 1 00 Strickhomer & Wilolshy, u 1 00 l'ichnel Sponglcr, 11 lb 00 His: Eorriet lcCrury, H. . 100 S. S. McCreary, H ' 1 00 A. D. Bnehler, l - 10 00 Cobnnh Crawford, 13 10 00‘ Jacob: t Brother. 14 ' 1 001 Kill 31on McAlliner, M 1 00; Dr. Robert Homer, , M 1 00} John Gruel, l 4 1 OQ} A. Scott & Soul. 1‘ 1 00‘ Joseph Gillelpie, M 100! Boyer & Son, r _ 14 1 00 Joseph Bevan, u 1 00 J. M. Bore, M, 1 00 In. John ernor, 14 1 ooi Philip Winley, M 1_ 00‘ Louis Simone, M 1 007 In. Chflsmer. l 4 1 051 Wind. Mortin,‘ l 4 1 mi John Ninuigh, H 1 00‘ Butler Press 00.. (buy,) 8 30 00‘ Second Bonner Preu 00., 8 30 001 Bmle a 60., 10 20 00‘ Win. E. Bittle, (hay,) ‘ 13. lo 00! John Reiling, M 1 00, McCurdy & Diehi, lo 20 00| C. H. Enabler, , n 12 50' 9. Spanglcr, lo '2O 00! Samuel Hubst, N 1 00 llrl. “My McClellan, M 'I 00 John Norbeck, ‘ ll 700 R. Pthon, l 4 ’1 00 Jchn M. Swan, - l 4 7 00 Miss Knoll, 14 7 00 David Kitzmiller, H 2' 00 ‘ Quunlnuo n. , E. futon Bighnm. ‘ l 4 7 00 Lnrunowu Boa. Ydunt & Coiehouse, Cronse b Bra, Sludy & Stonesifer, N. Flames, Ynntis A: Burner, Samuel Linlc, Duvid Schwartz, Mann & Swape, H. 'l‘. Klein, H. Reiser, W. M. Hoford, W. C. Werrick, Alex. Shob, Swope & Tune)“. 14 7 00 Gun" 17. ' Lydia. Myers, Houn’uoy 'I‘P John Shcely, James Collins, John You, Movsrunnm n Samuel Faber, Charles Overdcer, J. E. Smith, 1:21. It I'}. Miller, 'Jucob I. Dieblfi - Coxowmorn Reilly & Sneeringer‘ John Fowler, Burlmm Unsm, E. mug, ‘ , Humor 30: Lewis Jar-Iy, Wm. DMiS, I‘. Pfleigcr, D. U .\lnrlin, Mrs. E. .\lzuer, Mary Slemxhn, l "AHILTQN'BAN n. ‘Dauner 8t Shields, (D. Snxllimn, Paxtuu & McCre ury, ' . L~rnel Frame, ()xronn n Geo. P. Evcrhurt,_ John ”may. Edward Ralg‘le, Bauress J: Peters, Myers 6: Wiermnn, .\lisa E. T. Sunder, F. X.,Smilh, ‘ John Gunter. c. w. Don, Emmett a: Brother. mexux 'rr M. L. Miller, Mrs. Ann Rollmnh, - H. W. Wixmnre, Pder Bublilz, Jaeob .\lurk, Sp ngler & Plank, ‘ J. J. Blesuckar, Ruben. .\i. McGnughy, , Luann 1'? Lewis A. Overholtzer, Snmuel Marlin, M'dlcr a; Nunemuker, ' Tnox: n P. t C. Yeatts, John F. Houck, r Lumen ‘I'P Adam Lerew,_. T. M. Brennemu, FRICIDONE TP A. Wu) brighm , . Runma NI Solomon Chrgnister, E. Howard, IJRNALLRAT Tr Geo. Minuigh, 011*” Eldtn, _ A. . Wright, Jacob Puzer, Eppley k Hoopel, H. S. Penmse, HAMILTON TP Elijah Spangler, F. S. Hildebrand, J. J. Kline, Wm. Wolf, H. L. Miller, Geo. Hundorfi‘, )lyer Stein; STAAB/LIS TP tunnel “do, Daniel Golden, . 10 20 00 Philip Humwmhouu, u 12 50 -‘ " note, 1‘ 700 Jncoh King, M 7 00 Hugh King, M 7 00 Wan: 'l‘. oflmon, warmfloa fl Isaac Group, J. H. Zinn. E. Heuhew, J. A. Gardner, Mrs. A. Crust, ‘ ‘ 14 7 00 Mrs. S. A. Gelwich, 14 7 00 Geo. Gran, ‘ M 7 00 John Gardner, )4 7 00 Issue B Hunter, 14 ’l 00 ‘ Uno- n. Conrad Kym, John Roma, :4 '1 oo Bum: n. Noah liner. Edvard Sway, William mun, Shank a Brother, Jolu'l Win, DirnttaftL AM Diem, Gotmbnrg, John Bending, “ Maj. Hgnry Wolf, - APPEAL. Notleeil hereby given tosn pox-lon intonat od in the above return of animation. mu 1 will hold n Appeal, It the Commiuionuu’ Oflice, in-Geupburg, on SATURDAY, the 10!): day of JUNE mt, betweu: the hours of 9 A.» N. Ind 3 P. I‘, when Ind when all persons thlt ml] congider themsel‘s aggrieved by said clauifiquon my “tend. J. H. WALTER, Appraiser o! Haunt“. Tue- for Adam- ea. May 8, 1865. 4t TTRACTING ATTENTlON.—Thnnpeiior ABPiclm-u when I! lUIPEB’B SKY “r GALLERY, on West Middle n, no stunting universal “nation. Good judgel pronounce thgn superior to my ever khan in mi: plus. cm and en-ino for yonmlvu. Jul. 10,1885. . HA§INVAR§ ANDHIBON. Painl- ”gm up!) vugrip on. u put} I“ rim, It YARN Isfpcx's. , ' 1' PRIVATE BALE—3m. nbpcdbou. Al‘cllgxecntou at tho Int will Ind mun“; of hard Delop,decmed, oler It Print; Bola, the following Real Emu of laid de cedent, vis: A FARM. ailnnu inTyrono townshipddana county, PL. Idjoining land! of Dlvid Yohe, Daniel ‘Ban Rudolph Dol&rick.,ond other]. confining 200 Acres, man or len, About 50 ocm of which no woodland Ind 30 Icrea meadow. The improvement: on a Two-awry Wenherboarded HOUSE, 2 Tenunt Houses, large Log Bun with 2 Wagon Shedl nit-chad, Corn Crib, Smoke Home, pring House, 2 good Orcharda, and A ne'erfailing Ipring no" the house. Then in I stream of voter running through the form. S‘Persona wilhng to View the proger‘y will be shown the Mme by calling on Daniel Dehp, residing thereon. » A , , ' JOHN DELAP, DANIEL DELAY, Feb. 6l 1865. 1! Executor: Russell’s Screw Power ND THE ‘,. A - woman $19.40an 36m bék’amsb' ‘mcamas. The Inbccriber is ngent for the above In. china. The Screw power bu (and n randy mnkot since introduced in, thia County, Ind gives mtianfion,a tnct mwhich mnn'y farmer. will certify. , , THE OHIO REAPER Ital given ntiefnction wherever uled, over three thousand having been sold during the last season. The demend was In great the company intend putting out six thousand this season, which‘we consider the best recommen dntion for Any mnchine. It is n cog-geared machine, laid to be ofverylight draft, work-ad with ease with one span of horses. Thisimn e'hine, as n Reaper, can he worked with or without a rake. Farmers wishing to buy would'da well to make their purchases early, as the‘demand will be great. Last season we were‘nnnhle to supply the demand in conte qnnnee of persons making up their minis too lute, in the season. Extras always kept on lend. Specimen machines can be seen by calling on the slhlcriber, two mile; northetat of Gettysburg, on the Harrisburg r'oed. . WM. WIBLE, Agent. April 17, 1865. if Confectionery l 4 '1 00 ‘3 10 00 X? [2 50 14 ~ 7 00 12‘ :12 50 I 4 ‘7 00 )3 \lO 00, ll 15 00 1" 7 0C 1‘ 7 00 A ND ICE CREAM SALOON. 'l‘ e subscriber respectfully idioms the citi zens of Gettysburg and vicinity that he has n Confectionery Establishment, one door cut of the Eagle Hotel. on Chambersburg street, to which he would invite their sttention. Cakes, Candies, andflevery description ‘of 'Codfgctioua, together with Nnu‘ Oranges, and all kinds ol'fruiuz, always on hand. ' Parties, public Ind prints, as. well n: fami - lies, will be furnished with all kinds of Cakes, Ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or otherwise.) nn'd other rpfreshmenu fit their houses, upon short notice. - 14 . 7 oo 14 7 oo 14 . '7 oo 14 • 7 00 Having spent a life-time at the business. he flatter: himself that. he understand: it and that he is able to render entire satisfaction. Call and age 1:15 Confectionery. - April 24, 1865. ti ’ JOHN GRUEL.‘ l 4 , 'l 00 M , 'l 00 I 4 . 7 00 533 Goal, Lumber, Stoves, Bw. 7 00! HARLES If. BUEHLER ‘ ' 10 00‘ Would‘ respectfully inform the public 7 00 that he will continue the business lately con ]ductt d by the firm of Sheads & Bnehler, at the 10 00 old stand, corner of Ckrlisle and Railroad 4; 00 streets. He will be prepared to furnish 7 00! THE BEST QUALITY OF COAL, ‘ '7 00 ‘ and every variety of LUMBER, including Doors, [Shula-s, Sash, kc. Also, every variety of Cooking Stoves, among which are the NOBLE COOK, ROYAL COOK, WELLING -1 TON, WAVERLK 'PRINCE ROYAL, I 4 ()RNAMENTAL COOK, kc. f Also, I’ARLOR, DIN’ING r t l -' ROOM, SALOON AND SHOP 28' T O V ' E S . i Also, every t‘nriety of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. manufactured by the best work ‘ men. Ajlso, HOLLOW WARE of every variety, includingn superior article of ensmelled work. ' indeed every variety of Kitchen Ware will be kept constnntly on hand, Alsnltbe toninmed‘flNlVEßSAL CLOTHES WRINGER," for which he is the sole agent in I the county. , I He is also the agent for Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing \Mnclxines—tho best in use. ' April 10, 1865. C. H. BUEHLER. 14 14 ‘ 14 t 13 I 700 700 700 700 700 700 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 13 )3 H H. 7 00 20 oo 7 oo 20 oo 20 09 7 oo 7 00 7 oo 7 00 10 oo I * , No Humbug. EMOVAL'. i nomzwon'm ALWAYS AHEAD. ; ‘HIS WAY FOR BARGALXS.-—JOBN L. ,HOLTZWORT}! has just returned from the ' City with the inrgest and most complete assort iment oi HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, that has been brought to, m lthis town since the war. His flock in ‘ not only complete, but In GOOD and CHEAP embracing every ynriety 01150th and Shoe: { for Men and Boys. whilst. the Ladies will find ‘everything in their line, from the finelt Gniter to the heaviest Shoe. Children’s Shoes of every descriptioh, in great variety. Also, Le.- Idies’ Huts, fine quality, Ind Childreu'l Hats, ‘of {ill rule: and prices. Also, Trunks, Cur pet Bags, Velizea, Umbrellu. Glovel. Stock {high Tobacco, Clgms,and Notion: of every description. ‘. i 7 00 'l 00 7 00 'I 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7‘oo 7 00 700 700 700 700 fi-Don't faggot the place, South-cut Cor of'the Diamon ,Geuysburg, Pl. - JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. April 10, 1865. u 7 00 700 700 \ms WAY FOR unmmsu _ . -__--. . _- -1”; 9:31.10 FAN? ’ S 14 ' 7 00 H " 7 oo 15 ~7 oo 14 7 oo 14 7 oo 14 7 oo FASHIONABLE CLOTHING STORE, BALTIIOII Sun", GITTYBIDBO. Our Spring and Summer supply just. opened is the largest Ind but selected stock of Cloth ing ever brought to Gettylbnrg, ambmcing I“ the . 10 00 10 00 ’l 00 7 oo 7 00 7 00 7 oo LATEST STYLES PORJIEN AND BOYS, among which are hofitting Dreu and Busi ness Coats, Cloth, Culimeze, 'Silk, Satin and Cotton Venn, Dreu end Businen Pants, at every Ityle, quality Ind eize, Under Clo‘hel of every delcription. Mn, . GENTLEMEN’S £URNISHING GOODS. Embncing Glovel. Colllfl, Neck-ties, Sn: penden, Hosiery, to. Aha, < , NOTIOXS IN ENDLESS‘VABIETY, 7 CO Inch 3.: Violin, Accordeonn, Violin Strings, Clocks, Knit and Cluthu Brulhel, Combl, Run" 3nd Razor Straps, Soup, Specuclel, Clue-l, Pen Knives, Pencill, Pens, and Domi noel. Also, ‘ 14 7 00 TBUNKS, CARPET BACKS, UNBRELLAS, TOBACCO, SEGARSu 14 7 00 14‘ 7 00 H 15 61) And indeed I little' of everythingvill be found in chi) Score. Having made our pmchunes {or Cash, and at I favorable time, we u-e pre pmd to all chap. ‘— BEIEMBER THE PLACE. 10 20 00 If you desire to have n good fining unit, made of good material, cull sud cumin. for yam-Doha, and SAVE HONEY. ‘ April 24, 1885. F. B. PICKING. 14. 7 00 New Spring Goods. “LL PROFITS t QUICK SALES. J . L . SO.H I C K would respectfully any to the citiunl 0! Got tylburg and vicinity, that. he in now receiving n hil More a splendid ' STOCK 0? SPRING GOODS. M ' 7 00 M 7 00 14 7 00 14 'l' 00 )4 7.00 The stock consim in pan of hue, Ind Staple DRY GOODS, of every (Inscription: SILRS, lUZAHBIQUE, (WALLIES, DELAINES, . _‘ BOJIBAZINES, A, 1 , MACCAS, . LAWNS, CALICOES, or sll qulitlel Ind choicest atylel, which will be [old It PRICES T 0 DEFY COlfl’E‘rlTlON. FURNISHING GOODS of 1“ kinds, Including Silk, Linen And Cotton Eundkerchiefi, Glovu, Stockings, to. Also, 5 splendid Assortment of BIBBONS, Wu and Edging), Umbrellal and Pammlh. - My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found (all Ind complete, Ind cnstomen may rely upon always getting good good: as tho lawn: poni bla prices. ~ ’ Gentlemen will find it to then finally tc ell] .nd enmine my flock of CLOTBS, * l— WSWEBIS nd ‘ _ VBS‘I'IXGS, at In qumm Ind choicul styles. Aplfl 24, 1865. ' J. L. SGHXGK. 9 ,500 9 ‘5OO 8’ woo A Valuable hm Cheat Clothing. Magnificent Elate. OLD AND NEVER WATCHES. ‘ JEWEERY. hC.—.— ON THE ONE DOLLAR PLAN. , flu "flu l'l'OCl or « One Gold And Silver Watch “mafia-Lory, 7'o lumen" leelr] Establishments, One Silver Plating anhouse, One Gold Pqn and Pencil Shier, To be diupolcd of with diapatch WITHOUT REGARD TO 0051'! The Goods ..re offuhlonnble styles and most excellent workmanship, and are sacrificed in this manner to relieve the proprietor: from em bsrrmment oceuioned by I distracting civil war. It should be prominently Itnted, also. that they are mostly of AMERICAN MANUFACTpRE, and therefore greatly superior to the goods imported. from abroad and hawked about as the chelpest ever sold“ Ths simple duty on imported goodl, and the high prem'uu on Gold (11l foreign bill: are payable in gold,) nmonnt to more then the entire cost of many of the Articles ofiered by nl to the public. To facilitate the sale ' OMY ONE DOLLAR will be ehtrged for Any‘ article on our list, And this sum the purchaser need not pay until ha know! Whit he is to get' This plan accords with the method recemly become so populu for disposing of large stocks of quelry and similar productions. THE PLAN IS SIMPLE! The name of eech article od’cred for sele— ns “Gold Hunting Wetch,” "Gold Oval-Bend Bracelet," “Pean Breast-pin and E u-Drops," “Gold Enemelled Ring,” “Silver Plated Cake Basket," to" is written on neard and enclosed in a sealed envelope ; these envelopes are then placed in a. drawer and well mixed; then es en order is received, with twenty-five cents for return postage and other charges, one of the cards or certificates is taken at random and sent by first mail to the customer, who will see at once whet he can get for One Dol let. If he is pleased with his fortune he can forward the money sccording to directions on the certificne and secure the prize If the article awarded should be unsuited to the purchaser—ass for example, a set of Pearl Enro Drops Ind Breastpin to a. young man who could not wear them, and had no one to give them to—we will send any othererticle on the cutelogue of equal price which may be pre ferred. Or If, for any renson, you choose to \‘eutur‘e no further, then you can let the mat— ter drop where it is and spend no more. Ex amine carefully our Catalogue l WATCH DEPARTMENT 300 Gan’ Patent Lever qud Hunt~ , ing Cue, . $5030 $2OO 300 Gents" Detached Lever Gold ‘ -Hunting Cue. \ 4O - ”5 .400 GenuigwissGoldHunting Cnse. 30 - 100 200 Ladlea' Gold Enameled, Hunt- » ing One, 80 - 80' 4OOGents'PatontLeverSHvel-Hnm ing Case, 30 - 90 400 Gents' Det. Lever Sjlv'er Hunt ing Cue, ' 30 - 85 300 Genu‘ Detached Lever Silver . Open-Face, 300 Gonta’ Patent Lever Silver Open-Face, 300 Gcnu‘ Swiss Silver JEWELRY némn’rnaxr 300 Diamondvßings .300 Genu’ Diamond Pins 20 - 100 3000 Gents" Culif’n Diamond Plnn 3 - :5 3000 Gents’ Cnlih Diamond Ring! 3 . 12 5000 Gentl’ Gold aid Enameled . Fob Chain: ~ 13 - 40 4000 Gems' Gold Veal Chain: .5 . 40 4000 Pair Genu’_(}old Sleeve Bu:- . ton: " . 3 l 0 4000 Pair Gents' Gold and Emma. A Sleeve Buttons 3 - lo 6000 Sets Genu’ Gold Stud: 3 - 8 8000 Genta’ Stone Set and Signet Rings 3 -1?. BOOQ‘VGentI' Stone Set and Signet ‘— ' Ennm. Bing: , - 4'. 15 6000 Lndie!’ Gold Neck Chain: 5 - 50 4000 Gold Oval-Band Bracelets 3 - 10 6000 Gold Ind Jet Brnceletfi‘ ‘ 8 - 12 5000 Gold and Ennmeled Br’ncelets 8 - 15 BOOOIGoId Chatelaln Canine 8 - 30 5000 Pair Lndies’ Gold Sleeve But- tona - 3 - B 4000 Pair Lndiu’ Gold Enlmeled Sleeve‘Bmtonn 4_ - 10 8000 Solit-ire Gold Brooches 3 - X 2 6000 Coral, Opal and Eugen-51d ‘- Broocbu \ 3 - :2 5000 Gold Cameo t Pearl Ear Drops 3 - S 7000 Mosaic, Jet, Lam Ind Floren- tine Ell-Drop: 3 - ‘lO 5000 Gold Thimble: 5 - 10 10000 Coral, Opal k Emerald Ear- Drops . 3 - 10 .10000 Miniature Lockeu . 4-, 10 10000 Slin’e Lockets—magic spring 8 - 25 10000 Plain Gold Rings 4 - 12 10000 Set. Ladies’ Jewelry, Gold and Jet. _, 10000 Set: Lndiu‘ Jewelry, Cameo; Pearl, kc" 6 -_ 20 10000 Ludies' Gm and Jet Bricelgu, 4 - . I'] 10000 Lndiu' Gjlt and“: flag Sup porten, 2 o 12 SILVER. PLATED WARE. toooo Cup: $2 to $2O 8000 Gobleu , 3 - 12 10000 Pair Napkin Rings 2 - 12 2000 Card Buketl 4 - 18 3000 Cake Bukeu b - 20 4000 Castor Funnel—complete with . bottles 5 - 20 2000 Ice Pitchers , 10 - 20 6000 Fair Rune. Knives 3 - 8 5000 Soup, Oyller t Gruy lelea 2- a 8 1000 Engraved Pie Knlvu 3 - e 8000 Dozen Ten Spoons, per dos. 5 - 15 ”6000 Dozen Table Spoons, do. 8 - 24 6000 Dozen Deleon. Forks, do. 8 - 25 6000 Dozen Table Forkl, do. 8 - 30 GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. 12000 Gold Penn, Silver Extension Holden t $3 to $lO 1100') Gold Pen), Silver Haunted Holden 2 - 8 8000 Gold Pun, Gold Mounted Holden 3 - I's 6000 Gold Paul with Gold Exten- .. lion Holden , 10 - 's‘: 6000 Gold Pens, Gold Holders and Pencil: 6000 Gold Pencil: REMEMBER THE PLAN! In nll can: we charge for forwnrnlnz the Cenificnle, port-3e, and doing the hulineu, the sum of Twenty-five 0m", which mun be enclosed in the order. Flu Certificntu will be sent {or Sl ; eleven for 32 ; thin] tor $5; elxtyfive Xor sxo; one hundred for $l5. AGENTS ABE WANTED throughout the Country to operate for u. A large compen sation will be peld. Send for terms, ML, eno closing sump. NEWBORN & CO., Im. 27, '95. 3m 715 Fulton St, N. Y. Tailoring. EMOVAL. . R ECKENRODE IN THE DIAMOND! GEORGE F. ECKENBODE, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, mfornm bu friend! Ind the public [lnez-Ally, thnt he has BEKOVED hi. Tnilot in; Ena‘alhhncm v.O chc lecon‘d floor of Sun lan's building, (our Bdnkerhofl’l Clothing Storm) northmt corner of the Public Square, entrance on Yuk “not; when ho is pnpued to do sll work in his line in 11:. but am", nd ta tho “Won of customers. Be on:- ployl none but in: chin hands, and receiving TEE FASHIONS REGULAELY, V he on “mac fuhlouble fin and neat and Inbltanfiul "Whig.- B- uh I: share of the finblle’p ‘potronngo, promiling t 6 spare no ef fort to denerve it Hi- chargel will “may: be found I; nodenle as the times will allow. Cutting Ind Repairing done at. the shortest notice. [Gettylblltm April 10,1885. Notice to Tax-payers. HE County Commileionen take this method of informing the Tex-payers of Aha; county that the Bate Authoritlen no longer nllov ebetement for early payment of State Taxes—but WVQ per cent. to the quote of each county that one: not pay by the lat of Angult. The Commissioner: therefore give notice (hot in order to meet this ,delnend, Tex-payer! throughout thil county it“ be ex- ‘ pected to pay on or before the 15TH DAY OF : JULY NEXT—otherwile five 1’" cent. 13“” he added by the Collectors _in all can. ' By order at Commxaslonen, ‘ J. l. W4LTEB, Clerk. April 24, 1885. .td 00D [DRE—Jun rewind at Dr. R. G House's Drug Store, the pm. Cal. p no of Lima for, preserving cm. ‘ Inn Just received I la! more-mat W 2! Qua-1111', to which we invite the “nation a! bayou. _A. SCOTT 8 SON. / Beggar's Notice. ”TICK: in or'eby ginnw I" Lognuuana other perm“! cmrmmd, (km the Ag mfninmtion Am'npnta haremmller mam-mod will be presented at. Vho Orphw‘n Gem of: .\ in‘ms cnunlv. rm- wwfimnhon and allowance. on TUESDAY, "m TL! my 01 MAY, 1865, 11110 nV-lnw, A. .‘L, VII: ‘h 1.38. Flrst and “mi Account of Jane L. Rznclnrt, Adminiitntrlx of Wm; L. Rina. hart. nlvccmod. 159. The first, “count. of I. Kern; C 1:, Trustee for the kale of Lhn real estngol Jessa Cook, late of Mennllpn townshi . doc. 160. The first. and final account oIPJm-b -minh Warner, Avlminiwlmlnr of Cuh‘rina Warner, lag nl Union township. damsel], M settled by. 11. M. A'hxnu one of the Ad minlsuntors nf'Jm vmlnh Wnrnerfl‘ecouod . 161. First urcohnt of Pater B. Knufl'mnnr Executor of the last will my! Lc‘stmqent of ohn Han-(man, deceased. 102. The accond nnrl‘ final onceollnt 0! John Burkholdor. Executor of the lmhvlll and testament of lunnc D. Warren, deo’d. 163. The second and final account of Jo seph R‘sddlemrtse'r. Administrator of tho, estate of Jasepb Riddlemoscr, .decetued. 164. The account ol'Abmlmm Lillicb. Ex ecutorofche will of Miohnvl'llenry, dec'd. 165. The Account of Andrew Rife, Gun“ din of Rachel Leulz, (formerly Rife,) minor child of Joseph Rife, ‘lecaawd. , 166. The ~nccount or Augustus Delrlek. Administrator oi the estate of Margin-6‘ 'l‘rone. deceased.» . 167. First nndfi'hal account ofJohn Felix; Adminhtmtor ofj‘ranciq Felix, deceased. ‘ 168. First nndz‘filml account. of Daniel Bowers. Adminisqrnmr do bonis non of‘Jo— sin}: Bowers. deg sod. . ‘ _ - 169. The zeco d mill~ fiqnl nccount of John Ginter, Ad inistrqmrfitbe’euam of Adam Marshall. ( ecczued. 170. The fin! account of Henry Thomas and Margaret. E. oc'khart, Adminiuntors 01David Lockm , lam of‘Su‘aban town‘- ahip. deceased. . ' 171. First. and fmnf accgunt of Mary L. flitting". Admi‘ iatratrix of Wm. H. H. Deartlorfl‘. docemd. 172. Pm“: and Inn] accour’of Frederick Bittinger, Admh‘islmlor of Simon Biqini gar, doc-raged. 1 v 173. First andfnnl 21000qu of John G.‘ Brinkerhofi‘ and _fanc F. Brinkerhofi', Ad. miniatrntors oflsrc Brinkcrhofi', demand. . ~174. The first {1 count. of Imuc F. Brink erhofl', Executor of (he will of Samuel Hill“ Imm. devensed. . : 175. First, and finnl {recount of Diniel B. Baer, Admiuis rain: of Margaret. Linen; deceased. » 176. First and final nm‘nunb of Daniel B Baor. Ldministra’lor‘ orJncb Linen. (he’d 177. The first nmnunt ofSusaunah Hoecht and 'Gborge Robilmtte, Administrator! of. the estgte ofJncoh ll'nncht, deoemd. 178. First and‘finnl account of Jacob Keefauvqr, Executor of “no lut willand ‘ testamentof John J acnb Keefmvnr, deo'd. 179. First and finnl‘finconnt of Israel Little, Administrator of Conrad WARM. deceased. of Franklin township. 1 180._ Firs; account of BurkhnrfiWertlgfl Amo‘s Rex, Administrators oLJaoob Roi: deceased. ‘ “ ‘ 20- 50 25. ‘qo 18- 4o $4O to $l2O 181. The second account of Hugh Moll heny, Administrator do bonia ngfi with the will nhneged of Willie?! Vnnoxsdal, labor Slrahxm township; e ‘ 182. First and final account of Wm. Peoxflear Administrqmr of the «tale of El lenor Peoples. late of Frederick canny, Md.,and formerly of Adams county. , 183. First and final account of Isaac Rob. inaon, Eeq.. Executor of the last will and testament. of Robert Slemmons, decepsed. 184. The first account. of Conmgl Dull and Jesse Dull, Execu’tors of John Du‘, dec’d. 185. Seémid account of Clemeuoe Stude baker and Jacob Harman, Executore of the last. will end testomcntlof Samuel Studo. baker, deceased. 7 ‘ ‘1865 The acacunt of Solomon Peter, Ade miniatrator of Mary Peter, deceased.’ 187. The account of Abraham Hart, Ad ministrator of John Hart, deceased. _ 188. Thefinnl‘account of Peter Fidier, Administrator of George Fidler. deceased. 189. The first and final account of Wm. B. Gardner, Esq" Administrator c. t. a. 0! David Johneton. deceased. _ ’ 190. First Icoountof Wm. Lenfipd Noah Miller, Administrator; of George Yeugy, deceased. . ' ' 19L 'libe accoant of George‘VV. Diehl ind Joseph Diehl, Ad‘ministratorqof the estate of Daniel Diehl. deceased, lath of Mount pleasant. township. ' 192. First and final account of Daniel. Trimmer, Administrator of George Heck. deceased. ‘ 193. The firat and flnakaccount of Pill! Smith, Administrator cube estate‘ofSnrah Foller, degassed, late of Mountplenmnz 1p; 194. First account of Wm. ILGlrdnet and John M. Gardner. Administrators of Dnniel Gardner, deceased. . , ‘ 195. The third account of Hannah F: Neely. Execntrixlol' the last will and test» ment of John Neply, late of Tyronevtown ship. de used. 196. 'lefie Guardianship neeour’ 01" D. McConaughy, Guardian of Ste art‘u M.‘ Neely, a minor son of John Neely. (lao'd. 5 - 2C ‘ 197. Second account of James H. Mia:- ‘ shall and James Max-shall, Administrator. of Thomas A. Marshall, deceased. . 198. The first and final account of Daniel Hedges, Adminlstrntor ol thoeslate of Dan iel Newman, late of Franklin townshifpdec. 199. The third and final account o How Moses McClenn nnd Josiah Banner, Ad~ mlnislmcon wilhllhe will‘m’noxed of Join Bear, deceased. ‘ . 200. The first account of Joel B. Dunner and Charles B.‘ Polly, Executor: of the but will and testament. of Dmiel Polly, dm'd. 201. The second and final account of Jeremiah 019111 and John Henry Myers. Administralom of tho estate of Andrew Bron h, Sr.. deceased. ‘ ' 202?. First. amount of Ephraim Grolf, Ad ministrator cum testamento annexe“ of George Groll‘. decenséd. 10- 30 6-20 203. The first and final account 9! An drew K. Denrdorfl', Guardian of migor chil dren of Henry Lu‘Nlckey, decfd. , . SAMUEL LILLY, Begin". Regina-’3 Oflce, Gettylburg, } April 24‘ 1865. mi Great Attraction 'l' PRINKERHOFF‘S CHEAP CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, It the North ‘ut Corn» of tho Diunond. The whim." in countnntly in receipt of fresh good: {tom 13! Eutern emu. Hi: nook of . READY-HAD}! CLOTHING in one of the large". and moot attuctira, a well u the cheapo“ elmbliulunent of the kind in the country. You will ‘here find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made 11;; in the man fuhionable Icy-1.31:6 of the best mat-rials, of 11l lizas Ind rice-s, for men und boys»- Gentlemen’s lurn‘ing goal; of every “Wm"; lion, WOOL Shirts, Muslin Shim, Hickory Shim and Merino Shins, Merino, Wool and Cotton Dnmen, Hasneryot‘nvory deecngflun ‘Buckakin, Merino and. Comm Gloves, and: kerchieh. Noemi", Crnvnu, Linen and P?!" Callus, Ham, Cups, Boots and Shun. I;- ‘ brellu, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bum, Clothes and Shoo Brushes, Hair and Tooth Bruqhe‘a, Shoe mucking, Pocket. and preuing Combl. Ivory Combl, Watchel,Clocn and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin 3mm, Soap: and Perfumeries, Smtionory of 311 kinds, Pocket Knives, Smokingand Chewing Tob-c~ co, Plpu, an extrntqulily of Segln. Ifl'fllcl, his neck embrace: everything usually found in I first olnu furnishing storé. I invite slm attention Mall to come: and see for thedpelrea, an I In: determinql to sell goods lower than any othelfiublilhmemh the country. Don’: forget the place. ’Coruer of York nueonué the Dlnmond. JACOB BRINKERH'UFE‘. H _ July 4, 1884. , .. 4, P YOU smvs‘voynsm Ya}: win .new hilt the labor ()one it you buy one of I 119”; nperior Razors {or sale by Row J; WOOINL‘ « o to Dr. R. Harman's Drug sum ...-3:54 In: MEDICAIQD. OOUGH omg. , amas' Dams rnmuwasi‘ti" «an, L titty. It 1 ‘ 0!?“ L. SOHICK bu just received 0. hi .5! . tho-p Looking Gin-sol. f a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers