W- Wig 0171: FLAG! H. I. STABLE. RDITQE AND PROPRIITDB GETTYBBURG, PA HONDA? MORNING, MAY, 22, 1865. v THE ABSASSINATION Trims. The court which is trying the nsmnsinsin Washington hm; gnnqcntgd to nllpg its pro.- readings to be made public. Qn Saturday week reporters ol_the press were admitted, and the testimony of the witnesses was made public. Two member-g pt‘tfie‘Court objected tothe admission of Reyerdy John aon 9: I:o9an {or Mn. Surrntti, because he declared “to and: given last fall to voters «upon the adoption of tho newlhiurylngd {lonstitution to be null and vo‘ni. .The ob jvction was finally “_‘ithdrnwn and Mr; Johnson was admitted. The testimony is yer-y yolngninous-so much so as to prevent pg flog: giéing a report of it.~~ The following is n- copy of the charge npinnt David E. Unrrold. George A. Atze to“, Lewis Payne, Michael U'Laughlin, John H. Surratl. Edward Spnnglor, Samuel Amqld. Mary E. Surratt nut! Samuel A ithyld: For malicidusly. unlawfully and traitor ously,‘ and in aitblehe exiatin‘g nnngd re bellion against the UnitodfilnhmolAm‘m-im,‘ on or her-OLB the oth day oanrch. A. D. a pom inimz, confodomting and con p firing loxnthor with one John H. Sun-alt, cthn Wilkes Booth, Joflvrson avis. GOUI‘L’G N Sanders. vaerly'l‘ucker; ahob’l‘homp. no , William C. Cleuvry, Clement G. Clay; :3 rge Huger, George Young. and other: u known. within the Military Departmen p l Wuhington. and ivithin the fortified‘ and iptregched lines thereof, to kill and murder A nii’am Lincoln, into. and at that time‘ot‘ the combining, cqnlmlernting gust popapiring, yrpsidenbol the United States ‘ pf America and Commandvr-in-Chiefol the l Army and Navy thereof; Andrew Johnson, ‘ new President of the United States alone: . paid; Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of Staté ol the United States aforesaid, and Ulysses fit grant. Lieutenant General of the Army ‘ ~ a United States ntormaill, then in i cord olthe nrmiesol‘the United Suites, . gt! r the direction of the'bnidJlrrn‘llnm‘ inpgln, and in pursuance at and in prose cutiag said maliciouq, unlawful und'tmitor-l Due conspimfy atoresaid, my! in air! (ii Enid l rebellion. n terwnrqs, to wit: on the 1401'. day oprrii, A. D. f" a high!) Militia-g r t- :. r. ent of Washington nioresnid,l and within the fortified _nnd intrenched ltnerofsaid military department, together! with thesnid John Wilkes Baoth nnd John I 11. Surmlt. maliciously, unlawfully and.l traitorously murdering the said Abraham, fmcoln, then President of the United .‘tataa and Communder-in~Chief.of the Ar-i my and Navy of the United States, as] aforesaid. and maliciously. unlawtully. and) traitoroqsly assaulmm. with intent to kill' and murder. the said Wm. H. SewnrJ. glen! Secretary of State of the Unithg States as aforesaid; and lying in wait, with intent! Enticiously, unluwlully‘nnd traitorously to I ill and murder thé Sfllll Amhew Johnson,‘ then being Vico President. of the Unitgd ,itntes, and the said Ulysses S. Grant, then‘ being Lieutenant General, undin éornmnud' ptihhe arming of the United Suites as attorn— 1m . WThe sudden nienner in which the re hellion collapsed alter the fall of Richmond mu asingulu ptoof of the correctneias oi McClellnn’s judgment. ~lle wrote Ikm Harrison’s Landing to General llallcck, in response to the order cogimagding him to withdraw his army; as follows z. _ “Here directly in from of this army is the heart of‘the rebellion; it is here that gill on; ypsourc‘es should be'collecied to ytrike the blow which shall determine the fate of the nation. All points of seéondary gmportance elsewhere should be abandoned, and eyery available man. brought here—n .deoided vicbory here, and the strength 0! the rebellion is crushed—fit matters not what partial reverses we may meet with .cleewhere. Here’ is the defense of Watch ingtou. It is here, 9n the banks of the Jumee, .that the (Meet the Union‘ should. he ded-464:" . ”Governor Cpl-tin has made arrange” meme that whenever a Pennsylvania sch glier is killed or dies of disease while in the; service, transportation is furnished for one person from his home to the place vyheré’ ghe remains of the soldier may be, and aim for both the person who goes for the 1 body 9! the deceased and managing back {,O his home. The transporintion infam fished by Colonel 11. 13. Eng. Chief of? 'lranspormfionfiaz Harrisburg. In appiy ing for transportation the name of the «191 sensed soldier, his rank. company, regi~ meat. dye of death and the name of the] friend going for his remains, shppldrlpe siren: ° \ ‘ ”The order. for mastering our the rennsylnnia troopsfahortly to nniye in the State, has been fixea as follows : Those or-I ganizad in the eastern portion of the State, will bepnjd ngd mustered out at Bhiladelv phia; those organized in the pentre, at Harrisburg, and those organised in the matey; portion of the Sam at Eitlsburg. ”It in Departed that, Gang-31 Wright}: Sixth corps will march n‘orth from Danvillo‘, ¥irginiarns soon as orde'r is restored ip ’hu neighborhood. General Wright has ’ppginwd‘a number of local magislrfites anii'is agdpayqring to rdspogg Ql6 civil an; @075”: _______‘ l _.__L. , fl-An important. order w'ns issued from phe Wu- Depnrtment. on Wednesday. an paunning that [After the 1:! 6f next month all prions who may be found in; arms against yhe'Unimd S'tes, or commit. ac‘ls PE hostility gg'gjgg; it, sag! 9f the {iissis‘sipyi W". 1111 he regards! ‘as guerjlhas, and ingu §ahed with death. Commanding‘nflicers of pho pniwd Staten (woes, wiphip she limits flmmyo been _espgcinlly‘imtmcud PO Wipfiy €979!“ flqd egecqte 1110 order. ‘3l: djificully has occurped between .mnflafleck and Sherman. It‘wu 9mm ~linilleck’s orders to Sherman’s “Midge. a; the tiqq the first. true ‘with Johmwninadisappgpved: Shaman h" mitten 3 letter Lo Halleck saying thus m 3923113011136 between thin: man seas? Fewer»! .Shermnfiii mud. m M to m!. fliehmond so 192' ; M boa}, ia ommfif, bg. Wiuwon Hm, , act 0! Lb: mfit‘iifidwlwd {*“P‘PWF”? 95.“! mm WWW M.) .1915 item. ‘ ‘_‘ knm STAB 0’ INC. A ch3s? for the better in ‘. loci-i point ’ol‘view. In)" the Lancaster Intelligeneer, in rapidly tilting place in the community; since the termination of the m. Howl and then. to be sure, come bolt-wind crea-I ture in pant-loom, or silly women, in metl I with who denounce! his 6; her Democratic; "“5“"! "I"ooPP9fheldi” and “traitors i” l but these ones only form exception; to the' general rule, and are scarcely worth new} ’cing. The great mass of the Republican or Abolition party Ippear to have g‘mwn' lnehnmed oftheir own conduct in thli par-i ticulnr during the lust four years. and «6‘ now disposed to treat their Democratic neighbors as men Ind u brethren. Mere difl'erepcgs of Opinion in politiul matters, or inneierence to the policy of the Govern menglshonld not have been permitted to ‘eetran‘ge neighbors; nor ’did it ever have} ‘that. effect upon Den'zocrnts. Freedom of l gpeech and of the pren. end the moet‘ ’eearching and unlimited 'ecrutiny into all ‘ the ‘pnhlin not» of cor mien, has always 'beenfiield‘ns a cardinal “doctrine in'the‘, ,ipemo'crntic cued. If an Administration lfitright, full nhd free diséonsion will . . I 'go to strengthen its hold upon the able; if wrong. then it becomes neoesatzzto cor.‘ irect it hi the force of popular Op' ion, and l‘the only guy that is to be donfi by public: speaking and through the press. 'No good! ’hnuse ever 'suffered by the moat aenrch'in egrutiny. and wheneVer a. political party is afraid or unwilling to have its act: investi ‘ gated,-thg presumption" ine‘vitnbly _foll6ws* if: those not: are wrong in themselves ‘n'ng will not best the test of a rigid exam i tion. _ 11m the Mr is now over. and the muse: are beginning to look nt thingl calmly and iiispmionniolf. The mod pnuionrwhieh l were ex'cited in the midst ff e'very commu tnity, and which threaten d at. times the [finest deplorable consequences, are rapidly hueihg nllnyed by sober reflection. Demo 'crats and Republican, Conservatives and ’ Abolitionists. are again 'mingling imi‘rtend .ly intercourse, and it will not be long, we ;hqpe, until all personal and inmil§ es-I; ‘ irnngementg nte’bhliterated, and we shall‘! ‘_(zgnin be'one people. learning to fraternizei lsoeinlly, if we must bmdividedvin political feeling aneentim’tznt. . 1 AMNESTY TO ALL. The New York Daily Ncws, in an article several weeks ago, repeated once or twice since. without contradiction, declared that its editor Was‘perSOnally aware of the com tenet; of the proclamation intended to be issued by~ Mr. Lin‘coln to the Southtern people,'and that it provided for amnesty to all, without regard to the position they may have ocofipied in the .rehellion. It says further, that “the return of the States of the Southjo the Union was the only‘con ditioa be attached to his proclamation of ‘ the fullest amnesty. His own bublio de« clarntions, whether on-the subject of ‘con fiscatiogi or emancipation, he declined ‘to withdraw formally, but exmesscd his per "pect readiness to accept them. subject to the award bt‘ the Supreme Court." The nunuio‘cmirin thinks “it is I.”er possible that the agreement made by‘Gen. Sherman with the rebel authorities, will turn out to be very closely in confdrmity with the views he heard expressed by the late President at the City‘iPuint meeting. ‘ it will be noticed tltnt,.nccording to a tele- l graphic fiispntch,shermn% based the article of. his'memomndum respecting the ye‘qel State Legislatures on the, action authorized l by 111. Lincoln with regard in the L'egigla; tyre of Virginia.” ‘ ‘ l THE CONDITION OF THE SOUTH. In the four years of war the South has lostall that she hoped to gain 331 the rebel ‘ lion,nnd more‘than one-halfher able-bodied men. A letter of the correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette at Raleigh, North Caro lina, furnishes some startling facts bearing upon this point. The official records of that State show that North Carolina lost an the field' and m hospital dining the war fifty thousand men. 'lntelligcnt Southern men at Baleigh'estimste the total loss of the States in rgtieuioxi.‘ by death, in field and hospital, at three hundred and fifty thousand, ' d it is further estimated that ,there are :Et new oyer'two hundred and filly thousttl d able-bodied white men nliye within the limits of the so-called Confed eracy. In addition to the losses by w‘ar, large numbers fled from the saw. to avoid bemiecution or conscription. who will never return. The destitution and sufi‘ering that prevail in almost every quarter are beyond the power of description. Thousands who a few weeks ago considered themselves in good circumstances, have, by the sudden‘ revolution ofl the wheel of fortune, found all their Confederate money become an ‘ Worthless as so much dim ind their fami- 1 lies and themselves reduced to beggar-y. 1 ‘ 78-h: a recent nddreu us ndclegntion from Illinois, President Johnson declared that he hnd no pledge: to make a! to his future policy, Ind relerred them to his past. record for the principles which will govern him hereafter. Nearly every day he is harmed by committees sent‘ on to Wash ington by the radical: to teach him his duty. ‘ Thus far‘they have received the cold ghoula tier. What a grand opportunity he has presented to him to make for himself a name thatlwill go do‘wn in postirity the brightest on the pages of our country's his tory. Byf'tejaqting ihe mad teachings of New Enfilend fanaticism, taking counsel from the icpnservative eiement of the BB: tion, looking to the Constitution farhis guide, and by carrying out in hismdminis- i (ration of the government the principles he has so enen declared to be nearest: his ‘heart, he will gather around him a bulwark 1 of strength such an no Chiel'Magistrnte has been nbleflto command since the days of Jackson. 7 l flaunt; and Punithhxe-pu.—Joseph How ard. the individual who fotged the draft. proclamation in 1864 and for the innocent finbliution of which the World and Journal g’ anrhgrce oflices yen-e seized by the xixili~ my authoripié and their issues temporarh 1y suspended, has been Appointed ofiicinl reporter at General 'Dxx’s headquartersl~ Compept is yngepeuuy. _ 4 fiSeae‘tnty Stanton announces, in an aflicinl bulletin. that the gxnnd ”view 9! she armies my .5619!)th Wu!» W , Jill his}: laps ‘heye lo—mqrpxufl 27mm P ‘ .., ‘n'l'a‘egdn “satin or!!! ”flag demos g; Baum ’ " ’ ”it ' THB‘ BEGINNING :0!- TAXATION. The State tnx for the you 1865 is three mills on the dollar. 'Besides real“ gate“. the following objacta end thing: are male especially tumble for State tun: Yearly income or emoluments oi ofioo above 3200, two per cent; sages, bugs mother vehicles kept for hire, three mills; piogml'o ”flin- l get, one per cent. Gold wutchu ere tued 1 $l, and silver watches seventy-five to finnl conu- Aoonrding to value. When we add to this the various local and abecial taxes made necessary by appro. printions for bounties and objects connected with the wnr‘ which in moat localities with fully equal the regular State tax. and then auperudd the enormous amount levied and to be collected by the Federal Government, ‘ ‘ the people will realize the amount they are called upon topey, in order that they may i live in a “regenerated Ind diaeuthmlled” ‘ country. Pay day in coming soon, and how i to meet it; and when; to find the néedful amount‘of cushmill be questions an import mtu they e difficult. To suppoeo that [ these oner-us taxes can be paid by the la boring unv producing him without pri . vetion a” d sutfering is absurd. The im . : so -üblio debt in dentinedto be held by l the few, and the intetent on it to be paid them by the many". To preset“ our pen. 1 pie from the same evils that afflict the tax ‘ridden inhabitants of other lands. will be [ indeed a diflicult tuk.- rm Guam. ‘r _———«lov—-———— A 77711er Verdict—Tho New York Ez preu invites the attention of the friemfi and admirers 'W‘Mob Law" to a: verdict rendered by ”:1 Easter) jury in the Supreme Court, nix-32,400 in favor oTaAMr. Mien, who. on some frivolous. trumped up charge of "disloyalty,” had been thrown in jail there, during the earlier stages of the we}, whenxnccusations were but too often ac cepted as proof of guilt. 'l‘lris verdict Comes at s v'cry opportune moment. It will give s certain class of noisy people who seem to think that “patriotism” con sists in clubbing and stoning individuals whose opinions are not cast precisely in the mould with their own—to understand that if they indulge in that sort of pastime, they imu~t expect, sooner or later, to pay for it in exemplary damages. Justice, in such cases, seems to be slow, sometimes—but it. is sure, Thirty-two thousand four hundred doitsi-s'is a pretty big verdict. and et we have an idea that, if all the false anti’éruel imprisonments. resulting from malicious and unfounded allegations of “disloyaity,” are to have pecunimy indemnity now. it would take as much money as Jeff. Davis is reported to have carried” 03' with him, from Rich mbnd, to satisfy the claim. How ever, it is :1 good thing to know that a set tlement at last is beginning, and that the scene of that. beginning is a legal tribunal of Massachusetts“ . ii» ——_————o o o———-——— ‘ \ A Distric‘l Allorney w/zo Performed Hi: Duty. -‘-A Philadelphia correspondent of the New York World, writing upon the late ri otous demonstration in the former city, in which the mallow-breakers were: allowed to go free and those they had assailed were placed under bonds, says: . ‘ “Emboliiened by the success of this ille— gal violence against. the Ingersolls. a few of the over-loyal and turbulent spirits of Ger mnntown called a. meeting Without affixing: any signature to their call, with a View of ridding the neighhorhpod of some alieged symputliizers with secession. The meeting, _hpweyer, was convened on Tuesday night; novhction being immediately taken, Mr. W. B. Mann. the District Attorney, took the floor and told the tew persons that they were conspiring at a breach of the peace: in plain words he inlormed them that if they proceeded nny‘turther in this info mous and disorderly business he would see that they were properly punished by im prisonment for it. This is the more note worthy as Mr., Mann is a strong Republi can, and very borreptly reasoned thut the riotcrs were too cowardly to let their ‘ names be known in this business. This oo tion bodes well for the peace of the city, as it is high time. the citizen laggwuld have the protection of the law, no , tter what may be his sentiments on any subject." 1 fi’l‘he N. Y. Eveniny Past censures the Administration for not dispensing with “milital y tribunnls and commissions aloag with the other agencies of a state of war." It. says. in referenceé to the proceedings against those accused of complicity in the aésassinulion of Mr. Lincoln; A "We do not knew b¥ what authority a military tribunal is pre erred to a civil, but we are free to say thgt, windtever the authority, it will be more satisfactory to the public, more consonant with the demapds of justice. more in accordance with the spirit. ,of our institutions, to have these felons tried in the regular way. In times of actual war, mnrlial courts areoften absolutely in dispensable, but in time of pedoe, the old, genre‘sited, time-honored proceQure in the cat. The Post is an Administration paper. @Judge Brady, of the Court, of Com mon Pleas of: New York city, decided, on Monday, that the gait brought. against B. F. Butler, by Samuel Smith, lbe banker of New Orleans, for the sum “$50,000 in gold, stolen from him by Butler, or if noLstolan in the legalaéceptation of the term, taken unlawfully and by force, should be tried in that city. He allowed Butler twenty days to put. in his answer, otherwise judgment to go for plaintiff. We are anxious lanes waut anywer the Bean will make. ' . 860 v. Aiken, of South Caroline, the Tribune”: correspondent says, was closeted on Thursday morning? with President Johnson. He had a long interv'iew with Searetary Sunum, be: the freedom of the city, and enjoy: the society 0! members of his family, who are on with him; from all 'ngllich it is argued that. he is here in aid 4: (“Savannah rather than to receive its discipline. _ ' ' fiTbe Lancaster Intelligenm- says with truth of the Philadelphia Age'a report of war neWS.-tbat it “has attracted the attenu tion of the whole country froni day to day. It has been read with marked interest by men of all parties. and has been singularly abcurnto and correct throughout. ’ The writer of them hns reason to plume himself not I; little on the Ability displayed by him in their preparation." fi-Now that the rebellion is substan tially suppressed, the Bufl'alo Courier went: to know [hid excuse there can be for eon tirming the odious system of kit! of ofl'encel by court! martial? ‘ ;, fifl’he Richmond Whig gays when our troops from Sherman’s army, 61: their match chi-egg}; glut city, paused Gen. Lee’s resi denég,lhose who were mm of the fact ‘fibheemd lpstfly." 3"“!!! Cabinet on Wetlands, had nn__~ der «animation an Ingest, pyoclunuion, but. in Log'gu My; gotyet bpep nude public. ‘ #3l:. 99:) Hrs. Bunny, minus, it is tuned. hue realized flogggpigg A Bed: .009 of sevenmoyflax- ‘ ' Job 8: 60am. fi‘FEE BILLS for Consume: “Illum cu of the Pace—n fixadgb] a» hat Loci-k -me—fvr nlo unto Colman office. “01-pint! Conn WIIOH'OW. DEBTIUCTiV’E' FLOOD. The heavy ruins of Print; Ind Sntutdny Int nixed the streams in thiawonmy to un precedented height: on Snturdny night.— Marsh creek was three feu light than ever before known. The damage to fencing, field], roads, in, is immense. The pouring rain of 133% evening mused In other flood, alto producing much destruction. We shall endeuor to gather pnflculnn for our next. ”We call attention to 'be Idvetlilement or A. H. Rowen & 00., who Into 3 [age u sortmem of fuhiqmble npd ninthle impomd Jewelry, the whole of which on account ofthe fall in goid will be «ii-pom! 01 on n novel principle, giving great. inducements to bnyen, and ofi‘gring extensive employment to menu. For in“ partied-rs see our edverusing column. fi'A man my go Ilong wflhont ndvenil ing, and lo may I wagon without grating, bpt it goes mighty hard. There in nothing like’printer’a iukm lubricate the wheels of business. and than who neglect Ea avail them selves of its advantages lose the golden op portunity which {I gained by their more wido nwnke competitors. . ’ [S‘The Democratic Committee of Franklin county met in Chamberaburg,bn the am nlt., and eppointcd B. Y. Hampsher Beuetonel and Col. 1. B. Orr Represenmlve Delegetee to the next Democratic Sm: Convention, which in to assemble at Harrisburg on the 21“ ofJune. fiThe annual report of the Hanover Branch Railroad, for the pan year, has been publilhed. Tho groan earnings were $41,- 626 38, and the working oxpensel, (including the renewal of iron and cross-tion and the maintenance of motive power, to.) have been $85,275 53, leaving a balance of $6,278 85, which has been npplied to the purchase of first mortgage bonds on the Littlestown railroad. THE ODD FELLOWS.-On tomorrow night a week, (May 30th,) the Odd Fellows belong ing to Getty: Lodge will meet for the first time in their new Hall. A cordial inriiutio‘n in ex tended to the memtere of the Order through out the county to ho pre‘sent on that occasion. Members of sister Lodges everywhere will meet with a hearty welcome. It will be quite an em in the history of Odd Fellowship in thin town, and it is proposed to have a lociai re union on that night. The Hall is on the second floor of’Coi. Bnehler’s Building. It is very commodiooé‘, end has been fitted up in splendid style for the permanent use of the Order. ' THE NEW THREE CENT PlECES.——'l:he§e new coins hare made their appearance, and the Age «skin-Irony be commended for their beauty. They are manufactured of nickel and ‘ capper, in such proportions that they are wor rantod not to tarnish. The new coitl is it 'mgtnifest improvement upon its smaller pro ltotype. Being the size ofa silver dime, it .benrs on one side the head of the Goddess of 'Liherty, surrounded by ‘the words “United l Suites of America, 1865." On the reverse side, the numerals “Ill," enclosed in n Wrenlh. Altogether it is a neat coln, but when silver comes to,be circuluted again, it is likely to create some confusion, unless the authorities change the size and style of the dimes. The not of .\lnrch 3, 1864, authorizing its issue, mnlres the piece a legnl tender for nli sums not exceeding sixty cents, and prohibits the further issue of three cent fractional currency. WThe Baltimore Sun, of Monday,- notices the deceose f a. well-known citizen: Mr. Jacob WhlterfJ died at his residence, in this city, on Friday last. The deceased was born in Adams county, Pa, in 1784,cnme to Balti more ten years later, and at the time of his death was in his Blst year. In early life he connected himself with the watch and jewelry business, which he only relinquished n‘tew years since,in consequence of declining. health. ‘ When Baltimore was menoeed by a foreign foe, in 1314, Mr. Walter shouldered his musket I and marched forth with his feliomcitizens in ‘ her defence. His identification with the music I of the Catholic Church choirs, which is so universally known, commenced at the old St. Peter’s Church, on Suratogn street, where ‘ Calvart Hell now stands, prior to the build ing of‘the Cathedral. The first music or the 1 letter choir he aided much in producing. llr. Walter’s book of collection of Cotholicehnrch music, published many years since, cbmmonly known as “Walter’s Book," has been and is still 'used in nearly every Csth olic choiriin the United States. ' S'The trial of Thomas South for the kill ing of John Bum, in Hagcrslown, on the 7th of February lash—an account. of which we published at the time—hit: resulletf in the con viction of South, of murder in the second de- ‘ gm. He has been sentenced to confineme m. in the penitentiuj {or a period of seven years: Intern ton Hu‘nnnp-The grand jury of Oanbllcounty, Mi; have indicted Henry H. Wunpler, Wu. 11.13011, John Blku, Jesse Murray and Peter Binary, citizens of Welt» mint-er, for the Lllege killing olJoup h Shpw, the dim: and proprietor of chq Westminater bemocnt. They have :1! given blil to await trial. , The murder was instigated by I lelf-con stunted Vigiluce Committee, _and Wu 3: dia bolical and cold blooded an outrage nu ma. ever perpetnud, and fl is to he hoped for the future peace and secflrity of Carroll county, that the guilty plrties may receive the moat condign punishment. Tan Rosana! or en! Wrsrnusnn Benni- The late robbery ofthe Westminster Book, and the partioi burning of the horn of Mr. John o.‘ Frizzeli, the csshier, have already been no ticed. Detectives Francis W. Grey and John W. Smith, of this city, as soon as the robbery became known, proceeded to Westminsterror the purpose of investigating the matter. From certain circumstances connected with the sf fair, the oflicers arrested Mr. Frizzeli, and on examination took place before Justice Mitten, who concluded to dismiss the case, but on the witnesses going before the grand jury of Carroll county, thet body found two indictments Igtinst the accused, one for the elleged rob bery of the bunk, and the other for setting fire to his own horn. On Someday Mr. Fritzeii gave bail to answer the Inst indictment, hnvg ing on the previous day given security to eweit trial on the first charge—Ball. Sun of Monday. Inn!“ Blvn‘ux Dmsxom—Tho Commis ; lioner of Intamal [theme has decided than 'reeelpt for the payment of a debt due, as such, {in subjem to than: duty. Nor does it nuke «my diferenu whether m pnrchuer pay: tho idgm in cm: or given hil‘now, check, dnn or Eoghoryile. It the dub: pnid exam]: fie, tho receipt in subj'ecuo ”imp duty. gains}. copiep o! me now, may yifiontmppep, {we ugly. A ‘ ' NEWS ”“8. The Democracy 0! Cumberland county in" hummer! their delegate; to the S: m Comer den ‘0 support Abraham Lumbarwn, Exq., of that. county, for Surveyor General. The zovernmeui purchases of coll in New York cu: hue been reduced from ten thous ud $011: A day to nine thouslnd tons 3 week. It is asserted am out of ne'enhundred‘rob ~ 6 officer: in dumnce st For: Eelsvnro all Inn uken the oath of Alkgiuco except thir teen. ‘ A convention is to be held it Vickohnrg on June 5, lo inaugurate the restoration of fine State Government in Mlsniuippl. The Jewish Record object: to the letting apart of the 1!! day of June In a any of prayer end humilintion. an it is one of the festival dnys of the Hebrew. ‘ . ‘The Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania ire About were-5:1 an Orpbnns' Home and Agrlcnlznral School. ‘ . _ The rebel Governor Yonce, oi Noni: Caro lina, in llid w hue been (treated on the 12th hm.l by Gen. Kilpntrick’o cushy, and will be sent to Wuhiugton {or trial. _ The Adjutant General has been directed by the Wu- Depmmem. to commence mastering out ofnervice ail generol,fleld and staff officers who are no long‘r needed. , ‘ A detachment of Union cavalry is reported to be in pursuit ofGorer'uor Mognlh, ot South Carolina. The reh‘l Garner-l Joe John-ton is at Chnrlone, North Coroiinn. John Brown’s wife and yomfizer children are residing in California, [and a movement baa been inaugurated to purchase them nfamiiy homestead. , , Gregg, the St. Albansi raider, has had a bear lng before the court in Montreal. Ho Ina dis charged upon the "Alumni. ohms connlel, that. 'the Wuhlngton government bud not made a demand for his extradition. , Labour: in Washington are plenty at $1 a day. ‘ Beef cattle, for which the holder: upected to get 17 cents a. pound M Bosh“ the Week be fore, sold last week at. M‘centa. ' ~ Montgomery Blair, fonnnrly Postmaster Gen eral, is now pnclicing law in St. Louis. , Two rnscnls in Burlington county, New Jer ley, have been collecting subscriptions for a monument to President. Lincoln, and pocket. lng the money. . The Wilkesbnrre Times states that nearly all the mines in the v illey are idle. The 0})- erntors have given notice ct n. reduction ofwn gen, to which the men will not submit, conse quently the strike. ~ . Dr. Sharp, of St. Louis, 1m been appointed Postmaster at Richmond. . . The Sheriff of Snyder county advertises for sale the property ot'lhe “Susquehanna Female Golfege,” situated in Selingsgrove. A series of defensive works for the protec— tion of Montreal and othe‘r Cauud'mn allies is to be constructed. ‘ , The reports of 1!): caphure of Monterey any! Snllillo by the Mexican Libemls has been con firmed.‘ Several of Murimilian’a governors hsve declared against him. A colonization so ciety for Mexico has been organized at Si. Louis. _ 1281: order has been Issued by Gen. Wright, at Dnnvilln, Yam, requiring the negroos to re main on lltelfiplnnmtious He lma also \vnrn ed paroled Confederates and ’guerrillns that it they commit depredutions they will be hanged. A letter has been written by Jacob Thomp son denying all knowledge o£ Booth’a conspi— racy, and lamenting Mr. Lincoln’s death. ' ‘ There is a report. that Senator R. M. 'l'. Hun. ter, ol Vlrginiu, has been arrested at his home. A young lad}, in Indiana, is charged with putting: on airs because she refused to go to a bull barefoottd.‘ ' In the Bollxind colony, in Kent county, Michigan, 9. diamrded lov~r prosecuted his girl for breach of promise, but subsequently compromised the matter on her agreeing to do his washing for one ur_|wp years. . A general dischnrge is to be mgde of an con~ valescent soldiers in the Richmond hospitals. This does not include veterans or men'belong ing to Hancock‘s corps. IMEI ANDY Jonxsox sns Tun Din‘r MUST BE PAID. —‘We hear that Andy Johnson, who wus horn pounund raised poor, and is yet of the people in his proiierty and expectations. has given the order for Rlvtrenvlnnent and Econouxv, and declared Him, the Nation must go right it) “mix to [my its Debt. Good! The National‘DL-bt has lleeu’ciphercd up, and the sum 15 a big oun,~hut the Amexicnn peo ple ism big one too. On .the lot oi July next our Debuviil ffloldlp in round ,nurnhnrs Three Thousand Millions. We can pay it without szmiu, without oppression. We can [my “(and add to our wealth. But: we have gntto prur tice economy, 'pnhiic and primtv. We have particularly to apply economy and watchful— neu to the Legislnlion of Congrea=, and to the administration of the anarlinents and Bu rraus in Washington. The expenses of the Government who“ he showed bark rapidly and in good faith toward the old pence footing of 1860. We may never again get quite _to shut, -—l>ut let us get as. near to no: we can. The ables: sculiw'ls in the service ofthe Trea sury Department. have been directed to meas ure the wealth arid resources of the ndlion,und to calculate when it will‘be possible for us to pay, and probable that. we will pay, that im mese debt of Three Thousand Millions. They hue reported that the‘ “bottom dollar" of it can be paid injuenly yearafrom 1870 l 1 Good again! Lek lbe‘wutchword of all poli tics be—Pu' on 11}: Human. Den-r! whining the rainy part of 1.153; week“ a fellow expressed himself {bus 2 I'd like to hire Mum: to étop . Each crevice in (he sky, Though min mny benefit. the crop, I'm not a grow-not I. S'There is a good time co’ming, boys, «ii! a little longer! A time when Ameli cnn citizens will be onpe more free and sub. ject. only to {he lawn of their own making. Ahl whatamkonihg there will be then with the thieves thathcvo fluened upon‘ the people’s treasure during this long' night of wu- and civil slavery l fi'l‘he Louisvine Journal thinks that in a mqpth Kentucky will be almo-t as peaceful in any of the States north of the Ohio river. ' fi-A few or the leading merchants and bankers.“ New Yoxk have ioined in par «abusing : splendid duriaga, with being and harness, for presentation to President Johnson. , ”Gen. Carrington, who lately ran tha Indiana bunch of the‘ "muchine," has swindled the government bathe nmount of $30,000 on wood contracts. . J us: what might have been. expected of the rascal.— It was this Can-ingwn who'tbrew so many Democrats into dungeons 1m fall. E‘A Washington telegram to the New York Tribune states that. an order from the War Department. was road to the troops au tioned at Fairfax, announcing that the names of all oneiyeer men Were to be re ported within ten days, to be returned 10 their State Capital: and mustered out 6! service. ‘ 16‘“ is reported thnt Jefi. Davis is to bé confined at Fortress Honroe until his trial at Washington. Auotherprrt says he will be up: w Fart Lafayette, New York. m Path-oat Slam—The New York News discredits this part of the Jeff. Davis cup— ture, and note: that Gen. Wilson does not lay it. but "pout that the "caplou [so] u port.” The editor incline: to think the awry is made u}: to make ridiculous tho £OllO ofthe Con edema chief. fifltnwberfia are Idling in Koggolk It 25 cents per mun.- fi'Q‘ver—lhe find my The Correependenee between Generals Bullock and Sherman. [F’ron the Nut York N‘! General Hallec‘k to General Sherman .- As you will be in Richmond in New do”. allow me to offer you the hospilnlitiea of my house here. when [shall be gratified to receive you and contribute to make your oojourn herevagreeahlr. General Sherman a General Hal/(ck: Your proffered hospitality in respectfully declined. I had' hoped to pass through Richmond without the pniniul necessity of meeting you. Your recent ndviwry de- Ipatch to the War Department in suflicieni explanation. . Gaunt! Ha'lecl‘ Io Gena-:11 Sherman: I regret youndeciining myinvitntinn. and the unfriendly spirit manifested in your Inote. If you knew the feeling in which you are held at the War Department in ref erence to your agreement with Johnston you would Ip’precinte the motive ofmy de apatch to which you refer. Permit me to assure you of my kind feeling toward you perhonally. and my high admiration for your service. 7 General Sherman to General Hallu‘k .- I think I underaland both the circum stances and the men sufficiently well to up figeciate the motives of-your despnleh.— th you and Mr. Shawn sent me warn ing to beware of assassins. I did not. then know that the anthem of the warning were themselves the assassins l hml to fear. A Spirit of Conciliation—Tin- Union voters of the first election district of Anne Anun‘ (18! county, Md, held a puhiic meeting on the 9th instant. and adopted the following prenmble and resolutions: ‘ Whereas we have noticed with deep re gret that in difi'erent counties of the State meetings have been held, passing resolu~l tions objecting to the return of paroled Confederate soldiers into their-midst; and whereas we ion): upon all such resolutions as in direct conflict with the intentions of the government of the United States and the terms agreed upon by, Gen. Grunt ,7 thoreiore, , 'L‘rsolved, That we,_ the Union men of the first election district 01 Anne Arnndelconn ty, deem it of the highest importance that, in this the tiny of our triumph. to cultivate fiolings of fraternity towards all, and that sell-interest, as we" as humanity. rrquire from us every exertion to. dibcnntinue iill harsh and bitter feelt‘n us towards those who have been brought Luck by the lion‘er'ol' the government into the Union. Resolwd, That any ultrn niensurns pm pnsed by us towards returned Conii-dernte soldiers in a direct intult towards the. gm" ernment,which husdecidcd upon it lenient. policy. ' . Resolved, That our opinion of om. Grant, {IS/B soldier, is only equaled hy tint of his magnaniuiity as :1 Victor. unl that. my can. not bet-ter prove our rewoct tor him than by imitating his example. l limo/val. That, we will vultivnle a kind . feeling towards {lll tho-n- tlmt. tln- gun-etu ment. may hermit ll) come numng m, nnrl‘, ‘ "7'" . ‘ itlmt. we sirlcérely hope, by the .pnwel of ' TO DIE l“ A BA!) CALSP. God, that. we may mam“, ““9 people “13““ u those who lull In the n-lu-l ranks umlnuld. in inter-eat. and leeling. and we cordially “43'4“. i? rWli-‘h- But on the (thur hind] invoke the co-nporzitinn 0t t-vmy cit zn-n ul'l . DYI~2ING Fo]! A GOOD CAU>E .. the district in this etl'urt ol'mnciliutron.’ in; ”.090 “ho are wish andanmleut enough In. ——~ ~—— - ‘oplb » A ~ ' ~ ' @Tlte Boston Rostvm'v justly nlt-tfl‘vpi; l rp'mt‘dj‘yl‘llt‘ deft-(d'BIOI nnture trill. quny ”fink :1: pobr at ,m. "i,“mn" "s! , . Llllllb l About) : ll.\lll In K, we please; we may thbPl-‘e the mlwli as mum-e don”: 9‘”? d“3~ 1“ "“0 Cil)’ or ”I“ "- ligiously as gnodavnw will [wrmitz hut the ninn, is eluhxntlmrvinWorthy. ’l‘l is pt‘uuu c‘onsule‘rato mun cnn "NW" '9'!” ”1‘" ”W tnl revulutiun is going on throughout ‘tho 2:32:43 tillllltllixldlll23;sl:lan(rzflflfgrrl'32:; \\ hole lnml,~t\nd thus llt‘lllll’lllltl lmrunnysup— our com'ilrymon. “y‘, .Almll wrw- ntll'Ft-lvos plum. homelinuss m«l iltt'm guilty. .\luhul’:u-. by serving them. wP gm” build up m“. mml hi J. Cllls'l‘Ahuyltufiofi .\amrllouw, own interests lry su~taining :m-l oncom- .\tfw York. Salli hy Urugglsls. Apt-lied by aging their intm-e-ts. In the Pxercise nf‘, all ll.iir Dressers. [May a. In: the utmnst passihle lvuit-ncy our gnvern-f mom. will of noce-sity. trench sqmmvhut‘ upon the strict mmtitulinnul'immunitiml ol‘the Southern Sle; the SlUlly should be In do so Mlitt e instead Olin much :is‘ possible. The lé’zltllng t-nii~i(lvr:lti¢‘n is to restore the late whellinus Staten as ousily i and as quickly n 5 pnsxible to their tinrmnl 1 practical relations In thr- Fab-ml (luvs-rh mmtt. We mun lnke 10l- gillnlt'll that the Smith will hate us until we tlt‘ntntt-‘llztlt‘ to them hy gunfirouu conduct. and Ill“ rul tur hear. nco that we Are (10-lPrmined it; be‘ thvir friends, whether they will have it so or not. The moral relation of a frmmnnl lurtttlmr homl is yet. to he Ffitfllrllsllf‘tl; it. mu~t he the Work of time, and the rmult of hollow:- lule and inst. troutmer‘t. We'bnmmt lurt‘B the open-diam of nature. The human lwhrl. may be cmrxml. it cahnol be driven'. We shall make the iii-Nt snrimn mislnko in the would, by apt-fig the vwgl-nm- of El:- ropmn dospntisnw. Worm- nm. 0! them‘in sentiment. m- prmciplo. This world t-xpwcts something hptlér of tha Unite-l Staten in the hour ol its triumph than nrktan imita tion at the recent fiendish Fevrrtly of Rus sia towards Poland ' WThe information brought to Havana by the'pnangers of the hint‘k’ldt' runncn ? from Galveston. concerning matters in {he . mbcl General Kirby Smith’s (lepurtmentgg west of the Mmissippi, was to Iho efi'vct' that the rebel lea IPrS in Texas nn'i \VP.“~ tprn Louisiium )ere slili proclaiming. by public meetings and adiiressec, their de~ termination to pontinue the war, nuiwillhi “finding the failure ol their came east oi“ the Mi<sis~iippi. Gem-ml Magi-min tundei a speech an the 24th 11”.. in which he nn nouuoed that. he cauld see nothing dis couraging for the' rebels in the military situation, and hinted that thy hml "a neighbor near gt hmxrl,” regarding whom he did “not feel at liberty to say anythingn further” at that time. Stirjing Price, of? Missouri. and Gen. Hindnmn, of Arkansas,: are bath said to be in Texas. ‘ HThe Mexican Emigralion Scheme is proving less than a “nine days’ wonder," and the excitement in New York has quite died out. The Journal of Commerce Anya: “The few men who appear to be commit ted tothe enterprise are nll colonels or re putetl confidential agents of eminent and invimble personages. ‘ The rank and 610 have not yet had eufiicient inducements of fered to them. The whole question of en listing in this mysterious movement turns less on popular sympathy with the Mexi can Liberals, or the American ufl‘ections for the Monroe doctrine, or It desire to gratify that insatiate taste for fighting which is said to linger in the breast» of our discharg ed veterans, than on the money (part cash down) to be made out of it." ‘ 1 In this connection in may be menti‘mad that the Emperor Maxnmillian has is: a decree, under date of March 4th. notify, ing all persons emigrating to the Pacific: coast that all land or other contracts from’ Beniito Juarez will be held to be null and} mi . ' Th’a White llme.—-—Aa Mrs. Lincoln will mate the President’s mansion on Monday next, Preaideb! Johnson will take posses sion as soon as the offices in the building are fitted up. The President’s family will not occupy the White House, howevor, until about the let. of September. Mrs. Lincoln will leave {or her home in Illinois on Mon. day. accompanied by Capt. Robert Lincoln ‘ and the other members of the family.- Wall. Star. - I fiJudgs Davis, of the United States Supreme Court in Illinois, has been.»- Fomted adminiltntor of the cattle of mg no Abnhnm Lincoln. Judge Davis was an old pemnd friend 01 the owned. WAccording to a dispatch from Rum, Georgia, Jeffeuon Duia pulled through “no. last Monday, nndtr a strong (and. on his u, to Augusu, from which place he was to be u. ken to Poureu llomoe, vi: Savannh‘. A Washinghm paper of Friday evening as” D.. via hu already ”rived n Fortreu Montoe. uni it «n thought he would be kEPI. then for m. prugnt in custody. ‘ ‘ ‘Th oops to”). dtlbcndod in them. we ofl’unqhui: um I; P 955 :1 9 can, in Ma: slew-ad: ' ‘ ' 113 M ”mu, when. , cmnol nu "I AMERICAN WA'I'OEOORPANY. it but“ come to our howlodn amt-1. union. or m lmehcn Wltph hue bo‘ur pun upon the market in [Mt number. adult!“ by their umvoflhleuueu to injun tho n pnmlon of on: genuine producu, to protect our on inlet-nu Ind the public fromiupoll. tion, we gain pnbmh the tnde mnh by which our finch“ mny invariably be known. We mnx’mhcnro four nylon a! Witch". The Fun In: the nuns 3: . ‘ “AMERICAN WATCH CO.,_W|llhnm‘§ul.," engraved on m {nude phto. ‘ The Slcoxn tn the name‘ "APPLETON, TRACY ‘8 CO., Walthsl. Mnu.," engraved on tho inside pm... The Tamn has {he mm! "P. S. BARTLETT, Wnnhun, 11:15.," on gnved on the Inside plate. . All Ih. above nylon huo‘ tlu um Anerl. can Watch (30. minted on the did, Ind in warranted in every relpect. - g The Foun‘m In: the nlmo ‘ “WM. ELLEBY, Bounn, Hum," mgr-mod on the inside plnlo, and Is not numgd on tho din]. All the above described Illchel "grind: of various sizes, and no told in gold or lilvor cases, as may be required. ' ll is hut-11y poisible for us to _Mcmlely des‘cribe the numeronl ilhiuuolis to which Te have alluded. They are usually Inscribed with name: so neuly‘npproncblbg our on no lo escape/ills obnrnllon of the unaccu tomad buyer. Some are repnsrnud as made by the “Union Watch CO., of Boston. Mull.” ~no such rumpunyexistjng. Some are nuned . the “Soldier's Wulch," to be sold as our Fourth or Wm. Ellel'y mule, usually known In lhc “SoldiePs Wnlrln" Others are named the “Appleton Watch Co;" other's the "P. S. But-luv," instead oi‘our “P. S. Bnnlellf' be sides muny uric-lies named in‘luch n uinnncr as to convey llxe idea (but they are the \‘crila; ble productionspf the Amttlcan Watch Com pany. - » ~ I ‘ W 9 «hp caution the pulplir, Ind particularly sown-rs, against. buying cumin unit-lemona- En watches, so freely ndverl‘st-d in Illustrntni pnperauswutfiy Wntches,” t-tmtcnn’Wutt-hep, ’ “Muir/Time Übeenera,” “Arcana Wntvheu,” &c.. the prices at? whiv}: are eluted to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A good walth, iu ‘thz-s-e timeg, cannot. be nfl‘urded tot: any such money». . \ ‘A link «mention on the par! of buyers will proucl them from gross imposinom _f/ ROBBINS & .\PPLHTOS, Agents for the Americnn Wmch Gui. , May 3‘ 1m 18?. Ifromlmq', N. Y. THE GREAT ENGLISH flEfll-IDY Sm Luis (‘LAnulz's (‘umnunm- I'hVAL! PILL‘L _ Prey-and Iron: a ptocvription OIISII‘ J. l‘hrko, 31. D., l‘h) sh-‘mu Exlruurtlinnry to ”IV &uven. This inmluahlu m. dl'r uc in! my failing in'”)? cure of ull tlmsn-Jminl‘nl nmi dapgerous disansca tu which thoJomnle rou stilulian is subject. It, nunhrntes u” exams mnl rommos M} Mmhnfliuns, [lnd u apu-Ily Curt‘ hm) he what! on. To‘ Mn'riml Lud‘us u in pm-n’inzly mind . ll \\il|.in u shun. Hum. Lnng‘o‘n Mn: Inuluhiy pcriud uith rogulnrity. v. l'nch boule, price Ono ho“ r, Mun Hm Cm’trnmonl Stump pl (inn: _Nril.in, to [ln-- vent (‘ullnrerft‘i-i. , ('AI Hosp—There l‘ille should no! he'lukrn by R mules du‘ring the rlunr 'ruuu; qua-rm: of ‘l’r- gnaw-y, as they nn- sure in bring: on .\lu vurviugze, but fit uny I ulnar tune tlu-y uro gulr. In uni-man then'nus nml fip'nml [\lch-liuna, l’nins iu the Ruck and Laufns. I'Migm- cm tliubl Merlin", l'nlpitnlion‘of Iln-lllrml, llyMt-m \, and “'hih‘s. lhrvze l'nlls will clfwt menu-1M“ u all min-r means Inn-u railed ; mu! nIII-nugh a power'ul remedy, dn not comuiu irT-u.culmurl, untimnngmr anything burglul la the commu lion. ‘ Full :lirevlions in [hr pamphlet flruuml wnc-‘n pnl-l 110, “bit-h should he unre‘ully prrsenrd. Sold by all Druggiets. Sole, Agent [or ”I. Uniled Flutes nudlCanudh. ‘ ‘ JUU Mom-13,27 Curl]andlBr..N.Y. N. 8.,-.-sl,oo and 6 postage Mumps ¢ m-lum-d to any authorized Agrnl, nil! innu'c u bunk, (‘Ulvluifling no PING, by retain-"mil. Sold by A. D. Buohler. [Nov. 14, 1364. 1y DR. MARSHALL'S CATARIIWESNUFP‘. This Snuffhns thorough!) proved ilhelf lo be the heat "rm-1c knnwn for curing the Cat‘rrh, Cult! in the ”end and llfiadnche. 11. Imp been found an excellent remedy in muny cusp: ul’ Sure Eyes. Dcnfuesa has been Rmuwd by it, and Heming has often been many improved bv ils use. ‘ ‘ t It is, fragrant and agreeable, end (:lan ’lm neon-n nlzmu to the dullheln-y pain! caused by disease: of the head. The senanlions nl‘ter usingit are deliglm‘ul and lnvixontlng. ll opens nndpnrgen out all ohuructions, etrenglh en: the glnndl, and gives e bunny action to the ports nflected. ' _ .vllore than Thirty Tcnrs‘ ofmle and me at ‘ “DI". Munhnll’l Cnterrh and Headuhe Soul," ‘ has proved in great value tor ell the common diseases or the heud, and ll this moment stands higher than even before. ‘ It is recommended by many or the best filly } alcinna, and lo need with grent onccen emf 3 sntisfnction everywhere. - ‘ Read the Certificate» of Wholesale Drug. gilt: in 1854: The undtrsigned, luring toe mnny years been acquainted with “Dr. Mur nhnll’s Cnhnrl'h and Hendm—lle Snull'," and gold it in our wholesule lrnde, Chet rl’ully‘sule, the! we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations givenpf it tonne cure of Cnlnrrhnl Affection, and that it is decideds ly the best article we have ever known for all common diseases ofthe Head. Burr k Perry, Bolton; Reed, Anlton t Co.‘ Bostcn; Brown, anaon t CO., Boston; Run, Cutler E Co., Boston; Seth W. chle, Boeton; Wilson, Foirbnnk & 00., Boston; Hennhnw, Edmund 5; CO., Boston; 11. 11. Hey, Portland, Mel; llamas at Park, New York; A. 8.31). Sends, New York; Szephen Paul & CO.,New York; Israel Minor t Co.;‘2~'ew York; McKee ‘aon 1 Robbins, New York; A. L. Seorlll tCo.’ New York; 31. Ward, Close h 00., N,“ York; Bush 1 Gale, New York. " ‘ For sale by 11l Dmggllls. Tll 11. Nov. 14, 1864. l, | A CARD I'o INVALIDS. A Clergymu, while Mfugin South Amer. in u e uni-dour, dileovendn safe Ind-Img ple remedy for the ban of Nervous Weekneu, Em! Dear, Dione-s afthe Urinary and 5a... inel Org-nu, end the whole min 0! disorder: Drowsine- by MI and vicious mum... Great number: hue heennlnedy cured by 01! noble remedy. hemmed by e desire to bury it khe aided end “ht-mute, I will lend In recipe for rep-hing end um; um medicine, in l. new: envelope, :0 my one who need- u" I'll! 01.03“”. Plane hexane myped envelop, dim-e 4 to ”my; Adam: ‘ ° ' JpSEPE 'l'. man, Shun Ethic Bone, { .A. New Yprk G“!- n m . '3 ‘ Thmylhh up. ”i 9; mums. um mount-gag ‘ .13“ B'3” _ll with! _, 03.21“”. i, 8A guy, ‘9 no ‘ mt 9ftgk‘r'psr: 8’”- Oes. 24, 1864. IMPRI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers