immg ~ Ayw pour LACS}:;; , .... ThlAk-oc'y’s Msgszlue, in Lundon, paid 'l‘cm anomued’ou Lunrulmnnd. slim-n finndrfid *ollnn for o poem. Tl). {allumuf fiwu unmquoslt fight hundred duller! ‘ 3th 69¢: liulg birdie any, XE"; nut u peep of day? ,VL n'e fly, up little blrdle- . ' ' Mu, lel me fly "my. ' Bifdla, real I; link longer, ll thy tiny wlngl are urongei'. g! ehe tuls a Hula longer, I Z Than the files may. .‘Ean do“ little b-by gay. '4 la b" bad I: prep 0! d3} 7 I ' . If.” anyafiikr lillle birdie. _ Quint-I’m: and hula away. Bub], deep x littlrloqgn, Until her llltle legs grow stronger 3 . Apd nher vuifin‘g, like the blrdlc, *' s3by,'zoo, :hnll fly away. ’ . . lsn’l ll.“ man's}? ‘ “in it the qnlnlgneuce .of pom)? Here'l sixteen lib’u 9! our lawn, "y: In uchnnge,‘ same style, lame mulnre; nnd‘dnbodying shout on much untimem, (or _whlch wa‘wlllingly lake a quarte‘r: Whit does little froggic my, in hlrpond a: peep of day ‘I : Lume awlm, [aye lillle froggie— u ‘ Bullfrog, let me "in: any. , _ ', ‘ Troggle,~vyuil. a l‘mle longer, ‘ ill. ‘ Till your mm legq In- Slrunger ;‘ I . So he mounts uimn a chunk, -.' " And then into the pond ker-Lh-u-u-k. Whit. docs lNle piggic any, , . ' In hh fly at peep of da) 7 ‘_ ‘lfl'ggie saysrlflu um; (magic, ' ' Let me go and. tan! (0-day. ,' 1; Piggie, wu’; a‘mue lunger, " ° ‘Tfll your infiL grows hard and strong" I! you luck I mm» longer, ,l’iggie men may rub! “my. ‘ a fikmrrespondent of the New York Herald who bun hunt un inter-View with the rebel General Lee. giro: the followingae his (Lee’s) opinion of‘peeoe two years ago,— We publish it ne‘enotlxer proo of the cor rectness of Democratic teachings. ,Theif advice has nlwn‘ye, been that Lorine, reason able nnd explicit, should he stated and carried with the armies, ever ready for confirmation. Had mph 3 course been pursued, awarding to Lee's testimony, the bloodiest haifof our struggle would have been 9 ed us: ‘ ~ Witmference to the war in the nhsbiuot the General declared it as his honest belief that peace was practicable two years ago, and ha been practicehle from that time to “resent duy whenever the General Gov ent should see fit to’seek it. giving eny‘reuonabig chance for the country to ”dupe the consequences which the axes pernted North see’mcd determined to hip pose. ‘ The South has, during all this time. b‘eeu candy and anxious for peace. r They have been looking for some word or expreSsion of compromise or conciliation from the North upon which theyg might. base a return to‘the Union. They were not prepared. nor are they yet, to come and beg terms; but. ware tend, to accept. any ‘fair and hqnorable tern“; tbeix‘own pohlicel views being con lidered. 'flm question of elavery did not lay in the we 'ai all. The best men oi the Bouih’huve fang been anxious to do away with‘ this inaticution nnd'ware quite Willing 10-dny to see it. abolished. ‘ They consider slavery forever doml. But. with them, in relation to this subject. the question has ever been. “Wlmt will you do with the freed penp’ie 7” Thai. is (he seri ous question io«dey,'and one that cannot. be winked at. “”1119 Lancaster Ivifrltigmcer thm diu ponrses 09 political persons: For the true minilter of the Gaspcl of our Lord Jews ‘Chrint; {orh'rzn who is pureiu his life. and without 'guile on hin lips; for him. who fob flowing hie Divine Master, preaches pence 9n enrth and good will to meniwe have the highest reverence and’ the ‘rn'oet «pro forur'd respect and regard. When such a one shade up in the house of God, and re bukes u! for our sins. we feel that we are rebuked indeed. But for the canting hyp noriu, who comes‘ down from his high and lofty petition, to hedraggle his robes. thnt Ihould boner-ed, in the fifth and mire of gather: politics. and candeggends to honey ngl‘o round with pot-house Jioliticiaua to Ice who shall be elected twoflice—Jor such n min we feel that we can never sufficient ly expres- our‘ score and contempt. But when, besides being willing tools in _the had: of designing politicians. professing gunmen .(of the Gospel of the God of once become more blood); in thought and expréeaion than Were the priests of any bgrberic faith this world ever saw, we can: not help wishing for-e whip of {corpionsl with which to lash the hypocrjtl'cal scoun-' drela naked through a ecofllng world, un-‘ til piloried at last they should stand nan fitK object for the flow; unmoving finger of learn, to be forever poinladm. Whilst‘ than mocha confine their blusphemies tosthe wells of their ow 'cnnventicles, we! lend them to the jud rent of suc’h nag cheats to attend» on (h it ministration“ but, when they obtrude 'thetiz-«elves uponl pphllo memblages, uutLide ofvthe walls' 0 their churches, lhei utterances be— came proper sh hjects of niwapnfigr criticism” end they will be dealt -ith by us‘djust‘ne my other political speaker would be. . ”Parson Bmwnlnw must look after his legign'orl. cut-the number of Ms constitu— Qntl Vim be diminished“ A bill has been‘ intljoduced into the Legiglatuzre of Tennes ’uo, prohibiting the granting» of marringe 310 mm Lg persons mm cannot. show that, they have taken the oath of allegiance. A hip bu also been introduced to amend the _cnm‘mal laws ofthag state. It. is as follows: SIC. I._Be it enaßte<l by the Genera) As ‘Nflnbly ol' the Stale of Tenneqae, That ”Myer shall felonioysly take or'steal any hm. mule.D or 138, shall. on oonvictim thereof, sufl'er doughy imaging. ' " Sac. 2. Be it mind, That whogyer dull felgniously break open the house of gnome: for the purpose ‘ol' cqmmitting I.‘ lfi‘euyor robbery therein; shall. on con ,IV '0!) thereof, sufi‘er death by hanging. m ‘ ,’Slc'. 3. Be it enacted, That whoever ’Hnn‘foloniousl} rob anothh‘br steal from ‘lfieir person, ah:ll.'on coxyiclion thereof, ante; death by" hungmg. ‘- Ibikcgruigly. is balbnn'smwwbether iv. Matthieu or Abolitioukm, the reads: 94;) flqtermine, ‘ , x -_fm... - A___. f 0” day this ‘week a cow belonging to, n. Harsh, in this pile. gave birt :19 In“ hniug'aeveu legs and eight. feet;— The» wore [out ‘ord‘nmy legs and feet, Rhflonu the under portion of gue‘cqlf was I Emmbcnnce.-—apparemlyi the‘ partial ‘ tion. of another calf—on whicthere tho uldimntl Inga and feet, (we of the legs “hub: thb Ippenrance of the natural bind on; while theocher wu‘s~ a perfectly (armed {but 09°: 91: which grew two feet. It was ' finite q cunosity, and mu visited by several , W poi-nonm—(hrlitlc Drmocruz. M Butler is to have amiliuuy Orin), ‘1 if". :9 I? told. "so have justxce MO Mf’ _ We 3 ould Lhi€k he'd belxke Mun, who. when to d by a lam-neg than: they wunld do‘bimjuuice, ex “Juus, and that's what Tn; Tb; Ridge 3 er: final”: the mu hfiifiwdfl, 1:313.» Suite} of a "lad aged ‘l.”- go a widow indy 01 Low“, aged 38. 3. qt owner of a {..rm, Ind "has “pi: 0 My 031%” ' 1 Home Mum-“2‘2" ROS? 8 WOODS " Cu“)!!! of Yaflt Street wantin- Minond, . (iETTYfiBEHQ __ I THE ans;- msomnsx'r 'or,‘ 0093 71;; ‘ TOWN 1N THEIR LIN A BATS! HATS” HATS! !I [F YOU‘WANT A HAT ' don't. buy it before you nee the large an lonment'ot all anda, 0? FUR. FELT AND STRAW HATS, jg‘st opened Ind for sale, cheaper than they are sold elsewhere, by , 110 W & WOODS. SHOES! 59052821 SHOES!!! HEN’S, BOYS‘, LADIES, ' Aline-3' and CMUMD'I Shoes of etery ' ' Ity‘lhn’nd qunlily,jull rewind nu! sold nlmle cheaperfinn anybody elsefiill 21-11 the as!” able, by * L ROW & WOODS. NOTICE THISL~Nearly all 0‘: uhoes are what are wile-“l ‘fiHome~made Shoes,” Ind are nude 01 the bear'mnerinl. We say it. boldly than we Leap for tale I. better quality of Shoes thin are generally found in Shoe Slom. Dry Gé'ods "Store Shoes" are the trash in market. FOE LADIES, Mine: and Children, we have “Manx-gamed and nntrimmed. Hoaiery,Glovea, km, ullsold cheap, by ROW 3: WOODS. . TRbNKS, Carpet Sacks. Umbrallnu,nidl'ng Whipl, Winslow Paper, Window Blin‘du. Vic” b - . now & woons. ‘ COR‘SETSJx-ench. Shoulder-brace um] com mun. of hes; mueriul, av. BOW 8: WQODS‘. RAZORS,'Su-sps, Shaving Soup, Shaving Brushel, all got the but quulity, at the store 141‘ ROW & WUODSI POCKETS BOOKS of all kinds. for Ladies and Gemlemen, by ROW & WOQDS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS !—Accordeona, K'lonung'iulin Bows, Violin Strings, Ros-u. especial 5' prepared for use on me how, sold at. Iowa“ prgcu by _ _ROW &‘ WOODS. fl SPOOL COTTON, Pltenc'Threld Fans. Sun~ pendcrs, Garter], Cufa, Collars, sum Fronts, Linen, Cotion And Cambric Handkerchiefs, at (be More of L ROW & WOODS. COLLARS. Cravnta, Neck-ties, Bugler‘mesl something new, at ROW & WOODS. We nséure tho§e who hm‘e been buying of us, and all othera, that our present‘slock of goods has beef: selected with cue mud will bg sold ns cheap pa possible. Give us a call be fme huging what you need in ourl’me and you shall not gu away disappointed. - _. ROW 3: WOODS. Gettysbuyg, April 24, 1865. _ NoahWalkexy 8: CO., CL'orprßg,‘ WASHINGTON BUH‘DDEG, 165453167 Bun-Indus Suzi?” kagp cqnlstnntlyjon hand a large And well u- sorted 5192!: of all kinds of goods at modqrme 111312 Thy-supply orders for ‘Lbe finest to the . E 5 ‘ lowan priced articles, either randy mule ’or made to messufe, to any pan. of the country They keep also an extensive stock of FURN- ISIIIXG GOODS, embracifiksvery articie of Centlemgnls‘i finder-rem: 418;): MILITARY CLOTHS “End every writ-(y of Milka”: Trim mings», £l5 évcll ns‘nn assorted flock of READY; MA DE MILITARY GOODS. Bahimore, Feb. 22, 1865 Adams, County * UTL‘AL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. M Ixcoflponnzn, Muck IS, 1851. ' » Orncnna. I , esidenz—George Swaps. - ' \ EMresi'dent—Snmufl R. Russell. \ Secrctnry—D. A. Bue ler. ‘ . Trensnrer~E. G. Fnbnestock. < Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy, An drew Heintzelman, Jacob King. MAXAGIRS.—GcoI‘ge Swope, D. A. Buebler, R. .\lchdy, D. McCreory, M. Eichelberger,3. R. Rouse“, E. G, Fahneetock; A. D. Boulder, R. G. McCt-eary, Gettgafiurgyhcob King,Stm ban township; A. Heiutzelman, Franklin ; Wm. D.'Hitnes, New Oxtord; Wm. B.’ Wilson, Ben dersville; H. A. Pickiug‘,Strabnn township; John Wolford, Latimore township; John Pick. ing,'East Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Benders viUc; Abdiel F. Gm, New Oxfozd; Joe. E. Morshnllrflumilconbon township; John Unn ninglmnl, Freefom ton-Ifahip; John Homer, Mbuutjoy town hip. ”' .’ [a-This Company is limited in its opera tions to the co'unty of Adams. It has been in operation for more than N yearshlnd in than period has midgbut one asses-pent, having pnid losses by fire dufing that period. nmounb ing to 511.088—56,769 of which have begn paid during 1110 but. two years. Any person desiring an ‘lnaur'tnoe can apply to nny of the above named Managers for furthor information. fi‘l’he Execugive Committee meet: at the office ofithe Company, on lhe Duo ngnes} day in every month, at 2 o’clock, P. M." Mur.43,-1865. u , Established 1850. QTICE OF REMOVAL. '_ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ £430., respectfully beg than to notify their friends, cunwrneu Ind the public ’genernlly, that. they have removed from No. 151 Franklin street, to the commodio'aa (our-story Warehouse, .' NO. 808 BALTIMORE STREET, between [Rival-d and Liberty, where they win {tn-11H: future conduct the Wholesale Qui nesa, noielyjn ‘ _Hosiery. Trimmings, ’4 .y - E‘urniéhing Goods. ' I‘erfumcrg. Notiéns, ‘ Stgtionery, Cutlery. ' - Toys, lc., kc.’ to which theiinvite the “union of city and country purc nets, feeling confidant of their nhiliy to ofl'ef indnccm‘enu in prices and quality‘ofcoodl. Order: by mail will receive pfompt nun !ion. Addrcu LAWRENCE‘D. DIETZ & CO., 308 [mutual-e mm, Baltimore mmngmu ' x New Qoods. GEORGE ARNOLD gm just received from the city a large ”ml; of CLOTHING, Men‘s and Boys’ wear, consisting of all kinds 91’ cons, PANTS, vasws,= ‘ sums, pmwsns,’ CRAVATS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSIEBY, kc. _ - a l s o - 5‘ K A large stock of CLOTHS. CASSIHERES, CASSINETS, JEANS, DRILLINGS, km, to , M] of which will be sold :3 cheap as can he I} d‘lsewhere. Gina us I. ml), and ifwe cau & plan you in s suii ready made we win tske your measure and mute you up one in short. notice. {Mn}- 30, 1364. Albums•! L B U l! S 2! ‘ A ' .ALBU x s 2 a 1 at washed 3 I go Ind bountiful unort ment of Photogyaph _Albuml, which we offer below city pricél. TYSON BROTHERS. Dec. 14., 1863. P ‘ADXES’ 010th {ctr Cloaking, I} new supply inst rezexved at FABXESTOCK 6308'. 'SAGO: s3°vßat,a roih. ”Rico-flout tad Gelatin, {qt sale It, 1):. HORSE}?! "NUM- - ' ~ ‘ - LOTHWGI CLUTTG Inna-0 you Q good: just ”weigh Room, Shoes, .. Q to. to.) all "heap at BRISKEIWOFE'B _‘\. ,_,~._.____~________..___.-____.-..._ ._.... . __ . ..\ .._, ..., .__ . ~ r '. . a, _ ‘ v e , est-mum Uhatfilcalfloh E 10090:) bush:6fain Wanted ‘thLlP P‘Enmuznns. l YEW menu THE The Fertilizers preplrcd by the Agflcnlr' h OLD WAREHOUSE. ‘ tural L'hetniml CO., (e Compgny chartered by Wll. R. BIDDLR & 00. would intern the the Legislature wim a capital of $250,000,) public that. they have leased the Warehouse! hue been peeved in pumice lo he the cheap- _ on the corner or Bunion “reel end we Rell- i e», man pronnble end but; l‘or the firmer. ; road, in Gettynhnrg,.where lliey will cur, on Gardner and Fruibgrowerml‘ ullcomtnm ' the GRAIN AM) PRODUCE BUSINESS, in minutes now ofl'ered in any market. The nlliu branch“. The highest prices will I]- Cumpsny‘a list. embraces the fallowing: l mu;- he {aid (or - - , l WU ‘A'l‘, RYE, ‘PABMTTE. This Fertilizer is com- CORN, OATS, . . , posed of night roll and CLOVER LTIMOTBY SEEDS, tha’hrllllxlng elements of urine, combined , FLAXSEED, SUIAC, cheifiglly Ind mechwically with other’valn- HAY b STE-AW; able fertilizing agents and sbsorbexm. I Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, Bums, Shoulders Ind l; in reduced to a pulverulent condition3'Side|,Pontoes, with everything else in the ‘ready for immediate use, and without: ion ofl counlry produce line. ill highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. i ON BAND, FOR SALE, Its universal applicability to all crop! and , Cohen, Sugnre,Molessesfiyrupsflul,Splces soils, and in durability Ind Irii've qualities, Snll, Cheese. Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Burch, are viell known to be I“ that. ugricullhrlsu Brooml, Buckets, Bucking, Brasher, Soaps, mu deaire. itc. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, 'l‘nr, dc.— CHEMICAL compos'r “mm ' lizcr is largely, composed of nnlmll matter,3ucb as meat, bone, filh, leather, half and wool. to gether with chemicals Ind inorganic fertilizers. which decompose the man, and retain the nitrogenous elements. V lt is a. very valuable fertilizer {or field crop: generally, and'eapeclnlly for palaces, and garden pin-pong. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who have used it. v - - Thin hi hi Composxce. Fernhzer. phwhfui fertiliuer is particularly adlpled for the culli vntion of trees, finite, lawns and flowers. It will promote a. very vigorous nnd benlthy growth ofwood and fruit, and largely increase me quiet“, and perfeci. the mummy of the [ruin For hot-house and household plants and flowery, il. will be fcund an indispensable article to “cure their greatest perlectlon. It will prevent and mute discasad conditions of the peach and grnpé, and is excellent for gun and lawn. It is composed ptsuch elements as make it. adapted to the growth of all kinds ofcroPn in an kinda of soils.- ' The formula or method of combining it. constiluéut fertilizing ingredients have re ceived the bighestapproval of eminent chewing and scienLifiv-agric‘nhutials. - TheA ricultnrel Phosphate of Lune. Chemfim Com. peny manufacture a Phosphate 0! Lima in eo cordn‘uce with is new end valunbie formula by which a very superior article is produced, so as to be afforded eta less price than other menu fnczurere charge. Practical tests have plowed thetitl éalnems e fertilizer, ie eque‘. 'lo the best Pheaphme of Lime in the market. TERMS CASH. All Orders 0!; Ton o}- moie, will be delivered at the Railroad Sutiona and the Wharves of Shipment, free of cat-lazi— canage will be charged on all order: of 6 barrel: or less. One dollar per Ton allowance for twinge will lge made on all sales delivered. :0. the Works of the Compahy, on Canal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMIQAL COJS WORKS AT Gun, Wsuur, on m: Druwn‘ax. Oflice, 413 g Arch SL, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘. R. B. FITT’S, General Agent. Thl: Company's Pamphlet Circular, embrac ing full directions for using the show Fen-Li. lizera, sent by umil, free, when requesled. Mar. 13, 1865‘ 6m - BALTIMORE, ' 628. Hopkins’ 009 smm MANUFACTORY, No. 6}!) ARCH SL. agave 6th, PHILA The most complete assortment and best quality und “tiles of Lndies’, llisses’ and Chil i'dren's H 00? Stuns. in the'City. Those of 1 "Una On Mar,” are gotten up expressly to Intact the mantis of Finn Cuss RETAIL Tame, lembrnting all the new and desirable styles, ‘ sizes, lengths and size waists, in trsil and plain isxmrs, from 19 to bsaprings, from 33 to 44 inc-hes lung. and ‘2}, 2}, 2}, 3, 3}, 3}, and 3} ‘ yards round the bottom; making more than a hundred 'vnrielies for Ladies; in Misses and i Children s SKIRTS we are beyond all compe lilion , nll lilflt are madq‘by us have sa-uynu 3 on the kid pad “Hopkihl' Hoop Skirt Manu factory, .\'o. 1728 Arch Street, Philnda.," and me warrnuled to give unlistuccion. Q‘Agents for the (NEW FLEXIBLE" SKIRT, the most pliable Hoop Skirt. made. equal to Bradley's “Duplex Eliptic” Skirt, and at much lower plices. Also, constantly in receipt of: full assort uicnt of good Eastern made Skirts which are being sold at very 16w prices—Kid padded and \netalic Lisleued lbsprings 85 cents,2o springs St 00, 32 springs S 1 15, 30 springs-$1 25 and 40\s‘prings 51 5M SKIRTS made t 9 order, «1. tered\and repaired. ‘ Terms Camp-One. Price Only. For Cirtular containing Catalogue of styiésfieugths, sizes and‘Prices, call at or od dress byNnail, inclosing Stump for Postage, “HOPKIN‘SA' HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTURvY, No. 628 \ $0” Street, PHILADELPHIA." March 6, 65. am - BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 00.090 WANTED,“ thébfiw Grain and Produce cute, in Cariisle street, adjoin: ing Sheadn & Buehikr'a gambliahmenk The highest market price "ll lIWIys be paid in cash {or GRAIN; of all kinds, ~ FLO R, SEEDS, kc. Ala-syn on had and {or In a, at the smalls-1 profits, ‘ GUARDS, . SALT, FISH. GROCEBIES, a: _ Whole‘saie an relnil. TRY US! We shall do our mm to gin satisfaction in all cues. \ McGURDY & DIE“. Gettysburg, May 11,.1863. 1y . Blacksmithmg. ' ‘1 BE undersigned wouid man respectfully _ inform the public that he continues the' BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, at. his shop, lately Philip Dmrsom‘s, adjoining Troxel'n paint shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg,‘where he will at. all times be pre pared to do Bllcklmilhlng work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, kc. That. he know: how to do I“ join oi the kind will not, be queationgd by those’who have a knowledge of his long experience at. the business. Come on with your wmk, and you will be satisfied when you take“ “ray—and for which he will mceivc Cash or Country Produce. 1, Mar. 20, 1865. tf . The Popular 7.80 Loan. HE FIRST NATXONAL BAXK 0F GET _ TYSBURG ha been designated 3 Deposi uty Ind Finnncinl Agent. of xha Unimd States, and will furnish the popular 'l-30 Oonpon Nona, free from all taxes, and convertible at maturity into 5-20 six per cent. gold interest Bonds. Will also furnish 5-20 and 10-40 Bonds, one year Certificates and all uthm Gov ernment securities. wm buy Gold nnd Silver, cash Coupons, and make collections promptly on all accessible points. ’ GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Dec. 26, 1864. tf APT. 8. CERlTZMAN,buingjnst rum-n~ ed Iron: a trip‘ m the Wen anti I“ the LASD region: in God's great labyrimh, he would inform the citizens of Gettysburg and its vicinity, thatrho is prepned, not on‘y to ofl‘er OIL LANDS, bnt LANDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Person: visiting Harrisburg would do well to all, I; he will furnish 2111 in formation. H. CHRITZMAN. Jan. 2, 1865. cf ,Mwl w. FLEKIING odefilue: the hueineu Pictures 1 Pictures: _ jA. of SALE CBYING, m‘d lolicifl {he can. EV MPER h . rehhs 6 So. 1 unued patronage of the pnbhc. It 1: has con- L W 233! PHOTS‘S‘E‘ég’E GA?.LERSH§3 stem enduvor ‘0 give eetisfection. Chen-gee , . . . . . prepared to execute works in his fine aqua-x go 333333;; Beudonoe m Breckumdge meet, Img: establishment in the “to. you as e ' . . w mmsuw‘” Improvements in the an, call at the above ‘4’ ”4 1862 ' ,long-uublisbed Genny, in Wee: Middle; ..‘ ‘m “ L . 2'-.‘___H-_.__._._.‘ amen Gettysburg: .7 “ [19;9, V 1865; { SPRING BALMORALSjust received n my Dr. R. manna Tonic ma Mum.’ ,_ _mw _ 3435331700" 330?; uveoPowdel-I. for 1103898 end CATTLE. RAKB'S PLASTA TIDE 8111138, or Old Prepered and told only n his Dre; Stew. 1 Home“, Tonic, it be. B. 50325833 Jenner; 25 4%“. i rug Stow. ‘ ' WHULESALI nu) Ran". New Warehouse. ADAM HOLTZWORTB Lands! Lands! FISH of all kinds; NAILS AND SPIKES; Smoking Ind Chewing Tubnncm. They are always Able to supply It flru rue article of FLOUR, with the difl'erent kindl o! FEED. Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS and other fertilize". fiCOAL, by the buchel,ton, or car loud. , Their Cur: run to Baltimore and backtwlc‘e n week, and they will be hnppy to cnrry good either Wit] at moderate chlrges. Marketmen, country merchants, and others, will find it to their advantage to patronize this line. They ask n share ofthe public'a custom,nnd willlpare no eflortto render sntiafuction to all, lellera or buyers. WM. E. BIDDLE & CO. Aug. 22, 1864. tf - Dissolution F PARTNE’RSHIP.—The Co-pn'rlnerlhlp 0 existing between the sublcriben, has been dissolved this day by mutual consent.— We return thanks to our friends and the public for the liberal support. extended to us, Our books will be left. at the More; and we eirnesl ly request Whose indebted to us to cull and make immediate payment, as we are desiroul to settle out buslneu witho’ut delay. ALEXANDER 003 mm, Jan. 30,1864. JOHN CULP. HE subscriber having disposbd ofhiu in ? least in the Store of Cobeun & oqu to aim S. Crawford; Esq,l respecnully asks the continuance of his friends nnd customers to patronize his successor—where Bargains may be had. was CULP. Feb. 8, 1864, . Afiother Change L N THE HAT AXD SHUE BUSXNESS.—A. ’1 Cuban luring nhsocinted with him in .bnsiness John S Crswford, who purchased {the interest of John Culp, respecxlully an~ nounces to lha cimens offlettysburg and the public generally, 11...: the business will be con tinued at the Old Stand on Chambersburg street, by A. COBEAN & CQ., who will con~ nanny keep on hand a large stock of Goods, 1 in theline of ,SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, 1 CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &C., {and 'lbe will also continue the Manufacture at * Shoes. From their long experience in nu the above branches, they flutter themselves that they can please the public, and will sell cheap for cash. A. COBEAN, § J. S. CRAWFORD. ‘Doing business under the name and 'firm 0! A‘. Cohen 3: Co. [Feb. 8, 1864. :New Goods !-—Large Stock! MERGIIANT TAILORING.« > JACQBS & BRO. 628. ’lmve just received from the cities 11’ large stock 101‘ food: for Gentleman’s “car, embracing a ‘ warmly-of K CLOTHS, ‘ . CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ‘Cassinets, Jeans, sm, with many other goods 'for shring and summer wear. 1 They are prepared to make up garment): m 'the Shortest notice, and in the very best man '(ner. The Fashions are regularly received, and f clothing made in any desired sryle. They al— ways make neat fits, whilst. their sewing is sure to be substantial. V , They ask a. continuance of the Imblic’s 'pa trormge, resolved by good work and modernte charges to earn ii. ; . Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. Provision Store. BE undersigned has opened nPROVISXON I STORE at George Lime's old stand, i'u \ est. Middle street, Gettysburg where he will alwnys keep on hand,_tor sale. ' BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, POULTRY IRISH POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, with everything else in the proyision line. . . ‘ He will :ell at. small profits, and spare no efl‘on to please. ’ Fae Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Calves, ten, wanted, for which the highes‘ prices _will be paid. ~ JOHN NORBECK. Oct. 1?, 1864. tf _ 'Everhart’s RANKLIN HOUSE, , CORHEF 01-: BOWAEDri {FANKLIN ITRIITS, BALTIMORE, MD This House is on a direct. line between the Northern Cantu} and Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Depou. It has been refitted and com fortably arranged for the convenigce Ind the entertamment of guests. V Oct. 31,1864. tt' Lancaster Book Bindery. . EORGE wrwr, 1; o 0 K B névn 312, AND BLANK 300 K "HUIACUUIB, Plain and Ornamental Bhding, of every de scription, executed in the most. substantial and approved styles. . ‘ E. W.‘ Brown; Esq., Fnrmu‘s Bank of Loncuter W. L. Peiper, ESE" Luncurer County Bank Samuel Shock, sq., Columbia. Bank. tunnel Wagner, Esq., York Bank. "‘ 'llhxn Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. ‘ T. 9. Carson. Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. ‘ Pete .Martin, 1531]., Proth'y of Lance-ter co., Pu Geo. a Hawthorn, Enq., Register “ H J Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder " “ ; April N 3, 1881. ‘ \New Bakery! EWPOB'IK~ & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, SonlbWaehingwn street, hall square mm the Eagle “Horel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on head, the been of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, tc. Per sona {wishing fresh Bread will be served every mormng, by leavmg their name! and residences e: the Bakery. Every effort made impleeae Give us a can! [April 20, ’63. if ' Good’tfg's from th City! E are receiving twice I yeek from the city a. variety of articles suited to the vents of thin community, viz : Frgeh and Salt FiSll, Home, Shoulders and Sid“, Hominy, Boon», Salt, Apples, Potatoes, Oringen, Lemons, Confections, Tobaccos, Segirs, with many other articles in this line—nil received in the bestorder, Ind sold M the lowest profiu. Give us a call, in Baltimore ntreut, nearly oppoqite Fahneswcke' store. WANTED.—'—Bulter, Eggs, , Lurk And All other country producw—for‘which th'e highést cash piice will be paid. SWEET POTATOES—best, quality, at low- 1 en living profits-always on hand. Also, OYSTEBSg fine and trash—in the Ihell ox i shocked. Rentannnn Ind families Inpplied. STRICKHOUSBR & WISOTZKEY. ‘ Gettysburg, Mly 18, 1863. , , ‘ Sale Crying. A Card. SWEET AND APPLES LANCASTER, PA BIPIRENCIS Schenéks'suiand. Ea}; ifisfl’ ‘ won . A . 1‘ M SICKHFwAX}ACHR, In Sunny, Cw»: AND Gun This he! received in run: from sconsiant mum of licknun M. the snormnch, which at tends the pain in the hand. This headache ls Ipt to be begin in the morning on wnklng from 3 deep sleep, and when some irregularity of diet has been committed on the day before, or sometlmen‘ for uvernl any: pruionx. A: first‘ than is a dixtreuinxl] oppreuive feeling in the head, which gradually merges into a se yer. he“! pain in the temples, frequently at tended hi 1:. sense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, and extending news: the forehead. I‘l.”qu ‘ dummy, unpleasant taste in the mouth, an offensive bh‘m‘h: and the tongue covered will: a yellowish wl‘itelnr- Thea!“- lem- desires to he nlone in : duck room. Ai man u the patient leels the fullneu in 1118 had and pain in the temples, take 3 MBO dose of Schanck’a Mandrake Pills, and in an hour or two they will fire! as well as ever.— This has been tried by thousands, and is al wnyl lure to cure,nnd lnstend or the sick headache coming 9n every week or ten days, they will not be troubled with It. once in three mantha. ‘ x _ Schenek's Mandrake Pills are composed of A number of roots besides Padapliinin, or con cenrrated Mandrake, all of which tend Io relax the lecrcfion's ol the livennndjctmore promp than blue bills onmercury, and withoutlenv [llg any dnngerous’ efl'ects. In a hilions p'er~ iqnfl-oy will show themselves by the stools. ‘They will expel worms. mucus, bile and all morbid matter from the System. In sick headache, if they Are taken as directed above, (:1 full dose as soon as they feel the first symp toms of it.) Dr. Schenck will and has direct ed his agents to return the money if they do not give perfect. satisfaction. - ‘ If a person in.“ becn compelled to stay out. latent. niight, and drink too much wine, by taking a doze of pills on 'going to hed, next morning he will feel as though he had not drank a (110]), unless he forgets to go to bed at all. \ . They only cost. 2’: cents A box. 7 thever takes them win 'never use any other. .They are worth a dollar to a sick man for every cent they cost. . . Don't forget the name-Scussm‘s 51n- Dmu‘lPuLs. Sold wholesul': and retail at Dr. Sclienck's Principal Ollice,No. 15, North Sixth street, Philadelphia, and by Drugg'rsts and Store keepe‘rs generally. Price for Pulmonié Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, each $1 50 mn- bottle. s': 50 the bsif dozen. or two bottles of Syrup and one of Tome, for $3 75. . " Dr. Schenck will be at his office, No. 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Sawi pny 1.9 BPe patiems. He makes nq charge (on advice, but for a thorough gmminatinn of the lungs; with his liespiromster, he charges 53. liar: 20, 1863. [juG,'64. FOUTZ’S CELEBRATED gimp and wattle mam ‘ ThesePoWderl will strength . enllxeSlomnch _ " and Intestines, l cleanse them ~_‘ from ofi‘ensiro l , matter, and , J.” ,g. ..; ‘3 bring them to _%;l’;%€£::u 1- nhenlthystme. , ""‘ ‘ ‘ ' The}: im- a sure preventive of Lung Fever. and a certain remedy for all Dibutsea incidcm to the Horse, such as Glaa~ dens, Yellow Water, Dis-' 9 e m p e r, F o u n d e r, Hoav o a . Slaneriu‘g, Coughs. RF vets, Loss of #peme 1“!“ ml Encr gy, kc. , In poor, low~spirited animals, it {me the most beneficial «rm l The use ofthem improves the“ ind. strength— en: the Appetite, and gives to the Horse 3. fine, smooth and glow: skim—thus improv ing the ammramv, vigor and spirit of this no la animal. - ‘ , FOB MILCE COWS. The property this Powder pnssesses in in cming the qunnmy of Miik in Cows, give. it u: importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping n Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increasé the quantity of Milk and Cram tWenty per 'cent., and make the Butler firm and iwoet. ff: fattening Cattle. it gives them an tppetim, hose“; me'm hide and Inn-ha them thrive much faster. _ " HO9B. lass!) D' of m win and: u ‘ 2:49; 13%;” Coughs, a{fleet-s in QJ‘QZ:~‘ ‘ moanngs, Liver, - 'QLE'CL'" . kc. By putting \‘ . I» ‘ ”W M“ We” . | ”I" 'o‘er of these .«-., h n. ,} Pow era in a. hub fikir~;‘_;,i\ rel of Swill, the » / -:~:~ : ‘ 8 Above Disease. can be cured or entirely pm mud. By using these Powder: Ibo Eng Chem: an be prevemed. Price 25 eta. par Paper, or 5 Papers form. PREPARED BY a A. FOUTZ & 13120., =I WHOLESME DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. in. 116 Franklin Bt., Baltimore, Id. Fpr Sale by Dragging 'snd Storekeeper: (broughout me United Stats: For sale by A. D. Buehlqr, Gettysburg; Lunghlin & Bpahfield, Wheeling. Va; C. C. Bender & Co., Pitaburg; Johnson, Holloway a: Cowden, Philadelphia. ' Nov. 28,1864. )1 L - Globe Inn, YORK IL, NEAR Tl! DIAKOIu, ETT YSB U RG, P A.--—The undersigned would moat rupectl'nlly inform hi! nu merous friends and the public generally, that be In: purchased llm long established and well known 'h'ottl, tho “Globe ~lnn," in York Meet, Gettysburg, and will spars no efl'on m oonduct iL in n manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His üble will hue the best. the mark" can aflordvhis Climber! are spacious and comfortable—and ho ho; laid in for his barn fnll stock of winch and liquors. There is large stabling “cached to the Hon], which will be altended by atten tive bastion. It will be his constant endeavor to under the :nllaat Qatisfnction to his guests, mnkin his house as near a home to them as pollibfe. He‘uks I. share of the public’a pl. unno'ge, Kiwi-{mined IS he is to deserve l htge pan of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn” is in York nreet, but new theiDiTond, or Public Bquue. SA UEL WOLF. ' April 4., 186;. tf \ John W. ripton, ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-nu cor net: at the Dimand, (gut door to He ‘ ’I Hate” Getty-burg; Pm, when be can at 11l timu be {and readyVo “and to all bruins" in his line» He bu duh “can“: as munea und will ensure “fist-action. Gm mm s nu. . » Dec”, 1360. Iy. “rumination is va riomly caulcd by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure uir. filth and filthy habits, the deprcuing vices, mil, above nll, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary Q the constitution, descending “ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generationf’ indeed, it. leems to be the rod of llinrwho says, “I will visit the iniquities of the hither: upon their children.” The‘diseuses it originates take “trim“ names, according to the organs it In the lungs, Scrofuln produces {aux-clog, 3rd finally: Consumption; tn the gland», “firm"? which suppurate nnd be come uICcJ'OUI 501-35; tu‘the stomach-and bowels, demu'zemenls" which produce Indi gestiou, dyspebsL-t and “(or complamtn; on the akin, eruptive aid cumm‘qus “fie?“om‘ These. all having the suns (Highly "1‘1"? "'9 some remedy, viz., purificatm." and ..“l Igoru tion of the blood. Purify the MUN. "‘9 'these dangerous distemper: leave yoib With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrot‘ulous disease. Ayer’s Saranpurillu t,- is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medicul science has discovered for this afllicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supev rior to any other remedy yet devised. in ~ known by all who have given it ‘a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints. is indisputulily proven by the grént multitude of publicly known and remurktblc cures it hus_made of the following diseases: King's Evd, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimplcs, Blotchea and Sores. Erynpefis. Rose or St. Anthony's Fire. Salt Rheum. Scald Ijleud. Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the inn , White Swelling}, Debility, Drapsy, flimlgia, Bums? or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syp 'ttc Infections, Mercurial Diseases, FemaleWcakneases and, indeed. the whole series of cotnpluints that who from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of indiiiduul muses may he found in Ann’s Annmru AIJIASAC, which is furniohed to the druggiats (or grutuitous di>trihution. uhucin may be learned the directions for its use. and some of the remnrknhlc curm Whit-ll it lmi mode when all other remedies llnd l'uih d to uti'md relief. Tllo§c cue-es are purpmel'r' taken from all sections of the country. in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of it. benefits from personal experience. Scrofula dt'pt‘t‘FSL‘s the \itul energies, and thus leaves it: \lL'lllllS far more subject to diseme and its fatul I'Ct‘ults than are healthy comtitutions. Hence it tom]: to shorten, and does greatly shorten, _the nreruge durution of human life. The vast importance of these eonriderotions has led us to spend years in withering :t remuly which is adequate to its core. This he now otl‘cr to the public under the name of At Lu‘i Smsu-Amu'n. although it is continued ut‘ ingredients, some of which'excwd the in“; of Naraapan‘lla in ultcrntiie power. By its unhyou may pruttct yuurn-lt‘ I'l um the Miller int: and danger of these di<order<. Purge out the foulu-orruphons that rot and fwulr in the blood, purge out Illt‘flllilri‘fl wt‘direnrc, and \igurous hunlth nill t'nllun‘. By it~ pecu liar virtuet llll‘l remedy stimulator the tint] fut‘tions, and thus t‘Vm'l.‘ the (lixttn‘pt'rs which lurk within the rpttm or bunt out on'nny port of it. We know the public have hr-en deceivnl by many compounds of Stu-59.401110. that promised mitt-h nml did nothing: lmt they will neither he duct-lied nor dikuplmintt-d in this. Its ‘ll’llliN lune been pron-n hy abun dant. trial, nnd tin-n- remnim no (ilk-hilt)“ of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach, Although under thc- same name. it i: a wry ditl‘crent medicine from any other which lm! been before the people. und is tllr nmre ef fectunl than. any other which hit: cur‘beeu available to them. V I ' (.‘II ERRY I’IuUIORA L.- The World’s Great _Rcme'dy for Coughs. lColds, Incxglioht Con , sumptlonmndofprt qreliat‘ of ~Consump tum patients In advance}! stages 01' the dlsease. ‘ This lms‘lwon so long used nml so uni wrsully kmmn. that we m-ml du no more than “Murelllm public that in qual‘n; 1~ krlit up In the but it, cver [ma bun, : ml that it may be relied on to «lu all it luv rxL-r (lur'w. PICPLU‘L‘LI by Dan“ (‘. .\n n 6 Cm, Practical algal Hnm’yh’ml ( 'ln mun, ancll. Muss. Sold by all druggists every where. wr‘or sale b,» A. D. Buehler,»(z'elt)sburg, am! drulers gem rauy. ‘ Ang. 8, 181:4. eowly ' - . New Goods. ‘VAHNESTOCK BROTHERS I Are cuuatunlly receiving (hoice und do:- mmhle goo-is, ("tom New York‘ Philadelphia and Bnlxiumre, and are prepared to offer uni-2m INl‘m.=r:.\m.\l‘s to than about purchasing. _Hming selected nur Catalogue nbv embrm-es urer ”VI: “in. great cure,lr;om the three lmdiuz murkrll, THOUSAND different subject: ((0 which ml the publi'g will louk to their own, Inuresxs byi (“Lions an: canlinually being mnde) o: qu. oxnmirlingour slack before buyiu; elsewhere. 31mm of Eminent. American", kc., vrz : about. / Cull a! 4 . FAHNESTUUKS' lino .\lujor-Gcncrall, ~ 550 SMICIIHCU, ' Nay 9, L 864. - *Bed FrunL. 200 Urig.-Genenla, 130 Dirinu, ""* ' —“—“~ ‘:_3—“““ “‘7“ .275 Culouell, 125 Authors, , ' ; 100 Menu-Colonels, to Arllnls, A ' 250 Other omcm, 125 511539, . 15 Navy Officers, GDPrOmIm-mWomen lsol’mmilenll‘orciglrl’unrxlltn.‘ _ _ 3,000 capiu of Works of Art, inrludingfe production: cute-non 'cclebrulcd Eugrlvingr, l’aintibgs, Stunner, lic. Catalogues urn. on receipt of Slump. An orderl’or Ung Donn Picture: from our Catalogue will be filled on Ilse "calm ol SLBO, Ind rent by mail, Free. Photographers. Mid other: ordering goods C. U, 1). :ill plelné romit twenty-five p 9: can, of the amount wfih their order. _ E. k H.l’. ASTllt).\Y & CO., Manufacturers of Photogruplnc llnlcriall, , 501 Broadway. N"! York. ~3'The' pr'xqea nml qunluy of our goal}: unnol {nil lo “gully. [.\‘m-. 14, 1:564. (in: G EVTS WANTED.——To sell the “ 25 (“EXT A LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK AGE." Each Package contains-35 Songs, 2 pages of Music, 18 sheets of Paper, 18 Envc. lnpes,l Ruler, I,Pen, 1 Pen Holden) Lend Pencil, I Design {or Undersleeres, l fol Child's Apron, l lor Embroidered Collar, l for Chril lening Robe, 2 for marking Lelma. 13 Secrets never before published, worm many Dollars; nnd other information. Also, onelbesuxtiful nnicle of szany. LibernLindurrmenu to Agents. Send Stump for Circular. . ‘ SAMUEL 301 w, » 4'! South Third St”, Philadelphia, Pa. June 13,1864. ‘ly '- Something for Everybody ‘0 BUY AT DR. R. WORKER'S '1 . DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Juu apened'a fine assortment o! . Drug“ and Hedicines, V Patent Medicimes, Stationery, > Fancy Dry Goods, . _ Cuul'cctimta, Groceriu, , ‘ ' .Sations, TOBACCO, axons, to Ju. 18, 1864. Still at Work. HE undersigned continues the A T CARRIAGE-mum BUSINESS, in 111 its branches, n his old stud, in Rut Middle street. Gettysburg. / NEW WUBK made to order, Ind REPAI R l N G done promptly and at lowest. pricu. ' Two first-rate SPRISG WAGONS and n BLEIGH for sale. JACOB TRDXEL. 3 Dec. 7, 1863. - ___“ ___ ‘ HILADELPBIA, PA.- Disease! of 41:. Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sex”: ”Lulu—new Ind nibble autumn—in n porls of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION-4cm by mail in sealedqmter envelop“, free of charge. Address, Dal. SKILL‘IN ROUGH, TON, Hownrd Auccinion, No. 3 South Hint}: Smut. Philadelphia Pa. Aug. 8, 1884;.lm E‘icsnsxoa : nxcnnsxos v _ . ElQELsmnu The Excelsior Willi!“ Inching “flip bin in the Worldé “laughexfigé If It? (incog— oficeu—fihe foe or F g thu - ‘ use: nnm§§4 peanuts“: or lion which we Scam-cu lurks e constitutions of images of men. [I r produce: or is teed by an en ed, vitiutod state 19 blood, wherein fluid became. in ;etent to sustain ital forces in their roun action, and *s the system to mo disorder and AYER’S $lO a Day! Howard Association. . Important Ann Went. 9335‘! SALE - ‘ « ‘ ‘ . - . on ‘ « ‘ ”cits, cums. OWD mas. to. ,ON lumox DOLLAR! WORTH! I‘D :- u an o- n ‘ ! 01w; no LAREAOEL Without regard :o Iluol Not to bop-16m ‘ until you know ht}. 19:: no to recdul H ‘ Splendid List of Mull All to be lold for § .- Ono-Della Each 1 H ‘ 250 Genll' Gold landfills-epic . Winches, - 1 "35919960004211 1 250 Lndlel’ Gold ind ‘Enamell -1 ed hunting-cm Watches, 35 ” l 500 (,iunu’ hunting-c3lO _Sll- : 1‘ \9l' Watches, 35 " ‘ 200 Diamond Rings. 60 “ g 1000 mm \‘es‘ t Neck Chnlnn, 4 “ t 3000 Gold UVAIBM'M Braceleu, ‘4 " S 5000 Jet and Gold Bncelell. 6 “ ’ 2000 Chatelaine Chum um! I Guard Chain, 6 “ 7000 Solitaire 0; Gold Brooch“, 4 “ 5000 Coral, Opal And Ememld j Brooches, 4 “ ’3OOO Gold, Cameo, and Paul _. Bar Drops, . ¢55 3 5000 .\lnmic, Jet, Lava, [and ; Flr'ntine Ear Drops, 0 “ l 7500 Conl, Opal, and Emerald l Ear Drop», < ~ 4 “ 4000 Cullfmnin Dlnm’d Brent ' pins! ‘ 1.60 “ ‘ 3000 Gold Fob a Vest Watch i keys, 2.50 “ 4000 Fob It Vast Ribbon-slides, 3 “ l 4000 sets Solllnire Sleeve-buts 101:5,51ud3, #O., 3 “ 5300 Gold Thhnblca.l’enclli,‘&c., 4 “ ; loco uiflifllule Lockets, 3.50“; 4000 “blunts Lockets, Magic “ hf. ring, ' , . ‘ x 0 ‘ 3000 (“m Tomhpmksfiroasu, 2 U 5000 l’lnin ”0]“ “ME" ‘ I: 5001‘) Cbued (1."!!! Emil! . 54 1. 1000 Stone Set & Sign“ R‘“:¢”?' 0 u loo!) California Diamufld Rim. " 2 7300 sets Lmlios‘ Jewelry “J“ u‘ ‘ and (MM; ' 6 . 00005013[unlies'chulry—Cuml I an, l‘vurl,Upnl,k Olin-”mum, l 3' 10000 00111 l’l‘ns, Silver Exten sion llcltll‘rg and Family, 1000 Gold l'oun iv. Gold mount- N] Ilth-re, 5000 Gold E‘vns mu! Gold ex lens-1m) Hui-lens. 15." 50001.:nihs‘mn x .101 Buckles. 5 “ 500‘ Lmhcs’ Gill and Jet Unit Bus um‘l‘H-ILL 5090 Sih er flubhw and Drink ing Cups, 3w Sihfvfi Cnstors, ‘ ZUUU Silwr F} nil, Curd, and Unke Unshrls,‘ 20 “ 50w glu‘wn .\‘iln-I-Tm Spoons. 10 “ lUUUU Lluzen Sllwl 'l‘ulllnh'ptmm mu) Forks, 2U “ .-\,[:l‘..\\‘D.UJ~‘. h "0., “.\nnlnctun-ra' Agent! ‘ .\'o. 167 Hut-MN \YsNL‘w io-ux, Annnuuce Hm. «ll of Ihr nbovu list: of good: will be‘ sle for Us}: DULLMI eAu-h. ‘ ‘ ‘lh mfisoqurnce ul the great lelznnllon ol mule in the mguul‘nrluring dinrlrh 01 Eng lnml, through the w.u- lmving cut qll‘ llw mp. ply ol cullon, n 13:30 quantity OI Vuluuhlu Jéwrlry, nrlgiunlly Intended for the English market. hm‘ been H-ut AHTlur ml! in [his cum:- try,.\.\'D\lUSl‘ llh‘ SUM) AT ANY SACK]. Flk'l‘)’. L'mlcr uu'se circums'mxrct, ARRAN IIALB & (10., Acting as nguuls for 1110 priurl [nl l‘luruponn nmuulhv-lurl-rs. lmve ruulvevl “pun u GREAT (ill-"1‘ l)l"l'RlliUl‘lU.\‘, sub ijo the (allowing: regulations: ‘ ; Coriifimlu oflhe \xuimu urliulc-s nre first put mm vnwlupcm mulled up. mu] ":Ime null “hm "Merv-l, are taken nut wnlmut "gm! ‘uu clum- . and now by uni}, lh’m phi»; M] r. I:\‘r ulmnvv. Un rrrmpl‘m tln- rt-ruficnle, yuu will .wv whut yug are m lmw. null Ihun it i: m. y'mr Irfliou lo 1»le Hu- dn-Lnr and mu lhe m‘hth“ ur- nm. l’nrch.m~r~ m |_\' Hugh übmiu IL ‘HuM Watch. Dmmunl Ring nr any Sui. of ‘ Jcm-lry ml uur list for v)»: U-11.1.A11. _ i SEND 25 CENTS FUR Cl-IR'I‘H'ICATE. h: all lmnsucliufis by mail, m 4 hlmll rlmrgn for It nun-ding the ('emfh nuns. puyingpuxmyr, nn-l duiu; hm business, ‘_';‘n rrpls ILA-h, whirl: lle lu- -m-lusm| wllrn Hm I'l'rilfil‘ult‘ [5 Nut Jar. F.“L’ l'gruficme: u 1' he cum, hvf :d', elurvn fnr SJ, ”ml; (or $3, sixlgzlilc lur 310, mud n. hnulhml lur $l3, ' ‘ i .\GE)’l‘>.-——\\‘u mun “gun“, in ovoquogw ‘nuui, a u! in‘ by]; qun gm! [funny 011.1314- vu|lxhr_\!lultllhs.-e mun-,5 an such nil) ho nl - m cums on cvuy lirrvni‘ nu- nun-ml Iv: gin-m. jumbled llxcir romiuuu-v um Hum to [one d. ”v r. Alums “ill (mm-:1 ‘_‘.) rent: by inh-r)‘ L‘A‘ll“.t’.llL‘. uml run-H If) u-uls ln “-4. .L-illm in nub ur puma-m :tulul-i. l . Mzzzxumjz 3. m, l lb? ULu~ni\\-t_\,.\. Y. ‘ minim 13.254 14 » - V . ‘ . ‘ E. 8: H. T. Anthony 8; ('03.. - i ‘\ .L\L'I’AUT['I(E|KS 0F l‘lll‘TUUllAzl’iHO :1 “.\’YEIHALS. “Immune no “ML, :50! BROADWAY, N. \K—Ju .n.«ll\inu ln uur nmiu [ln-inns 0! Photographic Mun-giah, “e nn- He.n‘.quurlt~rs fur lll('»rullu\s'i'.g. \i/.: STERHUSUUI‘ES k S'l’X‘lllFUSCl’PH,’ \ NEWS. ()1 then we lnvvc un immensr :.~.~nr:|uel_.v, i‘m lmlxng “jut N't‘nts, Amuimn r-ml Foreign ,(Utius "I.“Lundscalueg,Gll:ll|ns,Fl-Illmrj,in, M. .\leu, IlHuh ing Storms- opm,!” yuhllc n: pmul!"‘l>xh|l:iliull. Uur C¢lnluguc will no 'm-nt to any Address on recripl of Slum“. 5 HJU'I‘UUIKAI’HIJ ALl;L.\'.."..—\s‘e um lho fin-1 to iuh'uducc llwsc into the {lnn-d Sum-a, 'lp‘nd we munufncmn: immune qmun'mu in great. ugricl), ranging in pric‘e {rum 501 mm; to $5lO 0.111;, Uur ALBUMS have the lepqtu. ! lifiu of beinl supuyiur 11l bunny and dufnlmi. ' (y to nuy'.ulhers. They ail. In: sent. by nmil, ' (rev, ,0" receipt 0! price. - {Q'Fiue Albums made to prduffi‘fl cinu mm’rucmrns Dissolution. HE partnership heretofore exioting be. T We“ the undrrligued. um!" this name um! "fie of FAB-\‘ES'I‘OCK Hummus,» ”“5 dqmlsowcd by mutul consent—James I". Fuhnesuwk reu'rin . - Jung F. mexsmcx, _ ' BERRY J. numsqu; ROW. 6. FAHNESTOCh. BE undersigned,.remninining runners of the firm at FAHSESTUCK BROTHERS, '1“ continue the busineu n! the ume' place, under the lame nuns and style of firm“ - HENRY J. I-‘AHNESTOCK, EDWARD G. FAHSESTDCK. Jnn. 9, 1865. Fresfii ’lrfival F WINTER, GOODS AT A. SCOTT & O SON‘B.—-W¢ invite thy I‘leption of busy. era to our flock at Winter Goods, which will be laid ebony, commit: a! » wuss, miss Goons, . 81"."8, clocking Cloths, em, etc. Foricg'p‘ Ind Boyl' want no fine Clothl, Gummy“, Coatings, Yaningl, with lvaziaty of coma ldel. law, Bc. 0111 and .90., ‘, ’- Nov. 28,1864. A. 89011 a; tion. Do Yon Wish O puma i anon “but“ of youmlf. your children, or you! may? [0 I‘ once to MUMPEB’S GALLERY, m be" PM! in the ,county so «guru {Sm dun ptcmm. m. 9, £BB5. ' . ' . biz l«(31:11?» Can! n p oto obuhn perfect POl fit, ,' J ’ , min‘flu' f e Maya; mm“. .235; In. , 65‘ ‘ . " v“ 11 70 " ‘7O u 00 . ‘3O 2 a it 10 k 20 4 , 1 10 " CEI e ii EMI (MI 10 " 8 at 10 II 8 ic 6 16 10 'I 20 II a H 10 u n 'l‘ m ‘n lo .1 DIE 16 (I td." 10 ,I 2S ~ 15 `, 10 ti GO 66 GO 6. {Ln ‘5 fl 50 ll 20 1:310! 40 "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers