mm gm: 1: mm gem-am, of “(We John” a.*..' ‘ ’ v ’ , Nupvnu. her. 8. [-864. I visual 11‘»! or mp 0“: in thin city to a». to he. in that ner the peéple are permitted to you. '1 went. with the ex - filial 9f noting the form ofjmtice diam ed at but, but "an that. “dispensed with. The man. rumble; (and: a union ever grand us or laugh.» amend this day. The Emu-u is china! A person mum and fly: 0 wishes wiv’oto. Andy Johnson’s ten oath in read to himpwhich he swear: to, end then an Abolition ticket is thruss into his hand' (for there is no other) and he gives his name. That’s the whole proceed mg. No mo uenions are asked, and he in permitted lo ate at other polls if he sees fit to do so; Qr‘ be but)" return. and under another name, vote again," gummy .‘imel u he wants to.\provi«led he has a new Same each time. One‘ of the polls in com-‘ pletely lurrounded with negroes that ere voting. It in so crowded thin. foot passen gm have to cross on the other side. A ne gro unndl at the door. and takes the names and tickets, (Lhe form of ’ n_ oath in dine paused with here,) which agehpuued in to the clerks and judge. Snow Storm in Western ){vusac/lwla.—The mow fell in Rawe and Heath to tho de th of eight or ten inches on Sunday. and) it was good sleighing on Monday. In some laces in Heath the roads were so badly {locked by drifts that the farmers hing/to break them out with their ox teams.-—‘ There was good sleighing in Granville on Monday; also in the udioining towns across the Connecticut line. In Litchfinld county, Connecticut, the snow storm of Sunday was very severe, and the stage from Norfolk to Winstead, early Monday morningmm only went on runners,.but tipped over three times in nine mum in consequehce o! the snow drifts. ' ‘T/Ic :S/zarlvw q,’ Death-General Shefidnn ' has nccomplishod much in the Valley. but. at n and oxppnse. Duririg tho cmnpnigfi he )1u9]05t35.843 mm.l and his force is now re duced to 21,155. Sigel last 8000 men there 51:19:. May. Hun er lost 10,000. Wrig—M lost about 3000. & total loss bf‘nmrly .57),- lifll) men in that. Vangx nlnne. It is the “ Vuiley of tho Shudow’ of leli." ' A Nu: [llml of H'utclafv-M watch maker in San Francisco, named 013.0 Weldvrow hag invented n watch with [nu one w! Eel. Which mil run lwo yours withgut windlzlg. WA little gill 'in Wisconsin was ntrnn glul lqdeuth n few; days ago, in endgav’or ing lo swallow 1: ram cj'ulcr. 1 V I=9 W‘Wlm grout benn’ly‘of 1| wife il,”:}=¢id 3 IA :1 1): «km! Inns‘hnnll. "lhzat if .gluwnhusrh yén have”. fine wcn’t let. any one ‘eng :11 um gnu." - ‘ 1 _ Sl’b‘CIJL~ NOTICES; _ ’ A ~ ——+ ‘ ‘ THE‘G.’ EAT ENGLISH REMEDY. ' 1‘ 9 Sn: Mum (‘unl‘ir's (.‘nmmnnxn Fun.“ ' " PILLI. l'tqmud Imm Il_ pwwriplmfi 0! Sn" MARRIED. J. Fluke. .\I. D., Physician Exlruurdinnry to 951110 17th ”nth": “"’ “‘""’”"e of “‘9 m, Quren; Tm; iuvnhmhlhguvdlcinc ii u". brxwle'n'ffllu-r.‘hvflkovfl Prof: .\luhlenlnirg, Mt. ”mug“ a". cum on.“ ”wk , um” . (1‘ {ill'l‘Hl-fi M'fjATl‘lll to .\hss .\IULLIEIA. b. dnngormu (Have: to \rlxidl llnr‘ ‘1 ' plinnion is ijx-cr. 1! moderate fiud‘ rcmures all (thitwcliuniy gm. cure may be [Ol4Oll uh. .To 14;. ric'l Ladies in‘s pocnliur 15ml], in n shur: lime, Inriug‘lonv L pcriud with regularity. Each-bottle price 9m: Doll r, Cow-rumour .\'lnmu of'firmu Uri! \cnt ('I nutcrlei .I ('Al’TlllhuL-Tllt'ic l‘ills should n by l'" mains during the rms'r nulm l'rclgnanry, u" [hi-y urr sure to larl c 'rrmzt‘. hm. M. uny ot‘hel lime flu in all): n-o’s of Nun-v" 4 nml Sldllnl I’uins in the Ilu'uk nml IIlium". Fn'ligl urrrim, l'alpitnllnl o the 111-mt, gm: \\"hin-p, c .m- filllliwill éll’m n nll urhrr nu uno‘lmrr InilNl l ‘unl! pom-r u} rme-Jy. do not confinin ll‘l nulnuouy, or unylhmg hurlfq‘l tolhe wuslilu-l ; -_ DIED um. ' - '\_ .'.- - I Full directions in‘ the ounu‘vh'ot‘urouurl mull ‘ mllhilun'ry notices 3 cents peivlilre for pm l.- lur. which should _b’c vaxgo'ulli prérerwd. ,mcr agar ones-( (o nccbmlu-flyfiwllcc.‘ , Sold by Irll l)l’hggl:l§. .Sulc .\gcutl‘urlheT, ‘ 1L ,—— h l f l'uilul Mun-shod Caumdu. ,7 - . ’Mtrr my morning. in lj: [1 me, n ler n Juli M .ISlfifi 27 Corll'nmll St. N. Y. briel' illfu'is, ‘Mn JACOB fiORBEQ‘K, ‘figgd' .\'. 1’:.—.:11,h0 and h' pooling: Humps rm [mod uhuul 7‘21? u-s. , -. . _ ~ A, _ -‘ to run" uullxurlzt‘d fimnt, Will insure a bottle, ' Un \\rulnes: -\llns£.’in this place,.\lm. BAR cuntuiuiug 50 Pills, by r'elurn mull. 1501:! by “ARA UOFFM .\'. wile oiMr. l'eLerllloll'mun, A. D. lluehlcr.’ \‘or. ”4186+“ l' aged 60 years nu 3 men! 52' ' ,~ -. .Q..[. 1‘ J“4 On my: ”ch in, .; .\lr. ROBERT LINN», of fill. M \RSZI‘ALL‘S URTARR l SNUET. Freedom‘township,- ml 6831 M: 'unthhud This Snull‘ lw- thoroughly proved inst-mm be 26 (1031.. . ' Il’le—lH'H nrtizlc known for curingllhc cm rrh,: ELHS J. gill-IAO ' died July 9th. 1864, (‘nld in lhe [lead and llundnclro. "It lulu been. from wounds 'ceived n the Bhule ofi Mono found no on'ellunt rgm‘v .y in nmny'c is}! of achigedh'fl your: 9 months “Mill” do»)? Bore Eyre. nannies: his been nimo Pd by ‘11,; .J. V All ‘5 SUEADS, died in osp‘wl near and Hunting hos ol'lcu been grmly l’lnpmn-d ‘ Cilyj’uim, ufler an illness of nine days, Igéd In} its use. 1 ' ‘ " 'lB wars 1 month and 10 ch! 4. - _ It iS'l’rugrr-u'. nml ngrr‘ n‘hlr, nnéd own ”:1," it’] Mount Curroll, Carroll cm, “L, on the My mum:- to the dull ll€fl\"\‘ll:l:gl*fflusr}‘ 524 m. ol‘) [{ctober, ot typhoid fever, SUSAN b_ menses of the hand. The sons“ 0963 often KEI-ZFER, formerly ol Adajms county; and llalllg it uré’ delightful 'nud inrigor’ulll‘lg. 15 'dnnghlpr nf-Dnnzcl nnd hell] Keefer, {now nprus nyPnurgL-s out all ob‘alrncm)ns,strewn)“:7 Leah Cnmcc.) oged 18 years nod 11 months. ens {_llag ..uds, nml ‘gires a henlfil-ymclion’ m the pu'rls nfl'ecfegl. - . i I ' ”l . . Shire than Thifty chm‘ ofml‘r‘ nnd use of '~ A Farm for Rent. ‘ Dr. Marshall's. 'umrrh nr-d ll’emlnchc Snnfl‘,'.’ , . ALL on the undersigned, reaxdlng'ln and has proved its grim! valuc'lor all tho common neuir‘fl fiulcrslown. ' ‘ , diseases of the; head“ and at this mongrut. . JACOB ChSSAT, ’ slanduhighcr than werbvlore: ; .l _ mas o. Bulxxsmlorr. ll l 3 recommended by munyjof Lh- betl play-w Nov. 28, 1864’. ,3L ’ sicinnsnrund is used with grout trustees midf ' ‘ A’ .--- _, ~ -~——' * iutisl‘uclion ereryu here. ‘\ .1 - . Fresh Arrivalfi , fiend the (‘erlificntcp 'of WW? Drug; F WINTER, GOODS AT A 1 SCOTT & yids in IBM: The undersiguo: , uving tori O?SON'S.-M'e' invl‘k the attention ofbuy ’"““Y'V’m” been “‘"“‘lnwd ‘“”‘ H D" ”"‘ ’ers to our stock at Winter Goods which mll shull's Cnmrrh nag Headache Snuff," and sold be sold ‘ lenp consisting ol - ‘ > it in our wholesxlle lrmlc, chelrfully state, tha‘l lLilhES’ DRESS GOODS We belie"? ll ‘0 l" 9‘1““1! i" "8‘” ”we“! m’ Shawls, leaking Cloths, etc., etc. 'For Men’s the reeommendapious given of u. lor the-curd .and Bors’ wenr u have Cloth! Cnssimeren or Cnlnrrhal Aff'evlions, and {limit isdecrlltdg “Coatings Vestingi I'th {vol-let} afootton: ly the host article we have agar known (or all- ndu, «tel. &c. Call “d see. common diseases of the lien . ~ . . . ‘ u Burr it l’erry, Bosmn,’ Reed, Auslon & Go.,~l._l\°" 13' 1864: . * 11' SCOTT & ”ON' Boston; Brown, Lamson A: (30., Boston; R'ed,l Cutler 3: Co., Boston; Shh “'.FcMe, Boston;l Wilson, FAlrbnnk a: 00., Boston; llens‘lmw,v Edmungl— A: Co.,'Boslon; 11. ll; Hay, Portland,l Mm; Barnes a Park, New YorkyA. ILA: D. Sands, New York; Stephen Paul ‘& Co , New; York; Isl-Ml Minor 8: 00,, New York; McKen-J §on ,5; Robbinl. New York; A. L. Scorill £04., Sew York; M. Ward, Close a 00., New York; Bush 3: Gale, New York. For sale by all Druggisti. Try it. My. 11, 1804: 1y A CARD TO INVALIDS A Clergymnu, while residing'u: South Amer in an n missionayy, niscovcred I late Ind lim gfe remedyfifor the Cure of Nervous Weakness, lady Danny, Diseases of the Urinary and Sem inal Organs, and the whole train of dimmers bronglu on by tuneful and vicious baking-'- Greet numbers have bundrendycured by thin noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to bene fit eke afflicted end hufortumu-J willlend the recipe for preparfing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who need: It, F/jsa 0) Ounce. ‘ ‘ Ple’nse incloee sstamped eivelope, “dressed to yourself. Jddreu JOSEPH I‘. “IRAN, 5 Station 0, Bible House, New for]; City. set, 20, 18C4 unknown I Ladies Ind Gentlemen, if you wish to mar ”, nddnu the undersigned. Ihb will agnd you without money and without priu, valunble information um will ennble you to marry happy And upeedxly, irrespective of sge,weahh or being]. ‘Thil information will cost. you ”that’s“ ityon wish to marry. I will cheer mly usiu you. All letters liiiclkv confidem 3“}: Th desired Information uufihyreturn bfl‘llil, Mid no guanin- asked. ‘Addresn, , ARAB B. LAMBERT, Greenpoint, Kings 30., New York, ocz.‘ 17, 1864. 21:: “”"’-m, to consunp'fi’vns. Caitlin 've ,mfi'eren will motives “In. mM« for the Cure of Canaan tion. ‘A; u, " roncbml, and I“ 11‘:an Indplunz mum {free of Chung) lug-ending their. “dream \ nu. 3!),qu 3» WILSON, " Wininmsburg, Kings county, . 5w York. Sew. 26; 3,2 Emu/Pm.—Tho «gm-n an Orp ’ 00m ‘ filled 'in! rumors of.p«oe, Mfimnlyf F REAthsl‘lr‘TE —Oll "80:1:AY u“ became thc‘wllh is father to tho thought. ‘ 0 ml, d“y of ofiggmm I“, in win“, ~ ' l I w“ ‘"" “,"7' {0" P 9"? “1“ 1350"“ '“'“ i Inca or In Order of the Orphan‘l Conn. oi to prawn u, und we believe the mum?- mg. Adlai: couniy, the nbufibor, Adminisxrlwr yet for pews. but they were mislead m '9'; with me 'in annexed or David Johnson, a; gun-5i to the mom- of cunning it. Xi gm (ruled) will 0501' in Public 8411,01: the premi mily be seen, from the manner in which an. the Real Estate onhe uid decedent. viz; newepapers grasp It these stuns. 111-t the’ A FARM, situate in Latimore iowng’hip, public mind desires peace. We h-opeitmny I Adams county. adjoining land: of George P. come. We pny foi- it: ndvenc. But we Weaver, Cm; Alil, Geo. Schenmr, Wm. Hos lmpe aglinu hope. Such aresultia uuerlylloq and “5- “01'3”“, conflininz 5‘ KC"! impoulble under the present reginu until“! 6 34 9"“th imPl’OVfP 'm‘ ‘ One- , policy. We might 3: well expect ulution ‘ “017 LOB ”9951‘: “4 hllk‘lftn» smm” B 33113: without re nmnce. W 1! is ineviuble and “3d “‘”"“an quor, spring ”0°55 we must I; it come. McClellan and hil‘Wlip gxcelleni Sprugg, Smoke House, and a policy could have brought us peace. Lin- 3 ””“’ 0‘ 3°05! {““‘ ””5“ ”PM“ 5’9"”1195' coln He is «emitted on Mm 2:332: “5:31;, $122212: 5:251:12: 23:12:03; 33%;ngiggégon.ou%ee:ie81eig and the place is in I good suite of cultivation idle eace Hung“ They arye idle fiction land fencing, and _well‘aatered. 'Thg soil is Thisfimtion is not‘yet scourged a! “5‘ 'im‘ ycopper urine. His utuute (our mileg north of . ‘ Pen-"burg. The Hnbover and Carlisle turn. deserve. 1" must be and ‘_‘ '"“ be s'wept vpike pug-:55 through it. It is convenient. to,‘ by the besom of destructxon.—Pamot d’: ‘volford': mill. UM“- # “_ } WSnle to comméuce at l o’rloek, P. “"‘ on said d:y,;rlpcn :Ltendance will be given Ind terms mu 9 [lo']! ‘ 7 WM. B. GXRDNER, Adm‘r c. t. I. l By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Nun 28,1864. in » . * A The Horror: nf Wan—Duringthe liege of Atlanta, Georgia, by General Sherman. 1‘ gehtloman n‘amed Warner, from Jenkinr town, Montgomery county, 3nd Ins little daugbl’erh six years old, were killed.—-* A shell came through thoroof ind burst on the bed where they were_ lying, cuuing' the little girl in two,a}|d taking off both his 193:. Sheol' course died instantly, and he lived but,a zhort time. He was auger-1 intendent of the gas works at Atlanta. ”Army pin are so terribly tough ”mg the aoldiers call them leather pies, A poor fellow ofGrant’s army. whose arm had just. been amputated. was being carried past a stand the ather day wlnete an old woman was gelling pies, when he raised himself in the ambulance and called ofikfi‘l my, old lady, are those pics sewedjor pegged '1" TEE MARKETS. GETTYSBURGflSA‘TflDLY “51-. . ...10 50 to” 00 5 B 00 ... 2 30 to 2 40 1 15 to ‘1 3C 1 50 l 40 Fiour "‘ Rye E‘10yr......‘,.m..m i‘Whitc \\L'heq1..‘...........‘.'. :Red Wjeat..5.f.......:...: Corn. :Rye ..7 r().rxu.............. ‘_Huckwhcnt. .Clm’er Secv’. .............., LTimmhy Seed:.. '..'....... Flux‘ Pl ler nf1'nri5...........‘. il'fi‘er gruun‘d, per bag BALTIMORE—Fawn uh Flour.. ~.........;.. ....,.... Whenui.......................'. R3e.i....... ........L1.._..;..1.. Corn. “A“! ............ ........,... lice!(]lutlc, p‘enbungl..." ”9115. per hund............. Hay......................~.:..‘.... Clm'er-51'cd.,........1....... anx-secd. ...‘n.......»....... Whiskey ... PHILIP HEEGET’S EST ATE—Letters tes tamentaryon‘theesute or Philip Huger, lute of Umonltw ~ Adams county“, dec'eascd, buving'been gnugled to the undersigned, re siding in the same townghip, be hereby. give: hotice totall p'ersous indebted to and saute‘ to make immediate payment, and “loge hnring claims ngn'lu the sum; to present them properly aul enticated for settlement. A 5103 LEFEV'ER, fixecumr. Nbv.28,1864. a: ‘ lin2 Grand J try Report. HE undersigned, Grind Jurors M, Novem * bar/Perm of the Courts of‘Adnm'a county, nner visiting the County Jifl’and Aim; House, bag leave to\report: That the Jail is in {ln un-_ suitable cenzition for the proper confinement and sate kc ping of criminals, and therefore has: leave to rnquest the Commissioners of said county to make the necqssary improvements for the comfort and Info ,keeping of ail com mitted thereto; did shown they have visited the Aims House an found‘all in a good condi tion, the inmates t. are“ u! aomformbie. and well cared for, the mom) all comm-able and clean; and also this in their opinion the prop em. Steward. an». Quip. deserves much credit {or .the {3lthnt crformnnce of his arduous dune]. KEPNRY JL KUEX. Foreman. anklin Slnf'blyh, Chrysostnm Eppeimne, Andrew Wu er, Conrad Myers, J-cob Meals. ‘ J. H. Felly, David Lenhnrt. Hiehlel Alwina, Benjamin Longenecker,Snmuei Millsr, Jerome J. Hemier, Slmuel Rack; ’Dnniei Thomas, Pcler Fidler, . Jeremiah Sebriver, ' Wm. 0. Selbrookl‘.’ 370 v. 25. 1864. 3!. RY Dr. a. Bonus Tom and Altam- Tflre Powders, for HORSES .nq CATTLE. Prep-rod “doom only n. his Drug Store. , ‘Jmmy 25_ 1864. ~ 3 Clocks and Watches! x EWBESTABLISHBIEXT.—AUGUSTUS )1. FE ST L has opened I new Clack ind ’stch club Ishment, on Baltimore iueet, it} Gettysburgp a door above the ' Preahyterisn Church, Ind is& prepared at n“ limes to attend 7 ‘ - :6 ‘be repairing of \Vaéches. Clockfi Accur. , deans. Rings, Jewelry, c. An repairing en. LADIES Cloth (ox-Cloaking, 313:} “PP!!! (trusted to Lim will be promptlyy amended. 10. 1““ "“"‘" “ FAHNF‘STOLK 3305?; his work guaranteed to give utisfinchon. - ' ' at vcuxaau momma, . large 1.: jun: n . ° 3" ”5" 3‘ ‘,,___*.-_w _\ “‘"“ "93' “'9 “Wu 3' Wit-3 "'“',“ ‘ HIKING bus (he inant unsortmem of Spring " . fl LALBP‘MHSCR‘S. ’_ and Summer Clothing in town. US'!‘ receivod'nt I’ICKING'S Spring Ind Sumner Clothing. Game on Ind all. L. VSCHIGK has just rewind A‘lot o! _ . chéap Looking Glnml. .... J n.., x, ~ 1 20 .......10 00 {OlO 00 3...... 3 30 to 4 nu ......... 2 35 to“: 50 ' u so 1 is ".mll 00 tall 1?. 2 60.10 2 90 ..... I‘6B 141’! 75 .5... 1 75'to 1 as .... .89 m- 95 ..3. 8 50 NH} SI) ”.1501; 1017 23 ....‘2’B 00 m.” ()0 .....13 so to“ 00 .....53 30 to 3 {'.2 1 78 IO 3 80 hlerl .\(r. A ECK- Wei-Her, rg, Pgrry N to~ .Miss Pu. . he same, bWOPh‘, Mr: A!- Henry, Can-Ml ABETH \\'m’. C. US$l5“, to Miss Notice. Orphan’s Court Sale F REAL‘EfiTATE.—In pfirsnnnce of on 9 order of the Orphnn'a Court of Adnms countynhe snbncriber, Trustee for the solo or the Rail Emma of John Jacob "Pit-Fer, dec‘dl} will ofl'cr at Public Side, on the premises. on- SATURDAY, the 24th day of DECEMBER, 1864, the said Real Estate, confining of A LOT OF GROUND, with About one-half of flu sure at ground in the rennin Peteraburg, Huntington township, Adams county, adjoin ing properties of John Gnrénernnd Mrs. Eman uel Brmlgh, the said lot fronting on the main street, and improved with {Two story Brink Dwelling HOUSE, l , with one-story Brick Buck-builu- :': . ing, Frame ll.lrn,WoodShed and Bug Pen, neverfmling well of water witbfpump at lhe Kilcben ‘door. The Buildings ore in good u-pn‘r. The half negro is 'covered with choice louuz fruit (re a. ' ‘ 3/ ‘ A clmncejs hereby smm fu- nnice, com foruble and valuable home. WSML- to‘ commence at _1 o'clock, P. LL, could dny, whe‘u attendance will be given and term- umde knoWn by ~ ‘ - THOMAS D. REED, Trustee. Byjbe Court—James J. Fink, Clerk. . ‘ Nov. 28, 1864-. to ‘ Public Sane. . .' URSDAY, the lfnh dly of DECEM- B .11 next, ’ihe subscriber, imenfiing to }quit turming, will an ntJ’ubli’c sue,” M. peaidwce, in Bullet township, Adams county. ,one mile southeast of Middlewwn, the 110 - : ing pervmfll propcyty, viz: ' '- ' ~ :Hlohb‘ES, (two oftbem brood mares. » ' h {ML} 1 Two-yearling and 2_ One-yearling 011‘ '_4 Much Cow; 2 Rails, n _lut of Beef Cutie. Sheep, 1 H 9“, Three-Horse anm., 1! Enofr I‘s new, Enghsh Bed, with bows_and sidé-bu-Zrd‘, Liine Bed, Sfuing Wagon, Buggy Ind Harnés,‘ Uqrse (imp. Halter-,1 and Chains, Cow Chains, Log Clmin, (Elwin-Drill, Winnowing .\l'iH, Cw ling Box, Wheel-burrow, Duphla and Single vTrjrrl, Thlee-hnrse Tree, gPluugb, Show! ; I’lnngh, (‘01:: Fork, Forks: Run-s, Barrels, and a variety of other artidcs, 'dmuuxeroui' lu men'iun. \ - 4 , WSMO to commence at lflfi‘clm-k, A. .\1.,0n snjd day, when :monda’ice m be given, and terms mnde known by ‘ ' _ HENRY SLAYBAUGH. Nov. 28,1864. ts» . Sheriff ’8 ‘Sale. N pnrsfinfix'c ofuwrit ofV-vndilioni Expnmlfl. I,issucd out of the Court of Common ‘l'lcas of Adams county, P 3,, and ,lo me directrd‘, will be‘quosed to Public Sale. nu thé premises, in anbcrland ,tp., on SATUR DAY, the 1711 my 0? DECEMBER nu}, M 1 u’.clack. P.,Jl.,3\the following described um Hint». viz: ‘ - r ’ ‘_A TRAC'F'OF LAND, situate in Cunbor- Mud township, Adan-[s county, Pm, ndjainixrg Linds ofGeorge-Wcikert on the north, West nml ao'uth, mud on the east bounded 1): file Imhlic r d mucking from Gettysburg lo Emmilshfirz, emailing 4 Acres find 120 I’ mun-q edwri h a she and n 11an shay my Frame “’Hlfllrl‘bofl‘l'dd‘d HOUSE, 11 ‘hrick Out-kilchonx' Frame Wemlmrbo-mded Stable, lwo-story ‘Frame Wt-Mherbonrdrd {mt-h Shop, Emma Wentherhonrded Black {l Shop, Home Chicken House, a well n.‘ ‘°\\\'ixh pump in it nml-"b“: Wt] ' it trees on mid “act. Sm a. d \«xccugion as the hull eshzo J. LPBIL ‘ ADA.“ REBERT. Sheriff. iguyshurg, Nov. 28, '54. of the purchase money ”griffixnual he paid over Lcrty is struck duwn ' :ewilhthepropet- s’m write} some: It.- ken: in Ahxxnnu ’Silerlfa ofiicc, w’ren per cm} upon all sales Hy the , immediately after the pr] _ or upon failure to emnply tl} ‘ ryi will be again p’ut up lo: ml ‘ .Sherlfi’s Sale. x SATURDAY, mg 2m. day or EOE)!- JiER, 1864, M. 1 o’clock,P. 31.. Ly 'ifluel of n cenfig writ to me directed, I will expose ; M_ Publif: Snie, at the Court Home, in the Borough onork, the following Rent Egtale,\'iz: By \‘irtne of an alias Writwf Venditioni Ex,- poms to me directed, as: the EstateEj Robert a. Livingston. Xiz: ~21 CERTAIN-TRACT 0F LAVSD, containing 80 Acres and 31 Perches,. more or less, situated partly in Pan‘klin Lawn- ; ehlp, York county, and rpm-Hy in Lntimore‘ township; Adams county, Pennsylvania, the pen of mid tract of land lying in lhe county: of York aforenid. contains 57 acres, more or less. and edjoins glands of George Smith, Dan iel .\lenges, and Jacob Lerew, And the line din» riding the county of York from the county of Adams aforesaid; having & Two-story ,‘. 4 Log Ronghmst HOUSE, with e.Logflm Boughcante'Back-hfiilding attached, a Log Rong'thnst Shop, Log Barn with _atrnw . roof, mee Hay and Strnw Shed, Log Hog Pen,onc drawing well, two wells, each hating I. pump ‘in it, with a grent many fruit trees and other improvements erected thereon, about 5 Acres of which are in timber; and that part of the said tract oflnnd lying in Latimore town ship, in the county aforesaid. is bounded and limited as follows, vizu Beginning at '1 stone on 'the line dividing the county of York from the county of Adams, said stone being the cor ner stone between lands of the said Robert C. Livingstonmnd George Smith, thence by lands of said Smith. S. 33 degrees, W. 58 and three-I tenth perches to a stone, thence by lands of; Isaac Worley S 62} degrees, E. 97 and five tenth perches to a. point in the old Shippenl burg road, thence along the line dividing the said cotinty of York and county of Adams nml along the other lands of the said Robert C. Livingston, in York county nloresnid,N. 20}: degrees, W. 12 and five-tenth perches, N. 10$ 1* degrees, W. 45 and nix-tenths perches, N. 26} degrees, W. 12 perches, N. 38; degrees, W. 19 and five-tenth perches, "N. 48} degrees, W. 16 l and two-tenths perches, S. 40 degrccl, W. one and nine-tenth perches, N. s]} degrees, W. three and ninedenthg perches, to the place of beginning, containing 23 acres and 31 perches neat measure, this part being also improved land and under fence. Seized end taken in execution as the estate aforesaid, end will be sold by : W. W.‘ WOLF,Sherifi'. Bherilf's olfice, York, PB.) Nov. 28, '64. u , ' Nance. WM. GILLILAND’S ESTATE—Letters of administration on the eatnu of Wm._ Giflnlund. but: of Strnhsn township, Adams count]. decennd, baring been granted to the undanizned, [sliding in Tyrone township, he hereby given notice to 1“ persons indebted In mid emw’m make immediate payment, Ind those‘ having claims against the name to present then; propbrly amhenzimted (or same» ment. ._ SAMUEL GILLILAND, _ Nov. 7,18 M. 6: Administrator, F O U 'l‘ Z ’ S OILIIIATID guts: and 45m!» gamma. .7 Thu POI dfl‘l win strength . ‘on Ithtnmarh . nnd Intestine-. 1, chum: thrm - from “flinme mz'lll’r. and I , .=""’ .‘ him: thcm to ‘5 7:11; itl,‘".'f7_"y'.s.g; nhmhhyslnw. " '_ -. Th: \' nn- a cure preventive of Lung Fever. and a n main remedy for all Disease: mcidml '.o the Hurst. web we Ginn d:-r<, Yellow Water, Dis ! c m p e r, Foun d e r , H e unto t, Slatering, Coughs. Pb vars. Lou of Appetito and \‘iml‘ line:- gy. be. In poor, low-<piritM animals, it has the mgst beneficial «from. x ‘ 'l‘heuse emu-m inipmm this “ind. smugth; *cm the Appetite, and guts to the Home 3 fine, smooth and glosqy skin—mm: improv ing the appeamnw, vigor and spirit of (bid I‘, noble nninmL ' FOB MILCH COWS ‘, N .‘ v .7", / ~ The firmerty HM. P 1)“ de-r pnwrscs m in creasing the qunntil) of Mink in ( ““3. gird it in importance Mud ulue “Lid! should place it m‘the buds of Hwy pcruou keeping I. Gov. Bv nctual twerimem n has proven that it \\ill inpreuo me quantiu of Milk n'nd Cren 'enty pu- ccul,, and make the Bum-r firm md sweet. In fittteuing'ffnnk it gives them an appetite, hmsons \hLil’ hide and mak them ‘hrivc mmh lieu-r. HOG 8 . Inga DSSMfos of me ..‘w' «tuck :Ls ‘ 'l' j “.hfi‘ Coughs: Ulcers in ~ ‘_. #953} the Lung». Ln—vr. ‘ I; V3‘ :35?“ kc. 13v, pumn: \i‘fiue-‘szc‘ji from half-. 1 pap. 1: T v ion raw!" of Ligllfie , , “lg-":I‘J. 'nm are; n n. ur- ,r/J' : ~ - "H _.~ & rrl or Swill. the-”15:7 -:’:«“»=-‘§T\ 'alun'c“ Disem ‘mn Le cured or :min-Lv prr n-ntmt‘ .By usin‘g ”use Powders the; Hug ('hnlcm mg be {iron-med. Prics 25 mm. per Paper. or 5 Papers for $l. I'lt'ril'Kll’Zl) BY S. ‘A. FOUTZ 8:. BRO, MEM WHOLESALE nfiué m mum-“: 5 WOT. N). 116 Franklin St. Baltimore. Md- Fu: .\‘.!» |~\"l’_nlc:ri~!= and Storekmperl Ih-nuichmxl (ho Y'nitxd Rmus Par‘sa'o bv A. D. Buebler, Gettysburg; Lauxhliu 6: Bushfield; Wheeling, Va; C. C- Benderlz Co., l’xt.ehurg; Johnson, Hollowny & prden, PhilndelplliJ. ‘ , Nov. 28, 1861:. 1y ‘ - Godey’s Lady’s Books HE FASHION MAGAZINE OF ‘l‘“ T W {LD —Liwre, Fine Aug and Inshion The mqst mnguificclt Stgel en grminga. V L'ULE FASHION-PLATES.— WonJ vngrn '5 onewry snhjccl fit)! can in terest Indies. Cn‘ochct knitting, Netting, Em. Fruideryv Art‘rlcs for film Toilet, {or ‘be Pur- Inr, the Lin-. 130”, and e Kitrhnl. Every thing, in fan-1,10 makr a complete Lady's Book. The Lndie“ Fan-mile for I:Zt_years. No )lnguzine has been able to compqe with it. Nnnr xntcmpt n.. ' ;/ _ Go Ivy}: livcoims for every departmemif a i housvlmld. ThLue Mom: are wmtb the price *0: Ihe Bunk. - .\ludcl Cauugts (no other Magazine give: “10%) will} diagram". _ _ - Drawing Lossuns tor the Young}. Another spm'iul‘y with Undq. _ f Urigiuni .\lu~ic, w’orth $3 n ymr. Other M~xgnzihe§ publish old‘ worn-out musicgibutx’ [he subsrribers to Uodyy get it before the‘ musit‘ sturee. ' ' ' Gardening for Ladies. Another poo ‘arity whh Godry. ~ ' > Fashion; from Mesa-s. A. T. Stewfirt 8 C 0.,, New York. the ’millimmile merchants, appear _in Codey. (Le only ll.:g.x'zinc that hnl lhem. } Also, Fuhious from the ctlebrnged Brodie,§ of New York. " ‘, '. 3t Indies' Bunnets. “'9 give more of them illl a your Hum any ozhcr Magazine. In fu‘ct, the lady's Book euublrs every lady to be her own bouurt maker. ' - ‘ 1 MARION lIARLAXD, Anumress of “Alone," “Hidden Yam," “Hos: SiQe‘," “Seaman," and‘ -“)liriam." writ” for quey each month, and for nu other ‘mflghliné. We have also retained all our old audJ‘avorile contributorl. ' ERMS 0F GODEY’S LADY'S BOOK ton less. (from which tlierrL-au be no deviation.) ‘ Th‘o following are [he terms a! lhe ley‘l Book i’tq 1865. A: prncn we will receiv‘ subscribe nuhe followin n :"Dne notice will be :5“: if we sure u lged‘lb advance, which willde or! upon the price or paper. One c0py,0nmr,............:................53 00 Two copies, one yeqr;......... 5 50 Time: copieu,o,ne yeu,........ ............... ’7 50 Four copies, 0ne»yank...".........'....5.... lo 00 Five copies, one yearnefikun extra copy ‘ , to th? person lending lhe’tiub, linking six c0pie1,......................1»‘... ......m 14 00 Eight copies one year, had an any: copy to the person sending the club,|m:king ‘ nine c0piee,......... ...\ 21 00 Eleven copies on yenr,and no um copy to the person tending the club} making twalre c0pie1,......‘_............ 50 Additions to any‘of the ebove clubs, s2\§o' each subscriber. ‘ \‘ Godey’s Lady's Book and Arthur’s Rom Magazine will be sent, each one your, on re ceipt or $4 50. .4 ~ ‘ ,We have no club with any other Mag-zine or'Ncwspnper. ‘ The money must all. be lent 3: one time for any (Hub. /, Cngndnoubscrlben net send 24 mm ed ditionul for each In r. ' Addtm L. A. GODEY, N‘ E. Cor. 9nd Chestnut 813., Nov. 28, 1864. ‘ rPliiladelyhie, Po. Notice. HILIP HARTZELL’S ESTATE—II3nm" of ndminintmti n on the mat: of Philip il.-null, late at Stratum. toknahiph Adams county, having been granted to the undersign ed, raiding in the Borough of Gettysb‘nr'g, he hereby given notice to 1111 persons indebted to mid estate_ to make immediafie payment, and those having claims against the lame to pre sent them properly Authenticated for settle ment. EMANUEL ZIEGLER, of J., Adm’r. Nov. 21, 1864. 6!." Runaway. AN nv‘vay from the subscriber, in Cumber land township, Adams county, on the 25m Of October last. a bound" boy from the AlmrHouse,nnmed JAMES EWING. Thin is to give notice that I willl pay no dehtl hf hi: contrufin unless comp‘e led b 1:. ~ g ALFWNAKER’. Nov. 14, 1864. an ‘_. —~_BEfenue Stamps ' F any denomination constantly on hind And foi- sale n the First .National Bank of Gettysburg. GEO. ARNOLD, Cnlhier. Gettysburg Nov. 14, 1864. XUELSIOEI ’ ‘ EXCELSXOB ‘ HOILSXORH The End-int Washing blue 1! t‘z the: in the World. Cal} and auxin. it It 01;.. uflce at. the Envision ky-ligh: Gsilery. ' mo BBJT'HiI . . ,NEW FALL & WW’IEB GOO‘DSI—A good assortment of Full and Winter G 001: u cheap}: the cheapest A. at SCUJ'T guy's, ammo]: waws AND udn . good and chesp, for an]: by ROW & WORDS. UB2 BRANDY, WINE AND WHXSKEY, fox E mcdicinnl purposes only, at the New Drug 10’" at Dr. B. BURNER. The New 3km tor 1864. NEW MD '03“? INVENTION ,‘IN HOOP SKlßTS.—’l‘n Donn Euler": or double] Suzi. Sultan—J. l. t J. iC. EST, No. 91 Chsnben street, New York, in the owner: of the patent and exclusive innu fnctnnrl of I. W. 'Brulley’l Potonte'd fin plex Elliptlc Steel Sprint Skirts. . ‘ This invention consists of Duplex [or um) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge. thanking the toughest, moat Elutxt‘ Flexible fund Durable Spring ever used, enabling the i wenrer, in consequence of it: greet clusticity Ind fiexihlenen, to place and told it then in on us easily and with the some conveniedce as n Silk or .lluslin Dreis. It entirely obviates 'nnd silences the only objections to Hoop Skiru, lviz: the annoyance to the wenrer‘u well u the public, especmllyuin crowded assemblies, lCnrriuges, Railroad Cars, Church Petra, or in my crowded piece, from the difficulty of cap trncting than: and océnpying n small ennui-‘— This entirely remove: the difliculty, yrhile giv ing the Skirt the usuultnli and eymmetnéal form, and the lightest, most stylish and grade fulnppenmnce for the street, opern. promonnde, or house dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure land comfortnud grent convenience ‘ of wearing one at the Du‘plex Elliptic Spring Skirts {or a single day, will never ofterwnr'ds willingly dispeme with the use of them. They, are also equally desirable. and a great ifp- l provement over other kinds of Skirts, {or ' ‘Milses and Young Ladies who wear short dmlus. The elasticity and flexibility of them. prevent! when coming in contact with any-i thing crowding the Hoop close to the person, i from pushing outthe other eide of the Hoop' or dress; and again, they are so much moron double and not likely to bend or break or get out of Ihnpe. The bottom rods Yon all the Skirts are nine double steel, and truce or dou ble covered to prevent the catering from wear- ‘ ing 01! the rod: when drngglng down stnira, ‘ stone steps, to, tojwhich they are constant- ' ly subject to when in‘use. All an made of" the but quality of corded Tap", and every pert oi the Skirt is ot‘the very best mute-rials; it is zunnnteed in every relpectta he by fill-l the best, molt comfortable, and most durable Skirt ever nude. ‘ l filnquire {or the Duplex Elliptic Sprink‘ Skm. For Bile in all Vlrieiy or “,1 Aug} aim by ‘ mnxssrocx snus., g * Nov. 21,1964. Geuyq r ,P . E Competition Defie - ' g 5 ND‘ COMPARISON INVITED, at the Hm}! A and Cup, 1100; nnd Shoe. Sudan and “13 riely Storepf 110 W & WOODS, Genylburg. ll . C A ‘ ' and ' I of the Ines: itylei, in great "titty, for Men. Boys and Children, cheaper than the same quality is sold.“ any other store in the count I], for sale at he Chap Corner in Gé'lysg bug, by " ROW. &’ WOODS, r B s j ) ‘ , . II 3 S T‘ . , S ‘ ‘ In the Boot and 'Shoe line we can “Mk; down" Iny other establishment in Adamé } county. The quealiou in otten asked “Why iq' \ it tbs] :hoea bought m. flow and Woodl’ store , {rear much better than those bought. else-g. when 7" Answer, “They keep fon sale a bet: ‘ Eer class Ind quality of Boon Ind‘Shou th-n' can be fund in any other nor- in the coun ty.” A large poflion of the gopdl ‘l6 8:11 urq made to orgier by the beat workmen—24nd are no: whit are commonly called “81on Shoes." We have many “I?ng new, neat, 'qtrqng and elegant in the llhoe lime, for man, momeln— and childru, and invite all to call I d m for the-ulna befare purchasing HE'WIR‘JV- ' ROW & WOODS Hosiery for Men‘LWomt-n apd Children. ' gloves {(‘vr Luuics, Gentlemen nnd Children. 'i-olins of 'be best tone and quality. _ Ac‘curdccmg that “dgu’l be heal" easily. Neck—ties in men Vsricty._ ' ' Collars—ups nnd downs. liden and pap". Razors & Sl'mps of best quality, very. cheap Undgr-Shirts at old low prices. ~ Riding Whips for Ladies and Gentlemen. Tru'nlu of all Suzes at. first cost.‘ Cnrpel Sacks chrap as nnyuhoro. Black Saykl “A ”Mr up” nut still cheap. Hukcts of various size: for Lydia. Cn‘rfinge Whips, good And be’itcr, Iccording (o prlro. . w ‘ And A grrntvmnny other things til-t are on lm'nd, nif‘sold A little chenpér than an) had} also will sell 11113111. by BOW & WOODS. ' Nov. 74,1864. . ' Gettysburg Ram, INTER ARRANGEMENTu-On and Ifler 5‘ Monday, October 3lst,-I|:64‘ Passenger Tmifl!:'ill lean and érrire on thg Gettysburg Railroad ts follows: 1 ‘ _ FIR-ST TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at. 8, A. M., with passenger: for York. Harrisburg, Philadelphia and thy North nnd West. ' Arrive .lt Gegtysburg at ..25. P. BL, with finsaen'geu from Baltimore, York nml Harris . ur . ' ' SinON’D TRAIN yrjll lam Gettysburg nt‘ 1.40, .P. il., with passengers for Baltimore, York and Harrisburg. ’ . . ’ . Arrive at Gettysburg at 6 P. 31.. with pu aengers ham York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia. and the North Ind'West. -. _ , _ ‘ B'. McCL‘RDY, Prep Oct. 311 1864 Desirable Home T PUBLIC SALE—On .\lO AY, the 260.1: A; day of DEIJEMBER next, tht bsc er, Intending to remote West will ofl'er at Public Snip, on the premises, the‘ ‘9 A TRACT ,OF LAND on which he resides, Innate in Hamilton township; Adams county, About 2 miles from Oxford and 3 milks from Hampton, ‘adjoining lands of Daniel Romeo. John Snyder, Nicholas Link. Ind others, con uining 26 Acres, more or less. nude; good fenciug'nnd good cultivation. , The lung,“- prévemcnu are a Two-story Frame EH”: Weatherhouded HOUSE, with Back- huildmg, and A well of writer at. the door; Frumefinm, Corn Crib and Wagon Shed,Wuh Houu, wirh other necessary out-buildings.— Therc is a. fine young Orchard on the Nemisen, with. all‘kindslof fruit. . \‘fi‘Salé to. commence at I o’clock, I’. SL, on‘mid day, when Attendance will be given and fugue made known by x ' SAMUEL LIBHART. New} 1864. tn . ‘ \No Humbug. HAMBEBSKURG ST. ALWAYS AHEAD. . —THiS WA‘Y FOR BARGAINS—JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH‘has just returned from the l . City with the lnrgestlnd most complete nssort- { ' NOtlceo ment oi HATS AKD‘~ CKPS, BQOTS , ‘EORGE A GROOP’S ESTATE—Letter: AND SHOES, that has ireén brought to, w ‘ or administration on the estate ofGeorge this town since the war. Kills stock it 'A. Group, late of Huntington township. Adiml not only‘complete, but is GQOD and CHEAP’ :connty, deceuedphnving been granted to the embracing every variety of Rants and Shoes i undersigned, residing in the lame town-hip, for'lien and Boys, whilst the Lndies will find she hereby gives notice ufnll pereonl indebt everything in,their line, from the finest Gaiter ‘,ed to paid emte to make immediate payment, to the heaviest Shoe. Children’s Shoe-I of‘sland those having clnlms‘mgninst the lame to every description, in great variety. Also, l,a.- F‘presegt them properly authenticated for let diel’ Huts, fine quality, and Children‘l Herr, tlemenL AMANDA E. GROUP, of all styles and price]. Also, Trunks, .Cnr- N0fi14,1864. 61* Adminiuratrix. pet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Gloves, Stoqk- w “‘”‘- “r"- —'—‘——““- inge, -Tobncco, Cigars, and Notions of every Nance. description. > OBN POTTORFF‘S ESTATE.—Letters of H’Doe’t forget the place. Chambmburg ,J administration on the estate of John Pot- Itmt, opposite the Lutheran Church, Gettys- to‘ril‘, late or Strnbnn wwnahipLAdamrconnty, buts, P‘- JOHN L- HOLTZWORTH- decesied, having been granted to the under. DOV. 2‘58“; ti .eigned, raiding in thelune tuwnshimhe here mu and mm" ‘ tnzr::::m::ilt:::°mm“““'d . payment, and those 7 PRIVATE SALE—Im“ 59" “ “’""‘ hnving claim: against the same to preeent them 531° “1“ VALUABLE ”‘_'LL PROPERTY kproperly ontbenticeted {or lettiement. norm on Mellhenny’a Mill—situate five ‘ JOHN F. FELTY Adm’r. miles west of Gettysburg, on Upper Marsh , Nov. 14 1334_ 5‘ ’ Creek. The improvements are a )ler- ~g— ’ chant am, 8" mn, two DWELLING g HOUSES end it BARN. _ L :1; The Farm contains FIFTY-FIVE ACRES of choice Gnniu Lad—most “endow bottom. ”Tam: Iccommodating. Nou'l, 1864. M GEO. ARNOLD. . The First National ANX 0F GETTYSBURG has been desig ‘ and I Depoahory and financial Adam. of ‘ niud Sum. Will buy GOLD, smvER, gmgONS on Government Bondm? Wm furhiih 0,1040 417-30 U.S. Bomts‘wnd other Gavernmem l'ecnritiu. Collgctionl .3:de promptly‘nn nix Iconiaible figinul. ‘ GEU. ARNULD,Cuh3et. July 4,18“. _ ‘_. , - _5 RAKE'S PLANTATION ENTERS, or‘Oié Homestead Tunic, at. Dr: B. BURNER}! Inn; Stan: P. a Picking. BIA? CLOTHING. ' ‘ lAL‘I‘IIORB 81. vasnma. P (‘KING’S CLOTHING STOREpBAL‘I'. BT. PICKING'S CLOTfiLW STORE, BALT. BT. 'PICKING'B CLOTHING SNBE, BALT. BT. PICKING'B CLOTHING STORE, BALT. 8'!" _PICKNG"! CLOTHING STORE, BALT. 81‘. GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, ‘ GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, _ AT F. B. PICKING'S, 3‘! F. B. PICKING‘S, 1'! F. I. PICKING'S, AT i". B. PICKING'S, AT F. B. PICKING'S, ‘ IN BALTIMORE STREET, . IN BALTIMORE STERET, IN BALTIMORE STREET, .‘IN BALTIMORE, STREET, , \ IN BALTIMORE STREET. *' GETTYSBURG, PM fl'Fine flock of FALL AND WEB GOODS just rewind. Call and. cumin . Oct. 31, 186‘. ' K L. Lyona’ Pure Ohio ATAWBA BRANDY, Ind ; SPARKLXNG CATAWBA WINES, Equal in Quality and. Cuuper ianrierthAn m Bnndies und Wine. of the Old World For Summer Complaint, Clboem Infuutnm, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Colic, st Diarrhea; A sure Cure in gunrnntied, or the money will ‘ 1 be refunded. . In ”13’0" of the above statements. are pre sented t ‘9 Certificate: of Dr. In. R. Chilton, Cbcmist,fNew York; Dr. Flu-am Cox, Chemical (“penanonm DrJunee R. Nichols,Chemisl, Boston ; Dr. N. E. Jones, Chunical Inspector, CircleriHe,ohio; Prof. C. 'l‘. Jackson, Chemist, Boston ; Dr. Chli. Upham Shepard, Charleuou, S. C.; And J. V. 2. Blanév. nnd G. A. Mariner, Contullinz Che-min”, Chicago. all of whom have unalyzmi the Cutuwh Brandy. and com p'irnen! in the highest tel-nu, foi- medicinnl “.9! Analysis of ihe )lmanchusctts Sttfe lawyer, Jan: 25, {658 When gvapohtcd‘througn clenn linen h M! no o.) of- offensive mnuer. In CYél’yJ‘enpecl it in a rrhn‘spilimo liquor. The Oil which gives to [his Brandy“: flavor and Moms, in whplly unlike fusil, or grain oil. he oduxjpnr hkeaor both the fruit. and oil of grapes.— Wi‘th acidu,‘ iv. produces ether: of a high frngrn’nce. The substitution of (hi: Brandy for Cognac Brandy VI“ do nkuy u ill: the umn ufncture' oflfiniliuul lpirils, sold under this name both M. Home and Ibrond. w, 'nespeczruny, A. Mamas, 21.20., , Assuyer lo Sumo Mam, l 9 Boyluwn 11. ‘ By the same, in 1864. ‘ 'I hive mulylcd “ h. LYUNS' PURK’CA TAWBA BRANDY," with refer9ncc‘to it: com position andchnracteri-being the name as that praduced {ll past years. A sample taken truth ten cask: Ifl‘crded the same results with regarqj to punt) ; n. slightly increased Vamount of the: principle on which itsiflnvor depends wu de termined by comparilcin with former mmpicl. o'l 3“ The indications ot analysis show that thin Brnndy is produced by the nine procen u moat. of the impoxted BrAndy. . . Respectfully. A. A. HAYES, M. D., , S’mtgAsmyor, 16 Boyluton It. Boston, July 20, 1864. ' NA-N UFACTURED ONLY BY H. IT. JACOB l (70., (To whom I“ Order‘l ahpuld be nddressed,) Depot, 91 Liberty IL, Nu? York. Nov. 14, 1864. am ‘ E. 8; H. 'l'. Anthony & Col, ANXFAOTUBERS 0F PHOTOGRAPHIC ~ M TEHIALS, .wnouuu up urns, 50l BROADWAY, N. Y.—.ln addition to our main businbsson' Photographic littering, w. are Headquarters for the following, viz: STEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. .Ol these we inure an immense Assortment, including Wnr Scenes, Ameriéan and Foreign Cities and Lnndscnpel. Groups, Statuary, km, kc) Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or prll‘xlla exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on'receipt of-‘Suunp. PHOTOGRAPH” \AI.BU.\IS.-—We were the first. to introduce then into the Uniz'ed States, and we manufacture immense’ quantities in great. variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $5O each. Our ALBUMS have the term“- [ion of being superior in beauty and'durnbill 1y (0 any others. They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price. fiFiue Albums made to order.‘a, A CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Our Catalogue now embrace: over FIVE THOUSAND difl‘eronl Inbjocti (to which ad dition: are continually bejng made) at Por trails at Eminent Americnm, m, viz : about 100 Mnjor-Ganrnla, 650 Stntesmen, 200' Brig.-Gcnenls,\\ 130 Diyinea, 2'15 Colonels“ 125Anihors, [OO LienL-Colnnels, 4a Amish, 250 Othe‘r Officers, 125 Stage, 75 Navy Oflicen, bOProminentWomu, ' 150 Emmi mt‘f‘meign Portfiita: 3.oooeopiu of Wdi-ks of Art, including re production: ofthe most celebruud Engrxwingi, PniuLingn, Statues, kn Canasta“ sent an rgcelpt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from mzr Catalogue will be filled on the receipt ol sll6o,qu sent. by mail, l-‘ree. Photographer: and other: ordering gaodl C. 0. D. 3711! plenu- "mi: twentyfive per cent. of the amount with their order. ' E. t E. T. ANTHONY h (10., Mnnufacmren of Photographic lutcrifil, * 591 Broadway, New York ”We prices and quality of our goods cluno: fail to satisfy. [Non H, 1864. 61:1 /\ We. . ; AMUEL SADLER‘S ESTATE—Letter- o! 1 ndminislrutlon on the estate of Samuel Sndler, late of Tyrone township, Adams coun‘ ty, deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gn-es notice to all persons indebted to mid came to nmke immediate pnymnt, and those having claims against the same to pre sent. them properly unthenlicnted for settle ment. DANIEL S. DIEHL, Adm'r. ‘ Oct. 31, 1864. 6H ( Notice. ‘ ARAB FOLLE’R’S ESTATE-Letters of f ndministrntion on the estate of Sarah Fol ilpr, late of Mmmtpleusaut township, Adams raunty, deceued, [martini-been granted to the undersxgned, residing in the urn!- township. he hereby gives notice-to all persons indebted to laid estate to make immediate payment, and those having chums against the same to ‘present them properly authenticated for Mt .tlement. PIL'S s'. SMITH, Adm’r. g 0ct.»24,1864. Notice. mm c. Gosamurs mum-Luau! J of administration on the unto of John C. ; Gobi-och, late of Union towmhip. Adoms ‘ county, deceaned, having been (”and to tho nndenigued, residing in tho um townshiy, she hereby gives notice to Niger-om indebted ,w nid ’esme to man inmodiue payment, and 1110:: having claim. agninn lh‘u same to pn lent lhem properly yuthenticm‘eg ior "mo ment. ' ELIZABETB GQB RCHT, ‘ Nov. 14, 1804. our .\dminmnmx. LOTIHSG! CLOTHING l—l’lemyof nut C goods jun opemd. Also ‘Boou, Shoes flue, kc. I’m, all cheap M BIILV'KERHUF‘F’S ADIES’ DRESS TKIMMJNGS, In great he 14 riet)‘, M - flCHICK’S. PRISG BALMORALS jun received It“ FAHNKSTOCK IROS’. . ~ s ~.:'~t _ . ; HI: undersigned wauuxfam “'in.“ a that ho in still running in! of! 1091‘ ABS lrom Gouyiburg to 341 m: "fly fleck. He is prepared tnconvoy Ff! “MIC? '”an Any quaglity. llawillumd, ll’duipl, lo the making of purchases in the my, in ll flwflng the goods pram-fly It Gm M fit Bil can ran to lho Warehouu of J. é. 3050], 108 North nreot, Blltlmoro. {ln lulu: flu iflendon of «no public to his ling-midi: them thst lu will warn no'ofl'ort to accommo date :11 who Inn] pun-Min him. * SAMUEL HERIST. HAY WANTED, The high“! prlco ”M fdr good Timothy. < ‘ Oct. 23, um. 35' Provision Store. Bl “mined has opened I P 807180! 810115 A: George Litllo‘l old «ind. ‘- est Middle street, Gettysburg. when In I“. nlwnyq Rug; bum], for ante, BEEF. NU >l. VEAL, PORK. rouunu'. APPLES. swum‘ 139‘ IRISH PUI‘ATOES. DAMAGE, BEETS, TURSU'd, mm everything 111. 111 We provilion line. He will all a mum proflu, and up". no 910" 9. pics". a < ‘ ’ FM. Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Olin-t, to, wand, for which the high"! yriccs will M 11“). 4. .; ~ JUHN salami; 061.17,!884. tf 4 : ' . ' New Spring Goods. I MALL PROFITS & QL’XCK SALES. S J . L . sc a 1.0 It would respmllnlly any to an cltLleu of 60%- tyaburg and, vicinity, that In in mummy at. his store a :Iplendid ’ ~ A STOCK 01-‘ SPRING GOODS. Tlll stack cousin: In part of Fancy till 1 Staple DRY GOUDS, of "cry ducrlption. SILKS,‘ MOZAMBIQUE, CHALLIES, ,' - Dmmmm, .' nomi‘nzmxsr . * ‘ALPACCAS‘, s LAWNE, . .CALICOBI of 11’] quilltluud choicest styles, which will be lold M. PRIL‘ES T 0 DEFY UUIPETITIOIL FURNISIHNG GOODS . . 'f of 111 kinvln. in’cluding Silk, Llndn lad 00mm llamlkcrchiel'a, Gloves, Stockings, to. Al3O, a splendid nnnrlment of “1350“ Luce: and Edglnus, Umbrella: and I‘afiloh.- - My stock of WHITE GOODS will he funnd Tull 3nd complete, and customer: may rely upon always getting good good! u the lowest pulp!- ble prices. . (:ontleppn will find It to the): ndngugc (0’ call nnd-exnmine my flack of .‘ ‘ QBOTHS, ‘ " . »' ‘., CASSIMERES and - 3' _ . vssnxus. at :3 qnahties and choicest styles. play 24, 1864. J. L. SCUICK. Hardware and Groceries, HE subscribers hue jun relurnfid from the chin-5' wilh an immense lupply cf ARDWARE t ‘GRUC ERIES. which they an offering at the” old aund in Baltimore "mt. at prices to unit. the man. Our stock coniiltl in pmt of _ BUILDING MATERIALS: V _ CAEPENTEE’S TOOLS, , ‘ . BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. COACH “some! SHOE FINDINGS, ’ CABINET~MAKER’S TOOLS, I‘IUUSEKEEPER’S FIXI‘UBES, - V ALL KINDS OF IRON, he. GRO>CEBIE~SHOF A LL KINDS,» QILS, I’AINTS,. &C., &C. There lano InIcII Included In the ae‘verai depcrtmcnts milfioud , Ibovo but. what can 'b'e had 3!. {MI Mai-- Every dies of Mechanics can be acdonno'an / Der: v'vith LooI: Mid findiuga,af‘.d flowchart. on End etery nniclo in their line: Gin urn. can, as we are prep-Ind to tell as low for‘cul . umy house out of the city.~ _ ‘ V - ' ’ JOIsI. B. DANNER,‘ . ‘ DAVID ZIEGLEB. .' Gettysburg, Hay”, 1864. ‘New Warehouse. ' . ; nusums or an}; 100 000 wmmn;munwe{m and Proauce Honsgi Culisle lugut, Adjou lng Shanda & Bnehl£’l establishment. Tho highest market price will always be p.“ in cash for ' ’ GRAIN, of all kinds, , FLOUR, SEEDS, to. Alwyn on bud and lo: ‘ulo, n tht W profits, ,_ GUANOS, ‘ ' SALT, FISH. . - n - GROCEBIES, 19, . Wholesale And "In". _‘l'RY US! We Ih‘nll do our but to “In satisfaction lo “Wises. ‘ IcCURDY t DEED; Gettyibgrg, May 11, 1863. 1y ,3 / Hay. ‘ 0 FARMERS—The highest union!!!” pnid nor HAY—CASH on doling—nB the 51rd of ‘be ‘! Pennlylvanin Beaurvl’m Company,” near the Foundry, Gettylbm‘g. Emmen would fido well by‘ culling bufon engaging elsewhen. Call to no the Hon.- power Hny-packipgfrus. J. W. SWAN, Agent. Oct.lo, 1864. .x! Auctioneering. ICHARI) TRIMMER, of Strabnn to'mhlp. !{r Adam: county, Hm, hu commenced ALE CRYING, and will be bnppy Inland“) all calls that my be made. Ho will do No best to render satisfaction in All can, Ind will be modgrue in his charges. Than!!! for the patronnge already besgwad upon lain," he asks that the publxc generally gin him I trial. Sopl. 28. 6|: For Sale. VERY DBSHIABLE PARK, conmlnin‘ ‘72 Acres and npwardl, situate I} nilol. cm of Oxford, In Hnmll'on towmhip, known as the property of John Bupp, who now no sides on n, .nJ will show it w my p 6.” wishing to look nil it. together with 8 Acru and 68 Perches Wood Lmd, in Jackson low-- Ihip, near by. Terms sccommodttlng." GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct. 10, 1864. d . New Bakery! EWPOBT t ZIEGLEB, Hechsniul 35h era, South Wuhingm “reel. lull lam mm the Eagle Haul, GETTYSBUBG, u:— Constantly on hand, the but of 33311). CRACKERS, OAKES, PBHZELS. he. Inn was withing {fab Broad will ha and m morning. by leanng their ngml “‘"“'!“ at the Bakery. Every 2mm and. $0 plan Give 111 I culll [April 20, ’6B. t! r Brooms! Brooms! HE undersigned ho re-openod hi. 3300‘ FACTORY, oppociu the Depot. on Oat!”- nreet, Gettynburg, And i: now pupal-dun.- commodnu the plum» in his Hue. I. '1“ either mnke Broom] on tho shun or to “hf; a; may be desired. A stock of Broom: '1 always be {mind on hind. Give him lull. Oct. 31, 1864. 4: S. R. TIPTOH. 9A R D puoroexuras o distinguished individuall, includlagnnw ber of our pro-inant Conrail, “d m CH hero John L. Burns, for mle It the mum at the Excobior Gallery, Gettysburg. , A J‘YSOS BRDTEI”. Everhart's 3.42:me HOUSE, F! coal: on “fin-,3 "mm: lflll’t, BALTHIORE. MD Th 3: Home $5 9n n direct fin. between I}. Northern Central and Baltimore ud Okla Dd}. rend Dipou. 1: bus been refitted and ID.- formbly unused for the cunning. M entertainment of guests. l . " ,‘1 on 31,1864. If , ,i: Mu 000 maxim—Jun menu-d a I:slth G HORNSB'S Drug Store. the 1;. in; 4mm ofLilne for preserriflx Cider. A. ‘ , '1 ALL PAPER! \VALL PAPERHAL‘ W new styles, jun (eccived M has”. Howasizrgwusz mm * AGO, Ariow Root, Corn Smut} Riemann! and Gelatin, fin- nnle at Dr. 1108853" Drug Stork. - II Al
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers