EV we a. - a r. \ 4's. v. 1%., f " fir , » s El ‘O‘UR‘ FLA 0! I. l‘. ”LEI-I, INTO! AND PI‘DPIIITOI GETTYSBUBG, PA. MONDAY MORNING, NOV. 28, J 34 A QUESTION or mm: The Democratic party has perform"! a. ,‘high and! holy duty in the contest just closed. 193.1135 labored to fireserve the parity‘of'l’ihe church, to have the liberties .oftho pooglemndto re'stpre pence nml Umon without fdrther bioodshed anti ruin. ‘me 1861 it bu been steadily gaining on the pohuhr vote. Tb full return pf (won 'in mlyiqugstion oF‘nmznd‘foux-vmqre long. did” and tasteful fun: of; war, «‘in sans. iy "'in than who seek the hat doflér npd ,lhe Mfdl'tch. In the meantime let Demo. . [aria icmelpber that they hue .g duty t 6 ‘ form} Let them stand unbroken nmkgst 31:. “mm, and be prepared whenever the timo‘comos to rescue fgom the wreck ofoui' ~npublio yhht Tittle: {here may be {of} of ’Jib‘erty and country to tranqmii to their ‘ch'lldrzn. ’Tho hum looks desoTnte and fearful, but tha‘rgood Samaritan/bu 'in. :work lo'do, even after lfi‘uthieves andxob- her- have left. nothi‘ug ‘bugthggmanéled Tom; 9f h‘umqni‘ty'behi’nd‘éflem‘. " Thz‘nurr or bgmficnus‘, ‘The- duty of every Democrat? says the §ew..llvnmpsliire Pairirit, is as plain to-dgy.l ’ih‘defeit. a; it we": before the election.—, Tim duty in WWI firmly by their prinLl ciplee. ”their petrldtic convictionsf their ‘tiuw noredorgnnintion.’ Frrfm the man-j lyfivswndflmt performance oftheir dul‘y' th hill not/‘be _swerved either hf ' the? threats or the p’elsuasmni of their political “mien. Time will prove the policy as! wellhu the—justice oflliis course. The poll-. ’cy of the Administration iejust u'obnox-' ions to them no heretofore, and its‘ inevita ble to dency just as fatal to the w'ellere of the wintry and the rights and’infitereatl of its citizens. It isjust as importanttb them, and to the country. that this policy should I be abnridonedf; and for that end it in' atill the duly and interestanlike of us all to la-' her. The verdict of tile ballot-box can boi reversed in due time ; lthe delusion: under: which thousandu of inches: voters have let ed will be removedv by the tide of events, and the course of the Democracy will yet be vindicated by the ebber second thought of: suffering and cult-Aged people. When “If time comes. it is the Denrocmlic party th t will be required taneve from utter ruin whatever is to be save of personnl or na tional value. . That" old perty him ever prbved true to its mission, and it must ahd wiil not despnir of the Republié. Its organ ization _must be preserv'ed, its camp fires must be kept hurningu its sentinel: Imm. stand watchful at their posts, and its gal lant nrniy must presenhfa bold anti defiant face to the enemy. No‘othér courseis con lintentwnh bonanpnlriotfam or self-interest. ———~——» «I» - ...—.._. nWe hsve no dispbsition to dispsrsge the choice of the people in the late election, or evsnto insinulito gm inipeschment ofiits integrity. ThatPchoice has been made by an apparent majority, and to that vgte the minority will submit with all due resign» tion. But then therg may be some use in calling attention to one or two significant facts in this connection. The majority for Linopln on the popular vote 'is so small as to show that those who oppose him“ are too formidable in numbers to be ntterly despis od. Allowing the President about two hun dred and ‘twenty‘fivo thousand majority of the‘fo'ur millioos‘of votes cast, and bear ing in mind that he has under his control msnfmoro stipendsries, civil and military, than the majority of ballots polled for him, the conclusion isjinevitsble that he 'probsbly would have béen defeated in do fsult‘of the enormous patronsge'which he wields ssg' head of the Government. And this tiny be said without at all implying that the President personally employed that patronage to influence s single vote in his own favor, or was privy to in em; ployment (or such purpose by others: A great writer on civil governmenthss said, in spanking of the elections in France: “Wg may certainly assume that every gov- ‘ ernment oflicor, or person connected ‘in! some wayiwith government. is‘worth his! four orfive votes at least—which he will di- 1 root. is he in turn is directed to do by his; superiors, or he loses his place.” S says the Sunday Mercury. 1 ‘ , [S'Fifteen McClellan votes have reached the lime toth of Almond, Allegany county, {’o election ; and from twenty to twenty-five a Hornellsvil’le. Steuben county. In a number of these cases, létwrs had been re ’ 'ved before election. speaking of the for ;gniin‘oflhese proxies. The lettérs came; ibut he proxieg were held back txll after elections-Albany Atlas and Argue. By just such and kindred dishonorable menus,and‘wicked devices all over the eoumry, iuvaq that the friendsland nup porters of constitutional liberty were pre vented {mm teem-ding a mnjarity o/ llwlegiti— mm popular vote, which they undoubtedly Imm ‘ -" V ' espringfield, Minnie, the home of Abnhnmfiineoln, gave George B. McClel- Im 73 majority; while Orange, New Jersey, ‘ McCleilap'n heme, gave the General 50 majority. ‘ ‘ 4‘ fi'l‘he Democracy of Wisconsin ’lnlveL nude A pip pf 14,000 votes over Jut year. The mnjgrity for Lincoln on the home vote 5. small. Michigan and Wisconsin have done better than any other Western Scat/F3B. ”It is statgd that ProvostMm-sh‘al Gen chFr! has issued peremp‘ory orders for 3h, mrection and revision of all enroll ment lists throughout the country; and eg- WW! enjoipi upon tha com misaioners of “9,91“ the duty of adding to and ana in‘ the‘flafrom all who ban become liable tobg‘exsmpt from military Ila-doc in gay aubdiurict» ‘ ,7* ‘ O‘Kemben among“: Ar; beginning to arrin- in Washington. “an“ pox is‘n‘iar'harfully n I'M”, MWM‘» . _ 1 1! it, Wuhhing to colkmp'lnto the ipropaeu of euknce and civilization irom' 1800 to 1860, 3 period scarcely more than ! an orainflry life minim. Dense fn‘reau have been cleared away. Turtipiken wan 'mnde ‘ And then cupmodpd by crumb; Ind gbeoe: by nilroudn. Steam wu app‘ied to —ma-: éhinery; filling the country with mills and the rite" with ummbonts. Coal wuzdis» covrréd Ind ~brought into market in a ibdusnnd districtn. The telegraph has been I‘ applied in the transmxsaion of new: in every civilized country. Books and newspapers: Ihave multiplied as the sands upon the sea Ihore. Petroleumoil hu blooms a nude of the earth: The popuistion of the United- Smtesincreued from seven to thirty mil-l lions. Cyies hive sprung up like exhnlnn‘ tiions wh re.‘ but 1‘ few years ago, there wasX J the howling wilderness or the uninhabitod' l prairie. .Goid has been discov'ered and Imined by the miliiona of dolls'rs‘. wbrgr.— l 6 But with all this A cmel war is now dehu l tning «In! civilization had beautifled and indomed‘.‘ a _ § COTTON SPECULATIOH. I ' 19 was aimed recently :51: arrange -I'menu were about (0 be mad. between the H'Fed’erni nml Rebel authorities to pumis the shipment and sale of cotton. for éhe lyurpése of relieving and misting the Beb ipl priso‘ners in the North. Tiigre is now ‘an iéxpynation givefi; and that it. that die {whole affair is_simply I print. apecuigtion I for the benefit. cfficertajn.‘l‘eading Re'gubli can politicians. . I i H 6?!» in the ntory : E. D. Morgan. in Sen. ‘ sitar frofi New York. Henry J. Rnymdnd, ‘.o'f the New York 75mg und Chairman of ih'o Republican macaw Committee. Thur loqv‘ Weed, who wu‘ ofipoaed to and only ‘gave‘ralnctzinc assent to, be re-election of Alli-L Lincolnhmd a fourJr party, who was tfignegotiutor, and who had a cart: blanchc 10‘ pass to and from Richmond. new. be .the 09?: receiving the principnl'profit in i the thiinnctjon. It. In agreed to supply. all ‘ the velotfiihg, blankets. and otbey neceua- Iries {of the rqbel‘prisonem and, in returnl dig to, receiye the full amoimt ’of cotton, ‘ it u siipnlatad price—which will be far he -1 low whalvthe valueiio in England.“ New 'Yoik. They, oY course, flick“ the differ ence. ‘ . s .. > This in a [lice little nrndgement. Who would not be, a Republican politicit‘m l:- Uzulaml I’laindmhr. ‘ QEKOCBATS, BE OF GOOD (HEEL “thong; the powers of darkneu have prev-iled'i 'tho fecent elacfion. we coun sel Democrats uid Congeryatiyes to be of~ gobd (Shoot. The night four sorrow yill end by and hypnn'd’tFe'good time come again. _ Tho effect of 1.! e suicidql pol-i icy inaugurated by our'pflflicnl energies, will soon be felkbxflumselvm, an? after a whileufiliey will confesb their error; Ind re pent of their fully, land ark forgiyeness from their deeply injured and much abused fellow citie 5." Let us bide oi}: tune; and wrtch nflfiyvyaitwunlil othe 501%: leoontl .tlioxlght Ihall agztlll lmvo takenrpofiegsion 9f the minds of‘ thmpmple: JVhenXhin 'occ'urs, our delix‘ery from lhe power of Sll‘ and Satan" will be at' hand. o.lx- cnuse is 3 good one and our principleanro “dial.— Wov'must n‘levey giv\e up the' ship. We must p‘ick our Hints and try the ‘gkholitinn iets again and again until victory crowns our (afloat—Maryland Union; = WA special «la-patch from Washington, published in the Inquirer of yesterday, as set“ that Mr. Jerry HeKihbfll,of this city. has admitted. ‘himself guilty of election funds in the sunny. and bass be released on bailgto be tried by a militia: commis sioi. This assertion we emphatically and abs lutaly deny; Mr: McKibben has not. admitted theicharge against him in any_ way ; hey—will stand his trial. am‘i‘belieyes it. will oslahlish his innocence. he report_ circulatedbyjbe Inquirer does Mr. McKib ban a great injusticemud wé deny It in‘the gout positive terms upon the’ spthority of he editor of this'journal, and of Colonel Jos. C. McKihben. the brother of the at cused;—-—Pr:ss, qf Saturday. The above contradiction, nude in file most positve manner, '_vill seF'veto shoytho value of the sensation telegrams that. crowd the columns of: numlger of Abolitionjour nals. Those who‘kuow Mr. McKibbsn did not, for an instant; believe'the dispatch re ferred to, but there' were other: who might. have‘beon misled by the his statement. produced in Friday's Inquir . We hate nptyhe slightest doubt tlmr. t e urea! of Mr. McKibben will turn out to bé a. grant. outrage. and that. his innocence will!» fully esmbli.hed.—§>Ai2a._Aga. . 3 Jere. McKibben; Esq., one of the State Commisuionera, and several 33mg; of the Democratic State Confinmee for the distri bution of tickets in the Army of tho Poco mac, were arrested on election day ana con fixed in the Old Capitol Prison, for Alleged frauds in poll-books? Ap' inve‘stigaiion’of their caso‘waa‘ had last week, meaning in their éntire vindication,an they have been Hanoi-ably discharged by the unmet-mes.— Clmmbcreburg Repository. IQ-WQ hays no dénbt the: Democratic igandigafia in_ m. sme 1090 mm, 10,000 Ivotes of soldiers by the raids upon the gagents, seizure of anota, and stoppage of ithe reception of votes. The alteration of ballots. by the substitution offiincoln tick lvets for McClellan, was another form of {rau larggly practiced: A third was the with hplding of the soldiers’ proxies addressed ‘to Democrats. until after tha election.— lTheee can be counted by the thousand»;— N. I'. Warm, ‘ Pig/u; of Pafutriana.—The United S late: Circuit Court. New York. has given a ver ‘diol. of $4.900 to a. person for damages sus tained, while crossing the street, from. stage. The law is that pedestrians have tbe’fim’oright to the crossing, and the: drivers of vehicle; must consult the safety and convenience ofithe pemns crossing the street on foot. Drivers of vehicles shonlci make a note of‘this fact, and not run per; sons down in the streets by fast driving around the corners. S'Mr. Samuel; Cover, of Myers‘s dis trict, Carroll co.. My!" has sold In: tummy and farmnonilining 125 acres, for $125 per acre; apd alw’ {wood 16!. about ano bslf mile distant, fqr $4O per acre. Pn’r ‘cbaser. Jesse-Epplexpan. of York 00., Pl. A é, Q‘Lyman‘Cobb, ividely known as ‘ the ‘wlhor pf various school-boom. mainlyfif tan elepenmy character. died at Colesburg. fIPDHQt 30.. PL, after several yen-0' ilhien, gen the 2th alt. His ‘35 in“ about. 55. —-—‘—~——a-o -._-_— H‘Tho Bank of Chambershurg, P 5, 19 £0 become a ”mom! bank. , ‘ ’”"'" '”” '”' ”mm ”'“' Vim I“ ”'“' 33.;337i.3i2§iléeili°.§liiw§llfii -.,. - . l t . PORK . , Th 3" ‘““’?” :wfimrzm?’ at; Corps, and II commanded by Be ersl Slo—' Gflh Benjamin F. 39"". ”19 bu.“ 159" 'OPPT‘DB‘ "taxi! “and Vagnbn commanvl cum. General Howard’s column theone of the war-shriokers. in his recent speech 373‘ lhgracmfederiews madégn rapid r..-treatmb‘ch marched mum towards ‘ eoon.-l ..v_*t . . , ' . in the city of hay llink, favored gin oti‘er i ”0:, Ennis Gap towards Southern Vii-gin: yGenei-sagslocum rugged rings-raid Angus-l of terms of peace to the southern loaders, lm. Gen. Gillam. with’ the Federal army. ?t" ’erman ‘5 ‘.e" “‘ “mp“: l - ' ‘ dd ‘ tb Cont d" in mm- Slocum scolumn. It isaboutone hundred; upon the basis of the Chicago Platlorm.—lf°“""€d~, 3" ‘3“ Y .e . ‘- l 'l from Atlanta to Manon. 0n Thursu ’ - - ed on Gillam' defeate him and forced m‘ es - ‘ 1 Before the election. any man who talked .i ‘m to 9-H“; to Bull’s‘Gap' Then mat-71d” ot'lut week Howarrps advance was re—l Of makin‘ "Nepali the South, was at llcin mt attack the en mtg!“ the pO5", poi-ted at Jouesboro, thirty mileslsoutlt of once set down by the Abolitioni‘ils a! 3’ nd‘zG‘lla withilrewytowrii'd Knoxville—3 Afl‘mw' 0" Sunday it "‘“' repented'eigli “ h ~, H . ~ . ’ 3h] llum n ltilled and.wounded"i\re riot ty-two miles south “Atlanta, lliere, copper "a ’“’d a ”‘”“’" "'““" the‘ e o "‘9' +1 (t fed tes cu tut-ed rm". seems but little doubt that Macon was cap- Chicago Platform was the horror of horrors ‘ {legle‘l'F dée '”';imfiis six gunman imd l tuned about Tuesday. Very few Confodef. ‘0 shoddy Mink)“ Bill no 200119? I“ the elec- ‘ (iii: “1:20": :ltgr this co'ntest the Feder-' ate troops were in position to. successfully tion 0V". than one 071119 ‘“‘-“"8 ”"995 0f al troops retreated rapidly towards Knox- l 0990329 EOW‘Td" march. bloom“ s 601' the administration announces as his own i ville and on Friday the Confederates came i umn " 5“" m ”’8 neighborhood 0f Atlanta, ‘ i 'I l) ivviil them at Strawberry Plains east of and '"’ doubt will move very slowly on ”S the very Views expressed by the muchl Kl oiiville A bizitle was lou lit but the way towards Augusta, mm the capture of abused Democratic ConVention. Now, we result irinot et announced g ' Macon is announced. and Howard’s col would like to know what the petty dema-i After the {rupture of Plymouth North uniii turns northeast and murche‘s towards gogues who made so great a bugbear of thel Carolina. the Confederates retreated to a fifimflélfi'pnfiiiiiegigigihiiaiiiiiiegii} t - - . . ‘- . » - . \v ‘ . ’ ' i ' ‘ 0...... Wm r" .... w... m t2“.'..“..2."‘h1’ tii’i‘ivl‘iififll‘R‘v‘alfifgl‘ofi . .... ~ gar-d ‘0 9911- Butlers “‘"“"8 PO‘H'J"n “Pon'md occu ied a position on the Bopnokei There are indications of the near ap it. Will they call him “co rerlieali" nnd,‘ - - p ’ ’ roach of Grant’s new attack uon Rich- Pl River Just above Plymouth. The Federal P P “traitor," also? Or will they veer about, “.00 sat once occupied Washington. l mend, There seems to bea heavy concen aud by endorsing Butler, swallow all thel WI; haves report that a Federal expedi-‘ gala"ffrfzfigaltg’og’;gohnbélgfiog‘é"; 5:3: bitterness of the wormwood and gall which f ilfigsizils sie“t:’e{;u‘: Qndttciizwegg ngvggge: D g 1. if”) Canal, as If n were the inten they have commended to the lips of thet ... pp. ‘ ' ‘ - it' to make the principal attack there-‘— lad to captures. herd of cattle, which was new . . Democrat“? We shall ue.-—B¢¢{,‘brd ..‘ toibe ressed over and sent to Hood’s M 3, Federal lorce on the Weldon Rnllroad mm a severe battle, about one-third Mg being depleted to allow of the reinforce the cattle were capured. The Confed-‘lr"; 9'“ on k.dCold wgather. ates were prevented from crossing any oil 'l hubs“ m an the ma 5 are the MiesissippL—Agd (if Monday. {rapltlly‘rfl itary movements There is but little military intelligeneeiariagg:‘é near Cumberland today. No new information has been sent ‘G“ whic ,3" linelietween usofGeneralShertnan’s movement. There Keir’i'tucky '. General Breck is a report. nthell authenticated however, ‘ iiiridgt' with the Confederate troops has that on .Sjaturcliy ‘3‘.” nine ““3””? Confed-j moved 'north from Strawberry Plains: and 53:: 3337355133333: 3331399355 . 3 “0w hug: “lg?igeédwgtgggfiggmnnfi .. ’ , . ‘ ap. re rit rrig, l Gem Still? :2 '1:.‘.‘°i1:‘:::::“:::31.322.32.23i ...... Km... "9W Pb°“”i’€."!“€’ ted to“ November 10th the burning of north of Cumberland (nip,l [lbo (zap is h ' .‘R! e G . was he un by held bv the Federal troops: ‘Gillam is at brddfswt'ioih hirfiinianeorTglii's was a l’lederal A KPOXVMP' bm‘ "a." in “ condition to do any ‘ . ' _ . thing.—Agaomelal/. s’; post. on the Coma River,ubout twenty miles‘ , -‘ . :l we“ a, the “n. of the Chattanooga andi Information of an impo ‘nnt character Atlanta Riilroad. Rome was evacuated co’r’icerning 091),. Sherman! progress ‘"“ about the 12th, and the Federal troops that “will" tof‘ortrese Monr , on. Thursday, had been there now form part of the Fed-' by ”‘9 “'“”‘ °f “.“eflm - '""' a '“““ eral crgumn which is murching from Al- number ofparoled PTISOBBI‘S‘ omSavannali, lanta directly cast to Augusta. Nothing Georgia. Savannah papers “at“ Monday authentic hashe n beard lrom ‘General any that: Milledgevdle, th npitahof the Hood's armv. it f . , . State ofGeorgiaJiiis beenenfiely evacuated 1 General Curtis,i who commanded th‘ei'md all “'9 PUbnc “”hwe ' ‘”‘d property lFederal troops in Missouri that follownllremmed ‘9“ Macao? “l . - 1‘ “““‘ 'Prioe's retreatjinto Arkansas, has made a . mored that General blierm had captured ‘ report. Curtis states that he captured one i ‘"’,d burned Macon, '““,‘d 5, ‘ w‘mm fifty it’-”“"‘" ...“... m ...... ministratirsltzl. 3:32;; °§§‘£~§§l§§‘ '3} none. ‘ ‘: . l _ _ h '(‘ Y_ | l'uaEast Tennessee, General Gilliam has 1‘“: week, calling °“ he Pil 19' 0' "Burl“? Eretreated. all the way to‘ Knoxville. All ‘0 arouso,and?thstriicl ””51; d 5 m Gwen] the country emit. of that place 1135‘ been’Shermnns front, flanl't—an .9“: By “““' given up to the Confederates.--Aye of Tues- means they 9‘1”“ to sta i... hm army.— dm). - l'll‘ie: Savannah papers alsljigcontnin other For some time past we have been receiv- ‘ “""’“! “P?“l’ ,‘° the PEG?” from the" ing v‘ery conflicting repo of an attack representatives' in the rat” Congrefs at made by. he Confederm on' the Feder~ : Richmond, urging them tolbqru the bridges al picki’. mm: in front eneral Butler's ‘on the route'Gcn. Shel-mags army is ex cam on tliei‘north"bai ot the fumes.ll’9‘s‘ed to take, and todestrpy ”n the pm- The attick was“ made on Thursday last, iVisions they cannot remove; . V and resulted in the capture of one hun-l- tThree divmons of Genlecal Sheriduns dred and twenty Federal prisoners. Fifty cavalrymhilstonareconnolssancedoym “’9 Federal soldiers were killed and wounded. 1 Valley 0“ ”gm“: ““’ ”Pulled my"? h‘fid The Conlederiite loss was two killed and . a severe fight’on 1 “93%)" ‘3'“ Gen. I’m-‘7 3 seven wounded. The Confederates held , army at_liood 5 "‘“' “‘9 ”F'g‘im‘ nt Inst “ 10 captured ground until Fi'iilayinight. l _ed lorsix hours, and the lnlon lorcesliav when, tli‘lty “'lllldl'ew, and on‘. Saturday , in}: gained all the information they desired. (;9nPl‘tll Butler reoci‘upied it. "l'lu-re are,relui'nell.v Attemjits were made by the 9““ rumor-2i, liotli‘trom Northern and Southern { only to follow “u annoy them, but. they sourceii, that the Dutch Gap Cannl is com- . "9"9 unsuccessful. . . . ; lpletod. The nitlickupon Pé-tcrshurg m ”‘_' "_A dispatch from Washington receivedlast , 'O, in, amp“... I peeled lo lieui “Ni” close of this week.‘ mulit furnishes additional extractsfrom Sn- HR. Enircn -—lfitis not treepaasiiiu too Gem-rill Gi'niit its in Philadelphia, yoster- : Ntnnnh papers. lliey represent-that. ”“' much on your’gerlerosity;permit me to any i (luv. Uo‘ih on his way back to 99- attacks on “”“’“ “'3“ Milleducvulenppear tlirouuh'tlie columns of your excellent pa- l burg. ‘ lto be; feints tor the‘purpose or. covering the per a few things in general that transpiredl Authentic accounts ofGén ral Sherman's grand movement 0f Gen. Sherman’s army in our quiet little town a week or so «no.— progress towards Macdri befin‘ to reach us ‘“’, "19 aetibonrd. ' Augusta. ii iii SHPPQSBd. l rcl‘r-r to the “ Republican .lollificatinn."‘rthrough Southern sources. VOv'i' Tucaday I ‘“l' be taken. m 0“ the route—Sm? 0’ 8'“ or whatever you might term it. for lam .' last his column had advanced to Jtiiit-slioro,l"”‘1“.’/' _‘ shriously in doubt what tt-rm tonpply to it. : thirty miles 'miitli of A'llarita. ‘ There is since that party has so niliry “cations” in ' nothing said of any fighting between the its robumlnrv. P-u't let. it be Wilt" it Ti“. l Federal arlymice it“; the Georgia trgopsr-r cannot silent, for. you know, "51 once in the burning of time, Georgia. " (ii-ii gives confirm.” Now it is not my inlen-leralSlieriimn’H orders, one million dollars tion to pins \afiiiticism on this “Jolllticlriwortl. ot' property—much of it Govern tion." for you now tliat‘woiild be treason, ment stores-was deltroybd. We‘ have no but simply to take notice ofa few li\ivntters; new: from Hoot! latterthan i\:iiveirrberl2tli. tlhgt comfounderdmy ‘observnttign. it: 'or Ido ! til-‘in" lie waisbon llie JGIIESS;9B ltcyerlnear eeign pu ri icu eupon e n air, or‘ orence. is announe i'om listing .that might bring upon me the inillrccntions | ton that the Administration has‘not heard In'l'V ‘ ' ' ‘ . iféi‘fiii £i’lr.‘i§iiildgi”ii’i‘ea“33:33l."in?TESEillElX‘io‘liiiiliiey we have supper. (providing {would get enough toI intelligence that Sheridan, with the pur eat the anti morning.) that incur their . tion of'l'iis'army which ‘lms not yet been displeasure. And; first andforrmost. I. sentito Grant. is stillat Winchester.” Ear st talte notice of the procession. It was: ly's advance guard is at Sirashu'rg. Sheri lon but might have been. much longer. ‘ than has recently sent ‘out two reconnoissiin and ‘ thinks it yv-ill be somewhat. longeriocs to discover the enemy.‘ ‘Neither of Elicia oncitold Abe’s call for five'lhun-ltliem crossed Cedar Creek. The enemy re the audition)” comes on. ,‘hey‘wns-in force on the Southern brink. were very. brave. otrl'east they said so, until . lii Kentucky, at Lieutnnnnt Colonel yet. ’- COUM not Heinthiiiking. Wig“? slam - Witcher, in cohimtind ot a Confederate ile ing on onept‘ the street. cornersa if halfat taclimeiit. has recenilycnpturetl two Fud dozen’Rebs had suddenly appeurt‘d on the f eral steamers on thexßig Saintly River'. The top 33" Seminai-y rrdge, that before said steamers were both burii‘ed. At Wellons- ReUldCEuld 8:“ lallzpmtlllcbt‘fil'i tgwnrtbcfi bury,‘a town near by. a large amount of hen ave 'en ie t e r man sai _Fedemlstorcs has-been captured. ' when he was trying to catch a flea. “notl - A small detachment of Moseby’s‘me‘n is dar.” All honor to the brave. A peculiar ‘on a raid into Western Maryland. Some of feature of the procession was a wagon co_n- them had come within a short distance of training il.-hit: ladies, or ladies dressed in Washington, Another party was at. Falls white. It. has} very pretty sight, soil. was. Church, on the erglnlh side of the Potom- It seemed as it: so many angels _had been . ac, on Sunday night. Moseby'a men have “drolgieglinto' an nix-cartaonlyhthe‘y) 3i: regwedltréViigniai ha ‘ d 1 page ave oeen roppe ra er 1 - enern rcc 'inrk ge insane a pro:- a ly. I thought they were angeliuntll l‘law motion granting wnfederate protection to their dainty moizths open..and heard a con- such East Tennesseans'who may wish to fused air of harmony rending Itlioau‘. I‘l7th lay down their arms and become peaceable the charm was broken. But must urry citizens., - on.§ While passing up street. I sawacrowd General Binlu has been tendered his old collected in‘front of the Court House. Ind command at New Orleans. He now has ‘one of their “eminent“ statesmen address- the proposal under consideration. - ing it. ‘Of course I was anxious to hear. There willsoon be another drafts—Age ef wlhlflbhethad to say. hie was fiallowiggcth't; Wadmdajl' Sh _h i l_h be 0l , es. en trac . trying 0 prone *1 B.‘ enera . erm'in as at cunt on Democrats were traitors. Nower. Editor. heard from, through Southern channels.— it. seems to me that 2h}: mail. be a hard On Saturday last he had advaiglced one col thing to prove, for all ‘ epu loan ontors umn to within ahfew miles of coca. -l:lis have been engaged in this business for the forces were deaolating the country as they last. three blemnmljl‘ahndl the fact does not; moved am. It ilras reportedf tli‘at he hall. appear to esta is e yet. _czipture severe niem era 0 t a Georgia During the course Of his remarks. he con- Legislature! at, Grlfin, Another column gratuliited the “Union loving citizens” of' was movi in the direction of Augusta 3““?"5 ii? ‘”“'”? ‘i? Emil" Ni?” “"3 Mil'iilizeli'len - iAd 1 x. ‘ ow, now no it e or e lien 8' n “I y ast a portion 0 min; man has quite lately consulted :lVebsttzlr: Porter’s iron clad fleet which for some time with rcfrre cc to the meaning 0 t e "or , past has been at anchor at Fortress. Monroe “lain” butghia much I knuw,_he has em; sailed up the James and anchored with the 3:er forggtltenfy l‘vli’iryllum’l, Wsl6i? aviary-I reslt igrliiediately belozvtihhe lgutcb Gathtv lug pass 0 t air y.’ an use on- ma. iereisarepm att. erecent ear lucky and her "l'ziir" ballot. it is a pity !vy rain storm caused such a freshet in the that noone was near to Whisper.“CEßTil-'I- . James that on Monday the piers of earth tars” into his own ear. It is a pity that be. which kept the water outP-gf the portion of knewinothing of the student who was noti the canal which is still; eing excavated permitted to vote because he could not were iwept away, and thin. now the water prove that he was thesou of his lather. and. rushes through the canal, ' rid carries eyery yet the enrolling officer, a few days after- Ithing before it. The road in Grant’s camp ward? decfidid in opgmigon to alearnedf. are in a horrible condiii n, and military mem ero t e an! M 6 W 95 “10 son 0 ‘movements just now a impossible.— his Father. Ocnnsistency. thou art njewell General Grant arrived at Tia camp yesten The distingiiislged gentleman also quoted ‘ day. 5 Latin, ut said e knew little nboutit. Be: A party of Confederate cavalrymen, on might have sparedhimself the trouble of} Friday last, appeared iii the Shenandoah .fifllug' for “ex iii/lilo, mllil fit.” ‘‘ . _ ’ Valley. between Martinsburg and Winches- The “iolhficahonj’ was a reimcmg m, ter. A Federal cavalry rows of sixty-two hogor‘otgéliczse-flection ft'it'lold Abih ‘Tlheyl whee sent out! to capitore them]. dMoeeby, sai . n:7l!sa 6. ‘ now a ln-it e common or ot e enemy, ai ’in am coln is ro—elected. If n: is the safety of; bush; killed twenty-two, wounded eight, the American-people,“qu helpus.” Yet'nand captured thirty-two. Two or three the country is stitch—while thousands or ,Federal soldiers afterwards escaped, and filling premature and bloody _graves, whiQemi-tad the dwaster at Martinsburg. thousands are weltermgm their igore.whllel General Breckinridge. at last accounts, thousands are reading “the air With shrieks l was at Strawberry Plains. East Tenneesee. of pain and agony. while thousands morel eighteen miles from Knoxville. It was re are daily mutilated and mangled.{/mc 771.61}. ported that. he intended to make a' raid that hypoc'lm. dare _tell an American cm- ' with all his troops toward Lexington. Ken zen that. ourcountryissafe. As the breath tacky. General Burbridge. the Federal of fanaticism lifts for a momentthe curtain commander in Kentucky, is preparing to, of the ffuture. what‘s bfirgndrsg firearm 31‘ l meet Breckinridge. '- W. 0 misery. terror. 0 .an 0 eat , The Confederates have sent. small r presents itself. Rejoice. ye tool's! Our : ties of cavalry tor Fi-edericksburg. The country is SAFE. As for me, I will weep banks of the Upper Rappahsnnock are over téie calamgties of_my ur'i‘l’i‘apsycountza. : {aghast them. ll ts t' f ds Par on my igression. e ay pass . ere are it nor 0 reportao new rai on without. any accident. only that R “co-pa lrom Canada ~upori~ Northern New York perhead” was shot—no loss. Shame, dls- ' and Vermont. grace, eternal infamy. be flat? $0110". of, Captain Sem‘mes’ “New Alabama" was him who dared to commit t is on crime; called the Sea Kino.-—Aya of Thursday. ... crime over which fiends only can gloat. l _ General Sherman: as heretofore announc- M.” JUSTICE. we “‘99“th 1038; 21:36:13 3:, has h‘Mdedi'm‘ army into thwnFeogtumns. we mournihydsparth‘uspel. n. no t esecoumnsoontainst e i eenth “by tomb, Kim. and Seventeenth Corps. and is commanded Rather Rick—A bright ide: mu promul gated last Sundafieyening by the Pastor of tho Presbyterian lmrch bf Munch Chunk. As it is from a man of genius and unmothing new. it deserves to be widely circulawd.. It was in squance as follows: "1‘ tuthv eminent: arid rulers 'were orda' ed by the Almighty.and tocriticise or rid cule rulers. was to criticise and ridicule God.” thereby putting the Almighty on n par with Lincoln, Stanton & Co. Bright idqnl Query. Would criticising Lincoln and Chase for making a laurem out of-the Treasury Dppaflment be fiticgslng the Almighty? ‘ \"Elopea wilka Nrgra.—The wile of a man nimed Heniy Suckets. in-Ohio.‘ recently obped with a _negro. taking with her a lit- Ha bird; eyed and beautiful daughter.— This latter fact led him \in pursuit. of the. ft’giiivél. which hé found in a negro board ing-hows at \ilndsor. The wife claimed his forgiveness. but was, 9f course. (refused. The mhe’r took mama. bdb ciao mmher's pntreities lgd him to ‘ ngree‘to fluke her home to hei- parents, provided she would‘ agree to remain there. This nhe pr§mised, and on Fridly highh'tb'ey 11l started for Ohio together. ‘ J « . Turing I/Imuriu.-It is stated thu'in the forthcoming when of the Secretary of the Treasury. he will ask for invrennd unu tion on articles Q! luxury, with a vi"; of augmenting the revenue. ‘ ‘ 5 ”Hon. John E. Smithhlutely elected Circuit. Judge for. Carroll and Howard oovunties, qualified on Monday last. @Thg new Aunntic cable will cost three and] hi” millions of dolhis. Frauds npon; Westporeland Soldier 3--- A ,olition Villainy Exposed. State hf Pennsylvania. W’eshuorelandcaunty, S. S. 1 Restore men: Justice ofthe Peuce.in nnd for snid- countv, pereonally came Israel Myers, of Hempfield tdwnainp, said county, who being duly sworti. says, that he isa member of Co. 8,; 67th Penna. Volunteere. in the militnry service 0f the lfnited States—that. on the day of the October Election in 1864. he was at. the‘Cheéber Hospital. Philadelu phia—thnt he remembers. distinctly ,that he voted for "John L..D.stnn, for Congres‘s ; John Zimmerman. for Prothonotary; Ml clmel G. Keener. for Commissioner, and he believes he voted the full Deinncratic Tick et—thnt he returned home on furlough yesz tel-day (4th of November) nnd finds upon an examination of the Poll Book end Tully- Paper returned from said Hosyital to e Prothonqtnry‘ of Westmoreimd fgu‘ifl. that he in the b‘zly‘person fromth s coun t-y who voted therein: said Electionnmd that his vote is returned for Smith Fuller, for Congress ; for J. R. McAfee. James Mc- Elroy and Geor e Smith. for Assembly, and for others of, tie Republican candidates, Which said return is .l‘nise and haudulent. ‘ (Signed) ISRAEL MYERS. Sworn to and subscribed this sth day‘ of November, 1864 before me (Signed) JOHN M. Luci}, J. P. [r.. 3.] Sonmns’ Pnoxrts Oran» ‘_.VD ’l‘lcn‘rs mecsn-—-Rs.n TH: Srnusxr Bumm— Prior to life October Election, William C. j Long. of Hmnpfield’townshi‘n, a member of , Co. E, 63d Pen‘n. Volunteers, sent a proxy “from the Summit Hospital. Philadelphifi, l to his brother-in-lnw, Henry Bender. cover- E ing a Democratic Ticket. to he voted at that l Election. Upon the envelope being open ed. it contained an Abolition Ticket, the other having been abstracted. Some days ago Mr. Long again sent his proxy to Mr. R Bender with n McClellan Electoral .Ticket;_ 9'01: =Friday, Mr. Long returned home, and i lifted his proxy.and upfm opening it there was found the Abolition Ticket. .e-Rich—Shoddy rejoicing ovér The re : salt of an election carried by Massachusetts Isoldiers in Indiana, by an {mgiana general I in Miryland, by fo'rce of afins in Missouri, Iby the arrest of the Damocucic commis jsionen to take the noldiem’ vote in New York ind Pennsylvanin, lud‘by such a sys item of tyranny, corruption Ind hand as iwill stain the pages of American history . forever.—B¢dfird Gazette. , Emu: of Mn. supine» A. Dauglus.—Tho executor under the will of the hue Stgphen A. Douglas presented to the qunty Court, yesterday, receipt: showing he had paiddo Mrs. Doug!” over $7,500,1nd to fihe Mo children over s7,ooo—being proceeds ftom the estate, sfter paying all the debts»— Chicago Tribune, 15M. ind. ‘ ‘ ‘ 8-." Ain’t your but getting: little slee py.” laid a gentleman to a friend, who hnd a shocking bod hat._ “I do not. know, in deed. Why do you “kW—“Beau” I _ . . . . . ~ know it 18 a long tw-unce it had any map. fi'Fi-aneo hadmt out In expedition to explore the mountain ridges of Lower C‘ali. fornin. She Inns: to find gold nnd‘lilm. fiEnemivo coal field. hue recently been discovered in the vicinity of Fox-(Rice, Minnesota. / ”T5O 3116'} is now two fee; deop on n level onfiné White Mountains, N. H. Some of the drifts are twenty feet deep. wDaniel Webster’s old house in Porto mouth, N. H., )8 now an oyster saloo'n. " Whey qunrry nit in Russia—as In quarry granite. It sells at $2O per block. n.on «Monday night tic or three incheq of snow fell at Wheeling. Ii , fi‘Congx-en will gunmen Mondny. fi'Single copies of the Cahfder, with or without wrapbgn, fin unto. r lohm 8:: 60mm}. ‘aow ro sun so cum—w. m now engnged In tending out hills to thou ln Int-urn for the Column, and hops they will meet with prompt ”meat. We no compel!» to pay very high prices, 1x :Aéu, for paper, ink, and nllother mntulals, as well as for all arti cl" ofllving, and can only “mnk'c bolh end: meet” by getting the cash from our customers. This bu bccome the rule ofbuainesn in almost évery branch. Ind “country printers "’ nre hm no other course than to adopt it also. The stcmnesa of the necessity will be admitted by allreflecting men. , GM: for the Curran are $3 if paid in‘ndvauce, and 32 50 if not. paid in advance. These rates the enormous price of everything used in our business require; I strict adheienco to in all cases. Those who lmve heretoloro paid at the end ol the year will make fifly cents per annum by changing the time of pay ment—to the beginning lnstud of the end of the year. Surely, few, lf any, will be incon veniences by adopting this, ¢ourse, and as il will seéuu a aiming at a i-Gnaldeuble per centage, no doubt many will at once do lo. It is wquh attending to. _ COURT.-—The November Court was held in" week, President Judge Fish: and Auo- j clues Ziegler and Wicrmnn on the bench.— (fourt continued throughout. the week, except ing Thurldny—Thnnksgivlug. The London Will cue wu pm olf until an first Mod-21y of February, when a. Special Conn will bi held lor in trial. The case of the Commonwealth: vs. Rev. Washington V. Gonw-ld occupied two days and n hall, lnciu’dlng I night union.»— The {ollo‘viflg were dispose} of in Quarter Séuions: 9 . Cdmmonwenlth VB. Jou‘ph Biaum-r. Lau ceny of ghoda from John Miller. .\'udicl, not guilty. Commonwealtkvs. Charles Stahl, Georg: Kohler, John Harman. Lewis Gro r, Wilson Hollinger, Samngl Hollinger, ngfliegen— Riot—aualnlt‘xmdvbnttery on Jncoh sepp. By consent of Court” nol. pros. was entered, up on defendants paying the costs and diving bail in $3OO to keep the peace for one yenl‘. Common lonlth '_vs. Keller Cnlp} Assault and, batter;l on [Valentine Warner. ~‘Vcrdit‘t, guilty; Sentenced to pay a fine of $3 and the costs of prosecution, and give hall in $5O to kéep the peace for three months. , Commonwenlth rs. Mary J. Thompmn, (col ored.) Larceny of shoes from John L. llohz: worlb. Verdict, guilt]. Sentenced to' four months in the countyjuil, nnd t‘u puythelcosts of prosecution. . ' Commonwealth vs: Washington V. Goltwnld. Fornicatinn and bastardy. on onth bl l'lhm'J.’ Wither. Tho jury retitcdohoutnoon on Smur dny, and are still out, this (“and”) morning. Street rumor has it that they Slund nine (or Conviction to three for acquittal. / ARMY VOTE.—-The Rein-n Judprs met at the Court-Bonn on Frid I] last, and counted the nrmy vote ofkhe. county. There were, we believernemly eighty returns, some fire of six of which were r-iected because of z'llryahly, (no! ‘~infonulity.”)- One return, for iustnnce, [mi mended in in count no lea: than eleven. York‘counly votes. Lincoln’l majority in the army vote is ”cl—leaving N'uOlelinn's majuri- I] 464 on‘ the trim]: vote of the county. “'9 win give Woketurns’ in detail fin our nut. ‘ 1 _. _, , _, _. _ ‘ fillr. Peter Rodgers, wao was shot in the bowel: by Henry Turn-11, on Summing \week, iakwe _nre glad. to be able (9 Male, in n. fair way to recover. Turrell.» on Mondny‘ night, tried to lmmk jail, and haul succeeded in r'nisingn small pn‘fl of the floor in his cell, but Sherill' Hebert. caught him huhe ad, and plrced him quder greater security. - L w'flxe Hildebrand anelu Stand, in PO - sold at public sale. recent‘y. by Hon. 1. E. Wiermnn, 'Kdministrator of Mary Hildehnnd, deceased, for themm of 51347 nearly one thou-and: more than it. sold for l few years figo. Mrs. Reed is thefipurchnsor. ' RR”. Jéhn R. Warner 'dclirerod his 0- ntion on the BIN]: of Getty-burg, It Peters burg, (Y. S.) on Thursday evening, the lonh inst, for the blnefit ofthe United Slum; Chris. tinn Commission, nalizink \the handsomr mun of $83,64- nle Onzion was 0 thrillingly rib qnent one, and may fréquenu; inlertupied by IPIJIIIIO: , _ ”Our exchanges nb‘ound with allusion: to the snow storm of Tuc’sdJy. "A few‘fitku. fell hennhuz on: maintain-Were white. 1:: New England they: was a rather be", full «it snow, enough tomnke goqd gjeighing. fiTh-nksgivin‘g day was. observed here by Lgenerul suspension ofbnaineu. Srrvicel were bad in the Presbyterian and Christ cfxurcbcs. " ' 1 w’l‘hoae perzd'nl whose mun“ are. drop ped from our subairiplion list from time to time, may hke it for granted that they owe as much as we cgn Ifl'ord to mm then: to. ' Mmszxm—We lenn Clint Rev. Dr. James L. Shock, formerly pastor ofthc Lulhrran Church in Chamberaburg, lea MI homein New York, on the 19th um, with Ihe ihtentlon gfgoiug to Now Ewen, Ind bu nouilce been lin-Ird from. Serious apprehensions'in felt by. hi; friends for hil gdfety. ‘ Mums—This contagious deuue of the human body, usually chincterized by In erup tion of "all! red points or spots, il prgniling to n sunning extght, in Hanover, “ion; the children. r anlu.—You Ire required to report to the U. S. Assessor all culle, hogg, calves and Iheep, which you slnu‘ghter for sale. The tux on aid: head of horned cattle in 40 cents; on each hog 10 cent»; on each calf 5 cents, and on each sheep 5 cells. Reports must he made during the firsuen days of each month. Per lonffniling to make returns as : required by 133', Inbject themselves to uevere penalty. Banana—Nun“: (here will be {our eclip lies—mo~ of the sun nd two of the moon.— Thc eclipse! of the Inn occurkon the 25-5“! 0' April and the 15111 of October; those of the moon km the 11th 01'4er and the 3:! 010 cm. ber. J A Goon Suiunun I'o3 Bucannr CARI. —'l‘o tinge pint: of warm water ldd u dog-en lpoonful of salt, three table spoonfuls ol’go A yeast, sud nir in middling! (come flour to the consistency of I thick tuner; lctit ~ In! ore:- night, Ind H'- little soar in xhe m ning, ndd'a. little sod: diuolved in warm w (en-mi bake uyau would any other pane: I. They In 3 nice, hunky dish for break! t, nod not so injurious as bufkwhest. Try em. Pncnau roll in: Any. A large number. of package: intended for Leann] Arrive st! the Washington ponofico with the wnpperl: dunoyed, or the Iddru so mmilnted the: they, ennot be forwerded, mine, tbeeefore, nut" to the Deed Letter 0 co. It is oflicillly lng- ‘ send an. per-one ending pnchgu write one! um] th- an ad nu, end Mien it «candy to the bank.“ the pub” {slide the yup. per, end thin v secure prompt delivery. é A manna-o. Sal-v ~ imam}. 11in Duhun Ilu Klimt"- ln'l, “Hit-iii nit, us than. mm A“ tenth!» mac-m from I serie- off-1n repqru to th «Mn-Q Hageruown w“ (hmueu‘d: IN: 1 um»; pnrtyof rebel: nude! Col. Hurry flit-on.— Connoh were planted in the Iqure, lona were o'ccnpied by sharpshooter, I; author“ our cifiilenrhuded'by {he SWIM-tooth Mb 110 array, mailing the coming of the urrlhlo guerrillas, bunbey cinema!" The night pu» nod sway, sud so did the pom wit-mu 01'th Sheriff, tho ‘ cannon (Happened from our p‘m-eu, and quiet once moro reign“ supra” with the l‘dnwn of dny, so that n are able to cmphuticnlly state that Hagemown is iulrnfo and lb“ “all’u well.” Cnmmnu. Dnmutbm-On Sundly Jut the grand embedml of Sim Peter mi Sim!» Paul, in Philadelphia, wu audience with In. paling services, in. the pretence of: net con course of people. This magnificent urnctnre In: over eighteen years in building, nndil tho 1* rgest church on .the ~Went-m Continent V“); ‘be exception of one In the City of Nexico.—‘ Fourleen Arch-bishops an! Bishop: 3nd our lone hundred PFielu werein attendance It the ,de'dicntion. . Gouxuunm.——The hex um up» have been circulated in thin city coumerfeiu MB5O Treasury note a bee been previouslly milked.— Some of theee counterfeiu are lithognphed in e Inpeflpr muunef, n'hd may deceive than not experienced‘in Ibinuling notel‘ onbet de— nouiinepion. Commotion!“ of ‘be $1 tune or [be Merchnnle’ flunk bf Belmnbre are also in circulation, and one yuloflel’ed io n banker a low days since. These In“ are well executed and cnluglnleddo decehe the unKWnryc—Bal (than Allen‘s-om fi-The platen of the new fifty-rent faction- Il currency are nearly Indy for printing- These notes will be ,0! the same breadth as those in circulation, .but nearly tar-lee u long. The new fire-com. notes will‘be ofthe leO size as the old ones. éhile the (en and twenty fire cent nit" will be ol'lenglll éradunled be- Lwcen Hie ighest a'ud lowest dcnomiunlions. ll [3 probable that p lin-cc cent note will be u lucd, {or‘the greater facility of milking change. “The election being over,Gen. Dix, in general orders, “deems his presence bu "no frontier no: long" necessary.” Gen. Bull”, too, has hiken hiadepartnrckthe Dutch Gap can“! requiring”: Is supposed, his undivided Intention in the inn-Hal of wirepnflln‘g. The lrnngpnrenz‘y of ‘hepunada raid nick, which Lincoln, r xunlon, Seward-h 00., arranged to ya Hoops into .\'buhern Sum to ronuol \ho Xorember Italian, in now endemm patron! of the. dnlkst (‘_umprehenrion. The whole wing i< . rm chumplificntion of Republicnn ivsm, as Shodd’ nmlen'glnnngs lhetem. WTIR ‘l'hpnlnlicnn.p:lp¢-rq in Tonnenee un nmLm‘e Ibo elm-Hon re-ulu win: great purity. Lincoln by l.uni‘!redi, and McClellan 1;"?! AI lhereuus no M|Clolinn clec'dml mm Inlhe field,lhe n suit Ir" expected, but Iho [lt-{unh- Heaps crowns lru~rily over 1M rrgult “A Furnry has «on: to do' In the olden: '!- cl when ham: 1: Hanan“; nd oldCodql-ul towi ship, in York county, ngn'a., nged, to b! In. nounud by its low] “Hum JllJngmsmbnt Enlur this la-lefon. -‘-}'(nr\;m’nor,[lnvid [2. Porter have Adrte' hundred nml dwoun-(ufir mines, and, Jomh Rim" land no” wines." Tip-u were in (iu- Dfmurnhicjimu Ihulund m a; die 0M mag tank in nemymnm, mud (he lenrns‘vme [\mk no bogus ..rlifle, such M the Slim"; yowrnor of Tenunsco snurlionod.-—'-l.ouisrilft Journal. _ - . San nIYII Tl('KNTl.—;Thrm are «win a I number of Salt riwr no! m oflcred tor snle by | our Abolhinn‘ fitmxds‘in Ibis {mu-e; hm u non." lllmi. we ’_nve seen me unLclhnlud with I gov :er'nmeh‘t slump, Ir'e mlvile our Democ‘nuic ' neighbors Imbafe nothing In do with them.— ‘Tln-yarc-not lryul ; out/Eh: contrary, they an 'ulllmym. and will xlot_pun nun-cut on the Sn". fiver \‘uynyc, much Yen “'1“ they be rbcqnix ed by Mr. Lincolli, or III“ shoddy Tu” Collec . tort—osin!“ [lr-went. , > L' ' ‘* O ‘7': 7‘7 .4 . fi-Thc electors of Sci Yul'k,‘ hln (inn Aim-ham Lil'ltolu 9 mm“ n‘gnjmiu, probhbly from fire to urea llwuund, Int! Reuben H. Fenton in elecied' Gorunor by about the ammo figures. hp 1869 31!. Lincoln tanie‘d the SE!» bj50,13q on a role alumna.- The vote will now exceed “0,000. But for Ike lac-k off-4m [ties lor‘voting in lhe' city of Newl Ynlk, Gnu. McClellan would buy “hind the'olect‘ol‘nl vow of the Slate, and flonlio'aeyuour 'wocld but been Gorernor. ,' N ' ' . . ....w... ..-‘ Llhxon Vousn.-—'-h is now'qnju ceruinthn thousands of minnra ilfllio army and oil: M ii were permitted to role at thin election, by hon. est fiepubficun‘em’fion hon-rdis, who were du. 1} "tom, bu} who do. not‘muei. snufl' that the sanctity of mu oath. , fi-Therc is n prsilpect offllminz, or tome. thing fike it, in New‘fluico. The In! leuon‘l crap’ pro‘ved I» .‘nilure‘ through storm-V And dronth, and besides having themnlves to care for the NewMexicnns no burdened with some 10.000 Navajo India; who hue lumndcnd ~thmmflres. _ u " ~ the intention of presenting it {0 th- I’mi. dent of .the United sum. A fiA St. Louis paper say: “then!" not less lbln 200,000 panel}: in Miuoud,‘ this day, vwho are imlo hotter (bin pulp”; not knowing when-p ta get {god to mind: then through an winter.” ‘”A mm may pron word than hu ffih. Mr. Lincoln aid tint one Prune-- tint term was endnéh. and but Ibmllps it .may somefimu ‘bo : (mt 4&1.0n O . much. -, '1'!» heat“: of Judge My! tho} U. 8. Saginaw Court/innit! whinging, failing, ; ' - "I," Aerl II of am l the mk‘ lont. ME A of «win \ of would. iuuod ‘ “I. mic having
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers