Tho Goliath: is paw-heel :enry Hominy mnmin g. by Hunt J. 814111, a: $2 00 per unnum if mid strictly is annex—s 2 50 per annum if not, paid in advance. No lubscription discontinued. nnlcu st tho Option of the publisher, until all arrearges Ire paid. . Anvnnnnuxrs inserted at the usual ram. Jon Puxflga done with nestneu nub dispatch. ‘ 3 ‘ Ornc: in South Baltimore street. nearly 3 oppmite Wamplers’ Tinning Enmbfilhment . ~“Coxmun inwa Orrlcp" on the sign. PBOEEEEEZGNM, EARDS. a Jib: "£l3m; ‘ TTORNEY AT LAW.-—Pnr£icular Atten ' A tion paid to collection of Pensions, i ounzy, and chk-pny. Offica in the S. 3. corner 0 the Diamond. Gauygxkg, April 6, 1863. t! Wm. A. Duncan, TTORNEY AT I.AW.,—Oflicc in the North- A west corner olCentre Square, Gettys‘bnrg, n. [oa. 3.1859. tr - D. McConaughy, TTQRNEY AT LAW, (omce one door war! A qulxehler‘l drug and book sturc,Clmm ushur’g atrut,) Arronsm up Sunlcn-on ron Pun" up ‘Plsnoxs. Bounty Lnnd Wur rants, Buck-[my suspended _ Chliml, and n“ other clnir’ul ngainat lhe Governmeutnthuh ing'on. D. 0.; n'lsoAmer'lcanClnh-nuin England. Lnnd Wnrmnulocittcd and sohl,orhought.nnd highest prices given. Agents engagod in lo cuing Warrants in lowuuminnh nml nvhcr wcmrnSmm WApply to lmn pusonally or by l'euor. _Gt-ttysburg, Nov, 21, ’53. A. J. Cover, ATTORNEY AT LAWJnII pmmpflvnuvnd ' to (‘ullm-tiuus nml nll nlln-r huplu a tu- Unwed to him. (Mica italic-en l’nhn'z:?ks’ nml Banner-k Ziegler's Stores. Baltimore reel. Gettysburg, Pu. [P'ept I», 1869. Edward . Buemcr, , TTOHNEY AT] \\V, will fuilhl'ully and A promptly attend to “'1 business unllmzted Ln him. lle speaks the (lernmn language.— (llfiue at the same plxu‘l‘, in South Bullimon urn-t. near Form‘y’y drug: Mum, and nearly oppnsilc Dunner t Ziruler'slslure. (h-ltyshurg. March 20. ' 1);. D. S. Peffor, _ nmrrrs-ruu N, Xthfl i-nun‘y'. cominnra A the [b.llCliCP ul ht‘pmksqnu in :H1 1:5 Lrnnuhes. and would ”rilt'Hl-lnz' mriu- all pal-~01): :vfiiiclrd \erh 359‘ 023 standing dis mnsn In NH Alldt-uu=ull..hlm. ‘ Uk‘l. J, 150139 lf Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal’s FFL'H and “Telling. N. H. rnrnvr of Ba]. 0 liznrn'e :In-l 111:1: > xL-cls, no." l’rcflg eriul l‘fxvurh, (icuy- 'y'x’Fg, Pu. Nov. 1:), la'L). 1f J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. ~ AS hil (Min-v une (6-? V II dnor won “(me m-XM Lmlu-r.m chunk in -~-’ U;|nm~hcr3l 1r: Sll’Pf‘l. .Iwi nm-niilc I‘ivking’z V alt-e, wh 'rc those \vi-Ihin: :1; lmve-‘mv Denial (u,u‘:-irm pnj'arnr-d .m- restpcrthzny invited lo cm I§:::~n:2‘:\‘csi Dre. Huhwr, Her. I‘. P. 'Kr. at 1. l). D.,Rc“. I]. L. Daugher, D. D., Rev. Pxof. M. Jacobs. .‘rnf. .\L L. Shaver. hofiydmrz. .\.»rll 1.133%. Adams County [l' CAL NIH-I IVSL'RANUE('U‘H’AN\'.—' BI; [1;~' ‘vl nrch 18,1K51. _ .w m "H‘PH‘. ' frni‘ Ml—flr‘grgo Swnpo. . Vin L‘rud-ul—fi. 1:. Rune”. ‘ valurq-[L .\. H-n-Mt‘r. Tru.mpr—¥Lnir!- .\H‘rowry. 12' mm» 1". ’.‘ mllrr—Jl-phl‘rl \lcCur-iancol- Fifi]. .\n ln-w Hwiutzvlulnn. . JI'!!!/'r. burn- .\'wan. I). .\. Blll'llh‘f‘fz‘ n. M'u‘ Ir‘lj. [|\‘lHl King .\. ”(uni/whim". I). \l: - or.-‘r:,‘.\‘ j! lime”. J. ft. .h-rch. Huuuol h |~TI-i~r'\‘. HUG. FJ‘mvekm'k, Wm. H. \\'il~on, H. \. Hunt/L Wm. H. ‘-|-.C|<~|l.ln, Jul-n \\‘nl far-L- IL I}. \‘lu")l'\‘.Jn|lu L’l<:kiu,:, .\lmlT. \\U-iflxl, John, (‘uuuivuhmh AM“?! I“. Gill, JJ nu- H. ‘ln':i|ll!,\l. l-lEchHhcrgrr. ,3-u‘3'i'his Uulupm; |~'llxu'ilcvl in it: 0119““ lions to the county (1! .\muns. h In: horn in lnccés-zlul opornti m for muro than six _Tl‘fllzl, an-l in t'n \! prr‘ud ‘.| H [mg n“ [os‘l's3nd r5:- ‘ pensos,:mlmw.l'u/uurmm ,Iv.n'i:x;:.x!sonl.~lr;:c \n{;rplx|§ twin] in (he 'l‘rcnm'j'. The (‘om "; my c‘nphp‘ no Agents—all Businms being done 5v I'lo \hu:lf:or=, whnnro nnmully vim-t- ‘ll h} the Stockholders. .\ny pol-sun ricfiring //1n Insurmce‘ can apply to any of thc'nhove named \l um :crs for further infnrmflion' 36.41422 Brim-prim.- Commilli‘c mews n! the office of tha CompJ'nV on the Lu". Wednesday in every month. at 1, R. .\l. Sept. 27, 1353:E . . The Great Discovery F THE Adl-L—lnflnmmumr} nnd (‘hrnnic RhcnmJtism can 52 run-ll by usinlz H L. M LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATXC MIX- \ TURE. Mm? prominent. citizen; 0: this, and therndjniningr counties, lune («Milled In ’it: great utility. Its snccess in IH-vumutic nfi‘éc (ions. has been hilhurxo nnpnmllelml by an): I rpz‘vifit‘, immduced to the lmhfl’é. Price 50 cents pvt battle. For <‘lh‘ by nll nh‘llgqicta 21ml etnrekrepers. Prepared only hv H. L. MILLER, \\‘holesnle nn-l Rm.“ Druggiat, Ens! liorlin, Adams county, 451.. denier in Drugs, ('lmu‘it-Jld, (ms, Yul-nigh, Spiriu, Paints, “)’('-~‘IIA'TS. hm. Ned (Ms, Esgrntm nml 'l‘inr'lmos. Window (il.-u}, Pcrfugi’ry. l'nh-ut .\h-dirinw. &c.. .\'r. WA. m Ruthor iyllu- Agnnti') Hen-tn h‘nr; {or "‘ U. L. Miller‘s “\‘iohrutud Rheumatic Mix‘turc." [lune 3. 1861? u‘ z The Grocery Store \ ‘ ' THE HILL —The undcr‘ignod would 0 respectiniiy inform the citizens 0| (it-nu. burg and viciniiy, that he has taken the old stand “ on th! Hill." lii B~|himore street, Get tyshqrg, where he inLnrli to keep eonslmnly on hand all kinds of (‘ri'uOCEßißS—Sngnrs, C-flees, Syrups of all kinds, Tobacco. Fish, .Bnh, km, Earthenware of all kinds, Fruits, (fits, and in fact evcxyt‘l‘m: usuniiy found in n Grocery. Also. FLOUR {\- FEED of nil kinds; nii of which he intends to sell low as the low est. Country produce taken in cxchnnge {or 30ng machine highest price given. He timers himself that, by strict attention and an honest desirp to please, to” mexit a slmre of pnhiic pn. \ Rulings. TRY HUI. J. M. ROWE. Feb. 23, {5553. tf Q Come to the Fair! ND DOX’TEORGETTO‘VISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSER‘IES.—-Persons wishing to Hunt Trees will find the. stock in the ground nmukably fine, and offered at reduced prices. The Apple numbers 100 varieties, embracing all the approved sorts. N- B-—See the index board nem- Flora Dale Post office.- 'l'. E. COOK & SONS, Sept. 2, 1891. PNpI-idon. Young Men , ND OLD ”EN, do not allow your mothers I}, find your wives to wear out their precious 3 ins over the old Wuhduh longer, hm like i true men and bend-anon, present. them with s an EXCELSIOE WELSHER, sncl instead of ‘ frowns ond cross maids on wall days, depend : upon it, cheerful fncés will greet you. _ , TYSON BBQ'EUERS, Gettysburg, Pa. .l 1210. 14, 1863. a Grain and Produce. \ . AVING taken tile large and commodions ‘ ‘ Warehoune recently occupied by Frank ersh,Esq., KN NEW OXFPRD, we ue prop-red to pay the highest. prices for 5“ kinds of PRODUCE. Al5O, sell M the low .. askprices, LUMBER, COAL and GROCERIES, ' 0! net] description. A ‘ A. P. MYERS & WIERXAN. ' X_ Oxford, Aug. 10,1803. tf ‘ Corn Wanted. ‘ ‘h “3“ THE 5‘12 wanted at our Wan ( 2 huge. (a; thigh the highest mmk'et price "I 1!! {nu-~- . 315:CL'!tI)\' .3 913mb 99“,!“3181’495? l}, mu. 3 . '~ .~'LS~r!: .'~.':S 11 Br 11. J. STABLE 47th Year; Great Attraction 7f PRINKERHUFF'S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North Inst (‘nrncr of the Diamond. The mbsvriber iu ronstimtly in receipt oflresh goods from the Euucrn cities. His stock of READY-MADE CLOTHIN’G “I one of the lnrgeyt and most attractive, as iwell us the chcapest establishment nfthe kini :ln the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS. much: up in the moat linsliirmahlc styles. and of the but materials. lof all air.” and prices. for men and boys.— :(ienllt'mt‘n's lnrniFhimz gnmlsnl every descrip -tinn. “'0 )1 Shirts, .\lnqlin Shintfl, Hickory ‘.‘tllllis nml \irnno SlntUs.‘XTcrinn. Wool nml f(‘ot!vn [tram-:4. Hostel lof crervducrlption. ‘llnrlu~km. Nerino and Cutton Gluten, llnnll then hid: Nu". Tmz. (innate. Lint-n amd Pnper {(‘ollirs, llnthhcrlpl, Hoots null Show. I’m .‘ bn-llns, Trunks, Valicr‘s, Cmpot Bags. Clothes 'unul .\'hm Brushes. Hlll nml Tooth lliltshes, 'Shoc Bl u‘l‘ing, l’ucke-L anti Drt-sung Combs, l‘urj‘ (annha, Witches, (flocks Ind Jewelry. [(lnfla, l’ntuls, Vinlim and Violin Stringl, “Sm-pg nml i’orfnmuica, Stationery of null Lin‘li, ,l'ouket Knnjcs, Smoking nml Cltc“ vng Tobac ":o. Pippa, nn eflru quality oth‘ognrs. ln incl. his slmk embraces Meryl-tug nannlly found in at first chm t‘nrnifliing ulnre. I invite the ultenliun M’nll to cnme and we l‘nr themwls‘es, .nt Inn: deu- minwl to soil goat]: lmur tlmu ’nn.‘ Ulllr'l‘l stglnishmt-nlin the country. Don". 'IMZW I!te‘nl.'mc. ('urner nt Yuri; >lr(-tl :lud llho llmmqnul.‘ nun: mnxmnuturr. f JuLM, um. . 100.000‘bfish. Grain Wanted T KW mm AT 'Hll'l . h . m,h‘w.-\m:unrsn. \\'\l. E. Bllillllfi k (7”. would llllu'm UV! puhliv; xh .t the)" lun- lcmarl ‘lllc Warn-home on the (“other ul' .‘trnmu Elm-cl. nml lln- llml ruwl. in l'.cn_v~xhnrg. where they will rarry on l'o lili.\l.\' .\VI) l'l:|llllil‘l-I BUSINESS. in all in- l-r.mche=. The higlu‘st prices null al \\m.\,- lm pull] for \\'lll'2\'l‘, RYE, ' CUBS: (1 \TS. CLUVI‘H: & TIMOTHY SEEDS, PLANSEEI), FURL-H}, ll.\\' 3: .\’FR.\\\'; DriNl Frui‘. X'IH, Soup, Hum. Shoulders nml Shh-s, l’umnu, with cnrylhing else in the country pm lure line. US “AND, FOR SALE, Coll'cet, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups,Tn-Is, Spices, Sult, Chet-sr}, Vinegar, Sodn, Musmrd. Sun-ch, Brooms, Buckets, Blncking, Prushu, Soaps, kci Also (‘0.\14 OH], Hill Oil. 'l‘ur. .\'c .- FlSll (if all kinds: .\'AIIA AND Sl'lK-l-IS; Smuking nml Chewing Tuburcos. 'l‘lu-y fire nlw.|_\~< nhle Io supuly A first rule. mlivle or FLOUR, will! the man-mu: kinds of! ' Collectors, FIIHD- ‘ - ARE NOTICE l—Thc Collette" or Tnxn MN," ”3””er ”ASTER with “IVA-VO5 T fur ”43 md previous years, in lhv- mf ~'"|‘l "”1"? “mill-(‘“‘- WOUAL. "Y ““‘ fcsont townships of Adams conntymre l-e'ehr ‘"“'"Pl‘mm 0" “‘"' load. . ~' . 110 ilied. Ilml lhry will he required to srtllc “El Thur ('ur-z run 1.: Hnlzxmnre nml ha :klwn'O tin-1r duplin-nvvs on or lwfu‘re the let‘llnv ul n n; Pk- nnl “W Wlllflw ""l’lh“ “I "Mr.“ K'm'l*(xu\'E\nucu nm, on which .m- the (‘mni'nlw "it ”"‘ “'2“ '" """!""-‘l" “h "'l~"“~ 3i ”'5" “""“v mum-rs will unwl at their offine tn gin OLO he wuntrynu-rrlmnla, un-i others, will find it to "Wu”. l-xl’n(-|:llll)n‘,kc- ' 11-our:1-l\.ml-ng|-mpilmnsz this line. I The 00mm,” “1‘ thorn-”en! your will he They usk .1 allure o'the puhlic’s ('u=tom.nnll rcquirvd l 0 1,”. over to the p. unlv Trl'dFSH’L-l’ will ipai'e no ellnrt to render Sntlslmtiun lo , n" monies “bich may be cullecled‘ ‘l.) ”I. .\'o ull, Ecllcrs or buyon. 1 '”“‘,“- (_‘ourl. ' \)‘\l. E. RIDDLE 5: CO. t Li‘s—All the Collectors ‘in the éonnly Ar! r»- ‘ quixul to settle nil" in full their milnmy dupli cMes. A new law has liven pnsw-l. muffin}: it m-rmsnzv tn clnsv III! the nlwl milihry luxu lfihef' nil in éEtllc at xh it time, suits ll“ be entered it: inst dplinqneuts. EPIIR ‘.lll \IYEIIS. 7 JACUI) l‘lPl'l-ilAl -\.\', SAMUEL .\lAlll‘ll, f Commitsioucrs ol Adams county. AWN—.J. \l.'\\'ALTEu.ClclL. ' ch.24,le's4. n! Aug. 22, L 364 . , ‘ Gmbe Inn. YORK Pl 2, .\'l‘All TIH‘. |>~.\\'n, l ‘ ETT I's HY RU, l'A —'[‘llu umh-rfigned (I wunlg mun. respectfully inlnrln his nl< llll'lullS frién-i» and :hr public gum-rally, that he has purch 151 1| Ill”! long DFlilllll~l ed and wull known llle.tlu- “Gluhe Inn," in York sin-cl, Grin-Jung, and “ill spar? no rm)“ to conduct. it in n manner lll._nr will not damn-l from its former high rcpmnlion. His table mll lune _thc best the market. can ufi‘ord—his tlmmlyers'ice spacious. and comfortable—and be INN hid in lor his burn full stash of wines And liquors. 'l‘lul‘;_vc stszliu: attached (n the Hole}, which will he nttrnllcd‘ny («Item [in‘ lltFlli'l’s. _ It will be hi: constant endeavor to n-ndor the tulle}: s.xt't~f.u~t'lm) to his guests, making his hunsc as near :1 home to lhrm as pmslblc. llc mks a 5112er of the public's pn trunaze, deacrmiucd us he i: te deserve a huge part of it. lit-member, the "Globe hm" is in [Lu-k SUCH, but Lcalr the Diummvl, or Public Square. SAMUEL “'ULF. ‘ April 4‘, XSCL H Somethmg for Everybody r ’J lsL'Y'A'!‘ DR. n. HORXHR‘S [ DRU} AND VARIETY STORE.— Jug owned a line assortment of - Drugi nml .\lcdiuines, Patent .\lcdicknrs, Skatiuncr)‘. _~ anry Dry Goods, Cunfcclions. , ‘ ‘Groceries, Notions, TOB.\CCO,. SEGA RB,. (:0 Jun. 13. 1554. . New Goods. EORGE ARNOLD has just. received from the city 1\ huge supply of CLUTIIKNG,I Men’iund Boys‘ wear, consisting of all kinds of (tUATS, PANTS, .\'ESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWHRS. GRAVATS. _ NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSIEBY, &c. —also— A large stock of CLOTHS, CASSIHERES, 1 CASSIXETS, JEANS, DRILLINGS. kc.,&0., Ml of which will be sold as cheap as can .1 ‘ lmd elsewhere. Give us a can, and if we can not pleas-a you in a: suit randy made we will take your measure and make you up one in short nptice. -» [Muy 30, 1864. Cannon ’8: Adair-’8 NFWJIARBLE WORKS, Corner of Balti more and East Middle streets, opposile 111‘; Court House. Gettysburg, I’m—We are prepared to furnish Monuments. Tombs, Head stones, Mnrblc “nudes, Slabs tor Cabinet Makers, and another work appertaining to our business. We will‘ guarantee satisfaction both as to anemia!) and price. Call and see our design: and specimens of work. .- Feb. 2, 1863. u Still at Work. HE undersigned continues the T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, at h‘xs old stand, in Kim Middle street. Geuyaburg. = NEW WORK made to order, and .B.EPA I B I N G done promptly and M. lowest. prices. Two Erna-ta SPRING WAGONS and a SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TRUXEL. Dec. 7, 1863. Battle-fléld Views. FULL n» of our Photographic View: of A the Elude-field of Gettysburg, form a. splendid gm. for the Holidays. The finest. yet published can be seen nube Excelsior Gallery. TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg. C A P- D PI{OT_OGRA?IIS of diz‘inguisl‘edrinJiriduals, includingnnnm be: ofi our yromiuen'. Genernrll, Am! the aid hero John L. Burns, for sale 11 the counter 'Ol the Excelsior Gwen-y, Getglburg. TYSON BROTHERS. ‘7‘ "65:53.5 RNB'B mafia-ma gee 1“ Gm: XIDWaTEVNUGH may; ~ A @EM©©RATUG*AND FAMHLV J©URNAL GETTYSBURG, PA», ‘MONDAY, NOV“ 21, 18334- Pubhc Sale _ OF VALCABLE REAL ESTATE—4‘II: un _ dersignerl, Ansignge of Silas Ficku and Wife, Will 5211 M Publicfisle. on the pummel, on THURSDAY, lhl 24th day of .\'OVEHBER next, at I o'clock, P. 31., the foilawing ulnnble Rm] Esmte, viz: A TRACT OF CLEARED LAND, situate in At length nli llnpel were given up. \\‘eok .Strnpmn township, Adums county, Pm, ud- alter week the fallen man would lie drunk irodnmg hands of Isaac Monfnrt, Christian on the thor, and not It day of real sobriety Eu) Unitsllenry Thomns,and “I 39"! “"“‘“lninfi . marked hi. course. I douht it'such nnotliér pm;mmhgloar:cor lieu. The "51- -._ '_'.i' _ ‘53?“ known. He was too low (or con )L()]'sh‘ “,th 1.:,, grgidfiTOAE fiyfla finality; .fnr thaw with whom he would, Smoke in Hue 60%;! ml mllBMId x 4?; ‘-x have associated ynuld not dunk vnth lulu. Wllll Sllml‘ ilt’ -b d eC ‘Og '”“‘;V Tliltl'orionxlan‘lil [loan .A‘] “of"! In his Om“. Ind chnmher. ho Tl . ‘ . » .). M e , orrl firth and llnz lvn. ! “6‘” “I ,“v 1111 l continuedtodrn'k, nnfieven luf'gt'yl '”‘ ‘5 '1 ‘"“ "f “'""'“th “Her mar the l . “ "‘"“'?" '““” hfe'seened tho offipring of his jug. _doou, A Lion]! Spring nt ”1" [mm \‘ul‘ll and n The Lord therrfore huglven . N . ‘ . . . , , ‘l'h ~ ‘ k . ; , In enrlv aprln- Mme-. 1 l-elton had a call grinninfilvullng Ithrough the hlrm. “fillrdllls.llll+ And Lsm'pfifinrfiz to go to Ohio. Before he set out he visited grmlel‘ pnlflliir‘ll if (illn‘liiililr ll:;rb:ciiici(l:c~yiirl: .' All" borrovru'lror I'll," ' his sister. '"'! ”fiend ‘0 ”kc be, With: lime l. mu] is in a high sum: of culumum...; i ' r... “mm that N- In dying. ‘”'}?hb'" 8"" """‘“ "1'3.” 71, mis a you" A I. Oll‘lm .1 _ 5 And pm], "..., “L , .ut whv stay here i urged the hrother. - - 1; PP t ’“"’ fl une— “3 on are rdl a (l disease is u on t} (\lf‘othcr lrll'll trees on the premises. ‘ ' ‘ Tlmugh dark and drur “to pump 'you ‘“'“ fl slilgultl‘lvniu “live with well a m {tiflufiiof’li‘iffi.2-133'533'1 New ’. y ‘ ill-svrll-e'l liml,’ adjoining hind: ot' Illeur; Y?:::::s::;l:htrl:lm~p - .‘jllush, MOM" spenk "0“" nmwered the 'l‘lmmpl‘, .l =ch Shull,nnd “the”, A“... m “wwwinw ' ‘ Wife. keeping back her team "1 mil not. Thv nlwm- Intel or land will he mm 9mm. A’mmnwmm do": . , leave him now. but. he mil anon leave me. antlu- timber loud will be divided into lots to? ‘.l ind. "I. IN.” “nml", He cannot. live much longer," - . sllll‘pllrvlmsers. i From mm” m ‘“"].- m“_ At that moment Daniel entered the E‘w‘l'crsorfl desiring n lnmer vrncr mm nur— , ‘ ' ‘ . Ipnrtment. Ila looked like u wanderer chant-11.15- ammo mum“). ”01 ”WNW; 57 ' Thwrll‘sh- m 1M3"! "nml. , I from the tomb.‘ He had his but on and his nl-rc‘, nl'the undersigned, xvljniniu_ tln- ..lmip ;. T 5"! "' “"“’" "‘ “‘"' ""‘} . jug in his hand. thfihleudance will be given and It!!!” ‘l. “'""‘":m" h"""""‘."‘"""‘ “Ah, Moses. low are ye 3” he gasped, for made knonn h; . - - , l Tu" ‘”‘" "‘ "'“' "“‘" '""' hr- r‘ould not, bponk plainly. ' ‘ ABRAHAM FICKES, Ass‘gnco. . 1 Df‘ufm“ ‘“' ‘"‘" "Tm" l'l‘he visitor looked at him a few moments Oct. .11, .551. ts . '“'-il. relenmn thee, the! err, ]in silenCe. Then, M his features assumed ~ __ I. Hr fat: with 'bry beameth, ~ It cold hlPl'n PX . l -.d . I“ ‘ , . l . presston, no em Innstron {39'5" .\lm! the undersigned oli'er‘ at Private 1'" "r" '"' “‘""‘"d‘“ I ly emplmtie tone: 6 5.1.11? 'llls l-éml. udjollllngdhe nhure tracts, —"'""""'"""M""'”""" ' """'" “Dmiel Brynn. I have been rour best London-nit: :‘FAUfcf. Tin-7‘ lmprm elm-113 ure .‘ tithGEnl-lifig mgr-:99 “(thug)"! one. M» sister is un imzel, but 30:13:.5‘,f3,{gitxotmrozpbfu‘""’". "m ‘ at )0 0...; mutt-1 d with lull-molt. I hnve loved you, . ‘ . . ' c ‘ Inga. .--: —~-—~;—:~_~-r—«-, . . f ' Daniel. M I never loved mnn befnrh ' vnu nnd u uell qfuererlmhup. water at the ‘l' ‘ —: w bl , l k d_ b l‘ ....r.’ new smm; good Spring; and av FORAGING AROUND NATCHEZ.‘ 3,5522; ?OE°;Lil":;‘e“2‘d,,J3 i;,0,“,‘,,.{;““’ luerm'. r ..' . . . . i _ . . i . v . . Look at mm mm .r.”- Iro9',_“,|lll 1‘ ”HP” of other fruit. . ir .u . .i.§l.irf).‘lln ..m .m. f“2 had it in th ‘she might now 1,", .wuh ."m in comfurl. Tiltrc ix .1 large Proportion ot 'l‘imher M 17405? 2‘ ‘.w “s”} k 'l .1, f h \l ~ '”"’yfiim '““ "OF’dO '5 ".h'le you are lltve; .\lemlnw, Tl“. 1.1“ I.“ been hemily ”mom”. ‘l‘ ”I “'"“‘ n if, "I°.“ “ ~90. l 9; "J”? yet. When you the she mll' coma to me.——; m-nll; :md 13 in a high shite ol rultivntinn.— ‘ twin, , “AX-“nmm‘n'lfi’ ‘"“ ”‘"“‘ m !ullag- “"5 do I [”"'Y "”"' GO" “I” 300“ glve h" The aim” llew‘ribed Formx (hei-ig origivnHr in,“ e :evr I‘ll‘g'e\rt'|n(lo usellnlldlergirhailols) Jffi's to my keeping. Now, Daniel. I do} one trnt‘t,)\voul-l 111-Ike one of the IH‘SI-sllfl'k .r." ..6 illilmi‘ “ In," VP“: nml Tn» loop}, “"09"” “OP“ ”1’“ “'9 5"“ intelligence‘ firtna in the county: :ind being convenient to "in: \mr't‘; ‘."ef‘eie-n. Pmmuf'. I'm ‘1? ““‘;ng l'n' ”""‘ ”"9"" m" “'"'" my "‘“"‘ PM“? “n"l Churchee, sllmuls, Mills. null. Markets, they .l" "'3" -‘ 0 Eli Pm": ‘3 .“h" ”d“ 50d "T“. 1 shall have reached my new home may be piesenl :1 r.xre chance for t'npiLlliula. Hating, '" "l“?! '"thixwa “iii- "? no or ‘H“ —Tll \l' ror—Axs—nun l" ‘ K3B” Persons Wlslliug to View PM“? of ”’9 i( l-‘}l|::;n fl‘niliil‘li[viiiwnmiwr tin g("h‘m'lnde t 1 “5‘0," “““‘-'1 ”m relnr " l nbove properties will cull on the ulltleril)lll'llh‘uig("rut-11):! -. :l'm’o" mine nilHirL-(inis-hme Jpn]? .“Yuu ezuiunl. It la b or your power” or on anus l-‘ickes rcsuiinz on the hill do. .- .»'. ' '' .1 °.” ‘ I You have hmlimlut'e entsenoughtmhave s. uh. d Hum. AllliAllAu F, . ... ,nl 11.11 l tne 5,215 lgenl elndmlnll umnn. non d , “- HALE- ", i ”..‘.l, hmU M f r." _, r 0 ‘ a ‘o, . relormed hnlf th lnners ol'creatlon, and Och-fl, 186-}. ls l . . l l 0.‘.1n,.. rxn ring a l . ’ ' i Def 1‘ ll) done hy order of a l-olmnundrr. lunlrr regu. yet .V‘_'" {'"’ 0 ‘l' lmu ‘""' ‘“‘9- '9' ' llnlly “l'l' )iulell st .5 ulliueh’. ownrloll by rl-glh 3““ “‘"'-‘”' M $00!?!" yml CUP. lf‘l‘ li’lF nm—l ,lnrlv Cun.~'lltlll':ll l‘nmmnnd-A, and um er fes' end ml‘nt “It“ 51’1“ you ”I“! Illa“ "01 find me 1 to the pill] lin: of poultry: and other Hippiie: “""‘“: (he limlll‘l\“r'e"’ .i for all». ers’ [it'-Irv. The ignorance Many of. lilyan's eym flilrllP'l. and he drew proud-. li‘l‘r “ho does not r‘l-cognizx- tllohle.i‘lr'lc.~a of ly ny. ‘ Go," he miduwith a tone of thei sm-il xulihery. x-nd its denlnmliting inlluen. eon old pmrerlul Mirna-Im, “go to Ohio, and PM! hi»: “0017:, i~ usrrinvinulus would he lheinten- Send you ill-“W. (in. sit. and much the‘ ; 'innul dial-gun! of the'kulrs o: mmanu hou- W‘SL I will yet make you take back your «Qty. ' “mule.” ‘ _ i It The (‘nmmjndlng il.-metal nowhom-‘e for nil,‘ “X 4 "‘l'. nmipl Bryan. never." I "i'i“~'l"l° h,” ll"“‘l'Fv aid "1"“: ”Iffléyfilhm“ ‘ "You shall. I swear it!" 4 l dnlg': llll‘l \rllll u _f-N'lzn-z flrsv‘mputhy lnm.‘ - “'"“ lheee word: Ulnit’l Bryan hull”) :lt ”Hr-””6"“ lllllirll'fil‘nlltlfl u'lm'h overwhelms ltisjug in", the fireplace. and Willie yet a, 'hm: _\ 1.11 graehlt me ’ll=z.!:-‘lc(~ lln-s'e nets lmng thousand frngmpmfi Wm.“ flying over 1,1”,~ n‘n um. .11“ Erin-thus hiflhumllinllon rllthr?fl('or. he strode from the h”u;9_ : Linn "1.0“ me out _nlr‘rdu punts lfllt‘lll‘lo one Mary ank fainting 0n ”I? “nor. M 0895” other! Mr the “Pl! of many. Rut err-r, net of - - l l_ . .- _ . .. ~ bore her ton bed. and then hnvmz called |\\ ..a. .igzrenlnn hen-litter till] he nut l.:, ‘. .in h h . '.l fthl. ' [‘ .Sllllllt.llr}‘ lllllll~ilmCl t ofthe oflicer or nml-org ; if; :f:§i;;rl 9 ‘"“e "NY! or 6" “he" . _ . I . .. - ~ _ . . . ‘ it‘ll‘u'sittduty \\uuld rrqllr. lllln or th.ln to prc ; Pl-‘nr a. month Dlniel moved 0",“. “I°, llrlgmlier (lenl‘ml 12. llrdymln will luke m, ‘"'ka “Uh"; ““"' b“) l!" d‘" "01 d'f} , , [fit iv: ll uleanlrcs to lelurm the di~gr.u-et'llL evils ‘ U“? 9‘“ “f ‘"‘."le "l“ “‘79 Y 0”. ‘““] . lwhich have her- tol'orc existed, in this way, at ”l 0 (lortu‘ll'. Who Saw ”I“ lhenbruptTr-mnvnl , post: will encourage “rim-u complninl-X “i sillnultmlr flom u gyitem‘lhnt for long Efrem chin-us \\ ho m ly suffer 5)) the nets of the ' 3'93” had “mm” “”""19‘3 rm "””’ini‘! *lS’v ‘lluolis, and will carrt‘nlly ixneeligule then} ;, was nearly sure to prove l'utnl. “You can . -. I : . n and prllnlpll) pulmh, to the extent ol‘lhe. hm, i sure.y take A gull and not, take more. oil oflicl-rs \\llo “11‘ guilty eilher by neglei-tor “Aye," says the poomnan. “hike A gill purln ipzllion, nnd nllmen who thus bring dis.l and break my oath: Moses Felton shall gruce on their brave and honest comrades. : never hear that, brandyand rum killed me!‘ - The bmrc nnd gem-mu: mu=t not he humil-l If the “in": of it can kill me, flip“ let me'. inn-d by association with the pillagc‘r and rnnr- i diel Bm I won’t dié ;, I'll live fin Moses? under. Lot exery honest soldier :ud-ln bring 5 Felton almll mu his words.” I the dishonest to exposure uni punishment. He did live. An iron will conquered mall ‘ messenger Death rent—Duniel Brynn lived. ‘ For one month he could not even walk‘ without help. But he had help—Mary! helped him, n ~ I A year 11:1:le away, and More! Fallon returned to Vermont. He entered thei court. house at Burlington; and Daniel 1‘ Bryan Was on the floor pleading fornyoung man who had been indicted for forgery.‘ Fallon started will) surprise. Neverbel‘ore 1 had nu<h torrents ' o‘f eloquence poured. from his lips. The case was given to thel jury. and the youth was acquitted. Then succeufltl counsel turned from the court-l room and met Moses Fulton. i They ch in]; hands but did not spcner— I When they reached a spot were none others I could hear them. Brynn stbpped. ‘ “Moses." he said, “do you remember the word: you spoke to me a year ago 2" , “I do, Daniel." ‘ “Will younow take them buck—unany them forever?” ' ' “Yes, yith all my heart 2” ' "Then I am in part repaid.” "And what: must he the remhinder of the payment?” asked Magus; 5 - "1 must die to honest. uuperjured man 2 Thanh thnt has bound ma thus far was mndd‘lorlil‘e.” . A That. evening Mary Brynn mu nmong the happiest of the happy. No allusion was made to the teens of one year before. but Moses could read in boththe countenances of his sister and her husband the deep gratitude they did not. speak. And Daniel Brynn yet livestono of the moat honored men of Vermont. Five times has he sat in the State Leginlaturo, three in the Senate; and once in the Na tionil Congrm. Notice. DAMS COK‘XTY, 53. r‘ A Atuu Urp'mu's Court hoI ntGenydnxi-g, in und for said cauntv, un the zmh day uf Srp. tcmher, A. |)., 1564, before the Hunorulllc Rube-rt J. Fisher, and Dnvid Zioglrr au~l Isuzu: E. Wierman, 15-75., A-socinle Judges, duly us signv‘d,_&c. Un_ mminn of W. ‘A. Duucun, the Conn gmnt n «linle upn the widnw and heirs in inlcrosi, on the osune ufJnlm Humh‘er, lute 0f Franklin township, in sa‘d county. de— wnscd, to wit: Su=nn Bucher, widow, I<Jlnzn~ hcfil Hammer: and Samuel .\lummert. Sum-y Bear and Joseph Rear, Sarah Kump and Dn'id Rump, David Btu-her, Lena .\lit‘klnynml [Unit-l .\lickley, “Min (lroffnnd Adnm Grofl. to be and appear nit. (m Orphnn’s Court. to be held m Gellyshurg, on the THIRD MONDAY 05'. NOVEMBER next, the ‘llst, at 10 o‘clock, A. .\l., 1364, and acceptor refuse to accrpz the Real Estate of the decedent. nuhe valuation, or show. cnuse why the said Real .Estatc, or any part. thereof, should not he sold in case ‘ they or any 080 m Ihould neglect or refuse ,10 take and Iccept the name. By the (‘ou rt, ; _ JAMES J. FIXK, Clcgk. l Oct. 17, 1864. 1d ' . , notice. AT An Orphnn‘s Court held in GettS'simrg, in and - tor the county of Adnmn, on Tuesday. the 20th dd" of September, {864. the, petition of William B. Gardner, Esq” Admm istrator with the viii amend, of David John son. Into bi‘thimoro township, deceased. was pressnted, for a decree of Court, for the sale 9f the real astute at it) deceased. Whereupo‘n, upon motion of M. W. .\lcCienn. Ea‘qs, the Caurt appomt MONDAY, the 215! day oi NO - next, for the parties in jinn-rest. iegntees, km, to appear and await. a; citation directed to all the pnrties Who have nbt voinn. turiiy appeared, warning them to mppnr on snid day, for hearing in the mute! of mid Ip plicution. By the Court, J. J. PINK, Clerk. Oct. 17, 1664. td Bale Crymg: ‘ W. FLEJHHNG continual 2' bruins.” 5 ‘0! SALE CRYING, and solicits the con tinued patronage of the pwhlic. It is his con uant cudeavor'to give satisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. P. S.——He I: a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Luv of the United Statel. Nov. 24, 1862. ‘ For. Sale. A VERY desirable FARM, adjoining “1e Borough of Gettnburzwoutaining 124 ACRES—Building tad Land good. 5; Will be saldmu very uccommbdntin: | terms. - GEO. ARNOLD. . Gettysburg, Oct. 5, 1863. (f John W. Tipton, ‘ ASBIONABLE BARBER, North-east cor ner of the Diamond, (next. door to Me- Clellan}: Hatch) Gettysburg, Pm, where he can M. 311 times be found ready to attend to all business in his line. He has also excellent as aiswnce and will emu" satisfaction. Give him a call. , [Dem 3, 1860. ~ FIRST-RATE Eighbdny, _Thirtphour and Alarm Clocks. chenp it PICKING'S. 0R LADIES—AII Ilzei ef Buffalo Over Shoe. for sale a tho corner of York street and the Diamond by §OW k WOODS. EW FALL & wmmaoonsy—A good asiorunent of 2.11 a" glut Goo-ls u shes; as ch. cheap.“ 4. u & 30x35. BM ‘f nun: u was" 4:1: mu PIIYAIL." PGETRY. Tllli BEAUTIFUL LAND- I= 'lmrs is n Ind Immoral, The bountiful of had»; ' Said. the lumen! purul- A ”I‘ll “munch; u. only «I u 1., And om ride (In door. And Dom!- who pun through it Are mortals nnr won 2 A! lxcmrx-r—Nmuo INsoszcn li\‘cocnm :n.—.\ few d Ays since, as we understand, a ne gzo entered e cur on the Little Miami nth-01d I’Qil'rfl‘d exclusively for Indie! nml gunk-men who escorted them. He was invited hy_th__e conducmr to withdraw to another car reserved for mm. ”.9 refined. The conductor then summoned two brakesmen to the scene. At ter some parleyiug, the negro atill refusing‘ he mm removed, uonsldemble force being cmpluy ed to etfect it, us he stoutly resisted. The negro, (in arriving lt'the meet-scented town of Xeninfgot n werrnnt for the arrest of the bngkestnen. They were tricd and \vére {nuud guilty-of annual: and buttery, and pun ished with a fine ofsl3 and imprtetmmeul for xix days in the county jail. So it is establilh ed that under the Kevin Abolition code nocflra can be set apart [or ladies that negroes can not invader—Cm. Enquirer. , How To Gnow l’nca Team—Mr. 11. Payne, of Loekporf, N. Y., nys : “Plant the pits where you intend thelreel to grow. nml bud them there. 1 can get a longer, better nml more productive tree at four yours" old, and one ”In! wxll but as long again, I: I can from a. buddul tree transplanted. There it no tree that nufl'euso muchu the pneh hr transplan ting. I know on number‘ot um peach trees that grew from the pits that-were plated in 180$, that stillben the old red cheek rare-ripe, and hid fair to live many years yet." @Hon. Slmuel Mn‘lary, who his for half a century been identified with the pres.- “Ohio, and who ha: been recognized as one u! the ables: ndimrs or the coimtry. died ax his residenra in Coinmbus,‘ on Monday evening, November 1111, u 5 o‘clock I’. 11. WA man unmet! “than Ruling-Ana hu been created u Washington city-for unling hmnfics out of melamine Asylum. and furnish ing them as lublmutea. Hts arrest was all wrong. Lunatics hne centroflod the govern mem for the pan (on; yurs, and it is now time name of fin! elm would do a little of the fighting. fi-The city of Alexnndrin, in Egypt, in now lighted by gu. The works wet! erected by A French company. ”Prince Albert‘l tomb at 'Frogmore will cost half; million of doll-rs. In tho cotton districts they uill Itlfle. 33-1 wuhby London merchant manly killed himself on ncconm of severe Americnu losses which he had uninincd. ne‘A young woman in Wisconsin was stung on the wrist by a. bee, and died :2 hour: In". fl-A man in Conmcuicnt “ind, an;- un son, our 510 pumpkin from two and: mi dank"; sown. / _ E'At'n recent plowing outwith-lace . young htdy 23 years (Ich carfioiol'lho ptixe. gun wh‘o of n hbour in Cinchuibti In week gnu-e h‘uth to than fullj-dcveloppd h Inn-J: chiggiten, ~ ‘_ h, “fig 1% 'i . “A“ ' U’“ 1&4 ‘ DANIEL BBYAN’S OATH. ' Daniel Brynn, as appears by the context, had boen I|.aner nfemin‘snce, but had fal len. through intoxication. to beam] and a dying condition. Bryan had married, in beu'fl- days, the ner of Modes Felton. izz:r= Watson: living in cities begin to wear 1 glasael earl 1 than country people, from the mint of portunities of looking at things at n dista 6. Those who wish to putotf the evil day 0 pectacles. should ac cu-tom themselves to long views. The eye I! always relieved. and sees bettpr. if after reading awhile, we direct the sight to some far distant object, even far a minute. lGrent travellers and hunters are seldom near sighted. Humboldt at eighty seven could read unaided. Sailors discrrn ohjcr‘ts u a great. distance with considerable dis tinotnesl when 3 common eye seen nothing gt 111. ' wln may you”), while yet. we live‘ among those we love, without. restraint. our hem-LI overflow in every lmk,‘ word arr! action. But when we enter into the ‘wprld‘ 111.1 are repulsed by shangm‘a! and foraotteu by friends, we grow more und more timid in our npproflchvi, even Ln those we love best. Haw dvhgmfu! In us. than. are Hm carossefi of rhiMren. AB sm cerity, on “motion, tho-y fly into our arms; and than only, we fad the renewal of‘lu! firu confident» and first pit-awn. 38'An 01d Indian; conversant. with H q'uor. said that n ban}! hlmiled “Whinkuy” contained 3 Lhuuuud gong: am} fifty fights. \ ~——«~ TWO DULLAM A-YLAR FALL MANAGEMENT OF GRAPE 'VINES. ' The month of Novembe‘r. aftpr the leave! lnve fallen oil} is the be“. time to prune Vina. There is no difference of opinion nt. all on this point, with (.rperitnc. a! gm‘w growprn. nml iv. mun be done in the fa [to succeed wall in grape culture. Tho principle should be fully under-«nml, thug the fruit of next. year is to grow from canes of this smoon’: growl/I. Not one por son in four who has grape rims on his promise: lOPYIH to understand lhivimpor lam lam, Thoy haw road ahmn i! in (he ngricullural paper-I. but they pnui liltlc ut tenth u Lo it, Ind soMnm ul‘ never acted upon It m p'runin: their \inel. 8.4»: ”w hm: mines of thin pin for the ant fruiting Ammon‘ rn-l out n‘nt nll llm old “um-l, provided you hurt- ‘mfa' wood enough I', n 1 growa‘ nut near llm has." of the vme. I! Ilm nr‘w wuml commi- nl‘lnlemls (lhu in. tho lide can" or slmols of mid wood.) you should simply lean enough of these lain-uh lo be.“ a hit crop next yanr, and cut back all the you; to one r-ye. The true system is to cut back Merv nlln-r shoal. m that. the new wood of next ymr may be produeod from the e u left upon the canes thus cut. Milt. This is the rb~ newal system. which is practiced as well upon llm side spurs and canes as on thou which grow from the base of the vine. F It matters not how you tmin your vines. wholhei to trellisfalakca, or otherwise, (his renewal system must. be adoptedlin pruning, because no cane, shoot or spur ever bear: fruit but on,- season. A correlpontlont says: The month of November is also the time tn gather cutting} to, set in the following Spring. Let them he Orwell-matured wood of this yrurs' growth (butplder wood will grow) and cut them from twelve to eigh toen inches long. with from two to four eye: ncdording tn the length of thejninu, and “you have but. a in» they may b 9 kept safely In the cellar. packed in a lmx in lay ers with and or gut-den mould spread among them compactly. no an L 0 exelutle nir. The spnd or the would 3 ould con tain just enough moistureuo sue a cutting: from dryin‘g. Snnld is I mmen (led by horticulturisgu; but] find that not! of my' garden dooljus'. as well as sand, and I simply lay my cuttings upon the surface of the soil in luyen,nnd cover them with anrth (having too many tosut in my cel lar.) and they are presexve in excellent. condition. ‘ EMPTY-BOTTLES NAVIGATING THE OCEAN. Captain Beecher. editor of the English Nauttml .Uagnn'ne. has compiled within the hut ten [ears the following curious voyages of bottles thrown into the mm by unfortu nate navigators. A good many bottles cast into the sea nut to the African coast. found thr-ir wny to Europe. One bottle mom) to haveantwiphted thn Panama mute, having trnvalmi trom thn .Fanumn Isthmus to tin, Irish mast. Another crossed the Atlantic from the Canaries to Nova Scotm. T bree or {our bottles thrown into the sea by Greenland mariners off Duis’ Straits, inn derl on the northwest coast of Ireland. Another one made 1 Curious trip—swam from the South Atlantic chzm to the west. coast of Africmpasaod Uil-rnitnr,wcntlloug the’ Ifgrtnguege coast. of France, and won fi’uaiiy picked upon Jersey Inland. One bottle was found After sixteen yems’ amm ming, one after fourteen. Ind one after ten guru-s. A few only trnveled more than one year, nnd one eniy five days. This wan sent. ofl‘hv the cuptuin ofthe "Race ”one,” on thin 17th of April. in the Curribenn Sm, and nl3 tom! on the 22d, after having gone through three degrees longitude (two hundred and ten miles.‘ western direction. Capt. McClure, of theinvvstigntor, threw a bottle into the sea in 1850, on his way to Bohring’s Strait. It. swam three thousand five hundred miles in tryo hundred digs, andtwas picked up on the Honduras coast. HORRID OUTRAGE. . Several weeks ago, a young man nnm'ed Story. a minor, living near Hunnah‘stawn, about three miles north ofLGreonshurg,t tool: the accnmmodatrion train for Pitts burg. _At But Liberty, a certain James S. i Segley, a very loyal citizen. late a Major General under Ahe, got on the train.— Young Story was engaged in cnnvenntinn onpoliticnl toying, and made some remarks disapproving of the palicy of the adminis tration. which was overheard by Gamble;- loy. 0n arriving at Pittsburg, the very loyal and renowned General had the young man wasted on the clinrgenf‘high treason,’ and incarcerated in a cell and allowed I piece 0! bread and a tin of water twice a day. On the m inst“ Gen. Foster wont to Ptttsburg. and. cullin at. the Girarvl pri son. enquired 'ol‘ the Silica in charge if ynung Hlory was confined in the building. He was nnswmd in the nflirmstive. Gen. Foster enquired what was the chi: ongaiust him. The attic", with along-gins, an. nwred. “hen-ion.” Gen. F. said sarcagti- Cally, "hiin treason, l suppose." "Yes,” said the ofiicer. The General Asked in in terview with the prisoner, which we gnnted. 1 On leaving the prison, Grn. F. said he , would apply for a writ of Italian corpm.i Ou Thursdny he returned to the prison With ‘ a petition to Judge McCandleu for the risoner to iiign. He wu int'nrmed thathe End order: not to let him. (Gan. F.) see; him. He said, “I am his counsel. and ‘ have a right to see him.” but was punitively 3 refused, Gun. F. replied, “that will do; 1 lwill, as‘hii counsel, (nuke the application ‘ myvelr,” Ind he tool: thocars for Judge Mc- ‘ l Candless’ country residence. The writ was granted, and served on the officer in charge of the prison. who made a rfiturn to the {writ that young Story had escaped. It appears that when Gun. Foster evinced a determination to have a hearing in the matter. the despots bcmme alarmed, open enl the prieon «inor. and allowed the prism nor to walk out. llutl Gen. Foster got A hearing before Judge McUAndleas. he would most nuuredly have ventilated the conduct at} that tutmdow of a tyrant, Gen. Negley.—- Greczuburg Argus. ”A wife in San Francisco lutcly put a pemmn for divorce m the court, on tho ground (In: her husband was a “confnuml ed {0n1.",/The cum-t. wnul~ln't admit the plea. bicauw Almost every mmrrietl man would be imble Lo the same imputation.— Did you ever 2’ . yes-Bulnelors um um. quite so stupid as involuntary nmxxlem would have us behave. Una of tha inveteruke being naked the oth or day, why he .did not secure mme‘ fund one’s comiuny in hm voyage an lhe.oceun of life. n-piied, ‘;I would H I ma tum wcii ocean would be $330.50." egg-nus on gun matron; i - {fro- m “futon 90".] '“"' ’m § The great battle bu been taught (I'd tho 1 victory won by ouropponents. Watch-1% m i not witluul ill moo, to What mint ham“ } lidcred the voice of the pmple. 'l‘ho b.l - has spoken, cnvl u.- nlmle the result. Still there is a strong nml honlihlul minori lit, which Will snort its tight to spook nnl icritmlfle in the'l‘utnrn as it in: in the out‘ lend to Hm minority the nation "outlook / ‘ l for thntwholounnm mat nini orpowcr which; , ' loft toits full sway. would sweep the ma- ' l trki'mo destruction. ’ 4 e conscientiously supported the Admin- - istration (luring the etirly period-of the war. when the crushing out of the rebellion seemed to be the only motive that lota-tel it, and we as mmmentiously opposed it when thct motive was lost sight of, end ex ‘cess and tyranny took form and shape. We " ' ‘conscientinuuly appear”! the welectiou of Abraham Lincoln, and advocated the elec- _ " tion of Momentum/believing that a change of men would [manor bring about it settle lmcnt ofthc tli cultica that are weighing down 1 poop o. t - l 'l‘ho/re-elrction of Mr. Lincoln, however, Idrier hot offer repnie to the Democmt‘n party; moro than over 'l9 tlwir duty main "- lappnreut. We have n right to dvmaml at” ‘ er. Lincoln thatheshnllsol'ulflllhisplcdfes lth-it a new order of things shall reign in ils fcnldm-t, Mr. Simon Cameron distinctly ,stetml in l'itlshnrg. Nv-ptember 30, that tho . lreeloctmn of Mr. Lincoln would insure n ‘totnl rmrzmvz than at the cabinet: that in i (not. it mm tho Sluf’jlhl mm at his reelection. ‘Let Mr. Lint‘ulll. now that he has taken A 'uew lawn of lmwer. use it ,for thel good of J , lhis country, regardless ofpll “ restore" :to the nontrnry. Let him in tile second ffom year-i avoid the crrors of the first. and the whole. country will give to him that enr dinl mpport it gwe Ln [RU-l imd 1862. [wt ' ‘l'rmv‘l mvl imhoeility no longer inflnnwa _ i tho munqill ot' the mtlivn ; ll'l. Mr. Stniiwnflit laml Mr. Wo-l'ms ho IvVIUII to mine to' .primte lilo, mrl otliur u must .y wignm :illulv, unvl lllt' countiy miy rlfiu from Ilsa. ~ ‘Pp-Hllli'lii‘V In mnh-lt-nrn. and again enj"V iim lilt‘hllnfl'l nl soc-urily and the impert'ml ‘mlminist‘r-tmn ol‘ low. We bet-kt!) indulge in no party ul'lllgnulu‘e : wo simply ark that. our rights :is n Ininnrity slinll be rupecto‘l. ‘ “‘n bulinvu that it .\lt‘. linéoln will earnest ly m hiln-v‘lf to the work nt’cruehmu out ; ‘ tho rvhnllion [Mr u, without regard to the _ ‘cl nnur~ ot radicals th ll thi'n or timtpolmec~ lgreol'theirs sh'lllhommlo:iiiu-cmaiime can‘ , , rosters peace wilt the‘ Union itnrl_thc Com ‘ stitutigrflbcforo the close of mi first you of l ; ihizt new mlminist‘rution’, and leave the gov. ‘_‘ ‘ ‘ernment in the port-Jessica of all itsleglt'b " mate attribute! of cuthority in full form. 1‘ ,' i [l-‘ro.ths Boston Conrirn] ' l - l The responsibility is now upon the Lin. coln administrntinn nml its lupoorters. and we can only «wait. the issue of the apoliov c which they have for some time poet laid ( down. This poliry is. not tho restoration of the Union. hut tho rocovury of the hit lpowcr of the United Stairs oyor rnvnllml 'atntoa." by menns of military vnhjugitiofl 'nnrl the abolition ot'aluvary. it' they fail in reflecting thew ohjrctd. they will be «mourn: - table for the ruin oi tho country. We have . 'too oltcn expscsaeil our vwwa upon this mubjuct. to need to reiterate them now. ‘l-Ix rience will soon tout. the soundnou ct , ase views. a loverer trial than ever before , the capacity and ability of the sdministra- F 'tioa to curry out its projects. The dig in least. if we hnd dohbta nt' tlm’resultn of I ~ ( conciliatory policy to give on Union. lino. ’ things had gone so far. assuredly we~luve [none in regard to the measures relied upon iby the ndminiutrntion. A people, however i wank, who are threatened with suhjngetion ,nnd annihilation, become wondmusly 'strong. ‘So rational person an expect that such [I struggle will end with ahcoed ' l to the usailontu. (lutingx four ye’ors ol- forty lyeors‘ Time Will show‘ whether it will not necesaarily en'l otherwise, lonii before the? \ ’ ioxpimtion ottho ehortcr periol . [me the titles Observer.) _ l 1 Conservative men can only 198 in this rau‘ ‘ault the dot-truotion of the last ha of tho restoration-of the Union. it not tit: death iwnrmnt or cur political institutions. But E for whatever maybetho con-eiuenoel. they lure not rehponsihlo. >l‘hey no [flight long and we I against that combination of lrellgious fanaticism, partisan _hntred, Ind ' official corruption, that mulled the prlogl pies on which our government Wu found ed. and under which only we could hope for restored l'nion and peace. What they have lost; in this great struggle, is the ion! lof the entire country: audthey will {we the new perils that down upon us, with the conéciousnesstlmt they are in well preplred , to meet them as are those whoheve brought them upon the country” .1- MI No_ 8. JOSH BILLINGB 0N REVENUE. . Yexmhus unhons undar, the storm! revenues. that frequenfly transpire, Wt havp finflly been settled b 3 tho '.qu u'lisaioners Autumn. ‘ ‘ Callqctors m” find their inbon In! hu vy bi fallen-in explsmuhuns which Hum karfullie prepared from the original [Olli ‘pees in‘my poseshun. , .9 A-The tux on "undreued poultry’-ia doubled-the moral; of tho counjry Icon 415 w roquire it. B-Bolunssnusogo‘mnde in part of 60:5 and part of red flannel, must pl tbq duty 9 f firmnels niao. ‘ C-Awl tobaker, (onles the mnnnfnkturer diskriminaws whnt is new Ind what: old 01mm.) ll eievated 50 per cent. 0 D—Asswers nr erpeshilia raquired to see that all men ownin w’beolbarrexl no duly hcamed. _ ’ ~ E~Enny ma‘n refusin (aw own a wheel barrer will b. fined $5O for the fast. 030 nm and $5OO for we seckuud. F—‘l‘he duty on Pickuioks & Campinas:- ings and 4le of Juiy'u ha- been postponed c, for the present. k An Unwlcame Dal—An old fume? out West, who has two handsome daughters, would not permit them so keep :ha compe ny of young men. After the old man had retired to st, the girl'- would bug I sheet out. of me window, and only In“. Via). the assi :1 eof his‘ lady, would thus gaip an entrau . It so hemmed! tbflone evening the 31 Jun; out \he sheet too early, and the old gentlemm spyingm tigle. could not conjecture the men it. So he caught. hold and epdeequj to pun u down. The girls suppnsing it tb be one of their follows, beg m to hoist. and did Inot di=cover Um mistake mm] theold‘mnn‘s head was level mm the window sill. when one ofthemexclmmed. “On, Lurd,ll."dld !" ‘ and letlmg go the sheet, down che theold gentleman to the grnund, dizlocating his shoulder. Wuhnlrewmg all opposition to their keeping companyfiw was soon a {other in-luw. .. :Q-It. is related a! the witty Dopinican monk, Bocco, that he had a. great dislike to tohucou ; and when once preaching to a crowd ut‘ Spaniah sailors, he astonished them by telling them that. there new no Spanishenints in heaven. A few; inlaid] hull been admitted, but. they amgkefl .10 many cigars that they made the holy vir gin Luck, and St. Petal sec his wits t 0 Hark to get, them out. At length he prod-hind that u bull fight was to be held confided“! gate ofp tradise. Thereupon awry Spanish saint. mthout exception. rm otl‘to the fight, and St. Peter nume‘liute-ly closed the £139, nml took one never to ndmzt unother-‘ixu‘n -1.1:le . t . WW6.- are infornrfqd that a nudpicimn lonkmg in‘-12mm! was arrested on HM home-cars m Uni-1 city, Tuesday, and .oa sou-clung him a friction m Itch mm (opr in his pockets.—l’r~>v. Past. “ '”‘ ‘ WA manwiu mellon has sued w glam. gfnphz-r far mukixig lin-31:55 “0,9144 {9 n pmure. ‘”“ ”.-’“ “W’ @The” 'll)ng it! ani-o jafmder fnl nué (his year'. 'ifi-s’dfifiodlkmmin l‘psfistdptjflb‘m. ~’ * I'3 Hagen 15'”; ‘ '5“ $1”: ' ’ 1* .« was wig» ’2‘”; a“:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers