. ‘ ‘35:; _ “‘ ~ . "I ‘5 «L _ p ‘ “£00121“: {5 pufilished eve Manda . ' ‘_‘... f“ 5 . ' -. ‘ ». f. . _ gaming. b'y Knit; J. Suns, “1782 00 pa; ‘ ,3": 7% ' . ' . I 5 nnum if paid étrictly m Amazon—s 2 50 J r. ‘ ,5 g- , ~ , , .2, . ' mr‘annum ifd not. paid in advance. No ' —: ‘ ‘ V ' "3‘?“ 1' %/ fl ""11 ./.4 . 3215, a /// w _ % übscription isconfinued. unleu It the ‘" ‘ v 4 ", 3, ‘ sv§§f¥ 1%”? V.' a ' *. 1,3 —. .) Aption of the publishbr. until a]! arrange. “ 1% )J { ’ ~27 - ‘ ‘ > *1: .x }, - .g‘l‘y h: ' F ‘ r ‘ ~ '7’ In: mid. ,y- j ~ ' J \t. - ‘~ . K i / / \ Auvu-mnnxuinsoflodnttheusuulratn. , ‘ _ . , . / } / , / 7, Jan Panama done with neatness nml! ‘ ‘ .. / ' I ' ' ‘- aagpm. 3 ; § '/ » ‘ ~ ‘ K omm: in Soplh .Bammnre strept. nvarly . .1 ' « ‘ . . ' . I J . apposite Waniglor-s’Tinning Establishment ,- ‘ . . . ,‘ ‘; a q I , —“Comu;l Pawns-a Orrxcr.“ on :hesign. mmzx.-m:~—mm “"’ ’ ““”‘”‘w‘m ‘ A 'DEMGDGRATUVC AND FAH'IHLV J©URWAL ‘ ‘ z» amzzmm saws; ‘ . V g . , . , D M I 3 I . 5:33?“ B Bueme‘ittr ‘ BY 1L Ja STAHLE ' “new I: mean no mu. PIIVAIL." ‘ , 1w” ”U A_~ up" ".1; ’::W-———vi to al— E2l .‘Y AT LAW, will fsififuily and Jpfly attend to All busineu entrusted m min. He speaks the Gamma language.— m‘fiu It the (rule place, in South Baltimore «creek, neu Fornry’l drug store, und uenrly opposite Dunner .k Ziegler'a store. Gettysburg, inch 20. ' J. C. Neely, TTORXEY AT LAW.--Puniculnr atten- A tion (Mid to ¢olleclion of PenAions, manly, and Back-p”. 083: in the S. E. corner of the Diumoqd. Gettysburg, Aprilfis, 1863. L! Wm. A. Duncan, ~~'I"I'ORNEY AT LAW.-—Ofice in Che North- A wenoomer ofCont-re Square. Gettysburg, .. [ocm 3.1859. A: D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW,(ofil'ce one floor west A of Buehler'l drug And bcuk stor»,Chnm erobn'g ureet.)‘Anonxzy‘Asn Soucnon yon Puun up I‘m-axon. Bounty Lnnd War nnu, Bags-p” auspcnd‘od Clnims, and all ..Alher cluima against. the Govvrnmen: at Wash. lng'on. D. 0.; nlsoAmoricnnCluimsiu England. Land \Vnrrintn located and so!d,nr bought,nnd high!“ prices gin-n. Agénta engaged in lo cating warrants in lowa, Illinm’s nnu' other westernSMtu ”Apply to him personally or by letter. Z 4. Gettysburg, Nov. 21, '5l. - ' A. J. vaer, TTORVEV AT LAW.mH prnmpfly n'ttnnd A la (fullrc'iqnq nml nil ntlu~r4m=inus on trmrcl to hiwm (Win bHvronn FHmeslm-ks’ In’i Dune: & Zinglcr‘s Sioux Hnltimnre «rt-ct Gettysburg, l’u. , [Sc-m. 5, 1859, Dr., D. S. Pefi'er, DBOTTS'!""‘.\'N, Adam: Mun y, continues A the}:..lullu‘v "I ha prulu-ailvu HI 3'} .13 Imm: ho}, nnnl \\ouhi rmpmll‘xlh invill' nll [DI-Trill"! :fliH‘u-l “th «m u}; at I'H'htl" ulti uuri In v «H nml cunsuh mu . (M. a, 15m. '1! Dr. J. W. C‘ O’Nealfs FFF'E nnvl lhxelfing. .\'. E, corner of “al liz‘nmrc nml iicgh F:l‘t‘l'!\,l\f.‘fl[ Push" It nun Chagall. Many-mug, l‘a. Novizsn, hub". 11‘ . . J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. ~\‘~‘ his offirc fine A’Fj‘i‘xx gr” I! 'lvmr We 4 Pf (inn :: (;sv\£3hi3'f_§£ LuHu-nm üburlh m K' \i C'nunNz-ra’ 1:; street, .lh-‘zfillpfisil‘t‘ Pitkizlz'fl El. 1:,“1: r» Lhun wuhing L!) In Me any l‘enul Urn-4‘ Ln pvmv'xwd :u'e-Iviapcrunaih .milui m cm I::l'Hxvcs4 , i)r‘.'il‘rlll‘r‘l:l‘\. ('. I', Hr :I‘l. t'. 01R“ H. I.‘ Rm 3101: U. 1)., RH. {’lo}: H ‘J \l‘nhihfx'u’. ". u. .x'qur. ~ (zot'n'shtxrr. .\.ml ! 1,". :, L Aflfzfn-S lejzty r'r,‘ H. Viki/[l im'L \‘\‘l.‘\‘»H‘A.\\'..—' Pl] [UL urgfiaui. :‘‘l’ 3* i", AFC”. ‘ 1" ”pl 11‘- 4LI" '0 >“ll:’>‘ “V ‘c /' "ml" N—r ‘. ‘C. [l.“ S‘rrvu'v—D. \ lhm‘flvr. 7'” ,f « ‘44:; r ‘1; ..D .- V‘ ... M I E V "- ‘ ‘ ~ I' (' n :2.“ ‘ll, ~ ~ ~,/l ”__l‘, H Inf 1' ....)‘1 .1 R I’.'.¥.' ' ‘ ' "m m. In.” JM‘ ‘- '3l“ S \ um; \, unwax (IFNI'V’. ‘ In“) "I \' _ i“). } F L’Hv-«t mg». ‘\"n. '2. Wilma, H. L L'v ‘ Jur. \S'n. H 'l4 l'kll In. J‘J-n \K‘nl f-N". :: ’; ‘3 9"“!"2 1"I‘l l‘lv '1”... \hfl'r. \\""-:'l', JG'I". \ '1 '32‘. "I! u. Uu'm‘l Y. (3112, Jan-4 ”..‘-I r-‘lnii. ‘I I :m‘yo» rig": A" L' nuy .u: h f. 5.. firms :4 1m: 0 I'mr': .: L: In”. I'mrrz-f A: ..1. a"). in :1. -L r. I" \Jt-x u '.u;' yr 1'“ I'o r‘ 4 u’. Lgumgul-n 911 MB? [nu-“Ms 12 3:21.13 1.) H 0 fx'M-‘Ury. The For). pm: emluuys uu .\oflmswm] h'pims‘ ‘4'ng done 13y the \l Hilfit‘fs‘ \\iu..'lc:lr-.ru.('l_v circl- J:d by th‘! Stouk'mhlen. .\uy peraon «Hiring an lnsumncc can :luyik I” any of 131:: ‘XL'JVO ~~mmmd 1 nu-zer; for further izn‘ormmion. “’6ng e Encutive Cam-mnec me": 5! the office 0 the Cu unnn“ on we last Wednewlay in every month. at 3, I‘. .\L Sept.‘ 7‘ 18.38. . . ’ ' The Great Discovery I" {THE AGE.—lnfi.nmin.xzury and Chronic Q Rheumatism (‘.ln he ('iU'L‘d by using H L. M LEJR'R CELEBRA] ED RIIEU‘IA'I'ICJHX TURF). Many prominent vitizune of this,-nn.l the Adjoining conniiM. have tecrilied to its , grent utility. It: sneer-a 9 in Rheumatic nfl‘ec— ‘tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, inlroddced to the puhlic. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all drngégislsnnd storckeepcrs. Prepared only by H, L. MILLER, l, Wholesale and Hamil Drnggist, Bun Berlin, '1 Adm: county, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, ‘3 Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Palms, Dye—stuns, bot tled Oils. Ensenees and Tinctures, Window , Glass, Perfumery. Pan-m Medicines, &c., kc. ' S‘A. D. Buchlcr i! the Agent-in Gettys burg {or “ H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic lemme." ‘. [.1i1ne3,1861. if The‘ Grocery Store N THP' HILL—The undersigned would . respeJlinlly—finform the cititcns oi Gettys burg :nd [iciuityg that he has taken the old hand “ on the Hill," in Baltimore street, Gol tyaburg, where he intends keep constantly on hand all kinds of GPxCERIES—Sugars, Con'ees, Syrups of all kinds, Tobacco, Fish, Sn“, be", Ennhenware of all kinds, Fruits, Oils, and in fun; evexytfiing' usually found in n Grocery. Also, FLOUR «'z FEED at all kinda; :11 of which he intends to 5011 low as the low est. Country produce taken in exchange for goods nnd the highest price giVen. He Batters himself that, by union attention Ind an honest desire to please, to merit n share of public pa tronage. TRY HHI- J. M. ROWE. Feb. 23, 1363; 1.! Come to the Fair! ND DON’T FORGET TOVISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSERIES.~Persons wisp‘mg :0 lint Trees will find me stock in the ground {€kath fine, and offered at reduced prices. The Apple numbers 10.0 varieties, embracing g” the spproved sorts. ' ‘N. B.—Su the index fionrd near Flor-n. Dale &} ofice. T. E. COOK t SONS, - t. 2, 18.61. Propn‘eton. ' Young Men , ND OLD MEN, do not allow your mothers and your wivel to wear om. their preciou lvea ovu- the old Wash-tub longer, but like mu. men and benefactors, present them with , In RXCELSIOB WASHER, and Instead of . frowns Ind cross words on wash days, depend npon it. chem-ml face: will greet you. TYSON BROTHERS, Genysburg, Pa. Dec. 14, 1863. ~ ‘Oorn Wanted. ORN IN THE EAR wanted at out Ware houaeJor which the highest: msrlget price ' be ptid. McGURDY & DIEHL. 7 Gutysbm-g‘ April 18, 1864. . ~ Grain and Ptoduoo. AWN} taken are large and commodionu Warehouse reqcmly occlxpied by Frank ‘ ”uh u‘,‘ 11l HEW OXFORD, '_‘“ fur-Nd so pny tha highest prim {or In and: 0 93.00 ch. Also, sell n tho low at“ 14331388, GOAL and GROOEBIES, 0" m i9n.- ’ , 9.5:. _ ’2. P. “anti a; mum“. ' H"_ .. a, “$10,186:. :1 47th Year. dirquance ofn writ of Fit-ri Facing. issued 11 out of the (‘ourt of Common Plengoj‘ Adana grounty, Pm, and to me directml. will be ex ‘posmLJO Public $2112, at the Cnurr. Home, in 'Gettyaburu, on SATURDAY. the 19gb day of LNDVEHM'JK next, (1861.) at X o’clock, I’. M., 'the following (‘.vsvribed Raul Estate, \l4: ABOUI‘ 3 ACRES OF LAND: in Luximnre town>bip.'Adn.ms county, PAL. adjoining land: of Polly Wiest. Howard Myers, Nathan Smith, itnd mhcu, with u Twmstury DWELI» Im. rINC, put u'qther‘bonrded and put. gplnncredh with I one-story ‘i‘ruue, ‘Uui-Kitchen, a good Smhl’f, A [\yoll of gogd ’ wnm u: the kifichen dour, an Orchard of 30de ‘fruit, up! other improvements. Suited and Jake" in execul‘un as the property 0! Alum: ‘ Lug. ' ADAM REREP-T, Sken'f. She ' 5 office, Gettysburg, Oct. 3!,'64. ' n per cent. of the purchme manor npon lama by the aerifl‘must be paid over immedmay nftex'xhq properly is struck down or upgr Influx-e to complytherewitb the proper ly will I» again [Jul up Mr sale. . Public Salp OF VALI'ABLI) FARM STOCK—laund > ing to quit lnrnrlng", I will ofl‘cr tut Public Stile, nu .\lllh'DA'l'. the Hm of NOVEMBER nut, at “'gt-rman': \llll, near Arcndlaville, the following persunnl prnnrrly, viz; 4 HEAD OF NURSES, one an cxccllcxit. bro: (1 mnre, wnh tnul,l Four-year old “are, a gfinllp lerLr, 1 Three-year old .\larn. l Two ycnr old .\hre. all of pond size; Horn Cuulc, a lurgv yo'm" Durham I':qu fir tor hel!‘ Hugs, ' - nnd Slim“: seveml Sm“: 1 Three-inclghlre‘ld 100'000 1311811. Grain Wanted' ““1“- wgrmuJ Fuuhinchltread light \Ynzun'j VIEW HUM AT THE [:lva f‘ rl. len S, reulln‘. (Wain Drn'l. Win-1' .1, OLD WAREHDUSF' gmmqmru? Rrkv. Bach-3c ”my" and Mow. I W3l. B. B!DDLE It CID. would inform the or. n. Huu‘uud .\lmwr. one o! the been In {""’} puhlp- 'hlt they Have leased the “‘.xrchnuse l‘oL. Rurknwny L'Aninge, kadwfly Buggy, i on Iqu «arm-r or Summon street und Ihr 11ml. “de 3.”; and Fixhnua‘ run h - [10,39 '”“‘;r. . mad. In Gettysburg, whnt- the) will vnrrv r-n Maw nnl l‘mUer Cutler, to \w-urk br lmndur 3"“ HILUS “‘“’ PRUDUHE BrflMt‘SS’ ‘”‘ horal- l‘OW—‘h w.“ .“i”: Mill, .Hnnuvct’; all us branches. The highest prices \vnll ul ’lhrv-shcr, w‘im double sum-r nml horse pow. ; “nus ['9 PM W ,v pr. Two and Throw-horse Plough. Shun-1' “ ‘“': ‘T- RYE! , . !. Plough; and Culm'alozs. l‘ield L’nllcr, Linn-J UURV ”ATS, ‘ ‘ Bed. Hnrmws. Show h. ka=, S'ugle, bonfire? CLOVER k TIMOTHY SFEDS: nn‘l Threv-hnrso-Heec, Stretvlmr» 3 Lug; {LAXSERDy FtMAU; L‘lmins, one unusullly 'mnn'y ux'xd long. Hun-e l HAY l STE-"W: (Pears 0f «wry dvacliptma, Hugh, new (Mk ‘ Drfied le‘w Nuts, SOM‘v “"11”: 5‘10““!“1'5 “"'] shqg'u Huh-581011;- Siefigv. M , _ Sines, Pumlnes, with everything else in tho gafa‘ulc m «Inmmugnc .n 10 o'clock, A. I’. '- COUNU’ produce ““’» .\(rrdxl u! 15 moulhs \5lll be Lriwn. \ If ON "NV": FOR SALB‘ 4-» DANIEL‘D. GMT. 5 Cum-ea. Fugm's..\llnluSSE§,S)’rllps,Tc .s,Spice=. Sn", Cum-W. Vinfigwr, Swim .\lllihll’d‘ Survh, “Brooma ll'u-kets, ‘_’.)u‘kixng, Brushea, Soar". ‘.kc. Al") ("UAL (ML, F'hh Oil. Tar. Sic ’lla‘ll of all Iknnlfi: NAILS AND EI‘LKES; blunk'm‘,’ and Chewinngubm'ros. . Tin-y n-E- alw-nys nhle |o snpnly a mu rm. sni'l-Ie of H.l)L'_lt, with the dnfl'cnnt L'n‘ll: of FEED. ‘ ’ Oct. 31,1864. ts T I‘I'IIHI‘ 5 \LF. ——Hn SATI'XID \Y. ”)9 :\ 13H] d I)‘ of NHVH'IHH'IR m’x'. (he iuh-g E":\.n I‘, Avhmuuitrnmr. \vaIILXIN- “.H‘nnnvxed,‘ of “my Hi!-!ohr.\ur". dreamed, will A(Tn’m‘ M P.l.'ln- Sm- on 1h:- pxomhcs. that. val-mm», 'l‘ \\‘FRl\' STA”). sum.tc in Petunh'ng. HI; 5 \ .\d xma counl}. nrliominr; gurop'llies of J. .\.‘eran-r, Arnold Gardner. and estate (If' .mm‘) (;.\r.‘.rr-r. Jr.. ‘ nusiefing of a W \ Im} nl‘ (lu-und. hnim: Lhrrmu :x §;=g ' 'l'.ru-:tnry‘hickTAVY{lN HUYSH 5953 E 5 336 . \h-Zn Hume 11.-wk-h'li2d-nz, lurgc-‘aiigfi lezl‘livu. \\‘m-nl \hc-L >l:luph_t-; Illnll\a', "01-11" I'6”. Fruit '1 r"(~. W9ll otiWAur. and NIH-r 3 lunVPnir‘K'k‘i. This l: a lung hh‘fliihal nml: “I 1| known mun}. and Inn :1 prufizuble nu: n 5: ("Ivy-Im. Tc pusmn u‘zN'xr'u-g iu'zmeat, [his (mum! mily ix n mail annr‘lhlp rmn. a n A I:;I;Al.l-'r n 1:» WV ~n. 1L "2~ .\t 'h» sum-- mur- nud p'J ‘9, «311 he offvrrv], .-\ LHT m‘ GRUX'SI‘. al‘juill'lngffh‘.‘ above—- : wry ‘.rflunble. fl'liesc proprxiivs W!“ b: ufi‘ercd Inge'imr or septum)... as ln..y :ui: p'lrthngt-rh ‘ m-sule m cmumenrp at, 1 allock, I’. M . on mid 13.1}, when ntlendmce will be given and terms' made known by ISAAC E. \\‘I‘CRMAN. Adm'r.’ Li?” um. sold. the Property wxl) be rented (an one yam) on 5.x". dny. ‘ ' ch.3l,lxdx. v. 5 / 3'05 m Th ova-v.l EMI= n V" Hum UV \r.‘.l.< x”. :1 'nxu ~ ”'1“ x-l Collectors, \ .\KE NOTICEE~TI29 Co‘lecloré‘of Taxvs for 1863 and pruio‘us years, in the dif fcrent tn‘vnships of Adams county, Me hereby notified that they will be requimt to gettle up their duplicates on or before the My. day ol NOVEMBER‘ next. 6n which day the Commis; sinners will meet at their alike to give the nee ceswry exoncrntions, kc. The Collectors of the present fem; will he required to my over to the County Treasurer all monies «lllch my be collected by the .\'u- Yember Court. WA“ the Collectors in the county are re quired tO‘settle off in full their military dupli cates. A new ‘aw has been passed, making it. necessary to close up tlgc old military taxes!— lf they {Ail la settle at that time, suits will be entered agninst delinquents. EPHRMM MYERS, ‘ " JAf‘OB EPPELMAN’, , ‘ ’ SAMUEL MARCH, Commissioner“ of Adams county. Mun—.J. M. \VAL’I‘EB, Clerk. ‘ ..Ocz. 24, 1864. m. T an Orphan's Court held in Gettxshurg, I‘. in find tor the cunnty of, Adah“, on Tuesday, the 20th day “September, 1864, the petition of William 13. Gardner; Esq.’ Admit}.- istrator with the will aufiexed,‘¢f David John. snn, late of Lmimomtownship, deceased..wm prescnterl, for a. decree of Court, for the sale of the real‘estate of sni‘Ldecea'sed. ‘Wherenpon, upon motion of M. I; W..~McCle u. Esqs., the Court nppomt MONDAY, the '2 at day of NO VEMBER next, for the partieg in internist, legumes, &c., to appen apd await a. citation directed to all the p u'ties who hyu'e not volun tarily appeared, warning thenrt to lprET-An midday, for hearing in the matter of said ap plication. By the Court, ‘ ' 7’ J. J. PINK, Cterk. Oct: 17, 1664. td tr Sale Crymg. «r A W. FLEHMING confines the business . of SALE CRYING, and solicits the con tinued patronize M ehe public. nin in. con stant enduvor to give utisfaction. Charge modemte. Residence in Brecnnridge street, Gettysburg. . P. S.-—He is a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Lur of the United States. ~ Nov. 24, 1862. VERY desirable FIRM, ndjoinihg the , Borough pl Gettysburg, conmluihg Jr» 124 ACRES—Buildings and Land good: 53E Will be “It on very Iccommodating “- terms. GEO. ARNOLD \Gdtylbqrg, Oct. 6,1863. 1: _ film W. Tlpton, A5BlO BLE BARBER, North-cut cor- E nor of the Diamond, (nut door to Me lefln‘s Eaten) Gettysburg. Pan, where he cdn st 11l times be found ready to nuqxlgto all business in big line. He has also one n: I:- lisunca Ind will enalxro' satisfielion. Give him I. can. [Doc. 3, 186°. IRST-RATE Eight-day, Thirty-hour and Alarm Clocks, cheap 2.: PIGKING’S. QR LADIES.—AII lites‘pf Buffalo Over "Shoes for sale at the dome} ofl'orksueel and the Djnmapd by 'ROW & WOODS. Sheriff’s Bale. Valuable Tavern Stand, Notice. For Sale. _EW_ FALL 1: WINTER GOODSI—A gnod' ‘ “am-meal of Fall nud'Wlmr Goods u c cap as the chgput A. at SCOTT 8 SUNS. GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, Nov- 14;, 1864:- Great Attraction T FRISKERHUFF's CHEAP CLOTHING A ANDi-‘URNISUING STORE, M the North' HustCuruor of the Diamond. The aubsrrihvt is constantly in receipt o‘ffreah golds frou the E‘stfn cities. Bis stock of ~ - ' READY-MADE CLOTHING in ouwofml‘nel rges'l. and molt attractive. am Well .15 (he chc&l‘n establishment nl'the kind in the cnuntry. You‘ will there find COATS. PANIS AND VESTS, made up in the moat fushionnble stylei. and of the hm materials, of all sizes and prices, {or men Ind lloydsh Gentlemnn‘e lui niahinp goods of every descrip tion, Wucl Shirl-l, ,Muslin Shiru, Hickory Shirts mid Merino Shirts, Merino. Wool and Canon Drawers. Hosicxyoferery description. Buck-skin, Marina and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchivis .\'ec’k Ties, Gnu-nu, Linen and PATH-‘1 Col-lam, llals. Capt, Bools pad Shoes. Um bn-liss‘ 'l‘molu. Valicoa. Carpet Bags. Cloihca nnd‘ blzoe Brushes, Buil- Ind Tooth Brushes, Shob‘Blléfiug‘, Pocket and Dressing Combs, lvofiy (‘nml)s,—Wnlcbes,Clocks and Jeuehy. Guns. Pir'ola, Violins and Violin String", Salim "All Perfumerics, Stutionery of all “ML I‘.) lwt Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac cn. Puma, an extra quality of S'egars. In fact. hil stack embraces every'hing usunlly found in a li-st Muss furnishing store. I im'he the :memmu ufnll to come and see for themselves, as [um dctexmined to sell good: lower Ibnu nny otherestnblishmentin the country. Don‘t rnrgrl Ihe [-liice. Corner of York street nml the Di \monvl. JACOB BRINKBRHOFF. July 4, 1864. \ - . Aha. ‘GROYXD PLASTER.WMI GEAR"? nnd otlmr lemlizera. @COAL, [-5 lhv.‘ bns‘néLmn. m-‘mr‘hmd. ’l‘lwnr (Sm-I xun to listllimnrcnudl-zl:klwi e 51-“ wk, nuJ [boy \vilulmppy to mrry qmuh enter \‘r ~y nt nmderute ch lrgcs. “MI“ hum, n-m.utry mnr‘chnms, and others. will find H.‘ lo 1'”! (r mhmxmgr- to patrnmze this line. Tho; ”cl: 5 slmre ofthe pin-He‘s cusmm.m~) will apart: nu gflorv. m remit-r salisuctiup :0 ML Sellers or buyers.“ _ “'3l. E BHIDLE S: (,‘U. Aug. 22. 1304. II Globe Inn. V2.l}! TH: {l"‘L \l‘ ERIE ETT l' SB [7 KG , PA —Tlu-'nn\:£r~lgrrrl G wnqullznOst rcspnctfully inform hi~ n 1. nu-rous men-is and Ihe public firm-rally. [lint he has purchnted llmt long‘ csme-l ‘4l “nil well known Hotel, the “Globe Inn," in Yul-k street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to conducm in a manner llml will not drum: l'l'nm ii: fox-me: high tepntntion. lanle Wlll have the best the market can afford—lira chambers nre spaciouia and cnmfurt‘ahle—nnd [he has laid in for his but afnll stock of wines and liquors. There is large smblinz umvln-d to the Hotel, wllivh mll he attendcd by Allen ‘lve hustlers. It will be his constant en~lonvur to render the fullest satisfaction to his fulfils, makinghis house as near‘a home to- them as possible. He asks a. share of the pnhlic’s pn tronnze, deiermined as he is to deserve a huge part of it. Remember, the “Globe Img: i‘l m. York su-eet, but near the Din-mnml, or Public Square. S.UICEL WOLF. April 4, 1864. 'tf . - Sometmng for Everybody 'J bUY AT DR. R. BORNKR'S T DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Just opened a fine assortment of ‘ plugs and Medicines, ' Patent. Medicines, Stationery, . Fan‘cy Dry Goods, ' ‘ Confections, ~ . . ' Groceries, . A Nation _: TOBACCQ, SEGARS, kc. Jan. 18,1864. (Ir; New Goods. EORGE ARNOLD has just recrived fro"! the city a large suppty of CLOTHIVH, ‘eu’s and Boys’ wcnr, consisting of all kinds of GOA-TS, PANTS, VESTS, SJHRTS, DgIAWERS, CRAVATS, - - NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, kc. —ftiso— A large flock of CBOTHS-,'CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, JEABS, DRILLINGS, km, to., all of which will be sold as cheap as can he hid elsewhere. Give us a call} and if we can not plan: you, in a unit read] made We will take your, measure Lndpnke ‘yoa up due in short notice. ‘ [May 30, 1864. Cannon 8: Adair’s NEW XARBLE WORKS, Eel-net of Bam -more and East Middle streets, opposite the Conn Bonn, Genysbm-g, Pam—We are prepared to fnmioh Monuments. Tombs, Hend s'tones, Marble. Innuea, Slab! for Cabinet Makefp, 3nd all other work uppeminjng to on business. We will guarantee satisfncuon both as to execution 3nd price. Call and m on design: 3nd tpecimen: of work. Feb. 2, 1863. n -Stlll at Work. HE undenignad continues the T CAEEIAGE-XAKING BUSINESS‘ in :11 iga' bunches, M his old stand, in Hunt Middle street Getlylburg. NEW WORK mode to finder, and ' f RIPAI B I N G done promptly and at lo‘ieu pricel. Two firabrate SPRING WAGONS and 5 SLEIGE for tale. JACOB TBOXEL. Dec. 7, 1863. ; V . Battle~fleid Views. FULL net of our Photographic View: of the Dame-field of Gettysburg, fem n splenéid gifoor the Holidays. The finest yet published cm be seen M the Excemor Gallery. TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg. C A B D PfiO'l'OGß-APHS of distinguished individuals, includiagnuum ber of our prominent Genemlu, Ind me old hero John L. Burnt, for ads at the counter of the Excelsi ‘ Ilery, Getty-burg. . ‘ TYSON BROTHERS. to Dr. & [mama's Drug Starr. m get. an umcnsp (gown 0:11:97. _ PQETRY. TEE WIVDI. We mm ‘ we come ' and yo («I our might, AI we‘ro‘hutemng on in on: bound’lCu (light; And our the monnu‘nn and but an hop. Our brand. invisible pinion: "up lec the murmur hurt}, wildmd rm! u Anti )‘I look on ounrorkl. Ind own 1m to; Y. call u: «a. winds, but an gt ml Wbmur u ‘9, or who" In an)” _ Ya mark 9; us vary our (ulna o! pot", And an "10(0th or (an the lover. ..' u hen the bdrball mm" In: the rulll-Il bent, When (In lplrlt lg o‘arthrorn and the HI: It nut, A! u m: thu lurk o'cr the finalising 'IVI, 0r bur}; It: crew to I water: (an. AM yo say it is my! but an 5. true. The Randal-lug winds)» their «cm plug ’ And Ihothu nut breath bola- or hig‘h, Or come in I so“ and balmy gigh; ‘ Our th'ulcningl fin the wul lilh Isl: A: wine“: u'hispcrinxoo lhl “1' \\ iLh muyic aerial, 52m we. . And )o In! And ye look ; but what do yo no ' I‘ m ye hush one sound 0! our voice ‘0 pence. (Ix taken bun zaund In" our plumber: cone 1 Our dwelling II In tho Almighty'l hurl, . We coma and go n h‘ll comm; Wbdlewer sorruv miy mark uhr truck, “in word is our gnil- Imin. hwl nal back. And when In wr mam we you“ mm In Iny, 0r tuna our gmltivfl air to play. . “2 win upl‘n uml hnazt (r- Him who Mud. ‘ ‘0: {tau :3 Le nu ma obedient Kindl. MESGEM‘JQNYZ MOUNT ARARAT Mnu‘n! Al'dl'flb is 60410 feet highr'rjhan Emu, run] 152% higher than )[ou’nt‘ln'mm the Inter the phmt uf' greatest elevation in E nml-e. It is detachml (rum the other maximum: of A 4». nml la dxvidod into two conlcuL 1.02:1“. 511' Robert. Pnrtor paints in vxvid colors the mngmficoncv of xhnflxecv tm-‘m when 1:? fix-w came in right of Arm-at, m :je ii willy rising from a‘wide‘ly extended gmen phi“. fez-(3lmm! 1w the clear wmars of llw Ar:u‘(lhn:nn(-ivnl AI'M9S,) and 00"?er “uh Art‘nvni m village». In vmimxe pflints ht ‘it-w. [he mmmxt has n str.kfng rosem bLmr‘o m n =h'lp—l f-wl which hm been re :-.-1 lim] Ly nH trnvpllefra to [ho s'ol. and thn wlmle cninuny runmi IN full of llmhlmnurv slmL-c rvlnfivu m .\'nnh‘: «1k and ”19 “Mai. I! is n cnmmun beliof "mung lhndhme m an unnl Padang. (hut rmnuinxml‘ lhenrk snll end“ on m» ~uthil. Saw-mil allclnph lune been mafia tn load: the lap 0f the nmunmin. but lonn‘e‘ly have =uéh attempts suu-uul-«E Moving nml: wh'wh lhrmm-n tn nvurwhulm the liavmlv‘r, fl my TOMB \vlmh out his shims to S’lrfllli. terrible pleclp'hos. \\‘llh nvrrhpng'lng 10M“. and. M ova all, more: of smkh, have rmfimnlly mm 1: Hunt mm the Slolllt'ht bra-Its and nearly in all caar-s Indqced lhe- ahnmlon mpnt of the enterprise. A! Elvin. the Ar~' munmns show the spot where Nnnh fixst. planted the vine. and the town of'Nukhd- 'jnmu (place 01 dew-em) i< hellsved to nnuk fl‘hn’ ppmvwhere the p‘uriurcl. first, settled on .qunun-av Ihe ark. . ‘SOLHUDE. Mnre nml grmter sim are éomriiitled .' when men llrv nlnne than whm tho-y kcwpl lhenm-lwc in fellowship. When Eve in Paradise walkml alone, lhvn Came (he evil one and (lecoin-Il her. Whoever-id nmnnszst men and in honeat company, is nshnmml lo sin. nr, at least, he has nn place or opportu nili to do so. When Dafid was nlonq and idle. and went not to the wars, he fell into mlulterynnl murder: min] I havc myself found that I hm novor fallen into mo_re sin than when 1 was alone. Soliturmvfis in,- riteth to melnncholy. and. a person alone has (Wen some heavy and evil 4hpughts, and construeth evprymigg in the worst renw. Melancholy uan Instrument ofthe devil, by which be adenmplis’h'os’ [liq wicked lurpoies. The deeper a. person is plunged into that state, the more power the devil hnth over him. To live in an 0 en. pub lic state is the safest. Openly, unfnmongst other persons, a man must live civilly and honpuly, must appear to fear God, sud do his duty towards méi—Luther. ' Curious leculatioria.—Fdw persons have any tolerable notion of the space which would be occupied by the population nowl living on this globe ”congregated together; and as to the vast majority, the dead, the wildeet conjectures have been indulged in. Some have .‘even doubted whether web I , number of human beings could find stand ing room on thewhole face of the earth. Now, taking—the present population of'the earth to number one thousand millions. Ind‘nssumin ' that the average population or the earth ion: the time ofAdmn till now has Been half that number. and thu the ‘generutianl of mgn have "crazed forty years each. we come to this conclusion— thnt the smallest county of England would j afford Hitting room for all the men, women ‘ and children, now on earth. and that a num ber of human being: equal to all that have ever lived on the cc of the earth, mightL stand within the use of the largest county in Englend. = ' ' ' ‘ The .‘llacl‘bwny of the Human Bml'l,l.—-Vcl'y~ few mechanichx-e awnr'e how much my chinery there is. in commutation. in their own bodies. Not only are there hinge-Ind joints u: bones. but there/Ire wives in the veins, a force pump in the heart. and curi osities in other put: of the body equally striking: One of the muscles férms an ac tual pulley. The bone. which support the body are made precisely in that form which hu been ascertained. by calculations and ‘ experiments; to be the strongest. for pillars Ind supponing oolumna—‘that of hollow i cylinders. Ta Brand: and their J!eaning.—-The fol lowing will interest housekeepers : ‘Hysoni, means ‘before the reins,’ or flourishing opting.’ that il. early in the spring. hence it in often called ‘.Yonug Hyson.’ 'Hysou skiu’ is composed of the refuse of other kinds. the native term for which in ‘tea skins! Refuse of still 003 m: descriptions. containing many stoma, is called ‘tea bones.’ ‘Bohea’ is the name of the hills in the region where it is collected. ‘Pekee,’ or ‘Poco,’ means ‘white hairs.’ the down of tender leaves. :I’owehong,’ ’{olded plant.’ ‘Souc hong,‘ ‘smnll plum! ‘Tweukay’ is the name of. small river in the region where it is bought. ‘Coneo.’ from a term signify ing ‘labor.’ from the care required in m ‘ preparation. Q'A genlkmnn in Kent, Englmd. Ine ly no I. plum in which nwup‘wu bid. which stung him no unruly in file tin-on that he died. ' ‘v BASHfiI‘ULNESS IN YOUTH. A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. hYomuz peopleaon‘their firit a‘dmiuinn to Adfe-w pvoningn unread- MarSllocuntdwa: _ ‘"‘ tin outer wo‘rl are ea emall nfii-ctedtfl'l in; nnacmunto fl rea ‘1 ““C‘ P" ._N '. 'in, mm, ..‘“me so u” ‘1)“ mnvy he rpgw‘l at a factory at LL—-. Ind which the edito ”3251:3"33’: ”can?" 0‘33“: “‘"‘-ah dr-d as onev of tho moral diseases of tho hil“ "“"‘“hed i“ ‘ groat_,m|uy '"“‘“- , “gnaw;5231452???”1 e ...”? already mind‘s infancy. It is at. the bottom of 5‘ “1 dt’clfifl‘. '“'?- that gas '"‘ ‘“"'-ll “0" rent! ...; ~ "mm“ ,‘infi‘wc i 0 Litigatfi‘tiiocc'ur amt deal at cheirnhynm: They cannoz‘ “mom." th' "'"'-"““‘ Mr-Slwum- {mm mm. 0.. none; - its; ’11: r36:- feel at. man. became the mistrust some“ “WHEN!“ “50‘3”" ‘ ll‘! ' 5 ' ' ' _ . , Y _ . , , , . in: prt tulurs ore hug: the ludnnlpom Jour thm about bomsalves or their belongings, '1 ll read "19 count. ‘"“; "‘d then 3.]; 4 ' and have that feeling ofharenoss and exp!» ¥°“'“ ‘"“)" 3“ ““0“" ‘“" At 3.55 P. .\i. the plumper expreu tnlu Eul‘Q in tho prmence 6’ unfamiliar 934:; MP. Slocum began ‘0 rend: ”- north, on “10 Infant“ and Indilnlpolirnil which attaches to leusutivenefiundoruntrfi) "0“!!!“ “’0 '"“' A'ccmlm‘. _ ‘ d, tut-l utm Mack tnih louth, which left ed circnm'tzmoes. Everything than apt 1' bt‘wm"! 0‘" “1"“!lf’h0'Y ‘"d PM“ _E at thran o'clo-k. collided ‘nno and shalt gumen a magnified. cxnggeratod chmkcggr. i duty to record the p'H'Ul‘Ulllh of an :tcgt- 9's nm- b ot‘Culver‘s nation, gutting nation the place they occuny on the one {l3nd,} dnnt tint. thwart-vi fit. the luwvr mvll.‘m 19%! Ofllfo- Tho. 5““le cur wu driven clear and the importance of the occasion on that ”Ii: ""'] Y“s"‘fd")' afternvon, ".V "hm" "hmllfll'h'fl?" Punt—‘32" CI"- 30'30' the km other. Tm: present company is the vm tLi a lm ngn bt-itm, tn the prime of life. Mu art were returned and tiir'oughgfigotiian‘whq the univerye. a conventmn of men ”'ll hurl-ind to tlml bmtl'ne hom ll'luv h‘ ns‘tha‘ hind serve-dove} thrceqymu, an, '""utnmtng -5035‘." forming a drlxborute and irrwvorgil‘ immunql Sliakqn-ara saw, no "irnvclnr ro- home. One ottuy kivlml had lin-an conlngj 1,- ble judflmpnt upon tlmm. "7.1 deciding 1”! turns " Mr. Divot June“. a \Vnrkfnnn. who '1 lnonth! ovtr nu titan. in Libby Prison, and mu thoirdismlvnntaga on account of some odd-‘- has but fvw my“ mn, WM» guponnt‘vndmg Just returmlfz. do“? hdrufied mnnYt‘z-om Boom, nether awkwardnosa. or passing slip in l 01.1" “f ”l" ”U!" WWW-‘“‘ “'On'l" ” "‘“"‘ coluntylann H"? _ ’"'. “”'; i'“ “"“‘“ “‘1 ""’ thehlielvns or in the recesmriea .boutll’l kettic drnm.moh """‘F ”"39" ‘““'", m.” '”““ no-2, With up QM“ complem _ . . , . ‘ h‘” _ l revered Oar mun. namennmown,had tho th'm' Butv "l m” persona. 1m“ "nd ox' stud Mr" Snuunlwu'hfill ha “’“'“ on ‘hnln tn 0!. till told 21‘» Inn fl' 5 Wright” "'in! m'much h“"“'{‘." “5 ““9“"! ”“"‘"l' “H "H“.W‘” '""‘", "fl-“mil the tow peragm were hhnu; Afixittucnt'l;k(ill.ea‘n:; ”'9'“ "'““' insignificnnce. I 'is 50‘. “"‘ l drum. '“d tinnily ‘”“ “'1'0"h"dy“a.“1r““." ‘u t-rge uuvuher wow-1"? fourteen ut whom 39"" I'm“. very “de ”"‘" 3" “'“' Rife" ‘ Diver '.he “m" w I “an"! m." “ he" I." lmw- Sim-u dtL-d. among tht‘m J. G. Hofllhl. ut' time a mixed amembiage is thinking vary, “""‘"0" ”'me h“ '"“' "‘““‘Vfd x“. tang, Sumgfiyndjiu mm”. ,1...” rifled. much about. us; and thrn the horror of n I "it“ i“ " aboutufill'u'en ‘mm- some ut‘the bodies while in Ihr thrneg of deith. conspicuous msition loses its main sum.v ‘. " ' “"’ '““'“! 9 h“l§° A number of indie: worm! un thnu’nln, but This on tha one hand; on the other. \ '"h ""01““9“; {none were hurt. ‘ are not as dependent on the timird ofsnc '"' hurt. h‘m'" ty as waivers. Even a momnt com )ri . to our enlnrgpa imagination. by no hwn . the whole chnth. Them is sonic-thing worth curing f ‘tside those walls. . Ami aim-we have m to form it sort of e‘tiA mate of ourwlves.‘ Them is now a third ‘pnrty in the question, in the vhnpe 0f self respeot. We realize that We are to our wives of immenlurubly more comequvnrv than any one old» can he to tn. 'l‘hm, pith er hy~reuson or the natural harduntng and [strengthening process of the outer air most. people overmme nnv con-piouum d1:- Inlay of the woaknoau. By the timfi youth N on r, thyy have either accepted their ‘.v _izion or set about. m 3: business-like w . to mend it A DON’T SQUEEZE. 'Whfle we are grownng very sensible. 1 «It-ed, in tho m utter nfdre‘w us far as hon Bnimorn! skim. warm smoking, and h: ugvkz, m- are dvgeuomlmg Insome oth mluuers quite as important. The con-ct nbw a "LC-‘“‘lll'y part of a woman’s wm‘u robe. 91"]. alas! when a Woman-does begin ‘ m wmr I‘ornolu. she will wear: them [oo‘ small. _nnd will tug at the lam until lie|| broalh bncnmos short. .and slip feels it ne~l ceaanry to refrain from anything like it' céml‘. 1: Y'tllll‘ moul. We'snv nothing against ‘ 1: Well ~lmyunl corset. worn loose, but there" l-v-s lln‘ dilfiouixy. A loose corset injures; the appearince of the figure instead ol imw proving it. and people wonr nnrsl'tu that they may lmva srmll “iii-ls. All we can; any in, don't squeezn. whatever you do;| you miy have a small waist, but you nre mm posing youréoll‘ to a dozen mirformnm which are ‘ns had as : large waist. Fll‘Sl,l you'll surely have ‘liyepep-in. and grow yel- i low}, nml cross. and unhappy; aoomdly“ your hands will grow red; thirdly. your no”; fourlbly.ynu will beunable to walk 31 mile at 'nnoe; fil‘xhly. dinner will be a mis-, ery; sizllily. yourfihoulder blades will in-I crease in fill? and altitude; neventhly. your eyos will grmv-wenk; oighthly. you will ‘brenk down at thirty or ibermbouis. and he a hickly old wumnn from that limo forth.) ¢ If these truths do not frighten women from [light cor-93:, perhaps the inlormalinn ‘ ”but gentlemen generally do not admire 'wlmt dresemnken call a “pretty figure” so much ns :1 natural one, may have some in finance A BEAUTIFUL SENTIMENT. Clasp thy hands meekly over the still? breast—lbeyv’e no more work to do;f close lhe «nary eyes—theyv'e\ no mnre' tears to shed; part _the damp locks— l there's no mane pain to ban. Olmml alike l tn love’s kind voice, and calumny’shtinging whisper. , 0. ”'in that stilled heart you have rum-1 lessly planted a thorn; if from that plead ing eye you IAM carelobsly turned away; if _your loving glanco, and kindly word. and clnsfiing hnnul, have come—all 100 (ute— then God forgive you! No frown gathers ‘ on that. marble brow as you gum—no scorn ‘, curls the chiseled lip—no flush of wnunded feelings mounts to the blue-veined tem 9leg. V ‘ Gad forgive you ! for your feet. too, must shrink nppaflled from de‘uLh’a cold .river {your [altering tongue asks: “Cm this be dedlh ‘2” Your fading eye lingersdovingly 'on the sunny earth. your clammy hands feel its last feeble flutter. - _ a O, rapnciom gravel yet another victim for thy Voiceless keeping! What! no words of greeting from the house-hold deeper-sf No warm welcome from n sis ter’s loving lips? Nb'throb of plasma from the den mternsl bosom? ' ‘ sum all! . 0, if these broken limbs were anew”:- ered up I , If ‘eyond death’s swellin; fluod then were no oternnl there! If for the. "Juggling bark than were no pox-Lof peace! ll' “hurt that la'wering cloud sprung no bright bow of promise! Ales, for love if this be ell, . y ‘ _And Mghl beg/oil. ‘ “ Some" Hmuibu.—Long Tom B—. of the Third Maine Battery. (on but. A soldier and capital I fellow u there in in the Irmy.) tell: n diary of how thick he once found the mosquitoes in the northgrn put of Wisconsin, that will convince anybody of his entire truthfulness. "Muskeetm l” quoth Tom ; "you never saw any in Jersey. I tell you th'ey play ‘Simm come,’ on the bend Inter: of the ‘ Wisconsin." ‘ 1 “Are they any thicker there then In ‘ other localities?” we ventured to ask. . L "Thicker! Why.men alive, one night we ware looking around for a place to camp, We struck a "rum 0! regular old heroes, end every time yOu Itmck out with your Inn it left 1 hole just as plain as in ‘ any of our gum-"l ‘ l "Oh, Tom !” exclaimed a young lady re lation. somewhat deubtfully, "What? You don't believe It ? When 4 this mu- is over, just come along with me, 1 and I'll allow you (In Lolly“ !” l If anybody has the hardihood to doubt ‘Tom’s word after (bet, he (or she) must be propered to fight “nix-leet-four in his necking-3’ . S’The mnply 0! apple: am] pm is to thumb! in England this year. tbs: they ardly pay {or trampnrlauon no me What mum. . . ”It. appnrs from publiflml "Minion in Ireland. that lbngeuu- isgrcuost amen; the poor.» people. . w our a WA (0 r 95 milk. "N that U 3 like U or no Mr ed his been 1 the pa, "I Ch but real Man} contra! Pequmn arty ne'u company {rihe ca and pi! twat H lamh h :91an of flu ntlituv' FM conch MEI 0n 1 . he sup] , us he :1 ‘ . ed Iha u a ‘ - ~ Ilquow ’ , ed mm m ' ' berry fie curl-onm ' Indians of (ham . drink In . Cheeple ‘ ~ ' 4—- squnw’u (t he'looked . males”:. '1 and its 00 ~ his imme elder and . ‘ his opigio ' , shoot; um ~ - A .0 live; mnk . ' the want. whHr ' , ‘ ‘ at.” Thddek . this cnunsel. a x ' and ‘ womnnrr, 1 her‘ ‘l hush-n l‘l , ’ nh u noon as she d. Lo pro servo her‘ health {mush menu}! bearing hm at urden, u we“ as the camp to her , welfare. formed A unku‘c . o of the retributive xhnvdneu of "Indian judge." AGGREGATE LABOR 01' HAM. Alon with the companion thu in exci ted by fiauulng to a tde ofmmt'. there‘ia apt to arise, I“. that time, a feeling ofna taniahment that web 3 thing should be in" a land likelhia. .Perhapghowever. the "in: wonder ia that want in not universal. One hulfol the nee die before thoy haveoontnbu ted an iota to the world’n 'austenance or their own. One-half of those who out-rive the'period of childhood are «men, who do 33‘! a general thing, conuibute directly t production of wealth. 0f the men, many are lick. many areold, mmy mlazy, many in! idle; many are wasteful, many are pnrnsitee. Those who do work, and live to the age of three-wore your: and ten, spend ‘ one third bl their lives in bed, one twen tieth at the table, one-sixth in rectan l tion. Much of their time is wanted in mi». ‘ 1 aka. Much of what they succeed in rod awAh. Sam, aoyou’ve beeuintronble, ducing is swept away by fire and fiooi— have you?" “Yes, Jim. yes.” “Wall. During halt of the year nature sleeps. One cheer ug‘,’ man. adversity tries us, and shows harvnt in five proves a failure. Only as up our tter qualities." “ Ah, hul ndver fraction of the earth’s surface is capable of pity didn’t try me: it was an old wagsbond cuitifiation. A large part of the general let-L of n judge, and he .howed up my worst bor ia absorbed in the groductionf of luxu- qualities.” flea, in re airing the nmuges 0 war, my 1 ‘“'—"WT: preparing S)! luture conflicts. in the trans- 1 ’6'“ ‘“ ”WWW" {““‘ ”"’ Umhid Stat?“ muons of produce» and in journep.—- s°Veer°“‘,’:"~' ’“’“fie‘l 1;"3'“ 0“ '”' Rohablv not more than one-tenth of the'tll‘mll‘l‘m V" “‘"“'" “‘9" armament on whole n§nount of human force is ex yondeK for ”‘9 9W9 of protecting the in 211'!!ng the world’s dmly brew}. Thl minding marvel. therefore, of moiety 'I not that any should suffer want, but thl there should be any who do not. ' - ”A man choked himwife to death the plhex thyjn Springfield. Mus. “The Auntie «hié about to be Na} win by»: tongues i_u 9m: weight. . A WAY: meow. “Why is B," um |My muslin-cog! , our: on. 61;, “am no may men ael-m Andy" to get rld o thelrwlveol” "Blcnulc," mid wo, , “no few woman and themselves uner manage (ninth lhelrpnlqnco indiimnsable Lo tln Imp. rhu- oflhelrhmbands !” And [his in uriouh 1 true. When husband and wife havé beimue . lhorughly accultounm! to each own-«whim 1“ the little lmunrivs of charm! whim hm!) play"! offm skilfully hc'ore Ihc Wedrh'ngdny have been (‘kltlulnhtll—l 20 many term to think » til-{nothing remniun huulle clanking of the le- ‘ ' lnl Ell-In. whlch bind them to club other.“ The wlfo seeks to develop in he: Iflactl‘on no new Imnction lot her husband, and-the mm. ' perceiving the hpaua, begin to brood over-n . Inca-genial“, whlch dooa not, um, can to map ”be m- um: douiulmo unsurpxufilu obnuclnlntbevuyof bineulhlylollcll-y. This in them“ secret. The woman who charmed ba~ ' fore marriage can charm ultennrdl, "the will, though not of coma by the uma meant- There are n thouuud way: "she could only Itudy :nem out. in which "she manaka hdmo so nttrnruve that lw- hnshmd will unconsci ou~ly dlslike L; absent _birfim I." from mind-t 1 5220 can r..-milk make hem]! the pmiculuden lly oflho dome-me p:-rn-ii~e . This done, Iho' may quietly laugh at. all mu-mpu to alienate? hex- huaband’s inclinations; ~m~l with Ihnse ln-, . olimuiuus ml! MW”)! go, la such can-8,111. - ncllve judgment. . LLAua‘ A-YhAfl , Z.l - c). 8. Huvy' ms: Dznwnxoi ll .\'tw Yong; —\lr. Chulu Winaor. form: “"1 {ourlern year! paving teller of thn Ski-mails Bank. No. 191 Broadway, dinppeure-i Imm 1m [mat on Suturdny mgnnd Inn :16: linu- bw'n beau-l from. On examining his cneh nccn'mt it In discount! um. he wasndefnulhr'mm nmotTvTF‘ n flopped and legs BO -fs2l_)7,oooin currency and $31,000 In mid n bank offers I reward of $5.0 '0 for M's Ir ind delivery to the Authumiv‘. run! 5”... 'be recovery orghe nah-n manny. ' Wm ‘ ears, enjoyed a good rt'liulnilfln, and red by his numernzu friend: «4 nrthy in every rnspet'l. Hr: livuJ ‘ drove {an hora", Ind In: ‘ ‘ion, while hil wife mu ro . union of B hnudmmo lop Febrew L'axloon,” that the original . give is derived from a root éi‘fni yin; ; that itwaa, pgrhnps. from a in 6d» .nis kind that the Rabbina ownad their Lmditioa, that twalva lights or chirchat —-it could not. be gossip, for there where no neighbor: to gossip about—were 'hined down mlo Paradise, for Adam and Eve to umuse themselves with. of which twelve Adm picked up three Ind Eva the odur nine. _ 1. % Winmr has '3O“ m irkiaz up the cue, «court the min ~ ' mine" of the 'u IpPOflPI ~ surplul, ‘ -N.Y. ‘ mm, on uni-g . mg in tho "not; , - out, wouhin’t you?" wig, “3nd I'll be Mud ve you out". - ‘n in South Coventry, Hm. 33,000 in mach-ch. H. A green Irinhmnu for $2,000 in mugs on u for the othnilmoo for Inucbiflfis. met-chum in Cornhill, Leiden, djed J.nlt., from swallowing an‘imu lull .‘ood. Be "flared gm! may. , L'he learned Buxcorf informs us In fi‘WVhy,” said a country clergyman to one of bin flock, “do you always Ileep in your péw when III!) in ,tho pulpit,‘whilo you _m’a all attention scanty nuns» I mvite.’ ‘ ' " Bcause. sir,” win the nply, “when you preach I'm sure sll'l right, but I can’t trust ant-anger without kpepmg a good lookout.” 11=112121 ch/lu’t Want to 'Go.-—A Jemynnn wu vgryonick. Ind wu not. expected to tumour. His friends got mundfihu bed ond one of them sand— - ‘ I “John. do you fool- willing to die ?” John “mode an effort." to give hil View: on the subject, and aniwand, with hi. foo ble voice— - “I—think—l'd rather ntny—wbero-I’u better acquainted.” -’ , a-Teacher—" Como right have, ’you young mm‘p, and get : sound‘tfniaking." Scholar-L" You a' t got no right toapnnk me, the copy youjg; tefi me up sq.” Teacher—" I should like to has: you read that cofy over m ma." Scbn nr—"You Shh“. [He refluk'ut all the ends thou aim“. at be thy caumry'a,’ and so forth.and when you’re spanking me, you ain’t. aiming at no web end.” .‘b'The Het‘l‘dgo. Ky" "Naif! qui fix“ tho great bulk of She dunked MK“;- I tacky no going; intotho wgt’eden‘omico. EN n L, EMI M .o A III“ m Pro al’dd Ind sh Gonn-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers