E I X _ (I; m u “n? r V .THE ’9 H: .q ,0 I N OI I EL ‘ n l 0 (:1 E ’3‘ Tu ”lb 5"! “In Or lm ea“ fiI” 11. I i?" If: flow .lIHhLI‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIfI n u I: ‘3‘ P rII I}, enucl It I A led I: ‘“" Ob. mete” fi xnt ”I. 0:115“ , yo mpddm“ |)y if.” he Sun '“”‘ g' ‘1 n“ w”. I ‘.JH’YMHinna,IIImrIIc"IIIIIqIIIII in ..- _'l 1., " .zei A. _.~ Aen ‘h‘lc d. or ‘ 3 I 09" '_l_‘)er\" ___lzo:"°ll.e_”9.;,l';qu-‘ mnIIaIIIIImfiexfI ”XIII “an. c 6 n ’ ..‘-‘a‘fl ~| eI.C}I. ‘ n' . , jmftm‘fiumnwnn “:30? : :lmc;:)mel;:.b;;whrqe;'nz’crabs?""t fixfhi‘fo mm D “4.. ifl'r. wt?” CCU“:- 1; '- 95 Ct. . ba, '1 lIhPCIIIIe ’ur VI“ 21 ”I’VIIHII U .Pr lIII'I en. - I I 70.13"” 5243*411uiuj NT -‘ I ‘it,- illydfitl llflptnfe Rn “5511;“. “an Way] “ItefIIIII mg- ‘3 xI I I :“nI;" ‘l‘: Inl_.3n‘- 2;in ¥.— .4. E iL‘lio:“d'i';icill,,lne.l°u,:llge§tzonan-11111.111 GI SIIIIZII 111111111- ajo I I l flux" In \orl: of l‘ncr'q,‘ :1“ tb‘ I"romedifl n cot‘ng.Xt‘ oruleab.y .30! [2” I Catfish 21 d vnm‘.. nty L _ eanc, 'I’JII'I' {'lm, “e ":3, I‘ICI "‘ c K. 'o}? «I»; M"... chl'v“ '5“ II ’“'l IIIIIIIIIONII” I we ”I” 624 I “I ’o‘ up wm” m M 'lh ”an I 3194'“) rd "g I; 5;! "II; )0 8}“ xleu‘liL- ,Pr o'9 I . 1;“? (11. 111. ‘u; übf~l‘ll"l|,t (‘.‘ll3"';‘,. ":1, aria; 'anluh‘t ‘}.eml'lnigfli:tril):"on'or'd I E‘l'zrd o'nJ' I “cc “i“eerd II tA I ‘ 1... I. .l‘.l'.i' I ' ‘ 7 - ' I . :In:;m;fra/:(I 6:l:imltlnnloir:llnnPZlmn An: 1:“ {99:13:99 :P- a;:“::’ (12":33 a??? fizlrlfirigflng‘ I I fin“ ‘ “I 13" IA éLAs'r ! I Pr ‘c -.I r:- ‘’”r "4 v "‘I r ‘lla. III? Ii II I' In “II tInI. “I II x...lng. H 904." 01 {mam}: ‘ “‘r m or. “1.;""t11,féo .d ui‘ :1 Ilkendujc . ”inf-J nuns); "y ' ' ‘49 L" . “asp. my '5. (3 MM“ 2. Arm. PnGlI). “In" 1.11”: “119 lécch gig 'n 'l 'ou‘m, ‘I'I-il, 'l‘iempl ‘9; Frin‘en“. . in‘ 30; i. G 1:31: AM him zWnI“ u" cl. on ”Prim” h 9 all m mlgll "m B t ”off-yd Counkl-‘o' 45¢ ' I!..3‘um “i 1 3DU ‘l. . v.l, Ivj hr “1.. ‘ 1 '3- -hf”yyLlly l h; 9' y hel uHe O'ln n -m HII ”111, to 8"I nadir“ ‘y 12Fr rflnwo. (3.."ng ncln'zni “(33:9 0:55;“:1 PIC!!! ‘l], finer, :1 Sp‘nielfii ' go’d'jrrng'n 7 - 110‘ ill: ItanJLIKFaN‘ PDefe OUT'll'z‘S r“ ”k x Gum} n c “.0? 5 3; II“ ‘0 I; Plt ‘ln H) ilv '59 f- Gum-31"; 72 8‘ Ed I. e rtmh‘: £0 at 3A "ti [/1 "A NmL I IC r(, _ g ”r" He. n . Hl-nJ‘v l' 9 3 'lg-t “l g‘o P t. 9, 12’?qu B '"‘:n, _m. ,I'2.?{rl:n‘o}u";nrr I’I‘LIIII"II,"I':II I}.I_’:'I"I'IIIII; lIIIIIIINITIIIIIIIIIWIIIII Izzn‘IIIIIIIIEII': III; III: lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIEII‘ the “:3 I ".2qu " invlvnl .' 01-bw‘e t 2,1,..'1e" ,- [.ll n. NI 6\nD‘e: .. x - in ‘uu'mn Gmnk ~ FlI“-x.,.‘lx...,5. li‘vrkflil - FIII'IIy f ‘nr, 'lu,’ I3I‘cItIII-N In MI cnieigkg I I 91 I”: IVI I‘Ia‘IIIIIIIIImIIIIcI OIrIIIIIrIIIaI 10: ITh BE Cr [in Ilm‘l 3' l—M‘Vxh IMI 115 “I’d u- . uur “29‘0" ”re vIL ’1 "dentionnyl “ninth“, “I, 195 91 I‘li'lr 0L Rho glen“, :II IT"? “111 I“ thelhou eu '0 “nim‘m ale rm I '"“‘-f”. 7'“ 5 {but}: 3e ‘1 gyfimwowb ":1”, I ”:01- ‘in: flit-LIT. 2:3 ‘;0 int"{lPlrrnfifnzzg‘jn‘pzurwig‘"‘Hn; ‘l“d’eon‘c‘fian ”ycmml' “i “m ‘“'“ .U“ I”: “n I'9 ”it “II! _II, 'l‘, com 'hl ‘ .‘vdhe: Ithll'kc ‘6: 1.2 '"rofuklnc‘i‘ifll' a cullqill.Jl,hrpl"‘u.."P.l en. apit-SI; 1"" TIC o..;n_ a, “g 12' _ L3l; «Rpm. “I In "cequr Inn Le. a: ma '4) 2. ,1 t..le ... .“I»I,P-1an(,.?,b‘,f'upjvn an], “In 11111111111 m n is Ear-M. I‘hznh‘vn‘l‘o‘chm I Cong ‘ r.. 15yu‘nl Ic “:11 n Li: 'L wIV is 0f 'prp- DTO‘.‘ ’ 'p A I A: I 7:1: lgnfl'c'”::wnnd 2:. : Mflzxttfihél‘ Cnfiflied “1:”qu ‘Pnn‘a’. ovuingnrm ‘:,-.- .5 .II 11111 I I I (Di-" 1;, up.’ nto IN.“ In” I \ “In" t -u- ,ry ' and ’ch ”1 ‘hIIIfi ll blI-m'WI“9 Icul 3! I . :61 . 3,; diligent“"IIIINIlIhoIIIIIyfiIIrISI {ormnnvgrre d 0 ISI e" I I PnInIIIII 111 A‘. #‘ n‘l Ir, v- an “t. n by. .. IL."i -- I'i 5‘ mon 30 3 Inn: C. it “p «‘“‘! m (.2 ‘lu 8.! “m 0' co 3,.‘11 g ‘l, 8. ~ hm. lflm VV'llfllxnl. «2‘ \7 loo.“ 11 Hh .- I {)e‘n‘. “I“ «I«I(,°“1qo°dav" [11:9 chnvlnfi‘ll ”..'-«‘“"‘, a] 5; I‘haw guns". :6 gm"lmlSfillrg‘lzsngngruh Lo" 0““ n. inedm ”IF 9“”:“1 ..h‘ I; ‘”‘ 2~‘ . .2 -.'p - - - {dizfiv‘ipx M? j. My {2:O In}. .JMHSWLMMIJ W”. -U Janey B Laugh, -,,' , 31‘ 1:0 :I»1:;J:flg-o,§o.:I,I.lz, It‘u‘té;~;..:,rgrn;.:;. («“"' "gm: verwg‘nhgrz, Pwfifjmp. ad ‘““‘-I I" ‘2“ a “It; »lr arm: I u 'nr 1:; Y... 'r’o. 5 “it Inn 1'1; N. 9 '~ ~-..' iI 59 5 r ‘ln Ive r.. "('“"‘ 15-0 Is: I“r In 0,- ' ion.” in' I} I' 3 m ‘r‘ ‘1 I A 3.“.‘H‘e 5' Ig‘nn'prfls :E‘Lnu‘ in F‘ou‘ulesfi.l b. 1111”: firm‘guu‘: ”o'2l?"figs‘qiuan:;‘P'::d gzzsloiw “PCONGlHLhccg'nc E 1.; ofSCElllng‘lta’ 6;:1 |I:‘:Icf:“fifll::t'?v-h:?l: II: 9.2:;sez‘hu; 9;:ugzlnd-ms'eb:ck 80‘ {:9 re th n'l *L‘r n, R” 11:, - n¢.m 'e I‘LW‘ 1,.« ._ 9,11, n . I . . .l' _ mgr: _lrx-;--iz.?,u’ nine9Sm 1: n e a he: gm OCH “211:“. ‘””; ”llzu'lcmm ”hum-jenny)“; “nil: bZIIIPIII‘ aaElun‘“¢c.l‘l\fl[(t‘23t‘?isgxt> ?ESQo—)l’ou Ivctoz-‘uz ,1: I'LL i'E‘lp‘l’in-mInfguqWILJILIHHZ‘M: ;“‘i:n‘ ah? 33‘. ‘lhlxgh‘cno .3! gill "No Gem‘h" , “Jung? cumin]: (‘“"‘: Twmn "In”. gm tgllulili’f' ft x“ “l‘.°"*'m"'urllr'l:s-”’ 2f fipfpnzqri’n IFII‘IIO :lONA';'I, I'. In IiF':.IlII“ItI:I,“n:I'i, auhlmr‘l‘mr' I 125“; in¥v*?r. ‘heT9,:"”l“nl-c“3:"‘ lI" u” GlG—:l 0.15 mi“ L 1118;. ,I:~‘, A“ . t i ‘"L .mu _ ~.(-Iv '—¢ 1‘ I d A, -a . _l‘ n' .. I drfy‘: to m: ":uwir‘nk: “I“ {'“’ an”; :hmu: urinmlJfiyfnnv: in: ”luminzi TL“ dr“;‘:?:nh‘;l:.b gaff}. ISM,“ L: I, 3 L, 5:63;. :IC: gfiwefag gufr‘l" BI‘IIIIIIaIIZFx Effibnahlsglvo: ‘otoilfl? hvuxll' (:1: :“rßJVlrglnlgor; 3050;?) ’ . n t"I w ADr I. ..ld WI Em “I. . a V 1... 1 n I}. w W 1 , ..I‘l‘ -ul. u' u‘fi'fl ru‘.nin I, - 1r 1..- r. ’n, 9,, M. ha - cm H ”as ““1" pr‘ It —d d w. rPu" m H V“kto , “q u «(1 g"t ~h- (- - i“; 1...,19'1,9Au -e ca r. 9 h Sce g '5: Ic 'v- , o.lr - 19- glg n[f “I ‘”‘r ‘u If" m“ul!wu[h m. m e W ’”' e‘ a. .1 ’l'lm 1“-“"l.-“‘m" 'PI .{' 1b "9 "I I: ll Ju 5.“! fto ‘3l i're q -l:11. of Cr “,. hlyA as I-r-g “31+?“ rs N 7 W i‘q W. In fi 9 '9l- 'in lo M, 'll ll} P, 9.3 Ir. 0., 3m av a ‘m .‘ln P e. 'll “r M,” III" III." II “I. m I 111 I ”111 Mq 0“ lllpl n“0 bIII II In “I. IPI or 111 'I l‘1nor” ‘ n ..."! e M ‘ . o n‘, ‘0 1.: ‘ l 'l‘. FL I- - q “11 Far w. 1‘ R" L' t} “c C. "H '1 h! r” ,I :19 ‘9O as m 0 'id o- cu' A] II- _ I f ,‘l, ’n,’ "n 'le m ”h nfi mm I ‘n..”l w i m I. ymXt’e .0 Itu It, w.‘ ...m .1 11:1 \I. I,“ I"! ~ h”lrp . ‘lbo.r :1 AH up Ila 2.1"“ I‘d In «e \v "n y,mnqn n r n I, g ‘l. In ‘1 'I I, -}' I II"! F r nl l I (i ‘, Im.c‘P .. I] ‘l] “of P In“ L’ J 1 HKlatMq‘a I r, vr l , t kl ‘c g‘l.l.Gu"d I] 9w : Iwgwfljheé:“hmis'c'lho in!“ 6:1“ bffirk: txvmrmg upg’mdfsurgo 31‘;‘1l|$all:e (1“: £013? Esq:nn‘::mtgIIIIIIIIIIOIISIIIII.‘ {33?.*;‘l.ngu:,-¢Lm: Extrinlulug :2 I'n1nuIIII;III:::gC°h IIPr: :2“:r"§:‘c'sw::r:y “3052-52"? ‘ 303,1 ,1. .~‘rq, _ n . P_- . _ .-‘ ' ,I.' u 9.x“ lICI nII"I II 111 I le.II I: II :Wd MW:wnrimr‘flm mu?” wrung“: :L’Z‘nsemztm ,3 WWW swam mi;mflflmflo ...p'mauntvnrty‘iw «1;.»k3r311n9;?5- ”J;.;;n,1;;e;X-2fu$ uni? ofedrghw :vxaggfi; .Zkuizsu; mlehchfganJ'gnie , - A 2 ' - v '..‘ ’ l - Al~.n-‘ ‘I , ‘ . II ' ' s rl \A ‘ ''' h. ' ne ' ’hqo‘fi [-LIbI-i ”H. “d ‘. F'ltpqlat h I 911‘, Pu .‘sxr ‘vlnz\..‘nn. [II’unII'hW‘HIIIIan' I'm 5“,; I" ((I‘hlllfl-II :‘l g In, Frye] n.231).:1'\1 WV?!“ 31]. corn I Mo". {3‘ ‘1 , i‘nlf“ S,“ nr’ “ Iflqi ”I”va mm” mm: OIIIIIIWI mm 3“ 11111111 3W lIIIIrIwIn II? THE t9n ‘lO Ix, r n 'Wo.‘h._ 1... f u ‘l," fr '_V. “”oll‘h 'i.lc ‘3 t, ‘g‘ CI v 5,“ 'K M ll‘ In Iy {l'h .qugflv ward. W} 'n r,‘ 53'“. “’9‘, ‘““‘”l.‘ lUII IWII ‘o6}an ”I II", T" buw "I OIIIIIIIUIYII lIIIImnkIIm m anllVnhQNlrom w :6” in“: .Bkm‘mw‘; “l mm: H: L:- a”.,.1‘,IIIuIIIIIIIFr'nI ..‘“ W}l";ll“n.‘i'k9 'HJi- g I “Tron . as}; 0‘4"» ‘I, :Flnf‘l-hl‘“tl‘lhl‘ltnge‘fl C2O °'=ll{'- il'hif’ruqt" Eyz‘l [LII-f 1.2:. lIwDI'EEEI g Cerf‘lOéo H HIIWZNEI L-tnq “xii; l'lk;l‘:n0t, III?! ‘11,: £,°ll,§“o“;n th‘ AIAR N re o Uth-1(Io'm g 1.. LD:-. a, u '11.: I”: q!" 1' ‘.r- 3.1 EH,“ ‘ly'nfl- In rIIIIIII I] II a 1111111 “uh IIIIqI: ,lIEWIIIIIIEI lIIIItnm {AI mor lIIe II I ,owzar l;‘]en‘fiir ‘1: 'nJLII'I. :3”:th £"r~ :“nlg'zymlll “IHI; mfi'h: II" V'- I‘ ;:I‘OI‘SI"n:: ti:e GTl'e-rnlmn 15;) 2393 A hh.;',’li,II‘I“I:r.R:II0}“;- )L’onhcgtl";lxnuh-lafif'9 I ‘szge glycifuge? £3l9:ng ed .nl‘Sanuol‘lt?paring”? knogtlfnt'n, rgé“ "'l3: 3:71:33) I‘llllcifign It; “I Ews sm“ “’1'?! “has“?! "Ir ”III; hm? Ins!” 1:“KI‘;:" CVS, 'n “‘ll l fII,;IInn ("Lax-:1” M‘nq K‘:_‘:Dl (s:sl:ng -110': 95:? 111:: I);I'I‘|II;V¢4I$1I:II0I3‘(:‘I“': ”9.11,!2: 13:2; 6:41;“;1-“L1c DJ- 11;: lE‘qIJII-I Pp!“ J lehICI JB5 'ril" g: 3;] “3:2"ng “I; Gall-:02; "n‘i sharia“ elfiflfilrhi Par? “Thur ’I .Dd ’r- “y m 'l‘ ’Po‘ {lf}; M! .Pg!‘l'H I f '! ‘l'lr 5; I 1 I nIn'TB ‘3 _i" VIII“) w. I: Ha, 'u I] .m 9"“.1. w: ,1 9 f‘nl S - mm; “1 P“ ""15 I. II: Eler 1r“ Inn OI olf Y" I”; ty"l “I “‘"‘e o2to “w mm: OI?” Ed! oln M tutflvezrmmdy firing cgflfifififlfifmjh ”r: “0;“: Pallimérzyfit “- warm 3n"; ii”, 2.4;: 1.3.3132,1.3.3353»;1f:';—'e (‘”"lRdLlifll‘W?{gflnfrlllJ‘fkni'l‘lJrgérxnfhfxvhgmsEff? 2.13 2:31? 32.347,;;1.,1-e,‘,‘;er3‘n"3n’cpr n;§.'lq.“g sngl».=g«cf,gl::;al g; HW n c ‘in. e 9 ”e um “ his. nml m., Ih, _'- [j n‘ ‘-v1 *ri ‘ OL. ;-- K», be 'q’l I'y 1 l:—" ;'o ' wfln ‘ld 1, ’h "m “H; ”71,. " pl‘e{'_l [s' A"I P: ham ’“"' P‘lll “If: 31 “rt' m'i "y “In M t}, ‘lcflro by “n: a. 5”?“ (1 Fl 'l. "L 1 "or I»); “pdrml‘hc by {l° “ants “pm-Jury" (“officem oth“ unlumrflhd m bmc ”“’. I m‘l‘ L’ll'lo u,, 193% THE— al’d gccr‘ gum-w)?“ “III”: In .‘ime'lolé'h :‘IJJHI' Jh‘" UFr.|"r¢_ Ie \v ‘(r.,"l‘:n'«|:' DESI“? Ttelel'aésual'l; I Ens-(1‘44“ £“n ‘0 d‘lx‘; “Sufi: b mil‘fiil“. :‘nf‘. lag? 3:11;, 9“?“ II: c” ‘6" hfma,‘ FIQ"a “a d I mi mom3‘pym.E“m in N ni m! u” n 9 fl 1:: r.. ‘l. m‘l,,"i,"‘.,‘ u k I», up Ig In] nu‘nk. r, -A 'I éWJIIr. ..p‘lfir'nm M R‘u "z u,- 1a I“ file, “I‘. ix. he in “g 13‘ ‘IL n. f . 9,;1. ‘ 0|»: l, y. Al3] , m “h“ C “.1"! T! 'B' "1 e 4 ”mdha “n u hp" (m ct on MM“ 83‘. eat J Im. new, a. n! In 1",, n. th Sn L'r ‘gl'D I' \v (fluid In Iqufl'Au-nm r, I)! . ,o‘, lan"n u Elfin. I"lar°m° I 9 'mln "la‘ ..‘ Ila 9f" Pr kg 1.1, [l9" w ’in “re In cnIIDe ‘l5! ‘3 *ho. “‘1 {tn 11“ “1;;- “ti I; ”1"!“ A '3. ace“ 1 ul‘po' “F l{,,\ a ‘n, ”pk-“1P1”! .9 ‘ Ir:’s I 9n? 1.: unISuImRII I T 11111 IP llv kII I‘IIRmP "Imus”.-. H m “If N‘IRIS I u“ ccn 'llmnt an AIIII ICInuIId nul :gfmrpt Chi,“ .\T!" tiff". i! :1";:1:jm:‘nll"um"mrl “firs: “famine “ ’"’“:“twe—ND R - “mi‘e‘éc i“fin“..’,,”I;II.IIIII{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;IIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIII'IIIIIIEIIIII’IIerIgIII xtgllWEln. fiery}! )[SSl‘Vlgßlclizg'flllif;;:"-nl2]’l IgtigtsIrhIziIJ:KIIAS‘IL‘;II:WIIY tIILI'Tt:X"r,nt:II;€§ 51:04:?“ “'3‘: 21?”;“2’1; .nA o ed'il'w I) ‘_ u "n pxw, I 19 ln. . _ n"lin as e ' ..‘l.’ ... s'nnr;‘vn, ~ [I .09 x- .. , 'Clll\c' 3Ll‘w gi p 0 (r, ,m 51"") lIA 111 I 111 “d II II ‘“c‘lunhr 'llw e, 195 Ch 0,- I‘c tr 111, of D; ‘P ,\' I 1 lc p '4] U I. ~n r. I.« no «I n. Jm]ml v - .._ I‘co‘lLuq, 1“ . . '1"; .0 ‘t- 'u l r97n *8! fR n m Ifll n la. .1 hr 1 'I9 I“ w 9 ‘d°m s h o :1, co ‘1 \ ow In v. "a m. s I ‘lu . 'l, u L.- :5. L ~ 11. J; 11 1;. U.,lu u.) .I‘“aa.l,l.ft cs : I“ ‘lu 4;. up -’a n..-. 1“! II ”1118111 (I T "I”. II II OI w 1111 1111 mm aao In ’1 be “U“ r‘ “l M“ 't “v 1 g ‘”‘ “I .n “C or “I "w . ROl t 'l‘ "1,. Ixy u) x~. q & '-- u,..‘..rr a. I.) 'w. I] I.“ own llo‘n-ilm'. ,Vp‘u ll 1e Engrndplm'm Ic "MN 1, u ‘m" ale dn n :U v“ if” V‘Jrwu"n I. ha ”rm. m; M‘ ‘y Ln. h ‘\ ‘b 5n r In “"'-”be . ‘l, "'"‘“ kn AI R ‘ln '5»; .|~;\ a 11, '1” ‘1 M“, "n, eDn. I- lII} II; he .'[~ tn ’l, "g.'owlel H‘lnvui (I 1," man‘ Inf-IN ,150 "11, 1 my" Inlicouby .110“ chdxlt'Tn“:flatlmnnzlm‘w“2mm,:nism-"En”up” [:0 fithgdnfigm e‘ #33; h pm.” n..! :n};n.'gir.’;;lffigfifly‘. }IUYIJ,{IVII;JT.;I‘F3 “an“??? (helm; 1b:llI'elI; figs, r, All ‘c‘hfiwifiiy :;:I‘:‘III§;:y*§ €114,293? {Igll';lIII\.-‘I.r.‘;nI.I,‘{;II§ F‘o'fn§2h~l3;d ugfioufi; h ‘ ‘“” ”m l‘l ‘m You “x- Vo' I', I ml: 3-. '0 ‘II ,c va? _x, [a flu - {lt '9 . - .TI c. n- m- b. ' u Ira l .glt 9i I lI i mPDn P" 11 ,‘S lv- 1 ' wre | rm i; ‘cha; 13% $;1”,lwI:.I.LI-AIIn 1.: 11pm} \\.'l,teb°fllthb;ry :lIzI‘IIfri‘IIIIcII‘JIa‘IIIIJI @339 'in?“ IP- “W, 5°11; ““q IlIv,I."I .Tl-III,;IIIII,;‘IIIft-l,u 10 I'selJil.l.‘;l£.ll"y_l ‘ II”! ..Ifi’L-J’; (I; ‘II.(;'bleIl:° flowing» 1;,‘1II133fitIIfiI‘II‘I??‘Iie§i3:b:u?i°Axial”;BIcIr'l‘IirIIIgIICLITIIIIIIIWIIII“ :lIIIIIIIIIIIOIIMI III; “mac“ of of .- m 0 d nu. Fl "wea!'vo mm _e m 01" of ' Lfln'l‘cl: ""4, 15'Iv ~{ . 1;, p‘,"l_: i! \\lgs _‘WI ’l‘. I“, [-I ”'“‘.~ I‘“ ‘9 ‘l, (1 ‘luq “(u . ' -"r x .V, lixlug 'n t. 61 ~ ‘ SrPelu‘ «q 'lh “11x01, ‘Ol "b no th a ‘d.Cn:h m r 5' Fe. I. gB‘h. ' u I, ‘“": d W w Iqh [‘_. 1} “‘“Pr 1M ._ [4.0. 'n "1‘ 910 l‘n In to '5 091),.1u.1.. n“! 2y I.1pl0"1k mor eh “I: e. tIIN a, ya 9 H q.let-u ‘3 n J] P i w‘e ‘r )1 U . 2 \v to I 1,l r‘l'l"1 In “I llf 11. I II" 01 Ir u“ I F“ nr r I 1111 I\ Irl II I 1111 m“I stin'tini: IIt0;"BsI: 30:11g1.:.I:”g;-:l.z nc'f'fieluit RIEI-Pyyl‘haf rnruilg,r:‘°r.la‘ 1:37“: I'OllfilQl Rl'rivlanzf'ntik‘ . ' $333 ale-III“ ’ $ll2l [NIL L4.II"|s.§‘JIII.;|'.II:: .il‘g‘lll' (.52! Fum "I”. IIIIIIIIIIIIXIIII: in!“PL“IIIE(I(.IUIIIIIRJII§::II§Dfl 5:: :2”th IDSIIDCIeIIIIafigI: gIIIII:II:;IIINYIIIYOIIcI Eienézurlgnurgrf El‘Tl‘J‘llchr‘lllllgzdmc‘gl o ‘|‘ Iov‘s - a v I) an . nc t. w I“. . ‘ ‘.l ;I d “’”“' 1“. ..y- l1'" H :. ll} ”1' ' m o'. I_" al.lrEt 1 il I . ‘l‘n )1, 1r 4! II- “.ee w h m's Dn‘ n ci] ' fi'atwWm.l w Pp u v uh" “I m mung “I, 'm be 1 11“., Hx Inuw a -; '.nv. l)“ ‘“o 1,. 1., lln a “k. :4 M. K:.; 'I. 9“b- ha low I 11,. In ~ n 18: mum Fy-m knnl) a, (e MIG ee, I|, )folnw‘lgCe S “41;“ h "I}F ll‘ld lin 'l'Vno‘icw‘lni. I‘ur "n my: ‘0“ n h.’ Mill“ R » 50"0 5 ”"' Ilul p 43"?“ 'l;,"<. .‘ I“! 'u .§ 3:, “:1- 'ls dIIII 'l lIRIII‘JI "‘5 I“; X‘ 1e g 0 -q' I‘h - 53°01 ll NI“ '1: c “g- - 0‘: b 9,. edeL 9n ’3l! v. ii.‘‘i y 1. ‘ ‘ 4‘v y ‘1 3;” “'_' 1n) yW . ”(I 1| "t K), ' 'l, GI q,\r,.”\':\ 1r II b, A gan au‘n" Toen en ru on'p. To 69.)“ "d. “10 IV? “hr olf 'l." ‘“d_ hp, ‘95 u 1.1 de Inc ’ by‘hE‘.‘ \\-‘},;‘, . 2,'0 5 I "’“"'..ll’A.‘ ”I we“ UIVIIWI" ”I 111 II“ ”up In III) It llob td 111 11. II“)! "111. II I)“, "Ir; “II lIIWI mII a h doe" or en It I ‘”' rflyh.u.pm "I ”r I“. ”uhor“y "r (0' m“ .uI H ‘W 1‘ ."m P 'l‘“ ‘l‘ l " {Vc- I, Ig 1... 1..¢.-Iy lie I. “3, Int! “d n ‘hs In. In .'o'v, I, lu, Iv .(- I'. I. I. -I o Pwflxvo" (.r. 3‘ (ll In 9. str , . beec‘ey u'9 H. I‘C e «um, 3" win ‘9 pr‘ u I“! a ‘O. 1c uimi ”I Mn (‘3 , ”’OO «A -l‘ rd; n; ‘”'. m (1‘ l.” n In. 11.. I'eqlfli r 3 1.1, pe“l “D St, IL “I, “2‘ Y ~ll‘,"\'..J‘ 'l' I.) v. ch "\'o (‘gt‘aw‘he 'ld “n /u [sown 011-Pod .97 L!" I 4 pk at. imws')lThgm:l n: v “n m P“ IK3 ML 5( 4‘ ”I ‘“"-“rdm‘ “l'Mflw'v, "n Ix R‘l‘ 9n 's‘ ‘| ,3x “I '99 . me i Iltaral'" il.: 25 L‘lrkl‘l,‘ m. “v r 9 nlo l. d “[9 ldJ‘ sn 9 .‘n h “Milan“ 4“ an mnm:ra,oovvw ll u- N. Lup ‘1 4"“)0 IF I« ..‘ u 'l, u‘. If“. I. Iq I-l M- 0,, )0. Ch 01' I) "v n, t k vq~ ‘ v Ik‘ex I‘o‘s n In“ (0 dl°nl ¢ r“ .u mll I'J nnt“fs- p t! n, 189““ -ll ‘rr th 1' l 51-‘9. ’ H~ 6 1"!“ v? V 11, In '2. WL, I, In,‘*..’ \'k ‘9. "p d Ib‘ or I" ‘ smm d. lin Ir- "'l.“ mII In I”! I” "I“? oei Inna" ad "II I un“ we ‘co mocar”ofu;“M w m. H Id ‘5“ f 0 6halV I; I“ . lo ”)0 I’.- :. 'Il ux' d, ‘["(| V.» 1., ‘u V“. I‘u Il Vl “9 l l 'll] ell I. ,1 “iv 'l ‘ln'n .v uf'w \V (I l! lI'kIIV g', 51: Po ‘t m x.- hed‘e 80 nby . m- n(1 n‘ F... (lg n, 1e Pr‘le zq (‘0 n.. .i_ In, hk 111-.30: n v2l». 1.0 3 v“! n. I'll -m ..., 'n [III 1.. In “1 r‘..' "1,. D.“ 1i .or,t, .3 "e Uuq ‘Io, 05"“ 1} ‘zan' II en 111, II bow “I” 111 “Ind g” “a “II "II II “I .lbv» t he ‘2‘ OPuU “n D flfl‘ "n ‘.l‘ :4 019 o yu i 5t "n, ‘ 3'me ,111 \\ r". w‘n ‘I, gig ”I Jh.lt a 4.. -. Cu- 1‘" Rd Nl' fig- «.1 L 'III II INIIP‘ 1111 MI“ lIIIeII n WIIKIIIII ”III! eII 111. I" h 11111-I 3‘ "1"" “a. ”p G" pf I]; Spy. Mu’ MH ‘h m,- ‘l 1‘ ea. "I; Tv q 10' '0 21 imbmr M '"“ 9r .l(.“lIII°I‘IIPII km; '3l. '0 I"'-S‘ ‘n “l 1!? 915 n »‘n( 'nr - IJl] -lof w ‘ln lip 5‘3 I); Il In Hm “(I to "o'l. “”4 a ofC C M m ”Vim w“9 at ‘m‘ M W n..—y on “H ”mm HiH W“ “m ” ‘M‘m‘yx u. o 'l‘». A_l f. ~'.-*‘ . ‘in" Io ‘ingf ‘u so . ~ OIL er, 3'. 'ly, Jl‘. \\-"Iv h 9!; y I», qlO ‘u-Iq I.» aber: 5% ‘o‘,“l' R: a'9 .3910. T!‘ In“? gunfhfis i 1; mm‘rig: 2r. ‘2.“ :i’“: RAVI: ”flange. ghff‘urég I 51“: b‘ma, 120:,“ :3 icipfifin? \ngpslzflfirrgflsyr“nl4l,‘ll:{cklgf-C; ,3? .nl‘f.‘fq“l,(j’."l',lEQl,;uCl,allx,ltn ckjflv.‘lvr‘gr‘lu“rg2to:.‘}"~f‘:n“"qwn;:;;)lPl;‘:r‘ hI'IfiIIinLWIIIIII IISIIgfcIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIeSIII:IIIIIIIIIIIII £l)!ng E. d. 003 ngnmz’f‘l rfml in'". Jnm’fhrrn'd kg" 53’ v-rpmgtflgoun 1‘ rs!" 13:33 8 fi‘ill‘llluill“{r{r_ unintstllel:«l,Xmlrl:'-x31'll::r ihilrhl :IIP::"ilI;JIIIr;(Ln; R',l::V|::r}'. tuft 53316: “:1: go‘zfijxgfii {,aweixc‘.:'n 36:11:)“; mflggfirb:in(fi towffii‘ EEG“; (:‘e wig-TX. ,*n -,it . Iq- .I'n ,4.» n__! »., )‘llll - n ' _8 l‘l I. u-s.’ 0'1" 31,. “'.H l'g,‘ \'.> ”'1 .10 [(II s, 'n,‘ ' ‘IthII 111 I “I“, II“ I" an”) VII III“ mcmon "n W mT!Mdl‘ M NO n m marry ma m 9" [w [m ’ } pm. M “r..“ n “elm! nMl.ma 9; «1. a“ I: 1.9 (1 Ju. n. oa.l,nM]H«u‘h . I. -. u I: [’o 11, «I‘. aC»d, -n ‘ m“r ‘na r ’m pnwe S . am A” [M “(I mt W- vu- 8“ gm :KP Y Yo 5’00) 8I“ menf 'l er‘IIII‘II—I‘I'II‘II'I r“ cby w“ 4-,, un “I: (1., Inn I', . m 13."). 30kg ! ~ nu. he end-1.3“ l li. mm“ or A. re - \‘Jsl V- scoot “5 ha" PHI whin . .5914 J (51 1t... .V .u 00 1210; up ad‘l w o . T o 3 1.. '9“. dthu 11.. l. ”c ‘4l ¢-_- to It In I. ’n ’ng II 111 s 111111 nu SIIIIII I) 111 111 b 1111 111111 II II“ II ”III” In lIIIIMI ee :nn-n 9n e' ha 0d - n.. u. ‘13.. yr ‘1: '9l. -u, I} "9 Se : 1,. J'k In .i‘gh'v. u 1,; “c: y . 1.. nlm 11. .2: q. 5. a. .1. ler 111 I :1111 II w IIIIII! 111 II It 111 II 111 "I 111 ICI 111 II “I k ‘l2 m-e.‘ Hip)! §~ 0 le- r l-[de e.11.1u ,gI-c|n,ll.xr w H |t|o'o\°ll~Vn n'o" -I.\ I‘vflo Fles’ox’ 'heq‘: be“ its of ‘ll ”1‘53; mon cI" 1. "0,3“? I? "I'l a." or 'no fl fi"::IFS"yEIn di I“ I, g I?” :fol“;'l:r<:Iy_ (I) [:l‘l;‘l'|,llz;L-I;I—I‘III'Fi:;— , nib” I: “p,)I"~i:Il WI” hf “9 {0 npi‘ml itlul’g ”PM M,IIePtII‘VpII;71~|III‘,;;I‘Il:I-3 :lI’IIY, . iii-153: in"?! W’III’IIIIIIiIvgr lIIIIIIMI II (“0:4 I‘ng: Q‘uzs ‘.rsll; “£1949“, ‘“'”nl:3 Ga I ’! r‘m ;‘““::“*1I' {gaggle}, fitmgrdi; lb I ,rIS‘OZCXI‘; $511“);ij CL!“ lIIS 1.313;: 1:503: ””"'“! Iy 113:9 g‘IIII‘IIrIIIIII ullr' in: pr:“rr;p“l, 3‘lo,ll:frbéllle :I‘ly Sl] 1... Wu; lx‘jflé‘l'nl‘jS'lnlxllll lIIIIIIIFIII EIIIzIIIIIIIe 111111111111111111 lIIICIIIIIIrI‘I IIIIICIIIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIG“: Ste CI" Io mew are 0 are n “a. “l rm I If"! (m y-llm. .va .y nc‘ y 0.: n ‘l' y . or“ EA” ) .nummél ".r. Jqfl BE» 9I” J'md IL] I.‘ 50"‘Vc “a a ll“ ’93: Infinl] Ifi’ 0"fl y '9 I.t'\v |‘sq“l“ ( ], ‘vs 91 I lIFPf ’l' r 0 .0 "_Cnru- (a at. "the". [sl “n ‘h. -ne InIB. “n: (1119 K‘.‘ "3‘, y- 5‘ at Dc. I" ‘.N] . y it. ' I ”let” ‘lv‘w Au‘ wh Xl. 1;- lhl ‘_. I‘, UL, “t “(I "1" f 6 ‘11; p, s‘l“ 3‘ r '_V_ 1,.“1‘, I, 11‘, m, ‘3“. “III“ ,I‘ 'l‘, forffi,‘ 09!},"1n3901n, “h "n .de put M} in mo 07 “mum Fm “in “41'“ A: Nlll‘m'ln 3- h, :61 u- ~ 'r! v . 5 ‘ ‘.‘210 :‘e. r '1; a, "r - Sn; ‘0 9:, In ‘p'u ,‘1 ' {'_‘} al '0 hp at] yi I'e, 0:1 In :I‘ H -nu‘)u4 I,“ h- n 0 [:9 .\{ -“l ervlu’nm 1"“ h. by ”I. r“! Iv-''r. ‘ v A .c.. r m P In“ ‘5 L m‘lf ml NlMe_. - .. Pa 3.. In, I‘ Ibl. In ’lt] "Ia m 53‘ “t I}; (‘_. Ix. 'd n, n :53. In"! tl-I-J A. Is. I, ‘h— .~ n. :- nhe”l “n I In. 99 nme n the “23.86: ”v IHmnn m 1 m 1 iwm "m “n mm am . 0111 mn, . In” "WI-ll] ... I*l..\v In n. v, a. E, I.“ 11, yt a no! or Fr u.l l. u..:~.. L ~<,. Y's e... 1, ~ vihm. at qI. r LIJy q ‘o] I} ».9"nY ‘- b 0 'll-: 23' Y ‘3l 79 Id“ PM 9: ‘ll, (0 ‘“ ref <‘n '“X', .I .._, "P". "0 500 n' “ll t 1 'lql'l. 1" "“1"!“ I” '"'l-i - ”141 :3; II I!“ ah "h mlt 111 111. a 1111111 11111 111. II III), he 33 111 lINIIIIII‘IHI F” II“ 111 "I M MII “I “I” th (II Io Ofelpct- P“. “n‘ 111 Es: ‘ 9‘. 3r.~ re p: he n 1 'I,~ .0! 5. Of‘l S L'o :5 f‘r ‘J. 03 { Mum; ('1 il.. IP'I‘S. It, PM ‘ L 130“ 'I 00 "I lIPI EII Inl III“ II II 11111 1111111 1111 I 111 OIInIVIu In II" “III“ I" ImIII II" I“ “SI" BFIII‘ It; t...1d I var_v,43,.w.. ._ y P'lm.lp nml ‘3'“. A: In - fir. n11“"1.':‘ (Inn- I‘. > I ..k .1 I. I] . r-;'h .‘l\l.):l.'k \v-,1.r1, duo: mun-112.: £lOO3O 5? éry “link-J? or :y “Is comm; ti:;c“':w£¥exn;:s :fi' hm“? “10;" 0:!“ T 0 N 1" ‘ u w 0003 a h I'll}; Ill: Illfflig'mmllffflyflnifl)? 2:11) ln "‘l‘“ 0:11;? ‘1". ' 50": IFI::I-L‘Z:‘I¢I‘:Ie in); :nenhlff orl'l “fight-sl.l3}?lLlsl'lanll' awn}!ll‘rfi'fi'rlfl’lagf-t ’“‘-u “glgfiolgfillnfug‘ -- ' ‘. [I I'fl_ ' . r - >_h ; D. ‘(_ . ‘ '.v . . t Yflfy a;°uldLin°:r""l?' m; be 8; “an?" "all.” ‘lll'y :"mi. anpgr‘iznp9l-lEII'JPF Jud“; I l “7:“. ‘ but“, 1: X;?’]‘ll.: 1:, III? luxury]; 1,: ';t?sclrf;'ll.,:'l:ln-q lll‘mTfl w 31":IIIII; flqj “boqufiwan: ‘c'nll‘lk'l‘p-‘IIQ'IIIH‘U I|*":,II“I<I’ R Ifl‘lu,I';I‘Iur;c::‘lzI I}?! :iokéfr: "'Inf‘3111(IIIOIIIIIIII2IIIIII‘I “Y: In re In I!!! n—— ”ed “3 “on M 1 "E, I; of “re 0 .I'll ’if '- Hll9 ju -__ .1} ‘ .Ilvllfli‘fia, (y I}, J—' - mutt) m. I P 'li 8‘ IL. “n ‘lur "q ‘”3 ’l.‘ 1.43:” I] “xh‘h‘, ’|I,I,‘IIIIIIII 11111111 "lImIII Pg" I“. 111-111 "II 111 "rum II on I °ul I‘u -lln - ~n ‘ll p .“v th 2I" (‘d .H, *hrc, 11. 1 ~ : lu,s 11. v», m 'lq I '”‘ q' “r.. I‘. I(!‘ .I ruq. 5. he. )v 'l]. np "q Ia c. "r, - I)_,Hv "[3 a, I“? ‘.II . "r' :4 “I. ~ “m In ‘zi In Inalv h" “0 n rldn. > S oud t ’con l: fr“e9pr he tn 6 ‘3‘ kn hKm 65 . Pl“ 3“” s 1 ‘ " hal'm ~p 'm Dr \V I.] T ‘l} 9v '0 d W ‘ll,- I/Is‘hq :\\ .l.‘ 11, I‘ 'o' ‘. 'l] 3Mn 03 '(lr n 'n.,’|' 14 to' TII‘S 33" he J“! Infill» 1y Iha lg [r “)0 ext- "c'. mu 8e 97"! A'_ V‘lnvl‘m w. J!. l a ‘l-11, ‘v-L'unl'uu ‘l‘. 1.9.. 'lq ‘h MINJ“. "n, h, «then. n. 'W; Ila f‘re'tj lI'NII'IV ‘y‘l‘. NF.) 0., Vfi‘m 'l‘;- ffi‘l ‘ln I.“ ”"11"! m II? I". "I II "I D. I: n; era Du pm ‘o’ R' 0m Ibu '1 "129: Pl" St “or rPd mo _ (I. 6”I l‘u‘if n It} N‘“t‘n., “h, ”N ‘ll‘l7|.'l|\~“l} I” hr "II “I PI“ (In; “I, In: “In II "I ”I: c} IN “"‘-II II [I run MI? W”r V “II“ "I“ In, ”I ’ dlfl” ] a can" 170,— bF or I‘--:c 9. {ed 1‘ a 5,. (”I “1 1 T;.:Z\v“_,lw ‘1 P. ' 3~ 1‘ I“. -[,a ...In h . ”In. a” a. lfl'p‘h 'lg'og- 'IIp n.. ”W . -1] ml). ’L ln I'm ll] .511, “I, ht”, I: l‘r I'IP 'l' "v-- aI, e“. I. ll] 'un n nys cry [(1 - emmo ‘in th “ca ‘l} (I?~WH1oa“ 0e - Y u re» “..- "u “71 . Ica‘u} . ,1“? I: tly Iql "t wII c h.‘ .u‘ my I'v ‘d tr 11. “11, a 90,. I“y (‘“‘-I.“ ~“- r ‘u. M, ~"' "L 9t a In, I: ‘1'!” ~ “I Ir.q . . , 'l4 p 9 '“n 0‘ ‘l‘ uh'V v n.‘ . I “use! 3’ .V 6n. W“ ‘ws. In '9 LI [l'l'k‘o}"i l 1 er I‘. .19" j_~ wa . 31' 5 PW? ‘l‘ _\- . [l3s‘s II 111 1111111111 1111111 111 ”I I“ 11111 ”Imam rm ’u to 0103’ 0f “C re ‘l.lod “V hr 1", l 9 ‘h f." ‘rnn 1(1an ‘l‘ ‘ ,fl‘.‘ 'l, ‘r I) ‘1‘“; rx-, '9: '9- . ‘3‘ "g! S- )‘h 'R Y: I'} Py- '] 0C ‘M H ‘l. l'y.» N’l U 1 'lr. ‘lhlx II SI) 3 “Inn“ «'l' II nsa “I ‘ .fnxrgnieci; IPun— 1’ “3:53;! to :3kez (93;; "Ziuchlatavrghl.: 55;": ”flyg’f 41;; gig. ..‘: :‘(lpcrl-Igthf“: as? (It: l-lII'KII‘II‘IIIII'Lh lIIIIy III’V};I'II.II‘TIIIII:|‘:;“~I }l' aim,“ ,n FHII‘IIIan .I' :TILIL‘:,§I-lIYI,Z‘I7:'I II'WP lyzi‘i' t: ikl'nIlleI: lIIIIIICIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII" lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIII I andltlmlrgl; 19101:” the-height mlfny which! I x: " ”'1‘“! r:lB.a:hseulv;l|e :9: aI :31, _ Th,"r.. (g .r'i‘x‘fi‘: «23,69 rI“§"(,’n¢L,!I;'I;,::IW{“FILM, ‘l. ‘LIJAIIL'P I AII‘III‘NI It. I'kjan r 5? :.,I°‘II'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111 CIIIIIIIIIIII lIIZIIII 111111111111111111111111 lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISIOOIIIIIIW 11111 I." ~ ' '_. Vbr I“ 1 P ~wad I y‘nd. W» €0:z1 I” ”n ihl: 5 41! Mb U l'l ‘«q Ifi‘ OI 1.. . ‘l. ‘l_ I' t 0I“ «I It" "LI 12,, I“. 1“: 1.. ll.‘ 0 '1" nnII!I‘ )4 11“ ‘- of‘ «I: F .i' 93 W 0 buy 135 'G,- A co Elm ‘1 115 R. on 'W" 5" E «r 1 "n O.Ht- I I 1 ‘1‘“) if. '1 No nwbl‘uan”L:l~.l! I“ ‘t We S - Ah I“! I“ (I 111 lIL 111. “I“ In. " I 111 "I II 111 1111 ”I lal. "I '“' ~.:£r.§'lrgm°°d,°"zae',‘hecltijquyfi N 45191: 2mg? w. “mJufifiwfff “nllrhmik-rClfgrnmNngl '"urfvl'lgif‘gz ,fllL'lgrngv..;;~,".s‘g;‘;o? -..,b»f,‘(;gu,‘,:u.’.fu-If" 13):» IL‘Pr "“‘IIII"*,-Io 3413;." “IQ-EN. 1 52:9. “35:31:; 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 I 1111111111111111 1111 O{' nI. 0 'an 06 m.e 'o'9 T I‘. 'th ty 9re.ei q n In _. ‘”g ‘3l- ‘v, “1.? . ulra '3. hn[u3L \‘ | '(n. 1 'llrl II I 111 II I IIII“ Icp lIIIP I II”: 111 111 11111111 111111111 I, 111 111 111 I lIII‘III. 111111 lIII I. I 11" “ul I T M - d to flj '"““ pk dn 0 - e.'Yb m! CA. h“ M n v r . cc m 1 -a ‘llO 5.: 12. n ,‘ln :17 "n a ‘ul "a {in y o: In, -.1 r 1.2] ’IE’Ix, I'_-h..},.0, LV'I" ”1"71‘1. ~ “ ‘.‘y r. 'ls. I«. Iv. 'I. II” (..‘!!! ..‘ A. \ "I, 'I, t- or- m° he Ci bi ra “r '9_~9‘ 9“ W ,w h- n n i .V. I'ldv't‘ A'__ n‘ e "I! Ts ‘ :,r'n,.' Iv}. 11, 03H M. nn ! ‘l' C; I‘l ‘ ,IA .[I I. In ELHILI'u ..‘l a“ t} I-y I 'l‘ 11-.'., o.,th “II II": JII 1111111111 MINI" I" II I" % lty (125‘? 511°C?- 31‘, “'chalnlithil :or “Theiwiay “AR- V PI'IB :111 {:4 :4“ do If“:1I'IiI:I,“kI1" “EQNEA. I”: ran-’_‘II‘IJFIII‘I'I I;“l1(;:';r;I,Iz“tfrr I,:III1:'I,II,‘H,:I The I _ lII‘WEIIIf "I; fi,lsuv:l"r:l;\n‘ DI‘IS’, liIS cilWliregfimylf I 12”; \iI'IL-lltl'ull‘l "i lIIII‘IIIII‘IIII 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘ I ‘h iodlou CI cc I‘lf.f g ; ig ~--1 - 11~ X" m ’9‘ r; y. \9 n ,'. ix n.‘ “3:1; 99 .I h ‘ 'Vn i, ,5" .~ ~__ 9 (1,1 ‘5 10. ‘1 . If V.,r(‘R' 1-‘flvl’kl'n Pt, 1, 1. .‘)“I~‘ IizII'I.I"I- ~fl, “<l. IKI II II 11111111 II ‘"‘" .3. md'fg’hezux‘inmx 'of 1‘96; 'efi‘nezl’m: 3;: ‘01:)? G 0 Ing‘ gI-ixfltn "I‘xl,{tfn:_hn,l‘?lr|ltl,':ios It; Ix:“II:‘x;.I"‘xII tin .132;1;:II“:\I:?I‘I"I‘II;”:,‘II gubléragh" II ”.2?“ :‘nyg' ‘3”;‘3: {IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVII 11111111 rIIII lIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I‘IIIVIIII lIIIIIIIIIIIzIII lIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIII lIIIII‘ oc “o 1.1 ~I»utoI! g 2k C I »de.-,-I Y M 1... I~' ain or ”‘_‘"? It; 1.5 m lil .in how .3”, 'u. l “(I Ca -B I“ 1) din s- . IthAl-fl—l 11111 III” It 11111 11111111 111 II ”II” 111 I” 11111 111111 II 1111 ”II 111 111 II 3 'd 1 9b mH a 0 fir 11 BI - . fi‘ln nz t q l g.w’n mul‘n u;l|‘!..v FD“ 9d e, I; he '7; "v” ‘2 L.- :1 LI. (..',m-p I'm, _l.v ~n n... In. 1 1100‘s: Abglu In ou 202- ‘"‘ at “I 39.nd he Vi ‘ G -0;, |C [,5 CO Vln h l ‘“'-‘O. '2] 'll E's . 1 ~:~b- 0! 0 O * 11. f, (. lh [ II!) 0).” ..__ lu. 1 Inky. t n,‘ 4 .Il ~ I, ‘o' no a ' Ih ‘ i m ,0) ' B‘rk " I" uh(mMF‘ 4; ~ _I 'll ll.tu. .3 I.“ m ' 'l‘ “1 3* {E C - )c, I.» “h .l, ‘c; nfyw.,'u'l.. 3 .\'.g'l;“l_r .. ‘n. n, n.. n.. uU, )I. ( x-., “t. V“ th btv 9e H“ ‘“'-“Chi “n b“ 'c dl' - . BIA ', ’ ”g regjo 0l! ‘”l “1191 *lr‘. 3 ’l. ‘4‘ hi; 'tr -' ‘l‘ rL IX ‘1 B- AC'O ~_ ”‘1 LI on 3‘. In I '"‘)“ m, \ ‘1“ my 3' ’h n.. . “v 'l, “ll 13- ‘1‘”) lli,‘l“.‘.' lon. l mos? er "n.“ dd“: pm .pd’ry e m “It mm EMILI rm!” cf"; "‘0 b" Rm ‘ markmnmg l inl'l‘tx‘ion ”Fat“? 1 Ird 5?. 18L “fe‘ .‘0 cIIIIIII m. t‘IM-ft-l’ f’:.z,-Iy.,”"I--,.: . 'I:., Ir.,:‘|L«)s'~,l ‘hr 1‘: c" I.);I'1q ‘ , 'j'i.l"l,,,‘|- __«c. 15" 23° ‘”“‘: flrlyx‘gry. “Veg‘o tin" :00 31" rum? ‘o‘,“ griffin! if)?!» It ‘ ithuIIIlII~ JIIIKTI|II;‘I,IEI‘Z“;I"“I;“ Irlll‘Tltlljr'. III31.~:;‘u:I‘l(: I a?“ Si'fpjfgri‘ 8‘?$;-R2:i0na , am):— Effiriz, ilelI:f|\I;I‘IIYI(iI(:'I,rI.(”’"',I'IIiIII, [s‘lllnll‘fi I? c 1.1. II" n':::::[‘"ni‘ufi“\n: “lll'l'i in ml.‘ "own. “flak-l; ' Befe" niil Etta Maui C mh". ' 665 Il‘co‘ ,lIUHI-| “‘_‘Hl, \lh' uI(iiIIrl-"lld l‘l,?.X]‘l:".‘tllp [‘1.~‘r:i;}l(';ll‘l. a the ord of .c‘, ”UNI! $O9" ”1e319‘” U I",I'II_x, 'l‘vuh r;"l‘1': T‘v‘lll'l :F- (‘ lglunyd lIIIIIIIIV II ‘belgerelhl‘oprlheimp “t “d n, thgey:h :3 éimgfl. '77; 8000"”:1‘InL'fiX'I II: 11“.”qu nI" 'leY“rl‘l"crl:’ql,:‘l?i.}xD.)kix;ltl Oflé'Jn‘l‘nshiDg‘N‘tth‘; R i("IIIIII‘Ix‘IyI,IIIIIIIIIIIInIm IIIIIIII: 111/1111111 ”rIIIII‘IIII 1111 11111 I lIIIIIIIIII‘ lIIII‘IIIIIIISIIIIIII‘II ‘lnd a wed“. re . rvm on w ' ‘ V ”n' N”I" I 0 I ‘“”” Hf Mltlnnl n. I): i 9-2"} 's‘ ‘.. f (1,"); u-, N...- , Pn. ,'1..-I-rL",_~ (g -r - CL."II [3lmg 9:“; atmfmonm IMO bl: ghfxfd. H Y M ufifiyflg'fflxfl ;,.:'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :,q:-,3f 3.3.1", 17;:Ic{‘gl‘;i1‘3°gn°f. ”In?” I..'.‘;u-.-,‘.'lu“'li-.E1;n.x.;u:.;;1 $25.2:\;§.‘311.Y-g-,, lIH Id; '- Cd i '3‘ n y [I ‘ ' Ag krrk. V'm 9%! vt"a .r "“‘. v 1.4"“ p" 1 11, .I~\ *‘c "h “1" u Pl) n';~ .5 ;'UII . "(1' f“r. :.;,I‘,,'.‘ {,I. ,~.1i'4" .ehm“ m b an: on n. "I. *1 co", pr I I‘o n “I”, t“ r mm, u" wf “'1 "..' ‘hm r: '1: An‘l I 1 6'(IH. 14 1q."1.1i «l‘ "I, 'l. 3‘ r.. ’1 "’r I'l ..J'l, (. I! In (,1 Ste 31. a. 'Bl, In ‘h 30 ' 'lOO ”4 '(‘w' lI‘,IC ‘1 " I“: ‘l"u . Iy “‘l‘ n.. ‘"‘ ‘el. ‘11:_ (I *‘r‘nk' 1|)" '» 'r_'h,'~,s 5-1.. h 'HAM "II n 1111111 111 111111 lIIIIII'III “I 1111 ins new!” I!" ‘d‘ Il'lo ho! 91'0” °d_ Eh I (lulumn'. 55 ‘ v. 5?!) :n'ln an? "Jinn“ l‘nll (hunf'm 'r tE'lp fro. nx, "4 'l': Szlill'l-c‘ IoIOVroIIIIIII 111 III“: 111 111111111111 I“ I III,” “11111111111111 111 11111 I 111111 IIIIIIII: 1111 1111111111 11111 1111 III” I,o"an Otk ”ct 0! $09.91, “do m‘i mmbfl. 5.1 00 '"” ornm R {l'lm_ ‘”l 9,l‘o,’El.Ll‘h ["1“ ‘l. Is. ('_.-“Jul a b‘- a: “‘1 t 1); [.‘la 51 n ft, Noah”). KIWI,“ 11111111111 II TIII III” 11111111 II“ II II 1111111111 111 111 “fond t:h|‘m‘l,:'h:.t onholghereofwez g’aPhlllalud 9‘” I ‘ (5": In“! Ithf‘ificml“"«2l‘ngrrvflg,{la'l’iaan 'l’=r,;l;‘llll"sn:‘9f ,Il‘nt‘li’*el'l’ll.l.:-' (1);:tig “Shim-5“ 59;,"EI;;’I;.;I"II.LI”e,,:l""”III II 1111 II 1111111111111111111111111 1111 111111111111111 1111111 111 c E}, m 'I, t ’l' Ce 91- t 9. r w Q 99 "d?" 5 ab'lql hp' qu' In, ‘0;- 1~ . 13! In, 9t 1'“. I: lh. In 11"“. In, "h' 11.,1 UI” u.| \in ,‘_-'1:-,V.- ‘1” 1 HF“. hln "'ugIII 1111 ”t bl!“ “kg "_ll’o hg ’“wuu 0:- heii Frictfire: I 1600 ‘ 1.7 tf‘bncu “Fax-c“)?! M: fink"! :01“) (I,3'9l'anrf “rIEFI-‘(ui'rdfi {huh} ”10"” :I Tho;- (I‘InJ’IQJ‘I; ..’ x..‘ I.:"lmeI 11111 11111111111111111111111111 I‘III To 9" n,"' H 3'; “pp. Li rfin ‘Wo FQInkP ‘ i 1450 aOO $5.31!..He “llhnz‘:tlvert‘t c#l ‘"‘(hl'r‘l 'l’nf ' ‘3O 9!“ “'itfifur' on ”'d-nnw 0;", buy“, ’lk. '3 IN" I"I[_ ‘le 1‘ ,I' ~ '.r‘l 1,, "him, 11111 11111 II I 111 Ir c: Afteghhjlnntan ’in“; pfimz. In: {o;} gulr‘lhnm' ~ 775 2.230 ‘10:} ah“ Lu‘lu\v’l‘lll9lldthlj,ll'yl: “110‘“:1‘Iai3- 111 nail}: “If“. 2.l‘,rim:lc-I:I:"' , ”I; 1575“" ($9; ”“1“ J'lhtilll. ‘p;:lIr,Ilr“,IlI r,“'-I‘INI;' \ I"u,I rigojthl‘l'v‘; I”; ' l’p d.Kbm co m n _‘i' » H .I.l|n 111. 'or r 'D1I1"w “..' in'y "Po 1 103 “1111 111/I I 11111111 111 "I 111 1111 (I II II 111 1111111 II II 11111 I la oh'Ha m-_ U ¢ [5; o 9! Lad‘n hacll.‘uk \v c’sfly.|h,hp|:3s 1.1 l, rle cfir‘“,'c.: ;.IN, L, '.l‘ 1» ‘HI ~ ..'H-lIIv ql‘} “‘1 mb t it, n h .1, f ‘ finsda 'l 1 ..n( u“I a -_', 1. .(-'h . (“f-l 0’ w ( v.,.\,,'(.~r(_h -;. My”. v.,",‘h >La, I» x. w. a'len u y . I Lena L n '1“ {u "n :2 )l. 51 “a “L l. '9O 1| 9 -n 1‘ "1 If" ll‘ul‘l, I U :I‘. ll.‘ Ml. r In}. . ‘I. .‘ I~ “111, ,I' .M - uh}, dlfilbd (o'er)! thq I‘heflliz‘l‘ e ImbaZ‘ler ’ 150 100‘ 9:fo [l'l bfv 1:41. ”It [3% ,9," n 9:3;- ‘l2 '“‘q‘nhhlpl (.{IIIIIII 1111111111111111 1111 111 111111 lIIIIIIIIPIIIIII :11111111111111 1111 1111111111111 I lIIrrIII minus. “I!“ :clusficéaxmv £et§ “1:1 tugsgn,' 586 1.503 3 EEE‘:' are 71fvyn‘ho Signal Elude: will}; }‘;1IlnI;n‘ f: \-:lfirk}:II(-]'I:Il:' :lIEuE'Ni ) Ill; ”:‘u \I~ ‘l'l||l’r‘"p I l.;‘ [\ lII‘IIYIIII Xl’ P!) O.(‘b 6 Iu 1I v o'lo I‘ l[l ‘.D c l l. 1“ II" n (-‘0 " -(\ Y) :‘ ',- u'n_‘ :x‘ I’M, PI 1111 111 III" H band Adabl;ske:d‘e,-:‘o :IdsrT- 35- ‘13:; 3.000 Ififlgtifi':2l93’nlllllimlzli";w:irag:.°hl’ll’ a,“ Il'g‘rfi“: Il‘;.,lhllI."I)I;;flu\HI:18“:1:;‘JIII'III‘ 1111111111 11111111111 111111111111111111 111 1111111 II 1111 II ’so”l9iv’M in I I e e ' ..‘ . nl' 5 n i 0“ 0F- ‘er ,A,rin ,' .'. I, . 'n‘ n. 'n? 111 lI‘IIIIII II lIIISI 1111111 111 Ego“; («7:0 gym: bid :0? hi: ‘bZ’ in 51?:5 G. I2' ' 5 fr:i’l-n‘hg'tpnnq:“n3s3_a‘ra’;‘°u;p"nf cut :‘fluh‘HHl‘ln I” /.I.III°I‘<I:' “.12.“;1" II,"I:Ir;’}II;'I:'“'I‘I 1111111111111111111 lIIII‘IIII II 1111111111111 III: 11111 t ce-edg “6 t 0 Mk, ”Into 05 {ITO I“ Ngnln m I 21‘s 2175 him.” .l'lu‘ipllJ')r:"c:o|n(| .actfnills-fe Ill” I“ ”I: 'l4” :‘ll‘sy “’1‘”1"”thIIIIII-qtry, IIIIIIIII:IIII‘IIIIIIIII 111-111111111111 lIIIIIIHIII lIIIC‘ he' I. 80 co Pr ‘1 ‘di tl, ce ‘1 x n 111-9'7 1500 500 In both. 's'.) nc rc crpras'l, s 1 ‘l'. ohm, «1.4! an. In,“ MAI-,- Mr 1;; 'n,.*'r “a”: I"Ii 'III 111 I 111 111 111111 ab]; pilldelje' ‘O, (Siame Q'- ;” 10% ngla’m'p ' ‘ 956 Iago“ 'be“! agumgl-ss“u fl If: II?" 2553'“: 1;“I‘n 'hc chaff _(ln“I(-cl;’ }l)Y’f!|‘l lplu,‘Il:lhIIII" I. lIOIImnIII 111 lInIIII-111 TII lIIImIIII‘III lIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIII ‘d; “c“ h 'l’yt Is "”';flfi Eflby‘ Srih “m to" 9 . Fll. "rl‘- [ughcnuomnn‘ lldily 5. e u,nk, I‘"‘-.“"yl‘wl'l"r "qfquf'uh “"”‘“ .13- ’lgv‘mm‘, ""111111 111111111 lIIIIIIIIFI 1111 111 II hnb‘sold- —— ’79 hi 3 ‘ s “ab Grit" i E Sohud'! be": 1'36 I lergrpngprh 80 an whlnng9r “..‘. [tx- 1:1,;I‘w :r 3:, in: h;l'_’l_ II ./II:“II”IIIIIIIIII1I III“. 111. lIIIII'IIIIHI :I I‘IIIIII lI‘IIIZI IHIIIHI lIIII‘If ld ed 14- “r co 8) “a 1 y .54 n “3"!) "Ind lg n'9s‘s“c o 6 g 8“'l, 111 II 111 111 111 I 0 5111 II 111 1111 111 I 111 111 111 II b-rsmn 5» r 3 °col 8I0:1I;4- “i . I‘, I» c. h"I h,» a'h 0 t I)” I: ‘r, 1"PA) H 11' .5. 2+ rp. 3:... 'l‘: 111 111111 ‘ 11111111 II 1! 9 “Rh. ‘h. "halnS Sludl'u u'ee 3‘ I Tqyd3et), l v 3'86?) .I y ‘ futun bee, p'nqrt’hl’n'lu3 flnfly‘la db‘mo Cato f'l 'llk' ”'““ lIIr “HI” II I. l‘l “111 I “‘ItInII I ”11-3;; “1111 1111 I; ”II ~111111 “33:30:12.3” garmPofeinfiifigna .‘fi Ifgnhjf 1:? 5,33”, , ‘ 800 f3‘:lwf°:Ph;‘l:-re{2‘sl|ll‘ra:nd°§Crl}‘ll 3g x,.,‘\_u.,l-r.,:m,‘l «4:3 \ 13;;5130 ~ 'mgg‘~;enllll 1111111111111111 I; nOa.Shans'Cl be 9 bu 350 0‘ ‘Q, I lon 2ed '. g’o;9 'in) lo omlnull t " wil qu ' ":1" “111 lI‘hIIIIII II"- 11111. n 111111-wp. lIIIIIIIOP Ito "I" II" “m 0“ .‘ ’hIQIKL‘! n? 9m Tof'yrea ’ Ii 4 [l. W 9h” lON 'm‘! '0 11‘" [h '45 hl!n. fu . uI. 3‘. -I;. .~.7“ I? 1n..1111111111 I“ 111 111 lllzh II .v . 1 . w-f‘ |' (t "ens 0' all ua | 11).. Ron nL“ ,1... :-_A_\.a‘...ll lII‘ 111-II II 11111 II 111 'F! u. bag’n an, m bribe Ouiul, my. be an?!“ “to weyn:§¢o ’ , mpzq:hr9v9‘n dnr ln” ! fineslect ’"‘"; I._ Iff IIII3"I 111111111111111111 lI‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111 111111111111111 ‘a" e bdl ofiot rfehet 11.4: | 2993’ V‘l 10.8“ W mnt ‘s‘ :‘l' 1) ad "I d- YO'Z’D’ ”‘. 95 ‘I‘IS I lg" lsmu {0“ er no mWI . 11. 11. II 1111111 111 I‘ 111 ti [II “N In I 90' ofpo Lbod hm“ ad“ he 111 8y b9y €9.11 sec ‘6. 'TkO" ' , ' 9., )9, ‘_'“ct '. “chd our 0 8 lin 9“ ‘h - . 'll, .- ‘r” In 'l‘. I. ulelilv 11111 ll s’huu‘ina; ‘h‘hisn‘ntx. u.I ROI 01:) Q dshonsta‘m ‘:"0? k '0“ 9m m. T’i”l. 11 a Ind‘petmbe :1 Vil nglztegunl9vB°9d _Or II lva: '."I .\II }.:,"¢m ALI“: f‘m v"I .-°. flak oouafllrmof ("Eben '11?- the buril'l Id ‘3 0f ttoge‘ded an“, hen)l Tom! I ‘d' I ‘l‘“ :z'pgnnn‘oraonelian. St, 5‘35“)! 3' i; “:1“ ." ~. If‘ lI” ‘LPIIIIIII 111 IIIIIH'I: joTh-l (It :13?“de fiéah“ 325'5? :3 1 l “lief. thadi‘i he hiker ~ 435.01%?“ angan‘t ‘ I 2'33? . 265(2) ‘“3cii [Lango'u‘Vlllljs' I hOIIIIdT: pp ”I; II! 111111111 lIIIIIIIIII‘I ll\ II II“; rfih‘hrliiuuenl‘} stupefimesyou :lilcn Idieif'fisv, LB" I" bodayonll 3‘43}. mbxioftcmwlfgf {gum I 8:359 % :11“ Ell: v.l! {IfI-llfhi‘firpe‘ll bees-:1)". I I‘ll“ ,I|I,'.IIIIII:I 1111 111 ,- fob-9 .392:1e tihpzefe'etflnd’f “Itbias 5‘ P 3950,“ )1 Brd L:heye'el:‘ 11,. n 3 “‘“‘llgénwwh ”can“ 065 Z cog:i‘lg'lelz‘deellil:§'fiP°¢lll';43"”; “for? I “In: :111111 I 245* - mutilxck Agree co°l :30: soft»: dF‘f' the” at: we OCI «- . '1“, "ilxpmels m 0 ‘ Jofi3'2mnnt‘e'. Te“ 0 " “ff, thi bflht‘”. I’6o 'ju cin «\‘III'IIII I :90 am muomwdmmuemcf de 1d Is.{ n. ‘I blmixuld °“a ' C«, be “tube p T,” MO5O - -f'sb°dto ’edj‘og'he" 1.“. “z. W‘tor ['la Sue 3,, on, 1,3,- :I . I 39': finbyc mien V 933; I‘IL ml”; a.j 95k 95: h;vn be. -- mm. fo“ [Fenm’V- ffin 0:“? d ‘3O ‘s' ‘bu Vun mnqlhe althe‘thisnnezf the I AJJJ". MG .bwe hnfieil. ‘u‘ loen_re.l [ s!] org 911 I . "mnd 9t; {‘s3: u g tee! Tc! -7 ti la: 6"8 w helro SI e A .‘ .. IQ, s is: boa°d me dlnlnnrdoh-m.po 14 Vo.-.11 nInm'IIOII II I. I. W. “39131193; IQ‘.thl“lLg'lql A . J I! w d ”I MI“ .9. n',‘- “L'be X's-ed-"fit Of AIfW. D Q “filyogl “PM Wl' “MI"!!! 'h A, “SI. I” ‘hork tI {0 fi -2!“, min fl‘lh In 1- "- 1- ‘h 50—h iUI: ed ,lh Tpa‘ -. mcf'velll -rnw “c Tb. . mm) no ”I a; an : “ogmfdnmgfigamgbuk hhmomnmo mgiitgi"“IdII:IIII °ln"’b’;32l‘f§..’-—_-g-~igglo.mn? in wudanoszq einf'e'bw‘e‘h; funk“; Eh ‘Ein bu -Id “1; AO we almq‘ 0' of as n b «zrlbu d'i moh_ . ‘3‘ n fig'u’ulfmo'e I -_mo, 0! icl-Y heel 9L ['3‘ .\‘.lhe “5’ f “mnjéfihe .1?“ stag” "mh 1! tr “‘““‘he y m do“ of ra. ‘ "dowtbo 01- b 6 dch'in aod mo Pa 0 “m, w- 'w Inc .B launchor o ’1; ‘9‘ m M h.b“e Km: “ch 3.- 1v 31~—4 n “I. war-r N,igy" I V ' ' “has“! 9(- tlo“i,' I d "II my ..'. Eon “show—3‘ ::l"e"3I3?d fowif m 1? 1;“ 113863—90 5;" fl'lruéhnfloho (l‘lofig‘gk‘irrgimguw 2;": [:lpr I: MINI” I mums; v. 'rel - . ~ ‘‘. ‘- I .o ‘ oghau‘ “nu lsimtinefi be lb ”3 1! mnde ‘l] CO! d. let’smn 11. BI“! 11‘}, bmls 'lh ‘“')?! d mew I: mIIIIIIdu CI '“’” I 5“ ud 81; on g e A rof fa ‘ k-fr gt“. I’r‘h‘n 101' o'f av H‘Cfm k I mr‘by" 1 I unzyndpobom st in amuungufid “.3830,“ am 3““ a. “kogFPsifisa; 39.1%,: 301' so7lv'e’tthtegg"? "éTA ; b°i 1 Hf}. l. '0 “w I Imecgs‘fionmfi —-{°u an} sag-m! Irtue) ”1.015693; 0(h lvin 'nted ‘icfln 003“” ”offiniho Pimnoglfindxm led Ipn ~ pr, ‘{ a ‘el sily’ d. Pap. ’YQ O pom‘ls: “m 0‘» Sloan'n' Girl‘lJMf R SdllLl.,llde'th mewn'dWl bWheé'o manYlne‘ at “has I! o‘. J‘.ec . f 11‘ r. 3r 1' ' yea PlB ‘b “a .u 11 he efo ’. n.I nn“ on: lnl‘y yt In. ‘I o.‘ 3h In “Ira 0 90;“ TB. ‘louorusd when I molcy I‘B. Ite- :! “Mano: glowing} aimed igflrém: “£3”, fifltfia’ndha Irg GIFBQMOJk "‘B6 up Bum”; “I s—-. II I II l I II n§b° “Chbou‘ccun Tlg‘f‘ “ tgbonu e? boo niagerffliJQr hfa fix?" W‘ ”B.” 90,, IDI' §:-ur:?an HudOirn fin.“ F::“ ; "tilts!“ ‘”‘ ’ln Plegaland Withon dd ..’ . s", .m t are ’bl Lo ‘9 C“ max, ior jo’mae“ In pug; emOLZO ’ssfigpeclg I‘3.er We mm 901' W ' Rwh I‘d ‘h C 0 gr .ym Y'h bli'ih w :i udr.-Pm- 9!: '1 $5 ‘n- M‘l :P. 4002.. I“, leISIRo "I ‘. IPI‘I A "MI Fe 111 "I ”I xQ m V“. “Be In, 0‘: ‘n I. H; (3-H {muhQ‘ I «It-R In 18 ft H h hr.Blma y. m“ .6! end "a boII': "_“_ 'cn‘l ‘lndi'l gengaisem ch 11: 3:0. spr n, g‘f‘lof €77 ~:4;pl;:"dck {‘3lng 3:: lh'hle 8: 0" i 2“ :Omy ‘ly‘lit: cm” “I“lmmn 0! “51., . (ml—u, n m My“ u'" penilr, Tb°p¢ r Iooo¢g‘B-‘_’l3'i¢ then‘ he a e If: 0 N 111 “I“ I 0 111 111 "I “In ‘0“: l. (I! d’:ablwnhm“l\’c W2B‘ 1 'l9 Ofey ny'." h t(foal/M, ' I?“ PJ’B g: .J.,P‘GIWI pn" Thew (Y'rmwe-“rs mn ’3 f. (“a Im '0 559,3“: fa nn 9"a nhhe 071‘ M convun an H ml.".o,:_"r‘;lnnfliegndd ”I IM. II” WHIIIIIII II “n In I .4 o” im‘r‘m‘en r' “e awn .dd 7,1.‘n1A n t k‘hlnltfi- gl re y'PWl'h- 1‘ aralbatlt b 0"; men Ifnnt 0r ,11, 1""... 43,.- av J,v (I', ex «nasal; a . ‘utl ye ". use [ch m ha! ml gurkegl ! 13h ri “’““?" hIJ" (hard —9 Msl‘_ °h °.ymTh°!c9hn“a.ql". 1m "if" 3' of in 60 Ybol '. n" nin fun ..‘: ue {hag ‘"‘“ Ijnhflt 59:“! IH‘"°oo9 {is-“nutrecfil‘hi “2‘96 nF] PP§I3Wco “I; of-- 4AM? ”all [‘s7 “’6 p 0 y'fomflrsj ofi, epruiltf; acrgrgar“? 0111?: tub $29313 bquto‘eddhOtg" £5“ i-lolwiunrd I'ley 102;:1'0‘33'1 Manfw (I?! b r ‘s“fizrsze 1111 laéflduu” )I 4.3 lIIIh Hm I I zx . mean, a wssmeem‘he no 8 9 e‘mwflmmghe *3 gr I; “c 'I t.‘ cf 5: I a lll'Onu’io So"ho”‘m‘; we u, .WO‘b q “ng “ndbrs seflnd eMIvMI9 "t 8} fmvfith 0‘ 810 tH, («on-I‘. “I ad Io lb "d wu“ous M h I DI mmyrnoen m as ‘w er ”6c Bd‘m is- al‘ Aha "(1“ ,el] ‘1 8 ’li 04! 9d of! fhl ‘n rI? _rfl '5 ll 8- Ang an 0" ‘-‘ ‘““‘" ‘ 3-! Y«1 1,0136, e, z “Jere: ml‘ ,r, (A, an uncoc" '9 so ouch "I” he: MMIM Iv YII I III” IL I III) "I I "k 4! r]; turn I bob?“ In; l 0 “ril'b es "1‘19"“ f e mmmcti .40'I0f 11‘] en ooch .(I fly “II neOor n If an. urwd I i. n.. 9.413%} “age 315’ “n ‘P d; mé‘ru‘nlbwmor gm; “a [non m) So in Clo“. “9.016 thlcoed I”- "eup lum II“ 111 (“I Be In 37 md I “dam SC! (”'th It, hpte n, enof 3r; n. a ’B3 I 1 gi 1c ,dz G 1' .IL‘. 2: ‘Sb no 0r em 1083 ‘O3 futThzr 35m nd‘?rtylurg‘o)n‘e lplem I‘3o G any“); fifif‘lfiogfl can“ I: I)?“ h d 3“ sane?" lIhIII' in“ I"! Ind]: am; Is ”I“ I .3?) - .r. r---9«"|gs,er‘nlee_(h eanyrecl'sw.lam “111 In a ‘H(I i Ichl “mane id name“; mgheuce: obs! ngdl°Pglhg kid. (I; L? n“ £l39;’ve‘lh ran! lrrzvou you P 11". gun ,‘0 and? ' "til, 0 h'o'h a .u. n c steJe Esanb-dh h-I-uml clihi' la “3" 3.11: ear ‘l} I“ e. N 'ldv'u Sgélrencup ct ,v 5. In epch Ihurlcll bethp on Ie mri ge lag c“ ‘ gum ”I a" ~06 c. f... 0w ed 'n,‘ ie 35%. ,“n‘jlexe 1 “re‘he ‘h t), a}. bin!” w ‘in“ lInIIh A“e mega“ In“ I In "I ‘ Md?” ” a T”. my. L MN fun ‘ n “ore ua .mm '0 c 'e- In in swtle - 15; “t a yof mI“ mo h. n 3 h°f 1-31, A, l'adfil um“ -De 1, hpiof' he‘n to 0.. hlnon no 510 n . w F a.” “as r ndm mid. mm ‘ed mghbohrmmfl,“ummf‘g t, Vi 9f 0r 1v". ,on ca run In I ‘ ‘2” m a .9 s—g‘h b -w‘h on rI 19 1|; I h or 111 e I,” or sa"t .c {he T 01- “re . bu“ 008‘!“ Yzh I), efiye, 5 bopy foes ea El-es'thefl Sw “xtelrgon “g I" a” I, “h mum h“, tb ,l“ r or' .e, . ch|l,rs 9; qrt 3 Vei'm’l e ”I” ’ Ole pb e hIo lIhI .dluo I, am M d e} h.» - p, u n,' zh‘enva yfppe Is fin he 2,- t, 0! um“ I}, 0 "ed “‘ n m an.“ on . auvu co Pp; of e: dime “char 8! 0h «If, hor As {36: M; 01h- .v ‘ncrm.n “w. n “It“ “a, A~‘ 86‘? mu]: isng ‘l5 th ‘ ‘o‘ S O p “up, od9flz°ri “5:6,, ‘l’ 5:0;“V3I n”, “r h - 1 ov. “09 *1 Te“, °f hcno ck end« In (“net"h f 1 Yl‘al eeltlo '0 ‘n 3c f I"; c, ~.g In 3.1 av 4v n. I ’”e elh h luy Ik “Id" II ‘dmr'm _d. w icl. Lhe‘fli .d, .I: ebe wiln wnf'ld'gr: sear: ure H, ely 9}, 1 if” - anllngo i 90° .’n I,‘ n 'ntys‘fo. Sea 29, ‘tlgth o.g’sa. r nges q wiesh '°" CD'IIIII I r d uh. ' leni’ug my. 506.0 thmc mon pub at Ye“ Lm‘lom‘e “ I‘mIlll“l'l°m Oy’be are; . “his“... i mm: {l‘s}: Of" a“ six ux'n if“??? -be tha“! t 8 cli‘flg, "crloneoflzu. pea! . I “of“. L. ymlfl.:l:'6! Uin’mv‘y . fqudc I.‘tle°oul‘y "h. diY. Vc nefm ‘ 1.: of! mm)‘ die Ind ”1.5 a cxfi’w Wt]. , 1L! Inausellel I II In”? II I landtmm “I: Dunn", bmehl‘l: lmuffle ‘tg § ‘W‘B ‘(h Peo “m npuls'.‘ ‘h "fie! .ni‘b A 9,"? mule" owil"? [II Sumarmen ‘bixe :Weme . tier $21109, U \eDI Pm " ‘él-«uyef tgm ‘"'deLmflrdeched‘hc ABto:ini‘!.‘(‘in:r 'n r vi“ '.‘lt, i or n" mwg‘d :’ I“ em, EW‘ :0, Cid b ed Qu D On' Aonynnn the ”slug“; 2' 2} Ind F- lii}- “uh; ro"g,°k (,I'ofi' ‘. werwefi’tinom Ihe ozfillon . IlmmOlel I 111 "Bhe‘i - in “ferofupt e 0 “nnw'wioj an 1! u are Ofmfnllgd, 164, “I r DV— al.oeft’e'f “1,.‘1 ‘t Obj [Dipndi Il':’g'u .p'o‘eA ‘o“hzfp 3J3“ Ween" 0;" ‘ddrl "~ '0 "9 IV ~,_ “'93 61.‘6 A Ok‘lma , ‘396 "In” Ii“. en4M4-4 boY— Ofom .mtllaathulfilnfo, II “To“ lfWO'Ho'lU‘Y°nll’led3o"'lGTn‘ b‘h Pk be .“3 55 v, 31:,vr 3h. 9. ca 1 tan flPrmn In he “I n‘N d; 0 t 1; k- d the?! m,3 [mvlf' ”AW 80 -‘°r P, “can I“ 111 10‘ M o. sue .0 in?! on, a ‘0 Dc, 19 I ’0 'w 90‘!on ‘nd‘l cg deflDe ‘IA 'v m. ”m I to“? o: troplmeis 0”,}? Saba”. fufihi:uzy Sp: Hadrian L - sho a flu Vac‘drlnke‘o an ‘ckn “COEOPI'iI‘y-RI‘I Tedllwuwn dl‘y'ou ! . " 3f o'oo e’a p o’. 'g-nd-h'y.l “011“" MOO n m mt. d y (.3 fm T": It": .In’ en- M o la}, yffy P- to u y b Ir n WI .1. an Inn rto beuou In; eyoyonnfu prIIIIIIIo . “at". ere, 11y [lifili um fin -II 7.dc “. wlcl’mpectF y‘% so 133 .nd a \bA’Jnl'l; g “(131, A‘shAll'Clvnd II T e w d‘u—nf? «ix ‘1 e“ a. “‘6': Eq crehncanfluribu. 0%, “oq inlfiesonfn of‘l9‘unybou Iry “il- 8: 0y a xcu 1,: 'l7 G, s“: ,or‘er a: 'i' :9 m“ In .9. re ed ofl' ‘9 Alt, mII 171 I“ "I l' yel ““o'_l :10“ Ron BQ‘IIII‘ c ”111 In I, c; Q; g I’d 56 p-A 510 111 WIOSI 111 a] kltjlleuyb in ‘I M 21920. " 0.2“}; Bukéiyy éIICIIIIIIOII . I mI I 0 led hn roe! )c IngLMlt ibynfidlll 23'. k 5 ’e 0.; sea BFdd ”I 111 109. v“ J "I'm-y. - VIP req‘urn ‘la na . "IT A, ‘Jufrr'né “elf-093:3?“ 111 II '81“ 3e :‘i. he (‘“" I lIIIIIII' . ll‘ Iv S D ch "(I ept ” A 111 . .8. IWI 3m @ll3 fismpiltr. OUR F 1740) t _ .7 . . x ‘ 335“? ,_ \ t “QM n 7 A , V'rwfi‘ . x “w: ' \ JR: fl. 1. 51‘ ”11.3, EDITOR AND PROTRIETOI GETTYSBURG, PA. - BC“ 33H: ‘4 f!“ 'i .."y. $1 ladiefore three months are around. {may rill curse the day they voted for the (Wiunpf Lincoln~and emu- the U 39- Mon loaders fox deoewing them into the net. ‘ ‘ ‘ ”In “peach M. Wnsixingtou, on ”Lung” ’i‘hL, Mr. Seinud, am: Tefuting :he userudn put the mu- wu 3 failure, said that during the ___jhtfljon'r ofgho mu-xh. African sum use: in 1.1!: Unimd State. In “pm-sued. - Ln iba lecpld ybu negro“ were brought to be ”1:370qu {rgedgmflnlhe 'hird year, shre qm abolished in the District of Columbil, find .12 the (0191!), my»: in cbolished in Mary h'na. ‘ Buoy-film Audion. Abolition orator: Jud med that the wu- wu for ‘be Union. Oct Plum—We hue Jim turned from a Very um and mmnly contested nmpnign,l 6mm thy mung-on) readers at our papa Sue 'no‘ffibm u wall cnteted for u 039‘ first; bung now over, wo wan ule our , exertion made 11;. Conan alw-yl ac upmm to m {gunman endeavor by judi- Qg‘ms ”INDIE, and by attention to‘ the new. Ind local departmenu, tn make it worth: of p), 11km patronage belmwed upon it. E=ln L‘nlnufl Slnrlr'rmn mm nmmmtml Ly Mr. [Am-um ““"':mfl‘fl“?! 0; “fair. under 52mm) Cam”: 1), . w ppocial rvqurut of tho- lulu r. \Vhilo ir. that. pmitmn. Cola: nrl Smnlrrfinn bud, mrv nppurlunium nf lc-umun: the (‘hamrtt-r of the yuhhc ma-n :lt \\‘mhmgmn. the corruption: that lin-re prvvmlul nml the cur-urn that. were [wing l-rqurut for the country by thou) in nu thmgly. S«l_pro!oundly did those lxaimul d’mm‘x prm ammt him. that. he fell xll. nml begged to hn ususfcrred to some mlwr field of duty. He was gratified by lu-imz' [lr-)mn fin! to the co‘lom-lcy ot the‘ 13m Unite-d Staten Infimtry. und fir'muv wns nppomtnl Provost Mursha| Genernh-f_tlm Doparlnh-nt ot'M:ssnuri. which posiuon he held to the time at hi! death. In his in: sickness, Col. Smiles-on was attended by Rev. Henry Cox, pastor of live Union Methodist church. to wh'om ‘he made conh-ssnom. which Mr. Cox mmmit ted to writing as they were uivcn in him by the Colnnal. We transfe: tho fullqwing as part. ol'lmtgpnfession. to which we invite the nuns: n 0! every patriot. Colonel Sander-mu mid : ‘ . “0n ase’ummg the duties of the war offipe. however, 1 was brought into contact a-rirl close conirnugon with thefsecret counsel: of the Ad . "nitration. at why»: Gen. Scott. the Secretary of War. and a metnnu‘ Mr. Cbaseand others.were fircsont. These meetings sometimes took place in my roomy. nndl thul obtained information concern-1 in; records which have never seen the‘l light nf day, but which will one day aston isu the nation. I became' profoundly dis-' grated with the vile ootruplion that. had cursed our country, in the shuge~of persons dressed in the garb ol'gentlemen and occu pying high pasitions of trust. for which they had no qualification whatever. I tried to cast. tbeu- people out. but in vain. and I only incurred their enmity. I fell ill un der the terrible weight of my duties, and at last. asked to be. nelieved and appointed to~tho lieutenant colonelcy of the 19th U. S. anntry, preferring to go to the field to render what service 1 could in an honora ble and patriotic way, rather than flock with the [cal hirds surrounding the Gov ernment at Washington. I accordingly left it. in July, the second day after the bat tle of Bull Run, and having served in my military capacity, in the meantime being promoted to the dolonelcy of the 13th U. S. Infantry, until Febrqary of the fireuent yearmhen lwas appointed Provost nrslml General ol the Department of Missouri." Arnaxrn M (‘nnws - -.\ uranium“ {iffi'lwot in; men! h'lmmcn low Jaws <x:u-. nn-i nut fimlibg any bvm'r gun», hr you]: n ~lth a In: ofrroH ! lhnl-woré‘rau iv; in 1):» “milk. ”9 wnundcd one ~nfllw hxrds m 1114- w ingrwhen ‘l' flamerrd to “h- grnund and We ztuilr'n'm pi. k ed It up. The hurl bird fiul'vuv! and cvimk moat. pikeously. when snddrni; the Whnlc flunk rnme to Its ussiev m-e- nml m nh' an "Huck up 'on the hunu-r. They fluttered about [us hrwl‘ and pirked and srrn'"h'~d Lila «11h sun-h Vim. lance Um he was oldie-«4| tn deft-ml himss-V wilh a stick. and was finally rompdlul 'u ‘.M. the wonndrd «rm; :0. nml but a ”from. | WA soldier jnfit relurnnl fromtllomphis says that the vulva of Srw York 5.4.12:er whu have been dead xhger momhs’harc been gain n by Lincoln's npemsnnd form-Mimi lnSow Yrrrk: nndtbx! hminnes ls Medium-i L; 1111““: Liu roln agents and ofiiMri thaw. —. Wul'r lecm x Tm 9 .\ Starr: or V.‘ W. Brrcnrn —Wc know that A'nramnn Lint-oh! mm .\[ifls Catharine Beecher .1 sister of ”Fury Ward Beerhqr, thn: he "should ntur ”a“! to regret the day he fnilod M rcinfnrrr “(‘(‘lvlhn on khe Pauinsnh," and m- dare .\hrnhum Lin. cola to deny il.—SI. Paul P/onnr. Sl‘lz'l IJI. NOW/LIV. Tin. ‘~l.‘."‘. 4!! HAHN “ \ l‘.\l‘.2‘l SNI'FF '11:. <,,,,,f :, .. mumnuhi'x ,nnu-d ihm'H' 1050 (he hm: .\m '1- \mmn {or rulin: Hu- l‘.-.1. rrh, (”UN :11 ih‘v ”(us and 11-x'xdm-lfe. It has bun funn'l 1m 1‘X"l'”"lul rmn - .\‘ in many can! u! Sunni-'3'“. “value“ lus h‘m-n rcmmw d by. n, :unl Honing has mlui burn gladly Improved In- : 4 u=(‘. . . ‘ ' It is ‘rlgrfin'. find azrwn‘nhg nnJ mvzs m. urmxn REI.I}.P_IOIiIc in‘] hrmy pain: cnu'xml Vn aim-mu ( T Li." find. Th" Mmfiutiuux an»: uni-1g it. me «lylijhlfle nun! inrignmtmgr' H (rm-hi :uul 10")“,(‘3 n It nil ohstrurhorfi. SUI-Hg”!- ru Ihr glam“. and ghes at h: gully action to tin-'ruria “Tr-Mm. , “Mun—than 'l'l-iriy Yn‘fn' nf =6O and use p! ‘Pr. .‘L‘uhn’H (‘nmrvh ".nul Hemlauhc Snufl', ' ".5‘ 113 mm! it: grn‘! who for n“ \ho't‘nmmnn dXFE‘fl‘Ei of H:- Ime and at ghis momvm 93.1w}; h’gIII-r tbn'n r-wr’wlarcu _ It is rcrommewdwl by Ig-my of the heat phy niniuns, and is. u~ed will: 'gxent mews: :uul my-fm linn any \ whore. RMI} 1h: ('"'.hx‘mn'ri of “’lm‘ocnh Drug -11'“?! in ”3!: “Nu- uudvrtigncd, having my mu. -, ward honn zlcqu'limwl \\‘llb “ Dr. M \r- Hull \ “I .m‘h null ”(Mamba Fnufl'," nud 50H it in "'l' wholt-zull Made. the: rfully slate, tlm, '“‘ belirvr i! m Le equnl. in M'rry rvspu‘l, '.O me recnm-nendmi ms'ghcu of. it for lhn curo nf "murrlml .>\f}'vclium4 find :haltil in deride-l ly ‘he brat article we have ever known for an common diseases of the Head. Burr 4: Perry, Benton; Rf‘l'd, Auslon L’ 00., Huston; Brown, Lamson 1! Co .. Boston; Reed. Cntk-r a; 00., Boflon; Seth W, chle. Bolton; Wilson, Fair-hank & Co" Boslon' Ilenshuw, Edmund & (10., Boston; H. I]. Hl},‘ Portland, Me.; Barnes & Park, New York; A: [Lat D. Sd'mls, New York; Stephen I'uul k Cg , New York; 111-Rel Minor & 00., New York; licks-s -son I: Robbins. New York; A. L. Hamill 800., New York; M. Ward, CPOse & Co., New York; Bush k. Univ. New York. ~ For sale by all Druggis(s. Try it Nov. 14, 1864. I; . A CARD T 0 INVALIDS A Clerzyman, while recifling in South Amer im an a missionary, dizcovcred n Inf: and sim. ple remedy for the Cure 01 Xenon: Wenknoss, Early Deny, Discuss of the: Urinary nml Sem inal Organs, and ‘be whole train of difiordvn brought on by bsnrful and vicioua hat-in - Grult numbers have bepn aha-nay cured by th'4 noble remedy. Prompted by ndopire t 9 bcné fit the afflicted and unfonummfi will sand the recipe for prcpnrfng and using (his medm'm". in n Ila-led envi-lope, to any one who d: i'. Fur: or Gamma. g Please inc-lose a. stamped can-101w, a rnsnd M yonrnh. Addnu # A _ _ $ JQSE‘PH T. ”MAX." Sufism D. Bible Ejousr. New York On]. T 0 CUNSUMPTIVES. Consumplive lufl'erers‘ my receive A "hu ble prescripiion for the Cure 0! Consumption, Altman; Bronchim, Ind 111 throat and lung affection, (free of chnrge,) by sending tin-it address to " Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, ' ’“' ‘ . Wininnlxrlburg, . , mg: cont . ' New {or}:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers