I'oth 8: Govmfg. 111-IL ASGHI'MJ’ DEATH.—-Abont the first of Septembtr tut, Slmon L'enm, lon {CChria um Bonnet, of Stub“ township) went {Mo uu- army“ : volunteer, connecting himlelf with the 805:]: Regiment P. V. Very loon af hr, the Regiment mu mom! to Gnu-n "my. 0:: Thursday week he returned harm, so ema ciated as landly to be recognimh him most intimate féionda. 'Ho w“ label-indu- I! u:- nrc mine} of typhoid In". The best medio cal uld mf- at on“ unwind, and ever] at tenxlon which ‘punnu. "huh-u and friends could lhlqk of. paid hlmv’, but all or no avail.— RI brulhed NI lufi on Sundny following... But nfuv bomb: we be nu: forth in tho prime and vigor’pfcmy manhood. Tom, he Blupl the deep (in: kuomno waking. ‘lueemcd by .)I who kn“ him, bl: dcuh It huenlly 1m uncured. [ln "min: were .intemd In Ever-7 grfln Cemetery on Wednesday. m. :35 us 23 sun bmonthn nnd 2‘4 days. Put. to ink Ishel- ' NOVEMBER C_OUM‘ will wmmenco on Maud-y nut. gur aubscn‘bcu who may be comingto town durlng the lemon 0H1). court mll lure a goodlopponunhy, whlcll we hope they will avail mcmulru of. to call at the Campil-r "ma. nn'd pay up their dues. In these hurdcnmme Lincoln times. (I luku Mommas supply of Rudy club. and plentr'or it, to car ry on bfullml and make both ends meet: WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS KINDS OF PRO EDUOK I’m: BK‘SdEL. Applcs,dr£_ed, Mlbs. Rye, or. n». Hurley, 5 ~48 “ Ryi: Mall, _ 4c " Btu-1c) 3.1:“, IH." Clover new], (22 ” ISL-uni, GO “ Thumb} sued, 45 “ “run, ’ 20 “ ‘Rluseo I, _56 “ Corn, {gt} “, Hempseed. 42 “ “in «xx-mango " Cum-y see-f, 60 “ Human}, 60 " ‘smm need, _ {:0 “ Uuu, 3'3 “ Hunguinn 3.5.,50 “ ”New, 54 “ l Rupe‘ need, ‘ s'o “ Umou sou, 25 “ (flue gnu, . H “ l'mvbu aria-(1,33 “ What, 60 “ Pump)”, 60 “ ' ggynn Maydaylnst,Cnl.Jniin .\'. Hrnft took '. I so. I 'm thehovd of Bhutan (Jr the Poor. T'nut ‘un “_ii‘. make a Krat (‘14:: Officer, all who I :~n\v him ill! ”98‘in Admit. thu Eckrnrade hwy nu}. Tllfl Bowl Low cnnsuu of Maj. J. H‘ B«J'.ki'l;-Pr,(‘lrnr:r- '-I.lck?l-yn.1~l Jno. 3?. firm“. .‘Xujar Buixxgvr is‘l'residc'xt. nvjz“ ‘-.‘r. Gvorgc Bonnier. or Mn-mllen tawn- flap, brought h) our c‘flw m 'lhvtnrlny hm, six mammoth Turnips. (hm'xlmln M-zglning 23 [Dumb—Hie buried m.“ 5 pounds and 6 pm,“ h! . (feminine Dcm-H‘ru in‘ llmk. uud rrry law] to bent. ' MARRI ED. (\-\ Ho 3711: of (h-mLer but hy I’v-v. ‘er. ('.m iln H. \h SILAS H“ T, .Imnxrlly nrthia (mu: ‘m “An .\I H. HARIH‘EUV. :‘lux-zhu-r U' V .~‘ .‘~r.lre‘v Barb-rk,: MI uX Rmvlulp'u .tu ' '1 in‘!" MU r I."."IO2'2HI'LIN’WW'3O, in -H “bury, ’ ' ““‘. P I? 'l}. \Yr. S\\ll'!lL 4‘ 5.5- ‘T M -'x ‘n nhx'x'l~‘\m.:3 “'l‘; “ASL } "lA'“'.‘ ,u. "“1 I: v-( --,~,, 3: ~~. . Lu." "1 . u u: in: onqw‘mu 2131.9 , Hr «."Hrtffi‘. L HR'H'I’L r’ l"x--‘.n;’) ’: :1, r: In ~. ‘ '-- .v,;‘.l. nll T ‘ ... I ‘1". ‘.lunn “1' 'w I .... :74 ..e “Mam". «'mnnxn H.~' » 1 ~.’ s‘.:'l;v lrlmnt I'» 3cm“. "" V‘ ¥ 7'“ :w' . il.‘ I”? HVI‘HLV. infant r aid fauna-I! mu! MAM '"'Zv-l', .15" in mum}; -' Egg-1 (.\‘Hnbt‘h at amunm, mum ”11' Mr ul' 'Er \h ”cl" \LI!-, ng'wl 6 .\’."U'. x v-i '! rL-r.‘ amt—l.l3 MAngsn'srs. (;1.: ~‘fnx unn‘ 'nr I' ni•r... MU XE. d \\ hv n ('urn Buck“ l|='\' ‘ 1m rr fm- . ............... 'zimumy s ‘41.. Fl.“ .‘xo-1,................... Pia-h r {-N’arii.... .....f I’Lxsu r'gr wuerL pcr h 1;! RAL'I‘HIUHH—I‘Mmr 1..\~T HER “71941.. ](\c..........‘...........». ('urn...................... (his Bl‘Pf Cn'tlc. por hund Huge. per Pmud........ H.1y........................ “'hia‘nr} Runaway. \.\' away from thesu‘vschmr, in Cnmher. E, Land township, Jul-mi county. on the 25m 0! Oclober bust, a lmnnd bny {mm the Alma HousmnamedJAMES EWING. This E; to giw notice Hm: 1 “11] pay no debts of his pounding unless (ompeumi hy law. - ALPQ‘AD SLONAKER. Nov. H. 18:14. 3H Estrays. AME lo<the premises oflhe anhson’ber, in C Hamilton township. Adam: county. PL, in May 133:, 2 Sheep and 2 Lambs, and in July Inst 2 Lambs came to the same place. The -« It is requested to prove- properly, pny ~ ages. Ind take them a 23'. JA‘EQB MORRISON. Nov. 14, 1864. a: Dividend. HE President and Managers‘of the York T and Geflyubnrz Turnpike Road Company have declared a dividend of One Dollar per than: on the capital stock, to he paid to me stockholders or legtl repruentatives, on de mand. GEORGE SWOPE, N . 4. 3t Assistant Tr M 11159. - V __._-~___.---35 Dividend. A Fun Nnnosu. Bu: or (ix-nun“, ' ‘ November 7. 1864. } _ HE President. and Directors of thin hati- VJ; tution have this any declared a dividend ot BREE PER CENT., puynble on or ufier th xorh in“. GEO. ARNOLD, Cnlhier. Nov. 14, 1364. 3: ' Clocks and Watchs ! TEW ESTABLISHMEST.——AFGUSTI‘S R. FEISTEL hls omned : new Clock Ind Walch establishment,“ Baltimore‘street, in Gettysburg, one door above the ‘ Presbyterian Church. and is prepared at all times to amend to the repairing of Watches. Clocks, Accor deons, Rings, Jewelry, he. Any repatriug en trusted to him will be prodpcly “tended to, and higwork guaranteed to give satisfaction. ow. 31, 1864. 31* 9 First National ANK 0F GETTYSBURG has been delig nuted a. Depository and financial Agent of United States. Will buy GOLD, SILVER, um COUPONS on Government Bonda. Will furnish 5-20. 10-40 £740 U.S. Bonds,nnd other Government aecu rifles. leeclionp mach promptly on :3 accessible points. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. July 4,1964 ‘ UCCHBEB PICKLES, a large lotjnlt n uivud from the city, in prize ordu n . . mmnmson‘s. 55'1” received at PICKING'S Spring and Summer (nothing. Come one and all. L. SCUICK has just rereircd a lot of ,‘ ehnxp Looking linseed Desirable Home 1' PCBLIC sun—o:; NOXDAYJhe 2m. A day at DECE‘IBER nhxt, thr- suhsrrihrr.‘ mending to r~movc Wen, mu cat-r n! Public Sue, on Ihe premium, the , TRACT OF LAND on which fit ”aides. shunt In I! :milton :owmhip, Adnml county. About 1 miles from Oxford M 413 mile! tram Hnmptnn, adjoining land: of Daniel Hoover, John Snyder, Nick-om Link, and when, cou miufug 26 Acres, more or loan, under good fencing std good cnmmtion. The im-m movement: are a Two-nary I'rnme Weatherbo-rdud HOUSE, rub Bnck-, , buildgng. and I well 01' wan-r at. the door; Frame Burn, Corn Crib and Wagon Shedeu-h‘ Home) with other neceunry out-buildingsa-fi The-r) is a fine young Orchard on the p‘runiusg mt': I” kinds of fruit. , I :a-Snle to'commence m. I quack, I'. )1., on mid day, when sundae: will be given and tonal nude known by SAXUEL LIBHART. Nov. 14, 1864. u ‘ND COMPARISON INVITED. a! the Hat Ind Cup. Boat and Shoe.Nnflon and Va music": or now t WOODS, Geupb lug. . c ' hf the latest slylrs, in gun variety, for Mm. Boy! and ('hildren, cheurer than the Mme qunlity i! Sold at any ache; store in thecoun -1;. fax- Ink: M. the Cheap Corner in Cc'lya burg. by . ROW l WOODS. B ‘ S In the Boot nml Shoe line we can "take down” any other ezublislnnenv. in Adnms county. Thoq'lestxon isollun asked "Why is n. that slums bought I”. How and \\’oodl' More wmr' much bcllm' than those baugm else where ?' Answer, “They keep for Role l bet ter clue and quality of Home and Shoes 12.-m can be luund in any ollur store in the noun !y." A lax-z:- portion of the goods we sell nre made to order by the brsfiyorkmen—nnd M 1! not what are commonly called “Store Shot-I." We have many thinga new, nut, “rang and elvglm inJhr shoe Jim. for men, women and children. mm inviu nll to call and see for themsclves before punhnsing thou-here. ROW & WOODS "mirry Tm- \lcn, Won-non and Clqul-n. (Haw-5 f-r Ladies, (_ienflemcn and Umldreu.‘ Vinhns oftlu- hes! tune and «Lualny‘ Aver-rduuni III: l “0111'! be luau." enuly. N. ck'~l'xe« m ure .1 \‘nriCh'. (‘nllu-s—upa nml downs, linen and pun-r. Razors & Straps of by: qn Hit}, wry dump Under~shirls :Ic nlul lnw prime. Rxding \\"nipi fur Indies and Lennonwn. Trunksm .uH 5.7.0: at fir—t (mt. (Tarp: t Suks til Anp as Any“ here 1k .\'nrk: ‘"x lyt'lr up" but MI" cheap krt< m“ rarinm ant-q for Lathes riJLu-JYhipa. gum! and hular, AIL-cording to MID .\nd a firm! mnnv other things that me on firm I, all Fnld A little chczumr Ihm nmlmdy M 5- um ~9l] HIPm, by ROW J.- \\‘OUDS. Km: 14. 144.4. Nance. (‘ EORGE A GIUH’P‘S ESTATE—Letters I ofMmiuislrntiun‘on the (WHH‘ nf(;:-or;e AL (irorm. I no of Hun'inclon mwnslnp. Ali-Inn: county. dvar-used,‘h.tring been :rnnU-vl to tho nmlv-r‘iqgml, mm; in the pump lnfi'nship. Nhl' h-l' by znr-a notice to all "on: :-.5 “Idem! M :n 441-: mm" to make immnfiino pafmeli'. .‘H! .lu," having - lawn: nmunnt [he rnme to prawn! lhem prop-«IV authenticated fur {0!- Ilcmcm. AMANDA E. GHUUP. hu\.4t,1364. 61* - Admlnhlratrix. 1. f"....r. nr =MEM NOtiCC. m puril) ‘ n =huhvly ingrmse‘: amniunl m' (1!” . _ ‘ .. . . ‘ .. mum 11v on which us nor 9 Huh 5 \v.u~ -.-- [30!“ .PO‘ 19"” F ’”‘-FA IF‘ "‘l‘?“ch nf {mmm‘t‘i h» cmupnrkun'wnh furl-m -r ,1; ”'ll-. ' fi-iruuuslr-mo-E un t“:- 051 We 01 John PQQ- Tlu‘ inuicntiun' n! “1'1““ ~hu“ m“ L}: yirfl'. hm}. «I Strabnn Imrnahip, Animus L‘mmly, Brnndv i 3 'mxdmltd b\ tix;'s £uxc [’ox"\» .5 (.uc.m~l.(l:u~2ng been mum-«I to the under- mfl-li:fl'l(‘1illi Mind [Hand . I A —.. ~1-_:ller. rr ~iniiug in Villesunc tuwn=Hp. h» hn-re- Respw‘tfulll . AA) I” \YFS '_l 1‘ ‘u- girth unlim- 10 all peunns indohtevi to «id; flute A~‘:uer id U;»‘.l|;‘.lz.unt nmx— In mnke immediate [m3 mom, and lhnse' Radon 1““. :0 18M“, ' " .. ' Inn in: chm): ngnilhl the snme [0 present them )1 AVUl'Alél‘tfl-Ei) 0‘“: BY "' n J \(‘013&('0 prurwr’; wilt-mime" 'j'rx’S'E'frm'J'L . ' {fo “hum an owe}: shoal}: 1;e Inilmamla" ’ . _‘ 1.“le F‘ ““"TL Adm r. I , Dog-OL. in Liberty ah. New York. 3°“ ‘4' 15“" ”l _ fl _ Nav.l4.‘lao;4. 3m I %I ", - iv. I ‘n'."|— Mouth: lEEE HUN C. CORRECHT‘S EST.\TE.~LM:o-rs' Q] ofmlminiilrminn on Ihe F‘MutP anuhn C. Gubn‘t‘hl, Inc of I‘ninn township..Admns (mini-v, «’.nvmsrd, hnring been granted m lin: undrrsianml, residing in the Mme tu\\'nship.' 3hr he thy gnv: name to all pvrsnm imelflmd m saiuicnnté m nml-kc immedialp pa} monL und (hou- "Hing minim! ngnluet the name to pre srnl {helm [-rnjmrl) authentic-um! 9or settle mun. ELIZABETH GmmFI‘HT, 5 .\'m’. H, 1864. 6L" A-ilnlmflrazrin . 11.0w}! "0 ,2 “A [fin to " .‘h l f'", to - i 5 g 1 4| .7 so I 2) 9 00 to q, ~u 3 50 m 1 no 2 3:- 1-1 2 50 .H 51) 1 75 1“ any denomination consmmly on band 0 and for sale m the Fin-t .\'ntinnnl Bank 0! Gettysburg. GHU. ARNOLD, Cashier. (En-nys'mrg, .\'ov. H. 13L: 1. 1125 "H 1 37 INTER ARRANGE.“ ENT.—-Un And an‘r \V-Mund my. (umber 31%, 1"“, Passenger Tums will 10-n‘c 13nd arrive on the Gettyeburg imilrond :u {niluwsz ' ‘_’ 53 In .2 “I"; I '3: In 1 7“ I an to 1‘?! :9 to m 9 0') to}? (1“ <l3 no toii uu 'lB 00 toi.’ (W ‘1 75 [0 1 M FIRST ’I‘ILUN wi‘ll have Gettysburg at 8, A. .\l., with passmzors for York. Hnrnaburg, I‘.‘lil:ui£lphia and ‘zl-e North and West. . Arrhc at UQLM'shUI‘E M. ..25. P. 11., with passengers from Baltimore, York and Ihnis burg. , SECOND Tsun' will leave Gettysburgrnt 1.40. P. \I . with passengers for Baltimore, York and Harrisburg Arrive at Gettysburg at 6 P. .\l., with ma: seugern lrom York, Harrisburg, I’hilndenphin and the North and West. ‘ 0m.31,1864 Ocronln 25, 1864. CEXERAL MEETING of the Stockhold-l A ers ofthis Bank will he held ntthq Bank ing House, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16th, It 1 o’clock, P. IL, for the purpose of taking into consideration anddecidingtheqnestionwhether the Mid Bank shall become an Association for carrying on the businrsa of Banking under the Laws of the United States, and of exercising the powers conferred by the Act of tilt: Gen eral Assembly of this Commnnwealth, enutlcd “An Act enubling the Banks of (his Common. wealth to become Assucintions for the pur pose of Banking under the lawn of the United Staten, approved the “11 day ofAngust, 1&4, and to take such action in regard thereto as may be necelsury and proper. By order of the Donxd of Directors. ’l‘. D. CARSON,CaRhieI-. ' Nov. 5, 1864. td _ T PRIVATE SALE—I win no}! It Private A Sale um V'AmeLE mm. 119.0 an ,—knowu u Mcllhenny’a Hill—shunts five miles west of Geuysnurg, on Upper Marsh Creek. The improvements uen Men .2 ‘ chant. mu, s“ Mm, two DWELLING gig JIOUSES Ind s BARS. -:' ' The Farm contains mr'r'erx Acmso; choice Granite Land—most Meadow bonom. Terms accommodating. Ifor. 7, 1864. tf GEO. ARNOLD Everhart’s . RANKLIN HOUSE, ‘ can“: 91: 59!“?! {ls:llan STBEI‘I, This House is on I direct line between the Northern Central and Bnltimore and Ohio Rul rond Depotn.‘ It bu been refitted and cant. (Qrmbly mugged for the convenience Ind the entertainment of guests. Oct. 31, )864. 2r -- Notice. ‘“7)‘. GILLiLAh'D’S ESTATE-uhtten‘ of ndminiutntion on the estate of Wm. Gillilnnd, late of SLrnban township, Adsms county, deceased, having been gamed to the undersigned, residing; in Tyrone township, be hereby given BOHCL' to 31} person: indebted to aid estate to make immediste payment, :nd those having claim ngm'nnt the same to present them properly authenticated for settle ment SAMUEL GILLILAXD, N0v.7,1864. c: ‘PRING BALMORALSjnIt meivcd at. {A ’ NESTOCK BRUS’ Competition Defled and Notice. Re venue Stamps Gettysburg Railroad. R. McCCRDY, I‘res't Bank of Gettysburg, Mill and Farm BALTIMORE, MD Adminmmmr. E. H. 'l'. Anthony a; 00.. \ .\XUFAPTFREM 0P PHOTOGRAPH") LI MATEHHLS. wnouuu 4.1 x: mum. (Jul BROADWAY. .\'. Y'A—ln Addition to our main busing“ of Photographic Maw-rials, we nrr Hmdqvmrfers for the fulhminm \iz: .\'I‘I'IIIIIUFCUIW-IS a STEREOSCUPIC NEWS. or mac n have an immenle umrtment, including War-\cencl, American and Foreign Univ. cud L'lfldscflpt‘s. Groups, Shimmy. &c., In. Also, lluolving Stereom open, ivl' public or private ulubuion. Om- Caulugue wxll m: sen! to_nny nddrlzss on receipt of Stamp. I’IIOTOGBVAPIIIJ ALBUMS—We were the first. to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety, rsnglng in mice {from 50 cents to $5O each. Our ALBUMS'bMe tho repuu lion~ofluing superior In beauty and durnbili ly to any other. y will bu sent by mail, (rev, on receipt 0. . fiFiue Alb I made to order.“ CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Our Catalogue now embmcu om FIVE THOUSAND different subjects (to which ad dition: Ire continually being guide) of Pot. trnitg o! Eminent Americnm, ta, viz: about 100 Major-Genenll, 550 State-men, 200 Brim-Gwen“, 330 Diviuex, 275 Culonels, 125 Authors, 100 LicuL-Colonell, 40 Artisu, 250 Other URL-en, 125 Sup, 7!: Nutty Ofllcerl. J5O PromingntWomen, l 5? Promi rent oreign Portrniu. 3.000 copies of Works ofArt, including rc producnons ofthernolt celehrute-l Enzrnvxngn. Paintings. Statues, kc. Catalogues sent on l'v‘gt‘ll'lt a! Slump. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Cntulo’zue Will be filled on the receipt ot sl.Bo, and aunt by null, Free. Pbotograplurs and other: ordering guwlu C 0. D. will plmu rrmit twenty-five per cent. of the amount with 11, order. H. A: H. 'l‘. . morn' & CO., )lauufauurqrs of Photographic Muted-ls, 501 Broadway, New York. EFT!” price; and quallly at our goods cannot rm to satisfy. [.\'ov. H, 181“. Sn L. Lyons’ Pure 01110 ATUHIA BRANDY, nnd SI'AIKLINU CATAWBA WINE‘. Equal in Qualilv and Cneapex in Price than Hu lirnn he: and Wines 0! the Old World. Fur hummer Cumplnin‘, Cholera Inf-mum, Bond Complaint, Cramp, Colic, & Martha... A sum: Cut: is guammiod, or the money “In be relund J. , . , In "11-pm! of mo above slut-menu, are rrr— .n'ntv'u‘ (In: ('~rtifirmn of Dr. Jay. I:.Cuihun. firm-mid, .\‘v-v York; Dr. [ln-..m CHI, (7! mum! .lu-jm‘xm,mnn; ULJ nml-3 R. Sichulntln-misl, {TI-Mun; Dr. .\‘. E. Jones, l‘hemiml hlqm'lur. E (‘xrclu\'|!l--, Ohio; Pruf. U. T. Jackson, Chbm'fl. Boston ; hr. ChmJTplmm bhepnrd. L‘hzlr‘lvrum, ‘S. (2; am; J. V'. Z. Blaney, and G. A. Mariner. ‘ Cunsuhinz f‘hvmisrs, Uhimgo, A" o! “hum Haun- uunlyzcd lhn Culawlu lirhuzly. sud vogu -I".“th in tho highest terms, fur unedxcuml u.»e. lAmLx-sia of [be Smasnchusem Slngie Assay-r, Jan. 25. 16:3. When cvnpornud througu clean linen '.I left an ml or nchu-H'e matter. In awry respevt it is a rl‘ut ~pmzuous quu’m Tin-()1! winch 15-Isz in zhie Brandy its fine: nml .mmm, i. wind.) unhkc luailfnr grulin oil. In udur p.xr~ t.‘.k¢§ of bull: the fruit nud oil of grupcsnm \\‘ixh m'ids, it produces, Hhcrs of :\ high fmgra‘nce. _Thc subslvfiltxon of (hi; Brandy 'fm' (‘nunac Brandy lel do away u ilh {he mun nMcmrv ol' fi-Yiuuns rpirits, sold under [his mum‘ bath .1! hum: nml nhrmd. RI-wccuully. A. A. HAYES, M. D., Assuycr to State Ida‘s" 16 Buylaalun :1. By the same, in 1884. I have Analynul “ L. LYUN’S’ PURE CA TAWBA BR.\\DY,” with rafrrmu.‘ to it: cum pusiriou ‘mJ shaman-r, hung the sum» 1' I": 1 produced 1n past yeus. A mmplcjakc'x ‘r~m ten cn~k~ ufl‘Jdcd the fimm- rmnhsmnn r~ _' ml iarge Sale i F VALCABLE l’i’lllSilx \L Pllfll‘EßTY. 0 ——Un 'i‘lil'li‘cllAY. the lit thy nl‘ W - CE\IBER m-xr. tlw Eviliscrilnr, lmri-ig in' i in! Tum. ‘3 ill cell at Public 9.110, n! his recicl nut" in linimor? I w ship. .\‘..uns (nun-Iy, all 11“ Farm Stork nigf‘ljmplc "an“ \i z: 9 HEAD OF ”HIL‘ZES .\Nl).\ll'lll7s,(tnn of them en‘ellenz young llmuxl \lnrcs wit'h fn li. 3 .\iilch Cam. (two of them mane“ l‘Jill:,j 5. lwn‘l uf 'x'uung Catnip, n Imm 0! Gin-. 1: . 'un rx-g cellpnt Four-bane llroml-lxead “'ng'm, wnh' new lietl nml Food Trough, fine-horn Wagon, . Ruckeyicapcr and Mom r, Grain Drill, \\‘in- ; nowmg l. 4 lwo and lluoo-lmrae l'in :ghs, ‘.' llarrons, Field Dr ugé‘honl l’lo’ufilu nnd l¢orn Forks, Single, [Jouhle nml Tin-ficthurse 'i‘ru‘s. Log Chain, :5 Sets of Bull Traces and n in! of ozlmi- Chain-I, 12 Cow Chains, 3 Snrnmlus, (‘.row Ihr, .\tutmcks, Picks Stone Wedges. :1 la! 0! Old Iron, a first-nm- Hay Can-mgr, p”; 819-3, Plough and "Arm-willed. 2s“! oi lin-wh , Hinds, 4 an: of Front Genra, Bridles, (‘olinra I Halters, Lines, new Whip and Wagon Sail-l‘v, ißevolnng and Drag llny Rakes. Shovels and , Forks, Mowing Scflhes and Suvllhs. flunninv .lpart of Hand Wagon. 2 (Tuning Ana, llmd Saw, Work Bench and Screw, Grinduone; i Hny by the inn, R_H;' Straw and Corn Fodder ' by thtr bundle; Cloveraeed, Timothy-seed nnd . Flax-seed by the huahul, 175 While yak Posh. iIOOO River White Pine Shingles, at of Oak lSliingles, Obesnnt and Oak Rails, 600 River Pme Palingl, Oak Plank, Pine and On}: Board: Wugui Plank, Pale nml Board Gates, Bun-l: lankllooks, Wagon Bows, Ridge Pole, nnd a variety ofotlier articles too numerous to men lidn. Male to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 3L, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JACOB HCECHT. Lewis W. Heikes, Auctioneer. Nov. 7, m 4. u* Public Sale F A VALUABLE MILL PRfiPERTYJ— -0 On the 26th day ofXCH’EMBER. 186%,.1.‘ l o‘clovk, P. M., by virtue of nn order otthe; Orphun'n Court of Adimn county, the under— ‘ signed, Trustee for the apxofthe Real Estate ‘ of Jane Cook, deceased, at of Mennllen town- 1 ehip,Adsms county. PL, will sell at Publicl Sale, the following described property of mid ducensed, to wit: THE MILL PROPERTY, situate in said township, on Opossum creek, and on the Sum: road, about one mile north west of Benders-l ville. The mill in built of e‘ooe. three stories. ilighfllnd having one run of Bum and one pairl of Chopping Stones. The water wheel in over. 1 shot end the water power good. The mill ‘ conuinu the modern improvements, with goooi bolting. elevators, and Waxing apparatus—t The gearing is all good and the will generally? in fine running order. His mill lalocnted in an' excellent groin rowing neighborhood And A 1 command: a lnrg‘e run of country Custom. it i l is euy of access end convenient to margin. , . There is alto n Fern: containing 178 Acres *l {l3nd, on which is erected a good I l Weetherho-rded tStone HOUSE, . , two Itoriee high, with I. good = i Frame Barn. There is lleo nklill House, with n. 561 th Spring-house, and other out-buildings. The farm is in a good stnte of cultivation, with a. large proportion of'meadow ind Timber-land. There are three Orchard: on the premises, two of them in a hearing may dition and the other young and thrlnng._ There it a large amount of excellent Pine nadi Oak timber on the property. This is a denim-I blo property end will be lold on ieuon-hle‘ terms. Wll3i: property will Jeither be sold entire, or divided to uit‘purchnSers. 11mm be leid ed to ndrsnhgc into Fnu‘r Lou—make one troct of good Timber—land, and mo '.rncu of good farming land, with a fair proportion of timber, each well wutered, tnd one having an Orchard on ix. The other use: conmiarthe buildings, with two good Orchards, And a suf ficient quantity or timber. ”Persons wishing to View the prepnrty will Cull on the subscriber raiding thereon.— Attendance will b: "given and terms made known by J. KEESEY COOK, Trustee. Nov. 5, 2864. u ‘ ADIES’ Oh!!! for (flashing. a now mpp'y jnu teeured n FAHXESTUCK 8130:. Public Sale. Y virtue bftbe in“ will And cannon: 01 Pan Difl'endnll. [are of Frederick conn 3. dvcuud. and in puruunee of An order of eOrmen’n Court a! FrPderivk county Ibe "Manner, fll Executor of nid Pctvr [Miran dalL will sell at the hue residvnce of said do reusrd. on St” ['an the 26:!» u!‘ NOVEM BER. [854,31 2 o'clocf‘, P. M., [Le {chewing Urn! E" No, n 2: THE FARM, on which 'h- into dt'Cc‘Ked re lidcd. conlnzumg about I‘3B Arres of Land, mor: or inn. The farm is situate nbnut‘fnur in lo: North-cut of Woodsboro' mil half; mile South of Lndielburg. ..'}‘he ‘5 improvement: éomist of] com modinus Two-story Stan: Dwell lnp HOUSE, with Basement. Lox ’ Barn, Stable and Sheddinq, \l‘lgon Shed, Cornl Crib, Smoke Ilouu, Spring House. and other? n‘ceunryout-buildinzi. There is {fine sprihg‘ at Inter our the dwelling. This Fnrm is di ridod into convenient lized fields, undcr gool fencing, with running wan-r in rvery field but. two. A portion of this tract ism meadow: land, about 55 new thickly sqt withtimber.—i There in a fine Otchlrd at young trees. in bur lng cnndition, on this farm. Ind I Variety of o'thet fruit trees on the premises. A large qunnlity 0! Lime ha been put upon this farm god it in now in a good mite ofcnltivnlion um yields excellent crops. ‘ . This fun. is within five miles of Union Bridge. the terminus nt'the Western Mnrfinnd. Railroul, and within two miles of the con- lemplxtefl Rnilro hi to Hagqrslown. Pr ' "I b« of the AM .'ossession will be given of the show: proper“ my on the In or April. 18'i5, afid person (1.1-; sirnns cf purchuing nreinvued to call on the: Inhsrribor, residing on the premxses, \\ ho Willi Luke plmuure in showing them no property. ) TEIHIS OII' SALE—One-lhirQ-of the pur chase money to be paid on the dhy of lain on the rntific-uiou thereof by the Court: the re-' maining two thirds in one and two‘yenrs with interest (mm the day of sale. the purchaser or pnrchuers guv-nz lnrir notes wuh goud and suffirieu: 11.-unity, {0 be npprond by the uno‘ dungnsj. On the paymfi-n} of the whole of lhe purchase money I gum] and suflil-ieul deedl xii! he execun‘d‘ ' j I .ums DIFFENDALL, Execuior Oct. 31,1861, u Public Sale. \' SATURDAY. the 26211 day of NQVE‘J -1m: next, the Agent fur the links of bunh Feller, dmcmed, ti}! offer at. Pulilic Sale, on Ge pr'emisethc Real I’ropcnyhf sn"! firmlenz. v 37: \ & I.OT U!" GROUND. containing about In” an nrrc. Minute iu Mountplenual UPTthip, .\llnmi Nvunty. a~‘j:ining innds‘of John Inw rcncn. Pill! .\‘. Smith, and Scbnstian Wagner‘s 1:051“,an new Lilly’s mill rond.—— ' The- improvommts an- n one and. n. u" hnl.‘ vary Fmvne \\ culhvrbo-rdvd '”‘: H|Jl'>2l.wslhceliarxnndc-H'ue whole, ‘ :I‘Sm‘Vr and L‘nrriage Hone, \\ith u'her ne on-ur; Ll”. bud-159e, all new ; .1 Wm” orrcler falling nntor nc.lr the door, with new pump: 8190 mm [res-s. Shoull mun.- 1.-ud be again-d by Um pmchaser, il. can be- nouvhl adjoining; on the name dav nit-l samr ('nzx-Jillons. Kr? Sula: xo’commcmc «1 g ) on 10‘ L'. A. )1., on mid ‘my, “hen nltrudJncc m“ be gin-u at” 1.1111: mum: known by I‘H"\ S. SMITH” * Agent fur IL: ’Nhoirs. I my.“ [be same t'mc and place, (he under: sigmui, nu Adnnnup-mzor nflhe egmle ofSurnFr Pulh-r‘ uh-vewml, wull svll I ('"“'. Sheep, Cur--k tinge, Hay, Boa (b, “Munro, 3 [Suds nml Beul sluds. Hureau,’l‘.ubh. Chairs. Tun-pfutr Stove and Pipr, Cnokiug S'm’e and Fulur-‘e, (Jar ynrling, ('hests. [mu Kellie and Pots, Tin-ware, SpinningWhm-l, [hm ls. non-5, Axe. .\lahuck, um) A variety of’othtfuuticlns, too numeruul m monflnn.‘ . ‘V Atlcmlunce will be given nnd tnrms made known hy NUS 8. 13311111, Adm'r. Uu, 31, 1864. u Assessment-Notice. NTUTHIE ii hvn-hv gm‘rn llml -m .\‘SE‘TS- L NEXT 01" THY-u!) "£2l! (,Hfi'f. 11.-I hvcn l'flicd by the “Ad-ms Count) Mun-n 1 Tue In~nrua~e l‘ump.u.y," on the Premium .\‘rws in tow: an {hp 1921» of Sr-ptpmber. 1844, in nccmdnnPe mlh n Regal limp adopted by '1”: 12.-Md of Shun-gm: ‘n:. that due, and lb a tin- :ume is'rcqu'lreJ [0 hr [Hid on or hctnre the fir-l (Ivy 0: DECEMBER next, (0 Dr. Ed ward G. l-‘uhnumuk, Txeusurtr of the Com. puny. , I'X‘UKACI' F 110! THE BYvLAWE Fortmn 19—thncvel an .\ssesmnrnl dull have been made npuu thé pr’hm‘ium nulrs, find the sum deteuuincn] which enchpermn shun [my onfls no”, If such an 'I shall nut he paid wuhin k‘rr .: «ya «‘in. the same Ila." have ‘w n dc-nmnded In hdmlfnf Ibo (‘ompun‘r' the .\l magi-r: may. at tlu-ir updon. annul the poli (‘_T m iwumncc upnn mvh— nnlue, mud retain slid mute and canon ihcrcnn swh‘sums so us:€§:e'l. By order of [he [so‘th of \lunngerg‘ k"JED. SWOPE, Pru’l. I). A. Rrfiurn S«-"y. (M 31. lSn-l. in ”Sentinel and Star copy. v F. B. Pickmg. mm CLOTHING. . 3;.anva s'l, GETTYSRL‘RG rn mx'n's cmmmu smm), BALT. ST I‘H‘KXVG'S cwrmxc 3mm; BAIT. ST mrxn‘u's momma s'mnx. mm. 81‘ i’ll‘KanS cnormxn 51mm, BALT. ST PICKIVC'S' (:mexu swans, mm. sr GREAT I'LM‘E TOfiCY cxlmmm, cur-2n PLACE 1:0 BUY CLOTHING, mmu PLACE TU sm- cx‘uraxm, 4an.“ PLACE TO BUY mommy GREAT rmcsyo BUY momma, AT F. B. muxmn‘s, AT F. B. mcxlxu's, n r. n. PICKING‘S, m F. B. mum's, AT 1". n. PICKLVG‘S, IN HALTNURB STREET. IN HMXHMURE STREET, 1N BALTIMORE STREPT, . ‘IN BALTNORE STREET, 1N BALTIMORE STREET. 1 ‘ GETTYBBURG, PA. mi‘ine stock of FALL AND WINTER ‘ GUUDS just rcceind. Call and unméne. ' ’ our” 31, 1854. ‘ Dividend. Bus: or Grnnzcnc, _ _ Saw. 1, 1854. } r FIE Directors of the Bank of Gettysburg [ have this day declared a semf—lnnunl di‘ vidend of SIX PER CF3I, clear of State And Xxnionnl Tues, and payable on and after Monday next, Lu.- Tth inn. ‘ 0 ‘ T. D. CARSON, Cashier. Nov. 5, IQ“. 3! - Election. BA!!! or ernucna. TOTICE is lurch; given to the Stockhold— b en of the Bank of Gettysburg um In Election for Thirteen Dlrecton to nerve on. year, will be held u the Banting Hone, on MONDAY, NOV. 21. um. ~ ‘- - - A ganenl meeting of (be Stockbtflderl will be held it the “me lime. ' _ T. D. CARSON, ¢|lhier. Nov. 5, 186.4. 3d . l Notice. EPHANIAFI HERBERT'S ESTATE—Le!- ters "summary on the canton! chhl~ nml: Herben, IMO of Faicfield, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, the first. named residing in the name piace and the hm named in Gettynburg. they hereby give notice to I" persona indebted to said estate to main immediate payment, and those having chim: mutiny. the same to pre lwt them properly nuthemicaled for scale ment. MARY KIRBERT Execuuix, J. B. BANNER, Piecutor. Oct. I'l, 1864. 6: \ Notice. ‘ BE third nccoum quncoh Ladv, Commit ; tea of the person and "lan of Henry ndy, (c Lunuic,) hu béen Media the Conn of Common Pleas of Adam: county, 3. will be confirmed by the said Court, out e 21:: day of NOVEMBER harden cu in be . shown to the coutimry. " ~ ) nous BUS‘HEY, Proth‘ : Oct“, 1864‘ w‘ LOTHING I CL'OTHIN'G !-Ple‘nly of MW) 0 goods just opened. Mao Boon, Shoes 1 Hm, &c. n.. 9.11 chap .1 nmxxaanorrs. RAKE’S PLANTATION ENTERS. «mow p Homestead Tonic, at Dr. R.'HOBXEB’II mg Store. I ARR!AGE_WK"’S AND LASERS. 2003- C and chap; {0;- sulo by ROW & WOUDS. " petty Pro fawn 0R SALE—flu übocn‘boro'rn fl Pri vate 8910, Q HOUSE ANQ LOT, in RAM ark ”rent, Getfi‘hnrg, Idjoinmg properties 0! chob Bnnkcrhnfimd H. D. Wattles. , THROUSEinTwo-ator) \Vv-Mherbnard- ii" ed, at large Coach Shop and other im- l provemenu. ”If not sold before WEDN'ESDAY, the 231 day or NUVHMBER nexL the propeny will on I’m! d 1; he offered A: Public Sula. firMso. nt We came time and pluce will besold, 2 Curmgel, l Sleighnmd I‘ltenl Hu- I'orkl. ““5912 to commence at l o'clock, P. 11., on mid day. when nxtendunce will be given and um: made known by ABRAHAM RINSE, of P. Oct. 17, 1.8“ .- laminar Bobk Bindery. (‘1 EOEGE wum. - J \ BOOK Biking-R, AID inn: :oox lnx'ncnmn, ‘ LANCASTER, PA. Plank Ind Onmammd Bimini], of every de lcription, executed in the moat lublunlinl and spproved styles. RSFiIE(CU E. W. Brown. qu., Farmer; Bank of bumm- W. L. Pelper, Ea ~ Lucafler County Bunk Samuel Shock, it," Columbia Bank. Snm’uel Wagner, Erq., York Bunk. wmzm \Vngm‘r, Esq.. Drk Cn-mty Bank. ’l‘. D. Carson, 35+, “who! Gettysburg. Peter Martin. Esq., Prolh‘y ofLancaszer «30., P 1 Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq, Regigter " “ Geo. Whitson, Huh Recorder “ “ April 15, IBM New Warehoine. ( BUSHELS 0F GRAIN ()0 0 )OWANTHD,nlthenewGruin and I*me House, inan-lisle street, ndjoin~ ing Sheath k Duchlen‘ establishment. The highest nulrkol. price will nlwuyn be paid in cash for ‘ - GRAIN, of all kinds. ‘ ' FLOUR, SEEDS. kc.- Alwnyl on bin) and lot sale, at the smallest profits. . , GUANOS, ‘ SALT, FISH. ' ’ " GROCERIEE, ac., ' Wholepnle and retail.» TRY USJfie shnll do cur best to give antilfucliou in H canes. . *4 McCURDY & DIEHL Gettysburg, May 11, 1803. ly Provision Store. m: undersigned has opened . PROVISION HYURE at Georgie Little's old “And, in West lliGdle stre'et, Gdueburg where he will Always kvcp on hand, for sale. ‘ BEEF, .\IL'TTON, "EAL, PORK. POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND HUSH POTATOES. CABBAGJ, BEETS. TURSIPS, mth everything else in the proviszon line. ‘ He will sel} M-amsll profits, and spare no cn‘un to please. ~ Fat Carla. ”01!. Sheep. Galvan, ta, wand, for Whlch the highest price: mu be p\id. JUHN .\'OdSECE. Oct. 17, 1364. tf Hay. 0 FARM-IRS -—-’l‘lm highs“ mnxket price pmd Inr HAY—CASH on‘delivcry-—M Ihr yard of the “ Pennsylvania Beulcr Preu Company, ' near the Foundry, Gettysburg. Purim-rs wouldldo well by caning before engaging eloewlgz-re. fix" to sea the Horse power Hay-packing Press. ' _ J. w. sw‘am, Agem Oct. )0, 1864. If Auctioneering. lCllARl) TRIMMER. ol‘Struban towmhip, R Adams county, Pm, has commenced SALE DRYING, mud will be happy to attend to NH calls that “my be made. He will do In: hc~l m men-lot “light-lion in all cans, nnd will M muderue in his charms. Tlmnklul for [he pdlrmnpe nlrendy bestowed upon him, he nék~ {but the public generally give lum a um. Sépv. 26. em For Sale. ‘ ‘3 VFRY DESIRABLE FARM, conmiéing A 7.’ AK‘H‘S hnd npwnrdn, situate 1} miles can of Oxfor‘ljn Hamilton township, known In the propel-lye! John Bupp, who now rc sides on it, nnJ will show it to any person wishing to lnnk at it. together with B Acrea and 68 Prrches Wood Land. in Jackson town aLip. near by.‘ Terms accommodating. (11-20. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct. 10, 1864. bl Notice. HE account of Cornelius B. Hana-y Com mittee 01th: person and estate of Jacob Dz-ardnrfi', (a tannin) has been filed in the Court. of Common Pim- of Adams countyflnd will be confirmed by Ibe mid Court, on the 2m du’ of NUVEHHBR next, unless cause bu shown to the contrary. JACOB BCSHEY, Prolh’y Oct. 24, 1864. 16* For Rsn HAT desirable HOUSE, ‘m Chnmbtraburg 'ureot, recently occupied by RH. Dr. Scbe.lmr. Possession given immediately.— Apply to W. A. DUNCAN, Agent. , oa.“, 1864. 33 » . ‘ , ' , Notxce. , A.\ll'F.L SADLERS ESTATE -—Letters or ndminiatmfion on the hum of Samuel Sadler, hue of Tyrone tmmship, Adams coun .ty, dawned, hming been gunned 1.0 the un dersigned, residing in the same township, be hereby give: nmire m 1511 persons indebted to shit] came to rim‘ke immediate payment, and those having rhimi again“ me name to pre sent 'bcm properly nuthemicnted for seme ment.‘ 91mm. 5. main, Adm't. 0c«',3x,13m. cu Notice. ARAB FOLLER'S ESTATE—Leno" of ndnfinishntion on the «tale of Sgt-Ah Fal lcr, [Mmgf Mounlplennnt township, Adams (scanty; deceased, baring been granted to‘ the undnrugnenl, residing in 1b: lama township. 1): hereby givps notice to all persons iquebted no and “Lute lo make immedhte payment, Ind those hanng claims against the same to pruent them properly nuth'nticated for set tlement. PICS SUSMITH, Adm'r. ' Oct. 24, 1864. . Notlce. ARA}! A.BATH'S ESTATE—Letters tes tamentary on the chute of Stu-uh A. Both, no of Gettysburg, Adana county, decanted, ’having Been granted to thy undefligntd; n sidipg in tha ume place, be hereby gives no tion to 11l persons indebted to and mm to‘ nuke immedinte payment, 3nd than having chimp ngsinu the tune to present them properly authenticated, I‘or "Men-ant. ‘ ‘ JOEL B.°D.\.\'NER, Exocntor. Oct. 1! 1884. 6!. . Notice ”4—— ADAH‘S C‘3ol2‘lTYb‘S. I: la , b .‘''' a m ' e n An? smut-WW 3 mum—ml New mumery. l n and (2,2.xs"co§u'u.°n“xf‘m 201331;}: ‘ ‘“' 0‘ ndminielrniou ‘“‘ “W “‘“' °9 MISS MARY )l; BEITLER would meet re- '.‘tember, A. D. 1884'. :befure the Hononble H gr] sunning", lnte of Conol'ego township, 1 npon-(fully inform [he Ladies of Benders- “30b5,”. Fisher. and [fluid Ziegler and'luec Adan“ county'hs‘ing been granted to me nn- ‘"“! end vicinity. :hat the has commenced the f E. Wierman Esqg, AmgigficJudgcl duly u. , «reigned. residing in lln'mn towunhlp.. he Nillinery hueineu in thet place, at_ Mr. Jacob lifiu'd tc.’ 0n £lom,” of W. A." Duncan hereby gives notice to all person. indebted to Bear’l. where (having just returned from the the Co'nrt gram I Rule npon the Widow “a uid emu to make immediate mymgnt, end citv.) Ihe will keep on hand, for sale, It the I heirs in xmereet, on the uuleuf John Bucher “1°" having claims “3‘3““ ““’ lune "° pre- ”""‘" pmfita,BUNNE'l"s. FANG} Rm" haze of Franklm tnwnehlp, in mid county dc: lent them properly entheoticeted for settle. :3038, Failure, Bud Boxes. .3:me ‘“””! m mt: Susan Backer Widow Eliza ment. JOSEPH L. bliOllß, Adair. iLrghm-n nml other .\lijl'm‘er) Goods. 9! . bath ,‘i‘hmmcrt and Samuel Mammal, Nancy Sept. 26,1864. 6!. :tbe neweat and bezt nylon. {Kendy- l Bear and Jugeph n 0.4) s.lm}: Kump anth‘id ’”"‘”‘F‘fi ’ '”‘.‘Q—_~# ‘trimmed Silk Ban‘" 3’9 “v “I! tune. to. 3 ‘ -’ Kemp, David Bucket, Lena Mix kley and-Deni“ ~ Nptlce- , . Homemaking and lnmmwz we ‘ln‘ Mickley, Mnrin Grofl' ma Adam Grofl to Be EFT th? mbecnber, on the 2411: met, I with dilpatch nml rheopneu. kite" funk. 'nnd “We“? at an Urphan'e Court to be held - bound boy tram the Aims finale, named 3inne received (‘o‘:- Full and Winter Sonnets. , M Gezryubnrg, 0n the THIRD MbNDAY U? “E" 9- SHIN". '“‘- Pubiic " 5"“)! 'lO- 0u.24,155;. 4t ' ‘ ' , NOVEMBER nm, the 2m. mlO o'clock, A. “5“! '3‘" '0 hlfl’o" or ""9‘ him on my eccount, __‘_ "' '_'"_““"""‘~"-""_~ lE" 1813‘, um} nccepl or refuse to “('cypt me u I will I"! no debts 1“ hit watt-twat. In» Brooms! fic ‘ Banl'Estau- of m. decedent u the valuation, lcu compelled by Ingfims A BUSH" ‘ , g: undefsigned I“an 'or thou mug-e why'the ”in Real Estate, or Oct 3' 1864 3‘, ' HA. 'IT FACTOEY.opposim the in”: em mereuf, uhould not be told _in cm ' ' .'.._ _ .._- ___._ ‘ltnet Getlylburg, and is no‘ “my firm of lhem thould “Elm 0' "W" mm « #1:“: 3“ W 3.“ r" W . - - ei erma'e rnOxsonlel . -‘ . ,‘ ._ Amt”. SHQULDEKS “d SIDBS' of be“ flu-wow le‘elirti A stock ‘ Oct. 17, ISM. td " . . , quelntytan'té “in!" “ . Influx} be found on band. C “" " 'T‘ ‘ ‘ ’ "“‘—'"“ Aug. 24. .L. 0. F.IKALBPLEISGH R. i Oct. 3‘, L 8“. “ New Bakery! E ’ 00D ClDER—duet recelved At Dr. P... '-“ “T“jm "NEWPORT A: ZIEGL'ER, Hethnnlcnl Bd— -6 HORNER'S Drug Store; the pure Sui. 'FXCRL~IOR= ... ‘ - , i e”:soo'h Wulh'fllgml “1‘5"" [’““'Qm” 9no “Lime for preserving Cider. _; J _EX “ELSXOR - Y..- fr‘om the Eagle Hotel, GET l‘l *BDRG. Pa.— ,—— 7- ”..., - I . . hfosm'onnl‘conemml‘y on hand, tfiq beat d 3333". RY Dr. R. HOBW'R Tonto. and Altm-' The Excelsior Wuhmz Mach no in the’hut‘ CBACKERS, c 5533; PRETZL‘LS. a; y". the Powders, for [161131-18 ”d flAITLE. 'in the World. Call and enable it It onoup‘ .0". wishing may; Bye“; will be netted «or; Preperad nnd sold out, at hil Drag~3tore. Amine et the Escelelor Skylight Gallery. . ’_‘flniug. by My”! thcir 95w nndres’ideedee in", 25 18134. . .. t V T'YSUN BRUTHERS. u n.. “gm.“ 3",, we". made to‘ptun ‘““—W—‘— , ———'—_._._——__'___— MW”. ‘_‘-__4__——_——_ . ' ‘ WALLIPM’EKI WALL PAPBBL—AI. AGO, snow'hmc. 00m Starch. Rico-flour AG!" ‘3? 393;-gpféfifliéoiuéit... new "flE’v. just make-l at Dr. 11l nml Betti», for note nt Dc. 50135333 ‘ ADM-28' DRESS WISLYGSJt tn- BUKNER‘S Drug snd Variety Store. Drug Store. ; . ‘fioty, It = l “3“; , WEB. Public Sale P VALUABEE REAL ESTATR.—I'hI un deraignel, Au'zfico of Sllanickn and ll arr, WI“ nll n‘Public Snlo. on "no promileu, on Tlllinin \Y, Ill» 24th d’ay of .\'OVEIIBEII next. M lolclock, P. )I..th following nluublo Real Eucle‘. viz: . 2 A TRACT“ OF CLEARED LAND, litnlte in Strob m lownnhip, Adsms cnnnlj’, I'm. Rd" joining land! of line Monfort. Clirialiau ‘ Thomas, Henry Thomasmnd olhers, containing 50 Acres, more or less. ”The im- 1 grow-menu Are A large STONE ‘ OUSE, Ilih Back-building Ind Smoke House, Dbuble Log Bun Wllh Sheds “inched, Corn Crib and Hog Pen. 1 Tln-ro' in I well of neverfuilinz water near the door, a [mad spring at Ihe burn yard. and a‘ stream passing through the farm, alaidiuz an ', abundnn! uupply o! wuler for stock. The ‘ greater portion of the land 'hns been recently} lined, and is in a high state of cnllivnllone—v Thur: is A Young Apple Orchard, and n varie~' ly of other frnlt trees on the premisel. I , Am, A TRACT or nuuxu LA .\'D, com! uinlng :2 Acru, mar: orvless, nrnr the above drscrihci . land, mljofning- lands of Henry' ,Thoinns. Jacob Shull, and gthera. 4 The above Inc! of land will be told entire, or the timber land will be divided lulu lot: In lull purchunrs. U ! fi-l’craons dexirin’a larger mot halyar iclmse any desired quantity. not exceedln I? zacrcs. nl'tllé undersigned, ndjnifln; the Above. i‘ W‘htemlance will be given ud term‘l .mnde knowu by I ABIIAHAH INCHES, Auriga". . Oct. 51, 1864. :‘3 - % ”Al-o, Ihe undersigned 08ers M Private :Sxdo. HIS FARM, adjoining the above tracu, Econtniuing 5'7 Acru. The improvement: are a‘ new COTTAGE HOUSE, a large double Suhle, and other out-buildings, In“. um! I well of neverfniling water at the _ door. There are lerernl good Springs mud n ‘.. \ l ueverfmhng urenn {was .215: through the firm, {a thrivivz ynvm : Orrlmrd of .\ppl: and l'muh ’trees, \nlh :\ vnriuy of olher fruit. , Thcro H 1 luge proportion OI Timber and Meadow. Thv- iand inu been heuvil; iimad rc~' um], ml is in a high state at cuhkuioun—g The above describad Fun“ (being originally one (1 mt.) would unim- unu of (he has! stuck, f.)'uui.l thr- counly; an] heingcanwnififil 10‘ ChurchM, SrLouii, Mills. and Markus, they piescnhn rare ch mcn for \‘tipimlius. 73 @Persous wishing l 0 viefv‘ either of the above properties will mil on the undcrwignud. or on Silas Fickei reiiJing ml the first 46M arribud inc). ABRAHAM HDKES. 2 Oct. 31, um. u ; Desirable Farm i, T FRWATE SALE—Th:- undersigned . A 'o‘lfqr: for 5116 his FAR“, sihiare iu Iliountplensant township. Adams cou‘rly. Pm, ion the Donmughtown rand, three miles nut-(h ol fLillleHmn, adjoining land: of Joseph Shcely, Levi Schwartz, Jacob Put, and others, cun— ‘tnining 75 Acres, more or less. The L; 1 improvements are all ntw, con-fining of BBL” In Two-nu ry BRICK HUUSE, with two 4nor§llrick Back-building, both well finished, 1 ”Barn, Wagon Shad, Corn Crib, Carrl~ [two ”can, Wuh House, nnd other out-bull]- ,ings ; lwo clean-en wells of water—one at the lhnnee Ina the other A: the burn; two young 'Urrlmrds pf choice fruit, in. Alto n Tenant House and Stable, with an Orchard, Wall, in, ‘ The land has been limlml,‘thn greater puts Jsewnd tinny; n. is under good lenciug and the very Lest cultiva'ion. . ‘ WPeraons wishing to View the property are requested to cull ou the suhlcriber, resid ing lhrreon. . ELIAS MAYER. Sept. 26, 1864. if , A Desirable Farm | T PRIVATE SALE OR FOR TRADE.— !A The undersigned oil'cn his FARILMI Pri nz; Sula. or in trade lnr Town Prnpvm in (Mu-.\lfiig, ll .nnver, York or Baltimore. The .Fnrm is lountcd in Mnunlplemml lownship, -.\vlnms county, l’u.,‘ndjniniug lands of John Sucks, Wm. H. Lott, Esq., .nud other), and 'conlninihg 10~l ACRES, more or less, improv ied wilh s new Two-story STONE '._.. _ i HORSE. Log Barn, Corn Crib and , 9‘l- ‘ . ’“':lgon She-l, also A one und it half 15?; in:- story Stone Tehnnl. Hausa. with u 3’—.’~.‘.1 .Sisble, and other ouhbuildinzs. There 1: u gwell of good Inner hour the door, and several ‘xpriugs 09 the premises, with a fine young ‘Apple Orchard. The land has been limed him", and is in excellent cultivation. There fore due proportions 0! Woodland and Meadow Mills, churchgs and school houses convenient. ‘ Persons wishing to View the proprny are re- Iqua-11ml to call on the owner, in Gellynborg. _ GEO. F. KALBFLEISCH. l Sept. 12, “364. u , . , Jury List—Nov. Term. Gnun Jun. Oxford—Henrfl Kuhn, Foreman. Bn'hr—Frnnklin Slaybaugh. - an'din—Andrew \\‘ialel'. _ Humingtnn—Jncob Meals. Humihouban—Dr. 1. Nathan. Latimorc—Dnvid Lenhurt. . ' Concwugo—Benjgm‘n Longeu‘ck'er. ( « , Mountplelsnnt—Jrrume J. Hamlet. ' l- . S‘rnbnn-—-D.miel'ThomM,Jul-emit!) Schrivgr Gettysburg—Philip Dmrscm. MennHen—Cbrg‘sodum Eppclmtn. Bnrwick tp.—George Strubingcr. . Cnmbeflmnd—chry Butt. Cmon-g—Oonrsd “yen, Henry 1. Felt}. .~ _ [leading—molly] .\lwino. IGenmmy—Peur Biker. ‘ - ~ Hamilton—Samuel Hillcr. ' ’ , Manntjoy—Samuel Beck. ' . Tyrone—4’9!" Fidler. o”. , .Bcrwickbor.—Dr. D. S. Pefler. ' 'Liberty-—\\‘m. Senbrooks. [Freedom—lllob Plank. " ‘ Guam. Jun. ‘ ‘ ’ Rerwick tp.—Gcorg¢ Outer, Samuel Dialer. '; Conway—John Krng. Ambrole Eling. . ‘ Germany—Jonnthnn C. Fox-rut, John 8. MIL . 121‘, Joseph Crumrine. ‘ .Hamilwnbnn --Ilosu Selbroph,Wm. )lcCleaf. ‘anklin—John Cole, ”use: Kuhn-pager, J. g .1. Biesecker. ' . ‘ Gettynburg—DMM Bluebn'ugh, Chas. Ziegler. Luimore—Conrnd Fl. “you, Pllll Troup. ‘ f Reading-Stephen lleinnrd, Jacob Hun". .Ilunlinglon—Ephnim fliteshne, ”avid I'.Howe. : Bcrwick hon—Hem, Mayer, Jenn Buc’hu. ‘ Houn’joy—Moucs Human“, Wimnm Young. ’Buller—David Brick", Churlel A. Hansel. Union-Snmue] P. Young, John Crnmine. )lonntplensAanicllolu Helucl, Wm. Snuf fer, David )1; llvlhurn. ' ~ .HnmilMn—Levi Welder, Bi}:- Mimt. , Stratum—Wm. L. Thoma, Henry Winner, 2 Theodore Taughinblugh. " " , Uncut—Anthony Ginter,‘ Jaw}: Smash. Henna—[use Hitter. Solomon Penn. Freedom—Wm. H. White, Jeplhn Dnbn. Cumberland—John Black, Nicholas Sam". Tyrone—Solomon Burner, Jacob Funk. Liburly—Fndrrifli “chitin, Geo. A. Krin. Oct. H, mu. 1: Denmark-Notice. .- OTICR I: hereby given Mull between “I N other person concerned. that the Ad minmrwon Account: herelmfm’ mention“ will be presented it the Orphm’l Court of Avhms ('O‘IMV, for confirmation Md s’lnwuea, on MONDAY, the 21“ day of NOVEMBER, 18'”. RllO u‘dock, A. H . Val: 81. The firu Ind final nm-nnn! of OH"! Stuly. one of the Executor: of Pbmp Wolf, (ler-nalwl. 8:. Tun fir’nt nml and arc-11m: oth'nf Smley. me of the Avlminfih-ton of any W0"I tlncmwd. ' ‘ 83. Th first and flmfl accoum of ill!- J. Staly. ono of the Executor: of hllip Wu)f..decw.n~ed. V S 4. The first and final amount of Jan“ J. Slaloy. one of the Avkgininruon o! Mrv Wolf, deceased. 85. Fm: and final account of Joseph I, \Vnrner.,Adminislrlter with thin win .9. Boxed. of George Slrnihnuph, deceased. ' ' 86. Tgfl first and final account of'JMtph Smloy. dminislmlor of the ensue of Bond Slnluy, late of Mouuljny townqlfip. cleo'd. 87. Tm ammunt of tunnel "print. one ‘ of the Execmora‘of the auto of Pr“: Trude. deco-sad.- 83. The‘flrst and final nocnun! of Wm. B. finrdner; an.. Adminiemlmj of tho eslnh: of Andrew B‘ Myers. «inbound. . 89. The nconunt of S. A. Galwickl. Ad minivmmrnf G F. Galwioks. dawned. 90. Whamwmml’nf Daniel Sulllmith, Ikeculm‘ of due mu 0! l’vflr 'l‘raslle. deo‘d. 91. Tlu- firit acmun! 01 Geo. W. Want: and B.lmm! Swo‘pe. Execulou of Henry Wamz. vlecenav‘i. 92. Pnrao nml final iccountofJ. C. Neely, Executor 0! Mary Cunt. late of Scrub“: township, Adnmmcohmy, deoeuod. -~ 93. First nml inn} account of When MtOuughey. Adaninistrmor of Thom-c ‘Orr. (human-(l. ‘ 94. The first nnd final nm‘mmt of Hem-y. Kn'nhP. Admin-Inbralor of John Lefiiemm, ducnnsall. . 95. Th» second nn'Tflnal ‘ccnunt ofJncnb B‘ Spanglor nml Dania! Bre’um, Atlmmiy Triton of (In; estate of ”only Spangler, de cczuod. . ’ ‘ ‘ 96. Thr- first and sm] nccpunt nf ”unto ,Putnn. En-(‘ulnr of the ml! of Jan‘e D‘: i l‘nxtnn. (lea-mall. \ . (In-Wt and final notnuni of" James Wmnn \rr. Admmistmmr with the will §nnneonL of Nancy Burr. Ilocvnwd.- s 93 Summl unrl fizml account of Jim" I Wulmn Barr. Admiuiurnmr “uh the mll Annexrdmf Sally Barr. down-Wl. ’ 99. First, accnunkof John Wolf‘orgi, Ex ecutor of Hannah Penrnse, dmn'mwd. ; 100. The fir-It n’ndflnaLnrmum of John .‘George Wolf. EXI'CUIOI" 0‘!“ the hm will and HcAlument oi Susannah Mealuofl‘bluo of ;Gormnwy (nwmhip, deceased. ‘ f 101. The account of Rob-n 1 G. Mcf‘cmry, ‘Execulor of _t'ne will of David Mdmkn, , di‘t‘PaflQd.’ - . . 102. The account of Robert Ti. MoCrmry. Executor of the mil of Wm. B. McCiollzun, dew-used . a 103,- Fm! and final acronnl uf Duh! J. \ Elina, Admiu‘is'trnwr of John Murabull, de ceawd. : , 101. The first among! of G. Co'mliul HurtzVH. Administrator of the cling of Augusta: Hutu”, deceased. ‘ 105. Tho account. of Pplar noofn‘agle, Administrator d: bonii non with the will annpxefl; o!“.anan Ohler. d‘gcoaued. 106. First and flux! “on“ of George Spanglvr, Executar 100 In: '3l and m tamo-nt of Eve Cash nine Spunglnr, dux‘d. 107. The first and final account of Sn nmnnh Wolf, Execu'trix of John A. Wolf, later)! .prnmny township, docouayd. 108. Second (and finul account 61' Daniel K. Snyder. Adminiutmtor with the will In nexml. nf Col. Bultznr‘gnvder. deceased. 109. First account of hmac Deardogtf. Au ministmlm; oi Conrad Slnybaugh. deceased. 110. Fun accmgm of Homvßonner; Ad ministrator de' bouia non of Edwin Sundae, dect’nsed. _‘ ' 111. The fint‘nnd final abacunt pf Jacob Wnlev. Administrator of the‘esulé ofnlfi dulena Wxslnx, demand. ,- . SA MUEL LyLLY, Rama. Regina’s Ofllcn, Geuyflmrm} , ‘ Oct. 2‘, 1864. Id“ ‘ ' ~ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ . 'Proclamation ‘ " ‘ HERE/AS the Hon. noun J.—Flun- Prefident of the neural Conm ofCom man Plus in the Commie: composing the’lDrb District, and Janice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Genet-31 Jail Dflivery, for tho. trial ot‘all capital and 'other offender. in tho llidfiis‘l‘i d DAVID Zuonn and In“ E. WIIIfiAIm Judge: at the Court; of Com- - mon Pleas, d Justices of the Cow" of Oyer Ind Tem'iner In?! General Jail ISL-fiver}, for tho triol‘of all capital Ind othir offender: in the County of Ad_mn_s——ha.ve issue! they pu; cept, honing date the ”th daym' August. in the yennofour Loxopne thouum'd eight bun. _ Bred-find sixty-four, and to me directed, for holding} Court of,Common Firm, and Ge I Quartgr‘ Sessions of the Race, Ind Ge an! Jail D‘ellvery and Court orUyer and Tormi er, at Getty-burg, on Monday. thg‘ 211‘ dcy of November next—J ‘ ' - mmcn [8 Hanan? (mm to .1! r 3. \ Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Gout» ‘ niu ~wilhin um said County 'of Adam, that they!” thcn‘nnd thcrqjo'thefr proper yer-om, ’ .lith their Roth, Records, Inquisition. Exam inatiomisnd other Remembrances, to.“ thou thingu’which 'to their oflic‘eqnnd in that behtlt np‘pertaiu to he done, n'nd also, the! yho um proucnte..gninst tho primugrn' that Ira or , then shllLbe in we MI 0! the said County 0.3 Adam, are to be then sud there to prolccdto tgalpsnh‘em u lholl be jupz. ’ l » ~ (ADAM REBERTJMIW. ‘ ' Shenfl": office. Gettysburg, Oct._24, 'B6. HE undersigned vi‘oula hfarm the public T tins: he is still running'nlmeof FREIGHT (‘ARS from Geltysburg to Baltimore every week. He is prepared to convey Freighuither way,innn_rqu.mlity. Hewillnmndufduired, to the making of purchases-in the cunlnd do linriKng the good: promptly at Gcnylbug.- Hi; can run to the Warehouse of J.‘fl. Balls], 203 Nflrlh street; Baltlmore. lin invites tha uteuflon q! the public‘ to hi: line, suturing them that he «an o‘p-ruao eflbrt to Mac. duu nu who mly patrmme him. , T KAAIUEL 33388;“ HAY WANTED. ho’ bi but. price for good Timmhy. ' 8 . 09$. 24, 18“. 55* Herbstfé Line. NotieB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers