wigs; -'f 93433-43237. ‘”""AZ;:L.W:€L’£¢ ‘ 13.9. a; M= ‘f’iiéi‘i‘imws-a : '1 , .‘ (.LC‘--L.;.;:5 w'z-iugcr. Lff-Aén'fl'm": ‘. Ayn “16¢? :31}; 2:431 emu-“maul u::Gx.';..vruß .P n SAL-'7 :7 sum-xvi; 1H: HHLER, Carnivm. m. Fro-n (inn'mmrnnie recqmmundaliuns, we “Haw: :1..-f-.yilo'.\’:_\z: - Lifltfir tram 51H. 112 w- Wnrl "sector. in 1851. va m .-; in’:;-p_~:'m 5].)? N 2 in (:71: ":7 hith ?‘l;' '"'-n- c-U‘JP ‘- End-'33:! (Autism w‘rirgir," TM. Ixflf'h‘a' purl of "wad.” g-uuy" Hulk 3!. in my "prawn, (Lm wringirzz 1.11 lin immun cf {Lisp—2.s3m: Img: but [he thulwxinn o! fut-fin; '13.", !zr- Jun-.J.}ngcd one u!‘ the mac! loilsome Imm of woman's ow}; into a. wry mm ”.121: smum-mnnL, The l-zxindxeh lard-:5 uyrn if us great Lie-sing. 1 look npnn in is Imm; the mcsi urefui ankle: in the bone ' m. nitl_.~n. Int-wet, 1851 Price—s 7 00‘ 3}} Spring Goods. “ALL PROI ITS k QUICK SALES. ‘ S J. L. SCHICK. would rewocifuny any to the citizens pt _Guw tysburz and viuiujly, that-he :- now receifing: at hi: smre Mpldfidld . i STJCI'L UF SI’RXNG GOODS. ‘ i The Monk comm: in «m. u! ‘l‘unc'y and ‘ .Stmpk; DRY GOUDd, of heff ducnpuou. : EXLKS. 1 33.!ZAMBIQUFI. I cuumns, ' > DELA‘IVER. /I f“ ’ .BonpAztrzss, > - mucus, f.' . _ LAWNS, _ . ' _ CALIFOES, o. ‘1 qunfii'ies and chnicost stylr-s. which mu he sold at PLUCES T 0 DEFY COMPLTUIUL. FL‘ ‘~ 1:21:12“) GOODS -o{ q!lkin~k=,iu%‘iing .\m‘, Lian and Cotton Humvikercmrfs. xJ urPS. FUu-kiuga. kc. ,A‘l-m, a fifitndzd :|::,-’.'r|_nmut 0f RIP-BOYS, Laces :m-l Edzrin'ga. Kuhn-Img nnd Parasolan - My S‘IOPK m'WUH‘li GUUDS will be found t‘ui! and cnmpleic, nn'l cpu‘amc'r‘s may rely upnxi nlwnys gening gnm‘. goods at the kn“!!! pussi ‘Me, prices. - - = ,Gcnflemeu will find it-to then advantage to cull nml examine my stock of ‘ - ULU'HH. , CASSIJ-zfimas m-l ~ vxzsnxns, of all qwn‘ufica 'v‘n-l u'hoicut 51)}:3. .\m 24._12z-;4. .1. L. :‘TTHXIJK Hardware and Grpcemes. HE—Bubmrlbers have just. ru'urned frnru _ lhc chit-5 wth an i‘IIHXVHP“ luprly ‘2' ARDWAW: .1; GHUCERH-ZS, whlrh [My are «fin-mug: all (Lt-Er 01d stand in Bnlmnnre .slrv-ct. ll prh‘us m All.” Hm umes. Our stock cousins in pull u! BUILDING MATERIALS. CARPENTERS THRILS, Blu‘A'Ks‘M'l‘h‘S‘ TOO! 9. COACH l’lf-L‘DUQ} SHOE HNPLVGS . U'ABISE'I‘ MAKER'S TOOLS, ’ HOUSEKEFPE'}L‘S HXE'CT’FF ALL KINDS OF IKUN, au- GROCERIES OF. A LL KINDS OILS; PAXKTS. km, kc. THU: is x n =uLi~E~ lnci'udexl in fig «um .i -1- pa: .mcnf: m'fiwiun u“ above but what m; he 1. 1d .2: 1“]; :‘t-nm— Every clms of .\h-chmiu cu'u be m-c-mmmduled here wifh tvols my} finr‘xings,nnd Hon—*elzvcper! can find nor} 3.11%. la in their’line. Gin us I call, a.- we are prapwrod to sit! as law for cash :3 my house out of Hm thy. ‘ . ' Jon. B. DAVNFR, DAVID 215 ;L3ll. Gattrburg, 31,1; 16. 1864. yew Gocds l-uLarga Stock! W 'ERCHANP Tummyn. ' I JA-(‘ORS A- 31:0,, filu'l'jnstxcrv‘vrd from the citirs :\ lute stock ongoods ,fur Gentleman's Wcuj, embracing a vnrlezy --‘ , " CAssumes,;__-_ moms, \‘ESTTNGS, Cassinels. Jeans. km. with many omer goods for spring and summer Wear. iThey are prepared to make up garments in the shortest. nogice. and in the yer: best mam net. I The Fashions are regularly ro‘ceived, and ('lr‘lhinz male in any de~‘%rr-d ~tyl9. The} a). ways mnka- neat fits, :leiisl their sewing iseurv to be sn?».~'..u-.:L.xl. They ask u continuance of (‘be pnhlir‘s pa tro'nagc. revived by good work and moderate, charges to earn it. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 Come to York Street ! _Hlinadersigned bu boughtont the Grncery and Provision Store of W. E; Bittle, ix. ork street, a law doors ens! of St. James Lmluran Church, and will continue Hie busi noss u the smne phce. He h-s incressed the flock, and is now prepare-4 to ofl‘rr a must. #l - assortment of good.- in his line, such as COFFEES, SUGARS. SYRUPS, TEAS, Salt}Fiah, Broms‘ Buckets. Brushes, Wash ing Michinn, Bucking, Candles, Ntedles, Pins, Combs‘ n.. with a. large lot of . . SEGARS AND TUBACCUS. ' Also, 0031 Oil And Coal Oil Lamps. . ' ' Call and use for yourselves. His Issortm’ont is. not only (all, but he lelh as cheap no the cheapest. , ' The bighcst price pic] for eld'Lud. > ‘ ¥ DAVID TBOXEL, JR. Gouylburg. Mun-h 7, 1864. 1 Noah Walker 8: 00.. CLOTHIBRS, WASHINGTON BUILDING, 6551333.? Emacsfmsu, .. l hep cannula: on hand a Inge madman n~ finned stock of all kinds of good- u model-1.1.9 m Tick-”l: arrden for m half. to tbs 1m: prlcod welt; either 'rud; nude ox . 3: ' , dfiq‘gigun, 96’ uypuft of tha country. Ind keep the u: ate-tinned; o!FURN-' 1831110 GOODS, mm 0'2?) mido\o! fighIEHGN/Endwnnr. Mu, alumni , _ \1 . «Somm‘um uriety of mm», Tfipz. than M a In mama max of READY ml AKIUTABY‘ Goons. whim tab. :2, 1m J Plano CHARLES H. STIEFP, ' ' ‘ human“: ‘9: - ~GIAKD AFD SQUARE PIANO FORTES. “Ingmar: 103. )05 5 X 427 Frankun strut. . .eroom, No. 'I North Liberty great. 4‘"; ‘ Calmnfly I large number cf PM”. It; or; Idnnfmture on hand with flu“ = In. hm. and Overatmng. ‘3'“; 33);"- ‘mn unnamed for five years, with the’ M ‘ of «chums within zwoln numb: ifvot ‘‘ ~ ”Mari? q 'h' a ""-P‘ ' nd- innoz my: on an at ”131'me ”$2OO. \. - "Waseps. 5, 1354. ”.32.! ' I , ”Y GOODS, Bonncu"mbhou V Silo" “at: Ind 'Bonnot Prunes W»:- New York, cheap at m 3. “(my , fit: 0! RED F 8031; In. A comm: pall‘fir “minus “ the pit . or Ibo «munch. ' 2L Flumlcncenn-l Aridity.~ * ‘ 3 L CNSchae-s "ml I‘m-s of Anpefite. { 4'll, Chow: and Depreuiuu ol mama. . 1 51h. Drum-ca will: gl'izfug. $ .. 2 ”.1735: ANTS. 13130.: cm. Pain I‘l 3': part: of [he Syn-m. ' ' . .yf. “.i‘ i 5 I\‘ H 35. \\‘(H LECTJS. 1 7m. (jazaznmgzllrn fiymylmnl and Pnlyim-‘ ‘ ;x.-_'»YZ 1‘ UN l’Ls‘fiV'fi'. {'”‘VLF, ANI- lion (2(th [pang ‘ . 1 US. -':.:-.- ui’ ‘= up h 2:». Wm and 5-1 ”"' Bgb. Cuuzh, with PLlegm in the Thrns‘r. 1 HA a, WW"! n‘i'? 9‘1"“. 33 “1335 aifl‘l' 9th. Nervou Afleclion, and wmawaXecp for Haas; P n:ll~&%7:7l'7xnsn.ur. g“ “1,11". . «V ~ 0.3;: in‘Lllm-Io gm: was kwwu.” ‘ i 1" b. 1.0-: or Appr-mc and Vomiting. ‘; H 1 we .mm Puisans "' 1 11m. Dizziness, [limncas ox Viniun’, and i -- .\'.2: d Again) I: wUm H-xrnnu Family." 'Lon «Sight. > . , ‘ “112:: Fume out of Vneir 1241"! 10 die." ‘ 12m. Hesdnrhn and Sluggefing in walking. - pay-mm \‘Tno’emh in a.” huge cities. I with gnu! “'e'tknfli. » 59’3”” .55 “1 “WWW! “d 3'15“”! I“??? of the tho-131m]: or can of Dyapeymh g «11/(lrd. ‘ ml have med Dr. WisE-rl’s Grew. Arum-i ,nn 1 5525””: }~‘,;.nA!:E I I! oHl!wortYJessimelinns. i Dywnpsia Pilu, not Ema-,0" them has failed 02; “3‘35 Ikm. A-Cuuupfis” name is on each Box, a prrl‘ect cur". Wr- w-‘rr-ml A cure ic,’ every: fin?!) and Flaakmr'ure you huy. > lea-v 3, no nmnsr if uf lwenlj' yrmrs’ Hauling“; M‘,\-M:.z-= 11!;ng B. COSTAg. 5:14 by A}: J= ..{gis's en-rwaerc, - n ifs: [Mn] {.2}: manna Dun-fir, humluv‘. .\'. Y. {\s‘iahnrz'l «1m». .\'o. it) .‘-'. SH.- 11‘ “Imam! utSFSuI-l ‘u; vdLWhnicaale and Hum 11mg» PifilarL-Iphin. Pu. All emmiunim Ind con-' aim in uenysburg, I’ll. Huhnlions tree of char“. Sum {or u sin-ulna: ‘ Frb. 29, £864. 0 Film 51 per box. 55;". by null, [tee ofX L - _ ~ ‘ > _ ——— échnrge, on rezcipt ‘ol‘ money“ - _ i ,1 m ”H. .1 L “H!“ g g 7NQW' IT— ' e \ cnxnzmnsarnc STREET AHEAD hr 3 jlni r-lhrnrv; from the city with a :plglisi “gunmen! of HATS, I".\P;i, P-OOTS & SHOES, with-.r.: r..") d1;;:m-.:px=zenmo my neighbors 0r my other p‘vrion uf me town of Gettysburg, ) bu :- Lbe pleasure o 1 unnuuncinx that Cham bershurg :Lruet [a ahead and '.an the place to buy Hats. 0.99, Boots and Shuo's, clamp). is It my new sum], null) opposite the Luflurnn Church. , [May '2, 1864 Tm- uztemicn of the Lndiea is particularly invlze ‘. to the splead'd assnrzmem of liaitcn, ,Sixppms, Worry"? Lac»: Boots, kc, intended 'éor Ladifl’ mar. «3130. Trucks, Carpet Sucks. thrcllns, To bmw. Cisznr’a dud .\'uzions, 3n endless vuriery. time is the place to buy goods CheJl', us I nu: dvlt twine»; m?! n; be nlzdnrsuld by an_ other eszx.blisl:m2x.tinjuwn. {thankful for past fu wxsql am your; emireiy. mm L. nonzwonm. March ‘2B, 13”.. Tm: :‘ccrchzry m’ the Transnry gir-s noer (.1133. Mlbécllyfiiflhs will he received fa! Caupufi'Tchmxry .‘lnun, psi/Ame three yer-rs from Anz. 151.11, twp-with sczn‘vmnu'l‘. inter -23121 17:19 race v‘.f smm and fizrec-Vepfhi yer cent; per annnm,——p:iuyipal an} intercSL bnth m be pzxi-i In lna‘fn‘. money. ' Their mm»: will he cox::ez-tib!e a! we oytion of the habit-r at maturity, 'mo Mix per cent. go) I ham-in; Loads. pay.“ I: no: ins than five nor mnéc than I'KL-ilt} year: :‘run- thcir d:v.te,a.= {he Governny-m. may Elect. TM! «H. (e i:- aned in denomination: of $3O. 3100, 53(1),, $l4lOO and SRJJUO, and'nl‘: subsurfgvxion: mcst in:.tl)r £11};- 4.31;“; or some multlph of fifty dollars. .‘ . l ’l'ue news will he tramm' 1M to the owmrs {we rn‘ Hum-wr:.~l2i-)n'uh.xr~~s as soon after tho 1 A rgcdyz of L ‘0 mam C us the) am In: prcpmed A: Lin: n..-:03 d:-.-.w"in'crbst from August 15 person's m-:.:irg dcpmiu :u‘ueq'mn: to flu Jute mun 2,33: 11w amen-s|. acux‘c.‘ flan: dale ..l'fi ‘ iare nml uwax-‘s for mus-3 n- ’O5 11!. my one Lime MI) in:- “Hm-d a cum-“. 11.: quest-r L-f 113' 19' we”! . which will lu- poi-1| : --,. ~ " ' ,: rt ‘ !' '--'- “Eint' - - :fnthl'zlvi’i‘. r i": ‘?'e"‘iA\u'ilte Zeifxxifiz‘llt': :3: 'inci Dr. “Huh”! z-J SMI been “ constant suf . " ' ' ' ' _ ‘ ' _ July with Dyqu-sm for Me 1.13! .elghkvxn omm with whom the riL-pasn was made. Em syn", during which time I cmuog say um; I deduction: Ihr commissions mnst‘bo made from ‘ even-nj-ygd n perfecily well day. There were 'be rlep' Wits. . "11:51:: when ‘.l‘xle ngpliol‘ns WY? morain‘gigrmnlt: ‘ ~ _ ~ H 3 ; ta. hm at m. ermnw 36:11 seelnr. 1 Ivou ; SPH‘HL AB‘AST3"ES 0E THIS ’“”-\- be a great rc-fef m'vhe. l Ind at all '.imm nn [l‘ IS A Nnnomn 517 nm: But, ofl'criug a l unpleasant helm-r in my lat-:4), but erlynry hig‘ln‘m'e of iuberest [luau any other, had Mhfiufi'nntp 5“ "‘“‘-h. “‘”"‘?” mi." l‘-ecqlne.al . , . , .mosl unfit for husvness or an}: kind ; my nun-l Luz scam-”y. An; SJVH‘gS Immu- which pay: l was continually filled wilh gloomy (“mums i“ ‘lfPMltors in HTS. Nomi, COD‘HCFS ““1?- II and lorebndings, and il I attempted to ch‘nuge in paying in clu- ban circulating mrdium ofthe ' their current by (ending, at _nncc’rg. sens-«H 2:: cnunt‘w, and i: canny! p.\y in Anything better, ior .my ‘““.‘9553 m connrc'mu Fm?“ dig“: _ - _ . weigh, as n wen, re—ted upon my hrs. 1:; m-o. {or us own 31113 are “that m gnvornmeat 1.“ feeling of ‘““,“ would owur n ”I: stom securizies or in notes or'bondl payable ’in gnv- i sch, and gréht pain Lo my «~y«:,.uccuunp:mied ' 'wifh which was the continual fair a." losing my ransom. I also experienced gnu: Ingsi. m-lr, debimy anvl nervousness, which made it difficult. to milk by day or s‘erp nu night. 1 became avers" h society, and diepnsed ‘only tc lcclution. "1d .‘nvine tried the «kill ufu num: ber cf eminent physiciuns n 1 \urinns’ school: finally came to the cone union that. thrflhis discuss at my present age (45 yew) more w.” no cure in exisu-uce. unit, through the inmr felenco of Dame Providence, to whom I d». vomly offer my thanks, I M Inst found :1 s-y-ro 'rv‘ign remedy in your Dyspbpsin l’ills and TM Cordml, which Eve!!! to ha \‘n eflwhudiy remuv ed almost the lruzl trace of my I: n:.ii.=t of nil rnents' nnd b'ad feialings, andv in their plum health, pleasure Land conten'ma n are my every day compsninns. Janus 11. SAcsnsna, 4 N 9. 453 North Second 31., Philadl‘lphia, Formerly of Woodbury, X. J CHINE-1t paper h is equa!!_v convnnient as a. temporary or permanent investment. The no’es can alwnyi be sold for within it fructian of their five and accumulated interim. and are the best securi ty'wilh banks as collsvrnts for discounts. Convertible into a Six per mil. 6-20 Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this piit'ilege of con vusion is now wor‘u übou: xhree per ccn‘. pct anacm; innlhe current rate {or 5-20 Bond: is not less '31:“: who per r 5711. premium. and before the wait the premiunon six per cent. U. S. stocks was‘ over twenli per cem. Xt will bq seen that the actual profit on this loan, at tho present. market rat-3,73: no& less than ten per cent. per annum. l Its lxrmption {rem State qr_llunieipalTnntinn. Bu: aside from all the advantage: we hue enumerated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes fro‘m local tux:- lion. 0:: the average, :his exemption is worth about two per cent. per anunm. nccofiinz to :55 rate of taxation in various :pgris a! 11:6 country. . It is believed um no uecnritiu ole! I 0 great inducement: to lenders #3 those inued by the gorernmeét. in all other farm: a! indebted neu, tbs faith or ability of prince fiafrics, or neck acenpnnies, or separate communities, on. 13, it fledged fur payment. while the who]; properly a! th’ qonnt'ry is held to «can 'tbe discthzo of all the oblignionl of_the United States. ‘ »' I“eran While {bi government ofl'crs the angst fiber- Al set-ms Jar it: local, it believes that the very strongest. appeal will be to the loyalty 4nd pl.- uiomm a: 1116 people. , - ' ‘ Duplicn'm ccrtificatel‘ wlll be leaned for nll deposits. Tin pm] dcpbsiting Inn-r. endow: npon thy original cc'niim ‘be denominuion of note: required, ind whether tho: "a to be Media blank or paynble to order. 'Wben to andorufl it. must be left with the 66ch re ceiving tho deposit, a.» be ferwudod to the fieam'ry Depsmnent. Snscnxrrxoxar mu. II ucuvw by ‘be Tteunrer ofthe Unma States, n Wuhington’, s3";va Alshunt Trauuren Ind deaiguted Depolimriu, Ind by lht FIRST RATIOS“. SAXK OF GETTYSBURG, sud by all National Bank: which us deposi tarin of public money, and A LL RESPEC? 3L3 BANKS “D BANKERS jhrauubonl l Ebonmry will ' em funhu' in (orm‘fion and ' ,I?me 3:37: rmmw SUB- ' ' 501213333 Aug. 15,1864. 3m 1 k TA. SCOTT & SOS’S.-—We indie the u. a lamina of buyers 1:; our mock 0! Spring ‘» *3 ' ehich z‘vm be sold cheap, cumming or L " LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ’ . -wtn, masking Cloths, sth am. 'For Hen'a iad 893' “A! we have Cloths. Cugimeru, ‘ Cuningu, Vestiagl, with n vsrioty of Conan ules, in, he. Call Ind sec. , May 18,1863. A. SCOTT & SON. ' Wanted, GOOD FARM in Adm county, {or whicl' A I_niu exchange one or morn Fun:- 91 c ‘0 co land in lowa, and pity the difl’erence. $Ol. 3, X 862. GEO. ARNOLD. “5w 3 k. . - ‘ Let Everybody U. :3. 7-30 Loan. ulticzuu. a! Deposit a v-s ~_E‘u-- or Equal! mitlfl; ‘."r -.Lt)’»fl"! ”uni 1m! do! Spring Goods ...- ---... . N ‘ “...—___... - .7 . ‘:1 ;.,.,I‘,__. - , 1 . Emeritus-'l‘“ ,’ '- A cent; \VARBASQ‘RD. ~ I 95.79;“: fun {fle‘foliawz'ng SymfloQ'u: 1 DYSPEPSI‘A 'D‘YSI’FPSIA; DYSPEPSIA. I I, liuznnn “Mums, of Brnndywine, 021., I formerly crow Cluster, 921.. (10 u'nify um; tor one year m 1 1! half! su Hen-d everything I but death from that awful disease called Dy:- I pepsin}. _Hy whrm- system was er‘ZT‘HWI with} wenknosa’nnd DEITUIIS iiebiiiiy; Icouid'not‘ dz'gesc my {O.l-} ; if i we even a cracker or the} amallesz n'novml of food, (would return just ; nl I swuliowrd it; I bemme sq cos-in in my? LoWI‘IS thm I Vv'u'Jld n-Ji Imfe a passage In It‘s! mm from fcurund often ciz'J'. dry}; undel-i thifi imme: so sufl'erimz, mr mind igemed en- ! final} to giro way. 1 had ureuiful horror and? evil farebndin‘zi. I lhqught everybody killed: me, and I halPd PVeryhbdy ;1 Icon” not than my hnglvund um myow'n' children, everything} appeared to he horror stricken to me -, ‘l‘ ha) i no nmhiiinu to do anvtizinz :I 1051 all Ibi- love; at famiiy uni. home; I would fumblehnd man-3 der from plum-_in {Jim-e, but could not be cou- : taunted; I {ah that I was doomed to hrii, and ' that there was no iic'u'en {Jr me, and. was of ten lumyytvd to cmumi; Imelde, so near was' ‘ my Whole ufl'VOvlS systam dcxn--)ycd..k.nd ulsn .mj,‘ mind, Irmn that awful comymint, Dyspep :‘h' I'm u. mny'ricc‘la thought ivest to have me ‘piuusd in I". Ki'khride‘s ”Comical, “70.“! P 13“: wielphin: I rfln‘ninm] more nine woe‘ns, rad 'thunzhl I was :' Infie‘br‘lli-Ebmin n fen: days amy drbnvliul‘compluinn Wu“: raging: as bud M lm‘er. Hearing of the wonilerlul cures per ’ Inrmo‘d by Dr. Wishnrt‘s Grent American Dys 'pepsin Pins and his treatment for Dyspnpsiu, Imy hus-mnd 'cullcd on Dr. Wishxrt und Muted Zn‘y He'- :0 him. Hesnxd he hud no doub; hr: n-mild care we. SA) in three day! aiter I mil ed and piurei n‘j’selt'nndo-r ibe.l)o<‘lor'l treat- I mum, and 1:: tin.) weeks I hfigan to dine-3' my food, mid I’ah'timl my diseaie was fast giving ‘ wry, and I cuniinuv-d to recuver Inr .ihouuhruz :monlhs, null at the present lime I nnjwy por m '.‘L iimiLli Mindy and mind, and I was: sin i car-21y 'relnrn my lii-mks tn 3 men-iful God and I Dr. Wishnrt, and («7 his grval Amerimn Dys [pl-psi! Pills audj’inb Trpa an Coriiml thru us‘wc-I mo-I‘ium an Insane As} lum and prenu fture grave. Ali guermns suffering wi-ii Dys lpepsin blrl' uv. ii‘mrly. lo‘crlll an me or write, :25 flan Willing to :mllilhe guoi I can In.- 541'- ;i‘criux humanity. , ELIZ \usrii lIRAVLON. I Handyman. XML. furmuiy orma Chester, Drlnamrn enunrjr. I‘m. * Dr. \Vi:‘~mrt'>.'oflic&, No.» I 0 Numb Secov-i Stu-ct, l-‘uilmie‘gLLL. 1 of or.e- .JA, DYSPEE‘SH' A Posmvs cum: gov; Dvsnyau F 3“ WHAT MB. JOHN H. 9.435001 5.175, . No. 1028011": Strut, . Philadelphia, Jamj‘zd. 1E53.} Dr. Wishnlt—Sir :—lt- in with much ples» lure thnt I am now nhlu to inform you thin, by thin mo of your great American llyspepaia Pills, l have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dysflepain. l hnd been grievouqu sflicted for the lust twenty-eight yours, and [or ten year's of thnt than have not been free from i_i-g'puin one week “'it time. I have ind it iniu worst Form Ind hnvo drugged on 1 most miserable existence—in min day Ind night. Every kind of food that i ate fill ed me wjth windnnd pain, it muttered not how light, nr'hou' small iheqnuntity. A continued belching Im sure to follow. I had no uppe titn for any kind: of_ineata whatever, nnd my distren wn min-cu for net-cml‘vnontbl beiore ! lie-rd ofxour Pills.‘timtl frequently wished for duth. I had tnken everything- (but I had heard ol for Dylpeplil. without receiving may benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been Cflfl'd by them, I concluded to give themu trial, dihough I had no faith in than. To 'my monishment, I found myself getting betterboi’ure l had taken one-fourth of: box. Ind, ailer taking hull a box. I an. a lull man, and can eat anything (Isiah, and enjoy I 1129“] men! three times a day, Without inconvenience from Inything I eat or drink. I! you" think proper. you Are at liberty tomake thi- public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give 11l desirable information to any one who may call on no. " Yours. i'oilpectfnllyL Jon 3. Buaocx. For ulo u. Dr. Wishnrt'l Mediul'f‘epot,~No 10 North Second street, Philad-lphh, Pl.. Pflca Una Dollar per box. Sent by mil, in. of chuge, on recap: of price. , The show In; few Inga} tho'tbcnunda whkb this out rowed: bu nml from An alibi, gnu. -_ ' ‘ W 0 bu. thematic o! kmnkom physi ~cignl and imgfim who hue pro‘lcribed In»! told then'lledicinu. flying um they Inn never aged' or told: undirdno which (no not universal Wcfion. Prepmd only. by the Part-tor. w. 1., 0,6. mm”, So“ by Di!” ”wetter; or'uéyv‘vhere “15:5. nuflfli. ly =I So. JO North &toad &mit, Pitilkilelpbit, Ps. ‘(v ,`` s"”.7‘97l—Xyer’s 1 inhuman” % V, h: 10:15:. can 2.22:" m Bmm and Scrofuloua Disease- From my Edit, a vrz.‘l-x.nm:u van-chant 0f 01% ford. Maid/t. “I have told XII-g" (1 math: a M your Sufism,» 11“.“. but nun-r ) a: car: Wu}.- w.n;h mile») or the (ink ul cxfcct and lull mtsafnulion touno-v' wha 100: n.. A! In't in! our 'woplc try it. 11m;- 12m: llu-rc has bed: no medicine fikv N. i» :me in uur wmxumzy," Eruptions, Pimplos, Blotchns. I“qu lea, Ul - Bates, and all Inseam: of the Skin. From Her. Rubi. Sir-1114 m 11'inva E.v;l"‘=,lvl. “ I only do my duty In _\ m nud (ho mhlxc. «In: I Add m mm...” to I?! ‘K _finu pa‘slin of the mt:- dLanl v{nucl or?” ’~' 1.1.-.\v \ILILI \. M{:Lll:gk wr,n-.-d um, In an mun-tin" humor in wr mu, cjn'», and hair ('.r 3 out. ‘- L! 7h we “~er unable to cure uuxilm- Vricd your SutiAl‘AlzlLLA. She has bccn vvdl {or some months.” ~ From Mrs. Jmc L‘. Ric». '.‘rcfl harm-n and mutt (lb/Arid} n',‘4;:".'lelmiu'u'.’e. (‘u/e .L'l'y (.33.; ,\ . J. " )1, dunghlar In: 21:: :rc-‘n Cur .1 year: pan: with :5 Imfnlnul cruptiun. which mu wry troublesome. Nothing firm-«ed any rr'm'l' umil we mm your S \l;s;rAgl|l.L.\.wl.i ~u man compictcly cured-Mr." D'om Charla I‘. (Page. 537.. or (he u'irYtlyri'wm-n Gage, Jlarruu .F (3,4,. numufuturera (fUqued firmer! m .\"gsivvu. .\'. 11. - “I Ind far :Wcrnl ‘4':er I wry trnublcm'ne humor in my hwé, whfn-h nm- omstantly \‘cnrs‘e until it dlrflxurexl my {e-rxtun-s mm became m lumi crzhle unlit-dong I mnrl almost every flung l mnu could of both s;}?le and invvl‘icilw, but. wilhuut any relief win-pact, until I took your Swmuhum.’ \. 1t '.zumL-dihtel; made my l'weworse, as You told me it miwn fur .1 mm; but in .1 few mack- umpcw skin Yugnn to [arm undxr the blah-hrs. Ind cou fl'mxl uunl my face 15 M smooth In any body’s. l'ul X n2l: witlmzfl 'my hymplonu of [he allsenlc ma: 1 know of. 1 unicy pL-rlccl. hum]. and without. i doubt owe [I to your a.ms.\P.\v.lLL.\." Erynpehu 00!: em! Dobility— Purify the Blood. From Dr. 1101/. Smcin. Houston S!.. New Toy-1:. “ Kw. Aynu.‘ I seldom fall‘u rmnovc Erufliunl and <croful4-us 5.3 m hyuic mson'ulngmeof your Saks \r.\Rll.B \ and 1 hu‘c jun now cumlm “tank or .musgnnnt firgéipcias with it. No anemmc we po-sess cquxll’t SAMAPAMLLA van have sup plied (0 Im- profcn-iun as well u w the people." - From J. E. Johnston, £97.. Fabmmn.ohn'd: “ For nrelve years, I [ml “13 yellow I'll-{si bu on my rlrrht arm. during \\‘Mrh time I trle: “Ema celebrate-21 phyrlci'ma I could reach. animal: hun dreds of dollm worth of medicines. The ulcers were no bad that the cord! mum visible. and the doctors decided :hnt my nun must be amtutnted. I began: inking you: has \PMHLLA. 'l'oo ‘ two hot “on. and name or your PILLS. Together they hum. cure-i me. I at: now as m-il nndwuml nl anybody. lie-lug h: r. pawn: place. my case n known to every 13'1- In this-community, and exam:- the woudc: of r .' . . From in. Herd-y Mani-o,l]. P. P.. of Namely-He. C. H“. a leading member of the Canadian l’arlu’a: meat. “I have uudd'm SARSAI'JRILLA In In funny. for gc-nenl dab fly. And for pm]? ’ugdbuood. wkh verv bum-flat. rem'dnmnd facfmnfldencs In commending it to the axumeJ.” St. Anthony’s Fire. Base, Salt Rheum, Bcfld Head. Earp Eyes. ’ Fm: Hurray Sickler. £27.. the able editor nfthe 'j‘um ."uzmig-CI: Demm'nu, l'eumylr-miu. .> “Our only chi“, mum. three yrarn of ngu, was Attacked by yimph-s on him forehead. The nun-Sly spread mun lhcy forum! :1 lonlhmmc mlvimiuut sure. which cob-(rm hisvfnoc. and mztuadiy blinded his (To; mrmme days. A akihul physirilu applied nitrate m" hilu—r and other min-mum, within“ any Mimi-Ln: urn-rt. l-m- fifteen dnya m- uuurdvd his lmnds, kn t with them he should war npcn tiu- few» tun'ug nml conupl wound \rhirh covm‘ud his whole fvu'e. Having uicd every thing else IV" had any hope from, w:- began g'mn'r your SalmunuuLLA, (lU'I applying the lodvlc a? pytnlih lotion. :Ls yqu Linc-r. 'l in: sore began to hE‘n] when we had ginn 12m um mule. and mm we]! when wp Md hulHn-d (Lu sceuunl. The chiid‘s (')‘l'la.ulml, which hml com-r out. Lcimv ”gain. and he is now In lii-filthy mid lnlr u may uL'm-r. The Whole udghborhuod predicted 11m the chin! must dlL‘." ‘ Syphilis and Mercurial Disexuze. from It”. Hiram Sinai, OJ‘SI. Louis, Alb-1311111 . .. _ . __ v .... _ ...“, -..., .. “ I and your sun/«PAMLLA n more aim-nml rcv'nody in: the nmudnry, symptom! of Syphilis and for syphilitic diwn‘u‘) man my mixvr We pane”. The pron :muu are indebted to yuu I‘or'mme of the l'l-r-t mean-11m m- have." ‘ v Ifi-nm A. J. l-‘rru-‘h, .ll’. D., an ems“ an! anxiofrn of 1.51" ran-'9. 11433., rt’m jx n praminzu‘ 'mzmbtr if (he [.rg' Aim-c qul ~.-s minm ‘l3. “ Du. .\ \':.l:. My dvur Sir; X have found V'nur F,\n-.u-.~.z:.z,L\ nn (‘xcvflfllt ramvlv for .€,72laitil. h ‘.h of t‘..-~,ju I'm-1mm“: h‘cawl-uy 13:11", and Eliot‘- tnd i:_x mmv Laws [lnt \\rn- w; m. Jim-dc 10 yield. to min-r r- n 7-. r: ‘, IGa nun thaw Wm: we mm mu :l.) with 7w Par-:1: Sv-fy‘ hum vi, .\hch- I power- I'ui ..ln-nimu- 17 r -~.,-un-u.“ . , ' M'v‘. ('ll i 5. '~". 17‘» [-3 ‘s‘. '_’)fcr lermsr-I'ch 4\'..1., hm! Ilrmtifixl \z‘wur:(~‘n I.“ 115% r-mawl ‘vy UN lam-e 01 mm 'n‘)’. N: r, r - v'i. [HT-q. '..\-.lu~‘r| Arm: more my! mon' aggrzu 9.:sz hr )ru‘v, iulwitc ol' mnry xmrvly wr [P awn“ u! Hut mum ‘m ..plula-L uzml the .{n-rs.:w-r;:egl.3m of .\\'x:x:‘~ hut: \lauuu \ n Aim-M vim. FL». («:05 mu ldfvm'ul mm: xzxvcmuzunnd (”qr-mung 15mm um, mp] it tau}; smm]! duzL‘n balm-s xo cure him ' - - Lemar-than, \Vhitcs,’Pemslo kaness, are :«mchlepmdlncc-l by Xn'vrn:.L‘S:'-wfu'mu IT cnmflon.‘an-\ :nn- wry-dun ('urv'él Ly the :luxnurc arm of this SAR‘RH‘AI‘JZJJ. Some rm». “mm-e. however. in nM or flu: m L§_.lP.\K:H.L.\. the skih‘ul application of local Medium. ‘ Prom flu: Ich-fwymufnd_ [illgfyur'gbrami Dr . Jacob .Ilorrill. .z/‘(iucl'u MEL " I have found yuur 5 us ‘.l' unLl.\ M cxrolk-M month-v: In dis-raw: of fcnmlm. filmy-He: at Imus‘lnrlzy. 10-mirrhcen, Xurcrnul l‘lmraflon. and Inca! «_in-bilirr. rising irom‘l'uc Hart-minus dbnhrsll. have yil-Hv- tn t,nnvl fiwre are MW 221:! do nu”, when Its 253“ I: ‘ -:rly nldczl by local trratmcm." A laiy, unwilling numo Hr- }hdu‘icaliou of law aprmhnpjifu: _ . ‘ r’ ")Xv ahnghtnr nn'd' fiyEi-{r'hs\ie MM of: very dcbiiiudin; uncorrhun of Ion; finding. by two homes or your SABSAPABXLLA.’ Rheumatism. Gout, Liver Coming-At. Dyl yepsia, Hem Inseam, Non? zit. when mused I", Scrnfzda in the system, an rapidly cured by this Exr. BABIAPAMLLA- - . ‘ AY ER ’ S C AT H-ARTIC . -P ILLS possess so many ldvnnmgea over the other purgntives in the murkek. and their superior virtues are so universally known, mauve need not, do more than to Msurexhe public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been. and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done.. I Prepared by 3-. c. AYER, M. D., 5 Co., Lowell, 312.53,, and sold by _ Ecru-hr mm: .._. .\. U. Unemer, Gettysburg, and drums. xz-nv nil}: , Aug. 8, Ram}. cuwly ‘ I‘. , Sheads 8: Buehler, ‘EALERS 1:: ‘ ~ D ‘ , COAL AND LUMBER, 7 S-T 0 V E' s , TIN-WARE, Immowauan, w. ALSO —- SHUTTER’S. BLINDS, SASH. ETC. Corner of. Can-lisiupnd Rnilrnn’l'Streets; dppo sixe Rail'mad Deyot, GETTYSBUILU, PA. 313:9, 1864. ‘ New adois. WARNESTOCK BROTHERS L Are cnnstnntly receiving: choive and dc :inibie goods, from New York, Philadelphia and Balzinmra, and are premred to ofi‘et GRBAT INDUCEMENTS to thcse about purchzui'ng. Haring selected with gmu cnrclrrom‘ihe tbmelendingmnrkou, the public will .lonk to their own inleruu by Plelning our sunk before buying elsewhere. Call at my 9, 1864 $3 Da'y‘. GENTS WANTED.~TO§9H the “ 25 CENT AP' LEG AL TENDER STATIONERY "PACK AG .." Each Package contain! 35 Songs, 2- mgez of Mußic, 13 sheets of Paper. 18 Enve lopu,l Ruler, 1 Pen. .1 Pen Holder.) Innd Pencil, 1 Design {ox-Undersleeves, l for Child’p Apron, lbr Embroidered Collu, l for Civil toning Bake. 2 101- marking Letters,‘.l3 Secret: never before published, worth many Dyna; and other information. Also, am; he utiful mick of'szsLn. Llhernl indncemenugo Agents. Send Stump for Circuluy. ’ . . swam; 3071*; 4.1 South Third, SL, Pyiladelphia, PI June 13,1931. 1y _ - Good Thmgs from the C! ' Bare receiving twice a week from the cityo variety of arrlcZel ruined to the want! of thin community, viz: , Fresh Ind Suit FlBB, _Bame, Shoulder: and Sides, Hominy, Bum, Salt, Apples. Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, Tobuccos, Sega", with many other Articles in thisgline—nu receired in the belt order, 9.an sold at the lowest profits. Give us I call, Lb Baltimore street, nearly opposite Fahuestock'l‘ stare. WAXTED..—Bmmr., Eggs, Lard, Jud I“ «her country produce—for which‘tho highest cub mice will he paid. ' swizxr POTATOES—beIt qunlity, at. low rsz living profile—3l73!: on hand. Also, OYSTERS, flu qnd huh—in tha shell or Ibocketmunnu and {milieu lupplied. .. KHUUSER a: WISOTZKEY. , Gctzysbutg, Shy 18, xsqs. Removals. “undersignedmcing the Authorized pmon to fish: remonls into Ever Gran Caulk hr}, hoputhu each n contempluo :ha removal oflhe rem-in: of deco-nod relative: or fn’ondn will unit themaelve- of this lansotmftheyeu to have It done. Removals made with promptnus —leml low, 9nd no efort wand to please. _ ' PETER mom, Inch 12, ’6O. Keeper of rho Cemetery '3" ‘I .1. =I ’“‘7s'" “’ "—" ,“.,.:'-:, ‘rfTfi—'w*>“~_"ff ‘ ""'T‘ _ i ~, ’ .. ' ' l flethv. 1‘ {Mi ftrothcc a number of my- old ' . -' ‘ FAn Interesting History .!cnnshmplivepnledlinnweltijoyinggnnd hoalvlt, / , 2 _,. “..., twei hing nurly 20H mundal l'will conclude ‘ - 0 “REL???“ “ :NC‘JWN CASE‘ by Selttting three emit“ have mode in New! ~ ' . “in ttnoutsc lQuYfl souturno'fi "ork.nnd which are all diam-em, und‘wigh; W ,4/ And how bl fulvzolmv: Lj/HIP: Dam-{Nd Turtle, and, L"), one Who '“'“! “I, inlet-rs! .m the "mun”. ~. ‘ / ' 6‘” €_ 1'“ “15.9" ”I“ ~.U""" m ' .10 visit them.’ First is Mu. Fntlntv, reatdinu .0 ' (y ‘ ‘. ' “'"'! ”‘“‘ "'“"' ‘_‘"d 1“ e ' llhen nlNo. 101 Houllon street. Her husbnn‘l Q&l'nB'ss - I! 3 GREAT. SUCCESS ATTENDING [T f H culled-npon me at my ronths, 3‘2. Bund ntreol, ’., ‘ ’ 9y ' . 4nd Wished- me to call and see her. He sutd , ' . V ;l could do no good; that ‘ne hivl hurl all the‘ . ” ' ‘ ‘ . best medical llllcn'fl‘lllcl‘,'flllll till «ii-1 she 1w is , N E. Corner’l‘enth nml Chesnnt Strive". two far gone with LCousumptiou‘lo he Clli'rd; .‘ iii-LAUELPHLAI _ thut-she had heard 'ot some gre it cures! hnd Uzi at: nix/tows” or - "made. and he desired to gratify her vt'is‘ies._E L.. F A B A N K S, A'. M., llculled, and found her lying confined to her for the last four years Principal out] chief'bu-v ! bed in the lost some of brouehi’ttl consump. iiuesl tumult" 08' “Rh!" 5: STRAT‘ION'B Com? Etlofl, and without doubt must hero diedsoou.‘ merriul College. - H examined her lungs. found both bronchial A, MODEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, itnbel very much affected, but. no cavities lmrl Conducted on a new syofemdectual Businesl’ !' formed, her‘ cough was vorv use”. the spit. ‘.Trulnitw, through the eh‘tnblishuiont,“ logltl ibox'wos half full of thick pus. Pulse noggin": Offices and Counting-Honsee,.renment ‘lega swolien {cry much; and worse ihnn’nll, lug dilt‘erent dOpnrtmluts of Trade'nnd Com she had chronic diurrhmn. Het- both-ls had. meme, find a regultir Bunk of 'DEPOS‘.‘ “d h“ 1 been moretl eleven times that day.“ I told her sue, giving‘lllo _llutlent 11l the ndvnutogfl of film she had lungs enough to be cured but Bctnrll pructiee, and qualifying him in the } th 11. this dinrrhmn had been of long standing, Shorléswoflible time and most efcctin unn- And her stomnt-h wuin nch n ulcerutetl cnn- fl" {o' the furious duties and employmonls of ditiotrthnt l was afraid nothing could he done. ; 5‘13”"53 “'0- . .‘ She insisted I should try nn'l dnvwhntl could “The Course ofinslrnction in the Theoretic-l for her. ohleri'inglhal. she could not. lust lung Department embraces .llook-keepiug, Calumet m the condition she "”1“. “m“ could nu; cinlh‘nlculutions, Lectures on Business Aloln, unlike her no] worse. I gave her first a dose Penmanship, CJNmefl-‘ifil U 1". 1'0“”: CWW' of my llnndrnke Pills, and tho Tonic nndflondcncoikc- . _ Syrup freely. That. won on Tuesday, nml by; In 11W” - ‘ ' ’ i the nut Sunday the diarrhoea wna curried cm, " BUSINESS uQEPARTIII-INT her appetila had returned and site could sit up theatude‘ntentersupon lhEUmduMinz Cour". in bed end at her dinner. She is now well, wine}! includes a continuwce anhl above. and gave me a long certificate, cerlilicd to by' “1‘1““: Willi their practicul BPl‘llCM‘W '3 “l the [l9“ Dr. Dowling. ~ ‘ . 7 _ .Uirlr dctgitls.‘ lle will in turn fill the position Mr: BurtholomerSß Wen Forty-filth street, of Accounmnl “‘1 PPOPTLEIOI 'in “I! "'““' Come to iuy rooms kitlt a tumor on her lirer. D’l‘MV‘WMi of Wholesale '““‘ ““‘“ “'3‘“: She was low-spirited, skin mallow. tongue cout- F°r“"”dl”t{t “MIME find-Comuflulon Busi ed, bowel: costive, no appetite, and fusu link- “95'; B““""“»’: Mllnummunflfli “mink. Sunni ing into the grm. "The mid tumor had been battling. km. and- flnnlly 3"!“ m {I- Cashier. running. our fourteen yours. I gave her Book'lfefil’e' "_an Teller "1 “I'o Bunk, in '"‘-'5 .sjmp, Tonic “a Pills. and told he, mm“, of which puilllond his previous knowledzo them jun as thLdiréclibni were. printed. She ,mu lye oqu the mum practical test. cnme hut-k to my ”SONS. 3,! Bond “”“’“, twu‘ lhis institution offers to young men numerg tweekt, oome'hnt bfetter; her tongue. but] ne- Ous advantages not. posneshed by. ony'other ‘gun to clenn a little around the edges her cominercml 0011911“ {“ "“‘ Slim-C.“ 5' “'“‘ akin whiter and her eyes brifliter, and the PM? In'“11.l“,“l'l)mmm°““ It “'““ '“'! tumor discharging very olTeusire molten-much [WWW-lo,“ {‘l f-hl‘ Stutu Con'l'lc‘ed 0“ “W“ faster than H. bud ever done before. She kept b.“5“_"53 {’”"‘"PWL. The course “I: “'“"'?“ ' gradually improving, and in about two months "0“ ‘5 uni'lrp“_“edt '"“! ""‘! he completed in .she cnmg w my roomsyery much frighlened’ .üb'uit one hull the time usually spent ll] other flying that the tumor had ue-trly ulopgmd rung Insl'luuons. in consequence otun eutlrt‘ly new mum and was healing up, 3",] that very doe- ‘ _nrrungemrut, hilll' the adoption - of the new tor [ind to‘d her that if it ever healrd it would mellml SIEWWL ‘ r w tcztuse her death. Itold her tltttt‘llte disettso' ~D'l‘t'omtd fl‘n'urtlt‘ll “P 0" Ehs'99ml’huw “f bud nll left. her system,gnd nature would he“! the Common-ltd \Unurse. \rhtt‘h embraces It“ the ulcer U 1). They are now healed, and have ‘ ““P‘ “'9 “mil,"lfil‘is 0‘ 58115108: “Hui-‘““" been for shout u'yeur, and she is n! hourly m 8: Railro'ldl‘k’i L"?- ' and robust 11 Woman .13 you will find in nun)": l sf“! TM" " (‘”"'ll-"t Willkn She is glud 101' any one to call (Ill_l|"r"l I'eb. l. l““- 1““1 nnd lake! prent puin! to visit any one tltnt she ’_~"_ ' hours has tinythinzvlike her case, and tries toj got. them to come and see me. 5 The next case is .\liss Scolit-ld. from Stnm-' ford, Conn. MMrtholoinew got. her down to :09 me, nnd she has how err-r since at her, house. When she‘first come to my routtts,_rhe‘ was much emaciated With It ‘Jls‘lmslalllficollflh, spitting large quantities of lvl-uni. lug-uninod 1, her lungs with‘the rcspiru'netor, ftntl Hi all my “ procure-never, lound one, win; on" lung so In: gone and the other long so sound. I could not ; give much (‘llCunl'flgl‘lllCLL l tltdttght Pllo‘ would (lie; but to my mtonishmt'nt the Pu‘l-L nitmit: Syrup, Scan/nevi Tuniy, unti linmlr‘nkov l‘iilu all seemed to go right. to lefk, the lung' it all henlcd ”mgr, leaving it entity as lutge' as u goose egg; good tippctite, li~it~ fulfil-9; um] has gained some thirty-live pounds 11l 'weLlil: ' She hits some cough .\‘cl, witu'lt i do not think will leui‘e’lier before June. I :llUlll‘t lljlnk ll w ul-l he ol'zrvutinlu‘rcfldo sum-v 2 mfytrlju .‘2 wt? physici In. to visit. these t- .jea. tturlicuhttl .\li‘s- SL‘UfiL‘lll, or any of lliem .\\l.t) lun‘e bI-rn (‘ttl'ml h)- ni} rnealtvitffi. They tu'v- uu-u‘ rirt :in New. Vii; hut theruhove lhl‘"? nil dang-v- from e rh when and; my media-:0: are (vim: u lent l I"! present! in' ureJht-y '«ll41';l'll}n?t‘ll:t0 CHM.” Inni the nfllit‘le‘l knou‘ \\‘iflfl‘? nml how they _mny be cured. J. H. S- 111-IM‘K, .\l. D. .. Dr. J. H. Seltr'm-k run he f-tund :il,! in prin. ,Cip .l hmt'f:_“'u_ 317 North villi .\'tl'twn. l';-’lllll(‘:- plume-hwy .\‘.ttnrdny. li'nlfll' u :\. .\l. until .3 l'. '31.. lo give white, li-t-a Ufl'll'q'gt‘: but in: _J\ thorough examination he thing-. 4 lbw-r tiul ‘lurs. Price of the Pzrinimivio Syrup “[ll] Sf‘l. weed Tonic each SLLF 5-ctlhptz:e,ut SUlhcltafr dozen. .‘lulldl‘tlkt‘, Pill“ 25 cents pvt-"tux: and Into-Eur sale by ttll Drllgélsls and built-:3 June 6, l 8“. Em Th» above is n. correct lflicncss ofDr.Sclienck {ah-u mnny years ago. ailer be bid recovered from Cunvimp'ion; in' a course of nis “ Seusscx's i'L‘LXOSIC Sracr." The likeness, nixhnugh "n docs no! repreaem him amthing like as bad 15 hp was m the w m, yet it is in strong cuntrust will) the hnie ‘lnd ngoroun looks of the Portrait below, which is Ihe true likeness of him a: the present time. 'The con trast brlv‘grn {but “to purtmin is sq great that many would not. believe them in be the same person.. Yet mm.- nre hundreds of per io’u. in and around Pbiludelphia, who win reco'gnizr- both portraits 10-be true representa licns. When the firstu taken be weighed 107 pounds; at ibe present time Ma weight is 220 pounds; ' ‘ 2 Thirty years my) I _wus in [HQ hut M 31305 of Pulmonary (Tomumgflinn, and gran up to die. I fluid“! In l‘hilrc'lclphm, n'v‘lfbr. vaph Pur~ Irish, then of this ri'._-.-, ordered my to More;- mwn, .\'. J.,.u dismnce of nine n;i!us,l\\ifirh took mellzvo day: Mtge! than. (1:: my .‘r'rriwl I “us put to U» ‘l, .\MI “MN Lu-l lur manv wer‘xs. This Km: 11*; nzdivu p! um, “have all ‘m_\- "um“: lived . :w! Ean: diul of Cans-unpliun. Dr. T‘mrnton. “*ler sylh-m‘md my father In H: :h‘s: il’nv: ‘, IT.I~ r-and, MM «gun- m» mm weak gu) fix up m\ 3|:u‘!r:.v “01'hmiS-‘Enili‘nmyhlm. i}? 3‘) lb»! “111'. and vhnugéwt I was‘ In an. 100. [WIMP-n [Fr-ml o flux rmm-die: I now or!” to Ihr ‘rvu‘viic. whir%npd m": [L som'nwrl mme {hut l wax} Lil-g :um pcuclzwing my whole .i'. .J.-:21.“ ‘ . 'i‘u-y semi Home ‘ the matter on my ll ngs, uh-l I\vnuldspitminnow tlmu :1 pint of nn—' sire yellow lll'lllEr sw-ry lil"'ll i:v:. A 3 soonl lac. :l:.-r, ill'g'ln m --r‘.?i_‘r-. '.iy c-nigiiflen .p:tin,‘ night swells—all h gm (.I lrmu mo and my" nppt‘tile hernmif :9 r :rsi-ll that it wt; u ilh llix'. finally I t'nlli‘l kvrz- tram cmi-iz tog lulu-11. I soon gained mourn-mun um: I hun- been grow? in: 11l flesh «rm-r sz'u'r. For :nuny yours I lun'e enjoyed uninterr listed thud ilt'ililil, keeping the [.\(‘l‘ and :‘mm t illieult‘uv with the Sen-.l wwd 'l'ouic null .\l.li§dr:\l\e l'ilis, us I nm of a bll'ons lI n!lll‘l.’lllll ul. My Weight is two hon-1 fired and twenty youn'ls. Un my rcrovéry; pm p'e I'onhl wild tar me, Mr and neur. to see ‘ iftueir (‘in-{‘s ‘-\'ll'i‘ lilw mine. For 11va pur pose I pay prim ssionul visit: in the large ti-' tit-3.. Tin- Conulinptivcs .wish to see the one tit-i“. mzikr; tlws': medicines, and who nus cuircrlofl unsumption by them. To makenew Ivngs, is iu.pos~ihie; hut cavities'iu'ilre lungs‘ and chi-«mic ulcerations of the bran-:hiul tubes can be hialed. Such clses are dying hourly under the ordinary treatment. of pliysiciuns,i and just such are cured by the proper use oi“ Schermk‘s Pulmnnic syrup, b’eu eed 'l'ouic,l and .\lzindrnkc Pills. . * I I nym non- uhesl!hy mnn, xvith'u ergo cuviiy in the middle lobe of the right lung, the lower' lobe very much lichn ized and complete nd-, hosion ot‘the pleura. The lift lung is sound, nml the upper lobe nfvrlie right lung is in u tolerably healthy ('oudilion. .The great rcn-i sun why physicmns do not cure consumption! is they try to do too muz-h: they, give Inevii-. nines to stop the rough, to stop chill, to stop! night sweats, hectic lever, and, by so doing, they derange the whole digestivc‘power. look ing up 'the secretions and eventually the pa tieut sinks nml dios._ After 1 make u careful examination of the patient with the Itespirom eter, and find lungsenough left to cure, I di-i not the, patient how to use the three remedies. . P-move the cause and they will all stop of their owu accord. No‘ one Cl“! he cured of consumption, live-r complaint, dyspepsia, cu}; tan-h; canker, ulcerated throat, unless the, liver Ind stomach arc msdc henlthy. In New; Englnnd this canker, chronic cnturrh. ulcernt-l ed thrust, elongatiOn oi uvulu, is more prev-- lent then in any other national the country.‘ This is frequently cuused by s foul stomach..— You may both it out with cuu‘stic time sud, Igain, and all they will get is temporary relief.‘ Correct the “crunch and liver, and they will. hell up themselves. . f ' . Good nntrhion is the remedy. If you have‘ any disease In any part of the body,.it will remain there And decay more and more until you can get the stomach in the condition to digest food “damn new tlood totuko the‘ plaice- ol‘ diseased nutter. This is the only' vrsyrto heel cavities in the lungs and ulcer-ted, brunt-hind tuhe'. Correct the stomach nndi liver, end nature will do the hunting: ”any persons luvs un ides that certain medicines are great purifiers of the blood. When bloodi =. once diseased it csnnot be purified; iris dis eucd the ssme- us the diseased matter in the system; but get the spparutns in order, the liver and stomsch, and give it plenty of naur ilhlng lood it will mslte new blood, which will take the place of that which is diseased. Schenck‘e Pulmonic Syrup is one of the best prepsrutidns ot iron in use. it is is powerful tonic of itsel!,.snd when tho Seaweed Tonici dissolves-the mucus in the stomach, and it is} curried off by the aid of the .\lundralte Pills” the Pulmonlc Syrup is made into blood. This] is the only way to cure consumption. ”I cannot get s good appetite, and food does not] digest, I cannot curelthe patient. Never mlndr the cough; remove .thetansc Ind it will stop] to! Itself. This is tho mosttronble l have withl my patients st my rooms. They say, “Doc. tor, I feel stronger; lcan eat; my night mental Ire better, sud lfeel ,better every way; but' my cough is so had yet ;” and they are “ton-l ished to hear me any that does not rn'utter; remove the csuse end the cough will stop 0" itself. Schenck’s Seaweed crests: s good np petiu in nbout nine days, when there is no lung disease, unless the liv‘cr is so congested that the blandrnke Pills cannot unlock tho‘ ducts of the gall bladder in thut short spucei of time, in order to allow the stale bile to puss, 05‘. Keep the liver and stomach healthy and, there is loss dang-2r of consumption or any: other disease. It is hurt! to take cold when? those crgsns are healthy. Those that us bili-‘ ous, low spirited, d:-enry,feellng stupid, cooled! tongue, poor nppetite, nervous, stomach full; of wind, everything that is caien lies huvy,‘ loss ot memory, try one bottle of SCHENCK'S snswnnn TONiCand one ho! orscnsscx's] MANDRAKE PILLS. I: is only at cost of one; dollsnsnd twenty-five cents, with lull direc-' tions. This is wmcient. in many cases, to; utisly what the mediciuh' are. frequently, one bottle makes n great‘chsnge in the sys.' tern. 'Any neon that enjoys ordinary healthH by using sh: Seuwesdg’l‘unic and Munkruke, Pills ocsssiouslly,must get the digest“: orgnng: in such r. healthy;condition rho; tilt] batons: FAHNBSTOCKS' Red Front F 212 ”xii. “'e-lncnhy. March 30, ’64 TU THE I'L’BLIC. ' t74,1v Dissolution F PARTSERSIIIP.—Tbe Co-pnrtnersh‘p 0 _existing between the suhscrihcrg, his been dissolved this d-Iy by mutual absent.— We return? [hunks to our friends and the pu‘nJic for the liberal lupport extended to us. Our books will be hit at. the More; and we Humm ly ‘request those indebted to ns~ 10 ml] and make ilnmedxatc‘pngxncnz, as we mq-dedrwa undue our business wiflmul dehu‘. , ' - ALEXANDER Conan, Jun.30,18’24. was cer. A Card. THE lubscriher having dimmer! of his in. ' unear- in lhefitore of Column A: Culp to John S. Crn‘gfw E:q.. resfmctlully ask} xhe continuanre,. f his friends nnd ms:omvrs M paxroyxizo his‘lucceuur—wbero Bargains may be hill. 5 Feb. 5, 186‘ Another Change . "nan 11” an snon BUSINESRJ—A‘. I bean having naanciigted with lin}?- 3—H busin In ”John S. Crawford, who urchused the interest of ,John Culp, refit-(Emily ”an. nonnce to‘he citizeuxofGeuyunu-g and the public entrnlly, that. the busipqgs wil’l be con tinued n the Old Stand on Clmmhcrsburg street, by A. COBZAN & 00;, who w‘iil con stantly keep on hand a large stock of Goods, in lhelinu of SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKB, - CARPET BAGS, BMBRELLAS, kc... and they .wifl duo continue '11“ Manufacture 0! Shoes. ‘ ; Ftom their )ong expcfleficc in a“ the above branchu, lhey flutter lhemsehq: that they can plus: the public, and will sellw‘henp for cash. ' A. COBEAN. ' J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing business under the name and firm of A. Cobeau t Co. ' [Feb. 9, [864. Established 1850. one}; or REMOVAL. ‘ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ k C 0;, respectfully beg leave to notify their (fiends, cullomeu end the public generally, that they have removed from No. X5l Franklin aura-1,10 thecommodions four-atmy Warihonw, NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between flown-d and Liberty, where they will for the future conduct the Wholclgle Busi ness, solely in 'V _ Hosiery. Trimmings, ._ ‘ ‘ Furnishing Goods. , Perfumery, Notions, ‘ ~ , ‘Suzionery, Cutlery, ' Toys. kc“ kc. to which they inviu the “tuition of city and conuny purchueru, feeling confident of“! nbllity to ofl'er inducemenu in prlcnglnd quality of Goods. _4 ' Order: by mail will receive profit atten tion. Addreu~ '=i LAWRENCE D. DIETZ t 00.. ' 308 Bum-on m-eet, Baltimore much 14,1864. . ~ Portable Printing Oflnes. . ~ FOR the use or , '53? > Merchnnu,Drug , ' . ,-% guts, nmiull busineu V ' V “in and professional men ' I; _ , > who wish to do their ‘ - ‘ 4 ~ ‘e 0‘": priming, neat} . ‘1 M and cheapiy. Ads}: ’ ' ted to the priming of ‘“‘ , bundbml, billbeada, circulnu, labels, card: Saddam“ neWSpnpers. Fun instructions uccompanyifigfipcb office on ubling a boy Len yen-s old to work them suc cessfully. Circa)": sen: frec- Specimen sheets of Type, Cutl, km, 6 cents. Address ADAXS' PRESS Co.‘, 31 "Row, N. Y., snd 35 Liam“: urea, - Bolton, Mus. Juury 25, 1864.‘ 1y Albums 1 LBUI S ! I '-.ALBU M S Y Y I an necked 3 lugs and benutifnl assort nem. 9f Pbouxnphic Albums, which we ofer bdov nit, prices. TYSON BROTHERS. Doc. n, 1863. , , R-PBESSESMM] APPLE-P runs to: we by ssmps 4: 3551 mm. -, 17:: ,x. «479 / “ jig/264, n- - -- ~ 4 L , ,r ' glméa/zx gym; ,1" Ixrm‘cm’rxuyu. caux 0F -' ‘ , COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, h~lublishml in Ihp t'nHun-ing rities :" ' PHILADELPHIA. : S: E. Curm-r n! b‘c-rEulll‘ null Chestnut Sta.. , New Yuk, Bruoklyn, Alhnny, Trny. Provi ‘dencc, l’uxtlmd. Hartford, lhlrlinflnn, X. mu'k, Ron hester, Buu'ixlo'. anonlo, ' Clm‘elnnd,‘ [mlruihfikfitugm Mil- -'. > wuukca und h't. Louis. ' Thor-ouch tlwore'iuul and. pmcximl instruc tion in all hruwhrs pertaining Lou finished Baum-5* l-Illuvrntmn. ' ‘ A ' V Tho [‘hilu wipinlu 00]:ch stand: first in ”re Shun. wah in [mint ot’~n-,putxtlou and Bum] n.lmnl.'.;‘-~u Tar pui |L mum] at infill) plura (fummrnhl I-LJuchiuu “lit-11‘- it I)Hulzg'~——-'\u 1h: Irv |t skunk~ uf “Hz-Yul im'zrurhlm. 71‘" HEN end, a “My“ 1!; rimgh mursr ux' Maine-. 43 ”diu iug is nuuiu -.1 md m 1" hlly enforcmfi‘.‘ unm r [ln-'pnwunv! funvznwuu of coupmrul l‘l'u [ohms in m- \1 ma»viglujllln'mls. Thu vaL lu-xl. «:L 5;. 4, ..x (u! ;..u-,-".u,n.l{ruining vu r dc- Vlik‘l Q2l» in on pm in operatiun. undllfi suc ('fhfllunj,‘ MEL-d out. "fl“ ding V; -'.udcnl.~ .14- I- .- :- h M h «‘1- iu'jmrm Lvrx. tom-Em»- >ll3. = ni':."iH-H_=m’- EC= MC IMSTI hairy-c <-t' .‘xv'.r«l.rl (rial ('-Iu“ :z’faf.‘ ML “111:1“ l‘rm «Kr-L: ”Hr !" mom, \\‘iwri- he Mummy? Lu :H'MJl‘i‘muk-lw'igu. M and “arch-mi: p u—cs lixrnngh z'nfi am. y; m Hun-er: “If" s‘) Urn ;:~' "l't‘llcr. Cufllix'h (iv. IPIII’HS 13:“ dun-m _sz rv~ponnibimzw of r‘u'u office. and lmuumm mar ,ug’xly infamy-II; um. nu!)- in the f- rim \\h'w'u mo in uni-'rrm'. 0.9, but in umunqiug Ll}; 13:43:: 01' buziuvss wn-u NFSD‘UI :md despamh. , ‘ ‘ :«".:o!:xr<12;:~ issugv! «t one-point are good, for an ‘unlltmru-l [who é. 1:1 Ihr) n-zgmgcu (J9l - comprL-J; I’!ch " uhain.’ ». lhniumu arc .m‘ur-Jnl to those unb‘ who his?“ Lh‘e prr-firii-lni rnuzsv «A nudy, mun-45.! lieu quu‘inz" crun'inr For {usher infant Ader-xs: 111. 1 ,1 , .. .x ,m “RY "2‘, STRATTON' I'. CO.. Feb. 8,136 . ‘.y , l’humflphin. Ladles’ Fancy Furs !. “ , 'l' mm: “mm. , A RA’S nld val-h -lishcd FUR MANU "'A'."IOE‘.Y, NO. 718 RPM Sinai. nbm‘n rh, E’iHl..\U’.\.-—l nu" now in nm’r of '.y own fmpurlnunn n-i Manufacture. mm t Ihr- LARGESTnn-l Hl5l. BEAUTIFUL ar n-Lionu of FANG Y ‘I‘HS, for lmdies'nml , ‘7 ~ Jhildren'o weanintha ..‘ity. Alan. 3 fine assortment of Gent's Fur (310‘ es nml Colin”. _ v .155 my Furs: (are 411 pnrchnscd when Gold‘ was M. a mud: !awcr premium tbnn'u "Clem, I am emblcd in dispose'bf them M. very yen sonnblc prices, and I would therefore '9“ch a (all {mm _my friends 6! Adams county and IL ('.iuilv. ' ‘ , ' Joux cum WRemomber tho nume‘ number and Ilritt! : JOHN “mam, ‘ . 718 ARCH Street, above 701.9011“: side, PluLAnsnrum ye”! the no p_nrlne'r,,nor connection with any other non in Philadelpbin. _ v Sept. 12, 1884. 5:1: ' . AKE NOTICE—The ‘nndeui ould pay to the pnblic.that to In r n; I large. and splendid flock of 0300 MES, which he will all In luv u any other 1101150 in , town—Coffees, Sugars, Molasses. Syrupu, Tens, Salt, Fish, ta, wiih Potatoes, Beam, Ind Rice ; Wooden Ware, put‘ up in the but man. ner ; Tobpccos, Sugars, km, to. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICEL—If you wan! to lay in your iiqnorn for harvest, now i: the time. 1 [me msny brands of Whiskics, Brn dies, Wines, 3nd all other liquors, which 1 1m disposing of a: short‘ profits._ Give I. u call I always try to please-ind believe} very of ten succeed. Remember the ylnce—couebeut corner chin: Diamond, Ucllysbnrg," GEO. F. KALBFLEISCH. “ay 25, 18:3. ' > STABLISBMEN‘I‘.»GEO.EECKENRODE E FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Adopts this method of informing hi: friend. 3nd - the public gmerally, that he bu openod :. Tailoring esmbliuhmenz in Bilfillorgtreet ‘ Gettysburg, (late Po,“ Oflice,) nui- Din. rmond, where he is prepnred to do ulvork in his lino in the best. manner, Ind to the "fig faction of customerl. Ho employ none but first class hands, and receiving i THE FASHIONS REGULARLY, "he can warrant fashionable fits Ind nag .nd 'subsmntinl sewing. He ask: 3 than of the ‘ publin‘a patronage, promising to; are no ef- : fort to deserve it. His charge: wilfully: -bo found as moderuc as the times will Illow. Cutting nnd Remix-in; done u the shortest notice. [Gettyaburg April 7,1862. Howard Association; BILADELPHIA, PA.— Diuuu of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinnry mad Sexunl nuns—new- and relisble treatmnt—ln re ports of. the HOWARD ASSOCIATIOH—sent by mail in sealefl letter envelop, 7r" 0! charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILL N ROUGH TON, Howard Auociution, .\'o. : Souk Ninth Street, Philnddphh, Pa. «91 Aug. 8,1864; 1y ‘ , ' WE have just roEeiud I new mom - of Queensnre, to which ‘7o.?th a. “anionic! buyers. A. 80m ~80'." ICKING In: the finest nunmhqlt'a’flm And Sumner Clothing in taunt ‘ ' f.3x,wl.v.u-liun a -.‘.. l.‘.:’.vt;\ir:'_; in =3 I'l. 5171.3A!"’ p H lull N- u: MINE ‘ Lynn“: ‘v i L.-\\, n‘ue ‘mia‘vn send for a cit-chin - One and All, New Tailoring il m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers