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Pfiuo“: 1:”: m ‘i p OkflHhK'lxl-‘BV‘IV‘QOS’R 'flr v. 1 cggihd n Ital-U!) ‘Lk \‘y’o'lmc‘np 1111 Pet halo‘fi P's {19.0051 “11' ,y‘v.'Q‘-q ’_.l 11. 13‘? , 'Asw'r “S,” w 53 I ,kfnnr,y‘sr's, Htu’hu.” 3-; ll ' 3 ' '4l- 5,1111, 59281955345": 515.: A’A 55 A: :Ar-ABAQ‘D .5, A: aw?;:U-.l.nn::A:Ar:-I‘A A: "3°”; u ..‘ esni er‘ ‘l‘, Mitir :, a"l 1n 9:;an Ih} I. f‘V \,y nh:3' ‘n 1 bat"; l'lr‘d'CW’Wd mgfoi'L’AWl :1 ha ‘4 (CNN \‘ef‘ Jib —r I" ‘3 vr- 0;- D a, ”ch! 1r yo .4 {PM E {mind‘uh‘"l , r-,“1x,0' I“ A9e -r ‘“'" Bu’n'W-e 5‘ “x-p‘em ‘3‘ c'r‘p" 3* i (“i"x " le" yw I?“ S"I 9 "t m-S‘: |°H”:|°s#s‘ 5' U,h,5,“i, " g " “15;!“an Ana-151°35‘34“ 1155x563: £3", 1 39' PA; '29:; ”JA' §~¥'\a‘lrl"-i.‘ :5 fli‘ £11331 «’g‘i’f’un’nwé‘vL-“v’ggfi a. ‘- maggimrfimuAge-‘3."- Algae 1 $531,”; A "551, 555:: gig, gm gl?,££§ug_n~iznr’.’>:°7§o¢ 15:35.5,1' 1 1‘ ‘'- ' ‘n'v' ' i‘sfl' '”'?" ‘ r , u .c.,' ~y<~« - . ~-, :_‘n; ”1., “A 1" ~. . 1155'“: 2. 51,555,055,» : AM . 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[0:15 ll'é.‘~'|‘f";vrfl Hfli'", ”1'6“?“ sl9s!“va 301 A ‘Yld' PE. “‘.lfi".,l}3r'?"r‘:r {3,1115 muxl‘.“)""l) a 21.1.32.“ 1 . ‘ihnd" ‘h' aJ;h .1 5 any, 1,1110 Var} "ri‘r’ filmy, “1‘: ’”')" {lgupm‘ ‘6: do w , ugh 5:1? 91' lily-J‘ll'flryfir t-"d 1,32, ’ n ' .'- C‘t ‘9 “AT -‘ Pr ‘ ‘”‘ ‘A- ‘A ."' v ‘n'fi :1 "ark-5 ier "'~ ”5"“ I“v‘ly' ’wA‘h M»?- m ' ' Hugh: ”1* 1h 0 “LG NE“ W “NV ‘e': mgfi‘ftoe; m". - SA. dwfi'e face," Axg.'-'L i,:l.‘~rn, 57,345 "n'€3:'lc,, '.‘l 3' “"‘? “ [‘l7 ‘ll’l' .1‘ "‘ Med“ .1»); «. ’gln "A 123 '.«A'vew “'35 e ‘ll ‘. 5311:1251"; .1 ”A," 1:112:31: - . 3.! “I"t _v ,I: 1- .vkre p 1,: '53: “war, ".153 ex! [,r "r‘y roman“ 55155: ".r.; (you; A . '55,“)? 521' hak l 3! 1:1 , EJ111133 “93"‘3‘10‘1':gnawing“; 1:3 3,0,35er 'llm§§3ll;l‘fx;s"l:222r "5,}!‘;;(‘g":" I ‘ “'6 '1 Al‘h >1! \- (RID W 1735“- ‘ n9} ’ll - x 'l' :! ,u'A I: .o'rm w {3; 1r:- '1 bin} ‘s‘ x'f b". 3:31», {‘2’ 'n ,1 .u; . , {HEM-ch uni, Ya I, ‘W .- 'ffi’nr'fljl‘“ ID-(xg‘y an fl 1.5:. 0‘ 1“ c ted" n . , €111.55.“ Ml,: a“ vabhjr “”255, ‘ ' ' ’A‘f‘ $5.55., A 1,, ' 13A "5‘5 AA "Am“ :A “Adm-“u 55' AM «435355,; 45 - ‘~ CUP ‘6' IP7]: ”e 0“ “E gt \ { “ff ‘1 t‘,%ho'_t.r.} 2; 11l 8.!" L‘ [Canal 1!“ .33 agony 5:1? 10:? g” ffilylcm’d 1 . 12,; WW1“: A: ed warm A~ 5W5 ‘xmurum 5; 6,5” '9 m : \ “'ll ‘ N “r” 19L:3 tpél‘v‘kh’t, 15‘: '1» “a“: I. .V yr?” ““9”” “‘ 'n 11,! 5%‘1‘515 ”a “a *p‘w.‘nmot§l".fi‘A“l‘-' “(2° Md. 7 ‘Ci’ Y " *1 ‘U’l'é‘ lv'V'nvf‘ "§mn: ‘"l" (Wu $511”? uwndzhreql'dq "I§l j G “9‘le PIX)“ bf 554.!!- ll“ 91,"! 'wVV‘v‘u'“ '11), .n ur , 1 7“ I“ Ey‘n v, r3l“, 1: .1, N. ,3- 5f (.ch Ar,‘ nyl "f 3!: «in I]:t . 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Q (‘“1 (Luigi-S " crl'];.l ’ w’l ‘ :hg finhnlv‘t’lfd “q”; ':;r\l"‘u Vi e‘lcér- n ”“31“,?qu Var-1 phat?" 93):;‘55'3‘1319 fi ahd’lC 'rA 1: I (‘ll nA I '7‘ W H ‘O'i “111-1(I1u1‘ 1" ‘”“‘. ’9' FL‘W °s~" “kink“ "VLF ‘”" i'AlO“l“‘*bal' r‘ '\ “r"‘ac 15.51:; ”3"ch “e “Q “(3" 5353;: "A‘i'xvuriA§‘rns“49:lw"‘°PXEiAJ‘ ' ‘o' G Uun ‘i' N’ F“ ‘1 A '-‘, ‘u n" m .\d ‘l' lgd'nnv. “'_'-N", 1",“ ”Us"; o'll W, 8“,- ,I}, m 1:“, ‘34,.” 11597-3510 '““‘hn -‘“ r‘ u‘T ([1 A«lo '3l}. 9| ’n ( col-k 1 “mu-Hm: “‘ll r: p. I e “8"“ Al's, I‘ 5‘ 0 fl ‘l7 {Went-d "' ya “I I,“ " "\e' n!“ t" D(1 w ' a???“ '1 ry "It'l‘A~|‘~=‘l“~“3‘u drlci‘t’n . A'irefiilo; fnv'“:‘l3o3‘3 3,313,},1 ‘ “3:429"? :31°1{A|'E3“L\I\r'l‘e' “3193132; 81. ”5,3"1“5,,:"v;,’52; ;I,}:s_h;lfl;,,rgg;éfi;,n cob..k 0.. earl“ th' Inn". VA“ “6:51” { ' of! En“d‘?e Q. . 01,: .L n ‘11:“. “ eq\epc,-, fl Aziu's'fl'3‘~“n ‘3“ 4n: swig?“ "hfh‘ ’hunl‘ '9‘“: r i]. b 1‘ sh, };‘ '1“; 1‘1»? {l‘ “V 5 d ‘5,“ - hen:‘*‘re‘o m: pert? {'"‘ m t g'injfi. u' 0:: (111-I h‘llo'kft’h lé'n" r 1,; I4‘ «‘“‘z L's «I’. Daa \- ' .091” "d f“ t"‘ S‘, n'mn 'l. Ar. 1‘11; , h ll"'.1'1?§ '1! cxmk'lufi‘, IAM ’s‘ 'in-fig V “r“ ‘Cr AS dpl . Sr! oncu‘iter LIB I‘ll “’5O lh-n’ Y‘ L" A” A 9:: 11l ‘1 I'l )7 on ‘o‘ “An ‘3 OJ“ r. Izloa.‘l‘vfdlxlq ‘. h n; n 1'" 10'. 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I ‘v ." pic '5!- 'u'i‘ dd c 1) ya. li»?~4"-’IL‘~‘ £515,551, [to ‘55" \ I?" r 0 "TI" '1” P JV " ”5“": 1' 5‘ "’ Ln'9 'c “ft ) o 8(“I ‘ ”911'“ “"rct f’l'u" ’5 s l 'g’“‘ “V: 122 r hot) s”y 0",.1‘7911 ' {A I Uf' ‘pßllLtv\" fru'flnd hq‘hdqvce ‘3‘“ 0'31" ”hm-..' {23.3l*g‘l),y:h:L_me3l,s:o. “gift, 1:11 ‘I ~’l “Jurtoftl’n ”1:5 ‘ddt -,..\'( 'hm "re' ‘""‘ W'k nnll‘kw'a‘“ 3‘ ‘ Edi ‘l'“"J‘fil'o‘e'efihr(”WES 3'13“" 86 9.: tdh 'l3 32 w. 'n 810!” ix" .A’x Pl' ‘3 l ”f 4 d' 3C .2 «~93? I‘WC’JH “ )“L-"s'fl-lc y“: “.01" 4 3 e 3 a“: l rhntqlqtllnof ‘“l 1‘ flcg"ll'n4“”t .i‘ “' h‘l:w\r .' 014 ‘n ‘_l 1,10 or“ fire] "“_-q"u“."-I "1,..nd-u»,_,,h,a thq ' A 3': 5.5155131; 3w: ’. M 51.35151; 53. 41-35-1451“: 2351.11535552 :, m“ b: - l e ‘5lll f) klf‘r)‘ 8 tr I’, “rywl‘n o nPa 0 ‘l. a, e d ‘5". I, lyf!‘ , 0““ grx ‘l“,}¥vxyl.‘vynl{l.,, h:,‘|l.'w"l”l,,'ip' °u \ E‘ ra3:o "d 1100' 3 cc \V‘,‘ c"1;'-yljo‘;v"9[: JET Arcig‘ 1n; l'n-z‘, 5‘30: I,‘-(L:~‘xfl'v,‘j° Ifivf :nlf’xi‘H‘; ‘13,;7' aim -BI Hi "Is “an“ ‘ “’““‘“u ,I; | “In (.3m 5‘ ‘r me‘lgng ‘s‘; . f‘fa'f‘lffil'A-qflt‘; :1 11":“53” “I :1, .t 1\ D'l t,‘ 1“ ; ui‘ ‘1“ ‘3 Is‘ "Flu C 1" Q 1 ‘t ‘ tho :1 'P- “b“, 5,19“, ‘f‘|“l"uf‘lf?>r:(x ’l. ' 9L “Wm! 1 1 § Alss}, .1“ f 'fe'l 02,)“ 5:53.51, :1 L: r e,{h,g;;,g:l,y.izzlflf 3153,:3515313515,,“ )5 . .Un‘n. e, 1’ A! ”I.“ R“ 11, [“6113 1:". ‘ '“"’-035.515;“1.51:“33": 3.311,!-ct,,;1.“:a,1\,,w.'11|; 3; ¢ 1 Pbfii- m‘lzon‘h~ d‘l\-L‘nml 11 ml A..‘l "I.“ t 3'01: “u fit! ..’..‘l . C'o I,L cg? er 1,1 eowi ”r ‘l9- 1 51.15,]th i‘ "1.55141?‘z‘k-hn‘vr'i“rofi’a‘rvd‘hih‘g. O . \ light! Fr 1h 91"“ “‘“’-0,: 9:3?” ‘if‘lc 115,1“: ge‘ucxfil.‘ "l‘d ’ ,5 ‘ o ‘l‘ Ew ~ In‘ ' first”! 03313133.: ”W 151“ H.“ ‘n A!" h,, 0 r\r . I . n.. n. . f 151" It A. -f ,xx o,Yp‘*,'J,l; d- v L‘"-"l“,;‘Aulu"‘§ l-w 1‘71: ...—..‘ :0 U) “A 1013; ’7- ». Z”:“<i"3.‘"ir"s 73’ c M h;'“':- m\"«,"'<‘3lh"s K \' (l gh i ‘ 'auA “fl ‘1 ‘ \AI‘II' e br'h‘“~' “ '"“: ‘1‘“: l " a C;o:'xf' C; :‘l’ 'l*;).r!‘l:;3x,‘ ‘f’x‘; ; fen!‘hvh‘,lll’l3l‘:\‘?:l,x'l; ‘ 12,, .5- A;,3;5,5535};1.gc‘;-cg«:_,§::g;.. L. "Nines-1‘: ‘: 8 “3,3 (1:!5EAT“7,41;'1..K132331151“ ‘°3Y|"Ai"»f"fl «.Ac .1 ’O, f‘\“l:‘:lh,“:’:F‘LV'ODl pa'l.{‘o'w} I) flu": “11.: e “ 4’11”?“51“ {Raise .c” x,‘ ”d “V“.soe‘L‘ “.11.. 53*!) 1 M AM.“ L‘v m1;:\ 3: ,1 D'o “yto n s (1,“.- “lfl rr'h‘fi' n =5.” ~.' 3" “mm-‘be «:4 “A; ”55:: 2" 32:3 05"“, ‘ V; Pap“ €l:§“‘:‘f:‘ul‘rg'. 0",“; 23:7" ~ ' ‘““"(71 59,: ’r. o WTZ’ A 3. 35515314912”;14155335 £1513: I—l‘KlGPYlelS)"i:tr’ 4131“?“ ' '3,” ("if ’"‘rb.l’i“""! kf‘agrflzjo $1.3.” N; "'z ".l"x"'n ‘u'o: il.! rf‘: bfl’ m“.l. “c'V‘Yl‘fl-“p rn Uxt“{”t"n“r H \s' NA» 11 a; ' ".1 1" ’"'nf‘fig’ 5; " flinfl’rpvn Akin-15"»: “'1: 3‘l] ’l a, "rut “.u 4" c“ ( ~Alr [AI-l C “Ma ,r. re“ ° I'l‘Kz. 'At‘ 104% 15:15.31, 5:5...“ “1311,3331 Myth?” iii lg x xvl‘pfi'll "‘l," ‘ - 1 ‘“”.” “11“.“, ... . , .1, 1' AI. 1‘ ._. «Vain, “17-1“: 0, n)“. t‘ 11 ‘L'I Aa; 33‘ “11“"? \Lfgrhthf We: 1‘ ‘u ,~ 110111“! zé'l I) \ . 1 Globe Inn, 5 ’ max #7., nu nu. Dawn». ‘ETTYSBUR‘G. PAy—The umignigncd would most respectful” iuform‘Ha nl - friends and the pilblic generally, that 1 M has pnvclmsed Ih:\tlohg.estuh:inled and Vie" Known HUM, the “(Hobs hm," in York ‘ plnet,;Gctt}-sburz, and Will spme nn efi‘or! m . poddu‘dt it \in n. manner that will not detract {tom its former high reputation. Hi: table will hnye the best. ihe mnrkfl, can afford—his phnmbers are apncious and comfort-.hle-fisnd he his laid m for hi: hut A full stock of' wines find liquors. 'l‘h‘c'n- is large n‘tnbiinr ntmc'nvd lo the Hotel, which 'WIII he atgeudwi by nuan— givo hostlm. Irwin be his conamnt endeavor in undo: the lnllest snfisfnctinn m his guests gnakinf [git hopse as ngar theme to they) as ponib 6. H 5: Ask: a dhare of the publiv’s pa gramme. duermingd as he is to deserve a large gm" of it. Bbmemhcr, the "Globe Inn" is in’ ark street, but near the Diamo Hf. or Pub‘lic figure. _ 'SAMUEL' WULF. . April f, 18“. tfa ‘ ‘ ' gagemmg for Everybpiy 4 Y AT DR. R.‘HORNER'S ‘ ' DRUG AND VARIETY STORE pat bpened n fixiqaamnment of - ’ . Drugs and Madiclnexr - ’ ‘ 5 "am". Mehicines, 7" - §tationery,n G d 1' ‘ - ' " Fume ry no u, 1 ;. x \ /;Oonfectious, ' <, ” zI . ~ _ Groceries. ' ' I, I, Soup“, } ~' romcco, snows, ac A gun.xa,r§64. ‘ ~ _ \ New Goods. ‘ 36E 'ARXOLDJJM just received from V be ch‘j «ling: supply or CLOTHIVG. Mau'tmd Boyt' wen.:,i¢onai_sting of all kinds of Comm PANTS, VEBTS, . . .' SHIRTS, DRAKE-BS. CRAVATS. - 21 on Tues, ({LOVES, {{QSIERY, .tcl - ’ —a? so - ‘ _, EA large stock of moms, ssmnrms, mssrsnrs, mus, DRIBLL .5; Imm" pi! of which will be sold as ch'enp as an; be Md aluwhere. Give as n call, and it wa (mn not pleas you in a suitpreudy made we mll take you measure Ind mnke 3‘93 yup one :11 thou uotic'e. ‘ [May 30, 3564. Cannon 8:: A‘dair’s 3W HARBLE WORKS, Cornor‘of Balti more nnd Enst‘Mfiidle streets; opposite M'Oourt House. Gettysburg, Pu LWe nre prdpued to furnish Honumeutsfll‘ombs, Hend gtones. Hume \Mantles, Slabs to: Cabinet “11,le all other work appeiwining to, our pnnjneu. We will guarantee satisfaction bait ”to uecmion and price. Cnll and we on: gluing sndnuptcimens a! work. Im. 1, 1863. n Sale Crying, W. FLEMMING continues the bushes: A. M SALE CRYISG, and soficits the can. 1|"le putronngo of tha‘puhlic‘. I is his can. “an: endeavorto give utial‘actiog. 9mm maul-nu, Residegce in Btecki skeet, Gettysburg. ' v. . Pigs-. 1145 is 1 Til-onset} Auctioneer, under lik l‘u Law 9! the Uuizefl Sums, ~ ’s'". 2:, 13m. 1 Sun at Work. 1 Tfllnndt‘nigned continues the l ' CARRIAGE-MAKING Bvfimgss, ‘ §n 111:“! hfnchesgt his old sznqdfln Em ”i_ddh'flreéf. (‘.mysbufg. 3 _NEW WGBK India In order. and .aEPA I a I s a we m‘mpdy and at “fins! 'rice ' ‘2 ”A. first—Mite SPRING {VAGMS and - $33193 for 53):, . JACOB TEOXEL. . 0“: 71 ”$l3 . “3““? ' '- . . J. s-Battle-field Vlews. ‘ “ 1 ”14118" of our Phnlogmphic Vikw‘s nit _ (he Battle-field of Gettysburg. form 3‘. . 1 mid gm. fog tho‘Hoiiduyl. Th? fnést yea; J ,Wkan ha sun “the Excel: or J m.‘ ‘ r J . 1:.- :zswfisomzas, Got i 5; i J ‘ A Wanted, N. 3 , Ph‘ nigh. , ‘ _. Q I‘AKKSn' Adams conutyfluvb‘x‘eb ' ' - JV, [7 will gichnnge one 01: mag-913m; «1‘ Ban 1:; Dmgghm ud Du) outfits“ ’ ‘ 13:34 in («travail P“! the My .§ , . - ‘ - Hm 9‘35”, ' ‘ GEO. Afixow, ’ V d ' . '5 m ~, at J. < a‘wrgz . nmrmsri.‘ pfisrarsuw . Dr. Wls’hnrlz—l haw been I. count»): mf- I#vmr with Dyipu-psm (0‘? {he l-ut Eighteen '.‘yenrs, durin}: «ui- h tip: I «mum, a~‘\_\‘_thxu I ever mxjuycduwrfeuly well day. Thoré weue time; whoa thawmmoms m-rw [mire aggrava ted Umn it when. and then it seemed it,wou.l.s be a grew rags-WM [had A! '1“ time: {nu nnulmsnnt 1. ‘ng 1}: my hand, but. aim-1y my sufi‘. rinfi‘: so m'nc‘xjncrenwd than [2l:63ny nl - nnfl', b‘ur h-uéqcss ohm}- kind ; my mini {wan conL.uu\l‘y s!] 1 with gloomy thought: u .\l hléhwiingfi, mm ii I Attempted tn 31)“):Q -:tk'e‘nr current by rem-ling, at um-a a se smiun ui‘ icv cpldne‘as 'm cannpc'ion 'with' vi de |d: weight, up it, worn, re~ted upon my brain"; also. -n feeling of :4' knm wuuld ov'cfir at. ‘be, stom ach, muLgre t.pnin tn’my eyes, accompanied with which as me co-uinunl fear or'loaing my r 9 wom _fi 31m experinnced grant; lnssi ml!“ doh‘gfily‘an-l nervousucfl; which made u (diffirult 2'l walk by daf. or sleA-p at night. I boxame uyerso‘t.) society, Md disposed onlvtg seclu:ion. and having tried the skill or». mun-- her of cupinen‘ ’ ‘ of \‘nriousuchonh‘ 6mm}- c‘iune dismse at my no cut-u in ex fcxrncenf [o4lmm Providence, to vwhom I de: \"(Iulrly (fife; my {hanks X M lust forum] a'sove- Nizn' i';me~ly in your Dyspepsia Pills um] Tm Cordnd, which‘scem to bfivveflefln. ' remov ed nim‘ost the [ML trace of 111‘" l-. Ist of ail ments and bad feelings, and in eir place health, playsure and cont}!!! z emy every diy’cgmpnpions‘. JA By M. ‘Acvxmzns, No. 453 North Second Sm, Phil dolphia, . ‘ Formerly of \Yoodbury, .\'. J A POSITIVE CURE ,FORDYSPEPML ‘ . unit v 3.15! n..:oas n. lAICOCI SHI,’ l ‘ I No. 1028 Olive S"'(t(n_—} 3 Philadelphia, Jun. 22d, ‘1563. ‘ ‘ - Dr. Wishm t—‘irz—Jt is with much pl!)- sm'e that I .1113 no} able to inform you that, by “he use of ylouf‘grent American Dyspegs'u g Pills, l have been entirely caged of that most distressing pn'nphiut, Dyspepsia. I had been ‘grievously afiiicted fa:- tne hat. twenty-eight. yea-rs, null for ten ye rs of that time have not ‘ been li‘eo firo'u‘its pllfu one week at a time. I have had ii in its Worst ferm‘gnd hivedmggcd Icm It most misbmhle “Notice—in pain my ”and night. Every kind of food; thiit'l ate fill ;ml me “'yth “ind nml paw, ithEII-red not how .light, or howsm 111 the quantity. A dontiphcd ‘belching was fare to follow. I hid no appe ltite for any klmlg of meats wintever, and my I distress was so ‘grcat for several months brim-e I heard ofyonr Pills; that I frtqllenin wished for do th. I had taken everything that I but! . he.ng o: for Dyspepsia, without receiving any lb efit; b 3; on your Pills being recommended ‘tc eby e who hag] been cured by them, I 'can 111de :6 give the? a trial. slihohgh I lad :no laid) In them. 0 my aqioniébmwt, I , found mynlf'gettin; lietter before I hud'taken one-fourth ‘of'a box, and, after taking hull a box, I «'1: a tug! than, and can eat anything Im'sli, ‘ and enjoy 3- enrty men! three times a da'y, } Wxihoutinconfunience from anythiu'g i eat ’or ‘ drink. if you think properfiyou are at liberty to make this public mu! refer to me. I‘ wil cheerfully give all desirable information to any ‘oue “ho mny an)! on me. . Yours. respectfully, Janna. Bncocx. . For sale Itt . Wiahsrt'l Medical Depot. No )0 Norm Sc street, Ph‘Jad-iphia, Pm:— Pricc Que‘ Do per box. Sent by mail, free of chargemn'reqeifit of price. ' a x: ‘ 1 ' 7 other «nicks in this Hue-{nll received in the , , - best order and sofd “the owe lprvfits. Give 4 Th}, "“’" F” “ ’"' “’“‘ “"’ ‘“'"qu nu a call. ’in B.dzjmoro street, _znearly opposite which \hflpv great ranged, ,3!“ and from on . Fxhneatocks’ store. WANTED—Bun”, Eggs. Lard. and 3H ..., . ,' other comm;- produce—for which the highest We hnve thousandlwf layers from pbyfl- = cyxskprice will he paid. . , eiuua nnd- dnfgiau who had prepcrihed and; ; “BERT PO'lt‘iATOfiS—heu‘qnnliu, at low. '<' . . ’ . ‘ ~ in vingmm Luv-a ways on hand. . Also '“’}! “'“‘ fixd'c‘m‘ ”3’3““ ‘l'." “"’ I"".roYSTMs, fine and trash—in we won or’ “0".“ usepd 9’5”“ n-medtcuo ‘”“‘" 3‘" '““ shocked. Hmtnnrnnm and ftmiljna supplied. Inl'eflal untilfncsinn. I , STR‘IOKIIOUSER_& .WISOTZK‘EY. Prepared shy firth: Proprietor. ,Wb; ragtime}, grave DR. L. Qa 0. wxsmn'r. ‘ Kn. )0 North Second Street, Jain”: 3M'fl,’% If 1V". (7an had dmmlful 01 mvrcury, and mom mpg. remedy ur tmm. {a um (Ting use 6, nm. Few raw-n (- dllEt‘lWHh“! “Inn [A boulcs Io cm c him I Lexicon-Era, 17311. ’ are gnu-ran ym'hn-ml ("axiom nmfnro ‘ or; m}. M'Nt a! mu S H's uumu however, in HH 0: me $ u: ‘ application of [cal rpmuhes. me the lid? IWrIIn mu! m ; Juculx .lfifrn'ff. qf(;:.\ ‘ 's‘ I have found your Swain-w nlxmnvr In (“Vista or fcnmlns. I lrrui’mhmy. U‘uafi'rhtm, hIL‘Y-X ll lon duhinw‘ Fri-Img from (he s»;an . have ylehlm‘ m Itcnuvl there are few ‘ ~\vlnm it.» effect In propvly am" 1 by lnm\ , A 103;]. uuu‘flliug Fa rllmr (he rubla'cul. ‘ - "mm, 1rd!” .- ' ' ; , “3h naught-r and myqdl hnr!‘ been our ' Tcry dublimtmg Imucusrhuel of Ion: Randi ‘ two home. of your Sum.“- wum." ' Rheumatism. Cant. Liver Qcmplaiutx D; K pcpaia, Heart Disease, Neurakm, ‘ who-n mun-d by Srrnfilla in we -:.'n‘.-m. m myidl ,‘ emd by an: hx'r. SARSAI‘AXHLM. AY EP.’ 5 , - I \ CATHAR 110 PILLS posses: so many advantages over. the other purgnrives in' the murky. and their superior virtue; are so univgrully known,thntwc need not do more Hum m assure ‘be public \hcir quality is maintained equal to the best it.evcr ‘lms been, and mat the‘y may be depended on to do “u that they have ever done. Prbpnrcd by J. C. AYER, M. D.. 6.. Cof. prcn, Mass” and sold hy l ‘ Mr“:- “I! b) A. f). But-Mar, Geklysburg, and dmflers genrmny. , Aug. 8. 1564. edwly “ion that, for mi (‘45 years) there WM through the inter EALERS KN _ ' ‘ COAL AND LUMBER, ‘ S 1' 0 V I; S . | . TIN-WARE, lIULLOWJVARE, ac: - - “.50 SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASFT, ETC. Corner of leisle mud Railrnml Street—l, oppo siuxknilrmd Depot, GETTYSBUKG, PA. May 9, 1864. . ‘ ‘ AHNESTOCK BROTHERS . ~ Are consmutly rocnivx’n’u theirc and d5:- almble goodw, fmm Sew York. Pbiindrlphin nnq Baltimorw, and («re prengxred tn otter A _ GREAT INDUCHHh‘STS to lhcsc shone-purclmtinc‘" Having selected with grey cure, tium the ‘breeh-udinzmarkets, the pu‘blic will look tO'lh/‘ir awn ianYEB'Q by rmminiug our stock before buying elsewhere. Calla! - , , FAHSEQSTOCKS’ "fly 9, 1834. ' th Front. {it’-"PS WANTED.—4To 5m thc'“'2s CENT A 1186:“. TENDER SI‘ATION’FRY PACK AGE." Each Pncknge contains 35 Snags, 2 pages of Music, 13 shents‘nf Paper. 18 Envo lopes,l Ruler, IPM, 1 Pen Holden-. 1 Lend Pencil, [Design fur Undera!eeves,l fin.Cth‘s Apron, 1 tor Emb’roidered Colin, 1 foi: Chris teni‘ng Robe, 2 for marking Leuers. 13 Secrets never before pnbliybad, worth many Dollan; and oibar information. Alto, one rectum"! article or JEWELRY: Liberal inducements to Agents. 1 Send Stamp. for‘Ci‘tcnlfir. A _ , , SAMUEL ROTT: ‘4l fioutfi Third BL, Philadelphia, I’- June 13,1864 A 1y - Good Things from the Clty! W 34"; ~receiving twice .1 work from the city It variety 0! article; suited to tho wants of this community; viz“: Freshmnd Suit FISH, Hams, Shoulders and _Sidew, Hominy, Bantu. Salt, Apples, Potatoesmmngoa, Lemons. Uonfccliqns. Tobaccos, Segwra, with many tomgue, pqor nppetiw, ufirvunm stomach full of wind, ‘evggthmg Hut {)5 Intenséifis hug, loss of mom 3‘, try one bue 0! ”ENG ’ S : . Removals. ~ .4 smwmn mmr aadou box ofSpHENCK'S “undersignedmgiugtbe author‘zed person :NANDRASE PILLS. I; 35 on!) I con of up _ to 13th removals into Ever Green Cemp‘ dollar and ”city-five cefnts, with Jun dine: tory,bo'puthaunch u contemplate-Om: mom] i tians. This is an dam, in many cases, to ohhe remum of deceased rah-11's: o‘iends satisfy what‘the t-dicines are. Frequently wilfuwd) themvék'n of this-angel! oftheyenr to' one bottle makes great thing! in the 318- t have ildone. figmovfls made qnh promptnrss 3 tom. M 3 person I t. enjoja ordin/My health] -teflns low, nnd no efl'oit spnrcd t-o plezxso. H ,by using the Seaw ed Tunic and Hmknke‘ " ~ PETER THORN, lekortasmnally,muszgetihe-fligeuive organs ‘xa‘i‘ch 12, ’6O. ‘< Keeper of the Cemiteq. 'in.uuch a health; condition um. may Among '3. Female \Ve-tkprss, Hg: lulr-mul 5‘ 7‘lsi‘ul'lu‘ II “ furl-d Irv lhp- .\l’Jmlixo 1. Smncmv-a rt‘qvu‘v. m um.L.\. me iLILuI 'rlrtyre'ebmttd Dr. Inum’i. ~ .LA an («vellum .\hny Hues n! ‘ ln-l-nmnn um! \lzm (mnhhm hnl. do nut. “umnunL” Sheads 8; Buehler, New, Gcods. $lO a. Day! m 1: '=:’r"7::~t: ‘ 11"“; 3‘3: ,; «‘“"‘ ‘47“; 713‘ H, 4 ‘ an, ~ ' 3:2, ' 5., xi" ‘”fi‘fifii‘gfi inir fiisto" *~lfeifiWs€€' m liggiafiivt‘ io ~. iiififi Sim WW i 1 ‘ a Q l coziguzptivewymnre’tiu'oyiimwd galls-v 1‘ ' . ’ ’ ‘ -. ‘ ..‘ ‘ivu-ign ne K Nouns.‘ WIICO lne.- _ ’ l DR. StIRFA9K'S (MK (1351‘- by relatigng three rnrfi‘l lime made in New ' ' '"“'-A ”mu-‘s‘ 9'93?“ "‘"““fi‘m’ . t 'YatkauA nhiéh me all different, .mhwiaht 31!! ‘"'" 5" l’trlmmr 5.9“”0- ‘i’d'rf‘d’ _ "d 7my one who feel: any intend ing‘the mntlrr ‘ M‘M’fk" [’""' "’"”" ""' *3" ’"‘ ' . .‘_tn visit thpm. First ls Mrs. l’ar '_rr. rattling ,6, ‘ . ‘“"’ “”‘ 3"““7 ”'"“'" . "then M No. to? Houston street. er hisbnn'l 1491'” 35 Gwa'r'snccnss mmmmn it i ll1.°""°".'"'°“ m M mrmom" 32: and gin-ct! 9 . and wished me to call and see it‘ . H talk ‘ ~_; ‘i could do no good; that he hm hnd il that ‘ ‘ s: i lit-it nautical fllantl‘lnt‘r. nml fill, 'nid 5%» w“ " N E. Corner Tenth and Chosnut Streets, ilO6 tn gonevrith' Consumption , he tinted; ‘ . l‘fllL-‘U’ELL’HIIM that she has. immi 0- some menu. nmai ind 2 unit: In: unwmusr or * :mado. nnd'ho ill‘ille'l to gratify rwitt‘hes.—l 14- FAIRH-\ N K S, A . .\l., , Jinlled. antl‘ {nutrl h~r lying on not} qn‘hep , t’nr the hut tour yen-s Principal and clm-t‘ ha. "bed in the lust. gene or nrutit‘hfél ('nmsump- , lines: manager of Bntjin .: Sun-10x “Jum -Itinn. and with mt doubt must. hugs diasd, gonn, luctclnl Collage. , 5 .‘I examined her lungs, found ’1 brnmt-hiel ‘ A MODEL 13179131233 COLLEGQ ‘ :vmhng very much afi'ected, hm uh Ming; hml (lonductcd on a new tyfliem of Actuul llqfinrks ,tnrmnd, her cough was verv sci": . the 9in- Tmininz. through the‘ustahliihinent oi glegm 'be}: was hvtll‘ full of thick pn’_ l‘ulgc 140, main Offices and Conunupllouses, repieient ”Egg swollen Veg-y much; And fie tltnn nil, in; diEeretit tltpmtmdtus of Trade uni Com- i ilbe hml chronic dinrrhmq 1% Logan: hntl merce, nml a rlgular Bunk of Deposit nd Is-I tboan more-l rlrveu time's that (h i told her Sue, git-int; xheL sllldt‘nt all the adi’nutnges at: ltlmt she had lung. ennuzh to cured, but “thml pl'wiicy . and qualifying him in the“ ,th \l tuis timrrhmn l:ml.bt~vn (if; 3 Standing, “one!" potaihle ““’“ ’"“‘ “105‘ (‘“"'-"Em“,ll'l land her stomtit'h wusin surlt .nni 'eruted con- net- for the mtg-ion: duties nnd employment: of“ ldttion that l mu afraid nothingi, ,‘tld ht done. (Business life. ~ , , lshe insisted 1 should try {mi ah Mm i could: The Coursenf instruction in the Thenreficnli 'l'b - n‘irve E 2 x . yr: u‘ ‘L" u~3.o\‘Dr.sciu-nck 'rm her, ohsrrring that. she coul ot la'st long 1 Dwnrtmcnt embritces Book-keeping, Cnmuhr-l taken In tuv 3: tr: if“). unenlic had reqnt‘t-red m ”w condition she was in, n ‘n I could no}, CiulCiilt'llluthns, lioclurt‘s on Business Amlirfi‘ from Cn wu‘rp' m, b; n course of ms muke hrr any worst. I gave a fir-t a done Penmanship, Cammertinl Luw, Forms, Curm "SCEmca‘a i‘rtxouc .\thr." The )ikenhn, 19’ my Mandrake Pills, and in Tonic‘aml ,jlondrnce, kc, » Hlibtigg‘i it does not returcacnt him uniting sj'rup‘frpely. That. wn! ,0“ T tiny, hull by} lit the ‘ ' ‘ ltl-t: us find I: he was a: the Worst. yet it i 5 In ‘ the nu! Sundny tltedinrrhm‘t l vitrified nil}2 BUSINT‘QS DEPARTRIEVT mum; .untruwt with the hnlc and rtgmnns ‘ her nppylinl had returned and_ coultl tit up 4 the studententers npon Ihefi‘roidnnting Comm, 1. nkfi nf‘he Pov‘trtit Mimi, win»)! is the true‘in.hed and out her dinner. S 3 no‘ well, which includes a continuance in the above my m (ll him at the txrescnt limo" The con. ' nml gave mo‘n long certificate muggy”, by; studies. wit their pmcticnl nppticnllon in all mm lit-Ween these. two pul‘llnllfl in so gre it ‘, the Rev. DnDnMvngn ;5 f I thrir detailc. Ild will in turn fill the position thwt manv \\onld not believe I!me be the, My; Burtholomcw_B3We§’.F tgy.fitmgtr¢ct, ofAccountan nml Proprietor in the various smne porin't. Ytt theremre hundreds of pct. ' cm..- to my rpnma with n ‘.umlwon h r liver. Departments f Wholesale and! Retail Trndr, eon=.in and around l’llllt delphinl Mm‘mil Shrwna low-«piritetl,skinflallolwétoingiecont.l‘Forwarding, Jobbing and Commission Busi. recognn‘ rogh prvtraita to be true fluorine-tui- Ul. howrls cnutive, no appetite; and {nit pink. ' new. Banking, .\lnnul’nczuring,a.\lxninz, Stenm~ H'iiH. When the first n M l‘lk-‘n he wflLhr-l ins: into the mutt-e. The snid tumor hid been ' limiting, &c., and (iuully will act as Unshier, in? pun-niqut thepicsent tun: hi;~ weight is frnnninp ovnr fourteen yrnrs. I give her ,liogk-chper and Ten,“ in the Bonk. in ouch 224: your ‘ Strup.‘ Tunic ou-l Pills. nml told herlto take I of which positional-his previnm knowledgei tilt-injust :u ‘it» dlrhctiona were printed. She will be put. to the fullest. pmcticnl ton. i crime umk tn tips rooma,‘3r! Bonxl strce'. intwul This institution client to young men nnmt-r- i iweek‘. stimutvtiat better; lirr [Ongt‘le tunne- 7 ans aduflllflges not poisoned by any other:l i 391! to clean ti little nrqnnd the edges her COMYBEI‘CI’IIACDHL‘ZEI“ “"‘ SWW- h h com-z {skin-yhltur nml tnr eyes brighter,'pind the plete in all its tutptiintments it 1;, the only; mm,” dhclmr‘filg very aficnnive mntt r, much InstitMn the State L'O‘ldlll'tPll on nrtuul: {junior tlmn it had ever done heir to. glw kept b lslmfl Vinc‘l‘lßL The. “’“”" of “1°“ ”C". lurmln'tlly improving. and in l'Ll)OlH!WQ:lllOntl13,finn ismnrpnfisetl, and m“! be completed in' (she mm to my rqmneA‘ei-y much iri‘ghtenml, l gibmt one but the time “sunny won} in mher: Ig,._._lngth J the .[u'uor hm] nearly stopped run- ' instttn'tmna. it: consequence of un entirely new Emu“, ”“1 has h;.uil;(up,anl thn’t evft-ry doc- nrmngemt‘nt, and the adupuon oi the new, itur n|d 52d l‘ll‘T that ifit over heiluliit would practic..l HEWm- ’ l ioitiqfl ‘it‘r donlh. l [l‘ltl her [bill tllé (31591150: Diljl'Jm ‘3 ”““"lell “Po" ”"' ”nml‘h‘lk’“ or: In :41 nll left her kystrm, at” nature WOlllll‘llt‘fll the (Summon-in] Untrrar. \\hich «nthracei nil, lthe ulv-cr up: They are now lupin]. an.) have exr‘ept the higher sets of l‘nmking, .\lnnufnt-tur—‘v {LINEN for (li-(in‘! n 3e”, and she is as hearty lflg.‘liltilrotldlhg,&t‘. Intml‘rubnq il_ nnnun n~ you will ii id i_n n dn)'sl .\Pnll fir 'i tiirvulur. ’ Ewflk. b‘xt' is ghj for any tannin cull on htr,l l‘t'b- 1, 13‘”. W“! {null 'nkrs .30.“. pnins to ilfiit tiny one; lhnt she ‘hnnrs llua 34.}‘lllivlg like he: ('ls:.fllltilrlos ta '3»: thl'm 1,, cnmr :mri srr me. - = The nun-'11:" is His: Scofio‘ll, ftd'n Stun t'nrd. Cunu. 511:. liariltolnmew got lin, tlu‘wn ’l') kw in'". and slu- bus been tvrr SUCCJH he! :ht-use. \\"m,n sht- fir-n rume In my muml. she ‘wxs much dunwwtml with a distrt~~-ittg mngh, gapilllng lzr;e qvmntitit-s of blood. lf-u-nim-d ji or lunga '3 EM tl-c t-nspimmrtrr. nml in -\lme llT‘lP'll'l- nuwr innnd one Willi our lung .m Mr ’ur‘nv‘ an-l t’te aim-t lung :0 sound. !'¢'ll'llll nnt giie tum-h 'rnrnurngenwnt. l tlttt‘nght she \“uul-i die; but to my muonislimt n: Ihr ?ul-1 manic SEN!"- S-‘Jth-c-l Tuttn', nnd 'M'tnlirtitei l'tlld .tll int-marl tn :0 right to \vurlrg. (in' lung" i: Mi [trait-i m'or, l(' win: nit-mt” us Inge-11° l I‘ll Err-0:0 egg; gnnvl :llll)‘ tita, fins: spirits. nud‘ Lns gained >amo thin} the wutnls in “within; :I,t- hits 2mm: qr-ngn yr-r, \rl.ult.l ‘s'), :mt think \\ill.h~tw licr hrfnro Junta“ l ~3mnhflthin§ tl .\v ui i F): nigh-Tut inert-M tn sr-ino uujvrt-jntlict‘d [hiszt‘iuu 1n xivtt littwp I: fit“. pnntil'ltinil; \lla‘ ,N-ofinM, or any nf ihr'n’uhu ll.|\'t‘ by“) t'urml‘ h}- vnx u edit-Inna: Tim-y are “fun «s.th in Xew lurk: but the ntxon- ume ttll dim-lli'mm L‘ :rli other} and if my “it“luflifl‘; nrc doing (that l l 1; llt‘t“(':it t? m‘ 5111-. {hty gliuuid hnvo (2'l: L‘l‘t‘tlll, nml mu :tlll; -'ue.l ktww wl‘t'te uitl haw they in l)‘ he Cl‘l’hl.‘ J. H. SL‘IIEXQK, M. D. i Dr. J. 11. Srltnnrk nan lw found {:11 his prin.‘ ‘rlp‘l nihcv. X 013! .\'nrth sin :itrcot. l’iiilndel-I pttia, M'v ry ~‘ Iturt‘w)’, from 9 A. M. until 5 [’.i 51.,117 give :nlx'icn. hrt‘ oft-liiirge§ but for 91‘ their. Rh mammalian l-t- (lulu-('4 ill‘t‘e do].g 'lnru/‘l'mogtf the i'ttiJioAiC' 53th}: and Sen-9 wed T5l: ir- ouch 3!."25 per buttlo,or St; the hit”L tion-rl3 .\ls.mlmkt- l’tlh .‘5 cums nor hUY, and erl‘ 'nr ‘nln hi‘ all llt l‘gbifls [Lad DeulCl‘a. \- .l-tncci, 150$. '.‘ut IB NF.IT Yortr:, \\ TU TH?) H”: LIP. ; 'l‘? i-.:. vm-rs A“; I \vn‘in 1"»! t' fihL'l‘fi-fl! Pnlnwnury T'lun-l.'x:!‘H'H\,"H‘d 2 Wm) up In div. '1 rr‘\i-l:.~u m E’hJunL n‘m \. my! in. .105"ng I‘Lr .‘riy-h, {Lon (.l' {111: Mb , nr-lun-d me 'n Mme:— grunt, I<.‘.‘,l\dlsz.L-~ce of Lao wilt-a. WMIUI gunk me mu. '1“.‘""" got thorn. UH mfnrriv'nl '1 \\"un pm lf|,l‘“'l.uwl [*ler lull] Mr nmnv ‘wvt'r 4. _ '11?» "v “in": uxtlvn p! v \. win; 9 MI {.m- “up". } ~.’r.!-.l’ni I‘ | I med‘m C‘t"*lllnfl’il‘n. ‘l’r 11.-u! m, \\‘l-o "Handel my MINT 1| I'l3 ‘ln-t :I‘nfi .. v. ‘.- 4‘ vH-V-l, and g ”o. my {nun “'“"“. On I‘,“ u- m. m‘l‘AErd. ”(21nd ~v-"11 'l lmv 'lm ‘3‘.\ ,1~1 g'n'.‘ “av. nnni‘fiumg'fl 1 “us m cm mo. "l‘iwnl hmtrl ‘.E‘ 1L" 'rc-nv'HN l’nnw m’er to [Le v ml! 0 \\‘lx't‘h ”nmluml‘ l! waned In In" um I “Min 1‘ d lhmn Ilncht'LlM n; m; («hula .5: w-in. . , “. l‘l-i‘v awn sir-eneJ Hm naL't-r nn‘ mr Emu", nm'i} \\‘l u: i ‘3‘“ MI (um-r 11‘ up .L 1:111?th mh’n age yellow h chr n-zvv‘ m unylg. A 4 sonn 11.5 mm m-gzmllq-.1‘~1,-‘,:‘.=_\ luugh,"t:x.r,p4n?n, !m,‘.\L 3x5.“ is+flfb~>g~m L. lwuu men.” un‘ 'lnmwtx'o l.- (_“HI'IIP fio'tsrun 11.9.! n \\"< Ian“; fiuult; l I‘HUI-l ‘\l v 1! Imm ea'mz mu m 10h. I armu Mme ‘um "r- 'zgl‘» In a! h ugh?" n '1? up mg l!‘ [lv-ll mil-r nut-o, I‘m- mnu ‘ rvra 1 h-‘no lug {.ch u :t'IJ-t‘r-q-l-Il{(14:15 L» '4‘: tot-ping Uh: IHr ‘l‘ l U m»: ’ulm “3‘“ ‘1 h the .\'m ‘wrwtl 'l‘umc mm: fund-”3113'! 1';:;.;_ '~~ I .-..: Hf _1 ‘h 110'“ l 4 mjx Hunt“. 55) \\ ('l, En La two» [mn- Edlcd an»! M LU' pnv-uis. I-n 1m rmr‘nnr} fiwapiv av :IH 511'.“ m- .~'~lr and nth-g. In five “111'?” KJJ“ nv I'o 1'1.“ m m I'm t' is ['Ur— ipnsCl p‘!" H :I'3l‘ovulx‘hbm jllnlv:';- vi. ' ties. ’l‘aeJm-nmpzma with to see the one [\hu: mcera I'M-u ,"r‘daxi"“:’ :‘ml “In: “a“? mum! of ('l' !"""; '.!)'l m yuan. "1‘; puke now ‘lun:=, x: imp 311%: M runiriu: m‘ the lungs of 14,J. :11 of v ‘3! l" unlf 4-11rnrzv uh .-r mm; of Um I run -hiul tub": can hx- 11mm. {Su- 11 ewe: M“ «him: hourly 'ndur the (”tram-I',- irmnnt‘ptlnf physivmns, \d _‘ms‘ sun'x are rure [Xin- the no?” use hf ‘FucL‘i Pvl'Tnnlc erup, Sf‘glfi’uyd funk, \\‘mmimkv 15st -{ i ‘ now u hml‘hv mnnl with n. hrgr mvily ‘iddiu Inho- m‘tlm‘ nghv h ngfiahc lower :murh lwiu 17rd nml uuu)plvté ud thn- Mmgm. 'lherl fl lung Is sound. \‘mr lum- of-aho right Inf”; is in n “‘ill'n‘ courlumn, 'lhu ‘grvnt rea \wzms do not éuxu,cu§sgrnpliuu \ 1m m.uv‘.l: Hll} .rvlml-Ji‘ nugh. :0 stup ch: 1. lo stup C Java, and, by§ so doing, \le digeélh’e power, lock \::mi uvvuluniiy the pa ‘m‘mr I mnke a Careful “it me». the Ihspirum -1110“. to cure'} Idi \tiie “methane-fies. v “ill '4]: stop of ‘.m bé cured of dysqcpsm, ca- V quits! the My‘d in New \b. uh-eran- PM ENE I,lh r- e braion or nail the u: ‘lolcrwbly 1.- °on “hy l-lly is '.luvy Irv t-u -cinv: in Map t‘w night int-HIS, heck. they derunzcuhe \\‘h inglup xhe :FLH‘HOIH flent ii kH annl INN. enmiukon at the palm net, and find luu‘gs euuulfl rent the patient ho“ to the Rel-nor: the turn and Ilw_ their own .mmr-l. No nne, comumivtlnn, liter complaint, larrh; ('.lulxer, I)" 0' .lti‘Jx lhrou liver and Blommzh .m‘ made baall England this canker, curouic utmr 9d throw. elonguim m m‘nln, is: m; ltn't than 11l nu; O‘ht-r semiou offing Thighs frequrutly mused by u foul alol You may ham il. om ’with C‘llFlic‘jlik again, n_ntl ull lllry mil get. is temporary r Correct. ilm ‘ilnmACh and llrer, nndj-ihey hem!!! 'm-"clws. . ‘ , ' G nulliLi-‘HI is the remedy. It] you have any disease in my Mrt of the holly-it will remain t‘icre {haul decay more 21nd ‘h‘lul'e until you can get lhd stomach in the canditiou to digest. food nml make new Hood 10 take the place of (flse-isevl marker. This 3‘ the only “115.10 hrnl unifies tn the lungs an I ulcerated] ‘lvronchial tubes. ~Contact. jthc a'tq‘lxnach Ihdl liver-,aml nature will do the henlihg. Many, persuus‘haw an ‘ideu thalicermiujmedicines are great purifiers ofllie blood. er‘eu blood I: once diseased u unmet be purifiedjfi. is dis— eased the sums us the diseased matter in the system ; but. get the appnr:|fkfi‘in~!order, the lu'er and stomu-h, gnu} gne it plenty of honr~ ishing Mod 1!, will 133 k: new’hlood, which will like the place of t‘n-ut which is diseased. Sclleni k“: l’ulmmriq :53 rusz ,oue ul' the best prelmm‘tiuni or imig in use. it' is a powerful tunic of Well“ nml when ‘lho Seaweed Tonié ‘dissolx‘es the mucus in the sto'mach, and il. in canied off by the aid or. the-Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonlc Syx up is made into blood. Tim/1 is the only In; to cure consumption. H I cannot-gel. 21 good appetite, and food does not. digesul mmmgcnre the patient. ' Newt” mind the cough ; remote ihe cause add it. will stop «itself. This is the most trouble l have will: my patients at my rooms. They lay, “Due. tor, I feel stronger; Icnn eat; my night sweats are better. and l'frel better every wny‘, but. my cm‘igh is up lull yet ;“ and they are aston ished u: hear me say that does not matter; rguyn'e thelmfise and the cough will mop uf ltseJ. Schrm-k‘s Smweed cream: a good up. pcl'ue in about niue'fln‘y‘s. when' there is, nOl 'lung dixease, unless lhn liver In so eongeued' than. the Mandrake Pills cnunot pnlogk the ducts ofthe gAll bladder in Um ahort apnea} of lime, in order to nlluw the stale bile to pass! 06. Keep :11: liver and tomneh healthy nndi there is less danger of (ionsumpllon or any other diseue. In is hard [0 hum cold‘whenl those crmns are healthy. Those Lhat‘nre bili-s one, low Spirltt‘d, drearyJeeling Itupid, coated} {'_‘} _ . .ur-H ’ . ..‘ jY '4}: T P.L.'l'F.‘?Hl’§f\‘l;lll'.-'l'he (To-partnership (‘Vlifilinfl helwu‘n (hr suhsanbers, has hem dinohod um duyfiy mntua’. caneenié- We rMurn thnhkn tqnur mends and the public fur the llhvrgl support uremic-. 1 ‘0 us. Our houks «in he let? M the slbro; anrhve earnest -1}: requt‘it flame indrbu‘d to as to call and nnk" vmmediule pmncnl. nswve :tru desirous tn smlc our busing-u ‘“’ill)01ll (inlay. ' 1. ,_ A Card; ’ ‘ HE snh-‘nribcr having di=pF=cd M'hié in ? A levee: m the Store of thenn A: (July in :John S. Craw‘t‘urd, E~q., rospertlully asks the "cuminnnnrc Yum l'rien'ls and customers In "p:mnnize his su€cessor—_whm Bargains may fhe hm. JOHN CULP. . Feb. 8,18 m. x A N THE HAT AND SHOE BUSINESS.—A. I Canaan lmiug associated“ with. him“ in businrsa John S; Crawfqnl, whoA purchased the inicrest of John Cxilp, respectfully nn nonnccs tojhficilizens of Gettysburg and the public genera y, xlmt (he hmindss will be con :inuvrl at 'be Old Shunt on Clmmbersburg street, hv A. COM-lAN & CO.. who will con ;mntly keep tin [mud a large stoc ' of Goods, in theline of SHOES, HATE CAPS. ’I‘RI‘NKS, ' CARPET BAGS,.IT.\IBRELY AS, 3.0., and lyry will also continue the Mm {nature 0! Shoes. ‘ ' . n: preva ouner. \achz— N and dim; From their long rxpcrlonra in all the nho‘re! br‘mcbcs, they flmtcr themselves that they can please the public, and null sell chenpfor cash/I ' ‘ ATOBE \N, ‘l ' ' J. S. CRAWFOR9/ {filing hnsfncss under the name and (it!!! of A. Cobcnn 3 Co. . ; [Fem (5/1864. ___—... ,;_x ".._“, v - ; Establx TOTICE 01“ RE: LAW? 00., resp tfnny beg lean, wnoH; mm me 4:11:10 91'! audlthe publicfié‘mmlly, that i have re oved from 2 ‘ “Mr-Min street, to the com odiaas foul ‘ NO. 08 BALI}. hetwee‘n Ho and: ibe . 9n..- _ win {or the mm 6 egg? 'N‘y'mlesuN'Busi -1125!. solely i ,A’ Hosiery. ‘mm ' rm hil . , V \ (..‘,RULIUIIS, , _ Stationery, bulicry, To; 9, km, ‘in. to w ich ' ritet e attention of any and co tux-y purc‘mwrs, fee 'ng éonfiicnt nf- thair y-Silny \0 offer, induce guts in pricé’é and quality of Goods. ; Order's by mail' will rece've prompt amen: tion. Address , l - ‘ LAWRENCE D. DI TZ & CO.. 2 308 Baltimore urea ‘ Baltimore. March 14, 1864. STABLISHMERT.L~GEO.RECKENRODE A FASHIONABLE 'I‘;AH.OR. adopt: this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he barb opened a. Tailoring establishjnent 'in Bahimore street Gettysburg, (Into Post Office.) near the Din.-I mond, where he is prepared to do all work in Portable Printing omega. [his line in the best manner, and to the antis , ‘\ Haction of customers.. He employs mm: but “7,; FOR the\use ‘Y‘ first cldss bands, and rec-Diving 5'13 . Meryhanu‘ Drug-t N THE msmpxs REGULABLY, ~ *3; mm. and all blwinesthe can mm'nnt fashionable (ifs Ind he“ and ,7 wk “:45 and pro ssionnl‘men ‘ gubgmnfim sewing. Ha aska,a share of the _. ' ,tJ' 2. , -.~ Who w‘sh to do “\{iripnhlic's pntmnnge, promising Ito spare no of -5.! *1» 4' 4’3; own rinting, uea {{foctto’deserva it. His charge‘will Always; be .~ 1 ~45 m9t'l/cheflply. Adnpx; found a: moderate Is the timns will nilow. . ' / gel/to the printing 04‘ Cutting and Repairing done at the shortest 4* ~ andbills, hillheads, J\muce. [Gettysbuiglj April 7, 1862. cirwlflh, labels, cards/and small ngwspnpers ’ ’ Fm] instructions accompanying each oflice e_n‘ nbling a buy ken ym'u' old tc‘ work them anc cessfnlly. Circulnrsf sent (roe. Specimen aha-ts of Type, Calif «ha, 6 cents. Address ADA .\IS‘ PRESS 00.. 31 Park Bomb}, "., and 35 Lincqlh unset, Boszpu, Buss. January 25,1?‘4. 1y A ’ Albums! LBU II I! . . - ALBU3! S ! 1 I nut rocei d a large and beautiful “sorta men! of? ogmphic Albums, thrh we'ofler Wei :icn. . TYSON BROTHERS. Dec. 14 1863. V .' . I Ed Dissclation. , , ALEXAM‘EILCUBEAJ, Jan.30,‘.874.' JUUS crux. . Another Change .m‘rmzssss and APPLEQPEALRM mule b, ‘ sums a; bqgfiygm _,_,,,_ , ___‘fl _.. ..’” W ,_ .N , 0 G? ’9 ‘ Q 2.; .. Q Mlm/g‘V/ML/jefi"? I «d ' . .\'TERNATIONAL (‘fl\l’\' OF I ‘ (‘()‘.|\IEHJ_'IAL COLLEGES; 'bambllshcd'ln the hill-‘A‘lllk’ \~l"'“>’= o ‘ . I‘ ll‘l L A ill: I. I‘ll l .\ . . S. E. Conn-11m Slur-ml: nml Cl'mum 32:” New Yurk. Brnn’kl: I‘. Albany. Tm). l‘mfi'. dr-nce, I‘nrtluml.. ll :rH'.»nl, Burlington, Newark,~ Rnlwa-g. Billy'hl, Tami-I‘s, Cleveland. 111-mull, (LIL :zgu, \l|l~ wxul‘cf nml N. Loci-n ~ a Thnrmizh tlmnrmir- ‘l'wnd prn‘cth-AT inch-ne fion in all lmrnnclms [wt-mining to'u fiJishul Bukineis Ednmuun. c . :The l'l\‘L'..\ 11-lphm College =lMd< Grrt in the State, both in puim m" rrpu nun nml Inn-ll nv'lvumnpfl. Tl.» 1m: n. mmml at, is. to [Lia'cc‘ Cmnmeui.tl liducflinn \\lm'e iL l)(lo'~,l.{~.—-m '.lI‘L- from rlnk Ll mm'ul intruvxl "1. 1‘0“!le find. a most tlmmuclx course or l-u‘amnns Irnin mg 13. adapted nn'l cnn-lully Quint-coll. {luller the porsunul 5|)[101\l‘10n ul cumivcllnt Pm l‘msms in the Various llrp'xrlmeuls. ’l'lu- Imm. park-cl ayatum u! pun-111ml [mining c\i_-r Ile used has DEE“ pm. in operation, nml ls sm:- (‘essfully carried out. nfl‘nrlling to :‘ndenu ml mnhgsisuch as have llithortu houn rnnsvrlm ell passihlc only in cnnnwlmn wnh lfH' mum'- lug-house. Alter lwcoming‘ pmm'wuL in me Science of Accounlq. l'L‘nlnnmlx‘p. ( Omlnn cml Caluulntiona and l‘vmn‘cninl 1..\“. llm sturlNu is lVllhfL‘llv tn lllc Prnuwnl Depart: ment, wlugw bcnmneo :magctunl lluulhl‘cpp. r-r and Hr- c mm; p.lsses ch 0v gfi lhr- rlxmngn. Hnnscs; aw in turn 3“ ficllrxg (':'thor, &r. learns the duties and res; nsihilllwa 0: each office, and bYCOlnci Illmuulrzl.) informv-d, nut only; in Hz} forms whmh are in nn‘w r~nl nsr‘, but in managing the affairs ql’businuss null systvm nnu duSpm-h. . Baltimore ”h ~ tolmlarchim ‘“"‘”‘t .jt one pnint. nrn pan-l, _ 3 ' 1' for an unllunln-«l yeriod. in the eibluvuxg Colo' ;/ leges compri‘luz ‘lim ‘ chain.“ ' l ‘LRI‘TE‘EF Diplomas nre nn'nnlwl 11.0 thew only film 0 EDllhl‘. fulfill the proav-xi‘hod mmsc outudy, and pubs. J V the requisite cxnminntion. , 3 I' ' For fanhcr information send for n cliculur. l , Address: v . gl‘d'AST, smnrofi & cO., Feb. B’, ‘4. ly ,l’l ilndllphia. :ny V_ l ‘ - l/ \ nan-{lnvert ~ Ladies’ Fancy F 1311; '2 35W. Bra-v“. Esq” Faring-r 3 flank of Immune: , _h ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘W. Lll'z-qmr, llsq , l.un~u’~'ttr(fullnuy,l:m.k "3‘ ’"“: 'r‘ ' Samuel Shack, 15”,,(‘nlnnnbia Hunk. ‘ v :3 Mgr")? Szumlul \Vngm‘r,’.!".~ql, \‘mk l'mukr ' .Lli _ AN_U~ Willium “'.(gnor. £311.. York vmnny Bank. " [3o‘ “S T. D. (.‘nryun, lin-1.. Hunk llf‘il‘tlyslnurg. - 'tifV/fl.' "born Peter .\Lu-tin, l"~r{;, l‘rnth'y oflnmcnstcr co., P: l I.“ “---l Gen. 0. Hawthorn, lisqullt-giflcr ‘ “ -:' “u wI” “o" "f Gen. Wlfikon. Huh Revux‘der L “ Imporwnon; Au,“ 1;, lblil 1' ‘ xfncmrn, one! V ‘ ' ‘ \RGEHT andl UTIFULse. 1f FAN G Y Ladha'Knd wanninfllo Gem’s I-‘ur when COM , .. v “3..” VA“. .. at. present, 1- am ”Wed to dispose of them at rcrv rm stumbleV prices. and I would lhem-fore solicit. a mug/om my friends ofAdsuus éoumy nhd vi cn v. ‘ 2 x/m'g‘Pßcmcmbcr the nvmcgmuvthraudstrccl! / ~ Jmm “mum, I ~ HBARCH Street, above‘h ‘, mmh si'le. , I‘H‘IL-ADELPUIA. 59‘] have no partnr-r, m co‘pnectlon wuh any other More in Plulndelplxia‘. \ , Sept. 12, 1864. but 3 \ New Millinery. YSS MARY M. BEITQER Irmrm mo-Lm- M spect‘fnlly inform ihe Ladies of Benders— ~vme and vicinity, tbnzihe has dommenced the Hillinery business in that pineal, nt‘ Mr. Jm‘ob Bear‘s, where (having just (chimed from in“! city,) ahe wiil keen on hand, for sale, at the lowest profits, BONNETS, FANGY‘RIB BOSS, Feathu‘s, Band BoxeMSll-nm Leghorn and other Millihery Gq‘odfli the newest and best. styles. ; end)" trimmed Siik Bonneis Me M. an imes to pa 11nd. _ Bonne‘pmnking and trimming nucnued‘ to whh dispatch and ch‘eapnces Lnesf fnsh ions received for Fun and Win qr‘Bonnets i Oct. 24,}864. 4} ' ~ New Tallonng Assoc atidn. i , PA.- i§cascs of‘che 'nnl, Urin ry wd Sexual reliable ”taxman—in re -31) ASSQCIATIOX~un¥ {cum- envelom, free 0'! n. J. SKILLIN 110 mm. . . _ 7', ‘ muonqusoutbxsmh‘. John W. Tlpton, . ‘”‘- : ' ‘ ASBIONABLE_ BAR§EB, N 95119:.“ cor ( 1c 1' .1 l at of the Diamoml, (nutaoor to Me -37317.13 Haul.) Genysbnrg, PL, 'in. be en It all time: be found ren‘dy to “Lend to II}; business in his line. He has nlméc'elhm m M..— s'gsumce n will ammo anti on. Oi“ 1, Benny, Ribbons‘. him . call. a g \ 1n..." 3‘13““ - and Bonnet Frames ‘ _- +. ~ » , . . _,;+‘;,; ark, chug-t Faun. [EST-RATE Eighfidny,,?Mfly-huu'ud as!) mom, i: 41m mach. 61mm! at momen- ‘ a . I «iv-J m new nuonment' , to wbielnn inv‘ue lhl A. SCOTT & SOS: ILLLVBRY CO I quwors, Shah" nst received from New estécks'. the sign or ,IZe qe Universal Clothes Wringer.‘ umwvsma AND ADJUSTABLE, ) WITH COG-WHEEL REGULATOR. SHIADS t BUEHLER, » ~ G:rrmnuna,P4. From innumerable. rcc‘onfznoudutians, In gather the followmg: ‘ \ Letter from Mrs. {Leary Wand Beecher,iu um. ‘1 nm mom imp v to npenk in‘tfio vary blah est term or 1h: wnimrm Clothe: Wringer." The biz-deal pn of “ wpslglug-duymvork il, in my opinion, In ringing; nnd the mum: of this mu’chiue may lmvu Hm antlstncfloix of frehng that he has changed one of tha’ moat tomume pgrts of woman's work into I very attrnctive umusomnnt. The hundreas look: upon it. ask great Musing. I look upon it as among the most useful :rrtiflcn in the house. ' Bruoklym October, 1861. ‘ , Mia-:4; oo 1 OH R -\T.q. ‘HL‘E. ROACUES, ANTS, BED 1 F HUGS, MOTH?! IN Fl'nfl, WUULENF', -. ;& '., INFIX‘TS “JV PLAV'I‘N', l"‘J\\'l.S,7.\.\l-\ MALS, &i‘.——l‘ut up in ‘.‘Tu’. PIPE. and $l 0:2 ' B'm-s, Bank: and Il‘lzhk-a. $3 and 55 size for Horrm. P nw' I~;nrlrrl':mn.kc. "0 fly Enfnl'xhle ”th; km'.\'u.'.' “ Free 110 m 1’I>iu)l|~l"" . ” 50‘: d mgemuu to NIL-Human anfly." “ R M: mnw out of \hrh hnh- m die." pay-Sold Wlm’vsulmin all Jun-1' r'ltim. flrSoM h; :th M Lights find Retailers ever}- Whvr". . It"?! .' 2 “mm-u: .‘ I‘.‘ urn): «MP-hum Emilntinnu. luvs-3 Hun N Gianni“ mum- Is on each But, Hu’lic nml i lufl'hhfinrcfi'n') huf, E'Ef'A Mr H HEREBY R. COSTA} . [is-é” “uuu'AL gm- )I‘ 4:: finmuwu‘. N. . “22‘“5013 h} nQfl'hutesule .mJ item“ Drug ‘l3:!fiiXl(ALl‘.l~JllAl‘ls.ll. . Frb. 211.381“- Noah Walker 82. Co.. 0 L 0 TI! I Sing, 17'; no firimm‘mms Svnnr,‘ _ ‘ ‘ ' . n A L T x n v r: n, kerb co-nst met)- my hunhu lgrgu nml won mi- mm d heck of uh kluh oi gnmfiu much-rpm 111122 L The}: s'lpply'org‘frs fur the fivmsc (0 Hr- run-fix. [mm-l llfl‘ll'iclfhhBl;_fcflg” made A: ,mm'w m mv'uurn. [‘o an; [HM bf the cnnntry. I . ~ I ‘ : They keep him an MAL-using stn‘Ek of I'll/”.\'- I . , / 115 mm, (mum, emercing every mm: o! 13. , , ‘Gexglvmvn a \ Met-“Hr, .\hu, )K I‘y : / ,FLUTHS‘MJ ”My rum;- «If/\(Z’ mingt, M WU! a: n." unwad'mrk of/l‘ll'lxbxf§ . | _ V/ , ’ .\Lxmz \HLI'i‘AHY (w '1’!“ ii‘ ri. fry-pl Owlhrmzlnl‘ l-‘vmlrny. of cvgry do iiun rn ( ul‘ul in lhe mun aubsmwinl and fined 4310.4. ‘ ’Pianp Fo’rtes. lIARL‘ES .\I. STH-ZI’F. ' xucncnrcnn 0' GRAN?) RFD SQY’AI‘J‘} I‘IAXO VORTEX Mnnutm-mry Jog. 10f- Js 167 Franklin nml»! Wan-mum, .\'qt 7 North [litany nrcet. Constantly n lnrge number OYJ‘XASQ'} of my own'Manufact‘nre on lumd, mm the Full Iron Frnmn um) Hwy-fauna. Even [ll‘3er mam. mun-mud fur five yeurs, with {he priyi. legcvol’exclmuge wdhin twelve months if not. entirely s.|tisf;u:mry. . ”Second-hand I‘innos nhmyn 4b“ hand at prices-ltomfibfl to $2OO. ' >- Bunimow, he”. 2:, 1834. 13' am. ‘ ’ New Goods I—Large Stock ! , EREHANT— TAYLORING. ‘ pi: JACOBS Q BRO. ' aw: just receivedfrom the cities “urge stock of goods for Gentleman's wear, embr‘aclyg a variety of ‘ » V ' CLOTHS, ; ‘ __ CASSNERES, k VESTIXpS, Chgs‘meu, Jenna, km, with many owe! goodl. {o&spring and summér wean ‘ ' he; an: prefilred to make’up garments nth the shortest notice. and in theivery bgn mam, ner. Tub Fashions are rogr‘flnrly tecehed, amt clothing made in any duired ntyk. They IL~ ways make neat fits; whilst their sewing is can to be subfiumial. ' ' ‘ , They ask a. continhnnce of (he public'l pn uomge, resolved by good workjnd’ modem“: ’charges to_ earn it. ~ ", “‘"‘! Gettysburg, Apxil 7, my. , ‘ Blacksmithigg‘: _ HE'undersigned would 'mdst‘TujJectmy T inlorm lhepublic that. be has condemn; BLRCKSMITBXNG BUSINESS, at Banner k Ziegler’s" shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, whgre be will u all times be prepared to do Blacksmithiag taxi: to On:- ringes, Buggies, Wagons, 5L6. That he knows how to do all jobaof the king will not be ques tioned by those. who have; knoyledge of his tong experience n :he businquh Cum on with your work, and you'vfll be hthflq’d when you take it away—Mid (a; which hfo {sill re ceive Cash or Cohntry'Pfaduce.’ ‘sng _ 1 * mm HOLWOM. Jan. 4, 1864. tf . , fi ‘; VERY desirable“ FARM. fighting the Boroughof Gettysbummonllhm n..; 1'“ ACRES—Building: and Unit} find... Win be sold 2m very accommodgfiu; 7! ‘ (e ‘ s. - GEO. mow. Gltyshrgrg, Oct. 5! 1863. 1f ‘ FOE. Ell-I BY [way 2; 18611 = waysqu-rus urnnomn, 'HJTAHY Loaf Ts 'l3an :r Boog: Bmdery. [AT-T, . V Horn: nlanß, FHANK HOOK “li\‘i'YN‘TVflßl’l. » rhxruwsn-m. m For Safer a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers