gm“ & @£§£?§L mmrfi'f;frzf—Trz ../ s ‘ {W'Anommmsm BENEFITS m . , i NEGRO. , ' "a tree}: m.» known by its fruits, any: the Idrgm’f'fli Record. aurely I eyl‘pm may ‘ 'hejudga by tnrewltn.nnd Abolitioninm ea ju dgod out: I sorry figure. Before thnt coming. med lesome Pharininc fiend ep . retred in bur bidet. concord dweit in the m There a: fraternity between the ‘ , ‘at end nion emohg the mute-. ‘ They floriedi a common past, and look ed forwhrd 1 common mbure. The names of Bun er Hill ahd Lexington then - "‘.flred one Sou ern heart," and Yorktnwn Q snflfiamdcu m, the blow coursing fihrgugh 5 Northern veirtx. The Northern men and Southern moq ntoéd clogs tggether, a com pdct, livingiw 11, ngnimt which the tides of foreign inv nion would break in vain.— . th howdiff. ent.’ . f ~ With the when! of Abolitionism W. de vblope¢i in‘ thé North :1 new phuae of (het Ipirit of self-ti hiequehefls which lieeJtt the ‘. but. of our [7 asen't struggles-«that spirit inch (arise on to all the world. not oldtho 'P we did 0 Heaven. "We are not. a father men a , sixtveholdFr's, trafiicers in "Mali and bloc ; we are the salt of thelendf flue-m o‘o 'u m: 'naf Um iI-jmhiic: nll who 'iip'nk drfl'xrri-i Ilv from uu'muq 'm- nnnb ‘ 'r-m with :‘m " ‘ ' 1' '.w Lard ‘1!“ (If Jilin/n." _ 3 -‘ quII, 1W «1 1:1: inwrummi by tongue and .: rum is how an he“ in: hy.the ewornl. Aboli- Z 1W5”; is en! wound in :11! the high place-I; ‘ it EllB tho Pr Fldenwd chmr; it lands the n inics. ’l‘th remurcm pf the country are it its feet—lh” livus of the péople are hits 4]! ride. It Vh f ruined commerce, it has p nilyzed mgr. it hnsdccinwfed the ranks fithe poor. i‘ ha§ lowercflihti’bmtus oflhe _ untry, it nun iieiuged the hmd with ‘ A Hood. it has vorwhehherl itxyith_tnxnlion. ‘ Bht‘whnt hn. ihlune {nr principle. what f: {o} igcheris ed idea? , The country nifty t it ‘to the ‘l?!va mm! the pt-ople to,the ' ‘ w ms, butsl'tmly. surdy gne little mlntnkm 7 _t. at. occurredi‘in the drama ot‘the croutiun . 4/»)! ve bent Imihfix‘d ; sun-1y the scale ofhu ‘ . 31:21? (has «en righu-d and the Aniggera <3 at a! fin th tbp r)! the heap. . -jSurely‘A itsom’sm spocesaful. triumph “‘j‘fit‘ has achi \jfllr‘mnmfithing for unbleach- T_.'- ' ed Amt-Finn if made them happier at all T ghenta, If no more hanged, more cunxffir «fibleif not mm Impacted. Let u: SOP. ‘lettgr in l :e New York Tribu’ne tells us’ 1‘ » that in the rmy of the Writ the uegrues ".'wtere dyiné Ike mtten shir‘ep; that, those 5 aviho wag Hi servants to the officeri‘when ' tfien si w yre driven out to-thg wobda to 7 did; that. thiy lav out in .the My, of? the ; _\‘ streets. or ht (IV-“ell together m (fields or vu ’:§_ cal-gtK lots IW‘J’W‘U’ food, without medloinn, . . "thaw. ouelufunv kind, “us filthy and pi ?lea‘ groupnfsuife-ring humzinltv m we‘re 5 er 331116th together; .nmrt nt Ihv m » -pfnntnlion nomups. and many. of (hull) 3 4 l'rlnging tn Hahn-k m limit-Jud hump-A."— i,irhe ('huplhyn." says the letter “‘HWT. . 3mm mt- (141 thnce Hem-ops h ufinrml. .‘ tnul/wure stnl suflQ-rfing untol‘nt and ; 'retchedness; that nearly 4 ~ and died ‘ "§n'ce he had'takefi—chm-pp nfthom; that _K . Lom eightefin to twanty tired «Imly; that 7 "game times they wnuhlw-mwl ofl‘mto the ‘ oodslntLdie where thnir Fir-dips would be s3qu only‘rby thr- sten’ch which nriaoa from I .my ;" "they had nosheltor except hru<h g) nhiehl them from the sun, or storm, or g cw of the night." a. ‘fl'l‘hese aye .thc benefits' Ahnlitinni-Im has ’ Mound upn'n the nemoos—let the tree‘ . @ejuflyd by “5 fruitq. How does tim Ahnli ’tictn press like the firm] which it. has eVo ' _«ked~_by its foul Orgk‘a?' , ' LU ‘ ———‘_—._<.....-..._4. . . 3 GENERAL HOOKER (The bom’lEgt'of Gen. Hooker, runhing This meg) ummcesmrfly into the very juws nf . ’deatb at the balgo of Ripggolzb by which . five mama of the OMG‘and . Illinois ‘groops v'verq usolggsly mid cruelly sacrificed, in severely commented ‘n‘pon by the West» ’ern press. It. is mope-thuu insinuated that hewas'dran at the timefilm} entirely un fit to command the troops.’ A correspond ent'qfithe St. Louis Republican, writing from "the scefie nf actigu,‘ says: y ‘- 7.3!“). Grain! Gauntlet] an- explanation .of' unpreceden . gcg‘uducl, when Hook ‘erfexlied that hi'n Ifijrmishers became an , . and that it ma» 0 point. of ,honor «witbpim to sustain thegn. The ghject of 'uentlillg~them out was (6 mcertain' the po- L‘ifion of the rebels. while a. flank movenjem ”,wu mudtr upim thclm. which_must have ‘remMedin the cumurc of most of than: hit by hi 3 recklesme“. Hooker lqst us the <ndvantage which this would ham secured. 9nd qonsigucul hl’mdreds ol' brave men [0 their gravpaz'f _ I» ' “LINCOLF‘S LAST JOKE.‘ \'We have‘ rand a: great many of the Pres ident’s' “lust."jokei. but the last one echpses mlLthe others. It is his plan for reconstruc ting the State govprnmef‘gm the seceded Safes and bringing the . bac’k ipto the .Uninn. .‘He pledgm himielf to the Smith- km peopld not. t 9 object. to their rpsuming ' ‘ddmir Maids as States undeij their old con ‘su’tmit‘ms And the anS existing prior to the liqbeliiun. pmvided thy will tnkegan oath ‘ toignora Lhasa constitutions and law so far :3 Mia relate to the negro,ancl accept ‘ 12in {ifocliinaiions and the laws of Cojigress ‘ 5n liifu min-ear. Tim! is, he propostmxo the Southern people, who have baen ngcated faiLlheir' lives to gik upon and treat die Afrimnfi «mint? and wsiave. tochnnge Ilieir opinion :6 mi to coincide with his own, town. the negro as n. freeman and an equal, in short.« bo_becom9 Abolitionists and sup. mp“; him and his measures, as the only ' :perms, uppn which he can consent, t 9 give , tlmbm governments and permit them Juice—em l- the Union. . f This ti 1 hrs-last joke. at which; were it . not tqo'z’erious’fo: mgrtb, everybody Would ‘ laughr—l-J’ufrloldf (Info/:3: < . ' ”Every day-we find something new in rel-yon to the‘escape of Morgan and his oficeu. confirming the belief new general- Jyyenterguinal‘that the‘y ‘aacaped by bribigg Some of the officinis of the pemtentipry. or {at out by order of the War Departmenl.-. “monk Fort. Wayne (Indiana) 77mg, of the 15th. contains the following sigmficant pal-{graph : _ - 9 A er Morgan had escaped Tron},the'()hio ?enitenliary,-the Attorney General of the Sync we}! in company mth a State Sena ’ montptenmine the pnson,to see if the state- Ineuf'muc the prisoners. had dug out. whim ' knives are true, mud they men not permitted Manila-3x: >emmination." This looks a lmle ‘ bminoufl .’l‘ho question now comes up, gid‘ the’ Abolition authorities shpuld be made to answer it: Did Morgan’s men dig Mr Izy out. of the prison, with case flakes. hrdugh thy air vaults, or did they >Ml£ «its: 2“nonfih an open doot, with _. 6 .“That’s the uestion t. at ‘ “on ‘the house." q . 4 1'39, President, we are told, invariably :Messrs. Seward and ‘Chvse as IGOVMOI‘.” Mr. Blair 3; “Judge,"~ the bf the Navy as “Mr. Welles," and ma.“ ‘Wax us “Sunlbn.” With M 119 I! more familiar, calling the Com- WCHief‘f Henry.” and. the Goveb mmnqlvwi‘ “med?” ‘ . n-VW’WW n hg adth of the Alta-Shwm/ .Sumd. “hymns: never nge 1:; until the ~ J i! slain.” Who is we '-The edi _ "fifflu Standard will neVer Hugh his car. ' gi‘gfigin ten nfle shots at a rebel. . ‘Jd.?‘:'T—7r “""* i, _ \ ,’*fit 15 famef The filming-mo oi _‘f ‘ *1: by poop!» of wh’om you . know noabing, and for whom you Q» . " . - m ‘,.~ ‘«a ~ . . )W , ‘f’ Kmhfippim u Magyar! by ¥ _ paws”. row» ' ' ‘. . K Rename! nf n Act of kréfnbly manna 17m day oY'Jnly, 1342; the following Stale mmin'hqeby pubis-h“ by lhje Céfiuflnhzm‘ra of Adams count}, which exhibit: th. mount. dmh‘pcion lud \afine or the Run And Personal Property. Trude». Uu-nvafiung and I'Aofenions, mule lat-{tie by the SEMI Act: of Assembly 01 this Commonwealth: .- Botoconl um Toumrl. Getty5burg......1...........'..\ Cnmberl-nd............ ..,..... Germ1ny........................ Oxford Hun:in:0.0n'..................;.. Lntimore Hami1t0nbnn................... [Mm-f!" Huni lon, Blenallen 5trubnn,.......................... Frank1in.......................... C0n0wng0........................ Tyrant............................ M0un1j0y......................... M0untp1ennn1............. Raiding” Hannah '3). [bruick bor 1‘rbcdnm..‘....................... Lmon Buller.. -_..—'—-—-——-——-—-——~ ‘——-—-— _.J- ——-—— —-———~ —— ‘.—-__;_.—_ ___—‘- __— Tmul 4090958’245638‘113777 200722. 49w. 300; 2700. adult sawu Aunt—s.lM. Want-r, Clerk. November 39, 1863. 4!, j Lani-aster Book Bindery. (tactics wuxn _ ‘ J ‘ BOOK BINDER " AND ELASK B'IOK \(A'SI'PACTK'HEE. - L.\..\;casn:a. PA. I’lm'n' and Ornamenral Bundling. of every de: scription. executed in the lugs! subsluuliAl and approved styles. I ~ ‘ ' lunar-"cm. - E. W. Brown, Eiq., anwrs Bank of Lanrmtor “'.‘L. I‘clpcr, Esq'. Lunmslrr County Bani ’ Sum'lel Shuc‘c. Esq...‘?nLumhi-J Bunk. Samuel WAgnr-r, Heq..'\'orL Ila-Ik. \VlHinm “'.lgner, Hui” York (‘uunty Bnnk. T._D. Carson, Eng” Bank of (it-H) sbulg. Peter .\lnrlin. Esq., l’nnb'y M'Lnucuuu cm, Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn. I-I:q.. llezkltr “ _ " Geo. \Vhilson. limb, Recorder “ . “ April 15, 1861 _,__.’.\.¥_,__ 7 _~4—~.—._—.—————-———~ ‘ To Disabled Soldxers, . , qEA’HEN AND MARINES. AND WIDOWS, _k OR OTHER HEIRS OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED 01: BEEN KILLED IN THE SER \'ICI-:.-—-(‘ms. C. chxan. Anoruey {or‘f‘luim— unis. Bounty Land and I’em‘ion Agvnt, Wash 112mm. Guy, D. (‘.——P'en.=lous procured tor Sul d:--x-, Swim-p und .\lurmcs nf th'e prcsfim war. “ hn are (ilm'blcd b 3! rempn. of wounds‘pymved or dimnae‘onimcled while in .‘en‘icef-l d i’ém rimm,‘ Bounty Mnuey nnrl Arr“ r 3 0 an 11h mi'ned for “34mm or other in“; of fig: IJ wb have died or bN-n killed while: in «Mice. Bounty Lnntl procured for au-rviroa in any 91 1h» other ward. ‘ CHAS. U. TL‘L‘KER, .WnshingtorbD. C. .1.-C. .\‘zxm', Agent. Gouyabuxg. A " ’ Nov. 18, 166. _ - Come -to the Fan‘! yI ND DOS’TFQEGETTOVISIT PLEASANT { 1", RIDGEVSCLUERIESq—I’crsons wishing ', \u Ham Trees \\ fl) fmfi the muck in lh‘e‘grouud remarkably fine. and onk-red M rcduced'prirea‘. The Apple numbers 100 varivlius, um‘bmciug tall the npprmed Surli.’ . SAL—See the index hoard near Flnm Dile Pout otficcf T. E. CUUK & 505’s, I fiplnt. Li. 1861. ( l’rapriplors. - rim John W. Tipton, FASHTONABLF. mmnm, .anhoca-t cor ner of the D'annd, (next door to MC- Clellanfs Roget) {EcltySburm P:\., ’where he can at hß‘tim’os be found ready to attend to a" business in his‘line. He has also excellent as sistnnce and v'will ensure satisfaction. Give him : call. ‘ 4 [Dec. 3, 1860. ' . New Goods ,T FAHSESTO(‘KS'.—Fahnesmrk Bros. - would reapeclfully inform their Honda and the public generally Hun, tin-v lure just received their Spring sfiock of Goods from New York and Philadelphia. Having bought lllcl for cash, we are prepared to offer thq-iargcaz and prettiewt stock of DRESS GOODS UH ofl‘m-ei to tbe'citizens of the county null :‘ll OLD l‘lllCES! “ Quick sales and shon'profits" being our mono. ‘ , /_ ”Fail and exnmim- it the sign nf.the .\lnyl!‘,lB63, nap FnuxT Coal! Coal! Co‘al. ’ ‘ qmmns & BUEHLER are now 'p’tqpnred (E L supply COAL, of superior quality, in any quantity duzire-d. Terms. Cash. Cone‘One! Come All! 'Wl‘hey :Iso request thoselindehtod to them to call» and p 3' up. nu funds are much needed. Who willie the firs} to call? Ufice open froni 7 to}, - . Peb.24,186_. ‘ Spnng ,Goods 2 AT A. SCQJ‘T & SUN‘S.—-\\'e i'nvito the nt-. _L mention 'of huyrrs to ounsvock of Swing Goods, which «in be sold chenp‘ domisting 0L L';[)lES‘ DRESS GOODS, Shawn. Cloaking ploths, étc., etc." For .\[en's nnLßoys‘ we." we hive Cloths, Cnssimres, Cu ings, Veitings. with a var ety of Cotton ade‘i. &r., be.‘ Call und’see. {I ' . ~ my 18,1863. A. s JON & SON. i The Great ' MERICI-LV TEA‘C‘OMPANY, .\‘o. 51 Yenoy A}? Street, New York, has created a new era in? 0 history, of wholesafing Tea! indu’s coun try. They have introduced' their selection 0! Tu: and sold them at not over N'u CENTS per pound above cost, never deviating from tbe one prico asked; bglicring this will be at tractive w the many whO'h ave heretofore been pny‘ing enormous profias. :Pnrtics can order Terra nun will be served by us as. well as though 1h ‘ came the maelves. being suré'to get origi uniypncknges, true weights and tnres ; and the Teas are warranted as represented. Unr Patel: Lxsr is now ready. ‘ Nov. .30, [863. St ROF. BOWER. of Littlesmwn, a Practical Piano Tuner, informs his frienis and $11; musigal public in genera‘l, that he gives‘zmin time. not otherwise occupied,’to Tuning and Repairing Pianos, at moderate prices. He promises entire satisfattion, or no pay. Ordan received at this oflioe. ' _.[SepL 16, 1864—:- . Queensware. “ I“ you want snylhing in the QUEEXSWARE 1 line call at A. SCOTT & SOS‘Q, where you mu find the heat assortment in town. March 24. 1352. If npurentice to the Tniloring business. Aft boy'from the coumry preferred. T - G. ‘F. ECEENRGDE. Nov. 30, 1863. 3t ‘ ~ GOOD FAR.“ in Adams county, for which A} _will exchange one or more Fauna of choice laud in lowa, and pay Lh'e difi'erence‘ Nov. 9, 1863. GEO. ABSOLD. . Ramoval.-Tin Ware. i HE undersigned has removed Bis Tinning 7 , k establishment neuter th‘e- Dismond, in *— "._...? "I'"'—“‘ff““"'“ "‘ “Z. qurberghurg 5111“,. adjoining A. D. Buch- LL “IO 593‘ Patent “WWW" 1‘“ be 1‘“ let's Drug Stare—A very central location. He *1! fihe new Fumily Drug “‘1 Pflscfir‘fifl continues to ulnufm‘tnre, and keeps consum of ' , Dr. R. HORNER. 1; on bud. every variety of j 'l‘ TIN-WARE. " i BRESSED AND} . 'JAI'ANEP WARE. ‘ aid will fl'lyl ha randy to dquEPAIRING. ROOFXNG Ind SPOU IXG nlso done in the but manor. Prick: modu ue. 134 no chm spa-ed to under full util fnctiop. The pnblic’l continued patrons: il 2,901 e. ~ A. ,P. BAUGBEB. mug, April], 1882. SAGO, Arrow Root, Corn Butch, Rice—non} Ind Gehtin, for 3519.3: 1);. EORNER’S Dtug Store. _ f ' ~ DR. TOBYAS’ celebnted I)?! 'Condltion ‘Powdu-s, [mam-nu ud> um, for ulc At Dr.;HORNEB’BDrng Store. . . V " ALL “cement-xvi {or yam: AI—eTPJ" A", hex, tc. - .\z ‘ H... {oo‘ 4' Mtg—Forte!- Win ‘ at.— :16 FT»; 5 ' . x ’ amslfims Valuation Ind Assessmént for 1884. | 3' - z m- ! ' E',‘ E 3, 3"?“ :3” .9 g; "' a ov-Ii F ”3"“:‘3 ' °" '1 9" olh 0 m ’ a l ’3' '.- ‘ 5:, giggfazgéifigi gang-=3 5‘ 5 e: 8t- :‘u u. . 9'o i 3::‘ =0“ s*?! “'l5 3 .. ‘_ -z.':§'g,=.‘;;'- a’m «3"? SEN V 51‘. lg 'l’ l=°-. =°° C-a ... .3»: «.‘ r~ lOF‘°°“v‘ ' ... ‘ 3 , -H =Jol\fivu{r.=‘s'-‘ ' =5. :.--’ Ew' §.‘-'£"§.‘=°"r"“=""’ “:3 it‘ll ==‘ =c". {E‘al‘v ": ‘y m .. f ._ - .m«- u ..‘: '5" ‘ 9 u. .—1 '::‘ 2‘Q9°:" Eg‘gfl.’ :3"); ?__'H 5’ =1 9“ b239°5| 37““ 8 ‘226867' 327 ‘b" '! x ‘3? ‘'| 32' 9?: "‘ 257650. 12287 27926—5—2-s—s’ .._—‘s' E, 5:“ = 169313: 3 X 6951 a: "5m ’ “'.- l 1 9675 5 20, "w‘ 270 . ‘ “.107: 8435; 0383‘ “‘9O: ......I ---.-..f' 0: 1250 139.0 2‘16997: l4“o! ”3‘2 99‘0: ’.....1 3002 ---_-..; 1815 100 Z2?‘ 7697‘ 3:23; 109651wlmgma £970 126% .1| n i . 43qu “'"H ......y "'"H 13 1‘ 1:21:90! 7253 i “31;; 4297;? """‘ W"! :00 :3: 3 7s: 10 7 , ‘. 1140’ 82 ‘ $386! 19353 333:0 99w "'"1 .Pcof. “2’33 mi 1845 s‘ 3 7635' """I ' “d 2529b7‘ 1 ‘7, 52381 a i ......1 "" ‘3 '3l 300 - 12 . ~ ---~- 5 ' 302 m; 33;” 319% 140.2! "mi 3265}! “'0 :36863' 9942 $.04“ 51-15: ......f 7"”‘1 ”0541:7256 201002. 15790; {1.009, 33530. ......i ..."; ...”; 2575' .. 260947‘ 18867! 2‘?” 4930: ....' ”“2 $56 208269 147—;1' 7 95’ 8015‘ ....-= 2”“ 100 tin-4'4“ 5.5;95 4-?206- 4703 """' .....' “91‘ ' ”5415' 20.14 “"5“ 2740 1‘ 4557: 5.4.197 9u~u ‘3630 43:5 .313" ”...‘" 112130 31:15 3.70:2 543:. ‘ "'4O "I'6" 159245 134é- ”'9‘“ 29.5}. ......" 977" 0 ,fi 13059:; 7:49 ...... ‘ ...”.i "'a., 1526 "1‘66 ...., , ......’ "1:; £321 400 n. v Eh Piano Tuning. Wanted. Wanted, EPHRAIM \IYERS. I Jun)»; EPPHLHAX, ~ * ‘SAML'EL MARCH, - - Cummissilmers "_‘— ‘ ..‘ “fl“ “ ‘ "T ’l‘“ ._ The Old and Rehable. aw srmxc Goons. 4‘ A SMALL PROFITS a; orrr‘x'shuzsr . .J. L. SCHI(,‘.K-' would respectfully any to the cilia-ELM Get- Lpburg and vicinity, that he il‘uow receiviyg at. his store a epic-1d“! ’ STUCK 9F SPRING GOODS. :‘The Hut k Nln=l=ts in purl of Fancy‘ Ind sl.lple DRY GOODS, of evury desgnfuion. ~ SILKS. ‘ ”fl 1 a- MGZ \MRIQI'E', ‘ L‘U.\L|.l£S. , DEL LIXFF. ‘ - ”BUMBAZLVE". : ALPACL‘AS. i -~~ _ ‘ Lung; w r . ~ ' ~ cfiumws. of I‘] qvmlilic- and choLmshny-lnu. hie!) ml! be lON m graces ‘l‘u DEFY (‘.UMPTT Tm): ‘FI'RxISIIING GOUDS I of nll kindv. int-hiding Silk. Linen aqmmu‘m Handkorchiel's, Gloves, S(egki:ngs; k 3 ‘ Also, a splendid assortment 0f IBRONS. Lures and Edgiuqs. Umbrghua und {urinals} .\ly stock of WHI n; GUODS m 1; be fo-md run nn_d complctg, and customérs may I‘er upon nlwnpgemug good goods at the lowest puss— ble pricey . ' ‘(h‘x‘nhmen will find it to their ndvnmagé to can and naming my atuck of - CLUTHS. ‘ . .. 1. ‘ ussmmzs and § _ VESTINCS, . I m n]! Wumlxliew and chuicéal styles. I ‘ Apfil 21. 19152. J. 1.1 st‘mt‘x. ‘ New Goods !--Large Stock! ; 'ERCHAST TAJLORISG. | ‘ 2 Bl JACOBS J: RR“. ' h.l\'ejutt racoivrd from the vim-5.3 lnrge stuck ofgnndu ru- Genuemgn's Wear, tmhnuing I ‘vprle'y of) . , . m‘nns, ‘ z ', , -. CASSIMERES, . \'ESTl\'(‘.S, v I Cursinete. Ju-am. km, with‘mnuy other goods I‘nr wiring and summer wear. They am.- prupxucun In fink:- up garments at the uhnru-ht nnlfu (j. and fifth» Vc-ry but mun nc‘r. The Fn‘hionw are regularly received. nn-h dollzixzbgmmle‘in anv desk-Ml 515‘ch 'l‘)ch nl-l way: make mull-fits, “hug—their sewing inure': to be snbsmnEEJL w > _ They n'bk'n- cgntinnnm‘e of the buhlic" Ea rronsgc. rJioh'cd by gqod work and modemte charges to earn it. ‘ Geltyx‘burg, April 7, 1862. ‘ , Hardware . ND GRO'YI‘IRH-IS.- 2 A Theaubsgcri'mrs hus just rI-tnrnod from the'cim-s with an inm'wn-e supply or [HRH ‘I‘.“ RE AV." GRUCER‘IES, Wll'in‘h 'lhvy mtl ok’fermg at thc'n‘ old nand In‘ Bani-mum 3mm, m. prim-s to suig the times. Uur sun-k Cuualsls in pnrt-uf ' BUILDING \I \TER] ALS, _ - usuraxmu‘slroons. ' , . QLACKSWTH‘S' Toms. ‘ ' - COA‘CH nxmeS, sarfrnxmxcs. 4- ‘ (:AHJNHT ~“Mimi’s TOOLS. |- ’ HUUSHKEHPER'S,kuxrrrms. ; . ' ALL Kmms 0F mm, $O., GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, . Gilmrninls, km, kc. There i: no firth-l:- in dndml‘jn thP ,sN'PmI deparlmtma mmumnl-d nbojc hut win". fun he lmdmt thi: Slur-u EVerg' oln“; of‘Mechunioa 'can he accommodmed here mth tools "mi findif’fs, and ‘Hhuv-ka-ep— vrs can find everyrnrtivNl'n Umir l'rnv. Give 113 R call, as “v armprepared to sell as low for enah as a‘ny other house (‘llfo [be Pity. JOEL B: ILLVNER, DAVID ZIHGLHR. J‘u_ne n, 156*: Change of Time T‘Ill“. fnllmfin’z is a schedule of the running ' ’ol‘ the [mins on We ‘ieuyshun: Railroad The FIRST TRAIN leaves Grilysburg a: 8 A. 31.. with p‘nsm-ngers for York, Hnnjfiurg, Philadelphia, and the North and West." AR RIVES at (littyshurg at l P. 5]., will: passen ger: from thou: points, and also from Baltimore and Wuhington. Passengeri leaving Wueh ingtonht 6.3U-.\. IL. and llnltimore at 9 15 A. 3L. arbive by this trdin at Gettysburg at l o‘g-lnrk, P, M. ‘ n l'l'he SECOND rims leaves (fievuburg m. l 10 l'. .\l., with pnsscngers for Baltimore and Washington. Passexigers arrive in Baltimore n 15.30 P. .\l. Leave Baltimore at 8 P. .\l., n_nd arrive in’ \Vushinfi‘ton nl. IePIM. Passengers can also go to You-“kind Harrisburg by the second Imin. Arrive in Harrisburg at 7.30 P. .\I ARRIVES at Gettysburg u! .630 P. 31., wuh passengers-from Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the North find West. _pfii‘Passengers-cnu leave Plniladelphin by way: of Baltimore at 4' A. .\l., and nrnve in Gettysburg at 1 I‘. .\l_. Oruleare nl 7.30 A. M., by the Pennsylvania Cfntml ox Rbilndelphis and Reading Railroad, and arrive in Gettys burg at 5.30 P. M. R. )lcC-CRDY, May 11, 1863. ’ , Preiident.‘ : ”- LNew Tmlonng ‘ smsnlsunnxr..-Gao.r.Ecnxnonn. - flsmnNABLE TAILOR. - t“ adopts thighetbod of informing his friend! nnd the “public generally, thin. lu- hns opengd a Tailoring éstablishmenv. in Baltimore street, ‘Grttysl‘urg, (Ina Post Ofic'e,) near the Din- Inond, where is prgpnred to do all work in his line in Highest mnnner,‘ nnd to iho satis faction of cnstomcrs._ He employs none but lint c 1395 binds, Ind receiving ‘ l THE FASHIOSS ‘REGULAELY, he cln warrnn‘ Tushibnnble fits and nut and gubsqnlin} sewing: Ho ash A shun of the nblic‘a patronage, promising to spare no ef fing” demo 'l'..- His chm-gas will lIVIKN found sis moderue us the limos will lllow. Cutting Ind Rgpairing done at the show: lotié‘e. [GettysburmjApz-il 7, 1862. IRSTaRATE'M'dLBifiy, Ti: and 0 (Allan: Clocks, cheap I: ‘ PXCKIXG‘S. Gréin and Prodhce‘. -5 I' Eechanics, Invenfdrs. A vm; mm the large Ind tgmmoamu.‘ ANEfACTURERB. Rxnmmns, Min}. Wsrehonse repent]; occupild by ka CULTI‘TRLSTS. CHEMISTS. AND ALL Hersh, Efiq , ‘ ' v ULA_SSI-'IIS 0F READERS, ought, by all menus, IN NEW OXJORD,, ;wmkeuae . ...... prepmdwp. “..‘,ikhmwg my scLl-zxnrlc AIERICA x. 11l kindn‘ofPßODCmg Also,ull “ the go,” The non \‘llnublc Jonrml or m clnu now at Prim. LUélßEll, COAL Ind 6110033133,?- ' , published- ‘ of every description. ' , r' . - t A. P. “BBS k WIRE-lAN. VOLL \IE 3L, NEW SERIES, , New Oxford, Aug. 10; 1863. if ' Comment“ On the In of January next ; [larg _._ - ___..- ‘ _ fore, no! il‘the tinezo tubunhe. . Cannon & Adah-’3 ~ ' 1 . -. ~.- ‘ NEW MARBLE WORKS,Co'mer of sinn- “99"“.‘03 "ll 5"“ i“ ‘1" “We'll": more And Ban Middle streets onponiie Amfnc‘“" nimble information concerning ‘he Court House. Gad-burg, I’LL-We Ira “m" nrlon: Trgdqs‘a, “"1 4m,“- °f tll "l 9 ff;§§,'°“£2,'§f““£ “23“”;‘1; Timb’é ’l,” '33:: :33 mnzt'mztzzl:.ll.,‘l22'2'22' , e Ines. II or nine! ' r ~ ' llaligrs, and all other worknpperminlng' to our fl” kngwledg. 'l} will nut! to dinify their oc buuneu. “in will gfiia'rnnu‘: lulsflction boll) . “$31.21.?“ "lb!“ their “but" I ‘ '. . 3:30 ‘ix::;‘£°nciand!fife‘mfnn “6 100 om A-m‘eri ' An"ll‘isncc‘tulluyfi[lgltir'ilcti‘oemlsotealgf , FEE. 3’ ”3;? ‘3O '- ' , ‘ cure L Gen-Patent far their incentiuu; also M: _. ‘ ~— «~—~———,————- "exccllc. I. lllinruion: und des‘cr‘lpzionx or all - 1 \ The Great Discovery ‘tlxe pri‘ cipfil‘inventions're'genfly mule in (liiq r Tug Agni—lnhmnfimry “6 Chronic equmry and m Europe;‘llklwis¢ an official Q Rheumatisifi ‘...," be cured by using H L. Label the claims ofnll Pntenu granted week- M LEKll's (‘ELEBBATED RHEUMATIC MIX- ly in. Walgbmfiiop, with nufmerou; “luminary - . ~ . . notes -I u, llcuiilunl 0 uesl on: concern ;ilg}‘gj‘l:;?g Sigri'argif‘fiaxecgfi'gfig"any: in; Have Patent, Laws of theqUixileil Shin, tre gra’ai-Rlilmni. 11?:me in Rheum‘i“ “3“” ””iilifi‘i'il’i'éifi“fiél's?i2‘sl§¥i.l'?f§sii'.f' ions. as een i 1 - ‘ - ' - , ' ' gpemfic, ifl'lmducerl il‘ih‘ingmith’ial’i’ce'a lific American" illu_sv.mled Article's descriptive cents lmr bottle. For sale hv all druggisls and 9f lhe_n‘.oal rear“; ““lan “l.““ifi’ “if: siumkwim s. p.- ,". ' 3 ‘ ‘ I ll! Various nmnu ucturing upcrnuond, he (i- Wholesu'lelrnnd \X‘fflA-ieldgzgggrs?l:33:l2??? fen-in procesevs being lucidly described ; “130, Adams County. Pa., dealer in Drn‘g's Chemicah, llmL‘til a} 'nci; at of ,mnrh Vulug lo .nmuuhc» (_llilg. gull-“ 15:, Spirn'g, Paints. Dye-'slufls, bot: :Zri-ifi'nr'grhls:l3:3o" llie economical ruin it is.’ issencei and Tinctures, Window ‘. .V- .' l " ‘ . . i. 1 0138.1.) . - ‘ , H hfiltihlflzllh 'mll find m the “Sou-hum hag-Afrgréxh{23‘}:ltaLEdAcézfi'ificafifig_'Amcrican" uglunblo dcdlliptlnnu of all we burg t 0- “le L. Miller's Celeliratéd Rheumrilic has! im'enlimm L‘l'lnu‘l‘tltll mth Sloum. Rail- Mixture nr’ ' . [June's IBGI 'll' road. .\lnrine. and Mechanical Engineering * A—uvfi' ;-———_—~~.__ TV- ’__ -.'—..‘. muglher will) .l fililhlnf record ofllie proun ‘ ‘ ,I}sz Robert Homer’s: ' :0! Sig-inure in. nll‘lhew depuztmenls, but; L: . ' ' - - . :hOln‘e‘nnd uhrrml. NE“ ““1“ “,Y‘,‘;§gg;;’mm. trons ‘g cnmih'rs will am! in me “Scienvific A. CHAJRERMV' ” 1 r3l; GIT’I‘Y;KC;G' ' meficfln " dqtails of u-H‘m discoverirs mode ~n ‘ '. A the'aciive Notice of» Clu-iniury. nnd arxiu [u (in ”I" flppllcfillull‘ of ',. . "Laure h“ nliluouncin llm} .cic‘nce Id=§illlle Unfiul Arts. ' l “,5," mm mm m ’s‘ 'Aumcnxrr :m‘s “I“ run: in mum. n. ° If, u ‘lific Amfrlcun," eugimingl and Ilmcripl'ons of Ithe but and Inns! nmirmc-l Karin [mph-Jim“: ,' lnlsomriginnl or Wfll-ifiucft‘d articles on mul tern relating (0 general égricullure'; great cnre‘ Mi"! when m lurniih l‘nrmers‘. regularly, wxlh snih inf-um Lon rs will he \Nleie m the bz‘lllJ: \h‘l‘ H in l‘ .. lmnselinld ' .H L r‘ .-g:s~t..~ Hi" mnmms inn (ind m ll'w' .‘4 i-' lein‘ Am! uv .n " n [mpuLlr (alum 1 ul Al’v bv-t :\ it-il'fi iniwmnliiln (if H}? dyv} ; nml ll i‘ Hm aim at the publisher; in gun e L it .ilnny‘ in an ntlrucrmc hum. "fuming '3‘ I-uuvh n: flgN-lllll‘ ulnlrme h-rnm. To mi- .\ ”'lL‘HiL'l'll‘.ul‘lllllulhl’s Juuriul “Yards a Consul v. snpply at luslrucl'flc “tailing . K-E‘Sulrfi-nhvri ‘ln-ulil u-m'! so M m lm' their “nhu’fxptioul llk‘E'll on glue 1% of“ Jnm - cry. with' llu- ui-w \‘ullnuv. I.!lei‘ who pr"- iL-rre llieir numbvr. {or binding lmvr, n; the end ul (he _nar, two lmmlsulne Ydlllmvi of ‘4l-} Inigo: racll—w'J—wnh sexual li’un-lred engrmiuzs. 'TElth‘ 0F Sl'RSCflll’Tth.—S3 for on? year; SI 50 inr six manila; $1 fur tim: munlhi; ‘lO rapie‘ iu'n‘l'lub tim hr lm'f far 350. Sultan-ruin" in l‘nnmln Almulil remit L’h i‘enl‘s Mfr.“ lo pu} ipo-Lngr. Sgn-r‘iluflnmpii-s ‘sent mu“; nlsu, prank. u pamphlet ul'iyAdnw tu‘,liii'cntof.s." A-lilreaq { 3 lll'.\.\: A: (1).. Publiflwrs, ' 3i“ l'nrk Hon, .\ew York wily. Having {main my profussion‘ ! m the cmju-ns 0: U" I but cp‘pm-d n L SEW DRUG STORE, in [be room foréwelly occuniqd by Drs. R 1 & C. Henna, d: an- bflice, when: I wnll‘pnnstantly keep on hhnd shrge supply ofallldudi of “new gums. . ‘ _1 ‘. 11 Innuas, ~ I 4 i CHEMICALS, ’ PEIU‘K'UT‘IRY. A 'luu'l‘u vownfim i an: arms, mn' rum. and. g PAINTS gruunfi in fill T j 'oll.h‘. urn-cowl mu! dinilled, l H. ~ .; S'l'A‘rinxnnrMunkiudm Inks. Pan‘s. l'nlwil=- l’fiw‘r “omm. llr'lslma. .kc.‘ ,‘ PATHS? “ED“ INKS. 3 ~ l All thé’gmpulnr Putt“! .\lmlltluufi. Wyeth?“ with a 94mm”: ‘of'pnerlSlES, nmsmss nn-l \Vlllb'lx'l-I‘Y. lnr’nn--nii«fu.xl 1:12.13qu only, ulwrrysc-n lumll. In a mn-«lhnyszuck pmbruceq exerylhin'g _u-umll} mum! in n first-ulna: nturet oflhis dqsrripllun. ‘ . ‘ y: 33A lnrgrf «Mir ni'erh Drngfi lm! lush re. coin-d. ‘l~ -‘ .' . .\rrl‘ mg. which [am of. faring: ' 's' . . - . \t-rv nacammbdatingf mun-x f'; " M ‘ ~\ll h'l-on pnrclmfied‘ nn~‘.x-r " i "~I‘” I« m and buth‘ilen, from" '1 - ‘ *‘ ‘ , «a lcantherefore; no: 0133);! '4 " H .‘ :.u A! purge mud fresh,’ but can evil 1m - p. . ‘ .\'. Bfimn‘m mun: ATTI-IVTION given (0’ the t'rt-mhwm of all {hruuxv' oln-‘x-nwi. ' ‘ mm! 1“ v”: c l: ‘u u ;x 'l‘ l 8:153, .‘lny 111, tall-l ll l ‘ .r. . ' ‘1 h l ' I "‘ , \‘The Grocery Sto 8 ; , ‘ ’.\. Tull-l 111-Ll. —~'l 1m; uurls'rd' mull ““d 0 requfljulh ‘mfurm [gm rin'n-lr m “city‘s?“ I'm-z and :iuimu‘. film In has In 'u-n film old ~l.\n\l .. gm 1m mu " "m Baltimw «my, not. (_n'mrm' wln ru ln- l'xlfillld‘ to {me} vousmmly nu‘ :I:qu all mm m unnrmu ragwmm,‘ Cnil‘t-esJEj rup~ u!" all lxlll-l', 'l‘ul art .I. l~'i~'h,i San, kl" liunlnmnmrn of all k "th Fruiyls. (lilas. blur in l‘m’t « \N.\l'|im! Immll Mund in n' “rm-N3" .\lm. l-‘lel'R .t Him! (“51“ kinds ;‘ xy-ll “Twill“! he intends m sell low '.H {ln- lo}\'-» (M. l' Imlry pruvlnvc ”km in qxt~l.:mge for: grunls nh-l the lllfllu‘nl prlvo giu‘n.‘ 1M: flullera llmFlehll 1:, l») .‘.lel a‘uanon anll ml honest desire mqaloase. m maul a slmre at public Wr'l tronngal my um“ J. 31. HOWE. ‘ ,1~;cb.'23, 1:56:45 n” l a ‘ «W 4... <~,— ,_. , -—~~4.. i_-_.V.I ' 5 136 W Warehousp. “ 0 0" 0 lu'sHEl..~‘ uF iGRAIN . k \\' \NTEILM +9 newamin and Pkodum‘ ll mse. in linlli-Io HI rclflndjuin. in: Shpznh x nrhlrr’: I-qnhlidnnent. The hiLhcamuurkc-Ilmm ml. .dwxy.‘ be lpnid in cash Mr _7 r i ‘ GRAIN, of'ull kin-1:, ,‘ .r f ' 1 _‘ I'LOI'R. SEEDS, kr. Mwl_\s on lmnl and .0; sale,“ the smallest profinh‘, ' UL'.\l_\'oR. " ' ‘ SALT, FI‘H. u f ' unncmmg, km. : . , ~ , . / \\'lmlpanloiundfraui‘. . TRY= PS" We ehnll ,do our ‘brst: to give nliuuéliun in all nun”. ‘ . K - .\l'"'K'Rl’D\' & "Nil” (iexqwhurgJ .\luy H, 1.161, ”13' Isaac K. Stauffer, ‘_ W‘ATCH aging AND ‘JHWELER, .\l‘tM'FAl‘H’Yfl'R nr ' SYLVEI‘. “'.\ RF. .5; Hm atrial: or \v.§{r(‘nES, .50. 148 Xmm .\w-nml $l.. ('oruer Quarry, PMII.\m.I.|-.u\. PA. ‘ ' ‘ He hnefnnumnlv on hand nn‘nsmn’lment of Cold ah’d SnLer l’mrm Lever, Lupine and Plain “Riches: Fine Gold Chaim, Svnh and Keyt, Bseasy‘ Pins, Eur Rinr, Finger Fiings. Bran lets. .\hninhu-cl Cum-s. .\lcdulli ‘n=. Lorkéu, Peptil§, Thlmhlos, Spi-rlnl-lrs,‘fillrer Table, Desert; Tearsah and MUN} S 00M: Sugar, Spoong. Cupu, .Vwkin Rln-m Fr 'iLnnd Bumr ‘ Knives,'ShicldM.'omha. Diamond Pointed Pena,‘ flop—h“ ofwhich w”! In? mid lqw (“f- cmh. ‘ 31.1.1031” z: < 1. a w: q ulity‘fnlljew ded [’.utenz cht‘r 3f«r'v'"~:.~ _hnslumly or. Landfalso nfllm Mum- - u' ~;pI-1 or quality. N. B.—-(Ild Gold AM; .‘.?u ' ‘ouughl for cash“ Sept/l, 1863. 1y ' . Fancy Furs! o.le FAREIRA. 718 ARCH STREET. he .l la‘w 81h, smuh side, PHILADELPHM, 1m finer-Alanna} or fund Denlrr in kinds} of FA NA) FEES], fo‘r Ladms‘ ax ('hildren's -.We~lr. wish to ritnrn I“ thanks to my fnenl of Adpms and the s rounding connth-s, their cry liberal p: trans e extended 1 me during th’c lastfel yen-s; snd wouid say . ‘lO then) Hut I now "* hare‘Zn more, of my own importmiun"and .\[llnut-H‘CUNLJ very ex tensive usortmontof all the difi'eront kinds nnd qualities of Fancy Furs. for Ladies Ind Chil drem'lhnt will bv worn during the Full Ind w", aeuon- , ting the mru‘t Imporsrnof all my Fur's fronfiljroyemml‘ L‘M‘ihg H:- mnrf Manufactured nude; my own itrPH'lGl‘ln—d'nflhlu me toofl'el‘ my customers ,m" My: pnbhcp much Inni some'r Set "I: Fozs m the samemoney. Lune: plenu give me a call before‘ pulchuiflg'L-n [’lan remember the name, number nud meet. ' JOHN FARBIRA. _ No. 718 Arch st., Philqdelphfs. Sept. 14, [863. sa: * , ’ _ Meat, ASKS, SUOELDERS gndjsmns, of hen quality, and cheap, at y Aug. 34. GEO. F. KALBELEISCH'S. “,...—...... .-__V._.__. él‘armers’ 8: Mechamcs’ “was xxsmunox or ADAMS co., S fiuvingincntled in capiuilJu enlarged :iu bpsingu and “ended its nccvgnmodnionl Loan dug, Wednesday" [April ;, 1863. ti I . wmsww's sommm sum), for whfldnn, It Dr. K. HOWER’S Drug RING und Summer Clothing in“ waived S p _ Hanna's. 0 to Dr. R. BORNER'S Drugstore Indgu GM: MEDICATBDOUUGH CANDY. PRING BALuonAw iu-tmlved u 2 Fannxsrooxst’. ~ Jun just, received a m amt-mu: , of anuuwan, to which to knit. the stamina of buyers. A. SCOTT t SON. Dr Dee. 21, 1 f", 3 Tums REQLT‘ED T 0 OILI) PRINTS! Godey’s Lady’s Book . . OR 'ts.::.._¢.l:+:.n‘ M'rmum" AND F PICTURIAL ~Yli “(h—TIM: publish” an Godey's Lmy; Hunk, thankful In Him public whirl; hm: Hmhlwl’him m p“ Iliab :\ mngazine [or the hut thirty-fun: gi-nrl nf u Lu-gn-r zir culninu Hum an} m Ann-rumba“ mmh ..n arm mugeuwnl u s!]. the mu~t papal,”- :uuhorvse ‘in this ruunlrv—lluihn' Harland. .\ulhurcu of "Mona." ~-m«1-‘.«-u Push," “Mm Hidermxo. lnrtifi.” un'l - \lnri \m, ' who will fllrmsh-s'orivs fur ghv Indy" Huuk‘ lur [5464. 'l‘hisulrnug..\vill [Hm-rah: Lad) . Hunk in {r literary pnzn! of View fur allmtl nfnn)’ other lungnzino. .\lariqn “.\r'mnd wrhcsd‘itr. m) ollmr mag-inne. ’01" other fauniu- writers will .xll connuuc lu furn ish articles Ihmughn'xuho {ML ’ _ Tu: first LAM": .\lu..u.x.\i: Is 1m: Wonin, nn Tun ("nun-rim The literklurm i 1 Mfithnl kind Hm! can Le rend ulnurl'in llléfimily circle. and the clergy in iqmwu'n» numbers are snlnrrihcrs l'.-r {_hg Hook: Thi .\quic is all nriginfl,ln'l would cost 25 eengs (the price of the flock) in II“- music norm: hm mm: (Iftil. I! cum righlud, and c‘ianrol h» ‘uhuino-l ext-Gm in "Godcy." ‘ "’ Urn Susi. Fgauu'nas. ' ‘ ‘Ail offprts m rirnl up in this luujc ceased, apd we nuW Mani alone ’in this dqmrlmuuv. giving, in: \\‘(~ do, many“ more and infiuil’uly igutur winning! lhun airi- puthxhr-xi in _gny niher “'hrk. Gum-3": imlnenie double sheet 'fnghion phat-s. unnminiug from liie In sew-n lulliL-ngth (‘oluu-d Funhions‘on each plum—- Otlujpbla «zinc: 3:.“ only two. Fur nh’onri of any fls‘ll.‘ m Humpc or Amuim. The üb iicntmn or the" plat}: cost Simon!) nmrejimn Faghion-pth of the 0M it} imam! nothing hm our wondrrfull‘v large fircnl-ilinn ‘(-n.i1.1.-< in lo‘ giv'e {lii-y“. Ullicr lunguzinléa cunuut .cfl‘urd it. We uc‘u-r Slur? mun‘ey when the: public can In hem-li'wi. " These fiishihns mny be relied on. Drrnscs “my be mafia «In-r them. :in‘l the wearer will m}! iii-‘lin-l lunch Ni rMit'u'lc, as wuul-i lu lhexcnse if site {-isiu-d lh‘e huge cities «ii-owed. after the vile of flu: plule: given in sumi-‘nf ou’r so-mu. d Juahhm {nap-Linea. ,Unr’Woud Engrmingflm nf “hivh We give twin, or lhror limrs gs mnny‘nv any mlwi In;ignzi-w.qre,m‘.len mistaken for filtt‘L "Nu-y no so far superior fu any o'tiwrsfi li;rlTmvs Brwnrr‘olthrm. hrmomherflmt ”gt- Lde‘s Bonk i< [he original )uhlil’ujdn and ihe (hfnpest. If _nm luke-‘(lindv)’. Kym! .'flnt no other mngujnr. ‘ - - Everything «hat 1- useful or ornamental in a humemn pa found in Galley. , ( Dam-m: Lush“. , No other mngntme gixcs lhexn.nnd wn have 5 viren cnmlgh to fill several large vellum“.— Onl- rel-rim" nro such as (mu he found “(where 1150. Conkin in nil in variety—Confection; cry—the Nurfzr} -—thé Toilet—the Laundry—- ‘the Kin-hen. Receipts upon a]! sn'hjecu are to be found inJhe page: of the Lnd‘y’s Book. We orlgmnHv «In-ted thii dcparlment, xmd jhave pcéqhu; facfliuus lur making iI-Inosl. 'pvrfecl. ’Hns 111-parlmeni nlqnc is: worth \he iyricc ol the lionk. - - ‘ ' Lmas' Wot: Tn‘u, This doggnrxfileuL-mmpriges .eugmvinzl and dcscripgiuus of‘ every article that a lady wears. ' Monufiurncasi . No other magazine hug ,tllis «lopnnmenl. TERMS, CASH IS ADVANCE. To any I’osx~ofli:a in the’l'nxtedfitatcs One cpfiy one )enrh 33. Two copies one year $5. Three copies one ya", 86; Foul-copies .one year, $l. Fire copies one year. and an ex": ,cnip‘y' to the ; person sending the club, 810. ‘ , Eight, copies queyeu, nndgl turn copy I: the person sending the cldh, 15. V Eleven comes one your, and an extn copy as “the fiergon sending Riot-lab. 520. .r_ And tho pnly magazine um can be intro. duced into the shown club: id plnca of tho ley'a Bipk is Arthur’s Home Magazine. uncut: ,cu'nuxo wrru on!“ lumzun. Oodey’n Lndy’s Book Ind Arthur’s Home MAE ! niine hath one year for $3 50. 600193": Lady’s Book-mi Hnrpeg’s )hgn'zlne both one year for $4 50. \ Godey‘, Harper, 9nd Anhu! will all' three be lent one year, on receipt of $6 00. Trenury Notes and Notes of II! when: banks tnkon u put. Bo awful md pny‘ulo post.” on yonrleller Address , L. A. 60 DRY. 323 Chestnut 3L, Phil-dolphis, Pl. Dec. 21, 1863. y > - Notice. . RBX’S ESTATE—Letters ofndmin- J ignition on the estate of Jacob Rex, isle ”of Bnfier‘township. Adult county, decanted, hufing been gamed lo the undersigned, paid. in; in‘tha "Inf town-hip, they herehy gin no. flee to it" person“ indablul In said «mu: to main immediate paymum. Ind than haviuj . chin: mm" the sums to present them pro pony unthentinnd for mun-ant. ‘ ‘ ~. . AIDS REX, ‘ . BURKE ART WERT, Nov. 23,1363. 6‘ ' Administrators! ALICOESqGInghIIiu x ‘und’ 7 C mu. 9: nansrécx Rosa Sign? tho Red Front. Schenck's Pulmonio Syrup WILL CUIB coxsvumxox scunxcx's PCLNONIC snu- mu. can mNSUNP’I‘IUN. . SCHKNCK'S PULIONIC SYRUP WNSUMPTION SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP mxsuumxox SCHENCK'S BEA WEED TONIC my can DYSPEPSI A scanners SEA WEED mxic nu. crnt DYSPEPSIA scasxcx's SEL'WEED Toxic Li DYSPEPSX A , —-‘~a- ‘ scxxm’cxs SEA WEED Toxxc J: mu. CC" I DYSPEPSIA. SCHESCK'S MANDIHKE PILLS LIV 1m afimmwrs SCH EXCK'S .\IANDRA'KJB -I’H.LS mu cc“, LIVER «;om:l.xxfi‘rs ; scumcx's .\msnguxs PILLS WILL crn: LIVER COMPLA‘XTS SCHE‘fiCKfS .\IAXDRAKE PILLS ' “ILI. cum: ‘ LIVER CUMBLAIXTS DR.J. 11. Sf‘IIHVCK lmw a. Largo sun of “moms M .\R). 3'2 HUN!) S“!HHT..\I‘.\V YUIIK,‘ where he can be fnund ewry ’l‘ursdny‘frum 9 A. ‘M. In .'1 r; u.; and at 39 North lilh run-e}, Pi ILulclphux, may Saturday. , lluiwps :I Inruo gupply M nmiit-inea pt hi: mmm. wlm l'n can he had at :1,“ minus. That» walnug mh ice or am exumin Ilitgh hf rho Lung}: “ill do \u-ll to 'O9“ on hnu h» uhuhn He nukm no charge for a-iu‘ce. hut l'urnflhurnufigh Hamilulmn mm the Respiroxnuker, mg pxice ME :‘luln pn-rmn; arealfruid tn 114 w tlwir lungs pxaminr-J h - lrr. Suhemk. firr;le.xr vhm will [3O funnd incurablm mid by llm “(mm il H pm. 0.11“ uutv! n is (on Lao. Ilow nun-h hmor it Wow-l he to know LhPir r'u-Jli‘t'uililt cum-...w by :N-undnvwr nl' m‘i'lnnnu. In. .\., lnu Elm-“n s‘xlliv\w:xtm-rlilimlo!,in ”lii mu flux in} Mu rurod mh'nnL-ml uum-ut'VmumanJx. , Ilrnfit‘lwnrk's "tim-iv.) ()fiiu- 'l‘ 2:9 .\‘orlh SIXTH Sun-I. Phnlmlclphiu, l’.-., \r‘x‘ore h-nexa fur mhire :hnul'l alwny~ he li-I'L‘rlml. Price of Hm I’TlAflnl‘l‘ .‘.YKI‘S‘I‘ .unl .\‘m’ Wru; Tqu «:Ile $1 per lmlllv or 5"- the l. I“ dam-u. Mnmuxn mm;- '1" cynh ll!‘1'lu!. . 1 ' Fur s-lle I)}‘s‘l Drugg‘nla uua‘. Slulcl‘t-Lprra Supt. 7, 15%;. h" . Fresh Reinforcements. qTRENCTHh‘SISG m'n 'x'(ts||‘l«r,\.,—\\'e k :m- mnsmnl’ly mmnflu new supplu-s lu-oul flll‘l'illh hrL'r :Invl {whimmblx‘ Huck m V HATS. (‘.\l‘b‘, “00“." .\_.\D, SHOES We h we ewry style ufh‘prhg nun! .\nmmn-r' H we, \vllirh in quwhly flnd‘Pl'il‘C‘f‘gllllol hi: to pic-13"., Hll_\"~z‘nuvl .\lt-n'> “3‘15 and ('nl‘fi of every/dewrigmon; and of the l‘lugs'. st) lrs. Uur stack 01 ‘ \ z BOOTS, SHOES . . (LHTERS. k 5,. hm. 3w.“ .no'ver mart; mmphw." tannins (‘on!lvmon and Clnmreu can be urrommmlatc-I \n'l‘i an}. lhmg. in' mi“ line, as» “c nn- lu‘nu‘r prepared now to give fits nml gh-Mvr lurcuins ILLVII mu bvkrrt‘. If yvqunnl lrnrglilu. gnu-l fil\\:lnd ~fns|niunuhle 20011:. call at Hm rign of IthSIU ‘ “001‘, in Climnbursburg' aim-m. ‘ c . . Juux» rum." ' ' 3' June {1,196.1 . : " Al‘.l-Z.\’.‘CUUH.\,\'. ' Salisbury Bros. &‘Co:, ‘ VO. 3! nonmxvs STREET. 5...; ‘L . m \\~;~:\-nn.-.~m 31 r 1551: PROVIDESLJE. Wt. I. I‘rrmrietors of any M the max-t (‘Hv'hiYP JIZW ICLRY .\IRNUFACTURIES m. the Ennrrn SL-mu. hhg arm" the Mll‘hfinn nr‘ Ilno «‘mfi— nmnity genen-Hy (51 the very SI'M'K SING (illi-HP RATE at which may are ufl'rriuglhrir gnorh. In; surpassmg bnlh Furoigu and IM mcstiv .\qunTm-lulu in poin'l of t-legumc and mu! durability! - ‘ . FOR “51;;er For Fin-hm Imus», flijorwnrd. nim-ly c ‘r-lrd and p u‘Led in wow] (fink-r, llu- fullnwim: onormuuvqlmnlily of Jowcl‘ry. equul in finidl to any l'lMe-l Hold, mu! not: to be rerugninud _‘fmmflhnhl out) bv Hu- lrving nf'rwid~: 4 SM l-Inmncl \'v~( (‘lmini-z ‘1 Pl uin Huron. tine Pim: -‘l E :r Ring: in m dlch: ‘.’ T\Vi£-“tire Pins: 4 Ear Ri 1:10 mun-H: ‘1 Phi" l‘in-z 4 Fur Ringa lémgu'h : 'l5 Lmfinw' Ringd, Danni-hr~ Ilenrt'uml :;‘~\’.-riu-t_v;if p gun-hm ; .‘lO l nion Em- Mrmusflflcarf‘pina PI.Ii'1:l"Hl huilutinn (30ml: 2 Double-(Haw l.m-kH~,.¢-ndzin6-t"rm-u!z I: an nml (Hum Pms lnr pnrlrnil ‘lr lmir - 7'.“ n<snrt_- m] Lnrkou. Hour! and Slu-lH‘l..lrm-, and Glhmd B"1roleu:-—nll lur ("mew D-yiinrs. .\ I'o"l‘\s - nhhis kind, “'hen plum-1 in the iumds at any one of ordinnr; hllt‘l“:fn(‘(‘.ol‘lghl ll.» retail lul‘ ul-limsl Uue Haydn-d Pollun! , Cataloguing cont inimz fun iufnrmmion nnrl brfveb 0t (‘.nbrls, «‘Fn he qbtniued upnn nppli r-- an, Under: hy'Mail, T‘elegl‘kph or Expreu resywxfully solicited. ‘ SALISBURY BROS. k 00.; . ’ 37 llnrrunce 3:. 67 Wryhusset Sim, , 'Ju'mc 29, 1833. l’rm‘idcuce, "J. . - . . «f - E 4 &H. T. Anthony. ‘.xxt'PAc'Tlrm-IRS .0? PUUTOGRAPIHC NI .\lk‘h-HHALS, 5m nROAva \L, N. Y.— Cum.Fuo‘rnuuunsa—Uur Caulogue Imw em brmes ru‘nsiuh-nluly over Four leuaqml differ ént subject.» (to n hich addixionsmre cuminuul- Iv bemg mmle‘) of Pormlits of Eminent. Ameri mus. can, \i7 2 7'.’ .\lnjnriflcnernls. l'9o Brig. Gvncrdld, 259 Colour-L, H 4 Lu-u'. (Yolanda, 207 Othr Ufiiceri, MI N “'.\ Uflixerw. 5'25 S’ntesmcn, 12'.” “him-s, Ht; .\mhnfinJl) Artists, 1 l 2 Stage, 46 Prominent Womenglfl Promint'mj'orelgu. l‘orxr:vil~. 2.3"0 Conn :17 “'oan N Am. including nprpdnctignn of the moet ceiel-rnlm‘l Bum-nu ings. Painlmgs.fiulurs, kc. Qumlngnvs pent. on receipt nr‘Mamp. ‘An on!" for One Duzo-u Pictures from our f‘nmlogue will he film on receipt 0! SLR". and sent by mail. free. puu’wam Pmc' ALBUMS Of them we manufacture a grvav.’ variety, ranging in prim from 50 cents to 9.30 each. Our ALBUMS lune the reparation of being superior m '.mmzy and dumbility to uny‘mherp. the smaller kinda can benent safe]; by mlil at. I. postage on“; cent! per 07.. ‘ ‘ The more expensive can be sent by upm’a. fi-We nhio keep. A large saw men: of BTERESCOPES & STERESCOPICIZVIEWH, Our Catalogue of these will b 6 not my Id dness on receipt. of Sharp. ' E. I. H. I‘. ANTHONY, ‘ Maul/“amen q! ”wrap“: Munich, = _ 'sol'Bamnnv, Nnr You. Friends or relatives of prominent miliury ngen will confer a favor by sending us Unit likeneuesflo copy. They will in kept careful iy and returned uninjin-ed. ‘ FINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER for Con greguuonx to present to weir Payton'or for other purposes, with suitable inscriptions, kc. Aug. 24, lasa. 6m ' Gettysburg Mar—sl3 Yard. MEALS a 3110., 13 EAST mm: s'mlm' GETTYSBURG, PA.——thro may 4!! prepared to furnish all kinds of work in their fine. such an MONUMENTS. muss, HEAD STOXES. MANTLES, #O., It. the abor'teu no !icle], and as cheap 1.: the chetpeu. Give 111 3 ea . ‘ STProdnco taken in exchnge fq‘r Vol-k. ’ Gfltylburg, Juno 2, 1862. tt 4‘ CUCUIBBR PICKLES, I Inge lot just rec “iv“ from the city, in prime order, lg, KALBPLEIBOG'S. _ (IRE GROUND BPIGBS. "laud ,nd _ ground «manly for Dr. ROBERT 110% X 3'B New DmSwtp. ‘ 4 - Ng AMY 300ml}, N 0.13 ulnxx tum, - . " ' ‘ ~ NEW 103 K- Thin nude In nun of n nut-cl; thick.“ “0‘ m M, ism-Id ni' nun-hound apt-ink for 31! on In, ad it nun] Ham thick“: an It. cotton shuts in; commonly used in I“ 01hr napalm-q roofing, Ind qouuquengly hr lON dunblo. From’ the nuperio’: thicknm ant;- cloth, I! roceivu, in .uqnuou, n ft: grunt also“: :4 th- {Met-propr companion, sad when fluid: ed with tho rut-proof caning on the "the... prenuu this most completely Milhidfll‘. we no confident, mu. amiable—roofing not known. 1‘! needs £0 Bual‘couupplied on tho roof, u all pther kind: d 6 IT IS “READY" TUNA“. DOWN It is mknuncmred and put. up in roll- About one bundled feet 1913:, Ind three feet w—ldq K i iequirfig onij to lie nun-oiled, 13¢“in on the roof. J. fix this convenien! and finhhod Ihlo, 1! ll . \ 0:11)“.th worthy the mention of HARDWARE MERCHANTS, . nnd‘fill who buy lo sell ...-min. We do n'or‘hozd ' out 10’ nut-h the prospect of‘enoimou: profit! ixfimédmtely, hm wv MT” l mu; merrhantu- Me arlicle2 iu‘dq mun'i awry what-D. and M «.1 ECM WK ['.\]:J. A'l‘T‘XTi'W TH‘A FEW Phil": ‘1 1.»x.-r;.-nm.u.l\ a 11...“ ...:m nfu. in... hu, and is twicc'uu ulurri-lr. . 2.1. h i: m'me 0:. ul‘ hunk of loch, vululh- r st'mp ur Ihr. . 3.1. I! is My! .fl‘u-‘ed Zujuriaqnly by hen! or ME 41h. Any nr mug-y workman mm npph it 513:. h iu nut lho “ch’filwul” running am. h in lhe no.l muting Thin Rm tiny hm tun-n u~rd .In‘IYYFT-f uril-ly of rlim-iles frnm O‘nnmL-I In (‘aJil‘nrNim and w. (nu nvfi’t pas~ilil‘vl_\:rw uuimvnd ix 10 he unlin- LL prnnl ngznnd llu- «hungr- ul' h- !” Anal CUM Hm} p‘n 'sudcuzruuiw lu mum] min-y Lxud‘ uf‘ Rowling. ‘ 1 - ' ‘ ‘ n‘ “n I. .\‘ol' sm‘nw .\XI) mm 1): HO? WEATHER 174 mm .\m‘ («APR 19% mm \\ I‘l \"l‘lllill l h ifa prr‘evl prulM-lihn afinih-Q fin {mm [lhr tuning viwlero mud Imxywnl- {Pnln burn- - _lelL’ hllilnlingl .uljuinin'z \hi‘Tumfing. . - 4‘ I! is .\n vhmn' uml strung that 1510 i snmxmy: w ROOF-BOARDS 'tim-u not injure it h i 4 p'lniruhny valuable on~Pu¢lnriefi Fm:ndrfm..\‘ngnpllgfinrnra. Diulillev iMJ-u‘lnfl huildidgs “berg th‘~ air i! imprignynl will: 31.9%,: or "mi-lure, uhirl. "pithy corrmlc,frmu me iu'ide. all liu uu-l Inn-ml ruufin. Hurt sT'I-z'Au'lmAT DFA'KS und nll r‘no‘h nwd fur nulkinu'nn. Ihil erh h: "nun-N. 1.1: Inr'|b\lh -u 111-y nwtsl rum—u! It will 111-Ln- .urh n-uge Mlllmul' urn-Ling ur lm .ILinfi: 'a ' ‘ ,3 ll ik cw—il) applied meruld ' . ‘ _ sumfnn mums, 1 ‘. \‘ ' "““VTRHBWVIXQ THE sm-xcm Am, the «:r'r'rzns i. i'nn l-é farmed qr Ilni- mulnlnl. suing "h n. prnv 0f Mun]. uxr\ 'l'lu- - ml u! :oH-lviru ‘I 01‘1”“.er mofvnn m fini l‘ R E s 1»: KM; v 011' r: I KS, SMLl.:..l:l'.< 15' 11', ll" \‘Ul'R “our :{thlmgnHJ'AlX‘l .\n, obr ‘9" ' V‘ Ir mm 11s mum”: IF YURI; TIN HOUR-H \H' ..’ ~ (:I‘TTA- Ill! l I FEW EV > P? l\ i T Will ofl'echmlly dos} up all tho small" 8131'- II(II.ES. and lorm n l|Fa\_\ Manic mum mrr (he-whale nurfacr. th.” win pr‘i-rrnl it”?! and last man; year's, Inngrf than brdiuar’ pnint. - - r I'F mm: smxau: nrmr LEAFS, H' YOl'R HI'TTFHH' LEAK, IF THE JOINTS .\RIJ'N'KO YIH'H ("HWY-HS m rovasmws 110 M“ Luxsx, ‘ C! L“ I’OI'VD GUTTA-PEIHIII A C E‘.’ FAT will. completrly fill up all the rrn'ices 3" “>9 lhingleswmrr m'u glu- broken Juhilflin the HA and slnto‘fonu pormnnomlyl‘hulheagr. clAni-E walling uuuu‘d rllimuqs, sky-N31)”, “(2'le in All [ht-so nilumion! 11l outlmnl no, or?” Irticlw for this 'l-nrpase’llvww in new. Tm“:- ‘jcle is a With, maacious ronyound of d‘vruqmqm, .n'd ingredients used utensirolriu Europe in the yroeesl 9f Kyunizing or panning womi in railroad uncure- axpond co moiunn and deny. Thin very useful property null direct ly to urea and ,prevcnz deny it the shingleo, nnfl will often an the nullity for nun! years ofxpgfling on I. new roof. It. i. wall worthy of a trial. ~ wAllrtlu mm noomia' limuLs will b: {yum-d to '. cannons AND cwhanmx n g [caution if , l' } rwamyarvfi’ nu cs'N'r. not on REGULAR RATES. Lmsmu. narrowing mm: wrru Resmxsms AGENT!- fixxcuufis m 1 aunts uni. tog, b," Addreu - w a} , mm! mama 00.; - 39. 1’: 1.41 m); wry. A? “:7 . % imwg‘ 9...», 1 I! J ‘ * . (“*1 1, ‘~ *"\ " hi... flsxnns, ni'JLnERs, ('.\lh’l'Ul'S, Mums, ‘i- wry “thle any Mull in lb: MUM?“ I}. “fluff! 1,1% K,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers