‘ - ram finalist: Remedy. » ‘ ‘ Sm Jails (ILAnxlz’s . OILSBRATED FEMALE PILLS. ,Tbkwlnulunble medicine is unfailing: in the cure of ull‘those painful and dangerous dia- M incident to the remit]: constitution. . 1'» [node-ruin nll excess. remm H 1 ull obstrur. than, from wluiurcr can”, Ind brings on the monthly perinagith regularity. Theso‘l’ilhahwld nut be taken: by females {hat are prt‘gn.|nl. during the rust runs; lanljl, u the, are sure to bring on Miscar riage; but nt N'er) utlwr time and in every o‘hlr cage they are perfectly safe. In 1515118?! oi _\'eno‘un and Spimil Ana-lions, painjnfthe Back and Limlm, Honing". Fa; “qu up slight i-xerlion, Pulpit-Ilia" of the Hoaft, Lowneu oi Spirits, Hyucnu. \Sick Head-«cilia, Whites, nml all the luiui‘nl disease! necnginued by n disor¢ernd uaxuu, Uh 51- Pills will efiecl. n~cure thn all oLlu-r mums have tailed. ‘ ' _ Full dimliodl in 'pnmplilet "round each yacklge, lihit~b sliould be can-Mlly prcagn'cd. They can he aegl‘ in}: home; containing 50 pills; pan. irec, by enélusipg Si and 6 three «at llnmpl to any ug‘Fnl. ‘ _ - JOB MOSES, , \ 21 Cortland: Street, New York. for Inlc by A. D. Butulzlinfleuyshurg, and all Druggiau. [Feb. 16, 181:3. 1y $25 1] , Empl'obymént. [52.21 AGENTS ,“'A.\'TED!—\\,’ge will pity from 3‘25 :0 $75 yorimmh, and 21‘! expenses, m‘ ac -live Agents, ur‘ give u. cßlrnfnjxsiun. Pal-Lyn.- inn lent free. Address Kmart.“ mt: .\lu-mu (tantrum, R. JAHHS, Gnu-ml Auem,’ Milan, Ohio. [.\lay KB, 1812.; 1y THE! MARKETS. W""'—‘ ‘—'_ ._"W GETTYSBUflG—SArvmu‘r mm, ‘ ~....w....6 50 to 6 .75 .. g (i 00 ..1 fi) w } 50 ..I .'§.'. mm 40 .. egg to 1 no _, , 1 20 H0urq.1‘.................:w. Rye F10ur...................... While Whent........... Rad Whent.....:.............., Corn .‘.. . RIM-..............‘...............‘.. UR“ ...... ......,..... ..... Buckwheat Cloveruund . 'X'lmowy Sued Flux 5eed...5................. Platter of Paris I lulu” ground, per film. a" _ liAl/I‘HIUIU-I-Fuuur Lzu'r. 7 21‘": 7 51' I G'L 20 2, U" l .'.“ to l 55 1 If: H) l ‘1?- 73 k) 0| 8 ml :u H .’MI Flour-" Cit. “'heu!§;: Rye ......1 [ELM 1217.1 L‘lovvr St-ex1..,.‘....-. :u... Timothy 5ceutL.....;............ .. Heel Cyllfi'por huudi......a .. “o:lspm hund...........’. “flaw... 1.... .\Vl—n'ske)‘ ......... (mummy, Gnnluo, ‘P ruvi-Jx, vermin"... HA)iiH'l-IRLTI'IICMMY Lun- Flanr, from I‘NL’KHIS...“ .... .. Do. {mm stun-n, When! “.2......“ RH..L.............. ('nrn........ ...... (MY-5..."...u..." C’m‘nrffiord . lTimmln‘ré‘nu’L. 1'hutur..‘.......‘.. Notice of Idduest. \ INUTYCH is hvreby gin-n In all 11,1347 heirs . And hum! reprvsvntnln of (H‘IUILGH “KKK, LAN: 0! the Han “Uh §f (fibuysbyrg, \dnms enmity. ducexued, \iz: r»- 16L. (_Tulhnriuellm~}.,:lSl-Ic'r 2.1. Thhcr‘rvhuu yt' John Hack A (fleet-used -mlhvr, ("h“il: x'Amwnlln‘. iuurm Irrfi'd mtll l-rwy flirmyu'vr‘,‘ l’unl-otiicv. l‘vru Imm. 'enluch} : L'qkindn SI irlr)‘. n uidnu‘. rl'. (L. lint-nu. K firm .\z .\ n}: J . jl|:(‘liufl_l:rll'll silh Hurt”: \hghr. l'. I) . .\linln'd. \lwmi ~n..' Krmixrk'vt‘rl .miol l. Neck. and h‘n's‘nfil" vmrmirncrl’ WK!!! HZrkil-l l'uL Y'.-_(). of [apt nu l‘ean'l‘u‘lmwx-ll m’, [Hm-HS. “ :iju The “win! a!" Dnnicl [lr-L. n dni‘haod .ruthrr. ,ln wit: Hannah, inn-:m-Irril-Ii Anlh nnm .\L'“'7v Sun-mm \lnrilgiuln‘rman'u-vl um: won-l» K'filnn u” ruxdm; m Snuth ”Mud, In lunn; 111-boom A” Emrrmuniml «.th Hrnry ' Spud-r, "Hiding in (‘ulumhiu mu, While- I'm . lmlinnu: John .\. “I'L'K J4me; ”Jim k nil Win. C. Hm lg. "11 hf 50ml. Howl. Imlmxu. Uh. Ilelwmn LINK". “uluw, u SI~IFI,'oi ’ishumerT \. 111-R nun, ‘ f-lh. yJAQub Hm k, 0. ll"- (Lily om'jlilmlrr 'hin. l’n.’ . . Thu! "'1 lyy'lj‘T wII No ht-M Ihl ,H‘x‘i: ny.lht‘ls:hl:-I| u: J‘l ”LUV no“. .tt mogul" 'xahrm u of .‘.H‘J dm L‘.l“\'.‘, nu Elw- rval» (13ml!- ts'lld dot-mien! rm: \ll.lH but of ”mun-1, outing In|'l3lv£.|st>i4i¢ m‘flzu‘unnrr all’f’el, l‘lpu Huruufll u} ls9.”)‘lyurm‘nfarc‘hi‘d, m!- )ining In! 4:1 i‘urr Frm nu “Hi-‘1) is crectul a!- ‘wndinry Urn I; Duel}: xg Hmm‘, wilh'thv fwl-urmeu-eu-m mike PAR'I'ITXUNZO! the remisvs nf.»rr:ul-i In .md xmun'p: thefrepm -,ul~uin-s of mid lin-u~duxxt.'iu nllt‘h _nmnm-r [M In um: prnpor‘ljnus as h}- lhc luw: n! tlli.a mnnmuwonlm i? dircmvgld it’ sum lurlixiun HI he made “about l-I'-~quH(‘c to or spoiling no wlmlenhut if such [nu-Kim." cannot he ml? lllqruuf, than to mlue :ux‘l \m-ratsehhc nne. ’! ' .\mu “mum. 51mm: Sherifl'is‘bflicc, Gut-‘xydnua. Dec. ‘I, ‘6l:. Jt‘ j ~ 7 ~ . _ ~ ( Nance. . I .. HE subscriber would lewpnrtlully infnrm lixvcuxun. .\llxuil-i~nulur§,(:uur'hnm,_z=ild I when [u-rso Is \le h we pnlfirs in “mining I 'lec uflice nf'mfixk‘o! llll' Cum/N, thnr hid rm of office hm‘inm cxlrirn! (n xlnl ht day of rcrml’cr. 1511:, :I’Him him-mom? “ill [uh-Au: h ml to lmiu‘g‘v [ln- sum“. um! the p Iylnr-ul of c lee. tin-man, l'g-fore the firs! day ul.;\ ml ~xl, :15 it, is‘uhsoimcly hem-usury. Um: [LI-_\‘ I‘ve tin-m if-Ilu-y mm: to sun: exprnse.’ All per; “ill be fnulld 'ln ting lmmlswf M. J»: \V‘. I ('h-zm. Eula, w'uvre’thé} weN‘ "“IcerueJ as loruqs fur the pn‘nie-s. J ' _ JOHN EIGHHLTZ. Clerk. J 1 ‘ ‘ 1’" S. 11. Elmmn'rz: Deputy" (Aerk'a uffice, Dec. 28, 186.5. 3} , l - , Real Estate . I , z OR SALE—In pursum-(‘e of nn oneFof I the Urpl‘nn‘s Court ot‘Adnms cmufiy; will E oft-red.“ Public Sale, on the premises; 9n ‘ S TURDAY, the lfith‘dny ofJA.\U.«\BY nckt, '3h Real Eamte owl-Mfg]. Napier, (lecus' 1,3- 4, consisii'nfi of iii-\CT OF LAND, siluhrer _« 3'll Stmfinufiownship; in said ‘caunuycontnin‘ ' _ln 7 Acres, more' or 125:. mljuming [Ends of * h heirs oi Jncpb Causal, SL, deceased, Peter s)i hi, and omen-3.." The imprnvcmeuts , pr 1 LUG HOUSE, I; stories high. my; . 1. Stable, Log Spring House, with- an ‘ < ‘l‘: ellent spring of water and some fruit trees. V a“: Sale to£ofnmence3lgjo'i-lock,.P. M , an $5.13 day, when attendunce will be given and $O.l- 9 made known by ANNA MARGARET WARNER, " ‘ Adminislmuix. nn‘m Gokrtj—jJ. g, Fink, Clerk. , ”culls. 18-i3.’ ts? ' Notice. - . ARYELIZMBETH HEINTZELMAN‘SES TATE—Lenora: ofiadmim's,trmioq on the as to of .\[uy Elnzabefh h'binlzélmanfllate uf ‘F klin township, Admns (30.,Adeceased, hav- ‘ 'ng been granted tn the undersigncd, residing g h‘e same t_ownship, he hereßy gives noti‘ce . 11 persons indebted to said estate to make, ' rdiate pnymeu}, nnd’those hating clnims nga nst the same to firesenl'them properly au the licated for settlement. - 5A .\IUEL MIXER, .\dm'r. :c. 23, 1863. Oz " lai . Change of Time. (NiETTstUm; RAILROAD.—On and after T" the first ofJanum-y next, Trains over the Gpui'sburg Railroad mil run as followa: . Fi st TTnin will leave Gettysbarg M. 6.30, A. 31., with passengers for Baltimpre, imd mher points Soutbwurd. Return ht 15.30, P. IL. ig'ith passengers from Baltimore, the from York" Harrisburg, Philadelphia, find other poiurs North and Ennward. " Second Train will, leave Gettysburg at. 8, A ML, with passeng’érs for York, ngriaburg, Phfii‘delpliin, kc. Return at 6, P. 31., with PJSfingers from axmepoin'nf' Pusgengeu can ““9 {each Bnltimore lhc shine dry" byflhis "Mg. ’ a. mommy Puéidcnl. _ch-u,ma. " ,‘ ~‘ ’ A_ fill Excelsior And Boa-ma T F 312 uh a; _Dr. B. £lo3B?ng 3,:qu IX pursuant-e of sundry writs of \‘un‘litiofii, ‘HE Comminionen of Adaml county- thl- (Succesgprn to R. F. McllhCnyJ - Exynnns. lssucd out of the Court 0! Come, "1 hy give path-e thnt they have fixed _upon ORNEI’. 0F YORK ST. AND DIAWWh I man ““5 M Adams county, Pm, and to me u-o‘foltawing times fur [bellowing of Appelh C GETTYS B] U R G P A'. din-Mod. will he upmed to Public 5310. m 10;- u... "my"! Boxougha and Townshi n of have ‘hand und will uni: thrlowe'st piicél, “'0 ‘.‘nurl. House, in (‘:t'lK)’Bl)|:rQ. on SATHI- Adam! ‘county. ntlhe olficc hftlw County gnni— . I BOOTS Ayn SHU'BS. ’- ’ DAY, the Uni: day of JANl'Aln'r 1:464, nt , missionrra, in Gettyghnrg, when Ind when! C‘Hflry. “'nler-pfoor‘xip French (3,,"- 10-' I u't‘lntk, P. 31., the‘ following descllhcd they ml! rum-ml to hear Appeals. between "II no'cco, and all other kmrla fol" men and bob. Run] Emu". “‘1; ‘ hours of 9 o’clock, A, 3!. and 3 o'clock, i’. If, , LAHES' SHOES. - A TRACT OF LAND, dunner] in llunling- of-mch any, n! followu‘ ‘ t (hung. Balmumln, Hhrocvo Kid Fine Calf‘ ton township‘ Adam; 'coumy. Pu” mljoimng The Appen’ll tor Gettysburg, t‘nmberlnnd, “a chem ‘ ’ ’ 7 land: at Warner Townsend. Jacob C. Shriur. Germ my, (leérd. Hnnllnztmy, Layman, and| Fruncin Liouhon, and others. containing 17 [Luniltonlmm o‘tuiTUEslthflhe 19“: day aft Actui, more orless, improved with JANUARY m-xz; ~ 1 ' ,: | n TWOostury mee ltuughx'urt it! Q Fq'r Franklin, Slmbhn, llemllen. Butlen,i Dwl-llmg [laps-e, with a hue-story _ 5 .\lnnntplensunt, )lountjo'y, sud Cnnowzgo, on‘, Frame liuughcut Back-building _J WEDNESDA Y.tbe 20m ply oI'JASUARY nut}: attnthed. (uglhr “mm ’5,” hmyng.)_ 1.0,; For lit-«dink, Hamiltnu, Liberty. Tyrone,l Snm‘ke Rouge. Bukemrcn,frnmewelthrrhmrul- l'nlnn,’ Freedom, and, Betw‘lck Borough pnd I I‘ll “Im, P‘yuir‘fue‘thg Tnlu-n in exgcutibn Tu“n~lhip,;t)u THURSDAY, the 215! day Off as the propgrty orJohx. “It'lih. ‘ ‘JANUAIthm-xt. 1 ‘ Lt ' ‘_ “lo _ 1 Hymn)" of the Cnmmln'flouerz, t ‘ A LOloranocxumuh eamamesmwnfl _ ‘ J-. M. wutpmcmt. : .in amd """nly, fronting on g: “.tltinmre turn- ‘1 Dev. 14, 1963. td A 1 " ‘ pike, hnumlnl south by tho Ruilrutd, und' “'“‘“‘"“"—*_“"~7'—.—_‘—v—’T_‘ north and Ms! hum of Imm SrhwartLJm- Proclamatlon ,1 ‘ ‘ ”o‘9“ “3‘“ " lflrgt‘ ThEN-fW-W tau" l“ 7 {TEREAS I’lll‘ Hot); ROHIB‘I‘ J‘. Flmxtz, "TOR HOTEL, with Buchhuild- 3*.” -' -a ‘ . I’m-.'idvnf of the .eu-ml Cnurt! oft‘dnu-l lin r attached : linsemcntund Urllar '{Z‘fEflgj mun Plus: in lhc‘ Coimtils compoeing the 191 M I under said Home ;7 large Brick Ef'ww Diztrict, and Juefice of 11hr Court: at 05'" anfl fStnhlc, well of wntrr, with pump in it near ”nu Trrndnvr and Ufnrrnl 'rlnil Djlivcry, for that )dcmruflhe dwélling, and other neces sat-y uul- .tri ll al‘all t‘qpi'fll and ther offenders in the! ‘luildblz'. ' j “Mali-trim and DAVID Elrzannu and lsuc E , Alumni: m‘unn LOT OF GROUND: situL.‘ “'HZIHIV": th” Jude-es 9r tht- Cdum ol' (‘mhr'l 315- In uml town and cpuntv. lllllllltlrd h} lots“; mull Plans. and Justiccsof the Courts onyH'i attic-urge Smith mnl l’nuielt'runnt: nnthc went. my] Tvrndm-r anJuHem-ral Jail llvliu-ry; {or} tmrlh undenst by nn ulternml snmh b 3; Rnizrofif‘ ’thc tx-Lxl of all cnpiml ain‘t nthn-r nfi‘t-ndu-rs in: l svn-et. imprm‘enl “uh a Twu “of? ' ' the t‘nunty of Adilllll—hfl\(‘ issued tlu-ir purl-l IFrmnc Wt nlhorl-mtnlml‘mv-llm}: ‘~ a; q-oleH-ming (lute the 20th day at Novellllwr, ih! flinl'Sl‘l. lilm-lu-mlth .\hup. met- 3 3‘“ the your ofmxr l.unn one: thousand eight hum-l \l'ehtlmrbrgardrd Stable, nv-H 01‘;_~‘ _ drcrl "ml sixtv—twn, net to me (Tm-(rd, for wutu, with n pump in i'. m-vr the door ul‘ tim holdingut L‘nurl )l’ (3mm unl‘lt-Etx, um] 'rencml‘l dun-lung, 9..",9 ”um nun. Kc. SCI/.l‘d and Q2l Irtor Sesaiuns at th Pence my! General lnhcnin rtm'uliguluu thv junperty ol Uriah J. J.u! Deliver-\- and Court U_\'cr,iknrhTermi’nor,l )1. Banzhman, , 5 . ‘nt ‘(lcttydmrtn on My 1:13;, the 15/]! day all a ' Am“ mzm-znT. sn'eaaam :-/<IIt'I'II.I/ nuu— ‘ 1 MA L t l Sheriff's nl'il'e;Gelt'\-ghnrg. “t‘t'. 2%,}, '.' .\UTH'E ’IS HEREIHI CHECK to nll the? ' car'l‘p” i.“- r"L (,f mp purcl-Jgé lnout-y. Juatiws uf the Peter, ”12- ('urlmt‘r and Candy“ npun ull mllt‘x hfflu- Sbrrtll‘mu-t be tut-l ow-r Mrs “ithitt the sun] ‘t‘ohmu of Adams. tlmli innnulmtvh "m... ”,0 WUI“""J' .3; Hum}. nmuFJhyv ht- then “I'll! there ixq thelrpropcr persona; or nmm l‘nllurt- tu comply th.-rcwith theuflbpcr- “3th their RUM-‘.\RPCQYIL‘ Inquisniami.‘ Exam-H Ly “I” be flgmn put "[3 ml: snip," -‘ . in .tinun. nnnl nthcr chm nhrdhcus‘. to do thus-91; ‘ ‘ thinp “hi. h tu their gas N nn-l inn-that, hehulh! uppvt't-iu tmht- d3loo.‘un{lulsu, thcf who “ill” pmarcntc nuuinsv thv p iSnuv-rs that me (er then Eh)“ hr in the Jail hf the let‘ L'nnmy M." Atlnni Jr» to be tlwn ml] the": to [IFUBL'LUICLJ nguilhtthcm us sh‘nll ht' jinn. ’ , . .\ DA) IiEBERT,SIyPr§IT. Sllérlfl‘s officcrfiett} dulurg. “us. 2], ‘5l: ', V Last N? V 111-I bonds: notvs, and r Tatufirm of- lit-m 3 i blight Zu-glor, lrmTing uh m-r &’ ‘x (gm, Jrs . hate Imtldi fur tullw linn; 6112 In, having «lied smith,“ ntul‘r, .Duunm. hmu‘lg It? t muck absolute-l 3" nu 055 It; lon Machine-LN]lhmlt‘ Joli u ill Lu hmught on all‘t-In‘ l-tlllt d ‘on 'the 2m]. in ohpeul since the quittin4 t-an Ugh}: trlfcxlt'cilthis (‘.arriud uu‘t.‘ ‘ . . ' ‘ ‘ “gml’rrmns hmiuz 0124‘ will-prune"! tlwm‘fur p. 113 Dec. 14. IRIIZ. fit 1 90 to 2 2 11 ~' ___.._.A_- - . “___.A‘.___‘_.__ ._ ___»..r I . . - ‘ 1:3; Reglster’s Nance. : 25gi NOTICE 1‘ lwrchygn'on'h) all lJ*;!Ml?(‘S and P mlwr pl‘raons Cunl'rrlli‘d. Unit I)!" :\)d mlnistmlmn Artuun's Iwrrlnglflcr mt-nhnm'd will he pru~enlcd M the .{lxla‘hfltlifi (‘unrt ut Adan“ cnnH'y.‘ {on nnhrman-m n‘rpl allnwunro, on WINDA Y. the IH}: day ot‘JLLVUJ HY, 1864! u! l 0 uk'lmk, A, )1., ml. ~ _' K 2921, Tho- “(mount of IKE-fury Dnlh-rur, AJ nimustmlm- 61' the eatale of .\Lnria‘ E. Dol lérn. tlo-(‘vnqan .. 2 F 7 n. :1 (m 1. Tim first :nocmufi annhn Dulhfi'd, Ex eéumr ”Hiunngo Dam-m, dw-ufhed‘. .'- nu ‘...10 :‘w 7'13: u E .‘.l) r: on m‘H .m 91 '.n n ~97 80 w 2. .\"(m‘n-l m-munl of Margaret Gram nmr, I-ZxH-unix al' the lust m“ 94: Bénjuuxin UrnmmPr. tin-CI-am'd. 3. Tim flux. {Am-Hunt nfGon. \Vuker and J~uuvs Linn. Auhlnlmunulo'l's of )lluhau-l ”Hung. limw-zm-11. A 4. Tham-v-mnt of Gemgp Bramnr. Ad mxniairmo: u! .laml- “\SH‘I'. durum-(fl: : . rima 7 23 l- 451 d 1 ’.5 ~ ’- SAMUEL LILLY, neg.gxe£_ Regigtvn"~.flflict-, (luluslnurgl ”1 ”Wet. 21. lblid. ld‘ ’1 5‘ L" 43 5" fl 'l.) '7 .00 ‘ {Headquarters Provost Marshal, ‘ l anm'rn lnunfl'TV I'A , } l Immlmxahurg. Dom-mhcr 7,1563. q???“ To“ n~hi|n<or Burning“: ud turnhh their | full lump]: 0t \ulunn'cu undrr lhu [‘on-m. call m‘tho President tor llurm- hundred ”mm-A and men, In“ he umnpl. from (h! pcudmfi draft, qlmuld one be xc‘nieruu uccc‘ss.xry m Junuur) nut. ‘ . Tlu- sc-vcml Townships nnd Ihy’rnyghs “_in I‘N‘eige ere-lit fur nl]. vnluntccrs Ilm mu)" h:- muyzlerctf into the serum siurc the .\ngu:t lyaft. the nun-her su cré-htmi to be de-duvh-d ~lmm their lnrnporxiou uf lln: quum 115_.-Ignv(i .Um,stnle m dcr the recon! cu”. ‘ ('ulorrnl mcu \‘ulvll;.|rily enlisting “ill he nfl‘t‘ph'd :15 u path of} the quom. TI) ailch, huwmer, nn boumiea W.” ho mud. ' “BURCH lIYS'I‘ER, Ct‘pl. & T’Pd‘. Mar. 10:11 Diuxl’xn. Dec. 21, law. at. FRANPIS FELIXS ESTATP..—Lrnor- of _udmxuidrutinn on the csmre Vof l‘mm-‘u I«II\'. l'\'(' "T Uxiurd unvnship, .\dunw ('mm'}, dw‘c‘snl, Inn-Hug ln-rn grunml _in llnf mill-4'- qu-II; nsidl' :IHlMttllnlpleflmllltfp. he hath)- flung no! n-v In all pz-rcnns indebtefito Mix] (~th- lu “Kiln“ imv..mli._nte pafimcnt. 14! Mme Inuinpcln'xn: "gums! 11m sum? to [xxx-59m tl'cm prvp‘t'rb ‘lllnbl-mimxcd fur haulag‘mm. < - - JOHN ”1.1. x, Adm’r‘; | ,Dec. 21, 1863. a: . - . _ _, ~ Notlce. lAPOB LO'HI'S ESTATE—LIMP" n! ml - Inims'mxiun on thr- unm- at Jun nh hulk. Jule 6f Uninthowndflp, Adams runuty. dc owned, Inning bceu gramcd ‘tn the uu‘drr sizm-11, residing in the name ,mxvndnp; he l:fi‘rh_\"'gi\cs notice to all persons ind! hm] In NH edt‘nlc luumuke immodintcfipuymmt, and thus:- hming gluims against the same In [uro scnt lhgm properly unllwnlicntcd‘w nettle-1:10:11. f 1 ‘JACUB M. BUI.LI.\'GEL’., Adm‘r.‘ Deoi'H. 1863.- 6! OSEPH J SHIT-HS llST.\TE.'—Letlcrs of Q} ndufinistrxuion on glue estntr onyq-gdu J. Sinai“). Into ofofm-d lprAdamc r 53, def-“ 1., hm" ng I’m-n granted to the undersjgncd. fl'Sld in: in the same towns! ip,‘ lie—hereby" giws nut'ce to all persmfs indclnenl I‘9 §aid {slut/i, l 0 gig-kc immodmto payment, nn‘l .thnzc haf iuua‘lflms’ against the same In pnesenl them properly autheuuca'ml for settlement. ‘ ' "t JOHN L. SMITH, Adm‘r. Dem”, 1863. 61. 3* ‘ l . '. :. , _ _..._:__,: ,7 ,‘r. » leroadfiElecnon. HE .\nmml l-Ilerlion for a President and T 'l'u'Ph'e .\lnnngvrs lor. the Gollyshurg.r lid!- ruml, “ ill be held nt‘t‘2e uflirel m the Conny-any, in the secnnc‘ “mi 0'! the l’nsfiongcr Dopoj. in the Borough of (laughing, ‘on the SL‘L‘UNU .\mxun OF'JANI'JARY non, (J.|hu.xr3‘ n, Milt) at l ofcloék in fine :Lftcruuon. Al-lhe' sunn- lime and place there will he held the regular annual meeting nfthe S‘nvklmldcrs. ’ DAVID “’lgLS,;scL-3~ Dec. 14,1863. td x g. HE Adams County Afzxiculhxrnl. Sock-Iy, T “'11! hold its pununl Electinn in the Public Schnnl House in Bendersvine, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1864, helm-en the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. M." AM who mm in favor ofsustmning the Society are mum-3:1“ ed to attend and pkrticipxtu in smd cleunou. K; By pnler of the Board} WM. B. WILSOX,Sec/’y Dec. 21, 1863.. 3L ‘ Visitors tb Gettysburg, Pa; ILL find desirable accommodations at "V .\lrs. NANCY WEIKERT‘S BOARD !NG HOUSE. on Chamheyshurg street, near the Eagle Hotel, Gellysburg, PI. ' ‘ Dec. 21,1853. 3: _ -. HE undergignéd continues the I} T, CARRIAEE-MAKING BUSINESS, v iii all its bmhchcsgnf‘hismldfimnd, in Eu: Middle street. Genysburg. A , ‘NEW WORK mule w‘order, and ' REPAI R I N G gone piomplly find at. lowest prices. ‘ Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS and a SLKIGH for sale. JACOB TROXEL. Dec. 7. 1863. . ! . Now is the Timm 0W 8: WOODS, come? of York. styeet and. Diamond, Gettysburg, no cloning out a I luge‘lol. of WALL PAPER at very low pncos. “In the Spring paper will cost. doubl» wh It i! gun he bought st now; \._ [Dec. 21, 1883. ' BFiApo’sfiéésPX supea‘o;.méle7o( B gver Shoes; for 551:: amine store of ' ' ROW & WOODS. or: LADIES—AI], sizes of Buffalo 07’" Show for tale at the corner onork street, gnd we Diunoud by ‘ ROW a: WOODS. NEW. FALL 3 WINTER comm—4 good ‘ unortment of Fall and Wintqr Good: as ‘ chenp n the‘ cheapo» an .1300} 5010:} VERCOAISI OVERCOATSI—A ow lot, 0 junk-'on tho city. Cd! and exam-us; u ~ . f summon'm 5 Northeast coma at Min-10nd. Sheriff’s Sale. Notic‘c Notice: Election. r-spiu at Work. Tax Appeals. A Rafe '3 A('l‘.l'lS OF LAND I‘Oll sl\,:'un(\.—'l‘hr ()0 u'nlrruuned M 111” bu :l‘rn-s of guvd lulu] fur'3l,.’m\)—mu-:|1I 1' club. on Um: 1‘11?“ uf'.\l.ri| mv. nuJ 1h:- 1m nnce in lour fqlml ,nnnn AX )u-.\:xn-11u. “irlmu intrresl. About I?» acres are excellent Wu! ”and. k'l‘ln-rc i: n Ixmur-luilxn: anniz on I! 9 lmyt. “illl stone sum. 70m. to 1m! up the h xldan‘. It. is hurt at the farm uvwgwupie in Highland tuwnsinp: A mile: llulll U'r-lt}'.~hl|r;:.'lle Eddy :oppficufibué dealn-d ' fl ; ~ ' ' . ' _ ll CHER GOLDEN. g Dec. )4, 1363. 3'." , : I Album L 1' MS !! JIM. rrm‘ivc'i a large n lug-m uf l’lmmgnxphicfi” *u-luw r7l} |l.‘i('(‘s. .'.l'Y Der. H. l~~..!. _V V (‘A'R [2 PllO of diitingui‘d‘etl Tndivir‘m‘ 4. including“ unm hyr n: mxr Jnnlunml.‘ (lo‘rirrals. 4-an the old lu-rn John l‘. 11mm. for $21,)» at the winner 01 Llu- lhcelhiur Gullcrly, (Bollirh‘rrgz. , ‘ ’L‘Yértx lilg)’l‘ilHl‘.s‘. ‘ Battle-fiéldwhqws. ‘ ' I’X'H, mt at" our l’hn‘fiogmfilfir Views of 1A lhl‘ “Jule-field 0L (fin-Qtngiirg, turn: R Eggnuid gift for the Ilnlinl«£‘!. The fin“! _\'et in: him] urn" lu- :ecn at Ile Exrvhmr Hailrry. "l “ TYSON BHUTHl‘.]{SMGellyshnrg ‘ MAW! ~...“ , Young Men ¢ _\'D OLD HEN. do not‘filluw youggvothors‘ r A, nndfinu- wivqs Io \HL‘LQH! llwi'rpqt-cions fink ovrr Hu- uld M'ashdufi; longer, hut like trpc men nml benehmun, lit-urn}. thbm with an LXCHLSIUR WASHER. find insgend of frowns and {-n.-5.: words on {vash due; drvpeml upon ingllm-rfuj I'm-o: “ilj L'rl-et you. ‘ ‘ . ~'l‘ soy “RUTHERSAGeIgsburg, Pa. Dec. 14. 1663. ‘ ' _, For Sale or Eicfia’nge. "WM desirablcfimh'fl' MEN ,mh . A3B ACRES 01" [..kNDJin iernmny ii' lunuship: .I “m gnflmngelfor a Farm, H and pu) 11m dilfcruuce, “Jury. _ . _ k-I‘IO. ARNOLD‘ (}(-tt}’alxurg.‘QQ. 5, 1863. l ‘ For Rent. HF: p'mpchy \recchtly. Ul‘cupied by Dmid T llmgfiy; 2 Acres of La d wilh Dwelling [IOU-\H. Shop, Stable, wel (if water, I'm" flees, kc..silualt~nn fh )[ummhé-‘I burg roual,’ within lmlf a mile '0! the borough. Possession given lav. any time. . ‘ .~ amiss Alec-LEAN. ch. 7, 1863. 3: l‘ - - - Anothenpar; Load.‘ - RINK‘ERHOFF kfigpa un‘vyizh the timer by B Roving new Hoods almost every woek.—. lie-sp-Ires no ofiorfio accommodate his numer ous customers.~ " Quixk files and small pronts,” is his mono. 3 Dec. 7, 1863. . f: - _ 1, _7- ~-,,.,..,V. The Dead on the Battle-field. ‘ WARNERS are reqnsaledilo leave at my I: olfiue, in Gettysburg, a description ofthe incaiion on their lands affix-Mes of Union Soldiers. Many have been buried in sechldwl spots, and persons ..wfil confek a great favor by making known to :1“:qu to Mr, Samuel Weaver, _bhe’iocalily’ of suéh graves. l ' DAVID IWILILLS, Agent, to. r Dec. 7,—1863. a: ‘. " __,.._,_w_ - [~—--r-———~_ , _ For Sale“ , mm: desirafie FARM. adjoiniry:z the A Burbu‘gil of Gettysburmrunmining 31:" 1'24 ACRES—Buildings and Land good. ”fl Win‘l he‘sold on very Qchovhmodnting terms. 1 GPO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct. 5, 1863. If ‘ - , New Goods. 1 EORGE ARNOLD bu j‘ u receive}; fi-om ' Philadelphi'a, n. {we :lzck of CLOTHS ASSNERES, '0 vet-coatings‘ Ualssinets, Yest inn, Flanncla, Mingling, Jeans kc., All of whnfl: w ill be sold the»? for cash. all and see gem. -Sept. 23,1863. - 5 V 1863. , Fall Millinery. 1863. [SS .\xccnbun' 2m jdstzjeturned from M the City, and is now opéuink,u huge and bequtilui “sorghum: of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, oFthe Yntestlslyln. which she invite: the Ladies to call 3111* examine, confi. dent that they will be pleased: with her selec tions. . . [0ct.726,;1863. 2m : Tavern License. A - - HE following npplicnfion-to Keep I public T house of enteruinmentgkn boen filed In my ofilce, with tho requisites nlmbe: of 812“", Ind will be presented at the Court of Qumer Sessions, on MONDAY! tho 1811: day OF JAN UARY next: ~ :1 . E. H. NOEL, Oxford townlbip. " J J EATO not: mats". ‘ - - Waugh"; ~ ‘ 1 In!” J. FINE, Clerk Dec, 28,1883. to .‘ ‘ A large variety of all mm and lites, sold at old prices. »I ‘ . .. HATS AND CAPS. -, 0f everyjile, quality and nfle, for men, boys and übilgiren. ' . unssns' HATS. ’A large lot orthe Inmll slylea. ‘ r FURNISHING GOODS. _ White Shirts, Caulmare Shins. Flannel Shins, of I” styles, Collars;— (Ir-vats, Ned; Tit-s. Susppnders. Pocke.ndk9rchiefin, lc., whirl: will be sold cheap. ‘ .‘ ‘ . ‘ UNDERWEAR. - A A superinr In! 0! Underghirts of vhrious Hum, Drawers, kc Heavy Woolen, .\lrino, leb, Cotton. ohm kinds—cheap Ii ever. ' Buck, I’ncnwr. Cloth. ()M‘simt-re, Kin}, Coi ton. Thrend,of all hunk—selling at old low prices. ' Qfllu- finest. flavor and best manufacture, imp‘orlcd and dulni'slic. sch-mod with care. For Parlors, Hulla, linoms, ChglmlvcraJCeilv inns, and Boxes. Centre Piccks, l-‘ue-homd I‘nuts, Door Paper.‘of various kinds. “’INDOW' BLLVDS. ‘ ‘1 Window Pafier, 011 'thh, kc. Als‘o, fine plain pupcu'of difierent callus. Oil (‘lnth .Nfld Carpet, small 51nd lgu-gn Tngrthvr with many oLlu-r'nniélrs. {lll.Ol which we will sell all hm wt prikt:. _\\'c nun nut. “Ile llw old, but good motl'n,fi‘Quick Sale-a nnd Small Pmfili,"and intend to adbrrb to XL TLRJIS CASH. . Dec. 7;1.‘m3“ if HP. subscriber Inning dinposod ofh-is {lat T and Shoe Slurn'lo .\lesm. Row J: Wondi, n-«pm Hully unkq Iluc contmumfce of his Iricnda mu! 1 uglomera to puttugiir the new firm. 3!. the 0M alJlld. R. l‘. MdIMENY. 109- niy-Tln- snhsrriher has sold hit—HM. and bunk monunu 0f"!!! 1 Shnl‘ Stnre (u .\lcssri 319 w & “'nods, who will i’- D-‘nm’r "fl" “'"Y'J'mntinue the husmeu at thp olli smmd.‘ We. Mfr “1“ “Fl“ 0‘ l’:-"- mu much ohligml til the. lihernl bupfwrt ex lu-m. plum-«l in my‘u-ndcd to us, and we carn'ostly mqm-u those oft'lc’fir‘nhlmalicfl-Aimlohlc‘l to us to will and nuike Immediate ’ .‘"‘="" "E‘h “'3‘! the ‘ pmn‘i-nt, .1: we dwire tutu-11h- nur husines= ff! 1““ Sl-"L‘v ‘1 l{e“\\'i(hnnl ill-lay. Th» hans Will he iound 11l l" “H" “n "1““ "M 1211“: hlulld \\ hrrc the busim-fi uzis duue. liily. Thkrvlni‘u, 5H,}! ‘ R. F. MCHJH‘ZNY ‘nnsthnl ri-nmin ”re-I her, 7, 19123. ' ‘ ‘l, I’lnm the tune- .—-~~-r , ,_ —— —~ —-—-.- ~ wt»-.. [of hullmwsy'qu one; Orphan’s Court Sale , "0““ W“: WWI ' w \'.\l.l'_\l¥l.E m: \l. Es'm'rm _(m L . O’KIHVDAY, Ilu- 28‘!) of lllll'l-fllllllfi insl.. hm;"§m“st the film tlw suhsu rihrr. Administrator 01 the rstnw of iUM-rgn Null. d900:l¢l‘ll"Wl” mm. at Public ;Snl", on the prrnrists, ill}: the lien] E-lnle of sun! dorede. viz: I XL. 1 'nm .\i,\_\'sm.\' FAR“. situate pm. ly 11l Humil'un null pnrllv. in Norwich ‘lnwn— ships, Admins county, nrlJuinmg land's of hI‘l {11112; I. |\\‘)Qll('(', Am!!!“ il.-Huh? anry “null. nnd uth-s. onumininv; 9'. A’cre and 100'?” l‘illfi, mm? ur 303» With. "HP-’Proplflfllflhs Uf a-Icz-llsnl “'on-Hum! “Ila .\lvuthm‘. ' T! i Improvements are :14 sin-w!" ,T*clnr_\ \Yi- llherlmnrih-d Uwvl-‘S ‘iing “OFF”, 5 one flhnl\n h-nll.‘ - storv Lug 'l'ona'nt Hump, Lug Barn, In; i’l‘n ‘Euui otho‘r onl-huildings : ‘ll new r—mxlivg “all “if wall-r n! the lilouife. and n n-hnhln sir-Hm thhruugh \hc firm, lilime IF him as Appl!‘ ,‘Flrclmnl. nilh u \‘nriely at other lruit, on [he ”nukes. A ' ' L 3'o. 2. A THEFT ()l‘ L \X’l). ‘si'uale it} lilh-iunk unmhili. Ali-um ‘t‘QfiJll_\‘. :ig’jvhliling llumh uf (‘.\-ru- Wolf, Hrhnml lIIiiIN. syn] :o'hurxz ronm‘u‘inu it" Al'n-< and HI I’Emhri, .‘émun- or In“. harm; lht-renn n-uuemnl a hall I lurv L :g ““111in HHL'SI-I.'uml ‘ 1;: N'Jhle, nigh :\ fink—inc spun; g?:§f vial mun-fund u. \‘.lrlP|‘:-‘ ul‘ irun.» [ ’ I g "'Flu-re is a I:u,_-c Inqnilluu'ol , ilzhnii-é ti-mhor. nilh smm- mmdmv. « V “ Na. 3. .\ TRACT-HI" TIP-[HEEL LVN. =ilqu‘ liu <:ii‘l B rwi: k l-iwnshlp. bmmdc‘d .hlv lumla ul‘ Henry [iii ht‘er. Jun-h 83-min, Hunt) Wolf, [lurid ntin'rs, “mummy: ‘57 Acre», more or h-SK, Ivinered .widi'tim bus! bflnuher. nanny chic!!- yillnf. This lrm't will hr laid umnhd ull‘cxed in Imm: of {,mm 3 lo 4,:lcl;us. i ii Ltgi'l'u-‘uns desirlufi In View oilhei’nf these ‘lpropertirs are requeatud w mil on the Admin ‘lalrnloi‘frvsi-ling near by“ ' {l pg".\'.ile to commencp :It 10 u'clnrk, A'. M... in: mid day, when myrudnncc mil bé given rjnnd rem“; made knrwn by * J SAMUEL BROWN, Adm'rf { L 35.” the above propelly phuuld not he dispa‘ed of on the day mvmmnqu, the sale will be conliimrd on} thc dnr fulluwing. : "Dec. 7, 1563. ta 1 , , = A. J. (‘OVER IMMO h:\ the snbN-riher. dams rnflmy. inm- r {ln- Fnu HEM mud. 4.? *A‘IIBFMSH! hr} lulnulihl‘ nsxm‘t :Lmu. “‘lnGh \vv rum-r UN BROTHERS. n G R A} n s t _\' pursuance of n “rit of \‘enditinni Ex -1 ponns, issued out of the ("curl 'of fl‘nmf man Pleas of Adams count), i’n..ni.d ti: me directed. “gill be exposed to l'ulnlic Snle. at!“ Four! llohse. in'Geuyshurp.‘on IWEUN ESDAY‘ the 30th dnyof DECEMBER inah, (WILL) at. 1 o’clock, l’. .\l.,‘ the following described Real Entntp, Viz: ‘ A Tluic'l‘ OF LAND, situate in Latimore township, Adams county, Pm, ndjoinmg lands of Abrahnm LiTngrlQn. Charla: Uusser, Jona than llrc-nnnmtm, and othcrg‘ con- .' Kt. mining 2 Acmsl‘morc or ks}, im- 9;? _ proved with a 'l‘wo-gtory.‘ Log 5,”: ‘ Dwelling HQI'SE. with 1'“ Irnmc wenlhyrbonrdpd (‘nrpeuzer Shop, Spring House, spring of wnter near the dwellmz, 1 fmme waatlwrbonrdod Burn. ”01; Pan nnd Com'Crih, small Orclmrd‘. With :- \‘nriéty 6? choice truit “'90.. Seized and when in gxe cution as the property‘.of Jacob/L: Conlson, and-to be sold by me. , / ' ADA.“ REfiERT, Slim'zr. Sheriff's oili‘e. Gettysburg, Dec. 7, '63. ‘ WTen per‘cent. of the purchase money upon nll Miles by the Sherjtfmnxtbe paid over immediately «gr the proporty is struck down or upon l‘:ulur o comply thcrewith the proper-' 123' will be agniu put up tor salet ‘ EACHERS’ INSTITL‘TI-I'wlll be held at Fail-field, commencing Dec. 29th, nnd continuing three days. The frfiemls‘ol educa tion generally are invitpd‘lo attend. Those Teachers IQ whom subjects were assigned II! the Inst meeting are requested to come pre pared to read rungs. 'All Tengbersmho ex pect to be applicants a: the next Examinations will please not. fail to be present. Several gentlemen ol ability and experience have consented to speak and lei-lure before lhd‘ln szique. Come one,rome all. - . AARON 'SHEELY, 00. Sup: Dec. 7, 1863. td JOSEPH FISHER’S ESTATE—Letter: of administration on the estate of Joseph Fisher, late of Franklin township, ,Adnm: cénnt}, dec'd., having been granted to the un~ arraigned, residing in the same ‘townnhip': h‘e hereby git-es notice to all persons indented to said acute to make immediate payment. and those hnvmg claim: .ngninat the lame to prmnt them pmperty authenticated fqr lenlement. HENRY KL'II’, Adm'r. ~ ‘Dcc. 7,18‘63. 6t , , REDERICK HOLIZ’S ESTATE—Loner! .‘1 testamentary on threat”: of Frederick i lioltz, lute of Stmban township, Adam! co., de ice-peelJ having been gnuted to (M under .signod, residing in the lune township, they hereby give notice {0 all persons indebt ed to said estate to make immediste pay ment, Ind ‘hoae having clniml again". an game to pres-n: them propgfly nuthenhubd i for letflement. - DAVID‘ EDI/I'2, ~ ‘ JOSEPH HULTZ, ‘ Nov. 23, 1863. pt . Enigma ‘ ¥ ’ For 8818. w i g: . Int-nu nu of-new (manual! mm: #fi HESS. Also‘thomud exam“ GEES: . 88mm, Inquire It the 00mm; 015130;: ‘ [os%)]. ' Row & oods, CHILDREN’S SHOES OEM GLOVES smms, \\ ALL PAPER TRAVELLING BAGS now & wows A Gard ‘ IL) la‘fl F _'?,2 I l l A ". I _I ~ 333 nm: I. v " Sheriff’s Sale. llr'he Addisubdhhty Notice. Notice. . ' Pioking’s "my 0 ~ 01.0me6 STORE In the Nice I! buy your ‘ ovancons AND mums cons, » your .rxks cons AND cons: cons, ' your CLOTH qons ANb cassava: com:< , ‘ ' ‘ 3'o" . mom: coué AND 3531x1553 cons, 7 ‘ your , * -GUICO_ATS AND lILXTARY COATS, ‘ your SUXDAY COATS AND EVERYDAY COATS. ‘ 3 your , WAR! COATS AND WINTER COATS, - your ' GOOD COATS AND CHEAP COATS, blcnusgc he s'ells chenper than nnybpdy clue a)ay-Go to » ‘ mmmrs CLOIIHXG smgta ~, 4 r ‘on i ‘ RALTIMORR STREET", carn'sarnc, » , _ for your CLOTH PANTS AND ().X§SI)IERI§ PANTS, ‘ fur _\‘pur ‘ gums PANTS Axummnm) PANTS, . tor yonr‘ FINE PANTS AND COARSE PANTS, ' 1“ for your . FITTING {ANTS AN_l) FANCY PAX'FS, . , ‘‘\ for your ‘ f U. S. 5-20’8. “0°“ ”311's ”D ”"7“ 3“” m: SECRETARY or run mmsrnr becanse his games ari- "Innis a little lower B'l‘ h” um ‘“ given "mice on“, iummun a. ‘ an 5,"). o‘.’ 57“?" ' lti) withdraw this n ulnr Lonquum 58:0 I“ “lit; ‘l‘ trill]: (Ci; 5 ‘33“ V H‘itr, and un'ul tenpilitp notice if. gun». t 5: , , i J . 1‘ C. .“ "5' . , ‘underci my,“ nusxrztuhst’ttzcnw't'im (74TH "EDT“ ABE); bAlelllLKL Vla’bfl‘S, VA'HENT'?" will «mrtiuue t) snpinly the put-lie. . .. . ‘ ‘ge . . _ .L V i The whole unmunt oftlte M‘an'uuthurizudis ' n5l“ ‘55!” fl” b-‘TIN‘V‘LDTDM Five Hundred .\lillions at Milan. mang ‘ . . , i . U 8'" . , , , . arutm lll'Nltlttll) .\itt.t.tu.\‘s HAVE E.. PLAINti‘ZaTb A§~li “in \F-STS. . “ALREADY senscmm-zt) NR A.\U PAID ' ' ' . . .P. “P, ‘ .‘. ‘ 'ISTO rm; Tltt-ZASt'ltY mas-1+ within the . “ AR“ ‘Bs.]: A?!) CHEAP \ 1.7315" last seven mrnths. ”Hie? large licmu'nd from . N u I.“ I .' t , 'uhrond. and the rat )idl ‘ incacnsitzg home de- STRMGIIT‘V HST-5‘23?! RUI‘U-‘G VEST“: mun-‘1 for me nmtlie bisis for cirruhuion l'." ‘ K g Cv . t . .\.llinnal llunkin Anson-inflow now orgnnizing a LTGHT VhS‘Tb :‘(PEHHEA‘ ‘ \ ESTS’ liil’nll parts 01 thfcnumry,yill, in a very short , , .' , , ~ , ‘ l ucriml, uhsorb the lmlnnce. Sales have lately (QANSE ‘llSTS‘B‘l2ct’nEA-p \f.ST.S,v ilrhnnell Imm ten to intern miliinns Weekly, ." . , . ' ~ frequently exert-din three millm-ns dsily, and .\llV'llAM \LST'S and ~:tll kinds of Vests, gas it is well knowtugtlml the Secretary of‘the (- reaper ”"m ““3 “W" “or“ 1n the “0"“,1-‘3 lTrc:L~ttl'y lltttl ample and llDlellltg tesn‘urccs in (10 TU I’ICKING'S ; fiwlfyuu mm!» “11‘ the Duties on imports nnd lirtcimtl Revenues; fun _ AL‘QUIIDEON Mu} in the brine nl' the luu-rrst hearing Legul 1_ ‘,Go to Picking. Tender Trcnaul‘y thcs, it. IS nlmust. n certninty llt' you want u '3' ' that be “ill nuf fin'tl it. necessary, {urn lung POCKET KNIFE time to come, to seKk a market tor any other l~ U 0 t 0 Picking. IJoni; or permanent LARIBS, THE [.\TEREST {l‘f you wnnt a ' '.AXD l’lllhcll’AbUF \V’lilCll A/ll‘li PAYABLE ; SlLViviP. Tlllllllll} 'l.\' (:(an' l K. i ' i i ‘ Go to-l‘tching.t- l’r'utlt-m-c and self interest must' force the [lf you want a ' lminuls 0t thon- contcmplntmg the furmntioxuol I ‘ FINE' SEC-ARA antiunnl Bulking Anotintiuna, as Well its the i (lo to Pick. in ‘minils of igll who have iulle mum-y on thcir j” .Vv'm‘i'fllll 'haud<, to the prompt conclusion that. they ISMUKING TOBACFO Fllnllltl ln‘e no time in subscribing to “Hi most. ' ' '5O to l’ickm‘g. [loirtlldlj Loan. _lt will 50m] he. heyond lhcir i” )‘hn’m’uut 3"» Hutch, mul advance to n hnndmme premium, tt'lllinNG 'l‘tlergl‘U naming the rcnult \nth Inc“ .\‘cren ’l‘lmty" l (Bio to Pick Hg Hlumn, when it \Yll! all sold nnd cmth! no lnngrr ilfynnmnm _ lhe rli':~crilu-nltui; Mpnr. t ' ' lo- SUSPENDI'IHS l ['l‘ 13‘ A 51X Plil: t'EVT‘ LOU}. rm: l.\'- , “ Sio to l‘lcking.‘Tl{llEST AV“ l‘lllik‘l‘llfAL PAYABLE IN "70“ MM H'u’ix, mm YIELDIXH - uvnn MM: rim ,STEI'IL PEST“ ’t'l-tsr. PER ANVI‘M at the pron-"n! rate at (in to l'icking prclninm on (min- ' "F 0“ Imm. - The (lnrcrmnmt requires all duties on im “UUD PENI‘ILS putt: to he paid in L‘mn {flu-«e. duties lmvelor U" W l'lt‘l‘illg- In Mug lune pas unlintml tu ut'nr n thrtvr at ”you “N" In .\lJllum «Wham-s dJll)’. n sum nmtrly three “LEW”! BELLS ltinun- mmlcr thztu (hi: Iclpliuul in the [my -6“ t” m‘ “"3 tin-tit. at th« interest. on all the 5.2“ s and other 11l .‘U‘l 3ND" ll , ‘purimn- nt 1. t'llH. Sn fth tl ifi-t hoped lltn'. . NE“. Dl'lT ‘ t’he surpl'tn Cain 'n’ the- 'l r. .miry, at no diEl-Inl “0 101'i5krng. 111-31 “1” umhln tho L'niud States to rcsume “ 5““ “3"” n l ‘ [syc-m- payment: n‘fmiv :il ‘mlnliunai . UUUL‘ b»l'l'l' . -.v+~‘ The LLUI is called 5-2llgfium‘thc {not thnt " “0 10 Hiding 'nlulct thr llunds may run fur 2051121”. yct. the If INS-“”7"" 1" (:m'trnnwnt hns n‘miuht. to pity thcm otl'jn ‘CHE-U, SUIT Gold at par, :It nufltimo nitl-r 5 years . Go to I'lckmg . :rni: ivi'izmasr I.smm ti.\i.r.\'i-:ARLY; "$O,“ “’1‘“! ' u’z :.on the first day. of .\‘m‘cmh‘rr all“ ““33 “Hi-H, CU’THF'?‘ Stlbscubcrs can‘hnve Coupon llondi, which i {”0 (0 “firing; [are bistable to Lauren nuxl :ll‘!‘ $3O, $lOB, ‘lrlOu-wnnt to ’ ’5500. nml Show; “rilleglfilrrcd lmmls ot‘sntne 3U" CHEAP utenmninittions, am; in milliliun, $3,000. and 1 (f 0 ‘0 Pi‘kll‘g 320.000. rm; llnnltlng purposes and lut‘ in. \‘cauue'nts of ’l‘rurl-iuunies the Registered [Ennis ure prct‘crnbch ' ' ' , These 5-21)‘: out at he tuxed’by Status, ri'ics‘, towns or cunntie', and the Government tn; on them is only onc-nnd-n-halt‘ per cent.Y on themnunnt of “1&le when the income at the ,holder cxcccd~ 1. ix lluntlreil tlullfirs per nnnum ; all other inwstrnonts', such :1} income from Mortgages, 11-uilru’ml Sun-k nm] lluuds, etc, mu ‘t my trom tlm-c, to tire per cent. tax on the income: ‘ Banks and [tankers throughout the (‘vonnfiy mll ('ontinue'tiijulijvnw of tlw Bonds; and'hll (radars by mull, qr otherwisc,-prumi-11y nttendv c to. t Vallsrs, . 'l‘lunki,‘, v (' ”pet. Bugsf 'l‘rzncling Bags“ “aulkim: Cam-s, Umbmllas, (h-nl. Shawls; , (‘lolhqs Brushes, Hut l'fl‘llfhc'e, Toothr Bushes, lunckffig- Brushes, Boo! Bucking, 'lllnL-kckin Glows; f‘:x.—sixnn_-ru Glm 03, KM] (ihfl't‘é‘ 'l‘i‘nnmd (ilm’vs, (‘qxulnllors, Fm:- Shlru, ' Course Nuns.’ (In‘-sinnerc Shirt», Flaunt-I Shins, " “grind Shir", Lum'bwuol Shirts, fixnl‘ShErls, l‘mlu‘ h‘h'rxs, ‘l’lnun-l Dumas, “‘uollen Drawers, (‘nlmn Drawers, \r- k-Lie“, , Prawns, . ‘ , ('ulhrb. .4 l'uwr ("I-'Mrs, Hum flint“, ”"3410: Show, ('ulLun flocks, “Wu-Hm Sui-kl, “.Im'lkmn'hn ((31; l'm'k"! (‘uniEl-h ‘ H Mill'ng Combs, “uninlu .\lmih. Hm“ PUMA,- lhnu ‘unbd, V [\ur) f‘ul‘H-s, \Vm.~hl{-y~,~ - ‘. Wuh 1| (Mama; ' “Um-h Uuunld, ‘ I'm 'AM {ll".an Lo'uLing Gianna, Ulm'ks, ‘ Sin-dudes, 1: Mars,- “ fzur Simps, Slmung Su:\p,_ S'um mg Xiruaju‘s; .Vln ms. - .\‘mlin String], Violin Hows, if you want a , - ' uoun FIT , (Eu w Picking If you want nny :tticle‘iu Ins line I A. (L) m l‘k-Ling For hi: has rrrvi‘qd mxother large mick m i- NEW GOODS wh'u-‘h‘hc is selling to old customers and new ‘ Fox-hohusntlmusnnll‘ . thing'sfor snle llmlcnu- custsmers at the low. nuL bl‘ found in any: , ‘ . state in the (Junk); '95:. prim-s. K Kay’l‘H‘KlNG'b‘ lute nrnval’of .\‘L-w (loads embraces et‘irwhinz in the ('lulhing fine [or Me!) undfioys. GH'H Hill A (CALL. ’ Gettysburg Oct. 21;, 11503. ‘ NEW 'i ‘ STUHE ' x, Boot & Sh‘oe 'NEW STORE“ IUP? undorsig‘nml has openpd a new “00} k V] ' Shoe Store, on Baltimore sirovl. Gettys burg. a fun’ donrs above the Conn-house; and has just opened n fine assormicu} of goodxr, viz: BOU'RS FOR MEN, . g, ‘ ' snags FOR MEN; Room for bays, Shoes for boys ; . alt.“ sum-:5 FOB .\mx. _,, 7 A _ . (ICM~SIIOfiS FOR BOYS: with n large 101,. emhl'nciug every vnrioly._of‘ suuas 'nm LADIES—aIso .mr cmLmzl-zx. ‘NATS ANDCAPS. ' of Ml 99133.: nnll sizes, with Ladies’ and Gen tlvmen'é GLOVES. Inderd. his ussbrfim‘nt will he found full and attractive, and 3111' of his goods of the best quality and Incest styles. ' 1' He also has on hand n'fineynriNyofSE'GA RS, SMOKLVG AND CHEWING TOBACCU§, kc. lh-lernzinEd'nnt to be nude-wold, he otfcrs goods at ghe iowest profits the “mes will al low.‘ Cal} and see. before buying tam-where. ; . JOHN L. HOLTZWURTII. ‘ Dec. 14, 1863. a . Jury Lisle-Jammy Term. - ' . GRAND Jun. _- I Reading—Thomas N. DxcksngUremnn ] Hamilyur—chry Stock. Juu. finder. Gettysburg—Henry Cnlp, (fawn-r.) Union—Abraham Rife. Oxford—George Smith. . 'Hnmiltonlw—Dnnifl Snyder. ‘ .Berwick lwlu—Ad,lm Kinnepnund.‘ Gouowngoelohn Kcagy. g ' ILuti'mevle—‘Andrew Shultz. ‘ ’ Mcnnllon—Georue Bender. ’ Mountpleasnnt—rJ. E. Smith. Berwick hon—Michael Hofl‘man. ‘ ' [Hunhngton—Emnficl Smith. . I hihergy—Juhn Nuuemnker. ‘ Tyn’me—Wm. Mrcklcy, John Conrad. Franklin—Henry Harm'mn. ‘ Strnban—ePc-Oer him-Hey. MpnnljoyfiAln-nhnm’Hesaon. - Frecdum—er-e' P: 'l‘nppqr. .' Gemuny—Fwderick Dillinger. L ~ Butler—thzfliller. .' “ CumbrflnndTJohn Hamilton. ‘ Guam“. in“. ‘ Hamiltonian—Gen. Hull, Andrew Benders. Strubnn—Dnvid Bolts, Philip Hllnu, Jacob L. ‘ Grasp. ’ ‘ ~ Union—Daniel Haring, Jucob‘Buchei, Sr. Herwh'k bun—er. 0. Beck, McMillan—Solomon Hutmnnfllcob Bear; Geo. linuigh. ' ' Tyrone—Jncob Human, Mnrh Bro-m. Lalimore—lsnel Flohr, Inna-Myers. . Gettyshnrg—Edwnrd )lehcby, C. X. Murcia. Mountplmnt‘—Lcwir Wlll, John L. Jenkins, Pins 8. Smitb‘ Bmhr—Jnmcs Mchnnel, George B. Hewitt. Freedom—Jeremiuh Sheets, Abgnknm Krile, Reuben Golden. ‘ Oxford—John Hunts, Ohulea Bench”: 7 ‘ Readinngeorge ,Hoorer,Singkton Eicholtz. Huntington—Emmi”! Brough,lmb A. Gud net, Wm. B. Gnrdner. ' Bernick tp—Snganel Brown. , Franklin—Philip Cnuhfiu, Duid Denmark, Hezekiah Lnuhnw. ~ Hanflwg—Henry Hoover, Géorge King. ‘ Gemini—Ferdinand Ruher, H. S. Kline, Samuel )I. Study. : . Libouy—annuel Overholuer, Sun’l Bend. Cnmberllnd—Chnllu B. Polly, David Wind. coyoysgn—anuc ling, Jena Wdtmnn. ‘. _ lonsfioy—stié Clqu'nddlc. ' - : Dec. 14, 1863. ~‘ ~ • ptxrr6 ADD sllor.s Bootsazsms! 'Nflw ES’I‘ABUSHIKK‘Yr—The admit-"- i «I has jus‘ hid m a fine "uch cube be» .c‘uy .lurk, which he win dispost-‘vl At the boy csl "on; possible. ”is mum": cannot}: {Days-ooh! 7 ‘ CALIF-SK“ BOOTS {or men. ’ . i urn.“ BOOTS I an kind: at . ‘ ,WOTS FUR BOYS, ‘. ~ . with a large use-mam! oi , ‘ ' - SHOES FOR LAUXES, “.130 fiw (‘BXLDH’L‘L He has Macy-J his Quack with me, nitei uh. Wink! e'xaflly to ‘the wank cf Ibis market—and :dditiomyifl ,ronllnnlly be nude-9 the trudr may require. I'Fhe goods he «as an no! 0:15 we! made, 13nd of good ngufifils,bm “in” the lakss ntylu. l'arlitnlnr attention :13 Buy- in paid to ‘hes: poinuz. ' ‘. 1 Remember me piano—YOßK STREET, mav ly oppoaile lhé Bank. Call and nu Im- you'- lu‘lves. ‘ , ' 4 'Th'e boot Ind shoe-making businossr is car ried on n: herrlolore. ‘ WILLIAM SEIIHENX. ’ Gettysburg, Dec. 7, I‘H(.3. The inrnnvrniénms of ll fvw dayt' r‘mhty in the ‘lvlivcrg (If [he Bonds in unavoidable, the dvrrmhdx Minx Fn great; but us interesl‘com‘ mencrs from the dany'hlhnhsrripfion, no loss is oycusimwll, nntl every effort is bcipg made to diminish the delay JAY COOKE, _ Svmrmnn'm Assn. 114 5512“: Third. Slreel, I'hilmlclp‘ain| .. I'hilzldkiphin: Dev. 7: Inn}, "‘1 Good- Thmgs from the City! E 'are receiving twice a iw-ek from the ‘ city a urine M «nicks auited to the mints'of this community, viz: 'Frnh nnd San FISH, ”mus, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Sun, Apples} Pol:lwc-s,,()xzuxge3, Lemons, Con‘fbctiuus, 'l‘ohnccdq, Sega ra, with umny othehrnrlicins in this line-«nil receivt-il in the host. order, and Full] all tlu- inu'9=t prams. Give ‘us a can, in 13.:himure Marcel, ne‘irly opposite Fnimpsmcki‘ mire. , \\'_\N'l‘lil).—-—lluxtt-r, Eggs, Lnxd, .und all other country prmlncu—fu‘r ‘whicli the highest cash prirc “ill be paid. ‘ SWEET POTATOES—heat qmlllty, at low- Pit living profits—always on lmnrl. Also, UYSTEHS, tine niirL’lrcsh—vin the shill ox shocked. llaslaumxits nud families supnlird. ' STRICKHUVSHR k WISOTZKEY. Gcge'sbugg, May 18, 1863. 3m 3 ""' " 'l‘ " ~~-:—:————. " Dr. J. W.‘ C. O’Neal?s FFICE qnd Dwelling. N. E. earlier of Ba]- ilimorc and HJgh plr’eelsmenr Presbyterian Church, (irttysburifl’n. ' . Nov. 30, 1863. tf , . . 200 Tons Hay ‘ “I ANTEDX—HEXRY UTZ‘ quenl for Stine ‘ 35 Young. will buy any qlmntity of Hay, puing the high-st market y‘rice therefor.— I’ersonn having Hay £Ol9ll yould do well to gin him an only CA“, in Gulf} sllnrg. .\‘uv. 16, 15.53 ~ , Notlce. r I OHV H. .BREAH’S‘ EaTATE.—Letters, of administration on the estate of John H. Bruin, late nf Huntington township, Adanis county, deceased, having been granted to the «Endorsigaied, residing in 'th: name township, they hereby give notide to nil pelsonl indebted to mid entan- to mike: immediate pnyment, and those hnviug claims Ins-inst thy. name. to present thaw properly ‘nuthenticntedrior set tlemenL. ELIZABETH BREAH, ' . c¢asnmvs BREAD, Nov. 23, 18153. ta . Administrators. Clothing. ~EORGE ARNOLD [us now got up his Full G and Winter [tin-k nl Clothing, the Inge}! flock in town, consisting of. - the? Costs, , ‘[ Drug Costa, . ‘ 5 Business Coats. ; . ‘ Military Blouse} Ind Pantl' ‘ ' ~Pnnnlooqs, You; ‘ Under .nd Over-Shins, Damon, Hosiery, : Gloves, km, in grant "tidy, all of which wi‘l} ’be sold cheap for cub, Gill and see them. Sept. 28,1863. . \ _l“ YOU WANT ‘ GOOD ALE, PORTER town 330 nm, Scotch Ab, and Wm", call at . , CHMSNER'S, f " North-en! corner of the Diamon . Dec. 7, 1903. my! Hay! HILIP HANK. at: Granite Station, pan P OXFORD PRICES for Buy. ' | Nay; 9.1515 A j : Excusmu} '. ' Excnpsmnn The Exéem'o'r Washing Machinoh‘the But in the World. .Clll Add examine ig-u once.— Uffice In the Excdsior;Bky-light (idler? _ I‘)’\'(|\ RENT" IRS. The Givet 4 Tai Oom 5-! mm M, 3" YOBKLL q’l‘cfl its mm“ W nested . now |Y on in?!“ )7qu d v. Bowsaum was. 1x 797;! count. They Lun- inimihn‘d {£27l “flan! o! 7533. .'.-«1 up "9'11: l’.-n: It in! etc-r 'nlo ('9?ng a: t’msfl’im N 551: AWN! (”L-61.1mm mwgnuc no.) "i ‘ 5 (’.\E E'KLK‘G; macro. Am‘bcr perub'nrk; oi the ('4lme is fine Gui: Tu 7mm lax coir ducts his um. tunic Mam» or met: 'rms m «Manny, ‘ “fut, ma mam)“: "flu {or ylrtiodflr lo nlitirs affix-nu}. hm he buys \hel'l’ea buyer to :boooe 0|" 0! the-i: «Gum ma floukJUl‘h t; Tens :3 IN best s&lpr Io his. wucum: ‘vmfls, ”it! no! my}; Ibis, but points out lo him We lie?! bargain-7 .“ \ . h‘ is may to m the imbuhlrk udrsnt-ngo I In “gnu ban in this fibflkkm-I or" I" “new. ' I! be n "0343de of?” onho Inlet-oi! M! time-i 3 nimble—lw has ._ll Ibo benefit: of 5 volt o'rgauim! r_rzn rm 0! oiuiflg'bunmu, orn hninen~e mpmd, 9f Ibe- ju égmebl n! a pro!”- lium).m 'fuufinm] the kngvlréga up"- pefior stole-urn. a ‘ _ 7 Thu tuahies 3“ TM buyers—no mqfler 1! they my (hon-Had: of miles from this nmrku —to. unrubnse on :1 50M and hem u 1h .\ew \‘nck mrehmxu. ‘ Paru‘el nm 0rd": Tn: Ind will lu- snvrl by ul «3 mil u though Ibo” mute Maud”, b - ing sure to 1:01 orig Mparl‘uyn, Irur tragic! and (um: and 11:: TI“ an: “'AnlAmnn as rqm. smurf. We i=sne n Price‘th of [he Cumpnuy‘! Teas, which ml) be sent to all whu order n ; cnmprising ' A "$503, YOK'NG lIYSOK, ISIPERIAL. GUN PUWDER, TWANKAY ISM): UUXDNx‘, SDK'CIIOSG, ORANGE & HYSUN PEKUfi. JAEAS TEA of‘vvery description, colonrd nnd uncolnru-d. ' ' This hsl has each kind of Tea dir'nh-d into Fmlr'CLls-‘l'w. nmnrly : CARGO, My]: FAWN). FLVI‘I, I‘H‘EST, tl;xi\c\‘cry one “my unm-rfinnnl Imm g<--('l'ipllon fun the‘ prim-3 annual! that. the (bmpany nrv' determined lo undone” the whale Tea mm». ‘ . We gunmnu-e to sell .\LL nur‘Tt-nn a! no! 0",. TWO (ii-.N'l‘fi (.0! Hints) per pound übm‘p mat, believing lhis, to he “Minn-tire to the man ' wlm Imj'c hrietutore bran paflng Emm- In‘: Puurmf \ ' ‘ aux-1n mummm 'rm Hymn“, : . hnmn rrus 'Arm anumu, .5" , . ‘.\u. 51 Van; SLI Suw York. 0:1,.19, fault Holiday Presents. ‘ , {AC-[U TIME UliHEll\'l:ZJ:S.-—Xleing a BI Hauling or Open ‘l’xu'o cr LJlh's or (icn- ‘ +l{'mnn's \‘(nl-h (.‘mnhmy'l, ni'h l'Ml-nl 30”- ~ \\'|ll¢Hu;zl)ll;nl'u\ (~nnunt,urna-tl"re'mingz Novelty- One ul' the prémcsl. most. cumrnu-ul, nut! " dooiflml‘y the but nud‘xlxcupcsl Mme-piruv for ' ‘ geuvrnl In‘xm-liuhle use ('h'r nth-rod. ‘lt hvu _ u ith'm it and L‘DHDC’ Hal will! ih nmrhim-ry, in: MN) winding :xnm bun-Hf. Mum-ring: n key HI- : lirHv nnm-érssnry. ’lhv Cflsr‘b of this “Um-h .un rumpuv-i ”Hm: mu-r ilk. the pull-r one Ina in}: lun- ll? mrnl gu'tl. hhm Hue mammal ruby urlion lvvrr “um muntfnnd h gfnrrnnuul ~ ' nn :u-cmzlre Hum-punt hive, .«upirhly ru g‘mwd, yvr unit- m 12an dn7..-n, S2M. finmpla “Tm-hes, 1n n-W lnm'mwn bows. 585. ' . ¥ YER “‘.\TQHES‘I a~ - . , H"! Ckflmm 'l ll’bll'—[)i(‘l'(‘\. for accn'rnvy 9! Inm'eu , hennly m nmletml. and, uhma , Ml, chmpnws in inner. thou! Watches Inuit ‘ insure mun-realm pru'mlmn. , ' ' An‘imibuiun :4» bumms llm! it on hard]; 3 . - D be detected by lhs- mu“ (xpl'num-z-n! )ud u. The mnurinl lu-ing of l’wu 'mt‘Lnlu, (ho affi- ' (hi!"”l‘\'. qu'xlil) Sunling fiih'rr, wlnle [ht- 'n ln:r‘ona 1.1 Uurnmu a h", i; cannot bu cog- A nizmi 'n' Lumng or In‘nvy ongrfi’Mking , It, nut only in nppcnmnu, but '; dunbility, ‘ "‘ la best, resemblance o! W STERLING SILVER in exisleme.’ ; -~ . r The sale of those \Vak‘hea in the Mini is n mmrce of‘ononnous prom, retailing us they wry readily ‘du,‘s‘ls and uvwni'di. Many [nyxxdrcdfiolJm can he mgdo in {1 single pay any bynny ne ol’nrdinary busineu lain. [By-A1“ WHOLESALE ONLY} in: heavy‘ hunting 'cnst-s, henutilully erizrain-«i,\wliité‘ enamel dini,nud lam-y ('ul imndi. in gourf‘rllll ning order, by the hull down, 566., Sold. Only by the case of silt! ' , ~ l'pnn receipt of to’o dullflrs, M guarantee di good faith, we will send \vxitrhce by express to _uny part of the loyal Suites, collecting bnlnnce ol‘hiil on delivery.“ This ensures buyers against frnnd,.givinp.r them thLir wan-hes before flay ment is required. Send order: to the sole importer. ’(iML’S— WHEATON, No, 12 Jeweleru' Enchnngc, a CL r. Cortiwdl Funnddiroadiay, N.,Y. Nov. 30, 1863. 2111 \ _ ' , ---~\ - ___,..,.... Just Pubiisthad. : SPLnNmn STEEL PLKTE MEZZO‘. , A TINT ENGiLLYiN'G Oi: 5‘ MAJOR-GEN. GEORGE B. .‘iirCUiLLAN, ' , on rm: nurturi’xw a? AH‘i‘llTAK. Size of Picture, lilgpy 2: inchei. The original painting was wide from life, to order of the publisher, by the coich‘mted Artist, 0. Sehussclc, Ffsqa (who is Ihe‘wnly one the General ever sot to.) it represents him on Ni." celehrntcd horse Daniel Webster, (presented to \ him by the citizens or Cincinnnti‘) taking an «int-‘rmg’on oi the livid, in the inner part of the (hay, as the Include were falling Mick. in the lorkgrnnnd are seen the desolation: of the but!!e-—hrhkvn glint), shattered trees, 8:0,! in ‘the distance, amongst the smoke and dust, nro‘ staff ofiicetg, nrtillery, cnvnliy and infantry.— The wholc'picture is on admirshlc composition, and duping, 5 the rnrc genius oi" the Artifi- ‘ ' iii-ice 6t Engravingfingiocopy, $3 of) r ‘ Two copies, 500 To. one Three “ GOO } eddml Sent by mail, posh-pail, ‘ ~ Peruonlilcting us Agents And orderingbne tony nt three ' dollars, can have suli'neqnent .one: at two dollars each. Travelling Convul-r sen ordering hugely, wiiltbe supplied on illi-- ernléerms. Address JUIIN. IMINTi’, ' Pnblisber,‘ 17 South Sixth St, Hull. Dec. 7, i 863. ' . “IE undersigned have {his day entered inui pytat-rship in the (:rnin, Produce and (.‘uri'rmiasion bunt-cu, at the 0H Klinefl-lwn hnuse, corner of Sutton and Rain-and “repay The highest prices in cash paid for ' YLUCR,WHEAT, * 1131;, omm, . ‘. 4 ans, SEEDS. ’ f _AN'U rIIJY. A All kink of Cmcvrieg, Gunnos, Eish, Sn", and every'otlger article usually found in (I!!! hue 'of'buséness, all 'll which will] be told wholesale nnd rel-11, on the lake“ terms. Cu“ and' see us, and mm, panel“: that, it. is real-[y lo‘ ‘ > HOLLISGER & HERBS’L‘. ~ Gettysburg, June 1, 18‘63: t! .\KE NOTICE—The undersignedt ‘l)qu nnx to‘lhe public that Le is nothing it [urge and splendid smek of GROU‘ERIBS,‘ which ha will sell ,M l-iw 93'8ny otéer bnuu in Imm «(‘ofiaea, , Hug ma, ‘Mniuawn. Syn”; Teas, Nth, Fish, an, n irh Pommgs, Beans, and‘ Rice ; Woode‘n Ware» put up in‘tbe hen mung ner ; Tnlmrcos, Events, Sun, to. . ” FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE '-H you W!” to lay §n your liquors for lmrvrfl. now it :11. time. I have many branduif Whiskiugfinné dies, Wines, and-n” other liquors, thick I in disposingofu. Ihflrl ‘profits. Give 111. (all I nlwnys try to plenaP—mud believe I? ury of.” ten succeed. Remember the plus-mum; corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. ' ‘l}. GEO. F. IikLBFLEISCK." ll] 25, 1863. - ’4. V NEWPORT & ZIEGLIR, )tecbnnicd Bik , ers, South Washington street. hen «In' from the Eegie Hotel, GETTYSBURGfim—‘ Constantly, on hand, the West 0! 881A}. CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZEbg, #O.. lon-1. eons withing fresh {head will be sexed our: morning. by lcnnng their names Mush!“ at the Bakery. Every efl'ort made .to plan. . Give at e 'on“! [Al’lu 50- ’53- .33 .4; ILLINEBY GOODS; Bonnets, Mbbonl; M Harris, Sinker. um! Round, Pnheii usl rccvived from New Yolk, cheap £51.51- nockn', sign of the RED FRONT?“ .———<a-—'—-"——“—r~-'~~ ~’ *Md LOTHINGI qmuggm—Pmyum C good] just opqnedfi’ 1 ho B 00158”; . Hm, 4m, #6., all cheap 1!; BEINKEBBOFB‘f nxmsromw ' 051‘ received «mama's Sprin‘ in; JSummc-I'Clothing. Come one and all, ‘ All Invited. One and All, Newgßakery !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers