El “Man '3'? U ‘ Thp Con "LI: ifi'fimmevéry Monday marmmm; “um” Inhhhl if paidgtrictly' m lunch—s 2 00 mkfinnum if not paid in advance. No “My” diam-finned, unla- ‘lt the up“ w the pubruhor,"unfil m crease! urn-11am; *' ~ A mmmumrs inserted at the mush-m 30“ Piifirwa date with ueatnen; and (ii-patch ” ‘ " ‘ ‘ I Mia?“ Soulh’ Bfiltimore street. nesfli Opfogiu Wunplers’ finnin'g Esmblishinent ~3o7nup¢§ Pawns" Oi rm: " on {he sign. PRO?E%3§®NAL @fifiDS; D. McConaughY. w TTURNKY AT LAW, (056. one door was! ‘ or Huehlér’s’drug Ind book uure,Chnm enburg stream Arron“! no Senator. to: fun" nn PBNBIORE. Bounty Lnn‘u Wax nnu,‘ Buck-ply ”upended Cvlaiml, imL 3H: other 'cluims again". the government" Wnah: “glow. Cs, nlsoAmcrlégnClqjmn infinglund. Ltnd luranulocnted and sulal.or bofikhtmnd hixkoytEl'lßCl‘giren. Agent! engagmi inJa}. cum}; wax-ruin in lawn, Illinois and other dental-n Shun ”Apply lo him peruomlly or billfuer. l Gully-burg, Nov. :1, ’53. i x- 'V—”“‘:‘ > ~ '-‘ ~ -"-*>-~ —: i A. 1. Cover, =-.' . 14108 '8? AT LAW,wxll mommy utmd‘ AlO Collections nnkd‘ull ogher bfinineu‘ en kuolqd to ,him. ()fia-vbntlVim-n Falmu‘torks' nné'Dknner k Mogul-'1 Stores‘fUaHimare ~treet Egztybburg. Pu. [SepL 5. 1859. f‘&—- -—-——*————-——-" -—-— r‘ 1 Edward B. Buehler, ~ ' , TORNEY‘AT LAW, will failhquy m! Afirompflyvuund to .n basin": autrusfed to inn. Ho speak: Nu Gormnn lungufler— on" M. the um. place, in South Baltimore Ilrnel‘l, not: Fo’rnpy'n drug more, Andmemly oppoaiu Duungr t Ziczlar'l non. Grjlyfburg, Mnrch 2'). ‘ , ‘ . ! Wm. A. Duncan, TURKEY AT L UV.:—'—Otfin:r in the \‘nrth -1 encorue {feulré‘tkrmnrnGnugnhuyg, n. I {fig [HcLLLIHSLL 11' i,‘ J. C. Neely, ' Mnaxm AT Luv. «I’Altirullr amn— A lion paid to cdlm mn ol l'o.uiunu. uuuty, and Buck-ya}. (lane in the a". H. , of the NW”: ' yabyrg, Ap‘n r 5, Inez, tr ‘ come Gel J. Lawrence Hill, MID. F S his ufl‘u-e one _CEW [door wgal of the W 3» ran church in Luau CPI-m 3 au’ro; opc: ' CAN Kn n ] vPlof. I lb! IBM-alum "not. «ml appnaile l’ilkim" Removal... ,‘wh ‘ra thou wi-lnnu to have 1n: livht- I .HF . . . . 3 . , .un-lrrzxgdcd rrspentlul mn pew-formed are rum-«(rally mnxed to‘ 1‘ ‘_ = f (H ‘ w-u‘d mu “want-34:53 ,Dr‘. Ho‘ruer, RM. (‘. P. . ’ Inkorm 'f .‘3' L ‘ (- h D I) R- . , _ .ofGetu slmrqnnd \u'lmlyddml :3 1.. . . r. H. 1... lunghrr. 11. 1)., Ln, 1 ll- . . . ~ ‘l \ ) JFWH RY In Jncobl l‘rut. \l: l. Sunnr. l 0 1.!» rump H-d 111:.“ A#l ’.\. l. . 4: ' - , ,1 BTURE. hulw romu mun [e the bank. on lurk ‘lvabur’ Ayrll H U. . - . - ' " ' ___ . urwr. “llrrP hr lulcmls I‘m-plug an «450”- luent of “'A'l't'lll-JS. JEWELRY. SILVER. and SILVER PLATED WARE, SI'Et'TACIJ-ZS,’ CLUCKS, km. Lo.» '” ‘ llming been «onnmfienl .with n first-chat '“'nuh and .ll:W}‘ll) Store in Hulmnurv. for ,fim‘eml ymn past, he is prepared 10 turniih rvrry ankle. in (In- line, at the lows-Al qlly‘ priles, and all purchnxcs will be gunmnlic as nprosentod. l From a lung cxpericnc'c in Watch-n-pfiri g, ‘lefipcrlnlly offim \Vuhlxrs, he'l: piclmrwl’lo do ‘ull kinds of Wnlcll-“brk promptly, in thd: cit manner, and guaranty the pelfoxnmuu- ol‘i - ll(- will keep alwau on hgm‘l n large as“ r!- hu‘lll (I? SPEVT \(‘l.l:s. null 91w?- Lwlu ”luv”: :mil Inning muchw ' oxpcriuwc in adapmm lln-m m the..~ipl.ll is firewrmfin m u” Whu mam them. g H \lll JEWELRY mmlv lo nnlor in HM” but, alylr. and II areal. Vnrzcty nl' pnucrna on'lmnd ‘ JEWELRY rr-paired in the mates! mnnnr‘r. : ‘ JUSEPH BRYAN. Gt-tl.\'-.b':rg,'ocr'. 3.}1553. u ' v) J Dr. J. WuC. Q’Neal’s ’ ,Flfl‘E and chHing. X. «H. mm” or. I'. |I. Olimnrr Ind High a'rvels,lu-»lr I'm-fl); u-rmn I'th :h. (idly-hum. I'u. NoyJu, mm, 12‘ . ‘x: Dr. “am. Taylorfx llfnrhla the iuhwhlmjns of (:i-uyehur‘l and \‘i risli ltht he «)II mininue lhr_pr.u~llul o! hm jg‘roljifinnl‘fif I‘M: ”I; 24".!) l. nf’x' uw-r lo the ('nm ilor nfl'n-v. (IrL-'V\K!)lx'“,:. l". 'l'thful In} L- ”l 'n'r-. {lr hugu Lu 1-: I‘t'H'!‘ n 14"er of maxi pm...) .13 [*-_.::. .‘H‘ IH-is. It. Dr; Jlmes Crgss, - . :t LN 'U'” {‘HYSH'i \\', law“! 3' 10’ wk: J '7. putr‘wingr 'H‘l‘yluull" I xvuml. II In le. inlu m:- m “mu .4 r 4: 1:» will raufimu- m» yum ‘x 1. n! M? [- nuw'x- u 3.} (§rtléj~’ntlr: Mn] “L- n mic mun: (r: rlumur "In K. b' w. lhn‘ur-i. ”fr-“1‘ ln'! must xv ;f‘lln_s {soul v.” ”F" 1' h 1“)”: m mm“. It wlxivh imn her-u rt-x-uunfimmh-d gxxwrlr-nu'v- tun] ~ “Humid ln' [he v: .F' n'r'v'l I" ‘M'icrPravliliunrrr‘. ‘I mm» mun- in} xrimn. .lurh num— -n~‘:v. morvury, Mlle g-nl, Manila!- rh- tut cm! H Yurk slree!,'in the urnl-l by Henry Well}. my. firm. Lb. 2‘63 inn 3 Adams _Coumy ’ L \ Y' I“'-\[. FIRE HSK'R \\CE (J(?\lP:\N\'. l‘ ”‘inuh‘pbuum! \i n‘rrh 18.1851.‘ 1;: 9|},lll'r'3s. ‘ I'bA-IJa'v—‘ergo .‘wap‘. ‘ mind-1,: -.\. 1:. mum-n. .‘ ' "dry -I‘. ‘\. l‘qf‘k‘vf. 1 nurtr—JMVM \t «may. ‘ “my. (2. I‘o {lN— An lw‘r ”(H‘lr‘n'hllf‘ll EMI r1”rl,",I —.(;l'u¥“'l: inuur {L A. lhelnler. R. nrdr. Jun-uh King. A. Hrlnurhumn. I). “v, m’. 3. 3.. [{hV‘l. J IQ l-Hh. Sunm-l ur~..r.‘}"., IV}. "1 nmnlm‘k. “ “In”. Wilmn, xv Pin: 11",: ‘V '1 HMI I‘!'~H.¢n.Juhn “'nl , I} dri're nrr. luau l’i ‘L‘mg. .\h' l‘T. (‘s' l :lm f'uufin‘ghnn. .\" NH I‘. Uzl‘. HH. “IePH, \l. I'liu'hflflurr. ~ rl'm'w I' vim-.zuv ix li'nx‘bnl H 1 'H (gm-m— -| tn Hut ('fl'lul'." n! \.\ ”tr. 1 [T 'mu Ina-v 'm wubxl nprrull-m Lu mun: Mun 7! «any, in 11m: [writ-d fl-t'kpnii I!“ lu-w; vntl v-t -r-s. Ihi‘lvuu‘ mm] 0.41» "lll’ll’, luu’i'lg’ also :1 51‘ rpm Inc r-pims in Hue '[‘-~rmlr_‘. 'l‘hc l‘nm y Innlnin'xn nu Amman. H huufnod Lain! e h; (‘lO ‘»hn\,:cu,\\'lm.r(- numb!” Cll‘t'l n‘ lhfilm 'u'hti-H’PM An} pm‘wm nwiriu-g WV hum-nub um um): 10 rm u! yh- aim” nan "‘fi‘lfil'L‘Pl‘H'H" I-mh‘rr inlnvmnlhvn. ' l'be .I'lxaruvive \‘invmnuec m r"! .vl the chin: bft‘n t‘u'np'anv nu the hut \Yuclueuduy in rPrv mmllh. ml, 1". \L _‘ t . .ep1.‘.‘7,.1‘7.‘.§. ; ‘ 4. CO I BM' 111 S!” I“ dn erl A.’Mathlot 8: bou’s .' FA AND FUN-Ni! fI‘RE W ARERUOHS, Vnu. 2527:1111]? X. (My giver, h‘nljnnore. \ncur KHyc 5L.) utcudin‘: from Ha)“ w Frederick the Hugh! csLxhliihmvm m the kind in lhl' 1 bn. Always on bum] .1 large manrrmont (u! USEIIQLH AND OFFH‘H l‘l'RNlTl'RH, 0-m- I'cing Bun-mus, Bodsgeuds, Wul‘uumL, Ward -9:, Mam-esp}: of Husk, Conan and 11mg: ing mas, Sofas, Tole-c-Tctea, Arm Chlils. . king Cb-ira, Htagorns, Marbh‘ 'l‘ «him, be!- i ;‘Beception'lu|d Upholwwred Chairs, AS |RTEDCOLURS OFCUTTAGE FURNITURE, 0d Chnirs. Ofi‘lce Chairs, Barber Clmirn, b: um] Ondlu, KM. Racks, Hull Furniture, 1 and anlnut Fume booking (ilnsacs, Sult rdl, Extension Tqblca, of every length. ~ Pgnous disposed to purchase are invited to 1 and give our stock an examination, which . "ritzy and quality of workmanship is not ullul by snyut‘nbflshmenc in the country. I ; . ‘A. MATHIOT & SON, ; 5 Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. mg. 6, 18M}. ' ,Renitt)Ws: HEunersignedeing the authorized person to nuke rdnomis into Ever Green Ceme te _ , hopes than lush arcoutcmplnte the removnl of‘ Be rennin: of deceased relatives or friend; w .' kugil themsegvu 01 this seagun oftheyenr to We itdoue.‘ Removals made with promptness 40m: low, and no efl‘ort spared to plensg, ' ‘ PETER THORN, ‘ ' ‘ flea-17. y 7 :19 hopes; by‘ urge: utention to business Wain; to plane, to receive 3. liberal slur: of custom. V - Hs‘ W. CHRISHEB. flutpburg, Aug. 24, was. It W#—-_‘__é————————~___,._——-———<____‘>_ 013 Gold and Silver: ANTEDJAPM“ highs”. price in out: ' pgid fog om gold pnd Silver; 31:: present is I fnvqrpble time to sell, the premium on I|. bunglirg‘a: 5150, Gold and Silver Coin Purchased, Ind the highest price given, I: ' JOSEPH BEVAIz 'Wstcfimum glewdkr, in the Diamond. Feb. 23,1863: ;A‘ _ _ f.“ _..__.. R od Ala Pariet- Him. kc. go to Fo' '0 ‘ ‘ -’ . cams’xms. $61511» Year. l Jacobs’s Saloon Revwed. YFHE un-lv-rsigncd lure leaarul Jacobs’a S:- l lunn, in Chamber-usury «tract, and lntmd !tn kcfip it in the heat style, hoping that the Hvuhlic mll Appreciate lbexr cfl'urts to please by xgiving them A large anronagé. They WilLre- Jeri" OYSTERS xc-Lrulm'ly and do them up in M]! Myle‘: YOI'NG CHIP-KENS. BHEFTONGL’E, ; HAM AND I-.GCS,amI nlmnat everything {but {my be cillrl for, will be Berted, They will ‘nlso keaALE. L \GER, PORTER. \VINES,CC'. .They nieielrrminl-d tn du thing: up in the ‘ most den uhlg manner; and feel certain of Lplming ml who may call. ‘ ' NH‘HOLAS CODOBI, JR, ‘59 JUSEI'H moms. , ‘ . Gettysburg, Sept. 21, 1563. THE undersigned would‘ most respectfully inform his many friends and the public ‘genernllr, that he has gone into the Clothing :hnsiuen. u Samson's 02d ituudJn the Diamond, IGeuyaburgJ’.L. His atocl', u!re.ndyfull,uill be mush enlarged, to ' embrace every style 9! ‘ cumnxu, BHUTS. Snufis, HATS; .« ‘Fapu, Trunks, Valium. (flack, Watches, Juv vplry. Guru. P'Mols, nn , In short. even-thing whidv nugh; whot'onnd ntnfir‘st class Clothing and anle'yl Huuie. . A ‘ OMrlu-uh-‘rs hart-after. In Lb. menntime he iuvnes t-wrylmdy to gave him. a call. He in trmls 10 “mp :z- perl‘vcl A stock as t 9 n'ccmu mndnxe nil—Mud, with the hope of Lur'ge'salrs, .he hope? to nuke n Xning at sm-Vll prnfilu. No trouble to shu‘x’ guuds, and uery efl‘urt made 110 what} bugle”. ‘ * . ' ' ,JACUBJRINKHRHOFF .' June 13.18%. tf : ‘ uu'nm k ”LLESl’ll-I lmve Illil'rflcclveul (:1 n lurm- mil mlendxd pluck 0! New Hoods : “lilt'll 1h”: :m- ~ellmg ma rlmap M the. timP-J‘_ will ullow. 'l‘llcpr :tm R has been sch-Ned “hh J euro nuul I! of n- gbod a qualily n the mnrkuj” Iwil’ ullnr-‘l. Sl'flAlth‘, “a lune nll kinul!.r '1 llur and Sufi (‘rushenL Pulvernze‘l,Granul'm-d,', 'Nrw ()rlunm. Furll Rica runl Cuba. TEAS, :lrhpcriul. Young llywn and Black Tm.» MU-l ;l. \SSES. New Orleans. l’uljtzt Rica and Syrup! ‘ 30f «lllfrn-nt kigdq. TUBACCUS, to suit. all :‘luh‘rr‘ ul tlu- wet-d. Congrrfiu, S[nun,£.\‘nfiv,. '(‘Aw-nti'hb. llnugh ancl Ruddy, Natural Leuf, laud l'inu ('uts ; munking Tobacco, 15 dlfl’ercnt [Lindsz I'll'Ba‘. a large» and line qlsfiofllmm; Mic; {HS of varnou; brands. COAL 01L ' LA \(l’s and Shades, we blwe the beat assort luvnt in [he plnccv which we sell low: ulaoJ n A)“ 1 article of Coal OIL RAMS, plain and rsugur cum-ml, Shani-Jars and S.dcs. FLOUR, ol ‘the he." qnamv, which "we always punymlee'; [(‘nl‘rdvure. Tulpi. Buckets, Water ('nhs. KC.‘ “'l' nlm‘ kvcp Nozioxls. Cbnlectinn‘. 'Fruiti. .ILII. l») the small or by llxe [ln-rel, finltfipim-a, “luvtulu'v. Start-l). Blncking. Indigo, Pundit-9, ‘i‘W-‘ll‘fi I'nrry ("omlw nnd Cers. n lm‘ge us~ort~ nun xul RI n~h¢.~. [in-kph, Rom-n. L'xmh, ('rut k-- 'rn \\ n“. sm. (ZlYl‘l ['S .\ (‘ALLE ‘ Uljluh'qu; “fly H, [NHL " __.,~_. .l---_ -, , .- _ {HH- [1 “M‘urvly, Jncnh )l'lllt‘l-ISSHS for llH‘ Preparnlion, lnigrove } mPlll. and Imitation oIeQUUR-Sfil ‘ALL! )l{l\h:~'. imlunlin; Brnndios. “'ing-l‘ 'lliskiu,i it-ius. 12mm. Puru-r,Ale, Cider, CordialSußit-f :19". rim—Fury denlcr in liquors by; long” I known and tell ll to he of jhe highe‘kt. gimpor-9 v gumc Lu vhegrufimbln cnnducuon of h‘a buni- l luv-fl. Hm! he ~lmuld be in posm ssion 01%ri-luin] Intui-m Jinn \rhwh hum. hitherto been triclly. lmnfin-nl to wholesale houses. Thisinforma-I 313 m; is now, lnr tfig first. limpY phcegl within ' :llio run-h, and adapted to the aluccrssful and: l; mom profitable use.ofu.r. dealers. Pnriicula’rl: . will be mailed, free of rhange,to those- Isndin- i ’mldrrss to LUE & COOKE, P. 0. Box 311” , - ‘ _ ;\\ ilillll'fl’fon, D. ( . ~ : = Wk. l:.——.\'o others hutadealera n d np- , Ipl3, M no information will be sent to my 01ml 1 Mm duos nnt amompuny his nddrfis with the ‘ I pledge lhlll lu- is u dealer in liquor. ' ' I 5u1‘.16,|803, 4m OSEPH HARTZEUS ESTATE—Letters 01 J mlminwrntion on the eflnte of Joseph Unt zel‘, late of Franklin Mp" Adams co., deceased baring been granted to the undersigned, re siding in the lame township, be hereby g‘g‘es no'icé tifali persons indebted to laid es u to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against. the lame to present them properly nuthenticntcd‘for settlement. 9 A ABRAHAM HART, Adin'r. ‘ Nov. 10, [863. m. - W. FLEMMING continues tho ‘b‘uincn . .9! SALE CRYING, Ind solicits the atom tinned psn'omge of thc public. It is hi: con stant endeavorJo give satiaftcdon. Charges mod'ente. Residence in Bteckinridge "rut, Gettysburg. . ‘ P. S.—He is u licensed Anc‘tione'e'r, under the Tax Law of the United Suum- .~ WOULD most. respectfully inform the pub lic um be In: commenced mtking BROOMS. He wifl nuke then onrthq lit-{u at I! will best. suit his customerl. l' hil Sn [he Din ,nds and 1: ALB, CHARL- Parsons hnving Broom Corn willpleuecnll. Shopin McConnughy'l 3.11, on corner of firm. floor. ‘ [Non 9,4863. EALBRS IN ‘ , . COAL AND LUIBER ‘ S T O; V E —8 ,- TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, 80. - ALDO - _. ‘ SEUTTERS, BLINDS, BASH. ETC. Corner of Uni-fish and Ram-end Streets, oppo me Rnikond Depot, GETT YSBURG, PA. Sept. 28, 1863. n‘ _v ._ a ,--__- -.-_.~..a+.__ , __ LOT of fresh GUI DROPS, [firfinat "cl clued in this Bank“, ‘0 bah-d n Dr _0 33's Drug 8m". ' - - ~ . 1. . 1 " V; 1 9 1 - i‘. 1 1 i ‘ 1 _ a r ' , . :1 ‘1 ’ _ I‘. 1 1 . 1 *1 _._.___--_...,._..__-_...___._.____.._...._._ W“ 1— .3 , A 1 a. < a»: an . ..- . , ‘ 1 , ' ' ‘x ‘ “‘U - '‘("Fr ." 1W 1‘ I 1-,7 n - ,1 1 ‘,-~ , . '-' - I 7111 r , _ x; 1 ‘ 1 ' a)“ "154 .. A, ,2 / I‘s 9' , . / " 1' . . /, , ‘ ~’ / ‘ ‘” “‘7 {‘2s, '' ' 6W5" r’i‘in "v" 1.“ ’ ' ' f ‘ I’l 5/ ‘ K *3 h»: ~ at! ' ‘fldf’é’ . « - .4‘ W , J/ '8 *//t V U 1' ' WV _ L} , .. , /’., / , 1‘ . : . I . “ ___._.___ __'E"_ B! HaJ. STABLE. Come with a Rush Give Us a Call! No More Poisons. f“ Notice. Sale Crying. Nov. 24. 1362. 8. R. Tipton 8116535 8: Bushler. ‘ ’Amss' mass mamas ii: 11n- L tiny, n ‘IMOGK’S. A DEM©©RATU© AND FAMEILV J©URNAL IM=I elit aux “ Tm! BEAUTIFUL BNOW.” [Could anything he more affecting than the following ? m nulhor‘o name '1: unknown, but he delervcn I high place in the poetic tanks :] l ‘ 0h ! the noo‘v, the beautiful show, ' Filling the sky end un'h below; 01;? the home topl, over the W 192, Over the buds of the people you meet, ‘ » Dancing. ‘ l Flirting. ‘ i ‘ .1,» Skinning iloug - 5., ' Beautiful Inowl it can do no wrong,“ 5 Flying to km 1 hit lsdy'n cheek, , ‘ Clinging to lips in n fl-olicklome freak, Benulitul snow from the he We? above, 0 Pure A! an angel. gentle on love! 0h! ibemnow, the; beautiful snow, . ’ How the flakes gnixer and‘lnngh as they go! Whirling about. in its maddening inn, ‘ . IL play? in It! glee fiithgrery can. ,3- Luughmg, { .r - Hurry“ a hi; 1: llglltion the face, add it serkks lb? (yo; And (“(4-5 the day, with a. bar]: and 2: bound, ,Snap Mii‘he cryamls Lhni rddy around: {He towu'is alivc, and its heart. in a glow, Tn welcome the coming of beuuliflliinofl-I Chasing, Haw wild the crowd goes‘ Iwafiné‘nlong, , Hmihng each othdr with humor And tong! Haw the gay‘lledges, like mcléan flash by, Bright for the moment, then [63lll)th eyg; ‘ Ringing, I , ' Swinging, ’ .A‘ ‘ , Dashing they go. ' ' ”C‘qr Ihr crnat of the hElll'iHl’ snow; . Smiy so pure when it falls lrom the sky, . . To] (ntrnmpletfin mud§>y Ihr crowd pruning by, 'rTuim ‘rmnplt‘d find naked by lhe ghousnnds nt lert, I'“meth with thcmm in the hon fine mm Once l mu: pure as the Rdnthut .I fell I Fell likr Ihemnow (Lukas, from hem‘en to hell ; Ft'llrlo be [rambled as fil-h o! the street; Full lo be acofi’ed', to be spit on and bent; I‘lea-lin:..’L ‘ ' i l'nreinq, \ chldln": to dip, Selling: my «ml to whoever wuuld buyp. lltullmfi in ilmuw fo: :1 nmrseb ol‘hreu-l, “Ming \‘hu lh mg and lonring the (find; llurnlul (3mg ! h'J'u: l fallen ml lu‘w? And yet! “u: once like thy hennvifulnsnow @ififfisfifififii; ‘ A PIG I; CRINOLINE. . ‘ "l‘he wide, dis‘tond'wl skirts of ladies’; dressy; of: the day have been the cause 06 manynmuaing scenes. An. incident of theK latter clung..which lmppened the other «lay; in Montr‘oso; is one of thef-most laughablé we have heard («we a Montrose pnperfl—J‘r A young lady, dressed in full, fashionable; attire. including an ample crin'éline-exlen‘: «ling dresi. was in a friend’s yni-d, looking at the cows. perlmpsmngl duridg'the timo‘ ghe wnsvlhere. n fine smiall pnrkef was I'ome ing at Wlll in the-yard, .TheJ-i‘g, impelled no doubt by curidaity.comment:ed to maké 'cloce intimation of the young' lady whiid she Wm inspecting some otiler animal; and having' ventures! ntheé nee; wa‘t‘ caught and caged, within the campus; of "the crinoline. ,Not liking eh ”small a styj’, wide though the skirt was} the pig‘uoon niatle known to the owner of the crinolinl} the uhpleasant fact that he we: within. bi inaking‘ desperate efl'ortrto get out. Th 9 y‘onng lady was in and frl'ght at the 00me tfifigithin her dress, whiph was not lesseni ed bit. hearing the grunting which indicfl ted what sort ofa tenant she had got“; but, notwithstanding the shock to her nerves; Khe made anxious efi'orté to get the pi¥ out: His ownership, however. had got hip gnout fixed in the net work ofthe crinolinq, and his ejectmen‘ wu fopnd to be no easy inuttex‘. A “lord of creation,"’wl|o wait attracted to the spot by the noise of the struggle, was so much struck ‘with‘the all: surdity or me scene, am his risible meal? tie? iuirly prevented *him from rendering usi'stance. The struggle did not but much longc. flow" for the pig. usisted hi the reels _ng sag“: of the lndy. madehit chit by .dprryifig sway one half/of his éagh o ‘ his shout. The lady retreated in at fie”. a. hurry as the pig—in ,1 state that {n-bepbetter imagined than degoribedg , - ———————«-»—————- z ‘ can melt. i E! andy was rebently walking under th? "7‘? - - es; of the Rue de Rivoli, in Paris, hold : I g in his hand a goldheaded-cane of aplen'r did wbrkmnnship. A mln supported by two crdtches came up, And uked for Ilmr in n pitiful tong. i'l‘hefilndy, moved a: pity, gave the hem 3 shall rilr‘er aim—f ‘At the sums moment 1' pergon near him suddenly legal-imed. J'l‘fiow can you, .air‘, fillowAthir rogue _tp deogive you? Plan‘s lend me your c'anognnd'l wiil lhow yo; that this rascal runs bemr than Lona.”- Tho dandy; with Out refle‘cting. lent. his cane ; the beggar, the moment he perceivu ed it in his detrac'tor’a lands. threw away his crutches and took to his flesh, and was followed by the man with the cane, whilst the spectators, and the dandy particularly, remained in convulsxonn of laughter It the light, and exclaiming, alternntély, “oh, he wilt; be caught!” “No, he ,gvili not be cauzht 1’” But both the racing heroes dia- Ippenred rt the next turning'in the street und their victim remsin'ed waiting for his splendid me, which cont fivo hundreid i M“- . '. _ - i ‘ yerSti 111 1 0 - 171 Ti r “new u moan up WILL Puulu" GETTYSBURG, PA-, MONDAY, JAN- ex, 1864:. LETTER mom fins: JAC'K DOWN- G. : - Stu: When I writ you last, the Mestize ‘ lwsm’t finished. Wul, sich a time 55‘ we i hid in finishin that docyment you never] d did see. The Kernel and I not up ell ‘ite Ilong three or fore nites, but it was #3ll l _ shout onpossihul to get it tosuit him. He i , would get it fixed, an then Seward 4w ld ‘ ' cumin on soy it was too bold“ Then Grim, ‘ he'd ogm'mn ssy» it warn’t bold enut‘; and i finally! tolled him to. mnke it as old ' ea-'l con Grimes did his oven. He wantetl) to i know how that. was. Will. I telled hid: it i was this way: The Dmoon built an ohon I {will to the North. wen one of his'uahoi‘s I cum nlong sud secl that would never do. as ' the North wind .would blow rite in thel mouth of the oven; So the aid mnn turned ‘ ‘ it around. so put the fsce to the South.4t iPretty soon another nsbor cum oldng. sn ine- he. “Deacon, it will never do to hovel ‘thst oven face the Southl for thera'sin'tl 1 any wind so blustering es the South wind.” 1 l So the Deacon turned it around to the i West. Pretty soon a man cum along, and I see he.’ “Deacon, don’t you know that the " worst showers an hurrycnnee we have Al‘- 3| ways cum from the West? It will never f;do to face your oven that way." 80‘ the :5 Deacon determined to change it around to the East. He hndnlt: more then got it gdttn. before n'nother nnhm- cum alnhg' and sen ho,‘_“Why, Deacon Grimes. I'm perfect ly astonished to see.you buildin nn_ovén an facin it to the East. There ain't any wind to senrohin an pen‘étrntin as the Eat wind.. on it will hlmv yous-live all outof the ovbn.” "Wal." ses the olfl Dene'on, perfectlyzdis curigerl. “I’ll suit youl all. I‘ll hhild day i oven (in a givot‘nn wen you oum nloniz vou ' kin, turn it. nrmmvl’jeut a: you want it."— I‘l Now." 393 l. " Kernel. that“; the why to llix your Meuige." Sm he, “Thnt is n. fart: litheonly truhhil in to fixon.n lived. on which lit kin turn." “Wall," 50! I, "that is the lensieat thins: in the world. Take the nip lg” for llre pivot. on it will :uit every man ; in your party. The only difference betwoen il’nm is. that some don’t. like to look him fl Square in the fare. l Tint Inrt kin turn lyour lleksiue mnlindln little. an then they lWill 590 the niag‘er lli4lexu'sye: end thine lltlmt can't stand} thnt.‘ kin turn it clear lhrnuwl. {tn‘thnn they will set- the‘ni'zger in f the hook. but it will he +lgg9l nll the time l" ”The Kennel «ed it; wns‘ :1 Mpitnl Mae, and lhe merit tncerrvi't hut. ‘2l- got noieml around ltlmhthe Kernel was edmin out with some thig‘thing. in hie .Mos'hige. nn" every Con lgress‘mzm. when he got to Washington, run ' rite to the White Home to give the Kernel llmlvive. They nigh shout run him to‘deth. l“W.\‘ll," see I, “Kernehmak‘e believe you're ”nick." “Shoo.” see he. «rum won't do a Tbit of good. I’ve trieil it olten.,nnd they Shore me_wus than evier." “Wall.” res l. “‘telliem' you've lzot tlne-eé-arlet fever. an I‘that will-beam ’e‘m army.” The. Kernel said it was a ftlst rate ‘iden. and so it was sannounced in all the pnper‘s thst the Presi [dent had the scarlet fe er ; but it didn’t do much good. Sum stltill away. hut, .the icrowd yet was tremenjus. “NOW.” seed. 1 “Kernel, thie is too bed -, here it is nlmnst ltimefior Congress to meet, nn no Meesige {dun yet. Jest lei. the rep‘orterennnounee l that you've not the a tall pox. an 'tllere lwonLt he a mother’s 50:“ 'em cum within igunshot of‘ynu. The you kin fix‘yonr i Measige, put in that p nt pivot, an gréese i things up generally, sd they’ll run another year without teching?" The-Kernel set! there was no other wow than to do it. Wen it got out that the Kernul had the small pox. you never see suclfi~ a calm. The White House was nigh about fileserted, an it. seem [ed like I Sundsy up in Maine. The Korma , then set rite down to his Messige, an wo‘r zed like a beeverJ Heised he could .vsllfirs ledon put it thing in shape after the foun_ :- inhin timbers were lsidi And so h'e did.— ! Wen he' got it—finishetl, he called Sewerd ancrred‘it to him. He said it was capitol. Then he sent for Chi: l . and he sod it was all rite. “Now,” m fi‘Kemel. send f?” War Dimmyeraysn a how he’ll like rt." Wen I sed this the Kernellafi'ed rite out.- Ses he, "Major. y'ou'reljokin—l know *ou are." Sen he, "The War Dimmycrnm‘rea lmind me of a story shout bar-huntin out West. Old Jesthugéin had n'young jog wicb was Very fierce fdr burl. So one: .3! he tel: him along in aihunt. In the vjhry fust fite the berhittlt‘owtlog’s tail ofi', end swey he‘rnn yslgin snld harkin,‘ like de, sn’Josh could never get his dog to lite her: otter thst. Now} it in jest so with the Zn- Dimmycrsts. They were very fierce t 5 ‘ to me if X issued my Emencipashin Proclsrhs shin. but {did it, and by so (loin, Icut Meir lei/am]; sud they hsve never ihowed any fite egsin me sense. on they won't. No—l rally wish I hadn't ethysntore truhhil'on hand than the War Dimmycnts will give me]! ,x Su I, “Kernel, .I think you no rnther hard on the War; Diminycmu. They unp ported yam because. thoy thought. yau'wnl tryin to restore the Union. by; now won they rend your Himigo Ind see that you won’t have the Union hack’nny how, they will lay you deoaivéd" ’em, and you may find ’9!!! the noon. trubblewme cultomers you've yef‘. bid to don} with: They mint. to sustain the government, Kat now when they see that you. Wouldn't. 3 skin it, they may turn on you 'giruglhnn the Copperhead: have,” and see I, “Kamehyon jist get the Dimmycntgnnit‘cd, if)?! 1" Shu'dn’t wonder Vif My ,mgd be .sfter this. and thenJaLrlu yoaniu N ancy.A&l|i§hin§ou lookout, fog mm wou‘thqun‘gohloflofqn um. W‘smxrbx, Dec. 10. 1863 win of Bill‘ Peeler’s dog miter his panthei ifile.” Sea the Kernel, son he, “how much win that ?" “Wei," sea I. “Bik’r always agd there warn’t nothing left but the. collar he had round his neck. and the lip and of his tale. about an inch long." “Wel,” sea the Kama], “I've got to go ehed. no matter who don't like it, or who git: licked in the file. I’m in the Abolishin bote.‘ end you can't stopjt now eny more than you kin ' put Loire Superior in a quart bottle." Sea ; I, “Goalied. Kernel ; I nllers like tune a Lmnn hold and strong on his own pi-inciplos': l'There’s nothin like pluck. Let everybody i knowiint what you mean. and then iHh’ny 's‘upporl. you it is their own iault.f’ “W 31,” .533 he. “ain’t. 1, plain ennf this time T”— ! “Yes,” see l. “Kernel, all but the arfinesty part—that's kinder pettyfoggy." "'Well,” 1 fies he, “Major; men that can’t pee a hole through a ladder ought to beihumbugged." ‘ So? I, ifMebby that's so. .but I've shall all . know more about who is homhugged and who isn’t. after the war is over.“ ' But ,I never did see people so tickled over the Messige u the Republlklni all are.—- They say it in jest the thing -that it , is go: in: to wipe out -slnvery. and prevent the “ Union as it was" ever being restored ; and then it is nun so cutely, that. a good many peopiia won‘t see through it. 'tht amnesty dodge throws dust in their 9379!, 'and kinder sounds generous like. Thorp‘n a tyrant. file comin ‘pfl' among the Abolishinists nhoiit who's to be run for next President. nndx} think I'll have qnme news for you nt‘org long. §Enyhow. I shall keep lily eyes open a: mhil. X'Sui‘n. till‘doth. Mun Jscx Dowsma INFIDELITY AND ABOLITIONISM: It i~ a. historit‘nl fact Umt'Ahoiitiémsm nrid infidelilv ar’e closeiy connected. The minister who hecnmns a fannkin on the nig gnrqnngiion. prnnchM-A hplitioniqm initt-nd of Christ and Him cruciiivd. The original Abohtionisls charged that God was-pro nlaircry nnd'thnfi. the Bible was thn same.— Thhy called for an hnti-slavery God and an firiti.slgvery nihlp. _ These fuck are no? not mumnr b 9 denied. Then come down to the dent! ol‘Jol‘m Brown,;az coldbloédod murdvrnr. a thief rand n viliiin. and yen find infitloi’ircnfiipnring him to (‘hrist—lhe sun" ofGoll—‘on 1h» cross. 15 this not suf- ficivm m pr’nve ilm infid‘zxuyy of the Aboli fion Rainy? If boy. who! will he the proof? lf you 306 a. man utonling‘ n. hag-sc, m-t 1 you nut mnvinmul that he is 1; thief! 7f John Brown was kno‘lvn to have killed‘men be: (muse oflheir'holding sluvvsyxvaus hexnot a. murdm‘er? I“? Hi?! bath. was hg hot'n ~villnin? ‘lf he Was all those. and weficn‘o‘w he Wps, is not the man Qho wikl cnn'xrmm him l 0 Clnria; an infi 10l and n scounklrel also ‘P’ The fanatical :Aholitionist in nine timed outrof tvn a bonfirmed infi-lel. Infi .dels\‘iclailm this for themselves, and they know 9f what they speak. mph. we say, Abohtinniam and infidelity are Inse!_v connected. ,The Abolitinniste uracil hatred agnimt the ilaveowner. ~Théy dam!” reason. but like'John' Brown, would murder me'n in the da‘r’aK because those men do my! endow: the Abolition sentiment.— Frerp‘o‘rl (EL) Bubéta'n. J ' V Union ‘of Ireland with Gt'eat Britain, .1801. -on‘the lst of Jandary, ISOl—the’in‘ltinl day ’of the ningteenlb centurv~lre‘nnd panned into an incorporating union with Great Britain. and'the three kingdom: were thencefurih styled the UnitedkKihg'ddm of Great Britain x‘md li‘eland. . The expreusion, “initial day of.the nine teenth century," requires something to be said infim‘defencg, for many p'ersons regard the year 1800]“ the beginning‘of the pres ent century. The year 1801 b, in reality. entitled to the honor, beceuse then '6nly had the previouu century been completed. To make this plain, let the render reflect thnt ‘it required the year 100 to complete the first century. the year 200 to coinplete the second century,’ and so (in through all that followed. To say. then, that the year 1800 was the first of: new century, is to be led by sound, instead ot fact. . S‘Mr. Cobden. in n lute speech on [American Ifl'nirs, at Roqhdnle,, England, said: ‘ “They ai-o mistaken, if they they can carry-on 13 civil war like this. drawing a million men from froduczive industry, and npeudinz £20030 ,000fi;£300,000.000 Ital-ling. wit/acute terrible co . 6 Manor la ter, and a gag! pmmuion 2'): every part 9] the community." ’ with bronze statue of Liberty on the Capitol st Wsnbingtbn, is the nubject of much comment It in pmpounced by some the image of 1' negro woman; but othefs Ia; thg colored coating mum“ on to cover the védigril on the mrfube oflthe metal. md'thnt it is in redity a Copperhead” ‘ ‘The “Ion!" citizen!‘ of: Allegheny county, flint gtvb Curtin over seven thou sand majority, furnished at the last dnfl; 135 loldigrs to “fight for the Union.” All the rest of the draft, 4.068, were exempwl! This}: I picture‘of abolifiun “loyalty.” .S’lvdqddled.--Jnshun R. Giddings, Lin coln's charge to Canada. got. into trouble by carrying his kzdnnpping propensities boo {IF-43 the captuflng of white Canadians. He WIS proooduled, and we now see it published ihui he has made tracks homo ward. ~ ' fi‘l’he “heifer enlistment!- in Indjnn his bean; ext/cgded ‘to Jahuny 5. About LOOO volunteers have been mined for the new Ind old “menu. ‘ - fiYormont pron-op flu completion of“ “oh mien-«to Jmshh. 4 =EMU DOLLARS A-YEAR TWO MURDER VIN INDIANA. A Dunkard Print}!!! Ifi/led m G!“ Blood by Home Guarda.——The Bedford Guulle publishu the following letter from n gen tleman well known‘ip that county. «And snyl'l tbpre is no doubt (if in entire truth. though the o'utnges which it. recounts no almoal too bortihle for belief: ‘ Nsw CASTLE. lmL Dec. 11. 186.3. ' Governor Morton’s liomz gutgrda- have been . cutting up some~plretty big swo'll-A for route t time. ' Forty of them went to n Dunksrd l meeting. about 10 miles from here. to drive the democrats away, of which there were] only 9or 10 there. They came on horse . back, waving their hats. and made the air! hideous‘wuh their yells. When they got. ' to thochurch they jumped off. some hitched l their horses and some did not. the mptnin i jumped on the fence. with his hat in one . and hand a revolver in the other. shouted t to his men to pitch into them: Then the 3 work commenced. four and five home i guards to one democrat. ; they med revdl- ' vers, stones and steel knuckles; there were 1 about 40 shots fired and four woun‘iied by , the shooting and the most of the others. I were more. or less injured by heing henten with stones: there were 16 shots fired at, one tnan, while he was inakintr his escape. ; There was one map standing with his back " against the fence. [when two or three caught 3 him by the nrm- from the oppositoside of ' the fence and held him, while two or three , others beat him ‘with stonet and steel' knuckles in the face. till it was all out to ’ pieces“ His wife ".55 in'the church, at the . time. and hearing tlmt her husband wgs a = victim ran out and implored thedemonstb ‘ desist, when one‘ fiend in hum‘tn shape pushed her bsckfinnd qualifying his terms , with an Oath. said if she didn't leave he would blow her hmins out. at the some] timefiourishjng a‘ revolver in her face—3 The preacher made his escape by jumping , out of the back iwindow and ran to the} woods. They said they intended to kill' the preacher. Some two weeks al'terwnrds'. ‘ ‘ten or eleven of the some pang rode_up to the house of G Mr; ('i'tut. n lhmknrd preach er.~abnnt 9 o'clock at night, and hullood,‘j when Mr. (‘rist's‘pon went to the. door.— They asked him ifl that \vns'het‘e William Butler lived. lleltold them 'not. but. Mr. ‘ Ruder lived ut tlieinust home. Then they ’ 'nsltetlhim if there was uri np‘plebutterU boiling nt Rttier'ii. He told them he did not know. he dul'not keep thetun of the apple-butter-boiiings. film they naked him if them were any “Butternuts” in that neighborhood. lle tolthem, he did not know ofnny. but. he believed some people called all the Democrats Bittternuts,' he said he was it Democrat. Then they said they WPl‘PjUsi fining around cleaning out huttrrnuts “The young mnn then turned. togc irtd the house. when they tired two shots at him. lie run for his gun and fired at them and wounded one of them in the nrm. Thentltey 'lr-t't, hut next night'thr-y cume back, when Mt. "Crist End barred hie door. They. called to him to open ;.(.‘tt=t strll refused to open it. Then they got u rail and began to butter the‘door down when Mr. Grist and family retreated ton buck-room mid tnetened the doom;- They broke it open nlwo. and rushed in; young Grip-t struck one on the side of the head and‘shnulti't-r. cutting his «houlder pretty badly; the old man stood with a chair drawn'w‘hentthey fired two shots at him, due hull pissing through his head. nnotherYfirough-his b6dy, killihz him m stuntly. Then they tied the young mum and stnt‘ted‘to Mt'n‘mte. the county seat of' Delawnre county! where they said they ’were going to‘dtitnu him in the puhlto square. When \ hey got there. Judge Buckles. hearing of the murder, had them all arrested and held~ to hail. the Cgipt. and Lteut. in the sum‘ of‘sl,soo énoh. god the rest at $l.OOO enoh. ’l‘he bsiance'ot' the home guards sWenr that i( Judge Buckles, or snyjurchonvict them \hey .will burn them uptor ktll them“ I expect notlnnr; else but they will be all cleared. They have had several other scrapég-which 'l have not room no? time to relate, Well. ‘ John. Imll still cling to the conttitu‘tion and Union as lohg as there is hope. I ain't acknowledge “old Abe" the govern ment, for old Abe him got the small pox and of course in that mist- the gown-untold~ would have it t~o,.uud i don't like it spot? ted government. ’ ’ thins Rtt‘nm’. r 2~ —~A——"000;--—~-—‘- j The Fmits of Abolition chqro Equath'M—On ‘ Wednesday evening of Jiut week. about live o’clock,o very respectable white] girl of about 15 vt-nrs of age. pausing item the i Media station. through nrwoodu south of the Railroad at that point, on the wny to. her home. was followed' by one of “Old ‘ Abe’s" American cimeiis of African de scent, in the shape ore buck negro. who assaulted her, and- attempted to gratify his lust u n her. Her screams reached the euro olPiieversl persons at the R tilrond sta tion. who immediately weut to her rescue. and when they reached the vicinity, they ob served hcr fleeing toward them. end the black demon running to make his esmpe. They pursued and overtook him. and the: same ni:.ht deposited him in the Delewnne county Jnil. ‘ ,4 The frequency of these yirneticsl demon. strstions of Abolition Negm'l-lq lity.Free-‘ loveism, which is largely outfit; to the teachings of Abolition nwhers and politi cinns, is becoming truly alsrming.- Wu! Chat" Jefermizn. - ‘ t -- .....t «I , _....-.- . The Demdral‘zzqtian (5f Wan—How truly the brief line: below portrny'lha'ins'pmible demoralizaliou which has spread“ through our nation, until ten thou-Ind men nluin. sud twenty thousand left mangled upon the field. unluihu-(llv that interest in the public mind which (I single murder could arouse a feyr shmt years ago! 4 -——Boys and girls, And Women that would grmuftc pee 3 child, Pull of an inaect'u log, rm read 0! hr, ‘/ 'The best Imusemeuy of mu morning mnl, As ifthe soldier diefi without. a wound; As if the fibre: of his God “he fr’ume' _ ' Were gorgcd mflgoat t pang. . ‘IQ‘A Lowell paper wohders a". the so verity of Ben. Butler. I: need Hot. 1:. in the natureqf cowardice to Be qmel. Aleyn lays: ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' “But look for min when a coward ‘win‘l ; For fear Ind cruelty were ever twins.” uJ‘he Washington later-writers tejl us that. “the hm“ Erngnd'uat noiw.”»' SAM, that in too fatal 1} true: does indeed drag the mtién into Ignlf‘of blood, into the valley of dun-h. , = fiL‘Nzfioml Dink is sogmpfiqnhh “dud,“ York, Pl. ' ' A ’ ‘ r;M m . a ohm: mm - ' (”£o3m ,\ We .lun. in'thqu oolumm, Wily "med elm Abolition ynnclplen nndbowh- - imp land 'l'; Infidelity.“ To qi’mk plainly, I' thorough-going. radical Abolitmm-vc mu}; be") Infidel at Menu-l. and n sooil'vr til T 23 \ ““9 Wfl‘fipl and onmplp; “011111“! (i -m ~\ P'thion! of (he acted Wrilingx, Igun‘rv Um 1 Divinity of Chrlnt. and the Bible View of silvery. Many leading Abolitioniuu make/ bold to confon lhnl they assume ground an'd Advocate dogmas antilgoniuic to the teaching- of the Bible. Hence it. was lb“ «_ , tho lending Abolition member of the lower Home of Congress. a few years ago. in Km: speech. declared that'_hia party ropudiiled many plunges contained in tlze‘lnoly Book. and the (leaching: of Chin. in rein-once to ‘ slavery. and that if'thoy could nol have “an , auii «hurry God and tin anti slavery Bible. (Ivy you’d flax! none!” file lending Aholiliorfisj ‘ who utlercd these words mu Mr. Burlln- l gumé. of Malachu’sflln, and who M present hold“: Yom‘gn "launder Lincoln. Qin- Pennaylvuni- a ionistsp or “Republi- ' cans," IS the call themselves. org net quire ready to sndorse all the new: {angled nm - linnn of thrir political hrithren of the NW" n England Slum.hut they are in! com‘ ~ No. 15_ up to the true Abolition standard. and}: 1- ny of 061- pulpit orator! pmoh Motrin» m revolting mi thv-y are wicked and'Biblo-d m l‘yimz. A few years more. and they will bn ready to vake more firominont seat: in the ‘ political Abolition synagogue, and thul' - lwmme lin- wunngfiiscimemr Bmlinzamn. Phillipa and othnr Now Englaad Infl'llfil traitors. Men. who proach nolilit‘fi from 'the pulpit, and “approve of war and the shedding of blood. nmrvly tn mill-y out a political and fanatical iinlex—an idea. ton. antagonistir' to the teachings of the Ron nf (ind—aim making rapi'l atrirlusfmm tho 8' bio, and. by [ht‘ir example, am trivia" counlemfici- to Name mnn wlm flu»: u that womuat haw“an finial-slaw“ v G l 2,1} an anti-slavery Biblefl’ ‘9' But. wn are digrévinc. Our olu'uzt n.l, commencing this article War in ml‘ uzngfi tion to the recent antion of'the lluii‘g’ oi Reprexcnmtivos at “Cullingtun, in wool-3c tint: of a Chaplain. The names of fin": t."':..'{ or_ eight distinguifihnd and able (l"“v", (ominmcing tho Prushyterinn, Epincfix. Luth‘emn, Maximum, and other dun 11-? Mom.) were brought forward for the posi tion. The New England men. however. i brought out a cn‘mliilute ni‘their ow‘n. tho Rev. W. ll Cilanningkg Uni/mien, ancl'ho was elected by a vote of 86!; {5.5.5. castfor that Right Reverfim’l Bishop Hopkins, of Ver m'fint. ninl all others. i For the first t’imc-in the history of thin country. .thgn, the DRn’nibmf Chris! has npm ly bun agnofal in the House of Representa lives! A Uriitarinu, it. is‘known, dank-q Christ altogether, and discards the New Testament. Mr. Chifnning is what tin-v call a “radical Unatsniunl? and a "rmhcul Unitarian”. is nothing more nor less than an \lnfidel, acénrding to the understandmg of~ orthodox divinos. ‘ As lhéiyofe hshw’s, this anti-Christ man wags Voted foflhy unar ly every Republican membqt of {lie IH'IM -—our Pennsyhinnia“Republicari” mbm vvr joining the XewVEnglmul Ahab: s'l Inf: L La in their.crusade agninstrthe f) ”.Yt‘U/uj‘kfr/‘ll'jv i Mn Channing Is an oixginnl AiJ'J‘4_2l~7{.i.\L-: a believer with Beecher. Phillipa, null Bur lingnme. Ila is‘n“mdicnl" in politics I“ he is in religionntnd his chief rvcomxunu dation for the position of Cunplaln, woo that he was an advocate of negro equality and a believer in hincoln heresies. .Thil is truly the realization of the molly crew of Rev} England-Abolitionis!s. who have bnen so longer-yin: for an anti-slavhry God. Tell, .1]: ye Abolition pulpit orntors of Pennsylvania, nnd “Republir‘un'lletfders in garner-31. are you mum of the gulf that yawn: before you, and into which you are urging. the people? Lbok at. flie‘nction of your Congress, and then say whetlier‘Abo litibnism in not considered paramount to Christian belief.—Carli.yle Volunteer; THE COMMUTATION'Mom. , ' 'l‘en million: of the pnople’s money paid ‘ away. and no receipt taken for it I In the 4 ‘ debates of Congress on she 2i“ _imit.. n fra ‘ murkalgle fact. wns elicited. by yr. Brooks,. - iof New Yorlt. The money which bu been, 1 received for the three hundredaflollnrnl , .r omnmucmion, amounts to the wmfiol‘swp f [000,006. In an application for on apprn— " i printion of $20,000,000 for premiums' 9"“ ' ~ fvolunlm‘oring, it was~ «limos/cred that th: .. $20,000.00? already received was not to bo‘. ‘. included in that amount, but that, t'lixit sum? find nlromly lieerimocoived by the Secretary ‘0 Wm, .nd paid nwny without my uppro= A ‘. print ‘on having been made by Cangress for that p rpme: " ‘ I “ Mranglopp.) nl'Ol-infinqniredirhgtls ‘ , er Lbe’ten‘millinm receivwl as cummhmtinn ~ , were int-lulled in Lho twinfS' mvw reqiflrhlL l Mr. Stevexfireplled that his unllo-rl-mhd lilnfil‘lwu that {be "in million-s Wel‘c inclu- Mr‘ Brook; ofl'e}\d‘an amendment to the > ‘ bill. tn the_ ofl‘cct th 1: the (NH-[fly million; . named Hmrein nhnll “(elude all-cmnmuttr ‘ lion mom-v hit-herb) and hereafter to be paid inln the 'l‘ro-asury. . Mr. amen. (rep.) «o%?qude cmn- ‘ mutation money had nern'ly been paid out, ‘ _ _wln~thor properly or legally he would nob‘ ' undertake to decide." [I \ ' Here is the com'nuhtibn of 33.333 Amer— _ ”an citizcns. much of/it. unwillinglyfivwng - from those illy able :6 sp’are lt.-thal ' up precaution against/(durum or old-age, qr ‘ thé intended'trlbfite 'of sffcctiohgthe bl scraping toga! liér'ol' weary yum of wig—'l ~ gone inm Mrystanlon’s hand. Ind lpoufi-‘m how; ; Uncle/[any order frnin the reprgsen- \ kt'ivesfiffibm people whose rponey‘he is, ppqndmfl By vhtgenf’ay act of legiglsg‘ tiou diggcdngiknppmpriuuon? No. 133*: Secretary doe. not‘even oondesqend id oi plnié w Cougreu how he has disbursed mt; mend. And. if n has hm Edd M’uy honestly. to imuro wliioh'lhmbno ' me‘thod of precaution, WP uh not ani'buc that. it has gone for tlso payment of some. thing directly conuuv'ening the will oftlie, poopla; Winn right. has Mi. Suntan 'tg (pond 339,000,000. or ten cum, of the poo-C ple's méneyf What security against peg ulation, wlnt germinzy chm. mnsper appll’Cß-l: tion willbg made of‘ these l‘unae. hav‘a {We ‘ people. if snob want or system is tolerated '3, Such prooogdingsnre too daygeroua to 13¢ ' permitted to remain without Hie slroagefi‘ “mlvgn'ion. . They fox-lii {I preoodanm mom] to our libenies than nothing mam“ preventluch‘aation n will efl‘eclually hinddl their rocurrence.-—Age. ? ’ , fi'lfhe editor of a rabid AWEN‘K» . rays. “erimst all su-Ika “fig :i Kim." The mgnbmul mum“% ” . ‘ mun d 1 "Ilka tibial at Ebony, “- ,r 5 .. ~.~ Q
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers