) 1:1 4-;7'l'erms. , The Calm". i's‘puhlisheil every Monday morning. by ”In! .I. Snuu. in $1 75 per tnnum‘il‘ paid Itrictiy IN “Ynez—s 2 00 per gnnum if not paid in advance. No subscription discontinued, unless u the Option of the publisher, until all urea-39 ure‘psid. .\ ADVERTISSIKYTS inserted at. thou-ml rues. Jon Puxfixu dons with neuneu and éilputch. ’ summer in South Bultimoro Itreet. but” ofposite meplers’ Tinning Butablis men: h—“Colgxul Pun-ma Orncx " on the sign. nogggsmawm J. Cffieeiy, ‘ ( , TTORNKY AT LAW.—l'nrti£ultr mien. A lion pnid to cunecl'lon of Panniunl, onnty,- Ind Back-puy. Omen in the S. E. 'corner of the Diamond. . , Getty-burg, April 6, 1883. t! D. Mchnaggpy; woman AT LAW, (emu? one door west A of Huehlcr’u drug g’hd book uore,Cbum eflbnvg street.) Arron" um Scum-ran 70: Pan" un Puuuau. Bounty Land Win-1 mm, luck-pay .....pgndea Claims, Ind all othqr clniml Again“ the Gover'nment at Wuh int'onfiD. 0.; «150 A men-{can Claim: in England. 3 Land Warrnnnlocnted and lold,orhought,nnd highs" price: given. Aunts engaged in. 16. eating wurnnu in lo", _lylinoiu ._nd other weatern Sm.“ ”Appljib him pérsonully qr by inner. . ‘ ‘ H . _ qutylhurg, Nov. IL, ’53. “j. 3 ' , A. J. Cover. 1* f ' ”HENRY/AT LAWJHH promptly nuPnd ," A to Cullcctiom Ind All other busine-l en-‘E‘ ‘ggrqu-d to him. ,Olfira between FahnealocklH " ufilhnnork Ziegler'a Stores. Baltimore street ’ ‘; gmyshurg, P... _ (Sept. 5. 1359. $ .1» i EdWard B. Buehler, ‘ 1," mommy AT LAW, will mmruny Ind,‘ '- A prommly attend to all hulincss entrusted ’ , to~ in. He speaks the Germun langunucx—‘lr URN. n thefiume plnL‘l‘, in South Hilltimoré ‘llruu. nenr For‘ne‘v’a drug store, Ahd nearly oppm‘u Uinn‘cr is Ziegler-'5 note. - ”flu-burg, Mun-h 20. " ¢ , 3 Wm. A. Duncan, 7. “ * a'r'rnuxmn Luv—ump- an“? xmh- - A yes: rorni-r at L‘culrc Squrc. >(il'bullahurx, .513; 4' ; [mt-1. mafia. I! r” ~ * ” ‘ ~ , ‘1 J. Lawrence 5111, Man. AS his office one "‘ II duiar went oflho "‘ . ”“htT \ Luther-tn clmrrh in ' '0 - ' (JR-tube”? nrg are“. In'} opposfle Picking'l “2‘!“ wk W‘s those wishing [0 have any Dental t‘perl‘viuh pe'forméd are rrspectfully invited to wul 7 “muffins: r)“. Huruer, R“. (I. l’. Kr, mh.ll. I) , Row. M. L. “alight-r, l). .\l., Rev. VP‘mrj I Jan‘ohl. .‘rul. “.14. Shun-r. ' {_.éuyduurg. A‘nll I), ’53. ‘ Dr. James Cress, , . ' ‘W-‘LE‘"I‘HH'HYSIR. thnukiul fur pub -114;“? pnllunngr hm ure rx'lcnlll-d to him, inr‘urpu his friends. than 1n- uiH continue nu fiu-Lice of his prnleuinn in He'tyhhurz and vwinitr. “Brit-mic“ menus to L‘huuuur "let-l. - Hen". wr Silt!" [hr MU. «new and mum n luhle remedies fmm n” utlfzfr-r srcmrilnmmli- I h] it'hunls, Whh II have five" rcrl-uunncndnl larhrthc, upmicnre‘ and s.nuionml.hy the ‘x-nrlsixr of me n'ned Hvlcmic l‘mctixiuncru, ,( and din-nu] lhu'r mun- iujw‘rinus. nmh as an. hmonr. mrsrniu, unwary, blucpiH,|iloudlcl - K“. office in} the cum gn-i ‘.l'Yurk stru-I, in the donmg qwunl L} Hm r\ \‘ lll}, , ’ ”dud-“l'., >CPL .a;l.~a.s Jlu > ~3‘L . 5‘ 1 ' jhfi') ? Nance. ‘. rrH‘ll: firm nfrlh't. vmzss & I‘.“me is .v . \ honh) d: mnhh! h; muhml consent. nu Heptemhrr Huh, H 413. All perm.» having mining-Agni"! m inrlrlmd tu.~m;d firm will rlu‘gd pro-3m them in Esq. A. ‘J. fine: for adjuxuficm. ' ~ , ,- ~ Dg‘. Wm. Taylor infyrms tb¢ inhnh'ilunl! hf l-et'yal ur: um] \‘i dnfi} \hm '.n- «M \hmm e \hupmu'wr m" M» protruhm n [he 6].! sun I. nexv mar to Ihc (‘rlnlpilrr (miu (h-l'3‘hul‘g. Pu. Thankful lu/ri pm?! v'nr-. he [my to rcrvirv n ‘huru 11f i'mure patrunuge. [SepL 2d. 1303. l! § ~ Adams County .~ [1 , U'l'r.\h'fl|ifll_\.il'll \_.\‘(?HUUNPA,\'Y.— ‘s‘ -Dl‘lm;urpox duhklnnk Its, 1551. ’ / ( ‘ nrv‘mrns’r. l'xrlv'tienl—Gl'urfle Swu‘u‘. Yup. ['ruldml—H". 11. 'Hlld.‘e“ i .\‘lKrrelury—rl). IA: Hut-Mu} ‘ L 4 Trmurcr—Duvvl \l't‘rury. ‘ V 5, la’nmlnw (.'..m'ndlrre—ilnhrrt McCuron, Jacob f Kiuu. Andrew "r-ilru'clnmn. ‘ f Mlualrné—H‘rur'zefiwape. D. A. Hll'hlrr, R. ‘ N'Uui'dy, hunh King, A. Helulwlmnn. I). \lv- I Uretry, i. l'.. [Mu-SH, J. 11. dul‘ih. h'unm-l I Durham-v. E. H. Rthnndtm'k, Wm. H. Wilum, 5 H. L Making, \Vln. H. MJllellnn, Jul-u \Vul. tnrl, Q. G. Hallway-John l’lckinz, Ahrl'l‘. “'rizhl, thn ('unuinghwm, Aluliil “F. um, JumM H. )hrduiL \l. Hix-hcllwrgvr. ”I‘ll“ "Company iI “when! 111 in omm liou‘n to [ha t-punty 9) Album. It l‘.-u new. if: ' luccnllnl npe‘rnlion for more than six yam-g, fag-6414- that period hns paid all lossci and ex penses. WWI-ml (my Ullfltuflfnl, hnn'ag also a largo Aur‘plun 'cnyignl in" thc 'l‘rcu'sury. The Com— w lung employ! no Agenm..:cll hunineu being ; time by the .\lnnagprs. whoure annually elect ;4 «I by‘ the Stockholden. Any pegsun‘rdesiring‘ { gu l'n‘sunnce can apply lo any of the tho" ‘ named Mann-zen for further info‘rlnulion. i [fl‘l‘he _Execntive Cmnunlle‘e meets at the ' offico of the Company on the last Wednesday 4‘ in every month, In. 2, P. M 1; Sum-Jl, 1338‘ T . Mathlot Br. Son’s OFA AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS. Nos. lg 25 Ind 27 Nqu itrqet, Baltimore, (near , nyettq at“) extending irpm Gay to Frederick Jig—4l* lsr‘geatesublishmeut oi’the kind in the gUuion. ‘ Myqs on [mud n [urge usortfiaent of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em- Ant-Aria:-Bureaus,Beduends,Wasbstands,Wnrd tubes, Butane: or Husk, Cotton and Hnir thpring Bean, Sofas, Tele-e-T‘gtes, Arm, Clihirs, dunking (ling/’5, Emgcrra, Marble Tables, _Set ,lcee, Reception. In}! Upholstqred Chairs. AS SURTEPGOLORS UF CU'I‘TAGB FURNITURE, ‘ Wood Ohaxiru.‘ Office ‘Uh‘uirs, Barber'Chaii-a, Ml‘ribs and Cradles, Hut Racks, Han Furniture, i «iii uni Walnut Fran: Lookingfllnssea, Side. Jinn“. wExtennion Txlxien, of every length. i "‘ Parsons disposed in purghaiae are invited to i :11! m give our Itock nn‘egamiuation, which for "Titty find quality of Warkmunship is not mulled hy In, establilhmem is; the count”. ‘ i ,A. muulor‘t soy, ' _ Not. 25 find 27 N. Gay street. - Aug. 8i 195:0. ' i ‘ _ I, k . ‘1 Remove-15. 4 EnpdersfznedJeingzhe tumorizedpenon 5 ma lllkl rumor-ls into, Ever Green Ceno ] urghppes th.! such as contemplnte the renew-1 ( affine-rennin: of deceased rennin: or friend: i will “nil then-dun of thin season of than»: u; \ hue it done. Ramon]: made with prompmus : —¢lr-6l|ow, find no effort spun-ed to please. V i ' PETER THORN,‘ ‘ MN 12', '6O: Reaper of the Cemetery. 1 Comewgne and All! :1 RE :gbecriber. Inning re-opened his Sa -4&1: = 100 in me Noah-east. corner ot‘the D’m ond, jnvitu the naéntion of his friends mad {the public gonenny. to his excellent ALE, P 031588: ‘RRUWI STOUT, WINE, CHAM {PAQXETOBAGCQ SEGABS, kc. He hopel. .by «its: mauuon w bnnineu ad 8 desire to tplquo. to receive 3 linen! mug of custom, ‘ r ‘ ' H. W. CHRISMER. ‘ Guéyzpbrg, Aug. 24, 1353. u‘ Old‘Gold and Silver i ‘N? ANTED.—‘l'he highest price jg cub i plid for ‘old Gold 'llld Silvor; the 31mm“ x. s humbly time to all, the premium 91: “my”. '. Mao, Goldfind Silva; Coin xpuré : . g at!“ tpr Q 'veu, ’y 5 ' a? a “3.088”! gBIIL'VAN, ‘ “ Wadi-nut tJmellerfln the Diamond. Feb. 23, um. ‘ Br H. J. STABLE. 46th Year- J acobs's Saloon Befived. HE undersigngd have leased J-cohq’l Sn !Loon, in Uh-mhersbnrg street, Ind jutend tq k yep- it in lhp best style. hoping (but the [nxhlic wlll Ipprecinte their eflortl to please by giVinglhem 5 large patronage. They. will re 'cei‘ve OYSTERS regnlnrfy and do them up in 111 styles; YOUXG CEICKENS,BHEETONGUE, HAM AND EGGS, nnd_ nlmost evu’ythinz that may he called for, willbe served.» Th'ry will also hep ALE. musk; omm, Mass, in. ‘ Th} 11': dent-mined to things up in thc ‘most dull-able winner, I d fcrl c'ertnin of lplenuing 11l who mu] cull. ‘ NICHOLAS ODORI, JIL, w - ‘ JOSEPH SH 1!}. ,‘ Getty-burg, Sept. 21, 1863. ' ‘ Come mth a Busy HE undersigned woulii mod respectfully T inform his many friend: 'nnd. the 'pubhc genernlly, that he has gonainto the Clothing business, “Samson”: old mammal the Diamond, GettysburmPn. His stock,alr¥adyfyll,hill be _much enlargod. to xmbrnce filer! ' style of CLQTHI§G, BOOTHOES} HATS. ‘ anq, Trunks, Valicea, 'I, Watches, Jew elry, Guns, Plslull, and. in short, everything which ought lobe found at a first clusaClowing‘ and Viriety House. ‘ ~ Particulars hereafter. -“ln the nickname he invites everybody to give him I cull. He in tends to keep an ‘perfect in stock us to accom mod'nte Ali—9nd, with the hope of large 59.105, he hopes to make in living at snmll profits. No ‘jiuuhle to inn-r: gumls, Ind every efl‘url inside to mtisfy‘uyera. _ _ - __ _ JACOB nmxxsmmn'. Removal. _ ~17 ~ _ VA ‘ June 15,1863. :1 V HEundersignedxespcctful‘v N“ r Iy Ehforma the resident!% nfflruynburgand \icinity,lhnl -- he hm! removed his WA'H‘I! AND JEWELRY H'I‘URE, In the room opposilr the Bank on quk arrucf. where he in’lvndn lumping mi‘hgnorl- Int-n! of WATVHKS, JEWELRY, SILVER nnd SILVER PLATED “'AIH'Z, SI'HC'I'ACIJCS, CLUUKS, kO,, kc. ..k , Haring been connected with n Mac—rm“ Walrh and Jewelry“ Stare in‘ Baltimore, for several years lmnt,‘he ié pn-purr-l to_!urr.i h exery urticle in file line', M the knrgst cflty [\rires, and all [numbness will bf guu‘mnlied {ln rtpn-sented. - r; ' From u long experience in \\'utch-repairing, espu‘mll) 0! Hub \erhes'. he i 5 pnfiurunl to do' I“ kind: at Watch-nnrk_promptly, irn‘thx‘ hull umnuer. and glmrnmy the prrl‘nrumrq‘r gvfit. He will keep alu'nys'on hnnll n. lnrke “‘.\-Ult-4 mum of Sl’l-I(.‘T.\ClJlS,nnd Rpm ‘— .4, Inch Chum-I; pnd lmving mnrhm: experleuée in mlnpl'xn; ‘lmn m the night, is." [ll'l‘lullt’d In fil nll wlfti ave-l llxcm. ’ “A!“ JI‘I’WELIH' [mule to ruruler in the lncsl style. and .1 greul vn‘riejy of [n.lxternann-lmml ' JEWELRY repaired in the “mic-t manner. l , JUN-It'll Bl~1\‘:l.\'. l thlys‘b-xrg, on. 5, “‘63.. ll ' ‘ l / Give Us a Can!- 1 omm «x Gll.l.ESPll§ lmve jun‘rocelved. .' rgc null splendid stuck at New Hands ' film-h they are selling us clumping-ll": limes: will 'ulluw. Their sun-k has been sulyclcd“ nh mrc ml is of wt mod a quality one lln- make! will illurd. SI'HARS, we haw: fill klnnlfi.’ Hard and Soft Grubhed, l'_uh'crmul‘,'l.lr.|_nulnted, .\‘r-w Urlcam. l’orm Rica. and L‘rllm. 11235,. Imperial. Young Hymn End Black 'l‘mfi. .\IO- ‘ LAShI'IS, New Orleans. Pun-m [lien and §yrups ol mam-m Linda. Tomccus, (0.511]! ml“: lovers of lhéL ward, ('unbresx, ,Spun, Sun-,1 Cnvmuli-‘ln, Rough nntl Ready, .\‘llurnl Leaf. null Fine (‘nts {Smalling Tnlmrctr; 15'! dltTPn-nt Hmlw, I'll’l-IS, 1: large nml ‘li'ne ”mu-mum; SEC 383 of warming brnnlls. TOJI. (lIL LA \ll’h‘ uml Slmnles, we hm-Ezbc {‘on damn mont in the pluzc‘, which we 91-” law; also, a , No.l articlc of Coal Oil. "AXIS. pluin nnd sugar cured, Shoulders and Sides. FLOUR-of the best ql’inlity, ’hich we ulw ya gnunmu-e; ; ('vd.xr-wure, Tuba, Buckets. \fulgr't‘ann, kc.’ We nlm keep .\‘ozions. anl .cti‘nlns‘ Fruits, 1 PM]. by the small or by th barn-l, \Emltflplues, (‘hocnluzta Starch, Bucking, lndigo.-(‘nndlt-1,l Soups. ('urry (lombi l‘jd Curtis. 0 llrgc nssurh 1' nu-nml lqushes.Bn.lkets, Ropes: L‘lmls, Crack- . erg-mun. kc. GH'l‘l US A CALLS. (lrllysllllrg, .\luy 11, lufi3. ' , -., Np Mora Poisons. ‘ )ROCESSES for the Preparatio , lmpruve~ ] mem. n'nd Imitation of LIQUUF‘B 01“ ALL KINDS. including Brandi“, Wine}; “'hiskies, (lins,'llums, Porter. Ale, Cider, Cdrdinls,,Bit ten, etc—livery dealer in liquors hits long known and felt it to be of the highest. ir‘npor- Innu: to the profitable conduction qt his busi— m-ss. Hun hefihould be in poss‘fission of vermin infurzpution whiéh hn‘s hitherto been strictly cunfined to wholesale Images. This informa liqn ii now, for the_first time, placed within the reach, and adapted to the sucwssl‘ul Ind "3051' profitable uso. OfALL dealers. Particulars will be mailed, free ol‘chnrg'e, 14:! those sending tddress to LI!!! 4: COOKE, l’.. U. 80x"357, Washington, D. C. whi. IL-nN‘a other: but dgalera nth! Ap ply, u no intormllion villi bysent to uu'y one whuducs not nccompgny his addreu with the pledge tb‘nt be is 1 dealer in liquor. - 50",. 'l6, 1863, Am , - ‘ -« -~ -1~~ Notice. 053?“ HARTZEL’S ESTATE—Letter! m administration ontlne estate of Joseph Hart zel, late of Frlnklip twp., Adams co., dc censed‘ having been granted to themndersigned, re: nidin r in the same township‘, be hereby gives no‘ict :0 all persons indebted to said e 133? to make immedinte plymem, and than huvi iug claim: against the' lame to present. them properly authenticategl (or settlement. _ magma run-r, Adm-r, Xov. 16, man a: . -‘ - .um . l . ‘...¥._.-..__.—_..- ...-7 Sale Crying , A W. FLEMMING continue! the bunipesa A. offlALE'CRYXNG, lnd loliciu the con tinued plmmnge ‘0! we public. it is his con. nun endeavor to gm satisfaction. Charge! moderate; _Residenco in Breckinridge nun; Getty-burg; ‘ ;. P. S.-—-He is I liéenled Auctioneer, under the; Tu: Law of the United State}. - , Nov. 24, 1862. “ ‘ A S. R. Tiptpn WOULD no“ nupoctfully inform the plib lie “I!“ he bu commenced liking BRUOMS. He will nuke men: an we slum or“ will but wig hil cantomen. ‘ Persona hnviug Broom Corn will plenucall. Shopin )lcConnughy‘l Ball, on corner of first. floor. - [Son 9, 1883, 'Sheads a; Buemer,"” EALERS m . D con. up Luna“ 3 r o v 1: s , v ' , . - Iris-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, to. -- ALDO ~— -sumsas, Bums, BASH, me. Corner of Csflisle 9nd 11$“er ghee“. OPPO cite mama Depot, GETTYSBUBQ,*PA. hp}- ?3, 1863. ‘u‘ ' Witgf—fnnh Gun maximize-” 13:. , c Kl an nuke» to e a s3n’é‘wmjga ._..; -“ :Dm mamas. h mus rm ~03 ms. \ ”T7l @EmmAM‘Effifiifififiéfil t 5 he 11,5 t. u nu. m: coun.» “ Till He com. ”—0! let the wo'rd. I Linger on the trembling chord; ; I. Let the little while_between , .4 In their golden light be qeen: .’7 Let us think how Heaven and home Lie ‘beyond thaDT—“ Till He come.” When. the weary one: we low En: ‘on their fest. above; Sega the urn; so poor and nut, 4». All our joy belovercnst? . ' Hush, be every murmur dumb; I! in only—“ Till He come.” , Cloud! And fpnflicu rougd‘ua press: Would 'we have one son'm‘w leu '1 Al} the sharpness of thetcrou, Au than. ten the work! is lona, Death, and darknels, and the tomb, Uuly whisper—“ Till He come.” See, the feagt of love Ame-d, I . Drink the wine pnd brc'uk the breed: Sweet. memorials—till the Lord cm u. round his Heavenly board: ’ Some from earn}. from glory name, Severed only—thll He come‘” ‘ gfiimfilfimufi? THE'CHRISTHAS HOLY-DAY; max 1112‘ cnnun' m! In" zmron o'r, Tn: Sn joyfully as this morning, AIL-uni and Clmrluue had not. pwnke out of lcepql‘m- a whole year. 'The whole night (may h‘nd dredmrd ofthe brilliant lights ofthc Christ.- mué’n-oefwlucli ~had so glorioudy shone upon illem yesterday evening, when‘filiftor ,mtirnt waiting. the little hell but! m’llml {ht-m into the parlor. They hail drcahied also {ol the many benulillil proséllls,\vliich llmir parents luvl hung ‘on {We tree, for (hum. to (frightful ”H‘IP Christmas joy.— vauclnnlly lmd llm_\'!!4)rn limmdilw-e :L‘way ‘.rom‘ this scene ofjoy In! mghl‘xi‘lwn Hwy ‘rotirod Lo rest. But nowfus Llie friendly morning sun begun to shine. npuin unml the snuukcoven-d rools, [hr-_\' "mm-erred once more dressed up 1L» fa; Sunduv. rmuly to xwinw (he nee and their Ifrraentg, and [q make thvmx-h‘ds glad with Chvi‘flnms joy. The morning. [mined ' ' ’X‘pwm-(ls mid day \vben lii-d made}: [duusnntuut the Mole: M. the eves b< gusts- pxoposed to hersiw go in company with their m-unbynm we the spy-um Qmu‘ henyenly iulhm‘ h: duiy’nnlcd for 31:9 (3hr (Karlene w‘ns ready, and was enfly induc’ed 10 ‘cr pecially us he could \ pkukqnj' SFTVK‘G to his 13‘ Quickly [hey threw th them, put on their mm 'nml (hm 7 protected up. leaped forth chcérfully (er: Tm? the air wn‘m cheeks not a little: bu: they did not heed that, the grove of spruce. He night. _ 1‘10“!“ the greet} } wuh white frost, in whic sun. reflected like diamnn "'01: how beau" l !" :‘Thé trees shing‘ almps‘ our Chrislmus tune with She became suddenly ail far from them :3 b 0): in n clothing. shivering hon: his benumbed hands to wee-ping bitterly! Besi bundle of brush-wobd,‘ denlly jug: gathered; “ W hat may be the' mu boy.” said Augus£e ful‘l on he‘should be so and nndr Christmas day f’t, ’ « ' ‘ The cleié‘gren‘we’nt up to him ind asked him why 9 wept. "0h 1" said the boy, “my father is sick,_ and my m’olher in not. able to earn enough to procure as bread and keep us .Wul'm. Thus I must gather. wood to keepjaxher warm. Ido it cheer fully; father is so good. and mother weeps so much; but 00-day it is go cold!” And be begun to weep still more bitterly. ;: Meanwhile the children had an oppof: tunity to examine the boy. They easily saw thntiis poop clothes‘oould not protect. him against the weather, and {list he was weeping because he Was so cold. I ‘For‘asome lime they all -stood and viewed Vthe poor boy in silen‘ce, end tears filled the eyes of Augusta. Then she put her hum into her little basket, took out the little nioney she had in it, and gave il. to the boy. Charlotte and their brother did the same; for all had beer; deeply moved by ihc little'boy’i mie erleek _ e _‘ He in: muéh surprised at thin, and limb ed at his benefactors in silence. ? But soon hehhruahed away his tears, hnd .nttempted so give expregsionato his thanks and his .l,°¥- “0 how glad mother will be l" be field: ‘.‘now she can make nwuggor father, .nnd heat up the room so that we our all be "mad." Then heuhouldered his bondle ofwaod end bested may. :_ The children necempnnieihim for some distance-and on the way 9 had to tell than who his parents were, and where they 7111769. _“lf your parents are l 0 poor, you bavyélhflrdly received any Christmas prer out?" said William. “ Ah,” said the boy, “ if I only could Mme had lometbing to out! But. mother had nothing to give me, and no I want hungry to bed.” Silently, and in earnest reflection, the children went on their way ;- ind when they got. home, the firit thing they did was to col their mother ol'the little boy. Whom they had met. who had received no Chrlilr mu gills. and besides mu compelled to go to bed hungry! ‘ * ‘ “ Mother.” laid Augmte, “brother Wil lism but some old clothes which Would be main), in the boar bay. Chulotte sad 1 will hunt up something for him. end if you Will allow it. we will present if. to him.”— Glndiy did their mother give her assent.— 'Moumhile their father she came in ; and «she knew the father of the boy to be a Very bones d industrious man, he also roughed to do. oomething for the unlor tunete fungi. . “ How w Id 1 be,” said the mother. .“if your. to go: :11 these things ”3.6 m" u qmeily in podhle. Ind loud for a boy to _oone horo‘thh evening. and then present. it. fill in him. In an produmtmihblo / Q L ./ ~GETTYSBURG, PA-, MO‘NDAY, 1333011., 1863- GUARDIAN “nun n man" up mu. rnuxL." aurpxize. Then he could also halve n Christ mas joy. at. this time when l“' things are joyous.” ,' “Oh. that in excellent," exclaimed An gustn. Ind immediugely ran With the other children to gather" up ‘the present: with tat-ich they intended to but-prise the poor y- When they {and collected all ,the niece of clothing. Qharlotte said : “I know sbme thing more/which would be ncellent. If we only could also prepare a Christmas tree for the/Key. How he would rejoice‘to see the mp’nylittle bright lights !” ’l‘ -sisters were much pleased with the l“ ition. and William ut once offered tie services to carry it’into effect. ‘For a small bit ofimoney he bought néprnqe tree. I The littlegirls (tick some lightsh‘nlso st‘veet.l meats from,their Christmu tree, and. so in ‘ a short thine 15)] was arranged. ' A ‘ l With almOst more impatience then yes terday did the children await the eveningi Just as it was growing dark they requested" their mother to send forsthe boy. XOR they lit the lights, arranged the présents‘ under the Christmas (remand awaited with { joyful expectation the time when he should I arrive. ‘ . He was soon theré. The door was' ppen ed for hi . When he had entered. and it was told am. that these were his Chriitmaa lumen“. and that his‘parenw should also recilive help. the boy stood in mute aur priae. Now'ha gnzéd abtlie lights. 'lipw at. the preset)". while tears of joy fellfmm his eyes. The children rejoiced around him. their hea'rts bent with a pure pleasurer an‘d often afterwards they spoke of this c'voning, and declared tlmtjt was that hpp— pies! Christmas festival of their-lives! ~ \ ' Beat ’nn Alli—The Rev. Solomon Stod~ «lard, of Nartlmmmon. bad a blarkzb‘oy in his,emplny, who was like (In- mo»! df‘lxlnvk bOVI. lull of fun and mischief and 1:15 m a joke. my matter at Whoselexpensyw He went wnh the pnr~on's horsl} every’ morn ing to drive lhecmvs-to pasture, 1: “ll: on L“ piece of table land some little distant?“ ~w_, ~... “___ ”9'" the villhae; and here,’out of Pig. t: {an Prnloaes God his mess—The ni ht the neighbora‘ boy: were‘ Wont to mp‘jtu‘lm li’eféme thepbatlle of wateran it ranged and mice horses on bupduy mqrnmg.— [sew-rely. saturating "m ground so that the Baron SWIM"! lmard of 't' and “fined ummumtinn wagons snhk in up to ‘hc axle ") “no" 3"“! f” "' and P"? an end ll) Ihe than and the nil-is of the horses. Nspuledn SW“ 30-“ WNW “WWW.“ “’1“; ‘s‘“: waited till thé road: should dry 50 mm the he wuuld rule the mufe to {mature mu the field batteries could gallop freely; but the (wws. and he (Bill) might slay at hoxnev.—‘l w“ did not compgut. and it was noon when" ll,” knew what was in the wmfingntLtukmg' the first. gun was fired. Victor Huuo says a “’0" cut ucrnss “‘0 10‘" m“ up in'Elle ‘ (hm, llnd the hauls commenced thlxourfl In'swm away ahead of ”‘9 parson. lllm snom‘r. R would have been over by (but: boys. Were there wnth .thexr VI—IOI‘SUB, nnly o’elmk._ Bluu‘lu-r mm“ have fallen into muting for 1341' and his Hunter’s mure.- the hand: 0f the victor 'nnd the map of ““ Width“ bO." ‘0 "3 “f“jy' ““1 “”2 “JED“: Europe alnl the civiliw'tion of the ninaJ gvntlvman arrived to ive the won ..‘ 10. '1 _ . , ‘ mu hid himeelrni “negother end of'tlw field . if?” “"‘u" "m“ mm “mm“! “ “cw belonged. “We".Unqle Sam,” said he, “do: youteo u‘vy difi‘oronoe in Mr. P. sinca‘he‘ joined the church ?” ’ “Oh, veg,” “id [Mole ‘ Sam. ":1 grea; difl‘evrencv. Balm-e, whcu,he went to mend his fe+ces on Sundnyfihel carried his nxe on his shoulder. but. newl he carries it ufider his overcoat." ‘ I Q‘A carpenter, who’has always prog nosticating evil to himself. was One day upon the roof oh the ntory'building, upon .wjhicb had {Allen rain. The roof being slip. per}, he loot his footing. and as he was do mending towards the eaves he exclaim‘ed, “Jail: as I told you !” Catching. howevnr, in the tin spém, he kickod off his sho‘ea, and regained a place of safety, from I'lhxch he thus delirergd himself; ‘ff know’d it, there’s a pair of übou gone to thunder!” WM”. Smike says the reason why the children a: mi. generation no so bums] owing to the wearing of Balmora‘l b9ou’ in field of the old fashioned slippers. Moth "ens find it too much troubleto take off their boots to whip their children, so they 0! nnpunishod; but. when she WM achild, tfie way the slippers used to do double duty was caution to the whole family. . » —A-~ - —-—~o o -_..?“— k S‘A few mornings sjnce, we were r 913- ‘ tingto our family the fact of a friend hav -1 ing founcLs child on the 'door IMP. afine ' little male infant, whom he had adoEzed” F when one of the olive branches remar 08: “ “Pl, dear, it‘ll be bid step son, won’t it?" ‘ We thought it, would. decidedly. WA wdmtn named Elizabe‘zh Mai. who died at Florence in 1768, had been married to leven husbands, all of whom‘nhe omliy ed. She married the lat of the leven It the age of seventy. When on her death bed abemlied the good and bad points in etch other-“husbands, and having impartial ly weighed them in the balance. she sing led out her fifth spouse 3; the (Marin. lad desired that her remain: might be interred near hit. WA western ediwr than deocribea in verse the patience of a husband with whom bein acquainted : ‘He newer said a word, . But with n flwk of deeoest mehncholy, He at, like Patience on an ottoman. I Waiting for his wife to put her bonnet on.” ’ [Q‘We love women all‘th'e better for their weakness. These strong minded to men always seem an if they wanted to bi; man, and mulch“. ' sW.mim have thin in com mod—few gunman Miy. '- ' g HOW NEAR WE ARE TO DEATH. A writer in the Independtnt than discour ses on our nearné'sa to death : v “When we walk near powugl‘ul machinery. ‘ we know that one single "miq-mtep and those ‘ mighty engines would tear us to ribbons with their flying wheels, or grind m to powder in their pondemusjuwl. So. when we no thundering serous the loud in the rail car. and there is nothing but. half an inch of flange iron to hold us upon the track. ‘BO when we are at sea inaship. find there is nothing but,the tiiicknesspt’; a. pltink between us and eternity. We imag ine than that We see how close we are to the edge of a precipice. But we do not. see it. Whether on sea or land; the parti tion which divids us from eternity, {in something:~ thinner than an oak plank in half on inehaf flangeiron. The machinery of life and d’enfh are within us. The tissues thlt hold those beating powers in their place, are often not thicker than a piece - piper. and if that thin portion were pier '- . it would be the same with us a'n if: cu on hull had struck us. Dgnth is in‘sepnrnbly bound up with life in the very stru’clhre of our bodies. Struggle as he will if) widen the space, no man can It any time go fur ther n-om doath than the Uzi/hues: 'ola sheet. of paper. , ‘ ." Cam—la August. 1,8611. a/German. whofie name we forbeqr mentionifigat the rcéuest ofour informanmel‘t thiwily u a volunteer, leaving behind him a wife and a house cat. l he thought much 012’ He made hia wire! nromine mat whenejr‘er his favorite cat hnd l itlens she would [riot kill them. but keep'! ”mm. and their increase until his 'relur,n. I initlifully the woman has kept her word, and this’torenq‘on. as we saw ourselves; him about her house in the Third Ward. in which she line, it} aahed Adjoining, and racing about. the’premiags, she old- cat and her‘ children, grand children. grant, grand chil- ’ dren, etc" etc., Lb thelhumber nf two hun- ‘ «Fred and nine cau, cutteta, and kittens.—- 1 La Gran: Democrat. i -, "ash for (int I to seexty glassh nrtsh me: put I be_lf a man vnsh It. The fnreizn the e is trouble \don zlagraph ns xhe I edy out _ k _ . At. F nkfort, according to the correspondence oft Lon. ~don' Timex. no auchémnic ha been w, neu -91138 npw since th periodjusl. prec ‘ng the Italian war. Auntrinn funds have 1- en. since the Emperor’s speech been: known; five percent. Pruuiu in preparing for a win wilh Depmark. 1 8‘“) select nutmegs‘ p ' lham with a pin. If than are good. the ill innum ly I: read around the punctu .- Tge but rice ‘is large. and has, a clear {rah look. Old‘rioe mmetimefl has little black intact: imide the kernels. [afliuuer that is made in September bnd October-jg beat‘for winter use. Lard Ihould be‘hard nnd‘whiw, and that which is liken {not}: A hog not Over a year old in if“. . "an.“ , ' . fiCurnn maid of the liberty of the pm: “Thu gar-mt nqntinel of the State, that gnnd deteqw of public impouure; guu‘d il. becagge when it links. there links with it, in o e wmmen grave. the liberty of the mbjoct, and the security of the crown.{’ A Pauper B:pruerilaliv¢.—The New Bed ford, (311333.) Sldnilard up: “A representa tiverhhr been elected from a district in Es sex county, in thin State. who has been aided. u n p 33)" the last yen. He wa voted for in er thin to can thg town frqm the expense of his support. . fi‘flrand tuber.” said a. very little boy, the other dsy. “how on us you I” The old gentleman who had been 1 101- dier, Ind was much under ,tho ordinary six}: took the child between his knees, and ml : ‘ ' "My dear boy. Igm ninety-five your: old, but why do you uh I" The little fellow, with I“ unimportant.» of; Napoleon replieJ: . . “We‘n, it‘sppears to me you as ”marku bly small of your age." ' Said and Dona-Once upon a time. on a Sunday afternoon, a lad was so hay in his motions that he did not get to tho church door till the congregation were coming out and he aid 50 the first mun he mop “ Wham is its]! done!” ’ “No,” said the man, "it’s 1“ “id, but I’m thinking it will be I long‘time before it will be done." ’ fi'Alwayu fight. till you die-alter doing it. five or six. “gazes Ma jun. u any at any thing else. * ’ " . ,____,___.. - o———‘—- wxhdnu in Q hum. am ‘o‘“ i. dumb smm can mdontan¢ » BEWARD AND SECRET SOCIETIES Perhaps it will Mtonish the members of our secret Union Leagups to héar what Mr. Win. 11. Seward said of secret societies in his place in the U. S Senawin 1855. His remarks cover thP wholeground,nnd though othrr and better him have said flint. hesays u forciblyand well. the honnsHeslimony of l politian Opponent. is valuable. flare is Seward in 1855 ’ "Sm-rel. snciéiea, air .’»——B.'fore I would place my hands betwepn the hands of othen men. in a t Lodge, Order. Class. or Coun cil, and b iding my knee before tliem,-en ter into ny combination with thenifor any object. pmmnal or painful/.9015! a: bad, I would rpmyl God that that hand and that. knob mig t be paralyzed, and that. [might be; co 6 an object, of pity. Ind mien of the n ckery of my, fellow men. ’Sun'ar. sir T-—« , a mam. an American citizen. 3 christian. “your to submit myself to the guidmme and discretion of other men, surrendering my own judgment and ‘my own ctmscience to their keeping? No. sir. no ‘l’ If Mr. Sew‘nrd should repeat. this liitleex -7 tract'from one ofhis speeches deliverqd on ily eight [short yenrrngo, he‘would be de lnounced by our Lnynl Lenguurs as a “Cop -1 perlicad" oi the first class. 51,, ~ x A I'uluafile Rc‘CetpL—[n thorflfemnt'rs of 6mm! Segur (vol. 1, p," 168.) there ls the fol lowingnnecdote: "My mother (the Coun ess (ll! Segur.) being inked by Voltaire re specting her health, told him’ that the most painful feeling she had arn-m from the de-, cay of her stomachfand the ilifiieulty of find ing any kind of aliment that it could bear. Voltaire. by way of consolation, msuredfien that he was once for nearly a your, inthe“ same state. and believed to be incurable; but that. nevertheless. a very aimplareme. dy had restored him. It consisted in tn. ‘ king no other nourishment than the yolks of eggs, bested up with the flour of potti tnes and water." Though this circum stance took place as far back as fifty years ago. and respected so extraordinary a per sonage as Voltaire, it is astonishing how little it is known, and how rarely the rem- ‘ edy has been practiced. Its efficacy. how 'ever. in ‘cms of.<lebility, cannot be ques tioned, and the following is the mode of preparing tliis valuable article of food, as ; recommvnde-l by Sir John Sinclair: Re ceiptulirnt up gm egg in a bowl, and then ‘ add six table spoomt’ul of cold water mix- l ing the whole well together; then add two, mhle'etmomful o! the tarimt 0t Fourteen, to be mixed thoroughly with the i uor in the bowl. Then pour in as much kiling water as will convert the whole into jelly, and mix it well. It. may be taken either alone or with the addition of a little milk, and moist and best auger. not only for breakfast. but in was of great atonmchic dehility, or in consumptive disorders, attlio other fllPill’S. The dish' is light, easily'di geuted.‘extremely wholesome and nourish ing. Bread oi- biecmt'mny be taken with it, u the stomach getq stronger. 1 ‘ Lorenzo Dow.— timous Loréuzo win Moutville, r wiH: She givefi 003) to the town one of bliilding specified [Slaces puhhé meetiuz. ‘ gift, and (ha law. _ “77¢: Er/rfln: Men Who Brought on the W 717 are not lighting «'1: B4:tlcs.”—-Ganerul Rose crans, in his @cechbel'ore the Cincinnati Chumbervof Commvrce. said: "Converse with a rebel and he will tell you frankly ‘llfmt he is sorry the war was begun. They Wlll tell you as their Geh. Adams said. “I notice that the extreme men who brought on the war are not fighting its battles. 'l‘he'plantara and the people on the border hgve only noted with reference to the protection of their property. I she that the bearhlood of the country .is being shed in a war tliit the victim did not bring about.’ "‘ A ;‘ What the vael (inneralmid is a: true of the North as oflhe South. “The host blood of the country; is being shed in it “far that the victimi did not bring gamut." The Se cossionista of the South Were like the Aho litioqists ofthe .\orth, protenginnal agitators, whose strength lay in their tonguesu Thus far these men have held back und refused to serve in the field. At the North. we have aohance in the coming draft of forcing "the Abolitionists to take arms in the war they ware so busy-in bringing ahbut. If this is looked to in every locality, the blood ofbettcr men will be sparedn-Albaf 7'! Am!- _ ' Bea-._.Not. long beer saloon was |elling intoxica 'hen be attemp everuge was not who had lmply called one utter lGormnn named md the question beer intoxica- The New Guspr? qf the War Drpartmenl..— Yl‘hhu shalt hate ertge B. Meat-Han with Jill thy__heurt, and with ill thy soul. and with aU thy mind. This is the! first and rent commandment, and the second is‘like to it. ‘ ‘\ hOu shalt hate Horitio Seymour. ‘ ‘ u. .n those Iwo commandments hang all th contracts and all theprgfila. ————'r--- W EA old chelor geologist was 015?!!! boasting'l M 'e ery rm kaax ai familiar to him as the ‘ phn c. A lady who wai pres ent clarified It 'lhe knew a rock of which ho was. ignore t: ‘ > . “‘Xame it}. said the Cyclap, in ,a rage. ‘ - V l (‘i‘h is t‘bepock o thee-male," replied the ay. ‘ ' ~ ~ ' ”A ‘Cnnadi-n you ten, :nd a cash' income \ has married a damsel of of tidy/e. Canada is ciona. , ‘ - «‘——~ -« «.cw-—'\ QM Richmond good whisx $5,000 auburn), rebe‘. money. -r articl. (an "be hsd for 32;» E:- of good brandy comljmnd- fivfl i fi-"The Constitution and the Union T .I place them wgether. If fihey stand. the) us! stand together; if they In”, they ust an together.”-DAmn Was-tn. I, fl-It bu been thought that people no regenerating, became thoy don't live u longs: in the day- of Methmluh. But nopody can nfl'ord to live long". current noes“ 1 S‘Never retire n‘t night, without being wiser than when you rune In the morning, by having leaned numbing useful. during yhe day. ' .. 3.1!: clergyman winh'u to destroy his finfulne- u I chriuinn minister. that. in o lurer my than to enwr the non- of 30rdun ”lilies. ‘1 3WO us never iatisfied tbnt a lady dndontand: n kin union we have it. from Her own mouth. ‘ . . fi-‘Say. Pomp, you nigger, fibers you , d» new has! 2’ - , , ‘Why It do shop, ob coum.’ ‘Vg‘hgt in gio price qb inch an article a: t K . . ‘ldoa't bu, nifig'u-I dan’t know —do opkupk-‘fltn't Ir.‘ TWO DOLLARS A-YEIAR. .Ncl_ 12_ n of fourteen with; a r 84 per month. ‘ ‘ e mature age “in; pre‘po r‘ is sells. at inleri 'K . A ‘v dolol .1. J •N• emu. [BAD]. ~ Therei- grent roeson blur th’st emu: ' find. is to be relieved olhis eommsnd.- V- For some weeks beck the Rediosl {oper- of the West have been clamoring fof ll remo- , ‘ nl. end‘the iniiure of the hut movement .‘ eupplieo egrekxt. ot Whlch the Adminis- , trstwn-‘u ouhtleu very willing to null , , itself. It will be quite in keepingmitb the. character of the War Department, should d .theu surminee be correct. to renort tn eve-r 7 ‘ devioe to blacken theqood name offienenl Nude, and whatnot It mny'unlt Mn; Btsn- ' ton to do, we may be sure that the Abolition - fl organs and the Loyal Leagues, with tlnéir a usual nuty'syoophancy. will rapttirously .pplmd; but it‘ it be fated that. th. mditw. ) ry career ol General Meade is not to end, » he hes made a reeoul for himself which no .- .' l malignity nor calamny can ever destrov.——. ‘ ‘ From the fintdny that he became oonneot- f ed with the Army of the Potomeo, he has, , done his duty. es n eoldier.’ Others might _ ’be It homejunketing and feuting—griting - . letters and making speeches—but xeept» when disabled by wounds received on tha‘ ' 4‘ field of battle, General Meade was never . nix-em. from his post to: a single day. {Whntoyer ho had to do Wm done prompt-- ’,. ‘ ,ly and _well; so (bill. by slow steps, lull. ‘ . .- lsure, he advanced fiom one Yositinn to lenother. _until. withmit politicn infloenco- . ' lor intrigue—without any sounlln ‘ ‘ ol‘hii ‘ lawn: praise: “or nny disyarngomfi ol'vhin - . , fellows. but by the urgent and nnnimous request of his brother commenderl~ho was ‘ placed at. the head of the army. Gillie ldiflicultim which he then ovorcamc, it is ‘ lidle to expect that men like those firm in nlfice should retain nny recollection; but although. in‘ leer than six manthm they.» . , ‘seem to have l'orgnttl-n how he took ‘our, ,l" weary. disheartened iii-my from the hands - ' oftts incompetent commander. and march ed i! to zjotory, on the field oluettysbnrn. ', . , the fact still remuinlu. and a grateful people ,L‘ «will never forget it. it luv; not been un- ' ’ lnoticed that neiihar at Washington nor at v. ' - Gettysburg itsoll‘uneithcr from President , no: General-m-Chigl‘, nor lrom Boston om tor—could there (iscnpe one word of gener- ' vous recognition: : but this Maui? ignorlnc, ‘' ' lol’ General Man'de’e service. has 9300th it-, ‘ Ineli', and ehmllil _he now Im removed from lhis command, itswill he nnflersmud lhnt the . change iii not nmde‘ because of any short- _ coming‘i; on his punt, nor on necountof any . untitnese for the position. but simply’ be- ' come he is too high-minded and too indo penrlent to he film]? to inlswer the partisan ‘' ' purmeu of the Allministrutinn. The fall (campaign, it in true. ll)“ been comparative llr n fruition“ one, but it has not. hz'ul its _ [ Frederjckshurgp.'mrl every mm ii remly to lholieve that if‘ Gl-nm'nl Meade has uccotn‘ ' ~ plishrd but little, it. is, because tie had not , . t the mean» ut his disposal to do more; nor , .Iqu it been. among sensible people, any ‘ thing but u mutter for congratulation, that , ‘ the army was in thedmnds one hold enough ,_* '~‘ to‘ta'ke the reapunsibility of ordering a. re : treat, without ntrikingfn. blow, when com > J vinced that uhattlewaul-i accomplizh trod», - in'g.‘ So far, therefore. from the In t ordse- ‘. ingjnml re Crosbing of the Retdderl' having. ngtkened the general confidence in hiim . , the decision with which General Meade lclmnged his plans. enrl- the indifihrenco . - ' Whicthn exhibited towards the expecta -1 tions ol the public. are looked upon as in- ' dicatinne that he manages his campaigns . 'nnd fights his battles, as “he should ‘do, no coiding to= his own notions, and without any reference to the dictation of Wnshing— J; " tan or the strategy of the New York‘ 751‘} ,l - ‘ Lune. It is ruch‘~ a commander that in warm '1 ted over the army of the Potnmuc; but General Meade hns never written Hatters for Senator \Vilsp‘n to rend at the Decade I: .anniversary of the, Anti-Slavery Society—7 ’ he refused tomuke electioneering speeches ! l for Governor Gurtinr—nnd when words were ’ i put into his mouth which he had never ut— . ‘ tered, he permitted the forgery to be expo- . l neg} without mnkingnn ell‘ort to rescue the Y reputation of Mr, Lincoln’sintimatelriends.‘ if ' Thus over-weighted, no achievements ‘ in the field could save him, and his banish ‘ ment has been from the first but. a question‘ ' ’of time. A single~minded gentlemen, I, » / thorough ioldier, and sincere patriot. is not, [the sort of person to~suitithe Washington . authorities; and the recent‘movements on' . ‘the Rapidmraimply furnish an excuse to ' ' ~ do that which was already resolved on‘yai t ion ago, Its tho‘d‘ny when apt-easing danger monivlled them to' unwillingly accept _ deliverance at his bootleg—Philadelphia" Aye. -‘ > - . 36-h a Ismael) at Gettysburg, Fo9ney, thnt. is. the og. said. “I hue been aDou-P glass Democm. butl believe that Dough-1 died at the right time." There is n cod reason why Forney is glad that, Dougfu is dand—HJncoln is no dqubt, glad of it—nnd so is the whoie put-Av, er if Mr, Dougie; were living: there would be a peace lcnd‘ who would make a very sudden end of 7 war. 'lntK-ed if Mr. Douglas had‘nut r‘ . at thr?time he did. We shoul‘L never Lu * Imd t. lis war. ‘Thm. is the reaaon why Fm ney rejoices tlmbhe in dead; Fémey w... u Dough-s man,.iu~.t as heis ,everybody’u I: an whom he thinks may some day have pntro~ nnge and power to dispense. He ma a Buchanan man Until Buahnnnn ,ngck‘ed him off. His name should be Applied Fm:- my, an I ha is We“ named “ma dog.”-Al. lmtownlDemocrul. ‘ ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ Trailar’: Reward—Last yanr . NPW York Assembly was lint. mu party‘huing that w: menumbor of member‘. 'foaecute control the Republicans bought. up a Democratic mgmheg, one thlicot, paying him $l2OO in cash and making him Syenker. This year thin Callimt, mm a. qandi ate for re~eleotion and had the active‘ support of the Tribuno and Times. and Greetey mg; the dump fox: him. The dismal: cut 5,294 voten, nnd Callioot, got 224 of them! Why»: withen ing rebuke, nnt. only to a traitor, but. to his purchasers also. . . * ’ 3 Ilaw Simon E:rapt«l.—~-The Abolition sheeu'pnmde with n. show of exullntion, i that the suits hrougbl Il‘tinfl Simon Cune -1 ton for illegal arrest and false imprisonment by'cl-naiu citizens oi )Inryland were with drama by the prosecutoxs. This in all true but the” editors take goodxcare to ignore the fact that the mils were not. witbdriwn until Simnn'l counsel. in open court on helmlfof their client. declared that it was ‘ not by his (Cameron's) ordcro‘ the prosecu tors were nrruted and imprisoned. ”Qt: this uglmisuion the plainzitl‘s declined to‘prou cute. ' \ , ‘ ' la‘The WubingtEn correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette snye: . . " The President clings to “mock, how ever, with more tenacity than ever. ‘Do you km,’ said one to him, the other" 2:5,. {that the man you are keeping an Gen . in-Chief, in univumnlly executed by the ya] people? ‘Wun. I guess unit’- about I: ’ Ilid the President. ‘1 don”. know thn he : many friends, and so 1 think that I, man who has no friend! mods to bo taken. { core of] ’L ‘ i l fi’l‘he fuel question bu been nohodin. 'anesota by the di-mw-ry of immense beds or pet“ near 8:. Paul. It in laid. to burnt-a we” in . gruie‘u coal, gem be fig-nighw for from two to Hate. (tom, 100 - _ ’ 3A My with an immune aginolhn kn 0d over an untonumu gentldunn {a Londgn by a flush sweep of her skim ”His hmd ntruck the curbdonen 1114111? {book was so severe that he died in I shat tune. - ‘ '7 ' w~~4filW‘-~M—C‘ ' - .. To be Ramon—omm" .55an withing-i leave herealler. will be reduced cotho nnh_ Lo serve for three year: or during lb. wat'.’ - '” #———‘ «Mbw—ar—a .' ‘ , ”Ahnranguein ParliamentorConrna in {nor of'dedarirg war may be cal 09,1 war-unis ‘ » ‘ f jerk a. not» m: up Wl9 my, youth=thfl it is to hq gum “1593”,. 1’ OM GI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers