E P. F _f3‘m‘l ‘8: @énmfll Vagina I'm: can t ~~ ‘3‘!“ in“. me o! u-ithing ‘3 lamp ' ‘ if,” mu intend {o mum? . Wm; ii'fhp r_ne of grappling n wrong ‘: / ”you _neyrr imeqd to right it? ,yfi'hm in the use at removini}: but - jg yqu_do not intend to uni} ! , ' ”'Whatin (he use 9r yootng I In'“! } '. If yu‘u'hevet intend to mun-y?! ‘ Whui the and buying a count. _ K If 101 l non-'1- intend lo war it 7 .31.» i! the use of a house {or No - .1! ‘yfim no": image! to win}: it"! . Why: i: the mega! imihering gold _ my“ nevq intend lo keepj m Wm is the nine or planting idfield I! you never futon (17 to reap u 'I 1 Nb“ II the uses! fixing I book A “van nefer lntgn. 4.0 read it? Why. lathe use at n‘crid-le m "”15. ‘ "It 103”"? intenrl to nud il.? BiRTHDA, YS. The birthday. especially (9 young pople. » (a u very "important day.” To thou who ' hay. grown up. npd nlrepd‘y formed their fichwlem, {or good or ei'il, it is of 12;. con ,ngqnom‘ex'oegt to remind them thug than ‘ '.ro‘o'ne ynr_nnrer, death and, the_'judg ‘ m’om.’ But to the boys end girlt, 11 your ' .oflén inroddces great chnngm. in size Ind ) £3lm", in thought, feeling, knodedgé ppd principle. Life-is a grout. highway or unread, and theso'bixlhdays are the mile nlonen upon "it. They seem {nr;lpnrt n 0 first, n (he milenlones do when ‘t’hq’ cars first. begin to muve; 'ns the speed incl-baa“. ‘ -r . » ; J V . ”they new more and more frequenf,f So It is with the you”, as they grow up ; g'uicker _‘ynd qdicker they fly. il Hie lustficomes ‘uhonelt and swil‘lest of a”. 3like", little friends, you for whonfrth'ese _ mite gtqnes n‘re yet fur figundér, be flag-suit: ‘cléd lo lum‘thdha lo wiéflaccount. fAHow Ish‘an to be ntopping-plncen, w‘here to in fiquim if you are in the right, 'the safeflthe‘ :33eulrond1lvto ask whence you came, and filfilher yéu are .bound, how far you Save -' advancefiand what you [Tr—o9o39 to accpm: --;-liah by uh» journey pf life. ‘ Look for,- .‘uf§rd, look backwnnl nmLicsolve—l'or you' [age not too _youm'; if you ran mm and“ think—resolve that. y'ou will walk in no )fiitu but that of tleuct, thn‘ wise. q”; vir-i ,tufiua, which shindth brighter and brighter} unto the perfect day: uni! that, each birthi 'llay “mill-find you further upjthal road ”‘ yhich leads to hurfpinpss and beavena ‘ - -'l'hua, let the birthday. whether spout‘ ' in innocent foaiivilj or in the: quiet. found i ohordihuy’ducy, he the’beél. day Oran the _.yur; hécauseit gives aquickoning impulsé 10 every‘ good resoluiion and virtuous pur‘ p'osemSO‘rlah‘all yuu gravy. up like‘ young \. “Samuel. "in favor poll: with the Lord‘and All“) with med.” ; ‘ - I fllfodiacrity is a film“ that bearsbut pqe figmex—envy. ' , Vl}. is fu- eusier to see email faults than prge whim-5.. - ' , ' . . _ #Bl9 who can compnae n'crocs baby is Wet than aheavlm can compose bo'oks. 311%? sub 7! no warm for Shining on muck, and ihe muck no better lor'bcing phone on." ‘ V filfyog jet ynur Imm be sehred with daily lies, your vjery out?“ will tighteh around it. c v Show is thulterfly that shakes dust rfrom hin‘wings in'to the'eyes’ of his vota: xiei. ” ’ ‘ ’b’Cide‘r becbmes spur by working; men's mi'nds get. so by not working. - ‘When a man who has been. r‘ich fiqdi himsplf compenml to break, his fiends are, npt to break thhAhim. ”Beauty hasim privileges; awoman .Ivhé has plainness of face must, nog expecuo be indulged in [the luxury of pljljxmesa of fpeech'. ‘ , , N.‘ A . - fi'l’h‘e moet cheerful and soothingof all fireside melodies ax‘re the bleeding_ tones a ‘of a ctichet, .“ teh‘ kettle, and a loving ) wife. . _' . 7 ‘ pA woman'is no't fit Urban :1 hnh‘y who doesn’t know how to hold it; end this . ism: mm 093 tonguena of a baby. ' . fi'l‘hero are worse serpents than those I {haflcgawl in the grass, and they deserve “ .io lose their skim twice uofbeh.‘ , i ‘2‘ 3‘5: the true gentleman é'w‘ill gppear. eye}; ii figs. :2) true- genius will shine out. ‘ 91911 through‘ the coafisest style. , ‘ freeway. like other bullies, is formi dable only to those who show that they Ire Pirate! om- ' . S'ijether discretion is or is not “the ‘ better wt". of valor‘” it is more cert-in yhflnt diffideure'e is the better pertof knowl. I hedg.‘ . ‘l'. 2 vfl‘A_'mnn may be 61-] and young alter. 1 ~ pately twenty titnella day, as bright and pheerful thoughts uukLand and despondent ‘ odes succeed each other in his mind. ~ ‘ el3l}; _soundesc argumenc produces no pore conyiction in, In empty head than the moat. superfipial‘deckmation; as a feath ef'nnd aguinea {a}! with equal vélocily in ', plenum) } . ‘ up . , __ ~ "d“ . #80:» any Ipirits are seized with a (whiting about. .their funded hopespf fu tfure happinmflust us‘ timid deimsilors~ sud now holders are som‘etilhes smitten with q panic and rush to the bank: and (hr =mq-ypeir depot“... >- 1 , a“ old ‘lady said her husband wni iiy‘i‘oid of peaches, ind that v'rhs‘tbe qn -I‘33“:qu had. . ‘ ’ “Fsult.’fidlm!" aid one; “how can fooéflflutnfnnin” . ? ‘ ‘" 'sYhy.-,bec.ause them are dlifl'oron! lel ”45! khihg the- sir. My husband takes ‘fghemifi the To J. utibnindy.” ‘4 Card in the Sufl‘ering. ' ‘ ‘ Kitchen Wuun Cosanon, while lnboring gt.) Biuio'naj-y in Japan, was cured lof Con- Ju‘l‘npfionhg-v he‘n all other means had ruled, by 79*!” "Inlay! l'rgm Ix lcurned physician re.‘ .ud'ing in ma great my at Jeddo. Thinecipe _ @34er great numbers “2’20 were fingering ;: 'Cohanmptiog, Bronchitis: Sore Throat, x [ms 139 Cplge. and the fiebihly and nervoun A Q ’ul'on calmed by these ulisordus. , f Egret" of penelitung others, I will and .flfinpgg' e, whléh l hnie’brongt lgogne mm “”31. s‘; p 319 negd is, lice of chime. _ 3., ,aaggu' Rev. mm CUSGRUVE, Z” "‘ ' "‘ . 1 439 Fulton Avenue. ”31345, lac): ly ' Brooklyn, N. Y. hum. _ aminogmént. [s2s! ‘ ¥TS‘_wastn'Hwe rm w m . 0 ER :rwnmhsnflifluvv‘ww 19.- __ or flat oomnhfion‘.‘ Putin.- 'fic:‘:mrcu-xufl-Jlma ll u ‘ ,h. @lB5B, Guam ”New. {sll, 319:?” : gmylwea 3r Sciaénék‘s Pulmbmo Sym'p ' ~§ ‘ mu. cu: “-1 "‘ “2 mNsUMP'mm. *' SCHEXKSK'S rcwofixc-xsmw _ mu. cumx \ ~ gcoSsuMPTLoN. ' . SCHENICK’S vuwoma- sx'nti» . mu. cc" _ ‘ ooxsvup'rxox; r ——w . BCHERB‘IS'S PULMONLC‘SYBUP ‘ mu. cunt. .‘- . g " CONSUMPTION. -‘ SCIjI’ENCK'S SEA WEED ~Toxm um. ccu DYSPEPS! A»; “ rSCHESCK'S SEA WEED TONIC V! BL Cull DYSPE?SIA. 1 #1 SCHENCK'SLSEki'WI-ZED TONIC " mu. gun‘s ~ ' '_ ‘ DYSPEPSIA. ‘ '_ ' scnuxcxs SEA WEED'TOXIC CLIME] jYSPEPSIA. . \ sanxc 's uhsnmxz mus mu. can LIVER COMPLAI NTS‘. scasxcx's MANDRARE gins , mu. can ‘1 LIVER COMPLAINTS.’ , sca‘mgz‘s Myriam: mus mu. ccn: LIVER. 03M PLAINTS SCHENCK’S MANDRAK£ PILLS ,’ mu. can; g ' LIVER‘ COMPLAISTS DR.'J. n. scnnxcx m" a. Large Suit oi >Ruoml at $O. 32 B_Q.\'D Sl‘BEl-JT,.\'EW YO3K, where he can be lound every Tuesday from 9 A. I. to '3 1:. il.; andzat 39 Bionh Bib/Tureet, Philadelphia, every Saturday. ; ; l ‘ -‘ He kgepu a large supply of medicines at his: 2 Howard House, rooms. ghich cnn be lmd at nll film‘s. .Tbosg A L T x .\x O R g . ' wishing “Nice Ofmeillninl"lion 0‘ ”‘0 Lu"!!! B The undersigned has the pleasure of an- Wm ‘lO 'WL'“ '0 9““ on 11"“ "3 above. He nounuing to his lriemls,nud thepuhlin-gfiueml makes no charge fur “Vice. but for“ thorough ‘ly.thm he tms umursxgnrms Exrrzxswn examination with the Reapiwmelenhis Price in“) FAVORITE MOTEL, und nelicits the "i! 33- ' ’ . ‘. 1 . ishnre ofpatmnnge which its h‘iglzlylfiu‘omhle Many persons ”'3 me'd ‘0 have ”"3" lungs lucrlion and his pil‘urts to please mus-floaer\‘e._ examined by Dr. Schenck, for [elll’ HIE): “I“ I _ aniug.bcen engaged {or mnn'v years in on”. 5" {3lml} thUka'. “N by 1h“ means it ‘5 PM ducting popular Hotels in Pennsyli‘nnm, Vir 03‘ until :le is “)0 lfl-‘Wf‘ ng_ much bet!" it giniu and this city, he feels msurwl at being W 011” 5,9 to know the” condltzon “ on“: [5 .üble. with the aid of his Comm-(fut Assistants, 1)! übumllnce 0" Hillel-IN. Dr. S. It“ slmwn to meet all ‘just expectations at m» try’elir'vg gufliciept certificates in this ('lly thituhu has. gommunity in mmmgfiig the lJuivpnl Hummin cu’red advanced Stages of Consnmpfion‘. ‘ ‘n shlc'Furpussx-nl ln m) [lplcl of its clus: in the Dr. Schcqck's Principal Ollice i§ («:1 Sorth ' cog'r'ilrv. ' ISIXTH Street, Philadelphia, l’u.,wl‘lere.louers Ta“,SLLGM'Ugmn~storain..n., $1.55 ll" 0,“, {or Rdlit‘t: should always be dgracted. l‘ u Lam”! A.’ u ' 2.00. h.' Price of (he l’ULMoxlc Si’acr‘nndfin Wmtm , Rospoctfullv, . TOMC each $1 per boltle or f?) the hulfdozen. " V ’ WM. 0 ltléA3lEn Prourielor. )hsmuxe Plus. 25 cents pe box. ‘ Baltimore. April 20,1363. 6:11 ‘ ‘ For inle by nll Druggists mid Storekeepers . 1‘ ‘ Stpt. 7, 1863. lm _ , K ‘ Change 0t: Time. ~ “‘ "'3' _’" ‘7'“ ‘l‘" dA" - HE following islu n‘elrednl'e of the running Sahsbury ‘BI‘OS. &. co" ‘IT of the trains/'on the Ge‘tlyshurg Ralilrozul 0. 37 DORRANCE STREET. Mid ‘ ~ _ The FIRST TIL-UN leaves Gettysburg nt 8 67 \VIiYBOSSaET STREET, ‘A. .\l., with pnnv-nger-z for York. Harrisburg, , PROVJDENGE, R. I‘ z .'Philhdelphfin. '9an the North and We“. All- Proprietors of one ofythe most. eXensive JEW- RIVES M (lu‘ysburz nyl l‘. M..'wixh passen- ELRY MANUFACTURIES innjgthe Eastern [zen from tho:e‘pnints,and nlso frnm llnltimose Stones, 1191' in call the nnentio of the ,éom- ~and \l'nshington. Passengers leaving; Wash munity genernllr ,to the \‘erx SIiRPR3BIXG 'ington 3116.30 A. .\l.. uml Baltimore“? 1‘?) .-\. SHEA? RATE ni‘hvhith lhoy nu: nfleringlhuir.i\l., arrive lly Ihis [ruin M. Getlyshfirg at. l nods. far Slil‘pflsslllg‘ boll: Foreign and Du- l o‘L-lnék, P. .\l. - mastic .\lauui‘uctuics in point of elegance and l The SECUND TRAIN lenves Gellyslmrg n! "ll dumbllilyl V, ck l 1.101“. .\l., wnh pnwengers fur lhllimnre auil , ~33: ' anallinutun. ‘l’nseen-‘n-rs arrive in Buliinxurc ‘ FOR “STANCE: IM. 5.30 l’. “I. Lvme Baltimore nt 8 l‘. y. nml For l-‘lrrnss' Dour’ns, \Vc‘vfiH'Wfil'd. nih-ly urrlve i’n \Vnshinclun n: In l’. M”, l’nnsongers cnrdednml picked in good order. the folk-Whig ‘ inn also go 10 Ymk un-l Hnrfisburg by [he enormous quantity of Jexvelry,;equ2}l in finial second trnin. Alrire in Harrisburg nt’ 7.3!) l’. togmy Plated Gnlulfand not to” be recognizer}? .\i AlljllViJS at. Ueity’shurg nt. .'..30 P. XL, frbm Golrl only hythe trying of acids: . érwith passenhrrs from lllr‘risburg, Philadelphia g-l Set Enamel Vest Chains; 2 Plain Floren- and? the Korthiuxid We“. ' tine Pins; 4 Ear Ring tainfilch; ZTwist-Wire} Wl‘assenyrs can. lnu'e Philadelphia by Pins;l4 Ear Rings’tuiutch; 2 Plain Pins; 4 "In!" of Bnlémore at 4 A. 3L, and nrnvo in Far Rings to’mntéh‘; 2 Ladies’ Rin'"; Douhleé Gettysburg‘nt l l’. .\l. ()r leme at 7.30 .\. .\l., Heart and a variety of p'atterns ; éoiihnion Em- ', by the Penna} lrnnia Central m l’lulmlrlphin blows; 50 Scarfpins,Pla,|iu inn) lmitfltipnCnral; land Reading Railroad, and arrive in (ion) 5- 2 Double-Glass Lockets, engEe-tnried ; 6 89: hung at. 5.30'1’. M: 11. .\lcClSlllH', ~ and Glass Pins for p’oncnit orrlnrlr‘E'lz assort- } may 11, 15133. ' ' Pleblllfnl‘ ed Locketslfienrt and Shell Charms,and GBand ’ ~~ ~-—~ —‘—- , -' ~ _._,- - ~— --- Bracelels;—all for Fifteen Dollars. #A collec- Vtio‘n oflhis kind, when placed in the hands of any one of ordinary intelligencomugliuo retail iqr at. least. Ont- Hundred l‘nllarsl i ' Cnlnlognes, containing full infnrmn'ion and Prices of Goods, can/he obtained upnn appli patiqn. Ordern by Mail, Teleqraplr‘or Blpl'flal respectfullrsoliciteel. ~ r SALISBL‘IIY BRHS. & 00., ' 37 Dnrrancc 8: 67 We) hovel Sis , June 29, 1853. Providence, R‘. I E. &H. .T; Anthony; ~ ! Axumcnm‘ens or momng.wmc; MATERIALS, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y.— A pimrodmpnsngOur Catalogue now eru bmces considerably ovoi- Four ”lemma! difi‘er entfiiubjects (to which additions :jre continual ly ing‘made) of Portrait: of Eminent Amgfin cans, etc, viz: 72 .\lajor-Genei'nh, 190 "gm Generhls, 259 Colonels, 84 Lieut. Colonels, 7; Other Officers. 60 Navy Oflicerstb S'ntesm I‘, l 2? Dirinca, 116Axnhnrs,30 Argiats,ll2s! ; 46 Prominent Women, 147 Pgomincnt Foifign" Portraits. ‘ 2,900 Cams or Wonu or AM. includin reproductions of the most celcfimled Eng-Jug" ings, Painting, Sthtnes. ac. iCatalogues sent on receipt 0! Stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be fined on raceipt “SLED, and sent by uni]. fr‘eg. ' PHOTOGRAPH“) A‘LBU S. .Of these we mlnulnctun I. g m. Vlriely, ranging in price Iron 50 cent. to‘ 50 each: Our ALBUMS hive the reputation of .being superior In beauty Ind durability to any others. Thomnaller kinda can be sent anfély by mailat I postage of six cents per 07.. 1 The morqexfi‘ensive can be sent by express. ”We also keep n. lnrge assortment of STERESCOPES k STERESCOPIC VIEWS. Qur Catalogue of thtse will by sent to any Id dleca on receipt. of Stump. E. k U. T. ANTHONY, ‘ Hangfacturrn of Photofraphd' Matm’ab, 50f Buuovw, Nrw You." ‘ Friends or n!Mi.es 9f prominem milignry men wxll confer A fnor by sending us their likenesses to copy. They will he kept. careful ly nd Ntdrned uninjurcq. . ' . FINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER {or (‘on gregu 'ons to present to their Punter. ortor oujertfinrposos. with s'uignblc inscriptions, kc. Aug. 2!, 1353. 6m ' . . 5T ' Gaze Us a Call! ODOR k. GILLESPIE have inst received ' 11911; and splendid flock of-Ne- Goods Jr ich die: are selling nu clump as; the‘ time: will allow. Their stuck his beenlqlecudwith are and iq of as good I qualityj‘i we marko‘l will slford. SUGARS, we lmé all kinds, Hard and Son Grnsfied. Pulveriudfii nuhlgd, New Orleans. Pom Rica and Cuba. TEAS, Imperial, Young Hymn-Ind Black Tea. MOo LASSESch Orleans, Pol-tn Rios-nl2 Syrup: lof different kinds. TOBACCUS, to“ suit I“ lovers of the Md, Congress, Spun, Navy, Cavendish, Rough and Ready, Nrtuml Leaf, and Fine Cnts; Smoking Tobngco, 15 different ‘kinds; PIPES, A large Ind line nssonmnnt; |SEGABS or various brands. COAL OIL i L'AMPS and Shades. we have the 'but unort .' men: in theplnu, which we sell lay; also, s iSoJ article of Coal Oil. RAMS, plain lid 1 sugar cured, Shoulders Lad Sides. FLOUR, cf 1 the best qualiryngbiclfluemlfiys gunmmee; ngar-wnre.l‘ulil, Buckets, Water Cans, kc. iflh also keep lSo‘Jous. Confections, Frnm, I Fish, b 31112 smsll a: b} xhe barrel. Snlt,Spicea, ,Chocolui, Sun-ch. Blanking, lndigo, Candlu; Soul, Cnrryflombs and Cards, 3 llxrge assuri mem u: Brushes. Bush-ts, Ropps, Cords, Qrack cry-burgh; 01w: us A UALLI in.- 'Getlynhnrg, Hay 11, 1863. x - ‘3‘!" " Pickmg’ . V AS nmsww ms . A . ‘ H spnlxmmsuumm CLOTKIIG com: 033;), can; ALL. , In WW- W - ; 3‘ " OLLOCK‘S pzmy—qu WW hm biking pnwdeg i.“ “a...” Dr. R . Ngß'S Drug _Sgoyg. " . ’ r' Hardware RD GROCERT’BS.— ' r A The‘why-riaers PM: Joe: returned from 1 2 cities with an Immnn supply of HARD wum Am 0110039433, which they m ofl'et’mg I} their old stand In Baltimore ym-ez, I: price; mum the than. Our stock con-inn in part of V, ' BUILDING MATRRIAfiS, ._x CARPENTER’S TOOLS, _ z - umcxsmrn's TOOLS. " ‘ 3‘ COACH FINDINGS, 81103 FINMNGS,~ ‘ ' CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS. , ’ ‘ . HOUSEXEEPER'S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, tO, - Gnocsmts or ALL KINDS, bib, mea. «kn; ta. There 9no ankle in cludtd in m ‘uvcral depl um mentioned nboyfibm that an be dlt flail Store.~—. Every 0)”! of—Héflmr‘aica nbe ntcom-odnted hcrgwilh tools um; fin nus. and Housekeep u-s c'up mid every ~n cle in their line. -_Gire‘ us (call, as we‘ve reputed w'nll u low fcr push umy other ouu out oflhe city. ' ‘ JOEL B. BANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. MI .June 9, 1882 C: ' _._ . :1 , ¥ A'I'IONAE~ (JOMMERCKKL COLLEGES Loqnlu at . ‘ PHILADELPHIA, S, E. con. hit an Cuxucr I's. Nchorkpity,Broqklyn.Albany,Tr ,Bufialo, Detroit, Clevelandv Chicago and St. Louis. Bookkeeping, -Pcuman'ship, (‘ux menial Arithmetic, Commercial Law. Forms, Cones qndence .tuu practically mugm. Then- Colieges being under the same general nlhd lucal munngemem, undvalina in‘em'h the advantages oj’ all, ud'er preutL-r {mimics (or lmpnl’linz intractiun than any other azmilur inemulinns in me countfy. ‘ -. ‘ A SChD‘xlehlp iSSut‘d by any onen'iagoodin all for an unlimited lime. y \“‘~ ‘ The Phihdelphiu Oglloge has been reéently enlarged and rciurnished in a superior mlnne‘r, and in now the-largest unfl most prospcm'ut Commercial Institution in the Slate. " Bryant p; Strauon'n series 01 Ten Books, embracirg Body-keeping, Commerciyl Arith metic, and on’nrnerc'xul Law, for stile, uud sent by mail. ' ‘ ' [ErF'or full particulars send for l circulbr. Oct. 20, 1862. 1y r To Disabled Soldiers, ‘QEAMEN AND MARINES. .~\\'l) “'IDUWS, 3‘» 0R OTHER HEIRS HF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED UR BEEN KILLED IS THE SER VICE—7O3,“. (‘ TUCKER. Attorney for ('laims ams, Bounty Land and Pensioy Ag’ont, Wash _ingtou City. D. (‘.—l‘ension'§‘procnrcd mr Sn]- ‘ (5301'5, Seaman and Mari?“ of the present war, thB disnfilal by regsnn‘f wounds receued Iu {éi‘nse ‘cnntmcted while In ser\'iv(-’,nnd Pen ‘sions. Bunnty Money Ind Arrears of Pay obi mined for \ridows or other heirs of those who have died q:- hoen kille‘d while in senico. , ‘ Bnunty Land procured for sen'ix'oslin any 01 the olbcr “an. » Cll.-\S.C.TI‘(‘K‘ER, . Wnnhl'néton, D. C. J. C. Nun; Agent, Gettysburg.“ ’ TNov. 18,186+; ' . . ' ; f Come to the Fm}! " «ND DON'TFORGETTO VISIT PLEASANT; _...-a, .-_... ,‘_h, ‘ L , JUDGE- SUI!SERIES.——Pe?sons “gisbing' , Hay Wanted ! ‘ Will‘i’lant Tr‘ees “4”! find 1h- stock in the ground ‘ . ‘ ’..c ’ r - ‘: remmkahly tint, and mfbred sit reduced pricessj Tflgli::d§r;!€neqlf}:: fizrtgléufnffelto'}:ifz ‘zmhfig‘plerxgsfifilloo "riches, embmcmgl paid. in'c,.sh_ for primg Timmhy “er; deliver'ed N. Eigee the in-lét honrvlv'menr Flora one (11‘: "'5 £"“"Smg_ eSlnl)ll§bment In getfysburg.— Pust office. TIE. com: A: son's. “'ly“’"l“i““°“'d”’“'d'w 'a ‘ . Sept. 2. lB6‘l. , I'rvlpnqlon. , A -' ' ' 11' "s3l?”er ‘ . Town; Property . , , T PRIVATE SALE:—-The undersigned of- A' {erg at Private Sal's; the Property ”(Mm-b he now i-osidés, situpte in Fun-t )lidd e street; Gettysfiurg, “joining S. R. Tithn 99):“ west and Mrs: McElroy on the engu, wnlgjnn’ ,1; alley in' the.rear. THE HOUSIH§ 3R3: lib-story Frame, Wankel-boar d, with Back-building", a well of way‘tvilh a pump in iv“. the door; and n uric}. of fruit, such as apfilesypeura, peaches, apricots, cherries, and 'snpes',nll the-mast choice. ‘ - . ‘ ZACHARIAII MYERS. Nov. m, 1860. if , 4/; New Bakery-1 . NEWTORT ,E ZIEGLER, .\lqcbunicnl Bak ers, fianlh’Wushhfion stréel, hnH sqnaro from llw Err/fie Hotel‘, GET'I‘Y‘BURG. Pa.— Consm‘mly qn hand, lbé best a! BREAD. CI!ACKP}}IS,‘C;\KES, PRETZELS. kc. l'er sons wishing fresh Bread will be served ev‘ery morning. byJeanng their name; and residences at the Bakery. Every efl‘ort. made to please. Gire as s eh“! [Aprii 20, ’63. ttf Come, One and All! HE lublcriber. lining rpopéned his Sn ‘lnon in the ‘Sozth-east corner (if the Dino mond, invites the'nueutiun of his friends and the lulblic generally, to his excellpnhALE. PORTER, BROWN STOUT, WL‘IE; CHAM PAGNE, TDBACCO,‘SEGARS, am. He hopes, by strict nugntiou to business End a desire l 6 please, L 6 remivc a libég-al share of cumin. _ ~ H. W. CURISMER. Gettysburg, Aug. 24, 1863. If ‘ Old Gold and‘Sflver ‘N? ASTER—The highest price in cash [mid fur old Gold and Silver; thp pnsem is u. favonble time to sell, the ptemium on it being large. “55,6014! and Silver Coin purchased, and the’ highest price givenl ) y JOSEPH navluti,» Whichmaker a Jeweller, iu xhe Diamond. Feb. 23, 1363' 1 Queensware. ' EW FALL & WIXTER GOODS!—A guody 1’ you want mylhinziu the QUEENSWABE N ~mun-uncut.ofl-‘l.” and Winter'Goods u I line calla: A.SOUTT & SUX‘Q, whet-cyan cheap as the cheapgst at ABBOTT a: $O2OB ' wm find the be“ assortment in town. ‘ ______.__.___..__.._____.~.__,_.‘__ ‘ .\larch 24. 1862. ‘ ' LOT of fresh GUM DROPS, the finesc'ei’ex ‘ “w“T—Z—"h'm-r—r A cfi’ured in this-market, to be had u 1):; P 1033115 ' lIURNERTS Dr": SW9: W. , ; AS RECEIVED ms H SPRING up SUMMER momma. com: on, was Ali. _ ‘lfny 18,. 1363. A 4 ‘ , gun's PLANT; lon Burns,” 01d! 1) HomesleiJ 'Fun‘icp a! Dr. R. HORNER'S" brag Store. _ 5 ‘ ‘ [EST-RATE Eight-day, Thirty-hour yd F Alarm Clocks. chap n ”Clem ,w ‘ 113. WISSLOW'SSOOTHLNQSVBHP‘ r M children, w m. n. numeral 4";- _ p c.. , - ' . .x Eureka, Eureka! t . Fancy Fm! . HP. "EXCELSIUR WASHER!" in IC- OHS FARBIRA, 718 ARCH STREET. br- T knOl’iedKQd t'v nil who see it, in he 11,. 1} low Elli, wuth side, PHILADELPHIA, man complete. and without exception, themost ImporterJi-nufncmr- ‘ perfect Lnbnr-saring \Vnihing Machine ever "’Of'lnd Denlvrillll before invented. its superiority over all oth- kinds of FAX C Y ers cdmieu in the simplicity mi durability Fmisi for L““"' Mid ofits conntruction, the rapidity an complete. Children's Wear. i nee: of its warhnnd the almost :nrredihle use with 10 HUI?“ mr with which it i: managed. A child qf ten thunks to my frient‘l years, posse: i g urdinnyrjmigmeht. can learn of Adams and thcsur to work it lg“ minutes time, Ind mung? it rounding counties, for as tell u I grown person. except for \ery their very liberal pa henvy goods. in a word this is'the machine uomsa‘exlended to that is destined to tnke the place at every other me during the lastfew now in use. Persons intending to get I mn- 303 th "Id would my chine will find it greatly to their ld\’tln- to. them that i new tag: in examine this.one before purchasing. I have :11 store, of my The undersigned have pun-chum: lb“ l’liGnttowfl importation and Mnnuhrturc a very.“- ‘llight for Adams County (excepting one town. ‘ tensive naoortmentot all the difi'crent kinds nnd thip) find are making extensive preparations quulitiel of Fancyi-‘urs, for Ladies and Chil for their mnnufnctnre. Erery machine will be dren, that. will be worn during the Fnii'nnd imiltln the best mnnner and warranted. l'rice' Winter unions. 7 $8 00. in conne'ctinn with this nmchine there: 'Beinx the direct importer of all my’i-‘urs is A Patent “'ringer, which performl this in. i from Eurgpe,end having them all Manufactured borious part or washing with the flutes! cue; under my Ol'n snpervision—ennhies me to oti'er 4am! much better than it can be done by hemlftny customers [ind the p‘flhlic A, much band- They may be ntmched to a common Wuh lSinner Set. of Fun tor the same money. Ladies Tub, and no eold with the teaching or nep- picnic give me n cnll before pulchuiiigi—l arately In delired. Samples nf each may be‘ Ween remember the name. number and street. seen at on.- Gallery'; in Enst Yurk Strqet,‘opp‘o-‘ ‘ , ’ JOHN l-‘AILVJIM, - site the Bank, Gettfibhrg, Pu. : v ‘ ‘ ‘ 30: I’m Arch St., Phil-deiphia. ’ 'n'snh‘ nkonnnns. , Sept. 14,1953. 5m _ . ___,__.___ _.4 ___ _,v__.i_,_.--_e June a, 1863. ' New Goods !-«Large Stock! ERCHANT TAILORING. I . RI muons & gnu." .. have just reel-ind from the cities :9 largtatock o! ggmhl for Gentlemen'yw‘eulf, cmbm in; a variuy of ~ . ‘ ‘. moms, ‘> . E CASSHIERES, . i VESTINGS, I V Cnssinets, Jeans, 3:12, with many other gobds for lpring nn‘d glimmer wear. . \ Q ‘ They are pnepared to make up garment at the'lhur‘est' notice. find in the very best n n ner. The Fashions are rPgnlurly reqeived, .nd clothing ma-le i’n 1m)- desin-d st3le,. Thvy il wnys make neat flu, whilstfiheir sewifig i. Anna 10 be substantial. ‘v They n5l: 3| contiuuanéa of the public'n‘ :- lronngel resulvgl by good work' uud‘ moderate‘ charges to earn it. ~ , ‘n Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. . I ~" —i "_ ."‘._"_'—_‘_" . Howard" Assoéxatlon, ; HH.ADELPIIIA.—Fur the Balief offihe P Sick and Distrust-d. alllictéd with Vini lmn and Chrnnin Diseases, and especially for file Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Urgnna. MEDICAL ADVICE givep gratis, by the Act ing Surgeon. ‘ . VALUABLE REPORTS on Spennntorrhmu or) Seminnl kane:s,‘nn~l other [menses pf the Sexunl Organs. und‘ on the XhW mam-:- UIES employ-J iu.lhe Dispcnwlyh sent to the nfili‘cted in scale. letter emolapos, free of rhnrge. Two (ir :lirce Sumps 1w pgemgc \‘vi'l-l be ucccplublc. f .\ddruss, Dr. J:,SK”.I.I.\‘ "(JI‘CHTON'r .-\( [- I‘ngSllzgcun, ”()th‘ Assoriniuu, .\‘u‘. 2 South Ninth Slrpct, I'hilnfiel’uhia, I'4. 7 ‘ f‘Juuc‘ 16, 1.102. M - t‘ The Old? and Rehable. .TEW' SPRING" GOODS." ss.“.an PROFITS J: QL'K‘K SALES-'— ' J. L. SCHIU'K would respectfully say‘ to (He cilmrns of Get &_\‘sh".rgo and \irimly, ‘lqu he is now rcwu‘ing at his sturen cplcmhd . _ . “ . mum» OF EVERY: mmns‘. ‘ The stock 'cnniiun in purl ‘nf Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, ut‘ uer‘v 1125chptiuti‘ SILKS. , MUZAMHIQI'E, UUALLHCS, DELAINEF. ' , ‘x BUMIIAZIVRR" Adl’.\(_‘('.\9, 7 ‘ L.~\‘\\'.\'S, ~ , L‘ALICOES, of n‘l "nnliYir‘s mu! rhniu‘st SI3IM. which wlll be su'd .n I‘ZHI‘ES«'I‘(LI)I;IFY CU‘ll'l-Z’X‘I‘I'IUN'. H‘Mtsmxu nouns ,- ‘ of all kinds, in: mfiim: Silk. LivH-I'n nnd~’Cntlon llnnrlkvrchhfi, (Hm vs. Stan-kinga‘ifi'. .\3 ' Also. a sph-miid n=-nrnnunl2nt RXIBIBOXS. [qus' and E-luingi. l'mlnr- 11.14 zunL l'JH‘génla- My sunk of WHITE GUUUS “'11: he fnujni l‘ull .\nd ('o'nplcfc, umL (‘ll~lw"l(‘l‘$ Hwy rva 111 nm always gelling goudguuds at the lu\u.~l pussi hlv- prices. ' ~. ~ Gunlcmen will fiml i: m t'v-ir :l‘duulfigc to cull mfi‘l Hmniuc m) clock at V . CLU’l‘lls, , . L'AFSHIFJIES an! ‘ ' \'ij.\"l‘r\'GS, 0! n]! qu'xhfic-a .ml Chaitak .4310 April ‘.‘l, IHEJ‘ - - New «Tmbrinz , ' WSTABIJFH\IIf.\T.--GF.0.F.1-I(‘KENRODE, 131 FASIIIUSAHLFI »'l‘All.Uß. ' Mum; tln‘s mmhml of Slilnrnjing Ilis,l'riond's and lhe pul-lic gx-nemlly, that lw has (11.011136 3 Tailoring calulnlidnueut in: Baltimore “rt-2t, (Erluaburg, (lute Pusl ()flil‘o‘.) m-nr llw Din monxl, where he is pnepurml‘ m do nll work i'n his line in the hen: mnnnor, and m the suns faction‘ of cnstnmors. ll? emplu_\s nunehut fir}! clnsz‘hnnds, and rrceirin: THE FASIIIUXS REGI'LAREY, hl.‘ rnn warrant fnsllinnnhlfl tits and I'm“ Ind sulnsmfitial-sewing. Hr.- mks a share pf the [\uhlic'! pmrnnuae, prontifing (‘0 «pure {no ef fort to draw“! it. His charges‘will always be found In moderate nstlm'fime-s hill alluw. Cutting and llcpniring ‘duuc M thrahortesl nntiue. [Gcnyuburgh pril 7,1862. til 20, 1853: 6m* ___... r.“ _. <... ..4‘.____.. Removal.--Tm Wa e.- HE undersigned has minor-ed gisfl‘inning :I‘ establishment ‘aearer the' h flour}, in hamhgrshurg street, adjoining A., ‘. Buch- Igr‘s Drug Store—n very ceamfl Inoklibn. He cbntinues to manufacture, and keelvs, chunk. ly"ou hand, every variety of ' . ‘ TIN-WARE. , I’RESSED ANT} . ‘ ‘ JAI'ANED WARE. and will ahrnys be rendyjo do REPAHUNG. ROOFING mid yQu‘nsu ’ also done in the beat mu. ner. Prices m‘odcr; Me. and no effort sum 6 to render full satis fncfion. The public' outinued p‘nlronuge'is solicitefl. , A. P. BAL‘GHER. ; ' Gettysburg, Ap 1 182. Lancaster 18- - ‘ \Bindery. sonar: wuxr, - G .. BOOK‘L’INDER ! um nLANK sou: MANUFACTURER. 1 ; LANCASTER, PA. I L Plain and Onnmenlal lllwlmg, of everyadeJ ucription. executed in the most substantial and, ' apprmed styles. \ , REFERESCtS E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Emma!" W. L. Duper, 153%., Lancaster County Btnk' Snmuei Shock, sq., Columbia Bapk. Slmuel Wagner; Esq., York Bunk. , Wi'Hinm Wagnerilsqu York County Bank. . T. D. Clnon, Esq., Bunkof Gettysburg. ' 'Peter Mnrtin, Esq., Prmh’y of Lancaster co., Pa. Geo. (7. "unhorn, Esq‘, Register “‘ ‘1 Geo. Whitson. Esq, Recorder * “ H April 15, 1861. . ‘ , ' ._..-m fifi‘b—r: ..- =» —_-«—,——.—- Plano .Tumng. . » - ROF. now-u, or Littlenowg, n Pmyzipd P Paulo Tuner, inform hi: trim“ Ind the musical public in genpnl, (but he give. hit time, not otherwise occupied, 30 Tunjng Ind Repairing Punos. M modnnco prices. He ptomlses entire antistafllon, or no pay. Oiddfl' receivod at this‘oflce. [Sch 16, 1561. Oa‘LL OIL—M DH.‘E.'WR.\'EB’S Dru; 3L9". ' .U. m. but Pntmt ‘ ' x cine: can helm! A 111. the new Familf'. 112 tad Frill-11$“. Sun 0!: A ‘ Dr. B. “URN The Grocery Store .. v N THE 1111.1..7—The undersigned would rugocuully inform the citizen: on Only»: burg an vicinity, than. In: has taken the all! stand “ on the Hill." iii Baltimore slrret, Got tylburg, where he_ intends “'3 keep ronatnnlly on hand all kinds of GRUCERIES—Sugnrsh Coffees, Syrups 91' all kinds, Tobacco, lv‘iah, Snll, km, Eulhgnwure of nll~kinda, Fruits, Uils,and‘in fat‘v. e‘velythingy usually land in 1: Grocery. Also, noun all-‘35:) ol ull kinds; all ‘of which he intends to sell low as lht-luw est. Country producle “ken iuA exchange for goods and the highest price given. He flaners himself lhnl, by siriyl altemiuu 9nd [ln lmnel-l. desire t 6 plane, to merit a slum: 01 public )m -u-onngc.’ Tm’jlllll. .l. )l. ROWE. Feb. 23, 1863. tf I -: _._ ,___.A L,.__..-_d_....¢,;u...~_,_ -_... 1863. «Spnng Styles 1863. F HATS AND CAPS. ' O R. F. )IcIIJIENY, at. his old staml, S. W. cor. Céntn- Square, has just opehed a' 'oplendid msurtment of . H~A,THS A N D C AKP'S, pf the latest s‘yles, a: very low pliyei. . Pgr sons‘in want of Iv. gnoxl sensnnnblv- afnd lashlou able Hut orCup, are rvquesled to gin: him ti cull. BUOTS AND/SHUES, cumprising Men’s fine Calf Boom, .\lep‘s lhl- Jnoralshllen’s Wellington Tics, (‘nngrcgs C.|i- M's. Browns; Ludica‘ moron-n lznlvpoml linots, (lulu-rs, fine 'kid Slippers, .\lisn‘s’ 'nnll Chil dg-en’s Shoes and (lulu-rs, of every Variety uml style, all of which will be Gold A: chimp us lhc cheapest. Let all who wish to supply them. selves will] good and sllbatdnlinl \\'Ul"\ mll «ml ethino qur stock. F R. l". .\lcllJlliXY. April'm, 1863: ‘ YEW, MARBLE WORKS, Corner- of Bulli i mdreuml East Middle streets, (mpurim the (‘oufl H‘d'nse. Gottyshurg, l’u—Wo ure prepnrcd to lurnisl! .\lunumcuu, 'l‘umhd, ll’md stuneh, Maublv .\lnntlcs, Slul-s lnr (‘uhinul .\lukels, am} all ullu-r work npporminlng: lu-mu busmess. “'0 will guarantee sallial'avliun goth us to execution and price. (Dull um] sec oin designs zun'l'npocimens of work. I Feb. 2,. 1363. n 5 IMI fiPTiIE Alll‘l.—lnllnmm:unrv nn-l ('llrnnlc O \lneumanism mu lm run-d by ’u-inf! ll L. l MILLER}I CELEBRATE” L'Uhl'llA'l'lU .\llX— ‘ TL'lll'}. Many prnmiurm c-i‘hm-ns of this MM [ lhé mljoimng volumes. have tutiH'l to its great-utility. In awn-<3 iu nllclll'lflll(‘ Millie'- tiunq. hus been hix'h'm-to ,nupnrullqled Ivy my spcufiq, imrnduced to the public. Price 50 (mm: per bottle. . For smle hy nll Ilrugghlsun-l ‘slqrolsegpors. l‘rapnrml only by H. L. MILLER. ,W‘wlumlr .Iml Bel-i 1 Dluggirt, Hm! ’Bcrlm, . .\‘x .HIIS cxmnly. PAL tlenlcr in 111-tun, Chrmiculs. lilil\,'V-urxllsh. Spirits, l’u'mle: llyc-stull’s. bub. 'tlcd:o|ls,' East-me: gun] Tinulurci. “indmr Gin-ii. l’rrl'umpry'. l‘nhut "tallying. .kr” ken , WA: D. flue-lulu is Ila: .\L't-ul in (£01135- hur-x lur “ H: L. .\llllel"a Cllflllrllll‘ll HlH‘llJnnllL‘ Ill‘iuurc.” [lunu 3, Imm. 1f 1 ‘Dr. Robert Homer’s “ ' - 375 w FAMILY {mm m» i ' quzsmumtlgx STORE, cnwnvuahrnn nu: nl. crf'rfinl‘nu. ‘ Having relirurl hum the :wlive'prm-lice n! my profession, I flake pleasure in announcing lo the Citizens o‘t'liellyzburg and \itiuuy, that l have opened a ‘ ‘ NEW DRY“ STURE‘ .1 ‘ L. smm: in the room fur‘nu-‘lly m-culvio-l by Drs. R. & (‘. llnuwums :gn uffive, I'hére l M“ cunntunny, keep on hnnd :1 lnrge supply dt‘ull kinds of Fm-zsn mu'us, , Mumvnrts. A , . ~ . QIIEMIUALS, ‘ l'hlu-juufinY.‘ , I! TOUT" POWDERS. . x ' DYE STUFFS, DRY PANTS, nnd _ , ‘ _ PAINTS ground in Oil, ’ OILS, cxpn-ssed and ditfillml, STATIONERY offl‘ll‘kinds, Juks. Pens. Pénri“. l’npor.,('onflu, Brushes. .h'. ' PATENT MEDICINES. ‘ All theApbpulnr Pnlcnt \lmli(ilw.~'. lnnelher wilhjscleclion ol pun-.\WNES, llllANllll-ZS snd_WHISKE’Y', for medicinal purposts only, LIV-ya on hand. In a word, my Mock embracrs evérylhing‘u’snilly louud in a firslotlaps store of thi‘szg‘tséription. A laggefiup‘ply of Fresh Drugs has liven rc ccired. hm} others are arriving, n hich I .Im of— fering if) file 'public on wry ncuimmurlaling terms. My Medicines have all been purvlmmrl under my persnnal ineprcllnn and suygrvicio from the mu§l relinldo linnsvs. I cum Ilu-refur not only rc'compend them n‘s pu‘re an"! fresh, but can sell lhnnphcap. : l . N. E..—PAILTIC‘Uqu ATTENTION given to the treMmcnt at all c Irouid disenwi. 1 WADVICIE‘ GRATIS.“ May ”,188'4? u Gram and Produce. AVING taken tho large and commodious % leehouu recenlly occupied by Fnuk' liars 31559., ‘ ‘ r ' IN NEW oxrnnp,‘ we are prepared to pay the highest prices for «I! kinda DTPRUDUCE. A 150,!!!” at the 16w elt prices, LUMBER, GOAL and GRUCHRIES,’ of every dxscriytion. . ‘ f A. P. MYERS & WIERMAN. ' Rex Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. If Fresh Reinforcements. , ‘ TRESGEHESING OUR POSITION.—\\’e S are cofismnfly adding new shppl‘ws lo our algendy lnrge’flhd flmhin'amhle stm-k of L HATS, CAPS; BIJQTS ASE) snags, . We have every style or Spring and Summer Hats; which in quality and price cannot {AH to plane. Boy'sgnd Egan's {his and Cara ~01 .every 'descgiptiqufinnd of pbc‘lxtcgt “figs. Our stock or ‘ ' BOOTS, ‘ _ ‘ . SHOES. , - - .Gurms, am, u, was never more complege. Ladies Gentlemen Ind Children can be necommodmgd with any. thingin Ibis linens" Cr: are hence: prean-ed now togiva fits and arenler bargains than 3\ 2: before; If you want. barggm‘ um! {its n'od fashionable goods, cnll M thgn ufthe BIG BOOT; inChn‘mberaburg street. ‘ ‘ A mm: CULP. _Jéne 9,1362. ALEX. coma”. Farmers’ 8: Mechanics’ ”mas INSTITUTIM or Mums co., having increased its capital, has enlarged “its business and ulrndediu accommodations Losn duy, Wednegdn)‘. [April 6, 1863. If PRING Ind Summer Clothingjnn. necked S_ u . PICKLW'S. 0 to Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Store Midget. bls HEDICATED CUCGH'CANDY. PRISG BALMORALSJUSL received at . FABNESTOUK BRUS‘. B have just rectified I ncx'v assortment onnecuswarc, to WD‘lb we invite' the Watson of buyers, ' A. SCOTT bISON’. j[DUKE GROUND. SHOES. "toned; Ind ground expressly {qr Dr. ROBERT HOE mums New Drug 61m” dawns mums; n” Imam: gr..- ccivud from the city. in prim unify} ' \. , , RALBFLEIS _' . ' Cannon 8: Adair’s The Greht Discovery ~~ 1.`,1 1 NO. 73 lAIDEN This Ink-ll is In thick and nyong we manufactured exp.xis ii several times thick ing commonly med roofing, and cannequondy far you durable. From me Ivhperior thickness of this glothLlt repeivel, in 1H,“: Ibe water-p 190! co; on an Ind-fl, presents tnelnost .cogpl‘eiel;\gnishod-—qnd. V.“ are confident, Inon dn‘ruhe—‘jlnqfing non know'a‘ I: raced: no final conlqpvpli‘ofinu If. roof, as all other kind: do. \ . x v ed with th: firrpfv n 13 “mum"- To 32m. 06m ~ 0 '- \ ‘ II is mknnlfnctured Ind put up In roll: {Wont one [nun-$9B fee‘ long,l .uud throe fecfiwidi; requiring 0.11; to by unroiled, and nnilcd on' the roof. In this cqnvenient Illd finlahed lune; it. ii especially fionhy {he :uention of szIIDWARE MERCHANTS, , 3 TINNEIIS, BUILDERS, , . ' and all who buy m sell agfijm. We do not hold out. :3 such the prospect of enomfuul proflu limedinl‘el‘}, but we offer I; really muchnpfa- blelnflicle; in deman‘d cull-y when, and at u}! times.“ . ,‘ ’ 1 1 ‘ ‘1 , 1 , ‘ = ' ‘ ~\l “'EACALF .‘TTENTI()S TO A FH7H€TS I 15;. h. qnsts (mly nlitlut half ng' m -h n: “m! and 'u twig;- n 5 dgmblc. ‘ . . 2d. 3: :s’ mluptm‘ to fill kindl 0‘! no“, whemc'r sun-fro: Hm. I. , - . _ 3!]. It. Ls no! ufl’ecwd injuriuuuly by “eat or cold. .. ‘L . , x - ; 4th. ‘Auy or iinnry. morkmnn’m‘m apply it 5115. It [is nut flir“r4renfxost" roofing 611:. I; gs the hes}. .réofing \ . Thin RC‘mfing has been mm] in Herr varien ‘.\,‘ . . ‘ - (of clmmleflmm l nnndn to ( :Ihfumm. mu] w: my“ mus: finfliroly‘ rm (mum-m 1 h :n‘ be chum ily proof a min”: magnum-9 of lu_nl and cnld that are 5 deslruufi to many 013 w! kind; at Roaring. ‘ - n- \YILI.“NUT Snm‘m AX!) Jinx xx 1101. “'lc‘ATnEa. : 11‘ “LILL NUT {CRACK m" chD J \\'H¢’\'l"lllil‘.. ‘ 1 . ,7 { ' - ' ' ‘h i.- xl_‘porfm-t prntkction against fire from lhe fullirlg rindura ahd frmzmnnu from Imm ing \miMings adjuinihg fins “noting. ‘ I: had elasnc‘nnd strong that tho ' ‘ smuxxlxu UF ROOF-BOARDS“ ”,‘ , l . - \ Q , do?! nulfiinjure il. ‘ j I l ' . I! is ”fir'ficnlfirly mlucxhlo on ‘Fudmies. Poundrhskugglr Wefiprriri IWSIIJQ'I icsfirnd :11! I-uildings win-re lhohxir it imprr-gnuud “'th gasps or; l}!oi.~lur2.‘“|l‘h rhpitl _\ curroJe,froxn the insult, an Lin am! melul robfg. ‘ - . I‘UR STEAMBUA'T DEPKS. . - ‘ UAJLTUPS, mum‘s, - . um] lIHJTDDVIJLN'I] In" walkiné on. Ih'rs nrfic-k -.lu aver; Llr hellvl‘ lhnn any metal mull-M il will lu‘nr such ugnge;withuul crgckilig ur hréukizlg. \ ‘> ' 7" 11 is ‘chily, applic'd mer old ' ' " ‘ _I Smm‘nn mugs, . ' \\ rmor'r Rawovzxu mm tumours AlFo the 0071',ng can M- (01‘ch ofthip mnteriul,‘nuting‘:re u pcn'l: {1! 3| ETA L UN EH. _‘ I. . 'J‘he‘h ml. of npplfirg it is wry "yht, um! any ordinary ruuf (nub; finished in; llm’gune day. J _‘, . PRESERVE Your: Roars; A w YOI‘I‘. 7m Rom; LBAKS} ‘ . IF “Ln: TIX tic-(Yr ms, " ’‘, . , \‘ SHALL fllfsTslibl.l-:S I.\' n', “DUI! TIN ROQF NEEDS RE-ITAIXTING, LIQI'ID, ‘ awn-rskuucmnm .I' ‘ I ' wilt cfi'cctunny rlase up an the umllcr RFST HULRS, and 9mm l. hen-iv elnsflc bode our the-flhole asrfnce, that. will p’reveup Rl‘b'l' and In“ many your longer nun Igurdiuury paint; ‘ ~ .' 5 .’ IF mun smimu: 1100? mes, r ‘ IF‘YUUR G§TTERB LEAR“ l J 3? THE .101st Anousm‘oun cumxsvs LEAK, IF YOUR SLATE ROQE LEAKS, cnm'ovxn GCTTA-I’EBGHA CEMENT will completely fill up nll the crn‘iru i the sniugles. uh er orcr flighrqlxen joints in H: [in Illd slate. form permanently- ndhcsive, rlnuic’ coating around yhiluuvyl', sky-lights, ML. d in nll these situation: will o'ulkm any-03th:: article fur this l'rurpose now in use. This At: ticle is u thick, tenucioua comp-mud 9! ‘ » GUTTA-PEBCHA, and ingredient! and attentive]: in Europe I. the 91mm of Kyumzing or preserving wood in fiilroml uructuru expo-ed to moisture and demy. This Tunnel-{u} property tw'dulina. 1y lo nrrebt Mid pray" Men) in llié ibinglclr and ‘will often #san "the neceuixy {or nanul years of yuuiyg on a new roof. It is_ all worthy of In aid: - ,J '~ ' -, , an“! the above ROOFIX INTER; will be furnished to, ‘ , P . YALE \ cuvncass. up cnmvnxs at areduction of TWENTY-FIVE m cam. mom om ' ' nzaunm anras. _ LISI’IRAL ARRAXGEXENTS . ‘ xmswmt nns; ~ nuiacuuns m by Mn). Addrgsg V “MAD! 301 ‘ ‘ ‘NO. 73 zy./1h.)1. • mop— neg. n, 1861* 1; *** 4;, DR. SWEET‘S 'INFALLmu‘. ‘ 1. I r 1 MA I.“ N 1!, \, # FOR BHEL‘MATISM, com, NEURALOIA, Lcusum. STIFF‘ NECK AND JOINTS, « aPRAINS, :BM‘ISES, CUTS IND -WOUNDS‘. Huts. “Hymns, ‘ AND ALL unnmu'nu no 7 NERVOUS DISORDERS. / For m of which I! is_n speedy qnd certain Trmgdy, and never fails. This ”nine!“ in pu pnred from the. rtdpe at Dr. Stephen Sweet, 0! Connerficuz, the {amoua bone teller, Ind ha. hcen used‘jnfihis prnrlice for more than twain!” year! with th_‘e most utonishing nut-cu; greater .simoilart of nd when finial:- ‘ As an Alleviator of Pain." 1' “PM by any prepurution boron tin-public, 01 wk the must skeplicul my be routincbd by n gle triul. , , ‘ TM! Linimrm whi cure rapidly and .ndint-V lly. Rheumatic Disorder: of’ every Mud.-a {nnd jn thousnn-h o! can-es \3 Here n has no"! 1;" I been kpowr‘tx'lo fail. . j \ For Neuralgla. it wjll ufi'nrd immrflinto {um-r in “pry case, Lowm‘cx‘. distressing. \ _ . . “\will re": u- 1110 “'on“ “(50! of Headache in llng'e minutes uud is unwanted“; do il.. Tooihaeho also will it i-urc instantly. . , [For N\ervous Debflity mil General I.“- siuulc uriAinv l‘rum impnulrn‘o or neon, Ihil Linimem ll “kn happy ulul nr fwlillg remedy. Acting direx-IL luv; the nertouu Hum-I, it slrengtlleps “ml rfirivifios the iyslem, and n storus it. to elu3Li>~§ly and \‘lgor. ' > For Piles—As n cxtcrnnl remedy, we claim that i! is tln- lw knmul, Imd we chunk Jruge lhx- world In plut no nu equul." Every wit-hm of this (llal‘rl‘firll r complaint would. pin» it a trial. [ué it will n I hall to “Ward in) medialmrvlief, null in wmnjm'ily 0! cases, will. mgr: n Indira! cure. ' \2‘ / I Quinsy and Sore Throu‘tkre rmnshmu o'xxrelnel_v~ nmligmm :lm. dllflfll'bkllli. Mn n timely npplimtipu of this Linimeul will unvr kuil to cure. ' . ‘ Sprain: nre sninutiunés wry obslinnlr,pnd // .enl.lg<clfllElfl of Hm jail I: ‘u liable tom-qur if. m-glcyed. Thc-uurq C.|\B ”my be cunquered ”3‘3“”!er .inixgpnl in Iwo “E three .1.-36. ‘ - 0 u k ‘l « .\. .. - Bruise . ,Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Ul- ' cera. Bur a and 80:11:13. _uéM nanny m , the wumlvrl l hulliug: prruwr if! M “H. SWIiI—ZT’S'IV ‘.\LIJ‘JIJ‘I 1.1.\1.\11‘2.\71', wlfiwn ‘ luml.’ :u‘ror-Ixu‘.‘ ’u' I'lh-rfiun‘s. .\Bm. (‘Hfljg _ MAINS, EB!”<"~IU l-‘L'd'l‘, A.\D 155.1%"? 1"11‘1'35 .\.\'U 511.“ 3'. . .‘ 3’ ' ‘ ' ’ DR. STEPHBNEXEET, bf Conn.. lln- Unzul .XHiur." l'mm- Sr rr. ' ‘, - ‘ [l'. Ett'ph- n Sum-L 0! (Jun ‘ nll uvm the Unite-l .\‘talcvx. Dr. SKI-lulu”: Swrcx. of _(‘u f - author u) " Dr‘. find-1% 13gb”! M ‘ l)r._.\'u'cvl’~ l.nl'|HiH|- Liniuu-nl mnliun :Ind lII'H'I lnih. ‘ , Dr. SW ml“ luflullil-h‘ 153112),” ID i~ ra-m-"Iy fox,.\'eurniu‘i4. ' Dr. SufrlK luilLflihlr'l.minn.:n cull.- um] Swim,» inumwfiulrly.’ Dr; Sml; 's hlfalllily‘v l‘mmu ul In the l' knu'ul rvnfiul} fur .\prrliln ~l‘m‘l I'IIIIEN‘m _ _ > Dr. Swawlk Infillvlijn'r J.illi'{‘t‘lll rurm- 111-[o‘3 who imnmliJlL-h :I;.d um MM ['l lei-mm m (ml. Dr. Syn-lllnl.xlhhlq- Linimtm: 'lhmlp my; mn'lliule- rrhvl'tux'l‘i‘w. Ln I.“;an f‘dh In :31“ A Dr. .\‘xu-clh “s.ch Liniumu run-s'fmnh :u'lw in dul- u innu- ' In. Sum-1‘): lnluHil‘dr Liuimvnl ruren ("um nnl \\‘mnul-A inf-um]: h!) and lumen no smr. Dr‘ hurl-X‘s lunllhh'r Li'viu 0!!! is the hut. n-uu-‘ly fur SUPP} in Ih-v kmmn \ly'T'Hl. llr. 'Spcvl‘s' 1M; IliMr Lihim- m hu‘hrm lucd bym-H'c tlmnn null'mu [apply and 'nll praise‘il. , i \ - Dr hu‘volN lnl'ztlli’uh' Lhinu-nt "ILH: in lay-runny, mun-« 3 (Ihulic, ('huk-m Murhuz :m-l CHM-I". ' hm Swu-I‘a l'nhllihh‘ Lininu-In i‘ truly .\ 'jlrlcnd hum-mi." 13ml cur) fumil} “‘.uuhl hauje‘il M Immi. _ , ' , [.\r .\‘umfl's ILL-[HI {c Liniv'fug m i- fur suit: by n‘ll I):».g,i=u. 1': m; .11an .‘.u uu =: . , . TRY lT.—l)|{. SWEEPS ‘~,l.\|-'.\1.1.H£1.1~3 I.I.\I\II‘I.\'T,::'I- :un l-Uvnml rmfve‘d‘v. i 1 uillwut n rivul, and win “Hf-\iulv [min more «pt-o'clJy “my?! m‘lpgr- prefii‘r‘uliun. Forull lHlru mafia n 1 Nh‘rvn-u Dinar-hrs‘ifis trul} imum- ‘ Me, non-[“Aa‘g gunncire fur Myra. Wounds. Spruinn. Brynn-s. Mu. ilx manning. healiuxnml [now‘lvrml :qunmhruiu; pm pchi- I. urnv 11:0 ju-l wundvr :ulllvn.U-Illfihlnt‘nl «(uh who haw ever given! it mt‘riyl. Ufrr um- lhunsqnd'cv-r- e tifiu-alel "f n-Inikkul-Ie l‘urhd. l-rrfomu'ul In; it wnhili‘lhc his! (\VOJ‘C'QI’S, “that the sum. v _ X .TO HORSE OWNERS. . 1 DR. SHEETS L‘IFAIKIBIIH LIVHHZNT FUR HORSES is unrimied b) any. mnl in‘ all (man u! Luncm-Qs. nnsiuu'; from .\prmn», ”l'fliglfs or “Rum-lung. its th-(l i. InJgi'c :1 run! certain. Harm-n nr Saddle (iuH-. Strmrlnw, flange. kin, it “ill ulao cun- spot-nil). Spun" xmd Ifivughonc luau: he. 2”: in pn-ru-ted-{mul cum] 'in lhrir inn-‘ipirnutnywflbkm ruufimu-nl cnfiesure beyond the possihiluy urn unlinl cure. Nu cue of the kiln]. lumen r. it m chum-rule 0r hhln'lo-s Mn: :1 may 1,.- :ullruuu ‘1 by lhh Linimeul. um! iu tnnhful ul-piiu-tiun will ulwn): remove the La-llll‘lll‘ml, mnl Null-re the ham: to lnn e} u iLln rumpnrunr bur. should l‘n‘uvc‘this remedy an lung '. mr imimr. I; use I! ‘hQ'fifiilPllt‘lffli‘t u: Linn-nap! ml! elfectually weveng than lunuiqlnmc dire”: r. lo 'hbch all hon-u nrv Lint-In, led which n-u. der to gnanyy otherwiw mlun'LXu hul’M’. Iwzul, t.hlen. ’ , ’ _ '. iXFAIeIBLE (.15:aner A W. FLENMING continua the Main" < . . of SALE CRYIN'G, And solicits the can {in}!!! plupnagu of the public. In is hip'c9n. mm enduvqr to give aaiilfutiop. _‘Chu’u moan-(Le. Bciideuce in Breckinridze street, Gag-abuts. ' , - P. S.—‘ll¢ I: a ”ranged Auctioneer, under the Tuhw of the United States. ‘ Nov. 34,1862. ‘ ' 3.. ' .1 ‘ ‘ lOKWG has the finest anorlment “Spring and Snmmer‘ omm: ih‘ town. ‘ ~ _ ADlES'fiZoxh‘tor Cl. .;i-inu.,9. new I 1’ Nu :(u .'..ed I! 1.1.. szsmqkjntg’. ‘ ‘ _. t . Tu: , GREAT REMEDY vvlli'ul, is khywil wirm. in the . Liuiunull" um Hht’ui A FRIEND IN QEED i, ‘ . EVERY HUXQSE OWNER DB.‘BWEE'I"S .'. m 13MEINI 112111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers