, Ter. me.. The Comm.“ in publiéhed every Monday morningsby Hun J. Sfmu. It 51 75 per Innum if paid strictly Ix Alanna—s 2 00 berfinu'um if not paid in advance. No nubmripcion discontinued, unless st the opgioh‘of the publisher. until 11l arranges Ire paid. ' Aavnrrstxfiu inserted at the usual rltet. JOB Pllhfnye done with newness and dicpntch. _ . Orncz in South Baltimore street, nearly opposite Wamblers' Timing Establishment -“Colrn.zn innxn‘Orncz”on thesign. Small ,Farn; , ,T PRIVATE SALEJ‘Ihe aancriber of. fors'ai private nle‘ the roilowing VAL ABLE , PROPHET!" .sitnntenl in Strubnn ~lanphip, Adams county, Pa.‘ on the public - road leading tram Gettysburg ,to‘iinrrisbulfg, 5’4; miles Nurlh East. of the tor-_mcr place. , i The I-‘urm conmins 75 Acres and 32 Perches, nndthe improvements consist. of a good sub mmiulrm’fimua'nnusmrgunr‘o ; x Burn, Wash House, Wood Bonnie, ' Dry House, Cnrringe Hornet and-mgu _ Cider Pxeu, with other necesgnry A . —-' onpbuiidings; two wells orgood‘wuu'r in the yin]. There-i 1 nn ()rchsrd or good fruit on the prrmiuu.’ The DI’OIICI’IXiS‘WI'“ propor : finned with mendnw and timli‘er law]. .it i! . U’flvenient to Mar-lieu, Churches, thooh. M"- mnkingil very desirable. Themtmitinn of pur. fhasy is invited 1.9 ii. Call upon or address the undersigned, reaming thereon. mxu-zr. u. mimxnv, S Gettysburg {K 0., Adams co., 1‘». .'. Nah—The sulxm'rilwr also offers 160 '.\‘croa tii'heJJuil I’l'nirie Land, situagpi um" Drcwirn, l'owuhuk cmmly, low-i. 1). H. F ;Aiig. at, 11103. (f . V ‘ _ flew Warehouse,“ , ' 100 ()( UI‘SHELS U!" “GRAIN _- . . ) WANTEILM HlCHO\\':Gl'=\ill and Produce House, in Cnrlisle slrwt adjoin ingfihend. t Bu‘chler'x emhnsmuehg. The Mullen market price 93;“ always he paid in cash for \ 1 ; (“:4“er nll kind}. L , * - _, FLOI'IL SEEDS, kc. Alvm) flan ban! and (or snle,nl (In: gmullcst [lfufitil‘ 3 I ucn’fis, _ ’ SALT, HS". ._ ‘ “BUCEI'IHTNV #9., o ‘ Whole-ulé and r'éguil. TRY U 5! WP film” u'd our ‘bch. to give satisfaction in nun-mes: . . J ; L.\erl'fll)\'rk\DlEUL. (igltysburg, Hwy 13, Imm. ,Ily “ _ Sprmg Goadgi . 1 AT .\. smrrr a Sth'S‘—L\\'cjnciw the n}. Inn'Jun n!‘ hxwvri in our s'm’k‘, of Spring [huyunhirh uil! he sum cheap. l‘flljsiflillg 0! LalrlHa" DRESS (:mms, \ , Shawla. ('ln'lkln-J mum, «In. cti‘. FO7- .\lonjs nm! Ho} 5‘ ut‘ ur' we have Mum’s, (‘nciimeres‘ (‘uutinga,.\'e=tingn “ith n Valrifly of Cotton ‘llh-wkl‘” hr. (31!“ um] Hen. ‘ m,- m: 151:3. 33. sgnr’r .5; SON. I V -.- " ,giilee’Us 3,0311! . ODOR] k GILLHSI‘IE have. ju<l received C n largo nnd spivndid tlnck M New Gnolh wliié-h ”If: un- uriii'ufi :I's chm-p us [he_ iiuu-a “I“ ailing; Their stu- k luu innen «alt-cred will: nut- {ml is of, lIEJIUU‘i .1 nuaiilyms llu- murkc! will 'nmmi. .\‘l‘fi \RS‘. ‘m: lune all kinds. 1"»sz n‘nllfiol'i‘Clll-lmi. l'uhcr‘zeal,Granulated, Slur (L'lo-nnsx,l I'ul'il Rica Mini (Mini. TEAS, inn-win]. Ynungv “yum :rTni [H.wk Tm}. .\IU . LA.“.‘E.<,¥o\\‘ (ifh-una. Hurtn [lion and Syrupa 1:1 nlifl'qunl kinda 'l'HH.\(‘('YU.<. In suit ull Lin-r: of tin-“fwd. (Hm, r-‘u, Spun. .\‘My, ('uh-luii-h. Miugll and lid-ally. N-lurui Leaf, uml Fine ('uh ; Smoking Tnhnccn. 13 difi‘ercm A Linn” l‘il'i‘ifi a burg; nm'l iiluc xu~<tnflniuulz \fil-Ili \HS (If \‘.lrl()ll~l hrunlis. (‘U \L U“. L.\ \H’S nlfijfi‘hmlct \\ 1‘ hzuzc liw hut I|"an mvnl in l!u~,;.l'n:c‘. wl.i;1: we erlJuw: also. ’\ «Nu. l'mrlirh- ut l‘uul ”PL, H.\\i.\‘. pi-iu Mn] ln‘fgam‘ur: 11. .\‘hunl 'vrwnn-l 5‘ Ike, FI.UI'R,M the- hckl'qnuhly. u bit-h yé "Indy; g 1" urnuleo: (‘Edar-uuW. Tubs. .Jzuviiuu, “flier Fans. kg. "s'o aim RNII .\'n’.inn~."(,‘ let-tum: i’ruilq, Viril‘ iu’ lino smuil‘ur in} ”mg” l. Sill! Spin-s, ('hm-nlnw. March. iilnl'kin'gg, indiquElllnlln-u‘ ' Snaps. (‘urry (‘on.hcnnti (‘Eu-Js. a hurt nanni- Im-nm! “rush”. H =iwl~. Ropes. l‘nrdfib‘rgck try-rum kn. (”Vi-21"." .\ (‘.\MJ. . - (iel'fwlmrg. .\ln_\‘ H. 1563. ’ ‘ ‘ Salisbziry Bros. & Co., 0 37 DORHAXPD STREET. and N n? \\'l-JYIH)>‘§ET STREET, __ PROVIDENCE. 1L,1., 'l'iny-riémru Mum- of llu- mm: l-xlomive JEW ELRY. .\IANI‘FACTQIHES. lu {he Enstrrn Sum”. b 11530 onl! Ilr‘v :Ittrnfinn of the cum muui‘y gem-Mllv 1n ‘tlu- wry SI‘RI’ILSIXG CHEJI‘ IRATE M “hirll lhry :‘re' "Ire-tin}: [ln if gnwh. fur surpn‘silng {will thrr-igu xlfld Du- In'-clin- .\lnrmfu tint-s in pom! of elegnnce und rgml durxbilily! " i , ‘._ v ‘ ‘ 1» mm INS’i‘ANCI-L: ‘ For Frr‘rrns Dawn's, we fnnénrtl, nicaTy carded rfin!’b;h‘l ed in pugs] nrdér, the follnwinz uprmmu quay-(ivy of Jewelry, mum) in finish m'nny Plum) Gum. and not 1:) he remgnized from th {only Ivy ”mining of :u'idu: _.4 Set Elmmol VMI 11mins; 1“. Plain Huron fine Pink: 4 E rr Ring: to m "('11: 2~Ts§ifit Who l'insc 4 Eur Flinn tn mkale'h; 2 Pl xin Pins; 4 Fur Ring." Io q-nh-h : L’Jflnufivs‘ “huh, Dunh‘tc. Hemtxmnl a \"vritg'«ufxp~nttlnns: 50 L'niOn Em hlenw: .'.O Sbnrfpini. Pl lip and hnilminn Corn]; 1 “ankle-Chg Lnt'ketv; ohgifne-tnrfied; 6 Box and (‘.I Hi Pin-i l'ur pnrlruit or hair: 72 {\seort. ml Inn-kph, "cut and Shell Charms, nnd'G Rnn'd “urchin—all tor lfim-e'l Dullurs.‘ A cqjlec lion m (Ins-"kind. when placed in the Maria; of any nué of nrgiinnr‘v inlellic’cnre. oughtto rc'tuil mm; lmjst Une Hundrud l‘ullursl ' 5 C:I(MUIIHFI,; rontninin: full information and Prick-s ol Goods, cyn b:- nhhiueul lipnn,nppli "union. Qidcrs hy Xlnil, Telegraph or Expreas respectfully snliciled. .A SAMSBURY BliOS. 5: co., ‘ 3'! DormnCe k 67 Weyhosiet Sts., {one 39, 1863. - Providence, R. l. , . E. & H. 'l'. Anthony, , " AWFACTUKERS 0F PHOTOGRAPHIC BI MATH“ ALS, 51“ BROADWAY, N. Y.— _ ('Ann l’nofoourun.-—onr Catalogue now em braces a-onsidemblyloru‘flur Tlmumml dim-r -" en; subject: (10 which additions 1m: ceminunl lyfieing mode) of Portraits 0! Eminent. Ameri cana, etci, \‘ir. :. 7‘.‘ llixjorxienernls, 199 Brig. Rentals. 259 Colonels. 84 Liam. Colonels, 207 ‘_ finger ()flicars. 60 Nair 0.12%”, 525 Smmsmen, 137 Dininom'l 16 Authors Artistsd I 2 Stage, ‘ 4.; Prominent Won'ieu, 147 Prominent Foreign I'orlraiu. ~ - ' . , r 2,500 C‘omxs‘or Wonn’ or Au. ihclnding - ‘ reproducfion‘s of the‘mosz cebi-mcedzflnzmv in”, Paintings, Slntllra, kc. Catalogues sent. on receipt or Smmp.‘ An order for One Dozen Picture; from our Catalogue; will‘be filled on “aim of SI .20, apql'se n: by squall, free. . .{x‘ ‘3’ . rmlroonwunuimnus. 3 , 'tligsu we manntncmre a grant, vnriegy, mum; In price from 50 cent; 3.0350 each. . Our ALBUMS hue the ,reimtstion of twin; Imriorm 'ucnuty and dumbimy to any others. The smaller kinds can be sent safely by mlil at (vantage of 31: cents per 0:. . a: ‘ V The more expensive on be sent by express. .fi-We also keep a large nuortment of STERESCOPfiS h STERESCOPIC VIEWS. Our Catalogue of these will be sent to any ad. dress on recoup: of Sump. ~ ' E. a H. T. ANTHONY, \flufacturm of Pkotograpkic Mam-fob, 501 Bnupwn, NEW .Yo‘nx. ’ ’ Friends or relulrea‘of prominent military men ‘will confer I. favor by geranium-us their “likenesses to copy. They will be kepE cnreful- Ul3" Returned uninjured. * ”SIALBUNS MADE TO ORDER {or Cou , gm!" [.O present to their Pump. or. for och" purpose], with suitable inscription-Ic. Aug. 24, 1893. 6m , . Notice. ‘ Am: w. BORNER'S ESTATE.—‘betten J at Mumiamfion qn the estate of Jane . Homer, late of Gettysburg. Adam: coun gamma, inning been gunned xo manna". signed, padding in the ume_plsce, he hegeby g'wu ”as. so all persons mdebhwd to said 1:23;. “21:: {W pnyment, and those 0 tune to presem mi properly Authentic-tad for lemement. L . .~ Wl. QUINN, Adm'r. ”21,1963” 6‘ ' ' L , Br'ggJ. gnaw 46 - 112. Year_ ^ Schencfic’s‘l’ulmonjc Syrgp WILL OUR! cossumnozv. scnmcx‘s LPLHONIC SYRUP CONSUMPTION Senaxcrg's rquxm :SYRUP IEI CONSUMPTION SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP \ Q 1“ run .1? COREUMPTION. SCHENCK'§SEA WEED TQXIC _ mu. can t ‘ DYSPEPSIA. ' _ SCHENCK‘S SEA WEED TONIG mu. cm: DYSPEPSIA. SCHENCK'S, SEA WEED TQXIU WILL-cyan DYSPEI’SIA SQHHNCKS SEA WEED ’i‘ONIG DYSPEI’SIA y ‘—‘- ' SCHENC‘K'S‘ MANDRAKB PILLS ' Winner“ A L] VER COMPLAINTS SCHENCK‘S Maxnmxs ‘mLLs “ILL (‘l‘llfl LIV ER COHI'Lfi .\"rs smiuxcx's MA.\DR.\Krz-‘rnlr.s \l'lLL l'[ "I: LIVER COMPLAISTS «sbmzxcx's yunhfxa yum—s - ' u‘lLngt‘ug ~ lem: «.ml‘L'LMx'rs. ,_ Im, J, n. St'm-ZWK hang Lnrg! Suit or'; Rumua ul,,.\'n.ll'."lit)\l|Sl‘llEf-IT.NI€W YHRK.’ nhrrc chfirnn be hum] (‘H'H’ ITII‘SJI|"_‘.I’UHI 9 ... u. m ‘s :- it : nu?! :uw N-mh mu street, I‘nilm!!l{§n.l. cnn SJ'qun‘r. 5; ... - } IL» luv-fin a Large uuuply M nu-fiiu-inetat big: ru'l'va. wlfith run he huu .xéfill nuns. Thqsc \\ Mr": :uhlrv or an! 1 mini uion uf Hue Lungs) “ill I 3" \u-ll m rull vn hmi ,3: .ulmn‘. He may", h‘n (ig'fl'gt- tnr whu 0 Mn turn ‘hhrnuplfl u ”um um: “uh lln‘ 1:: -;urumvlrr, hls price! 1* .~ L ‘ ‘ f ‘ A DAHNING RECORD! Andrew G. Cd‘rlians been thu’ernér (if .‘ > f l I V 1‘“ l _ibia Nate furngnrly tlnrne your.» and hesidos ”“23?anYTL‘TLI”fishzlhi'"firm;lgz‘.u:?lle$o:keting hinw-lf,‘ and ~qu:l|ulm.ihg dpnn rm 11mm! m- u: vbiv. um} In th.” menus it‘ls pm, hi: shoddy partis‘zu s. the Lhnm:nm.s nfiprn :otf Inl‘l-I n I; llm I.;II‘. Hm:~ mm-h lu-ucnil printed bythc ‘Lv’éulnlnre (or (he bein-fit wou- u- 1.. mm ' u‘ll’ n-nnn nu ul onto. . . , ' . _‘, W , i _ h_\' .nl-nndum-u- "I “MW“. n“ ,1 h", ”lug; of her-9mm Wit“ rl. he- 11.: 'm lt'unlly am «In slxflivicnl Lulllfh'fllC: “”11“. vny 93‘”! be h. ‘K'ved of nets: 13$ :3 rm A >0 Hlnn' 141-313. cgrcd mlvuucul tinge: of l‘m:.~uuhyta;n.= l lpture, which.fluu'eguhhed the . Mate of Dr. Sr-ficanCs Princxpnl (NIH-(- is 39‘ North ‘ wen {Million of‘d lln , ‘lni'k S'LVT“ Street, Huhidclphm, l’.-I.,where letters gen-fly l V’ty m ls U rn. ‘ ) lur mhiee shfimhl n|\r:f}: hr dzrected. . an“ H: .‘. ‘ . liricg of the l‘bwhuc .\‘uu'v and .\‘m “'Msn .Sflnhnrynnd Erie lerond-Wull, Tuur ‘t-uch $1 per lmxlh- or $3 the hall duzcu, fills fur the mefger or Irnnsfer Muxmnu: I‘m... 2:3 cents prl’ has. I_ of that rand In the Penny”..- For sue by n“ Druggiqls and Stdrekcepm. I “JINCBMI’TL T 11 ‘ Se n. 7 1663. hn . use 01 t 119 onnnge co ec - I= ' ._ . ,-‘ .‘ '- _,_ ‘ed andduelhé Smut. \ Plibllc Sale. ' [Long to the Sum- from ‘he go. x Turnso.n',memh dJyHTOCTOHER; res! 0* tl-c 'onnnggfu for - t next, the .‘fi'chribel’SNAdluilliilrzlfurp of, “'9. 31‘3" 18‘)" ”"3 mm . . E the estate of David Luckhnrr, doeens‘eul, “TIL .1303: ‘ ’ ‘ 1.0001000 sell a". Public Sale. at the hue residence of mid: _ ”_i“ den-dour, in Sm?!) In tr‘hvmhip, Adams emimyfl , SIU-IGq-"W nhnut n mile np‘d 3 int; northeast or Ilulden‘gj Such, tax-payers of‘ Pcfimyhan'm, is, Hm .\‘lnzinn. lhe fixIIQWiwA'N-nqnut I'rnperV. viz: record furnishé’d an affix“ ofi‘estA an ‘ in« “2 gwunnr‘AR‘XZHORSJ-ng } 51mg. firm“ 2 tegmy of pm; G Cum; by 3;"! 13m:- elk-rs, 1 row ‘ow‘l-n . ’igsl ”gs, “ ' v. ‘ . . firil-r'u‘e Narrow-Head \Vngon. “my Carnage? 51y; Gazelle—the able-at Ahnhuon journal {jiililjlne‘lk 2' "3’ I?! “4“" ”Knesi’gwo") in! Weltern Pensylvnniu. Has he nod-i1;~ ,nu e, .m an ong rum-s, rel-s 2mm, ; . _ . . . ' . , Halter nml (‘ow Chains, Culling Box. Sled,i‘?‘“y {MIMI m b" duty ‘F' proteellllgjtlte Plough: and “arrows, Unable Shove) Plough. ; Interests amps Commonwealth? nd :2 lmbicund Single-uifs. Grill?! Candle. ‘.\!rwir; he not unworthy of the sum-age uf honest Sughe. (hiu smne, 213' e, . allure~ ‘or‘ 5,, fr T tef G W' 7‘ od_ Side ~Saddle, Cuphpxud, fill-gnu, Chest, Shah affine"; l’.;‘ln‘vto do; E‘Dlrgt’ ‘lf. e f (:un,nn:l n variety of other Articles, too 1111- Wu ' w 0 V" Uan ~ Y '9 we h“. o muons‘to mention. _ ~_ the State and ~lhe hbertierof her. poo. . 531;“th tn commence at 1 o‘clock,P. .\l., on] PlB. ‘ skid an, when nnendnnce will bevgiven and terms Inn-1c kunwn by . MARGARET li. LUCKHA RT. Adm’x., HEXRY THUhIAS, Admfixisunwt Slet. 21,-:1563. ls New Goods I FA”NESTOl‘KS’.—Fuhneszock Bros: would respectfully inform [heir friends and the-publiclxoncmlly that lhey ane’just receired‘their Spring-stock of Goods from New Yprk and Philadelphia. Hs'ving bought them for cash, we, are prepnred to offer the largest and prettiest stock of DRESS GOODS ever offered tn the citizens of the county and at' ow PRICES! .“ Quick sales and sham prom" being our motto. ’ < ”Call and canine M the aigu of the May 11,1863. 1 RED FRONT. , . Removals. 5 r HEnflderslgned.beingtheanchorizedperson ‘ to mnké removals into E\er ‘Green Cameo ’leryfi‘hopes that ouch as cofiemplnte the remove] ofthe remains of decenued relatives or friend; will avail Lhemselvek at this smon oftheyenr 1.0 have it. done. Removals made with promptneu —terms low, and no eflon spared to please. , . PE FEB THURN, Hutch ~12, ’6O. A Keeper of the Cemevery. A ‘ Meat. HAMS, SHOULDERS and SIDES, bf best quality, «ml cheap, u Aug. 94. GEO. B. KALBFLEISCH’S. ‘ » 'l‘mlorlng.:é ._, ‘ E subscriber, Inving "turned from the ufimy, take! this method of infoinn'ng the pa lie [but he has commenced the TAILOR ING BUSINESS ugnin, n. ‘he old “And, in lcSherryatown, Adams county, PL, up! that *he will mtke up garmemn in .the hen nyle, nnd at reasonable runs. He hope: by uric: attention to buoineu 3nd I duh-e to‘ple-u, to merit A full chm-e of public. patronage. GEORGE NIHM. _ __Adz. .31, 1863. am ’ - .Farmers’ &,Mecknm'c " - SAVINGS INSTITUTION 0F [DA 00., hnving increased its rupiml. has e [urged “spurious-11nd vxrnrded its nccpmmocfnliojl Lou £1.15, Wednepdny. [April 6, 1863. g ‘ Picking ' as RECEIVED ms , 511 mm 4: scum—m 171.0? an .u l I. v , ‘ coir}: ‘on, com: ALL. my 18,18”; .._M-,,.._r ~:'--. .. . . . Plckmg ,AS RECEIVED ms T srmsa I: swam: cwrnmo, cm: 020:, 0051 i: ALL. “my 18. 1863. . _ Uccnann PIGKLES, n ‘lJr-‘lgo lo! inn r.- ' ceived from thc’cit)’, i‘n prim-N MW. at ’ ‘ KALBPLEh‘.’ Z 4 ' *A DEM©©l§€AT3© my, FAMHLV J©URNAL l 115 b,! (Manila. 6UR FLAC I IZE n. 1. Shut, :m'ron. AND Puoruz‘rpl. wro‘ia-ivsngnn. PA; T— MONDAY MORNING. ocr. 12, km msl'ocmw mm mm.‘ ' For Governor, } HON. GEO. w. WOUDWA‘RD, ~ - Or LUZERNE ('OL'NTY. ‘ ' ‘ For Inigo or the supra-r ('OII'L HON. WALTER n. LOWRIE, - 0F ALLEGHENY COUNTY ~ DEMOCEATIL‘ L‘DH‘TY “CRETE; ASSOCIATE who»; .1 Hos. ISAAQ E. WIEINAN, Hunfing‘on tp ~ . " ”stun”, . ‘ JAMS n. magnum. Hnmillonbnn ‘Qp ‘ smamnr,‘ . i ADA)! EEBERT, Franklin tp. 1‘ :lu-m'fi'rxn Ash nunmnn, “ SA.£L LILLY,-’.\lognlph-usum Ip. 1‘ cum: or run: coun-u, ' I JAMES .I.). PINK, Uxfu'nl 2p. 1 runs/cum. JACOB TROXEL, Gettysburg 1 , cuxmssnmxu, SAMUEL-MARCH, Heading tp. DIRECTO'ELOF 1m: maxi, GEORGE .\IECKH‘IY, Tyrant Ip. Al nmm, J’HN ELDER, Berwirk t" ' cmmsxn, Dr. THOUAS O..Kl.\£!‘.l{, l.i'l!l:sl0\"fl ANOTHER FALSEHOOD CLIN‘CEED. The Chnml'gersburgbfepo‘ciwry. aqd ogher Aboiition jouirnnls.‘ ve ‘chnrged VSen‘ntor Clymer with declaring’in his spbech‘ at Somerset, that: J ' , “If Woodward and ‘Vallupdiglmmliaerz rkctt'd will! Sat/m0!” and Parker, they lo'ltllréuyite‘ i; callmg from We fig 111: troops [mutt/Idr hyme tive States. for“! puma: 42f muffle/(EM (h; ad ministratinn urtngiu’a cokvénliou of 016 84414:. to adiuat avrldaficu‘klci” - . ‘ , , The Bud'ing'ngme, on‘ the antli‘griuy (3f Senator Clymer,’ pronounces t_hq chuge‘ false. He used no such languLgo,J—%r any thing like It, “Somerset or eEsewfiqFt We were l 0 well ”ti-find that it via untrue ~whcn we, first. m 5! it. that. we deemed it Inn-l woxthy of. notice. I! in s‘ah to not dqwl very chargé made _in‘thAtplition paper: against Democrats as fa)§ehopds. This only wagon is calumny.—- Palriu a? Union. Wl9 AH! THE TRAI’I‘OBB? Benjgmin 1". Butler, the hero of Big Bethel‘ and Lowell-Lune lucceuful tin-m -ciar .in Non Orleans. who pocketed over 3 million 01 daily: by hiqoflicul corruption in thnt Elly—in engaged by (lie Cut-tin Stale Committee to make speeche- in luv/or of the Illoddy oandidstl. Al I "cent meetlng of Abolitibnisu, who denounco the Union :- it In: and icurse tho‘Jonltinltion a: it‘ll. he «had the miller: unembl‘ed-a “Do you wish the Union rumored n it. Wu?” To whfoh they mutated vehemen tly. "No." And then the distinguished Curtin ontor upload. "The Union a“- it mu cannot be res‘lbrod and it would be fol ly for me to say Up! I an: in favor of the palpation 9!; théUnion as it was!” We uk th‘e cou’siamtive 60mm of‘ the ‘ Commonwealth wxo desire to see a return. of pence and prosperity-Lo aununbtppy‘ country, nnd who believe that the Union any yet be restored to bless them and pheir: childzef. to ponder well upon the treason-’1 .blo utterance-i above qupted before lhsy plloo their votes in the ballot box. 1 I The Ohio Elation—Jamel A. Hellman, who hwiust returned tmNew York from 8. Speaking tour in behalf 9! the Demoqafic cause in Ohio, says “ if there bond “99' in; with the ballot-box. Ohioron the ho } 4V6“. gives Valium“: My ”05.3 i .;‘xtj'."~ “ ' " V ' ,F‘nu'm rs "can my nu. ninth" ‘5. GETTYSBURG. PA", MONDAY, OCT. 12, ’1863. cnnmrs “sogprgg': DODGE PLAY- We copy the following from tho Harris burg Patriold: Union. WHAT I'll PRIVATES 01' THE GALLANT FINN SYLVANIA RESERVES THINK Q! Cl'l‘l‘lN The following letter is from a. responsible wurm—a‘n intelligent soldier of the" Re sérve Corps, who Went in a Democrat and intends to come out Ony'e. if he should sur ige the war. It. is ngonuine letter-print like most cf those published in the Aboli tion papers. manufactured for the occasion. We shall look for more from the same qt'mrtvr: . , . ‘ Curr nu: Wnnnzxroy. meyu. - ' Septenabenlo_'lB63. } . Eon-on UNION—Sir: I am a Pennsylvani an. and have led the life of a soldier for nearly three years. 1 was a Democrat. when I entered for the war, Ind Im one yet. I humhnd greatinducementsheld out to me lf 1 would but desert the old land marks of Jefferson Ind Jackson; bufiLoouldn’t "so; it. “ ' ‘ . In reading the Abolition papemlvfhicll m-a circulated freely in this army,l find thnt "Henveflfiand earth” are sboutAbeing moved for the purpose of impressing Upon the minds of the good flame ,o‘l‘ the old Koystbne that A. G. Cnrti'nis the sold‘lers’ condidaté from Pennsylvania in the Army of the Potomac. Such talk is all hllderdash. Curtin is not the choice ofthe "fighting sons" of Pennsylvmin. 'l'ho.Abolitmn wing of the~ honored snm ofll’cnmylvnnia sup pnrt Ant/y.“ but the'inrge. conservative, Democratic wing jump over Andy, and go in for tho great-statesman, Geo. W. “’qu yvard, for (invornnr. Curtin’s most ardent nupporlé‘rsfire fougnl‘nmonu theshnultlvr strapped buys-s. Judge Woodward’s sup portvrs are found in the ranks“ Tho men that carry tho mnskets and do the fighting —-the lmrd-fisted yeomanry—are the sup porters and detention of Democracy. ‘ We know Andy‘s carom-by lm‘nrt.‘ The Almfilinnista can’t lenrn m anything about him. We know what [l9 has done for us—- we know all. We know, too, that he has been well paid for all he. evvr dill for us.— Wo mre him nothing.. He Iliad bt-tlerrgive up the SUlllll'l‘ tlutlgO—he. knows he is acl~ in: the I.ypn~ itu. Come, Ant/y. this won't. dnngflll kn v very wnll you are not the unanii—meiso t-s- nl us l’cnnwlvnnin l‘uoys tnr thv‘yernnr l'lwro i~: no use in your trying to gull’ . guupla any longer. \V«- are lmsy .'l the Inm- \rri'lng I.4th to our friends nlionl your Inkt'l‘llly. (.‘un‘m Andy, not honestly. ~ ' , l’umnylmninns. be not defining]! ANGJ (‘ur‘tin is m! (,I.‘ "minimum choice of thi-t soltl.m'~=. 'l‘tu-rn arr thoummls dl‘Domocruts in this nuny who are tint hix- wmmrtori—a qun for (ii-mapi W. .anlward. the sol dmrn’. (in; fru‘ml.’ Amuse l’ Demtm-ujs, nu um! llioct Wu‘odulml li'ivertmrul' Penn «3!v.mi;-. and Hudson»: ot'l‘vnnsylvmfin in the Army at the Potomac Wlll thank you lor it. \ . Yours, hr... ’ ’. : ; w 3?: " C! ‘l' $7.0c0,000 1 1,00u,000 if the [aim copperhend implies. uwe suppose. all those who arena: Republicans, thqro arefins 15 well known. nyory large p‘r‘rflmrfinn in our armies which would cer tainlM‘Jme umlnr the designation thusvop~ prnhrinmlv applied to them. In general the “thinking buydmts” in our armies are mast llkely to be “copperlwnds.” as that tern.) la med to describe ;the lne‘nds of the Constitution and Union. We believe it i 9 because they are Npoclnlly ’sncb'in the Apr my of the Potomac that it. has been treat.- ed so shabbily by the Administration: Q We .find, in confirmation of our vie . the following article in the Tray Prat, by which it. appean tint. a Democrpl. in the Army of the Potom‘x is acopp'erbleadund that, this class (100:: the fighting: .‘. “CDPPERHEAD‘S’” IN THE} ARMX. 760,000 A I'riau-l who’ luv just receivégi an inter etlingletler from fine army permit; us to make the following expract from" it. It shows what kind of men are fighting the battles of the country : ' ' , CLIP, U. S. Vols., Aug. 23, _1863. ' Dear -—~-—_-'2 _ \ .« “ ‘ ; 1 have written’several letters; but can get no answer at all. Wlmt is die attenwitb all the folk: 1 Have they beenulirpfted 7, ‘ They say am there was a riot. in Troy‘ 3 short. time ago. nnd that the copperheads did it all. I don’t know whatyou (all n onpperhead in Troy. but in the army of the Potomac, if a man says. he is a Demo— crnt,,he is called a Coppei’head. That. is the name I go by altogether now. 1 But if Democrats are al Comm-head's. and called traitors, thev are all (halt ca'n be found to fight; for the ver ones {who were strong Republicans, fell out on the much before we got. to Gettysburg, sad the Cop perhead: had to Ila all the fighting. ' 1 Our Colonel "jun good Democrat. and he got killed. , Thst’u what’s the flatter: T _ Beapects to—-——nnd -—-aad everybody. Two of these “truiwrous” Copperhead officers in that same Army, called upon us “010;?" ago than yesterday. They ex press the same apnfimenta, 9nd more of them. to be read in thedbovo letter. They pmliculurlm.enuoned 1' late vvisit, of Mr. Senator Wilson to that Irmy, and declared thgt no lan use could too. strongly indi caletho disfllm with which hil preterm. than was regarded. 3 Judge Lauren—We had the pleilure of likening to an able speech delivered by thet veteran, Hon. John Leraver. et. a Democratic meeting at the Stone Home qn Saturday list. The Judge has heretofore been identified with the old Whig party, but being unable to swallow the’dbctrinn of the Republicans, has come out and boldly, do olnrcd his determination to support the Demon-Mic candidates hereafter. II}: ipeoch had a telling eflec‘ upon the audi ence.——Carlisl¢ Dayna. , ”___...P__'_. A Prophecj Alma—"lr the.» infernal fanatics and Abolitionistn ever get the power in their bands. they will override the Constitution, set the Supremu Court at de fiance. change and make luvs mogul: them selves. lny nolent hands on those wbo_dif for with them In opimon or dare question their fidelity, 3nd finally bankrupt the country and deluge it with blood.”—-.Dmu'd W'abuu. ’ pr“! 'hold that Min govern-vent um made } In W. nun 3;“an «um mmfar (In; (mu fl qf nun In. and Meir main" louver." ,—B.A.Bovcnsu ‘ ‘ j , ED OUT. High Privqte, P. R. V. C “ ,COPPELR'HEADS,“ ETC. [From ‘the Bayou Courier Yours, l GOV. CURTIN AND 'THE BINXING ‘ ‘ I‘UND. ' l Gov. Cut-tin and hi; friends, with their usual bare-laced impudence, claimAthat his adtqinistration has exerciled wonderful e~ eonomy, and roundly assert that hevwas in gtrumental in the \ nt reduction of the‘ State debt‘ihrough t agency of the Sin k iing Fund} Never w a claim made that had lea: foundation in met, an we shall be" able to dééwnstrate to tli satisfaction of every tax payer who c§esi§ea to know the .tr‘uth. _ Not long since, the Commiss\i{ners of the I Sinking Fund, comprising the AuditodGen ; eml, State Treasurer and Secretnrx of the ; Commonwealth, notified the Governor that l they had paid at? some nine hundred hou |aand dollars of the State debt whereu an the Governoreu required hy‘taivaissued _'s proclamation announcing the cancellation and extinguishment of theamount of debt‘ certified to him aspaid by these Commis ‘lslonen. This nae the beginning and the lend. the burn and substance 8f Governor Curtin's agency in this transaction. >lle had nopiore to do with the creation of-the Sinking Fund and ‘i‘ippropriating inoney to ,the cancellationvof the State debt. than the {fl-Imperor'of China, and not half 30‘ much to Ido with putting money into the 'Treasu {he with taking it outta lavish upon his I shoddy associates and needy 'fmrtizans. I Now let us see who deeerves_tlie credit l for piopdsing and creating this Sinking 'l‘und,tliroiigli the' operation of which a‘ , portion of the State debt is annually smirk: lguished. At the session of the Legislature {of 1856.-Cherles R. Buchalew. then s mem— jr‘her of the State Senate, and njiw Democrat liic member, of the United States Senate, 1 proposed certain amendments to the Coll-l i stitution, and among them’the smtiomcre- 1. ‘nting a Sinking Fund. Thesenmenduients; ‘ wert‘ adopted by the fiemocratic Legislature I ioflflfit‘u. again adopted by this Denmcmtic. ‘ Legislat'ure of 1857, submitted to the votel iofthe people at the election of 1857. ailopzt' itod and made part of the Constitution of l‘l"cnns.\'lvania. in the falLowing words: I I “To provide for the payment of the pres-I icntdeht and any additional debt contract-i ed as 'al‘oreqaid) the Li‘glsluture shall, at its ; ' firit session after the adoption of the J :nmPndmnnt. are: te a Sinking Fund, which i ‘ Rllflll he stiflleiénz to my the accruing inter- I :‘NLQn such debt. and annually to reduce‘ 7the prinéipnl thereof by a‘mun not less than SQ§OJJOO; which Sinking Filnd‘zzhnlll consiat ‘of the net annual income. of the public' lworka, from time to time owned by the: ; State. or the preceeds of- the said of the, same. or any-part. thereof, and of the in-l crime or procefidg of sale of stocks owned." by the State, together with other funds 0r! resources that may be‘designuted.‘hy law.l IThesaid Sinking Fund may be increased. ! from -tim‘e to time. by wigning to it any; mm! of the taxes, or other revenues of the. jStnte, not required for the ordinary and‘ 1 current expen see ofgovemment. an rl u nlessj lin cape of war. invasion or insurrection. nO5 gpart of the snidSinking Fund shall be used, lor‘lapplied otherwise than in extinguiuh- ' intent of the public debt, until the amount I'ofeuch‘ debt is reduced_ below the jam of lfive millions ofdollnrs." ' I ll In ”cox—dance with this amendment to‘ itlle Consm‘ tion, the Legislature of 1853' I passed an n t asaigning‘ertain revenues to I' {the Sinkin Fund,and directing their np—i rplication to the payment of theint‘erestand i iprincipal o the State debt.‘ Anion: the! {revenues thus applied to the Sinking Fund " Ewe find tonnageMxpaidlby Railroads. Will" iGovernor Curtin deny that he was instru-i imcntal in depriving the Sinhing Fund of ' this source of revenue, amounting to mßréi than S3CD,OOO annually, and that he aphrow ed‘ ofa bill repealing the Tonnage Tax? , , We have thus established beyond controg. versy that the Sinking Fund was created byl the Constitution. that revenueswere airsAL rill ‘94 it by the Legislature no directed byirhe} {Conatitutioneand that so far frogn havmg ‘.any agencx.,even the most remotE, in put-l 'tiag money into thin Sinking Fund, Gov-l exnor Cut-timhaa, by his action, helped to take out revenues amounting to more than man nuxnlxn ruousa‘xn DOLLARS axxu- , CM Hon absurd then to claim fmlnim the peculiar glor; of having paid off a'millian of‘lhe State debt. when the truth is. that his only agency in the inhttqr mm to issue A proclamation unnnunciug the amount. H-. qhidnted throagh Lhé operation of a Sink ing Fund. creatéd long before his oflieial existence commencedé-Patriol (2 Union. THE ADMINISTRATION 'NOT THE GOVERNMENT. Judge Purmn, (Republiclnf nf'Dauphin county. in nJ‘ecent. charge, laid: 'fi-“Do not mikunderstand me on this Inhjcct.‘ Men have the moswnlimiled right to condemn. and if you please. rail at the Notional Adult-fanatic», And object. to the manner in which it conducts‘publio affairs, but not to decry the government under which we‘liva, or express hoptrs or wishes for n dissolution of the Union, the destruc tion or defeat of our armies. the noccess .of the rebels or of the rebellion. * ‘ The Administntion he mav entirely condemn; the Governmvnt he is bound to support.— Partiea will always existjn every free coun tri, and the question whether men‘will sus tain or opposg a particular administration. is one in which there should over be the most perfect freedom of opinion, but no than or set of men have any right. natural or folitical,»to overturn the government itself. le is bound to uupport and sustain it, let wh’o Will administer its afi‘airs. until the‘ m ler can be changed under the provisions of the Constitution. There cm'utinly can be no ditficulty with persons of ordinary intel ligence drawing the distinction between sustaining the government itself. and Bus taining or opposing than who tamporarily Administer its Afl'nira. Tho latter is a LID?“- tion of party, the format of Miami/“a: fi'Lut rio Republican imagine that his liberty a safer than um ol‘ the Dcmocrnt. If the one is lost. so also is the other.. W. are all m the mud ban. ' m nouns “raga. =MEI TAX-PA ' _BS, READ 2 READ ! ! r \ ‘ THE WAR DEBT AND T? WAR. TAXES. - We subjoin some figures Ihcwin what, fizé debt in each county of Pennsy unis will be,aupposing the w’ar debt of th U" nion at the cloae of the war,_shdllbe"3, - 000 A!» of dollars. We solemnly believe i would be that sum if the war closed to morrow.— Because filq warhij now lasted 880 diys—aud than is no proalSoct thug it will be closed in 120 days more: The daily expense ol the Int—tho 'current expoun— ia set dowu a mu: lILLIO I luv—- this, of course, will amount Him m'il lions in 1.000 days. Now, Pengniylv-nia'n quot: of‘men 3nd monethuzbegn fix‘_ (worbelieu-ofioinlly) 9LONE~SIXTH of mel whole, which is 5500.000,0001 _lt is 'm this that the following apportionment lab: and interest. is based. W 2 ASK nu \"néx or ALL “prune I‘o Inns "XI- n 1 of I An- ' run}. 1811': ‘ ' Each county's habh‘gounty's ‘ share of the share of the bows-u: 'prinéipaloflhe hferestoftho 3 ‘ \ war debt. .in debt— -1 ‘ , _ yearly.‘ ‘ A nms, \; s 4.817.032 5 "28992182 A egheny, ’\ , 0,741,621- 1,844,497 92 A mstrong,‘ $51084 _ 3fi9.4%, 04 my. \ 12.080 300.724 80 B dfotd. ‘ 4. 8,592 #275,915 52 n 5, Ikg. .696} . 98820176 Blgai g' 4. 8,88 V‘ 287.195 28 Bitud rd, 8.- 3.- l \ 496,996 46 ‘Bdcka. ‘ 10,93. .4 656.124 96 Blhler.‘ . ,‘ 5,122.\16 - x 307.330 05* Ca‘mbr' . ‘ ‘ :mv ‘ mm. 00 Cufrhm 7.06056 C trv ‘.640 00, (23'in r 590 96‘ (31mm '.870‘ m Cléan Clinton C Tum? Cr wfo C mbe D up'h D law FA " ' Er F, Faye‘ Form I’rfm. Fulton Greem Hu‘nl’ India'mi ‘ ” 5.794.064 . 333-2676 84 Jefl'erson,-: 3.142.440 ».-‘1 ”644; 40 Juniatit. ’ . 2.921.592 ' ’ 175.295 52 Lancaster, 20.006018 -‘,.1,'200.360 46, Lawrence, « . 4.955.828 287,349 68 Lebanon, '~—\ . 5.474.932 2 328.495 42 L'ehigh, ’\ 7.525.516 451,533 96 Luzerne, . 15,511,968 930.718 08 Lymming, 6.432.528 ' 385.951'68 M'Keen, . 1.423;643 ‘ 82.424 88 Mejrcer. . 6,339,232 . ( 380,353 92 MWm.‘ 2.810.480 168.628 80 qurm. , 2.892.376 ‘ 172.942 56 M ntgomery, 12,110.00!)~ 726.960 00 Mgntuur, .‘ 2.245.110 124,706 90 Ndrthem‘fiten.‘ 8.236.488 424.369 28 Nur‘humlmrlend4,9B6.634 " 299.197 44 Perry, 3.931.790 2.35.24? 70 Philadelphia“ 97.270.988 5,735,218 28 Pike. , 1.230.060‘ _ 78,937 60 Porter, , 1,972,840 .. 118.370 40 Schuylkill, 15,395,720 - 923.743 20. Snyder, 2.586.020 \ 155.161 20‘ Somerset, \ 4.605.818 216,348 08 Sullivan, a ' 969,564 ' '58.!73 84 Susquehanna, 4.237.924 \ ‘ 374,275.44 Tiogn, 5.339.568 320.374 08. Union, ' .2432940 ' '. 1.4597640 Vemmgo. ‘ 4.307.396 ” - 258.443 76 Warren, . 3.300.680 1‘ 198.040 80 Weehingtofi, 8.394.460. 501.667, 60 Wayne. , 5.545.408 ~ 332.706 ‘4B Weslmoreland', 9.212.592 554.555 52 Wyoming, 2.156.880 129.412 ~80 Ygfi, ‘. ' 11,730,400 . 703,824 00 Let it he rel-nephew, that this you we: [.\‘CLC‘DI me Plsswxs, Bou’xnxs to honore hlx diacherged soldiers. 850.; 47:. .170,000 claims for pension: were allowed at. the Surgeon Generel’e office to ihvdide. widows, km, up to September lst, 1803’, The whole number of ‘penqipnere oeunot‘be less than 550,000! And pm. e! $8 pen mofith for «eh. will he $54,000,000 per ennnml ~ We heve presented lheee feeu end'figuree heeeuee the people heve .e right wknow what. their burden! no," any W are about to vote upon the question whether these who hue cmted this immeuee debt —-the power! et Wuhlnpon—rend than why heve had no lerge e ehlre of; it—Rhe cormpt'powere et Berti-burg, of (which A. G. Curtin is the heed;'ehould longer remain iguflncas where 1h? cerT‘Mp the substance 0 phe Sate. Au REMEMBER! xvnr now.“ e, ‘um noun use a: mum av TARA-N ! I—l’uuburg 13m.“ . ' I Isfionmiz' r The New York Sun, a neutral paper. with slightly Lincoln procliviuel. contain. the follb'ing '. 7 , “The Hog. Thad. Stevenl. the. Reputati cmfigtder in the lat. (gangreu. in 1 speech dehvehsd, in Lulu-tel- wurity, Pennsyl vania, on 'l‘hund-y. in favor ole re-dec tion of Curtin. expresud the follmviag,nn timanu: “ "I‘he Union I: it In. Ind the Con-mi;- tion In it il—Bod forfiid it? That. may be Abolition dock-ins, but it in the righg doo trim.’ “This tiny b 6 ‘nneonditional loynlty.‘ but it looks uncommonly like treason. Other traitérs‘never said uiything no bad): this. They at least. were in favor ol the restora tion of the Union and the Constitution, but ‘ erred in thinking $11.81“ can‘bb better 50- ; complished by peace than war. The Pregi dent and Congren have placed on record the most solemn declaration: that the sole object of the war was (ox-elbow and unin taip the constitutions! authority of the General Government. in the insqn'ectionaq States. and on the faith of these assurance. 3 million of man shouldered any". and ‘ mm. of money has been expended. But after two year: uni I hnlf of war and the sacrifice. o! a. quarter of A million of men s: leading member of‘ the dominant Bepvb‘lfi can party publicly depmtel the principle for which we fine been contendin . Other traitor: hue been exiluL—mll gu vena he shot, at infirimiod, o: "In mu cutedl’", ‘~ - =l= Jn “sowlgs I'm," Selfish _nd True Friend: of tho 80l- . The Groonsbugg (Westmorolnnd county) Rapubb‘can. edited by Col. Will A. Stoker. oonlfimthe following oommunicigtion : To the Elilor (If (A: meordand Republican: 'Slnz—A. G. Curtin. thoßlnok Rapublicsn candidate far Onvnrnor,‘ who was foisted upon his party by the inimuy despotism now reigning a Washington, profane; to be the {rien of the soldiers, and hope- to mike votes thereby. _ ‘ ‘ 'He and his blatant omtora any induce some people here at home mkbelievo it, but that. kind of gammnn won’qko down with the soldiers—« Shay know him too wall. ”is a well known fact that Gov. Curtin and John Covode, "ho‘hegt John,” tried to break up Qhe'orgfimiz-niou oHJoI. R. Cogla. ter’s regiment. whilent Cnm‘p Curtin. in 181‘)! —tbn*. Mm- the rrg meat war filled a 1 through the personal exertion: of 1110130}- onel Ind a few or his perv-nu] Mandi, Gov. Curtin took away three of_lhe companim' gnfl gu’vo 11mm to a political friend in tho eutflo make up his regiment. Ind Col. CouYter’s rt-niment. mu kppt lying in am poiaofious. filthy. hole,‘Camp Curtin, tfil sickneas‘in it became so alarming that the Governor was forced» let it go—thoush it. _the’n hsd but nine companies. In'! 'loon AMP the men commenced dying lilu rot ten sheep. It was the Governor’s eulogy to that regimen]. that cost. the lives of m. M’Gut~ chen. Henna Brennan-n, Jon. Rhogfim Jolineon 31’ utchen.Yonng-Bricker. Ii! 5 number ogolher mum: spirits. It was hopethat on leavilig the State. Gov. Cur tin woufd cem his e‘nmity. bin it followed he regiment to’. Annapolis, and ,Surgeon 'neral Smxtu was sent. in find out cable of co plaint‘ ain’st it. He was. one of the Gov mor’s‘grmturu,‘ and, though be was not fin’hnur kill: the refiimont. he went home and prepured u very bitter repay}. complain" “‘3 ' ‘ ' ' cipline bad no and no did. 0 and he, violent ' rts be; figubtless ment br’ to fill u bad no bnnu2h War Del Gem-tax and Bri‘ MEI ‘ 'l‘hev eml da careful! report f: “[lng pl and thei pinion ‘0) item {1" Curti?! a, 'l‘hnt reron . 4: put»..- tion. to 15 um the fumilieq Mid friénds «P the snhliowthat mey were being properly cared for. and that. these cruel film reports circuhged by the Governorfq frienqx were withoulfoundalion. . i The chapiin of the regimmt handed the , report ? thevediwr of the Herald for publi 'cation. ‘ut the loyal editor of that mummi émous sheet refused to publish them..ll're i faring to let. his own people-in the army,‘ his friends and neighbors from thinncountry isufl'er under them: ufijushflspeisions. rather {than publish the facts, thi‘iea; of ofl'r-pding his master. the Governor: and a few‘wcelks ‘since on being mproveil for his want. of in . ten-st in his own county fdgiment, he tried ltn fhrnw the blame on his tool, M'Afee.—- It has been said that M'Afve mntmls hiu ipppergnnd as M'Afeeans‘about. that time ,trying to'get a clerkship M. Harrisburg, of ‘course he would not nil-3w anything 10.!» i said which would-affront. theGovernof’, md‘ ."3 tha‘mtuu; sditor himself wuss looking up 4.0 the publictrib for some n'ubbins in the ” shape of the nssassorship or spine other In loffice by which he might be enriched and ‘1 make something out. of the up: without ox l posing‘his precious person, it would not do (to hike this part. ofthose the Governorwu vopposing. as the Govprnor hsd such gm: linfluence at Washington. ~ ~ “ Ithns been said by meg recently from that régiment that Gov. Carlin could not get ten votes. in it—it is doubted it he would~ get one. , s It may be alleged that the Coionel of tho 11th Pu. volunteers Tbelongs w the same pnrlyyw'ilh the Governor and editor of, the illeruld—if so it was a stmngoryeason why ‘his regiment. should be endorsed mid nil ”tainpd at home—at all events it luvs. the G‘overnor ahdhis tools without any ex ' cuse. ' ~ ~ ‘ fl “192‘ 88 2.901 36 9.670 80 358' 00 gall 35 .55“. 93 .779 0.! .042 80 .138 20 .86!) 88 _267 36 .740 3'2 21"] 92 219 76 .992 00 It is also a well known {not in the army that on one occasion hut fall Gov. Cal-tin visited the army near Fulmonth, and bed his intended visit to his golden. (as he inso lently calls them.) announced someday: before in orders to each regiment. The Governor did go to the Army of the Potom ac. but only vilite'd General Meagher’l bro, gnde. While there a steeple chase was got up ‘fyr amusement, and Governor qutip. got will-onk he could not get away for two days, and did not visit his soldiers. He however «ent his regards and regret; that public basin“: prevented his seeing them. which was again published in orders to the several regiments, nnd.the men knowing the facts. received the announcementmith shouts of laughter and scorn and-derision. but were on the whole quite as well pleu ed that the Governor had got mo drunk Ko‘ vi'sit them.‘as I'l mvedtk‘m the fatigue and disgrace of turning‘Out on review {or him. i ‘ i _ if my one doubts the Wing state ments in rel'efonco to Curtin'l cruel troop merit of the 11th regiment Po. volunteer-I. 'the official reporte- are in Greansburg, and [l.O some official corrugation“ between the Governor and Col. ‘ ulter, which on; be shown. and will ~convince the moat in; crwuldue. , ~ ‘ , ' mm» innugunl nddreu of Governin- Bumleua says: “We hswe now, and MW hive when the rebellion closes, the idenlii ml Constitmiqn which the extremists seek to destroy—the one by innovation, the other by=foxfce. It in not a. rewind Union, not: recomtmclod Union. that Kentucky dssires. but a preserved Union. and a to: stored peace upon a constitutional bub." The Chicago Tnnujusbly says that. there il_ lion "Copperhead" in thallmted Sum who dos-s not. wear these sentiments in hit burn core! m 1 a'" Ifdavery i: (061 conlinueqin “ix m. try, we want the Irialt and all/tolls: “_kkc I‘. place 4' the negro. and (d (fie more Wu“ more m'rluoun unfit M‘Jubcmlai.”—A‘baliaog AMP”- ‘ ’ ’ Such are (he sentiments of the old Know Naming party. my now ask. you to vote for Curtin—on man who gue uwaykour pub lic woi-ka. and supplied the soldier: of the State with nhoddy‘uuifonm. ‘ _ ' A; —l' .91e. • (reap: at Electiou.—-By the 95th notion of the Act of Assembly of the State of Penn.“ sylvanin. of 2d Ju1y,1839. ibisennctedthw "No BODY OF’I‘ROOPs’ 11mm; ARMY OF THE UNITED S'L‘A'l‘m. OR 0? mm UQMMUHWEALTH. SHALL BE P 3532. EXT. Egypt! 31% ARMED OR UNARMED A'I‘AN ' PLACE or ELEUI‘ION wrrmfi THIS COMMON WEALTH. DURING rm! TIME or SUCH mamas." ‘ , figememhar. ’.he freedom of the mph. is in. Lheir Constilptiou. and “OWQWfiufl Whoever viqlq'es me Uonsututjou, Vining Studom. Wine"; neck; to (claim-£3115 Conititutioq,/se€ks,ta dam-0y freedom, I • "`rJj'<",',* diet, Read. "OLD Sounst,'l --sx!r - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers