E- Eb} Eompilrr. can run 1‘ WV ‘_fi_w __-_ , l-IJkI‘l'LRLg, [131103 AND 11017111103 durum-um. my yome MORNING. 0cr.:12, mes PEOPLE or mains, LBE 0N YOUR GUARDi I, 3 We no informed that the .«ibolilioniita an" bod printed Tic/ken purporting to be 'Democnlic Ticketbtfl which are SPU RI .OUS. Spurious cause they have the mom of Aboljtidu candidnteo.scnllered. her! find there, nfuoqg the names of Demo bgau. In so e cues probably the mme of 213]] one Abrllitionist will be found on the Jickflq—in other: (no or three. 'By this . . ’.w n I an: , , "the oppdlition oxppci 'lO $1.”; the amus pectin'g. L'et. TUE PEOPEE be on the look out. Democrats. be vigilant. Soc aim we fickah ga'ud are ALL many -ILut they contain the names of all the Deinjbcrétic candidatan,‘and every Calldlddlt‘l mar-é? in the rigid plate. Again we soy. IQUA‘BD AGAINST swamus on 000 N ’PERFEIT TICKETS! _ y‘4 The geuuillélJeluocmtic :I‘ickéi is} A OOVERNOR, { A _' figwge H". Wood ward /’ - ags‘bém'rsf dupes, ’ IsaaC‘E. VVit‘rman. ASSEMBLY. James ‘H..Marshall.. 7.,5H qrr. Admfifilcbert: " gang-rm a'nzconnsn. xf ' Samuel Lilly.’ 3%' ' , ' {menu or THE coma-s, ‘ James J'. Fink. .couu-rv mason“, Jacob 'l‘rqxcl. cqu-rv COMMISSIONER” Samuel film-ch. _ DIRECTOR'OF THE 9003; t , Georgi: .Blgt'kley; : ‘ ‘coun'rv AJb'lTog. '. -~ ‘John _Eldcr. . ' ,: canons; :. ‘ Dr. Thqmas‘l). Kinzé r. may or THE sppmzmv. copm, \Walt’cr H. L'm‘vric‘. ‘WOODWARD AND VICTORY! TM; is thnlnat‘ paper we shall issue.pre «ion! to the election. 'During p. 119 contest lmw to be decided, we hnva discharged .ogrdugym the best. of our ability, and. as we no glad toffmoiv. to the sagisl‘uction of lotyrpollilicall fripdds._ In pin- next it. will Wfdr us to pußlish (he regult. Yv'e feel a "confidence in [lie people, and lhorelore he ]love that it will be our plnnsure to un pom-9:9 a triump‘l'mnt victory for [lie people. 'Thqzédnilyiratm-é against nur camifry— those (”Wits who, yum ago, snoeringly am ..nannced that the Arilerican flang‘u n ~“flauntinglie.” sin] that. they desired to mfiw " Union slide "fare at work with a «leapenti‘on unparalleled in political war. , fare. With their packetafilléttwilh “green- Ml.” they arg gppwhing the vgnal/und "mrmpg. find no Ilium will be 519er by them tormémplish-‘lheit infimous cle .;&igna. A ' _ r 0 ' A ‘ /- Hen of Adams clinntyi' the lime for «z fimment bu; gone by. D 0 YOUR DUTY AT THE VOLLS. 'Remembe} the {ear . tul' rmponjbiity Lat .rests upnn your Ethoulders. and togork'! to work'! Sound :hebugle blut—"Wofinwnn Ayn VICTORY I” TOTHE POLLS! TO THE POLLS! !' :00 108 War A CHANGE? We .\Yilh to any a word to the- con§erva~ flip, rol] “no party” men, in Atlfnns couu~ ire-tho men who hug never acclvaly pu iiqipnted in politics. You have l‘ried (he liepublicnn party, you have given then: all _ lhey'isked for, and yet the country is no nearer sq'viqd than whqn‘they‘ ,firsy. took bid of Hz“: min: of pavar. We beseech foil. be houe‘gt ind fair in considering this Question. 'You have tried others, and they ‘ «line signtlly failed to swomylish what fog ‘ “Sid—filled because their‘prinoiplel are ‘ ndiedly Wrong. V's uk you then for 1 once to try the Demogmcy. They Ear-"go: do Wu than duo you Wfian trying ;. And we more], helieh‘thny will and the country. _Bo 39¢ uy ybu‘f-ill rail and give these I neuhapbher trlfl, and it: they still fail you z. will 11m try thefDembcr-tq; (may Mm m. 39; if m m‘conduated as they lnve Been bring the pp; three yarn. by the V ”“5613an chlnoo for trig) coma, nu my ‘.\lwlwo-mnqyuu'ge! ; AV Loox'om ron noonmcxs. _ 7‘50 Abolition lenders are despente Ind (will lawn to m 301523 of trickery and. {and go curry the election. Every kind of M will be simulated 'by them. £Ol - paw ‘9! huull‘ml dub Dementia W: ‘7 : ._' . : . W’h' on_ year guard upimt “MW! ngnewer you gee my ' " V nail them to the county “you Wmnntafieil coin. Look out for 1133‘; when and Hannah-hour ma. bills, filled with ell-lama; and falsehood! Look out for mixed and spurious tickets. gnqu will be flooded ma uni-n Effie Abnunu madman. Satin! the micro spelled m .on your flaking ~~A.wm:mfimhmpg. mm ornnxm momma]: fARmBRSofADAMS COUNTY, Tax-payer: oannmscounty! -Yr’ve‘ RE_ A D ' \ cnalk’ir account to settle with Govemor .'ur-l ~< ' . tn. The “Logismm of magma, in 1861;! ’ ‘g . .... ‘ .- releuéd the Pennsylunin Rlilrood Coma ' [me 3M Chmbfl'burl SN?" 1 Thu] may from the paydapntm arg'l‘onnm: swan STUABT’S mm. EMU Tux, which deprivedfshe 8:3on I jest; revenue to the mount. of ”meal-Z: lam: «Ira! Mound dollar: u year! Ney. more, nt'i Ithst time the Railroad cited the Sate, 3700.000 {(2 thfeflhvo previouq yarn' tax—‘l' The Legislature, e section of the umel‘: bxl‘l repealing $3l Tonnage Tax. riped out, tni: debt! 80 by {his one act of the Legie-I lunar—which was then composed of; law--5 Lhirde Repu‘lilicin majority in both cheeell «the 356 m sustained 3 lon of!he_’l‘onnnge ‘ ‘Tuxf‘thén eméhnting 153300.000 (year, (it! vmuld be a million a year by this‘ time) nndr also the $700,000 that. wu'due her! govn ernor Cunin engineered this plundering ' bill through me' Legislature and placed gm} signature «0 it. Remember- !heee {new} people? of Adaqis bounty, when you go‘ to; vote on 'l‘uendny, (to-marrow.) a“: 1 1I I'ACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. m War-flab! and War, Tam.—-If the via: ceased to—niorrow the debt of‘ the Union (according to A careful calculation recently made at Wilmington.) would be' 3,000,000.- 000 of dollars! Pennsylvnniu’uhfreofthis debzwbuidkbe $500,000,000! 1' , Let. it. be reniembered,_tliat this does not include the Pensions, Bounties to honora lbiy digcharged soldierii, am. am. memo [claims tnr pensions were allove’dflt the .’ Surgeon Geneml'n office to invnlias, widows, am; up t6\SepLembor Ist, 1863. The whole number-_flsensioners cgmnot be lesl than 250,900! d this. at $8 per month for encfi, will he $24.900,000 per annum. ‘ We have Ergsggted the” facts and fig ures because the people haven right to know whee their burdens are or' may be—they are about, to vote upon the quesjiqn wheth er those who have created this"immen§e debt-should longer remain in places where they can sup the‘ substance of the slime.— And rememlfer! every,doll:d"of thli moneg mus}. be raised by TAXATION! i. L ' _._;- ._'. -.r_.__~ m REIGN 01*, RASCALITY. Honest riien of Adams county ! I“We l'would ask you, in nl'l'candnr, whetmr'the (state has not. been cursed long enough ‘ with the reign of rnscnlity‘yhich no? Holds high revel at Harrisburg 2‘ AYour ‘ pockets must. he"l well filled to stand ,three Iyenrs_more of such plunder and ,extrava gnnce. The taxes xnust fall lightly upon you, if you nre'willing to have .them dou bled' and trebled. Andrew ('3. Curfin is denounced,_evon by the papers of his own party, as corrupt'snd dishones}. Are you willing to give this corrupt and dishoneut. innn three years’ longer license? There is yet a hungry pack of contractors and place mF-n whose mnws are ‘not filled. Are you willing to help to flu them on; or main» stance of your honey, _earnmgs? Geprge "W. Q'oodward is khewn a}: an honest. high-mfinded~ honor-3519, Clu-istinn‘ gen‘tlef nian. ,‘ln all the slanders that liigva been} circulated against himlineyerdoné whie‘per hm: been breathed thhst'hir‘pt—lrily of chargcter.’ He stnndalab6ve feproach.—- Oh! it‘will be a proud boast tor Pennsylvw rnin to have such a man as he is in the ex- Are you 310}. willing to give every energy in helping to 'plkce him edufive chhii there? CUBT IN’S PLATFORM; 'l‘hrw Abolitio: mm»: rgcenfi made speeches in favor of AhdreW G. Curtin. the “shoddy” candidate‘fiirfGovennor—one was Thaddeus Stevens, thq leader of the Re.- publicnn party in this Smte, who solemnly declared,r“TlAe Union a: i! wza [tad the Can- itiiulioin a: it 123- Gad forbid it I” The second was Wm. H. Armstrong, who cool’y inform ed his hearers “(h/z! it wa: bellerglo' [o3¢ a bat: He in 111: field (Ivan the election in J'mmylmzln‘a‘.”~ Thethirdfiwas the notorious Blur. Butler, who boldly nnhounced to his Abolition au diénce thjat Ail“? pas notfur Illa: Union}: it thus.” Those who are willing tg’ eigdorse the trea sonable tipd disgraceful‘ séntiments quoted Ibovo will caaf their vote; hzr Andrew G. Curlin!’ _ i. "J ,‘ ‘ ABOLI'HON PALSEH‘OODS. All the Abolitionisu any or firm now. in regard to Woodward, Lowrie’or any of ‘the Dcmucratic candidatg, miy be set down 95 false. ‘ Our advice 'to Democrats ill—Lelia! not «I won! that me: from Mm. .- . They hiiv’e neither written. spoken. nor: printed anything impeulring the'pntriéb—l ismoi- loyalty of the Democratic nominee's,J since the mmmigp‘opencd, lint flue grossest. falsehoods. Novvithat but I few duyaiuter-~ vane hptween th‘p and the election, and, choir faleeboods cgnnot be exposed, we need 5 expect, nothing but the mont‘ntrocigns 0331- ,' ugniea. The devil himself cannot bong, them at. lying—they havelong since bummd‘ their' honor, if not their very spills, for gold, ; andlhey are racklcsi whit thiy any 0; do. l They charge Gen. McClellan with liner-i in; the election of Cuflin. ‘ A 3' It £1 {14114. . ‘ ‘ ‘ .3 They may J ydgo Woodwgrd iympathilel with flie rebels. ' v I! it“ false» _‘. . .'- Thu he ("on on inunpdon of (burgh! debt. ' . < ‘ It i: falu. . . That ha is disloyd to the Government) It a ram. ' mine he I. Home to thq nituufintipn of foreignerk. ‘ ~ , . ‘ . ‘tl‘ ii fall. ‘ ’ J . That 119 i: oppmod in Roman Canoliol. ‘ll 1': equally falu. .> . ' .- Theae :yd all o!.th «3111*ch they hive brought lglinst him are deliberate, malici muméions hisshoodn. Let. every Demo can and every bones: Republicnp bear this in mind. ‘ ' Let erg-y Democrat and qvery "Repub lic-n" iho wants I changxin theidminis nation ‘or public affairs; turn out to the election. H the people want'to suffer—- aufier-lufi'tar—till ruin rides rampant over every hill and valley in'fize Inna, let. them my at home and permit the rain! of gov unmw'w remain in tho hunds of the ivlitionins. On the contrxfy, if they llntoutoountry to return to peace and ”caper-fir, let. them TURN 0U“!L Ihd VOTE THE DEMOCQATIU TICKE’I‘,—.- .MurdOdmh... ‘ -1.»:" - - TUBA OUT l 'ln our issue of the 2d of Sepwtber I. published an editorial article in re lion m l the ' uid‘ by the rebel General Stu-uh; lthrough the counties of Franklin. Adam! innd Fulton. in thcmonth of October;ll§s ,In thnarlicle we stated. in positive (er . I‘that had it not. been for the interferon“! of [Governor Curtin. the bill making compen "aation to the sufferers by_tbe raid would ,_have become 5 ‘lnw. and our citizens been i indemniled for their‘loasn. The bill land Inlready passed the Home. with hut two ‘diasenting votes, mainly through the exer tions of lemflneobi. Horton, Mylers and' {Speaker Cessna, I” Democratic members. It provided for a commission to lake prdofs v oflossps sustained, and report. the name to y'the Court. _of Common Pleas. of Dauphin county. After the confirmation of the re- Vport the SCIIOL Treasurer. v’nu empowered to pay the clmmnnta. So mmifestl‘y‘Just was ilpin its provision; the: it, met. no op‘ kositipn in th House nnr‘wu any Appre ended in theiSen-te. In {hat body git V .. to I has..- ..ued in the Sen-to. In 7y lib referred to'th committee on Claims, and would have ‘been reported to . the Sen ate" favorably in a few days, but Governor‘ (, ‘rtin sow proper It 'this point to in terfiN-e’,’ got the bill' from the chairman and after carrying it in his packet for several week»? pnd heving suhfimted it to the “Govern ment” at \‘ uhinpton. returned it with fine ‘emphntic‘declnrstion that if it pended u: j “*6an YET!) no ,Another bill was} then " lramml calculated to meet the View: of His ‘ Excelliohcy; And kill 'the measure lipyond‘ Alope 3f redurrection. This: substitute for? 1 t ie origigml hill paused the Sennte'nnd was} jqoncurrep in.l\y:the House, under the pro-; l VlHIOI‘I! 0 whivh._»_\'ol' ox: you.” WILL‘IVIe ,cour. LVI'O rm: rocurs or most: or on Pin-1 5 rug. wuog'nmouon rnnuiuuérsmuficr or} I out: SHODDY Gonznxon 'ro rnm'inz mu mun, Muses. luv: M!N"PLUXDIM;D or mun! IPROPIRTY. Had Andrew G. Cuitin been as! 1 zealous in attending to his duties as; Gov-l ”e-rnnr at this great State. as he was in ma-! ’.king rlectioneoring tours to the army. this. ltlisgraceful' mid would not have resultedl ligi the snfeexnt ofSlmrt and his band with i {tile property of our plundered ailment—3 ‘ But what c’fires Gov. Guitin whether or; Inot the people ot'the State are outmged‘ l‘andjrobbbd? What cares~ he wlmt lnssesg may be reusgained by the yeomunry of the} border oouxrtiérhso that he, his pimps and; ‘ parasites can fill their pockets with thei _ money of: tax burdened people. in a moral ,disfgraceful manner than even a rebel mas-i rnuder stripped them of their property. ‘ ‘ Farmers of Franklin county, we ask you‘ to‘eonsider thew facts. They have never‘ 5 yet been denied by the shoddy organs—y ;W: custusal A Dunn or saw or own stun .hsnoxs in: autumn To This nun-n. und 'nre prepared to substantiate eVery one of l them by respecfable witnesses in this town. lWe ask you to consider well. before you | cast your votes on 'l‘uesdhy next. Hod not “by. Curlin interposed. you would, ere : this have been compenmtenl for the loss let your property occasxoned by his neglect ,3 {o' provide tor your protection against ma- Jxmdersinnd thieves. Think ot- the kind (arr, here’tolore madlfeated by lns‘Excellen _ry; for you and your property, 'and vote :3coordir.gly. @JUDGE W'OODWARD.. the Demo— cratic nominee fb‘r Gover’purfsympathises deeply wily {be Farmers? and othei‘s, in the border countvigé, whuu‘pave ahfi‘ered. in scores of 'ways. froth rebel ’invnsinni. AND IS IN FAVOR OF C(“IPENSA'I‘ING THE SU FFERER<! This we Kxow m be 3 run. Farmers ofA‘dazps. by ‘voting {r3}: Wood ward vou wm.aerie your owri and’the bbun try’n bustinterbsts. Olin you hesitate? , 3‘ ...;—— -———oo.oo———-——— ‘TO Tu-PAYERS’. It. seems‘ihat the Administrafion arg not. content "to late a victory in the field" in order to defeat. Judge Woodward on Tues day neirt, but that. the civil buSines’s of the country also.,must stand still while the clerlfu'gf the Dépnlrtments ara Bent. huge to Vote. A Washington correspondent (if the New York Her‘ulJ telegraphs- . “The Republicans of Ohio and _l’onnsyl vnnia’are straining every nerve to induce; citizens of thoqe Sutton in Washin‘gtop and; eliewhm-e to rotnrn home and parlifiipnte in the apprna’chiug elections. Leaves of absensedmve heen'gramed to the clerks in the Drpurtments appointed from those States. and free passes have‘bepn gian over the railromls‘to those from Ohio. ‘ Fiftenn days arg given to the Pennsylvania Quin. and a tax ot'one pacent. has been laid up on their salaries to defra‘y‘expensos. In ‘conaequrnce of this exodus from the sever al bureaua, much of the-public business has come L 9 stand stillf’ ‘ What do honest. men thinlé of that kind of loyaity! _ > VICE PRES Imm ‘ . Hun t mun“: E into their I) 'not text-erierfifi? Canvass in Maine. We‘do “can is “2:“3323-1 BM ”1931' new 01"". REA l ' a? Vzce l’reglae‘": mixeéeen the name oi'ilmlbOdll- It is V‘“‘Yg‘l‘;“,llndkmn deceive “0': t. R [‘l AD ~ Mm? he left. his seatlsned.‘ except at the‘lfpreaent the 5501”“; P “:"m lh't’thfil’l [Tim D“ . l L i 3 ' bl“ In" mum t-. reel .‘n l" V. .I m . m I 'lllxae 82:11:18 to greet Jendjl'lngl’liglfie" or: 3:l?fitlh;mhb°relemed it wooldnsedclallo‘flg lAboll!inniatzcrzxdl’:vh“a“l:*‘"’“ will that (he! 'll‘he valmlllr.” .-.-“ mm; l I l": own“ n ’ TM“ er night ho l IPU.—'T P'o their anti-:1 : tum. . ICllUllh nhrthuml ‘ .eccsxpionisli th‘ 'g’lme "r B‘ mm urethllnfin ! 05mm“ the wurk ”P: speech in New Y.' . wever, he made 1 hey do not say so - avery doctrines “d to this Uni “0911.. were both ‘ 9 . RAo. with ‘5 .' - 5 |_he "Win mu, 9- u“, ' .“h'le mmwm‘d‘ . v I V . >. I .h‘ L lAIC‘ he said ermn the course of .“‘ their pnrl mmbml know have mm 1 .011, that. for many , Oppns PHnolle and nor - _ N‘r had [any "I the sun I l ”(on “Wig. “n r. I I .‘_ , Whlch' - int-guns would ‘ "but I]. 4" Mm Unmn d 38"» [heylxux l l mynwluch l‘l‘av . utlu-r .P'“ "litrlmslt‘xl\ _‘l'l‘l‘i‘l “ “we h" - "on. “name. Imy “tern“ o‘2o. “Pom ha" med ..., memlhqmnion !um llm country“: ll .. . el‘flllnlxll .‘l iflrc‘fldmurdmxde l 'Pnnnr‘f mum,“ Maine wth:a a. class of men 'll ' 1r enders and r l -°?|‘flt|c part ', .‘0 break up the 1) ' that“ but ,0 l‘ - ‘ um- Is my cl 'a“ 'l' "'"l “PM?" In wllleH‘d “Uh" "W“ 0 ver among a. - 19 y (hem Selves l‘ 0 MAY What? dlgu .Y. “luch nlwn flu-l I. Ind [mm se lo“ l. m IMO] I munch ) 1- .\‘Asl‘l'l‘i “Dy much want nu: (‘ ‘. In» 1. . .would say. T ‘ 'nlnn moveme c» is merd their cheated 1.) .But (he 1 11...}, . "u" "“"N‘ ' / g, ~ ml: U 3 aha-rum. ush‘m the' hr! woul gnfltlon l n_. and "h" h ~ _ln Peolule mo Y. “We, * {IO I" 1' ‘‘Ur) I" 8" ll" F: ll inf. gt-fii‘lhem lxerel‘lfsoiscl: V“; Hive: Democrat“l 1r sleuth ot the gullibilily 31:.nca-“ir°‘l%ii;vgme. unimlimggui': 32:3; ““9"“! now; often ””0” «he: :f'lfig'wfnnuplfxflf' 30h"? “PM" "”"lrur'lnz . ‘-. . an" - leed 49. ' era] 1 - ' , )(beoh ' are' Iny‘ 'w] .5' ' ~ . ‘—-—‘=.... ‘ . ;or or funr‘l . " ‘L‘ M. Miami” I. who u. I" nu “in m" l l Ipuld ur e ‘ A arses are true ch '0 dolghnlml Wham“, .__ _\ - Mncllimw 3 "‘Wlnanamnr“: x ' “gasp-TRAP; ii- : :Egnftummnmmizfi; firm. 'Do you" 8 Wl’lilegimocmfs to stand l ggltfichlrlrnins In.» n:;T:,.:‘i:;l;gm...rm the who'll-$11312: "3 lmplo reason. 11'" Br:::"d;£::lncmfiug pnlrIllllllllunn“ n Kong“ ‘ . .sx—n I, ‘. ' y arch-1d ( zy. toyou ‘ ' Wclinn or u, ' Eplhflmmkh a Mmr l, lA” “ 'éwm ml."e“n “I I f). H II them I- What thé Uni . o‘!‘ ler 2 I ran. and your can “My... Health: firlmlnwin f‘o Unmn I” ”w ‘B‘" “mmmm I moms ‘”a he" ! mm. “will ' ”I I“ m h , ( - - ~ : ' , , _' _ Jluulnr. ‘6 H l GlLM‘uOl‘l‘ ‘ kawh'gre “1911 In the M'On‘untwu? P'lll perform b . ntry. .Tlnsyo lmfilead, ." Mm the mobile Ad 1'? lon unocu “y-‘l'mwh quiet. Tm; ”m” M P '"I ._. ha B ”431‘. - . 1 vol") 1 .II E, “b rObPl of 4 - Writ-1 I’s ”:9 el- ' , cl: " album “A l “”4”". «I: anosmllnedvetglllymeti“? Ewe: well Sign? [‘9“£;;'°kac. without “gu‘hsrzhfizlo ngo- I%lllolé‘ellfl tMair donfl‘smwllllllgdr‘by JUM‘ 3:32“, theilflndid“::::u(?r comely“ a ilfirlggrgmxu “mm“ l him will: hill-l“; 'Il yfillfizvlz‘}; lhvyharé‘ Wu elects: Whyounickets. C £322". Eh“ .'.n‘l’lfiinfilyugine party in uféui’qmglnm'fir'. Thi. all” h Ilwfytnggo $13”! ‘ gllll'fcrolllgml 3,3s%}l3'élflirl‘ Unlofiu- ve Such 1931 mm 0 " 05° ' l fee yéarg '‘.in on nom 0“ restored b - . import-at i-‘ 0 e Gum-5b ' - a mu). If. . . llcw‘ . shed lfflludul - 1150.1 “1' .., ore pant-l -- .. u: u,“ (e:- - , II the ('o‘! t .. I - “'ll- l ' MflL‘WI” very good skit: .‘hwk _thu woulgvfgr ".0, tie]: g, enunckela. Ho hndtheD Ink ‘3! ‘iumucm—m... n... 3'“th ”Mum: ”New", '0 no" “men all y, “d It ‘9 The G x “as. H. mm. A: Mr, H 1 '0: mplcturegg . I'm 5A e anaterfaned with him; emocrulfl 111-’9' (":18 they malty 5:5: "ermine 0" .' emocwh' and {mm-“e I Ins mo'emen‘gl :9“ 3 “ml Remedy . - amin' . num ft. ' wnrmm .n t .but l - w 0 uniu . roman ‘l. I ‘y m“. l v ”n h‘. l ‘ conuuwti A ”mom mm ‘ r 0 “me “I” _ em. " % myhave .. - n and l muom f . In; up -01“. an F' J Lnnl.w on nitign u, PPOrtt-gh. , the boxes , tickets go: i" l- i- ~ 0- knnw tl ”NOW, or gluhnriJ ”"3 I" .1 °' SAMUEL MAR IITM ‘ ATE ”H.“ u . . people who h .' ~- 060 old fuhlon‘gdlfl' . ant! u Ins majori . 119 School wants ih In! .the Vallundx I ‘ lumocranc “0.113198“ I L". mm H "I“an 29d“. '- A, Innis. mustbe highl;vpelm,lp:: qtib‘.‘ P‘rjlll'! his :l‘ezlllZIlzlt}? safe toirll'z ::.:h:°:un-I $222?” ":9” h: y£lllgr:::::?l ring; Th“ iblblltlu-... .w I l“"flgfilegflfflm‘lflnifi "3:23:15“? dill: ”mntoex _ law “it. i; non-l I(h l' “_‘l’ick. He Will I fen] Uua hospital“, Is '9' 19. Parm- the. (2)th . 0“ .meel-lngl lh—ron hO‘ ‘ h we‘ll-hum “II a “ma" wmmufinn. ._Aga. v PW‘ ‘hnthoxrmlmvillobeyit cidiSal‘r‘ume-lrl’ln-lnd other 255??“ ‘bunia'heel‘iefiyollflf 3H :truggle {cragglllfgnm I°f lhem ::::::: Tm]! "““déd. gnu-:l £21115?” "M‘H’XZZZI “133?: ll“ ”my“. ~-~ - / WI innit“. - I lon is - I,y nnnlh n“ . II um, T'' . , mriod vi '' l nugi 0“ ll" lmeér f . him. See Pr-cumlly m , errnem "red of th . 110,990 l l Thu P "I "gululr . . allow Dem = t 0 thi. And if v 9n» our fmeml n, y, Who , o follies gm] - . p an" m e ll" WW“ nr IL I Th)“ I." 'h ocm“. I”. id! or . allmdmh'm ah I m be.— "oan ml ' r 'Wlmu ofAbol- ln no Fri-[mun or be lulu-n by fem-1n .u b. b \ ”flu". 9th” unpe‘ been on dby “mid . . I wantuo m . '- loxynl daring the mus hue heretofo . elpod by m we ho ‘ me Go",n EM: l‘ha drift in -,Weof Au {fin lri’l ' u the, “n n"; . T "u" b. "MOM . en Who pe Limo“) wm k‘or of Ohio ‘ . largely in (n I §-—; I"; but It x. 9 tolmng on Milcnr oonimoed. The! worst"; 'l‘] lam fully filngn'fiennsxol}. Ind no: :llcll: 111171;: e. to th.; ' :‘n I party—th. oh}, ‘i;:'"9(.;h' Whm mm?“ "“7 agrgfgxtrlyllm: ”d in "w, .n . n.. " I 9.0 .LO [7 [' t Z I ~CM ‘ _ l “C. . I longer. with its land of Abolummam txon would do ”'9 Slate. Hun sdmih‘fnkl', Ro]n m 3 Democracy. KEEP 'g'fid com pun in managnumn’ {Md Spim‘l ”m. hon nnd u- : death d on u more In real aura-l .Llth 1 .'l E BAL ti . 'l‘ “'6 L'ml ‘ m“, liko'n, - “hob. Imide mm ’ csOln‘lmd fill?" Iny'olher POWGI' igral‘l'e old Uni- -:£. . L L} 352:: 01': "'l'“ He'll” l’." llt'nVlM": 1"“ e A l . w .‘. . ‘ they marl-’3? 13%“... Co! ’33:th l tealea.em§‘},'s;?;ay that he‘fifflg 111:1! pgcwtt’m‘ th-t the ”my.“ I l uenaXchef‘lvnilluDantmllu’ £223; “8:2: . - er, s'. . _ slron ' - r. f 11l ’ Main 1 "Cc-llofied bl ‘ .hO‘ All” I rr would ‘1 In the arm . { gmng up mOl 1} human I 0 0 several d' - g . In duo d P uldnem. Low be tool ' 5' . Jacob 2mm. ~. , "0. the ”uni s - P"'thount.y w-n when of . wlll as.“ . I end ”mm m ‘ hundl. of Ab . . Phsno aml - _ m palmcal im . _lnte 1n the! ‘ “lend It the ‘l‘” failed cu" "he“ a” “I lm; Pl”. olmon km v., In th. I faint re; .0 - P°nlllcm it mi h ' {of election. . m". on the dl I ' q u me". In" llughßJmph w. . tum-1.!» McCon. Ind give thrg’fi'n some Southemg s'tmd lance lb l‘. ‘8 or the utmost - 'yl 9““ dwell“. in \ l ed of himself to ‘Prlmm should be fish-m publlcanl ljoldupgl: 15.“! as long as my?” mu; ’is I“ thz’éhould do go In mp“"i pl;::F"hmb Ihould 11".??? [frond "eh ‘ m" and ‘I - can up .er ”my ".1 ‘e. a“ y m , mnny 3 ' fun he“ -e u Incurred. Juno“ - Chul“ MA or the are“ qst aml dom .. ll thmk 0 relating; pill I" lo I home - - , . ru— I): lawn of ur Ind I " 9°" m . 'wmm” m lgothinz. then Whirl)!» first turned Know , Dngnolgflrmd‘ will comgnulg" and five, on durinozpjrma hf'e nlwnyl their me: 5:19“- I “i" "In” “:12; $221.”: $1 “d 6 “fr”- llxlondll toyewfia riff: '94 than Aboe '33 "ill be «I’2l.de luldepondencs: albeit: Shou'd jmlif‘znlllle. any. md Dllmocril: n: ::1 .DI':B “08:8 recyean, in u’- _ el' hlvinn om Nuance a. “new; With " I earl _t'll' exam I ‘ l P o land‘suul H.‘ twig q, r.- on . we mfl such as- .Y Ind on PO. (,0 lb or "k by A. D 3" ,e. YO". 35): three 9‘l on ‘OO h “lusal of h T now (Elke . y “)0 fill a" I" Dr“ . ' "lull G.“ b ; win more- I. Envy to lo 4 l 6 Wash‘ 1' llxelcause In an . o]. d. l “m” V [P ,' nrslma deserv. {W a: hub conic.) co 5 mgum CI" rely worth y. That ch. 16 mm l Inch :- e(lone: th “ de'lllv ‘ “ met. Work! "' on___ ’ 11. 1" IMCClenm hup;::,?£,g naming; 50h: Wiggflgxn? 3f the Nortifigfictla 1:” {0,61 ,—— __m l,’ earnest}. 1n...“ t ‘ vary ”ml in omm co enough .nd . ea” ‘11:, . a come whi: r' .8 in, B—The Alb]; f- ' ~ I BRYA v “'l‘" I: - 'g . ' ’. ‘ ‘ NS PU ' ‘ turn. I Count! Tumult-:11": 1n the Bank- Ind ml: :Qn‘fem‘fii’zn[l93333l9ollanPgogtfinmizzrland “uh 10 fleclog;.::;" moving have“ ‘ all: “lull” currgghégugfrgus ”a unha ‘Troxel'i. no your: an“ , "0- stuff. We'wu 9“- Away With page. Power . n. A”‘h‘u‘m'ou'lfi "0 7m, 8°" The" " om, “mm 1 poor, and hue . “While: men like Th d"t separation 6- 8' lnds - "1d Influence of 1; remains: lnciPle ‘l Hoanenen, ”mm": .130”. These ma " Emily lo Sun a dens Steven 'we u“ “1’ Adm. . -I l . Fade'dxu‘" or“). LI" consumption . (tern are . Ibp< . .nr-r. TAIy cm 5 and Charl athe . mum-lion: nth ' . lam“ l “B'. Th ’ and D"- poople and 1r . ecumdma bu. and d aumzd (7,.» 9.. sale. De ra rown mw . c ”e' “d “''qwe M mm P a ' eel ' _ ylhe 5” owe. Antl ‘ 'R andflg . « _ Bloemls boa ‘' ' 1110'”! d n) Child wm 0 «he oeople-Lh qufle eel-um that - gentlemen m We how promise P?“ will require 9 ' I'm mmd um it had n a have been n t u!” mm.— 1, me Id" e Democflfic “eke wxlb Ind-4h . at, as they hate In?” dish.- very Democratic Vote - before despair-d s and to health llml. than] 9 accursed Co . _ the Um let lobe lled m yo” hundreds lL . Tesumn .I a Tmmfljfh. , Fl'go- keep don v nsMuhon’ on“ f p 0 “render mIT I o “m. A l y gm“ m dDe. .~ . n anlnndj h, . let them ° Judge Wood ”Imm °" “m‘m' m". dome“ ,umph on T .mocraho can-ow ‘_ In the North 1! Bam and his )w wud cumin If I l A.“ B 1 "1m ‘ y.“ a“ "m luh“a b ' 1,8,, they “ha" potty have every ma . you full or ry-n-Pulmoni . - . o! Illa . lllswz .. n" . “0‘". on V l Analw 0‘ l ‘ ew“°"_ L ““d‘ P , ”if,“ : 09:: tltufion'a'ml Illl:°%:l”nmg motility "stem!“ lonsmclny swotrlffum 3pm“! aiidgemw. sde “31ml“- . . a up.» ion a» they ml 1 Lora—l"“ w—W no: ' v '94th 8 "auroral“. hI _ I < I—A “ ‘J . old lay-defies the "l’.. {three mile. from lonl l 0 means 'OB IQBCSJoIa Pro‘z ' mt" ‘ . my bat k , - My uni Pm”! .. l. I field. , FOIN‘W‘ ‘ 0° 5' I‘ 3"" I “(u mbrmisu . 0:511:32“, Géllysur§yn§ls .u ’ . nadir y I.4mm, might fiAn Abolition' pondidate, the other day. wooded a gentleman from the (bun _try whom he sufipooed to belong to flip'bwn puny, with—“fig there «nm sonic anfl Democrats in your neighborhood who could be induced to vo‘t'a Efor inc 2" Upon being informed uni he’bad got holdof the wrong ouétomexh-o Doghocnu—lhe candidate co]- ‘oredoo iii; eyed. and begged of. Demo crats, this‘ is m ‘cstimato the Abolition can-. didahea expfeubf you behind your books. Ohio‘lrse thew“! be none of you “ soft. ” enough to woummodnte them with your voteb. ' . ”The name of. the Democratic candi date for Associate ‘Judge is 15A AC E. WIERMAN. The name qt hia opponent is Jogcph erma'n. Thefopposition. unscrupu -1063 and desperate, will doubtlou' hue tickets out containing the names of I" the Democratic candidnta except that of 1.3 M: E. “(Herman—but with that of Jouph .Wiernmn‘ substituted. Let all banal-ebb me.“ much ‘uid denounce Io ban 1 trick, 3321‘!“ Supremefludgo 3. WM 011): uyuutawlip ortigket, ‘ ’ ' GO TO THE POLLS, To—monow, (Tuesday, Oct. 13w.) AND ‘ vow: FOR GEORGE w. woonwuo: vote FOB WALTER H.'LOWRIE'I VOTE FOR ISAAC 1;, WIERMA’N! you: FOR JA‘IES n. MARSHALL! you r 01: Alum 233 mm , _ ‘ VOTE FOR SAMUEL LILLYII VOTE FOR 3mm J. FINK! , VOTE FOR JACOB mom“ VOTE FOR SAMUEL MARCH! - vcm: FOR GEORGE MECHLEY! VOTE FOR JOHN ELDER! . ~ VOTE FOR THOMAS 0. sznm GENERAL bAss The Abolition Pipers are publishing I list? of Democrats who are not “ Copperhead: ” i _in other words, repegules who have. for i well-payingoifices and‘ fat contrants, nha'n-I doned- thu‘r principles. In this list they: have-had. the impudenoe‘ to include thai nnsne ofGen. Lewis Chas—and hence it msy be well to mpeat whst we hue alreudyv said, that Gen. cm has no affinity whatever} with the Republican party.. Nona! He f regards as a stain upon his good nuns snyfi association of it with the tre’uon'nblo Ind} corrupt phrty who seek to claim him as of! their fraternity. 'He repudiate: them tit-‘1 tel-Iy, lind looks with loathing And abhor-l rel“? upon their schemes to subvert 1.1101 Libe ties of the people. His true positio.‘ ii; thus defined by himself in~a letter‘re-r vent'y addressed to the Democracy 0!" Washington county. Pennsj'lvnnin :\ , ‘ _"I lmva émne to look with almost as. :much wliciludo on the action nl'tlle Demo-r i cutie party in its primary meetings in on 1 ithe result. of the conflict. in arms, for the : rbepson Jhat his now clear‘ thnt. the perpe-«i [ tu'ity of our present form of Gout.“ I rests upon the patriotism; intelligence. for-' bearance and consistent. eaursmol' action by" l the Demoqrntic party. JYM Jacobino are nul l imla, who are the [falling spiriragqf Ihr parly' in ‘ pnwa‘. seem quite a: intent on destroying] in" civil ! right: as in whipping the rebels I'll-10 silléeclion.—. : IL is our duty to misin. on the preservation ‘ ‘ intactofthe forth of Government, estublislr“ led in 1789, and In: the territorial mum. of i the nation shall never be? diminished: ' To Lattain this end, we must too that the Goy ; prnment is not allowed to fall to pieces.— 3' We must. hold the Executive agents of the jGovei‘nment to their duty. until we can by j means of the ballot-box put in their stead thosa who will administor the Government, ‘ as it was formed by our ancestors.” Such are not the sentiments 6f 3 man de serving to be classy} among that base tlirong of doubly dam ed traitors who huvé npofii‘tized at. once f miheir patty and from their country. lke‘ Bullet, Forney, and other mfire mercenaries who sell them selves for qfiice 'and pluniloi}. Thejiemncrnlic Meeting at Littleslown : W 77“? lnlanf/Tolegrnph “WIN"? Vi” on‘Thun-ulay evening wn'a a large and Spirll- i soon have their 1; e in operation Hang the en ?“ domnmtrutinn. .I’PWMWic P"°‘“l"“c‘s itire route. The pom helm-en thi; place nnd “3° "1“" most cheering) m 1315;: (“tibia—f Ch.imh'erslmrti"nre beLng erected and are al ’2£;e£::{’il:;rwep;gfflm'SL e 0 0 most rendgffir the wires” ' l‘ P'renilln-Itt,'-lobfll’fl Frxx.Eflq- ‘ ‘ nay-Mr. worg. Fi.cel, u‘f Frécdtm. town i -V Iqe. Pl'e>l¢lelll?:‘\.Alllll$ Lt-fevfr. £4l" illlp. but: urelulifilLus with n hush-t oft mum. Gem-ye ”( .«nu, \V ulnun Butte-m, Pelm' J.l , l " , Greenholtlieorgn \VlhlrodP,WlllllD) Rider, ' mofh 4 1’1"" _""' ""9““ “'° In" 7”” "'"f ”A" Jest-pl) Aremllz, Christiun Welsh. l 30"; “ 0 "HM"! were Inellz‘llf'c'l "I‘d welulml : Secretaries, Capt. G. “'...Shull. David 1". ‘-egxlch being 13} inches in cirrullnfe‘ronrr, In‘-5". may Sylilfiflt. Huruér, B““.l‘ Bbl‘ on 'wcighlng ltlhs. and Ike othgr/l lb. 3 n 7. op 09 2 no I. " . " . c ‘ ”11.10:;- \\'l|xl.|:J\lc\'ilsrry made a verv able ‘fto‘cun beat lueac hbu‘rpa‘l “rt l-. has our ‘ spun-h. Among other (illngi, he al‘wled " “Ml‘s' f ‘. . to Gov. Cumu'u course on (he momnle £9l “'l’- JOh“ A- DWI”: 0f “Mani! “"“Mh’l'y remum-rnlv the furlm-rs pf Adams. Frank-i made us n present, the olhr-r any of two :‘ory: lin "M Fultrlm' mum?“ t"Il’ tlhet‘rflrlswziin fineh'uL-etl'nmlvkiniunlsmrmlexti-nordii-nril." s_.--.,;'Su.i .'i,: ai. '. '.’ . ' . £822”: hm)! limittll‘ :‘lbml’m hnvgjhlei Lir-fze .\wcct Potatoci. _bhc, 100, haflthe prin. lostn‘assvin-(l by thrre _commkdonérs. to I 1'“ 5 thnnks. he appoxnu-ul by tho Guveruur «awn theirl new)“. the Smu- to [my the losses/and ”a" duct the :nu-mnt in settlements/with the Nihntral _Gm’vmum. Gavr'xfinr Cnrlin 'lohl hi‘m tlm lit; woulvl nob sly/I the hill.-- Thus, by Gi’wernor Curtin’s hostility to this ‘ rightéous rueuaur'o, haw cu; fnruwri been ldeprivedfif pay whifilrtl‘my should have .hhl months ago. 'l‘ nk of (his; ham-at : rotur, on Tuesday next; 9 11. J. .\.‘mhlr concluded the sernking, {when the rum-ting ugljnurnmlnwilh cheer anon chem for Dommmcy "fill its candi ’_l i dines. The elnthusimim was unbounded. ‘ «'0- -1 -_.- ' 4-" ‘ 'i C to the Meetin ' For the Comr'lrr- iDEM‘OGRATIC xnmmu AT NEW oxr “he .1 8- MR. S‘l‘mLh-l flm‘ impelled. by ”I“; ;FORD. i [S’Domocmtmturn nut in yn‘nrstrenzyh great importancp nfthe election, to write; Anor'ihe printing (ifs-portion 0r ”“3 isluf. Ito the mpeting. in .tlu‘ Court-ludfltj, this to r‘ou The Mom candidates - 3.22::12%»:2:332:32mutua1:221.2221: (Mn—nan,» ,va lwiw large are all good men—qualified and «lewving It 1'", 1,0” m the lmuae or Gmrge Slmue, m 1 ‘ numbers of nur country friemls].rmont.—— 7...unrl soanncrnts. the friénds of tho cunsidurinx the \i't'fllllcl‘ and nature. was lnrue. A fin; 9],.” spar-ch "my be ,xnm‘flL Mr. Union and the Consliluhon. They believa' The people came 11l lrmn 4“ quarter}, until the (hlmvn «lent‘rvedly .I'un‘u anion: U“; “_\‘ .~ , .* number tar exceeded all expectations. The ‘ ‘ ,A . , thnt this governmeent was made hy‘wlnle “are" we”: - ”mil-torso! the .Stute. tome wnha {Will men, for white men. are not to be frittéredl Prefiident. menu!“ ”nun. Euq. _ » j ‘ W'“ "r ‘ ‘ ." " away for foolish and mud notions abom, the! Vice Prositjrms. J:|Cub Hull: Elfin} S} \gla: . 83“} A RthS (.tl': ADA MJ‘LUIJSI Y'. ni ;,e,. ‘ ‘1 fiver-51a???:orsiE-‘idlully. final—{hisslelngtm‘ ItI—AILMHLR. thul it was Andrew 0. (Air ‘6 Abnlifinn candidates “'9 begging in ih;ur.:ll..d :hftll. vlvhznnrhzxx‘hgccanfl xln‘ljnurn- ‘ t!!! ”m": prevetnml u“: [thfng‘ Or ”I. bl"; votes from everybody they min button-Holev’ed in the spirits. with rheeu l'qr “'oodwud,‘~ bd""°_“"‘ ""gld’mm" l"“"“h"3 if." mm: long enough to ask. They hum dropprd E L°Wmu “"d fl"! W§°lE£2Wl£lltkfih !»l"l'"~"‘(:"'g ‘l‘elm’n'r: oilllrl‘iliihzil!" amt"? Lheir negro thonrien‘fnr the limo—gay‘ ‘ ' a.°‘ ““ 01"“? M‘ “.Y .'Y I" 9 " "“111“ "I" nothing about “mpporhendfl’ and "(rid-En? A-bentionglslgs and Egg}? ‘Rmf'tt‘ . .‘ .:hr ?_ tors”——hoping bytheirlpres'onlsuyipremion’ Slams“ m V same '1 'I‘LMFMBISR- "h“ (ul’hn drdfll‘fll _l“ of their real sentiments m gull Dx‘moézrats ' ' fmpluuc langnnge. that he wuui-l "rut za 380 m of the mndés‘the Abolition pa pers have adopted to keep up the cgumge of their deluded followers. is to user! that certuiu distinguished Damon-Ma haze“ come out for Curliu. In A‘rnost cases thqse state ments are the buhlesc lies, whila't in other: they cover renegades' who Went over neverul years ago—Liahinun. Daugherty, Cunning ham. Brewster, and other: of 1. same stripe. _ Among‘lhe hilo cnnverflions they claim Hon. Hendrick B. Wxig'ht. of Lu zerne. Now, 1m: TRFTK is, that Mr. Wright is making speeches tor Wopdward. and 1.-llin_g ones too—and is holding up Shoddy Andy as corrupt and untruétworthy. and as deserving of a terrible daft-at. Gén. Mc- Clelian. and others, have béen belied as Mr. Wright has been. ‘ WOODWARD AND SOLDXERS’ RIGHTS AGAIVST a CU§TIN AND SIIODDY UNIFORMS! THE PfiQPiEléb‘UEE} z? DEIOCRATIC MEETING AT m- HIASBURG 11m DFmMrM‘y of Franklin and wr pounding lnwnslxipl tun-nod out in lama ‘pumborn m tho mveflng at Jacob Eicholu'u, «11, Mummnuburg, (m TM] awning.— fhe livlint omhusium fled. giving ‘ promise of :2 good rebort I‘mm an! quarter ‘on Tunday. The meeting omnised as fqllows: ' . President. JOHN Cuu'. » { Vice Presidents. James Russell. £311.. ! Ilanry‘J. Brinkerhofl‘. Benjamin Dem-dorm 3 K; W. .‘.mhle, Georg! Lady. John Eiclmlu. Abrfihnm Mummn. Jncob Lena. R. Fitz ‘ Rigid, “annual Hurt. [sane Hereter. Nonl- Huflmqu. J. W. Lou. . sq" George Plnnk, ,Jnlpm McDannell. “"yllinm Miller. Sn, [l. _W,'Witmo;. Fucnklin Rice. C. M. S'ope. W 93. Ross. C. M. Spahr, June: Rosa. Amos Rex; Henry Bresm. . Secretaries, Lewis vCarbnugh. William l Russell, Lafayette Bren her, Jami) Elc'uollz. Ephraim Lady, William Lady, Joseph Flock. Abraham llnrt. Jr. ' The President. and pH the Smokies hne been in the military service. carrying their” musketaJ—nll. with nnn exception. having belonged to the 165th M. ' W. A. Dnnm. Esq“ lame Baronet-.lné‘ah LOU; and H. J: Stable mnde‘ apt-eches that were received with much enthusiasm, when the meeting ndjnusned with hearty cheers far the' Union and the Constitution. for WmilWnrd. Lmvrie and tho-whole Nflmti ticket, and Elfin. George B. McCleih." I 132M003” MEETING .1? mm: .‘ ‘ EFIELD. .. The mee'ting Int 'Fmrfield. nn .Wmlmmlay evemng, was also won nmmdml. (wan much larger than the Abolition anorting of Men dav myeninm) and my axl-ellent hp'rrit pro. vniled. Tlu- Democrncy are in Hum-st in the-Upper us well as in the Lower End.— The alerting wml orunmzml :5 follows: a President. Jam: P. 'l‘um'nzll.~ ‘ V ‘ 'che Presidents, John' Nunnemakor. 1 John Bpnnett. Jnmcs S-mdenz. John Gol lmnlfi‘flohen \Vnmfn. William -B ill”. W il ‘ljam Wmebrenner, Hvorxe'l‘reuklmwillium 'l‘. Reed.‘ “Lama K‘s-bil. James Watson. Anron ,Woodrin-z. Washington Prior. An (l?d’W“S.HlthTS, \Vm. MeCtéuf. (IJWMh-y' K:|‘m..(h=m-:e Herring, Michael Finnegan. Samuel Singley. ’ ‘ 'Seurutnrim. Mmmah Carbnugh. William E. Myers. Anthony Prterv‘, J. W. McCon nell, B. J. lie-ed, Jumefl Curry, Lawns Mc (ilnugllliu. Thnmns Wlm-brcnnor. , J. U. Neely. E-q., and H. J. S‘mblm ad dressed the meeting an _the Issue: invoivm! in the cnnvma. when it. a‘djnurned wnh rousing cheers for (In- onuso and the ticket. DEMOCRATIC MEETING AT mums. ' TOWN. ' LOCAL DEPAR‘IM ENT, ’ ‘ r V Y z . DEMOCRAI‘IU RALLY ! ; t \ ‘ , . __ \ ‘ | 23'0ng cannon. liq/n , . or wax, \\ 1 A Speaker of rare ability, will Addren {hr I Democracy, in file Conn-hope, \ i C \ 3 In G ettysburg, \ THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. 00131 ch. 7 f Additional Speeches my be egpected. ‘ Democrats, and all other Connorvnive men, rm,- m the Meeting—Rim] lorlhe "Imm {AS IT WAS AND THE CONSTITUTION AS| 11‘ 15!" . . K. [on-p.12, 1863. ' WOOD !-—We are we}; much in WM! “Wood. Will not I lemol our country frlendl Inpply In with the much-needed "male loan? We should esteem it n favor. ' Q t . '- SAD CASE OF DROWNING.—-Wo are pum cd to learn um. on Friday even": week. fit. .Ith A. Noel, o! Bocbnonn Vang-fin: drown ed in Wild Cut. Brunch of the Co'nowugo, ‘lhort distance from hishome, Tlné hem] rnin which had just. lollcn—the henicst-rvcr [cool let-[pd there—had awoilen the ntrex'un to an exirno rdmnr} height. Mr. Noel, who had beau Lo Slummnshurg wi‘th the team, nccmppnéieh by his Suhermnd‘on the return jug! ah" dark, did not suppose the In 'dnngeroysnnnd giro“: in witlnout‘frlr. It: the lend horar was at once awep‘t aronfid. and Mr. .\‘oel, in getting. OH or the wddlg horse and trying'lo reach the bank. th 9 nruck by the rapid current and mined down—innit: .no more. ~llis body was found nhuul 2 o‘clock next "nu-hing, two hun dred yards‘ below the cruising. His lg? was 36 your-1 And 4 munlhi. lie' lungs u wife and four children‘ lo mourn hi: and druih. God comfurf: them. ":4; .._..L“ n H . Y CUN'fBVRATFUN 0F 'I‘IH‘I/S()LDIEI‘.§I NA TIONAL CE\IETEIIY,—\\'e are informed hy David Wills, Esq , agent for Gureraor Curlin, for the arrangement yo! the Suidu-rs' (‘emetery a! lh'u phu-r, llu‘u [be grounds wil be musc vrnu-d And set “pan to this mrrbd hirpnsefibut Thursday, the 19th of .N'ovvinlwy 111-XL hy im pouufig cvrgmnnies wituhlc hi I o own-ion. ‘ Hun Edward Enron bu h u imhed lo de hv‘cr lbe"orulion, on this ,ccnyiun, and has accepted the mviinlion. ' . CoL Williuu Sandi)” ' ml. ,Archilecl at “WI 1 plotting and hijingo I I 'V I v xington, _in him: now tlhe ground}. A W 11"! Counties of.\d:uns and [York Infu lmen united in _une )lilllarv Di-ltiru un'hr command 0! Brig. (is-n. U. S. I’rrr)‘..\\‘lm luh his he'adqumu-rs 11l Lhi~~ film-u. ,‘ ‘ BERT!” President immigrant! n l'mrlelnw tion uppuinfing the Us! Thursday of .\‘nveln lu—r as a (I.l}- of Thanksgiving and l'-.l_\'-r. , ' ”PM"! on slim-es or Gnu-flung Hunk stock .wujc will. on Tum-dag. n 1 $lO per almre —origi;nl cost $.30 mm. momma-«man woon . Wm. h is wmowlnt remuksble, ygt it in . fact, that in In part- of Pennsylvanin. “)0 men whonuuin Genet-:1 Geo. B. McClele, the gallant Ind lucqeuful commundor And favorite of the brave soldiers in the Army of the Potomac. and find him again“ the llmdgroun “tacks” and unjust, not. 'upon him by the Abo’lition leadbn, at; tho friend: of Judge Woodxnrd. ‘ J“ * 'lf we look around us here, or turn our film 19" ‘ find thlt thr nom ocrnls nmst rsemembor llu-ir In‘-xlgo; ‘- ihy nm-t-u or _nn diuyoumtu, we vote!“ Tney must no more regard lhu luuyom-H of h-H’; Davis than they would Izhnm of Slunlun nod Curllnl—L'lmmbmbyrg Spirit. , A he Government Ru- fiw nrk, Democmfi; Work ! Frirlxlyfs; PALM ‘9 (Imin saya the Siute kis sMQIur Wopdmud & anrie! ‘4 @7119 exlu-fimgs of the Government are nPany two minions ohlcllnrm gmr «lay {-- This >iaA euaily ncupunled {O3- wth we re member-that a ‘Rér-uhlicun mmnher‘fyf the 13-1 Congrese fluid in his ]-!al('P. in the H~yu~e of Repn-semulivea, that. 'Um’ Nauru/mugs“ hm] stolen mon- fmm llw IrvnQn‘} ip GHQ"? mnmh'st ”run ’any prrvlmli .-\«lmgu.umlioui lmd expended in four yam» v .7 fi‘The pmph: of tin: Sum“ 'cmflnl hn‘ve previnlod lhe ivrownt w..r bv nim'ply with lgnhlrng lhmr vnh-s Tran! .\mlrva. Ullrl'm and" Abraham Lénuoln m WWI: "ml flu-y run #12933 it. uifh renown "I!" ’1 mar. nnfv by wilhh \hl‘mz zlwir votes lrnm the mum ,mau‘iu 13%} and IS”. ‘ . ‘ ‘ ”Deninqr‘lu} ‘ lu‘WllH" on' niupnuiti-n lriok< Am] fuly-ehOOA'N—tln- nmmsilmrf 110.3. nut Pqiect [0 Wm ‘o.“va l‘.] lriykery. TM rvnledy "gunk: :5” mi: iq Innmku pvrrv I) 'm u‘r-ul hum out by tho,- t‘lu-Ullfill winds 11n- whnlé Nx-kc I, ‘ ¢ ‘Snoctal Notices. The Singer Eewmg Muchines: (‘v-f LETTER A F.l.\lll.'\'.‘k\\‘l.\li MM'HBF. N ha! gaining J‘wnrM.“nliewum'dnlinu.‘ II in hr \lpnd déuhl the Mn! and I]}: rpm! null mun. bound!“ of In" me‘l} Svuing Mnrbifi‘m )5“ ofi'l-rrd‘m Ilru puh’l‘ru. .\‘n nIM-r fifumuly Sn ilng .\im-hinvzlms so mum unhll n 1 pligmuw fur Hem'mz'ng. l 3 ildllg.l‘lllnng. 'i m “Li. H u‘bev ing. (imminm Buiding. Fillhl'nlalcli‘llg. (Hm!- inqinnd 901 mm. Nutmhn 0‘ mil} "“in mu rhiue hzm My murh cup“. i|_\ fur a grrul \' -rur|r (fwnrk. It mll sew fill kind-n 4 him]: nlI-l‘ wnh All kinds 0! lllreu-l.- firm! uml‘rmrnl In'- yuruv- menu umkt- our r.llllll_"'sl'\\illx Mnch'n- In -sll'tli..l:l- mm! mm! 'lurnMonHl mun ru -1 -iu in icuun an all nuns « I’ppxe :. ll m-JH ”If inlerhlcked sliu‘h. which i= Ilu- hrv’l um! h 'knnwn Any nut, n‘rn nt'xhr mun (mhnnrv ‘rnpncily. rah per. nln ulnnvq. hon In In"! Illa Lryu-rA Fumxly Srwingklm-Imm Uur hmll! .\‘z-n imz .\lm lnnrs urn finiahul‘m chnsu nud u quifite sh In. ‘ ' The {uldmz Cnne ohlm rhufih “erls!” it n pit-(o ut cunning \sbrk.‘un.n~h-p-nt ”19.!an useful kind. It pruluLi llu: nmchmc whv- x nut inns», and who-n ”Wm lush nywrgxcrl um 1" J I 9' "a and ‘rulwrnnhul labia ‘l'», Dem;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers