m 7 Terms. 4%,. "$453“ Cami: in published every Honday ”Hurting. by an" L Sula. stall. 75 per “Inn if poid pried! xx ADVAICI—‘2 00 , {pdrlgnum “”110! paid in adv-nee. No 'ubgcription disconcinued. unless at the bpfion of the publishe‘r; until 11l mwgee ' m paid. ‘ K ; ‘ Abvnnslnx-rsinmtedutheumlnta. Jon Puxmm done with acumen and dispatch. ‘ , ‘Orncs in South Baltimore street. nenfly - opposite Wampien’ Tinning Rummage-n ““00an lfumxo Orrin” on (fine sign. ' 9RG?EB3I®NAL (mans. . D. McConaughy, ~= . TTORNEYAT LA\V,(office one door wen A o! Buchler'a drug and book atore,ChAm euburg ureet.)Al-1-oun up Scum-rot: roll Pun" no Pnsxoxs. nounty Land Wur r-nu, Buck-pay suspended Claims, and all other claims ngxinat the Government In Wuh lng'onv [l. C.: nlsoAmcricanClnimu in Englnnd. Land Warrants locnted and sold,“ bougln,nqd highest price: given. Agegta engxged in lo cating warrants in Imm, Illinois and other wen-tern State. fi'Apply‘io him peuomlly or by lelter. ' , Gonnburg, Nov. 21, ’53. ’ v Edward B. Buehler, - 11'0an AT LAW, will mimruny Mid A promptly attend to null huslnesne rusted t 6 hum? Be speak. the Germnn buzz-ye.— Ofijce it (he Jame place, in' Snulh Baltimou ”Refine" Forney’l drug store, and nenfly. oppou‘le Donner t Zieglcr’l Ilore. ‘ Gettysburg, Hugh 20. - _ _‘ , , Wm. A. Duncan} “ TTORNEY AT LUV—Office in the North- A wen. corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, :. ‘ . [UcL 3,1559. tf J. C. Neely, TTORNEY AT ‘L \W.—-—Punicular atten- A lion pain! lo_c'llecnion of Pensions: .numy, |_nd Back-pd]. my: in the S. _E. corner 07 :hr Dinmond. 'r‘ Gettysburg, A'pril 6, {3533. t! ‘ _._ ' A. J. Cover, . - TT()RNEY AT LX‘V,I'IH promptlr‘nltend ‘A to Collection‘ and ull'ntlwr bluinms'en trusted to him. Unfit.) between Fahneslocka' mad [Lumert Zieglcr‘u Stores. "ultimate street \Galtyahurg, Pu. ’ [Sept. 3, 1859. Removal. 11. G'NEAL has removed his office {mm D Willa' building to the corner of Bullh mme‘nml High guru-H, umms'ne the Pix-my"- terinn Church. liesidcnchdjoiuing the uflicé. ,Apnl U, 1563. If " J. Lawrence Hill, 1!. D. I I AS‘llia otfico nne door wcu oftlu: ‘ “M‘T Luthrrun church in _ ,4. -- ... ‘Chumberainrg strfl‘i. INN} opposite Pit-fling; In'-e, wh -rc those wishing to hnve ‘lny licnlul Opexn'iun peflormed urn reqm Nully invited to can lllrvunucm _Dra'. llurncr, Nov. C. l’. Kr nth. I). I) . Rtf. H. L. Hunghér. D. D., Rev, Pxof. M Jacubr. .'rnl. \l. L: Stmver. ' (arlushurg, Apr” 11, '53. —' -__--. -‘ C .7 --—‘.— .-- ' Adams County ~ ‘UTI‘AL‘FIIU‘I INSURANCE (7(JVPANY.T Blfincolporanngquch 18, 1851. n H‘uu. . .\ l'ruidmf—Gl‘nr'zoxé‘iflllé. ' 's' Vic-t I'ruiJrul—h'. K. Range". _ ' ‘ SirrAlllrEl—U. .\. lludhfer. Tran-lrrr—lhvitl \l‘Creury. . Hum/ire (.‘n lillllltf—Jlflhel" .\lcCurdy, Jncoh King. .\mlrm lbfillzrlmnn. ‘ - \n jinnyerm—lh-nrzc Sfi'olw. {ASA} Bm-hlcr. R. l'Uglr-ly, anolr King. .\. lleimzelmnn, I). M"- (‘.rnmrv, '.\“. ,11. IhuvH. J. R. :lersh, S'unnfl. - Durbpmw, E. (I‘j Fthuwmvk. Wm. H. Wilma, }{..-.\!Pickiuz.’\\'m. I}. \kCH-IhueJolm “'o? Anr-l,': R. G. \lrflrv-{nlnlm Picking. Alwl'l‘. ;“'riilh?. I )‘ln ‘ Cunniuglum. Alnliel ‘F: Gull, James 11. (”shawl Ek‘lu-H-eruer. /"’ QQ‘l‘hh Company As limited In ilw openl- Iv lions to the counly (A Adams. 19qu lwen in ‘ Jun-Mural upem‘iun {qr more than six yen-rs; {ml in (hm period [ms paid all 109365 and 9x _ p‘euses, m'lluml any «fileumnnl. having who u In‘rgé ” nix-plus r.upi¢nl_in the Treasury. ”The Com ].~i'n_r_,omploys no Agents—fill pusiness being Atria In' the Managers, whoure nnnlmlly elm-t; < 9d hv [he p’tockho’fiiers. An)- person desiring In huurunce cnn firmly to any of the uhqve , mum-I ”wager: for tnrther information. » / ”Tlfefifix‘eqmiu Committee nee's .At the ‘ oflice’ of thh Con-inunv on the lust Wednesdny in every m0g1i3,.n12, l’. M. - Sept.‘.’7, 11158. - ' , . ' A. Mafihiot Son’s ()PA AND FI'RNITURE WAREHOUAXS, Slug. S 25 um! ‘l7 Nn‘hly street. Hxlltimore, (near Fayette, 91",) cgu-ndinf trum (My to 'Prednick .I.—the lurgcdle'mly ishmeul o! the kind in the Uni-m. Alwnyai on hxmd :1 large nésortmem of HOUSEHULD AND OFFICE FI'RN iTURE, em- Imu‘ink Hun-nus, Hecldcnllifwusllstnnds, “'nrd [Ubes, )Tnttrenes of Hush, Cotfon 'nnd Uni:- Spring Beds, Suf.u,,Tete-e-Tples. Arm Chain-y Rocking Chairs, Htageres. SlnrlLle Table ‘ t.- 'teer, Recepliqn mi-f l'rphohuif‘ed ChaiC SURTED COLORS 6F COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairsulm'lce Ghnirsri Barber Chairs, Cribs and “miles, Hut Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt uni Wynn! Frame Looking Glnsses, Side boards, I-qu-n ' n Tabla. of every leixglh. ' I‘m-sons djfisml to purchase are united to call ani give our stock nn examination, which for vnriuty and quality of workmunship is not equalluf 9y unytstnblishment in the :uu‘utry. A. MATHIUT & SUN, ‘ Nos. 25 and 27 NrGuy street. ”fog. 6 mac. t - Something New N‘GETTYSBURGa—The undersigned inform! Iflu citize ofllhc tmyu nnd cuuuty,{hat he has commcnggk the BAKING business, on a large scale, in vank street, Gettysburg, nearly oppofite “'uilegg Hotel, wheh he will try to deserre, nncl Wm receiv n libeml patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, miss, CRACKERS, PHETZELS, km, ML, bake every (“$3Bllll - exceptedj all of the best qualityhnn sold an the lowest. living profits. Cruckehbnking in all Its brdnches is largely carried ou,‘lud orders to my nmoqntqfrom this and nd' iniug cO3ll - supplied, 3! the shortest, nokflm‘ing erected I; [urge .lnd commodious bake- use and secured the .hut workman and‘lh‘e most Inp proved matting, he is [Helm-ed; to do a lienvy busineui ’ , 7 _ , It“: 25, 1359 Coal! Coal! Coal. EADS & BUEH DEB are now p'repaFed-to lupply GOAD,‘ of supprior quality, In any quantity desired. Tern”, Cash. V CQMOuel Come All! fi‘flley also request. thou indebted to than to can md pay up. u funds Innmdch needed. “[llO will be we first to ed] 1 Uflici 99:11 from 7?“ 'l.‘ 7 Feb. 24, 1862. ' ‘ mac 1:. ‘Staiifler. ATGH MAKER AND Jrzwanmi, . - xuuncrunn or SILVER WARE & IXI'ORTER 0F WATCHES, No. up North Secoqd St... Corner Quarry, Pmunnrnu, PA. . Ho ho mummy on hand an assortment of ”Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and Plain Washes; Pine Gold Chains, Seals and, Keys, bribe“ .Pinl, Eu Riwx, Finger Rings, Bruce ]m, Mini-mare Cue}, Xedallions. Lockets, I’encila, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, . pm, Tea, 8:.“ gm? Mustard Spoons; Sugar spoon, Cups, thkm Rings, Fruit Ind Bum:- ¥ Knj'u’shkldl,oombl, Dmmond Pointed Peru, emf—ddrhich will be sold low {or cub. “413 ”BIAS t 0033 best quality full jaw. clad w Lever, ligaments con-Lanny on bud; '.u. auger lukm of superior quality. 1 3,3,0“ 6.1 e and Silver bougln for cash. > St“ '1 ”63' '5 A! ~ T ’ Picking AS BNIXVED 318 1 x '. H ’ SPWG 3 3030‘“ GLO‘IRIXG . - can; oxs, cox: M 49 Xl] 18, {863. , VALENTINE SAUPEE p • By 11.,4. STA} &6th Year- I Highly V: us: 9 :6: Estate I g i 'l‘ PUBLIC, SALE —-On°SATURDAY, m. , . B 5 A 311 m dny of OCTOBER next, the sub-' E incriber, Executor oathe last will and testament r: L. lot Hon. James IcDivit,deceneed. will offer It ~ Public Sale, on the premises, the following __l_ Ivzilfhly relunble Reel Esute of Bend decedent, 'o’ “.I'v bird, my beeutirul ltd! ‘ THE MANSION FARM, known as “Cer- s'"! M more 10-day: .. irollahurg.” situate pann Liberty lownehip, The huddést maiden under the gun ‘Adnma county. Pl?" an ugly in Emné‘iftshnrg l" I must be, till thiz "wry war {I done, {district Frederic count-7‘ d., end e Dining. ~ . ‘llnas of Abnhnm Kriue,_ol‘A., D. H. hyacinth: Fr my 10‘" h“ gone away. And other]. contnining 100 ACE-ES, more or! Ah! your voice could never drop as it does '9“: With 1"" proportion! of “00'1““ ”d, V Down tlhroughahoee slender bus .\lendow.‘ Purt of the land his been limedz— , ‘l‘. _u' verb dl d ~ ld' ' lend there in e Limestone Quarry on thenrenti- ! ‘ ’ u e . a u" _9 '0 l" 1“" lee. The fencing is good, 1w the land in‘ n g And he ““3 “1 the i 0“ had, ‘_high state ofcultivelion, producing the heavi- 7! A!!! was g'one aw o the were. int kind at crops. The igprove- i "i" . . . . :nu-nts ere l Three-story: (”1151‘ i on ere quiet "0"! “’0 quiethmy bird: )IIILL, neuiy new, built on rlhe i ‘ :l'o suit my resting mood; gm?" approved "er mg in first- ,k i Iris—{ennui no feel one house Io nill, :nte order, runnitg two pair of hurt: and n: - a - : ' ;pi_iir of choppers. Also. I SAW Ml 81:8. :ultl fairing] ’3: ing your fill . Inev, ndjn-ent to the Griut Hill, In ' ' 'ee'" 52“} *. ' ~ ‘ (machinery-E all complete. These M Yetlnw eilnglow’n‘hfie‘heis - M ‘. iwoll locutcd, (two miles weet of Emmuqna'rg,” ' f ’,l .2 21 ' in“! on n cénsmnt'nrcam, (Tom's Cred“) en-g 7° fight 0" the stripeaiend 3 fgi juya tinge run of custom, which they are shim; 1 W 011” 00‘ hen'r‘your ‘o'“ ling 0m: loh'l-i;i»l.\;d-t In)‘ learn of mean"? The‘ 'ill it blends itself with the ultion’uhout, ,oo er ll.” ings nre u. wo-story 'tono J... I ' I Dnciiing HOUSE; with Back-buildingm-y Wk" my 1"" “3'15? mm m"m n [urge Bank Burn, Wagon Shed and . (‘orn' drib. Carriage House, Spring iloule,‘l> iSniokc Houle. Dry‘lionae, with All other lie-1 ctssnry out-buildings; Also TWO TENANT 'llOUsl-Is ..nd acoomm SHOP. There .. a" ( never-{filing well of water at the done-of- the] dwelling, trim a splendid spring» between the l home and |mru. All the fields are watt-red but 4 two. There is a. Very tin-hing younfi'Apple i (in-hard convenient to‘the house, with two] i other U‘relmrdgnndother fruit,fion the premises: i , The improvemenls Me all in Alums Eounty. i g Men, A I'an 0F wpoDLAND, «minim;l :llis Mansion Fulm. and ionlniniug 265 Acres” more or less, heuvily cdrered with Chestnut, i Poi-Mr. Lox-ust. Hickory, Red Oak, Wliite‘lfik end Ruck Onk' timber. mu be ofi'i-rerl in not; There ‘nre two I'fJNANI‘ HOUSES on the Y premise!“ ’ , - i ' Also, A TRACT Q? ““OODLAND. situate in. ‘ mid Liberty township, adjoining lands at Geo. ‘ 'lhtrdman, Samuel FlohrJorn .\lclullre‘ nd ’olht't'l, co'ntdininr 58 Aurel, more‘ ur‘ék, llmnvily timberml “iih. Yellow Poplar, Chegl- f nut, White unti Red Oak. Lorust And Hickory. In‘-s mm will he an. mi in six lots. ' i ' Also. .'. SHARES OF STOCK 11l the “'h‘ynesn lhnro’, Greeniustie and )leicerahqrg Turnpike) ' Ru id, ‘ i The \rmaion T!‘\(‘t will, he nfiered‘entire,’ with all the imprmements, ur d.\ided,‘to :uit purchasers. ‘ , air-firms uj‘ We salem'f “'oqilhnd will by_. , nnv—halfvf [he purlrhus'efinoney f‘ush oh'Qny of SlllP—lmlulu‘e 11l 12 mfiurl‘hs, with :cqtprmm? security um] intrrcst hum due. ' Fur Lerma o , 'lhc Maminn E'ruyrrty see the Executoy. resin!» iqg in Elmpilsburp, who WI” “km show the‘ . prf‘l'lfiil's lo perlons desiring Lo view them. ‘ ”“8416th cbmmcncu at In d’clqck, A. .\l., o_n snid day, when nltendnnce will be given :13de terms made known by V Z! ‘ JUSKPH I'. .\rcnn'n‘, Eiecutor‘ Absalom Sgi'thuctiuuecn i “Sept" 28,.863. ls Small Farm ' » T PRIVATE SALE—The su? scribe? of" A fersnt mint: sale ‘lhc {allowing VAL UABLH 2 PROPER] Y, aim-leg. in Stmhfll township. Adams county, 1’n.,39n the pub rc nmd leading Irom Gettysburg)!» Hunisburg, 4} milrs North East of the lormer phco. y . The farm coq'nin: 75 Acres and 3?. I’erches,_ nndlhe Imiprovemonts consist of a good Ill!)- sumiul DWELLING HOL'SE,'l"rnt I ~ Burn, “'uH) Kaine, Wood House, ... ._ Dry llnune, Cnrringg Hausa, and I“: Cider‘ Pleas; With‘ ofinr necessary ‘ out-bx‘xildings; tué wells of good water in the yurdz' There is fin Orcl_urd of 290 d r M on the premises. The? pmperty in well gropgr: uqncd with mendow. hug timber luncl.. 114 i“ cmngnient to .\lnrketa, Chairi'hesfirhooga. £0; nuking it very desirable. Ertré'attefition of pub chaser: is invitedto it. 'Gnll upon or “hire“ the undersigned, residing thereon. " - DANIEL H. I-‘AIIII‘NI‘IYI - Ge lyaburz P. 0., Admin: co., PI. . N. RTTEZ sutiscriber ufso ofl'els 160 Acres ofbes‘. Foil PF-lirie Land'nituated near brendrn, Powubeik county, muff » ' D.,UJF. '.Aug. :51, 1963. tr . ‘ New Warehouse: - ‘BUSHELS' 0F GRAIN 100.000 wanna; the newGr in and Produce House, in 'Carli‘xlk‘ st'reet, adj-3m in: Shem}; I: Buehler'a establishment. ‘T'be Highest market price will always be. paid jn cash for “‘ .- . > ‘GRAIN, of all kinda, , ~ FLOUR. SEEDS, he. Alwsye on hand and tar sale, at. the smallest profits, 61143305. " . l ’ . {; SALT, FISH. . ," , FGROCEBIES, to, ‘ ‘ - 3 Wholesale and mini]. . , ,TRY US! We shall do ohr he“ to give ‘siujsl'nction in 111 e . " * , ' ficCURDY & DIEHL. ‘ :‘Genysburg, my 11,1863. ly » _ j Spnng (300$ _ -.. AT A. Sf'OT'l' & SON'S ——We invite the at tention of huge“ to our stock of Spring Goods, which will be sold cheap, consisting oi LgDIES’ DRESS GOODS, Shawls. Clonkiugfilolhs, etc" etc. For Men‘s fund Boys! wen-r we .have Cl‘othal Culimepee, Comings, Venintu, with a vsriety of Couoht odes, in, to. Call end lee. , Me] 18, 1863. , A. SCOTT & SON. ; New Goods ' 1' FAHNESTOCKS’.—Fnhnestock Brop. would respectfully inform their friends end the public generally the: they have just received their Spring stock of Goods from New Yorkpnd Philadelphia. Bowing bought ‘hem fO’l' club, we are prepared to olfar the largest and prettiest. stock of DRESS GOODS eve! offered _to the_citizens of the cont] And 3‘ OLD PRICES ! "Quick snleséand shortpmfiu" being our mono. . . ' , fl-Cnll and examine at the sign of the My 11,1363. 5 . RED FRONT. . ‘ Removals; ~~~ - THEhnderslgned,being the guth'orized permit iomke removals into E‘ver Green Ceme— tery, hopes the: such u contemblnte the removal ofzhe remains of accented ralliives oLlriends will avail themselves of this swan onheyear to have it done. Removals made with prompmees —~l.onna low,,sud no eflorv. ppm no please.’ ' PETER THURNR March 12, 'BO. Keeper of the Cemetery. " John W. Tlpton, , .‘ASBIONABLE BARBER, Noni—mt cor. ‘l‘ nor of the Diomond, (um door to Me. lellu’l Robb) Gettysburg, PL, where he on It all lines he found ready to attend to all budnhl ll hil lino; flu bu also excellent 3» 'cluuooloql will mm ntilfscuon. Give hill: 5 an. / [Dog 3, 1360. ’ “America fliedlplor Cola and Borne. {or ale 1! Dr? . 50838831)": sum A DEM©©RATH© AND FAWLIHLV J©URNAL Wt. Ydu' must sing for us bolh‘nin that blenseddny, When I wglcome Inf; aoldig‘r be}; For my t”: ii“ be dim with the happy teari And my hem-twill come to gay lip 30 near,- That I cnnhot meal: for joy! . cgfigtmllamw; .TI“ Sistereqf Clarity—The following bemu tlful and eloquent. extract. in from a letter oqu'y [l. Salisbdry, published in the Buf fulo Courier: l > “The kind Sisters of Chaéritv. whose holy mission is ever with the ayfi'eriitg. glide nmlessly about the hospitals. with nour ia entfor the feeble conyalescent. with soothing palliatives for than writhing in the grasp of fell disease. and mutely kneel ing by the heilsides of the dying. On bat tletieids, amidst hurling shot and hissing shells, they have calmly walked to teak, and save the wounded. Stalwart men. in 0 Jay gasping in agony unutterable. have shed tears like children, as they eagerly drank the draught. [ii-ought by ’thgse devoted creatures. 4Wouid-th t our own Bayard Wilkeso'n, who for horas ehbed out his rich young bloodon the gory plains of Gettys hurgdiadv fallen into the hands of these ministering angels. Then had not .been written, by his stricken father-,that eloquent. realm of death whose deep Wail was grand as the dine at Saul. 'l‘h’en hnd the sacred shn es qt Eorest Lawn fiat held that untime ly ave ! i ' ‘ _ “Blessed, pure. angelic woman! ~" the Inst us Eden. ‘she—‘gins‘for us the more glo rious Paradise‘qf 0d! . . . ‘2 'ls'ihnt. mother 1” murmured a"'New England youth, whose integrated 'bowm "was heaving with the hut struggle, in the Amtdemapt‘ an army hospital, as his glit ling eye saw dimly the outline of a fema e fnrrafand fell a soft hand on his forehead, where the drops of; death were gathering. His thoughts had wandered far from the pallet where he lay, back to that village home, in the quiet valleyof thé Connect}; out. where father and mother, and siite' and brothers, were thinking as the day’s wore on how _veiy s n they ‘shnuhi wel come home the darli boy who ,left them so bravely, so pi‘pudly. to battle Tor the star ry flag. And when recalls-d to partial con sciousness by the gentle ofiicealoi'theatten-. ding nurse, he fondly thoughtthat‘mother’ had flown to his relief on wings ofmercy.—- Heroic lad! he indeed ‘went, home.’ but not as he left. upon the lovely June morn ing. with a wreath of roses upon Jail bayo net, urthe roll of the stirring drums and waving oftrmmphunt banners. , The drums beat w‘rt-h mhtfled notes, and craped banners droope'd ‘monrni’ullv as they bore the young soldier to his rest l" 5 ’ > TO9 much camiot ”be said in pmiw of. these'nohle-heagled and‘ self étlanficifig women. The world owe: them a. he!» of gratitqde which 'tlplilent and exclusive nallxrep'f the‘irfléluioa permits Diem only to hecépfitbljbugh :ha grateful prayers an}! dying blesgihge} of the_sufl"ering recipifn’u of their ministmfiom. / I ___—a / .4 frtm arms enema 11333.5 >, The tree called the Isongnflrs Gutts. which furnishiu the gutta~peijelia, is a native of the Indian Archipelago slid the adjacent is lands. .A few years since this substance, now of suclfiwidely-extended use,‘wss total. ly unknovtn in Europe. for though from time immemorial the Malays employed it for making the handles of their hatchets end creases, it was onlyl in the year $43 that Mr. Montgomery, an English surgeon, hsving casuslly became ncquainted with its valuable properties, sent an account olijt. with samples, to the Rove! Somety, for which [he received its gold medal. .The fame of the 'new article spread rapidly llmiughout the world ; science and speculu ‘lion seized upon it with eagerness; it was immediately analyzed. studied. and tried in every possible way,'so that it is now as well known end as extensively used as if it had been in our possession for centuries. v The Isonsndrs Gntts is a large high tree. with e dense crown of rather small dark green leaves. and round smooth trunk.— The white blowout: change into a sweet fruit, containing an oily substance fit for culinary use. The wood is soft. spongy and contains longitudinal cavities filled with' brown stripes of gutta perchs. The original method of the Malays'for collect. in; the resin, consisted in felling the tree, which was then placed in a slanting pom tion, so as to enable the exuding fluid to be collected in banana leaves. This barbs. rous proceeding. which, from the enormous demand which suddenly arose for the gotta, 4 wonld soon have brought the rapidly-rising trade to a suicidal end, fortunately became known before it was too late,'snd the resin is“ now gathered in the some manner as csoutchcu‘c, by milking incisions in the bark with a chopping knife, collecting the thin white milky fluid which exudes in large vent-ls. and allowing it to evaporate in the sun or over the fire. The solid' “residuum, Which‘ is the gutts-rercha of commerce, is finally softened in lot Water; Ind pressed into the form of slabs or list Econ, genenlly s foot broad, 1 foot snd‘. ,lilong. _snd three inehes thick. can» perchs. ss many properties'infiommon GETTYSEURG,‘ PA, MONDAY, OCT. 26, 1883; WAR TIMI. [PHEBE CART “‘I‘BUTI II HIGH" AND WILL PRIVAIL." with caoutchouc. being completely insolu ble in Inter. unlcinua but. not elastic, and an extremely bad conductor of uloriq and electricity. The use: of guns-perch: are manifold. It. serves for "M pipes. for vessels fit for the recé tion of alkaline. or ncitfliquids which would corrode metal or wood. for surgical implemenu, 'for’boxes, baskets, combs. and a var-intro! other ur ticles.-'-Hartwig"c 7wscalworit. . i nicn‘mmsmasm new YORK. n. in mg“ Rm. Awnzo romeo (In: . A New York correspondent ofthg Bog. Diocese a! Pennsylvania, and the acceding i tzn Pod. in Ithe course ofs gossipigletter to ' 016.9! Q/PMMIIIWRM: i . i t atJourna , touches on'the subject of“rich I‘lhsv . » - - . ~ 0 seen. with grout smnsemsnt. a ‘ :niniaters’m Gotham. Atthe head oflh“ protest against my letter on” the “Bible I "t t e “nu" ploces. 0! COW”, Archbmh- View thlavei-y.” signed by you and s bug op Hughes, whose privste .property “’9 list of yo\ ' clergy. intwhich you condemn says) amounts to the snug little sum,of_a it as 44"" 4 liy nfany m“! «4'qu Christ.” hound m'l.l"?“ °f do""" He ‘3 the W'l' ss“an effort o‘su‘stuinmn Bible‘principles, » lionaire minister Kar ”fella“. In the Lu- theqStates in hollion against the Govern. it?!" Chute". ! “I? 111111“. ‘l' x; Geia- men; in the, \vic ed attempt to establish, by i endetlLer, wo ”l to: on worth 9.00.000. fnr‘cemf arms, a runny in the name of n “1 w ose_seci.| M 9“":‘9 fo." the most Repuhlic, whwe nor-stone shall be the ’ 9”" 09°"p'9d tn'forging the silken, ch3s” perpetual'bbndagn' o the African " Ind ts t that binds two wtllmghearts." ’l‘housan s such on m hhstvit c llen '9‘ o.ut'“ind' , rules. t' 'll"edhrl " ’7‘. 3’ ‘l’ 0 on p_ ma rlmonln y inclln ' I9' mm! repméalmn’ Iby his aid. reached'the consummation de- ‘ Now my‘ Rifght Revei- brother ‘ youtly Wished. His residence, in‘ Four- ~- ' . " l . . i . sorry to be olilited to chll eyo teenth street. is laterally besieged by the trith a no“ insult uglinst y ‘ crowds who desire to oxchungu the true lo- 'th the name serious ofl'enre ver‘s knotforthe Gordian knot-which no’th- rua'ition \I let! w 6 It. \\ lingbut death can out. "' ‘ ‘ V yer asfirs p . _ January; 1851, more than three . : Among the 911w]! Reformed clergymen- fore the war began. st etime wheii 3'9.“ A"R‘ V 0" best ranks as the rmhest, could anticipate the forni_of Gove‘r j 'lhis gentleman has one or two hundred which the Southern 3m“, shouldado ‘ ‘“°E‘““‘,‘,.“°“m now. ”"1”"? 9 goodly the coitrse which congress might tak heritage. m WWW“ olilmll' “ "who" "‘o'? reference to their secession. And when ‘ when in” "93):”! 33"?" reaches; the “1"] consented to its publication‘ I did not su i ning adore. . '3 1‘: liirdenberbii, ofthe pose that it would be used in theservice of some enominstion. "5 estimnted worth ‘ any political purty, although I had no right hundred thousayd dollars. the {_l’r‘esobyten to complaindf it were so used. became the nuns, perhaps, have "‘9“? {lob m'm'm‘" letter, once published. became public pro } than any other denomumuom At. the} pertv, But in its New," form there is I pend.“ the “SP—the Nestor-of the »Churchl nothing whatever in. it which bears on the l‘” gm city—stands Diji epringf; anrumdven-l. question 0, “rebellipn,” or of the “perpetunl ‘ e;a_ 5 ”a"? who '5 east {1 wort 11"” red ,hondage of the’Al‘rican." or of "tvmnny un ‘ ' iousnn collars, an w oseyou .3 and In-‘ der the name of a Republic." of which i teresting bride is set down 158 having three slavery should be the “corner stone.” On hundred.thoussnd dollars more“ Rev. Dr.‘ the'contrary I referred on the‘lut page ‘ Adams no one thinks of estimating “least 10 my lecture published'in Buffalo in 1850' than one hundred thousanddollars. Rev‘. l and to my book called “The Auntie”; Dr: Potts and n". » PMhP‘l mil m: Citizen,” published in New York in 1857, worth fifty thousand, and seweral others ofl where u, set forth-the fame View. on me the Presbyterian clergy are equally‘ahle tot ““I,ij of slavery. adding. hpwever,‘s‘plu'n keep the Wolf from 3h" $3011;- . B'SbOPl for its gradual abolition. whenever the South. James, °l the Methodist Churn - Wu” l sh. ld consent, and ‘the whole strength of; "mum“ 0“ "“h to the "We °f_ one h‘m“ thlGovernment qoulil aid: in its nc¢om~ tired thousand dollars, andso'doea the Rev.! plishniem.” “500 i”, 'O, later." I added,“ James hloy, the best politician In that [do-l “L'helieve that sonic diedsure of that char nominstion. Rev. Dr. Hagany is northhcyfl. must be adapted. But it belongs to "hm”? ‘h'r'y thousand dnilars.‘ ' Among'th‘e. thclslsve Statesthemaelxes to tskevt‘he lead Baptists. Re" D”: D""l'”g‘“"d §°m"9" in such n'movemeni.’ And meanwhile are 99" down“ ”1'"? thousand apiece. {and their iegal rights and their natural feelings Rev. 8. A. Corey without twentythousnnd must be‘respecterl. if "=0 shoifld hope for dollnrs. Rev. Mr. Beecher and Dr. R. 8. an“). nnil‘pence." ,' Storm, ”l'B'Wklym 0"“ fine 'fs‘denae‘v , With these focts‘hefore’four “93.1 am find 3"“ called "0"“ tn'enty 6" ”“fly “‘9'” totiflly at; his to ima’uine’how even the ex “ng each—__ - I _ i trav'agance of party wet/could fmmeiigninst my?” ‘ CHUCK ME 0 me so hitter a. denunciation. The whole ‘ * ' . ‘ UT' , t i ‘ohject of my )etterA’His to Prove, from the ‘ Among the restnurants "in Philadel his, But. that in the rdari'on ofmaster nod sluve P , is one kept by ex¢Coruner Jose-Pb Delavan. | there vyss n'eoessarislly no sin whatever.— ICoroner Delavan is a pntterno nminbil’fly, l The sin. if there were sny.,lsy 'iuthe treul~ ilwithadegree oi'tonnnge gmwingdaily more ‘ min! of the 21/“. and not in the relation it ;‘remarkable. A few days ago e entlemnn ”xi-If. 0f co, HP. it was“ iinhlc to nbuse as all ;entered the house and ordered: a dozen j humanqreintions must her, But while it ‘reed birds and a pint ofclsret. AWlli‘JßYdifil was cerltlmt thousands of our Christian ‘cussing thee_e delicacies. he touched the ' hrethre ho held shwee were treating ghell and refiuested the Waiter to send Mr. l them'with kindness and justice.Mrding ‘Delsvan to him. Mr“ I). requested the! tofl‘ie Apostles’ rule. and'earnestly labor ‘stranger to take a seat. and in a few minute'sl in: to improve the comforts and ameliorate 3'the twain were chuttinn as cosil as'thou h ' the hardshi 'of'the inst?! tion. I held it to . c- y E / P. : they had been raised together-from child,- be I cruel and absurd chnr-e to accuse them ‘hood. ‘ I A Mi. ’_ l nsainners against the Diviuglsw: when they 1 “By the way, Coroner"—-he is still called l'so—nsked thestraugnr, ”the um timeyl was in here. you bode fuse with somebody; ‘ prey what caused it?" i "Anglmp contracted a bill for/2,50, and then refused 10 pay up.” / - 1 “And what did you do withfiiim t” l ’ “Chucked hi9] cw}: // . ‘ “I 4 that all.” ~ ‘‘/ ' i “Yea —going to law don’t. pey.,~ ‘To have [ obtained twenty shil ngu"{worth of ' law would have cost. t ty dollars’ worth. of ‘ time,” _ , ' i “Then whet} apinn swindles you you more ,ly chuck him out?" , , ‘ “That’s all A \ “Well— it kind of wines have you 2" _“Asg , an article ofHeidsioc as is tion ‘ extant./ Will you try a bottle?” " . ' [ “Pd one condition, and that it that you 11"“ joitnno in drinking it t” . ‘ ‘l,“With pleasure, sir." / Again the bell tinkled, again the white , aproned derkey disappeared down the cel {tlsr way, end a moment after, the black ' bottle with its silver neck-tie stood before the nfl'nhle stranger. Its contents were du ‘ly iced and disposed of, when the Coroner begged to be excueed in order to attend to "some customers w ere waiting for him iin from. The stran or shortly afterwards t finished his reed birds and emergedlfrom the dining box. Be confronted thejCom nor within a. few feet of the front door. “Mr. Delavnn, your reed bird: lwere cooked to a turn. and as for your Heid j siec, a. finer article never crossed the At lantic." ' , ' I t “Happy to beer you any no. air)! replied ] the Coroner.” , 1 i “As a. memento of the repeat, I hove L t sliglh‘favor to ask”, ' . l “Name it, sir.” . ‘ "Chuck me all." ' i - "What i" , , ‘ “Chuck me out.” , “You don’t menu tony thlt you're e Iwindler 2” i i "I don’t mean anything else. I haven't e nickel, and if you dent pay for those reed hirdl, you must take it. u yg did the other day—chuck me out." This was too much for the Coroner. The stranger wore a bran new het, fresh and glossy from the helter’s The Coroner mode a dash, took the shyster by the xneck tie, removed his caster without ruflhngn heir of :he nap, passed it over to the bar keeper, and then walked back as coolly‘m though nothing had happened. The stranger was a good deal nonpluseed. but being caught in his own. trap. could say nothing. , SEA well known scientific man in New York city, some years since, found himself annoyed by .boys who rang his door bell and ran away. So the doctor ground but a. heavy charge of electricity. led 1 wire to the door bell knob. find no down to wait. Shortly there was a horrible bowl on the front steps, the boy. was hall“ murdered by the shock and the doctor’s trouble: from that source were definitely ended. ‘ Won’t burn Charlatan.—lt is said that the son of the myoy of Obulmwnhnbo lgu been taken prinoner by the Feds , (apn dialu the idea tin! tha oilileu! in «film; to destroy the city in the. 919 m of in Being upturn! by the Federals. A WARNING AGAINST INFIDELITY is . THE CHURCH. PASTORAL LETTER ‘ or flu ~ RIGHT REV. BISHOP HOPKINS,. Blsan‘or run Dmcxn M'anom‘. AND ~ Pusxpmu Bhflol’ or flu: Plans-um Em-mmn Cnuncux IN Tu: c ' UNITID Stuns. . , ‘ F ‘ 4 It, ‘bl‘t 0 ;n h Vic m 1 n 'A ‘0 l C I - brother. I at: w a you. not only v r lenior, but ‘ 1“: false uc w blished in omhs be -9 no one e‘ ment '0 t..nr ‘< in x I ‘ a I were. only doing what the Word of Gpd ul ‘ lowed. umlert 9 Constitution and establish ed code of their country. n l I do not know whether your band of in ‘ dignant reprobationilts our on; my book“ Pabliuhed in 1857, but you re: it, because sent you a copy. and l have your letter of acknowledgment, in which. while youv’dil rented from sortie of’ my conclusions, you did it with the courtesy of. Christian gen ‘ tlemahl. In that letter there is nothing laid nhout my opinions being “unwow of any tenant of Jesus Christ,”vimd no in}; of“indignnnt reprobotion."' But, tanpora mutant-tr. chm maternal: ilnillia. Yes'l the’tilnee are indeed sadly changed. arid -you have changed accordingly. For many years you have met in brotherly coun cil with these Southern a’luveholdera. You invited them to the hospitalitiesof your house and paid them especial deference.— l‘he new light of Eistern Abolitionism had not yet risen within our Church. and if you then thought as you now think. you took , excellent care that no man nmongat your Southern friends should know it. ‘More' over, your favorite Theological Seminaryy only three years ago. was the Virginia school at Alexandria. raised to great prov perity by Bishop Mlendem :laveliuliler—nndl am very sure that nothing at‘vayiance with my Bible view of nlave‘ry was ever ta'ught in that institution. Yen! we may well Bay of i you, an .of many others, quantum mutatua a!» l ill»! Dew changed in the Bishop of Penn rylnnia in. three years from his former l course ofconservatio‘n. yeace and Scriptural ‘ constituency! ‘ But the word of God has not changed; ‘ the doctrine of the Apostles him not chang~ ed : the Otmtitution of our country has not i oh-nged; the grant standards of religious truth and real civil loyalty remain just as ‘ they were; and I remain along with them, notwithstanding this bitter and unjust aa mult irom you and your clergy. l do not, intend to imitete yourhite slyle of vituper-’ a'tion. for I “list that I have learned, even when I run revded. not to revile again. I 'reepect the good opinion of your clergy. and‘ ‘ am not aware that l have d e anything'to ‘ forfeitit. IrespEct your otfifl your talents, your personal character. and the wisdom and success with which, for many yearn, l yair Episcopate has been conducted. But i do not respect your departure from the ‘, old and well settled rule of the Church, and ,i from the Apostolic law of Christian fairness and courtesy. i do not believe. in the modern discovery of these Eastern philan throyists who deny the divinity of our Re deemer, and attach no importance to the ‘, Bible except as it may suit themselves. I j do not believe that the venerated founders ‘ of our Ain'rican Church were ignorant of ' the Scriptures and blind to the principles of Gospel morality. I do not believe Wash, ington and his compatriots. who framed oni'i- j Constitution with such express provisions for the right: of sleveholders, were tyrants and despots. sinners against the law of God and the feelings of humanity. But I do believe in the teachings of the inspired Apostles. and in the lioly Catholic (or uni versal) Church in which you end your clergy also profess to believe. I know that the l dootnneoi that Church was clear and unan iinous on the igmfulnm of silvery for sigh. teen centuriel'together; nod on that point I regard your “protest" and “indignant re- - probation” u the idle wind that puma by. | I=ll TWO DOLLARS A-Y EAR. , I wish you, therefore, to he advised E that [shall puhlish. within a few morithl, it' I gracious Provilonce shouid spare tnv info i Ind facultieshn. full demonstration of tlm’ truth awherein I “and." And I shell prove in that book, by the.most unques tionable authorities, that slaves and s ave 'holders were in the Church from tho be ginning; that slavery was held to be con sittent with Christian 'prineifiles‘ by the‘ Fathers and Councils, and by a Protestant divinos and commentator-t, up to the vr‘ry 1 close of this last century. and that this fact i was universal amnfig all Churches and soot: i throughout the Christian world. [ shall ‘ mntend that our Church. which maintain» |tho primitive ‘rule of catholic consent and inhjures all novelties, is bound, by her very i ‘ Constitution“ to hold fast that only safe and enduring rule, or nhiindon her Apostolic claims: and descend to ’thr levei of those [Who are "driven about by awry wind of - doctrine". And I shall print your “indig~ inant repmbation.”'with its list of names” ['in the preface to my‘.book. so that if I can; not give vou fame, I may at lease, do my part to niveiyoq notoriety. " r,’ That the nineteenth century is noentury ‘ of vast improvement and wonderful discov i eryin the arts and science: I grout,“ will ingly as any man. ,But inn-eligious—t‘nuh or reverence for tho Bihle, the sue infihich ire live is prolific in daringsndiht nous innovnr I tion. We have seen profersbdly Christian ‘ l communities divided and subdivided on eve- I fy sille. We have seen the rise and spread of Universalism. Millerinm, Pnntheism, Mormonism. and Spiritualism. We have I seen even our veneruhlo/Mother Ciiurgh of i England sorely ugitnted/ by the Contagious . ever of changq on tly‘ one haml~toward~i . p‘erstition. and onlthe other toward inti id rutiohulisml in] we hm’ heard the I linc axing clamor/Again“ thd‘ Bible. some- I itime mm the devotees of geological spec-- i ulatio sometinteslrom the bold deniers oil miracl nd prophecy, And, not least upon 3 l the-lief: on: the loud-tongued npostlrs of iantilshm‘or ~ \ e have marked the oretgrs ' ‘which cr‘yh’2‘Dovm with the Bible. if it maln- i ltains thdlnwt‘u nest: of study.” We‘huve l marveled at the rnatorial eloquence which iproclsimed that ‘ 't was high time to have 1 l‘" ’nti-shivery 00 nd on Anti-slavery Bi- I .bls.” We have hen l the (ion-titntion of: lour‘pountry denounce as "a covenant with 1 "death and hell." \Ve h ve heard the boos- i i ted determination that he Union shall 1 never be restored until its visions for the protection of slsvery are at rly sholishecl. And whstis theresultol‘nll th philanthro py ?; The tearful judgment of i i has do- i scended to chbtiso the multiph d acts ot'J lrebe‘llion against llis divine. Gov nment. I jand‘vv‘lnit the final catastrophe aha be is | ‘only liuown to Him who‘ seeth vendi tron: the beginning.. i _ Alter forty years spent in the minist v. i more than thirtyofwhioh have been passe Lin the ofiice of ‘ Bishop. I can look back with humble thankfulness to -the Given of ' lull podiar this. at. lenst,.thst all my bést Llnbofs have beenvdirectml to the reservo [tion ‘of the Church fromythe inroad; of doc . trinnl innovation. Atrmy ordination l pro imiseld “so us to minister the 9081318“ and ‘, {sacraments and discipline ()ftltl‘lih. ujhe I 1, Lord hath commonded, and a: (In': Olmrcli . llmlltfrtrmmi Me :ame"——lml' certain it is' |thetWthis Church” hsd not received the :modern. doctrine of ultn-Abolitiunism nt ivthst time.» I;trust she never will receive i it, as' contrary. to the Sacred Scriptures. I .nlso promised “withpaliinithhxl diligence i {to banish and drive awny from the Church in” mean: mu! alrungt doctrines century to 'God'n Word.” and L made (bone promises in the true sense which the then venerable I ißish‘op White, my Ordainer, attached toi E them—J believed, that our Southern breth‘ lrenoimmitted no sin in having slaves. and ‘ ‘thnt they were men ot'n much piety Ls imy ministers in our Communion. I believed e’s I iha believed,thnt tho plain. precepts and prw- ‘ ‘the of the Apostles sanctioned the institu- i | tion, although. as a. matter of expediency. the ‘ 'time might come when the South would iprefer. like the North incl done. to employ. i free lat/or. Thou premium I have Kept faithfully tothis day—and if; when I am ‘ ldrsw‘ng near to the end of my career. I sin" y :to bgcondemn'ed and vilified by you fund your clergy, because I still msintnin them‘ {tame utmost of. my slender ability. be u lsuretlfi' my Right Revs-triad Brother, that It .shnll re'greLthe fgnct much morn on your ' wchunt than on my own. . ‘ Inocnclusion, l have only to say that 1 fee? no resentment for the grossly insultinw style ofyour manifesto. ‘ The stability and 7 unity of the Church of God are the only in: terests which i desire tosecure, end i um too raid in experience to be much moved'hy the occasional excesses of human infirmity. ' Jousvll. "omits, - Bishop ofthe Dioceuo of Vermont. - Bununarox, Vt., Oct. 5, 1862. 1 _ , Government Judith—Mania 91‘ the lumen”. ~We‘were waited upon yesterda by ten w‘hite‘workiug men, Irish andtéermhns, who have been for some timd past employ? ed in the United States Commissary dnpnrt ment t thispoét. in charge of 04px. Robin son, J. S. A.. and informed‘ by them that they had been nuimnarily ‘(lischurgéd by that officer; for no other reason that they ‘ could imagine thnn lnécnnue they were Democrats. They also stated, that their place; had been filled by non; men—Jame of them contrabandmbut nllof African dowent, Thus the glorious work of proskcuting th‘e ‘ war against whité man goes on with vigor; In a short timethe old-lhshinned white el- i emmxt «ill be rooted out and retired from ‘ circulation; and we will behold in all ph ces. high and low—in tlm army, the da partments, and in the chair of, State—the classic features of the unmlulturml Samba. I That 'Mjl be the Abolirxnn millenium.—-—l White men will have no “put in.” Cauciv Siam will please take do b'lc_k seat. with Irishman and Get-mag, in do pit.——Hurlil - Patriot J: Unwn. Swain Me Governmcnl.—A great Loyal League convention Is Ito be held to adopt additional measures to susmin the Govern ment. They do not. deaign wenlist, but no make speeches and adopt nesolucions—pow-- erful auxiliaries. \ - S'Dresses are naming down. The sign before the door of a manluu maker’s shop, in the cxty. reads t a: “N. 8.-—Dresses ’39 lower man ever.” V__.,A__‘ .._ 7 fi_ Q‘Flnve said tbfii! men should rise {mm the dead and read mm:- a xmyhs, some of them would dunk they bmfgoc map the wrong grave. ‘ fi-Tbe heart than soars upward escapes little cares and vexations ; the birds th fly high tum not the dun:l of the to“ upon their wings. #Tho Printer 9mm money. !fame* 'limo. '0 ma 0 loss? nnderstndtew. in view ofthe feet that r. Vallsndighn— Ire ou'fved e much lnr er vote than mu Barbe; [ore wt. for e deisealed Damncratiu candi date, thnt the majority against lllln should he so large. The following from the Nuts . York News. fully elucidate: the mystery: 2"l‘he result of the election in Ouio is po eitive evidence of the vile corruption of the ‘ Adminisltiom In such a result they do but glo in their shame. Frofi private edvices which we have received from Ohio. men in the regiments from Illinois. Yndiene. Wlpoonsin,end even from the New England States, voted for the Republican mndidetes. There was no one to my to them “nay,” or if he did, his life woulil luve been the fur feit. As‘high as fifty doll in a vote was gsid It the polls in Cincinnati and Dtytnn, _he most)h.tmei'ul pu‘tislity wins shown in the refusal of Democratic votes}. by corps of paid Judges. who would prostitute their of ficial influence, end all else at the bidding of their masters. A three years’eivil wu hu at last eaten out the honestgol' the nu tion. The spirit of evurlco has ‘taken poe scuion of the hearts of men. and in the pursuit of large gnim. end of olficinl amok uments. they are‘willmg toforget the vs! a of their liberties. and Lu surrender the "E at the bidding of those wlmMunfer uj thnin lucrative cnutrm-H .n ll ghod f snja-E rim, They woar theimhncl‘ltles will an in< difference that is truly dmgustin ; becluse I the reason of that iudifl‘ereuce a apparent ito every observer. There is at an ngeney iremrted to by (he Ailmin' ration that is lnot blwply dixlmnmt end rrupting in- its ‘ character. Contmllinv is secret servxco fund of nearly ten mfliigns nl' meonhumu, "all ofthem uni-oaisteiéd. they sent it millimt into Pennsylvania, nnll (_wer a millin‘n into , Ohio, and let. loose the whole nrmy of office ‘holders in WuhiWn. frfim these rnfpec -tivoStetee. with t to fearfully corrupting in‘ finances ogthis money to haclq their appeals ' wsustuin an Administration (lint support-5‘ yd them. It was the old cry of the silver-3 smiths ol Demetrius with these pensioners.“ oL‘Grent is the goddess Diium.’ If things' 36 on much longer in this‘country as they: have gone, we shall yctliue to see highwny-I men entrusted with the public pro‘pertyf irioters invested with commissions of that t peace—the laws administered by judgeif’ ’ who hnye pickedwpockets. epcl’ counsellors :who heve pleadéd It the bet- for their llives, while shoplifterl regulate the) mar kets." \ ' ' ‘ , \ ‘9 \ »_,\ .I\Tc). 4. ' PROFL‘IGQCY IN~WABHINGTOIL i ‘ , t The corruboudent of the B )stnn'Trauelléri . , HRepflblic‘nn) disconnes in this style of?) ,4 'thingsin Washington : t ' i , It ii useless to deny that. the war has in h J " measure polluted the mate of the peopled T . bringing, us it hzu unmieteknbl . a train oft” ’ {evils to the doors of Washingtmfiszevibusly; - _ 'but little known.. until it. is 39d ning to;1 [see the utter degeneracy of the‘peoNe, par-L. ,4 ticulurly the middle classes. Many \Qt' theg ’ Lexiled vagubomle are here‘on the log“? - [for the tint dishonest Goyarnment o in]; ' /, \“llo has something to sell. lt nukes ‘no': ” . ditference whether the property be confi‘ ‘mted fumituremeptured horsce or Quar r-‘x . nmeters' or commissnry stores, the pl 85-; ; _ i" has no Aprincipies tolose. and why iould‘ 1 he be scrupuldus in making _a be'r ‘ni ‘1» ' t Then there are more: nt’profeui nl 'gnm-J _ blen here from New Ya; In Philadelphia? ll Bnltimore and Boston. plying; their» arts} I most dexteiously to imeiglu ) many unsun‘ ; i i pecting officers as possible intotfieir mocha; :23, after the Paymaetonhefl been m-ount:l.——.t 1 Brazen faced harlot: promenade thesvenue, j and dash throu h the/ttreets in open bu- { *‘ ranches. dressetf in the most. flashy costume. ‘5 their {lded feutnrcwovered'with chalk filth rouge. Half intoxicated rowdiee roll 1 {through the atreéte in open chi-rinses. Imo— t = {king their cige‘rs, and shouting indecent ‘ language. Infect,gumblingJicentiousnesu. ', . |drunkennepfi. and over] species of evil run i . ° riot throng t. the city, mitfl profligncy J ‘ I reignsl‘supr . ’ ' i ~ THE OLD CAPITOL. Agix , “my... ".'.“, 7.. f I 1 their temporary ucconnnodttion abandogi ed. ha hismry is not worth (facing. I l was,‘ for many ymru, : boarding home ; but \ ‘iLa mn}e,,rac9nt adaptation for the purpose. 1 1oh), G-yuer’nment bustila mil render; it me- 1 [mm-able in the lnindi‘Of the American peo" :‘ple. though the-y may become oblivious of._ the fact that it. wagjhe theatre which rung " with the eloquence 6? Ch}: and his mighty compeers.'-—Wuhingmv| (.fonuiluliamil Unwn\ ,__. ——a.» f.\, ~__. ”A lénrned loxicogmpher of out no ‘quaintnnco. permits us to lank m the Nl vunce sheets of a new dictionary, which he proposgt-‘o bring om bnfote the re-lpprflr moo (of Noah's Ark. The fo‘lqwing defini‘ tion: will give our, rnmlurs sm'ne idea of 250 mérim of this great undertaking:‘ 01pm!- Itead- l. A bold, honest make.“ which" in harmlou. unless molglwl, but, beingmel. upon,‘.mll fight (leiliehlely. And has n glan eroul bike. 2. A politician, whb believe: fn the Union as it. mum-l the Constit‘uli u i: in. and who cannot be bought w‘ grpenbncks nor frightened with bani] .-- B’uckmah-i‘l. This snuk'e i 4 a cowardly. sknlking, wriggling “any," which ”enl whatever it wank, and is afraid 0!. copper head as it in of we devil. He in 5:1le Who the name make that told such mfmt nnl lies in the Ganlen ofl-Elan. 2. A poliy' ticlnn, who believe: dig white man in I na gxo, and is determined to bake a negro 0! him. or qpoll his oountrpiu the underm— king. :- 2 4 Bad Newt for Shah—A Frenchman has"~ it is said. discovered an inmlublo coolant. in the common snail. ’- At the extremity of the snnil's'body there is I little white blld der. containing a gelatinous. {at kicking lubmmce. Il‘Lhis be extracted. any] ¢hd li quid applied to the edges of broken glass or chins. nnrl time giwn for this natty r'nl cement to dry, -the parts will hold to. ge'ther so firm’ly mm the mended article in stronger at. the united parts than channel-9. You may break the article, butcannot nep arate the parts. ~ . Q]: in said the Rev. Mr. Hamel. in I late discourse, gave it 35’: the result of forty years’ observation in tho pal-torn! office. that “he had not, met with a single finance 0i sick-bed repentance, which. “P 0“ “10 recfivery orthe indivnduul, turned out tobe‘ genuine.” ‘ What acommentnry upon human vulture! 19A New Jersey woman died the 91.119! day, whose weighs. in health, {l3! ”(an hundred pmmds. Twenty-{our cm churn formed a. small portion of we .lalt me! she ate while in die body’oorporal. J a' ‘.i vour‘neighbonfig‘ nofio. you. hfi’mng 231 d 1116 $5ll up infiupun d 1 night. The: uoq’tl 009.195 WWO! you. . a .'"l - L . J 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers