,_; Int r Ica a. ,The Chitin.“ is published every Ménany morning.» by Univ'J. Suing, at $1 75 par Imam i! puid sm‘ouy m unmet—fl (20 per ‘nnn‘um it not. pan in 3413 mm. N 6 subscription dinoonginued, 11117035 :5 the optiim of the publisher, until allmrrem-gu OM Plid. ( \ ' 197lxrlsxilv-rs insonted at thehsual ram. . J 0: P 11311150 Jone ‘wigh neutnesu sud diumh, , « - o",ch in flouth Baltimore street, neg-1y qpposite Wamplera' Timing Extsbliihment ‘jucalflbln menxn Ornc: " on th’align. P 2.1) 4' ‘ H. B. Woods, ‘ TTORNEY AT LAW, (inrwni'na, PA., A will nuend In nll‘proiessionul hutiueis animated to his care. ' x o"ch :«—()n Wont _.{liddle “net; nan door to me Court-houzujn the room Inulr qcenpu-d as n Law-(mice by W. H. Mflleflau, Esq., dcc'd. Sept.2l, 1863. bin _ 13de B. Buéhlex‘,“ flicks“ AT LA\\'.wi|l‘r:.itllrulzy and ‘.‘pr-gmptlyanend to n!) huninvsu entrnsled to him. 51h: pp‘enkn the Gel-rum: language.— Ufhco at {he fume plncP, m South Buliimoro and, neur Forney's drnm‘uore, Ind nearly opposin- Damn-r & Zieglvr’a "are. ‘ "r“"fllllnrg, March 20. ‘ ' ’ Wm_. A. Duncan, TT()T§.\'l{Y {lf LlNK—(mice in the; North weslpomoi ufiCL-nlre Square, Gettysburg, fl. \2 “ [UCL 3, 1859. lf , t’ ‘ J. q‘lieelyy 'rrnn'wzr ATPL \¥\'.-—..l’urlicullr men- Attion puivl (to c:llycflon of Penqionf, “‘WMY' nml “Mk-pay. Olfice in [the §. [5. cnrllr-r‘ (if the Dimno‘nfl. " ' detljslngg, 4pm u, was. t! ‘ A: .1. Cover, TTOP VF." AT ‘Y \‘.\’.\A 111 Irumpflv Mlvud A In l"le ~x liun a and .H orig-Fr h!|\:‘llt u v"- lrlu'v'vl In h; u U"i- .) l-I'lwvrn Fvlhllyyllu lu' um] ”mun" & #931“) Swim, [Lullilnmépslrcul Gettysburg, I'M. [Sch4 5,’ 1359. - D. McCpnaughy, * - ‘ ngRXI-IY A 1" lg; \V, (4mm: one dani- wait A utßuchln-a'f drug; and bank stanrflfhum _ rrlhnm (trot-I.) Alln§l.\r.\',nn’§ul. 'I’IUR Full Pants nxi ‘l’msmxs. Emmi? Imm Wm mun, Winch-[my mupn-nded ('lvimd, and all other claimq angling-1 I.lm Hun-y mm-nl nL_\\'nsh inz'on. I). (‘.z :IlsnAuiorinuu'lsims in Englnnd. lnmfl Warmnu lumlwl um] \‘llll‘J‘l‘ bought-mud hmlleul primers giwu. Agn-nxs (‘flnggrvd in lo mung warrant. in lawn. Illinuh uni ollur Inlernh'mteg lit-”WI“. I}: lulu prrsoually m- I.V Irlu'r. 51; t ‘ ' (in-‘llgishtkufi‘frl. :1, '53. . _ ' ‘- ~' 29‘? " ‘ . . .1 Lm'yolrenea mu, M; D. :AS his oflire one ‘ “\ ‘... II dour MugjnLlhe ‘ E'W Lutbrrun yL‘hurc‘h 'in , .', ';' IY'mquycml hrg Mn“. and ummsiu- Ph'k'lm?‘ lu 'Flfw‘l re Lhuw “kl-my In I. :1: an} 11mm 1 Opal-“inn nn-{anwd'mr r: gm. tlnH- nu inn} '9 will Krill-Ursa ' l'r‘. HHhH‘hfi‘ \_ I‘, P. Kr ulh. p. lulu 21. hall"! m. r. I» ELIJL-r. I’."le le‘m'. .‘rol. \I. L. Stunt r. ' C:f'l|3slvu*_’,'\,'nl 3|. 'l‘}, |_ ’ Notics. I 11m firm urnn t'l:l-;.<.<‘& Tummy 5“! "._rl‘l‘li‘ .H uri‘yl M :nu'uu’ I'un‘l-nlf nfi .\‘gugfinlu-r 'l'ulx, 3"7'2 r\ll In-rxnn- lun‘jn’x, xlanua «gum! m xu-lflnr'l l’u ~I:'l firm “HI [4060 III¢'~LIII‘”H!I1 In Hal. .\. J. qur [or nulJuiumnl. , v‘ I’. . . . A: ~ Dr. Wznfl‘aylor . iuf'ui-zfia'tlr. inn xhumm m‘ Gulyahur: um] \i « 'm'tly than M- M” vunh’mm. the: ppm. live- nt‘ his y-queéaiuu a! the ulrlxlmrf. uexl mur In [ln‘ ('nml-ilvr “filer, Hotlhlgurx. l'n. 'l'lnuklul » lur gnu-4 I wnr». 1H- ll";‘ {1: n-rc'H'P a ilum- of _tgrinje pnummgo. , [s' pl, :5. HM; M . Dr. James Cress, ' 'l VtilJ'J'Tlt' l’.”) Sh'l \V th-m‘m! {n.— pnh. _l‘lLiu [uumlmpc Iwrelulnrv- \lruulwl In huu. iuhfrmi lu: l'r'wn H Um} In- “m rahllxvue Ilu prmtircul bl£.p\l'v~fiu"fl in ”on; «hum: and \n'initr, "fl. 4 nr‘ mrAn< lud.u~l~onr wlevt. Nn-mv, we “fix" lu-d. ~ «Rut :ml must r-- luiMo rump-lire from n” ullu-v ~"(’l'.lri.'\!llnlmli (ml schn‘hl» wlnc’h have ern rohuimmeush-rl irnm the exp‘um-nce .|.|-l Sunlimmcj by (he prrrli «- u! a} F -IL-m-l Lv‘m'ix- l‘rartiziuncra; rml dig-Jul AU‘xé'nl‘an' iz‘j Ariqu-I. ~llle :N .m -(Zmum: xlrw niv, uivu'ur}, huh. pill‘,hluudlu!- jn; kw. ' J‘ - ‘ - ~ Ul'fi‘zr in m 0 u‘fvur‘ (.I']_Yurk shrm, in {he dzwliuur'unlmi M {lr-.13 ‘WI-hyu ' (ic:l}§bur:, brpt. ‘.L‘Elshfl ‘iim r . __Al‘ . H V A Rem 1, 1.1. ‘ n. O'NEAL h In:— Fellul u-d Mi ufi‘u‘e [rs-m' _ _ \\'lll.l' lulildiug (u lln- cum”: «1' Multi hmrt- .md High 'lroN-f‘uppmitr Ugh I'm-rhy leziau (Elmru'hf lh-aidcucc adjourn-g {be uflicp. Apr” 5, lh‘GJ. It _ ‘ > Adams 3001111 I? , \I‘TI'ALFinkI\‘.~‘L‘R.\.\IIH“UNUSE Imogpomle-l ILL-(rel: £5,1b51. ‘ > “ fr (H~'r'f(‘lll’.h. u ‘ ,I'ruirfl :H—(iéL‘UD-n: I‘3“an » ‘ - . I'lrr I’rru.‘ll¢'ll/v-—S.--11. limits”. ' .\‘u‘rp‘mu—ll. .\. l‘lH‘lllcf. .' "l'rmw‘w- -lhviul .\l'l'rcnr‘r. I himwurr L'ui-ugtllu—‘Hubcrt Mchr-lyl Judah King, .\Xh‘ln-w llciuqlt-lnum. . .',_ .lluuajrrswufinrw Swnpe. l). A. Buehlcr, R. N‘Gfxrdj, Jacob Km;. A. llr‘lutmlgnnn.‘ I). Mr- Qrenrv. S. R. Vina-11.“). 1L rlersli, Samuel ”D Irbomw, E. G: F‘s‘hm-stock. Wm. H. \\'i|~xon, 11. le’icicinr,‘ Wm. B. \lcClellnn, Jlilm/ \l’nl [fir-[gnu (l. .\lcCrenry. Jéhn‘l’ieckinz. .Un-l'l‘. \Yrilzlll, John Cunningham, Ah-liel l“. Gin, Jliiués IL ‘Mnrsluxll.’ 3L. l-liclM-lherger. ‘ infig‘l‘his Company is limited In'its opera.- 7170"! to the county of Atrium“ It. has been in pur‘ccskifill operation for more thluursix yem‘s, mud in thin. period has PJld all | assay apd ox [l9llsfsfll'llkoul any mag-umrnt. lmvilng also a large surplus capital in y); Treasury. ’l‘lie‘ Com pm, employs n9:\ Ageuu‘i‘nll business being done by the Alunnzeri, who are annually alt-Q. ed by the Stockb‘glders. Alluy person desiring F“ mint-mac c‘ imply to any of the above mmnl Managers for further inturmntion. IQ‘fChe Executive Cd'n'lmmémmec's at the office ofthe Companv on [.llO last. Wednesday in every month, In. 2, P. 31.‘ Sept. 27‘, 1858. 1,. " - “*w“. .'. ,_-.._7. ‘- V- . _ ____..‘L‘l._ .._): $ ' ' Somethmg New . ~ ‘NEGETTYSBL’Ré‘rr-The undersigned inform! 1 the citize'nflf the town and county, ting he 33 commenced the BAKING business, on a “"33 scale, in York “Feet, Gettysburg, nearly opposite “'aulei’s Hotel, where he will try :9 deserve, n‘hil hop“ to receivers liberal patron sge. BREAD; ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, &cl, km. baked every day, (Sun dnyunxcepted.) all of the best quality, and sold njhe lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in 31'] IU Branches iglargely curried on, and orders ‘0 ”.17 nmouu}, from ““5 Md.adjoiuing coun tiel, Supplied atathg shortest notice. ’Havinz erected Mame and commodious bakah‘ouse and necnred"thg best workman and the mst up. proved lilchinery, he is prepared: u) .10 h luiu'y business. ' ‘ . - VALENTINE SAUPEE. 1 July 2:, i 859 Coal r. Coal! 'Co'al. HEADS k gamma we now -prbpared to SCUM.” COAL, of quperior qqpli‘y, in any qkngntity Guimd. Tenna;Cnsh. ‘FConc Ont! Come AH! , .- me refines: xhoso indobud to them,“ call lhd {my up. as funds urn much needed. Who fill be the Era tau“? Oflice 09‘1“. 1:30 7. , _ ‘ 1.5.14, 1962. , ' - - .7 Ax. 015.4% , _ ‘ Di}. 3.: qoakas Drug Sum. LL the be? PlO6 1 _ chip-"cu: be bu] é; nuke 1121.154». ug and Prescription n of- . . 1.3:, M 0123. 393833. ! ‘ mugmuiufi; my! Yeoman, chip at! .5 ‘ s‘; ”naxnsrocxs'. ~1 NECK 11:39 “, alumni “tonne!“ n» _ _ w , XcILflEXY‘S. pB. ‘37 11. J.':STAHLE 1&: tb. Year: small Farm i‘ T FW'YATE 5‘51): «The luHrrlhrr of ! A Ir-ra a! prun" ml:- the lnllmnng VAL- - ”'.\"ch rmrpm‘r. 4’." Nu! m Sard'mn.‘ ,mwnahip. Aqams mum}, PL, an the public ,road landing lrnm (érvhshvz to Harrisburg, ‘4! miles Xurlln East m (be tnrmcr placer. ‘ The Farm rnn'nim 7" Arm-s and}? Perv-fies, nndi'ixe iulpruvcmruu rmnsist of n QQOlL‘sub-i {mmm _n_wm.l.my Hrfil'sm-‘rume, 1 33min, Wmh lluunfi, Wand House. nu ; Dry llaqso, (‘nrriagc ”mm, and 6‘“: ‘1 lChbf.J’lr}‘s, nth bllwr nercesnry _ ', lobhhuilJirrgs; tuo- wells of‘ gnnd water in rhel 'yurd. There is an Urbhurd‘ of good ’r nitf on the yremises. The property is We]! proporf‘ hioned with meadnw and timber hand. It is . onreuirn! 10 Mnrkrtfi, Chum-hen, Srhouls. kcf, ’ [milking it very drsirnbl9ll‘he attention 01' purl! 'rhnsen is invited to it. Call upon or addgeyl‘ ‘ the undersigned, residmg thereon. “ 5 DANIEL H. FAJEBSEY, - , l Cottyshurk P. 0., fdnms nll, Pa}; 1 N. 8.-—Th» nuhncriherul-Io offers 160 kerb" ‘uf had sni! l'rniric Land, Illunted near lyrefidt‘llfl l'mw-nlu-ik ruumy, lowa. 1 D._U. F. 1, ‘Aug. In, 19:53. If : ' . J acobs’s _Salooh Revwed. .‘ * ‘lll‘l gumlt-nignrd huvellcaged Jncohs'l S's-f I'] hmn, Inn'yhnmhershuzz street, nfid intend ' to keep It in ”the heat N_ e, hoping Unit the! pultlic will uppreciute their L-ll'dru to pleas; by ‘ gfi'inx them a largrputrolmge. The] wilLre-i wire OYSTERS {egulurly And «lodhem up in, all stylgéjtfllmt CIIIUKI‘INS,BEEFTOSGL‘E, l “A“ AND HUGS, and almofl gverything llmv.’ maiv k: culled fhr. “ill be'uerved. That” will k also “:4? ALE. L \G'L‘JR, PORTER, WINES. kc. 'l‘hm Me ~letvrmiyed to a.) _tlfinp up in the l must (lair-Me manner, mud {ct-l curt-in of; plugging all who may «Ml. v 1‘ -' l’ ' _‘ Ml HULAS (‘ODORL JR., ‘,' J 1 - JuSl-Il'H SHURB. {A t 7 Gettysburg, SI-pt. 2'l, L6l. ‘l' “ 3."; l 1. One an‘d:A'll, ~ 9 J r .\KE .\‘Ul‘lCl-L—Th‘! ur'ulersiém‘d ““1371 r alav tn tlu- putdu: that. he is reco'u‘infalfl lurge'nnd «lalcndid stock of GRU'W'IrUBS‘, gr “'hlyh he will sell as hlw as any other hun-‘c f in loi‘n—(Eull’cr-a, fingrlma, )lol3l~~tv~‘.‘S_vrups, T1‘:I$,'Sl'll,l“§alll &. ..'with Potatoes, Buns. "Ile l Rice 3 qulbn “'.u-u. put up in the bust. lunu- I. uch; .l'obnrmu, Stan‘s (cu ‘ kW. « . i." ' ‘Fflmmx‘. TAKE fitnlJclls—n ynu want. . {tolzy in yum liquun fur lull-“ff, now '1: the"l Itime. I h.‘n(- llm-nv lfi'flndi o! \\'h’l‘sluos.‘ “mu-l; dim, W|x|o3.4ll|«l'.lllvotlle. liquur<. whirh l mu ]' ‘(liapusingnfut short prnfits‘. tlno luv :1 will“: 'I nl\\'.._\‘s Iq/ in plquv—‘nml bellow I \‘cry ut'- l lcn sum-red. Helm-ml)” the plflt‘t‘—->‘bll',ll€flbl. 7 luultlcr dill-3 Diamond. Gettysburg. ' 1 l .;_ um. l‘. K.\LM'LA-:l.s¢n. .‘l f ' .\luy 23,3‘1‘43. ‘ 3 _ T ‘ ;A.' Mathict 8: Son’sJ C \ DP \ A VI) Fl'Rfi I'N'KH \\'.\RI":[UH)“S..VOS. S 25 MM 27 N.":-|'V" sun-Pt. Hult'nfim'; (n’o-I? Fun-m- :41... mnmuhnz {rum (My to Frndfirirk il.—[hu- large-I rambl‘ishmenx owhe kind in Hm l'himx. ’ Mung.» rm huntl u {.\rgdnsenufiw‘ht ut HUFSEIBIMJ'AXI‘ l'i‘l’li‘ii l’lilllNl'l ['RH. u-m -hmt'in: Hummus “td‘ll‘l.l‘.\\'-E‘E\'lflllli‘, \\'.nr-l— rum-i.".\lnln'v-anw uvl‘ 111-" h {'utnau and flair- Spring llr‘h. .\nlu, lrh-w- "Hod. .\rm Uhnilfir “00!;in ('ll‘lz". Ll IL'l'll'\" \Llrl-in‘ T‘xhl'im. Sr:- US$44 {it rel-Hun: :wl l'uhiilslvrvil ('h..1l a AS SI ni’l'l-ZMUULULRMM (‘4) r l .\IHJ’I'RH {l‘M}, \‘ 0“ T‘énira. “.'.xu: Chan , “our? (Lind. ("r ll‘ Alllll.l|""\.‘:l|‘111A;\‘ U4l! I'VIII'IIH'HL" (Ulflfim “'.thx Pva [making Kinny u “nu bgards. Eu ~n-iuu Tnhlu‘w, n 1 i-Wrglgxxglh. :Pnrqgu ”I:slqu In !|V_1r(1§"|§|'III'P'llfllll"!h) cz‘lll .m 1 give nur plv ck lU].9lll'lliu_‘ll.(l!l.“\\ Qit'u fur \‘urin't; .mvl ”MALL; or “i-rkiualhltu- i~‘ :xin‘ equndled‘ by ..n} csln‘vlvalrh'nfi iu't'u- :("l-Jr‘ ‘ A .\l H‘npnfix 51m: Nu . .'.": .u.u,_‘._‘.. (:1) ..:rq!t Aug. 6 huh -- ' ' [1":- ' i— . I . 1. Isaac K. Stem, (er, ; ‘VATCH MAM-Hf .\Nn .H:\H:Li:n, _’ i l l\)2l'FA‘i'll.'l:Rll'yH' . I_-; SILVER WARE & Mirnul‘igll QF gnqnmgf Nu. HS Nuith Second SL, Quruer Qunrx'y,_ , ‘ .l’m‘stLPuu, PA. ' ilu it" constantly on hand nn astqrtment of thl a d Silver l’ntem Lmer, Lopinennd l’iiiin \Vutcliks: Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Ke‘ys, Brenui Pins, Eir Rings, Finger Rings, Bucc lc'ts, .\hniulure Cakes, Medallions, ,Lm'kets, Pencils, Thimhiea, Specmcies, Slker Tubir. Desert, Tea, Suit and .\iusL'ud fifiows; Sugar Spoons, Cun‘s. S.|pkin Rings,‘Fruit(«nd Butter Kuives,‘Sliiclth,(}oxnbs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc.,—ul of which \yill be sold low tar will. )1. I. fi‘unuak CU.'sbest quutiuy‘iun jew eled Patent? Lci'or _M vemems consgxnully 01! mini]: also olhet hln’kifigfi'éuperjorqnnlily. . S. f}..—OM Hold an ‘ilvér bought for cash ~ Sept. 1, 1863. 1y ' ..‘ ,_ .._—r . ,_ —~~.——z.-~-.-- - New“ Warehousq. “ BI'SHELS ' I L-GRAIN' ]()0.()( M) WANtED.»|tTslew Grain and Produce House. infiulisle affect, udjnin ing Sheadrk‘Bnebler’ (sublishmgng. The highest mmkét pr' 6 wax ulwuyfi; bcE paid in cash for g _ ‘ { GRAIN, of all kinds. . \ - ‘ FLOUR, Sill-Ills, 81c. Always on hand and [6l' tale, 3!. thel imnllcsL profile, _ ' ._ ' GUASOS, , ‘ x ‘ SALT, FISH. ‘ w , ' GROCERIE‘Y, km, ‘ u ‘ - ' : ' Wholesale nndml‘niL TRY US! Wegshall do our best. 107 give satismclion in ull-‘cssea‘ ucgvnnv town-u Gettysburg, May“, 1563. 1y ' New Goods ‘ T FATIN ESTOCKS’.—F§bneuock Bros. A would réspectfuuy inform their friends and the public genemlly that they have just received :heir Spring stock of Goods Mm New Yer}: and Philadefiwhin. Having bought thug: for cash, wo‘ am prepared to offer {want and prettiest flock of 01158:} GO 8 even offered tn the citizen of 1119 county and at ULDJ’RICESI “Quick sales and Ihort‘profiu” being our motto. - ‘fl‘Cnll and eximine It the aigfi of me Hay 11,1863. ‘ RED‘FRUNT. 'l‘HEundu-nigned,beingthe tumoflzedpet‘son to nuke re’monla into Ever Greqn Cemeo tory, hopes ch t Inch u co'ntempla‘tc the removal of the rennin: of deceased relatives‘or friends will aynil them-elven of this umn oftheyenr - hare 1t done. Ramonhnude with prompmeu ~urma‘low, find no efl‘nn spuru} to please. PETER THORN, guch 13, ’6O. Keeper of me Ccmélery : . John W. Tipton, . SHIONABLE BARBER, Ndnh-mt cor ‘1!“ 9: tbs Diamond, (nut doc: to yo lellaq'l “091% Ge'ttylburg. P 9” where gm on]: all hang e found ready to attend man Mm'lnrlfiolfne. ' 80 his also excellent”- sham and will edhun lltisfwcu'on. (3'ler him a call. ‘ [Doc. 3, 1360. AGO, Arrow Root, Corn Starch. Rice-flohr _tnd Gelatin, for Isle «a Dr. HORSER‘S D'ru'g Store. 7 ; ‘ 4. . 4 gmanmnrmln Almiggxgn§ rm ‘ ’ me iciml u on: on y t!» e 'ew rug Lore of _ p rp. 1);: R. HOMER: ‘ Reatoirals. A DEMQQRATHG AND qum mm‘wm, :‘ " 0‘ ‘ @ll2 ‘flufia ;_4:-_:--::: P; 21.17:: VL‘:-:_.'_::L:‘:: , f svnnnlivq (some. ' . l <n! nu HON. uns‘. xonox. H‘ § Ihrk 2‘_ through the dim wood dying, . With E moln, “ x i {aim}; the' winds are sighing,‘ 1 ‘ . Sugnmer‘s gone! “*1 I» i There, when my bruised heart, feéleflx, 3; :A'ng the pale m'oon lyer face rercgld‘lh, 1 Darkly my footstep itealelh, ‘ '1 a y. Y To #eep alone. { afloat n'lethour I wander, T‘ ' _ Ry men unseen, ' / , jAnd sadly my wrung thoughts pongler }* ; < On whm. hath been, / j J, j Hummer’j gouty)! / EThcxe, {ln our green b‘oéey’, 4' 1 1" Dong 8&0, . ’ s t I :rOur me‘ thro' the mug/ed flowers 3 ‘ Trending- slowvfi " ~ ‘ _Oh hnnd in hand (ant/wining;- “Oh side by side reg/ining— i ‘We itched in it; crimsion‘ shining § il'l‘he'iunse/L glow. ‘ . .‘- Z ‘Dim‘ly the gun now burnelh> f '. Fora‘meqxlone— 1’ spring HIE! spring‘returnelh— ‘ . may nrtgope, 1 ‘ - {3“ ‘Summerls gone. Still on my worn Ghlek_filnyelh' The restless Lree‘ze; Still in LI); freshness gltrayelh - I 5 Between {he treesf; Slill the blue strenmlev. éuslmlh- Skill the brand five: I}!Sllt‘tll-—- Still the calm sileni‘i- bn‘slwth ' - The heart’s dilséasc: , of lint wlxr illi!” bring lhf‘xneetinés V ‘ Back again? ‘ \Vlmt slqu recall thy greetingfi— med in vain ? . Smynifif's guue. @fixrilanmufi. THE VEILED MIRROR; PXCT‘URES OR THE NEW YEAR o- ‘m' nonnxu ALGER, m The OEI‘LYM!‘ was {2M drawfilxg to n‘close. f Rm :1 WW h'nnriflml the ndvr-nt of it! mo CF~I~OII \wufltl lu- hniled by mI-j r_vlshouts :mvl inylul gralulqtlrnx lr‘inglingwuh the merry ('llllll“ ul' lwfli rmgmg out n no’nsyi‘e‘cmuo; Imin chm-MI (nwore and Guam-low. }( ’ 4 Adam lLfllHlW.l_\‘,;—:l wcuhhy maréfhnnt. nut [an hh counting-winn. sit-Skim: a lu'flunc / hml ‘ven h‘u gums “In-l lawns for Hm: ~y9né‘ whfih'hml nenr‘iv pusacd. Fror’n‘theszmle that. IXL'hIOd up hi< cmmtmmnce. vi) he Ilrvw m-m' tho eml nf [xix (ask, it _might Sufi-‘.y hn inim’rml Hm! Hm rm-nh vroved nutisfu’ctnry. ”0 n! longl'l, thmw ann Mx p ‘n; alflbr I'nunng up the Fast column, and cfixtimw“ jnylully: ~ '3 ' Y I "1. V, ‘1 MVP ”1011th dollar: net, gain in one _VP-ull'. Tim! firm do very wall—very we”. unload. If I 'nm M wnll prnsperad in the _\'Mr to cum». it wxll mJerd be 5| 'anpy Ne“: Yéar.’” ' ”7 I?!” meditation-n wz-re interruptdd by a kntyl‘k at the door. Ho' opened. the dnnr an saw: standing before him. a m’nn of ordi hnxy appearance. bearing. under his arm something, 11:: hatnl‘P'DF :Which‘he could not; mnjeoluro, ‘wrnpl up in brnwfi paper. . "’Mr. Hathaway. \I believe T” was the strunupr’s mlumtion. - “1 Yon; are correct." ‘ll’e'rhnpsiil’ not particulgrly engaged, yml will allow me a few minTnes’ conversa libén with you}? ' f ! * :4 Ycé; cgll‘ninlx,” was the surprisod re,— ‘ plyl; “though‘l Mn at a less to ronjecture l whit! cnn lmvb brought you here.” _ ' I ffl'nu are a. wenltliy‘m'an, Mr. Hathaway, ; and everv year increases your possessions. I May I ask whai is your oljectin‘accnmqlg tins: up much propelgly 1’" < , ‘l'l‘hig is nver‘y singular question, lainf’ Lani: ‘the merchant. who began lb entertain do: his asqtb his visitor’s sanity, “very :iu ‘gul r. ‘I sfijipoae I‘ am influencetj by' the sanle motiv-eé that actuate other men—the l neo’essity of- providing foi- at! phy's‘ical ‘ wa‘ntsandsocontributiuglo):" happiness." “Mud this contents you ?‘ Butyoulfigaiqs - areimit all devoted to this purpose. This last; year, for example, the ovarplua. has ' umquntedéo five thouiand dollars." l 1 “:I know not‘wbére‘ you have ghinad your linfdrmntinn'." said Mr. Hathaway. inusur-F . prisle. “However, you are right.!’ . " “‘And what. dolou intbnd to d 9 With , this f" ‘ ’ . 4 .‘ “flan nmgomewhqt free with your ques tions. sir. preVer, I have no objection to ‘a‘myerjng you. I shall lay it. up." A ' ".I‘é'r. what. purposg? I ngod not Itell ydui! témoney, in itsé'lf, is of no value.— _,ll MOE-1y the represpntytive of value. Why tlneh 0 you allow it to remain idle 7” “.How elae abould [employ in I have a comfortable home Well fumished—shéuld I pun-charge ong‘niore expensive 2 My table' is well profifieJQhouldl, live more luxu rioqsly? My wardrobe "18 well supplied—- ‘lhquld‘l duels more expensively f" “,xTo'these qua-tion: 1 Answer ‘No.’ But‘ it does not. fiolloyv, become you lute a good bongo. oombrtéble clothing, an}! 3 wall qupplied table, that othern’nro equa‘lly well provided» Haze you mo‘ught to give of your abundance to {hose who are needy; to promote your ownmkppineu by advanc ing flint of others?” ‘ ‘ “ Imust confess that think I duty which I_ .'havo neglected. Bu? there are film.- houm and bent-vainly. societies. 'l‘h‘ero cannotbe much mn‘sery that. «copes their notice," said Mr. Hathnwiy. “ Yowshslvl judge {oz-yfixrself." ' The utnnger commenc unwnpping the package' whxcb he carried under his uni]:— 11. was a small ”mirror, with a va’i hinging before it. He slowly withdrew Athe veil, and said: “Look 2” I A chnnge pus'ed over the lurface of the mirror. ' Mr. Hathaway. as he looked at i intehtly, found that. it reflected a smnll mom. gammy furnished, whilé n. faint flre flxckered in‘ the grate. A bed stood in one corner of the room, on which Imposed: sick gum. By the aide of it my I woman, with wtbin shawl over her shoulders, busily ply ing he: needle. Ah infnnv. boy lay ‘in4 3 ergdle not fu- ofl', which 3 Huh: git}, alley! Ahce, whose wasted {arm und featuree'ipoko “nun 13 mean Ax» mu. i-uvun.” VJ, , 4 GETTYSBURG, PA, MCN‘DAY, NOV.‘2, 182—313. of want and privation. was rocking tosleep. “ Would you hear what they are saying If’ aka] the stranger. ' ~ The ‘merchant nodded _acquiéscance.— .Immndiately there came to his ear the con fused noise of voices,‘from which he soon 'distingu‘ished that’of the sick man,‘bo asked for wine food. . .. ‘ ‘ “_We have none in the houw." suit] his wife. " But I shall soon 'get this wqu fin. ished, and then [shall he nhle to getsump.” The husband groaned. “0 _th‘a‘tl should be oblige'd to remain idle on a‘sick bed. when I might bmenrniug money ‘fo’r’ you and the children. The doctor said that noyv the fever has gone, I néed nothing but nourishing food to raise me up again. But. ulna! I see no means of procuring il.-‘- Would that some rich rush, out of his abun dance, wnuld supply mo hilh but a trifle frouyiis board. To him. it would be noth ing—to me. everything.” - ‘ The scene vanished. and grmluslly ghoth- en formed itseif uporr the surface of’tho “‘I believe," mid he to h. ‘ mirror. . go an“ see triy old friend. i It, was a small room, neatly} but; not. en- his son, Arthur. is really-i ponsiveiy. furnished. There were two 00-. to bliege. Whit is the ‘cupanto—a mun of middle age. and ayonth i bearing 'the expo-naps" ‘ ot' a bright. intellectunl countenanpe which. "able, and can dispos :at present, seemed oversprcad with an air better w'uy.” . l ofth-jectinn. | .' ' i As hé’wilkod ni ng yith this praisewor: ; Mr. Hathaway, to his surprlue, rerogmzed l thytieterminmio in "his ”heart. h'is atten in the gentleman Mark Auilley, a'tellow-| tion was drawn owrthu little girl who mm merchant and, fortnorl'y. intimate fri'end. ‘gazing with on or, wistful eyesintq the Win— who. but. a few months before. had I'aileti‘in HOW of“, main iln‘mm: shop. whore were dis buginess ; and, too honorable to defraud hie ‘ ”flayed in to ptingurrny some fine oranges. i creditors, hint given up all his property.— ! lie thougi —nny, ht, wnq quite sure—that Since his failure he hull, been reduced to izin hor h I rt‘r‘ngn‘izsd the httle‘giri ’w-ho fig: ‘ accent a clork>hip. ‘ - ~. '>l urml i the first scuhe, unfilrlml the even " ! am sorry. Arthur,” said he to his gon, l ing 1;, ore by ‘tho inyaterinufi miri‘nr.‘ By “ very sot-my 1.118! I unuld not carry out‘mv , way At n~cermiriiiig;_tie addrensed her in a. intention ni'fintering you at, college. I pietinmt tone." * , know your tastci have :llWnys led you to} /""Your unmrLis Alice, is it. not 1’": think (II a prni'i-‘siuuul Ctll‘l‘t'i' :.i-ut my and: i / ‘:\'essir,fi’ said she, looking. up surprised \IC‘H oluinge of cirCuniatuuceu has placed it. and somewhat anL l , out of my pnwE‘r to gratzi'y you. It i~ {ms ; {'.\nd your father ii sick. is he not?” for you to nccppt the sltuutinn \VIIIL'II SI ‘.‘Yes. sir; but he ia aiui'mt \vell—imw.” “Mn offl-reil yiiu. “nil CIW'I‘ .\lr. Bulluzfiy'sf “I saw vuu Wen“. looking at. tho oranges store. It is u very fair aituution, nutl mil ‘in that wixyinw. Now I viiill buy you a doz- Luil Wm :15 well as any.” ‘/ ten if ynuwnl hat me holp‘yoh carry them (“ I believe you nre right, eirl"{fl‘\id Ar-‘ homey AV _ - ' thur. rupe‘cttully. "' tlmuuh ll'Wi be hur-I ‘ The pm‘rghnzy- \ms‘made: nnd' the mar to resign the how‘s that .I h a fishing chahttruth-(lslloll9.conversingt'lith his“? 1 cherished. I um Henry Pu, “mi 10-day. tleroh-luclor, wtm uozm In-‘t hrr timittity. 2Hemmin my clu-s'at 'scilo('}{ and is to e-u-r Arrived at tho ‘.lttie girl‘s home he found ‘ter collage nnxt full. Imu in't hvt‘ill HWY" thnt' hgha}! not bi-eu (loot-{rod in hi“ prekt‘u‘ in,«_' him. How soon wiil I'. Béiiamy wish i limonti. It ‘whs the same room that. he me topntrr his store ‘.‘"/ , ’ ‘ ' I had sum pioturod in [hit mirror. s 'l‘lmsick " II“)? 3“" 59mm!“ , I bf‘HEVG—thnt i-‘N mun ,“tl: luring uneasily in bed when Alice with the lieginni‘ng we, VWII'. New Year’s; onto‘red. - , ' Ihy bring «inside-t n holiday." ' . 1 “8w“, Mm.” F“.ltl sim. inyfiiii)‘; "598 “ Very well 13m m-iy tell him‘that I will , whnt nice m-zmgo: Unveil?!” you : and here come at that tim .” "‘ .1 is the kind genticlhan #who gave them ‘5) The scene v.l ished aé before-m change” n 13.” ‘ ' pnswd over the surface of the niirl'r‘n'---,1 E'l‘he'moiclmnt. before he left the humble Agnin‘the nit-rt-hgmt, lmkmi. and to hisf aipnrtment. gave in ()(‘cupflnlfl‘c'l‘lilufliy du- Hirpt-iac, In (‘M the irtorior or his 0W“: nation Ami midi; New Year’s Duy a day of store. ~ A :lint light W-lfl burning. hy ”Ni tli'anksiziving. . , ' = ligh‘tnt 'hirh a young man whom he re—i- Mr. Hathaway soar. found himself at, the cr‘gnize m Flank Dun-11. aneof his own residence Divtits {licnd- Auntiey. vi'ho gave cle-rk 3mm rentll'ng asletti-r, the contents or! hii‘n a'~ warm waleome. "This. is indeed whi i seems-vi to ugit‘ute film ymverfullyl .i kin:l”‘_s:ii(l he. “The friendship that adver 'khe svelte was lvrnught so nexir.tlmt he~ siw cannot interrupt is really valuable? cfluld, “MAUI” (illfit‘UhX- "5-"? ”18 lireV.‘ ‘.\lr.‘ liathnwn)‘ no_w introducedtheolUect (written in u deiimte t'eumie hand, as tol-J ofhis ri‘itfinéking: “What/(lo you mean to io\\‘~: ' lid” with Arthur! He was nearly ready to go to coliege, wmyhe' not?” ‘ “ Ie was; and this'is one of‘the severest, ‘Uiais nltemiiv'm my r‘evcmed circunmunces, tha.’ I am compelled to disappoint. his long (‘IH‘I Itilcd wish of obtaining a college eJuca tionr" . , .Ih/fiDr'rxr Slum—VP“ ~are not. prnh'ably, Pxpecting tn hi‘nr from Inn at. thin timer—— Alas! that. léhohld have ~umh an occasion to write. At. the tune of your father's death it was supno-gtl that, Maths- sm rifice of everything. wn had snout-909d in liqui- Ilnting :11l hi 3 Ilt'hlS. Err-n thin consolntllv'n is now «lvnit‘ul us. I rm'r-ivwl a hall frt’vtn Mr. Party. this morning. who prawnted. for immedul.‘ pay/rural, n nnte:givun ‘by ynnr father. fnl' filly clnllnr~. llnnwrlinm pay m't‘ntfi. llnw, With )1 snlm‘y lmrely eufiiment tn support ua; can you meet such It chnrgr? Can nny wnv be devised? Mr.- Perry tlu-oalen'}. if the munfiy ig nht. fnrtltbommg, to wize our furniture)" Ila is n hard man. «‘anvl I ligtvn nn hopes of npnen’sing him. ,I do not knnw that you can do anything to [retard it : hur’l have thought it right to :11:- quuint vnu With this new cu‘lutnity. . , ' _ Your all'ectionute mother, ‘ ' , ‘ ' , Muir Drum." The young man lflhl;dm€u‘ the letter with lan nir of depression. . “A " i ' i “ I scnrcvly lmmr how to provide for this | new contingency," said he, met-lititlively.— .“My salary is small, and it requxges the I strictest economy to men: my ox'penses. I i might ask for an advance; out Mr.‘.lluthn _wny is particular on that point,’aud _I tshmtld hut. court a refusal. But t 9 hnve' {my mother’s furniture taken front. the .house~the whole amouht'would hardly loovei- the debt. 'i‘h'ere is one. resource; ! but. slits! that I should ever tlxink;.of. re { sorting to'it. Lcould takethe money from l‘the till, and return it when [am able.— . But, shall I‘evor be able? It. {would he no more nor lens than robber . At. all will: I will not do it to-night‘Who knowé‘ ut :uomething ma’y turn up to help us)”, ‘ The young man blew out. lntnpl and left. the store. The picture faded. ’ “ I infill 'show you another picture. sow ‘what different} the others; it‘mll he thehgt,” uid tmtmng'er. - 1 The next scene represented the interior of a baker’s shop. The baker—e coarse futured man, with a hard; unprepoasessing t aspect—wan waiting on a. woman,’ thinly clad in garment: more suitable fox-June ‘ than December. She we‘ll purchasing two 1 loaves of bread and afe 'crnckerl. There we: another customer iiting his turn. It in. a gentleman, with plenum: smile on his face. v - . . “Make haste.” laid the baker. rudely. to the womap. who was ‘searchifigfor her 1130- ney to pay for her purchases y“! can’t stop all day; and here’nl gang/153mm that you. keep waiting." 5 ' “0, never mind me; 13m in, no hurry.” the gentleman and. ‘ ‘ ~ “I am afrnd.” said th. woman. in an .I uined tone, "thnf I have lost my money.— I had it here in my pocket; butit. is Lynne.” -"Than you may mum the brand ; I don': sell for nothing." ‘ . “Trust me for once, air. . I wil! pay you in a day or two. Otherwise my chudl’an must go vmhom food to‘ morn-ow." “Cnn’t help thu. You nhouldn’t hue been no careless.” . . , The woman win nbom turning any, when the voice of the other customerum ted hex; steps. ' "‘qu much money hiya youJoafl” he inquired. . . . ‘ A “It was but half 3 dofir,” mu Lbs roply‘; “but it way of consequ ee to me. u I can get no more for a day or two ; sud how we are 00 live till then, Heaverfifiwws.” ' “Perhan that will help you tO‘deoide the queuion," Ind he took from his pocket. 3 five dolliu'bill, and handed it. to her. ‘ “0.13:.” laid ahe, her face lighting up with »grntitude,_ “this is indeed generous and nqble. _The blessings pf‘ thot‘o‘ ydu have befriended attend ypu‘l" - ‘ She remained to make a few purclmu, and then, with 3 light hurt, departed. "‘ —‘~_S""_.” ‘ :"- ‘ ‘ _" "’ "_‘ .‘ 3x The last pigture fided from the mirror;\ an}; the sir-user. wrapping it. up. simply ’Bal : "You have seen how much happiness is trifling sum can produce. Will inn not out of your abundance, nuke A similar experi-‘ ment?" ‘ -' K ‘ “: The stranger disappeared; and Mr. Hath: away awoke tq find his dream terminated by the chime of the New Year's bells. ' “This is something more than 2: dream,", said lie,‘thollglill'iillyi “twill. it all events, take counsel of the, mystic ‘vision; and it, shull‘not be my luultl if some hearts are no Imade happier tliruugh my means before ”(5/ 'othor sun sets.” " ' , Z Wh'eh the mer‘chunt arose’on the fol/law in: morning, it was with the light eurt which always accompanies the det mim tion to do fight. He was deta'm~ ed that the 'snlutation of “A. Happy N in! Year” sliculd not be with him 3 mar mutter of lipgervicb. ‘ _ ‘ I am nbundantfy 91‘ my money in no ‘r‘l‘hnt mug! nnc'bn."fi:si«l Mr. Hathaway. % “Ifyou :md iAl'lhl‘ll‘ will consvnkl will my- I -self nay his, charges thrdugh collage." .. . g ".\l‘r.‘ilatlm'yny,"; said Mr. Aulliny, in a. glow of surprise and filbusure, I'lhis oil'vr' eyinces tumble g’énermily on your jm‘rt that ‘ l‘shnil never f-‘lrgvt. You must Let me tell - A'nhur thmgoml news.” , ' Mr. Ammo}! summ‘ohod' Iris ‘son, nntl ‘ pointing to Mr. II :thmvhygsai 1: ”Thisgem , fl'emnn has offal-ed Lo aqud you Woollege at ' hie owniex'pensc." , 1' The eyes of the youth lighted-up; and he 1 ghuped the hand of his benefpctor, saying. ‘ simplyz. ,“0, 1f yoiyimi knew how happy .- you have made. me Ll’ . 7 , ' : “i do 110L€i931>1‘ve,§6uf thunks.” was the 1 smiling: roply.— V“l“|mve learned that. to 'mnko.otheri happy is the mos! direct "Fill m churn my own_lmppiness." l’ . 3} Ir. Hathaway took his way to the store. 9‘ Ali-rilvell there. hepqught out. frank !)urell,.| and requested him to step into his office, :5 , he Wished to fipeuk :6 him in private. I ~“Yom- shlnry is five hundred dollar-é a ; yoer be]ie(e,". said he, ' . “Yahtiir,” said Frank Durellfiomewhut } surmised. _ ’ ~ ' “1 hr “ - .13" acute to. the cone! m is inouncement mu mquie to m. in Hm nnnual is insufficient. nn'd 1 film“ therefpre ndvdnce {report of the Dzrectar, that while sev‘eml it twoyhundred dollars; and. 35 a P 8” of it"(new Agteroids ha'tl‘lwen' ob’ierved. OIMOHII; may not .be unacceptable to you now, here ‘ was missing from its “mammal place m are a hundred‘dolhrs thutyou may considexi‘the heavens. and haul eluded the mostfilili; an advanc‘e.” l lgent search of the great refralctm'. Again "Sir.” 153“ Frank Dare". 1'3“"? believ— tat the clase of another war, on visiting the inn—Hi; 36315-95. "3"“ 0811053 estimate ”“3 YOb-zerntory in the fulfillment of e similur b'nrfil lslmllflerwe from this generosity- idudly ldi-l not fiu‘l to inquire wlielherL'an- My mother. who deppnds’upon me for sup- ‘.wrdfi'fi’ml yet been found. _‘N’ot ypc, not port, tips about to Be deprived of her t'urni~ iyet,’ wni the reply“; and,'fnr might I know, ture by “n. extortloute creditor; but this iit may he missing stilL Now, an, lum no timely- gin-401' I must consider it tin-Wm ‘superstitious'bolievar in thexigns ofthesky. nmoVe thiptefl-ihleneeegsity. [thank 3'oll',lor in the influences of eithei planets or air. from my«heart.”l ' Jcomets. Therea is One thut‘rfiteth on the "Yogi are qmte Welcome." said the mer- l circle of the Heavens, above all’fitars, who chant kindly. “It! futuroeonsider me your asbapee our ends. and controls the gleafinies frientl.: end. if you ihpuld i“ any time be ’of nations is well u of individuals. But in what of advice or assistance, do not. norm 1 we may at, lwtlextmct a moral from ‘ghis p‘le'to confiitle in me." ' celestiul mystery. It is not only {lom “At least," Mid, thfi merchant, though? nmonz the glittering orbs of lightabnve us fullv. “I have dnné something to niako this that Coiconliwhu of 1m been missing. .. It a. ‘Uappy New Yam” for otherl. The 195- §hnd been most unhappily ilriven from “its son énuveyegl in the dream of last night ; place among the stars which 'em'olnzen our; ihall notbe throwh'awny upon me; I will :natmnnl banner. In. from mnang' the ‘ btkP co ' that many heath slmll hummus:- ‘ Sum which thoae stars represent, long 10 bless?“ yisionwf‘ THE VElL‘l-H) 511% before this abhorrent reb‘pllirm clme to'a ROR."' ‘ I . ' ‘ head. ‘ Andi! mm! nmluyc moths/be won (one): ‘ ‘ . 1 I . «nob—- , Tm}- nun. . Ont}: evo‘of the election the people wer‘e'murcd bv the leader: of the Aboli tion party that. WQodward’e election would neceaanily befollowed by another dtqfl;nnd this stgtemant, made in the most ‘positive mgn'ner, probably aided in defeatin ‘ him. The electing had scarcely closed has the victory of the fldministrmion been an nounced, when 10! Abraham Lincoln is sues his proclamation for A draft. of 300,00 Q more men. The election ofCurtin has not, therefore, helped the people of Pennsylva pin much in this rerpoct. ’we do not think it: will in any olh J‘here was a chanéo of bettering the cnnditién of things by the election of Woodward there was none whatever of doing so by electing Cgrtin. Ind yet he wgs elected.— By and hr'thé peeple will open their eves mxtho falsehood: and folli . the corrup< tion and wickedneu of the ifiwlition party, when neither tlié Entronageof the President. nor the greenb'ic s of Mr. Chase can save them from defeat-Lint.“ than we mug; but patiently thaevilu that. are u nm. In regard to the new dig-ft, w‘e {spa mu all loygl men uni particularly the very‘ \onal men of the I at yfl. done a . y " ~ 1' their pnr ii EN”)! (f: «I 5 MR. " '1" 111 in ''l ' HO , 0r ‘ ( .‘INTHROP ON THE . WAR. align-mm, éleliyered n'few days 'ngo man. before home éhnritnhle associa i, the Hohyflobort C. W’inthrop took ,42asion to say at? words‘irx behalf of the Jonstitution and t a policy of conciliation. His high character a 8 statesman and M’ a patriot gives pecul‘ilr :ler to his views, and we commend his m urged an?!r mode rate language to ,(ha‘ntte inn, (it his old‘ politinnl'moointea. Art” n uding to thd servigespf the Boston mecha icy m the Revolution. he continued: . ' _‘ “Of all the mighty and mnryelous hirine- ‘ ry. to the invention or «to the opemli of which the Mechanic mind or the Mech nic 1 Arm has ever contributed: the Constituti l of the United Smtgsjs stilltho mnstpr-piec l (Gmapplnusei For. air. when I speak of the Constitution. '1 apmk qf t‘lre (Miami yv/n'cl: was I” diractaml IL-mgn'al result. I 'l' here » 0011/11 have (keen rm 'q‘llzctme um] permantnt Union ’ without that (‘nnsmutiam Titrre maid have A Alum none at that irl-w.‘ Tim-e can banone at ‘ ,(lus. ‘True, Mr. Président, it-is no simgalei ‘rnf'lchine. It ii min'éwhnt' nmnpléx in its! conitructinn. [t has wheels within wheels; 1 1 which rr‘ay nmnetimns get clogged, Mn]. i {sometimes be thrown out of gear. And”: like emorything elsqéf merelv‘mortnl mould, * iit is n'ot proof against such wanton and [ \vi’cked atte'mnta to obstruct» its oppmtinn, ' lflhll do'stroy- it» checks aim! balances, and |ororthrnw its entire organimtinn..n those I from whir‘h min are now sufi'eringu le. (a- l lkw fatal! in 1!, (Aim! by ils prdr/icul operation } far mrn-e [lumnbn'ammrc yum aruLLgn. the world. ,3 Wm: scen‘ nothinf/ wiser or nothing 3014 i." or so 5 inner}; and [’ls mm! (unmet rflbm and (he most - xf‘ervent prayer of e::rlx{o:n¢ q/ in Alwuldrbc Ilut' ‘ it may coma on! s:llin 'f/um (he grew! [rial ti) , winch 1'! Emma SUI/j’l‘lell, and be once more rcstar- ' ml In‘ 14.4 in all 21.! (nil/I‘M? pro;mrtian.r. am! in a]! i in mulch/us .tyzm‘lrv. (l’rolo‘ngnd applause») ‘ I do not large}. Mr. Preside-mt, that this restoration muat primarily hé,uccompl\éhoxl by force nf ‘armn. "l‘heru is no allqrnatlve.‘ and no subitituti'. nt this omeni. for‘ hard, ,blbws in its defflnca. ' Rppluusej We ,muut fight, and tighten. and woe unto u; if 'we do wit fight with all our might. against. lthoan Who are striving to break up this i great machine of Freequernment.". (Great 'npplnuuo.) - ' ‘ 1 ’ ’ \‘v‘lmt a contrast lw'hypon 1h?“ wor'nls and ithe,’vulgnr hrnwllm: ofViroJlrhsident‘ Hun- msalf', “I 'will Ark Audley. If mirous of going to prev/en! (my lin or Senator ‘Wilson! Not, leis states manlike are his opinionfi in reference to the policy which tlwuld dirchour arms.— Uponl‘this [fint lie—eloquently withl "Let me not, hOWevi-r.lbe misnmlégatgod. I am not one cf thoaeuil'any .~.nl:h there he, who 4 believe that nothing hesitiés hard blows in rvquircd (or the restoration of our helovi>d Union. A reinforced ‘and trimm phnnt 11l luv ii the iir:t. thing. and xhould have th.- foremost. place in altour thoughts inml' efl'orts'. llnt it is not the only thing.— 'I have always beén of the opinion' that a just, gene-rum, mnmlintory‘. policy should M‘companv mu' mlvnncing' hosts, or M. least, fullmv clme hghiml tlwtn. Ho notimagine; my friend», that [am gninggto. discuss that ipoliry -hr>rh. A «linm‘r table is no place (or ldngmns: But the ladies: w’ill yumlnn mo, ‘pt‘rhap'a, for venturing on a femwordr of il lu‘qu‘atinfi. You all know that thyro‘m-o revolving in lhn firmnmcnt above_ us what. are sumapsed to be thp fragmefflu of 13 once hrillinnt'nnd beautiful plum-t. Ymu' after your. and month after mouthfthe searching gaze of modern nriori‘t‘o has discovered an other and still nnuther of the,momhc~'rs of what nény have been a once glériona Union. but which by some process of sécession or disruption hxulheeu broken ,ihto’ almost in significant pIaL'PS. The Artoroids. as thr- i are culled, which have thus l'." been'detecgg ted iii their hiding places. ulrea'ly ouh'nnzn ,hPF- more than two-lohl.’l.helieve. the stars of hnrnationnl fl lg. Now, it happenedrsirr thnt‘n few week: only before the original bombirdmeni of Fort Sflmter. it becamia my dittyf‘us one of an Elan ‘ ing (bmmitwg. tovisit that admit-.ihle mm vsmry at Qanmridgo,‘whidi"w~.ts so long under-glue charge of your late honored Vice President; Mr; Band; and which in itill un der the direction 0! his worthy and accom plished son, andi the-re the omJnou‘s an ‘ I“ ""k lusion tl ME l W and "invaded in ilt-oUpMidan of aylhori (y and influcnca mm 111, or, 'let Me :uqeaa'q/ my anus Lea: complels and triumphant a: tofu”, hope it and be, we can rely on no pennant/it ru‘o ‘mfion of the Union and Peaca. ‘prpL'mseJ This in one of the great want- of the times. ‘ sjmbolized 'm the heaven“, lellnngl realiz’ed on earth. (We must prepare Hg: way for bringing back the old Ipm: of’frgterflly and harmony out of which the Constitution - and the Union first sprung into existence, or. though (hey may be rescuedrfor the mo ment by force of arm-. they will soon be ngnin in jeopardy. Would to Heaven that. ' the inventive genius and mechanic skill with which our land abounds, and nfwhich I see so much. around me at this Lable,‘ could contrive an enginery arlequue for ac wmpllshlng MI. yreat and q/ dlfl'uing harmony (Maugham! Um (and. and at rmakzning in. angry heart something of that old spirit ol'ammrd, of mutual regard and respect. and (J ammwn pride 5 in «glam... luxury. which animwd awful/tau.” [Applwu-l ' \Were our ruler: animated by such semi-i whip—were, the Govemmenl 90nduct'ed' ; in the\s hit which l'qrmgrly actuated war! public ugh—tub mtmxgiim of the Union‘ s '.u'mh Two DOL' ° No_ 5. party in power. who have Iy‘fightipg. will be ready to don of the burden of the war. Inion. ,/ - h ' , 3 ‘ ; ‘ ‘_"‘ GlOy—-——%-- _ ’W7 '——77 V WF" I .‘. would be 4 any ‘tulr; but. so last“! '0 have sv our rulers the mimblo {ln nice to w , am. In Postmuter Genersl Bldg iiia. “ h . history of our country from- Wuhi . .ton’s time to the present dly i. I pesti enge," and who have no other thought . tli to’vm-sk a pitisble revenge upon the \ w iole people of the South sndihe wholo mocntio pnrty of the North, his the height of lagoons to hope that they wilg, 'over petmit n'reconutruntion to take plnefl' The same spirit of mnligmnt hatred gives ‘ tone to the Administration papa", that v has done so much to Fuihitter the people of the Southern States sml to divide those at home. To themyMr. Wiiithroplithough * employing very guarded terms, gaministgu this deservedlrebulre: . - , “Sir, it is in the power of the loyll pug! of the loyal‘States of thisrcourltry, 'whxle tt’ urges and stimulates. as it ought unoeuihg ly to urge and “imagine, by» every: Ippml _ to interestobligatitm and fatrioam. tho dischlrgo of-our til-at? great u‘ty. t tof re- ‘ ‘ inforcing our army and navy'to the utmost ’ practicable extent, nnd‘wit l the utmost practicable dispatch, go that we laugh. able to strike a vigorous and crushin 6w ' [upon the hydra-hmded rebellion. Wish“- er it exists. yet so to deal witll‘tho quel { tions of the future. so to abstain from with, ton irritation and vjtupemtion. sotonbln; ' don all mugs threats ofjndiacriminnte end wholesale vengeance, us to prepare the way» or at least in leave the way 0 en. for ulti mate restoration of fraternilyfind'concord « without which all the successes of our RB Jmies and navim vnll [drove vain and 'O3:. lane. We muzt nOt target that he 0 l overcomes by force overcomes but half hie foe. There is nn‘old maxim’ that we should to, deal with our friends. no not forgettlh‘g that they may one duly become on enemies, The reverse of that maxim is not lese wise, and is more Christian—‘thntye should no deal with our enemies, as remembering tntf hoping that they may soon once more he come ourlfxgiendu. Sir. if,the pres: of the loyal States could be conductei'l in such a , spirit, and it“ till our pens and tongues could be similarly inspired, hotli toward; enemies at home and neutrals abroad. _\73 might well‘ l Mrs to tho following extract from Mr“ {Gall tin’s rnmerks on the new banking" .eohe'mo of Mr. L‘lmae. ~'l‘he name alone’o! ' the nut ~or would command respedful p 62: irusnl, ev ,if it were not known, that. it: ‘ present inhoritor can boost a reputation, in ' financial learning, 'by no means inferior to Ithril. of 'lhe {Brynn urenf Secretary of Ilia.— l’l‘reasury hr the\ United States; The brief éxtraol. we appo'nd is ‘n lucid and masterly lexpos'ition of the mischief inflicted on tho lcountry by the miserable blunrlering ofour ,present“Mini:tol‘ nl' Fininne i” l ‘ “Among all the dnplorohle boneequendes of increasing the pricos‘ of commodities, by 'lthis ‘pronosed incrensp oi ”Peri, inoney 1 through the new banks, nom- -‘ V i to our national health as tlu ipublic Ll'cbt into the hands ltulists at the mint s-xtmorl Ices. Persons nl’it cont‘orsnn Ihl’l‘hirs are shnm’el'ullyalocei‘ (of) this question. ~Becaum i United States are quoted at :‘no matter what, “ ‘ be thr Eun'l other com‘r ifinaucml polio; i win}, teachings lcxxmplo. 'let u-' I which occur 0v ‘llln the New Y" lbuppOéO'gOlil ti 111 ml, it: it‘lmq'hi . mymr, and n on 2 or Pans wjyhea ; wrn'th afimrUn fuel} This stu lmnney. onehm theingyorth 0| [twenties] {l‘h ; thousand. doll: {change [3.iynhli -.i from Ram. am about fil'Cq-en hi Qgthere being a .50 that moi-y l iothorwuntnm, ‘, premiumV in ‘Ni hundred dirlldr‘ {bearing six p'ei \ . c . '.in reality‘ Mr. Clmw sou legs (in rvnl value) [thon‘mié‘thousun'l dollars for his fifteen l'hundred'pf stock. hecuuso hiséuuos of p.l - per money have inure-nod the price: of eve ry thing so much that the fifteen bundled dollars he would hays reiw-ived in papa, 1‘ in the example iml: rolinrrerl to, would lmy ' far less in commodities than the thouuanil ,9 dollars under a speciil mn-rn‘né}. He pays iinterent on fiftwn hundred dollars annuak gly in gold, being ninety dollnn a year,’ al. though he has receivad in real; value mly one thousand dollars. In I.th why every foreign capitalist, when gnld if fifly premi um, gets ~__our Government securities ac. ‘ about sixty-nix centl on the dollar. no first. hi‘a cipital yields him more than hine per cent. interest, while our nor people, as well all all persons having- gxed incomes, ore l‘hade to pay fifty ,per cent. more, for fire inqceesaries of, lile, endour own oepitllifla laria oonipellod_ to pay htty per cent, mm l thhn foreigners for our own nation“! securi lfies." To impover'ush a. notion, and discour ."Se the labor and saying: of its people, xno aystem is no efi'gctuul as this of paper mom 'ey; and it is this system, so ruinous to'the ; _lmtlon and the people. which _\we are re ,¢jueated to finder active and efficient by .ndmittlng its engine: into the Clearing ‘ l House, that they may destroy ahd mpph‘nt {the specie-paying ayatqm upon whiuh our .pr York city [Links are foynded, endow tablish upon its ruins that ,100 notorious _ fJohn Law. which hm exploded in any fonnntry which has tried it, luring}: sum sion of awful framing: Ind admonition; , which ore to he read in shims: every chop; toer‘ of the history of nations, during the last and present ce’nwnu.” ‘ Hm I": S/mlgh/er Etch aha-..‘WQ hil", now m we United States at [éusl twd him drcd and thinly-five general hospital) for tha u-"ie of the soldiers. cnntainlfi'g nbou‘ 80,000 patients. To show on what I largo scale our battles Vbnveflbeen fougUanC do everything eke, 1'? seems that during four momhs of 1862, there ware ere-{93m our hospitals 20.933 cue- ofgu’mbot math} Tho Wuunded of the whole Bxituh «may the Gritflenn war were only a little over .3 000, and their entire hospiml uooomzn‘odh tion: m [be three years would not havonlfif ficed for the woundo‘d M. eifiher 91 me bah ties of Shiloh, Antietam, or Coup“... Sundzy Mercury: 4 “:- _..- 777 mu, fi'l‘he Confedemte govern W 00!) #33: missed all British CW 1“!" " ‘emy—the immgd‘ 15,] “I,“ : I; ma Wm“ 3"“‘h'wom ~ 13:00 ' ‘ Confedemge "my. I : . 1/ - 111=11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers