51 Spfioiul Notices. The Singer Sewing lacuna—Our LETTEBA FAMILY SEWING )lACIIINE is fntgnining :world-wide reputation. It in be yond doubt the best. and cheapest ind molt heuntitul of all Family Suing tin-blues yet bfl‘ered to the public.“ No other Flmily Sew ing Machine has no mnny useful Applilncel {Or Hemmlhg, Binding, Felllhg. Tuckizg, Guther ing, Gauging, Brniding, Embroidering. Cord ingmnd so forth. No other family sewing mn uhine he: so much cupaCity fur a great variety ‘Qf‘work. It. will sew fill kinda of cloth, and wult I” kinds 0! thread. Grentnnd recent in:- provementa make our Family Sewing Machine mm: relinblemnd most duruble,und mou cer tnin in action at nil rites of zpced. It nuke: the interlocked Ih'lch, which is the but “itch known. Any one, even'ol’ the most orditnry capacity, can see. M. a glance, how to nu the Letter-A anil) Sewingflnchiue. Our Family Sewing Machines unfinished ll chute end ex qui-ite Sth. The folding Cave of the Fatally Machine in u piece or cunning workmanship oi the most useful kind. It protects the linchine when nut iniuse, nnd when nbont to be opernte'l may he opg-hed «a I spacious Ind substantinl table tozgptain the Wprk. While some of the Guns, made out of the choicest woods, (re finished _inx‘l‘he simplest um! chasm-t, mnnnet‘ pouihlo, other: are “domed bud enrtzéllishcd in the maxi costly/and luperh manner. 11. in nluulutely neceuary to see the Family Machine i 3 operation, so no tojudye otitsgrent "PM“! anal bruuty. It is inst becoming“ populnrfp family sewing as our )lunufurtu'rtng Mnehmggae for mnnutm-turing purposen. Th - m‘n cu Uflices are do]! ‘supplied with silk wistfthrend, nbedleu, oil,‘ in. of the very best qunlily. Send fur a Pun-man. ' THE SINGER MAX UFACTI'RINGi-lt).\lP.\.\'Y, ' , .45” Branding; New York. WPUHADEM’HIA. 810 Chestnut St. “3.0. JACOBS 81‘.0.,\ Low! .\gcuts Qitiysbm‘g. . ' A [Au‘JL {863. P .-..» i , ‘ g 3131» Great English Be édy. < Sm Jnnm (‘LuKI-zfis?, - CELMmAnm ,I-‘Exnm PILLS» This invaluatlllémeuliciée is unlnilmg i.» the we of MT than}: puin‘lnf and _dnngerous du emu inruleul lo the l‘.-[nah- confitilulion. 'lt modérulee nll eta-sh removes all obstruc lions. from whatever c:-u#e.~aml brings on the monthly M‘l‘idll “111 l ro’gulnril). Theae hills slmulnl nut he tnkcn by female! that nro pn'glmnt dm-mg Ilia rl‘usr mun lawns. us they nre sure to bring un “nun!- ringe: but at M‘L-r} other time nncl ili every urlu-r «Mu [hr] in" perfectly snfc. »~ _ljx it” uh": 0331-er” mu! Spinal “helium, [mimin (he’llurk mid. l.i.mhs. llom'ineu, F.l - on‘slighl «xenlinn. l’.|lpit-Iliun of (In; “curt, Launqm ‘of Sphinx, “yanks. Sick Head uhc,~.\"hl:u-’=. uud xll tlh- painlul dlsénses ncmsi'med lug a diwrdcrml gym-m, the“ l’ills uill en'ect ‘u cure “hen ull ‘olhrr unahn hm: failt‘d. ’ . ‘ Full direction: ivg pamphlet around each ptdtlgr, whidn nimulcj he curc’mlly preserve-‘ll. They (nu bu nut in n lggule. containing 50 bill-, [mu lrre, b) eljclnsiug $1 ugd’d (brev renl slumps m It“) n'grut. ‘. . JJu MUSES. ' - ' 2 (‘nnlnluh Sire-M, New York. Fnr gulf 31y; . D.'Bm.ul.sn. Gettyaegmrg, und all [Jruggibun [Ft-b. whim-13. I; Impdrtant Discovery. funny m Tn .\hsuua. "RYA X'sI'ULMIAHT “'.\ Fhllh‘nre unfail— ingfin the cure of (qughb, Colds, .\sllmu, Hruurhilis,_ Sure 'l'lirunl. llnursrneds, Qlflicult Breathing. Incipient ('unsumpliou, and Di:- rhea m thflAwus. They have no tune of medicine. and .lII} child will take "mu.— 'l'hous:lnds inn-"\lu-en r(-.~znrcd to health that luul lwl’nre «lcfpuirwl: 'l‘rrlimun‘v given in Immln-Ih at 13“.». A single dose "luv” in Ton Minulu. ‘ T 1 Ask for Bryan-'.- l'uhnunic “'.ul'vrsy—nm origio null mu! only geuuim- is «mulled “Ury In."— Spurions‘ kinds are nfl' red for rule. Tax-My— lilg: ccnls u..|m(.' Hold l._\ dunk-rs gL-Iwrnily. JUIS “05125. Sula Prupxiclor, ' , ‘ t '.‘7 (,‘urlluufl SL. X. Y. For mlfi'hy A. D. In mun. (infiuhurpnnd all Druggi-xs. {Jul} 27. IN». lb,'U.‘£. 1y .N.:AI~R=E~. (‘n the 17th 019th month~(S- In.) at Penn'- 0 rare. Chrstcr‘ruunh', 1'.1.. nmurdmg to the "ruler of Friends. [SLUT (;:'n‘.~l.-.V. oqu-ltys hl-ig. to HAHN-21. .\., daughyr ofAluus (Erie-1, of the formrr pla- e. 1' Lu, Ilu- _l5 h irnt , I); Iho‘Rev A. Essirk. Mr. “'NJJA.“ LADY to Miss LAVINA HUFF MAN, Lump! Adams county. ' 0n I].: inn-e dnv. by the same, .\lg. FRANK LIN STW‘KSTHIJ” oH'urrolLruunty, MIL, lo kiss(‘.\TllAluxl'll‘lllMMl-Il!,.of.—\d:lms co. '4“ the. rerlglruce at line briJe's mulller, on the umrfiing ur we all: inn. by Reta-Jaw!) Fry. “'ILMAM ALBERT HACK. Esq, 0. Hal timnnu In “is: A L'UUSTA Ll-Zl'l'lLl-A, «laugh ler huh: hue lintJ. l7lri- h. of Cnrlish. . In (farlislc. orf. 12_.|-y'-Rev.J. m 5.933, M Amngmv r, Mosnv;m‘h.;w tum. le‘L-N. HUUPH, of Adm»; county. 1. «m "n- Hh insLl by ('lynplnin lark, A. 11. WRIGHT. l'. S. .\.. to Miss )L “Y HADES, of [tittlfiaw‘wm l’u. , :Un lin- snme dxn', h)- ‘thq sump. C. FRANK MHORH.‘ l'. S. .\., m Hit; CARR”) S. CROOK .‘KR.OI' Mt‘luhwi'n. l'a. ()n Uu- Ls: inn. by :he Rer- Dr. fluucr, .\lrf ELIAS LANTZ. uf (hklnud, ILL. [0 ms: ”MARTHA JAM-I. duughler u! (uscph chncr, 15.41., 0! [his counly. , , IEL • momma“ nulices 3 c’unts per lilie for all our lolfi fines—«cash lo accumyuny notice. . 0n the HM) I)! August. idflkumng town ship, Mr. JAN)“ blll‘lAl-‘FEH' 39.142 yenrafl n ouths and 28 days. ‘ ,_, (In llre Nth innL. .\lr. JAPOB F. KNOUSS, ol Frunklin township, ung 32 ylura Sguonths uml 17.11:”. ‘ . 0n Sundai‘weck, Mrs. MAR“ 31.. wife of ' Mr. Alum-dole Bushman, ol‘ Cumberlhnd nwn ‘ ship, aged 28 yuan 3~uwudns ugd If. days. - 0n the Bth~ inch, Hr. JA‘CUB KL'IIINS. of Cumberland Jownullip,uged 70 year? 2 month: and 5 dual ’ ’ ’ ’ 0:; “:51 11l huh, Mr. GEORGE H. HOUCK, ’o! lloumjo township. lged about 35 years. . In finnmitssnrg, on the '.‘Btll than: diplheril, AEBHRT 8., only 3:03 of Samuel J. and Marin C. Sum-ooh, nged‘ 9 years It mumb- nud 5 dun. ’; g V .. r ()1 Jim Ed inst, Mrs. QIARY ANN RIDER, wife of William I". Rider, of "G’ermuny town :qhip, ugc’d‘ifl yearn. ' Ou m am...u.,vwssvu rhaxcw. lon at William l‘.,llider. of Gemlny fiynthr; aged about 1, yen-"lnd 6 months. V I; "’ - Communic-mi. . hi Ffirfield, ou‘ the 7th inn, of hem-let fever, «LIZZIB C.,Tdnnghter of (Scorn Ind Nnnc] U. Hull,aged 1 year I month and [7 dnya. Those parents loved :hoir lillle Lizzie, Friend: and -kindred vinylhem mourn; Weep not lo: yowiifle loretsue, AFor Christ huh . d let chgdren comh Into my kingdom I ll receive t‘fm, From sorrov'l night nn_d dunge 'a pad); lluy her inrit avg. guide "4' flat we‘ any meet in fluvgn at last. 2. L. I. Notice, ‘ EORGE HOOS'S ESTATE—Letters tes tnmenury on the Estate of George Boon, Inc of Cumberland wwnship, Adnms county, deceased; having been granted’lo the under ligued, residing in Gettysburg. be hereby give: inotice‘tu nll persons indebted to laid “mayo make immediate payment, and thou hningcl-ims against the same to present them properly nnthenqigmed for settlement. J.. 8. DAXNER, Executor._ . oa., 19,‘ 1863. (St . ‘ .fl Notide. ‘ ABY WOLF’S ESTATE—Letters ofld» niliflflliou on the estate of Mary Wolf, ‘ ofcgmlny township. Adams county, dc " Nikki-fibula granted to the undersigned, _ roiling; In a same township, they hereby give sauce to All persons indebted to mid ”a“ 10. Duh immediate payment, and those ' [flying chins against the sum: to prese'nt “"- properly mthenfimrd for Idtlement, JAMES STALKY; OLIVER BTALEY, Adminitmtan. _f o». no. not. at Amps' mass munwas, in y... .._ , 'ricty, “.4 ‘ ’ SCUICK'S. GETTYSBUBG—Snuuu‘y". F10un....................................... Q 9 wa so Rye F10ur................................. 4 ,50 White wum........... ......u.........) u to I so Bed wum....,._.......................... w to 1 :5 Com ..." . ....-........ 60 lo 85 Rye.......z................-.....m........ . 95 Om Buckwhen Clout-Sud _..............‘.............. - . 6 00 Timotny 5eed...........................l 90m 1 60 Flu 5ud............................... l 50 Plant of Paril ........................ I‘l 00 Hunter ground, per Imp-"7mm? : 50 HALTiIUBEqFHUAI nin- P10ur........... ............'... .....m. 6']: to": 15 When.....................;........... I 40 ‘.o l 9': Rye....... .. ...... l 00 to l 20 C0n.......... ................... ....... 1 «on so 1 10 Out; 58 w 70 Clove: 5eed.......... .................. 7- iz'to 7 37’ Timothy 5eed......................... 3 00 lo 3 11 BrePC-ulgpcr 1mnd......... ...' . 5 00;: 9’ 50 [lO3l, per hundn........... .......... 8 50 u '1 1:5 Huy........................................27 |0 [o'2B 00‘ w1.i5key..;...... ..........E.-..........‘;c0 m 93 Guano, Peruvian, per t0n......... . 60 go fl ANOVE n—Tn Dunn LAII’ Fldur, tron: wagons Do. [rum “on: When ......... Rye ......... ......... C0rn................... 0nu............’........ Cloycr 5ecd......... Tirflothy 5écd....‘... Pllhtfil'..ua. ...-...... Sheriff ’8 Sale." 51' pursuance of: writ of nl'ms' Venditioni I Equnns. insuczi out of the Court of Com: mun Plan! of Album: county, AP... and to me direfled, will b 6 exposed tn Public Sale. at the Court. House, in thtyahnrz. on SATUR DAY, the Nth day ‘of NUVEHBER next, at l u'vlock, P. IL, the following described Rcul Pinhole, til 1. . A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hamiltonian louuahip, Adana cnuuly, Ift. Idjtiln'ing lands of Sunfurd Sltroedér, Christina Handgun Samuel Board. nnd' others‘, containing (Hi .\rres. more or less, about '79 Acresrin Timber and nhunt. 9 Acre: in )lémlow, the bnlnnce inrm lan I; impmvcd \rith n'l'wo- _, story Log Dwelling HOUSE, pnrt- f "T 7 ly ruuglu'mt, vi It in one-story log .1 u , back building ‘nttnched. atone ;- Bunk Burt‘s. fimith Shop, Spring llouse,_Stnotke lluu-te, Spring of wutcr nail? Nit «laor'uf Ibe’ dwellingnifn Urclmrds, with n variety ofclmice i'iuit tram," Aim. 1 one and u lmlf stony Lug Ten-nl, fiuuw, Lug Stuble, Spriug‘uf nutcr ncnr the door 0! tin- dwelling, #9; Taken in execution u the properly .0! S. U.’\\'Aurn, Ind tu ho éuhl by me. - r ‘ SAMUEL WOLF, ShL-ritf.’ : Sheriff's olfice, Gettysburg, Oct. 19, 'u3. w'l'en per cent. of ghe purchase money upon "11-miles by the $52!“! must be [mid mer immediately quL-r the pydpfirly is struck down or upon-mimic to comply tLt-rcwnh the proper ly WI” be again put» up 101' sale. _1 Public Sale. i .\' TI‘ESDA Y, line [olb dny offiOVEHBER ‘ nun/zin- allhstrihrrp. Executor: of the laul n'vll Ind leallanlt of Philip Walt, deceas ed. will ufl'ur It. ['uhflc Pile, It the ,luf’é rrii deuce of mid den-idem, In Germany township. , .\dnms county, wctulluwiug [ital and I’eraoual ‘ l'rupeny, vim . THE PAIN of mid decedent, situate in mid ituwnnhip', mljuiniug [unis 'of Fxgderick am: ; tin-3y. Jucdb l’nzer und Sylvestcr‘H-rnér, gon- Imining 100 Agrak mot: ‘or less, under good 1' fencing and in A high nut of cullivniuu, hav .ing‘ hid over 4UOO hiishels of liiue put upon il 1 during thq last three years. The improve imn-nts are n Two-slur}- Frame i: i I Dwelling “HUM-2,:- hue-slur, Ten- ~ s“ nut Home. Log “urn, Curu‘ Crib L’EHE :nud Wagon Shed, n neitr-lniling ':.".g'= §wcll a! water II the house um] um lyl'lllys_uu i the firm. with it good young Apple (kt-hurt}, Tnnldnll other varieties oftruit. :13": nrc due ‘ progorflons of qulnnd null 'gdusv. “The : puh iu road hauling (rum tlu: Emmiuhurg road to the Tnhe‘leW‘ road pasted along an: si-tc. forth: Farm“. lt'not sold on said (153311“: Furug i will be rented at public‘ruury. , Also, I CUW, Uue-lioue Wugofl and Gun-s, Wmnowiup Mill, Cuuiug flax, Rolling Screen, Plunghs nud llnrrdws, (gross-cut, Saw. Whu-L burrow, Sleigh, Lug C nin; 4 Beds and lied ueads, ILL-Ming. 3‘TulxlEs, Cluurs, 1 Bun-nus, Snfe. Store nud Pipe: 1 “upper I‘m! 2‘ Iron Ket- Klex, Carpeting, Desk, Luge 'finp, Eight-d“: Clack, lot of Bugs, with I variety of ther ur ticles. gay-Sula to commenqe at. 9 o‘cloek, A. 31., on aid dny, whrn muuduucp will be givei: Ind arms mxule Know: by ‘ _ _ ' .u .\1 as STALEY, A Luann: STALEY, Executor. or mm. “:3”, docs-tied N SATURDAY, the 215 k dny or NOVEM BER next, the subscriber. Executor of the last will end iewunent of Slnrgnrrt Bower, deceased, will ofl'er at Public Sale, on the premises, the undivided intereat (one-hilt) of tuiddecedenth ’A FAR], situate in Hunting ton tuwmhip, Adams eohuty, Idjoining hunk. of Michel Hinter, Jouph Trimmer, Adam A. Group and Snumel’ Bower, conniving 80 ACRES, more or leis, with due proportions of . N t- the best of Timberland Ind Meadow. The _ . O 100. impronmentl nre”n one Ind a bolt ._., _ ADAMS COUNTY, SS: , Szor’ Log HOUaE, Double Log . 95: At an Oruhnn‘s Court held 9'- Barn, Corn Crib, and tone and I 4‘. ”fl \ Gctlysburg 'l" and for the \uld lulf story Jennnt ”on". There.- W's-. 51 -°‘?““tia 0" the 22'? ‘l‘! orsl'i’ri‘m" Ire three excellent Ipriogs on the pl‘CmlSel, her, A. D- 1303, "19‘0” "'9 Honor-I with two Apple Orch-rds, sud other fruit.— nhle Robert J. fisher, l’resullnt.‘ h 1““. in good condition and the fencing "and David Ziegler and lame B. goo]: » 5 I “Wei-mun. i-laqliires,Aespciote Judges. .lce., kc. Also,‘ A TRACT OF LAND, outlining ¢ U", "‘°"°f‘ ”“5 court 81"” " "1" "1'0“ Acru, more or less, adjoining mt figure—all heirs of heorgr hull, detained, 10-cccpt or r cleared. ' , r a “'s‘ ‘9 ”he “W runleéjlte,or "'s' DH" "'"Wfav wThe other lieu-interest in theie tracts M. the valuation thereoi mode‘hy the Inquest, I will be offered at the lame “mg. Lor shew cituse'why the some’or any purl. thereol ”Sale to commence at 1 o‘clock. I‘. E.. of should not he eold, und in cue they or on: on said dly, when attending will be givengnd 10f them should neglect or refuse to take the , terms made known by . I a imcrtueuly days person-l notice to be given I SAHUEL BOWER, Executor. to the hem and legnl represent-tire: residing in. lsflrikel Aucuonefl, ' lin the county of Adams, and to than heir: re-l 073]” ”(:3 “- nidiug out of the county of Adnml by publicnm ‘ ' ’ I 1 tion for three succulire week- in corona?- !per publixhed in mid county And by sending o {copy 0! Mid newlpoper dimt {to their Poet [(lmce Iddren when. known. Notice to be jfiiV? to Suinnn-h Bouillon, (luhntic,) and Jon rph Kepner. Esq., Agent, and claiming to be‘Auigoee of Izor In rut in.her fnther'e estate. Said rule huge returnable on the third‘llondoy of Novem ' next,‘A. D, 1863. ‘ ,’ ' 'By the Court. ' , mus, ‘uicuouz. Clerk. ‘ Per 8. B. Elmouz, Deputy. Get. 19. lacs. ' ‘ ' ~ "EH“. the lame lime‘nnd plnce, w/ill be sold. a ('ARRIAG H and Harness, 00031:); Stave Illd l'ipe.4o bushels nf \Vheqs; Rye; Ms And Cum, and 93cm: 0! (mm in the gronfid. ‘ ' ”Aucndance gnunnnd terms mude known by ' JAMES STALEY, \ OLIVER STALHY, Adminiglrnlors of Mary Wolf, deceued. Oct. 19, 1863. In . y . 4 .4)gwd- IZZYE FRAZER would no". reupectfnily infprm tho Ladies 'of Gettyzbnrr find homily that she ingends carrying on DILESS-, MMHNG, in the non fulhionlble Igylen, n llmrezidence of Iliu Heck, inflammbre street. Thauklul for par. Mon, by strict attention to butineu she hope; to merit the patronage of her 'friendl. N.’B.—Emhbroi4aring 3nd Bnidin done at the alluring: uolicc. The hull fugiom jun received ‘ * Notice} EORGE floucx's mum—Lem" of hdmininrntimi on the an“ odeoi-ge H. Houck, me of Monday township. Adams county, dfifd.y having been ganged to the un dersigned, residing in the same township, he “feby given notice to 11] person: indebmd to id estate to make immediate payinent, and those hmng claim: spin“ the ”um; to present them properly nutheutjcated Tor settlement. loans HABTIAN, Adm't- v" ‘0ct.19.,1803. 6t. ’ . Notice. uos‘swsws ESTATE.—Lnten and. A minimflion of the estate of Amos Sailble, ate of louutpluunt township, Adamo co. deceued, lining been gnnled tn the under nigned, raiding in the same townlhip, be berg-by gives notice to I" persona indebted to said estate to nuke immediate payment, snd thou inning claim ngninn the iame to pro. I‘ll them propel-{y nu mandated for "filament. DAVID BIEHL, Adm'r. Oct. 19, 1863. 6“ - my enema?" neu‘ snd Bo a. m be had cheap 3: 8031623. r I nmumno PERSONAL PROPERTY.- 01: THURSDAY, the 2m day of oom- l B B inst., tho subscribers, Executor: or the. Inn will and lututngnt of Jacob Schwartz, Sri, ' deemed, will ofrr_nt Public Ssle, on the premises, the following property, vit: ’ A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Grrmuny townshlp, Afloat county, adjoining lands of Ahab-m Haslett", éWm. Rider, and Danielr Bimbo-r, conniving 33 ACRES. more or less,‘ with due proportionsyoj Woodland and Meadow. The inproremeuts are - Tw- , story BRICKHUUSE, with Brick i Kitchen “belted, Lag Burn,an- :‘i on Shed, Spring House, Wash Home, with well of water and spnug, on In Orchard oi choice fruit. The Innd is in 1 high, stute of cultivation snd the iencing good. ‘ fiAt the "me time and place, will be! lold, l .COWVZ HUGS, Rye, Corn, Potatoes und Apples, by the bushel, u lot of Boy, Lumber, Cord Wood, Gun, Tables, Chairs, Beds And Bedsteuds, Coverleu, Bod Clothes, (Jose of Drovers. Clock,l Kitchen Cupbourd, Cook Stove, Ten-plum Stove, Carpeting-Sums, lent Vessels, Barrels, Tubs, with u (not uric-2 ty of Household no Kitchen Furniture 100’ tedious to mention. A “3*th Rheum-noun It 10 o'clock, A. IL, on nid day. .hen Inland-nee will be given Ind term! nude known by . mom EL._B€HWARTZ,: . HENRY bQHWARTZ, ' On. 14, 1863. u' r < ‘Bxecumn. 5 50 I 00 ‘l 00 103 '2O ' 95 85 The Gt c‘an. Tea conip'y. 5 20 ’v: 12 --1 oo "(CE in orgniaition, Inu created I new ‘en in the history all if ‘ WHOLESALING TEAS IN THIS COUNTRY. They Jun-é introduced ,iheir selection. of TEAS, and um: selling them u. not. our TWO CEXTS (.02 Cum) PER POUND ABOVE COST, lEVIB nuuflu‘o non In « ONE PRICE an». ‘ l‘ Anothcr necnuarity of the Comma; in that ltheir Tn Turin not only devotes his than ’lO Ihe selection“ or_:ueir TEAS a to quality, 4 7mg, and purllculau- style: for‘ pnrticnllr lo lcnlitiu of country, but. he helps the Tu buyer Ho chgple out of their enormous flock rock i Teu u ure beet Idflpted to _hia particular Junta, and not only this, but points out. to him the beat. burgnins. l 11. is our" to 50¢ the incalculnhle udvlntuge ' 3 Tu Burn flu in this establishment over I" I others. . " ' s If he I: no judge of Tn or the llu-krt—if hl‘ time is ulunblE—be has all the benefits ‘of n we“ qrginized syslem of d ing businesn’oflnn unmenfé capiul, of the jufligmen’l of I protes s‘mul! Tea Tuner, and lbe‘knowledge 0? sn perior mlesmvn. _ _ r - 'l‘lns {rumbles I" Ten? blxycrs—noamntler n they‘ume thousands of miles frothia mnrku -—lo purchase on IS good term: here u the NE: Yyrk merchahls. ' , Parties can ordet 'l'us and will be served by u; a: mil «1 ”mug/L they came tlmiuelvu, be ing‘ sufe to get. onyinal parkugn, true urtiylnl und (um,— and the Tun um Wnnxnb cs "pr:- un/e'd. . -' We mm :1 Prico Lint. of,thh Company's Teas, which will be sent. to All who order it; comprising A ’7 _ HYSUN. YOUNG HYSON, IMPERIAL, GUN- PtHVDER, TWANKAY k SKIN,'OOLU-VG, bINIL‘IIUNG, ORANGE & HYSON PEKUE. JAPAX TEA of ever; dcwriplioh, colored Ind tmmlored. 3/ Thh list Ina each kind nf»Teu—dividcd into Four Clusqu‘ namely : CARGO, lu'glu CARGO, FLVE, FINEST, that everyone may understand from description Ind the pride: innued (but. the Company are ‘delerlnincdno undersell the whole Ten‘ lmdo. ‘ ” «1 . 1 We guummce to “1| ALL our Tens. M. not pver TWO CENT?) (.Ozgems) per pound übnve yon, believing this to be nuructive lo the Emmy .wlm have been??? been plying Escu ova Florin. - . , + ,GuEAT AMERICAN EA COMPANY, - 'lurunryusfn‘u Joanna, ‘ ‘ N 9. .’rléVeley Sl.,‘.\"ew York.‘ Oct. 19, 1863/3111 ‘ « AME go the mule of the subscribi-r, in C Huuihonbnn towfiship, Iboul the middle ul Nay lqsl, n llElFl-Lll, supposed [0 be abuul. three years old. red, with some white lpouand branded on the iefl born with fiveJeuen. 'The own‘er. it requested to come‘lorwurdhpmve pmpcrty, [my charges, and take her "my. N OcLl9, 1863. 3|? ’2o“ng SXYDER . o Stm’y Heifer. , '; AME to 121: mm. of the subscriber: resid ing II]! c Seminary, Gettysburg. lboul. ten “31:30, I “ELY BEIFB‘R. brindle with whiteispots. Hal uncehnd a cult. The own er iyrequeslcd t 9 come forward, prove proper lyg’pay chlrges‘nnd like her “way. ' EMANUEL ZIBULER, ofl. Oct. 9‘, 1863. 31.‘ fl,— ~7-_ _z. -_ ___...— :~ : A Desirable Property , T PRIVATE SALE—The very delinble A; town property, in South Bnlrimoreurect, Geuphurg. now occupied by Col. H. Long well, in offered at Prince Sele. h cousin: of two lots. on which no erected a , commodjoul Twoonory Brick Dwelling HOUSE, with I large lwoatory brick buck-building, the upper room of which is suitable for a school roam, h-vlng been built. for the purpose.— There in en 41. lot 3 Bern, Corn-crib end Wood-houae; excellent lon water, and I urle ty of chni'ee‘ fruit trees. The building is well adapted either for I private residence or e : Bpnuling And DaLSehool. ‘1! the property in not sold prior to the 13: of \ December, I]. will be for rent the ensuing yenr. ’ fl‘Applictlion may be mnde'to I. tW. 'NeCII-nn, Getty-thing, Pl. TRUSTEES 0F 'l‘lll-‘fiUNl’l‘l-IDJRES i BX'TERIA}? can cu, Gsn‘x’savno. ‘1 Oct. 12, 1863. tdecl Notic'e. ’ JOSEPH BRANT’S ESTATE—Letter: of ndminiur-tion on the estate otJoupthnt, lute order-I!.townlihp, Adam: co.,decenued, hm’ing been muted to the undersigned, re liding in the. lame township, be hereby given tum-ice to :11 .person- indebted to uid nuts to nuke immediate payment, nnd those hav ing china: ngninat the name to present them properly unthenticntgd for settlement. _ JOHN ELISE, Adm'r. Qct: 5&63.‘ 0t [Oct. 19, 1943. 41 HE subscriber, having returned from the Amy, tales this method of informing the pn lic chm he bu commenced the TAILOR LNG BUSINESS Igaiu, at the old ”and. in cSherrystown, Adnma calmly, Pm, Ind that he will mske up garment; In the be" “31:, sad It rem‘n-ble rum. He hope! by strict luenlion to Innings: and o duke to plan, to merit. s full “are of public pouonnge. GEORGE 11181. Aug. 3!, 1803. an ‘ HAW, “001.0338 and GIBBS; a! but ‘ crumb-pd tic-p, u' 4 , ’ Aug. 24. '63?! B. KMFLIQSOE’S. Vaecatore Sale 51 vzsm smear, NEW YORK; Stray Heife'r. Public Sale. Tailoring. A Real Estate l, , Public Sale. l Highly Valuable m Estate ~T PI’BLIC SALE—Ia pursuance of In \' THURSDAY, the 22d day of "(WOBRRI T PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, the alias Order of the Urphan's Court of. O inst, the subrcriher, intending to go to A 3151. day of OCTOBER next, the sub-, Adamo county, will be offered at Public Sold, ithn West, will sell at Public Sale, at hi: reai- arriher, Executor of the last will and testament on the premises, ‘on FRIDAY, the 23d do] . deaee. in Cumberland townlhip, Adams of Hon. Jnmes LleDivit, deceased, will nfl‘er st 01' OCTOBER instu the Rul Estate of Pius -eounty, three mile-t southwest ofGettysburg, Public Sale, on the premises, the following Lawrence, late of Conowugo towmhip, Adams betweentheTnneytota-nondlttnlnitsburg'roods, highly uluahle Renl Estatte of said dece lent. county. decefied. consisting or A LUT OR the following personal property, viz: lviz: GROUND, situate in Brushtown, in said town- 2 FIRST-RATE HORSES, one four and thel THE MANSION FARM, known as “ CM ahip, containing 1 ACRE OF LAND, he the other eight years old, 3 first-rate Hilch Uowa, rollshnrg,” situntg partly in Libertylownlhip, lnme more or less, I'ljoining lands of Peter ] lloiter, 2 Sheep, 1 Two athleThreo-horne Adnme county, Po.,and partly in Emmiuhurx Neidererr, Thomas McKinney, and {routing the,anun, and Bell, Wlu] two sets of Wheels, district, Frederick county, Lid, nnd ndjoining State mud. The improvements are a,, Abroad and narrow, l light Two-hone Wagon, lands ofAhrnlmrn Kriae, ot‘A., D. H. Raymond, good (luc-nnd-n hnlf story Leg HOUSK,‘ Buggy, Sleigh (new) and Bells, 2 Sleds, Hay land othen, containing 100 ACRES, more or LOG STABLE, Log Smith Shop,nzood yenrriagu, Wood Ladders, Frame of n One- less, nith lair proportion; of Woodland and well of enter, with a pump in it, near the door. . horse Wagon Bed, Threshing Machine, Win- ; Meadow. Part of the land has been finned-. There Is a variety of good {wit upon thefnowing Mill, Corn Sheller. {tolling Screen, mill-here is I leuWMQuflfi'! 0“ dl°“?an premiilel. The situation isegood one for a Chltinz—box,,Grnin firill, I’louzhs, llnrrows, files. The fencin'x'is good. ontl the lend m n mechnic. , ' , ,Doubie and fiingle Shovel Plouzhs, Wheel- , hiquatute of cultivation, producing the henvi~ fi‘Sale to commence at l o‘clock, P.~1., :b'lrrow, Grain Crndle, Forks, flakes, Shovels, lest ind of cr‘OpS- The improv on aid day, when attend-nee will he givenlMattock end Pick, Homes: of every descrip- ,1 ments are a Three-story GRlS'l‘ ' lld term: "11d. known by ; tion; each 1.! Wagon lluruess, Buggy Home”, l HILL, nearly new, built on the SAIUEL SHORE, Adm'r. lWlgon Saddle, Bridles, Riding Bridles, Hn_l- most approved style audio first " ' . lters, Cow Chains, Inc. Alan, HAY hy the tan, ‘, rate order, runnl‘rg two pair of burn and a Cornlodder, Corn by the bushel, Cast-steel ~ pair of choppers. Also, a SAW MILL, nearly Cross-cut Saw, Carpenter Tools, Blacksmith Jaw, adjacent to the Grist Hill, with the hut Tools, Axes, Haul und Wedges. Wood Saw, 3 machinery, all complete. These Mills, heing Log Chains nml other Choins, Old Iron, Dou- l-well located, ("to miles sweet of Emmitshurg,’ bl: “all single-"WM Sl’mm‘fi”, it 4150. , and on a constant stream, (Tom's Creek,) en— Honsehold nnd Kitchen Furniture r 2 BU- ‘.joy it Inge run of custom, which they are able REAUS, Corner Cupboard, Safe, Sink, .6 Bed- .to supply 3t any smurf ol' the year. The ateads, 3 Tables. 2 Stands, Chairs. 2 Cookiaglother buildings are a TwMtory Stone -.. Stores pnd Pipe, Ten-plnte Store, Parlor Stove Dweliing nousu, with Buk-hnildingu.ml:ff and Pipe. Crockery end Queens-were, lentil large Bank Burn, Wagon Shed and Vessels, Tubs, BarrelspSensnge Cutter, Apple Corn Crih, Cnrringe House, Spring House, Grinder, Iron Kettle and Pots, nod Arniety of Smoke llouee. Dry House, with nll other m--. other a'rticleo, too numerous to mention. reentry out-buildings; also TWO. TEXAS! fiPSale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 1,, "911538 and a COUl‘l-th SHOE-4hr“ in a on aid du’y. when nttendnnce, will be given never-failing well of water It the docr of the} end terms made known by dwelling, with A’splend'rdfiprimr between the. . l, JOHN SLYDER. , house and hero. Allth’e fielda'nre wntcred but. ; N. B.—The above are mostly ralnnhle arti- two. -Thereil I Very thrlrivgJonng Apple cles, horses and corn especially, and will be Orchard convenient to' the house, with two sold without any exception. . other Orchards, and otherfrnit, on the premises. l Oct. 5, 1803. u The improvements are nllln Adams county.‘ 1 , Mm, A TRACT or wooomxn, .dj’ulaingl the Illusion l-‘tum, nndt‘eonmlnlnz 265 Ae-esu more.or‘less, heavily whet-ed with-Chestnut, Poplar, L‘ornat, Hickory. [bed (Ink, White 03kt and Rock Link timber. Wilhhé‘offt‘red in lots. ‘ There or; two TENAKT HOUSES on the, premises. , ’ a ‘« _ l Also, A TRACT OF WOODLAK‘Dksitucte in said Liberty township, adjoining lan’dg oi Geo. ‘ llurdmun, Samuel FUhrJohn lldnhrehxud‘ otherl, containing 58‘ Acres, moreyor lees,‘ heavily [imbued with Yellow Poplar, Glieet-‘ nut, White a ‘1 Red Qalr, Loeustand Hickory: This tract wifi'be offered in sir lots. ‘i «, . Also, 5 SHARES 0F ETUCKJII the Wflfiée-. horn’, Greeucustle and ereershurg Turnpikel Boad.’ ~ \, , , \‘l The Mansion Tract willfhe ofiered entire,‘: with all the iniprot emf-nts,\or d4rided,'to suit. purchasers. ~ \‘ _, ' l fir'ferma of the sole of Sl'hodlnnd will be, 3 one-half of the purchase money (Josh on day l of‘enle—hnlunce in 12 months, with approved 1 ,security and interest from date. For termufli the Muimiun Property see the Exeéhtor, raid-9 lag in Hmmitsliurg, who will also show‘the‘ premises to persons dei-iring to viey them‘. j aside to commence at In o‘clock, A. N, on said day, when attendance will be silent And l terms made known Ii; , , t l JOSEPH P. HeDlVlJ‘, Executor. 1 Absalom Smith, Auctioneer.‘ ‘, 1 l Sept.‘2B, 1863. to” ‘ -f l oa. 5, 1863 - ‘ Granite Farm 8 SAUL—JIM Inblcriber omen M. Pri li vnte 831 e,“: "In-hie GRANITE FAR! on thief: he resides. diluted in Cumberland towfllhp, Adams couuly, PL, shout (hm milu' loath-wen. of Gettysburg. sdjoining landl of lichacl Bushman, Bhilip Snyder, and omen. The Fun: contain! 'l5 Acres, more or lug, Ind the improveme'uu gre r comforuble STONE HOUSE, ceil cd Above. mastering the purpose of two Itoricu; Double Log Bum, with Sheds I" ronud;l “to-story Cupenter Shop, Blacksmith Shop, lad nll necessity out buildings; : weltbf miter nexu- tlie boast. and l thriving Orcluud of good fruit; allo Peach treeu, Pears, Gnu-ea, km, About. 18 Acres no good mendow and ibmn 30 Acres timber.— The farming ind is in good, cultivation, pro ducing equalto limestone lnnd. “ ' Also. A TRXCT 0F 13 ACRES-,xm ’he Tnneywwn rand, two miles south of Go: yu bug. The improvemenls‘ are a. Two nory Frame HOUSE. Gsrpentgr lShop, ii Bank Barn, all new; I. to” 6f'vmer at 1' th. houe. FrniL‘l‘reu, Gummy”. A good portion of meadow Ind t'u’nber. gPei-sonu wishing ta no the proportion nre requested to call owthe premise; of either, the rub-criber ruidinzon the former Ind chob 3. weikm on the Imm. . ‘ ' All intend icing/to the West, I will so]! an very reasonnble term]. JOHN SLYDBR. Sept. 7, 1863. ,1! , . ' Notice | TO FRUIT GROWERS.—The mlmeriber gives uolice w 111. persons wishing {a l plant. lruil.‘ trees, the poming 'smson. am. he than at hi; establishment, (Pluinlield Nurseries, | nexir Ihe York Sulphur Springs. Adam; coun ty, Pu.,’) thou! 5000 APPLE TREES‘oI lour 'venrs ‘growlh, and about the same . . , lnumber of live and six gar; ~57, 2'3? growthmllveryiliriltyandingood " 44;?- hcallh, which he will retail to pcr- n 25)” lons~ wanting to plan! a! 8 ten“ per tree. it the 'nu'mber ll less thnh 300, or wholesale to per , lona whi-hing to sell again It 5 cents pe' tree if they take 300 or upwards. The trees can be of an lnrge size or usmnll sil,e as perenn: wish. 1 Several neighbors joining together and taking i trees Ito the number of 30% cu hire them M. 1 5 cents, provided it mxkea but one job 0!. nia ing them nnd smiling them oll‘. Other fruit and ornamental (reel can be lmd. also, such n's 'Penr, Cherry, Quinge,&c., together with Gm. 9 fund Strawberry plants. ‘ WM. WRIGHT. Oct. 5, was. 33. ‘ ' .‘ Important. Decision: RQVUST MARSHAL-GENERAL ‘FRY has P issued I rircniar providing {or the re tunding of commutation money in’ can. where men were drdlted and paid their three hundred dollars without being examined, ‘bnt who, on rxaxuinntion, were found to be exempt {3150, those who had substitute: in service March 3.), 186'], and being draftéd, paid commumtipn ugoney. In cases where drafted men furnished substitutes under there rircumilanccs: they are entitled to have refunded tiie nruuum. actually paid fur such su‘buiwtlg, on- presenting proper proof. The underpinned ‘n'm appear before the Board at L'hamherabllrg in Hehalf of those in‘ (crested, who may place their claims for. resti tution in hiagk‘nndr. ’And upon application to him by maitéwill inform tlggui what evidence nan' aflidzuiu are necessary to their case. . . J. W. UOUGILAS, , Attorney at Law, Chambersburg.‘l‘n. Oc‘t. 5, 186.5. 3: . Notice. .| a. ADA us comm: ss: At In Urplmn'a Cflurt held at Get t_\ aburg in and for said county: on the 22d duty of September. A, D., 1863, before the Honnrnble Robert J. Fisher end Duvid degler and Isaac E. “Herman: Esquirel, Ano cinte Judgel. duly unsigned, kc. On motion of M. k W. lcCleun. Erquirel. the Courtgmnq 1 Rule upon the heirs and legal representatives“ in interest on’ the estate 0! Aux Msnluu, late of Mountplensant township. in geld coun ty, deccnsed, to wlt: Jecoh )lutrehnll, John Murihnil and Peter )1.-nhnll,;brothers, and Mary Marshall, I sister of said deccised, to be and eppenr at '4' Orphun’e Court. to he held at Gettysburg, on the THIRD MONDAY, (the lsth.) ol NUVEIIBER next, 1863, and eceept or refuse to lccepl the Reel Estate at the de ct-denunt the valuation, or show cause why the said' Real Estate, or any part thereof, ehould not he'aold in use they or In] of them should neglect o} refuse to take end accept the nu: e. By the Court, ' : . ' JOHN EICHOLTZ, Clerk, Per 8. H. Eluuouzfikputy. Oct. 5, 1863. 3t EEK S 2! In theCoul-l ofCom mon Pleas of Adams county. No. 4, Aug. T., 1863. Aliu lub phmun in Divorce. PHILII’ moms, VI. HARRIET THOMAS Anus cots-r}, as. N pursuance 0! An order of the Court of" I Co-mou Pleu of Adlml county, you, Hor net Thomas, the defendnnt in the Above one, are Hereby notified' and required to :11er It the Court of Common New to be [add at Get tysburg. in and for Addams county aforesaid, on MON DAY, the 16th day ofNOVI-JMBER next,- to nun-er the complnim therein mode Ignimt' you. ‘ And you are also notified that depositions of witnesses to he rend upon the hearing of the nbove case in Court will be taken It the oflice of A. J. Cover, 3341., tk Commissioner ap pointed by the “t r that purpose, and before aid Com oner, on TUESDAY. the 2d day of NOVEMBER next, between the hour: of 9 o’clock, AXE, end 6 o’clock, P. 1‘.,0! mid dny, until completed, at which time nd place you In requoued to attend. SAMUEL WOLF, Sherifl‘. Oct. 5, 1863. 4t Hunterstown Academy. H. GORTON, PRINCIPAL-Tho win. . let mm offire months will commence O.'DAY, the 12th of OCTOBER in”. The Principal in ngndnnu of Yule College. Thou who have the intent" at we Academy in charge are ruulvod to win no efl'om neces- Ilry to render it worth] a! A generoun puma- Ige. For pnniculul :ddren Principll. Oct. 5, 1863. 3;- For Sale. A VERY dnirnble FARM. Idjoining the Borough o! Gettylbqr¢,wnuining‘ 124 ACRES—Buildings and Lind good. 1; Will be laid on you Iccommodlfing N terms. , . GEO. ARNOLD. Getty-burg, Oct. 5, 1863. t! Restaurant for Sale. HE good will Ind fixture) of the “ Gettys- T burg Saloon," in Cmrlisle ltreec, Are of fored It private sale, and will be sold a but pin. For germs, ta, apply to Jncob Bathe], Elq.,who will give all the informufion denind. . CATHARINE WARNER. Oct 5,1863. 3: Funnel-amp Dmsolved. [S is to give notice that the ptnnonhip betwun a. nndanigned was . diuolred on the 17th of Aptil Int. _ CORNELIUS NITCHIIAN, , JOHN NITCHIAN. Bending”; Sept. 21, 1803. 3: ‘ .._, -_‘;_~.__.._--t_.. h” 081‘ received at PICKING'S Spring nd ‘3.-nu Clothing. Come one an :11. I Public Sale. .‘l FRIDAY. the ’23.: by :or OCTOBER next, the subscriber, Adminiamwr of th estate of Henry 11. Thom“, deceased. will sell it. Public Sale. at. the hue maidence olatid Jecefirnc, in Hendlen townyhip, Adams coun ty, nbout.‘ ‘1 lulu noubwen of Areuduville, the following Personal Property, viz : ONE CQW, l'Cali, 3 soaps of Bees; Bed: and Beds!e€i,‘snbles, Chairs. Comer Cupboud, Chen, necks-wart, Crockery-ware, Iron Ket- Ile, Men: Vessels “9d Barrels, and other article: 0! Household Furniture. RYE, CORN and BUCKWHEAT, by the bushel ; n In: of season ed Board', Ceiling Lmh, l‘oata & Rtils, Don bll' Barrel Gun, ami‘umny other articles, too numerous to mentior‘h ‘ WEI: to comménce IH. lo'o‘clock, A. IL, wfien allenduuce‘wfll be given and terms made known by BI'IHJAMIY F.‘ THOMAS“ Uy1.5,1863. u Desirable Farm 'l‘ PUBLIC SALE—On SXTURDéY, the Al: 24ll|1dny of OCTOBER inst.,’t.he sub scri er will offer In Public Snle,on the premi- Im. A DESIRABLE FARM, mum in Cum ‘ berlnnd .wwnship. Agni: county“ Pl., adv 'joining lands of Samuel Cobean.J-‘mu Mc- Cullough, lune Deardorfl’ and William Run, on. line road leading from Gettyphurg to‘ Ben deuville, one and a hnlfuailes from the former nee, and containing “3 ACRES, mora‘ or 3 e 35. One-hnlf of the land lm recently been llimed The improvements are I. ’u " l'l‘wn-s'ory LOG HOUSE, Barn, Ind _..fi ‘ other out-buildings; In Orclmrd 21,? ”fl of ghoice fruiL Thrrenru'eigbtccu‘ :g.-»\:_: were! of Heldov‘v-lund, nml‘two runningsprings. , Tho nan-auger nriliug (roam pruxumly ato Getty-burg, the quality of the lnnd, and its Qndnpunion m'muiug, kc” Ire no apparent as :hnrllly to require mention. I will sell on 'terms lo mil. pnrchasers—sayone-hnlf of the {purchase money in hand, and the balance in r'fire‘nnnual payments, without Interest. '" fiSnle to commence. at l o'clm-k, ,P_ 3L, ,on mid any. If not sold, it. will be rented on 'shnm at 'p‘ubllc outcry. ‘ GEORGE SMITH. - @Any person desirous at purchasing this above premise: prior to lb:- duy of sale. can da so by calling M. the office oflhe undenigned. Oct. 5, 1363. w W. A. DUNLCAN. RemovaL "Rundcrnigned respectful- ~ ’ T'-ly informs 1h: residénu V ofchyaburglndvvicinity, that he has removed hll WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, lo the room opposite the Bank, on York street; whet-e he intends keeping 1n unort "meat of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and SILVER PLATED WABE,~]SPEUTACLES, CLOCKS, km, kc. ' Having btn connected with A int-clan Watch and‘ ewelry Store in Baltimore, for several years past, he is' prepared to furnish every arfiéle in the. )ine, at the love". city prices, und all purcbuel will be guuanzied u represented. ‘ From a longrcxperi‘enco in Watch-repairing, eepecinllyoffine Watches, he is prepared to do nllJtiudu of Watch-work promptly, in the best muncrbnnd gunrflty the perform-nee 6th. lle will keep always on hand at large assort ment of SPECTACLESI, n'ml Sch ucle Glasses; and having much” experience In adnpting them [0 the sight, ii prepared to fit I" who need them. - - HAIR JEWELRY mluie tomrder in the best. style, and a greatjariety of patterns 9n hand. JEWELRY tepnired in the neglect manner. l ‘ JOSEPH BEVAN. Gettysburg; Oct. 5, 1863. ll‘ Notice. DAVID Jonson's ESTATE—Letter! o( Idminmrntion, with the will annexedl on the estate of Duid Johnson; lnte oLLfli more lwp., Adams'co., deceased, having been gnmed to vlhe undenigncd, residing in film tington lowuhip,he hereby gives notice to ell pcrlonu indchLed‘to mid estate to make- im mediate payment, and those. having cluiml ageinst the tune to p’re-enl them properly nuthenliculed for seltlement. ‘ 2 WI. B. GARDNER, Adm’r with the Wil‘l annexed Sepé. 14,1863. 6:, . ' .. Notice. , OllN JACOB KEEF‘AUVER'S ESTATE.— Lelwrs testamentary on the estate of John Jntob Keefauver, lnleoi Cumberland tp., Adams co.,‘decenaed, having been granted tn |he undersigned, residing in Mountjoy tp., be hereby gives notice to all persons'ihdebled fiasnid estate to make immediate payment, and t on lining claims agninu the same to present them properly authentic-led for seulvmcnl. ~ .' JACOB KEE‘FAUYEB, Executor. 0ct.5,1]863. 6t. ' " Notwe. ACOB SCHWARTZ’S ESTATE—Letters ten-menury on the estate of Jacob Schwartz. lute ochrmuy twp., Adan: co., de ceased, fining been granted to the ngder signed, residing in lonntjoy township, ihey hereby give notice to All person: indebt ed to said can“ ‘to make immediate p93;- ment, and thou Inning claims against. the lame to present them properly luthentlclud for lctllement.’ ’ MICHAEL SCHWARTZ, ’ HENRY SCHWARTZ, Oct. 5, 1863. 6:. Execute". Notice. _ ABY CASSAT’S ESTATE—Letters ten .tnmentnry on the astute oi lgry Cunt, lute of Stub-n town-hip, Adam: county, de-' Cellud" hgving been granted to the under signed, residing in the same t'ownsbip, be hereby give: notice to 11l persons indebted to aid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims egains‘flhe ume to present them pmperly‘inuthenticued for settlement. J. C. NEELY;Kxecutor. Sept. 23, 1863. 6t Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS & 880., I.\' EAST YORK STREET M GETTYSBURG, P.-x.—Whero ms, nu prepared to furnish 11l kinds of work in (bein line, such I! MONUMENTS, TOHBS, HEAD STUNES, MANTLBS, in, It the shortcut no ticLi, Ind u chap 3. the shape“. Give In I a! . fi'Prodnco taken in exch-n'ge for work Geltylbnrg, June 1, 1962. u URE BRANDY, WINE AND Yhfllgxlmfl medicinl pun-pose- onl at e or g g.“ 51.11. 303838. mo, Arro‘w Root, Corn amok, moo-um S and Galina; for In]: a: Dr. BORIKB’Sx; Drug Store. \ Administraldr FOR SALE—The subscriber-ohr: At Pri‘ vnte Sale, his FARM, mum in "mull: pleasnnt township, Adnms county. on the fond from llunuughuiwn tu’ Litllrsluwn, adjoining 11ml» of John Shug'l'), Sumnrl linfl‘nmn, “Q 4 oil-en, cunuining 103 Ari-3', num- or lese, in a fine suite of cultivation and under good fencing—with due proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The improvemenla are a large Two-Story STONE HOUSE, with ‘ 1.: Buck-building a I'mga Logllnrn, .ffi Cdrn-Crih, “'.lgun Shed, Cnrriage ; f, - H House, Spring [inn-so, with an 91.3»; “7:: cellent_well of water and “viral springs on the Inn-m. Aim 0 good Apple Orchard, with other fruit. The properly In convenient to churches, school-houses, mills, kc. Person: “inning to mm: the prehises me requnted to call an, the under-igned, Raiding thereon. ‘ ’ . JOHN socks, :1: Aug. 31, 1863. if. ' ' A ‘ 0R SAUL—The lubs'crihcr. (bairona‘lo farm on a larger scale, offer. It. Print: Snle his SMALL; FARM. contnining who‘ll: 40 ACRES, Ind will‘dispos'e ofit on re” reason able germs. It in wanted/8} miles luuth of Gettysbury, near the Emmiuburg road, Id joining lnndl of Alexandér Ourrms, Nichol Bushman, 'nnd otheri. ”The improve- H“ menu are in good order/his admirahly Lg calculned for 5 Surf]. The Timber, r 1? ‘ Water and Fruit M. Na nh‘undnnce. ' I ,/ JACOB BEAIIER. gem. 7, 1883. e/t'i EORGWAHIVOLD humor got up his Fall G and Winteruockui Ciothiugflhtlnrgen stocki town; consisting of . _ Over Croats“ . ‘ ‘ ' ’ Dru: Conu, BIUHIEBI Coats. ' . Military Blouse: and Pgnu, . Puuldoons, _\'eiu. Undo:- and Over-Shirts, Drawers, Hosiery, Glovel. tc., in gran: vnxietg, all of which will be gbld cheap (or cash. Call and Ice chem. Sept. 28,1863. = , Shanda 8: Buehler, EALERS m ‘ . D 1 com. Ayn ‘; . s r o r E s; ' firm-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, up -- ALSO - ,; sum-fans, BLINDS, SASS, E'rc; . Corner of Curlisle And Railroad Streets. oppo me Railroad new, GETTYSBUIKG, PA. Sept. 28, 1363_. u' . ~ ‘ ‘ , New Goods. - ‘ EORGE ARNOLD' Im just recriqu from Philadelphia. 5 hrge flock of CLOTHS (‘ SSNERES,.Ovn-comings. Unssiheu, Vest ings. Flannelu, .\(xnlinsngenns. ta. all ofiwluch will be sold cheap for cash. Cull and up them. Sept. 28, 1663. _ ' 7“». Notice. f lANE W.‘ HORNEHS RSTATE.—‘-b¢tmrl Q of administration on the astute of Jane W. HornetFluLe of Gettysburg. Adams cousi ty, deceased, having been grantedjo‘the under signed. residingjn the same plate, a; hereby gives notice to all nersons indebt; to mid esmte to make immediate-payment and those hurlng cln‘imu against 'the name {—o present them propcfly nuthonticuted for settlement. ' . ' WI. GUINN, Adm‘r. Sept. 21, 1863. 8:. For Saleyor Exchange. VERY desirable GRI’ST Nll.|.,with AY-gvv A 38 ACRES OFLAND,In Gennnny ‘ g township. 1 will Fxclmngc for: Farm, '- nnd pay the difl’etence, if any. . * DEC. ARNOLD. Genyabnrg, Oct. 5, 1863. t! ‘ ' ' Estrays. I'CAXE to the premises or me Inblcriber,‘in Mountjoy township, about the In of A 115,, ‘ two YEARLING CALM-:8, {Pull Ind lichen) white and brown spoiled. he owner in re— ’ queued tn com'e forward, prove property, and ' pay charges. ISAAC LIGHTSEB. ’ oa. 5, 1863. 3: HE PAMPHLET LAWS of the Sale hue T been received 11. this ("Rem-and use now randy for diuribnlion Imnng‘thou entitled to receive them. JACOB BUSHEY, Pcoth'y. a Sept.2l, [863. 3: k “ 4 HP. nndcrsi' nevi offers his service: to (We " ' ‘ Wall Paper! t !-‘ public as E SALE mum, and mi. ' LARGE vanuy 0' pfltlcfinl, of the ““3" 1 llbnre of cncoumzemvnt. "c ha: ha! A and most, delirableuyyes, mun] or Wlllcb conliderhbte "pericme in ”H, busineu, aid are hafng sold M. tho old prices. Cnn‘ and lee , feel: confident that be “m give’entiré “nap. than “ NelLflbNY‘s. traction. Charges moderfltl’, His Iniglcncg’ll‘ " ' ""Tflfl-H -‘ ’ ”fl— ' ' lln was: of m . ADCOES, Gingham, Hush“, u minced Infiecdom ‘Olnihlp, I} m C mm, n mans-root: anus. Sign 01 “‘3.; Ll 4 1m 2m, ““3“ GOLD“; the Rad Front. ___‘B -7 7-1- 7 ' A 1 BALMOBAL Bop'rs.—“Km, when am For 381$ ; . you got than my: B‘ln‘fixfififis?‘ 1 A LAIEHEAYO'UNP wakf 39:5 61%;,“ c ‘ . , lea. ppyo u. . ‘ ILLINEBY GOODS, anneu, mung“; Ml!“- 3‘ Flowers, Sinker- Ind Bonnet Erupts Inqnahed from Rev York, cheap at hin utocko’, sign 0! lb: ‘ RED 1’1“)va A Good Farm A Small Farm Clothing; Pamphlet, Laws. Jacobi: Saloonvnwlvfirw HE nndmlgnd bun lined be“?! fit T lmm, in Ghualmnhurg umt, Ind m§ to keep it in the but Ilfle. hOPiflz “I“ ‘s' public will Ipprecinte lhuir’efurta to plot-... by giving them :1 large purnnaga. The] will :1- ceive OYSTERS regal-fly and do them up In suluyles; YOUNG CIIICKHNS, HEEHONWI, HAM AND EGGS, and almost everything tint may be called fur, will be served. Tb" win mo Imp ALE, mum, Pournnmmm, he. They are determined to du thing: up in th. moat dosinble manner, and Ice] cumin of, pleasing I“ who may all. MCILOLAS comm; .13.; JUSI-Il'u SHORE. ' Gettysburg, Sept. 2!, 1861. , One and All, AKE NOTICE.-Tho linden-fig? you]. T any to the‘ public that !.e in chin; 8 Large and splendid flock 'of GROUERIBS, Mlich he will sell as low as any other houu'2 In luwnwoleca, Sagas, Holusel, Syrup. Teas, Salt, Fish, tun, Vim l'olMoel. Bonn, and Rice ; Wooden Ware, put mi) in the but nun ixnr ; Tabnccos, Segnri.tv., to. , . FARMERS. TAKE NOTICELN” you mt g to lay in your liquuru for lurvezct, now is “a time. I hue nun] brands of Whilkiu, Bun dles, WInES. and nil other liquorl, which I In disposinmfm. short. profits. “in me I can. I always try to pleuoprgml holler. I very of ten succeed. lumembex the place—scum corner 13! the Diamond, Gettysburg. ' ‘ GBO. l". IAI-BFLEISCH. 9h, 25,11863. ' _ ,Come thh a Rush ' HE undersigned wopld most rhpectfiany T Infnrm hil many friends Ind the pnhhe ‘ genordly,_thu be In: gone into the Clothing _ bulilleil, in Samson's 0M nnudJn the Din-loud, Gexlylburg, Pu. Hi 6 flock, already fulLlill In mud! enlarged, to embrace every llyla of ‘ CLOTHING, noors, snags, uns,_ Caps, Trunks. Vane“. Clocks. “Inn-hes, Jr'- elry, guns. Pistols, Mid, i 5: short, everything which ought to be found at. a. first clusClolhinc ' and Vuriety House. ‘, Particuln-rs hcrmflor. In the umtima ho invilg'a everybody to “in him a all. Ila il tends to keep I 0 pefiecl a-uock M to neon-7 module all—2lnd; with the hope oflnrge inlet. ‘ he hope: to mink. 1 living at. shun pmlu. No troubh to show goodr, and tr", clan nu]. ‘ w‘utiafy- buyers, ‘ moon nmxtunon. Juno [5, 1883. of All Invited. \ “IE undersigned ban this thy mural lab 1 putueuhip in the Gmin, Produce and Lummission husineu, at the old Ninth-leer hhhse, corner of Station and Railroad [m Théx‘highvu prices in cash paid!” » *uouu, WHEAT, \ - RYE,'CORN,I ‘ - . OATS, SEEDS, . ”x, AND 11.42: All kinds of Groceries. Gunnns, Push, Bam and every bther "tit-Io usually foam! in our. line of bulge“, all I which will he'll)“ wholesé‘lo nil \..\l’Q‘ll|l_, with 19):th (a . ' Call Mid m \u, Annd mm; yonr’ad'm fid‘ it. in really :0. X 7 ‘HOLHNGRR t smm. ‘ ' Getty-burg, Jug“, 1863. I! , 6 l ‘ ‘ Good Thingsu'rom the City! E are receivirug‘\twice [wrecking tho city I 'vuiety ol‘prticlu suited to the 31ml; of this community,vil.: Fresh and Salt FISH; Mums, Shoulders fwd Sideq, Maui-y, Bumbflalt, Applel. Potutoa-tkflmmps, Luna", Cunl'erligma, Tohntt‘ol, Wu, with- Inn-y other «tides in lhiilline—nll (waived In the best. order,«ud sold at the lowcskprafiu. Give us a can, ih Bulziéwre street, newly opposite Fnhnestocks‘atore. WANTEDA-Buuer, Eggs, Llfd‘ curl sll other country [produce—for which tug high“! Clllh price will b pnid. , \. 5 WEST 'POTl‘ross—hacu qunmy, :6 in"- en. living pronto—always on hand. \Allo, UYSTERS, fine "Ihd fresh—in the will or shocked. Restaurant. md fnmih’es supplied. smxcxuunagn a. wrsorzxsvfi Gatlynbu‘rgpljnylB,.l\§63. 3m ' \.\ . Watches, Jekwelry, - ’ ND SILVER-WARE—nfl‘ho underlined A would respectfully lnvflg your “linking to hi: well selectg‘d 'stock of ‘gine Gold and sum WATCHES. Fine Gold‘ \EWELRT, of every kit“ uni v-riety at I'ylc V'ompr‘ml‘ all of th ewes: and mom. beuuti I design. “50,33 an SILVEH’AIIE. eq nl lo Cola —-nnd the be»: make of SILVER ‘PLATEDA WARE. Each “tide is warnmcd k: M 11. represented. E‘Wncbes and Jewelry anefullyke‘ red and Intilfnclion guaranteed. ’, \ JACOB HAILEY.‘, \‘4 ~ (Sueceuor to Shaffer It Barley? , \ No. 622 lulu: unit, Phil: 'a. , Sept. 7, 1663. 3m x . _ : m ' HE firm of DrL_CIIESS l TAYLOR II T hereby dissolved by mutual conunt, on September 15m, 1803. All personqhnvlnl‘ claims ngainsr. or indebu‘d [.9 uld firm I‘ll please present them to Big. A. J. Core: for ufiualmenl. '( ~ , Dr.’Wm. Taylor Informs lbe‘inhnbitnuis or Gettysburg, And Vl cinily "33¢th '3l- continue the practico' of MI profession 'pt the‘ old stand, ngn door In flab Compiler 'Olflq, Gettysburg, PI. Thtnkful for [mat favonflw bogs co.,reccive A than of (uture palrbunge‘. [Sept. 28, 1863. _3! _ Dr. James Cress, . CLSCTIC PIIYSICIAN, thankful forgpnp liéqmtronngr heretofore extended w‘hin. inl‘orms’ l'u fricnllu that he will continue the practice of bin proleuion in Gettysburg Ind vicinity. “Eclectic" mun: to chance or telnet. fiance, we Iclect the but, “rest Ind non "- linble remedies from I" other ucurinnmedl cal scho‘ola, which have been rat-commended -from the ex wrience and nzlnctlonnd by the pmctiu-e ogb: nhlést Eclectic I’mtillonefl, and dlkn _ those more injurious, we}; .5 un tjmony, manic, mercury, blue pill, blood lat tlng, kc. . ~ . . omm In the en" end on’orkmlrc-M, In the dwelling owned by Henry Welly. ' Getty:burg,‘seyt. 28, 1863. 3Q . . _H. B. Woods, , flonx‘EY AT LAW, (in-mum. P... will attend Io all pron-Mum! Instinct. entrusted to hi- rlre. ‘ f - Ump- :—()n Wen Middle street, not} dour w the Court-house; in be room lately occupicd a; a Luv 013 cc by W. U. McClellan, Esq.,dec’d. Sept. 2|, 1863. 611! , The Secretary P 'mq TREASURY hn “onde no to O‘conlinue my Agency for): bricf period, and until further noticed dull continua to receive Subscriptions to the 5.2.0 LOAN AT PAR. at my 015 cc, and n: the diluent Sub-Agenda throughout the Loyal sum, _ JAY 000 KB, Suhu-tiption Agent, . m South ThinLSum, Phil.” ‘ 'Juiy 20, 1863. tf ' . R SALE—The übucrtber eter- for at. E 41 Acrel of Timber-land, in Franklin township, 3 mile’i south-nu of Cuhtown. on the road fending from John Morlu'u lo illit- “ showe'r'l mom. The lot in well covers] with Chesnnt and other timber. It will be sold in lots, or entire, whim? purchasers, and u lot rice. 150, on an and for sale I I of 7 EbunutAß‘ails and Locun Pol". (‘l‘ dry PETER HEN“: V Aug. 17,1863. 2m .‘ ' 0 Yes! 0 Yes! R. I'o3wa cdohnlod‘ Eula; than." D Powders, for Roma mam... % :4 Dr. HOMER’B 2mg Sm... # ..5.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers