13mm @cutral.‘ KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. ‘ Thu Al]!!! O. Cumin. the shoddy undi dMe for 001mbr.slgned the bill (or the repent w‘ the funds! Tax on the Pennsylvania Rail. and (10-puny, sgninsr the remonltnncu of Mon. 8. A. Pnrvmnu, his Attorney Gencml, all Ell Sitar, his Becrecury or Sum—Pum pr omm,luly 28. '1 ha be fined it “ upon A private agreement in writing. mlde hy'Tlmmu A.'Scou. for the ‘ ,u'r may. to pay the smm uls7s.oooAper :nnnm l . "c slig Trenurg, whu-h agreement be can t enlvd from the people and an rwnrdn slum-m. ' dared to dQCompnnv. wuhnufi even preserv ~nzg n copy of iL"—!'uhlmry Guam. July”. Thu he ligned three «rt: 05:. Rrpuhliunn \Jmiriulnture, “unppmq Ila: Smkmg Fund of!!! lean EIGHTEE'N MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ."’—r }'lW (Mum, July 22. “THAT HIS NUMINA'I‘IUN WOULD BE DISGBACEFUL TU THE PARTY AND HIS' ELECTION IMPOSSIBLE l"—Puhlmrg Guam, Aug”! 2. ‘ I'. I. only necgsui'y to remind chevrendorl mnt the journal making the}; bold and. new l ‘.(roul chnrge; ili'lh'e ablén Ind meal. widely; . Midland Republic“ priin'lfl wait of the Alle- l gheny m'ounuinl. K ’ ‘ .cum'm's PICTURE, 5.15 DRAWN E!" A ~POLITICAL FRIEND g from the defining Star & Banner, ‘- (summing t! 31, 1861. ' 'l’anmylnhi has long been called the f'uv-tono Statoénd she has deserved the mum. Any 0 not-‘hlinded by prejudice :uiht huge accorded this to her. to tho‘lnte Lulmppie‘menes through which our conn _ try ha: en celled tn go. ‘.Tha resolutions of our htvmenutivm. pledging the sup ."port and credit ohthe State to the Federal Government, together with the eimultxmo ounupri-ing of the peopte to furnish an ur \my to assert its; commands, dill more to re- Putablllh confidence in the Union. 9nd" the i inherent stability of our politic.tl system, ‘ than the lotion of any State or people.— Pennsylvlnia has F'll'netl‘flllt‘w the right to bpr‘proml gitté. Whilst all this ii sn,.‘§tt_yl more;—-Whilst ciao}. cauntion, boroughs, volunteer orgammtmns, and private indi . ‘vidunls have pledged their crmlit. and con trxhu‘teg [post liberully to furnish our brstre volunteprs with» complete equipmont. and place them in fi'imiigion. randy to vindicate Alike the Sthtbmnd‘ ntional Government, we no p'ainéd by'tho report of ofiicial ne glect and‘pogu'l'atj’gn. More then this we lm‘ve seen ou'r n to comrulea misenblyt clothed. ind both badly, and ‘scantily. pro-l visioued by these paid. And well paid. to we to these importantconsidorntiom. We 'held our peace when, remntlvh we were cognizant ofthe fact. that the Quarter mau ter of our own company mu 'under the ue-l cavity ofpmvidlng himsell with a hair oft ‘ucalea to protect the cnrnpnnygigninegt the: rapidity of an office‘r, and Nikki wo‘hparq: ‘ the toad éomplnintl ol‘ the “End; Plit’a‘w‘n account of outrageous treatment,‘hecautel tin thocone case. no tlxoughfit the villain v of a minor officen’und the necessary (ht-inf: ‘, m the cheap! an overtnxed Administrq-l , tion. AlLtlu'l it floems war but the begin-i ning of gigantii fraud.“ though the nation, and thoSulte‘had not been so disguttml by l thererfidyql' recent administrationu. thutit‘ hur ed them from power, more for that' cause than any other. The man, who mat-r: the pruenl‘ej‘orl oft/t: people (Mme-. 1 the In‘/write; _fnughtfor. and achieved by our falltm. an occrz- ‘ aim: to Mb our aoldim. and eun'rh himrdf. IS AN ENEMY \KHOM 1T WOULD BE CHARITY TO HANG. _We care not who; is the guilty party. He who defraud: our; bravo soldier: is iorso than a traitor We' do notxknow w‘hois immediatelv to hlnma. l but this In kn‘nw. THAT GO’V. CURTIN} lAQVNOT ESCAPE CENSUBE. Ed/wr he (.1 implicated with that public (Mam. and re. him par! 6/ (he plunder. or he in guilty of up ,m'nliflg men to We who daerve- the cream rum qf all good canton. He may take Whig]: horn ofphe dilemma he mnv plenum The W Kition pf ifi'airs tendons official xwulation doubly inanetrous. Have we jut fled from .mrruptiox to corruption—from nne vile Adminin . tion, to another viler? “Many whirl for onv.‘Curlin to avoid corrfiptinn. \ND HAVE THEY LINKED THEM } *‘iLVEi TO ROT'I‘BNNE'SS? If the in: « hTGfiiS of thiscountry fire bound up with the aroma! of republican principles, as alluqciuw if: the Chicngo platform. ns w‘e beliéve ihey are. it bH‘nmes the party to purge its ranks nfTH ESE VILE ME.\'. and ’let the STIGMA OF THEIR \‘IIaLAINY rat on them alone. and not on the party. A‘W‘KEY 'er‘n. TRAITORS AND ME};L WHO SPECULATE OX PA'I‘RIOTISM." - “ SOLDIEBS, ‘ ‘Remembor that Judge qudwardfule wafiociuio cand'idlto {or -Governor, has .A two soul in the may of the Potomac, whilst. f‘urtiu has none; H'emember that. Judge Woodward's interposition in your favor, in his well Known docinioyi, saves your 7170]wa ‘f;’wm execution whilst in my service. Re zw .Zunber Hint it was upon the motion of the “Republican" candidate for Sheriff of Phil melphin thlt Edge Woodwind was com- yelled-to decide um, soldier: gun vote only when It their profit places 0T voting. and let Judge READ, the only “Kgmiblicaxr” oh the bench, cnlncided with Jlmdge Wood yard in. thin opinibrl. Remember that. Judge Woodwu'd is for the Union, without an {F or n BUT, whilst Cur-tin is for a nei Uniqn. IFnegro slavery be Left out of it..— Beuiomb": than things mimic according; ly.+B¢¢ford‘Gaum. - ‘ i ———h-—. - .—-———-—— an. demon: Geo. w. Woodward would dé: more to ir‘gspiro fha Union men - or the BofierStMes with hope, to strenthen ‘ théi hon-u Ind hands, and to induce them ‘ 10.02319“ to endure nll manner of evil for thé‘uké‘ol‘ preserv‘ gtho Union; than any other-Advent that. wild happen, shprt of the sunender of all the Rebels in arms. The ra‘ehotion of Gov. Curtin would be u sore a gtroke upon them as is in the power: of . mortals to inflict—would _wither the heart of every Union patriot in Every slave Slate.“ Men. therefore.wa love the Constitution and the Union, rouse in your might and 'sm'k} with giant. power tor Woomrnp Ann In: UNIOI, and against Carfin-andfmahlzcim, ‘the destroyer: of every thing that patriotic inipirations hope for 17—01 mm Democrat. wflw——~ - ”Governor Curtiq. i 9 3 Inte‘apeech in J'qhnswwn, said that hamms "1n favor; nf unmet-Hate raising of uh army of woe/mn drad audfifty thousand firm,” and that he ”01- “wan insisted on throwing My largest _num ‘ - be: of m'en into the field- a d o Wanna no ‘ What does he can for drafts whon neiihnr ha nor any of his immediate family are sub -5903' on their opera‘ion, and most of has rel» troni are Ible to be excused by favoritism ’rorpuy their three hundred? Wh“ does he care for “expense" when ' > the people have to pay it? fif’l‘he fimple fuct that the Dahomey are 1):; gm: gun’s party. and the Republi. up}fljldvoutea nf niggrr equality, ought alofist be sufiicient to insure I splendid Ikmomtic triumph. And when in addi tion vlO consider the he: thu the Demoou chu' the only pm and honed Union puny in the country—the only party indeed, that. can gag.“ the Union md to-eutnbli-h peace _wfi'fih'vt I right to expect, :- we candid ,ly‘ (15,- Won}: 1 memory. but an overwhelm ,M 11%! a Dmocncy It: We poll-._— vvmm ‘ ' “egg! by yam: iggemu Win tau—Lane. LIMUW. ' ' messmzm man" Wm. A. Duncan, ‘ i H‘ORNEY AT L'AWf—Offlce in the Xerth-x west comer orCeuu'e Square, Gettysburg" Pa. [0“. 3,185 t tr ' 9 '- J. C. Neely, ' l , TTORNEY AT, L.\W.—Pufizuhr guin- A tion paid to cflhclion of Pensions, "My, and Back-pg. 06190 in th. 8. 8. corner of the Diamond. . Getlylburg, April 8, 1863. t! s A. J. Comp; , rTTORNEY AT LAW,WIH promptly attend to Collection: and all other business en trusted to‘him. (Mica between Fnhnesmki’ snd Danger & Zieglgl's Stores, Bnltimom street. Gettysburg, PA. [SgpL 5,185 g D. laconaughy. TTORHEY AT LAW, (office one door west A o! Buehler': drug and book atore,Clmm vnhu-g street.) And-l Y AunSoumron run anln no Puxsmxs.£}‘ounu bunt! Wur nnu, ”wk-pay unspen _ Cllimn, Ind all olhel; claims against the Governmental Wuh ingon. 0. C.;.ulloAmerimuGluima In England. Land Wunnnu lac-ted and aald,or banging-mi highest prices given. Agen‘a engnged in lo outing wnrnnn in long, mm:- nnd «he; westernsmtel Supply to him personth or by letter. 1 ' Gully-burg, Nev. 21, ’53. . Edward 13. Bushler, T'I‘ORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully Lilli A promptly attend to all bulincssenzrustefl to him. He spanks the German lungn‘nge.'— 05in}! the Mme plnce, in South Baltimore strut, nenr Forney's drug More, and nearly opposite Dunner & Ziégler's note. . Gettysburg, Much 20. ‘ .1 J. Lawrence HHLJIL 11 AS his office one a: I I £100? west. otthy s'" Lutheran, church‘. in ._v ,1 Glmmlmrqi‘urg slight, and 197191303“! Picklng’ll 7 sure. wliwe those wishing zq have any Dental DRY PAINTS, and Openvion perfume}! are respectfully invited to PANTS ground in Oil, . cilll Runnels: DrF- Homer, Rev. C. l’. . OILS; expressed and distilled, i Kr. ulh,~D. D . Bet“. L. Ba‘uxher, D» D.,_Rev. STATIONERY ofnll kinds, Riof. M. Jacobs. Jun, 31. L. Slmver. Ink's, Pens; Pencils, Paper. Comlis, Brushes, he. hotlyubnrg, A‘lfll 11,713: I. PATENT MEDICINES. I -<-——~ -“--—"-’—u*_— All the opnlnr Patent Mmficines, togniher . T— Removal. ' with a gale-cum of pure WINES, nuxmus R. O‘NEAL has removed his office. 1° and WHISKEY, for medicinal purposes unl)‘, D wms' building to the co?ner of Balti-_“l“'“.Ys9“h“nd- Inn worqymy stock embraces mare and, High streets, opponite the Pushy-U eveqlhmg “.Wf‘ny found "1 3 575901555 .310"! terinn Churvh, Residencfiudjoining the oflice. 0f "“5 description. ‘ April 6, 1363: if . I A large supply of fresh‘Drugs has heen‘ re ceived, and others are arriving, which I run of fering to the public pn very acrommodoting terniz. My .\ledicines have all been purchased finder my'pcrsonal insprcgion and supervision from the most reliable houses. [can therefore not._ only reco ehd them as pure and «flesh, but rim SHI will: Chtn‘p.‘ . i- . ' N. B.—PAI;TICULAR ATTENTION gii‘én to ill? "mum-m at all chronic-diseases. V WADVJOE, GRATISHR May 12, 1862. H '_ I , Adams County' 7 UTL'AL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— 4 M Incorporated March 18, 1851. | ‘ orncnn. , ‘ r . I’ruident—George Swn‘ne. | ‘ Vice PruiJent—S. R. Rune“. ‘ , } Srcretitry—D. A. Buehler. ~ - 3' » x I Treasurer—David M'Crenry. ' A' ' I Execute}? Uurmtu'ftee—Robcrl Mchrdy,Jncob 1 King, Andrew Ileintzelmnn. ; Managua-George Swope, D. A. Bnehler, R. Al'Cnrdyflucob King, A. llcinlzo-lman, I}. Mc-' Crenry, S. R. Ruisell, J. R. den-sh, Snr‘nnel Durhorgw, E; G. F‘nhnestock. Wm. B. WiTs‘bn, :H. A. flicking, Wm. B. .\léClellan, John Wol- J‘nnl, R. G. .\lcCrenx-y. John Pit-king, Ahrl'l‘. {Wrighh John Cunninghnm, Abdiel F. Gm, James 11. Marshall, .\l.,Eichc-lherger. agfl‘hls Corppnny is “mm! in its open.- tions to the count; of Adams. I! hngpe‘e’n in snccnsfull‘ipemtion for more than xxx yen”, I‘ndju th period has paid a]! loas'es and k pquses,wi£hanl (my aneument, hailing also n large .an‘rplns cspitnl in the Trpnmry. The Com. puny employs no Agents—nlfibnsjuess being done by the Managers, who are annnn\lyeloc¢. ed by the Stockholders. Any fiermnfiesi‘ring an Insurance can apply to guy of Die above ‘ named Managers-far further infqrmnsi n. {ts-The E ecutive Commitleé diet: at the office ofthe éompnny on the last Wednesday lin gvery month. at 2, [HAL _ ‘ 5 Sept: 27, 1858‘ ‘ ‘ . . A. Mathiot & Son's OFA AND FURNITURE WAREROOHS,NO3. S 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) attending 'from Gay to Fredtiriék It.—the lnrgest estnblishment ofthe kiud‘in’lhg Union. , Always on hand a. large nssartmént oi HOUSEHOLD Aim OFFICE FURNIIURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedstends, Wnshstand}; Win-d -rubes, iinttresscs of Husk, Cotton and Hair. Sprin eds, Sofas, Tete-e-‘l‘etes, Arm Chairi, Rockin , Chairs, Etaggres, Marble Tnbles, Set lcesa ep‘tion and Upholstered Chnirs, AS SURTE COLORSOFQUTTAGEFURNITURE‘ Wood hairs. Office Chairs, Barber Chairs; Cribs and Crndles, Hat Racks, Hull Furniture, Gilt ind Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension lablcs, of every length. ' Persons disposed To purchase nre inritedjo call nn'i give our stock on examination, which for'vuriety and quality of workmanship is ng’t equalled by any establishment in the counting". . “ A. .\IATHIOT} gum, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay‘street. Aug. 6.18M}..- ‘ _ '7 ; ~ Somethinf New N IGE'I‘TYSBURG.—The undersigned informs i‘qhe citizens of the town And county, thug he: has commenced' the BAKING business, on n‘ large sqale. in ‘York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposiw \Vnttleq'n Hotel, where he will try to dcservv,‘ and hqpea to receive, aiibernl patron age. BREAD, SROLLS, CAKES, CRACKEELS, PRETZELS, km, kc.t baked Every day, (Sun days excepted,) all of that»: quality; and sold at the lowest. living profits. Cracker-baking in all It: branches is largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this And Idjoining conn ties, sup‘plied st‘ the shortest notice. Having erected I [urge and co'mmodiom brie-house and secured the best \yorkmun nnd‘the won ap moved machinery; he in prep-Emir to do a heavy business. ‘ {l5 July 25,1859. VALENTINE SAUPEE. ‘.Coal! Coal! Coal. " EADS & BUEHLER In new ..preggrefl to sup 1y COAL, ofs‘uiie‘riot quflityfiin any quuhm; desired. Terms, Cash. 3 . A ' ,ConaOne! Come Amha- 1 ~ I; Wrbey also requen thou indebted to I tbemto gall Ind pay up, aa‘fpnda urofiucb kneaded. \gho will be the (int. to pull? Ufice opeu'from to 7. Feb. 24, 1862. ‘- , - thn W. Tlpton, . ASEIOA ABLE BARBER, North-us: cor ner of the‘Diamond, (next door to Me lellan'b Hatch) Gettysburg“ Pm, whereghe can at All times be found ready to amend to all businus in his line. He his also excellent as :iwmee Ind will ensnu Initiation. Give him I. all. [Dec. 3, 1880. Isaac K. Stanfier, ” ATCII MAKER. AND JEWELER, .- . JAIUPACTUIIR or . ISIk ER WARE “3190 mm OF WATCHES, ; Kit. 148 Kouh Second St., Corner Quarry, ‘ vi PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1 He has constantly on hnnd an assortment of Gold and Silver Pslem Lever, Leplne and l'lnip “finches; Flue Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Bren". Pins, Ear Ringgj‘inger Rings, Bruce leta, .\hninulre ‘Cuei, Medallions, anLgts, Pencils, Thimblea, Specmclel, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt ana .\lhatnrd Spoons; Sugar Spoons, Cupg, Napkin'l’lings, Fruit and Butter Kuives,Shields,(¥lmbs, Diamond Pointed l‘ a, ctc..-—nll of which will be sold low_for Cllfllx‘ .\l. I. TOBIAS J: 0033 best, quality run)"- eled Patent Leveg Movements cousmntly‘on Land: also other Maker: of superior quality. X. B.—Old Gold and Silvc; bought. for cash. Sap“, 1863. ly k f' -. ‘ Wall Paper ! LARGE variety of patterns} of 150 Intent A and most duinble Ityloummny of which .re being sold at. the old prices. Cull and see than n McILHEN Y's. ‘ For Sale. LARGE-YOUNG COW, 4 year: old. And I can. 'Apply to NH. 3. I". SH'ULTZ. ug. 24, 1863. 3! 1 ___—”._... ’PUBE ‘GROUND smcas; lelccted and R. TOBIAS' ce'iebmtad Dflby Candniong ‘ grqund expressly for Dr. ROBERT HOR- D Powders, for Horn: nua Unhefl’o; ”10 NHL he“ Drug Store. a: Dr. HOMER’S Drug Store. ‘i ‘3 I HEAmerican Excelsior Cofl'ee 3nd Bonn om,ocx‘s LEVAIN—tho Pnf'“ mié r for sale It Dr. R. HURNER'S Dfug Store Jaw baking powder in HIE-f“ my“??? L. SCHICK hurjuu received 5 lot a! u', '3 Drug Stout, ‘ ‘ ‘ J. chenp Looking Glasses. ‘ OHN. FAREIRA, 118 ARCH STREET. he- J low 811:, noulh uda, PHILADELPBIA, lmyorterfiunnfpcn er of And Dealerjn kind: of FANG FURS, {or Lodiu' m Children‘s Why. risk: to return 1 tbnfilu to my fnel of Adams and the m rounding counu’ea, their very ljbutl d tronage extended me during “I:an yarn, and wo‘ald : to them Hm I u» but: in snore, of my own importation and Mannfm-tun a very tx lensiveuaortmento! all me daffy-rem kinds and qualitiel of Funcy Furs, for 14311195 nnd Bail. dren, that. wilf be worn during the Fdi‘jfid Winter uuons. Being 1.2 m 'dirocx'lmporter of all my~Fun from Europemnd‘huvingthem ell Manufactured under my own supervision—enables rm.- to ofl'ar my; cultugnerl and the public a much hind aorser Set of Far: tor the}nme money. Ladies please‘ give me 1 cell before purchuiug!—- Plane remember the num. number and street. JOHN FAREJRA, No. 718 Arch St., Philadelphia. Sept, 14, "63. 5m Dr. Hamlet‘s NEW FAMILY DRUG no ‘ - , PRESCRIPTION- STORE, ’ cum-“nun“ u‘nnruoinxuuna. . ‘aning retired from the active practice 'of my profession, I mkefilbuure in announcing to We citixens at Gettysburg mind vicinity, that l have opened a - ‘ NEW DRUG STORE“ in the roomformelly occupiex‘ by Drs. R. A: C. Ilonxx'x, 111 In office; where ’ will constantly keep oh Hand 3 large supply oral! kinds of FRESH DRUGS. MEDICINES, 5 .CHEMICALS, ' PERFUMERY, TOOTH POWDERS. DYE STUFFS, DIE Grain and hoduce. _ AVING, mk’en tiie large and commodious H )S'nrehquse recently occupied by Frank Hersh, Bath . _ 3 ,1 xx xnwquronn, _ w: are prepared to pay the highest prices for m} kinds DfPRODUCE. Also,scll a: the WW. est prices, LUMBER, UtffiL and G'RUUERIES. of every description. - A. P. MYEEES J: WIERMAN. New Oxford, Aug: 10, 1863. Li \ ‘ _ _, l _ V FreSh Reinforcements. ‘ ~ TRENGTJIENING OUR POSITION.—We S ,nre constantly adding new supplies lo our already Llrge and fashionable stock of { ILITS,'CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. , We have every style of Spring And Summer Huts, wliich in quality and price cannot fail 4‘o please. Boy’s and Men's Hats sm'i eCnra 9! every description, and of the Inter. st) lea. Our stock of . ' ‘ BOOTS, , ‘ .. , ~ iHQES, ' ' GAITERS. 850., &c., wnrnevgr more completeg Ladies Gentleman nnd;Children can é accommodated with any. thing in .this ling?“ we are better prepared now to give fitsfnd greater bargains than even before. If ya walnt bargains, good fits and fashionablefldflcall at the sign of the BIG BOOT, in C amber‘aburg street. ’ . T / JOHN CULP, Julie 9/1962. - ALEX. canAN. ‘ /Th Grocery Store 3/ THE ILL—The undersigned would Q/respectt Hy inform the citizens ol Gettys burg‘and viéi ity, that he has taken the old 2]“: u on the Hill," in Bultimore street, Get gsburga‘zherolie intends to keep ronstantly on lmn all kinds of GROCERXES—Sugars, éofl'ges, Sywps of all kinds, Tobacco, Fish, Sult,.&c., Earthenware of all kinds, Fruits, Oils, and in fact oveiything usually; tound in a Gmcery. 'Als'o, FLOUR & FEED’ot all kinds; , all of which—he intends to sell low, as the low ; ept. Country‘ roduce taken in exchange for ‘ goods and the Eighest price given. He flatten I himself Lhat,‘h'y suict attenlion and “honest ' desire to please, to merit a share of public pa , tronage. TRY HIM. J. M. ROWE; Feb. 23, 1863. a, 1883. Spring Styles 1863. OF HATS AND-CAPS V B. F. McILHEfiY. at. his old stand, S. W. cor. Centre Squnrcflpu jun opened a splendid nswrtment of ‘ HA.IS.AN‘D C_AVPB‘, of the latch. a'ylel, at very“ 'low priCes. Per sons in want of a good sensonable‘ and luhién ableflnf. orCap,u;e requested to give him a ch.‘ BOOTS AND SHOES, comprising Men's -finc Calf Boots, Hen'a‘ Bal momls, Men’; Wellington Ties, Congress Gai ters, Broiznn: ; Ladies' morocco Bllmoul Boots, Gaiters, fine kid'Slippei'l, Misses’ and Chil» dren’iShoea and Gnilerl. of every uric” an style, ill of which will be gold as cheap I: 111% cheapest. Let all who wish to supply them selves with good nnd substantial work call and engine our stock. R. I“. McILHENY. 9 April 13, 1868. ’ ' Cannon & Adan-’3 NEW MARBLE WORKS, Corner of Balti more Ind East Middle streets, opposite the Court House. Gettysburg,‘Pn.—We are prepared to furnish Monument; Tdmbs, Hud stones, Marbla Mums!“ Syd: (or Cnbipet flake". and all other work 11 mining to on! buliheut We will gulnntee attinfactlon bbtb nto execution, and price. 0 11 and see On: designs Ind speéimens of work. . Feb. 2, 188.3.- av / The Great Dlscovery F THE AGE—lnflammatory and Chronic Q Rheumal'nm c‘nn be cured by usin H. L. l LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUNA‘Hg MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of thin,'nnd the ‘i‘djoining counties, have unified to its g:§&_lility. ‘ its success in Rheumatic affec n 3‘, has been hitherto unparalleled by any apgific, introduced to’ the‘ public. Price 50 cc , a per bottle. For uh by all drugzisu and stm’tkeepers. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, Wlfl’flesnle and Retail Druggist, Elsi Berlin, Adams county, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oila,,V-rnisli, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled» Oils, Essences Ind Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, km, kc. WA. D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettys burg for “ H. L. Miller’s Celebrated Rheumatic Mixture.” ‘ [June 3, 1861. tf Children’s Elaiing. BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE, at 1h: store of J_ .030. ANROLD. Ladies will press. call Lad use them. ‘ __~[Ap[il 1371.1}{5}. It: : 3mm mi Summer Clothing just received! at PICK‘ING'S. | 0 to Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Store and get In: MEDICATED COUGH CANDY. 2 PBING B'ALMORALS just received at FAHNESTOCK BROS’. B have just received I new assortment! . of Queenswnre. to which we invite the anemia}: of buyers. A. SCUT_T k SON. - I Fancy Pura ! New Tailoring Hardware ' S‘I'ABUSHNENT.=-GEOJ.EPKENRODE,I 7ND GROCEfiIES.—-' ( FASHKUNAB’LB TAILOR. 1A; The sub-)crineri h“ jnnt returned from adopt: this method of informing his friendl and we ride: with an immense supply of HARD the public generally. thnt he hm opened a WARE AM) GROCERIES, which they Ire 'l‘ulurin-g embllahment in Bnltimore “reel, ofl'cnng at their old Itnnd In Baltimore Itrrel. Gettyiburg, (late Post Uhce,) near the Din» u priced to wit the times. Our stock consist: mend, where he is prepnred to do All \vprk In in part of his line in the best manner, and to the eatis- BUILD‘NG MATERIALS, faction of customers. He employs none bur CARPENI'EM'S'I’OO-lfl, ‘ first. class hands. and receiving - ‘ ’/ BLACKSMITH'S TOOL-q. THE FASHIONS BEGL'LABLY. } ,' COME FINDINGS: he can warrant fuhionéble fits and nest and SHOE FiNmNCS. substantial sewing. He zsks a share oi the, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS. public'a pntronage, promising to spare no era , HUCEEKEEPER’S FIXTL'LI-IS. {art to deserve it. His charges will always b/e' - ‘.i‘ ALL KINDS OF IRON, IC., found as moderate u the nuns will allow. } - onocnmns or EALL KINDS, Cutting and Repairing done at the shortcut. Oils, Pain”, My, to. There is no article in notice. [Gettylbnrg, April 7,1562. [chided in the 19130“ , Hmenta mentioned ——--w~——--~ _._.__,_...._..._._/4__..._.-, Above but what can be End u- ghia Store.— The Old. and Ballable. [Every clan of Mechanics can be ncrnmmodntgd 3w SPRING GOODS. y/ here with tools mid findings, and Housekeep- N SHALL PRUF' .PSALES.—i"‘ can find every article in their line. One J . L ' K lul in“, uwe an prepared to :91] HI low for would m ctfull u; mil or Get: ‘5" M ”1! on!“ 110"" 9‘"; of‘ 9 “KY; _ fyuburg "iii ricinyity' w, m,» i i - Jul-mil. DAMfluR, n his store A "*ndi STOCK. )F Th: stock comm Smplg ,DRY GOODS, SILKS. , . MOZAMBIQUE, CUALLIRS, DELAINES, uoniuzmns, MLPACGAB, . ‘ I LAWNS. . , 05th of all qnallfiea Ind chnicest styles, whh be sold It. PRICES T 0 DEFY CUMPET] FURNISHING GOODS ‘ of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and l Handkerchiefs, Glévea,Btockings, &c. n - Also, I splendid assortment of RIB] Luce: and Edgingl. Umbljellns anngnru My stbck of WHITE GOODS wili be foul and complete, and cultomers may rely always getting good good; at the lawn: ble prices. ‘ Gentlemen will find it to their advant: call mu! exnmine my stock of CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES and ‘ . vxzsnxc: ot nll quahlies and choices! styles. éApril 21, 1862. J. L. 5011' ! Hay .Wanted ! HE undersigned wishes to buy 500 tons of T good HAY. The highest market price [mid in cash for mime Timoghy Hay, delivered At his pnekfng establishment in Gettysbprg— Early applications desired: _ April 20, 1863. 6111* ‘ RémovaLn-Tin Ware. HE undersigned bu removed his Tinning I establishment nearer the Dihmond, in nmbersbnrg str‘eet, adjoining A. D. Bueh ler's Drdg Store—u very cenu'fal location. He continues to manufacture, and keeps cnnstmft 1y on hand, everyw’uriety 9f ’ TIN-WARE. ~ PRESSED AN?! 5 JAI’ANED WARE, ‘ ‘ and’will “ways be ready to do REPAIRING. nbomc and sputum also done in the best. manner. Prices moder-' ate, and no efl‘or} spared to render full antis l‘nction. The public'a continued patronage is aolicited. A. P. BAUGHER. -Get.lyeburg, April 7, 1862!. New Goods !-—Large Stock! ERCHAXT TAILORING. I“: . ACQBS a: mu). have just received from he cities 3. large stock ol goods for Gentlemen a vwear, embracing ‘n variety of ' . CLOTHS, ‘ CASSIMERES, ' . VESTINGS, Casslnets, Jeans, to, will} many other gopda for wring and summer wear. . / . They are prepared to make up garments at the shortest notice, and in the very best man ner. The Fashions nre‘regulnl-ly received, and clothing made in any desirefl style. ’l‘ln-y al~ ways make nent fits, whilst their sewing is sure to be substantial. ' . They ask a continuance of the public?! pn- Ironuge, rcsoh‘ed by good work and modemle charges to earn it. , f oGeltysburg, April 7, 1862. Howard Assoclatlony HILADELPHIA.-—l~‘m the Relief of :h‘e P Sick and Distressed, nfilicted with Viru lem. and Chronic Disealses, nnd‘especizlliy for the Cure of Diseasesofllhe Sexnnlllrgnns. ' - MEDICAL ADVICE given-gratis, by the Act ing Surgeon. , VALUABLE REPORTS on Sbermntouhm; or Seminal Weakness, and other Disc-n .s of the Sexual Organs. and 032 ‘he NEW Rag“;— I)lES employed in the Dispensurf', sent 19 the nfllicted in seale‘d- letter enve opes, [fee of charge. \Two or three Stump: for postage will be‘acceptable. \ Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOBGHTON, Afl— ing Surgeon, Howard Association, 50. 2 South' Nmth Street, Philadelphia; Pa. 1 June 16,1862. 1y Eureka, Eureka ! HE “ EXCELSIOR WASHER l" is, ncs‘ , knowledged ty nll who‘see it, to he the most complete, nndwithout exception, the most perfect Labor-Saving Washing Machine ever before invented. its superiority over alt oth ers consists in the simplicity and durability ofits construction, the mpidity and complete nesspt ‘ts work,nnd the almost incredilule ease with which it is managed. A child. of ten years, possessing ordinary judgment, can learn to work it in‘fire minutes time, and mating]! it as well as 1 grown person, except for very hooky goods. In a word thil is the machine that is destined to take the place of every other now in use. Persons intending to get amu chine mil find it greatly to their ndrnn tape to examine this one belore purchasing. The undersigned have purchased the Pment Right for Adams County (excepting one town ship) and are making extensive prcpnrntione for their manufacture. Every machine will be built in the beetmlnner and warranted.’ Price $8 00. In connection with this machine there in n Pntent Wringer, which performs thin la borious put of washing with the greatest cage and much better than it can be doh'e by hand. They mny he ntuchedfto 3 common .Wnsh Tub, and no gold with the machine or sep‘- nrntely is desired. Samples of etch muy be seen nt our Gallery, in But York Street, oppo site the Bonk, Gettysburg, Po". TYSON BROTHERS. June a, 1863. _ j Lancaster Book Bindery. EOEGE WIANT, G n o 0 K BIND s R up ILA!!! loo: lnuncflxun, LANCASTER, PA. Plain and Ornamental Binding, of every de scription, éxgcnted in the man lubspnlinl and npproved styled. ’ llllfllXClS E. W. Brown, Esq., Funnel-s Bunk of Lsncuter W. L. Pauper, Esq., Lancaster County Bunk Samuel Shock, £341., Columbia Bank. Snmuel Wagner, Each York Bank. William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. ’l‘. D. Cfinon, Em“, Bank of Gettysburg. Pebér Mnrtin, Euq., Prolh'y oanncuter éo., Pl Geo. C. Hawthorn, an., Register “ “, Geo. Whithou, Esq., Recorda- “ " April 15, 1861. - Piano Tuning. ‘ ROFT BOWER, of Littleuown, I Pmctflcal P Plano Tuner, informs hi! friends And the musicnl public in general, 1.11:“ he gives his time, not otherwise occupied, to Tuning and Repairing Pinon, at moderate prices. He promxses entire utiufnrtion, or no pay. Order! received :1. this ofice. {Sept. 16, 1861. Queensware. I" you want Inylhing in the QUEENSWAEE I line call at A. SCOTT 3: SON'Q, when you will find the best assortment in town. March 24,1862. ‘ ' Picking _ 3 HAS RECEIVED HIS ‘ SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. coma ONE, 00m: ALL. May 13, 1883. ~ “ j COAL OlL—at. ~ . DR. R. HORNER’S Drug Store} LL (In best Patent , cine. «a be bad It. the new Family; I: And Prescrip . ‘ton of Dr. 3. 808!“ ’ IDS. Pane; :ripti my 'll, 1353‘ ”Howard House, » ALTIMURE.‘ 4 The undersigned huslhe plennure nf Rn nouncing to big lriends. and the pnhlic‘genoml ly.thnt he has RE-UPENED THIS EXTENSIVE AND FAVORITE HOTEL. mud solicits tle share of patronage which its highly I’nvnmble lon-lion and his efforts :0 pleqse may deserve. lining been enguged for many yearsin con ducting popular HutLfia' in Pennsflv‘nnin, Vir ginia and this 'city,’ he feels anured of being nbleLlrnh'thP aid of his Cdmpetent Assistants. to meet all just expéclnlions of Hu-~ lrnveling c'omnmnity in managing the Howard House. in n s!} 1e surpassed by no [lo-tel of its clnsa in the country. WM. E. BITTLE Tcxmsa—Gentlemen’s Ordinary, $1.75 per Day “ ~Lmiies’ “ 2.00 " lleept‘k‘lfjluy, ' W)! C. KRAMER, Proprielor. Balximbre, April 20, 1863. (Jul ' C; ' ‘ ‘ , \ Mmca/W @774 +4-TIONA COMMERCIAL COLLEGES \ LOCATED IN‘ ‘ , . lIILADFIJ'HIA',‘ . S.FLCOR.7T!IASD'QHEBSUTSTI ‘ , New York Cibthropkly n. Albany, Troyfilufl‘ulb, Detroit, Clévclnnd, Chicago and St. Louis Bookkeeping, \ Penmn néhip.‘ ' Conimercinl Arilhmetie. Commhgcinl Law. Forum, Corres pondence.-&c.. prficticnlly un'ght. These. Coilcged being under the nine gent-m] and icon! mnnngoment, and uniting in ench the udx'nntagcs of nlLofl‘er pzrmiter f cililies fur imparting inslrucliun than any iher similar institutions in the couinryi A Scholafihip issued by Examine is good in all for an unlimited time. - ' The Philaddphja College has bgt-n rerently‘ enlarged). nt] rehu’mshed in a superior manner, tind is now the largest and most prosperous Commcnial lus‘timtiun in the State. llryunt &' Stnulon‘s series of, Text Books, emhrm-irgrßo-‘kiknrping, Commercial Arith métic, And Commercial LaJw,‘ for snle, and sent. by Indil. ‘ ‘ W‘For full particulars send {or a cilcular. oa. 2p, 1862. 1y —"- ' . ' ' "_"‘:’—"’—_ To Disabled Soldmrs, , QEAMEN AND MARINES.“ AND WIDOWF, k. OR OTHER HEIRS Q'F THOSE WHO HAVE DH‘SD UR BEEN KILLED [X THESER ,3’jCI‘I.—Cms. (l. TUCKER. Anorhey for (‘luim antsflloumy Land and Pension Agent. Wash ington City, D. C.—Pensions procured [or Sol diers, Seamen a'nd .\lurines of'the preneqt war, who are disabled by‘rcnaufi of wounds r'ecen‘cd ur disease t-ontmcted while in nen‘ice.nhd Pen mans, Bounty Blane) and Arman! of Ply oh-‘ mined tor widuws or mun heirs of those who 'lmve‘died or beén killed while in service. Baum.) Land procured for services in'uny oi the olhel’wun. CHAS. c. Tum-In, / _ Washington. D. C. J. C. Nun, Agent, Gettysburg. ‘ Nov. 18,1861. ‘ ~ ND DON’T FORGETTO WSIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NUItSEKIES.-—l’euons wishing to Plant Trez-s will find the stock in the ground rcmnrkaldy fine, and ofl'ered at reduced prices. The Apple numbers 100 \‘u‘ietiea, embluing all the approved‘lsnrta. _ N. EFL—Ste the index board near Flam Dale Post. name. 'l‘. E. COOK & SUNS, Sept. 2‘, 1861. ‘ .I’ropn'olun. ' T PRIVATE SALE-«The undersigned o!- fe’rs aal’rivnu: Suletha Property in which he now n-si cs, aitusle in East. Miwldlq ’street, Gettysburg, nfijoining S. R. Tipton on the west Ind Mrs. .\n-Ell3O,- on the east; wim an ‘...... alley in' the rear. TUE HUL'SE MW”; two-story Frame, Wenlhcrhmrded, tub Buck-building; 1 well of water; with a pump in it, n": the door; and n van-id] offruit, such as apples, pears, penchcl. apricots, cherries, and grapes, all the man ‘choice. ‘ . ZACHAIHAH MYERS. Nov. 12. 1860. t: t . EWPORT & ZIHGLER, Mechanical Bak erl, South Washington street. lmll squnf: from the Eagle Hon-l, GETTYSBURG. Pu.— Consumly on hand, the hes! ot BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, ac. Per sons wishing fresh Bread W|ll be served every morning. by lenvmg their name. and residence: M the Bakery. Ewry em)". made to please. GiVe us a call! [April 29, ’63. If '4’ Come. On? and All! THE subscriber, Inning re-opened his Sn ' loan in the Noah-east corner of the Dui mond. invite: the alumina of his'lriends (ml lh! pllbllc generally. to tllll excellent ALE. PORTER, BRUWN, STUUT, WINE, CHAM PAGNE. TOBACCO, SEGARS, kc. He hopes. by strict Miamiou to businesl and I desire to pleue,‘ to receive u liberal slur: or custom. ‘ H. W. CHRISMER. Gettysburg,Ang. 24, 1863. :r ANTED.—The highest price id nah paid for old Gold lnd Silier; the pment in I favorable time to sell, the premifim on it. being large. Also, Gold and Silver Coin purchued, tnd the highest price given, by .1 JOSEPH BEVAN, Wntchmnkcr & Jeweller, in the Diamond. Feb. 23, 1863. EW FALL & WINTER GOODSI—A good anon-men: of Fall and Winter Gbodl u cheap as the cheapest It A.SCOTT t SON’S LOT of fresh GUM DROPS, thefinou even Axflered in this market, to be bid at. Dr 0 NER'S Drug Store. . . RAKE'S PLANTA TIDN BITTERS, or Oh! [D Homestead Tonic, at Dr. R. HORNEE’S rug Stove. IRST~RATE Eight-dly, Thiflj-bonr ind , 4km Clocks. cheap at PICKING'S. - WINSLOW’S 5001 mm snap, for Achfldryn’, It 0:. 8. 3013338 Dug P restdt II t Céme to the Fair! Town Property 'New Bakery ! Old Gold and Silver *** DR. SWEET’S INPALLEBLE LIN‘IML‘NT, GREAT 31:1:an mu RHEUMATISM, «our, unnumu, mewo, awn-1r NECK AND .romrs, SPRMNS, nkmsss, ems AND woulxns. FILES. ummcns, AND ALL nunuuuw ANQ mavens msuunnks. H 4 For n“ of which H 3. 3 Ipeedy and certain remedy, and never mill. This Linimentis pre pared from an recipe at Dr. Stephen Sweet. 0! Connecticut; the famous hone mtler, and ha. been used in? his practica ior more thin twenty yeah with tile most astonishing success. , AI in Anoviator of Pain. it Is unrivaled hymny prt‘pa ration beanie the public, 01 which the most skeptic-l m-y be convinced by as n gle trial. This Liniment will r'nrs: rapidly and .ullihl -Iy. Rheumatic Disdrderl of every kind, and in thousands of clue. where ll bu never been known to fail. ’ - 4 Por‘Nenl-ugia‘lit will afford Immcdmu re’liaf in- every case, oweyer distressing. .It will reliofe the wonst cues of Headaohg in three minute: and “warranted to do it. Tbothache also will it cure instant}; For Nervous 139 me Ml thernl Lus qizudc nrininu from iplpruulewo or ucesaflhil Linimont i‘s :1 must happy and at («”ng remedy. Adiug din-cu; upun‘me nervoufl lisuuen, it strengthens und revinfies (he lyueln, and fa glare: imo elasticity and rigor" For Pilegt—As an oxtcrnal cemedy, we l-Inim that it is the but known. and we chal lenge lhe’l‘urld no prodlxce an (quul. Every victim ule-hu "fisher-Hug romphlitil would gin- it a trial, to;- it “ill but filil'tp "El-rd im‘ medixu‘b rulil-f, nnnl in a unjurity of cues will qfl'uct n mdwal euro. ‘ insy and Sorez'l‘hroat nre lomoh’mes ‘ely umfignunl. «_ud dangerous. but u vplicutiou of Ibis Liniluent will nuwr fall to Sinai. enlargumm neglected. , by this Lipimt norm-tithe! very nbntinntr, nml the joints is liable In (.m-ur i 1 worn: cnac may he cauqufiml ' ‘ two or three dun Bruises. ’c cers, Burn‘s mm the wonderful lu-nli‘ SWEET'S INFt-UILUM used nccpnli'nu 'o dirt EXAMS—TRUSTEE!) y BITES _\XD S‘I‘JSUS. ands; Sores, “d 5, yidd rl‘aulv DR. STEPHEN . Lhe Grim; NMurm Bone . In. Sfé’ixhcn Suectmfl‘ouuuficut, all o‘m {he unnedbnmu. . Di. Sniping" S\veer.,uf Connecticut, 1; amhpr ot " lJr. Sweet's Intniiilrle Linimvnl D}. Sn eot‘sjlirfullible Linimcul cult-u Illu- mntism and never fails Dr. Sw'a-et's' lufnfljblc Linimem is a vermin I’Pmt'd". for Neuralgin. . _ _. Dlt. ‘Vveet‘a lnfxllihle Linimem curh "Burn: and S nlds im_xncdintoly. , , ' Dr. .‘wee‘fli lnfalflible Linimt-nl‘is “ti-_bésl kfiofrn remedy fnr‘b‘pmins 71nd liruiucn. : Dr. SWcL-l’sldfxfllihle Liniment‘cnru Hud nchq in‘xmedinol} and was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infilllihle Linimem ufl'urdl im medfin'c rL-liefo-Plkmnnd sol-tum falls to cure. I) . Sweet's Infnllihle Linimcm cures Tooth achJin one n-inuw. Dr. Swrot'a lnmilihle Liuimvntfiaros Cuts and “'uuuda iunm-di lu-ly nnd [runny no scar. Dr. =S\\'ces‘s' lulullihle .l.iniuwnl is the lit-at remwy for Sores in Lhe known “jun-M. 1);. Sweet's lufslllible Liuimrnc‘lms hat-n used by [hum than n milliun people, M 1111 prnile it.‘ . . D; Sweet's 'lnfnlli'vle Linimcm luktn in. ternnlly, (cures Cholic, Cholera Mofbug and cuotin. ‘ V . —. ml. Sweet’s {lenlliblc Linimont is truly :\ “lri mi in need." and every hunily Blmuld In“: it M. hand. ‘ ' X . Dn. Sweet's Infnllihle Linimnnt is for ml. by all Qruggisu. Price 25 and ours-ems. ‘ ' 3 A. FRIEND IN NEED. ‘ T Y ‘IT.—DRJ SWEHT'S INFALIJBLR Ll.\' “EXT, M nn external remedy. “is willumt n rifinl, and will ullcvintc [min ‘mnrc Fjwctlily tllnn any ot‘ller preparation. Fnr Ml- llheuc mntic and Nnrvuus Disorders it is truly mfal‘li ble, and as n curgtire fur Sum, Wounds. Sp‘mins, Bruises, km, its nothing, hauling and pmierful sttengthcning pmpertiui excucjhe jun. wonder and astonishment of MI W have eter gmén gt a trial. \lver om- tlmuqufi ter tific tell of fcmnrknble rnros, perfm In u] by it witlmu the In'". two _\‘e’nrs, ulkstzthe’éflt. l g t ‘ , 'ro HORSE OWNERS D . SWEET‘S, [.\‘FALLIBIfi LINIMEKT FUR [NURSES is unrivaled by any, and in all can of L'HIHSIIEFS, arising horn Spy-"ink. Bruiles or “'rcmhing. its rill-cl its mng‘iml and cert in. Harness or Saddle Gulls, Seruwhcs, Man 0, km, it will also cure speedily. S uuyin and Ringbone may be easily prenatal and cure in lheir lncipitnl‘smges, but confirfned use are beyom‘ the possibility of: rudirnl cure No cue of the kind. burner, is so ,Ilespi‘rnte or hopeless but it may be ulletimed by I. is L‘inimenl, nhd its luilhfu plimlion will Hwy}: remove ,the anmm, and enable the Hand‘s to travel with qompuru we we. é ‘EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy'm In‘-n". tar itstime 1y use It the first nppenrnnceoi bummer-I'm“ effectually prévent chute lormidnbh- discuss. to wfixchmll hogs“ n‘re Hal-lg, gnd which ran der sh many otherwise valuable horse; nearly worlhlcu. - -' _ 5 » DR. SWFJIT'S 1): PM 1. Mann tuft 3} EX 1') ' ‘ "I THE \ ,r _ sonmzn's 'fßn-Ifi), And thousands have found it. truly A FRIEND IN NEED! m Toynvoid‘impomlon. ob'porvé the Signature and Liliane:- or Dr. Stephen Swen on 'evcry label. Ind Ilao “Stephen Sweet's lnf-llihle Liniment” plown ’in the glass of uch bank, with“! "liich none at: genuine. RICHARDSON l co., Sole Proprietors, .\‘orvrich, Conn HORGAN 8 ALLEN, Omen) Agents, 46 CHE Street, New York. 38-80” by I" dealer: everyvgpue De:. 3, 1862. 1y - Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continual the basin“ .‘ of SALE CRYING, and solicit: the can nnned patronnge oi the public. It is bin con ugnnt endeavor to gixe satisfaction. Chtrgu moderate. Residence in Breckinridge ”not, Gettysburg. 9. Si—He is I lif-cnsed Auctioneer, under the Tax Lev M the United Sum. ‘ Rev. 24, 1802. __v _ ' , ICKING bu the fine“ nuonment “Spring and Summer Clothing in town. ‘ ADIES‘ Cloth for Cloaking. I. nun.“ pl,- jun reccmd at FAHNESTOCK 3338'. amt 309 mm. - M NO. 73 _‘nmnx LANE. - ‘ . _ 'm roan This uiiielo ll Ind. of u amply thick and strong woven fabric, lnnnufl um: mgnuhc'fnnd uprouly to: on: on“ an. uf‘. in seven] tines thick}! that th. mum thu- in. animal, and U .n on»: coupe-tunic roofing, Ind couéquenuy {u not. dnnblc. From tho lupn-ior dam 011.3110 doth, It ucefve", in “tuition, I fit 3mm mount of the valor-proof compo-Mon, and who finhb ed 117 m: “:5 fire-proof coating on ihc mm prgunu the non completely hhhéd—nd. we no confident, mon'dumble—roolng no. “won. 1% need: no final mtlpplhd on “in roof, as all other kind: do 11' 18 mm)?" T 0 NAIL DOWN h is manufactured and put jp In roll: shout one hundred feet long, Ind «largo feet with; g raqniring only to be hnrollcd, and hniloél oh the roof. g In tl‘vis convenient and ii'niihed mu, ii II ‘elpeciauy would‘ the Iltanlion'o? HARDWARE MERCHANTS, ‘ , «‘ nxyms, nt'rtnam :and all who buy 30 sell yam. W 0 do noi bolt!‘ ‘.oa’m such the pun ‘- * A irnmedlmfly, but Ifile article, XI) ECM l proper-in: IJNIMhN‘ ‘ It is a . H": mun,“ ing buildings. [ l! is no :lnqnc 1 does not injure Kc. IL is padiculmly ‘ Funndricsfiugnr Rt fine-rie Dani-Ming: when) the nir is gas»: or mniuure, which my the insige, nll‘l‘m‘und metal I FOll srsuuon Dramas ;~ CAR-TOPS, wad AH roofs and fur walking on, tln answers fur hour-r than any melul run!- wlll hour lurh usage yilllpul crack.“ bnnking. . h is easily applied over aid SEIIXGLE HOOPS, . ’H' ‘mmovr amuvmc my. SHINHLEH Alai the can I); formpcmmaterjul, £O~ang um cl punlc “METAL .. FL; , : The rO5l. of n'ppl‘vfig‘lt 51 wig: lizbl, I-ndfiny pydiunry roof can be finished in we afuncnlau - bussnnvn YDUB noouf'Sl IF-YOL’R TIN “00? MS - : A SMALL [war-HOLES Is 11', IF YOUR ’HN ROOF NEEDS RE-PgINTISO, wilt cactunljy close will the lmnllrr RI'STJ HULE . undyt rm 3 henvfeluuic bog-s met the whnle put-Ewe. than will pru‘em [WET and tut many 9'an winger than ordingry pnintt" ~| ‘ IF YOUR SHINGLE ROOF DRAKE, IF THE 101x13 AROUND mun cunmzvs \ LEAK. , will sampleuu an up in mg crevice: in th. shingles, corn our the broken joinuili the tin and slate. rum permudnlly ndbesiva, clnflc coating around chimney, nky-ligbtl. «can‘t 5- MI these situations will gutlult any otbe: niulofnr this purpose now In useif'l‘hil Ir ticlc is “hick, lenlCious compound or and ingredipnu used extensively in Europé'in the peace» of‘Kynmzing or preserving wood in railroad structures expand to moisture lad dcrny. This very useful property bends direct ); Io emu and prevent decay in the shingles; and will often save the necessity {or never“ years of putting on a new roof. I! in well worth; of A trial. g' , gun the show: ROOFING MATERIALS will be furnished to , - . // TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT: PRB! Ol’fi LIBERAL ABR‘AKGEHEN‘I’S MADE WITH RESFONS ' fiCIRCULABS Lnd SA! by ltil. Adduu‘ _.L .I .. Dot-« 29,1882, I of augment prom. offer I: really merchnnu- it eu-ry‘whm, and 11. ‘_n]l To A réw-voxmr : half at much to flu. 3“ kinds or too“, urloully by bent. at =MT " r.ooflng in every urimy '. ifurnln. uud .\YQ i! to be smirk, f hon slid to“ other kinds of SHRIXRLYG .'OErTIf _.... IF YOUR TIN ROOF LEAKS, , LlQ‘mn Guru—raucm ,cmzxr u- Yoch Cnfizns LEA‘K, IF YDIYR SLATE ROOF LEAKS, , COMPOUND G CTTA-PERCHA CEMENT OUTTAoPHRCBA, OBUBOHBS AND CLEBGY‘I’EN at a redoetiou of REGULAR BATES. new! 1100ng co.” , 1; f 5 “.'. ». .‘5 magi; NO. 7; on: warm .c a w .i' an." \.3: 3. mm? anfif‘fl 1y . .sm 35:10 a RUN IN 1101' COLD ! fin- {mil man bum- ’ncldriu. 'l, mu! all 111-! with “9,l":qu Mil ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers