Real Estate T PI'BUC SALE—in pursuance ol’ an ‘OV THURSDAYJhE '33:].dfly of OCTOBER I" REAL ESTATE—In pursuance of nu ‘ Idiot: Order of the ()rphnn's Court'or insu, the subscriber, intending to go to 0 order of the Urplmn’s Court of Adams dun county, will he Mien-d at Public Sale, the Wesi, will sell at Public Sale. at his rnsr- county, will be offered at Public 331;, on the 0!!ng premises, on ”35”” Y, _the 234 day ‘ dense. in Cumberland township, Adams premises, on SATURDAY, me Im, duy or 0‘ T'OBER inst. the ‘Reul Estate of Pius county, ‘hree miles snulhwestiofGettysburg, UCTOBERnc-xt, the following portion! at Real Lunches, hue ol' Conowngn {Oli’nL-vhip, Adam: betweentheTnneywwn:lndEmmittfiurgronds, Egmie of 7110",,“ A. Mnrshnll, late (,1 HM“- POUMJ. deceased. rnnwietvng of A LOT oF,the [allowing por‘onnl property, Viz. tnnbnn township, Adams county. deceased, GROUND, situate in lirnshxiiwn, in wild town- 2 FIRST-RATE HORSES, one {our Md the consisting ofseueml para-ls nflnnrl.&c.,situa’.e IMP, containing 1 ACRE OF L \ND, be the OH!" eight ,yL-nrs OH, 3 first-[ate Milvh Cows, in said tuwnship. as follofii, to “i 1 Mme more or low, adjoining lnnds of Peter 1 H iler, 3 ShPFp, 1 TWO\ snd Three-horse N 0.2: A TRACT OF TIMBER LAND, ud- KEidererr, Thomas .\lth’innéy, and froniinz'lhe ““3109, and lived. with two sets of Wheels, joininglnnds of James .\lurzlmll, John Rhea, ’4 State road The nnproremente are a gut] Lbl’mtd ifind naxrow, 1 “gm Two-horse whi-’0", ' tract No. 3, and also the .\lmiaion tract of de- Gfibod One-and-n half .utl ry Img HGUSE. {at}; 'liuzgr, Sleigh (new) and Bells, 2 Sleds, Hay ceased, containing 13 Acres. 103 Perchés. neat . LUG STABLE, {mg bmith Shop, a good ‘ Carrinzes. Wood Lndders,' Frame of rllne- measure. (rhis tract is covered “in, thriving well ofwnter, with :1 pump in it,ncar the door. horse Wugou licdr, Threshing Machine, “312- Chestnut, Rock Unk. lllunk Uak, kc. Thi. L«There is a nutty of good ‘iruit upon the nnwinngill, Corn Sheller, Rolling 51%“), tmct wiilbh noldinlote. ‘ premises. The siluruion is ugnml one for a Cultlnu-box, Gmin Drill, l’lmvzlns. Hi- We, No. 3: ATHACT, kno‘l'n as the HFergtmm mechanic. ,fllouhle and Single Shovel I’louzhs, Wheel»Trncz,”ndjdining lnnds of John .\lickloy, John firemen: commence at 1 o’rlnck. P. M, hmrmv. Groin Cradle, Forks, lakes, Shawls, 3mm, and Tract 3:0. 2‘ cunmiumg 54 Act“, on said ‘Alny, when attendance “,1“ be given “Attack and Pick, Harness of every (leauan 133 l’ert‘hea. The improvements" ‘ , and tend: {nude known by ’ ‘tion, suih as \l‘fugon Harness, Bugfzy Harness, are a Two-story Log [)wpmnz ,1? ‘ . ‘ " SAMCEL SHORE, Adm'r, {Wagon Snddle, Bridiea, Ending: Nridlen, Hnl- HOUSE, LogSmble. There is u f‘t a“. ‘ Oct. 5, 1363. II - new, Cow ('hnius, tar. Also, HAY by the tan; , never-inlling Spring of Water near _ " .r ..1 'l‘“ M ' ’""‘ _“ _"’_‘_"_~-"‘-‘ ‘COFH‘Od‘jo-r' com by ”‘9 ““51"“: Cast-steel the house, 3nd water in all the fields. About _ VEIUEDIB Farm ‘Crou-cul SKY. UM‘PQNQT T°°lsyvlnficymflh 40Acres oflhistrnctnre clearlnuduuderfence, - QR SALE—The anhscriber, Adminisirn-.TOO[S. AXES,.MnuI and Weflgflz “ 00d mm, 3 the residue is cow-red wjth thriiing young trix of William dashinnn,‘deccnaetl. will-‘ LOB Cllflimfi'flnd other C‘h’m": 0“ k 0": D‘W‘ I Chestnut, Hickory, .fic. , upon: to Piihlic Sale, on SATURDAY, the-""8 "D'l Single-"£93, sP'{“d¢’_‘sy kc.‘ Aim” No. 5: A TRACT,cnnt.ainingGAcres,mor¢ Will of OCTOBER min, on the premiere, the 5 Household. ““1 ““1”" Furniture: 2 FU' 'or less, adjoining 11nd: 0! Susan Folder, and MANSION FARM of Mid deceased, situate in'l REA US: Carrier Olli‘lbom'di 5M9: 3""1‘35 I'Fd' otherq. . Bullet: ioninsliip, Adam cnumy. xmljniningifle'dlaa “bibles. 2 bunds.§hn-:a.,z Looking; NCEG; _n LOTOF GBOUNDIN l-‘AIRI-‘IELD, land: of Wm. Eichinger. Jacob Rnfl'enspcrgrrhl 8'0“” and Pipe, Ten-plate 3m“: I “19'8”,” fronting on the public street, and bounded by .‘ Jeremiah ‘Bni‘ers. lnl others? cnfituining 8L and I'll)“. 65'0““? “"1! Queenf-wnre, “9‘_ lug. ol Dtniel Uiesecker. On which are new, ‘ ACRES, more or less. The impréve- A...» ”V“§"~’l3- Tums FUELS, haulngci “It“, .M‘Ple erected a Two-story ‘Brick Dwelling mm; mentg are a Two—story BRN‘K UUL‘SM,‘ j Grinder, iron hettlc and Pms, and n yummy 0" HOUSE, Weatherhoardzd Kitchenmith mm o Bnnk Bum, weather-hoanh-d: 5 ~ olher "“6195, 11") numerous m ","mmn' i a Spring House, and other improvemvnt‘o, I stood Apple Orchards and n Imellnilinz hell! fifi‘fsfle 1° commonce nt “Tn clnrk, A 131,, , @Will be sold a: the Mansion Tract, on. of waternt the honor. and one at the horns—io“ 5““1 $10.?- when “landfill“ “'1“ be given the aamevdny. n qlllnlilj' of Unk lioarlls,‘ 4139. one other LOT uvrmnan La‘xn, co'i- {and terms made known by .. .3 sflcnntling, Lhths, Shingles, Locust Posts, mining 7 Arrcé, more or less, 11l Mmuillun'l ‘ JOHN SI“ DERf. I'hnk,&c. ’ _‘ ln\\'n9hin,n(ljoinin_.' lands at Genrgrr llnmhurg, ‘ 3- l‘.—The “’0" “4'o mottly “”"M‘lefl-“V @Sulc to commence at 10 o‘clock, A. 3L, Jl4 oh Pvlcrfl, (Liliriel Sunt‘i. nnd others. , Cl‘fl‘hi’r-‘t‘fl and Wm" ej'l‘i‘” “Xi and W” b" m‘saixl d'ny. at which hour the Administrators l’grsons wishing In new the premises, will : 5"” “ill-‘0": “"F c“”P“°"; A \ y . ‘ will meet persons desirous of unending the ‘ lug {almi'n them by the eubicrihur, r'v-sulxn: U“- 5’15G3~ t§ ' sale at the Mansion House of the decvnsed,‘ thereon. » i ‘ "'f" ' T" ' ‘ 1‘2?" _J“ [from which they will immediately proqecll lo? Lefi'Sule to commenre at 1 o'l lnr'k, l’. \i , 1 - E DESII'abiO Farm ’. {the Uncle nfl'r-md‘fdr sale. Attendance given ‘ uh huh dny, when nucmlnuce “ill be gin-u: T pruuc SALE—On SATITRDAY,:h_e' and tents made known by. , e Z and terms made known by ‘ ‘3 A 24“. (luv of (H'TUHEIL inst; the huh-j , ‘ i . JAMES H. MARSHALL; l JANE CASH‘IA-V, ,isrrllrer will offer at l’nhlic Salton the promi- , ‘v JAMES‘MARSHA‘LL: . All-ninis'rm‘ix- fies, A nssmrum: mun, siunze in Cum-‘ . . Adgmnmwors ~-_‘-:d “.‘.‘Ti~_”‘>‘_w“# 'herlnnJ {on “ship. Allin"!!! county. “4., (rd- fix is!” coutt-‘JOhn 3.61 mi”, Llcrk. 1 Notice I - Unini’ng} lunch? of Snmnel :Cuhrn'n.,.l:lmes .\lc-il Sim. 2371853' N ‘ ‘ ‘l, (a. 5,1863 ts . 0 \FRK'IT. Cl!l|Wl~leS,-.—Thc xulnscriln‘r Cullnugh, lsvmc lfcdrdoxfl'nud \Vi'llum Ross“ T 2”” uoliur tn nll m-rum-I \‘l3lllll’.’ m on the mud lculing from Certrshur‘g to lion-g . plum Iruil Irma, 11-e rum-In': ,wumn. Um: he (lflrs\'illr,_nl:can'l u llnlfmllcs firm the former' In‘! M M“ csmhliqlmwnt, r_l'lmuflrld Nuru‘ruu, plfli'l', "ml ('“Mlli”il!‘~' “3 .\(‘lllizL "“3"" "F Ifcnr 1110 York Snlvlmr .\wmgs. A'lfillls L'oun- l: as. (\l' urllge Luul ‘lms recently" “‘l'“ t_\', 1’.|.,l u‘mul.sooo APPLE Hams of tour livucd Thr- imprmcmenls are a a”. E %ve yrs in,“ 1)“ null ulmuf ll“. 5 nmt- V :'-..', 'l'nn-slor\'l.llllllllllugl‘). Bail-El. and 1%. 3g! .‘ . “Hum”, of flu. and six .\mr; fwé mlu-r out-buildings: an inmrrl 5:» . 5‘33 Imm ”'l‘” ver) a”; h nmlln gum} 115'?“ \of: hula-(mil. Tln-renrvemluéuh 311-- I. I: llPl‘H‘ll‘ u lllLll IIC' wrll reLlll m {wr- A" ‘. . . lnerosol‘Mrmlnw-lnml‘yml [myrnnniuusmlngs.l mu: Willlllnl! mlplnnl ml 8 uruu pgr Irv-u. ll the 'l‘lu‘v ndmnmgrs arising {mm in proximity number is lc=s llln’] 3"”, or wholesM-: m por- 1m Gouvsllurg, the quality ‘nl flu- lmd. and Rs; ‘hm‘ “idling mac-ll np'nlu at ."1 “curs per tree if udupl ~tiun In at mug, sm, are =6 apparent as; lluy l.ll\(‘ ".00 or upwnnlu. The hum mm H: hardly to rcqulrr nlPntinn. I will sell on u: I's Lug.- sin: or n: smull Ell." n: pf‘l‘dvlna \\l~‘.ll. ‘eruu'm suit pun-ll.\>ers——sny one-lull" of‘ the ‘ { .\l-u‘ml nughlmrs‘jnhmz tngnlhnr uml llxlliug .purclmse monev in hand, mu] the lmlfiuue in Llrovi lo llle’uuvnhcr of 31101;“: lmrr Ilu-m nl .(‘u‘e animal payments, without izllgfeet. " l I: cenb, prnynlvd it makes hm one jvh nl' mis- i Lé'gh‘h'ule to comment'e at 1 o'clnr'k. P. \1,., lug tllfm and wncliug than: oll‘ Ullmr frmt ‘on sum d”, If nut‘snld' i: will be rented on r qml urnnmen'ul "TVS (“'n In- lml fll\.’l, sun-h :li)shlu-1s at public outcry. ' -> l l‘c tr, (‘l-erry, Qunce, .'.c., low-llwr with Ur.“ Pl GEURG F; Slllh‘ll. I :,u-l :‘Lruullerr. p' um. - '\\'.\l. WRIGHT. , gfa-Any pcrsnn d(sirons (ll purrlmrlijx: the UCL It. 16133. 3: ‘ lnlxuro llrPlf.i:(‘fl prinf tn tlr- duly of mic, mm IIU ‘ h I, . . lso 1.~.- c allmg :It lhcofllcc ofll-fc nmlvrdfzw‘i _ Important Daemon. ' l 06. law. w w. A. um”. , RUYUHT 11..\-ll:~’llAL-HIjWZlKAL FRY has __ A ' _ ’.A '— ” .WA—‘ . 1) irsucd n L-iu‘ulnr prm'i'ln-g lor llmfixe-l I ' - ‘Publlc 8316‘” l 'xunding ul mmmul n’un audio; I']: rum-5 “here \' FRIDAY, the 23d day of OCTOBER“ m- n were .lrultml .lxnll[:ni-l llmrthrl-e hundred ‘ 0 next, the sunscnhor, . A minktmior or llollflrfi willmm lull-u: rmmlm-gl. Inn “ho. on 11m mum uf Henry M. Thomas: delve'lsed' wily « Mnllnuuoa, were lunull lo lm exnnpl: ulm, ‘ svll M l‘fihlic Sale. ur.lhr:“lurcilnlvncc‘olsnid. lhu~e who lmd ~uU~mlnrs 11l sumo» M.n(:ll.'£ l,’ .Lumxl ul, m Mcuullun township, Adams mun-l WU, and lot-in: dml‘trrl, Imifi’ mmmumtmu u; man! 2 m [as norllnwut'uf .\rendlrrilm, lnuur)‘. lu c. 1534 n 1,1310 drn’tvd mew furnl-lml ltlm lollnuing Hewsmml l’l‘operly. Hz: '1 i 6ul7~ilt'lll's mulnrtllé-ce rirl-mnatunccs. m»;- are} UM‘I Co\\’,l Full, 3 soups (fliers: licdumd C‘IHIIIQ-d In h-n'c rat :nclml the autumn. actually ’ lled~lequs, 'l‘nl-le's. Chairs, (‘prncr (.'npmun, {I u l for s‘uch‘ Hululllllt-l. on preainlmg prupcr ‘ Chest, Quuenp-Wurt‘, l‘rm kery-ivure. Iron Kel ;-ruur. vfile, )lcn Vess: ls nndllnrrnls n4l othernrligln Tde- lelllc*'~izned“r.i!l nppezl' hz‘l'nre tllt‘ ul ‘llmlselmld Fufnlture. llYl-I. CUR‘I nnll I: up} «.1 l‘n.nnl;u.,lmr,: iu helmll‘ uftlxuse in- ‘ llUt.‘lx\\'lll'..«\\v Lh’u lxlfillcl ; n In! M‘sezltou t: n m (1Y \rlm may [flux-u t’ln‘lr clninw lur rlmi- ( ml ‘ll uni" (‘ciling Lmly. l’n M k ll nil~. Di?"- tntiun in ln; lunde. .\.ml upon ngvplzrutinu m : ble- an‘cl Gun. uml nmyr n ur nrli(‘ll'.~!, mu ' Mn by mni’l wnll inlnyrm llmm “In’.” “Idem-clulnueruuilnuwntiun. ' “l, ‘ l “and’l;| 11:: are [l‘gcess-nr)‘ m llH‘ll' may. - . guy's ulo [u comulrncc at 1? o‘clock. A.» AL,‘ ‘~ J. W. HUL'HLAES, whowuenduncé wrll be given nnd tfrma nmdel Alsmiey m Law, Clmlllberslnlrg! I’s. lug-null by BENJASH‘N" F. THU“ «\S. l UCL.‘»,_IBI;J. at A | Oct. 5, 1363. ts \ .\dmmislmtor. i Notice. ’ ] In [he (‘o'lrkjofCum- I’HIIaIUTHOUAS, 1 man, I‘l'cxu of I‘dmpj \:s. -,-co_unl)'. ‘ .\‘ui 4. Aug. HARRIET THUMAS. I‘l2}; lac-3..1 Alinfi -sub ' ' 'J phdSnJ in‘ Davorce. ‘ \xmus t‘om‘n’, ss.‘ v, N pur-{umrt- or flu ‘ordrj of the, (‘oler nf I Pummun l’leus,you,lhr— " net ThuLnue, llu- dci'L-ndml. in the Mbuchusc, am, herrljy nntlfiv-nl qipd rijlulircd to nppFnr :{L 1!.» (Tour: of “mu now ['12715 ('0 UP lmld :1; Get— ., [\‘UIITI‘ m 31ml fur Axlvms conu’w ntorevlh}. ~ nqu)\l)\Y, the mm d wot NO .'EXFPbIII nut, ' In mun‘cr H:lLl'Du|]llJi.'.l llu-xem made against I um. _ ' ‘ Am] you are nlm no'igcll that dopasitionsl hf wi/‘ucsscs m be read u] m ”H hc-nugfi! thv ‘hme‘cnse in Court mil be mkun M the “Rice pf .\._ J. Hover, fi-q., [he Cummfi‘mner up pfumtvxl hv {he'L‘an fur that n‘llrpn.~c.':um before mid (”n umi‘sio wr. n'u iI'UHSfiAY. H 11: 2v} uhy 0:; NOVEMBER nvxl, lv-lew-n the hours 0 9 u'clfyck, .\». \l., and 6 o‘duck. l‘. M..Uf fluid dcy.;|mul (~nn_xp“elrr!, at “"11le liml' nmf place _\'mfurcrrulucuéul m nm-u l._ -.‘ 3;- ’. SAMUEL “UM“, Shcrifl'. 'on. 541331;; 4'.‘ _ l” T'? "’1" ‘T"—‘ L § 3 ”Hence. ADAMS CQK'NTY. SS: ~ . V? _ ILu an Orphan! Court held at Get-l NOtlce. J 3:2 fiih-‘r'Ff‘llW unfit-Ir stlfcaunU'. nu IQIIV .lA’COB KEEFAL'VER’S ESTATE .4 _ . 1L! .--| s*)“ “ - l'lFm ‘U- .\. l’., 0 Le tor: tosmmcn’nry on flu: estme of 'o‘; ‘3: I‘: 9‘4"" ”l“ I12""r"'1"9 “1b?” .la‘m .hL-ob Kcefuuver. him of Cumbe'rlnnd tpx M .’.-‘l‘hl'u-r _‘nd D-‘Vl‘sl hegler and; Admins ("I.,llm‘czlserl, hruing ‘ncvn gmntud u; _ ’ . ‘ Isaac E.. “ wmmn. l‘.:qulrevs. A‘su- -‘ [he unfiergi pd, ro=irlfn r‘iu-Muuntjftv M. m. ““9 Judges, ““13 "55’Kn"dv kc. Un "10-“1’" hvnbrgiugnuticc‘ tqrrkll pelsou‘xa inrl'clllell \ of \l. k-\\-'. All-Chan, Esquires, the Cum-t grunt m Enid (Mun;- to "my“. hmnl‘dlnt- fierment ‘flnd . {\ {hilt Won the hflh‘. “Ni ‘92-" “‘l‘N'S'H‘U'i‘H HUM h-‘nlnzchims :munfl he sumé to préténl ;u ”my?!“ ("ll ,lhl' Gilt“? 0‘ ‘-\D-‘{l “AZVMLL. 3 them properly anlhgmérnte‘l‘. fur sétilrmcut‘. me o l nun p eussn om'ns up, In an: cuuu- _ C ~. . . ~ 3 g _ h, deceased. mm: Jacob .\hrslznll, John ‘ 00!.5 18.16;. 0:; hhbb‘b‘ LR,.ExeLutor. ‘ M.usllml sud [l’eler )lurslmll, braille“, nnd' ‘ ' Mary Marshall, a’sifler of said dcceuslod, to he andlnppcar at an Orplmn’ s (‘on:n, m be lr-ld «9 n. Qeuysburg, on me Tumnoxnu, (m ldtli.) 0! NOVEMBER urxa. 63, nnd ncccpt or refuse to accept Lhe'chl liqutc ol the de cvdent, at the valuation, or slum cause why the said, Real Estaxe, or any part. thereof, should riot. be soldin case they or unv of them should nigh-ct by Infuse to Mk? and accept. the ’ man. By thefourn— - JOHN RICHQLIZ, CD'r‘c, ' . 4 Per S. B. Excuonrz, Deputy. ; r (M. 5,_1563.~ 3c , Hunterstown Academy. u g 111 GORTON, PRINQIPAL.—The win . lér term offive month? will commence UXUAXL the 121); of OCTOBER inst. The I'n'ncipn'lis agtnduale of Yale College. those Who have the interests at the Academy in chnrze are resulwd to, syn-e no efforts neces surf 10 Hindu it'wortby of A generous pun-onl “39‘ For. particnlirs bddrels Principal. Oct. 5. ”63. an" ‘+ Stray Cow,. _ ‘ A“E_lo the pgemises of thn‘sufi'scriher, in Gettysburg, about the 15!. ofJuly last, a RED COW. with wince fig-e, whim snipe on back and white spots on llegs. Th: other i; reqmtgd to come forwnrd, prove'propcrty, pay chnrgel,nud take her away. _ Loms E. Konnmn 9m. 5, L 863; 3: ~ For Sale. ‘ VERY desirable FARM. adjoining the , A Borough of Gettysburg}conmining 124 ACRES—Buildings and Land good. rug Will b 9 sold on very accommodating " ‘ term.- ‘ GEO. ARNOLD. ' Getty-burg, Oct. 5. 1863. tf For Sale or Egrchange. VERY desirable GRIST MlLLfiviLb -;~ A 38 ACRES OF LAND, in Germany ' F township. I will debuggefor a Farm, - . ..h'd the difi'erenee, i any. ’9’ use. ARNOLD. , aem’wact. 5, 1863. u' , _ Mutant for Sale. good will sad fixtuxu of the “ Gettys- I 5"! Slim," in Gan-fine ’m'eet, nre of fugan print: “I', sad will be ‘pold a bar. on. For “tarts" Ipply w onb Bushey, Baht!» will [in All the infomtion deaired. 4 GATEAm WAKX’LR. 95%. B, 1883. at 1" ' ' Publié Sale. Removal. l llE‘unfleruignc‘d respevlfn'l- , ' LVI‘ 1y infurnu the residents fgfig‘i‘ffil '<nl'l¥c(t_‘,'shl|r::md \ in inifivhlmlmfi'fl‘s rlh' 11.13 removed his “'.\TI‘H AND JEWJILRY tSI‘URE, lothcmom oppu'ile the thk‘ ml’York rtrect. where he intends ken-ping rm n~>orl ‘lut‘lll-Of “'.\Tl‘llES, JEWELRY, S]l.\ Eli and ’hllA'EH DATED \VARE, SPECTAULES, lemma c., .kc. . ‘ -. I llming wen (canceled with a fi’ral-clpss :“ElJch hurl. Jmfi-lr)‘ Sluré iu' liJllimnrllhfor scwml yenra‘ l'th news prvpnrwl m ‘E‘rniili .eu-ry lug-he’lelin the luncunt tlw lowt-s‘ city ‘ prh es, and :lg'purchgses “ill be gu’rzmticd As lreprr‘r‘ehtedfi a . ' ; Fronfn hing experience in WML’li-n-pairinz, 'espeuially offine Wntéliela'. he in 1510 mm! in do all-skinds oH\‘mch-wnrk prumptlr, in the. Les! ~ In xnncr, nnd‘gnnmnty the perlm‘mnurr “fit.- ' He will krep always on hand n lnrpc unort v fncnt of SPEQTACLES.nndSprcw ‘ tu‘le Glusaca;-ahd 31 win}: muchw ,L‘xpyfimn-e if! inlay in: them to the fiiglltfis . [we-pared to fit all who need thel'n". ’- "._UR JEWELRY made to orv'ler in the host “_\liu und n grqut vnrzely ofpallerns on Imm". JEWELRY repuirnd in the name»: nmnncr. . ’ JUSEPH BEVAS. Gettyéb'xrg, 9m: 5, 1863. If ’ . .\OOB SCHWARTZ’S ESTATE—Letters (I teslnmenmry on We came of Jacob Schwartz, late 01 Gt'l'mnny [vs-p., Adnms co., de ceased. having been granted to the nndgr signcd, residing in mentjoy towngxip. they hereby givemonge to A“. person}; ixfdebt ed to said B,Bth :0 make immédiite ny ment, and thosghaving claims igainslsthe same to presem umm properly unthenncnled for settlement , ' woman‘scmvmrz, HENRY scuwmmz. Oct. 5, 1863. 81" ’ >Excculor§ Notice. - FLIA ANN DYSERT‘S ESTATE—Letters J 0! udminisvmtion of the «flute ofJ’ulin Ann Dysert, late of Germany township, Adams 00., decons’ed, baring been granted to the under; signed, residing i_n the suing mwnshlp, be hereby. gives notice to all pyrsén! iudrbud to said eulute to makefiimmediale pAymentl and those having claims hgn‘mnt the 3am; tc pre sent them propel-i) authenticated for utilrlueut. GEO. \V. SHELL, Adm'r. Aug. 31,1863. 1 6L ENRY M. THOMAS’ ESTATE.—-Letters _ of administration on the emate of Him [3 M. Thomas, late of Mennnen mp., Admins county, deceased. having hren granted to the undersignéd, residing in Butlcr township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indelited to said estate to makg immediate png‘meug and those hzu‘ingclaims against. the name to present them properly authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN I". THOMAS, Aug.3l, 1863. an Administrator. Partnershxp Dlssolved. ’ THIS is to give notice the partnership between the undersigned wus dnsols'ed ou the 17th oprrii last. i ' ' CORNELIUS KITCBMANL ~ JOHN ,XITCHMAN. :1 mandiugtp.l Septigl. 1863. 3; I'RF. BRAND Y, WINE AND WHISKEY, for medicinal purposes only, at the New Drug x are of Dr. R. BOKNER. AGO,An-ow Root, Corn Starch, Rice-flour 'and Gelatin, for file It DE. HORNER'S Drng Store. 1 ‘ " UQT recefve'? at PIPKIVC'S Spring 3115! Summer Clothing. Came one um? :11. 6N GLOVES I 1‘ Nefi'nnd 8 . C in bad th./33‘, "0 . 1 . 8'“ AO3l. Park}: Notice. Notice. Public Sale i Orphafi’s _Court Sale : F REAL ESTATES—In pursuance of an O _Ordrr of xhe glqfihun's Caun'or Adams cgunty, the unliscrihv'r. Aduiluiulrnmr of the E eémte of Frfincis A. McDorm «I. dcccnsml, will oll’er at Public Sale, oil the promiéea, on TUI-IS DAY, the 20111 day of UCTUUER nut, the Real Estate of snid decedent. to W2l: 1 ‘A TRACT OF LA\D, sulmte in Stuhnn Atownship, Ada a county, hounded by the lCurlisle roqd unngnmhcrsburz road, and lnn.l [M'Nicholus Shriver, and containing I'o A: res, mdre or 1935, Improved with n. f‘, V ‘ Two-story Frime Ron-gums: Dwel— ,9} ”3T. ling llOUSE.wix,h Buck-llnililzng‘ 71%;.5 lLog Shop, Log Barn, Corn Crib, "9"“ Meg Pent Wood M‘iw, a variety pl )uung ”trees, and a Well at “filter with lump cou qunlent to the house. ‘ I mFTlxis desirable proportv offer: many in ducemvnlfi to.[>urrh-sers. It ii situate one mile from Lowcr's .\lle-‘Z miles Irum‘Huntcrs town. mm] ‘2 milw frmu Rt nrlu-r's (‘hnifi h. l WSnlc to commence at l (li-luck. l‘. .\1.,0n Lsmd day, wln-n tatteuvlunce “ill be giwu and Inn-[us mude kuonn by; ' ' ‘ JOHN wamz. Adm‘r By the Court—John Eichultz‘, (Jerk. «St-pt. 23, 1863. _ L 3 ' Notice hr ARY CASSAT'S ESTATE—Letters cos-1 5’ I lumedlury on the cam-Xe n! Mary ()usmt, late of Sl‘rnhan township, Adams tummy, .'..»- ceused, hnring been grmnod‘m the under signe-I, residunp inwllne mule) township, he hereby give‘s name to all pei‘auu: 'mddxmr to said estate to make immediate [l.\_\nu-nl and Idmuz'hmiug claimsumlm‘t Ilw mm - '0 I-rcwul thrm properly aulnvufi-xulhi Inr wllh-mrnl. : J. l'. NHILY, HAN umr. ! Sept. 23, was. cc 7 1 D -33, A“ ~ ‘ . V _ __ __ ~. .. ‘7‘ 201° . 121 g. , (3‘l EORGY“. A‘RSULD m- n. w'r‘gnt up his FM! J and W” ltur stock 0‘ l'l-MA‘QIAE, the Luneal Huck in huv3,p.msis.‘ing or 4 - fi Over (70an, '~ . - _ ~ _ Uruss Come, a I Ihxsust (Tn-fie. _ ‘ : Mxlinr‘v Mom-e: and P mu, , '. ' l'Jnmlnmu, YMN. Under (mi Over-Shims, I). -\\H".~. itxn-iqrv. (Moves. km, in great lurk-h, nli uf whivh will be soid cheap ti): cnsh. Call and sea thunk Sept. 23;!863‘ _ . . '- 1 (Shtlaads 8: Buehler, DEALERS IN (‘on. Am Ltunmn, s 7' 0 r E s: , "rm-WARE, HULLOW-WXRE, 4&0. i‘ - “.5” ' :sumfims, 3mm; SASH, ETC.- Co‘rner of Cal-IN 9 nnd inlruml Farris, Impo fiile Railroad Depot, GETTYSBURU, PA. Sept. ‘l3, 1863. “.\1 ’ New 'a oo.ds: EORGE amour) M '.m recmfia from _l’Yiiladelphm, n I my SEQ!» of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, ()rer-‘cnnhn‘k‘s, Unuinehi. Ven iugs, Flannels‘ Musliustmt. (Emmi! ofwhlch will he sold cheap lor msh.’ Cull “fife llu-m. Sept. 23, 1303. , , \ Noticb. “3 firm of Drs. CHESS k TAYLGR 33‘ hereby di=loh‘ mumal consent, mi Septémber lfnb, 1503. A“ person: hm‘in: clniufl against or indebud to said firm will rim” present than luwflsq. .\. J. (lunar fur" adj‘nslmenl. ' Dr. .Wm. Taylor informs the inhabitants at Gettysburg and vi cinity that he will .cuntx‘nue the prnctive of his profession]: the old stand, next door to the Campiler “Office. Gettysburg, Pa. Thankful fo} pnet favors; he begs m receive a shan- of fugure patronage. [SLpL 28. 1863. If Dr. James Cress, , ‘ CLECTIC PHYSICIAXJ thankful for pub— E lie patronage heretofore extgnded to him, iul’orms‘ hi»: friends that he will coultinue the inacticq of his prolesaion in fictty'shurg ,nnd vic‘inipyz- "Eclectic” menns I‘9 choose or nrlcct. Hence, we Erlect the heat, safest and most ru linbla remedies from all other sectarian medi cal schools. which have been geccommendeglq ‘ ‘ from the 'experiencc and sinclionud by thel l The Secretary _ pmctice of ~the'ahlesc Eclcciic Practitioners, ‘ V THE TREASURY. bu “marina me to and discard those more injurious, such as :n- 0 continue my Agency for ~ brief period, “WOBYV‘WEB‘I‘C; Inn-wry. bluepill, MOW lei-"and until further_ amine, I shall continue 10 ting, he. . 1 \receire Subscriptions :6 the - oam in the enit e‘mi onoTk mm, in thel m LUAN‘ AT FAR. ‘ dwelling owued by Henry Welly. id at. the different Sub-Agencies Geltyxbntg, Sept. 23,1563. 3d: Loyal swan. ‘ )OKE, Siihirription Agent, 14 South Third Street, Pbila. ‘fi.’ VB. Woods, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Gnnncnc, PL, will attend to all professional business entrusted to his care. . ()nwv‘ :I—On Wes: Middle street, next door to the Court-house. in the room Inn-1y occupied as a Bur Ofice by W. B. McClellan; 3541., dec’d. Sept. 21 1863. hm Notice. DAVID JOHNSOX'S ESTATE—Letters or administration, with the will annexed, on the estate ovamid Johnson, late of Lati: more iwp., Adams ro.. destined, having been . granted to the undersigncd, residing in‘Hnmf tington township,he hereby gives notice to :11 ' persona indebted to mud estate to make im-' mediate payment, and thosc4nn'mg clniqts ngninst the same to present them prayed;- authentic-led for seulement. i - WM. 1; GAPRDNER, ; Adm’r with the Will annexed Sept. “,1863. (St Gettysburg Marble Y ard. . ' EALS a: 8110.,1}: EAST YORK STREET 1. GETTYSBURG. l’A.-—Where they 1“, ! Kanpur“! to furnish all kinds of work In their 3 hue, suchnsr HUNUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD} STONES, MANTLES, $O., at the shortest no “: 1? and as chub an the cheapext. Gila us I c . -‘ JOHN BUCHEE’S ESTATE—Letters of ad mininrmion on the estate of John Bun-her, late at qunklin towuship, Adams county, de~ ceased, having been gunned to the undersigned, (“idow of decenchresiding in thesnme town— _ ,shipfille hereby give: notice to all persons in ‘Amg v *2. - ‘ “ debt to suit! estate to make immedint!‘ pm- I: rifl‘nfla‘fx BSD TRIHII‘L‘VGSEISHfitB'TI-lmem‘ and those hming Linims against. lhc - W one to present, them propfnf uunhenncnmd for “filament. SUSAN BUUHEFL ~ 501». 7,1863. 6!. :‘.dnnnu=lr.mix. WProdu‘ce taken in‘exchnngo for work fifieuysburg, June 2, 1““. ti Y "2', 4 u! at TimnertAS fimryr a?! o‘s i a i '7 ~~ , - , , _ l Highly Valuable Real Estate l Valuable Real Estate l Real and Personal l Proclamation. ' T PUBLIC SAhE.—-Un SA'l‘UROAY,the ‘AT PUBLIC sine—on TIII‘RSDAY, the )norizii'ri’ AT PUBLIC SALE ..on' imzmiis‘, in and hytheActot‘the nen. A alst day of gunman he“, the nub-j 22d day ofUCTUBI-JR next,in pureuuncc I WEDNESDAY the 7th Uov of OCTOBER ‘V out Aihf‘lfllllv of this St'ite, entitled scriber, Executor iiftlie last willand testfiment ‘or an Order of the Orplinn'n Court of Adams next, in pursuance oyfnn Order oftlie (lrphan’g “ .\ii not to regulntu {he General Election! of of Hon. J‘nmes MtDivii. deceased. ml] offer at . “"1313, “39 undersmned, Administrators of the Court ofAd-iima county, will he nth-red nt Pub. j illi-l Commonwealth." enacted on the 2,] of Public bole, on the premi~es, the following,e§iflle 3" Andrew “rough, I"va 0f “33'1an he Sule, on the premises, the Real Estate of July. 1839,“ in enjoined on me to give i’iib'io highly riiiuiihle RM] Estate of laid duedem'ltownsliip, Adams tounty, deceased, will otier Conrnd Slnvlmiigh deceased, late of Butler i‘liitice of such Elm-tion to he held, and to viz: - in Public Sale, on the lirenusea. that valuable township, ill suld’ronnly consisting of mo cniimemie in «ii-h iiqlit‘c \rhut citizen are to THE MANSION FARM, known M It CMJTRACT 0F LAM}, liitily occupied by mid Tmcteol‘ Llllld, vuz' , ll": "lI'NC‘II L W sherifl‘or‘tho rollsburg." rituute partly in Liberty lowngl.ip,°det-czsed, situated nhout one mile north of No. l: Till-I MANSION Tl’..sil'"l‘, situate in," Counh of Ailzimi. tin, thnrol‘orv, hereby give Admins county. Pm, and partly in Emmitshnrg‘i Hampton, on the old .Vi'nallen rolid, containing Butler township, continuing lfln Ai'res, be the , thi< l""‘l"‘ ""1”? W “N“ l'lleotore‘ni‘tho 3'” district, Frederick countv. .\ld.. Ind adjoining H 4 Acnes, more or leanwitli suffi'icnt Timber some more or less, aihuininq luiids of Moses Comm of _\'llllh‘, that it (lawn! HIM/inn will lands of Abraham Kriae, MA” o.l],R3mpnd’ 'nnd Meade“ —.idjo‘ining lands of Andrew Fiiiitli, boloiiiun Peters, ‘Ahrnhum Slavbnngh, ‘ I'9 held in will i‘min'i. on the Second Tut‘l/I'll/ and others, containing 400 .\(‘RHS, more or} Brough, Jr., Limes Townsend. Jacob Miller, andolliers. Thciiuprorementinxé ‘,._ .' rtl'llri‘o/Mrnrrl,Ulw*i’i.l iiithcserernl District. loss, with {air Proportion: 04' Woodland nnd'and others. The trait is Well mitt-red lil’ it a Two-story lioz HOUSE. .Ono- .3"? fl: . CW'W'EW “fill" "'1 'Mlmr'l‘ownshipn, Viz: Meadow. Part of the loud hus been limed— ‘Smjlll 91ml"! Fir-rinlllhruugh it. and a number story Kitvhen, Log Barn, Log ail} ’'s in NW l'lrsl IlH’fict. t'mnposl-d of the Bar . ,and there is it leEthl‘le Quarry on the iireini. oi springs l'.) the field; The lLl‘l- : r twin; House, with n Shophbove,’ ~31“ er; '-; “f(:V‘tl’lfillllr‘I-fl':[heCullrl-llt)"ll'.lnGPl!yEbur’Yi 599; The fencing is good. and the land in Li l‘l'lHPnll‘lllS me it Tll'tl-STIJKY 31" Egg on etcellrnttlrchnrd m'ostlv of,-o,,%Tfuhl__ iii the Second tll‘llrltl, composed of tho ‘ high state of cullil‘flllon, [)fflduclng'flle heari. IIUI'GHCA ST HUUSH. with llmk- :33 g 5: :‘ Several Springs on the plot-'O. Opolhum creek tounsliipof Germanium the house ofxnthnniol est. kind at crops. The improve. ' nu,“ gbuilding, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed r'i' Flo"; runs through one end of the Linn. There is u BAIDCS, in the tolvn of I.ittlestt)Wu, in the ments are n Three-story URIST‘ «l 5 and Corn Crib. rind other out-buildings; ivio suiiirienévut‘ good meadow and also it quonti- Wl‘llrhilLMG“mil“): MILL, nearly new, built on the a“? fig good wells of inter, one rtt the House and one ty of thither. :_’ .‘ in the Third ilintrici, romponett ol'tho town ,nioist Approved style and in first. :19 Wu": iit the Barn. with pumps in them; With an Ayn, No. 2: A LOT OF TIMBER LAND. iii Ty. ‘ El‘iPO' Ulflirtlyfll the house 0f Anthony 3h!“- mge order, running'two PM? of hurl-S mm a: pie and Peuclr Orchard, and other mm. This roue township, connhfing 10 Acres, mg", or‘ brougli, iii the town of New Oxford. ‘ , puir of clio'pprrs. Also, it SAW .\IiLL. iieurly i Farm in h indsomely situated. rind is of the less. adjoining Geo. Weaver, I’etor‘ Hummer, l l" “‘l‘ FM?!“ dli‘trkli le’Ml’d "f “tel-0"": new, ndjacent to the Grist 311* With the best GRANITE SOIL. 'lt‘will he offfl't‘d whole or’nnd J. Rnuimhn. . . ‘ ”him of‘ L“““‘“"“ W” "“"uugmni "- the ' machinery, all complete, The g Mills, bring ,’ in several parts, Ml may best suit purchasers. I ‘Wfinle to commotion tit 10 o'clock. A. M., l house 8“ (‘l. W. “'llleNMi l“ m? township ,wclllocuted. (two miles dept of Einmitshiirg,ll Also. A TRACT OF WOODLAND, adjoin— ,on said ,diw, when. nttendnnco will be given 0! lltintmzton. g, . ‘ and on n‘ ccmslitnt stream, (Tom's Greek,) en- I log the nbove,nnd lands of JuCob Smitli,Jiicob and terms {made known by , l!“ the Flr‘l'filflrlfli composed 0" "3° ‘0'!" joy a large run of custom, which they are able i Miller, and others, containing 2 Acres and 56, , M, ISAAO DEARDORFP, Adm'r. ship: of llumiliuuhin tllltl Liberty, At the Pub— ’o "Willy tit any semen of the year. The ‘ Perl‘hfl- ~ . [By the‘Oonrt—John Eicholu, Clerk. {“0 scllool-housrain.Millerstowm other buildings are n Two-story Stone ,9 l .nfirl’ersons wishing to view-the property; 38"!“ the same time and plaét' will he or. ”.3" the Sixth district, composed of the town tielling llOL'Si‘), with Bile-l)lllldlnzi.. ,nre requested to call on either of the Adminis- fore-l the Personal I’r’Bpgrty of wild deoeaaed :’ ““0 0‘31“"“1‘03. {“- lhe house 30' «willed» i... Lirgc Honk lint-n, wigon Shed w.) ,imiors, the first named residing in Lntimore '1 FAMILY .\IARE,I One-yearling C01t,2 Cows by Dunn“ Beekerv "1 the town of In" Berlin (‘oro Crib. Curriiig‘e House, Slirillgtnungc’llOWllSlllpllld the instin Gettysburg. land 3 head of Young (Jiittlr, l Sherp, Four.‘ in the Seventh district, composed of the Smoke House. Dr, House, “m, ..u 0,i,,,.,u._f anlv to commence iit 1 o'clock, P. St, . horse Wagon, Carriage and llurneos, Tlireah— ! towunhip of lit-milieu, in the" Public School. ,cessnry ont-buildinlfl; alsh TWO 'I‘ENANTIon SIM dry, ‘Nirn "Heuduce will be ail/"n in': Ni-chineJYiunoniiig Mimcornfedder Uut-~“"“““““e “NM-f “Wdem‘lb- HOUSE‘S'und u COUPI-Il’. stlul’. There is n. l andterm made known by ' lm, “o“th and Hnrmwa, Horse (lean, tion-l .1" the Eighth district. composed of the town- ‘ ne\cr-fni]inz ”11 0f Wm" ..., the do" of it”. . » \mim 11. MYERS, {bio and Single-trees, und\otlicr farmiugmenn “3“l‘ ‘of Slmbfln. at “19.11“" of Incob L,- dwrlling. \iith n splendid rprinz between ihel J‘EREMIAH mull!" leiln. Plank and Scuntlingyfihnt find, and n: ' hm". in llnnterstown. . > house and bum, ‘All thetields nrc maimed but I' . , \ Adininiiurutora. [variety of Household Furniture. _Com mull in the Mill“ district, compo“ OHM 10"!“ limo“ There ism very thriving young Amok lB" ”1' Court—John EICBOIU, Clerk. Oats by the bnshel and Grnin iigthe ground. 3‘“? ”f Franklin, I“; “"3 househow occupied Ort'llnt'd couwnient to.ihe house, With two} SEPL 23, 1363- to \« , l SI'PL ”i 13‘33- t 9 ' - 1’" ‘M’n P.Bntt, l“ ““1 ”M‘MP‘ ‘ ' iotherUrcha_rds,nndntlicrfruitlon the promises, —“ ‘_“'" r"“""f ‘fiA‘fl-W " "——’ ___,_4______._.____/_‘~..__._.__.. E“ ““3 Tenth district, composed ofhh° ‘own’ .Tlie iinprovemeiilsnrc all in Adnms'connty. l ’ Pubhc 83.19: ‘ Large 8819 \\ ' “HP PT COHGWRKOi 5‘ "W 110“" oflohn Bu" Also..A TRACTOR WUUDL'AND. adjoining 111 E undersizm-d will oiri-r at Public s'nio, p _v“ t, R rnnsour ”Minn“. be.“ 1" “L'Shorrystmrp- , - the Mnnsion Farm. and containing 25:: Awetp on SA'ntviiDAi',iiie 17th erc’rom‘ilt O .43.: i‘itou’ thA inih ill! of iO." .1“ “3‘ h“°"°“‘h»d‘s“‘“’ ““9““! ““1” moti- oii lees. heavily covered with Chontnul. Inext, on the preiuie'ee that VALITAIIIKE FARM, TUBE-IR. u i ‘I ~ 8 4y. \KOU township 0f Tyrone, 9" ”1° 1‘0““ Dr All“ 0- ' , . _ . , . . . . v . ext, auburn-er ,Administrnt ‘6 ok 1! 'll sh 10W”. Locust. flicker). lied lkaHiiie Uuklsnunte m Monetiilcuunt township, \Adnmsvof u”: cum! 0,. ,1 \' cf d “Md w“ . 0 ,U'l Weh "fl:- . and Rock Oiik timber. Will ht- oti‘i-red inlo's,lcounty. Pm, the live residence of Airtliuny sell a, Publi “f,“ cd; .’ic‘sid‘ngo ON I“ the TWElm‘ .le‘T‘“: composed 0' “'5 There are two ’I'ISSANT iioirsizs on themmiin.deni-is..i,.dj.iining iimiis oriienr, his,“ dead”: in \hnhe towemhip cAdmsfijhlg :f,§l;>un‘l‘;¥u“‘ ‘h" b-°“‘°°”‘.F.':Vz ”)l'eflllseii . . lleiuier, .l. E. Miller, S. H. Smith. and othéra,‘ . ' . ' “ i‘ ‘l' 0“" ”,lh . , ' Also, A TRACT or manAxn. situate in lennminiiig flhtiut 108 Acres of patented limit,\ aflznflg 1:331e in ‘l’, Ergnltr’fwgg “ml In\uie Tl'lmmh “mm" “mm" °‘ "W szi‘id'LiherLy lowysliip. udjoiniuannils oj Geo. lnliout 20'ncrea of which ‘arc covered with ‘\ 6HF \D 0..: [lol2' four git-” 3;!“ eon ‘lftwnsiup, or :‘lfllllllplefllflnk- at 'thb public . ,llnidmnn, Sniiiutl Flolir. John .\lclutire, nod . hoary Timßer, and a fair portion of .\leodow. "a“ m 'h, t'uluublelni ‘n excellentjhroog belied—house m ”Md ”VHSIHP' "mu" at ”m Olllt‘l'd, containing .’iß .\trlfi' more or lt-u,‘Theimiirptemontsnrrniorgeniid lmar‘n-Ke gr 101,“,1 of p .i‘caiue fire chem“ randltxthe one lefidmtt from Oxford ‘9 liniiri'y timliorod with Yellow Poiil'ir. Chest- ' canifl'irtahle ‘llrick DWELLING I l ‘ i . . '- :tlio T‘m Taverns, the oth" from anterstotyn ' . . .. . . . .I . them Nimble llilth Cons. it of .\peep, 2 t H ~ . . niit, \\ hue and Rid l) lt. Locust and Hickory. IHUIISE, large Brink l‘il‘n, noiuly I . pmirinna‘ 2 [3,, i“. 2 Fun rse- Wiigona ’ o “"0”.“ _ _ . This [not trill he oli‘er‘ti ltl six‘luis. iiicw,Wogon SllcdinlhcurnC’il’s' K with {Viel n Effie stilt} Luildi Grain Drill, in ”I? l'ourthntli district, compoegt! o'. thl . Also. bsllAltES or "roCKin the Waynes- "ruched, gimp, until in momm- out-huild- \l‘iuno‘ivifg‘MHl oum‘ngi lie: .93.. n.,,_'il"“'"“h'l’ °” ““3”?! WW“ °' 3' '- D‘ck'» lmro‘, Grecncnstie and llerccrsburg Turnpike , int". -’l‘iicre is a line Ilri-hiiril on the premisrs rows Shovel '2,“ rhg “inf ()orli 7,; ‘§iniv]e m “llmplfl‘ll. \A . ‘ Bond. \‘ ‘ . la lie“ or will” at the door iinti a'nt‘ver-lailiug’ “(id bout,” :55“: with en,”- :rimfiuf 1" the haunth. Qtsgfci.’compolBd ‘nf the , Tie Mansion Tract will be offered Pllllnhspring contenicnt. This land has been toil-0,119“... (:e.,,., “I‘lll’llu'gvreiill am,“ , ”HP Bom'igh of Herwn‘li, 3k “1° Public _bchoul niih all the improvements, or drilled, to‘ suit some three mm, mm], 11",“)' is and” cmul "MP 3 q‘hfi'h“ “‘N- M“: “mun K illi-5 ‘llfillie‘lll .‘tiibottvstumi,L \\ .‘ . pnrrli tears. , . ltenciiilr, iinil in :1 high ‘l‘llllt‘ at ('lelnl'lllun scythe: iirid'd mafia w,,;,;,1.i,,.}r,,w' 53 I“ ”'s' blx‘§e"‘l‘ distribtAtompoud .of "‘9 t:‘¢"'l‘rrnis of the Mile of Woodland will he, i Persons wishing tcf View the propertv (‘llll do l-‘ii'rln {Shovels Buns 'il‘fi‘th a .Kri‘tlt Illa‘ny towimnl’ oil'rceilom, f"- the house of "Whol'" oiie-‘uiilt ot‘ the purclhtse money~ (‘ush on day ‘so by culling on mi. Smith. residing’thereon. ‘ article's. including Zo’me l ‘iuacmfld Fin-nit. “or”; "1.5"". 'ownsmll' . . nt‘ Fill(‘—lll\lnllt‘l‘ iii I‘.l months, with niiproredl ”Sale to commence at l o'clock, l’. .\l.,] Whittle to commit-nee ”9 o'clock .\. ‘. I“ m? “Vef‘fieenw dlfill‘lct, composed 0”" ‘..., ur’ty niid liill‘lC‘l fan-mu date. . {For terms of: on niiiil dity. when attendance will be given on mm d,”- when attendant-e vm he gin-nun township °§Umom ”1“!“ 1‘9““ QNE‘EWCh L!"- tlu- Mmuiun I'rrlps-rt'l‘i‘dee the lixl‘t‘utor, rcsid- , iiiid terms made known by I ' ltarws m-tde, I“,,an by l “"5“” “39d townsllm: . log in Eiiiiiiibhiiig, who will also allow the . ' _F‘ X. SHIT" l'. SARA" mam, .Atlni‘x. the Eighteenth district, WWSMWW‘ lerlll 50.6 to iii-r_oiis dt-siriiigto \‘ii-u- them. 1 Sept: 21 1363. ,1! 1)_ (1‘ sun”: . J C \lil'lLY Axui’r ' ‘l'll’ “f I‘m-,1”: ntdhe Pub!” Sohool-honsn ' 1 Luffiule lO‘L'Ol-llllcflce in 1H (ft-lurk, A; 3L, ' _ ’m.n. -. _. ,_-__‘_-.._! qe 114 ‘8“? via - . 7 . '“H‘iwn‘ m “I‘llownfiblp' \ on Milli d..‘\',‘\\‘hcii atttlidunée will he given iiiid i Notice to ASQBSSOI‘S ~ ' _inp; ’. .h . . ..-- ___. '3 .\iuetecuili "bum" composed of “.'.". mm. mm," kno u, M, t - - - l - , of “01“le 111. hie. Pigeon tint \ " , 1,. . . ‘llll'? Assessors elci-ted.iittlieSil'in el-ction , Valuable Farm , ' -’d ', 1- . ’ . Judi-J il l’. lit-NUT, Lxcoiitor. , i . l K '1 iso, in 5.” touns iip. _tlisiilom Sum . Anglinucérl . _HI'B lisrrhy‘ notified to attend at the (‘Umri ri’unmti SAUL—On THURSDAY. vcntieih district, composed of the ‘ 501.1. 23’ ”iii 13 ~ ‘ H"; mm” ”WEI,” ”"3 “W“??? M Gettys-E f\ Bthdue'blOUTtllllglltut-xtJlw subscriber Ciiiiihcrliiud, tit tlie'honse of Q. i .. ; . _ - _ ... l iurg, tu reccue .iiik Assemment Duplicates,Engiuw” of Hugh Eldurdice, «lei-eased: w”, 1w borough of Gettynhiirg. “ ' . A ‘GOdd Farm ' - i“it."i::::::2r~iiiii:i‘the: ‘ o." ...,t : ‘ s . A . ‘ . ‘ > 7 ‘ ' 7 ‘ 3 . ~ , 14 OR SA‘l-l‘..—-Illlf‘iflllscrlllcr oilers at Pri- . Bern-irk Borough, (leord, Hamilton, Reading, 5:; fiiif'giuffifgfin' ill-:l4] rick cnuni‘ «Md ommonwea i ""0 5"”: his 1"- kMiN'Ui“O “1 “mm":.\lountpleuéitnt Germunv Mrnhuii and llaiint- h‘ e, i '.l l , for. -i y‘ ,i tritium luwn-hliu .\dhms ccuulL-un inunin‘ju,‘ “ill iiiienll on “15133550.” the uni oi' “. m" ‘ °§f~ 55'" “,“i‘? 3'3"?“ 1”“, "" f. lioiii Bountiglitowu to llit’tlesnown. Adjoining OCTOBER n'xt— ’ 3." Joseph-s ‘ lfler'om 'v.".d-l°m"'g not; 0&1 llllltls of Ji-lin Sheely; Suiiiuel lloil‘rimn, n‘nd I. And the 355055,,” ofthc Borouwh oi‘ncttvs- boluinnn Rnsf'.l‘°b”" ““5““ J9l” 17"") "‘n _ . One (”l-”s' “‘"nuim‘fl! 1"3 At "35, mark oqlessfin hurt; Uumherluud Fit-edum Lilzyrtr Iluu'iil- when" cmllmmug “’0 Acre!” more or a?“ 9" tiie . . - 'i ‘ .l l ' . ' . t ' 5i ,nhoiit 20 Acres timber and a due proportion n 'l elitllt ot tuttmitiuu an i “one! good , tonhhu, l'rttnhlll'l Butler .\iennllen Tyrone. i" d Th ~‘ ‘ " leiirinLr—“itli due ’proportiuns oi Woouliind llniilinutuu ulnl'l‘uulno;ll "m dttend on omm 9:73 e imprownieuts “I? n and Memoir, '1'1... ‘u . .... , . . . ; l.og_ IIULbE, n “ell of‘ neverfiiihng , H tit-Hunt” a m a mite liitltnlmlhthe Liui oi 0(.T01lER next. ~.,, r, M,” we do , a double Lo . Tim-Nor} STILYrI lllll'Sil. ‘ilill 1“,; Br onk-riot the (‘oniiniu‘innem [B l a d .-,o’ f F -, 'l‘ cg, hit‘k'l'lllltllni’. fl liiigv: Log Burn, . _ ' J M. WALTER Clerk. l urn, 'n.' n “inc-‘2 0‘ rut r B‘, ('i-rn (Irih “"41“” Slidd i‘iirriufle *\ ‘gfi':' !“ol 21 l'f’l tdd ' ’ lp‘rtfipcrt) '5 beautilull) 10"“th and con Hmhp‘ Shh,” ,i,,,,‘,._ “3,”; a” ‘.\“ P ...... 3: £,_p,;;.,:;".7',w- _, ‘.-- ___fl '0 ,“I_l=‘- ("H”Ch“ ““‘l Starr-s. Th" “‘3l ft-llr‘hi ti't-ll ul “nit-r ltntl iMorI: _\'-Flute In‘! JaCObßrtl saloon Revived. I; lhus““figrtrlyéggitgllf:stxtli) o",ka ‘t’lli;l-.|i'.ii;iii._ Alf: .n gnoi A'llll‘lt‘ tin-hunt. with ll}; ‘ln'dt‘l’fii'lnf‘d have leased Jucohs‘s Sn- 5d,, day, 4“. th attendance wall he gll’ t run. 1.“ [l'llllll Hr) .is luu\‘:{ll(‘lll, to sluon, m Ch.|ml_icrsiiurg street, and inlEHd terms mud..- known hi' I thitlclies. :k’lltllrl-llilllr‘l'i, nilia, kc. . ¥ l“, keep it in the his}. my”. hoping that the; ‘ “11-ix (‘ \RPEXTER 1“““l'3 A“‘~‘l""¥ 1“‘_"”“' ”'l'‘l'|"““‘st‘f‘.."'e ’ public will apprecinte their eti‘urta to pleasehy; ' . run-:5 31, ELDEilDl’t rrqiiestul to Call on the undersigned, ruining. givingtlieni ii largo patronage. v’l'hov will rial Sept 14 1863.’ “at 'Execm WWW“. 'eeii‘c.o\'STl~lllS regularly and do tli'cm up in, _' ....~.'___ .-. -'. u-—-h— —»‘-——-.- lullstylt‘r: YOUNGCHICKENS.BEEF’IUNtiUI-l,i . Public Sale. lll:\\l .\_.\‘i) was, and almost everything unit: V WWW” the tan. d“ 0f 00' imav be culled for, will he herwd. Thi-y “ill' 0‘1”“ the eiihgt-riliers, .\dininistrni lab” hoop ALP“ L'Abhli, PORN?!“ ‘“ ”FEE M“ “the estiitc oi David Lockliiirt, doccnst Th”. are determined ‘0 '3O mm‘!‘ up ‘s' me sell at Public Sale, at lhcfltc re=idence “f“.demi‘“; "““"‘f",,“"d “"1 “mm “’f decedent, in Struhnntmv inimiidnmsi P “3‘38 31 W 0 Iglg‘i‘lglhq COD’ORI JR labour a mile and it half BQI'IIICI‘SI of G , * i JUSTIN; L‘UORB ’ " Sgll‘l‘ion, the following Pers‘onnl Properti, via. , ,6!“ ‘b w s ,;, W; i - l 2 GOOD FARM iioitses, l Mllt’ll Cow, 2 .. .. yiurrh, ‘c? 'j‘ fl ° s;_;__.l~___ t Heifers, l Brood Sadr nod 5 Pigs, 2 Bugs, 5 one and E n l; itgtLlragtedxzrrOf-titfi' Vaionfi ll;i{gCu{‘i;i‘iige, ARE NOTICE—The undersigned would 5’35}, °,,' ’ "$l, "I" . ‘3." “of?” T' say to the public that this receiving a , llx;lte:’a'l?lut?:w 0:2?” rgsiléingehggx £125; ..-.V A ‘ i ' l 1“"!!9' ““1 _H‘W'Mld “001‘ °‘ GROCEthg, Ploiighsiind lliirrows, Don le Shovel Plough, it"iilifiesstit ‘i‘u‘ffis“iiiii.?§?°2.-h.i"f var T 63", Sell 19?; k," , with éothloel, Bblfls, allcl Egghgigillgdizzgglofllg Il‘lll'kl't' :lnghlgfthrll‘Jl’. ‘« ~‘_fiv" . 1 l’. ',i ,/., . EgiejFA-l'iodz'} gflgfkpzaul’énrmefle‘“ .m‘m', . Gun, and it variety of other it: 'eles, too nii-_ ; "('~'-:‘,. ~t, ’ _‘ - , ‘. ~ “mums, ARE SttTiCE%.—il you mmi““;:§.°§fl“fif‘é:s;mw ,_,, 01,0 .. to lin hr your iqiiors fur harvest, now ii the said (lin when nLtenHiince will he tiine.‘ lime mny brands of “'hiskies, lirnn- l'tcrms mime km“, by' ‘ (lleS,'\Vlll(‘B, an all other liquors, which iam , ‘ MARGARET E. LOCKHART. Ailm'x. dispasingot‘i‘it short profits. Give me a call.” , HENRY THOMAS Administrator. ' I always Ir” to please—mud believe i very of- : Sept. 2, 1563'. t: ’ ten succeed. Reiiiemberllie ploce—sonthcnst' . 3..--.. L _ . corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. [ ' GEO. I“. KALBFLEISCH. ' Aug. 3!, 18.33. tf. ArvSmail Fzzr'm ‘V'R S,“ E ——'i‘he sllhsoerv. desire“: (0 * f: Ill) on a Lnrzrr ‘svulp. ofl'orq M. Prlmlc‘ .\.m- my mum, mun. cuuu‘minrnhyut 40' ACRES. .uul Wu! dxsnuse r-fiz nn \‘éry rcaennn nhlc tvxms. It is simian-« 13.5 mules Smith of‘ (:cttyfl'urgamc.” the Hmlmgaburg' road, n 53- ju‘mmp ands ut .\luqudurflurrens, Michael l‘fusumun, um] HIE-('V‘Sa‘Tht! ‘rmprove- "1’ n:ou.3 an in gnud’nrdcr: (ms admirably gag c.llrulrucdfura Nurspiy. The 'l‘irti‘b'cr, ; [m Wale; and Fruit are all in mlu'mdnucc. . . ‘ - ', .JACUU _BEAMEEL sepu, 1863’. 61* » , ' Good Things from the Clty !; ‘VTE urt- receiving Etwiu- 11 week [mm the ‘ ' cilyn rnrhty o! unifies-suited tu the “'.mls 0! this cuhxmubil‘ry, \‘iL :‘ Fresh find Salt, FISH, Hmns, Shoulders and Suing, Hominy, ans. Salt. Applrs. l’nlhlm-s. Oranges, Lomfioxis, Confectiuna, Tobaccod, chxlrS‘, {with‘ many olher ‘ll'ticles in this liho—nll reviewed in the host order, and sold at the lowest. prnfita. ‘Give us a call, in 13 uliimoreésarect, nc.ur!_v Opposite Fullnestocks’ store. . 1 . \\'A.\'TED.—Bulter,.iEggs. ’Lm'd, arid 11l olhrr cmiutry produce-Hm which the highest cash price wiil he pnidi : \. SWEET POTATOES—host qualigy, qtlnw ‘ 9:! living prnfits~alninys on Imm]. Also, ( ’STEILS, fine and (‘h-sh—in the shell 0r ‘sh‘o ed. Rcsmurnnls and filmiiix‘s supplied. E STIUCKHUT'SFCR & WISU'I‘ZKEY.~ ‘ j ‘ Gel};- urg, May 18, Jesus. 3m i-v-——~ A ,-, _,_,,_.__i, - __,,, ~ ——-——————— tchcs, ‘ Jewelry, .\‘D SILV {-WABE—The undersigned A wou‘ld rrspe fullyinvite your attention Hb his well selrctem tbck 0L1?“ Gold and {Silver WATCHES. Fini Gold H‘VELRYbof ‘ctery kinl and \‘nrietjf s'yle—comprislng all of the newest nufl njorflagfiutiful designa.‘ Aho. $01.11) SILVER WARE, equal (0 Coin n-and the best makemf'SILVEKVPLATED l"tn-UH"). Each nriicle is Wurrulhlcd to be u .rcprenentnd. , . ‘ I ‘ wwmchea and Jewelry carefully Repaired ‘Ahd satisfaction guaranteed. ‘ “Econ mmmv, {I (Succesior to Siaufi'er & Hurl‘ey.) ‘ . No. 622 .\lai‘ket streex, Philudfin. : ‘Sept. 7; 15,153. 3m ‘! .. _L.‘_._____ .<. _A_.;___.._,._.._..._ Timber-mud OR SALE—The hubscriber offers for sn‘.c 47 Acres of Timber—land, in Franklin townialup, 3 milea'soum'wwt of Cnshtowu. on the road leading from John Morilz's to Muri- Ihowcr‘s tavern. The lot. is well covered will: Cbesnut and other timber. It will he sold in lou, or entire, m snit pun-lumen, und at low price. Also, on hand and for sale a lot of\dry Uhesnnv. Rails und Locus: P 6515. ’ . , ‘ PETER .HENRY. Aug. 17,‘1863, 2m ‘ F ‘ O'Yesl ‘0 Yes! H-E undersigned ofi'ers his urvices‘to thé ‘ public as 3 SALE CRYER, andmsks a liberal shnre of encouragement. He has lmd considerable experience in the business. and feel: confident that he will give entira anti:- fncyion. Charges model-me. Higreaidence is in Freedom township, 1} mile! weit of Brennan's um. REUBEN GOLDEN. Sept. 14, 1863, 2111* , Notice. JOHN Mina, JP. ‘ May'2s,lB€§l t: \ Come mth a. Rush HE undersigned would most. respectfully: ‘inform his many friends and the public generally, that he has gone into the 01vthing busi ass,“ Samson's old etnndfin the Diamond; GeuE'sburg,Pn. His stockl already full,will be muc ‘enl'rped, to embrace every style of (momma. 3001's. sagas, HATS, Cups; ’l‘ruv‘lks. mum, _Cloc‘ks', Watches, Jew elry. Guns. Pistols, I‘nd'. imshurt, everything which ougu: to be (and at: first: clusClotbing .and Vurietx House. ‘ ‘ Particulars hereafter. In the meantime he invites everybody to give‘him n call. 111: in tends to keep so perfect a stock as to nccom modn‘te all—and, with the hype oflnrge snlrs, he hopes to make I living nt_gmn“ profits. Na troubie to that-.- goods, and every effort made to sstiaff buyers June X 11863. tf ' ‘ All Invned.‘ 11H?) undernignled have thisodny entered into When-Tons wishing to see the PTODNWGB paint-ramp .m the Grnm, ”an“ u" are “queued to cnfl'on the'premisca of raher, qurnisuon b"""~"”‘ “t the °M “he“ er! the lnbscribcr realdingon Lh‘e former andlncob‘ house, corner of Stanon hnd‘Railmad s cola. H. Weiken on the latter. 3 I The highest prices m “an PP“, f“! “ § A 5 I intend going to there“. I :75“ ran” om PLUCR’ WH‘EAT’ ' ' very reasonable terms. JOHN SLYDER. 1 mm, comt, E Sept. 7, ma. ar ~ ‘ ) OATS, lS ‘ DS, ; ._..-...fl-.-......._._..-..--.._f " a D é‘flxsm ‘ , New Goods y nullm‘gund in 0“;- ‘T FAHNESTm‘KS'.—Fahnesmvk Bros. ~ wliiv’l‘l will be lold A Would respectfully inform their fnends n the 1‘01"“ terms ‘a’nd the public generally Imm. they have jusl Id ,misf our‘ch-cs. first! received {heir Spring smack of Gouda from New ‘ y 5 B {York and Piuladclphia. ”Inning bought them ‘ v w - rfor cash, we are prep-Had m om-r the lnrgval p"! sbu J“ iql‘iggfstérk fiEhBhT. Eand prettiest. stock of DRESS GDUDS ever .._-.Y_-_:_g_'. -1, I: -'- ..___,_._ _ : offered my the’ Citizens of the c'oudty and 3,1 Partnership DiSSOIVBd. ' EDD PRICES 1 “Quick sales and slhonfprofiu” ‘ . . emg our motm. - HE pnnnarshxp between the nudersugned‘l mum and unmine m. the fig" nhho in the Blacksmithing,bnainens. in Gl-Ltys- M‘uy 11 186.5. RED ‘FKUST burg. has been dissohed by mutual cunxenl.-l. ’ All kindb of Groceries, and efvery otherarticlg line 9f businesu, all wb'olesale and retuxl,‘ Call Ind see us, it is really so‘ The-books of the firm are in the hnmls of S. ‘, Elmtion. ' Kfioulk, thh whom Ssetgeiioona Ere ‘0 be]; S Election for Zfinun'ngers of lhe“Adnm§ m» e. ' D. W. FIVéFfiBCK ‘A Cot-my \lahmll’ire lnsumnce'(‘dmpany," ' ’ ‘ ' mH‘be held at the omve ol‘ file (fixmpnny m ”--_. ’ ,l Gettysburg, on MONDAY, the smart UCTOEEXKI mil, between the hours on :In 4 o'cluc ', ’. PamPhlet Laws' ill. ‘Euch number being Emil-led m on ¢ote HE PAMPBLET LAWS of the State have for each Policy held by him. ,» been received at. this omm, and are now‘! , D.'A. BUEHLER Sec’]. ready for distribution among those entified ml 59p," H 1863. 1.9 ’ receive them. JACOB BUSHEY, Proth‘y ' Sept. 2;, 1863. a: WM. REICHARD, in Wm Middle slreet,l oppnsne Mr. Herr’s, recehu a. regular: supply ornmmsc ALE and LAGER 315193,} whlch he keep. cool and taps nicely. This, eimple BDnOIIJCELICHL he deems sufficient 10] brings lull share of public pntrouaioJ He- WIH symre no ufl‘mt to plane“. - Ue{l3aburg,supl 7,1863. 39* , ALK‘OES. Ginghunl, Muslim, at rvduced? rule, at FAHNESTOCK BROS'. Sign at; lhe er From. ' . > y .ILIIORAL BOOTS.--“Knu, where (lid; _mn get those nité Edmond 800.15 2" "M; Hr!LHE.\‘Y'S." JACOB BRINKERHOFF Sept. 21,1863. 3:. Ale & Beer. m 7, L s, i u I 'r 'n ‘l\ 'e k V' "CA“, '1 k, P. .\1.,.0n iren and Granite Farm 0R SALE—The aubscnbcr offers at Fri- Vnte Sale, the Valuable GRANH'E FARM ~ which‘he '~sidr~‘ éilunled in Cumberl-nd Employment ME AGENTS WANTEDL—We‘ will pay fruni $25 to $75 per month, Ind all expenses, w ac} [we Agents, or give a. commission. Pnfl-iGL hrs arm. free. Addrexs Em: stxya Mum!" Colusv, R. JAEES, General Agem, Minn, Op‘o. [May 18. 1863. )1 ILLINERY GOODS, Bonnets, Ribhons, M Flowers, Slmkera nd Bonnet. Fumes iusl. r'cul-ived from New fork, chenp a: Falw eswcks’, aign of the RED FRONT. LYCERINE and CAMPHOR. 503?, fox G‘ prevammg nnd curing the bins ot‘ Mus. quitoesmndmher insects. u 1 DR. 8.. 110M888 Drug Storm; ICE TIES.—A handful apartment at ' ICILHENYIS. Greene, and Eric, from and after‘ghc passage of this not, to You. (‘0; MI ‘cundldales for the variougoffices to he filled m an elm-tion on one slip or ticket:—Prondud. That. the office for which every candidate is voted for, slmll he designated. u requirad by the existing law. of \his (‘ommonweakh. Sscnos 2. Tim; any fraud committed by any pct-don voting iu‘llm manner nbm‘e prescrib‘d,‘ shall 3m puniahegl by Lhe exisung law: of this nyluoi'vth.‘ ,» set-tion'ofi l-HB fArt of t' e bed’fasembl; of ~th scufon of hB5l. enljflt “An ncllto provide for _ ‘elcclidn\ome-s of'tlxcsci' al Own: ofth Curhmn 091 th :” \\ «" Sacmos‘ ' hit the election furl cs shall be held cond ted in the kwml lection districta‘ the sun manner in aih'esp‘ocli as elections in ryptefiftativbam‘nr alfnll he held and can uctcd, ng‘hy the same Judges, luspcclofl, and othepi ‘cern; nnd the pr 1::- ions ‘gf’the net 0 C General Assam , entlo‘ Ila-d “An'Act- nling t2\ the elec aof this Commonw - h,” npprov‘tl the I '' ‘ lily, one tousuntl eight 11 rr 'lE,flf\ the'svvcrnl supple entt like luvs, nsJur as the am mi "1 applicable, Null t-e deem l nply to llih‘elcction f'm; Ju'iéel ‘Nlt the aforlmid clectars slmll the Supra 0 Court on a! pup and for u ”I?! jltvlgtt . learne 'n the law, 0 nether sepumte piece V ...w-o-n—m —~. -_...-u" ‘ilnso—n nntf iv: virtnv of the Nth section ' UH: act aforemid. every person, excepting slices of the Pence. who elmll hold any oflluo‘; 'nppointmt-nt nr profit or trust under the " rernmeut of the United States, or of my ‘ I or incorporated district, whether it com ;p‘ioned officer or otherwise, a. unbordinnto war or agent, who is, «shall be employed tdcr‘the legislative, executiveor judicinry de ‘tmom of this Stnte, or fifth: United States, _ of any city or incorpnrutkd district. and al thdt every member or (longrt-ss and of the Legislature, and at tln: Select or Cum mou Council of my "ily, or ('ommissiune? of any inmrporated district, i: by law incfipahlo of holding ("exercising utvlhe same time, the affine or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any elcrtion of thi; ('omxnonweulth, and that my Judge. impertor, or othrr oflicor nfany such election. shall be eligible to any at fice to-be then voted tor. 2 Aha—Thu iu the fourth section of the Act ‘of Assembly entitled “An Act mining to ex ;ecntious. and for other purpolosfl approved L.\pril 161 b, 1840. it ié enacted that the aforesaid t 1411: scl'iiun “phull not beeonstrucd, nu to pre vent any illilltifl mlicvr or Loruugh officer, from -s¢-rvin;z M'jlhfgc, impecior or dork, ac’qny pen , (ml 0r syn-in] ulecuun mliust‘ommonweu‘h." ' And in and by an Act of the General Alum !My of this mule, passed the ’.‘d «my ‘l‘ NB, ‘lBl9, it is «I rectal “u": the Incpowton and ,Judgcs be M the pl.u-ea 01 their diutricts on the ldny of‘ the General Elecllon nforemid. at 9 1 o’clock in the l'urmmnn, to Jo and perform HM , several duties H-quired und anuiuw] on than! in» mud u) :hu mma‘ an. , Anti be it further dime-fed, in m] by the Act 101' the Gem-ml Aismnbly of this Slaw, :f’orc jsnid, that our: of the Jutlgei of each of the .difi’orem dun-it"s afmes‘mzl, who aim“ “W the clmrge of xhc certificates of‘lhe number 0! ‘voies whxch shall h‘lvc been gh en foreach can admale for me llnficrcm ome: then and the“ f‘utc'l fur 3511 M: respective dhtricu, shnfl Aueet the thir day 4 Pt lheelechou,which slum ‘ be on Iv'rzzlag, (be 13!]: of Ocmlm- aforesaid, M the Cami-house. in he florouuh of Getty-burg. Ewen and rum to nuke :mmr staleagen‘ 9nd L certificateof the number of was} which 1113“ ‘ hm}: been given at the dxfil‘rem Gistficu in “‘f ‘(ounly or Adamsofén uuy persolng 17% 1.1!; 0" Ice: aforesaid. O (aw 1. » 4 I"; gm . .1 ‘ , - "... g Sheriff's 03,1321 §E§DEP{Y§:S¢PS- I}, g I ‘ Tanner Wanted. , r ‘ l TANNER, kn‘owing bow w‘do 3,993 336 ._‘A'. _vmd workl cnqsecurea good mug bu—y pexmnent and wages zoom—lb hp ' ng m “he lllldcrb'xgrxpdV ML Genygbufimgif- find; 19" {piicmon “yum ba‘muin.» ”7"“3‘“ ‘ "'. ' f 9“ 3931‘? I 5ept.14,1803. 3; - : ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers