.flgfimxms. The Co‘l’nux hypublitbéd every Monday morning, by Hun? J. Sums. at $1 75 per “hum. if pnid strictly n: ADVANCE—4m pef’in’fium if not. pnid in advance. No mkoriptiog discontinued, links: at the option of’ the publisher, until all 3"ng q: paid. 4K on Rhuuxrs insertegi at the usual rates. Jon Puxnxu done with pennies: and di'npuch. t 7 ’ o"ch hi Sauth' Baltimore street, nearly oppositg \Vnmplers’ Tinning Establishment -"(k}!rn.u anfiua OHICI” on thb sign. A Valuable Farm T PUBLIC SALE.-The undeasignt’d, de- A airous‘m diwominne fimning. will ofl‘rr u- ,nblic Sale, on mum)”, Ihe 29th‘ofSEP TEMBER next, the FARM on which he resides, one And A half mile west of Liftlestpwn, Gor . many township, Adams county, PM. on the turnpike lexdinf hum that,tbwn to Only:- .burg, adjéining nude ofl'Micb’lel Fink, Wm. Rider, John Rider Ind otlu-rsi Snid P‘urr‘n cnntains 183 ACRE? of good quality red land. (prank-6,) 50m! 301" 35 Mrs-s of which are good Timberland. A neverJniling we“ of good wugr, with pump, in the door—n never flliling spring near the ‘homr—n constant ,nrenn; 1;! running wmor through the FurnL— It'ii divided into}! fields, with'springa or run ”niug water in neuriy an of'fi'imn L'; 0r i 8 ac}?! of Meadow-land. The inwrnimcms are 'a coinroriame DWELLING mmsré, .1 .. , hug; and: substantial wcnlhtrbunrded‘ ‘ Bunk Barn, in _goml order, n‘stpno ' {Spring ”quire, Wad: House, Smoke Hunse, ‘ Qgrrilge Hopse, uhd other nut-huihlihgs. . - There is argued LIME KILN on the Farm, ; and Lime Stone, to He had within thrr‘o-qlmr _vters-of I'miie. Nearjy til! the tivlds lmvc j ‘heen twit-e hemiiy thnédpilhin a few ypurs. Persona “fishing to vii-w _thl- l-‘urm, nn-l WHh ing to know the terms of sulr,'wil call on lin . undersigned, living thereon. - ' rj Sale to commence m. I o’rinck, P. 31., when Lhileniiance will be given and terms nmde known by‘ ‘ August 7.1, mm. is _ . New Wax-aimfe. :~ ’ v. ‘ ¥ ' “I"‘HELS ‘UI: CHAIN 1(){).( ’4 )4 ) W \XTI'ALM [ln ucv (hand ' and Produce ”Haw, ”1": th? nlltl'l, “H’Juiu ihg Shmhls‘ k ”Ml-113:”: ‘on}.nhhdmwni. 11‘1an _[highcslmmkcl z’““' um “Lug. luv paid in , cash [of {’ GRAIN, of ll“ kindi ~ ‘ ‘ ¢ 1 ’ l~'L,'H'P., SUI-7')". .h‘. Alum” on Imu'l unl Aut um,“ tin ~xu-IKLL‘St __prnfivi, ‘ . j . ’ I > ‘ 'GU.\.\".)S. - f i S.\.I,TbI-‘I\H. ‘ , - \ ' umwmmi .'ic., _ . . ' - , “'holemlu and retail. ._TRY US! “'0 :hle! do imr be“ u; gize smismcnuu it; nil (‘nn-q r . ‘ MW'I'RUY k DIEUL. . Gettysburg, .'\Lly H, 1317!. 13y Sprmg Goods AT A. S“‘()f 1‘ x SUNS ——\\'l-En\itvtlm nt temiox. of Inn" rs (u uuc s'uck d SI ring Giulia, “"17“ ll “'3” M SUM-’1 lint)». « uxhiaLiug bl - M: ”Ix" (Hunts mwms, ’ n Shq‘fls, (‘hnkmg l‘!-:Ih<. Mu. etc. Far \lgu's und [1431' \uur we have (‘I:;_LII_S. (‘.x—rimrrca, Cumliugs, \"gslin-g', “SH: :1 \‘.lriuly of Cuubn mlus, km. kc. (‘un n:,ll‘ge_-;. _ g“ , 51,“,- 13,186.” ‘ .\‘. snow rsox. ‘r r ’v Give Us a, 0211-! 10110311}- mumsl'l'z Inw jvm rI-n-irwi (/ n lIIPJIO {:"Jfi'hm'd qm-‘r. ul \l~\\ “__th - Mhh'h fluff: 1w wlh r_r .\< l u }v 2» Mn i'mwa \\ ill “How. Th! ’l‘ ~lu k h.|~ ann u[. n'II-ui \\ i'h . who and w. u‘f p 2mm :1 qn .'nh7 n~ Ifm n-ul'ml k “'l‘” mlurd.» .\‘Hfjl'm, \n' Juan-_nfl Lilrfl'4' § mm ””1! $Oll (‘1 n<|n~vL Fun “I x-wl,H.'.n '...-h .I. 7': Km ‘Hr'nnuu‘l‘nnu lh..x..m\4‘nlu..'l!‘\>‘, j,» “nun-HAL -\ Jung In .|\.'l|.Ll’t}’v(;g ’l'. 1:. .\HD— d:.‘s~£s..\'ll\\-U.il’ill‘n,“AlkLL'HlAlN. S, | u“: _ m dyfli-nnL‘LuJL 'llvizil‘l'um', In -ltH uH . , Inn-rv nf 1h - \u- ILJUE‘J'M», Spin. .\‘ny, ' ”‘.\" ’1 h" Pthug'u .mll Pm d 3, Kuhn-. 1 LCM, fln-J [93.11“ ; Btu-Aim; 'l'nhn. :10, 1': [hm-n L! lbw”; I‘H'Kg', u. buy: "Ifo lim- :.-=uvluum; ~' SEGA 15 m‘ \_!|T'[ll|\ _hxmx .'.. ('U.\L (111. 11A “"3 MI" SI) film, “onk-we 131:: 'l-x-~l :liEmL .him“ in 1):"un P, 33.301. \rc an“ luv; also. n ' No. I nrlitln u? l'uh ‘V’ll ~“'.\‘~ls.'pl«in un'l 'snynr run-n]. .\imul h re .~-:d h I‘m 'IHJH‘I‘: hf me. Inc-Y ”BALM. uhin‘lru'. Hind": Llllr-‘VI’(I'Z ('.ul.u’—n.-uv. Tulw. l‘lf- l‘.-m \\ I+l -'un—. ‘ac‘ ' “'9: :fim kc-I-p N-‘Hm‘x‘. ("yn‘u‘lmru Furiu, ,_ ,'1~!..,h\ Ihr quaa‘ ! h} "‘u- innu', >11“ Sl“(‘{’:, ('ll‘fix‘nhl't'. ‘l -n-§-, lii u (m g. huigo, (Emil: E, rrmpa ('znrv (‘nwhs ‘.HEI: \' 'F‘l‘. n 141065-wa mum x‘f HI lull": H -~' v! {311,}! 4. l‘fiy:i<,"vm A tty-u 13-. ha 411 V“ ‘ ~. \ (AL; 1. CPU}shu—l’y. \h} H. lin 5. s _ S'uisburyxsrm:Bz 00.? ‘m. :e: “URBAN“:C summer?!" 5m.) LN ' ' n 7 \\'k\'x-.u<~m' .\"l'lzm‘z'r. 'f’nzn'uuziyslt. n. I. PrnpriMnrs uz‘ mm H" fin- mo~t mtg-nin- JFW ELR\Z. .“ANUEZM‘TUXHHS In 3:1 _‘Enncm Shauna, bog'tn ml! Vihe ulh'nfimun/{he unm— mnnjt? gtnerully’ It} the .\vry. 5!. RH: .‘.;M} (‘HEAI’ RATE :1! nhivig Hwy .«n- nth-ring lhnir poo‘is. far surpngung flnhh l'unjgn Mn! 1).)- mosth- .\l.;nut'l‘\ lnlt‘n Li pamL ul‘ ulcguuce and real cpl-ability! . a In- ' V __— ' min I‘mnxxr‘r-I: , ~For Fl'r'rl-Eqs (mum, “e formfih, nicrl; cucded am] {vi Ell in you i nrder. H x-fnllnwinLr elnormo :mnnly u! .lm‘v dry, equal in finish to Any illedlhllgl. am! In): to be recognized frmn.G only by the “Tiny Offlciflu ~ . _4 Sul‘EnmneJ Vvs‘t (11mins; 2 Phi); Floren ‘tine Pins; 4 Eu' Ring; tmmlch: 21‘wict-Wne Fina; 4'Enr Rilus in m gall: 2 P! :in Pixie; 4 Eiu' Rings lo.n.alch ; :73 Ladies' Hinge, “Hunk- Heart and a. variety nf-pwnarna; M Ifuiun Hm hlvms; 50 Scmfpius. l‘hun am'l lluimtion (‘.nml: 'J Double-Glass Lorin-ti,'vnaiun-tulnod; 1: Box and Gluss‘Pnns [or p-n-Lruit or hair: I‘l'n-wirt qd Lockeu,Heurtnn-1 Slicll Chm-mu, ““51 6 Hand ‘B'rnceleuL—all for Fifteen Dalian. A collec‘ tioh‘ofilhisllgind, I’vhen placed in the lmnd< of any one of ordinary’intgliifi-ncc‘opghfto rem}! fin at least One Hundred Dollars r -. Cutalomxeg.~conuininz full-inmrmnt'mn and Prices of 'Guofis, cEm be obtained upon app“- ‘c-uiéin. fining by \Lug, Telegraph or E;pl‘fias reipeczfn _v snliEiLc-i. ‘1 SALISBURY 8309. It 00., < 3‘7 Domucea; 67 Weybuéw: Sm, K Juqe 29,, 1863. Prondence, RJ. _ .-_ 1 . A . K __ \‘ E E. &H. ‘T. Anthony, kl A‘SUFACTUR RS 0F PHOTOGRAPHIC . LI MATERIALS: 01 BROADWAY, N.’Y.— \xCAID PnoroennrntrQnr Catalogue now eln bmcel confidential? over Hmr 'l'lmutaml differ ntgn'bjects (to $4l, ch addniens are continual ly liqingmnde) or Portraits 0! Eminent Ameri ' ‘cfinl, etc“ viz: 72 Major-Generals, 190 Bri‘g. Gineruls, 259 Colonels, 84 Liam. Colonels, 207 Other Officers, 60 Navy Officers, 52" statesmen, ’ 127 Dirinea, no Aluhors, 30 Arliifil” Stage, 46 Prominent Women, 147 Prominent Foreign, Pant-Sta. . : ~ 1 2,590 Gowns or Wonxi or A2l. including "productions of the umsl celehrazed EMT“- jngn; Paintings, 593 mm,“. Catalogues sent on rgcgipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen _ Pictures from' our Cnmlogue will be filled on neeipt 0131.80, and sent by mail, free. PHOTOGRAPHIC AILBUMS. ‘ .Of these we mnnulactnre a grl-av. variety, nnging in prico from; 50 cents to 350 en'ch. Our ALBUMS hive'the reputation of being unperiorm' beauty 35‘ dunbility to any others. The smlller kinds can be sent. safely by mnil at . pmuge of sxx cents per oz. 7 7 The more expensive can be sent by express _, fi-We also keep a large assortment of STERESCOPES & §TBRESCOPIQ\VIEWS. Our Oatglagno of these wxy be sent to'auy ad mm on‘recclpt of Stamp. ' - E. a H. T. “ANTHONY, kfacm'efl qf Photographic Mata-ich ’SOLBBOApWAIthw You. ; ’ Friends or relatives of progniuent military men will confer a. favor hy sending us' their likens“: to copy. They will be kept can I: and returned uninjured, " FIN! ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER {or Con mafia” to present to their Pastor, m- for other purpoul, with sniuble inscriptions, m; Aug. 24, 1863. 6:11 ‘ ' '_ ' . GO to PICKING‘S for you'rSpdng “(18mm ___4 W " ' ‘ , ‘LYIh-JIINI and canon '5O”, 201‘ , .'“f “I°‘F'mz-q._:;_w_ ‘_____ (I pew-naught! wing “1° hues of “345‘ K 0000:8333 PlCKLmyrhr§lm amne- QIltoc; E‘A'otlwm ~. uiguivud rout-nu city ili‘ ' “m of 2 ', m mum's-pm; Sum. ‘ 3 'nfigww..39 «Lian: Yeér- Ii ENIEY SI’ALDING - DR. J. H. SHIEVCK, Im: a Ln'rge SIJx-it of Rv-om: at No. 13.3 UU\I) SlliEli'l‘,,\'l'lS\' UJRK. “1:0le hc’mn M t“ und Nor}- 'l'l'esriu) from 1) .k v m .'z p ‘1 ; and m :w Nunh 01h sun}, [hulivh‘h h' «.'I-u I} Sflfillydny. ‘. Ha law-*1 Izlry- ‘l|,)l;‘_‘. (If "It'l‘il int": -Il his rmvnl~. “hi: "2 mn Im mm Al nll I'll’l'l. I"me u ,4, n-r uhi. x‘ nr ..n wwmin ”1011"“! rim Lurgi \HH In .\n“ m r H on him .u .Ilmxr. H? m Ik x fir- rhn -_w [or mluuu hut lux w‘t'mx’nuzh mam mmu‘u filth lhj- Rug-[urnnu-u-r. In; p'iirc i~ -?°- . i . .\lnln'porann' :tr" vim MI" h we thrlr‘ lung: «.\.uu nu] l-y lii. .\C!I?IICI’}L‘.M)!' Mfr Hwy “11f hr In ud mum-Mr. :lud by lhnv mount it ix pm "if u til it is (00 Lmn Hum much h-‘uer it \x‘uul‘ he to kn-m‘ ‘he-r 1'01:th nu .I.: n‘muu- h: m ‘1 :ufli" CHIC 'l): ”X ‘l for all Tum M.\\l II nit nt Pohl %. own 117 “criusm. of a). goéd» TWO-story Log j ' ' ‘ I),\‘r'finq HOUSE, Bhuk err'n. y‘s A ‘:.\'.|;lon Shed, Spnng Mouse, with Eff _ ‘ :f’ | n m-wr:.nlh.;: spring ol‘water, and 4.53:." '3' 1 (MW: nocessm-y out-bxuldings._ The hfizu'xs m "I high sm'e of uulliv’nfion—all having‘hceu lhnrop'g‘fly ~l'mcnl.-—'—anul fencinggood. ' Tin-1m ‘ie .1 :ufliLio: i-y 61’ “venom. Mildew and Tim-1i ‘ lmrlnhd, and .\m '- in nearly all Iho fiehls:-—"‘ ‘ The prupony i=3snost dwirnble one. . Beside ' {unruly ntlwr ':Hl\'nul:lg-rt', it. is coun-nip“? m; ; «hum-INN. sdmoh, millu. sharps, km, being but 2 :hnll a mile fun» the pleasant mum of .\‘owL 1(Tl‘osll'r. "1 >_ ‘ fa? 3 g'ersuxw “'1 him: In \jmv the premis'es 'W'IW" jcdl upon Jm-nh anlm-H, reg‘linq‘lhormu. ’5, 5 ”Salsa ll) confluence nLJ’mju-lockfl’. M.,’ I on saith Il‘ar. '“ln-n attendance!“ill‘hmghen .‘ ”I nnd Icrms nmdé anun by ‘ ' _ e . § .(}!3_\)R(‘-E WOLF, , Josm'u wow, thli Unne<, An’clio‘ or; V. * lizeentors ‘ July 27, 1863. “gt ‘. ‘ ? 1 I HEundL-rsigned.beingthenuthorimd‘person f 0 que romoyals into Evefitheén Ceme ler)‘, hopes that sub as contemplate the remp’val ox‘lhgremuilis of dcccnse‘l relativcs‘or lfiends‘ win 3mg themselves 01min season uftheyeunu In W: it dovue. Removals made with prpmptucss —terms low, and no efl‘on spn'rt-d to please. ‘ ' _ ‘ PEN-2n THURS, . . March 12, ’6O. .Keepcr of the Quiet”); Ans, snomnms 'and sums, of best quality, and cheap, at ‘ - ‘ .Adg. 24. . «150. B. KALBFLETSCH‘S. n < Tmlormg. ‘ THE 'snbscriber, hmiumncd fi'pm the Army, takes this methyl ofinforming the public that. fie has ~«.'.oxmxlenced‘ the. TAILOR ING BUSINESS again, at, the old stand! in IcSherrysmyanKAdams county, Pm, find that he Will maké up garments in the W sly!e, tad at reasonable rates. He hopes. by mid. attention to business Ind a desire zq please, to merit g full share of pub'lic patronage! ‘ . GEORGE vMIHM. ing. 31, was. 3:3 v : —» -~- —-——» --—-————,—j——— E ers’ 8; Mechamcs’ AVINGS INSTITUTION 01' ADAMS co., S Inning cr'e-sed’iu mph-l, bu enlarged, its businen'a‘nd extended its accommodation, Loan dny, Wednesdty. [April 6, 186%. 'lt ~ Plckmg AS RECEIVED 1211‘ H ' SPRING a; simmer; CLOTHING ‘ COME ox 2, coma ALL. May 18, 1863. - l ‘ ‘ Plcklng As RECEIVED ms ; ~ SPRING a srmxnn CLOTHING. Cum: on, coma ALL. » May 18,1863. ,7 .. . IGKING HAS RECEIVED HIS SPBIXG; & SUHMEB CLOTHING I y..— [BY ' J. STABLE ISchenck's' Pulmonié; Syru'p mu. cum CONSUMPTION SCHENCR’S' pmmoxfc SYRUP E“. mu, cm: CONSUMPTION SCHENCK’S I'vmlomi; SYRUP “n 4. ccn: CONSUMPTION sonnxcx's PULMoxw SY}!FP§ Sum. rm”: CONSUM P'I'IOX scumxcx‘s .\EA WEED TONJG" yum. emu: DYSPEPSIA sr‘mmrK's Sm WE‘zto TOViC' “I . WILL CI in: ', t 2 J I)&’>‘l'El’Sl'\""‘§. SCHEMWCS HZA WEED TWPIL‘ _‘ ‘ . \m x. '(‘x 1m 1' I"f>‘.l'l'§l’>3l.\. ' scmmcx s sin \VHHD‘ 'ruxm “I! I. (Inc mama's: \ V__,_ scngxcxss .\uxmuun PILLS ‘ “ILL :li’r‘m: ‘ LIVER COMPLAIN r 3; scnuxcx's .\IAXmfiaKEmILLS “'ALL (CHE JJP’ER CUMPLAENTS , —4— 5 . SCHI-ZgL‘K‘S MANDRAKE PILLS ' I I “UL 141:}: ‘ LIVER COMPLAINTS} . SCHEXLKS .\(A‘4DRAKE I’I‘LLS WILL :31 m: ’ m V 121: cmu‘LAISTs l urn-Im.“ 0t (rid. new. “12:5. b u 2):. u u 'unt (mum-Hum in thus. (‘léj that he has udmx'c' (1 El ”:05 n! (‘rnmn‘nptum 'S'honck's l’r.:.cziv=~l (Mike is 3.; North I? Sum", l'thulfllfu, I'm, '.\ iwrc le‘tficui hicu .\lxmzlll :Il\\'.lv« jm :hrm-tc‘j. cc Int. lhv I‘L'meln- Evurr *Hul Nu Wrsn ‘- huh 31 it. mm. m :3 the h..il du/Acn. qule'ntmflfirn-nu p-l lug. ‘ an]; L 3 all l'rugglalswxn.‘ :.-u.rekecpzri. (in: 1"}1353. 1m . : = Valuable Farm , ‘ PHUJ'I‘ .\‘AH‘l—J’n Tl ESD \Y. the Gl]. ‘alu' nf: {HITUHIC‘R m-Vn Hm nub 's. Yu-rulprjww! um Lls‘l “I“ til-x! Imm nf Hohry Well. dummy-v], _\vill nYTc-r 1i! "_Ha'm. nn' vhu pr-m-u-I. t‘h2‘ full-gym; Median] [Cumin of £llll glormlout. \ I‘Z :~ '.\ IL“. xizu'uu in 'l'yrnao tn“ n.'lip, AJnm: \. l‘:l.. mvljuining hind: of ”fury. .1. My- NI , Smn_url’.\!:uch, the, propenty lnu-ly :1 My Joseph ”I”, 'mnl ‘olhelsdidniainin‘xg crck, mare ’or lan. The improvements Removals. g ]Teat. 2. J» A , JEJJJJJJJJWJJJ‘J JJJ-JJJJJ JJJJJ'JJ‘JJJ Cie nut. ' Where‘is lllbjnowz . ’Tis not long ago H. coun»! the earth with a .veil of white, \Ve‘hrmrd not its-{‘(rzotstepa «on and light, Yet there it was in 'tho morning‘bright; No“ it huh‘mnquishcd away from sight. \ lNu} a tram- remmnl ‘iln fields or lam-la. .~ - Where}: the frost? “ ‘x, i'L‘ht-g‘nfr gorne nhdJost— The fprms ofl‘bemfiéfiml night it ma-le. . With piatufis mré- were “indowa nrrnyE'd; “ Be silt-uh" i't' ”Pd 41110 [break ObC'j'Pd, Yul axlencchrd yuctu'fi‘s n_ll did fade. , A! the agrile of the sun A i 1A1! w» fluduuc. I=2l ‘ ; When is the ruin? ‘ \. , l rum-ring il c4ule,- . Dnming Monk with u mod-5' spund, < .\ grass.) bed-m the fivhg‘i It muhd; ‘ ‘ Each thup 071*“ (in the itwfwitJl n haunt}. Whine is the n§in '3 l! hath len‘ the gro‘upd . . “Hun gnml lulh it done, ’ i \ Gum mmy‘ Sal‘soon"! Evor, ever. > ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘1! Qm best endeavor ~ Seemgth m 1811 ‘lké thq melted snow, _ We pgérk out our thoughg wisely and slow; Thfsdfcd we same but Ic'xxill uog grow: Uur hone resolves—whore do they go? Int doth xehmin? ‘ v, ‘ _\'pzhix‘g is lust—v ' Nb anuw nnr fxqsl. T 111?” cometb-to (‘Hl‘iq’lllhr eirtb agmn. \fc 1114*“; leum “la-ugh"! rironlh grain- Is yvuxi'fig over lln: lul’l nudJrlainE, ‘ ’ .\qdwlguaut rz-jus spring Pram earth agnin ; g '.\ll eududlfl in gobd— . ‘ “th and food. . ‘ GM ; ' Kee(r«]~>lu\ir; . 2 i ' Divupofhzmvmhcnr'. ‘. - " 'Nmuzh'ihnpn su‘uf- xh \ min, h-nymlien! film; 'l"l\‘,,_'u:idinierl"s Hnlnl oh th lIIHiH. . 'l'h} “Mild .5 “wk Hgbpmrvrful “111 Le finLLi‘ng Ihl: {m- .\§:rl: 4!l“‘ ,y \ 1 I Tim pug! n-nn]:-.wnr . ‘ ._€:@§g,;~;>ll;l3l£3ll3. {F THE MAN-“THE CANDIDATE. Juclgla Purtcr. in a rrcem puNic ladl]|’““, in Lll)qrty Hall‘ at. Honcsdnle. M'uyne county-,flhus -spcl§e of Gegrge \V.hVOOJ wan-4: f ' . ‘l‘. / “it seems peculiarlynpprnpriate lirré. in ' his native rounlv, thutl shonlil'say' sum-‘- ihihg 011th,“ ruinlulute Tm- Govfiérnur. You hzm- known S‘him “Phi as aboy {Hill a mun. i have kiimin him 111‘th :-s it lawyer and a .lunlgi‘. “I "‘3‘” my nnthirig ol‘tlie punt} . of his clmmctvr. lol'hlaziii‘e has iain an open ‘ 'lunZ-k. it's p‘lu- ~ as [nine hnd spoil?" as wlwn it: Nevin-ll its. tin-t ré-Cnldo in your lmyi~h #llOll4. [ have ni‘wn' been struck ’wnlh tlu': purity of Judge Woodward's mind. llJviu: known him ihr more tlmn' : when": ”it: yl‘ul‘: o‘li‘ the bench and on the . bench, 1 mm Tsuy'; with sdrupulous acoum- 1 (1!. that ,IThxu'c nt-ver‘hmrd from him one; wonl which would not become the, mouth : iof the most pure minded and cultivnted person—bolt” is he elevated above that} course viilgruiiy which these unfortuate ; thighs hnro‘cunied into, the higheét seats of: power. Such it man is always firm an}! ‘ sCli‘l‘t-liuht. Qno who canyulk out in ih‘o‘ ‘npm‘ight of lic-uven‘with the conscious-i hess mi, lin has intontio aily done no mam i wrong. iii thought or neg ir. public or )an-i rule. is :ilw‘iiys it man of courage, and gnu-Vi orally min cxwt proportion to the rvcti- [ ‘ tulle at his cohduct. I have something/tot ‘ say of‘hin‘iutvlleg-hml qualifications. «I re—l ‘ colloutltfiery with that whrn a student at] college; {went gallon him sfkak/m thel Conimntipn to amend the Constli/zutiun of' theftntci; nmhthere I saw tho pale 11'an1 ‘ (lei a‘te oti‘ipli'qg, scarcely se on years at the liar, Without the nllvnnta of collegiate ; ‘ training. ‘mthmit an. or arti co, without, ef‘ , ‘ fort otmunm-r'or voice, but calmly, almost! ,mujeética‘lly. ono‘huining the attention of; the grantlluWyers of tlm’tussembly, and en-f ljghtcpin'g them as much by the wisdom of ‘hin _étmsel as he nttmcled them by tbei phi-fix of his diction. The subject was one‘ ,of dry C nstitutmual low, and probably it! was the (ally subject on which the youthful ; ore'tor cohhl have compelled the attention“, of such a body of men. for it is undoubted-"I ly that branch of the law which his compro heusive grasp of thought and power of geri emj‘gcifiion best fit him to treat. Years oft pn'tiehi-sthdy have since given larger know-l letfae. amt maturer Viewb, and his opinions‘ have becamean important part of our juris-i prudence. ' ’ ' “ Isit not singularly fortunate that in such a crisis of, our afi‘airs. when politicians in the South and politicians in the Aorth i seem to hé contending with each other in i the fienaiph ambitioh to discover who can do must towards flashing to piecés our great, i Constitution. that such unzip should have been selected a'nd madeacahdidnte against his own will; nny, compelled to relinquish the better ofiice of Chief Justice which is. whitingto‘receive' him, and to Stand forth thestahdard-bearerof his partyin this dread hour of his country's peril? Surely. (uch a standard was nover chumittod to purer handm. Read the noble words it bears—i “An unbroh‘n Union, an unbroken Constitution.” i See how bravely he carries it! with what} calmness and dignity! without ill-will to 3 any, without a word of defiance, without 1 ‘aven an expression of scorn for those pen: nioned slander-er: who shoot from secure hiding-places their harmless shafts. My { fellow~citizensl let us join handis and rally . round this great leader-Ind hirgrcnter ban. i ner. Let him ’feel that good men. who ‘ sometimes mike little/part in these contacts, : are everywhere coming to his support.— Send then your legions-tram these buuLi-v fut hills; 'llet them-pour down, as thabona 9f onnsyxlvali‘ia recent-ly’ poured down on t invaders who dared toplace on this soil th :‘treabunahle feet, marking as you did th your» M‘their flight: with the monn- l ~ \o of Unix dead; The use is'lub‘b' Mll-1‘“! mamthouzb thew-pd: is ‘GETTYSBURG, PA_, MONDAY, SEPT. 28, 1863- u‘o'rnmc “most. ' N'cmux‘y and pain 3111! nmcr “nun: 13 man" AND WILL PnlvuL." so peaceful—flint of preserving our Causati ufional fréedom by ovbry ratiohal and con stitutional mmmq. Lot in. with the true consistency of men’ who know they are right. presem the sameunhrnken from m tho‘ conspirabom of the South and the breaknra of (hinstitutions at the North. V" we are to TalF—H'thjs great fabric, founded during the muml of many years. cemvmm! by the binml ol‘our fathers, and buttreswd onall sides by the stro’ngth of thnir wisdcm. is to be hewn down by thojoinl efforts of mndmen nu (he nwfifiFund traitors on the other‘ lheh. in (lefflnding it, we dud] :‘u lpust have disdharged the highest. duly cast on a. mm: of TN») mnn. If, hnwvver, we meow-d in Fus‘tnining, agni'nst rm}! ("lasips ‘of foes lbme insnmtxons. as Iv'ujly lwhl-ve we shall, then indeed it wpll be“ an im perishahfia hminr to have punioilmted in}: canine! so nnhlo. and to have achievedn victory 50 glm'iom.” : , ‘ Suéh is the nm‘n—such is ghe oaqdidate— {whom the Democracy, present to the people ‘of' Pvnn’tylvmia for their sufl'r:@u‘q. All 1 that Judgo Porto;- says of him; is known 15 l (whale. That thn people‘ will. rvj'eojt such & InAnT—lsnch a candidate—for 'the’connpt 1 Curlin‘i, We wil] not believe. If the _voteré‘ of the State wOuld do credit to themsvlvos. and réde‘mu the chzn‘ucper of the "OM Key ‘ stone” from tho (liwruce which Curtin has lu'uughtauphn it, theymhould', and we: jet-l conti-Jeutthov Wt“. 9106‘ GPWL'C WWW“) ‘u’ tlnatm‘ lhinkafthltt with care it Will not ward by at majority of thiljz‘m/ thousand. - trouble me muohj. “Tell ll'FhH'tb‘ut lamso i . . . __ -‘-“... ‘... 5, 7_.' . _ glad to hear tlnt‘thenltl Demnorzttw [um :WOODWAR'D ND HIS SUPPORTERS 1;! n i x ' is going [o3s”] thia ftlt thatl jlht h-tl like; , ‘ . ' TH“ SGLDI‘L‘JRS. v‘olTE rheernng; that is;the wuv nllmmr hwy; feel. , JP‘lfle W“ dwmd T 5 “ thf’l'cfué!” Pnnnsyl . A vaat nmnnnt nfnonneiise nit-3 bqen late—l “.13 re “0k and tired othonriiig ahnut ‘xlie lyanmn by rth, by education. “I“. In feel» lly [uhlizh'ml by the abolition papers. in this! “nut“: and weltvunt to see the Ahnlilinn- ‘ hm. All_ 1,5 interests are. in ting StuYte‘ all I State. on the suhjvct o'f the army "o'.“ cagtl ms [“93 (Imm. tn [H's kw} “mam m having mvnlvprym .he yvrnso‘rvation 9ft 19 ann. . ~ . ' l 'I 1 ' . } 'A'l b - 1d Unouf/hn sons. Gol.()onrge \‘l. Woodward. fln 1801 lmvm" been ruled ot h ' the um put "7’ to a" “' ' our 03"” wnu ' - ‘ ‘ A ' _a .. ‘ ‘ [5 3 . lvnta for Wanting-l .if thev could pt I" (wimnri-mds the 2d Rommel". Pennsylvania lmlprnmo ,L‘nbrt. [hetstute of Lht: cme is - chance. Thvy do hate Anciy Curt’m “v.l“ ' ltosén'cs, Col. Mann’s old .rvgmwnt; an i ig~t this. [A care 0? Chase vs. Miller “'llsLnll their mmhn' 'flm‘ 0.139,. day an Aholi- goflmr served 33‘s. captain in a cdm-pnn‘y hrmtght hefurp tht- Cnurtol anm'nvt‘nuntv' , tion tract m‘ln lnuught Curtin's p’it'turt‘ to; hmh he "fwd m Luzerne cohnty, 4‘1““ ’ ~ "' - ‘ll err ids at l t‘ your and this and bath lin m 2.11 n; 18121.1nvnscnrtuin \\lu-thvr by Our‘mmp N” we 001*" out for “ch‘néf' ' n. “3 3 " ' ‘ 1 , p .' ‘. li . . ‘ K Mod ”(the men \vlmhln’thavo {hem («71/1 :Wt‘xe ”3 ”‘0 battle of Gf‘ttyshut‘g. Judi-Q aH1ln::1;11en.lml wfillilltlfllotl 0 film 3t'llu. nn‘: at that ”We, hut smno of ua-tnok them .\t omlwahl I',” been nomlnalpd—notby the . elvqtlon cuuhl he hell and a mute taken for just for fun. Smnehmtv stud; one \yfi qudillrflfly m’Pn. thv cuntmomrs’lQMty, the 1 Ei>tr}l't;.'ittuttmy outside of tlm Cummnnnw tn-e. :unl wmtp f 1?” Ali/dwr’r Frmyf’ oval: L :lavhnmn " .f'mhmlhwm arcbsmvmg to cle~ wealth: Atlnr :l‘deci.~ion was rhmln by the! i“ ‘Y'LN‘WSHH 01W man, ‘my I°ll 19”: m 9 . grade Ame-neon 811110115 by 189 k ”mat-3‘? ‘ l l ._ WW, bl . _ ‘ . k“ ‘.ho‘n" much of n.triond ho is. I hm‘en’t ‘f-not “3’ mp" ?“h°.““"”‘é’° to “”3“ P 0!“ .m gr .1: l.t ~ ”11.“. the eve WA,“ in fl“ ! walked right “in“ 1- mt the eumntiem tlt‘finntl by their Wits—bums the exponent .tu thvh'u'l‘wvw Cutu'tmml wwdomtlpdthm-c “'34,,er ,“y ln‘ rotten 55:111le “Annwuk of their principles, by the Detuocmcy,lll9 It. .‘l-n), 1W; 11ml ll 15' xvi-nilml , m 51h null; ‘l‘w- lvml Hm njpué pvor stare Ihr.- “0"»?th “11‘“5v;1he WOW“, b 3 ‘mev?£l”§3“l' Wright, l‘- 4H3, It L‘hx‘arg (IN-110.] Mann; rt“)! “‘ibht‘tl the ajmthty {mhu'm mm. he turitl xtitvrosts, I‘." the *mercnnt 1?) “19 p'rrr i , L ..' l ‘ _ ‘ . Lnn'v mu ull luv h'lt‘k.‘ ‘4 éutln-l‘ whl 01 hit fefnnuh‘l. the uz'nnufacturing musics nutmdu H'" “l'” ”'l'“ ‘ ‘_"“"“'“"'}""l‘"'.' ‘ In“ C"'. élwrw: my}, 1 illullfl‘lH‘Zflltu whwh he hm} "1 Adm‘QMTmm“ l‘mmn'fl‘r‘fl, h)" ”“3 5“” (.‘.). “MW 4' A” ‘l' “0 “r. Uml I” “1’ N’gdc T" ;:"t {rum ‘tlm UWHR‘ llrh-n-l.’ Aitnghthm; ‘ HIVPOIHDFJZ the Fi‘ltlth’u-ndent “1"" Wl' .' ‘7l g uu/ .n {ii ttzr‘lc‘m r/m/u‘tl 1. Ln.‘ 171‘ 1.14;]? .\‘nu ‘hpvpr’ lit-Mil“ / flg‘?‘“g¢‘t “"11.“ pnml {'w“ the 50]} 0r kcnvnuylw‘nmy and Wl‘ {1" z. 'r‘ 1 l .I.": hump/”(ply },,,.,.,./,,,1» "(h mafiaug A~“lllt-ll\llnly,:‘mltl Lu'idh he and all {L‘nor‘rfi's in": those ”I, ”m Country; wl' ~ ‘ , ' . ' . . ' . .h» cunt actols )y/lfillill 11-H‘A- hum-112. ‘Hze 'l‘h'm'lhml ““1" ”'0 Nate and “n" t] ‘ : x 3" 1‘ M“ 1?”) I‘l;:\‘,‘”um' m...) 51 lm\"i th.-n :m 3.41 lht-mwlu-C throwing m": me" who Mnmm‘lm" mmm‘p' 31‘“): 11nd ‘imrmbl It, had nut the lighttu . quid-Lot tulnvé‘plnt'tlm lm’lth' and; I” 5.”, titalists, s'oml thok’cnpitnlwin-.Egr/ {thaw-1.3: ‘.n vim-nun outax‘lc oi the Stall) or‘ we “1.,“ dug/1.. Amlv’s f.“ 1. W.” qhhnzml i,,_ :cmmtrtv lfl'Jl‘Y'l'WhOltnlf‘d‘ by n;lsf’ dguflgd. _ ‘ ' Ally: the,-m./n;e pupuim' mlor of his. hivolite s33,32l,;glflllfg‘fig‘;l’jialls,; 1’ ._; .- .' ‘ ,-. -, . : 'inggors. X wuh we muhlpot home to ‘olth . l . "‘1 .... 1.,» . .n. 1 .. .. ~ ‘ Il‘l l 4 II In? th e (‘m‘ titnt‘mnll qtiest '.‘v. “M thw(<a_v “fl!" 3‘). but. :31“!in SOldtoi'S ~ttluicll {Ptcsuonistm {l‘hc JIIHIT’L‘ \\ Lr)U\L\\'4:ltl (lehvorcd, the nl‘nmon of: m”, héhllg‘med to 5:0. 11ml that/they intend Jun-rest in the prr-servgh tho Cum t, mriyvory..lu 1:19 nn-the- hencb, l,“ sgp” hmtte Yunkpés m carry-the I’enn- thnn their nppununts.- ‘.\-"opt ’l‘hnmmnq, chm-uyr'ozl‘in Ithe opm-i sy/Yvainiu election. 1:917! Jnhn to iun ; mm 11 Ju-luevltuul, who was ndmina- }{'*”gm"“ml vpte Tog-ll "Od‘lnnl' 1~,,” lb 31 U,. _ ,1 [’hv’r mg to all lhqllll'lngr friend 19., .lht. (nutw y Lin . Xltlthnilslb,’c.;/I"stnp for Iqu umil m“ soon‘gn curled in it. Dst any “Milne 'm‘ hm: SL: , “Xour dutiful son, Mn hohvve ”I.IL tthutlge—s nl‘zh» Supyéme (hurt mic-gowmvd iu th‘vir «Kelsi/(ms hy vair pquimiu-w or ,iHMiOMS. éuppose Jul 1:40 u-‘z'l'lh.|!l‘]x‘li\{vrml the 0 (tion. and stxlrppw he was mm! a chmhdygi‘g‘r G'wrr -w‘xi. Witt“ “unlit the Almlitiunixh my'thnn? Bttl Judge Ilmul “.91 ( rrcd ln’lllis View of th'nlmv, l.ut Legiylature concurred in it, {or nature (the Senate having n str9fig Al'mhtirm majority) pnfsetl njnin-t rPstJ/hltion, NO. ' 6,"pum[whlot INKS, {mun til-l. “(imposing 1‘: endments to . . . V /,, i the can-titnugfi. and the!!!“ amendment which the I-eolih- are requestel to make, is to allow thxt “qthllfi:d elector of this Com- I‘mnwen/lt’h’in any military serfice; to _exerL r~i~c the/right of mfl‘rqgehnml electiom by the [MHz-mg" (to. Now, why; should the Ln-xi-lnture call upon the pcow’e to amend the rqmtitution and Five the ‘nrmv- the right tb note if the army has the right al ready? " ' fifl'j. Geor‘gc TV. H'mdu'ard.—Amdng the “"ndlihgffin nuws ite‘ma in the New York Nags we n'oliéa the following: - ' “Tim campof the Invalid‘Corps, nt lfel'm idiar‘ um. Washington. is under the comr mum] of Maj. ‘George W. Woodward. thg son of the Damocrauc candidate for Go‘v‘ ernor of Pennsylvania. The corps! now comprises nines thousand mfin. Maior Woodward is engaged in forming them into fegimfints.” ‘ Major Woodward, lalthnugh he has ,dia; tiugui'shed himself in fvetal bangles againsc ; the rebels, is nuve'rth less. like pm distin- ‘ guiahed father, considered a“Copperheud " by the Aholitioniuts. «- ; , 1 ——- v - +0 - o—T—-—‘— ‘ WSinc‘e Forney was beta all the little lights of" Republicanism lw'renbouts have hebn r’ehiling his slanderous charge that. 'Judge Woodward, in a speech in Decmber; 1860, maintained the right and duty, of the South 1 ‘secedo. . Most. of the Republican paperajoo, ye publishinga gubled'gxtract from t at spemli. in order to give some show of plausibility to the charge. The Democratic State Committee. howevei', are effectually silencing this libel on our noble mndidate’for Goyernor, by publishing the whole speech in 'anphlet form, for genera al circulstion. ho Aye Ind other Dem?- cratic newsphporl line also published it on tire; but. not a single Republichn paper inn yet dared to do no. ' The fipeech was made in Philadelphia, be t‘nre I town meeting called ‘-by Mayor lien ry, for the purpose of favoring compromise and conciliation to prevent the present civ il win It was not. a ynrtimn meeting: neither was uingle pnrtizan allusion made by Judge Woodward in his apeech.‘ The sentiments he nthfl‘d ’wem received as statonninnlike and sound by his entire nu; disnm than; my thoy must. be by every un prej udiccd render nO".-23E¢W!D'J¢V Demo ual. k _ ‘ - NB'Vex-y‘nnxmuq—tha Agoli-fim print to know: why‘Jung Woodward dam not resign the phce he hglds on the bomb of tin? Supreme‘ Court. Perbnbs ‘aome of them willnow inform us why Gov. Curbn does no‘ reuign his seat in the Uukwru atori-' (11 chair, and Judge Agnew his sent on the htmchf Surely iii: in wrong in the one-to hold his as: it ii equally imw‘oper for‘wd glare to retain ”heirs.“ Or it not, «by t i A ‘ , ‘ . . ‘ <7 w: A SOLDIER'S LETTER ABOUT “THE 'BOLDIER'S FBIEND'fm-VOTEES, READ! _ . The‘following luster from, gm of 6m bnfile i‘ennsylvlmiil boys in thin Arm_y of the Potomac shop's Ilia l'eoling among our =volximeors about Curtin’s claim to be call ed "Ila: colulzer’xfriznd.” The writer of this leltpr sérved through all the fearful omn paigns 0T McClellan on the Peningnla, alul “33:413er in every Imm" of injpnrtnnce s'pdg' 119‘ hem-e the marks of léwn wounrl'q teoeivwl m Fwdéfickubnrg, which he will Hurry to hi; gravv.’ Ha ii, novorlheles}, Mm; tho 'Abolitiori trailers, who are 100 cowardly to turn 4M“, cull a “(‘..ri’pperhozyl.” .md‘is impiwilinghis life on the 11mm nl Virm'nia undo? the flag of his country, while (hm?- Inlgeillénnimnnv. wrou-lmx nulls-r (he slxe’llcr o‘f hofilos lug arm has helphlto keep secure, qre‘yflvilinglxi‘m «yd the gnu-'3l party to which he belongs a; “disloyal.” We give his lcllor, which is addressed to his mutllm‘, unbalém: - ‘ "Fly bur Jl other: l rl‘ceived Jnlm’; IN 201' 11M “‘PRk _uml was glad to lwnr llmt y)u are all“) r; 11. 1 h:|v_é no remain to cumphslu. uhl null} tlhnd‘ulxp wnumer re‘ lnllhlenf‘ no \and Umn tluit that rvlml ‘lmllet' is still luried i'n myalzoulller. 'l‘be ' -—— i~7-——»——~olo> _— ...—r... ‘ ‘ NEGRO. EQUALITY. .énme per-nus allow thenm‘lvo cfivgd h; tlqu nl' thP'vaublicm firm loath-1w wllh say mbv are not. negro pqun‘lily. nn‘lwithstzmdiug numunuh! mg evidonu-‘c th-It the“ inlvnd- to take that puritiuu. ‘ Wanda” Philli'pfis now own ama-lgnmation; sn‘ ilbef Tilton. oi prudent newspaper. and we quot article ‘fmm the Home Jmlrml", | 30f wHich am) on input confiden with ‘(he President question by another rmpnr _ _ have us receive the calm-ml rnne into uln mestic and social equality With oursi-lvcs?" the Jourmz/ says: . . i "‘Aml why nut? I 4 it not «lane in_the moat polite and m-iutnl-mtin cirrlew 9" Eu rope, Anal are wetlmlr-ml so greatly more) delicate and somnttve than t‘lmy? Ah! here is whi-re the nlmb pitichm——;m:l‘liei'e is where the great. prnntl sin of Hill North lit-s. Hare is_the hoavxeat demand which the. Providvnce ol God ls,tlns n'iumont laying upon us. He‘l‘nilrtlllt‘ prnle, the scorn. the urrrigunt rfltugnhnce wlrzolt "NHL he laid aside lw'forc the people of the North than be really‘to ‘luunhle themselves beneath tlm mighty linndéfhod.’ and an bl» lll'L‘)L‘l‘ l-wl'tn receive back ‘l‘mm that haml the priceless national lil?B3illg"of_r(’fl(‘f. union and .pi-osponty. ‘llut how is it all to.be ‘bmugbt about? The Lord knows. We have im patent political or social hostrutn to propouiid‘ The, Land will perfonh." It Eévuis, awarding to theie members of the Kitchen Cabinet, that the. war is to he indefinitely prolnngad unti‘. the people of the North are willing to receive negyoes on terms oflzlorheslr'c nnd aociul (qualitv; when we will he. prepared to rt-ceivutlm lilessingfi of [10309; union and prmpvrity.’ We helit-vc that the man who tulkVin this way nrv not only enemies to the Government, (not Alice Lincoln.) but. they are undasignedly. per’ ‘haps, the worst foes Of the negro race. , . ‘ .'l‘o attempt. to force on the people of the Nortlndomestic and social equality with ne groes isto decree the extermination of the negro race‘in the Northern States, ’ l ' » Wlmt peothghuiay' think of grolnng‘ing the mr‘nntil t e nbbve result. is brought nboiit. they can nqswcr by their vqtes at the October election. \, _ , ‘ ' It has been annnuncod from headquar tag-s tfmt that. pox-mm of the National dab: which 19 represenmd by bond: Ind not“: was on’the lat July last, all but suns um; DEED. humans or nouns! And tlns Aces not. include the amount. due discharged soldiers, the representatives of discharged uoldiernrback pay, pension or br-umy mon ey. or any of mg many thousand of claims against the Government which hug not yel. passed audit. I: ,yill soon be. swelled $0 TWO rams”: limo” or panama!— \Vhata'conaollng thought (3) to the tax payer's of the counuy whom the Abolition im up trying to persuade than it. in a bloam mg. Alllthe young, able-budleu man they compel log? to war, and, the old. men they burden with taxes: A few mnrn 3:21 of Abblitxon rule and sle eurthwall L 32 ernd mth blood and greenbwks. Gad sum the céuntry! if they get an'ementiou of may lease of despotism, nnu‘rq‘hy mid mambo..— Wntmoreland deubb'mn. l. . ‘ ' . 7‘ ~ - ——~—4o.o-+v—L— .._ —- “Tbecondemnatiogi offline Rudnqal rheu uresfot'the {Adminialmuon in powe‘r is the nights; ‘oblljznxion of n iplLrhl'.”—Govanmr Brundcile ochzucky ‘ ‘ s In answ THE PUBLIC Imm TWQ DOLLARS A-Y EAR ‘ , A _PfiO‘I‘IfiBAPH or 03mm. /‘ The day before the Abolition'Convéntinn lat Pittsburg, the_Gazeu(‘, the leading Ad ministration journal published in the 1 West, entered a solemn proton npainsfihoh 1 nomination of Andrew G. Curtln iylb 01-g lowing word :' . . 1 “We trust, howéver, that. nobody in the annventinn will allow himself to be misled Ehy lhe‘idea‘lhac n man lxke' Curtin. and ,lwith such a rrcnri «s we havm shéwh ‘nf ' him, ran-.h'e fnrval nprm lhc‘pnhpl‘o of this ‘ icounty Ivy r-uniné hnn in numipul‘mn against their will. We knmv what. w'o adv. . l'nben mi qxve noticé [Y thaw who'ma)‘ ’hé glempted to this View. t ml he is unih'rsnlly I 5 helinN-a by the people here-tn he carruplf— ! to have sold thé State and'tho puny both:— 1 ‘unvl to be anything but .well affected 10.029‘ lNggionul Adnfinistratinn or the ,Lruly loyal '. mm at home; “my know indeed, so well ] the-firm of company hwkeeps, an! the kind Vof ilofluonceq that. havognverned him, "th. l ‘We haw- butiuivemehape and uuprance 0‘ “ lhvir invincihlg repufznnnvu to the Vininl ‘ mml (lonn what. thly dvsircfl in endéuvor-I [ing to saw the party. by wxunh‘g‘t e mnn~‘ acorn that t/wy mus! ncx'lher [nut/5. {a enor ham 1 Wk anythmg so uxcuau. it they c mitfeuha i lvute of Khmmongest Rmublic county 'iu lthe State or the natiunr n important ’ l 0",." ‘ _x; 1; 1 ( (‘nn it In: pnsxdhlh that, /nlujol-ityk\f‘frbo-‘ ‘ mm 01 Punluylvanimw“ (lea-ml “wirvotpg ‘ 1 [_n‘ favor of (he shmlfimnlvlutr, 'whn haq : been no ullPrly cond nun-Ll by members of ( his own party? / ‘ ' ’ I REMEMBERr ‘ ful'tin, th‘q Abolition Jr. is thdcnndidnte of in some at the States, grade the whitemnn ) the'rightto vote, and Upon 9n equality will? 11‘! party; in the Bog luring tlip Inst session, I‘Opnslilfln to préient m fromtgoming into :ieluy prfljnllic'ng'bhe almrvra; that Curtin'a is, not only gnvebto vote. but. gave them witlxli’eld it. from the ). so that 'n negro find ll] or German; coming , same day. the negro slmuld v‘ow tin: yearé twfore the Irishman or German could exercise that privilegg! I White men slmiild also rempmhpr that 'D‘nnivl‘Agm‘w. tho Abolition nominae fn‘r .Supx'cmo Judge. (3m the s‘ume ticlp-t, with Cumin; did. ns'a fllflnilfl‘t‘ {if "tho ' Refnxm Constitutional (Xamvcntion of, this State, fvnte in favor of conferring; tlte’ right to vote | upon negmes. the name in; on the whites. x The whim men 6K Pennsylvania almuld, land do‘uhtlefis‘ will, remémhsi' these ffifL‘gl ‘mnl it‘ tlnéy be'livvv NS!) the lute 89; tor : Douglas, nt' Illinoii. Ll. “.‘this Governinent. was made by white nwn."(<unll as )Viasbinzr‘ tun. Madison and Frfiukli .) for thnlmnl-fit lrnt' Whltt“ mm and their p 0 er'fty‘forevvr.” ithpy cannot and Will not vo for 06mm and Agnew, but. will ‘cast tliqir .vobes tor 1 Woonvu'nn and" Mwnm—wferqrimn. / _.... “““""e .“'"‘i l ‘ I - w A SENSIBLE PROPOSITION. ' The Louisville Juurnal mikes a very sen sible profinsuion'to the'Southen-n pc- ’ 10; one- whic will have to he acted upunqinzl czu ried out In “14- lf‘Npl‘ lméfore wp can have pence, re-union and constiuqional goverik mont. Here is the propositiuxl: ' l 1 "The gm‘urnment cannot, emlnra perma .nomly half slave and half {rs-o.” said Mr. Lincoln. "A‘ Uniuu bntwwn I‘ren smm and slave Suite: is imposmldv," I'espmydg-(I Jrfl Davis“ an relm,_if we inn. down M! such of our falluws us thiqk wuh OldrAbe and you put doyn all suohmf yours us think with Old‘Jefl‘, no doubt'we and you wzll be able to gel. along very well (oguhef again. Lelfs try it. ' ' A ‘ We,are"trymg it now, in Pepmylvanin; 9m- neighbors in New ank. fihio. and oth er northern Sums m frying t, mm! with a {air prfispert of success. Over thehpe, if: Norah Carolina, thgy how Huang: difipmi tion to try it‘. “the! 0 also in some other southern Stowe. aud‘ reevarance'wlll day rthNu through. Then, lulmticlsui and despotism in both sections stranglud, the good o‘ul tunes mll be restorgd. and flue natiun start forward on a m‘w can‘t-r of happinéas,’ prosperity uni! glory. refined and Sublimated by the fiery 09¢an lhrouth which the mll hufq.palSed.-P¢¢riol db (01 may . ‘ .; 00m of the enrolling officers in New York undetected, Like the'one in Wasn ingmn city. mentioned by us «few weeks ago, in receiuug babe [9: dropping name: horn the enrolling lists. thus enabling yer. lons :0 make ujqre-thng of éscqping the ‘drult. ‘Wlhere two we caught. lu-ulubl‘y twenty arovgn'llly. ‘ ”Tim Clinton Democrat 3.1374 3! is rsport» 'e‘(! that the dram-(l n'wn of P‘Qtt’er and :nga confines (strong H6l umicin munm s.) {,nre no; required? to rowan. fur dny. mm! at. :ter tian'elvvtinn I Tho anxsbur-z 'zhmulc/z may: i}. is infm'me'd that ‘n-) :{mnéd mun or .suhsutuwhwill be c’alled m leava our [Un’i— on] county. uptil about the 15th October—f tum dnys‘nflar the elecuon 1' U‘nien mum y in another hot-bed of ngubficanhmg L! Wanner ya, mmtnnurédifl Whoa: over entitled to vol». they will like their fellow citize‘nil in vivil life, (quinine Ith.“ ‘ deli-est right. of fret-mm Ind rugisler their Verdict It. tbé‘ )olm. ”a who go” to fight i the halides of {xix (‘ounhg lusefl none ofhu ‘ civil right, but rvtnimthnm all unilar the law Pqu‘nliy will: Hu’gm who remain .u. immu. ‘ If“. ware not that in (fur country a” bland upon an equilivy,'lhn high unxl lbw, rich and poor, ntfloor an?) private. in that bui wnrk of heednm lhn lmiinbbot, We might My llml the aniilinn \\ hu lmvn bud? such “Him-m fny tmur cnunlry, Inna, peculiar rights tn vow. But. the law views him As simply in mliz'cu when _in) coma; tn excl-aim this grant pnroytive or a oitizmi Ho en-' joy! the name rzht. with the citizen, and nothing more. "a in a citizen-soldier. - «yum, then in ms qunlnfiwtimx required for voters? ‘ “Ever while freomgm of the-‘35 of twan tymnm. having rflsi'letl‘ in thislStntn one ymw, and in [he elaction district where he 05'“ tn vnln tr-n day: immmlinguly ’prncv ding snout-10mm", and within two years pni'l m sum; or cmmiy (as. Main]: aha}! lmve Been assepsod at least. ten days bnfom the electm‘n, Ihdll enjuy the rights of an 65 lechorfl—Jlrttl, 15“.: :. 1., Caustiluqong qfl’dluuyl vamd. - ' Isl [L ia clean-Imm this, that we mnnm. who imat. his fiwu, le nsiu’zrm, 'on the day cube elccl'l right to You. ‘ ‘ Where Lhen’ is the sohliel’sfin‘ Suprume Court of our State, co Dem-wrath: Alll'ld -' liepulglican j ; wimeudecided unanimously, m ‘ arming—Judge Thom46n (in-wen "Wiién u ml‘liur returns to h (liaH’H‘l. 1m rmixmm all tlm riv cum ushi-p, and In: resident? being In; Ins Imgmr xryyb‘rnci. he h.l~ffiri on elm-{mu My; hut un lrr the CA to which hi 9 fc-llty.‘ is line. be c no ri.//:_r (a vote firth ’u‘re r’xllcpl Ly ”no": n'cg- from one dish ac: to another. ,‘M Hu-rff) W “Jill's—Reports. 4'23. The samollnurt Lbcides in flha that tho "signification of the sz‘cn' as lined in the. Cnnnitu 511 nm [H domibil‘e,(hnmu);—-u \v means the ‘plnce whom a mun : his "bode, umkml the, seat of hiqj vrhlnuiy, and exercis‘es his civil and political rights.” 5 Wright. 420. , _ ' The hm is plain. Every snhliilr who is at. his hlnne on election day. is «J Vohu'. Tu npply the law—Every reqidént 0!] quk , mummy, who rnsldml iu‘flm county u'u'n ‘/ 1m matted. now in the mxlnufiy Sui-vim. u,“ . ‘h_ _ W , _H....V._ ....ngxggu the Demoom'tic’pm-(y, and is 0113 n the very ‘blnr‘kmh. . ' A 2 I .e 1 are .I 9 Un -4‘ m: 051‘» gr pe if the sf mw, but 1. country.—- .' undidmos are .c have tnr’more ”‘on of Lhe‘Union ~ In: .431. . _A‘ a matter 6" rigid and just?” we wl-ih nv’n-ry snldioc dflfillwl I.) mt! undqr 1310 law. to‘ vote his xmlcpcudvnt. sentiments“ if lufilwéircfi to exercise the awn-d right._ A: Dunmvr'nts, rm the groundol p-iliKuJ wn widlievery qualglied vntcr Ln the army of Hm Uninn ‘lO vntn. \Vc kno! thatq mg jnyity of thq soldieri. when tlliiggweal to the defence of the Union ward “amounts. and MO stillvproutl to belong to that. party whigb was nl\\'.lys‘fhc Union pn:ly._ “We Inve the first Democm to we who left. York county M a snldu-r and returned an Abolitionict. We have seen nnd~honnl of mnn’y Republicans who have re'turned Dem ocrats. _ . \ ‘ We know the nolclieru are patriotic and » inteliigr‘m, and love plinty nnll 'hrmgisly.— , W 0 Ymv‘e 120 four of a. majority Of them m-= tingfor the-shoddy Governor, Cut-tin. who ’ ‘y)c-rinitte¢l‘dialinnusl contractors to furnish tlmm with wooden win] slum, shdddyunié l'nrms Mid rotten bfimketams changed upun Guv. Uurtin by the nhlest R'vpublioan pi peis in Western l’pnnsylvnniantlio Ikm. bur-ll: Gazelleund I’dtsbumh ana'fch. Wé' are not uliuid- of them voting for Gov. Cnriin,.whn approved and endorsed the n-hwval of that frmnd ol'lhe soldier, the favor}? (7lllPllllll of the Ar?!” of lh'e Pmomuc,. Gen. GEO. B. McCLELLAN.-—- They w'll nahliy voung for Quilm, ‘endof-se that act. \‘ *‘ . ’ ‘ le Ponnaylflmih Rnuérvr‘uvill not. vow for flu- p‘irly whrlsw‘nt Um, Nc-iv H unpslifw rfogimpnm ’lvun! In r 312: l'.:t apri'iq imrl “Jim. ed to permit the Ito-harvn .ri-izimenlsz longer in tbt' aerviée and mum ilrcimuogl in on. HP, :6 .\'i=it their bound» the old Keystone Slnto. ~ ' - ‘ X ' ' ' ' And it is not very probfilgle the aold'ivr} will vole for thr- puyly which tends them liomp our _wuzx 11‘le wu‘anmg. vans. We My, new! ovpry Punnsylvhnbitmlillvr [name ‘lO liar plan (If/uh regidencs. Delnpcmu and Rnpuhlicann alika. Let. him‘ nee his wife and little one-i, hi": parents, Ink? and frien'da if u 6: only al'eleclion tune. ~I\L is nulhing inn justficn, ifthey can: be spnrf‘rl from thr- puh‘lic ‘rorvice. Our‘murrl for it, they will van: f 0: “llle Union a: it was—l the Constitution as it ia—fur Woodwnrd, wanie and the Canutiiutiim." ‘ Momentum [mm Gellyebmy.——On Wednnu. ‘- day some of 1h? 31d relics of the Gettysburg field were vxhibited at. the rooms 0F the Christian Cnnmisdon, Philmlelpfiis. This Ledger b’lyS : ‘ . 6 \ Thh sight. ofi‘oqe box was partirfilufly nfi‘ fgk‘ting. ml the contents were handle b'y', i.m\vjle. 3': an out and spread [ill-“in the cbubxer, glihe hundlq-a were the Lust. tokens 'of fly: Hz fmldiars, committed Szgtn the faith ful'tn’fi‘r ol'dclegates of Che Christi”; Cork:- xnispinn,\tn be sent. to the moumors It home. Bxbles. hyu'm b 00333. p'mket books. watch-"s, lnckeb‘. m'mw-n'nxjvgum book's. With other tomhinJ tukvm. rinmhlvr‘mf.‘ cam: .))I'Z‘SB°"‘, and disfigured, fnr§ned flu precious .cmnents of lhlé’ Imx. va dojmn 0! our own am! Confetkim'le monuy wrre enhlémid in thu pnrHPls. yearly hnif’the baud!“ were from North dug-cling; soldieqs. and. the remamxler tram um' own man, My; asaon ed thn-xe n-lics and n‘sdgncd tbe'q‘l (o _lhe care 0! truanvorlhy Cnrislmn [upmtxmrodly whnmgmoned to' sun toxthe'u' afife deliv ery. ‘ , . ‘ 3 an the questiuns to he gee-idea.) a; ma electgon were 'dispusionuwiy-j oxanflnéd, the Constituuonul ng‘onrqudbmlighgwg would hIIVG awry VpLe in Hie cq‘ntir'exl ' gap; these-of (:flicc-holdvexls. expeclunu' Ana dependants. Demgcrutsfio your 93%, rev" ‘ soq,witli youy ueighhu‘s, and nixfgnjofihoao who areJIOWVIAOsszu m you’nfvjeni‘vgin‘bo persuaded by cmn‘iiibfi sensnnnd thscniqéh by conaéience, an as L” becomeimemlkriro!‘ the gum Damocrnclkfiuhili. bound to hal in pnhlimll afl‘ccxjnn. inqpiml by.¢he:bli est rromafliqnl m the past, animated” Hm liange} hopes of the, (Mug-e. minim n vindicate the rights olltlux: MW xlk enemies, 1.9 deiend “willow again!“ a! “Mm-Amrbmewflzbsfl’ 'der we aim orgbe Siam aim-m. ot libel-w. _L/ ' Yawn injdibmns Win HESE lm‘nfif Ins Ivn, has at 'me? TH: [”0030 ‘ .\g (Igntfi ; \ h Lm‘ f'x lug-- s «lemma lrwhta n," l- ht. to ‘2O“- nstuuumx ‘n M'qdfi} alum e of \ 0' JF‘... ‘ mu» I].. llama «mm on] ‘mxr- MIES I‘d w hjvh lalrliniioa FM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers