mi gettlng first. irito the camolory. The: unnqn roared. mad grape and cnmuler and mgheneal cue fell thick among them. Still' I. e malted onward. hundreds falling out“ 044‘. fine. They cane within musket-shot Q! the Federal groops. Then the small ”I begun to rattle. 'l‘ho‘Confexler-atesl approached Lhe outer ll 9of Works. 'l‘hpy , were laboring up the hfil. As they mpun-l mad the low bank m front of the nllepitxi ‘ho Federal soldiers, relronlml out. of the, ditch behind, lhrqing and firing Ixs théy' want Ilong. ’ It was a lmntl-w-haml conflict; Em, man fought by hump]! and for him -40". ' Myriads nFle onmny [)U-‘lmd forward} down the lull, across mm the works 'nndl up to the cemetery. All wareshoulingznnd' screaming. and sweunug, clnshmg than“l arms and firing their piacgg: ‘Thqenmny’s‘ shells flew over the field upon the Federull utillcrists on the lllll‘i ullovn. These nlmmt‘ \ disregarding the star which ranged around them, le‘Cled nll tlu 'r fire upon thd'surg-g “8 :COlumm of the env "a charge. Everyi ’ available cunnah on the Cc (cry llill and; . lo the ri ht and left. threw its shells‘aud: shot in the valley. The fight 'w’as terrible; but despite evary‘ effort the enemy pushed I ‘up the hill and across the second line of .. ~ 'worh. 'l‘herfiie became hotter. The light ' swayed back and forth. One moment the‘ enemy would be atthe railings of the cem- Helen; then‘a rush from the Federal sidel ‘ Vouid drive Elem down into the valley.—- ‘ _, Theo, with one of their horrid screeclies,' the! upuld fiercely run up the hill again. ’1 into' the cemetéry..and have n fierce battle I noting the t‘ombutones. lthls_t_he' hardesti lfight ofthe day, and hundreds were slain‘ more, Recklm daring, bah/ever will not! olwnya succeed. 'Several attempts w'cro‘l _ and: to luke the place, but they were not; 1 uncut-Ink; and late in the afternoon. loav-l ing dead and wounded behind the'm,,the ‘ , enemy”; forces slowly retreated up their . -own hilLa'nd jntotheir woods again; 1 =' - 3 j They were not routed: Tliey 03m scarce-l ’5 ”be said to have been driveh. 'l‘liey_h=uhl modem: attack‘nnd beenxepulsed, and after; renewed attempts, feeling that it was ufi- ‘ ' ‘ less to try any more. they retreated. Itwu; “ uow'G’enernl Aliendc’s turn to make an nt-l .‘ uch. ‘ Though rthey had lostJmavnly. his soldiers felt elated. They saw hopes rif'u.‘ _ victory, and were'rcwly 4.0 to almost “‘Y‘l . thing to secure it. 'Although there lliHI! _ been no fierce A battle in the ‘valley below‘ Gettysburg. yet‘the town mum-x quiet and ' .‘ much deserted ns'evL-r. Shelll-i ilvw over it,‘ and‘now and LlIL‘lI- mic of’its houses would ! - llvéawnll cnckedwt-a but bfnken, hut ‘ mither force posse-amt} it. (Ben. Meade ‘ .- tamed his attention there. The duty was .wpning and the battle bad lullegi. and he ‘ -‘ ' detormiuod. iglnfisibio. to drive'the enemy out of thesemiimrg. Jlis troops were pluc «d in‘ order, and charged down the hill and ‘ i into the town. They run along every meet, , chasing New of the enemy. 26” th there, "‘ before .‘thcm.~ They came out upon the want aide, along the “'l‘.tpu<wm-m,” m 1 the Kuwait-burg and Gettysburg roads. and as. cvmling the enemy’s. hills amid a storm of . ,grupoand th-il. At theseminmy the Con '. 'fmh-mtus ware not vcrystronx.‘ They had. 'W;l_Lenod tha‘t pal-tion of the‘él‘um to make the uttack fut the: to the south upon «the «mum-y: They had but few-Libnnuon, and lhuuigh' they reaistui] aomwgmie. they 5- ‘ null] retrentod from the _odge of the hilll \ md‘ubnndnnml lthe ,scmimtry. I The Fed er-l troops did not chusé them. There} was but hello BPHUUB fightingr'ultor this. and night put gm end to Friday's struggle. the Unn’ndnrates having rélin-d about a mileon the north, near the summary, and a Half mile on the-mutt). nt'thc htth stroum. . ~. .' (m thßLntaX’ mornihg Gt-neul Mon-i 0 ox - footadnn'okhnt attack; but XII-dead (thunk .v in): H, Um dnomy rctréuu'fil l‘lquhélfi. ulmn- Honing their efiLirty line of buttl‘e, anLl the pickets ropbrted Lhut' they Wya- amt/unch . mg It Send: Muunluin., The, Federalm-my ‘_ mu terrrilvpl”! crippledu and sadly in wnm. of unrest. and [lO advance Wu! made, aluw'ugh _ pnckotéina thrown out. Icm:- tha anemy'u I 01% of battle, and toward: the’plmo ' V-horollhoy ware building qntrenchmenu. Jan th‘dly wai's‘ent- in feeding um] rect ifig the men. Gauyuburg wns‘ Qurned imo ‘ ”. v'ut hospital, and impérmpw mm [were ms'dle at»: dozqn places on the ‘field‘.’ Th} .. ruin‘ rn‘nm. mo, [mi with it. cool uir and ~re'- ‘ {mnhlnom both from wind and rum. No _nnn cpuhl tell what thb enemy were dnjng; I iiugry fiickuL relnrtéd, lhgu‘ they were: cn ' trvnched. and the mght of them}: of July closed upon the field with it in chend po- Afiuion 1.: ~. 1 an“ 1n: BATTLE. ~ My visit. in tho field mu made this (Tut‘s dny) momi lg. nix-I it. prom-”ted a 'yvundox “ 'ful lhmluh \ndl'rnwful "vehicle fur Mug curi ‘ oust Most! 01 the (lead had been buried. but runny Vere «till lying abounfew, bow ovor, Mung; ft-drra‘l buIUwRJ. Every fence - in knocked.- dnqu‘ «airway house at ‘ shod upon 1110' battle field ori'mund it. had ' in windows" phmllered, its walla trol-.11 out. and its roof i’n ta‘m-rs. 'l‘ha fenceé had all beqn tnrn down by pnuingnnd repnssing "no . or al’segthey hm! baun cuirie‘ on“ 4:00:15; to make baryicndeu or bremsm'orks. 124;. stoned pligénusly scattered ovar ’Lho sancc ofv the‘xrouhd had Wu Collected in piles for “h pits“ Nearly avery tree i Ind limbg torn omit, a‘nd all bore marks ‘of bullets. Some had their bark ‘atripped ofi'in‘shreads by the wind ofpmsing shells. ’ The ground Was lmmped into a bog. and was covered wiLh‘every conceignbja thing— - old brokén in take“, bayouéts and rnmrods. item of Wagoli’ns, broken wheels. cartridge £olm. belts, torn cluthing. blankets, frag ' menu of shells, nndbométimea unexploded ones, .bulleu, cartridges, powder—every. thing used m war or by sßldiers. was scatter odnround in plenty. The gram and. grus which, once grew Lfiere, was almoui ground to n jeny. Everywhere could be‘a'eeli tra /"i:e§ of the carnage. Hundreds of dead bar; I", “ill uubuned,‘ lay on the field; and boggy plums Ind spou distant train the 19:19, .mpl] of ghg men 'wero null unbu -I’l - , There is Ebmething impressive‘abonf. a. .dead‘unn on a battle field. To see him ly ing were. with his hands clenched. his iimbu'drawn np,"with rum-0d or musket. firmly held—lying just. as he was standing nben the fatal bullet. struck him. teaches a Mleuonf‘ To see scores of them is more impressivepaéd that. with the awlul disso lama. and havoc and ruin on all sides, _hhowa far woplisinly for dclicate Senses the terrible 6nd of battle. To know that: at this fence where so mun; Lila. a. tug of war 3'38 bad for hours—to ee that that tree WEose bark is stripped 03;, showing red Main: on the inner wood, has receiveg the gushing blood of shale poor soldier, is 'by far the best teacher of war’s evils. And A ”hen after all‘ is over, men still lie on the . dampground, {indiEmrbed as they fellfiwith hawks'nnd 133:” and buzzarda sailing lazily over them— eir countenances bearing an expression of horror, as the hlearing. blood shol. eyes. the blackened face and the con- Jog“ features. turniup mwgrdfl you ‘ when ‘3l! this is seen, and the fact. that thousands like them have lain there before ‘ jg pressed upon the mind. a remembrance .3 left which cannot. he eflwed: Sermons 3nd Ecceepu may be exhausted “in vain; but t e lessons taught by a dead mun skid _in battle, lying in hxs gore, is worth Len fire-find holiday exhortacions. Yet, many ‘ look upon it wxnhout emotion. Many walked About amid the hornd stench of that fidd umboved. They turned o'er the ”rubbish, picked up bullets and fragments of $3,“: lor mementos), bug that, was all.— 9, locked 119011.1 th dead. to be sure; m «i 3: no expmsxon of pny if he were a Fade: soldier. ‘B2! 233' 5‘ Infill or a no“ overs: 11 who. ‘0 - fill Mpthe r dud min bud Saigoofi s?wa other. men rapamiblo chm ho. " ‘ ,flhmr “Infield there as newly nude guy“. Thefe are long row of “mm. paral lel to each other, where the Fedora! soldxers fie. ‘ Whergthqoqrpnge has bean great, a Mree’civea the remains ofzgll; they are Lhmwmgjndiserimiruely. when: bunal gervibe or ooflin. The clothes they wore Laud {la-mach- shrouds, and they bun-ml pndieq. 0: if not Mar-$4llO finmls who al - péowl about after a bank), rob the dead man’s pockets before they bury hum. Nequy evary deal mldier’s poclieu were tumegi inside out und rifled dtheir con— tents. By the side of nridgo on’tho Emmits. hung maul is the grave of tbe- (lonfcdgnta General Barksdlle. It is n lain mound. with rough pine head and foog‘hqardu. ‘At his had written yith a. lead pang”; is $l5: fullowing inscription: ii . ' , “leo. GIN. Bxutmu; ‘ “McLuv’a Diviai'im. Inngstreet’vCorps.‘ “Died July 3d. . , , ”Wound in left breast—left leg' broken. “Eightyoura a Representative in Congress.” At the font, written in the same huud, in: ; “Gen. Barksdale‘, C. S. A. ‘ ‘ At 9129 Confederate geneml's teet, and' almnnt tourhing hi ,it liars so close, is the grave nfa slain h‘mfiral officer. The hemd- 1 wagons us it is a Captain Foiter. of the ‘ l-iSth togi'mpnt.‘ Pennsylvanin vioLun'teers. At the ,cnptnin’n fact in tho wave of N. M. i Wilson of the 11th Massachusetts. There ‘ they lie, New England, Pennsylvania. and the South. two of them hitte'r enemiél'du ring lif‘p, bukdeep'mg their 'hut sleep to gether on the nail of the other’s native State. - . . : 1n: lISITL'I' So fur t - the fight. was concerned. neith- I er army can benaid to have gained mini» 'teriul advantage. To retreat. from a field land leave it in'the enemy’s {Aggression {in ‘. technically n defe‘nt. and in may be conde- Eded therefore lhnt General Meade gninéd Ea. victory. Still. Leo!» arm} 6m: not dfiVe‘n iawuyA-It win no! routed. It Joluntarily I‘l'ell back :tayjma when nolwdy was fight ; ing it. Lee began to dig mm retreat. I t {the same time; and m weg did he hide Iris I manm‘u‘vers. that he a .ured thirty-six thms start in his retren't. lle’relired down both sidesgf South Mouhmin. find on Suh- Iday afwrnonn, whilé ursui't. was‘commert— , ed. thefe were severarskirmishes. r’Loe g, 1. :snfely away, rind unless the high wager n [the Potomac stops him. or he does I) t_ :wish‘ to cross. be is by'this timosufely‘ ov r ! with the great'er part. of his army. Gene l lMéide is not. able to intercepx. him.-and ll ; ideas of capturing nhost of fleeingiugad s I m foolish. . , ! vsun, Gen'ni-al Meade m; done the b y t 'he could; He is a modest 'unprotemliiég I lmwe O‘HCOP, and hns acted wisely and Well. Jl9 has done all tlintélny in his power, and si: would be the greatest injustice it fairly more fqtind with him now becnue‘e Gene 1 ; Lee’s‘nriuy 'vi’ns not routpd or laktm. T 'invnsion is over. Th 9 frightened penplb if the North can now breathe" freely. Al ;though millions of dollars ofproperty hhs {been desuayed, and nearly phc finest' por tions of Adams countyjuined, yon lihe enic~ [my is out. of the Stnzte, and wehr'e once . more Secure. ' ' “ ° ~‘l" ’~ Thousands of people are going to the b It tle-fic‘ul. Every house and shed anil stafigfi in Ggeuydmrg is turned into a‘ iodgin - hnuw'. Evgryhonceivuble wheeled vehicfe which c'un carry passercrs iqurngggd to the battle field. The GOIHILI'y for forty‘mi‘léa‘ ground seems to luwec turned’out to viqw the sad rehcs of one 'of the fiercest bangs of the war. - . ‘ I ‘ Mr. I?tl{umli_%'hunt.—'l‘he Montreal Adeel tiser. nflN‘ announcing My. Vallunllighaml arrival at ihle»lx..smt,es ftlmt he will' :00: go to Nl'ng'nra Fth, where he wxll remni tor thb present on the Ca‘nada aide. ape-0121.1 Notices. Singer 8; Co.’s LetterA Family 89‘: Ting Machine, with nll the nqw ilnprovcnien 2 (Hrnimcr, Hmidcr, Binilker, ~Fcllcr, 'Tucke .‘Cunh-r, _Gnthcrcr, km, &c.?&c..) is'thc Chung I cat,and hestmnd most. hcnugilnl ol'nll machin lur i-‘mnily urging and light mnnnfneturi pnrpqaga. It make: the ihterflocked nit ‘ (which is unlike on both giduh'ind bu gr capacity for,newing Aw. ruins of clbth, n" _\rifh‘ ALL. mum— of thread." Even ielthel', ‘ wall as fife finest muslin, may be sewn to pe ‘ fectian on'lhis machine. It wiH use 200 apo+ ‘ cation in well H‘NO. 30 linen thread, * “'1“; "It cnn do‘ can only he’llufown by _sneing tli ’ mzwhine tested. The Foldinghltpp ..{hxsa ; l among the most val‘nnhieof thhlnew improv? menis. It» may be opened out as n s‘pncitn nnd anhstnnfinl table to ‘austuin the wurk, 1111 \s hen the machine is not in us‘;: it Inny befulilé’z into a box, which protects [the wurking part oi. the Mnchine.‘ There is 'i‘m'nthexf nmchiri ‘lto equal the Lulu-IA in simplicity, iln—rnhiliL‘ 1 rapidily'nbd certainty of currect action at. nil raueaof apt-cl]. The Family Scwing~ Machi .is fast incoming «_a papnlnrlnr fin‘flfij“ use I; ' Sue.“ A: Cu.'s Mnnnl‘ncturing Miwbfiins nrc‘fn manufacturing purpdsé}. . ,4 The nmnch onions are won sufipnea wi silk twist, (greed, ueedlcg, ml; fife" at the ve best quality.“ ‘ _ a f '' L ' Stud fur a uni-mn- inla cppy of “ Suo &.Co.'s Gains." . ’ I. x. SINGER. a: (10.55:! Brondmym ‘ wtniludelphiq office, 810 Chesuur. strct. G EU. JACOBS & 3110., Agonu, 'in Ge'uyaburg. JunefZS, 1863. ’ ‘ ‘ Important Dam. » Rum in Tu Mucus." BRYAN’S pumwxfd wums m unfail ing in the cure of Coughs, Golda, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sure Thrown" flout-x2595, Difficult. Breathing, Incipient Consmizpiion, and; Dis gnseS‘of the Lungs. They but no taste of medicine. And any child will {alga—them.— Thousands have been restored to I.2mm that had before despaircd. Téazjmnn'y ~given in‘ hundreds of cases. A single (lose relieves in Ten Minutes. .i ‘ ‘ Ask‘for Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers—the origi nal and Only genuine is stamped “Brynn.”— Spurious kinds nre olfered f 0: sale. Twenty five cents abox. Sold by denier; generally. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y.. For .lan by_A. D. Busnun, Gettysburgnnd nll-Drnggisfs‘. ’ [Feb. 16, 186;. I} New Jersey Lands for Bgle, use, Gums: on Faun- _F'Aml3{Buimble for Grapes, Peuches, Pears, Raupberries, ; Strawberries, Blackberriep, Currants, 5:13., of l, 2}, 5, 10 or 20: acre: each, at. the (gigging prices for the yrescnr, v’xz: 20 acres fin $2OO, 10 acre: for $llO, {fares for SQO, 2} acres for 340, 1 acre for $26. _ Payable by one dollar a week. Also. good Cranberry lands, and nflnge lots in~ CHETWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at. 510 mph) payable by 00p dollnr I ‘week. The Above lands Ind fnrms fire situated at. Chetwood, Washington wwnslip, Burlington county,New Jersey. For further mformuon apply, with n P. 0. Stump, for a. circular, Lo‘ ‘ - B. FRANKLIN QLABK, ’ N 9. 90 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y Jam 26, 1863. The Great English Remedy. _ _Sm Inns (Juan's CELEB}??? 553-17 {IKE—s" PILLS This invaluable medicine in unfailing iu th‘e cure of all’ tbqse painful and dangerous du easea iucxdenfto the female constitution. It moderates nll excess, removes all obstruc ‘tionl, from whatever cause, and brings on the monthly perbd with regularity. ' These Pills should not be taken by females that are pregnant dunng the MRS? 'rmzu Menus, as they are sure to bring on Mlscnr ring’e; but at every other time and in every other case they are pe'rfectly safe. ? In all cases ofNen'ona and Spinal Aflectiona, pain in the Buck and Limbs, Heuinm, Fa tigue on slight exertion, Palpitttion of the H 9911, Lowness of Spirits. Hylwricl. Sick Kendachc, Whit-es, and I.“ the painful dame: occasioned by'. disordered system, these Pills will cflect s cure when all ome; means have failed. Full dire'diom in pamphlet around each package, wbieh should be carefully preserved. They we be sent in u bottle, containing 50 pills, post free, by enclosing $1 and 6 three ccufg graying: to any agent. . Fbfiq‘nlle by A. D. Burma, Gettysburg, and ull'pruh‘kisis, [#chfi, :_, 1y THE DRAFT Important bar-:uhzrfroan the Proved 3147311111 Canard—Washington. July i3.—The fol lowing circular In hang from the War Department w-dgyz - “WAR Dir-Auln'r.‘ Plovou Mgunu‘s Omcx. July 13. 1863. , “To answer mquuiu made to this office, it. is announced. “Fast—Any drafted person paying $3OO, under section mu oftbe enrollment. Act, is thereby exempt from further liability un der thu draft, but‘t‘iot from any subsequent draft. “Saudi—Any drafted person furnishihg an accepmble substitute in exempt from military service for the period. for which sand substitute is mustard ginto the ser nce. - ’ ‘ - "T/u'nl—A substitute once mustered into the whice‘cannot be drafted whllo in the Bervicd. ' ‘ ’ 7 ‘ “Fou‘rlh—A drafted nun “4mm p 57 oom mutation money tor present I substituge af ter he} hag reported himself to the Board of Enrollment. for examinati. . ‘ . “l":fllu—Men who, on the dof March, 1863, were in the military spruce of the Uniteq States as substitutes under the draft of 1862, and whose bel‘ins ofservice have since expired, are not Liable to the present draft,,but the pet-so s for whom they were Substituteshre fifib‘a to draft the same n 5 though they had Wu drafted and furnished substitutes underfthsdraft of last year. ' t “M —ln sqrving the noti by pirdular No. 42, from this onéble'time to report. shall in granted by the Board of Euro] m the State aervioa who hayz! be drafited 1 , “J An: 1' “Provost Marshal The Compiler fo}: the The Approaching Gubernnw: will be 301125 of theme.“ impoita (are ode of the‘moatg iyteresl .nessed in the old Keyslbné. tyiefl'oi't shOqu be spared gratis brass to give the’p’eopl possibie, we shun lab'or un end—:Yver forgetting'tho ha perous, cofidition of our Demo ‘atic rule, and the ‘ I unde‘jE tlha gujdancfi strixctiv Abolitibx'fmm.‘i preson ;! ‘und dél for, 4.}: I {an}! may succesis of Democra n,’ we shall befldéing tiously believewo ~be untry. Thu; impre increase to the large] ‘ of readerp‘of the C l ncludegi to furnish it‘ from this time until I ecLionA-It the low pm c-ms'm‘ of theél smng ‘I num have paign , tober ‘ CENT _ Wea !countyl in advance. rust that. every be for the sake 01" the g which we are mutu I rest hiniself in this 1d us at. least one su ‘cause I will in CEE : E LIA-_in}: ‘— TT YSBU RG—Sn‘uuo Flhur...'| Rye Flo] White \ I 11m} “'ll - ....“ Rye.....J Unls : Huckul Cloveré Timoln I Flux '-‘ Flue: :‘ Plum! V‘ 'll-..." llqut. . ut.., cd ..... 5uéd............ Purl: ......... ......mm round, per bng....«..'. li BALTIMORE—FuIou' F10ur....‘.]...... ........ When ".‘.“... “4..." Rye ....SM. . "Tm... Can....."..... .......... 07; B ....4‘ ....a........-. ...... .. Cl 'cr figcd.......... ..._..... Til 001)" Sue-1...”... ..,..... Be “In: 1e; per hund...... Ho 3, pdklhlud.-.2.....u . Mn .....4.‘ .2.................... W iake ........................ G- . no, eruvian’, per ton gBANOVER-Tugasmr ur, from wagons.....‘ ............ o. f+oni 5t0re1.................... out .‘..1..." ......m.................. .....m..t........... I . ..x........... m- CI ver Beol,. rupmhj Seem..." human"... ......... Eli= MARRIE I On ;the llth ult, 19y J. Han AVID ‘TOOT. of Stmbrm low LAXNA? FISHER, 6! Butler to ‘ r DIED. L Mbilnary notices 3 cqnts [1 over four tines—cash to accompt 0n the 9th inst... KATE bLHJflA, dnugfiter f Wnllinm and Elizabeth E‘, Buehler, nged 5 ‘eara ll months and 18 days. -_ , 0n the 42m: nIL, in Wuhington, 1). c., HENRY, son of H. J. Schrejncr, 33¢; foray-r -}; of thig plade, aged 23 years 6 month‘s mini 27 (h L. ' . 1 _ {hump 13th inn", after slproxrncted illness. Mrs. CAIHARINE B. STOVE‘R, wife of Fredw er‘nck‘Stpvgr, of Cuhtown, ‘aged 59 yelrl 10‘ mq-ths m 24 days. ‘ 1 Stray Cattle". ' AME to the premises oche eubaeriber. re-‘ ‘ aiding in Frnnklin tow‘nship, Adams co., 5., on {he 63h ofJnly inst.,:SlX STRAY—CAT TLE—d “ears and 2 heiferé. The owner will home forward, prave propbrty, pay charges, and take them away. ‘ ' “a. : (monks DAYWALT. ‘| July 30, 1863. .3“ ‘ i L’ fiOhnmb. Spirit & Tim‘ a cop! Ifid chm-go ‘thia ofliée $1.25, ‘ ‘ . y. The Score; 1!! 01" THE TREASURY has authorized me to ‘ continue my Agency for a brief period, pm! until further notice, Hahn“ continue to, receive Subscriptions to the - 1 ‘ 9-20 LOAN A PAR. 1 p 4 my dice, and at the difl‘e gm. Sub-Agencies rhroughbm the Loyal State ‘. ‘ , JAY COOKS, Suhul-fipfion Agent, 1 . 114 South Third Street, runs. §~J_uly 39,‘1863. 1f ‘ ;: 3" Nance; ITH! 'lublcrtber, Sherifl of Adams county, 3 3!!” in his charge I HORSE which is sup gpoeed to be stolen. The persop who is aus -pbcted of stealing him In in his custody under nh-est. The horse is a light. my, full 10; jhhnds hiyh, rising seven years old, star on the l‘forehead, sad has a lump on thefefl. shonlder_ £OlO3O to thoéneck—also Saddle and Bridle on Who horse” ~Thenowner by proving property ‘conclusxvely M'Kindemnifying me tor all jcharges 'amj' can“, 53m have the horse. ‘ i SAMUEL WOLF, Sheriff. ‘ 1 June 29, 1883'. 3: H ‘ L .~: Clothmgb ‘GEOBGE ARNOLDfiss n'sw got up, mostly ‘ of [in own msmgucturing. a very large stock of MTHIHG,‘ nimble for the salon, 13411111“)! ”31353:. nnnner sad that the 191::th ; 3211‘] style, vuiuy sad the, ‘rnnnilg Wbfityun old to_ the urge“ siu'lor 3%“ ~ Wu have Do": Clothing, ‘ all sizes in? uflhfifiaglm Men's Clotlilng, in ‘ an'us, all ofijépjxfiirmmerinl, a beautiful ar ‘fiCle- 19135 - M, Pnrm, Vuln,_Shirta, anen, 0y: ";-H""iery, Neck ’l'les, all of I which will Wékhzgap for the rub. Please ' (.311. No L: bfléjbfshow them. l {J}! Riga/k“ __;,_ ‘ ! BEA 5.“ 'Excelsior Cofl‘cefimi Bromn, i' ' ea; r.‘ R, uuuxnu's: Dmg Stow “7 [mums the Hon. Roman J. l'isnln. President of the several Courts of Cum mon Pleas iu the Counties composing the 19th District, snd Juice of the Courts of Oyer and Teminer and General Juil Delivery, for the trill of all capital and other offenders in the maid district; and DAVID Zixutn null 1AA“: E. WIIKIAI, Esq., Judged u! the Courts of (‘om mon Pleas, and JUJLILCB of the Courts of Dyer and Tcrmiuer and General Jail Delivery. for the trial of All capital and other ofl‘enders iu the County orAdums—liave istucd their pre cept, hearing date the 20th duty of April, .in the year ufuur Luuu one‘thuusuml eight hun dred nud sixty-Junl JIM to me dirt etc-d, for holding a. Cnnrt ui' Gomm'an Pins, and Genrml Qunrtrr Sessions of the Peace, and Gnuurnl Juil Delivery and Court offlycr and Tciminer, at Gettysburg, on Monday, ‘11:: 171]: day of Auyul mt— , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to I“ the Justices of the Peace, the Coronnrrnd Consta hles ~within’ the said County of Adams, that they be then null than: in their proper peruuns, with their Hulls, llcmrds, lnqnisitions, Exam inations, nml other Rememhrhnecs, to do those things which to their silicon and in that helmli alum-ruin to he done, 15nd nlsq, they who will prosecute against the prisoner; that are pr then shall he in the Jail of the mig County OH Adkins, are to be then end there to prosecute ‘ ngainst them as shall be just." ’ 1 SA)! UEL WOLF, Sherifl'. 'Shenfl's _ofiee, Gettysburg, July 20, ’63. Jurors for August Court. Guru) Jéux’. ‘ Hamilton-eflichagl Dollonc, (Forémnn.) Tyrone—Daniel Dichl. . , ,Iluniington—thmim Tlitcshe'. “ Liberty ~Reuhen Shaver. ;‘ ‘ , Gettysburg—Henry Ulz. GernyunyTSolomon Sell, Remy Lusin’gor. Butli-r—Jolm Funt. . Latimore—Wm. .\LGardner. ~ , Uxford—Solomon Brawn , , ' Union—Wm. Slifer. ** , . Conuwa'go—Jesae l). qulcr.. llrruick horn—George Davis. Franklin;—Snmu‘ M Swopc. Mnuntplcnsan phn Warner, Peter O’Neil]. . Cumberlfind—Jolm Mining. ’~ llcnyit'k‘twp.—J:ficoh llull. . . sloxlnljo)'ln93mliill D. Miller. , [binding—Andrew Brown. ‘ ‘ Memillo‘h—Dnvid lMcCrenry. ‘ ‘ b‘lmlmn—Jncob I}. Miller. . ‘ . J‘ruuflmu—Geurg W. Sc it. ' ilnmiltonbnn—qurge Tianlc. . " sznnu.‘Junv. ’Conowngo—Jeremihh Julius, I‘l-lmoml Dclloqo“ Huntiuglou~Samucl lfdwcrs, George Smwk, Jeremiah Slxlylmugh. 1 ' Liberty—James U'Briflt; ' I Gettysburg—Jeremiah- iehl, Philip Djlzraom. Tyrone—Amos Weiglefl, ‘ U:lord‘—'—l).l.niel H‘ellzel. - - ' Bcrwick ban—EriaderiuklWQlf. , , ’ Me‘mllun—Bernml Sheri. Ahnlmm ”airman. Strzibnn—Junns Rgbert, filguty Thomua. Freedom—Joseph .1. Kerr- " ‘ Union—Charles Spapgler. _, ' ' Lulimore—Geo, M) era! qf D. ' , .\lonnlplensant—thn Shady. John L, Jenkins. Cumberland—He: ry Lon} ' Germ \ny—lsazlc linyder, Henry Hauler. linuxiltoni-A‘ K. 'btoner, Jucoh \Yeblcm Bernick twp.—Jmcob Souk-bein. ‘ _ Hurling—Adam ES. Myers, Join) Simpson, Emanuel Neididh. ’ . l-‘rnuklin—Georgc (Borg, llnrrison Btougb. .\lounljpy—Jbsle .\l-wkley, Newton lior‘ucr. , llumnlwnbu‘n—Jm-oh L. l-‘irot. _ Butler-dol‘uriwn-Uruer, Wm. U. Lott. July 20, 18‘63. 3 g as required office. a reu each case be men} to men been or may eneral." ampaigne 'nl cqmlpnign u hand than? ing, ever mt} Feeling that |' the Demo ! nu tha’liéht lingly 3.9 min I; .y and pros» I t'ry .under :11 pictur'o it '- "61' fanutical In striving ‘ principled P at which wé lfiir inc. p 901! . -d‘, ”33" (104' .t. extent; the l vrlnzl, wé or the cam- Ifter theOc e of FIFTY ‘- rat in the glorious old My engaged, matter, and xriber. T. '- LAfll'. .» .b 25 to 5 [-0 . ' 4 {.O .l 35 LOl 40 .1 20 1.01 25' NOtice of Inquest. OTICB‘is uch-by given m3n the Imm N and lviznl lii-presentativcs of GEOR‘GE .\U1.1., late of ’lxuniltun township, Admus county, iii-valued, viz: Jncoph Still, .'(the pc tiliunnfi) lluiiil N‘ull, llalucl Null. Untlmrine, (intprlninriml witlh Georgi: liru'fi'n.) null Su suu Hamilton, (u ‘duw, “in: has lmun pruvcu oi" unsound mind, bit. has no Cummitu-t- lo tnkc euro nl‘hcr ‘estntlé, nml who lma “signed all her inert-“in 1h? estate’to'Joseph Kepnnrg) and also left grand children. being'the chil dfen orig-din Bruin-n, Sintprmarrird with Sam. uel Brown.) the said 41“» Brown living do censerl hclore that death. of Mir lather, nml left the following munzd minnr‘chihlrcn, Vii: William Brown, sAnruui Brown, tuna. Amhu “with. who hmji; for their gu-ird‘nn Henry i Wolf, Sn; and n fiszid «laughter, Eliza Fried, n minor Ilnughtvrpf Snrnh, (lulnnnn‘ tied with anh 'Friud.) which said parents of snid Eliza Frivd died in thwlifrtimc ol's’niti George Null, .nnd the said Eliz ’ Friod N5O lately but since the decezne of suitii Genrge‘Null, (lic-‘lJntPsLue, :without issue, whose Adntinistrntlgr is Sumu'cl .Ilrorh; and mill George _\'ull Int} also 11 .zmnd diliiglitcr,i.kguea Wolf, intermarried 'wilh llonry Wolf, Jr, 5 lid AgBES beihg a ,d-mghti-r of— Mary Srnnglcr, dched, \rho mm intermarrie-l with John Spamzlcr, who is ‘also dccyuse‘l,—tlintnn INQUEST Fill be held on the followingkprnpcrty, viz: Sn. 1: fire Mansion Farm, muntc in llgmiltnn _nml Ber wick tou‘nilnvlis, "Adams county, bounded by landsnf Alutildn Enwrencc, Andrew Bunknrd, ,lli'nj'y \i'olf, Ind iothors, containingss Acies pud 100 Perches}, Mid uilownnccu, more or loss. No. 2: A Time! of Limd, sitnam in Ber— “ ick township. Adams can try. adjoining land: of Cyrus-Wolf, Edward Fluid. and others, t'unt.\ining 29 Acres and! 80 Port-hots, nent measurl‘. No. 3 :iA Trncfi‘ 31‘ Woodland, sit ‘uute in Berwick tbwnshippAdnms county, on the “Pigeon Hills,"sdjoining lands of Henry Richte‘r,l.xcnb Burpiu, Henry Wolf, and others, 'conutiuing 47 Acues,'morelor less-on MON DAY, mu'iorh an} oinngnsinm, 1863, at lo o’clock, A. 31., onlthi pmihisci, to make pur tilion or valuation! of he promises fibres-liq to and amongst. the i-epx‘cgeumtivep of said dece dent, in such manner and in such proportions as by the 1m" of' this Commonirrulth is di rected, if such pnuti‘tion can be made without prejudice to or aptiilingmelwhole; but it such partition cannot jbe mudé thereof, then. to Value and nppmis? the same. ' 4 SAMUEL WOLF», Shelifl'. Sherilf’l Office, iGettysbu'rg. '~ Jn|y13,1863. 3i. i i ' - «my 1151:0200 ‘ 175 1100 £45 G 2.5 ‘0 6 50 I 4» to l 60 l 08 to l 12’. 85 (0 8‘; 80 to 82 b {:0 \o 5 7'! 2 "0 lo "I 50 I 00 in“ 50 8 00 It 8 50 on 1023.09 H in 45 92 00 5 Ro 650 150 ml 60 ' '95 7 so 500 200 700 a,‘l-‘.sq.. .\er hip, m Miss nohip. ‘l' line for an? Ivny notice. , \ K otlcfi. ' OHN WILLE S EST TE.—Leuers' team'- J tamenhu-y onlthe eaute of John Willa, Inteiof Union to‘fnship, Adams county, de censed, having been'grnmed to the under signed, residing tin the same township, hen hereby gives nodce‘to all persons indebt ed to said estate to [bake immediate pny. ment, and those having mun: ngnin'at the same 0 preset“ them firoperly anxhenucnted rouuhmun. AMOS LEFEVER, \ ‘ June 8, 1863. 6C _ Executor. i A 001! scnwmrz's ESTATE—Letiers of administration on the estate of Jncob bchwnrtzhlnte of Moumjo‘ ‘ township, «Adams county, deemed, having fieen granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, they hereby give notice‘to all persons in debted to mid estate to m ‘ke immmflfle pay— ment, and thoseihavingflllaims agfiinst‘ the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. LEVI SCHWARTZ. ‘ ‘ JACOB SCHWARTZ. May 25, 1883. 6! Administrators. Gettysburg Marble Yard. MEALS & BRO., IN EAST YORK STREET GETTYSBURG, PA.-—thre they are prepued to furnish all kinds of work in their line, such :3 MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES, MANTLES, &C., at the shortest no tice, and as cheap as the cheapest. Give us I call. fiProduco taken in exchange for work. Gettysburg, June 2, 1362. If Assigne‘e’s Notice. HE undersigned, hnvihg been appointed Assignee. under a deed of trust for the benefit of creditors, of Lewis P. Weaver and Nancy, his Wife, of Oxford wwnship,.Adnms county, notice is hereby giVen W‘all‘personl knowing themselrel indebted la 331 d Alsignoru to make immodim payment to the undmign. ed, residing in haunt “WIMP. Ind those having claims agfio’agfiae same, to preaeu them properly authenfi‘efltod tor settlemept. ' , JOSEPH Jl SMlTH,Asslgriee. Ms] I}, 1863. 8!. . ‘ ' ' _- __.~-__..____- KTQBIAS’ celebrated Derhy‘ Qudnlon Powdera’, for Horse; and Cal!.e,-I'dr sale at, Dr. HORNEB’S Dgug Shore. . COAL OlL—at _- ‘ DB. k loaniß'a 9mg figure. Proclamatiort. Notice. Como mth a Bush 1 THE undersigned would most respectfully' inform his many friends and the public‘, generally, that he bnagone into the Clothing business, at Samxon's old corner, lately kept ~ by Mr. Goldman, on the Public Square, (Re-L5 tysburg, l’n. llis stark. already" full, will be‘ much enlugcd, tn (-mhrnte err-ry style of. CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, 3 Caps. Truhks, Vulices, Clocks, “'lkkhcfi, Jew-., elry, Guy. Pistols, and, in short, everything? which ought to be found at a first class Clothing Ind Vnriety House. ’ ' ~ .- i i Particulars hereafter. In thqmgfintlmi‘: he i invites everybody in give him a. call. H 25 in- ;‘ tends to keep so perfect a stock rm to nrchm- : mmlntls all—and, with Lhe ‘ilnpe of burn mlrs, ~ he hopes to makuu ln‘ingnt Sm'l” prufiu» Noi trouble to shp'r: guods, and etrry eifurt 1:1:ch to satisfy buydrs. _ ,‘ ‘ l JACOB ERINKERHOFF. June 15, 18“ if ‘ :1 ‘ { Notlce. ' ‘ mnAr‘ENmemrsl9'3“”de M tars of mlminislrutiun on lhp (mum- of . ngdnlenn Wislor,lzimi)rl~‘r.inklin twp , A« .imi ta., iii-('51., having, been granted tn Llu: u Ih-r -‘sigupd, residing in the same mwnkh' he h‘irnhfy gives notice 'to All ptr'snns imfi nod to said csulpio mnko imnmdin. q puyuumlyund those having claims against. 5.1 m s‘nlnello pr sent “It’ll! properly authenticated fm‘ ‘pMQemru . , ~. JACOB W 1 LERL Ail r. mine 8, 1863. 6: ’ -. A Notlce. ;( ‘ DAM MARSHALL“ ESTAH'E.‘LPU("N of A ndministrulion on the g‘g’dulu of Adam I nrulmll, hue of Mountplmm‘u‘t t\\p., .\dnina county, dweuafilyhnviug bemg‘ gmmod lo the undersigned, raiding in ()xl’u d townshipbhc hereby gives notice to all paraffin: indebted to aid “Late to make imuicdia? ;puymcnt, ‘and tlmse luu'ingc'laims _agaimzt 1h \ sinus 104:”qu them properly nuthentii-med f r sntl‘mflntf“ .. ' JOHN GI an, Adult. June 8, (1863. Qt: H ‘r v Fresh Reinforcements.’ ‘ qu-zxu'rnswm um: ['QSITIUN.-Wc L are cohslnullj' adding new sumnlmb no out “mm—hum and {uuMmmc sun»: ur “ . ‘HATsfml's, nun'rs mummies. We haw ovr-ry Mylo of Spring “ml-Runyon“? Hats, which in qlmlily and price mum"! (mil In please. Boy’s mu! Mnn’s “up: and firm}; of i-w'ry dficriplwn, und of the lutt-‘smtylcs. 50m smack of ~ 3. . é ' IfiOOTS, ‘ ‘ 3. , . SHOES, ' , ‘ (MITERS, kr.£&r., was norm- maro complrtn. Ladies, (ivntr 'ml'n nn-l Clfilllrl-n éml lu- zu'rummmlilltn] wil'n buy [lung in llli»; Him,“ we are lu-m'r prubnnul now to give fit: and grczuor lulrguiuw‘lhul m‘cr hefon‘. If you wfinr int-gains,“ good fin mu], quhimghblv goods, cnlL 1,“ tho Sign of the MG 1300313, in Chambuuhurg :lrvvt. 4. mm ~CULP, . June 9, 1863. ALEX. 001 mm. ‘ < Eureka, Eurgka l, ‘ HF} " EXCELSIOR WASHER l" is m:- T knowledged ly nll who ate it, to beghe most complete, mu] without esurphinn, the most pcrfetzt hither-Surinfi Wmhin'y; MmLhiuo M r hefurb invented“ Ila snm-rinrit'j' nurr 'nn m -‘ ers consists inlh¢ simplicity nml_dumhi!i ‘ ofits construction, the rapidity? am! conipicte new; of its work, and the Mutant inm-diifle‘ use with which it is. manngmi. A child oru-n yuan. point-53in}; ordinary‘judgmcnl, L'nn Imm to work it in‘fire minutes limit, and Iniw ,{u it us 'well.n’a‘i grown pcrmn, except; f 9; ivery heavy goods. In unword this is lhé nm hiue that is destined to Milne PM”: of awry her now hat use. «Ration: intending to gut u'mw 'chlne' wi‘il find it ureatfirJo their n “An tim- m cxsmine thi: one heinrn‘purrhaiin r. The unflvrsignmi have pnrdunfi‘d lhn i’x l-nt Right fur Aulzlius County (um’oplmu'hun t 4 wn ship) and .xrclimuking L‘\l(’llni\'(: p 111“; Mia for their mzlnuthutufc. Hum-y mnchim: ni he hmlt in the hut mnnm-rmul wPrancal. I rico.‘ $5 00. ' lu_cunncct|ou will) tins rnnéhinh tin-c" is :1 Patent Wringcr, which ‘Vriurml this L:- orious punt of washing withfie grentest‘ensc ml muvh hotter than it on bewioue by hnnd. hey mu] bi: Ittnéhed to A common Wash uh, and am: sold with the machine or sep rutclj‘ a: deiirenl. simple: of each may be s:an a‘. 9“" Gallery, in. Enst Yyrk fill-vet, Opllo. qite the Bank, Gettyburg. l’n. \ i TYSON: BROTHERS. i June 8,1863. ' . . Borough Ordinancé. ‘ 0 PREVENT RIDING AND DRIVING . UVHIE SIDE-WALKS GUJ‘THRS, 4&0. e it. eu.u':xcd by the 'l‘fi'nfluuncil of the I Borough of Gettysburg, add il in Lcruby 5 enamel] by amhurity of Lhajsmme: ' I 1. Thl”. Irum nmf‘nfler thgpnssnge of this Act, any person or persons Dfiving any Loud cfl Wagon over or on any pm‘lld Gutter within the limiis dfsuid Borough. cxpeptnc n ruunlur Street or Alley crossing, slm’lK forfeib and [my line of not led than Two rs nut; more than Five Dollars and co: [nmiz'tzcniunl on conviction of the Mime before the Burgess. 2. Thin. from and 111-WT the, pass :gc Of this Act, any person or ,pcrsons Riding m‘ Driv iugglny Horse or Vch‘lL-Ic arm-{hr on‘any Side-c walk, pared m unpaved, wnl‘t‘in the limits of the suitl Borough, all I“ for'cit and pay a fine of not. less than Two Dyllnrs no: mon flnn Five Dollars and costs of prosecutinn, on gunviccion of the sumu {beforetthe Bulge”. 1‘ @ppmvud June 3xl" 1861: By pnh- of town Council. 11. “MIN, Burgeis. * Attcn—Jnuuu CULP, Seq‘j‘. ' 7 , June $, 1553. 3&1 ‘i .1 ‘ 1 Hay Wantd HE undersigned wishes toquy 50b tons of T good HAY. Tim might-H murimt price [Said in cash for prime 'Diruuili' Huy, delivered it his packing estuiilisiimeiit {q U:tt)[sburg.— nriy applications dthi‘i‘ed. ‘ i L W3l. E. BETTLE ‘April2o.lB63. 6n)" . I _ z ‘ Queensware. 1 F you wnnt nnylhinuin thc‘QUEEfiSWARE line cut” at. A. SCQTT l UN’S, hern‘you will find‘the best nasal-tuner» Ituwn.‘ . lurch 24, 1862. ’_ . T ‘ $25 I] Employment [s2 I 'AGKNTS WANTEDI—Wc 'will pay tom $25 to $75 per tnonlh, and all ‘expenses, 1. ac ‘(ive Agents, or give a commission; [Par icu [are sent. free. Address Ema San-1x013“ (tum: Gaxun,R. JAMES, Gem-ml Agent, 5 In, Ohio. | . [Mnyj‘ 18, L 863. Iy . —_~———.—-——- _— 1 Spring Goods : 'l' A. SCU’I‘T & SON‘S.—We invite! M tention or buyers to om stock of 8 Eng Goods, which will be sold che’ap,"tousisti of I LADIES‘ DRESS GUUDS, ’ Shawls. Cloaking Clolhs, ctc.,'elc. Fn‘r ~n‘s mid _Boys' wear we have Cloths,-Ca s’m c 3, Coatings, Vestings, with a variety of Co on ades, he., he. Call and see. ‘ ‘ May 13, 1363. , A. SCOTT SOS. A ,chking ‘ l‘ ‘ AS RECEH’ED HIS ' H _smgxa a; SUMMER CLOTHING, COME ONE, COME ALL May )8, 1863. I OLLocK'SHTEfilx—ti‘emp}; est mid ben‘bnklng powder in ule— : Dr. 11 yltNflß’fipggfitun. ' [7sl‘ received a largé‘moument La '2!" Misses' and Children‘s Hus, nt a _______;N_ ,B- magma?“ PURE GROUND 891088, eelelted gagnd _ ground expressly for Dr.‘ 30133111? HUB NEB’S New Drug Stun. ‘ _ 1‘ L. SCHICK has just gagelvéd ,3 lot of . chm-p Looking Glasses; ‘ _ E hnve‘jns: received I new nasnrtment of Queenswua, to which rule ihvite. the attention of buyers. ‘A. SQQTT k SON. FILING BALHOIALS just receivéd M FAHNESTOCK PRCS' ADYES' DRESS TRIXIINGB, In grnt va- L tiny, LL ‘ I _SCEJCK‘S. ECK TIES.-—A huufifipl assortment at ‘ ‘.McILHESY'fl._ ADIES, if you wish. to in n Bpléntfifs. s'omnenl 01 Shoes ant; Quilnrs. can at . x . . L MCYLHENY’S. . \ , .--_._,,'_._ '- , OTTQN GLOVES, for Him and rys. 5"“ be but chat}: M. ~. [ ‘SC' lel'a. \Dr.-J. E‘Schenck VAN bé found at his princip!) ("fin-o, No. C 31‘ North SIXTH Street, Pixilmlrlphm, H'vry Sillllnl‘fi', and It 32 BOND Htrem, New York, cw ’l‘unsdn}. All PGI’FODEJVM! stand in necd of ill! mh'ire (fur which no charm is mulv) are inviimi~ 10 mil on‘ him. For a. thorongh rumination or ihc lung! with (he Respuromotonhe clmi‘g- $3. Iv. ii very im parmut. that. the DOYLUIE‘OUIJ know the pro cue state cf the lungs, am! it lin grost suds mvtion to “the pntienl tn hue mrrecl informs twn on the lumen. I'. is In”. therefore, for cverxone who can nfl'ord the eqpensa, to ham ‘3 mnrfingh examination. "Thr-rc is m mm‘h vurmty in cases offlonmmyti‘m, “1&5 «big-r -am treatment uxny’Tve n quircd’ui'cqrgzy to circunistzwros. The three grunt mmlici N M Doctor SCHBNCK 31'0“dech to All/rhea, hlfi. lumclimce one or two of them will l/C- sufficient. Uccniiundly a box of MANDJZAKE rims n‘iunc (costing 25 cans) \ii‘ll hlinm the 3%; lerpf, if llwdiseue is mmiyva. hm] mid or n. obnuuclinn of the liver: The PI‘LHUNIU SYRUJ,’ is nlwlgs required win-n there is any considerable disunit-r of the n-spir‘nmry “WM“, indicnll'ri‘py coughmnins in ill? nrenut ur sivlv, difficulty Oi brrnlhiuz, kc. This SYRUP puri— ficw the HON, from whirh iL sqm’rqtca Uighur: and (-xpifis Ml discnsmi mailer, leaving the 'hlnnd in n honhh'v conditioii; nnrl lle is A very conqidcmblupnn qt the cure. The SEA WEED TONIC, in connect'mn _ wiih thu PULMUYIC SYRUP, is a most important named-y in almost givcrf‘cnsn of consumption; It. rcxnovcu that dollililnlml auteur the system which nhmjs ‘nqcu-np-mius 'pulmunry ‘disaaae, and whl'th‘ very nftrn r-lu‘l'a it. sunnwx's sn \ WEED TQNIC strengthens: the uppeme nnd imp-roves the \iligrstiun; and i the patient, instead ufdmnx eonfim-d to n low, ”entity din-t, according to the ul und chime! lwhich genemlly prevails. is en‘nhl, to digest. the most nulirts'hing food, and th to gain strength; and this in all that is nee~ sary to complete the cure. No matter how hit rich the food may he, the Sea-Weed ’Fotlic 'will “litre 1t digestnliw, and by this meansthe wk It» he 3' is nourished imcl iluigornled. , Wh .A persons feel weak and (lehilitntml, unyihc-glmn nt‘lhe Sen'l'Wer-Il Tonic will rovin- nn-l ..Ln-ngth en the patient at unee. lt lS nplennnnt stimu- Inut or hitters, perlietlyihnrmllvas. Freely taken, it is n semiiivcnxeuly‘ ngamst Chills and Feverfi. ~ THE MANDRAKE I‘IL‘LS are intended to? mmr obstruction;- nnd enrry otl‘ the Iliiensl‘d nmtt‘er. I Anv].thnn it nppenrs Lhnt nihthree ul ‘ Dr. fitilllixt‘k'b‘ Medicines are used in 21 um jnrilfv oi consumptive cases; nml, if used m:- rording to direetinufi,’ they ‘nre lNll'4tl.Lllu.S, ‘ ‘prm‘itled the'dis‘ense is not nzlvzinred toofnr to ‘ make a cure pqssihle, as it certainly {sit the lungs nro nea‘rly tleitrnyed. . ‘ l'ntienta \\ ill please to take notire that when eiri'uliisLnnct-s mnke it’inipussufle {or them to hove a personal Interview with Dr, Sehenek, they will know how to proceed—luau) the use (if his mellieines, n 5 eneh bottle ig nccnmpnnil-d by filli~tlil‘w:tiuns in English, French, German nnd Spanish, nml these directions me so ex plicit thnt “lutei'er only he the form at the disense, or the cpmlition of the pntienl, no mieuilfc in the uw of the medicine tyilithe pus.- sihie.. Elf" battle of l‘i'MlUNlC T 'itUl’ is nvvnmpnniml by n hunphlet describing the (liil'ureut forms oftmununptian, nud the symp-‘ toms nrmso neeurntely deaen'hegl that ever) one mnyknowwhich of the medicines is ndnpt ed to his own particulnr énsc. Sew-ml i'hingx'nre to he especinlly pIISN'VOd. Ihe pntiént must use. the medicine nenording to directions; ‘l.’e must. avoid taking cold, and he must eat nourishing fund, taking care to_ (how it well; nnd;he need not he npprehensive‘ nt‘“too. strong or rich u. diet," for the SHA- ‘ WEED ’I‘UNIU Wilt emp'ower‘the ntomngn to’ [lige‘st anything which mny pruperly'he t-nllcnl t food. If the" simple rule‘s nro observed, llr. i SLilUlle promises :1 eat tnineure, provided there is enndg'h of the lungs remaining to cam: on ‘ theoperntiuns (it"nnture. _ Au wllo nro‘shupllcnl on this snhjcct me in-' \itedA to will nt ltr. 5t hem k's moms. in New Yorkyltmtun, l‘hilndelplun ur llnltimore; and they. will but" not only it \-ut_nmoqnt of writ.— ten and .printed (‘.Hdtfll'e,‘ which proves the efliesu'y of Dr. Sclxcnekis Medicines. but they mll nlio meet with nroom full of penons who :u-e now being cutcd, and who are ready to testity that they have been ruched. in some cues, from Elf: immediate ~pronpec}. of «lenth hf the uselof Dr. Schenek’s Remedies. Skcpups may hen‘rfrom‘thc‘lips of'tlbieue‘patients a 'de duration of the benefit they' have invariably received from DIE Schenek’s treatment, nearly nll of them being in ex‘eciteut spirits and in confident expectation nfn cure. 1 Dr. Schenck hns» been ,in constant prnet’we. giving ndvicc and examining the lungs of con sumptit‘e patientfi, for more than tweuty years. The cures perturmud by him havo been yer} numerona, 1‘1“], in seine institutes, nrpst won— derful. See his iinmphlet, wliieh‘uwy be had gratis hit fllvpllitiluou to his rooms. . I)r..b‘eheuek'a l'rineiapnl Othee is 39 North .‘lX'i‘ll blreet, l’hilndelphin, t’a_.,)wherc letters for advice should :flwnyhu’ directed. . . \VUULESAUE 'AGENTS ‘ 'Ncw York City, Corintd Fox,’No. 81 Batclny street. , , Boston, Airgun Goorge C. Goodsiin't Co., No. 11 Nay-hull g‘ue'L-t. ‘ . I’urtlpnil,')lc., w. F. Pumps, 230.4» Middle street. ‘ ‘ [’xushnrz VP». Dr. (‘eor H. K “'OOll Street: ‘ ' 1 KB "ysqrvlléos ' Martin Koch, Unity, Columbinna co., Obin. St. Louis, Mo,,Jlcury Blukcly, é‘oruer Second and Vina streets. ‘ Baltimore, Md., Seth 11. Rance, 108 B.thi~ more street. _ i\\'.:slxin,;:ton, D. 0., Samuel B. Waite, corner Seventh jucm. nu-l Lunniam avenue, Chicago, 11L, Lmd a: Smith, .\‘o. 23 Lnké st. ' Sm' Francisco, Iluszcltrr, SrnullLJL Dun, 227 Montgomery streat,’Gcnfluf Agents [or Cnlifarnih. \ ' . Ami sulrl"by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. I g ' _ .. L ‘ PRICES. ~ ' , ‘ I‘ulmo‘nic )yrup, $1 per balm-£5 lmlf'dozen. SemW’eed Tunic, $1 pcrfiollle,ss In” dozen. Mnndmkei’ills, 23 cguupcr box. - j Juuem, 1303. 1m 1 f Salisbury Bros. 8; Co., 0. a; DOLIRANCE STREET, m 1 \ N ‘ ~ 67 WEYHOSSETJTREET, PROVIDENCE, n. L, , 7 Proprietors of on? of the most cxn‘usivc JEWs ELRY MANUFACTURIES it} ihe Eastern Sum-s'; he}: go call the attontion'of the Com mnnitg genera’lly to the very' fiIIRI‘WSXSI} CHEAP RATE M which they nm‘ufl'cring their goods, far aur'pnssmg both, Foreign and Do mestic Mannf‘sctulcs in point of elegance sm! rcni durability! A} , .’ FOR msuxcr: : .m‘ k For Fm“; Donuu. we fonynrd; nicely‘ cnfdvd and packed in good order, “m following enol‘mnns quantity of Jewalry, equal iu filllflll to any l’lnud Gold,,nnd not to be recognized from Gold only by the trying'of acids: 4 Set Enamel Veal. Chain; 2 Plain Floren tine Plus; 4 Eu Rings to much; 2 Twin-Wire 'Pins; 4 Eur Rings to match; 3 Plain l‘in‘u; 6 Ear Ring! to match; 2‘; Ladies’ Rings, Dani-le chn and a variety of [mm-tn: ; 50 l'niun Em blems; 50 Scnrf pins, Plain and imitation Coral; 2 Doubly-Glass Lockets, engine-turned ; 6 Box and (Has: Pins for po'flmiz'or lmir; 7.: H330!!- ed Lockets, Heart. and Shell ”harms, and 1; Band "nucleus—all for Pifleen Dollars. A colloc lion oflhis kind, when place?! 111 the hands of any one of ordinary intelligent-B.oilgbtto rctml for It lens:.one~llundred l‘ollnrs l ‘ Catalogues, coumnningfun information and Prices 01 Goods, can be obtained upon appli cation. Orders by Mml, Telegraph or [hymn respectfuily solicited. ' ‘ SALISBURY BROS. 82 60:, 37 Dormnce k 67 Weyhossot Sls , . June 29, 1833. Profidence, R. I. .5' Notice. ACOB MOUSE'S ESTA’I‘E.--Detters testiw J mummy mi the estate of Jacob Mons‘y Late of Union twvnship, Adams counly,'doo d": having been grmted m the ufl-iLrSigncdy ”‘9 first named reaming in the name town-ship, uni the last named in Heijelberg township, York councyythcy hc'by ive notia to ‘nu persons indcbced to said ngm to make mi» gledhte payment, and thou: hm’mg chum; igninu the same ..m present mom properly authenticated {or settlement. .2. LEVI HOUSE, ' JACOB MILLER, s June 8, 1863. Ct‘ , Exernwra, LYCERINE and Gammon. amp, («,1 G [lnventing and curing ‘tlgé bites 05.86.15- qultuu! and othe: insects, n 0 ' ‘ll. ’ 1)“. It. ”DRIVER'S Dmg Store. U. 8. 1:1th Revenue Tm um DIVISION mm” 0003:” «Iqu COLLECTION DISTRICT, QSNN’AJ TWICE—Tho unis! ”tam-Italian B Diuuict luviug been compjeml, m rhi- , din!!! of thu nbnrc Division, who hu'ohficn nnwmod, and .1”: habit, for “\er my.“ “3”; th TAMI-s, Slauglncwd (‘.ltlo, Hnnufw tun-a, Licmqu-z, or guy nrtwlo or occupation, * caprcifiul in the excise Isui, src rrqmnd tn make paymnnl 1“ my "man in the Borough of- A Gettysburg, on or bffore um 20“) dny ol Jun. nun. . 1 , 7 PENALTIES—M! pom)“ who m 1:; pay' thrir nnumd (no: t! ufnrvz'fivl, (m or Niki-n" {he 201 k day of Juno, 1543.1. wrll mcur a penal.- ty 01 um per cuulnm. mldlfiu'ml u; lhu xmumnl llu-réuf, and costs, as pruwlrul Mr in the Huh , ss-ctinn of the Main hw of July, 1862. MV persons whn shun in like manner (nil to “he: out. their licenses, in?! requingd by lumen or hcfmc the 2011' «luv )fJolnv‘, .NG l, w'ill incur a N‘nnhy of Tum-2H @3153 Tim mum? of‘ N ‘vl liconirn‘n urryrdnncr with tho pmviflonl of u Mlth m'ckion fil’ the lniv aforesaid. , Tll monthly Aswa‘mvnla for Scptcmb'el, ()vm!) , Novmu‘nof-mul Dvu-ryhun H 132, and' inr Jamar. thrnnry and “ugh, man, have” N3O hem rm-vivel,‘nmt psyfiaem of the same is‘ rcquirvd ln ln‘ m \ch M. Lhu thug Xlfllredwill. l w‘thm-‘ibm Guvgmmu‘m funds w!“ 135 .reu-ivcd. mm 1.. TATE, ‘ " A Jnmnx. 001104-th can, Dmiiap, mu mum,- yl'clllisyll‘Jn-J. ‘\ , ‘' , , ‘ Culgwlur's(min-pgcuysbnrg, May 25, r 63. ‘ All muted. - . . 7 ‘1”) uudvrsig‘ncdrlmvn thil day enteredJm ' . 1 paruu-ralvip In Him }‘rnili. I‘m-lure nml ' Commission businras, at «‘Ol-! hummu- Iwhsi‘, col-nor gnflvaLLun nun-l ' “to“ “NM,” Thohiqlwst [mm-q lh cub pM, foi- " FLOUR, \VIH-lA.‘(‘,, ‘ ' ' "‘ ‘ Rh}, Cumt, A- : E OATS, SEED .4 -‘4 . ' s . AND 11y}. .' , All kink of firnrmfirs, Guiana, Fig, It," , and'mery nfimr nrlirlv “wally fmmd . «,, ido nl‘ guano”, all.uf’wlliclr Im‘lm M‘. v. I‘lh‘.s'.'l.h'.llll‘ "3114110" the luv. Pay-terms. “I, ‘IN and sue u‘m‘, :19“ fluid} yourselves "In his My 30. ‘ 1 ‘ " ' ‘ "5 ~ . 3 mtnldfin’m k M 11381; ,; ~(it-My mtg, Juno I" IS'BIL - lf , , j, - Ono and Alt, ~ £' 7 .\KH M "I(i}l'2.—}—Tl:u umlorgicncd ”I” .2 Fmy {0 H. Jpnlflliu- (hat. to is n'reil’in §_ [43151 and Hull-‘47:}; Muck 0C GRUOKRIfi-‘flf‘ whirl: he “in 9014 as hm- Ml uny “than ham; ‘ in Inwu—J'oiT-ms; 'ugum, Manages. Hyruplyy' Tun, Exit, Fish, 11m”; VILII l’uhllum, Bunuamud‘ liirn ; “mull-u Wurr, “L up in the but. maxi-Z nut ; Town-rut; .‘L [53.3, 0., he. ' ~ . ‘_ ' 'mems, TAKE Nu mun—.ll you what. to lay in _yn'ur liquurr-fur 1 NM, nuw "1,1?“qu Linux I ham Imnu‘j'r' )mudm \Vhiskirm, 111-an, dim, \anvs, mnl‘.“l‘uUu~l _liqu r.~r, which} tin "‘ uliupusugawfl‘nt Mung. prulilx. ivu nw A sad]. I n'luay; In; I,” ph-uguu-zuul hl'lin ‘u,|‘ very OF. lrn <i|ll’\‘(‘l'(lY“ “13“»):le lnur tlu: pl.xcr & anthem“ curucr uflJr: Mumfiml, (Sn-UHM'VK- ' ‘ my). I". HALMQXSGH. Maty 2s, mew. , é \ r ' Cf _:_,\'. . 2 ‘ . ~\ Good Thmgts, from thé (my; 1C 111‘ rwzvn mg (mix a wM-k [mm [so W (My n V.\l'il'ly nl :xrtgciéx snilcd‘ lb um wnntfl of this C()mlil_lull}’,‘\'i": ‘ Frenh undfik * HIS”, “Inns, Shoutldvrs and “lllltfl, lllglnjhg',‘, Hunts, Sa‘n' .\ ppln-s.;l’<n,ltm-g, Ornulgrw, Lomumlg. Court-sting, 'l'ulmhxoe, Runny-s, whhf ‘mnny‘ll ogherurlirlcs in thirilhm—ull run-hm} ‘in mam busturuler, and sold 11 the lowest prJliw. (359:: us am“, in ”minim street; nearly oplmuimf' Fuhnva‘mclu)‘ attire. ! ‘ V . f ““H ; WANTEILTJMHIEr, may, firm-.1, n'ml In.“ em or (-uuntry pmdnrn—fur whiljh‘lho Imghlfl cx‘uh price wili he phid. , . ‘ smumxuOusnn (.'. WISUTZKEY. ~ iGMiynburg, .\Lly ~18, 180.5.“ 3le .L'__>~_ ‘.m ._ ”4.3-,“ . ' ‘ A lee Us a-Calll' ' ‘nnnm 8; (HIJJESNE have just received " . :; huge mad upluud'ul em a! flu; Sign!“ which they xiru selling nag: mp gs 1. p" l. “ill ullpw. 'l'lwlr stuqfi/lméllu‘uu selectod'figf‘r re and is or as‘gnod . quality as Hug, mum ‘ will .nfl'ord.‘ HflGAM, wo luwe'all {gluing 1 ”Md and Softer!) shed, vaeriwd, Grllumyo N‘exryrlcuns, Poll» Ric“. üb'l Cull». I‘ll-filly: [l‘llpt'rllulfYU‘Jll r Hymn nml lilnu'k Term. ‘01" LASfillSlNuw {ltlmnicl’nrm Him and ’Syrupu “ of- difi‘arumtliinds. 'thACCU-‘l, h) wits .fltfl 107 cm of-tlm wad, Gaugreus. SpunhNuvyv’t: Cavendish, [longlj and Randy, Natural Leaf, ‘- nndJ—‘iuc Cuts; Smugdng; Tobacco, 15 dill'ercnt‘ k‘mds; PIPESr all-urge nnd fine assorlmcnlfi SEflkRS or mélana brands. COAL OIL . LAMPS and Shades, we have the host “90ng mum. in (hp plump, whirh “0 sulquw; 3150, ‘5 No. I aru'cln nf l‘mll Oil ’ ll.\\ngpl.nlu and! angu (3!”ch Shoulder“; gndlsldra. ~FLOUR, f’ the but qtul‘ty, 'which we“ lwaya glmmntrm; Cedar-warn, Tnht, lluclfl'tfi, Wntcr Cans, ad.- We also keep Notions, (lonfcctldnn, F’m , Fish, by the small} or by the barrel, Salami , 1 Übuwlnlv, hunch; Bucking, 'lndigo, Candlj r‘ 5 Bdrm, Curr) (‘nnlm null Cards, 3 lnrge mason; mun: of'llrushos. ll lsk('t§, Ropes, Gordy, ()ch cry-ware, he: (MVP; US A CALL} . l . Gezusburg. In); 15.1963. ‘ ‘ _ ...... An ”+7 . V -._“.«wa New? Wehousa. , 100 “()0 ,r; YfiiIELS ”F on}!!! ; 7 , WANTEDfM thencwflnin 1, run! l’rodum: House, itrlhrhaic sirecc, Mjrzin-J ‘4 ing' Shift“)! k. Duglxler'i CPLMlll’bh'nen‘q ‘Thf . highcsnumLL-i pfmu will ulw'uyrpc mid LI . cnnh for , »' ' 3 GRAIN, bf all kinds, ‘ ' ' 9 FLOJTTL, BREDSIVbc. : Always on haul and [or nuke,“ the Rpm.“ . prnfils, ‘ ‘ A ‘ . “-5 ; gums: , ‘ - . SALT, FYSH, , , ’ '~ URUHERYES, hm, _' . ‘ Whnh-snloannd rah“. . ' TRY US! Waksh‘nll do out but. I‘ougivo . sntisfucgiou iu ulqulues. A ' ‘ , A g t - mommy & magma”: ‘ " Gettysburg, my 11; um: 1y '= ' . , . \ -~——l .._- A ' Dramage Pipes.~ RE undmignod'thow ml htn‘d, Mlll can- I linues m munnllrmfire. huge quantities of .A “THEN fiIIAIS-‘AC F. l1"!"ES,-WNH21I he offers to furnish and lay m 7 cbnu per foot. «For thou drmning of vellum, ’16., umb’iug Meue'r can 56 used. They hm‘fhm‘n tried in difTe'rent part! of the county, with "who mmefla. "I! mamk‘ factory in Mar Lully‘n Mill, in Oxford township. Post Office mare-s, New 01 ford, Adams count t', Pm. _ _ h ' ’Spucimenfl of the Pipes can be seen It Peter‘ Hofl’umn‘a, in Gultfivnburg. r. ' 4 Aprfl 21, was. am. JOHN'BECIQIAN. . , Now Goods 'l‘ ‘_FAansm»c‘i;S:.-'_r*nl.m-sm‘ck Bro‘m ' A would ‘rcqutlfullj inform their friends and the public gape-rally thul they hnve just reefiised their Spring stuck of Gpmh‘fromflcw W): and mnnm:.~;m.m. Ha’vin lgought mm ) for comb, we sue prclmn-d‘m ogtthe largest. find prettiest. stmtk of DRESS ‘UUODS er'er3' “Herc-l to the muzvns uf 1115'. count) nudAl/ j; «um PRICES! “Quid; sale-t and shonpk‘ofily‘f bein: "In-mono. ‘ , e} " ‘ wt‘un undemmino at the sign of h \ Nay 11,18¢1.3 mu) £5“ \- éNotice. , EO. wmsmnw's “gym—Lem . ofndminiszrntion on “‘5 “mm M ““9“” Wcismnulte, mm of Cnm‘cuMd ‘1"! Adamsco., deemed, buying hur‘gra'fi‘“! to the “M‘HS signcd. reaiaing i- buka‘rs} h“ “WW: ghes notice to ,4! persons mdnhtcd '3th “mm to make mun-«lime paymeht, and than haviuv clnipl against the smile to prose!“ 11mm Front”! authenticated for utllemcul. _ DAVID ZIEGLEK, Adm‘r. x” 18,1863. 6‘. Notice. JAVES‘L.’NEELY‘S ESTATE-Lama“. administrmio‘n of the estate of June: L. Neeiy, lute of Strutmn township, Adm" 0" Ly, deceased, having been granted unbound-n signod, the fit“ named raiding 13430 MM township and the Last named in Guttylbgét‘ {hey hum-“my give notice to all person; (66. ' ed to will eslato “7 make immediate ”at”? and those huffing chins against the ‘uqle to ‘ present them propm-ly authenticated (or an“- ‘ mam. SARAH NEELY, Agl’qv-m J. 0. NEELY, Mun a; 3" Jun 01,1863. Gt 7 .w A» ___ ~ ' E II ' CST reached wawmmys Spring and ; J S‘lu'omur omm. :60“ one.“ x“: ATS4—DO ”mums; 150 a“ 1093“ th ‘ “M. T 03311“ . QWW’BM _: 11115
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers