gem mafia. II in run! or an. nun. “at General Made, the dew leader of “6 Army of the Potomac, was born in sly-In, and in the grandson of Gedrgo ‘MO, of Philndelphia, an eminent Irish ”ogiom meréhmt of reroldtionnry times, than than (Heads 6: Fimimpom)‘oomli- rbuted ton thousand dollars lo a fund for Q}, tolihqu she funi‘shing “my of Genenl 'wuhidggon. The General is a brother-in- law of lienry A. Wine, the erratic letter wfifingl Brigadier General and the late Gov einor of Virginie. Other end_neerer rele tion! offionenl Meade bola high positions h the Obnfederetellrmy. am! he? often fi‘dqvoud to seduce the General rem his rdleginnee to this Government. by um plin 3 More of milil‘ery preferment, For seyenl generation: the Made fem‘ily have held Potion! Ippoiutmepu. but there are now. “nappy”. only two scion: of I. “worthy iire" willing to uphold the flag of their century in the time of itl'digeeb need. ‘We venture a) any, however, that in‘tbe loyal relidqe, of the family wehave-goi the best. grid of the bargain, end the: George G. -: “C"nohlefl. Remain of them all)” ““ ' .'Néthing but a full return to the good 1 Did principles of Jefi'enonian Democracy i can nvp the .peopla of Wall-y {rpm ‘ the doom which threatens‘tbem. The? hive 19,". left them the elective franchise; was“ filmy uga 'this potent. weapon of flu Inn, and with itcut. their way hawk ’lgtin to 'the atrbngholgis of Liberty, they will noon find‘tbemaellves captured and dis— ‘ mod, dnxlblfliged {to‘ignominiously match 1 pl! th. tail of the chariot of Black Répuhlig opal-m, «fetid cclat to the pageant and re—' mdn forevger the slaves of despotism. ‘ .‘Gov‘ihéymbur has forwarded to 1.119 MOI Pen’nsllvahh- no less than tjvznly two togimenli: Let our people remember ”all. If Seymour had beena “traitor” iomd be have sent all thogo men? If he ind been a. Republican—«Abdicion Gover notfiiould he have sent tpemfl .Look at ihe— respmiue madetby Newflinglnnd, and then I‘ll: yqumclves, ‘zfs'hull h Democrat or pm Abolitionint' be the next Uovemor of I’gnusflvnniur’: \ - “.1 ~Svallowing u 54.11 am“ ’l‘mh.-—Mrs. Sh‘er man.‘ rosidiimg in West. Troy, N. Y., haul thg misfortune, some da'ys ago, to swullo'w n. spi of Tulsa teeth, fitted to a plnté, which she‘ Jud warn fqr somé time previous to the ac? cidonth The heavy miss lodgi'cg ’in the lover part of the stomach, quasing‘intehge pdlg, Ind threatening His most serious coni s’equonéel” A physicinn; was called, and mule deveral “tempts to remove the ob ptructigri befqre he succeeded. .« ‘l'll Inn-u Gnomousn M- Wotan—There is nuts mailer in the account otthe great battle at Betgylfiurg, mi Friday, which in descrvingq‘f Inlfkmli unantiah. This accbunt says thin whgq flu enemy muled his whole {area for an over- Violin“; :Ika on the right of Gen. lleugle'l poohiongnnd hind rHuman almou within hi; M. I. column of fiew troépl nppnred onbut p“. and ddemiu’ed .me fine china day. These {Miran the Pnuvwnu'muru. Eng .m!o‘lork‘ll¢ruldhwilich gives the account; ”any; Ihli it will be I “ proud inheritance " {or ' 3h. Gillan: oi those men_ to know thin they In In Arm to alga put in the events or that firm! hy. How this éhuuld flimulnte the m oflhoso men, particularly the oxyerienc e3! fnen, who nre not 3:9! in the flew, and how , it should inSpire with ardor the. yoluutecra ‘ chem-elves} 110:. ns hm} no m‘ozh m’ccis or damlging remarks about. the militia, either from the lips oftmariincts or dubious hérocs. - ‘_,l, M..,_‘ H, . flGenr “fray, some time aim-,9 expressed 31h yilhel lo “ get through whlfihel. rebels in ' $0501“: in order to snpprnsg the Coppuhcaas ‘F the germ." Ire-mama lgimsqlf in Penn - ”Imin. lqmly, M having “cut. throngh’fl fifteen ghoniind ‘rehgll‘ with the loss of only“two Ewgu‘und nien. Since then a Maryland regi p'e'nt of the General'l "on?“ has tnrnqd. up. :u. Hyper? Ferry, who' repop. that the Gpneml mm». behind, and that they did not. seen. my]. Seventeen'hnndred more of the Gene rfl'l whom hnv‘e pines arrived nt Bedford ‘in yfoly,vwl'io are known who 11 pan of tlie “two .monnnd killed and iamumied,” After thPse W hat: General Milroy will‘no dqubt speed ‘ ily} “tank the Copperhcnds.—Ldzamm Advertiser. . ———-q.w————- 5 \ flu. Wuuxnxamm—The story 0! MrslfVah hndighnm being {mane is hot true.¢Bhc a; In nicellgqt christian Indy apd soppd in mixid, thmrhi mnd‘e‘ {a féel- the lrough hvul of {His mom: administration. The news bunt bus ‘ fiand’l homiunfion for Governor-must have been hp‘mud «QM-cl3OO find a fitting recompensg for the dsrk hours she experienced during her pun-band: miflhight arrest! shamefully-in], and {pefi ‘bn'xfighment. “Tim; at last éets all - hipgs é‘vVen." '1 > ' 1 _ _ . fifWhen a. stamp is Mine edjo ncérg‘ficate M 111-triage, the mifiister is equircdrw‘firite hh'iqifiifls and mgdnté Shh} marriage on the ufinp to‘qd‘cel it.l Clbrgqun will please take 11°59? phlfls important. requésx. It would he t std uiifibrtunerifi after Fu‘ing togethe'r a few _nonlhl, ih’ryoung wedded couple would'muke #5O difiéorcry that thigh- mirr‘mge wnailfilgnl on ’cqonuf. agile clergymn'n'signomuce or ngglect. Cl= ‘ Alum» Bin—Foreign journals speak of watio‘n justprqdficedfli} Germany nnmfly" |‘ 9m? bed, so 80ns£ructed chm, gymeans . pf; 95901051 piece of mechanism, mapressfire fife body prod'lcea— the soflest harmony, h lama long enough to lull 'pne to alcefi, he“ of the bed is ndinl [with n hund Whig!) “ be pfiécd M whntever hour the per 3°" “‘sl'9- ‘ nuke; and at the tiifie’fixcd the W 17“?! 3 . ch orSpoqxini withgmms an cmbgls, 103“! ' ugh :03qu It. foaudét “super- . ' ; Immucl or A Txvl n.;A sensible, nl - refined, practiq‘n omnn,who makes . Ayn}: nature aillngbo atro _ by making h go:- undeE-ewho puts niew heu into :11th Joni-y stifling—gives dignity to limos”,- jty. min onmfofl to his amenity. , E Imm yifp fields I agill gmatcr‘power when_ it Ru.” 1 firing heart. drawing n 'with irresistible f 0 » SMO polidon q! duty. ‘ x , a . -—+s.—‘“*———- ’ ' ; “i no!“ {ioleht supporkn of the pun. *poflfied polldlel o! the In no thi In th In: tum? y‘ctn pan hue denounce?! the Wrath“: ‘ua gown-N with he“. Theym .. ' .t‘mya" gm: of these timen. _W no phi: most yalued ghn} up the ”mimic, 33d ‘hbse are phe games» fl-M/hn «he most talents, but upwind Mikey qugu‘tbe most. qaeiqlgy, ‘ V, ' 's‘e'mnu“ 3"“ ‘53! good! dulnjn ‘ if!!! M 1"" N? Rump“! of {lollars \hy lhq hjlillufl in com .00“. . PR0233330NM. mans. MRSEY AT LAW.—-oflca in the North-u; you coins: of Venn Squire, Gettysbnq# a. , ~ 7;. 3,1859. u ‘ k 1 J. SNeely, { TTORXEY A .AW.—Pmiculu mum A’ tion paid to ‘cblioctio‘n of Penlions,‘ ounly, nnd Duck-pg. 015 cc in the 8. E. comer of the Din‘mond. _ Geuys’hutg, April 6, 1863. m A. J. CoTer, 'r-ronxm Ai‘ LAWJiII promptly mend A to Collections and all other bualnqs'en‘ trusthl to him. 01M; bebwaen Fabnestocka’ and Danna-r & Zicarler’a Stores, Baltimore street Geuyahurg;Pa. _ 4 , (Sept. 5 1869.. _D. McConaughy, - l - TTDRH EV AT LAW, (office one door west of Buéhlet's drug Ind book storefibum benbnrg urea") Arman? um Somcu-on noi‘ Hun" AID Psxsxon. Bounty Land War nuts, Bnckpny suspended Olnimu, und :1 athe? claims again” the Government at Wash ington, D. 0.; nlsoAmcricunOluiml in‘Englsnd Lind Warmnxslocnxed and sold,or bought,nn i highs; prices given. Agentq engage; in 4 eating warr‘nnu‘ in lowa, Illinois nndmlhe westernSluteL WAN!” to him personal) 0; by letter. * \ ‘1 Getty-hum, N 97. 2|, ’5; “ ‘ Edward B. Buehler,‘ TTORXEY -A'l‘ LAW, will faithfully an ATpromptly attend to all husinesremruatc to him. He speak: the German language. .Oflice M the ”me plnce, inVSouth ‘Baltimor quack, _nénr Foruey’fd’rffi' fibre, find. nearl Opposite Dunner A: Ziegler’l ltofe. #ettysburg, Msrc’o 20; ‘ J. Lawrence Hm, M. D. AS his office one ‘ ‘ I I door west of the ‘s‘ U“ ‘l. Lutkemd church in - i Chambersburg street. and opposiLe ‘Picking’l ”we. wivre those wishing to ‘hm‘u any Dental Op’m'ion put-formed are rupectfuny invited to cm: limznncns: Drs. Homer, Rev. C: P. Kruyth, D. 1)., Rev. H..L. Bnlxgher, D. D.,-Re". Pl4Ol. 1!. Jacob; y’rof. Mn L: Slmver. ' Gettysburg, Aphl 11V '53. ' ‘ ‘ yrs. Cress 82: Taylor, CthCTIC PHYSICIANS—Thenbovn E num’cd - gentlemen, hMlin},r associated lbL-Juwlvcs in tlfe‘ practice 'of Medivinc and Surgh'ry, nlfur their pml't‘ssionn'k scnices tu the chi/4;": ochrtysbnrg whd vi‘cinity. an , in: had large suhgiml experience in the U. 8: Army, and extensive huspiml-pmclice; they rcspo’ctlullysolicityourpatronage. E'Eclt-ctic" moanq to choose or Sl'le’cl. Honce weigselcct thegbest, nnl'ut n'nd most relinhle rfrmedies frlim nll .lothor sectarian med-lull acfioojs, which line [wan anomuiendcll from thv, ox 4 .Ifi-runu-ernnd.suuttionoa by practice of the “Must Ec‘uzuno PuACTI-J‘IU'S‘HILS, 71nd discanl than nwre_ injurioysg ‘such as antimony, luréenic, melt-wry, blue pull, blood Ictting‘ tic. Ull‘xce in llhllimore street, in tlgé one formerly oc't‘uplt'll by Dr. Dorsey-[ung- door south of the (“Compilefl dim-é. Suldicra'fnmilies attend ‘g‘d free at charge during their absence. “(L'JAXKS CHESS. Dn; Wx. Tlufnon. Jun. 19, 1863. If , Removal. ‘R. O'NEAL h‘ns removed‘ his office {rem D Wllls' bgulxling t 0 the caruér or‘Bßlli muré and High streets, opposite the Presby". Lerinn’ Church. Residgnce adjoining the qmcg. Aprfl 6, 1863. U ‘ ‘ ' -;Ad2ms :County 9». UTUALFIRE fNSUR.&NCHCdIIPANY.—g DI Incorpoml’ed Much Is, 156}, ‘ onions Praidmt—choi'ge Swope. « i . Vice I‘ruident-L—S. R. Russell: . ‘ ismelhry—D. A. Bnehlern A ‘ fizmwcr—Duvjd M’Crenry. ‘ -‘ ‘ Exec-dim! Oonmiuee—Robert HcOurdy, Incob ‘ King, Andrew Heinuclmnn. ' ‘ , ’ ‘ ’ Managen~Gcorge Swope, D. Affluehler, R. \l'qudy, Jncoh Kingnfi. Hclntzrlmuu. D. Mfl-i Cram]. 8. R. Russell,J. R. Heal”, Sumnel} Durfmmw, E. G.;Fnlxnestoclf, Wm. B. Wilson,‘ 11. A._Picking, Wm. 11. McClennri, John‘ Wal rurd, 11. G. McGrcary. John Picking,_.\b‘cl’l‘.' Wright, John Cunningham, Abdiél F. Gilt, Jnmoa 11. .\lhrshnll, M. Eichelbgrger. 1 - avg-This Company is limited in its (mem tions t_o the county of Adams. It has blr-c-n in suc'éessful operation fo‘r more thnn six Lvenrs, and in that pt‘riod [ms paid all-losses n d 04x penses,wi!hnm any managinghaving nlso glnrge surplus capital in the rcnsury. Thelcom puny employs no Agents—all lguslnessjbeing done by the Managers, who are annuallylclect ed by tllp Stockholders.— Any person dqsiring an “Insurance can apply 1.6 {any of the above nanit‘d Managers-for furtherlnformatign.‘ ”The Executive Gommillee meets «E the omce of the Company 'on His last‘chneaday in‘evory month, at 2, P3ll. 2 - sepm’l, 1858.. ‘. _ = ‘ 1 ’ Somethmg New N GETTYSBURG.—Ie‘ undersigney! informs h 1 the extizens of- the town and county, that [lit us commenced the BAKING hnsincsspon 5 large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattlos’s Hotel, where he will t'ry to deserve, and hopes to’ receive, a liberal patron age. RREAD,.ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS,‘ I’ILETZELS, Jun, &c,, baked every duy,§Snn& days excopted,) All of the beefignnlity, an sold at the lowest Uving profits. racket-baking in 3-11 its branches is largely cariied on, and orders to miy amount, from this and adjoining counr ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake-house and seem-ed the best workman (ind the most ap proved machinery, he is prepared to do 3; heavy business. ' , - J ” VALENTINE SAUPEE. " July 25,1859. ‘ 4 ‘A. Mathiot 8: Son‘s , OFA AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS,NO34 S 2;} and 27 N. Gay streetflaltimore, (neary, Ftiyetté st.,) extending from‘Gny to Frederick! at.—the largest establishment ofthe kind in the Union. Always on hand a large ilssonmqnt of' HOUSEHOLD AND _OFFICE FURNITURE, em: hyacing Bureaus, Bedstcnds, Wuhstunds, Ward gobes, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and Huh-7‘ Spring Beds,’Sofss, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Eugen-Es, Marble Tables, Set-i tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OFCUTTAGEFURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Omen Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cragles, Eatflßngks, llnllfurniture, Gil; and Walnut Frame L‘ooking GlussesySid'eé boards, Extension Tables, of‘every length. ‘ l Persons disposed to purchase are invited. to; call; and give our stock an exnmination, whifh (01' Variety and quality of workmanshipis. not; equxdléd by any establishment in the :onntry. A. MATHIOT 8: SON, . \ Nos. 25 ans! 2'! N. Gay street. Aug. 8. 1860. ,2 . . Coal!‘ 008.1?! 009.1. READS HUBELER are now prepaied in supply COAL, of superiorlqnuliaty,‘ in any quantity desired: fl‘erms, Cull. ‘ Cone One I' Come All! . , fi-‘Th'ey Mao request. ,thoae indelited w them tp can and pay up. as fund: are much headed.’ Who will be the firgt. ‘0 can? ’ ()lfics~ open from 7to 7. ‘ ' Feb. 24, 1862. . - John W. Tipton, ASHIONABLE BA Imm, North-east ‘cor ner‘of the Diamond, (next door to Me ‘lellnn's Hatch) Gptgynburg. P&., where ht can at I“ than be found (etdy to attend to all Maine” in his line..‘ He has nlsp excellent M aishuce Ind. will ensure satisfaction. Give him - val]. ’ ’[Dec. 3, 1860. 3'8““): Aj‘Buxgu’n’s Stbre is well Wofi thy aviaicjli‘n this time. We donb£vhethels even in our large“ this, so fine a display of Stoves can be found. Their lnrge mom is full of Stoves of every pattern; Ilso. every n rlpcy of Hollow Ware, Sheet-iron Ware, Tin Watt}, Planilheé Wars, JapanfiVnre—emhnu IPg, mdeed,everylh'mg in the house furnishing line. deso, Sausage Gutters, Sxmnge S‘ulTers, Lu-d Prelsea, kc.,'&c. They are prcparc‘ljo gen wholcsnde and retail, Tin Ware and Sheet,- you Want of their own m-nufucture—Leeping a niacin. qouybar of-hnmlp m supply 3"” dc. mauJ. ’Nmr assonmen‘ of Lunatic}: is {cry 3|.»l‘ :! ”V'- 3v’luly kiwi.’ .- ‘ N: ~ Tajlppiag " STABLISHM T.--GEO. F. EUKKNRODB, E \ rusmupw TAILOR, Mop}! thin melhoddf . orminghia friends sad the public generally, I“ he has opened} Tniloqing establishment n Baltimore greet; Gellylburg, (late Post Oh e,) near the Dim mcndndmre he in prep-rid .. do nll'work in his lino-in the bear manner, «I to the satin. (nation of customers. He amp 1 none but. first that buds, nnd'recclving G ’ (THE FASHHLVS REGULA . Y, be or wnmnt fuhiouable its and est Ind subs ntinl‘ming. He ulna a share {the public’l' patronage, promising to spare - ef— fort lo'deaerve it. Ills'xlmrgen will aluy be [Qpndlu moderate as the tips: will Illow. 7 ,Cutligg and Rewiring done nt‘the ‘shortest notiée. [Gettysburg tlyril 7,1862 l ‘ , i Removal-«TlngVare. Hp undersigned his! rem od-his‘Tinn‘nfi qambliihment ‘ num the Dinmondhin hambersburg street, adjoining A.‘ D. Buéh~ ler’s rug Store-Livery central location. §He conti ues to manufaciure‘ and keeps mutant 1] on and, every mietg of ’ § ~ m-WARE, 2’ f PRESS?!) AND-a, { lAI'ANED W. and will ilwayu be ready to dn REP ' ~ ROOFING anh SPOUTING 1 also origin the but nymnerwgwces; ate, a .d no. effort spared to re Mr M {mi-tip . The publlc's continued‘putré sg'uciled. i A. 1». BAUG ‘iGelgysbnrg,‘April7,lB.62.V ‘ ] Speclal Nance. ‘ * and after JULY‘ lst, 1803,-the, ‘. f converting the present iss'uc ‘l‘ IN ER. NOTES INTO THE HAT“) PER ENT..LOAN (commonly culle Twsn Hes") will cease" } ‘ Allfidlib wish to invest in the Fwd-Twenty Loan ‘must,— chercforepapply before duals: of JULY‘, um. ‘ 'JAY cuoxk, , l ‘ Sunscmrrluu Aux“, ‘ - . fin. 11l S. TlllßD St., Philadelphia. Apt/Ll 13, 1803. 3mm ‘ New: Goods l-f‘Large Six MER HANT T'AILORYXG. 1 - j “cons & n have j‘usv. received from the ayes a 1m ol goods or Gehtldmeu'a w'eur, rcull: variety 0; CLO llS,’ _ ‘ . CASSIMERES, I . .‘ . Vlasyl: Cnssincts‘ Jenna, &c.,‘wi£h many oil for spring and summer \Vtgnr. ‘ , ‘ Th _y' 'u him-pared to (nuke um gar the 511 mg at Eotice. and in Lhu‘vu‘ry bvl .ncr. J'l‘h Fushiuns nrc rmularlyrccui clothqng Me in any ilmind stile. wayfgnu neat fits’, Whilst, Llu-ir sewii to~hb“sub‘uuftinl. , ‘ , 1 .T‘hey. q‘sk :L c'antimi'lnc-o 0f the pub tron'ufie, resolved by good ,wurk u‘ud xi “Hum,l a Locum it. i ’ , \ GeLtysburg, April ”1862. i ——" r A ' 'v" ‘“4.\ "T ' , Lancaster Book Bmae Bogus WIANT, , :j I BQQK BI" DEER ...I ‘ AND mun, Boos unwnc‘runr. 1, 1 3 3 « -~ ; >L.\NUr\b’Tl-11, m. Plafn‘amd Ornamendal ‘ffimfiw, of 013 ch de scription, exec-Mtg iu‘lhe ruystfsubstnmi'al and np'prujved styles. "‘ z ‘ ." , _ i : ”Francis. A»- . E. W.{ Brown, Esq., Fnrmérs Bn‘nk of L+ncns¥en W. L.f§elper, Esq, Lnncnstgr Cuu'nty Bank qunufe Sliogk, Esqwicmumhin Hunk! ; . Samuel Wauntr,‘Esq., York Bunk. L ' William Wagner, Esq" York Coupty flnék.‘ ‘ T. D. Carson; Esq" Brink of Gettysburg. ‘ < Peter .\hirtin, Esq.,l’mth‘y ofLuncaisler co.,;Pa. Geo. C. Hawthorn; 15:15., livgiatcr “ y 1“ ‘co. WhitsomE'sth Recorder ‘ “ , i“ f'Apl‘fi x 5, 1351. R. . 1 . Plano Tumng. 1, R 01". BUWER, of Litthswwn, rs Prngtirnl‘ P'l’mno Tun“, informs his frien-lq nanthe ngusidfl pet-lie in generaf, lhnt he gtvey‘his fimeHno! pthcnrise occupied, to Tuliing nnd Rclmiring ‘ Pinnos, at“ moderate prices. ‘ He pwmiles entire antislhvtjon, or no pay.‘ Order reccived at this office. - [Sept 16“ IBGL ‘t ' ‘‘ ‘ , IThe Great Secre. GUN QUE—I, tan tell you all now "he 0 they meet. his in York street, No. I’l3, tight opfmsite-the. 1; wk, hid the rim. ion is thrs : the undersigncdhms jl st rcu-ircd from the city a. very‘llne nseucnnont {SPRING GOODS, for hath hudies and gentle] low, M fol lnwsi' For llu- larljl-‘s, Shakers, (ll vus,Stnck~ ings, Linen lluntlkcrifllit-ls, Colltxrs Fans, Ho;- fnmrry, of all kin«l§,,llunp Shirts,’ L “lit-5' Hats, and in {net almost anythix'tg elqe i the lam-5 wny; Combs, [lnir Pins, lldll’ Brushes, Tooth , Bruahosgmhd numerous other articles. 7 ‘ Gentlemen'a wear, guch m Conts, Puma} Ve‘sls, at the l‘ollowingpricrs: first m» Linen \ 'Pnnta' at $2, wumlner Vests at. 'l’s cts., Mml other clotllin the same rntesu Surhhier‘ Ilnt'swhgnper thanwny other house in the: town, both for boys,nnd men. lluving put--1 chhsedn lot at IllL‘thJn, he can sell them atl pricea which will make almost any dnc buy :‘ and also many other goods, such as Forks, Fork HandlesL Shovels and Handles; Ropes, Twines, Brushes, Brooms, Queenswnre and Glass ditto, GROCERIES and Spices of all: kinds. Sonps of all kinds, liésenccs ofall'kinls,‘ Knlv‘eq, ‘Forks, Spoons, Tobncéo, Sogurs m‘id Snuff, nnd i‘n fact almost‘nnlything you Would. mlculnte (0‘ find in a Nntion Storq, all very chea for cash. Ddu't target the place. 118‘: that have been there bring those that hnremt been. initiated yet.» There is'room for all (if themhnr NO. 113, oppoéite the Bank, in'Xurk street. ' , H. G. CARR, Agent. Llny 4, 1863. ; ‘ . -_ Howard Assocmtlon; ~ HILADELPUIAC—Fur the muer crime P Sick and nglresscd. afflicted with Vim: ant and Chronic Diseases, and ospécially‘ for the Cure ofDisensel of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given grafis, bthe let ing Surgeon. ‘ < 1 VALUJX‘BLE BE?ORTS on Spermntorrbmn onSomin‘nl kanms, and other Disease? of the Sex ‘3l Organs,: and on the REW REME DIES ennfloyed in the Digpensary‘, .sent td the afflicted {in sealed llener envelopes, {rep of Chung.“ ‘Tw'o or :h‘iec Stampé for postage will be auceptnble. . i ' . (tenants, Dr. J. SKILLIN BOUGHTONH‘Act ing Surgeon, Howamd Association, No. 2 South Ninth Sti‘eet, l’hiléfielphia, Pa. > ' June 16,4862; 1y . ‘ ; oH,}:r CBRISMER is carrymg on the Copper ing huainess, iu_ all its hmgches, in Xork street, Gettysburg. MFLOUR BARRELS, [ln any desired quantity, Elude to order, at short. no tice, and at low pr‘ofits. REPAIRING, p'f 9.11 kinds, attended to,. promptly and cheaply.— Every effort will be wide to render satfisfnc tion to customers. i ' . , ? Dec. 29, 1862. 6:1; ' I 1781' received from New York and mm:- dclphin, the hrgest stock in town of - road Qloxhs, ‘ , ‘ , Sumu'ier Cloths: ' “ .' ‘. ; Casaimerps. Tweeda, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘~ Dnllinga 'lnd Venting. sbnntiful styles, well ‘.angncd; bought for cash‘ and will be sold cfienp for the nme.—~ Please call and see them. ' r‘ _ GEORGE ARNOLD. ; ”3111,1863. u - , s +. _ , Plckmg ; § ; AS‘REGEIVED ms- H . .SPBING AND SUMMER CLOTHING .L 1 com: ONE, cons ALL: ; ’ my 18,1363. ; , Wall 'Paper! ' LARGE variety of pattprns, of the Ink-st A'b'md Imm. Quinble styles, many .of which fire ting sold 1: the old prices. Call and see them I! n 9 IcIeENYIS. '' LL the but Patent- clues run he had A' uan new l'qnilyx. ng and Preacriptio. ton of_ ‘ ‘ Dr. RfiQRNER. ICKING has flu- finen monmexitofSprin; and Summer Clothing in town. HAWLS, in angry vniiety and the luau lfiyln from Kay York, for :11. char! n ‘ . ~ ‘ PAHNBSTOOiB’. ADIES' 010th for Cloaking. a new luppt, L just received an. I-‘Aupzss'rocx ukos’. LOTUS, Cnspfimcmnnd Vutings, cheap at C , HAHNESTUL'RS’. 'RE. i I Imm} ; modeh H satis- huge. in HER. ' rinlege .EGAL ALELI , “Fi e- 1131 ge amok twin; 8. GS, ‘ r goods ents at Isl m'nn n-d, ind I' hf‘yinl i" 1: guru ic‘s mn ouLci‘mc Coopering, New Goods. 1863. Spring Styles 1863. F HATS AND CAP§. O - ' ‘ R. F. McILHENY, an his old mind. S. W. cpr. Centre Sin-Imm jut owed a lpleudld qwnmenl of " lIATSANPCAP‘S, o! the latest I‘ylel, a! vgry )ow prices. Per sons in wlm of A good sepsonnblt and fthon able Hal orCnp,lre I%!quth to give him 1 call. BOOTS AN_ SHOES, comprising Men’s fino C§lf Boots, Men’s Bal monls, Men's Wehington Ties, Congress Gti tern, Brogan; Ladieq’morocco Bnlmoul Boots, Gnizers, fine kid Slippers, .\lissea’ and Chil dren's Shoes and Gnibers‘ of every variety and style, nll ofiwhich WI” b‘: lold as cheap us the cheapest. Let all who 'yrish to supply them selves with good and Bubstmtiai work call and - amine our hock. iR. F. MoXLHENY. pril 13, 186$. , < Spring Mtllinei'y. ;, 186:. McCREARY 1 vites Ladies to call fl H_ ;see her new ussortment of §pring nud Summer HATS, CAPS; BONNETS, ITONr HE? TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, which an of the latest. ”flea, and being pur chnsed for cash will be sold at twonahlo y‘rices. ’ ' , ‘ _fi-She in also prefix-ed Ato Bleach and Press Bonnets apd Hats in the shortest. patio; and in the best msfiner. 1 . ; \ i ‘ April 27, 1863. ‘21:: ' ' "‘ 7 Dr. Robert Horner’s . EW mung DRUS} mp , a . / PR. SCRH’TION’ STORE, ‘ /cmxanswna Huh-r, oi'fflaavua. I fining retired frdm' {he active practice of '1 _v profession, I mk‘ plkmsure in announcing ’ o the’ citizens ochJiys‘ urg‘and vicinity,tlmt I have opeped a F - ‘ NEW DRUG STORE, i-the room formenly? ocdupied by Drs. E. 8 i}. Hoax“, as an bffice; wJlereJ will constantly ‘ keep 6n hand a‘w‘supply ofallkinds of , FRESH Dumb. ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' ‘ MEDICINES," . , “ ‘CHEMIC'ALS, m ‘ PERFUMRTLY, ' ' I TOOTH POWDERS. - ,- , DYE STUFFS, DRY PAINTS, find ‘ 1 ' ‘ PAINTS ground {[l Oil, . OILS, expmssml and distilled,_ _ . W.¥I‘IGXEHYM‘MIRIM3, Inks, Pena, Pmcih, Pupar. (‘nmlm Brushesflnc. I’ATEN'R 31$!)H'INES. ' All the pnpnlur Phlcrfit _Rihtlxl-illcs, together- Wilh n~sclvclion of pm: WINES, REANDIES and “'.‘HSKHY, for mt! ivinal purposes only, always an hand. f In H. Witt-d. my stock embrkces everything usually [out in a first-c1111” slim: Qf this (103‘ ripliun. . . A large :upply nf‘ frc3h Drugs has been re ceived, and ““3” are niriving, which I run of-Y ferinfi'to’ the public on very accommodating terms. ’ .\ly Medicine; him: all beem [hirchased under my personal impaction nnll snpci-vision from the mdst relinhlchouscn. I mi: llu-‘refnre nut qnly recommend them .as purp and fresh, but mm 50“ Lhmn Hump. N. [L—PARTIUUIb-tufi ’ATTENTIONgivcn to tho (rmunan o! ulLt'hrnluC Like-Lamar . ~ psB)“.\l)V3(}E GRATIS.“ May ”“1801. ll , ; e” i The; fGroqery Store ‘ , N“ Tm: Hills—Tilt- unduruigucxl woula O rcspvctfnl y inform the citizens oi Gettys burg: and vicmlly, 11ml 1“? h.l3',mken the old suml “ on tlm Hill'.” in lhllimore sti‘oet,.Gei- I'yshurz, wln-n-ilm iuu-mls lo4k§9p (unstamly on hand nll kinds ul UllOCElilES—Sugnrs, Callous,- Syrups a; all- kinds, Tobacco. Fish, SAM, kin, l-lainlxn- ware uT- all kinds, Emits, ()ils, mnl in fact; rx‘rlything; usually Inund in a Grucory. Also. FLUI'R «MFEED ol all Lind: , nll of \i bic}: Inchin'rimls m xrll law‘s t'he‘ruw. ést. Country lurbd- cu mkc’u in exchange {of goods aml Hm lllghual price givgn. “c {lath-rs liimwglf lint, by azrict giuunlion and nn liunest dcsiri: ‘m plvusc, m ’liwrit u. slmre'ué public pn- Uimagv. TRY HUI. J. M. HOWE. nu. 23, law. Lf , - ,- , ' Somethmg New. . THEunderaigumllrcspcctful- I ‘ {C I": ill-lfnrlns dun} .rc’fidfrli& o xe ’smrgnn \mmy, 1:1 He hnsJ opened a xV'ATCII AND JEWELRY STORE, in the gqoni imme’dincly in the rear of Mr. J. L. Schick' Storehand fron‘liug tb-a Square, where he intends k‘ccpingvnn assort ment of WATCHES,JEWELRY, SILVER n'nd~ SILVER PLATED WxUZE, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS kin, &c. 2 . ' _ ' t ‘ _Hm'ing3 been uoEnrhmd with Va first-class Wan-h mul Jc‘wrlljy Store in Hahhpore, for sex-cm; yours [3&B],th ls prrpared to Qurniéh awry anil-le infl lcl-flinc. a; the lowest city prices, and nil mac-fuses will he gunnuiti'cd as ré IH‘MHchIL ‘ y _ ‘lFrmn u long exfiqriéficc in Watch-repairing, min-tinnynf'lineW tchea. hcis prepnrcdlm do all kinds of “'Mch- York promptly, in the hen manner, nnfl gunnity thg pcrfurnmncc'ofit. \ file will kl‘t‘p aluhyq on hand x; huge nssuit— m'ent ofSPl‘ltlT.\.C.miS,:xud filmy "‘ » tncle Glasses; nmlfluying muchm experience in adapting them 105th! sight, is pgcpnrcd to fit fill ““10 need them; ‘ ‘HAU‘. JEWELRY nude to order in the best style, and :1 great Variety of patterns on lmnq JEWELRY repaired ifl'thc neug‘es: nianner. ‘ - i . _ ‘ JOSEPH, BEVAN. ' Getg‘sbxirg, D 8923, 18“. if ‘ The Old and Reliable. “Ew swam} «cums. ‘ I SMALL PROFITS a. QUICK sum—,- SCHICK would respectfuny my to the citizens of Ge;- tyrshurg 9nd Vicinity-J {hat he is now rogeivhig M. his strc fisplendid , , ~ ‘ , . STUCK 0]“ SPRING GOODS ‘ “The afoul: consists in part; of Fancy and Sinple DRY GOODS, of way description. SILKS. : ,MOZAMBIQUE, , -', ‘ } CHALLIES, j , , DEmleS, E ~ BOMBAZINES, ' - 4 i ‘ ALPACCAS, , . - ‘ A LAWNS, l. 1 mucous, 05 It“ qualities and Ehoicost‘stylesfiwhich will b 4 sold at PRICES Tl) DSFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS ) 011811 kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton H r ndkcrchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, &c. Also, a. splendid assortment. of RIBBONS, L ces and Edgings, Umbrellas and Funnels.- ~ M stock of‘VIIITE GOODS wilZ lie found full mdcompletc, and customers may rely upon 5 Rye getting good goods lit the lowa's! pussi b - prices. - ‘ 5 Gentlemen will «finci‘ it. to their odvtntage to 0411 nnd examine my utbck of ’ L CLOTHS, - A l .A CASSIMERKS and \l‘ ‘ ‘ V vssrmos, . of All qnnht ea alnd choicest styles. lApril 21, 862 ‘ J. L. SCHICKJ :~ Cami; n & Adaar’sa, . EW MARBLE WORKS, Céruer of Balti mogp and East Middle sweep, opposite the Con‘ llons’e. Gem-shun“ Rn.-—We are prepared to furniflr Honumema, Tombs, Heml stone‘s, Marble i Mnntles, Slabs to: Cabinet Makers, and all qther work appertaining to our business. We will guarantee satisfac‘ion both I! to Execulipn inndprice. Call and see out depigns :nd specimens of work. . £4139: it ~ A The Great Discbvery V THE AGE.-'—lnflnmmntq’ry nqd‘Chronic Rheumatism can he currdl by using H. L. M LLEII’S CELEBRATED RllfiUMA’l‘lC MIX TURE. Many prdminent citizens bf this, end the _adjnining counties, have testified‘ to it: grain utility. Itsenceess ln Rheumatic stee- Llons, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, introduced‘to the publie. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists rind storekte'pers. Prepn ed only by H. IwIIILLER, Wholesale and. Rent“ Druggist, East Berlin, Admins county, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, .l’nints, Dyeqt'ufl's, bot tled Oils, met-nee: and Tinctures, Window Glues, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, km, to. firAJD. Enabler is the Ageutln Gettyso burg for “ H. L. lliller'e Celebrated Rheumatic Mixture." , A panes, user. t! Children’s Clothing. BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE, at the store of A GEO. ANROLD. . Luiies will. pleu- curl and mum; [April 27,1363. :1 ‘ I‘RISG- and Summer Clothing just received S m , names. 0 lafir. 11. KORNER’S Drug Swre-flnd 30‘ ~ ’5 31201113130 conau Axvx. ‘ ,T. ‘ .'4 9 2/ ~ e m w ' - NIKONA‘L couumcm. COLLEGES 4’ menu) In ‘ . ; ‘ ’ ‘ PHIL'ADEDPHX‘A, E _ B_.,E. 0103. ha no Causes- SH. 3. NOV Yprk any, ijooklyn. Albany, Troy, Baffin“), Derry“, Clevehndv, Chicagujnnd St. Louigd Bodk-kéeping, Penmanship, ' , Commerciél Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Forum, Correg pondence. to” practically. taught. _ - These Collégea being niéie'r gbe snm‘e generu and local mafiagement, ad unitingixf‘qnch tpe advantages of all, offer greater‘ facilities for imparting instruction th ‘u any olbcrsimilur inatilutionsin the conntry. ' ‘ ‘ A Sclxolanhiplissued byany one is good in all for an unlimited time. ‘ ‘ . The Phllmtglphia Colljge has been recently eulurg'ed and» ref‘urnigbcd in a superior mannvr, and is now the largest and most prosperous Commercinl l‘ujnitutiun in the Suns. Brian: J: Summit’s series of Text Books, embracing Burk-keeping] CommercialfiArjth manic, and Commercial qu, for mile, and sent by mail. % * \ ' ; W 170- (u'll particular: send for 15. clxculnr. Oct. 20, r 3152. 1y , ‘ Change of Time. HE followi-ing is 3: schedule of thg running . ref the mrini on {he Gettysburg Railroad :\ Thg FIRST mum leaves (h-uyshuri; m s A. LL, with passengers for York, Harrisburg, Philadelphihvland lhe.Nonh n‘ud 'Wesl. AR RIVBS M Gutzyshmjg at. 1 P. 31.. with passen gr-ri‘tromfiloko points, mu} him from [Linuuure] and Wn‘shinc‘lon. l’JSgHng lonving' Wnshu ington at 6.39 A. “:7 yund ‘Unltimore m. 9 15 A. ! $l., arriv’e by this train Jul. Gettysburg ul' 1 o'clock, P. w i ‘\ - The SECUfD, TR UN lbnvcs C(tty‘shurg nt 1110 P. .\I. w lh passengers for Bu’ltimore? and ; Washiuut‘h‘fl Passengers-arrive ~in liulnumru M 55510 I’. M.‘ LenV‘c lhtltiinorc at B I‘. 31.,1md arrive in Wu ington m. ['o I’. M. I'usseugt rs can «_lso go York and .lizlrridyurg by lhei second erin.- Arrive in Hu‘rnishurg at. 7.30 P. l M ARI‘JVES M. Ggltysburpm 5.150 P. IL. with pnsu-nggrsfrom H.lrrisburgl I’hihuJi-Iphm unfl the North and West. ' flrfxmsedgors mm lenvc I’hilndolpliin 5y way of‘BuiLiinorc at 4 .L-LI., and nryivc in Gt-Llyslrul'g at l P. )I. =or Re we at 7.2 m A. .\l., by the l’enna’ylvunia Central 01 Philidulphm mid Rmd‘mg :Rnuroud, and arrive in '(‘iuuys hung at 5.30 P. x. ’ u.‘ Mutllkm', May 11, ”$53.1 ‘ » Prgfldcnl. —7-—-~ «:7 - -—~— -~—- “ask—— . . .K fiardware _ Kn GROCEBIESP: v “ A The which-inc” [me just retnrmfi from» the titics with I+l imniensc supply of U. [L “tam; _\xn‘ ‘qnocxums, which xmjv re ofl'uruuz M. th -ir,bld strum m Baltimore street, at. prices to s i; ghc times. Our hLOLk consists in part of ‘ ; . . ‘ 91:11.1)le _fl‘n‘mnus‘ - auras-man's mOLS._ ‘ « BLACKSAHTH'S' TOOLS, , ' ' CUACU .leugxus, SHOE FINDINGS. -L , - ‘ ' CABmm MAKER’S TOOLS. ‘ . HQUSEKI‘ZEI‘ER’S “wraps; , at ‘ “ ALL‘KIle‘ UF Hum, 50.” _ GROOERIESDF ALL KINDS, . ' Oils, Paints. kc“ kc. Tlicre is no article‘ in cluded in the several dc'arlmenta mentioned Above hm. what can be {ml m. this Stunt? Exery clues of Meclnuiics (inn bem-commoduted hero with tools and findidgs, ‘nml lluuabkecp ers can' fipd every artiqlu" in Nwir line. Givé .us a call, as we are prepared to sell us low for cash as any other house out or the city, ' , JOEL B. DANNER,‘ ; June 9,‘ 1861‘ . DAVID ZIEGLEIL ‘ u { r . t < To stableQiSoldxers, ' .4 qflAMHN ,AN'I) MARINES. AVI) \VIDOWS, K “R ()Tlll‘lß' “hillj‘ UK“ TIIUSECWHU‘ ‘HAVE Dkfil) UR BEEN KILLED IN THE SER VICE.— 'xus. G. Turks}, Attorney for Glmim‘ nuts, Bounty Ln'nd npilii’cnsion .\gcnt,’w:l<t;- inglon Cuty, D. C.-—H)énfiinus procured [ol' Sr)?» diers, Sonmvn and .\lnlrilrlcs of the present WM, who are disabled hy Manon-of wunnfls rem-[veg or disease c‘qum-{egfiwl‘lile in leniccmufl Pern sions. Bounty Mum): and Arrears of l’gy oh miu'vd for ‘widmvs or gunk-r heirs of those who tune died 01' been killchwhile imservic‘e‘. ‘ Bounty Lund procured for services in any at the other wars. ‘CHAS. C. TUCKER, r a (Washington, D. C : I.'C. NBIL'Y, égent, fltysburg. Nov. 1;, 18m. 7,; ‘ Come to I e Fair! ‘ ND l)0!\"'l‘l-‘0llG ET:I‘()VISIT‘PLEASANT A [HUGE NHRSEMES.~PcrsQns wishing to Plant Trees will fiulfilnhc stock in tho ground remarkably fine,p~nd ollllrerl M. reduced prices. The, Apple mlmb‘ern‘ 100 va’ricties, embracing gll the approved sorts. ‘ ' » t N. 8.-—Sce the iu-lexl‘lmnrd nenr Flora Dale Post oflice. T. '. CUUK t, SUNS, Sept. 2, H 361. ‘ .- '. Proprietors. Town Rmperty 4 . T PRIVATE SALRL-J-The undersigned of fer: M Private 8&1: the Property in which he now residhs, situate in Eng. .\liddle stflet, Gettysburg, adjoining é. R.Tipton on the west and Mrs. .\lcElréy on the east, with an ~~,_‘. alley in 4he reqr.’ T‘EE HUI’SE is liming: twotstory Frame, Wen erhonnted, 'ilh . Back-building; n we]! of water, with 1: pump in it, at. the door; and n firiety of fruit, such as applesjpcars, peaches; npiu‘cots, cherriee, and gripes, sill the most chpice. . _ " ZACHARIAII MYERS. Nov. 12, 1860. u 1‘ 4 . New» lia’kery ! H EWPORT a: ZIEGLER, Mechnqu rm. N‘ers,Soulh Washifigtun qtreet.‘ Hall}! uflre from ‘lhe Eagle 110k]; GETTYSBURG, ‘l’».3 Constantly on hand,, the best of BREAD, CRACKEKS, CAKESwPI‘IETZELS, kc. Per sons Wis ing- frcsh Bmd will be served every morningrbyienvmg tfflpir names audxcsidencea at the Bnkery. Everyéwfl'ort made to pleas‘e. Give us a 0111!}. v, 1 iflril 30. ’63. tf‘ Howarl? House, ‘ A'LT‘I‘MO 'E.' i B The under-signal; has the pleasure of an nouncing to his iriendl, and the public xenon]- bathnche has RIB-OPENED THIS EXTENSIVE AND FAVORITE KEYED; and solicits the share or patronage w, ich its highly favorable loonion and his e‘fi‘orfla to please may deserve. fining been engugéd for many years in con du’cting populxr Houéfla in Pennsylmnia, Vir. giniu and this city, he feels natured of being oble, v’vlth the aid of lgis Competent Assisunu, to meer all just. expectations of, tho traveling community in managlizg the Howard anyle surpassed by no Hotel ofitodnu in the country. ‘ I d 5 7 D Texml—Gén lemen'n, r innry, 1. 5 a , u may _F .. 2.00““ -" ' ’ Respectful y, .’ Wu. 0. REAMER, Proprietor. Baltimore, April 21, 1863. (in. . Old Gold; and Sllver ANTED.—Tho§ highest price In cub pnid‘llor old, Gold and Silver; the prose!" is afavomblofimc to sell, the premium on it. bdng Inge. to, Gold sod Silver Coin pmhuod, and the h sheet price given. by - _ . ‘ JOSEPH BEVAN,. Wmhmukpri “roller, in we Ditmond. Feb. 23, 1863. -‘ , ’ KW FALL & WLVTER GOODSI—A g. .d assortment. of Ftl! and Winter Goodé as cheap as the , cheapest at A.SQOTT & SON’S ‘ 1| BELLAS ofleve variety at I] B‘ ‘ ff, PICKIEG’S [EST-R TB Eight-day Thirty-hour and F Alaixn‘éfockahchcap a: PICKIR'G’S. *** DR. 'SWEET’S INPALLIBLH 1, I NJ at a .y 1 , MCI GREAT REMEDY , ‘ .. FOR sanwnxsx, 60117, 330 mm“, Lmuuao, sun NECK mm JOINTS, smums. , nnmsmsr arms up ‘WOUNQS. PILES.: HEADACHE; . . ANDALLRHEUMATICAND - NERVOUS DISQRDERS. . lidr ll] of which It is h speedy and certain rem‘édy, Ind ngver fails. *This Linixpent‘xs‘pn 'pared from the recipe ol‘Dr. Stephen Sweet, 01 Connecticut, the fnmoua’l'yone “m".hnd ha been ua'cd In his practice or more lhnn (we-9‘l. years with the most. “finishing su‘cceu. A! an Alleviator off Pain. R is unrivaled b} any preparatioi before the public, 0' which the mos). Ikeptigti may bq convigced Dru‘ ‘lm gle trill. / '‘,- ‘ , ~' . This Liniment wiil cpre rapidly and radial ly;.Bheumatic Disorders of ever,‘ Lind, and? thousduds of cash where 1: jun never bee known to fail. ‘ 3/ - For Neumlgiahiv. will afford immrdlfic relidf in ovary case, oweb’erdisu-eesi'ug. ' . . ‘ ' é ' ‘ It ,willreliere Ih} Worst§cusoa of Headwhe in three minutes a’nd-is warranted to 910 it. ‘ Toothache am; will u cute ingmnuy For Nepous'Debuity and General Lna. simde nrisnzg from imprudonze or excessflhil ‘Linimcnt isa most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly 'upan the sz'ous tissues, it strungghens and rerivifies the finely, a‘nd fo} stores it- to elasticity and vigor.»c ‘ 'For Piles.-'z\s In external remedy, we claim that. it is the bar! known, nml we chuf lenée the world to produce nu cqnld.‘ 'Evcry Victim of this Eight-suing cnfilpluiri't should give in wax, lor it willrnot fail to “You! fin medintc relief, and in .2 n‘hjority of case: will efl'ect~ a radical cure. . ‘ _ ' ' Quinsy and Sore Throat uemmetimes extremely nmligmuu. and dangerous. but n. timely applicdiiou of this Linimcut {fill main mix to, cute. 1 A , Bprains are iometimes very ohulrinte, and enlargement of If“; joints is liable to act-mail neglectqd. The worst case may be conquered by this Linimem in two Dr three duys. Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores", Ul cers, Bums and Sgfl¢fllt'lll‘,rendily w the wmulcrfulnlu-uiiuz prolwrlima of DR. SWEET'b INFALLIBLE 'LiNHH-I'NT, 'fihen used according m dirm'liun‘éx Also, 111111.- BLAINS, FROSTHD mil-2T, AND INSECT BITES AgND STINGS. \* :‘ ‘ DB. STEPHEN SWEET, of 02mm. the "mile: Natural Bone Selu’r. . ' " \ Dr. S plwn b‘u'ecnoonnligcliyut, ls knot'n all ave! the United Stain. . Dr. Suphcn Sweet, of Connecgimfinis tho nulhon or “ Dr. Swot-I’s Ipfallihlc Linil em.” Dr. Sweg‘t's‘ Infullible Linimeut cures Rheu matism 31nd neter fuils. ' Dr. Sweet's lh‘fiillible Liniment is (certain remedy for Ncnrxflgia. F v ‘ Dr. Sweet’s Infamhle Ltnimcnt cu" Burn: and Scalds immediately. » . Dr. Swm’fs lnfallihle LinimcntiS'flm‘iheal .known remedy fur Sprain nndflhziyes. - Dr.’ Swoo’t’s Inhllihle‘kinimont curcs‘chd- Mlle immediutcly nmhvnamovcr known to nul. Dr. Sfl‘cct’s lnfalhhlc ”Mutant nfl‘w-ds ilu mediute relienor P3lOl, null séidum h-lls to euro. Dr. Swen’u ILntlnble Linimen; turea Tooth achnin one minuté. ‘ .. Dy. Sweet-'5" luluiliblo‘ Einimont cure! Can and Wounds ixnxmogliathy nml law" n'o' sen. Dr. Swoot'l lnntljhlo Linimt'm 1'- tho but remc‘jy for Sores i Ihe kno-w'n‘world. . j‘ Dr: Sweet's-'lrifnlliblq Linjlnrm bu bein used by m‘ore xlhan a million people, find all p‘n-isefl. _ i Dr. Sweet'p lnfnllihlc L'rnimqnc taken .ln ternnlly, cure: Choljc, Cholen ‘lorbul and Cholic. . - Dr. Sweet's Infanihle Linimcntil truiy '- é‘friund in "6:13," and .evcry frunil; should have it M lmn' . > " , 012ch2“ thliihlc Linimenfil for ml. by all Druggists. I’llch 25 and 50 cents. A EFRIEND IN, NEED;2 TRY l'l‘.—l‘)lf. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIM'ENT, as an external remedy. is without a rim], and will ulgvintc [min more speedily thin nny ,olhbr prrfmrfiibn. For nll Rheu mnlic and Nurvmis Dison‘lera it ls truly jnfulli ble, and 39‘ I curative for Sores, Wuundt. Spmins. Bruises, ‘kc. its soothing, healing nnd powerful strengtbwf‘g properties, cgcilc the just wonder and as: mishment of nu who lIILYO ever given it a trial. ‘chr one thousand cer tificate: of rcmnrknblL-curca, performed by i: within the lust. two yctlxrshnnest the fact. T 0 HO’RSE OWNERS. DR. SWEET'S lNFAllLlllhß- LINIMENT FOR HORSES tis uv'uriraled by any, mud in)“ cases of lnmtneu,‘ arising from Sllfllinl. llruipes or Wtenrhing. its effect is magical mid termip.’ llnéness or Saddle Gulls, Scratches, Mange, he, it will also cure kineedi‘ly. Spavin 11ml Ringbonb may lie eusily [invented and cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility on: fiadfcal cure. No case of the kind. lm’wew-r.l is so desperate orlmptlesa but it any he Midfield: g by L'hls Liniment, nhd its faithful dpplicnlion will nlwn}: remove the humans, and humble the horses w‘mn'el with comparative we; EVERY HORSE OWNER should hqlve this remedy at. haul, tor itstime ly use a! :h'e firstnppemnce 0! [Amanda gill efl'ccmnlly prevent those formidable discord", to whet: all horses no liable, nud which ran der an runny 'bthciwiso valuable hone: lieu-lg worthless. ‘: ’ .’Dn. SWEET’E INFAL‘LIBL’E LINXHEN-T‘, am { ' somnzn's gummy, ’ , And» thouz'mdl hive foun‘d it truly A FBIEFZD Ififfl‘libl‘a CAUTION. To avoid imposition, observe an Signature and Likcncqs of Dr., Stephen Sweet-on 'every label, and also “Stephgn Sweet's litullible Linimem." blown ,in {he glass; of cult bottle, ,withontflhicb nous are genuimfl ' _ . ' RICHARDSON z ('20., § ‘ ' So}: Proprietor-1 Norwich, Com ‘ . - n ~ » . MORGAN & ALLEN; Genet“ Agoim, - A 46 0113' Streefi, Nay (Kerb 36-30ny axl'dmm evei’thenJ Dec.B,l 2. 1y _' ‘ ° Sale Crying. W. FLEMING continual the Tuba of SALE CRYING, nd wflcm hono unned purging. of flu public. It il MI col aunt enduvnr to give ind-fuck». Chill“ moderate. Beoidence in Breckim'idl‘ “n“! Gettysburg. 4 ‘ P. S.——He is n. licemed Auction», under the Tax Law of the United Stun. ‘ . Nov. 24, 1882 For Sale. ‘ . 3 W 0 SECOND-HAND "ANNY’HAW, 1; with Wood’s Improvement. < I'm} in of u, :3, 1883. ' WI. w‘lfpm. .‘..VA. . .- - mac-‘34..“ < R'- ”Y ROQHNG,’ o. u 1m LAN 7 N /,IA 3' ‘EV You ‘ run/nu.» b‘ wido- a.u M / . mg and mong‘m Myth; hunted ind innhcnnd' apron-l} to: our 3': ué, Mad {links-eh! tlm'u thlLiu I»th tho haotgon glue”, lug commonly and In at alkali cgmpocmqu. mom‘m, um! éoniequoufl.’ [in page dogma, Prom oho superior thicincglig! this cfinh. II melvgn, in “turning, s M gr'euor «mount of mar-proof companitfon, nd whim finlih- ea in: nag SR-pmflgozfl‘ihg on tha'nrguufl reliant: 315:1; neon: cbmpletélffillMd—and; 1 ~ g -_ ‘ g, ‘ fiesta-conga.” inou dnnblHooflng any} '3 . ' _‘ : ‘ , knowaf‘, If necdl no final coat unit“ on th- roof, u a]! bill!!! kind. do. ( . wfs «im'A‘pr'? I'6 run. powp.‘ ' c It in mqnufaclufod s_nd put up in' rolll Jon: one hundréd feet long. led thréofeu wide; requiring oan to be nnrollcd‘, and nailqd 6n the roof. In this connnicnt _lnd flamed} late, {I II . a ‘ especially worthy mg.- Intuition a! ARDWARE ‘MERCHAALTS, ' \ 'I‘INNH'RSJ BUILDERS,«. .»- ' ' - and all who buy to sell again. We do not hum D 4 ‘ ‘ - .’. out to such the pros’peql pf enormonl profit: imlyedintcly, but we 61ft:- tron}: muchnnn- A ‘ _. ' n blg article, In dicmund every when}, Ind at 11l tithes WE CALL ATTENTION TO A FEW 20mm; 13!. It costs only about fat!!! :11 much M tin, and is‘ twice hs dprnbl§. . .. 2:]. h is ad'npte-l‘ to 9“ klngil of ro‘ofu, whelhcr’stccp or flat. H V , ' 3d. h. is not nfl‘cctéd infilriopsl; by 11:08! or cold. ' ' "” ' ,_ ' V 4th. Any ordinary: workman cnn npnly‘ it. 5113.- “ ist not thd “chcglpcsg"'rbofixxg. 61b. I'. is the best roofing. v This Roofing has hcon uni-3 in'eve'ry vnrlfly of climate, Irmnslimmdn tn Cnlilurni‘n, and we cut; most positively recommend it to ha mum-- 1y proof nguiust the change! ol'hvnt nugl «old that 'ure, to destrucliyé lo lumpy utxcirkildn of Roofing. " . .. 1r Wu 1401- sqrrnan‘ any I): nor wunu‘sn 11' w'ng. x 0? cmcx' 13:90:.» ‘ , .“wsnnma. : g h i!" porfooiflpmgcc‘tiun ngninu ‘flro from \llokfiming cindcr'gyzmd Truman-nu from hafn inf buildings l'ndju] hymn Roofing. __ it it so olumc qnd‘fliong um th'o . anmmso or floor—36l?» \ -’ ) p don n 3! lnju‘ro it. ’ < _ { 1! ll pnrticnlurly‘ulubb on hater!” Fuundriei, Squaw Refined", Dinillariu,ud Ali: buildings when (ht: air in impn-xluied with gnu-rm main-lyre, which mpidiycqrrodo, from 1!}: innide, all fin and hem} mugs. Pon"‘s'rnunon DECKS. ,~ \ . QMLTOPS, mums, and an [nofn nit-q‘rnr walking on: um nrsiclu nnawurs‘ Ihr hem-r lhgn my mum] roof—u: R wfll lmgr mu-h gauge without ’c‘mckjn' or brvuking. ‘, II in enmity nplflied over old sukmnnodvs,‘ ‘ ‘.- .wnuomnhuovma' "mi; sumchs Alsog‘g" ‘- > L. 0071' BB can thmmed of this miles-I'M, using the c;- lwnw u! METAL USES. 3 The cost 91' Applying it in very light, And nu, ordin’ty-rogf can be fiu'uhcd in the lame ds}. . -.--4 we , ansnnvn YOUR nobraa IF‘YOUR. 7m 1100! LEAKS, w YOU/RT!!! 1190? ms ‘ “ , ‘ -\ WALL nusrapnus m 11', IF Ybim Tm ROOF NEEDS hs-Pexx‘nso, our , - - . qurm ‘ _ _ . = GUTTA-PEBUHA CEMENT wilt effectually blow up all ch: mailer RUST HULES, and form 3 he", ell-tic bbdy over ,the whole surface," that' will prevent 3081',- I‘ndr lut. nun] yuan longértham udimry yuint. ‘ ~ ' ‘ ’1 = .. Ir 7m sémauc floor means. I‘s: I! 'Youa saunas LEAK, n" ml: .10me A3OU§D min: cmgumm LEAK, xr vomi sum i 200! LEAKS. COMPOUND v 'GUT’fA-RCHA cunt? will compimly fill up cl! wofirevioea in tin lhingleu, cover our the bgokcn join” in tho fin and date. form permanently adhesive, chug}. conting around chimneys sky-lighu,‘ «p.,-mi In All these situations Fm output my other article for this purpose now in nu. nu u. flcle in I thick, tenacious compound of '* GUflA-PERCHA; and ingredients uled extenglvely in Europe In the process of Kyanizinr or pren’grvlng {m in railroad structure; exposed to moiaiure duly. This very useful property undo direct- I] to men and prevent. glee-y in the mag].- nnd will often nve the nocwity for govern! your: of putting on s new not. It ll [all 105111.01 a grid. ~ “ A 4 “'All the Above ROOFING “T 3311“ will be furnilhod to 1 " ‘ .1 V . I J“ CHURCHES AND OLEBGYHKK At I“ reduction- of TWENTY-FIVE PER our” non on .1 manna; mus. . : mum. ”momma ( s sgm - mum: mmnamuu-rfi ficxmun ud bums ad I. by lan: Adam. '~ I I 1 It: upficoomo co., 10. vs mom ung Dec. N 51862: I 1y ME é“ “ a's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers