Te 1‘ n 1 8. The Cairn.“ is published wary 1 morning, by Hm" J. Suns, £5.11 ‘ Innlgm itegdd {triatly {I "use: p 8! tnn‘m if noi'pnid :ifl ndvanc mubucriptlon dihcontinued, unless optian of theypblisher, until an m‘ gyro paid. ‘ I if Annxnsuzxrsinpnrtoqnttheusual Jan Plum a done withmentn w "dispatch. ’1 , 1 .\‘ 1 In th Baltimorokntmet, .. ilqnz‘Tinnin‘g Establish nix-use Orncz " on th -. omg: in .» opposite Warn ; —'SCoan.n‘ ‘ ~‘ 1 hemfi‘alty. 'l' “1e solicitnlion of numerous fric oflfir myself as 11 candidate for the of SHE EFF, at ,the ensuing election, a ‘fi'okhe decjsinn of the Democratic County V‘irm. Should I M so fortunate an ‘ innted uniclecu’d, I pledge myself! 7 charge the, duties of the office to the h my ability.‘ r a GEO.'F. ECIgENRO “l Gcgtysburg, March 80, 1803. It ' . ISherifi‘alty. ; I ELLOW—CITIZENS 0P ADAMS (is. k aning been importuned for'somot 'to ecome a cnndulnte for theoflice of SHER FF; 1 now announce myself gcauditve f' aid offioo, (nnbjecv. to Ihp‘Dq;mbcrutic Noméjfa i‘ng Cnnxention.)~ Should I he'!o~forturmte to he hominntod and e! cit-ILI promise Ils charge tLe Qulies of ink! office promp y'nnd with fidc‘hy. You“) «bmlirm. sex-mm; ‘ ‘ ‘ .\CuAmAuyY 145 V.- w , 4 g L .ffalty. f ‘ Hum-mus frinndw."?n§or Ll'nlnuz‘ [or UlO ollligcjol h:- L-cxaion OHII‘L )( - {tin-hi. Shun“ I hiium aclgr- m;.se-)fno di~ liming . with prnmptnn'f. nd '1” A.OI:ENI)U Eb“; :L 1863. '.c - I 1,- April 27, “363. tc Sher xcovn.xr;nrrx.y ‘ <1 nun-1t M II cun‘ human-'qu u. 1 oérulic County Cr-mcl innhid Mill {.lcmml, I M tlm‘tlulies of the offiv ilnlmrtinlity. _JUSE-l Mouanuy lp,, April " ' Sher ELLOWLCI’I‘IZHA. F licimlinu of man) tho (-mmfiy, I Mh-r n h)! <l||e ufln u "ff“ “FLT i". "A the no“ &' suhjur: to the (JL'LinHI'I 1 1117‘ I): nmcrmi. tnyhflvahm. thullnl ‘I M- nominui elm-red. r pledge myun‘w ulisvlmrKUUH of magma- faithfully and prurupllyn ‘r {... ,- : r ADAM HEB . annnntpq‘jlirnan Iw.“ w“: . r ' Shoriffalty. NCDVRAQ-IZDJQ nunwruus friend: v 4 myself "N '.I (“12:11er fur film 1 blfim FF,’Suhy-<‘l In Lhr ulccifiun “I [h ncrfllfiq (,‘(>l:n'_)“(‘u_n\('nliun. s.lmm“ X I iunlwl and l hut-d, I 531411;“ n|_\ ~| l! I!) m the Alu'lirs‘ of the offing will: prmupaw 'imlnntiJlxty. b.\\x|'llh I'll freedom 1.1)., My IR, lfjoii. u: x'7 Sherifl‘dty. -» * ‘V‘ YEACIEI) in nu-m' Hr “2!“.Fn 13 -'r .1: .| mumym- fur HIE-3!; H II- XL lH‘li n. a‘d'xvjuc‘ [u Hm dmfiiun “-unm‘nnn;(Wynn) (‘ tin-Minn. film: lIU'IIIHJHW'! :Imf -! l 4%,} “.'nmj" h) i th- Ilut‘ws 0! 1r“: hniu; unh {Mt-my :I )I»;l_ru;.|uy.“ +3 ._’. . Jung \l..lz\.< ‘. ." I ' ' V” ~ ’ - Mullnllll‘l: n3l tp;,.;py;l[u, l?.;:;.~Lu i Sheriffuuy. e VCOI’ILUH-‘JH-y mum run; ”km?" E m?- r my“ I! n» n. (:unli7l.ug-=fnx ILP SIM-2f!” ‘F, «by "L In 1511' (14! lv'mn 0‘? ll ln‘rutic (Ya-Huh ‘(lmnruluriih .mefi‘hl l ‘- ilmlcd mnl rlrrfl 11, I py'jlz' 711' w}! 12: li] 1h" ‘l.“‘4 HT 17”.: unit" “21!: '7 um “I.“ i‘mputilhh. ‘ _ (HIMMSEI lil'SH ‘ 'CIIuJu-zl -nd {p., ‘.anh J”, l‘a‘rti. ‘ ' ”liming: "hm-u inhmmtui. nf‘n r 9 ciruuH'imT m ”w @va ”I I: 5| ink-nu! ”In I IdvlgcudguJfi“.lll4!" ‘LimuH [5 nuufiumed 'Ly 1!.1- lLAAlMlV.‘lflirY'uuh'? ll fiu'u. it i. du‘ (u min-him?! m. um { We paid. fawn". n: uLui‘fi hi— - I lit . (‘utvrv .iuL-J flux 1: _:v IL-H.;IIL.»~I‘n-X y.| MI in lumu: mum] 'U.‘|"‘£" In I] v .1. .im (‘nnwuti-m. :14 Hwy“. ..-1 Hi “Ln um! 'Juues, 15'13. ‘: (;A|:“l:‘;fu BUSH . Sheriil‘alty. ‘ Rmmmu-w by n ..u.:.fl.e-r - L ufhrJlan :|~ :1 mm Hannah m MHI‘HIH". ~ilLijl Lufium "Brimm Deuuwl Ltll' (flung) gum! nt'lnn. Hm lmnunuu‘d .Iml uh-x rod. ‘l' ph-dgv mysolt clmxge {LG duLk-s or um ulhu-‘I ulhqu ”IN {KY H thl mm.- {a Nountjoy tp.,.\pril G, ‘ A 3;, ‘Sheriffalty. NCOVRAGI‘H) by' u numhgr of f E nifer m) with RS :\ undianc for v. ‘ ‘nt .\‘HHIHFF‘ subjcfl to the decide tDL-mormtic (.uunty Conventiqn. Shp 1 [laminated amnl elected, I plmge m 3, .1] charge the dude: bf the ofiiu- Lawful! . ‘r . 3' ' M. 1:. .\u ‘ Mountpleasnnt.¥qv..JanZ‘Z‘, 1395:}. , f ~ .Reglster 8; Recordcn T’the aoliciinlion of.pumerbua f ‘ , _ Igain’ofl'er myselfns a‘l-nn'flidm g '9 ofREGISTIjikh RECORDERM‘ ‘ .i fige'gtiniJlihjécltothe decxsiomflh ; (31 it flauntrflonvomiun. ‘Shmxlvl 1 Willzti‘e'h.mtbe noininntl'd :md_ g 1 xjgdée m\srlf to discynrge Minnie 1 ‘ 0 cc to the‘best of my nlnlily. ‘ « EDWARD .\IVJNT.‘ -a.;ijerty tp._, Mn); 11, 13153. tc ; 't‘j— ' 21"” "If ‘7‘— 1 “'Héggster, & Recorder; '- “ T the solicitation of my friends,‘ myself as a; candidfll} fur the o ‘msx‘stt sdkllfwlmuk, subject mi ‘3 ci‘fion of ‘the be ‘.ocmlic (‘uunty (‘upw Sfionld I be wminnmd and elected, I mysel‘f to-pcrfafim. Que dutic§ at the aim- Jpn-gomptnes’fi. 1‘ ' A. P. BAUGH {April 20, 1863: to _ ' egister 8r Recprder. T the qolicitation of numerous friends' in Q the County and in our Regiment. 165th, ' '3! myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER 8: RECORDER. subject to the de iéiis‘ion or the Demuciutic County Convention. Should I he sq for‘unnt‘e as to be nominated a'nd élrctqd, I pledge myself to diachargfe the duties of the otfioo to the best of my Ability. , , . manna. LILLY. . I:3sth. MglNay 25,1383” ‘tc* ‘ Regigter & Recurder. I NCOBRACFED by my friendsfl‘ ofler my} ... self as a. qandidfite for the office of REGLS “ El: &‘REC()RDER, at the next electipn; sub ject to the Qecision of the Democratic-Doubly .Gonveulion. Shbuldl be so fortunate as to b6"aominated{and electad. I pronlise_to dis “‘ charge the duties of the ofiice to a best of my ability, . VIM. K. GALL. HER.’ , Getty-bugmkpru 21, 1863. m m r WV 1‘ ‘ > - Reglster & Recorder. , , oTHE VQTEfiS ORADA‘MS COUMer— T At the urgent solicitation of nqbazig, I ofi'er mygélg u s cfndldiite torfigIeGISTER & RE -00308;}, “”1100. w l'w decision oftheDemo 'mw Gdntfianvwfion: Conscious' ofimy Abilitj uI-di! drga the duties or the oflicawnd heed, a! _the min of the same, I pfedze‘my ‘M‘fflhflily discharge the duties and “ pb‘cke die prof“ if the people are kind cmugh to 0193! no. ‘ - —R. FITZGERALD. - madlazqwn.‘zqne~ 1, 1863. u ‘ ‘ .-Reglster & Recorder. v» ‘l‘tfie aolicimtionfif numerous friends, I wuaimofl'er mysefl as, a. cfindflnte for :he ‘ a caulßEGlS'i'Eßt RECORDER,fifihe ensu x‘ indoctiomwbjocuo the decisiougfthe De‘mo __o’mic Gonna; Convention. Should.l be ,so ~K Mama 3.: to ’bo upminated And elected, I )lodn nix-elf.“ discharge the dutiea of mg . 050010 the has of my ability. “ ‘», . , -‘ A ’A. W.€L}:nma_ -.' Gottylbnrg, Much 30, 1863. mi minim EAS— RECEIVED ms SPRING a SUMMER 01,01 an Go to BICKING’S for your met Ciothing. . . ’. W‘ —' CAmeoEs, Gingham, Muflinx, at reduced meg, a; FABNESTUQK ‘BROS'.’ Sin 0! _flgh Red Eton“ ‘ _ a ‘ link] 1' W ’ 00 No v the t 2% " tea. Pad l 1 l fly dnt qlfign. H} L 45tja. -1"00a.r.. falty. ‘ z—AL the urn hit-11115 in all p )srlflJH n c‘ A Heart {ll.ll mg: \Frd 47:1" Anal/lone“ I give and hi‘QL‘lQllUl to Marv, my Wife. 'the' sum of ‘Cl’m'n yenr,”"s"ul the old farmer. " I~x that w-itton vlownfmeasler?" ‘ ' "Yrs,”{rnpliod filo nwyer. “but nhn {a not so Md; 5110 may m Irry ignin.“ Won’t ynu make any change ‘in yinlfcase? M03):- yqule do.” ‘- ~. i ' '‘. “ I)» {lwy‘T’ifi’M the ,u‘mer :}‘well,write figmn. nml- snY'flnat it‘, my wife marries? 31min I “'4“ Iwq:wnth'!to hm the Rum nf fi'lmmyunr. Tmu’ll «10,1“wn'ljgtxnemkcr ?" - “Why. that’s douhlé {he {wghe \lVhilhl‘ have 1| «ht; remained unmarried.” said ”505 l::'.\'vvr. f‘ IL'ixi‘ubnonLHy _thc other‘wnyr. [lll‘ h any is lcsséned ifhhe widow nu‘fizncs urznm.” . ‘ 3 “‘.\_v.” said tlu’lo farmer, “but mm as gets her'H dew-w it.” i _a ' . ’ - ( ~ ~~~- “OKs—“~— \ ‘J 1 : :7- 13.5%: ‘5!“ ‘IJ ‘ Hl - [s3'l" f'rnnl Qf Hm relml worlm at Vicks lHH'L'. after nlnr fill-”phantom llml hafulyesd lzlrltslm'l than) I‘lvfs» lmlmul Jug!) mugh‘ gruuml. nual' ensmgh tho mwmy’s rillu [ms :0 ('Ol'u't'l'afa with the enemyfix-u 'lllinuls bay full' qf tun, and sémmrlfal. thinly, briqs out '5 l ’ ‘lzu'lln, theré, seccsbl’l t ,‘ - ~ ‘llgunlh '" ‘ '.‘l * r ‘(i 4. any liquor in Viéksllurg ?" ' ‘PU-‘my.’ ‘1 ‘. ‘Well, will coma in $0 night. nml take a lloxu.’_'. ‘ . 'r’ ‘I grin ' firm m" ' “1'9"" ifingnn- ‘ L.~‘....rL'-‘ {fixl'ld 115'. Ea 0 “In xm he The h‘uys on the llmttlo fix-hl, death star-- ing them in the face; mild ulnnm-r on ow-ry si-lv. will have their jokes :u Uncle Ahm hgm, safely r‘nbcpnce‘t’l in thn‘Wh'iLe I ’ - c. .» L r#".....r, . . -, _. Wk French wor “ (-ntly pthished.‘ malntgun Hurt/(lvory 10.51") yeagr‘dm wu (vh 013 11%} 50.1‘11155 from onu lmlt" {Q tho nthvrl .«ulnm‘rgmg am!» mwrxalnllnmg ill (ll"ll‘1‘:l‘\.’1“_'(‘lll£ math and :xll‘ils‘ injmhib .\nls. Aronrd‘m: to tlrelnmhnr of thii ”u“ my. M. Paul the Juuvgni‘e! the lurk orl‘imse. «h-lugnspeeurrell 4.300 year; agoz'thn new. unu_ 1: (1136 in GJIUO yéux‘s mure. M. (In .lqux’em'cl TPCOIInIS this great. ‘bnsmir‘al drama with‘flm vigor :I'm‘l pictbrinlmffcct of Ifo eye-witness. Six tllowzhlulgoara—sixly cent‘urim—thcn,only, gre left. us whcroin to do nu‘rwhqlc wm ld's work, and to com plete that civxlizuzion which has yet. har'rlly dawned on the greater nmnherolmankind! Sixty old men may tou‘ch hands acrom‘; the interval betweeane p eselin moment and the hid, hem of the world‘n“. it exists; they all will he finishédy all” cmisqmed‘. all will .thhpp'enr !. The sea for 10,500 years in its Immeusuruhle dep‘th igill crush out. our history 'andJeave nofihihg of it at ,all but, a a few lossils 5-50, at least, su'ysAl. (19%“- ‘vench “ ‘ _ _ . : 4. - ”two I lvrnn-i ' ich‘r lig‘w‘” : 4:! Ih.- hiu'. 1‘; ifs.“ ml= I (.‘.?ix'e = it I‘m - I—l‘l9' i d‘xa 4‘. Jan. df unite pf the “1 I he if) dis- 9: 115, I 1?): the lénin [Drfim- be so Laud, I [of the Q’One of the young‘upstarts m -aWash iugton‘hospital appféaclled a wounded sol (llel', félt his leg} and shid, in a tone that ~implied an end of the nintter,—“ That. ball can’t. be extra‘oted; we _ must qus off the lc-g.” "Nu whs’ni‘d fa bystarider, “you dun't cut off that leg. He is my friend.”— 'L‘lxe patient was *romové‘d $9 the care 0f "- g'md surgeon—mid not pdnnectbd with m.- ‘ army—(lie ball was readily g‘xtra‘cmd,’ and the man is now well, with orig leg more than he would have (had, had he not chanced to ham .1 }él{ollxto./4>nlmml “03¢ iffiond at lnisbcda‘nle att’ne critical moment}. This is but offs cmse of 'tlmusands, but. un fortunately they have not all Lermmated so luckily for tlxo'poor soldiexfi. ‘ __.——- .r.«.w_._-—4 } offer I ice of he‘der ‘nnon. ledge ‘- | with ER. 'An Epith’l.—Tho/TOIE)Wing is n'genuine, transcript of 'an _epimp ':' ' “Here lies the remains of Thomas Woodhan—the most amiablq of husbands) land most. excellen; of men. £6l B. The nnrfie is Woodcock, but it would no rhyme." ' ' V I???“ 8T45 , what is your nalfle?” , ‘ “Robert. sir.'_’ “ , j k ‘‘ . ’ “Yes. th’at is your Christian name; but what is your other name 3" ‘ ~ ”Bob, sir.” ' d J ‘ _‘ fl'A .milithry officer- wantcd to compli mm a negrfiby drigkipg wiih him. “ We“, captaiin.” repliqd Cufl‘, "150 very dry, 5Q} ,won’t. be ugly, about it. ‘ Some niggers is‘héo pmud 0,0. drmk witha miiishy ossitu-bx'ii I thlnk n milishi ossifer wheu‘ sober; is just us good as a nigga—Epeciany if the nigga is dry."-: 1. K . ‘ ' WA ladyyho edits a newspaper in one of the Western States, says “that the p9p-' ularity of her journal in dye to‘ the fact» that people are alv‘vayahexpeyfing she ml] say somethinfisho ought not. to." ‘ fi‘l‘hei have a map in Miiaifi'ippi so lean that he makes no 'shddnw at . ‘He makes an; hungry who 100,): at ‘him; and when {129 children'megt hinrin the street, they run home crying fol—brend. . . Dyfmg far a Xian—An inquest was 'held lately on the body of 3 young man who, in the attempt. to snatch a kiss iron: the ‘inr winingfiips of 3 gm, had kilbd himsem—‘ Nets. great while’ since: youngdndy Broke her neck~ in tryin to escape a kiss. Thg question now. is, $l5ll kissing b 6 givqn up u a dangerous amusement? , 5 “Gobbl‘d' Up.”.-We hoax“ that twd is? Gen. Hacker’s stafi were gn‘pbbled up by guerillas nigh before 1115!, while indulging themselves iii Inncjed qecurity. a la Gourd Slough/1M that thaFlrst. Rhoda Islabd CaVaLry lbgiment Have been ambushedu’by. the Confedentes.‘ andv out of a forge of 1:123 .1 400 men, but thirty odd escaped.,-=‘4Vuhzbug_ ton Wu‘tianal Union. . :.; 1' . V ——~.r~-—-—-L-“O>————--— ' ‘ wife that loses his conscience «as nothing worth keeping, ' : 321 II B? H. J. BTAHLE Cv t -;f1111,5t WHAT SUE 'WANTED. §he tied the new cramt. "1L Which she so kindly mndo. me: ; ‘ E Then smoothed will: imfe my hair, ",i ‘ And wit/h lie-r n'rms dglaywl mo; ‘ .1: l 1 Shp brushed my ” glnlithnir," ‘ {l “ 4nd suit] ”it was sn clirlfl"—— ‘ i > ‘ I While going dqwn the stair . | g Shecriwk;'Comehdme,,deur, eirlyl” I‘ How 'lmppy 'tllon ‘wll's I 3 ‘ . Willi ‘nll l cfier driired; 4 _ 1 I farmzm emull ‘dL‘fy ' ‘kl, - 1‘ While thus 1 was admired! ‘ ‘l. ‘ “'c pArtEtl M the do9E~— ‘ ‘1 ‘1! , l .~ Ilrxsmile (loservggl n sonnet! ' I ((1)5‘:1[111\'e?—l!‘|ll ontfihin'g mym§~ll* I Wiigtva flaw spring mecl. !" 1 ‘ '.~ I I .-. , . VV, ~ ,-._v-z__'.’ _ *1 ont'v,‘ u. y gbailrz, » mm. :1 ‘ ‘ - gm= .; #:{GE'I‘TYSBURGH—UP‘AF, MéNDAY, “JUL-1: 13,; 1885. .‘l.‘~ 1 i ‘ ¥ \ . __, "rm: TRUE conn'nons or mass]. A CAN LOYAL’TY. ’ , . _ ADD‘RESS ' n! _ 1 nos. GEORGE erm Meeting (yam Danamzlic Uniofigmaam. * rfllon, George Ticknoxf Curtis, form‘ r'lyiof tori“, but 'now a milder); ofNew, ark, mresfed‘tlge quooratic Union 4%» non ofithat city on Sat rday evening. \ :Ho’ Icarus .{xpon fifiejplatform amid at» pfnuso, and upon bein introduced by Mr. 1‘; W. Emu, was grekgtedyith tin-ea hearty clféorm, lib spoken follows: 1 Jr: Trividchl and Gardenia ‘ q (9" I‘M: Democrat? Association: : 'Nothingwutu sensoof the duty Whif‘h oyer'y man 5993 toeoci Iy, accbrding lo_ the ~mbzusum of his ability? to serve it, wbuld have inducéd me to address you id 11 time like this. it is a time of slmngé excito- :ienls'nnd strange hots. No mn‘n who does ll intrusion of uno‘he‘ otjoin in nwild, undiscrimihati su on. ' .-' . ‘ A - of the measures and dogmas of efiomiiihnt l 0‘15”“ Thedience. ‘-. l' l 1 ‘lprirt'y cén hope to escape distinction and - " M 0 summit. can melt-l" 2e npcrson Olilmlu}.' 1 ' t - , {Evestid 0;)1 unyiyejtcd With’oflico, I)?! an » . , l lea 0 pa ic necessity, nos .’in" mg nary ‘Pr::;c;:$iif:¥g:l::::: :i‘esrziilei foeiizri i national life beyond or spin-t. frogl moms device ii ‘imploy‘cd rto misrehreserit a {d i created under the gonstitution. The only évm- eti‘u' - d i . l . 'rl lpnssible claimant of our obvihe’ncq is thol ‘ ‘y , xii ’3 ma e‘tonnsunderstand the Luv - foras that. law is made Mu romc' all' pnrlmcemi" those who are in political oppo-l othei: demands or 1, ‘1 if». F . l . . _ . . «,cmun nn .3 upon our ‘ hillfin to the [way In power. Thevocabului‘y l submission 'are of necegmy 93-B”.ij .. lof political slang is;c;lmusted to find terms iIl n‘l ch Ara] - _ ' 1' of rcprmdliimd infamy with which (mug ‘ x; at 3: . d “a“ EJ‘Y l fmflf'w' men whose motive's have in the?" brace]? ’Thiytioétijn vwii‘ich i'lzngoiii‘ElSE: l'favor all theordinar'y‘})rcsuni;)fioxispflruili- .:. ‘tulf I’2“ 1.1 o ”i . '1 ~ “Tl ‘ {tynnndivhizse nrgumhnts’ and opinions his ' 3“” 's‘ . “uni“ s '0 mm'ur. , . .“3 latleust titled to alrespoctful limiting: I: i Joustitution, it says—owhut tIII-Ig’Constrlutwn/ ’. ,Thifl‘mfl which has been #:mn" .ogn Locum-n6; and the lava that shall he made {Cir many-months with a. violence anoint:- I in conformity WM] iF—lhmoi Elm/u’h‘O/md ‘ ‘ . . : '.‘, : '5 su ~rome law‘rfinmin nuthqujty' nbovo all Filed even mnonga people whose politlcttl ! other hm; ’‘l " . f. < . l ‘ ‘ qBCHSSions are-nave: marked by trio mutih i No Imbiic nLcl\§~‘ii«itii [save as ’lihev are .tumpernnco, hos‘culminatod from time to: l “1» d‘ tl {/1 'H- . “l . :fi no in o'utri w: u ’ tl a.) t H)e s r . cm» 19 In 11/b‘J‘JiIKIIIUUOD ,no muonsl i H‘ 5 lon 10 “°‘ 5.0 ‘1 r. (”is ’ life," szlvcfllt exl~ts under the, Conant": l aniltlgfiigiiiigmvilhflitgg szohgi‘luilioove ”.0 } tiou’jroégishtion tli'ut i~z not in accordance 1] , , . . i chi W m the Constitution—is the supremo} law; but what tlie_(3un«tilutinim m-il-iins or i authorizes; dial is the public songs-aslly, that t is the national lift}, lloc‘i'iflru ilii thcsiipreme civil qbligau‘pn. [Apldnusm] j , ' Such is the fundamental character of our politicalsystem ; and so jxerfect is it: in its l causing-nay will: its'vlf' and, with the rights ofull who are subject tu' it, thoét it coutafiinsl a ‘muchinery by which the couiur'inity of] all acts oi the govornnin-nt with tlie‘firi‘nui- ? ‘\i«‘\ of tho tlon~tilutinn may he peacefully ,tvstuflrjtlmut furcmh- rmistuncov ll: thei acts of the“ government are complained of 1 n 5 u‘ncnmtitutioiiatl.‘they may be brought $0.3 judicial teat; ot- the people iniyy chum solves ‘lmss‘upon thrnrigil. the l-ullut lmx, th‘go'uglt theN instrummitu‘iity of fzequcnt clcctlom. [Aliplnusmi [ -' ’eriV, when We look into'lhc Constitution of our ‘cuuntry to discoimr the l‘ull‘séoiie of! the obligations which are (-xuhrncr-d in tho I hopreme )E‘IW of the hind, we find that it. grants certain political powers anti rights 'to the central or nutionpl government; and ré'sqves ‘ all other pefliticnll powers and rights‘to‘ the States or the people“ . ‘ Hentxi it it blaih thnt tlm reset-veg rights or the States or the people gre’iust tsmuch a part of the supreme law of.the loml,-just ‘ 'ns niuch contiirellonded within the‘duty of l our allegianct", just as {much the rightful 4 objects of our“'loyal’t)".’ as the quvgers‘snd right vested ih th’e‘nationni govor'nlrnent.—- If the political exiitenco‘ created by the Constitution is the nationalilife. miled into Ucing by tiiasuprcme low of the land—rand he would be a hold hnd reckless sophist. ‘whoshould pndertnko to iindi llmt‘nuti‘onul life any wher else—then that right; which the Constitution reserves to,lthc States or ”the people he equally compr’ohcnded in that life, for rthe‘y amiequally de’clnred to be parts of thi) silpremg law hi the lund.:— ‘ For this reason. allides of a_s|iprerpncy of‘ the national rights or powers or interests. when founded on soinething not. gmbrsccd in the Constitution, is purgly visionary.— No.duty of “Royalty" cxm possibly be [pre dicated of aniy clhim that is not. “found in thwupreme law of therlnnd” When it is once 8509 M? 4What arc the rights rand powers vest in the nstionsl'snimrities by the Cons .'tution; they are) par ot‘ tho supreme law,‘ and our " loystty" is due to them.. '.i '4 , i When we liinon what ‘Me the rights and powers r'escrvlsd ti? the Slates [of tho people —smi we kriow thst. they are the whole residue oi sli possible political rights and powers~theyi are equally the objects of our “ontdty,” {on‘ the self-sum réssqn: homely. they are partis of tlie suyrem'e law of the land. [Loud spplsnse.] A 1” f . Again: tbs Constitution not-onlyccn him some bolitical powers and rights grsnted to tile Federal Government, and a reservation of all other politic“ powers and rights to the States or the people, biit. it Also embraces rights of ‘porson" 599 liroperty gumnteed to every citizen‘in his individual capacity ;' "id these, are equally nude, not by implication but. .expressly,’ parts of the supreme low of the land, and are therefore cqnally the objects bfour “loyalty.” . All pretenie, therefdre, of snyipsrsmount Authority izi tbs cont. vemment to ovs'rridsth ' personal Wot the citizen, or to clsimmfiur "‘loyslty” in disregard to these 00-ordinnts puts of the supreme Ilaw, is s pervonion of the very ides of American loyalty. 7 [Cheers] ‘ As Well might the citizen claim, because ' the Constitution has made his personal I rightspmt ol‘ the supreme law, that fliers forc the l of his utiglibor lis due to him nl government can chum that 1:. solely, or chiefly, or est 011611. to save ‘theim, our love mun“. be”, mild indeed. Sgch, lum sure, is huifyolur ’ (_n'nsp or my own. [Applause.] , | - ‘Mognln; to'uLté-r liothing but, words bf Null: zurl sbbcmcsg—flhu lruth'. M ‘I hold ‘ Tit; in the Shim-mess Uml Immune; lye—4 :ic-VI. c pit u” the rcqnonflbjsily tn public up'ixgion 3 \ hiuh may justly filling-con. ‘ ! iv 1 pX'OPan mxpcuk no ynu to nighfi upon a I ! h_ bjcc: which seems {6’ me to be ‘n,tr.axi;;uly i [Hisapprehended' by many good men. and; ? slruqély perverted by many whi) are not. 1 35011. I 111931;. the upbject of “ Dually." | The wortl ilsélf, at least. in tho sense in hich nits tohe used in those countries rom whiizh we have lately borrowed it, can earcely be sail} to have an‘ appiopriate place in our_political and social sy‘ntem.— But it is award at present in grpnt‘use mung us ; ‘and {mi must take it aslwe find ‘t, aqd {ye bound toinquire w'hatiara the oral'fiutiee which it's just and true signifi ‘ltio‘n embraces. 1 ‘ ’ This inquirymnd the certain cansehuenf: f accepting-'imd following oht the dbctril 'hichnre ndfiv {dread upon}, qs,’;wlll form smile topics of my discourse. ‘ , iv The true conditionyoi {Knierman‘i‘ioyalty rte ngt'to he fciund iii the pamsin'nztle exac- Eons of partisan le'izl‘herls. or in the‘ frantic eclamations of the pqlpit, the rostrum, or the press. [Gilbert]: i’eoble who? do riot ike my politiéal opinions may. mm at inc he epithet “‘mslbyfl," hilt when they have brown this missile they‘have ndfitakeu [a ingle step towiu-ds'f‘ defining, w' me, or thers, .whnt the true‘ cofiditions of‘lolalty ‘6. It is irnpoytunt that this Magi/should , taken ;-for wheth‘et we are M3oonor to ‘ use, in this-oodue hf igle and dnrhenning : use”, it concern; uh all {/0 know .What efmure of publie dutjy min rightfully be ixacted ofmJ' ,f . \’ , 1. W i To know the h9igh£ and depth of those eat virtues which are comprehended in . he term “liatriotism 'f—to feel at once that hean-e sested in our nfl'ections'hnd en hroue‘d in our reason—Sit is to get “wisdom ‘ hd tq get understhnding." in the largest 5f ‘ rthly’ concerns. {[Applausej ‘ ‘ The true conditions: of A'merican loyalty' e to be found in the‘law offlrthe lazuli in he institution: nude} which we live; i he duties flowing from the Constitution,“ ur country; [afiplmse] in the politieel stem which wb halve inherited from our athen, with ‘nll its manifold relations, hrough which vie‘iznny tripe the clear di figigg line that’sepatstes perfect {ram 'im perfect obligations. ‘ {Charm} ‘ > . 1 The text of our fundomentul jaw is a». £136. and the sol guidgin all ethics] in iries into the (ration of the citizen. To t I: novice all Imin corn’e.‘ rulers and peo< pleflike'; to than 3 fouuglation all must re sort. The ng‘ueugnd‘ ehifting standards that are d. an {rain supposed dangers (0 55h“ is “lid“ the national life,”-OI ‘which tpring 95mm the fconflictifig judgments of men respecting phblie necessities, can de termine n'othing. - LThese thing! ceu furnish no fills. We nethwe‘gfula, for loyalty is n maul du :l2 and it mun therefore be upable or nition. A people whose “ national {life " exists only .by virtue pf 3 written canstitntioh, and who ctn have no necessi ties that-lie out of or beyond that written “downy. can'fiud no rule of loyalty in any .of the neeoaaities which their constitution: figovernmengdoei‘netmuver. Whey may “nun! m nod-n um WILL tuna." . ‘ - '1 find grounds‘ of expediency. in can or anotker supposed uecussity, for destroying their constitnfipn ;‘~hut it. flould be ex tremely absurd to aay‘that this expediency could be nude the object of their “loyaltyg” Let. us go ‘hen ,w the fountain head—4l.lw source of all on? inliopal oblibflions. The Communion of the Unitt‘fi States it; self pr‘aséribe's t éfull measure of our loyal (y‘in these Word: : ' _ ‘ T ‘t l “Thin Constquition and: the law's of the United Smieé hich shall be 1.11 M” in pur figunce .thereof,a§nd nll trenhea fade or hich shall be mallel'umler.‘ the n' (limit 1 , he United Skates, slmll be the Aypremi law “he lnndfi’ . l . ' ‘ Obs no how ‘pre’ciac as well 'l5 mmpre hensiv this grésat rufl of ourfduty is; If u. witholnt- ambiguity dug v‘vlnolegrl' t‘ n gown-d the fmlemllgovern ykes a supreme lam ;—-a.luw 1mm “! filer hum'nn lzuis~ntl fibfilga- I all olher political oblign-' tions. It. lenvesfifir'oom whatever for‘lthe " s or'a. rival claimant to expresses our dblignt ment. It m._ mount to all 0 tion transcendifi lprimarily, or ulifimnioly in the function‘ which his airpoi'yt‘itedtto liermrm. . i The rights of she giiverumept. the riglim ii of the States; am! th‘ rights of individuals. ‘ a" and equauane impmiimled in the“) » supremo MW of the hind, ml our‘inyitlty ii: due‘to that. luyr, loitl whole and, to every“ part 91"“, and ipubtc oflicers are in “w‘ sumo sense and for io same reason bonnil' w obeyavery “job anti] Lido" of it. [Grehl' applaunm] ~ g ,N ~ 3 I These positions are 3 very? plain and fumih inr truths; too {nmiltn‘periiaps you will; f any, to be f‘equired to o Shiite-d. vBuL theso days‘nothing um is true is too funduuncm ’ml or too I“an tit) be ncukmlud. . ‘, ‘ 'Thn éxtravigaht litjhgunge. and ltléafi, tiint‘ i are cuifreii‘t in Life in uthiixfifovnn sensible penpiei on‘ this sul: pt of lirynliy Would have éxceéilcii nil'cafiimit; nf' iwliul in my other peridd'tlnmkthig. lione ware tn uh ’ ifértako to‘re‘educe this language and those ideas (0’ something ike n. definite momli 1 proposillion it. Would Le (0)111“ ”111‘ the doc ‘ frine iié‘ some’tliing like thin-I -l In mine of ink, win in ”I+o are grout pub-y 1 lie dangers, the right; of bf 98th and in ‘ ili‘viiluii'lsunust. give Way; nniiif tlmse who } iidminisn-r the govqrnme‘il. are sntixfied that. puiiiic necessity i‘ requlges them to use powers‘tlmt. 'trithcc‘yiil'L'lie liltyé oi- tire ‘ Constitigtion. he whofiloes‘mpt ncqnieaco in their judgement, or who questions their: :uitlioriiy U) do puniqlulnr qql's. is a “disloy ul”, citizen; (Laughton) 3This statement of the édociyiiin is inc MM that 1 ‘know‘ [how to mttk/e; for l i now not. him also {0 inking-t or to aple‘to‘uib denunciations liicb fife find in (lid [imizéeilings of public mgetings. in the columns of party newylm, peis, mid in tile comiuon alveefh and action of very ;iuatny gorsons ; 'I i ' I neeql only point to the izttér prohibition I that. is sittompted to lie platei upon all «lis l.v . . . cussion pf any plan for br gn g NIH dread ‘ful civil wir Lo :1 clése Biceini'ng'by the lpm-tii-uliir niotlmd' (Li ligating; or to Hm?i nianni-r: in which tli iurxns ‘tmitor" and f “hecckribnistf’ ix‘liuribd at‘ftll 'lio ([llk‘h£l()p‘t ‘ the policy and )“w'f'ilnmsid tilhimcthods 1 ‘ pnrsnml by (lieigove nine!“ i i “it; proacu‘ ‘ ‘ tion of him war. For myfilf, I doJ not pro— 1 fess (01 a'vo p iiefiniop opi io . (I.x yak. con- 1 coming iiievcral of die made in which».l j pence migl‘n snfei‘y bosnugi‘t. But. I knnw. Q § 'l()t.wilflt iigliel llflV9, legni armorniiy, l to sayithat my .nclgl;lwr shal n 3 (liscurs suck a queasuon,‘or lefll mat a [he ‘-polfs. 9r shall bi) [luriou loyal” ~ luchuse lus pipini‘ ' g ‘ jock dim-r fmm mine. 012 i plmu i'ms {vho'le eifarc 6f ngd to control upimonkby s}:ch ‘ I der such deal‘itutiéuia a; 4url E (mg ,of two results—{he (253:1 doepolb‘m ofa. vary bud kggd. Lhyow ofthe politic pmyiér 130:.an bumich moth ' ’_ limiter who ins‘titigns £214 vyi}! publish. or the pfir‘y xi: I . 1 A). I ~ ‘ I'd repress all freedgm ’ d‘ fierish. (_Cheers.) ho! up on} minds to «It-slimy Hi :1 the instituitionsi, (Great p‘ "“111 db id") But of um lax-j _ . Let ine mum to this [Set 1h'...-"- of “loyalty," which requiresigus to acquiesce in silence in ghejudgemenil fpijblicscngan La yes to what the pubiiqnc‘ossilies roéuire, even to the ettcnt of on: I ookinggregfifiil fractionsoftlieCoustilutio . ‘The (JQCU'SHB entirely ignores the 'pgl mse fees-akin]: flip Constitntion imposed ertainistgfie t. lipiitn'ttions on the fiowcr‘ of [ligiififofil government, In order 1 explain 1 his it will be .nece'esary m decefid from gcncml reasonings to particular illanations. .'l‘he Constitution, ai‘t‘eri’conferring eer tnin weil drfined politica“ rowan [won the Endeml government, declill'es Lha‘t. all oth enpoliticnl ‘ powers are :Nle’served to the States or the people; and it further secures mjvvery citimn inalienébleirights of person Knrl property, which it re , guizvs in inhér ent in the cilizen forever,/leyuiyl p.” post'ii ble qonlml oflnnt govern :ent. . 2, ' Now does any one supp s e diet; (His we: done for what is vulgarly dulled launcomb 14, Do you believe that it wk! done with a‘ mental resetvetiou or the ‘pldcuina ofpub- lxc hccossity handing hehi'gigl the Consum - ‘ u n ’ ~ 0 l - hon and manly to minke tfidown frmn Its suprelne‘conlrol over us mid qur giliurs ‘l’»-I Let me suggest to yap, myljfelipw u citizens, thnpyou cannot study the Constitution and the purpose-s .of the gnnt , eneretion who nude in. without s'eeing “fir-the ‘véry‘oh— jack. of all this myéfui pmision for right‘s That. were placed beyend ugh ranch of pub; lic necessity as a. measure qf the power}; um? were conferred upon thn‘ : government, x 2“ (chew-s.) I use this langung dglilwrntelm I affirm that when the Coni’timu'bn repeat-é ed the Words of Megan Qhrta, not u 3‘l 11.1 mm. butt: 3 fixed prdfision of funda mental law, and declared 1:112“. f‘no, person shall be deprieed of life, I} Y rty or property high“: due process of 'laj”:it meant £94 nuke smile for all time an :11 circumstan cflfinbuming the door torch: against. sup—f posed publiq necessity'foi violating the rights at the citi'aen.‘= I. 'lilgeymnner I 1 affirm “that yhen ‘the ‘ fiWion reser ved to the Sum or the pe We all political power: not granted to the edenl govern-i meat. in meant. to preclude hvery ground bf‘ neee-ity Won“; the “lump“ n by tint. gov-' emmentofthopowen thus ithhelfi. (Ap plets-e.) i ‘ ~ E ' 'l'. is in m opinion, a ltmua Macy w luppose thnt be implied nu ority 391' unspen dingthe privil 26 of the writ! {nlnn nouns; warr'nnzs ,in 1 Twin], the or st ”mention ul cnmns mi .1 ML jun-mid fl «my. ais Wufi lilix‘d ..ulhvnl'x us. 33' n 1.) n- (Ifighm! (fun-<1 :lhnhllu. MP ulur L'u ;. uptaun 6| “nu, iu-ti -.,' . s ; f ‘ ntrnmcnt. [he people ome forward and Inn-«L \d to it ti r prohibition of “Axum (11-arm, 13‘- klIKg that mvlsibn part or [be nupren'e kw.— T'nejwo. cluuu-s of the Constitution must then-fine e §o cpnstrned Ind gpplied as uqt. lu rt-mlkr nugntory the urge lust. Idopleal, and so In to L" ‘c filled. to its stringent dmlMaLiomf These-chi sea cm: lie-reconciled only lny Flfl‘ll n. murso l' legislative and “semi-ye unit)“ as will prest- \e L)“: operation of‘botb. ll undu-r peculiar bireu‘msmres ul lmminent,tlnngcr the ‘nrlunl‘scizme is made withouljndir‘inl pra cess, thmptjsnior should immediately bt‘ dhnrl {zed wuli nu ullcnse 111 wan-um and than the mnspcqfiou‘ oftln- privile he oftfi‘e writ of HARE- As (‘Oul'l‘ mny inlet-veil: lo prevent. his din. l-lmrgr i the writ were not. su=pemlml.— Tllli ll Lit-(ml! cuurse of ‘legislutitinfin my myinimi, lml. can he c‘onsistcnl. with all the pmka‘nn of the Uouélllutinn. l 50 um are how it is éssihlc to contend tlml. it ,r-unliuuul impriSu. ' ont, founded an more‘ executive .\TIZUTE, c n he nutlmrlzml lg‘y taking nwglr -t.llc minivan t‘ the «nuns mutant. 3 If ’hlgllfl'. l‘lmrul llltl not. been iyorpos’enl there mikZl ll we lu-c mare mouml'fnr tlii: prvlL-nsluiil. f 1‘ lllcl'l the: wduhl lmva been no necessity for proves} :1 any time. j ' the 14.19:: of I written Cnnititn‘tinn and.supreme InwL-is utterly irre = with thn theory that film admin: fsuch aflgnvcrnnienh can rumr‘, tn jmlgment‘of public nmeguity. and" Ary m 3he supreme law, and that. ’.emhil} required _the peopfie lotnh- In file 9 hi} fixed concilubl: istmwrs l their‘ow I not. Font < puSod citil n thnlt judgment... The], who II"!- a. claim for but rulc'rs, claim PM i ehtirfily irresponsible pmvier. We.)l ii-(ul, For cxanmlgg to-bcfinve-that‘l ' mficd “.15‘bitrnry, awaits" lave mic-J eg-mry, but no one ’oxplains to us the l gx-ounxls of that‘pecessity.‘ No. ancnunt i 314 rendered. _ W are to assume the fixihk‘nCO 1 of cansc's ofigification, but no‘onetefls us ‘ what those canseséirc.“ They mnj re’mnlin 1 foyever lockcdiilt tjm bosom! of those who ‘ do the actzi of whihh'we complain. “’hy 1 should Amer-kiln citizeiu iillinghig‘h places ‘ ol'public trust,;nct upon such’ n'principlc as this? ‘Czw nn’ything boamord‘ dqgrading. more injurious tothe public gonscipnma ofa. ‘ people. than toform a habit: of implicit be- ‘ :liol‘in the existence of” necessitios which nobody axplaim, and of whiéh nolwdy'is ‘requin-d’ to‘ gi‘vevil account? ‘You‘ may ghost 9‘. hundred mgn in a day. sneaking, of some prn‘ticizla‘r pnse of this kinil'ygimfnm the necessityg-gnd not ”one man in . the _whole himdred can tell‘ you whattifll‘fieées \aity; and nbt.one nun in tho whole h‘un dred can tell you‘ what' thompcesaity was. ('LaugUter and itppltuise.) . ' > My‘ friends, these false thhoriés hflloynlty ‘ —.for false I must; doom them—are infusing into our nutiofntl flinracter a fatal' poison. They-are finding thoge' viho 'chorish thein XLQ impnté (nq‘tions and‘ interested motivm ‘ to all pure-and manly oil'n-vs 'in d‘etonco oil. ’ the principles of, civil liberty“ 'l‘hoy who i ihdnlgein this dingct'ous work 61‘ dmidingt 'thc detailderp of constitutional nightsgun have hut-u very inadequate conception'oftho [convulsions that must: preoede thefirinl’loxs [of those =rights. They take but a v‘eryizu iperficial viawpt' the depth at those rulings iwhich lead inen in all free wuntries *to re :sist every form bf met-é arbitrary power.-—- j'l‘hey nuke no apéount of the ‘principlq inl- Vpllmtedxin our breasts, and cheriahpd into ‘ dictgitos'of nature by generations or traini ing the practice ogiiberty'; those biinciplcs 1 bn which depends the primi’ry office of an ‘ imposition .in a free govo’rpmént. _nnd byj quivesce up mach ‘thcm Im are req I what are ,t mu it :11. mi}! 114 “dis -1: Lesa sub to me very i m. payty enfiw cn‘q un -, 10M to but. Ninm'su pf». or thal over loo3o who he .counfiry undermk'es sc'ussion will i: ‘ shall'mnké artyhnd’ save atig.e.; "We menus nf whfph all constitutional rulers are restrained from abuses of ,power.‘ mea um of chase res'traintsiuch pamnsrushed i 0 methods which cannfit be qmployetl without undermining the foundation furl“).- erty; and for a pummsod temporary nilvapg. tnge bait-tor may the strength hhd‘ (he sup ports.‘ The \vignr and 'thetheslth of Life boily politic. Tlfis has lyegn in all ages the dnlvnwardyour‘sq of natinns; w'lmrllaVP sub stituyéd foMreo institutions and 53)::ch of fundamental law a blind and jumpmslion ing faith in pl’xllilic necouitie» and have than _wolcometl sonic «losgmic powcrrfl‘huq (lid the hymn empim' succeed, the repulflh {lnd thuss'wq niay lie prgpa'ring‘zmlvés for: like destiny. Incl; us be " nod in time.‘ (Chem-'3.) ~ f Thave endeavored to state with-sine pfe~ .cislm' nmquirne/ss one ‘vbrj impnmm I,}:an of the conditions 'Ofon line loynlty: 11l should leave the mfl’je'cl. in _an limmrl’wt state if I omincd on the OllleljklmndWOg'Wo equal prorninencs fo certs-in firinc‘iplcs of our political system which limit this mode in which States and individ‘usls nré. to r-xqér- cisé theironnslilntionalrighm ol'ob'posiliqn replace iv.‘ Wham that. power has n y to the meuurasof the‘Fedeml govdrnment curnu the present; 11-vuritie§ o! pfllperly l have lxiefly»ulierted,to this ulready ; but 3”” lay/r: 1’9"" “flips “:"fi "“FMM WI: \ ‘ . ._ res person. 0l _ I I mappea| WI | amo're extended Italement of tho prmgl Lhn Fall-ml Constitution; and we lhull I"? 'a necessary. T , never extort them as concessions {mm the II mll assume than lint: measure. buy- new powerfqr blade them beyond its reach ing All-the form ol'Juv, is; believed ,upon ifwe cnn exlogt thqm- "_ , _ good-grounds to be a violétion 0!; 1h eon-3 ' Plan???) gtgrffiznggz o‘ur smm . . . - a on e _ . Mafia mmugnu rlghuossgmma Manuals. me will was“ another Runnymede ; Wt!“ is if“! IMHO 0f 10(th um’puch ‘3‘" and we aim.“ néVe see another Wmflfini— icumsumces, }Thery is no (“5303” whuwg- gob, another Mndi n. anothog Pug-la er in flnih'ni‘tbe Inswar; By the e‘alnfi- :‘SDWvgghE§%“?:efimizm; 5:3" the ~ . .. _ . . tunes, ‘ curst u _ n9l lons litment ‘Ol. ‘ I’ndOlcm‘ ayfltel'n {mm}. the their billr of rights. :I;th presume“: eml Conguluuon hawng‘ul‘umata cog- pacity t‘o protect their pmplefirill {all be .iganca of all cuespnderithgtConuitution, ; neon: the ‘new Anti uncheoked pdwer to bx: mode is ravaged by which both States which “I? "mm? Wt” mmfidgjmlfwyen find individ bean 1306‘ rmiu whether their 1t culs aloof from the Federal nstitunon; . . .- . g and if they uhnuld do to, every-lulallcgénc weervgdfxgh aye Invndeq by the Fedemlj man wholuug ma much to do gm. accu nulhonues. [Plus remedy mA" times openl‘mllalzon kumv-LE or» should ~kn'mv that. and than in no valid reason why asmw’ 1m ’ ‘e suppoyt _wh‘ich it lhquld fol-cl ly snort in conscitutiongl de’ 3m'r°:&:“:“g°fig ." , - - . . fly] a 6 II p fights nnym re thnn flan! an lndmdual cm must. remember would do in]: tune flung. Whlla'n-Sum cm 830...", n 5““, of yawning; mapper of the Union it. in bobud socielydu one sense rndérbgc whmbgo 1,0 winches“ its constitutional right: nndl manly virtues of'our anwszonm ‘ “nleudoi' Ihat we can only r t... foyer: in th with the pr». : '63.?“ my u‘ an: ha of m i phimmke a 'on'cibl. m‘ -‘ Ind ling bin 4' in; «3” a“ J)1 'rwo DOLLARS A~Y HAIL NG+_ 39 ‘ t upodo which in consistent nation of the Union; and it .. ~ under my Inppértec! vio ighta of tha right: of we pom ‘ .e torjudimal determination. ‘ -ee is Open revolutioninnd n intolerable oppremion; cut lioud mm’cdy um nuke [or olnfiqn, n . nopusity 'lnd- E day. A . [vlnnsof’ vn I ' “I ._ '"u , ‘ng‘ Again: there is and-he? equflly‘” reason. which show: thnbno math! b‘ mum and fig forcible ‘miatanoe no out. 19ml ly or monlly justifiable while dull!" [ML-box remains untoucheyl. 3' , .7 I "the [100919 of 9 Smto‘ llayo m I) believe that measure'rfi'lho leeml gm mqpt are sqbvm-u'vc ol Um Conntitatiofi', if in (hair right and their fluty to contact the' evil by a charge of their rulers. (Chm) In an“! srxplmnm] cx'rnsiva violsflonl of the .slitution. m which Hm attention of the whole country is called. ’the remedy , ofelections is ordinarily qulfiéient to remit! erroneous construction: of that lush-unseat: us well I: error;- (' policy. The poan tribunal any no; he quit/am precise in lei action as the judicial, but. thggean be no mimking um judgment of the people film: it _in yrou9unced» upon nn inn-no char}, [mile with tn administntign which huhr SE ‘g'gcd with zixifr’m'ging the anflitufioluf (G‘reul applause.) ~ . ' _ Thege principlqs no one, I fimnune. '3l}! be inuliqerfto dispute. lint diets In than“ in, m i'nlemupt. tfinir application anthem out crisis in ourmrnim. n donning thigh I for omy oliinflqu repuiljate. 11'“ fig (rine I'3; in sglmqu’é. Hm} «mentioning nf the mcruuweq is? l. ‘ adminintnlign; should be. muqmml file no me In 3:611! was: that. them A; \d In) bus nnu‘p’uflg. and Umh‘nflshtyfld raliyjp :{n {‘unmnm.-, Imm u. stmyui of tho cansLiLfiwd‘ “thori— Hm." . ' . , -‘ Thafipgmn ljcgtl; oxnmihsfinn. EH}, an unmdilionalmnjuwrl. or the asnxtfinlml Su thoritim it in imcudéd (n claim unit 'o‘ must all ramgrfimfitlm l'mgl. that. fie aim eti-q gagm'i in i qivi!»w:nr, anal glut we must cot}; duct it. while! it lasts, 'nmuuuu [has In thnrilink, and n'l‘nsfi hold no injegulnt' filial: mum-r with the pillflit: nnémy,-l rend“, w 09116 In Um p’mlmilimn' ‘ ; ’5 . Imt if it is Emu“ that win {ment inhum- Linn Hm “mums winch ”ler administration pursha fhflhe prevention}!!! (he wit: “I." we lchfl-yno rightful commlovm‘ agitate“- urps, nr ”gm ““5 (“4‘ t 5: refrain from “amt? A in: a chingu of their policy—l ~ "fire; the dm-mlw withgut Hm slightest haggling,- Trlm‘vfiy ism- wh'mh inu- maker with: {ln u-lnl nisnuliuh n'f Itseli'gl'utes tlmtdoctfll‘m. 'l‘luw imze‘w, that L xr cqmse of action subverts thé Lgonstilullun: makes (heavy nh atlack updn theY aficiul mam-prim.“ 5911]», um] runderu itimpbs-ihlo lo gnome}! in that wnr. without. destroying, for tho' South mul for the North. the-wh‘ole a m of Slam snwruigmy on 2wln‘clt‘ Ulla ‘égtion was uccésmrxlyluumled gs one of ih,oqr-; noislnxfis. r e, V ‘ , .16 i 5 lu‘vninf say that thé‘ ads ofthd‘ld— miniilr‘minn Q whichJoju chmplain ll! mi limrymensuqos, In evéry élvil wit than are Militia] cnnniacmtiom which must quukly tholmi‘lilm-y notifih‘, f 9- thnt wtibh‘ cam euult only in disaster. Agovemm‘em llmt umlvrmku‘w to supprent 1; great rg'voll of pqwurl-ul mull (nxguunzed communities; It I],? Fame lime lui‘nishing" the strongest Bf [nurul unotivm [or real-dance, is in “as name mtuulmn n}; he lwho fights hit} anemy film one hand‘andlstimzlms him .lhrough' tho' othr-r with the munitions oflwnr. In the pr.».~unl.é..<§ w have made the manual. 3mm nt‘mhnile Illiculty, by firtdeolu'lng llmb we w’vngwl. ho wgr solely for the supra. mncyal the (30‘ stitulion, nngchen turning rnuml and m king themverthrow of the Cumtitution a {no probable rental! ‘0! our success [P'l‘hzu’nx 30.": Applause.) r ' This result, will not,bc corpfine’d to the, bomljlipn" ol' the revolted Slum, if the nu comiu‘ucs tn-lge pro‘sécuted it: it has been for flu; lust‘six months. You cannot w, quiuttré in tho mwuuljm of the mmlniim't txoxi, involyluufiqa they do, the excl-alga of m.my 1.0“le Llnt‘llu wholly outside. of the (.'onmpmiun. ‘wlllmut vamg lllla'countfy herml'Ll-r [9 hp ruled by power: that will nut. upml nulhing- but Wll'lb the jddgment bf 11 party, at n? ‘t’lctloni m- n clique,‘ nhlll dun-111m lie public .fitgwb‘allies. ‘ ln thing pect bf our ull‘kirsj cannot avoid twin“ of ourm‘atgtppvgfl, to all reflecting men. to con alder what. mm rnuetfinend the maritiu nf'pmperlyfia‘s well 135 rights of person i! m‘: permit. the Constitution to We lolt. ' _ ‘ , There nr‘u fife grunt mugifimof pm'port; the cbuliqunncé ofwhich in this count I. dependent. on the preserv‘ntion o! lhé an stntuudh'offllgeUnitcdStates. London-I memtellle'mfi They ar'e; - 1,, A un‘ifd‘rm‘ metallic currency; u the buses and slandgirda of alllvnluu. » 2.: The mwer to establish unifornj 2p: tom or bunlmun ies, whenever :hejnwruu of commerce i'vqinim It. ~ ' . 3. ’l'h'e'in'v'iulubility‘of’contrwtlby Slate Legislnturqs. ~ ’ 9 4. The prov'm‘mn whichsplmsprbpnfty hinder the ‘prntm'cinn of tbe'Cdnscitutian. M‘ugainst. huh-ml power. it) that in Man can be do :rfvod ‘nf n. Without legalD process” 5 5. ThgpmlnßiLiun which restrain: the fellural infidfi' ol nm‘ht‘m" domain. 50 tlfllt l vaw pro'pv-rly cannot be taken for pufil'iq use witluoutjmt. vnmlwnsntion. " g - Ndw-nn I‘nLugml lu-mg can iuppoae that. thew gmwuntgéx '9" be: (gnarled anew fmm that cunu'nllzml «lwpotism which is bléfitoo likely to hq my only fiuccnnsor thuv Hm (hgfitulinn 01‘. the Uuiu-«l Stamina ever hm: ._ I, can: not whab ilk-ag’men my form n" that “fiffinpgér grwuynment” whlchzwme, allow tlmm‘y’elvcs‘Ln’wish'for 'm the“ place of‘ mu‘ pro-mm. syntmn. My reason and my untiuém-lw‘ltln U'clltll mu that. gmmmmentl will bri— .m: uuuln'ukml nnll ugcqmrollml .Jegpnt‘jmf-I and wu ncetl um {00! -hr for nigm or 'll.} approach... (KW-l Cfln'. ,sciomly orflunmnsciomlly, Elwin in' min] a;_u,-m:iemll.r wm-k w pramntoriln mlvnnl; (nu: “rum most hum"; of them in the like TlTwlrlnl: nlL‘flny‘nltyz” aguinxt which I enn tr-nll, and altrutllur is the periloua idea th.“. yuu can unfl-lyhillc‘mlh a fixed Consfiw uhn.‘ We Eilnve :mudu such vusl: skid“ tlnvarrl n ark-m'vntirely unknown m. the I“ml,vm] Umwhuunn, thug we can now no the nature lml‘ ”manly pulver that will 9!?! historic splendor . 1 ,V___¥ i; providenliglly 11m wound that the ' E ofifmpenf and hhqutflfi offiersohnger in issolubj blenfled in One immortal‘mu jm,lhnt wasla‘xd, for nHJimu at th. buia of the civiliz‘uimu M 021:?" race. What may happen in uther civifiiéfidfi‘nj grin other clunes, Inhbrty and prepay-m 11l umst lnrmh up “MAIN: ingemfi (Gm rhea-mg): 1 ~ " 3" _ ‘ .. ‘ 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers