@bt '(Eduivilpr. OUR FLAG I ,I. I. ITAQCI, IDXTOI AND P’IOPEIITOI «army's-mm, in: 73(0an M'ORNING, JULY 20, raga DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For °oversee; Imm. GEO. W, WOO'DWARDh? ‘ 1“ 0’ 1.0221)?! COUNTY, ' in! J-J'q‘ of 150 guanine Court, HON.«WA‘LLTEWI. LOWRIE, 0y A‘JJGEIKY ,coumv. _ EB. swuflz’s ARREST AND m \ ‘ . PRISONMENT. : ' Th. Mt Wéck'i issnig of the ('ompilrr we did not give the facts fully in connection with the nil-rest of Mr. 'fltnhlc, fcrithe Very gim pie {anon that mun-re not then anfliltt ed with tlu~mi We had, it iii lrue, under stood that an ati‘idai/it haul been mafle‘by a vyoifl'ided soldier, who was staying at the ‘ residence of David A.; Jluehl -r, l‘l_~ll., and i—athat thin mldlc‘r mm film but individual ‘who tom dmym Mr. Stable’sjflag mid threat ed to‘ “gut" his otiico. W at the purport ~of°thnt affidavit was in were unable to Learn. previous W” the üblicution of our - paper last week: We side the attempt repeatedly—we qpplied to the proper cu "thorities fbr a copy of the «affidavit; but ’ weie refused and told thit vihcn the proper %' thine arrived Mr.Stnhle,ivould be furnished "Jvith‘eicopy. Since they we have by por aistent inquirida, gleaned some additional particulars in referenceto this ail'iir; which ""19 glnrlly gi‘veterthe public, film, we feel ‘ satisfied, ‘willado Hr. Stable that justice wldch‘his case demands. ‘ ‘ f 3’ Fiat than, we have made the discovery‘ thatthia arrest was made at tho instigation to! citizen}; of this tow‘ijf~ As‘ infinineee-to qhow this we need only mention that one} family publicly rejoiced that 4 “copper. head ting” had been torn downmnd enotlieri _ would-ho prominent individual?~wlrp has! been doing the dirty‘work of his party for: 3 number of years, nelunlly sent for. the I Justice,hefore whoni the affidavit was media, I "and else forthe soldier fii‘mnketheallidavit, i and had the whole thing “done up" under. his very methodical care and supervision."' ‘ Agcin we have {wide the discovery that it we: the intention of these “loyal” citizens of .Gvettyxliurg ‘to_ have 'Mr. Stahle "arrested on the general ehargo’of disloyalty, and give his paper in as part evidence of _the fugtr Rowwe got at this discovery in the following 'vvay :v . i ‘ ' 7_ ‘ Anumbcr of respectable gentlemen wait ed on Gen.Tetri_ck. the Provost General of the Army,’t‘lil morning after Mr. Suhle lied been "routed, and respectfully inquir od‘vvlut the'chnrges were against him, and asked that ,cn inqeatigetim ‘might be had immediately: Gen. Yettiok‘ replied tlmt he did not know xii—alt the charges were, except the]: a few‘isaueaof the Gmpiler bod ‘ thet'nbrning been handed to him and that ho hell not yet looked over them, but that he would examine the matter, and it tlie charges iwere found trivial he W4lld:ué cbnqumjny release Mr. smile: r'einarkiiig at the some time to one of the gentlemen ‘ who waited upon himLthat the thing look ed get! ,much like a political uiliiir. ’ JWe u‘ndershmd that s‘uheeqneutly Gen. I’gtgickldid take- the trouble to look‘ into Mr. Suh'ie's case, and nccorlfing minis own i '3 wbrdu, having found tlxbjhnrgg “trivial and not? sustained,” he was ‘nbout to dis charge him, when‘ lo! at the eTeventli hour, and yet in thanick of the, in come; the citizen soldier before referred-eta, armed to}. ‘ the teeth with the Affidavithf the wounded ‘ man,— charging} MLStnhle with having! committed an act hostile to the government. Now these are facts which we eipect to ! establish when the proper time for doinzltt iiriiveé; and we ask our candid renders whether Wt) Marlin right in shying (lint this i is the work of his lualigunn(neighbors,i who liopeil,'l»y a #mwml elinrgeol‘iUsli-ynl- i‘ ty, to euppi'mts‘ Mr. Stu-lilo and hix pawn—i . and thin. failing, have trumped hp illi}? ‘ imnghnyryiact to meet theoccasion? . ‘ Let u: look for ‘a momofif. at the charge preferred by this‘sold'ier, {is cdntuinod in .liis efild‘av‘it. mul than you can judge for yourselves WhPIIIBDiL is. worthy of lx'liel'or imt. ' \Ve do not, of'ogufiii. pretend ln'give' I the exact words of the niliilnvit,.oiily the substance, as it was repoatodjo as by a gen- 1 tleman‘jvho heard it read. The soldier ‘ ‘aweare that shoi’tly after the rebels entered town. cu thegst of Jul-y, he ivas peeping thrd'ugii the window-sli‘utters of Mr. Buch let’st‘houiio and saw a smnlrg’ehtlcmnn, with spectacles on, go dow‘n street with g grebel officer, ande ,thnt ivhon they got oiipo "site to where he mu, he saw the small gon -Ilen€nn point to the home and hey. "In ‘thatcellnrere‘hid mtg” Ullionrifiéldinmg’ and tint Wworils this same small gentle miin. with sjwntnclcs on, wris )in'mteil out “to him“ as Mr. SLjihle, the ~editorol' the (bmpl'ltvr. " ' i l " 4 r Now there uejcveral poinihiin‘lhis story which we wish Qlir newbie in eximino. . it [mm beiemembcred that at the time thig is Mid-to‘ hays occurred, nli—wisjaonl‘usifln and bustle in town. Picket: w‘ere tiring . dorm {Baltimore street every moment.— Babdt‘uere rumfing hither and lllillwr, scorching houses mid making a grant noise ’ through the streets. We ask candidly, wguld Mr. _Stnhle be such a consumm‘te rO5l as to_ xuwnilo Iriménlf along the stleets with n‘ rebel oiliéer and deliberately point out lmtisfisjwhere Union men were com cealgl nhd «penis concerning it in a tone '2,- ol'vbiccsnilloirntly loud for the inmates to 110::th The'rebels scaiuhed .noarlyfoiery home in; town for Umgnnfmisoners, ml 'md'igfiggrw‘ Hr. Biehler’s, in WEIC‘I ' ‘ :1 four. If Mr. Stehle kueveol‘ fl. being secreted there would hebe 3:331 the ogr'bgious lie that there wflflnatyfivdi A gnin, every body knows tint Hr. We bulb wounded Limit. (301., gid- hisjtwo attendants, .sccrmed in hm mime iii; the time" the‘ rebels lopk pog , session of—the town. 15 -it at all ,prolm ble gut he would take run of they; nuiiyghfid; yfiétrg‘hcm, "Rn-i at; the “in. dime Inform on olhm T "IndependenUy of I fill these (mu, whichtire rum-able E’Mr. ; Stable, '33 db not. believe that were is one 3 Anna: min in Adams county. who igfi i _quninlod pemnllly with him, who could he indueod‘ to lfe‘lieve that he would be_ guilty of a mean nc'tibn like this. We are Muslin" Hy". any one who' looks mrofully at the fnch‘s in th'u use, will see‘ i at air. stable is 'now “wig bmish- Lt, from his hofie, funily and friends, 'lnply-for his political opiqions—vbecause he is a Democrat. We can assure our readers (baggie. will continue to suffer my thing 9.11 M. it. mni‘bo in the pbwer of his enemies—Hm enemies of liberty—to put upol'x him. hiker than yigld one pi'incipfe of his faith. All that he asks Eisflfriénds and supporters to do is to trust-in thqhon ess 6! his purpdso and the iqfegrity of_ his gctiom. He earnestly Sppoall from, his< qunircog in Fort >Mcllcnry to lii-Demo; emf-I'o Vfriends thrbpghout the county, to éouie themselves 00430119 vigoroun exer tion in the great cause of the Democracy— the cause of the Constitution-and the Union. OUR CANDIDATES; The nomination of .7 udge Woomunn for Governor, by the recent Democratic Siet'e Con‘vonlion, made W 11”! a unanimous re mmnsofrinn the people-all over the State. He is‘iuw the man for the‘crisis, a pure, unselhali and able Democrat, and 3 states man of enlarged views. The opposition, gbncrully w fertile in manufacturing stories 11:31;th Jmmocrntic candidates, can bring no accusation against him. Except that ho_ is a Democmt oi the strictest kind. ‘ \Ve regard hi 9 election, by an old—fashiorfed Ugnecrntic majority, affixed fact. \i . Judge Low-ma, as is admitted on all sides, .is gm able, impartial andéjust 'Judge, and the people of the State would do themseli/eg great injustice. if they did not elect him by a large majority. Let the Demoq ntic pain. ty arouse for suction, cast Ofl'llll'fel; and go «a work earnestly to elect our candidates. and redeem the State from the thrildzm of Black Republicanism. ' " GREAT RIOT IN NEW YORK. The people of New York' city are now ‘lfii’ssing through the tefirible ordeal of 334 infurialgd mob, wllioli/h‘as assums‘d suck, v‘ast pfobbrtions- as to defy all the policé} and military powgrs. and endlgng’er'the lifei "and property of '1?” m the city. At 1110;, present writing“. has not been suppressed. 3 The {unliceHlQll if) large lmdies,_. by tho; froc usfi ol' le baton, usaistefl hy the mil'r-l tnrfxwith musket and cannon, temporarily l curbed the lawless mabriu its work 9f! Tic.l slmclion and r‘uin. L ‘ - J ) ‘ T4lO cause of ijé‘popufu‘r on break and breach of law and gider, is Maigfiled to tho Dml‘g which commeiicediiu Ne, York city oh _M‘pndqu last.’ {ll' View ofthe mob, which denounces tthdnscxiptign am, denying its legality. alleging it 61):; unjust to aim hp imposition upon the poor classes, the‘en‘J fqrcoment of Hie Draft, under it. was" lem porsu-ily suspended.’ ' . ‘ ‘ 'Mob spirit and mob gulp should n 1 films and by a]! citizens be discourag condemned. It leads but fpdestructio of property‘ undmurglor of citizensfinthéub ranching tho’remedy'for real or lppareal injury or injustice at the hand: of bhose in authorll'y ovei- us. As long an Law is re spect’ed, and gricvafioefi can be redressed; and the constitutionality of lam; can _be toast}, and the widen of the pooplemry’ipg for their rights and libertine, wil! behearks oned=to, so mg it is dug, duty to counsél the maibscs to await the course bf an nppe‘al: to_ the propel-Owns of Justice. ‘ A _ ‘IBLATURDATS NEWS. . l The follfiug we extract {min the city papers of Saturday list: > , ‘ ~ Wit is rep’afled fgbrh IJEEsbnr&\'n., thhl General Leg’s hemlquargenl, égWedncE flaynorning, were at Banker llill between Martlnlburg and Wincheatgr—yhé advance of his army" Having reached the latter place, whiTe thevz'ea'flas at Marthfsburg. It was understood that he had sent his trains doyn thé Shemndoah Valley to Culpeper, and was‘ following with his: army in the sinus rlfiection. A largo godynof Federal cavalry enraged the I’bmmzflb on Wednesdny and uocupmq the» nLouutain pageé as far Sand: us Cheater Gap. . - . \ . 1' m“\'éstcrd:ny was a quigkdfi in New Yurk, up 10 the Limo ol'Lhe lace: telegrams‘ thorehud been ‘nn riotingk Many of the rim OlL‘l'h ham-Jun”! arresti‘trby llnq lfnlice, and tho othem hg-M in ohéck bimo lorm‘ldalrlc milfiuy propamginna.‘ Duripg thé fight on Thursday night fifteen members of We qu Yogk‘fi‘uventh Regiment worm killed. w'liic l’rovoqt Marshal Gerieral‘jnl'nrms his mifferdihntes that. no orde hive {_m inguml cognLgrmnnding 11“.: (13$, _but 45:? ample fox-cm have been senf'torcho points" where the proceedings'have been ,intqnu'pt -9d (0 a»aist_i‘r_l.cn[orcing tho,oonscripiion. The ofl'ncgrs “Fe ordered to proceed with the draft a’s rapidly as practicable. . ~ ‘ I‘ch-r.—-'Fho Union Fowler Works. New Durham, N. H.. mm; on! two tons of W3l dcr per day for 4110 govmfiment. Thqse wérks. with ‘thf'ee Mher large establish” ments, furnish a large portion of the pcw'rdelj' used in this war. The Dupont_ \Vérléa‘, Wilmingtnnibulnwnro; llmnlAqunfiM ticut; Oriental, in Mnihc,-'llPd thoUnit‘jm, in New llmnlwhiro, imvo turned, out at the rate of 400 fiat-rOl3 perm-lay; } V —« «...-~47 £171: of (ImulL—g-G’en. Si R: Cuftis has turned over to th‘g Quartermaswi' of the United Rates We camels that were impart: ed into this c'ounLry by o'rder of JellL-rsou Davin, when he wfi‘Secretu-y 'ol‘ War un ‘ der President: Pierce. Thai have been or ‘t den-ed to be sold an. publiqauclion. : _ —~ L.»—.—~ m<--——-—- ' B‘Gen. Schofiequmé issued an ortl§r restoring the civil authority in (he deput mem ofhlissouri. ‘1 ' ‘ J ‘ fiGen. Doubleday has been reliovodl'rom his command in the army of the Pqtb! and order-«. 1 to (aim command of tho dézpbt for drum-d fmi u» bcostablishpd at. sumog x. Y. , . THE NSTH.——Tko [limb Regimpnt P. #5 all um companies but two being from this cmuny, returned to lh‘uplacc yeste’rdny, hnuihg served out thcjr term of nine months. . Tho Regiment. has 17331 yard service, and on fin occaignl. 'thvied‘hobly. . Welcome tpc lIJMIH- ~ «' { ““—“'* ""5; "‘ \ ‘ mmm 1 , 93mm mum- on: ma (:Sapzk, “'53:" liv‘vs,"§f. lln relurucfhomn y owenh)‘ uni.» .; . ‘ . e t. ‘ V‘ g amnaw mum. .4 A-t thro'o u'clbck ou‘ the morning offlnntny, ‘ the 28th.?! June, Genet“ Meide, while alevp-l ’lng in hll'tenr at Predefick, wna ’nwnkened by ‘ 'n messenger from fiction] lhuleck, and notified of his assignment. to “36%de loe army. 0n mugrqxgowink Sntq‘rdty he congéimm'cd his . troops 11an hnvingt‘lwoh a sigrfll victory—i Overshadowlng M thg idflhmcagifn‘ command- ~ inggcuer'n'l usdally igfisfice vi I not be done. to the merits of Gcnénl Viz-Adel.“ '0 do norl [take into nccnunt nllEthp circumshncel whichl surroimded his appointinent. A first of All, it. ‘ should be borne innbiq‘d 1h!“ fife exegcucica : ‘of the situlnt’xon were 31ml: Ilia ‘ there In: 10! ‘ time for dun afl'céllo at l 60116410“, whickhfl [one of the cfiiefelen‘ is of suck 1 up betweén himself his um} i ceiaor‘ bud «hrs a ‘months to preparojl rGencral {l:ch was l in such 13"”- zha fi 1 $llO diacrddg ‘npo‘l “l have heed Iwnre af} e 1 whelmliné Mm a in commander. 3.31] r at nuthoritiga no ‘put‘ If i; Hoéker. iqg ghp timrff passed by, and no one of lhogAdrflinistrgtign [w when; halls. retained ' almost fabeTto face. f’ Gehcm] Ho‘ kcr wer‘ Z'llh ut‘Junt n‘hcr hisgmia chsor‘dhifiq _ ilfi évl‘qe‘f» After the folly of Mr. Linc mill somew‘ m. guru; 'nnxious are ge}. rid ‘ t not. the go m’ge to grg’emqn‘e to web supplikd 1% cause. mfi‘n who!- final?! whlle Lindy at one i 31ng rein-fled _ Mnirfi'lami' Hleiglllg? 'calhy is a V‘Fry inadp Unpmllnfiofl,‘ how must. hmég bebn for ’menu filing an hesit unnecessgir} delay, I: and lgecpllng‘; 1h“: arm search ohl‘ie enemy, tc’rmingtion to glve J uhouldznleet. : Who“? Ellie two n‘tmius, nnrlf Fer an emmllty in nul i Welt tlmh the; lmdl ‘[ nJlnit‘glnit tln‘e chafic ‘eml He's: ILL}! ever (lmmml Meade “'Ouai flight-st firnisu if he: tit cfrcfunsfi'nm _ m azhlg; and camp ahi's’ fitngg‘s for his rqs‘ I Wot Malia credim'll 1 wlliglllxe has‘won Js ring ta'iniriguc, null! { diymraglng‘ bls’ c 711?) {OMI ch-‘ltg; 119,119 Idling hijduq. llil Hula it. m y be‘ liter J “ “Hefimde by {0 {And n4w that he bdariug lb unclmnge tol Add, af'gnln {cclmp dihpntcbas than in till ! d nu.“ Thil‘fact 11330 Val :- whht we lnvf I ‘m inking jtlmt. um- i n 1 p Hunt, than thai ‘w 'I ‘O. our chief armyi'u moi ' niléfndh. ~Suchmis d’hllndulphinds, 12: ‘us a; en gir heir firs“ cellora * chd [M n the pl: ‘-r such uld huv uld re til the t l-f ogent on the >n 0n thp dly :: of his auc ‘cucb d y the change our tax .eriebce ‘ with Add hi advisers, it is to learn hat they were‘ mural II ekcr, but had isfilaco hi until adiau—‘ mops at ‘Hnrper’a Ferry met are uto think of ME!) a-cil §o yuns found, aqiipccd. when Genera! Mler for th evacuation of For such {magnet imbe- o mot-g [IMI b 1 - chm rtTmn lb ‘il‘ure- 1311‘ ish‘il ‘ m‘le plea. vet, as | _: tidu. ,Wic :- close in h with an un 11m humid we, reedit mbmbpr Ii . bet; mid ct vcr 'been I: mePG lnr thing. been have been vqidcd clef !_ isines ton. § ongihlg p 65 too, is t ‘pmmolion. ctldling wi axles, nor confer-ted s iisen by. ‘ .aid of h his meri = been I Tho pub o‘hfidcnc ports of 1 speaks v 'ercd, w! in I: m ‘ ould ha. ‘ est, try 5 ‘eneral -: Aye. ' " I my ISION- or"; . 'hcn “'1: hrmy'luf sci fluuyankod null] northward to covér. and‘fi: mmwcrl cn‘mfi anlh,‘thcrc y'us :l V prulccliun and. seem} nmhy sfiid, not in MM {loin ihmsion qt "1‘11; wrbng—it was wise Leg} venh‘lred Nor! ,J 111.4011 his flank higfdnfcni, nml'thc‘m if: ‘asc qtslncll dell-M gle qgmmcnd Lhe‘ dnj's'Tnjlmm, to 11‘ inlhjhe Sofinhem cuq warn, according to taken ot‘onr hires of many of oui- borj right'L—a great I; w‘lflch ingwould be: PENNS : txc‘ l’omm c duh-(1 I: I Vnshiugw nianile c-cmc'ut cl i;-. u WA. e vunrdedt h Inyds.‘ 1 ml right. ilh our | ar, the it :19 certain I is destru c extmé ‘ tention ‘ of the St: ‘l ribu‘ut, t 1 ds, n‘mH nunkies, l‘ ‘of miliw , on'fihu often r- ‘TA ! toqsoning, to roped coinplislind ; ’fnr wl HINIII be dom- M X mime firmbund'sjk Ifyq‘vcywtil. ofour (_\f oflfgnfir‘g to see ‘ ~lh+l rcm‘lily Lexus nu‘, if properly h Vil'ginia,‘ 'llul, mi alnjuugy, the Army cdinud mm by ' us‘i \x by this was sq ,mihs' himself to be} {Hf-l nmébers' andJ 'mziy-‘lrci inevitnbl sa‘ys, "Leakey lost! by} being dun-Ik, In m 11%, n‘ulshould Wt {:6l oufidont have be; butflnu.‘ or is " ues. No mi gy wh’icl fiicg, R my ‘ ,udcrslund} ioru I § | 1 5 tin I ‘ ‘l in rtnn lin,ve " s rxpoun Pmomn but hi: :1 liw gen naked, 0 i‘ clun‘l (‘0 El.” ‘ f, as W ' "o bullle ofC yna-erid'entl "é been dis ~ that Gag. 11¢ yd, Ind. co‘dd Will as knot qu in‘ of“: plum Who Mimiuiurat on in, thereto; in! ncg‘fcit, deg: n nipcnaiblé: ziés that lung: bar ("n ns.—-I:a1n ‘ .' ——~'—-é:-.. o—-r+ inf-firesident :Lineoln, can “*2 recbnt macaw-of the I furnish: remap l 9 grounds-l trio L'n‘on ol‘ thqfimtes {will ,1» nfid‘thdir Imm ind prespsfil‘it 1y rtfqred, an iuls Thurs: h day f'fiugust d‘ext, “to be 4 dfny of; antional‘ ibanksgivin; p‘rnyori” A ‘ find. CH} (fie lal Convm puma; . x J. Bid ,dclpmg Chairman Janina 4 Comnflttee. lm‘m‘ediatesggpl for the; run o‘rgafiiznion of m ’llbe a‘ppo'mtngdnt of 90]. AI thirffi’iishffi, till give uni‘ (ion. ‘ [l&9 is. in Kwry. way. ya mmlnét the political canvnss iitkvggor, dignity. decision a .» I « :—"*,—~#9 .'.-v——~ 4 filmy: Republican Stat wHEch gums to he held u r; .‘ list of July, his bani post. .1 sth of @ugust, “in consequo ‘ Lhrbod‘lamdilion of the pub! ‘ in; out of the rebel‘ invasion sylmnia border." ' . ‘ fi‘We me by the lnlepn ‘ have hrokng out in conséque ~ fincembqtfiof tho Dmigin U’ and Néwnrk, New Jammy. km; \jnrk, Brppklyn, and ’l‘: LmyQfié bong used to quell tl RATAGES UF ”HIE WAIL—‘Tho trend of an army, it is mid, can always be diacave‘ed by the delofntron and ruin attending it, which, even tho bent di‘ciplincd forces cu ot entirely avoid. iWc have had, however, e presence of two lnrge contending armies in or county, and the vicinity of Gettysburg lES been‘the bottle ground of one of the sever, t‘ éonflicu of the wnr.’ " ' ' l . Everywhere, within ol'circlqot' 5 to 6 MILE" mound, mm be seen th’eldestruction of prop ly of Various kind, among which are the l lowing: The remains [of burnt house's a bnrns‘ unleaded field}, dad in some Tenses’ inmt entire farms thrown into as vpst fcnl leu field, the destructioh 0! [re main of ‘ induntrions husbandm’ez‘, pilliged hinges, tenautless Is the contending legions 15w mood in their direcfioh, etc., etc. gln‘dep dent oflthe sanguinnry dhurocter of the but indepclident of the many, brave and hoble dierntrowing the groom], and ofthe thousn moge of wounded sufl‘ereh, the betrays of in‘the respects referredkto, are among ’the what tribulations which can befall any pen We hove not had thj time yet to user who on the heaviest io era, nor wbnlt in] the. aggregate loss to ined by oh: th people. The following ersons sum-rod in destruction of their ho sea and burnshy re, while thebnttlc Wusyrnging? The house nd barn of Wm. 131233, within" their contqnts; tho house and burn occupied by )[r.‘ Comfort (t old McClean property.;)lthe houscnnd ham 2:? Alexander Con-ens; the Exams 0; Messrs. J [ln llerpst, llonty Spungicr, (fox-mg“): A as lanvk’sJ Alexnudér Cubfim nmiJoseph 3!] {y. In the horn ‘of the latter, and ground the?” stnoka, {veto about twenty yohnllcdl‘hiln el - Zouoves, who periskédin the moth ra tion. The sufferers have our wntmest ”Jpn t'hie‘s. .. ‘ .E , 51,10 grow . His prede ' wgeks and I}. battle; but. Mic command ave‘ brought r xh be . must her our over ‘ille, the corps é Washington 619' of General a change had a. expcgted that (we n general in armies Wero at into - coul_d Alflml ct than, I for removing THE PENNSYLVANIA .RESEEVES.—The ghlhmtl’n. Reserves wexie enga‘gcd'un-lhe +3lB - flank, and in their! te‘l‘rihle charges oom ‘ptelely routed Hie enemy, nndfmade somelim portaut cxfplures.‘ The: falloxhng is 3' like! the casualties in Gap}. fiailey'ftompany, cqm mundcd now by Licutcnfnt H. *N. éfln‘nighfi - Cuh‘iu'llnmiltoq, leg mmpulLued,'bull at uck his; knee. Jas. Culbuhson, ‘of Emmits mg; bid) through his nec ‘, may alumna. im. Magrew, ball through? nrr'n nnd log, esh wounds. Wils‘on Nnibrnfmll through'sh‘oulder, no! dangerous. Obedinflx Beard, yigcg'of hell struck his back, not darken)“. ~= David Wimd ring, hallglm‘wed olfirig‘ furc’hcud', not danger ous. Jncoh Aremlt, ball ghinced off his shoul der, not dangerous. 3 . {nernl Meade hg, his move- out an hour’s |up hisforcea, lud, united in i‘smkable de- hex-ever they Um’ hislury of Iw muchfieur- uipn‘wins the“ Efore, vie mu "1" with Gen in his firm, ulitlcd to the I t, but undgr fifi‘j'Tlic once bequfisul ~“ Evergrgen Cqme-l tory" now presents n3O ‘.gppenrnbce. Froi‘m'ts commanding site, it “+l5 fon’nd nc‘cesszir‘y to post a number of out Unttcrics on the su‘rn‘mi; ofthe eminence on whi’ch ilie city of the gig-ad is located. It was one 1" the best position ’we occupied, iin.ltlie fine {axe enemy‘s arti rery was consfnntly dirt-01mg lipon it with n. Vic h of driTing ns bnck from the crest. The gr und «bani our guns was litt; ally skewed with hot md'shcll ; a (ow tomh‘itones rim-cred over tho remains ofhcloved rein ions w‘ere ihrowu from their position o_r hrolgcniinlolmgmvnls; tgmves “fail-e turned up by ploughing shut, and tasteful railings 13nd othcfiornn‘ cum! workaround the ‘ ota were somewhat slldttered.’ was simply emonstmuon e manner in Never stoop !) pxiliticu, nor aszinggf his himself wink Opqn meuns,’ I Hun- known." iumphanlt, his 0, Wé’nre'glnfl' in the official bpcorrcspon .lmnél ;. and: ‘ Wl2l. visiting ‘the burn Imin am having and where everything i' Surgeons and nucntivl fiancee will ulloéi, We Il clasp, Miss Dix_nnd I: ‘i nurse:, and a number 0 ty,” frdm tho SisvorhOo seen: to move about. am: an ome nud gentleness ! nth-uunns very. servic \\'ants und‘ wishes they lxripnte. Anoehrr livi the-“churn; " that " is; cannot ilelp sly more im e a} the loud ful, Christian .‘ endeynnd as E him—l'Ada. MANIA. l r', finding if , Loo, m H'J !‘ anhimr c, with thu-léy mur lurincu‘ \‘r"y \\ roug, 0 luyul Stutes ‘ut’iz was not “The ladies MGetty bur}: deserve espv in], {lunorable- mention While we “‘0? r?- ‘i‘ng‘ they came 0 t‘lpnn the sidewalks nupmml lhuuxh :nuxious beef, mud H'ur ultfiqrs ever-\wl‘ing nee-Ilulilin ghe‘xruy Inn-Ins. ”final shot wom’ \v‘hisl‘ljng but they itppcnrcd elevatedk by no; mbovclhedonlilgwntol‘fu‘nr. zjc’ ‘ lender cnré {lf our‘voun'lldl lii ‘ the rebels $llO More cxullbmd 1y I Iron 'i L‘J‘L‘Jrl ATTACK. on cuAgLEsfrgu. . . [at refre. n .mmaros’, Jlily 16‘,—-The following r93] ?mt-xumhih. ' port was 10-dny received at the‘ho’ad-qunr blei'l'hulse a tern of the army: . > 1”" ”‘9 "m 5 ‘ Jlaquuurfrrs Drnarlmmt qft/ItSOu/h. we]! as those 5i In the I'l‘ngffifurria Island. S: C'. ' during the tiay'.’ 1 K " , Juiy‘li. 1563. WWO WP “1 foi‘egoing Pflmgmi’h from‘ Major General H. W. Halleck. General the I'hila.‘.“"l‘rcsa, bingon our tnblegnnd iin Chief. U. S. A-—_-Sir: I have the honor! hem-Lily endorse its fitment). 3WI; wpuldwo "Inimighin' fivte g'clofirbn‘tleglzm-t '\* -- mgo e- 1115.. m can» on m“ to ndd also, and . lid" “:hy It cscnpcd‘ the enomy’s fortified pnhition on the south the “0m" 0‘ ”“3 “'3‘- mu °°”9sl‘°'.'qe"":u“.“i end of Morris Is'hmd; and after an engage— some “(9” hm" ci‘i¥""s 'cre “mm “mm"; menfllasLiug three hour: and a quarter, wel daring all the aid in: llneir"p)\wc-r to nllefinle teaptured all his stronghths upon that my.” Lhé sulfuring whunded’, and chic d our retiringl 0‘30"! 1539‘]! 11951 PUSth fOl’Wflffi, 01" in! 'mldiers {rpm the mam: as they WI: cadvnd‘cing‘ £31239? "<52: 3:132? ungifihye’iiinfifgf through the town °‘ “ cd"°9d""\ 0““ um Leepc about one mile on the was}. end, whiéh sumo e‘venillgfior cxnmplv, when it Mihaz-l includes Fort Wagner Ind ailmuery on! hrdous to venture out oY‘doora, Ih. 14:}:ch Cumming»; Imin. mounting at. i‘iio present! ““me we qumpiier,:’ Want in “1“:er .3; time fonqtoen or filmen heavy gun": in the Surgeon fox-An wounded Lieutenant (Tulonf \of‘ ¥§L?:6:‘u"til; col‘umn w I‘] .nu 19d nn lndinnn rognnent,\l)lug dangerously H in by'firigns‘iel: Geénernl mm": .31; fizndid in his honsé “““efii'm But, i" doing “lii “C,“smnll Boats, undercover of our'batleries'on of humanity, Nina 29!: base}; mnh’gncg.‘ nndl Folly 131. d, gnu four Honing". led by! now lies in For elk} {rink ]Re 1‘ Ad: in] ‘Dnhlgrcn. which entered before he can be - :6 his‘ msi ohm el tibrensl. of Morris Island soonl J ‘ / 1‘ ‘ i fumi‘ and mew: I after. Bur nugrlgs odmned. lhe unanimous; 3' J _ contm their Me urmg the day, mostly die” against (.Wagnor. , ‘ 0n the curing of the 11th inst" at day break, an erupt was made '.O cirry Fort Wagner nyfimult. Th‘o, puispets were'f gained. but the gu‘pports recalled under the fire to which lhéy were Exposed, and omm! notbe (it. up. \ '.— | Our fond in hot. abtinnmwill not var much from one hum - d and fifty in lulledy, wounded nndgniuaing. ' '- 'We have tuken eleven, ieoes 0”!“wa or-‘I dinance anda huge quaint 01'me equipv. a o. , , \ g'l‘ho momy’s loss in {gillafiwounded and axis-gins \C'ill not. fall slum-Ln! :3? hundred; Very néspectl'uily, ‘your ob tserv’t, . Q. A. Gxuou. Brig’r Genhxgum’g. ' »——-—-———w-—v 11:117:01: PORT Hanson. \ 3 The further lule army in mre pm! able and complete, Lion. from, yester- l' our farmers lie. It. would at the «Lawns l e plundering u _“wiamnnrl y strategy—l same basis of - it can be ac- I so and right” I being skilled l governs} the m dilllcult for why an army w lvnuin cunldl cam: him in l 1" ofmilitnry . was uulllunk ['s not. inform ‘ ml ncvhr per-l Iless by“ supc~ Iflirt, yhen it i dell Ifhillipal mmellm-svillel ! unfit. to coma v issed u‘ouce.i dt would noq 'lmwo whipped? let- I‘ WQuile a n\ have been kindly nsYat their private reai; ‘ 110 m; receive tho-kindest lip; ‘.cst tfin, «‘...;x‘hknt, and qverytlning possible is donq' ‘ their bom fox-l. and relief. Our §pilizcns “was?” thq good and undyihg Mind-theyfiéml‘w ed‘durl ing the. continuanbe of thin wuhbfy thési- bu: mana and patgipticl labor. in} ‘hult about brave and noßlc troops; and in Fuel sanisfied that Gettysburg an "i‘ts royal qiti e‘ns gill uni be [orgafiten “IR-n 1:9 lu’sfin’y'l 0 Mail “'uis; wrxncn bylheiut:tfhultg§“": . , ~ 1 W‘Bnttcry B. othddo Islandaunnds din: hlcd south of town, havingwlos‘fg, a? we are in}! formed, all its men pm .‘alxinnd a!“ its ‘ hora ' but. two. Av. one time the fiche}; ‘pulléd M’ the: hind wheels and play men ni the fire whack at a piece, each resolve-g] n‘poii its “amnion—{- Lictle Rhod] 51mm of} best; and 310! a.‘ sing”.l [130:0 wan; lost. The ieco; beingiwocn 91“,“. and Battery A. valid, brown mgcther‘to}mke pne Buttery. ‘ , b'y its cr'im-{ r the «lanai-g t - L’nien. § idering that‘ ‘edeml acmi r hope thn . maintained, . ~permanent.- :, tho sikth haerved as a , pause and ISO !- President of ! tion has, up -1 10, of Imm» ~ mo..eeuml ' willbe taken: !- Commitwe'f Egddle‘fo :thq mlutisf 'll qualified? [in this Stab»; Ind sue-pass. ‘ fi-Etory day {inks the terrific series bottles at. Getty-Mn; wern basin, immcni‘ union of cars loadah ’with thé wduridsdiharb [:ch nvér our niiirond, on «hail-lynx 16 balL timum. The wounded upon their: uriv'nl more nro platted in the aplcndid Hospital: in that city, or forwarded Am :0 float: at Philadelphia. The number conveyed bver the road since the haul:- in (animated At many thousands, hula-Rem den of the Inge number transported over the Watern Stu-mud [hill-om]. Convention. rgh on thé ed) until the = - the dhi ~ mind. grow; of th.: Penn. fiflolwhhatsndiug wageienl 'diurmnge. man a! business, in consequence of the lam [garrible battles in mi; lucnlny, the («if quota of sum; TM 01 Adam; 0mm!" [0; 18,3 mu paid into the Treasury, N. Harrisburg, on Friday 1:51, by H: B. Dagnér,‘ Eat}, Uounly Treasury:- +buing among thd first :0 do yo. ‘ era that. riot; cc of the’on ”bid, Conn .', s in Boston, . WThc draft is gun); on qviiouy in PM!» driphill.‘ ' . ' 1 x", Iy. the mili» LOCAL DEPARTMENT. lllospifitnls, whom ..onr ‘ inn-it wounds 'cnredffor. i being don‘e by ski‘llful nnrses that cirr’lm- 1 :{otfilce among the kitten r corps of experienced} the “Abislcrs of Cfinyiv' 4m. Emmitsburg. 'mmy :ong :lhe wmimlcd ‘ ilh Unit makc their “Flex blc to those lust—fuse fire ever remix t nn-l ing ' exumpliflefiiioé fo. fkind." ‘ > _ i 906» ‘y brown to, i \_ ‘ LLJ—Q—v—n—H ”Owing: to the irregularity nf our rnun (r_v nulls-we are afraid pflreulvminy of uur eubscrihér: dul nng rccoiw thrifpnpon last. week? However, we sent, wherever we had an opportunity; our pnqkngeg by prirnlo canny- Incc. Still if my hive been dad?“ of (ht-it pnpbr last Wevk' they will please remember am the fault. is not ours’.’ We think um in u very few: day: our mail: will be runwirl‘g "gn- Luly nglin, and then our readers shall have nothing of 'which to Napkin. , ‘ 6‘l; was. ‘rumorod in town selcnl‘weoks ago, before the 'enemy had _mnde his Appear? Inco this gator Unknown, wliilu zcouling beui'eewvhis and the mountain‘wn‘s going on, and exciting telegrams were passing over the with: to benign-rte", at Hurril’burg. um cg». n. MgConlnghy, of the “Adnjlu Ring," was to supersede Major General Couch in life Department of tEe Susquehanna” lThin week, rumor (bakes him an Aid to Gen. douch, with the rank of Cnplnin. ‘Thisg- 'laucr appoinmgut is likely to be ttm ' ‘ V ‘es, al '~ds figm- towxismnn,. John L. Burns.‘ won woizudefl during Wednudny’s action. He volunteered his Services and advanced into tho thickest. ofjthc fight, view: he fell, receiving a wound in'the 11:;an arm: We tho he will soon recover and enjoy \he honors which his bravely mgdts.‘ '-. ’ ' ' «. WJudéing from thel’numerous inquiries‘r made‘ after stray .cows, hoga,‘ ha, 9 latrge‘} number mqst lye rfifining M 115er thrtiughout tho couutx. Persons should nuke kdown in." olncefmy strays charm” come bnd'er ‘thciri non‘ce, so Hut the owners may fie: them as Speedily :15 possible. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ " ‘ 38‘0“ waders are direfitcd m the ndtlcc ofJay Codie in another cdlumn. he [ms been withering by the Secrctngy of Inef’l‘rcnsury to continue his agency for the Government Loan for n'short. time. ll’egfill continu‘u to receive subscriptions to the 5220 Loan ah pm until turther n'ofice. 3* ' ,: < 36““: learn tbm on Thursdty night Inst, a. ngnnber‘of rcbcls‘who were cuqneqtu; with the hospitals inat‘his phico‘, manlged (o"get hold of mama uniforms, anus and harsei, and in (pi: disguisé’vmnllc their cécu'ye towardi Dixie. Whether they succeeééd in ranching \their destination or nbt. is a'mimq‘r of consid erable doubt. “[1: hope my: they may be “gobbled up." .. " ' . . . r. S}—Wc unders‘tanfi they have pbdn caught Wfleadiug twitter on. every page THE ESCAPE 01' NEWS ARMY. WILLIAxsnm-r, July 14, 6‘ P.‘M.—'Barly; [himmorningl sent you thahriellunnoungb— mont of the pnemy’s escape. It was more .complete thkn Fluid thought ‘pOssihler— 'l‘heir forces crossed at two places—their I cavn’lry and wagons fox-ding the rii‘mr hnlfn ‘ mile above Williamsport. and ‘he grouter portion of their infantry ergossingf on a pom toon bridge at Fullnig Waters. 'v‘his bridge was put down on Sunday, and on Sunday night they commenced to pron. ‘ ’l‘hc-re‘be ing but one 'briduc. the crossing was slow, and was not completed until u )u to-«lny‘g General Kilpntric’k's cavalry binned Wil linmsport about nine o’cloek, but found no thing save about“ one hundred rebvls 59- verely wounded from the battle FgJiqtlyw burg. They Ilmvoa taken everything, not leaving fiflx ‘dollnrs’ Worth of abandoned pgoperty. Only a few prisoners weré taken at Williamsport, possibly fifty. ‘ »' l Kilpatrick th‘on moved on Falling 5V3- ters, supported by the second corpqfiand 'cazpe up with the mr-gimrd at thnt plwe. ‘ A short artillery fight ensued, and there" was considerable skirmishing. bnt'tho one- ; my. under the cover of artillery on the op- Eosite side, finally escaped, loxu'ving I num er of prisoners in our hands—how many I Have “03' yet lenrnpd. Our army is all now “full up to the river. 1 , Tim enemy have. a very hang line f w:orks.dliourllthree miles in front—of W - liunwport, exu‘mli'nz from llrigarsllown to} file l’utnumc below Fnrmnn’s funl.‘ . ~ ’, The Potomac, strange to say, was for“;- ble A“: point about huh‘ a mile {move Wih liamsport, fur cavalry and wagon: ‘ A few of the rebel infimlry‘ also \mdedt Lime fiver] “_mlligmaport fox-d, the water‘ b'eihg about. wlifi‘high. - ‘ .' ' ___—4m»- «.... In names” by ‘Gen. Eula-#lOOO Priaohgr: (hpmnd—JUDGTSMnd 91' Am. 35 Fuéid Pixel, and 25 Siege Gum Tulsa—W in Fund: qf Juluuam. Cum), July 15.—A bearer of dispatches from Ben. Grunt confirms the news of thg oocupabion nl' Pbrl. Hudson by Gen Bankx. , Our "60p: took possession on the oth inn. The entire garrison, consinxi ng af7,(lOQmen, _gere captured : also 35 field pieces, 25 siege gum, and 10,000 stand of small guns. 4 ‘ “We have M'hjnr General Gardner, Brigh dier Gem-ml Beale, Colonel: Steadman, Mills, SmiLh ,and two olheda, names un known. among the prisoners. The latest accounts-say that General filer man is still in pursuilfil’JoeJohnnuin, but. that sagacious rebel has kept out of his way. mu \Vedncédny week D. W. \Vallach, editor of the Washington Star, was arrest .od on a chnyge of Lreason, on account of the Republication from the anlmlelphia I’nu [cf war news which was considered contrr ' hand." The public.may Wonder Why the 5 editor wholcopiad the news was arrested in é‘etead of the hue who first published it; i but when We inform them that the Inter "is a Republican and the former a. Denlocrab the whole become: clear. THE DRAFT IN NEW YORK. Great Riot-« Mob Law Supreme—De -7 attraction of Property, to. l N"! You. July 13. A. M.-——_A large mob i mllrclt‘d tn—duy at the Conscripting Office, 1 on Third avenue, to prevent the draft. be in]: carried on. At. this hour (ll A. M.) (May have driven nwfiy the Conscripling, ()ll‘u-or. set the building on fire. Ind 3 whole bind: in now in flnmm. Tho mob. will‘hot. allow iheii‘iro—lWUl to be rung. nor! the firemen to net. Tth lmvmdostmyedl all the telegraph wires in the vidiirity. nndJ nrabent on mischief. Sdmo of the regular: 2 from Governor’s Island jhlve been sent. to the scene. . _ i 'l‘wo o’clock—The riot‘ is sail to have m-' sumed vast proportions» his gated than' the Arsenal. Fiftrfourtili- street, hfia been! taken possession of by l. e mohfiwho have, prmed some four hundr of their number.‘ The policemen have m handled gen.“ bly. It‘is- reportethnt‘ Suoenntendent.‘ Kennedy and name fifte n policemen have been killed, and many ounded. Squnds of some thirty oldiera. who were ordered to fire on the math. had then: guns tukén away, and wereefhockingl‘y (beaten by the mob and dlspors l. ‘ The’noon lrnin for Boston was nearly de molished, and the passing?“ thrown out and prevented from 1 aving. ’l‘lid tele graph line: are cut in mdny places, destroy ing oonnegtion with thelenstrurd. ’ Nzw You, July I‘L—Abouz three o'cl'k this morning the mob attacked-Ilia airmory on Second Avenue and :l‘wontyfinxt slreet, ownéd by Mayor Opdyko and his brhtvlier inalnw. The armed guardians of the mild ing fired on the attacking party, killing unn. A second attack pompelled use par iiq‘s in the nrmory to r'u' . and the building was then seized by the. )0!) and destroyed. Two of the policemen jumped from the window and were kille- . ‘ ‘ Tho ,miliuu-Lforce at t Arsenal num red I.“ last night. They hail cannon. ~ A number. of the 7! I hn've been iii-glared ml o’clock this nlornin'];.uli and 84th. reselrve‘wgil I The alarm bells hm' fires between 11 A. M. ' A colored min was Chuksnn street. Hii c on‘fire. and was burne hi. body. . Police Superinteflde verer injured.lhut’lsmc linkiness had hem; nu Owing to the riot. . - ,Tlge mob has bari'ica the city to prevent am The trucks of the New' River Railroad ‘huve be The mob invested ch tel 1m evening. and i _it. but were persuaded iainim: the whiskey ll: rcpprted that. mg ngub main up town It is feared Hie mahill destroy £le Cro,~ [ ton aqueduct and reser oiir. t Thé mast atrocious )bluerieslmve bean . committed in the flute-t8 Ly .the'lutfians,f who seize i-aqpeclable I lJing men and rob! when) of tlieir watclio, lnoney, 32c.. and; then 'finish by behting tthe victim. Score: lofsuch things have occim‘etl this mmhing.’ The moB 'a’tuckcdi Inyor Upllyke’s house. but the citizens a (1 police rallied,l and after a fierce bade dl ve {ligni‘ofll ‘ TWOO’cloclE—‘His an e qudguutuuyor: Opdyko hns‘delegnted ml the hecmsnry‘: power to not. in the city Gov. Seymour‘;l and- the’ latter will 30pm issue a Qinmbl'ei proclamation, calling ‘pfonfilm rimcrarto 1 desist from their iliegnr tots find lame to‘ 1 the State authorities auc pmcamlings as 1 may be deemed pmpor W tout the legality of the conscription hm. Lara . > ' Gov. Seymour? addren the argued 'crowd from (.119 City Hail stops n "°°".'v ‘ urging thbm to diapmféw, anu m 9 all on donvors to repress illegllets. . wa YORK. July 15.1 n, n.—Thq riote’rs : hm night vihimd seven”! bulls?! of ill-fame; in Greenwich street, find bumed ono ofl them. killing one mzm, ‘ i'l‘hey also gutted‘ nbnut n dnzen "other ho did all fix their power, {m tha ruflians. 11. is rapnrted that rthe {Siam-yahoo in Brdoklyn. in Cojfimbia Btu-0‘! was db tithe? sli houses in piNnged, the negroes bei (muwd ‘ It isreported that both ter mm: used freely uf) against thg rioters. There we? several fires‘ in var-inns pa Ls of the cit evar bein‘afimnll hog‘ou. Quite a‘humbqr of Ir lmd some butleries Imm Isz city. The ‘on rnl your (noon \Vefim:§ey is over. the mob fearingtl . troops from the seat or w‘ . \\ A large numbernf {ami ies have removed from the city, and the éxo usatill eontinhea unn alied. ' ~ X - ~77 T 19 rapbic communi alion~ with the Emst’lnje notbeen resume l yet: \ 1 Two hotels on Conn and street were somewhat dnmazf‘d, es; ially the hm. The Hudson River Railroad train come only to Ybnkers, the tr ck on thin aide being torn tip. i ’ l' \_ The inhabitants of Yohkers have orgam ized to protect, tliexmelv ~ and two compu mea were'huit night garri. ning the omenal. At Terrytown.the inhabitants are like of gnmzing. - ~ , There is a great crowd around the Pro duce Exchange, threatening tho‘ destrue tion of that fine building. Brooks'é great clothing establishmentfon Cnthiririe ”street. hm. been, gutted hy the mob, who rnbbed‘. it of 3634000 worth or clothing. Women and boys are etirrying: ofi‘ the clothes by affmaful. , ' There was quite a seriauh riot on Staten; Island lflStJlight. Abnnd ofrufiians; ruini baring five hundred, roamed in detached bands over thc‘lshinll, hunting negroel oh tensibly, but. realiy bent on plunder. _ , A. fclachment of the Eughlll,tegimcnt with wo howitzem, has been sent down. Mayor Opdyke PPGOIBEIWIId/S’the immedi~ ate proclamation of martial’law, end GO7~ ernbr Seymoh; oppose: it., ’ « w’l‘he‘ «uglier \dippn’ttches from 'New York on Thursday were calculatelbto lend to the belief that mob rule had guccumbed to the regularly] xcnnntituted _nuthoritiesh bu‘tlnter telegrams brought the information that. several riots occurred during the af-l ternoon, and, that as late as ‘lqur o'clock‘ quite é,‘ deSpemte fight was going on. Arw tiller; was used by the niilitury at several; points. and many of tho rxoters were killed! and,Wouml'ed. Numerous casualties oc~ ‘ chrred elm among the military. At Staten 1 Island the riolers seemed to have almost l undisputed sway, and many of the citizensl with theix families were leaving for a glues ol'aztl'ety. Large accessions were nun e to the military force during the day, and it was. expected Ll) at the mob would be sub dued during the night. Andrews, one ofJ the leaders of the riot, it. in said, WM oop tured and is now a prisoner. . l [jg-At Boston a disturbance occasioned by an attack on an officer serving 'dmfl notices 'oocurrod on Tucuglay afternoon, but was soon queued by the police: At. night, howievor, a mob gathered and broke into savers! gun Item and nude Ink-tank on In armury. At therurmory Mime" were fired on and one killed and one m9r~ tally wounded. The crowd subsequenfly dxaper'scd. ' . 'fi-Smilh, the nice—«trap man, now in the 110th New York regiment, was badly wounded in the leg at Gausb‘urg. » But ho has "jnnt one more icl'tJ: ‘ ' BATTLE or GIm'YSBUEE' One of the best. and most graphic accounts of the invuion and the late repulse, which we hue seen, in the following. from the pg. of Mn'Cooka, the Ipoc'ul cormpondm o' The Age: 7 , ‘5 The battle 0! Gettysburg will bounce! the longest romomberod of all the homo; of ' this war. It is the only content yet fought lupon Northern soil. It repelled an in". lsion. It was sanguinn'ry and dcs'pomle.- i Both trmiadmd good positions. and. what Lil most unamnlous in war both occupieth 'such advantngeous ground that neither could drivgfitho other mug. At (l'lll'eu-nt times dunng the battle on h commanding general contemplated nretrbat. Ono made; it, but the other did not. Both Leo \sml Meade Wished to act on the defensivejhut, misnpiareheminns mnde each attack at dir ferenmimes. Ind both sttacks ware defen ed. Poor: Reynolds lost his life when driv en back from his advance on Gmhlown; and Barksdslo fell as Longstreet's Grand Division was repulsed in their fierco attack: upon theCemeu-ry. Euchcommnndcrm», relied upon reinforcements to nccomplislru his purgose. 'Memlo received his; but [mo got nono. Eightythousumlmen fougfitnn. each side, each army sup )ortod by at least.“ Izhllndl’ed mum. and lho lOssos mny he snfely state?“ one-fifth 100 wholenum her engaged. Gettysburg. : small inland. town, hns' béco'mo as famous as Waterloo. ' , , nu: mfi'u: nun. ‘- ‘ Op chnpsduy mo'rnjn v, J ulg'LGen. Roy— noldn; with twenty fivo thousand men‘. th‘a advhnpe of the Federal nrm)’. npproschod ' Gettysburg fro'm the. southeast and began the groin. shuttle. This field upon which it was fought was a peculiar one. The South; lMouMnin. u long ridge several miles west ot‘b‘ettysburg, is the greot land-mark, and the most prominent spot. near the town, is the hill upon whiclf stood the unfortunito hut famous cemetery. Gettysburg is litua—‘ ‘ ted in a valley.' Two ridgw, I mile spar-t; pnrallrl to each ”other, giro on'oach side UL the valley. It “ml the ridges lro sll annex—r the cononyity bejng tofvnrds the east. It ' ‘wula upon thesrl-idggas that the bulls wu‘ ‘fought, tho combatants advancing and ro- ‘ ' treating through the tam; sml Across tho‘ volley nb’ov‘o nml below it. There is but one stréum of \vslerpn tho field—4l nnrrnw swnmpyono. a mile south of Gettysburg, ‘ l which runs zigzag down the .va’l'loy townrdu A the Monocuoy. Tho lines of battle formerl‘ , byxhe two armies Were upoh these ridges, {and rewm‘blc tn'o‘horsoshoes,'one inside of ; the other. ' ‘v ' e‘fieventh Avenue ' mt nine o'clock “Hem! pieces of gimant reherve h;emhlo at. nine I he Bth,9Lh,lUlh nks. ~ , , ' ram; for thifléen Im! 10 P. u. lunged to a tree in ‘ thing wuls then set ! complqtely fr9m_. 't Kennedy was sa~ lkilled. M reported. pl'cnded in this city; 4 'nm BAT'TLIt : I}! all the contain. except‘tho opening me. the enemy attacked." 0n qunusdny morning. Generuklicynohls, wilp the P‘ml- -A eral mlvmlcn. approached Hm town from the southeust. [(6 passed thmugh Ann! 1': outnn the was! sidoxtanrda Chnmlmm- ' burg." Ho marched ge'vergtl miles, was‘mug by the enemy in s‘rbnger fhrco, uhd uftur a flight contest mu mlunpelled to rubiu-.—-_ The enemy flushed him v'ory huh], nml ho came intolhp tdwn on 11 run. his lrmlur gmng along cwrg available rdm), and ,ruuh- ‘. E - urtuin parts 0 113‘ from coming.— llq‘von and Hudson in ilarn up.’ J I“ th Avgnue Uo~ lgundml dtytmying to have, it, mm ob- I' lemnndml. It is i :Iku destrbyod a. gas ting out. ‘on the MS! aide, clqst'ly lullmvml L by the enemy. Que nfhis brigndos'cumu Minn“ the “'l'npa worm” filth it Confederate {brigade nit onqhaiile of it. All thrbc Warp ism-mm, running as hard M they ‘cnuhl— lthe two outisidu omm pouring u lionvy fire into the contra, mu. ofwhich‘ than drhppoul killed (it wuumlod, at nlmnaLover‘y t'oouslop. This Fetlnritl brigzulfi. in running that turri hlo gauntlet hm hali'foi'ita nn‘u. Gl'yntll'fll filrynhldu was killml, and (itvttyshnrg mm Slant; but t‘hg' Fi-niurnl trmpu “UPGWHIUII in 'mnunling tho Cemetery hill, and lhu n'ne- Emy com—6r! pursuing._ At night the c-nuiuy onvnmpml in the town and tho Fo-luml itrmw ‘nn the hill. A ~’ ’llixringcwmlnominy night’andfi'l‘humlny morning the two armies wore concomn- .. ‘ tinzgn tho two ridges, whitgh wore to he ‘ ne'xtdny'n lines of battle. and by noon on ' Thin-5d y each genarnl had a force of nigh 'ty thoannd men at. himlispmnl. 'l‘li‘ap ho gan‘ the groin artillery contest, the infantry __ on both isit'los crmxching {Whin'rl fence: [ml "065. an in rifle pit... Tho Fodmgl gql; dim-I in the Cemetery laitl many 0! tho tombstnnm on thagroundfii prqvont injur ‘ry, so that. many escupud. 'l‘huro mu but; little infantry lighting on Thursday. and” neither party munlo much impression upnu‘ .tlm other. Tlu’: Gmfeilcrnlogigwlhu town omm! ;bii!riuttlt*s, and had their ~lha‘rp— shooters pin-toil in ovi'ry available spa}, pit-king oll'l“mjernl soldiers on the hills to the north pf the cemetery. _ ’l‘he cunnpnmlo was fiuicn nml incewunththo shell {ruin .boih sides flew ovur étnd ‘into the dmmtml tnwn‘. Buy-milkilling:undwgunvlingbronk- / in; troes and fluttering Houses, and mak ing Minivl‘ui noipn, however. Utisycuunbpul¥f bpd‘bm littlo‘ rfi‘e‘ct an the result of the, '. battle. Birth sides {blight with great. fumc- 'ty, and neither couid drive the other. out.‘ of pwitinn. , _ ' am. The. pal-mo 1 finally beat 03' Fe is considéynbh One negro house flmyed, um! 15 few nut-y street were 1;; horribly maL grape rind canib wvm lan night ‘duririg the night , u‘curl)’ all, how- [)5 M 6 arriving, nlre'adx reached apresslun at. rim; is «gm thy worst 6 arrival bf tried On Friday night, fearing tlfnl the enemy had Rankin: mules which might turn his four, (hm-ml lMe'ado had serious ifflanliovm of relrenting and lie called a counml bf War; I‘be mlvicapfsome genémli, Emmet, mull ' the crlpgure of his courier. wglh- fisgmkug from Richmond, from which’ih was me! that the enemy would recoiv‘e n 9 voila/larch mental made him decide to romii). . ‘\ On Friday morning General lace de not \ dirire to make the attack. Hth the Ell-t: l p riority nl'the Federal poeiti ,nml wished 'to entice them out. ofit, Wu 'intgrthe l vnlliy. With this Jeni, he withdrew all l ofhiii harpshoote'ii andinfsntry from (Iw. 'tyshulfi.‘ Phe deserted town lay tlr’ “attempting hait/ but General M 4 men“ hid. quietlybehind the («not treety and him 5 upon the hills. could look don/n into the “rails in everything/fihich _wnl in progress‘z A y saw the o my march out nmireti _to the " somlnnrfniut made no advanoegnud tho I Confederates gained nnthingX/tho move‘ . . men}. A parting salute of gkntry, howl evef, from a knoll north 9(the cemetery, accelerated the Confeders’te retreat; ‘l’or. {dime time the town had scarcely a soldier in it. Scores of dead/and wounded men and horses, with broken wagons, bricks‘ stones, timber, toriclothing and abandon: ed accoutrementsr. lay here. The fright/On od inhabitants peered out of their Window: to see what the armies were doing to cause such a lull, and almost afraid of their ow shadow, they hastened away and crouch“? in corners and cellars at the sound at every shot or shell. ' General Lee’s evacuation had no effect. Meade was neither to be enticed into that town nor into the Willey. Enough dead bodiee lay in the fields and streets togivo him warning of whntlmppened to p 00! Rey, nolds two days before, and he wisely deter. mined to stay where he was and let eventi shape themselves. The enemy soon became , impatient. ‘Thcy could wait no longer; and after much solicitation from his subordin ates, General Lee permitted General Long street. to send his grimd division on a charge upon the cemetery. The Federal soldiers were on the alert. ,Ihey were hid behind their embankment}, some kneehna 3nd some tint on the ground. The Confederate nrtillerycpened. It. Was an fierce a canon: nde as the one the day before. but instead of being smead all over the line. every shell . was thrown at the cemetery. Experienced soldiers soon devined what was coming, and in every portion of the Federal lino the cannon were directed towards the val lq in front of the 'cemotcry. All were , ready. Amid thefurious fire from the Con- fl federate cannon, scarcely a Federal shotwnq heard. The nrtilleriau, implements in hand, crouched in the little ditches dug be: hind their cannon. With arm: loaded, we infantry‘unit‘al the char 3. i’ It noon came. Ptom tlgie wood of short; acrubby timber and the make hair the sen; r» inary there rose uyoll. It was 11 long, loud) unremitting, hideous screech from them and: of voices. At the yell the Federal . cannon opened. Soon the enemy’s ooh? “‘ nmn’s emerged from the wards. They » . came on .ruoli clown the hill, weiving «Mun nrms and still screeching. They climlw ‘, team ‘and rushed along, each one bulkfi‘l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers