“gublic mind lm.gro)r3l callods \md velvemed‘iflows. Bhndas. It feels $8 no imxiety can nltnr or rum?! the for him: of bBlllO. The fate of the country in ‘in thohmuh nf‘n higher pawn. and men 73- wnie the deci~mn-mmo with resignation and morn mtb tho npmhywpich retails from f.nnlz~m.—A/bm,-/ All/1.9. / “r 1 What A yioturel The pe‘Dple ciaßtxu-md 'by ronpnlm blows; the rebellinn n‘m’d‘ush ed in three momha, but m the tP‘irdé'e‘fir of :11? war, My" a million and a 1m [ohm]- disr-s I" ve been omit-ed up, with three hilv lion's 0;. dollnu 'in mnnny, the Phsidenc calls tor {OO,OOO rnnlitiamfln to roflel invn’ Siam. and top“:- ?ennaylvnnia: Washington, and Ohio. Auhis mm when; 3qu W3lO 53nd f This in the mm?! of the nekro poli éy of (his ‘Adminintfiiflon. Ablwhodied men at home are ms mlunhlg in Pe'piqg thv natinn alive as ableybodied me {in ‘the army. Lubnrers are getting scare . The :xrnmiron of the Adminintrnlion huvq failed. .I'he negro pn‘icy-in bringing the co' try to diagrnco and ruin. Iflile Adminis mion. with the :mmiamw armies, and sums fmon’i' cy. and a mat intwy, that have been ipluced in thnir hnnds' have produce-d pr ‘ pt. ro ‘suhs, we _coulh ask, how many mn man and how. much more mnney will I de mand. to,qccqfilp_liub their bbjecu. H[14:11- fma’ Tunes. | ‘ ' _ u. Afar-ray; B. Llréirizr—This nlolo‘rioul.“ r not inlnmnas, pore :3) made a speech . the Pllllalk‘l'lhlfl Val Imngue, the Mb 1’ Ova» mhg. ill the c a se af‘whicl: he remnked: l «This-war is! r tlm-Alrrc'an and ln have. ‘ The six llunlln nl colored. men who b-Ve’re unully fallen ll ve elevated the race: For all I knmz the .'apnlé-nn of this mu 1; y be (lune up ln‘n 1 wk package. (Laru Ker.) “'0 have» no evlclance bf bl! being, :10 up in a mule one ‘ fiet. When thus w:\ .‘l was no larger LlrlfisyzlmxyL I said xl'auny egrn‘ Maul-l hrmg m his «llalnyul mnswr’ and; I would unfu hi '_ one lmrlro nu’rlfi yn orm of his dis‘lfi’yfd master's 'hnnfu‘l VIA.— (Lauglater nnd +bplause.) " u~ _K =7“ * M" -~‘--',— u! l ~ WOW atredt's are beginning tn“! 'l9 u pmnful remzndvrrxhl'the desolnllng no ‘test we um waging Ill‘nquVirginiu to ‘flre G lit- The maimmln d"fi lt meat us at n rly every turn. nml' supplicyingly armlo. m lagles. mv‘ndxcufnlsf, Hmmm long ago ‘[ lk-L ml in our mk ad i‘inng mun, enungyltbo bread nf‘indlapen‘vienm‘. now obuluculllhe ‘ nlqll-wulkc. miwrnlflelnnd wretchwl ”'.‘fifil’d; ‘ while the widuw With her wgedi mp P! along a livhlg but silent. repmncll {.93 no who aros’nrgmg nn 'thifis cruel war. and . x: gaming :1 lam; tall» Malgughmr. arm-pl) '1 all all lliutn. (ix-01:91: llédnbl‘hnrl- argytrion JP:- ‘ pod. mm mournlnga—Putsburg huh?“ 4 l" _ w’l‘lm finnko’s fio’ionl is m 1113 flail-E .22 the x‘umlcrc 1"» in 519 tongue. - .' Suociai Notioei. ‘: Singer E: 0033 Letter A Family Saw inf; MEFhine, \\ ith all the ne'n Igxx3lro\fl§zq\nll tlh-unm-r. Br-Udnr, fiimler‘ Felitn’l, __TAlkarr, (‘m-(h-r‘ Gnlhrrcr. ‘.kc '. h‘ , kw”; is fie CA I mind I&9]an mnflyenylilu] Manning-11 fir l'muJy sewing“ and light m-mufnct‘! yunrpmw 'lt nmku HH‘ intorrhu'kml lii (.w..pirh vi ul Lt- on imlh siJv-hflml Inn! 1' pushy fnr' 81'“?ng ALI. Ku‘xus‘o! cloth “ah ALL “.\n; «.1 ”mud. Hutu heath: “r” M I‘m finnsr muslm, nm he lawn in {in mm on xhis n'nu'n‘iue,; IL ml! use 300 «“8?!er :H “911‘!“ .\'n. 30 llurn ihrcad. ‘ it (-111 d.) camouly be knnwn'by srrin l;lll)l;l|F (Mimi. Th> Folding-(up CM Me (If the nmr Imp! smm! mm (la n spa u'nnm: Hm: min-t valui IL mu) Lu ( {mi hubs! :nlml‘ LIME =lll st*.tnin thew ri ‘t in uzu it "my be whan (he "Lu hint: ls nI [ha (5' the Working p 31!“ qru ‘l‘: 'no other axioms: EOlll l-m. uh ('1 pr‘ 1y? {lm “‘QLJ'I:H|‘. T! unequgl IL“ "I mtfi-‘r A in‘simpluily, dnrnhjiily, l “r row-"t Mn}: In; all ‘mn 2y Sawing M-u-hiue l-lpuhly Mia] Carmiut rum n.’ im 0;}. ~ The i- f'ir‘hm'hniuguw l mv‘mn. .55 duh! )lnnufl npulnr lnr tnu.!!y usé as . ct't’mlg Sl‘lc‘um-s Am» for I|:~\uu'm‘3ut.ng par-owl“. >3 1_ ' 'l‘b} Emmi) U'rxrr :lTl‘. “'Lfi Lupplied Lilh bvqlplmhly ‘ n ‘ 11 :- . Runs] fur n run-Jum- and) n enm- of“Sx an 0,. 1'“ Pro .quy. J. Y 5" (Tu s (I \2' TH: " MIME dz, sin [ln-Mull mint: ‘14:! ..Mphj‘ ufi t-WLLM'bhfi It him J'me‘ .'s’, ir‘u’i , .\gt ms. 111 fictguhhug gush Remedy; 3 The Grc’at‘}: " 81.: h“ CELEZHLxTx'm \‘ inxr's' Ia Z FEAGALH PILLR,‘ ; jr‘uw i.- llll'vllllllif iuhha; lul nu] duggvrouu disc qua-hf ruuslmniuu. “I ‘ - rsi. mnmu-s 2le ohul'fllc “no. flnjl llringE on 11¢. guhrny. _ ”ll 7. at be: Inked by {rm bl nng‘llm nul- was: me “Tin-it on Misc-lid;- itiwr time mud in “try fecxly safe. If‘ 3 and Spinal Aflectimn, Limbs. Hem-inc“. Bi -0“, l’nklpihziuu of “fl, pirils. Hyslerics. S‘hk‘ M 1 the painful {neutral eredayslem. tin-Iv Pi_ s at“ other I:3:qu ha a . .l pmnphlet "my“! all!) he: c-u‘efqlly pruén‘éjh in wt‘lefcunmiuiug D lining 3X um! 6 threa .c. ‘ 'M Thu iuvnlu mk‘mc mzrr nf‘n" lhuse uni on» nn'xdvm m 1110 , LLmudu rue: “H vx Um“. ffigl’ll' w?) xtcn r it‘rwmly hi'r'm’l “31h The“: Pulls sigoul'd t‘lvxt Mi lIYV‘LZ‘P'I'II 1 \uflmrns a; they :1": +uz at mr} « nth? rt no (Fl-_\’ lire pl' MIMI Imm ans-" 4 u! .‘(errm Imiu‘in 1n» But-k and “MW (m flight k‘xm ”wart. LO‘.\HE‘~.§ of 1 H.-m}u’he, Whilea. nm nvcnsinnvd by it diirm “2H etfe<~t_ qcure whe faded. j ' ‘ Fun \Hiocfinns in , package. which should} The} can‘ be sent m pl‘fli, you rinse, bv em~ (em stamp; to any. age For MlN—sy .L D. Bl: all Dragging. man, Gettysburg, nq‘d [Fcb.16,1863. 1y; ue Sqfi‘ering. “ 1 - mg", while'uborin 1 ,n, win curld of Co w rmmmp hm! fililed, b ‘ learned physician 1'; ‘ * ofJed‘do. Thil‘recipg, .ra who were lufierin" ' nchilis, Sore Throa ; , :e debiiily ind nervou ‘ ”disorders. 5‘ I om’im, I will send“ ‘ e bru‘izght home with reref cfiuge. 4. COSGROVE,’ ‘ ! {anon Avonuo. ~ Brooklyn, N. Y‘ A. CardTto t .The Rev. Wmnu ( as n .\lissinn‘nry-in Jay. Lumpxion, ‘whenta'll on] a recipe obtaiuyi from sidulnz'iu lhé g cgt Guy 'lll3 Aured great! numb {rum Uonsumpflnn, Br] ‘lfnughg and Colds. and t‘ ,jt-pression caused by m Desimus of hem-film: this receipe, which I ha mo. 20 a“ who need it, Adm-en ’ Rev. W 43 Dec. mung}. I] Impomuit ncovory. , Ru!" :2: TI. Mucus. BRYAN'B PULMONXCEWAFHRB an nubil -1“ in the cure of qughl, Cold}, Alchm, » armehitil, Sme Thu-052,3 Houruneu, Dillon“ framing, [incipient Consumpuou‘, gnu Dig clues of the Lungs. The! have no tale of medicine. and any child will fake than... Ttoviauda have been Wont» health tbu had befor: deapaired. festimony given in hundryda of ones. A single dou nliovu in Ten Minutes, ' . Ask for Bryan‘s Pdmonic Wafers-the origi. . ml and only genuine is stamped “Brynn."— Spurious Kinds Are ofl'erec‘ for Isle. Twenty tive cents a box. Sold by dealeyl gouonlly. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, . - L Rochester, N. Y. ~go: sale by A. D. Dunn“, Gepyubnrgmnd all firnzglsu. [Feb 16, 1863. 1y New Jersey Lands for’ am, am, Gumtx on. anmeu, suitable _t‘of Grapes, Pemhea, .Pean, .Rupben‘in. Strawberries, Blsckhurios, Currants, #6., of I‘2}, 6; 10 up 20 left! uch, u defollowimr price: for the presem,.viz: 20 um foLSZOO, 10 am: for $llO, 54cm: {hr $6O, 2} acres tau-$4O, 3 lan 1‘0: 320. Paynblé by one doHu a. week. Aim, good Cranberry lands, nudyfllase lots m CflBTWOOD, 25 by my. feet, a! $lO each, pnyablc_hy oile donu- a Mack. The above Ind:- and fsrmn’ are situated It Cbohvood, Wnihington township, Burlington county. New Jersey. For fang" énformhtion IPl‘lfi', with a 1’ 0. Séamp,for {circular-.10 - , ' i B. FRANKLIN CLARK, , No79€Ctdar Street, Xew York, N. Y. 14.1). 26, lacs, « THE CONDUCT 0! 211: WAR. - The New York Evlm'ng Pan, I 81131!“ Re ‘publiran paper, very truly lays: “Ifgovennmrnt will attend closely to the warmml if military gentlemen will go and fight the enemy, we shall hour less ofurreui nnd othrr «bum at. home; but to my polit: icnl offenders by milihn-y courts will nnt put down the rebellion: to arrest women (or flapping lhcir crinol’mcs m. the s’mr Spangled banner Will n'nt put 'down the rehellinn; but m‘mus our armies and to so plan qur summen, campign u to defeat and rnu’L and destroy the rebel “mile.— that Will put. an end not only to the rebel lion. but to all mischiovouu and silly mani {gsmciom of nympst-hy Will: it which’oppear ‘ in the free Staten." Taken from so loyll A lburoe. no trust the nlmve exluct. will not, be considered: Reasonable. and will onl ndditblt duringi the pustrtwo your: the Lincoln administra- ‘ tion hat-__hnrl :3 command men and means‘ enough to IIIVB opp uered, if properly ban-i dlod, any nachnnf.%drope—'-moro than the grant Nupolnn commandeql in any two yenrrof his eventful career—more dial! Al ennder lwl with which to conquer t world ~nnd yet the! All this blood but been wash, ed and this enormous trauma ~qurmllerl-d. i whit'good malt bus been nthined? Willi lame unqualioning sup tier of the Ado. mininlntion Imwor l—Pfilol 4! Univ». 1 “Supporting the Government. "L-Ctrcumxtan e9: hlu-r cam. A friend. my: a ‘cotem 0- rain. was enduvoring to texplain to I £9- pubiican. whq could not lee it. the dim-r -encp between the Govemnptnl and the Ad minislruu'un. The Gnvvrnmenl qu‘ the llt‘l' tlvd and mrmnnent’will of the pimple, u expreued in {the Canslitutitinunqd laws; while the Adminiqrntinn consisted only at certain intlividunlu, chown’TrOm mine to timp, who were thermal": {gitbfiil to the Governmnnt or otherwise. accordingly As they administeredth Constitution‘nnll the law's with fidelity or not. The Republican thought. that the Administration Wu the Government for tho time being, And Wu, therefore. to be supported in its dninga. whether one agreed yith it‘or not. _“I luppuga. then." paid our fi-iin‘d. ‘Qyou nip pnrtpd Mr. Buchnnm when 110 ‘wu in of fice.“ "No. I didn’t." uiu’ he; “do you think [would uphold Inch tn old guitar AI 'hM'" "Well. but his administration In the Government. lb la‘s [on reusing.” ‘Mh. ’lha one in difi'é‘t,” 1n: All the reply. ‘ ._ w ‘ . ' .‘larviagt cf lit-Gov. SprawL—The New ‘ part Nun um“ that Unc- Right Reverend [fiinlmp of tho/1200919 of Rhode Inland will u'ini! Hie cilyml Washington. in A few days, for'thegwurpmo of uniting in the bn‘ndu of matyimuny Ex Go’vvrnor Sprung. rioq U. Lgflmlnr from filnode Iylnnd. uni] Mm K,“"' Chum olden daughter of the Score u'ry of tho Tag-usury” € Hie Compiler ,for the? Campaign. The Im-mnching Gube‘rnnipriq] cdmpmgn willbezoiu of the (post importaliilnriid there .fnre one of flieummt in! restingqver WI:- ”9!!in in timii’ld’xlipygtniie; Fee-ling 11ml no «(firm shriubl—‘hu spar-ml by the Dem!)- rrntn- [iambic give 11m poop}? It“ the light pasdible, «(slim labor unconeinifly to that «ml—never forgetting the happy amt proa pPrnua condition of our countryl under Di-mocrntic 'ruis, Ind the_lud piclnrfi it presents under the guidance of tanntical and :lnsuuclivelAfioiihonism. Tn driving f'n‘r the wages: ofiDbmsn‘ratio principle: and men. v'e shall be doing thaLwhich iyvo con-giontinusly [believi- to he for the griod of Hm country. Thai impugned. and "do— airing to inert-nan to ~mhevhmgm extent the munbpr 9f read”: of the Count“. ‘we _huv‘p- cnnciudéd to furnish it.fnr thq Sum psign—frpm tLiuAin‘Le-unfil after die-'O6. tnbhr election—u! the low prion of FIFTY CENTS, in 'admnu. , We trust.l {but qyery Democrat in the ,cnumy. fur thevsn'ke of the" gimious Qld cause it! which (we are mulua‘ily engaged. mll'iuterm! himself in this matter, and each send us at lens: nne subscriber. > my» far. ‘ 15' VFW! ‘ i‘rh rx n t it tlti per. pool 'll-“ ,;I'bd TEE MARKETS. G'ETT Y'SBURG—SATUIfifl LAM H0ur............ Rye' F10ur..._... While “"hen'r “Hi When"... (‘urn ............. f{)'e'............... huts ............. Duckwhul .... Clmer‘HM-d ... Tin‘wmy ,Sec'l Fm Seed .... Phat-r or I‘nriu -.....;.......,..{.'..... Hunter ground, per bag....-.."...... BAL'l‘WéllPFuun mu ......... a on w c u ....n...;-.~..1' 1 35 ‘.o 1 7o ...............4 1 11:01 13 so mi .35‘ ’71“; 74 a so :0 5 75 .. 1 00 \o 3 s’o . n no '.nH 50 s 75 u 7 :5 Hpur. W'hrnl Rye "urn... Unto Cloror‘Sc-ed Timxilhy Seed are! Canto, per hunduum.‘ Hogl, per" hund............ Huy......... ......... ......... ...l Whit-key Uunno, anwhn. per ton , HANOVER—Tun”?! nu Flour, from w:g0:u..... .\.,......... _ .00. from 110rer.........:.......... Whoa: f..........,................ Rye .. Cnrn..;.......‘..............m..." mu............. 2............... .~. C'onr 5eed.................... Timothy 50nd1..................‘ “but“ ' ' 13m % ”Obituary notices 3 cents per lino‘for I“ our {ourllnu—ulh to Accompany nollco. 0:1 ‘he 21d of Shy, Ir. ADA! SANDRRS.or Humiito‘nbnnrtovnlhip, mod 6?. yun. - On th. 19th Inu.,in Butler township, Mr. CONRAD BLAYBAUGH, Aged 68 you: 9 month: and 29 days. On the 23d mn.,iu lennllon town-Mp, JOHN DION. non of Joup‘h Wolf, :god 3 years 9 month: mud I: dun. ; Notice. HE luhncrfbel, Sheri! of Adaml county, bu In'hil charge I HORSE which in Inp poled to be stolen. The person who in nu pocted of Itenling him 1: in highcnstody under ‘urnL Tho ham il a light bay, full 18} h‘fldl high, rising leven yen-s old, star on the foreheld, Ind hu 5 lump on the left shoulder. clan to the neckwnlso Saddle and Brjdlo. on th horse. The owner by proving property pouclullvely Ind indemnifying me lo: 11l char-gal Ind can”, can have the hem. ‘ SAMUEL WOLF, Shortl- Juuo 29,1863. at. ‘ 1 COAL OIL-m. , , on. n. Hanna's 9mg Sum R. TOBIAS’ colehnted Derby Condniou : Powders. for Horse: Ind Cum, for ul- Lt Dr. HORNER’S Drug Store. ADIES’ Clbtb for Cloaking, a new mpp}: just. recuved at FAHNRSTOCK 830% . UCUUBBR PICKLES, I Lxrge lotjun ro— ceiVed from the city. in prime order, It KALBFLEISOH‘S. RAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS,or Old Homestead Tonic, a: Dr. B. BURNER/S rug Store. ~ OTTO” GLOVES, for in And Boyl. cm I. had cheap s': SCHICK'S. LL the best. Patent cine: run he hqd A “die IfEn' Family: 111 sud Prescription . tore of ' _ Dr. E. HORNE!“ ' Salisbury Bros. 8:00., I Notice of Inquest. o. 37 Donnnxca‘smssr. and 0 .'Nrom‘s i. henna; given 10's“ the belt: 67 WEYBOSSET STREET, l i and legal reprcsrnlnliqu of CEO RQE PROVIDE‘JCL', 11.1., .\‘L'LL. MP of Hamilton townqhip. Adams Proprietor; :1! one or :1 (most. extensive JEW- county, din-caged. viz :.Joseph Null, (the pe sz MAKUFACTUPJC: m the Eastern ‘ lilioner.) mm Nun, Dunne! s'nn. Calhkrinc, Slates, ng Lo call the attention of the com- (inlenmrriod with George Brown,) and Su munuy generally (0 tin.- Very SL'RYXASING snn H.|niillon. (widow, who has been pro Ten or CHEAP RATE 5: which why are offer 3 their unsound mind,‘ but has no Committee to uh;- goods, In surpassing Lu”! Poceign And 00- cnre ofher esune. nnd who has assigned 'nll mastic Manufacture: m point of elegance ind her intern: in the rstuc to Joseph chnerz) rul durnbilityl ‘ .' land aim len grand thildmn. bung the chil- ——~ , ' dren ofLydia Brown. Sinierrnnrrird with Sam- FOR ”STANCE: ,uel Brown.) the said .ydin Brown bring de- For Finn! 'Donue we forward, nicely ceased below the death or her hither, and car«led,and pnc'xed in go". i order, the following‘ left the following named minor children, Vll: enormbulnunntity of Jewelry, equal in finish 1 William Brown), Aaron Brown, und Amos to any l’lnted Gold, and nut to be recognised i Brown. who have for their ‘guordian Henry from Gold only by the trv'ng of acids: , iWolf, Sn; and agrand (laughlkr, Eliza‘ Fried, 4 Set Enamel Vest Chains; 2 Plain Floren- ' axnimr daughter of Sarah. (infirrmnrrie’d with tine Pins: 4 Ear Rings to ma’tch: 3-I‘wist-Wire ‘ Jac‘ol) Fried‘.) which said puren s of said Elan Pins; 4 Ear Rings to match; 2 Plain Pins; 4 Fried-died in tlgllfetime of said Georgi Null, Rnrfiings :0 match; 25 Ladies’ Rings, Double: and the said Eli Fried: also lute]: but since Heart. and a variety of pgiternl : 50 Union Em. i the deceaae of said George Null, died intestate, Blame: $0 Scarf pins. Plain anilmitalion Coral; without iune, when Administrator is Samuel, 2 Double-Gloss Lockets, engine-turned; 6 Box‘rown ;. and said George Null lei} also a Ind Gian Pins for portrait. or hair; 12 unort- mud (laughter, Agnes Wolff‘jntermarried ed Lockgtr. Heart and Shell-Chnms,ud GBnnd with Henry Wolf, r., snid Agnes being a Bragging—gull for Ping-en Dollars. A collec- :daughter of Mary Srnngler, deceased, viho tion or this kind, when placer] in the hands of was interning-fled with John Spanglh'r, vibe is any one o! ordlnnry intolligencemngbtto retail . nl-o dOtOlSPd,—tlm£ an lNQUES'l’lwill be held tout lanai One Hundred Dollnrrl {out the following property. i‘idt' NO. X : i‘he Catalogues. containing full information and Mansion Farm, situate in Hamilton and Ber- Price: oi Goods, mm be obtained upon npiili- ‘wiCk townships, Adnms comm}. lmumle'd by cation.” Orders by Mail, Telegraph or Exprein lands of \lntildn Lawrence. Au ‘rew‘ Bunknrd. respectfully solicited. ~ 4 ‘ ‘llenry Woman! othermcontnining 85 Acres SAiJSBHRY'BRO3IJ: 00., , and ‘lep Perch”, and alumni res, more. or, 37 iDorrance k6l Weybolset Sm, ion. :50. 2: A Track ‘of Land, it’uale in ii", June 29, 4853. Providence, R. I, wick lownihup. Adams r_ouiuy. a jouiing lands "of Cyrus ‘Woli‘, Edward E‘mlt find others, lcontniniug 29 Ann-s and 80 arches, .pent mrasnre. No. 3: A True! pl‘ \ oodhind. siz iuute in Borwiok township, Ada a county; on .tlie “Pigeon llllls," adjoining la d 3 of Henry . Richter Jacob Bnrnitz, Henry W lifaud others, !contninmg n ficrea, inorepr ie s—on WED. NESDA'Y, the luadny of July ue t,‘1863,;nt 10 ’o'eloek‘, A. M.‘ en the premises, make pare li‘li-m or Valuation of the premis s aforesaid to innd amongst thereprescntutjvel of said dvce ‘ dent. in such nmnuerhnnd in Elch proportions in liynhe law: oi whis‘llommonr'enlth is di i rectal, if such portiiion cno he rode wilhout‘ ‘, prejudice to or spoiling the-whole; but. li‘sucli ‘pnrtition cannot 13:: model thereof, then "to‘ i value And appraise the some. I. l ‘ “ SAHUEL WOLF, Sheriff ‘ Sheriff's Oilire. (1011-rsliurg,} ‘ , June 25, 1863. 3c , ‘ ‘ . i ANJJo found at bil principel Oflice, No. 39 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphin, every Snturdny, and At 32 BOND ,Street, New York, every Tunsdny. All persons who stand in need‘of his ndvicé (for which no ‘cbnrge is mode) are invited to cull on him. For .n thorough exnminntion or the lung: with the Respirometer he chlrges $3. lt is.v'ery im portnot'tbntithe Dugnr should know the pre ciloatate of“!!! lungs, sad it is a great aunt: motion to th§pntienl to hnv’o correct informa tion on the a‘ubjett. It 1: well. thereforr, for every one who c'nn Alford the expensn; to hhvo a thorough rumination. Thelre is so ni'm h variety in onset of Consumption, that a dEn‘cr ant trentmeub may in requlrgd according to circnmutnncés. The “Imogen medicines of Doctor SClll-ISCK Ire adapted to till cues, but sometimes one or two of tth will he sumrit-nt. Occasionallyao box of MANDRAKE ‘PILLS nlone (coltidg 25 ce’nts) {illi relieve theJul ferer. if the diaeue in merrily a hnd cold or an obltwctiqn 'ol‘ the"livo-r. The I’l'lelONlC 9RD? is nlwnp required when {herb is my con’rn‘ disorder of the relpimtory orguna, indi .d by cough, pnine in the' brunt or side, difficulty 0! breathinz.’ it. This Sfi'ltl'l’ ‘puri ties the blood, from which it aopnntei the bile and expel: all diseased mutter, leaving the blood in u healthy condition; and thiuiisn vary con-idernblrpnrt ofrthe euro. TheiSEh WEED TONIC. in connection will: the PL'LMONIC SYRUP, il' IJnOIV. important remedy in nlmoqt every case of consumption; it removes that dehillxnteul'emte of the lyslem which always nccompwica pu!mo'ngry diseanohnnd which vol-_\- unencuusu it. _ ‘ , ‘ i ‘ 5m HM‘K’H SEA WEED TClNlClsirEngtht-nfii tlm‘hpputqte and improvra the 'digvation; And the innit-nit, msMuLuf being Mnfin‘ed tp a low“ ncnqty dirt, according to ‘.he nlxsmd custom which gent‘nlly prermls, in énytbled to digc-ti the mom. nnnrishing food. and that to gmin': strength; "“59 this is all glut i“ tereunry to. complete the cure. No‘matm- how (fit or rit-h l the (out! any hr, the Ska-Weed Tunic vsill I mulch It digestible, and by this means the wlmle: bud, is nourished and imigamtcd. When persuns feel crank and debilitated,» wine-glam: f ofthefltia-and Tonic will revive and strrugtlt; . en thr patient‘nt once. It n: n pleasant utimtt-‘ laut‘ or human, perfectly harmless: Frvrly‘ taken it. in a certain remedy ugutns‘t’chilla and VFOVPN. , ‘. I Tllli-SIAh'DRAKE PILLS rue itg‘Pr-dvd in to— more! .obstiuctions and carry ulf the diilf‘flled ‘ matter. And timi it appoints thnt nil three of Dr. SCHENCK‘S Medicinra are used in n mn-i Jurily' oi cdnsumptivo cues; and, if duet! pc-‘ cording“ mdircctioni, Lin-y aflqn’wuxunx.’ provided the disease in an advanced ton tit.- tn~ mnltc a cure possible. at- it certainly is if the lungs are nénfly deutroycd. ' I t y Patients will plritae t 6 take notice that whrn‘ circumnanceamnke it lmpoifilhl‘e (or them to hug I personal interric'w with Dr. Sch: nrkp they will know how to pracemi \with the 1133’! ofhia medicit‘tea,as_cach bottle inAim-mnpunhdl by'i'ull diryctious in Engliah. I%!th h. ‘Uermnn l nnd Spanfihyagd these dtréc innsduc so oral plicit that whntev'fimnfi he the. {arm at thu; direne, or the condition at" the jpntient, no mismke in the use of tlmmmlivineswianc pos mite; Met: bottle or PL‘LMustczjriwum is ‘qucatn'plni‘ed ll'y a psmphlet 4enmtbing the . dih’urt at forms of consumption. amllthqsymp- I toms are so acrnmtoly deac'ribrtt‘fthat. en-ryi tone may kuowwhtch o! the meditlm‘s is Ida-pt-l ed to his own particular cue‘. \ ] Several things arp to be esp'rinllfi ohiért’od, The patient must use the mrdmina accordtngl to directinniphe ntttst “old lain: cold. and he nm’at eat nourishing: food, ‘uking rare (oi chew it well; and‘he head not i» apprehensive of‘ltoo :tan or rich I. diet,"rfnr the SEA- l ‘ WEED TONI; Irt‘ll ttupowar the sauntm-h tn] digest nnythinz which .may promrly be (I|le , fund. vli' the" simplu ruled are chats-Rd. Dr.- Schené promises a ceruinrure, provided there i is enohé’h inf the lungs remaining to carry on the operations of nature., I I All who are pheptical on this aulijnct are in- ~ rited to call‘lt Dr. Schanek': rooms. 'in Sew i 1 York. Boston, Philadelphia orflnltimnro; and: 1 they will see, not only a nut amount of writ ‘ppm and printed .evidcnt-e. which ptov‘t‘l the! 1! cacy ofjlr. Schenck's chicines. hut they. ”will also meet. with a roam full of peanut who I are now being cured; and who are ready to; testify that they hate bun yacht-d, in some: cases, from. the immediate prospect of that ‘ by the use of~Dr. Schcnck's Remedies. Skepxi-I may hear from the lips oftlu-ae patients a dd, clsrntion of the benefit. thry, have lnvariabl 3 received from Dr. Schehck'l treatment, nest-l ; I“ of them being in exceltent shit-its 31nd i l confident expectation of: cure. 3 1 l . Dr. Schenck has been in conntnnt practical giving nd'ice andxxamining the lungs Moon‘- ‘ snmptive patients, for more than twenty yum The gut-es performed by him have been very ,numerons. and, m somtinstnncea, most won. t deriul. See his pamphlet. which anbe had ‘grntig’on application to his roams. ' ‘ Dr. Schenck’l Principal Office is 39 North ‘ SIXTH Street, Philadelphia,£n.. whsro letters thrpdt'ico should always be’fltricted. ‘ . WHOLESALEA4GENTS. a 15x05 so 4 so tum: '4O 1, 20 to 1 25 "30 175 to! 00 3 75 12,00 a: on was no (3 m u - ~:_ 9: no lEI ‘ ato ...,t on.» r sq ~ ‘ 95 j 6 00 L a co ’ Loo New 'York City, Conrad Fax, No: 81 Bucky strut. ' ‘ Bolton, XML, George C. Goodwin &_ Co., No. H “Artful! “mt. ‘ Portlnd, In, W. I'. Pbilipl, No. 140 mddle urea: ( I} Pimburg, Pm, Dr. 60mg: 3. Kayne , 140 Wood “mt. , , _ Innin Koch, Unity, Coiumbinn co.._ohlo. St Leah, [O., Bury many, corner Secong And Vim ureea. letimore, Md.,Bnh H. fines, lOOßnlLi more “re“. Washington. D. 0., Samuel B. Waite, corner Seventh um: And Louisiana "onus. Chicago, 111., Lord & Smith. No. 23 Lnkg at. Sun ancbco, Hanan", Smilli l Donn, 227 loulgomcry “net, Genenl Agent! {or Cugifotain. A > And laid by Drunk" and Stank-open toner-11’. ‘ ' ‘ PRICES: ‘ Pulmouic 8 mp, BL9" botfle,Bs halfdoun See-WW 6 goalie, $1 per battle,“ bnlfdozeu llndnh Pun, 25 cum per box. In!» 20, IS“. 15: JACOB XOUSE‘S ESTATE.—-Lfitun buta munury on ‘the ethic of Jacob Mouse, Int-of Union township. Adnml county, dec’d., lining been grated to the undersigned, the first nmed residing in the name township, and the last nsmed in Hailelborg township, York county, they hereby give notice to AU nor-ions indebted to said Hate to nuke im madmce puyment, and those hn‘xng claim: Against the same to present than: proper), ruthenium for "filament. _ . LEVI MOUSE, JACOB MILLER, June 8, 1803‘. 6" 2 . Execute". LYCRRINE and (YAMPHUR SOAP, to: parenting um! wrong we hues of Mug qmmoa and atherinaq n. at UK. R. HUM.“ ~ ~ Dr. I. E. Schenck Notice. r , •SLOte. Clothing. (V EORGE ARNOLD has nlowrgotnp. mnsl'ly § ‘l’ of His o‘wn mmwlncluring. g 1 reranrge i slox-k of cwrmxn, suilahile forlhe season, made in (he, veryrbost manner winner-Ibo lulcsk fn‘sllions, of every styleu'vnriety Ind size. l 'runninfi from Boys 4 yours old to the lnrggs}. ‘ sile tori—Man's went. “'q-hnve Boy‘sClolhing, | nll sizes id’ 891“. Also Men's Clothing, in 5 units, all of the slime mmerizul. a beautiful ur- “ m'lr. Also, Exln Goals, Ppnls, Vests, Slnirl‘p,‘ Urnwers. Gloves. Hosiery, Seckv'l‘iu, All of] which till he sold cheap for, the cn‘sh. Please call. No trouble lb show them. Mny11,1563. l! l l ’ V Sheriffalty'. .\‘COI'RJLGED by 'a numher lormonda‘x E ofler m) {elf as n qn‘nduht‘e or (he ofiire or nIIBBH-‘F. ‘suhjuc: to Me decision of’the Demon? tic (‘nunly Convcnrign. Bhpuldl he Minivan-«I and Miami, 1 Med}:- vast-Iho dis .clmrge ($l9 duties of the Univ; m‘ithhury, n . ‘ ‘ .\LIBJMIXJLER. ,v \lfi‘unflph‘ndnt ‘Pu nnc 2231363. ¥ 5‘ A . ‘ , 1 Come mth a Rush . HE undersigned \vouxd muskrcipcctfuny 'T informflnia muny friend?! ugd the [midi .gcncr’dLL thin hel has gum: ingu [lye Cloth ‘husineas, at Sam nn‘s uld curler, {mu-1y by Mr. Guéwunlun me Public qum 'tyshurg. l'nl‘ “I! stock. already (u lmu‘Hn enlivo‘d, to 'embmce ever GLUTHFXG. BUDTN. >110}: ‘ ‘l‘flps. Trunk, “tigers, Clocks. ' cl:_v.fi:lux, Pistols. unifiiu Vrlmth _ong‘a‘. 0.6 be found uh. and yuriay Hausc. 1", l‘nrticuhrs hereafter. ‘11; the meantime he invites everybody mg‘uc him a cull. He, iuw tends to keep to perfect :1 smck n 3 l‘b accom mmlntt- nil—lnd; with the hope (43.1er why, he hopes to lanky wining at smull lirolits. “No trouble is) s‘m"? goods, .md every ‘cfl'gz mndc ‘0 satisfy b‘uyeu b JACOB BR'INKERIIQFF. Ju'ne 15, 13w. 1! . , ,-__,_F_‘_. . ,_._-‘ .____._i.__.,.... __ . - Notice.‘ ‘5 ‘ 1 -, AGDALE‘M wwwu‘s Enhaqlee.» RE Len of administration on Link: camte'of M 37: axlexm Wider. luteorFrunMin “TIL, Adam! (20.. dcc'd., hafilig heen:grunled'lo.the under sngnc-l, resign-g in ‘thc same to'wusln’n, be hereby given notice to a“ person's indebted to mid estate to make immudiute payme'nl, and those having :lniuw ngnm‘st the snub to presenc them propel-l; Authenticated for lelflement. JACOB \HSLER,‘ Adm’r. June 8, 1863. cc. ’ . ‘. ‘ . ”Notlce. ' i e, . DAM MARSHALL‘S ESTATE—Later! of A administration on the esla'tq eif Adnm Mnrslmll, la'e of Mountplensnnt th.,'Adnma county, deem-Red, braving been'dgmilted to the undrruigncd. residing in ()xfor tqn-n‘ahip, he. hereby give: notice to all persons ipdehmd to Mid estate to make immediate pnfinent, and those haviug‘clnims 3g ui‘nst the mum to préunl them‘ properly authenticated for settlement. . JOHN GINTEH, Adgn'r. z Juno 3, 1563. o: ‘ L 4 . 1 Fresh Reinforc ements. -ql‘gsxmvmm 0m; Posxtmx.—,We I) in cvn-uutly adding nuw quppfliea to our : ITYendylnrge and .{hhiouable stock 20! 5 HAT§, CAPS, BOOTS AND SUUES. We Ewe envy style of Syriqg mil: Summer Hats, which‘in qxinlny and price author mil to please. 'Boy'a ‘nd Men’s Hat; In: On; aof every description, and of the latex-15M. Our stock of . , BOOTS, ‘ 33033. I ‘ ‘ . alumna, to., co., was never more complete; Ladies. Gentlemen and Childpentcau be moommodatemwith uny tlnnvg in lhisline. u we no hem-I1 prepp-ed now to '1: an and neuter birgnind than me: before. K2lf you want. bargains, goofl fiu‘pnd fuhiombu goodq, call u the fig: 6mm BIG BOOT, in Chnmbmburg urect. ‘ f Jum CULP, : ALEX. CQBEAS. June 9, 1862 ‘ Hay Wanted! 3 RE nndcm nel wishes to buy 500 tons of T good 8.8%. The highest market price paid in ml: for prime ,Timotby Hay. delivered u [Ail picking establishment in (Bahama.— E-rl n ' nions desix‘ed. ‘ y “if: WM. E. BITTLE. April 20, 1863. 6m* __. Queensware. .l . F you'nnx Anything in the QUEBNSWARE . line call at. A. soon: : mm, phenyon willfind the heel assortment town. , ‘- Much 24, 1862. ‘ $25 1] Employment. [s2s I AGENTS WANTEDI—We will pay from $l5 to $75 per month, Ind all expemea, Lo Ic tire Agenumr 'v_e,a commission. Particu l-n um. free. EM :5: Em: SlwmeAcmn Coll-unit JAIEé, Gene-ml Agent, Milan. Ohio. (£5318, 1863. 1y “PURE GROUND SHOES, selected mad ground expressly—fiat Dr. ROBERT HOR NEB'S New Drug Stun. J L. SCHICK has just received I lot of . cheap Looking Glussen. WE have jnst‘ received I new assortment of Queemware, to which we invite the sttention of buyers. A. SCOTT & SON. PRING BALMORALS just received a: . FAHNESTOCK BROS’. ADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS, in great V:- L riety,~jt SOHICK'S. , ECK TIES.——A beomiful "ailment. nt 4: .McILEENY‘S. LOTES, Cum”- » and Veztinga, cheap at C k . FAHXESI‘OL‘KS‘. ”M“ _ _ K * n 3; wmsmw's snormxu svntr. for children, at Dr. R. UORNER'S Drug ‘lurfl . u i , RUSSELL‘S SCREW POWER COMB. WITHOUT (‘OG GEARiSG. . THE LIGHTHSf DRAFT MOWER IN chin to buy the best and cllettpest. Both ‘ithese object: will be al power lost in overcoming tjte friction of all Cop-geared Hurrntors is sat «Mower and Reaper in the VH‘N'M‘L This lilcl has b‘u-n luily idemunstmtgd b; ‘mucbiue hns been anhjec’ted iuringilie lux lwo scuons. An‘mng the variou Themse of open mnl-tble it_ n gu-trds. will/n steel‘piate 011 face. ground 'lt Doublelljiligv-‘l Finger Bun-A-No Mu“ cricnn do good york, oh all kind ofln‘ ly' tastcned. “while passing from field. to field. Puteuli Adjust ‘ble Reel, lulu: field. Thereiia no side Dru‘ or weigl-t upon the Jiorues' rks. New am lightplny when the Renpeni attached. The suhu i 515!" wh is Agent for t clover and outs. and feels :- isfiedithnt All who 56': ‘tlris 'hine work w: on the lubskzriber, near 6' tyab g, on the Harrisburg r Id. , l ‘ i . v I, —— CERTIFIC‘ATESr-Wc r'or fy Ml we went to thc'fimn oleillinm Wible l with Rnsuells Sprew Power; .\loweg ingi Reaper. We l‘ouu Mr. Wible cull it‘coizld not have been'ddne‘l‘ ettn‘r 13y. any other machine. It in this lighten ‘ ‘ l l, ' i ‘We c’ertit‘y that. we.s.'nv_ MrfiWihle mow with the above mnebine'bolh in at consider it [he beat m'ower ‘we ever paw.‘ ” , ' March 23, 1868.‘ n l ' ' -‘. - w: ~ - - . Headquarters, Provost Marshal, ] . ‘ 410“! District, P‘runsglvnuis. ’ ‘ Clmmbersburg, It“? lgr, 1863. J‘ “E attention of the'pu bllc L 5 r‘nllt-Il Ln, the T subjoined‘circular fruit: lhe Provost. Mar ,alml General of glue linitwl Stun-s. ' GY. )RGF YIYSTI'ZR, , Provo" Murshal,lB';h Dish ict Penn‘n. CIRCULAR No. I.—Provorl Marshal Gm— erul‘s omue, Washington, DJ 0.,-Nay 22, 1863' All men who desire to jqin 'nny particular Regiment of Cavalry now ‘in the held, are' hereby authorized to prescht themselves ‘lny time ‘durlnz the urn thirty days. to e Board of Enrollmentiu Lhe'rfircspcctiv- is tricts. The Board shall extlmine lhc , cnq dflermine upon their fitness for the srrviee, And ilgfound to be m, the Proms: nnhal ol lhcv inflict shall _gire "them‘l nsporlatlon tickets to they-nerd! rendeno . M the held-1 qulrtera ‘of the A. A. Provo j Marshal Genet-r a! of the Slate. A; won 1: ey prey!” themg selres Qt this general re -ezvous they 111-ll be duly njuslerod by: ale-rink and ‘dilhurs ingoffi‘cer, and pal ' him “)1 bonny allow ed by law. = .Ile3 B. RY, ‘ V L ‘ Provost .\l ' hnl General. Nor: Th sereril-pnpcr [ln the District will ’pléns user! the abov. 3r three weeks ‘und scnd‘ nill to‘lhe Provost 'x ahnlut Chum;- bersbn : r , ‘1 Ju 23,1303. 3: l, . 3| Sold uérte . Provost“ arah‘ 'f q ltlthrgislrirt. Penglvnnif, } - Ctmmbershurg. Jun .‘L‘hty “1'63- lIE attention ofinll olficcr ‘who live been - honorably di§chargrd, :an ncopiint a! wound: or disability, is.cn!|gd:to the lfillowing circnlnr. i GEORGE? EYS'I'IE R. ProvestMurshnl. lmh l) sltrirt P'rnn‘n. ‘ CIRCULAR- No. 9.—-—‘Wa\r Department, Pro» to”. .\hrshul 'Genernl's Oflice, quliington City, May 22', 1863.—-The titention‘loi nil oflicbrs wawhsve been honorshly dwelling. ed, on ncconnt oi wounds or fiisflhililv, and who desire to rq—entcr thevservk in the invalid Corps, is rallied to Ilia provis o‘ns of Gen’e‘rul Ordl-r;,|No. ms. of [86.1, {rn like War'Dc pnrtmrnt, published in‘xhe pa e'rs lhmughout the country. Suclr oflivers a e requested to comply promptlv with the pr visions of vh-u order, and to send their writ! n npplicationu. I! therein proviulc'd, for positi as in {ht inu lid Corps (stating the characte of thnir disa bility). with as little dqlny As ossible‘ to the Acting As‘smtapt Provost Mn hnl General of' the State in which they may bi SnolfiAming Assistant Provost Marshal inrrnl will "at once furwqrd the applicmionfihwilh‘hia eu donement. to the! Provost Mar ”11' Geqenm Washington. 1 Officers forth: InvnfidCorps' ill be q‘wpoint ed immediately upon fusnish g the gpapers required by General Ordi-r N . 105, of 186.1. from the War Depnrtmrnt. Thei pay and rmol uncut: will commence from dnt of neciptluce of such appointment, and. no from date a! organization of the respectiremommgnds to which they may he nuigned. I-' , . . ' JAMES BLFREY, " 5 , Proms! )l iralinl ”ennui. :ept ,’ Gel , will he ‘Elyle Of 'nns 'ntcy‘cs, Jew ;vurt, everything‘ rs: My: blowing Mini—« The Iran-m 1 pnpérs in t 4? Distrm will please insert the above for ther wcelda. and lan}! bill to the Provost analjal at Chum bersburg. ~ ' Ju‘nes,lB63. 3: , ‘ Eureka, Eure 3! RE “ EXCELSIOR WASHER!” if no: ‘ knowledxed l'y I" who see it, to be the most complete, and without exception, themes: perfect Labor-Saving Washing .\lrching ere before invented. Its superiority? o'ver all oth ers combat: in the simplicity and durability ofita construction, the rapidity find complete. nes! at its work.nnd the almost ihcredi’ilg ease with which it is managed. A} child of ten your}, po~scssinp ordinary judgn ent, con lnrn to work it in five minute; time, and, manage it as well A! n grown pet-fan. e cept for very heitvytgoods. In I word this i; the machine thet is destined to tnke the plneeflot every other now in‘ use. Person: intvndingito get ' ma chine wlll find it greatly to 'their Minn. tage to examine thin ofifiéfifi-e purchasing. 'h: hndu‘ligned have purchased thn Putent Right for Aden" Count: (excepting one town ship) and are making-extensive prtpnruinns lor thdr munhcture. Every machine will be built in the heat manner and *nrnntei >Price $8 00. in connect‘on with this murhxne there is n Potent Wri‘ngrr; which performs this ind horion! part of washing with the ‘esten cane and much better than it can be (1012 by hand. They may 'be Attached to a.» common Wash Tub, and are sold with the machine or up antelgns desired. SAmplel of en‘r‘b may i e teen at our Gallery, in East York Styet t, appo site the Bonk, Gettysburg, Pa. " . - T 5308 BIfiQTHERS. June 8, 1863. ‘ ‘ o PREVENT ammo AND DRIVING OVER SIDE-WALKS, GL‘TTERS, _tC. 9 it enacted by the Tom: Council of the Borough of Gettysburg, and il [a hereby ensued by fimhorityto the same: _l. That. from and Alter the plunge of this Act. my person or persons Driving any Lond ed ngon ave! or on any paved (lunar within the limits ofsaid Borough. exceprat I. rezulnr Streél or Alley crossing‘ shall forfeit and pay : fine of not lea thin Two Dollar! nur more thnn Five Doug" and costs of pron-onion, on éonviction of the name before the Burgus. 1. Elm from and After {he punga of thin Act, my person or person RidingV or Drir in; my Horse or Vehicle over or 00‘ In] Side walk. paved on unpaved, within the limits of the said Bortmgh. shnll forfeit and pay a fine of not less than {l‘wo Dtfllnl‘s nor more than Fivg Dollars and cons of prdlecutmn, on convicfion of the sync bei‘re the Burgess. ApproVPd June 3d, 1863. By order of Town Comic“. R. MARTIN», Burgeau‘ Amen—Juana Cup, Sedy. , June 8, 1863. at Pickmg, » AS RECEIVED ms , H SPRIXG h SUIMER CLOTHING. CONE ONE, COME ALL. - my 18, L 863. , OLLOCK'B LEVAIH—the put-eat ud best baking powder in uni—m. Dr. B. HORSERS fifug Store. - 7 , fl , ‘ (WT received :f—argonwmnf: Lid—l:}; Mis’SCE‘ and Uhiitlrvn's Hats. at B. F. .\IchlEN‘Y‘S. est? 1:16:14 :7" ‘21.; , :51 \a’rsf' ‘3 ,5 , ‘: 53-55:", 1 T " "Acz,ts Borough Ordinance. _..__L_ - nag-£321) “ _ ac ‘ ,5: 1535—57- 3 ”$.33; ' . was; mini-ma”; .rfijéw'gtra ‘fé% - __4; £3}; . {3-427—513’fq13'3‘9gglfi"; i-‘e‘g‘gia' ___ m. fa. ghfifiivar... «...-iv 4.15:1“5z »: »2;‘;;é::2‘::4. - < r» “r- -, £ fivem‘ifii‘; in?“ Am. e}ss¢as*" .5» a, ‘. ‘.“-;§:“n‘,.:~i‘i{~r 9,. 97-6 ‘65 f'—l~.._l:;; €l¥fiMb «l‘ 32:7. «a. * :811‘5»???52"-‘3"ff‘?~'3‘~‘*§?¥3¥€?‘5“~ “ f ‘._-.__,M._--- ax.‘.--.__,_-._ UMS. Intemwevenue Taxes. 6THIDIVL~7ION mum (10(1):er - in” CULLEC 0N DISUHCT' PESN'A. v. ,r‘.. I, ,; ,c’e’ i o ~ TOTIGF.—-The annual assessment For this 3 ‘ni, ict having been cumplrled. I” resi-‘ dents the above. Divi-rinn. who hue henn‘ nsqr .ed‘und :lrehnble'lfor Luce onClrriazesJ Bi urd Tamra, Slnughgered Catuqlhnufurw tren. Licenses, or any trhcle OrflCCllplfion apecified in the excise hw,’ are” required to make payment u my ofiicp in the Borough of: Gettysburg, on or before th.; 20“: day at Inna next. 4 - a . I 3» < PEfiAmmsfPlul persons‘wxo 7m to pav their nnunl mus u afnresaid, on or b~fm the‘mth dty 0 June, 1863, will incur I. pend ty 04 in per c mum. nddifiun‘l who ammm" Lhcredl,‘ and its, as provided“: in Hue um, lectlonnf the seine lnw ul-lu’ly,» KNEW potions who a all in like m'nnner fail '.le out Llicir licen u, ts required by law,“ or ,heforé ghe 20: day of Jmhe, 1363, will in'cuffi many or-TH EE TJMES msgmmnx'r of slid license, in ‘ (gardan‘ce withlhe profusion of the‘sstb sa-c on of the lnw aforesaid. The, monthl‘ usgssmvnts for Septemfieg Octobtr, Ndu-uher and Dpccmbeg, 1862, an tor JI an}. F run}: and flhrchg‘laea, have also been. recei ed, and payment ‘ofthe sum: is required _to‘he :ade u the u‘me aforesaid. ~ fifh’oming . t Govemmént (and: will b received. - JDHN .L. TATE. Deputy Colic-c ur 6th Division, 16”: District, Peunsylvqnia ‘ ‘ Collector's (Kit, ngtysburgjflay 25, '63. s’--r‘- - 1 J J 4 ‘—~—-‘ '“ ' ' 1 Invited.‘ ‘ ' ‘H nndefi'x nedv'hm‘e thin day fluent) into '1 p ytnrrshi in th. Gnin,‘ Prndnrp and Cummizsion hn ineas, av. thq old Klinefelwr housepmorhero Sutton and Bun-am streets: The bighén pri ,a in c‘uh paid fig ‘ snouxwusm . .. ‘ WEE, OH,, . , 4 1 . OATS, SEEDS. 1 ? AND ITAY. " rocer’xes, Gufim. Fidu. Snug artirle usually found in our '. 1]! ofmhich will he lold‘ afigon the [oven "mu. , ‘ , and antistyoursulvea $113” All kind. 6f I 1 Ind erg-y other I line of bug‘ne‘s \t‘bohanle Ind r. (7311 Ind see a it is reluly so. in?“ .I'nd spmn which he will se in to'n—Cofl‘eo Tens, Sm, Fish, Rm: ;,‘Woodcn mgr; ' ohaccns. ’ FA ERS,‘ T to My; :1 your liq time. I luvo' ma dies. int-5.10mi 41.15”):ng Mu sh lnlwa 5 Ir; to [:1 ten su4t~eelL Re curncr'ogh}: Dll I I May 1'25, 1863. ’Godd Thl m V 3 are receil 'rin a. an‘i wants of this com! FISH, Hams, Smuldors and Sides, Hominy, Bubs. Salt, App x. Pomtoes,omngeg, Lgmdnx. Confection. Tobaccos, Began, ‘vfith mm) other fliclel in thin litm- nllgwceired male nut order, and mm mm lowest profits. we u: n c H, in Baltimore emu, nearly ogponitc; Fab toelu' scan. , ‘ ; ‘ 1 ‘ A wg‘i-JD.-—Butl.l:r, Eggs, hard, and 111 other dounzry produce—for which the high‘egfi} cub p‘ice will ha pu'd. . : ‘ '. srmcxupcsm a: wzsorzxsv. ‘ Iburg, Minis, 1863. Sui 1 1 E 3. WEISMANTLE‘S ESTATE—Loner: ‘ administration on the ammo! George w eis atle, lute aanmbelln‘nd tp.,Adsmtco. ducarxd, having been granted to'lhe under signed,l residing in Gettysburg, ha, hereby give!‘ fiotice to a}! person: indebted to laid lesmte do make immrdiate ptyment, and those having claims ngunit the “me to prélem them properly mthemicxted for ucnemeut. - f ' DAVID ZIEGLER, Adm'r. my a, 1863. 6! . MES L. NEELY'B ESTATEn—Letten or J “ministration of the Estate of June! L. Neely. late OLSlann town-hip. Adams conn-' Ly, doceued. having: been granted to the under signed, the first named residing in the “_me township and the lust named in Gettys‘mrz, they hereby give notice to nil muons indom ed m amid estate to nuke immodime pqmeut. Ind those having clnims Igsinn this “no to present‘tbem pwperzy Authenticated {or unle ment. SARAH NEELY,‘ Adm'x, June 1, 1883. a: GEN WILLET'S ESTATE—Latter. tu tnmennry on the anate of John Winn, at: of Union township, Adgm- county, dc cenned, huing been gnnud' to the under signed, residing in the name township. be hereby gives nou¢c to ill 'penonl indebt ed to said ”tau to uni. immadiue pay ment, and than having chins again“ the ume to present them properly authenticated for settlemcm. AMOS LEFEVER‘ June 8, 1863. on Spring Goods T A. SCOTT & SONS-4W invifethe at. A tendon ofbuyers to our nook of Sptinz Goods, Which will be sold cheap, confining 01 LADIES' DRESS GUUDS, K Shawls,‘Cloaking Cloths, etc.. etc. For Men'- and Bayp‘ wear we have Cloths, Cusimerei, Cumin”, Yamngs, with I variety of Cotton ndes, to" kc. Call and nee. May 18,1863. A. SCOTT z SON. ADIES, if ymr win: 10 see u uploadm n~ soflment of Shoes and Quinn. ml] at ‘ ’ McILfiENY’S. 1201‘ or fresh GUM DROPS, thefinut em A ch-rvd in this market, to he had at D, fiURNER’S Dug Slate. HOLLINGRR t EERQST ne 1, 1863; tr e And All, E.-The _undernigned would uh‘hc fin! he is receiving} dd ater of GRO'JRRIES, IS low as filly «thei- houhe , Supt—rs. lloluauf _Syrnps, c.., wil‘h Potatoes, Hexézsfinnd are, put nip in the bget may ‘ gag-s.lkm, c. r. IKE NOTICRX—H you went on for harvestbnow is die 1y brands of Whiskiu. Bran- Il‘alhcr liquors, which I am an profiu. Give me In“. ease—sud believe! very o!- aemher the placpr-aouahml nond. Gettysbm. Lil-20. F. KALBFLEISCH. g 8 f 1 ing [y of \ unity‘ viz Fresh and bull Notice. Notice. J. C. NEDY, Adm'r Notice. Executor “‘47: :72: ~ ,~.a" EMS 11511 1111 Give Us a Call! COIN)!" I. GILLESIEK have just method '4 large and spleudx Muck ol Sr! Gout“. whirl) the:- are calling :u Chg-up is the than will adlow. Their «writ has been «keel-d with care Mn! is of a: {null I. gummy “ Lhr marital. will Afford“? SPEARS. we lure. all hurls. H :udand Soft Cpmhu i. [’ulwriwl, Gmnnhgmlp Nevatluns‘, mm llifin‘md Cubs. TEAS. Imperigl, \‘m nz Bygon And Blink Tm; HU -1.18:8 5. N 2; Oriana Pam Meant-4 Syrup! of dlfl‘erent kinda. TOIIACCOS, It» suit I." lovely: 6! {burn-d, Cong-us, Spun. Navy, Cavendish, [laugh and;lludy, Nuurnl Lnf, and Fine Gnu; Smoking Tubal-0,15 ditcrenl kinds; PIPES. a lurge'nml fine "nun-mm; afilmns, of 'vnrioua‘mnuxdn. COM. UH. 14)!le and Shula, webs“ the hell‘suon men; in the 11) :c. which we nail Luv; Aw. I Nor I ‘nr'tirlt a} ton! Oil. HANS, plain and sugar curWoulderl and Shlu. FLOUR, of the hen q my, thick Ill: 1117”: gunman; Cedn-ynm,'fuhs, Burke", Waller Cu", I'c. We also kgep Notions, Canadians. hum, Fish, by the null or by the burn], Saltfimau. Chocolate. Shy-ch, Blukiug. Indigo. i anal", Scam, Curry Comm “4 Cutls. u large uaorb menlxcl Bruabes. ll \cteu, Rupw‘ Curd” Clank. ery-rqre,&c. CIVH YR A [TALLI 7 Gettysburgdlay H, 1863. " i , New Warehouse. ' ‘ ‘ . HUFHELS 0F GRAIN 100. ()00 WANTED.“ (he 119:6“.in and Produu flange, in Cufisle street, udju‘n‘. in): stead! tlfiiehlpt'l ultimatum; fl. higbést uurkcli price mknlnys‘bo with ash for [ ‘ . ‘ ‘ - , R.Al.‘\',‘o{ 11111111115, : ' " f _ ‘ _ H . FLOUR, 88808. At. Numys u‘n bud and bx Mu th. subunit profits, 1,4“ ". “mama, ‘ , fl . ” '81.“; man, ‘ ‘ . , . *’ - 3L GROCERIEQ; he; . -’ ‘w . Wholesdu urinal}. “TRY US? We shall do out but to 1119 satbfnction [lg g]! cum. . _ ‘ . ' " MaCf’BDY t 0385'. Geuysbngrg,_llny XI, 1813. I, _' 2in A‘S‘mall Farm ; \ ND srona mun n MINA”: mm. Amy—The subv‘riber, dentin-é to «mum meg» est‘ omens at Private Sale, HIS PARK, .siluale hiri Vonntpiawm mwnmip, Adpus conmy,’nn lhe ‘ur‘w Strut. mm! from Getty]- hnrz to Hanover, «ham 5 mflqrfzom the lam: place, sdjoiuing land; of_ Porn 8 in,- PM“ Klmbu‘gfl, and when, rhutfiuinz‘rhm, 'uwre or less, of excrHo-ut fuming land-91b“: Murrcsarefirst-mle meant-11ml. ' The itnprovpmmu 1n : lam: Ouc scory Frame HOUSEWRH Kitchen latched, par; fume and put 10; “Ma, Wugon Slip; and 1 large new Hog Pen; I. acrerfaiiing up“ of 1111" neu the door, I" [mod ybung Angle Orphu-d. with n "tiny o! 001:: huh. {recl'on the pa: 'm. f. wPL-rsmu wishing inflict the pmpufz syn] call on me subscriber,‘~!fving thereon. , JACOB GOSH! April 6, 1363‘ 3a Inage Pipes. HE undersiflrxi lug new on bind. spied:- T tinuq to'nmuul‘urvnre, lug: 11119111133! 0! EA mums mm mm; PlPES,w!ych he 0% m fu‘n‘uhjld In at 7 cents per (not. For dmining of cell: ks, kc, nothingfieuer an in listed. They 11qu been tried in dim-rent purl. of the gummy, 13h vntire mecca. flit manu taclory Is out I. 13": NHL in Oxford towniip. Pan 019 cc ward”, New; Oxford, Adm coun mPM : ‘~ . . Specimens of the Pip" can be Men :1. m "fldmnnq'a. In Gefiyrburg. . _ ' A Apr," 21, 1863.‘ 3:: JOHN aficnuv. Pillow Goods ‘r FAHNES’R'DPKS‘.—Fabnencock ‘Bm. ‘ Aye-11d respectfully inf-ml their Maui and the public generally flat they hue just: receu‘erl their Surfing amok or Gnodl Tram New Yoyk‘ .nd meadelphm uninflmugm am: 'o': nub, we are prepared to ofl'er du- [grant and pfcnicu nook of DRESS GOODS "at. bfl'crcd- to the citizen of the county and,“ OLD PRICES! “Quick sales and nhon profits" being our motto. . mall sud cur-In. st the sin of the - May M,1863._ BED FRONT. Notice. ATTKEW TSLAS'S ESTATBJ—Ldttn testamentary on the estate 0‘! Inch" Tohm, law of Couowngn 1'1," Adm” county. deceas‘ed, baring been granted to the under signedgesiding ii the same wwnqhip,“ hereby gives notice to 1" person. indebted to uld estate to make immediate pAymegt, and thou huving ch'uzu aging. the sum: to pruen‘ them properly nul‘wmiutcd for “women. ‘ MECHAEL REILY, Executor. May ”,1863. s:- Notice. 'I‘ACOB SCHWA RTZ’S ESTATE—Letter! M p Adminhtmlion ‘on t?» umte of Jack Schism, hue of {10“on towmhip, Adi-I county. deeemd, having hm 3mm nth, antler-ind, residing in the “no miuohin they hereby gin‘mmice/to d! potions hl - said am: to mlh immedinxo pay. ment, and won't-ring claim: spin". tho wine m pretext. £s2m properly nnthenficlu-d fotsenhmcm. ' LEVI SGBWARTZ, JACOK Sf‘HWARTZ, Msy 25, 1863. 61 ‘ Adminilu-Itbn. Notice. .\MCIL G. szst ESTATE—Letter! h testamentary on the estate of Dr. Sunni G. ‘- inzerflntoofldttlcelown, Adams “MW: having been grunted to the ugdexm ‘ first named gelding In Johufilh. Freight * county, Hi, and the lan :13me ln‘Linleatown, . Adana manly, they hereby give po'fee 1.0.3:. person: indebted to saidlestats‘ :91. w y‘ ‘im mediate pnyneut, In hose t 3" vhf-4 “ «Wm nanny-remnm ‘3‘":‘l92, (imitated tar lamemem. - ““1 -‘ :35? '.L .JOHN‘K ‘ll “51:1 Wfl. #:5135383; "' 'j‘ Skecuam. ' Lay 1 1, 1183. et U 81" receirni a: PICHNG‘S ERIE; at Summer Clothing. Curm- one ‘...}; _v‘..'. HAWLS, in every "rm; and we .‘.; nylel iron: X"! York, fol-ado chs3) n ' KAHW a El". II a :R$ - . ' l. 4 lurdmsln' I "0- grod amount! of the “gum: (mt “use. ‘3O which the Hum-mg: ’ perfect Ihnr cat. mini! and urn-nu ‘ as upon n In"! . moving; with. I 'm whnu, gnu}, - urn by calling \van, Aunt; 'otk .done by him uuvHx-ol Inlhficd \LIP “ In", smm: noun. ‘ Larsen, nud '«0 Burn. Dunn".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers