gm! Bi®éngraL 130 m ms 0! PART? Politic: Ire mbjoo‘ to ”M" A: fixed M this which regulate the "t‘ndeg. When ‘thc objogipjp‘ar‘ly nfi'ecu vital rights and inter alu MI impossible to constrain, within the fixed limit: of In Ind jr’der, the opt-res: IiOI’; on one side Ind .pposiUnn on ’ho cum. One dbject or wrinen constitutfms haul: the nuge of pgrfiy, so that w _ ile {he pmion of power-tuba" pm magma majoriti, the meta! h‘o majority s .3“ be mtniqod‘md define . A majority km ?utr'ginafia n more bra al ‘lnd'dmgerfms rpm than even an find? idual tyrant; and he igja in pddition n ghifnng power, eiwh! al— mama“ of rule brin ~ outrugqu bel mngmz ind Inlet w . . gratified. e terrific war of factiong. or-émsm; nun-mien; 1M8", during the reign shouki'be to mwnmin‘ and lessons. i the [Whigs eie'cted a a tariff in bond . peeked jnrlel convictet eminent. and x teller“ Cnthoijes upon t e perjuriea of .3- bis Opm; when the re tion broughto in (die unjonly to the Tori , Jeffrey: and Li; juries executed judiciel murder upon he grin. the nable and L e virtuous. ufin‘ mnPood, womanhood, temfer yeuth Li .hmry ego. Ausinder. ‘bich is legislativ indictment and gnvicti n, violamd ordi' E ry jest-ice to oompxiu pa Ly revenge. . ‘ . Our {fibers nupponedwwhemlhey l'm the Constitution, the: Qliemed banis 4’ the pouibflity ofpahly simian upon Vilaliinl» ten-(s; that. thvy had left so little for party: 10m!- upon. that 110 finrce pnuiom on. [G be engendered, and that the contést forgfl sition wduld only bdheullhlnily stimulati’r > The remit. ”o'2“ trek" eiror. Tn 3L!!! one inb‘ereul’ndrtfi lkmmon to bolli 1 lions. end upon“ w‘hiéli the :intagnnij were becoming ,__brond¢|j daily, until" drifted into a. civil wfn'. To resvo're ’ governme'ntgbité ovigi a] objector m‘ev noting upon subjects cocnmon‘lo every at hiainmra page and re-union. Then lbwmnmliip‘enoug , we, beliéve, in Inglooniié pirty 1.9 113th a way, ‘ courage enough to p“ pose it. his impossible to have J: slice done Yo in South Mid North. ernor Morris, in‘ Convention. in opm in: the threat? glue claus‘e. said. “I ust be unjust to WSMM or'u ‘uec to human‘ June," but. he formed nd agreed to a 1 wiiiéh did on'eéthe at Sr, on neither. we lens wise in gofir ge eration 1— World NOMINATED OF OHIO , v BM. IGHAM 9 The unanimoumno iuntion of Mr. ‘leighmn as the De ocratic candida! Gamma: Bi Ohio, is : most significant ofthe times. We pr icted that. this w: be the rerult o! the foolish policy w‘ impelled Burnside eominit 1 flag breach 9! the Qonnti ution and luvs iii‘ noting him.end tryi ‘ him by .eourt M. We ppdlcted. too, that the dqqld probably tak 9 first oppert an? quitting the Bout ‘em Confederacy [modingtoGefind by why of N Thetyroiliatlon in no receiving its neat.~ By Atelegra lie intelligence (inclunltij in em or eblumn, it W hen thnt it]; under tood in that city ‘Kr. Vallsndighsm I as proceeded tol Boutbom port; fro which he'inten take hi: departure?! Nassau.- ‘ W 3 Imgarded an the: prediction iii! tlut wan tint Mr. V llnniligham wo :t only elimin~ the no ination. but 3. ’e wouldbeelécted. E entswillpmve ~ NM my gg'nre rig tin this mtici' ii ‘ . «if ugyi’iiiimdigha . 'siioum be eiec (I will— n‘nlloubtodly cross the frontiei _ Bfih'ihd‘ihPén, We asknvhnt powe 1 ill ionlure to _tnke thence the choice: 5 9 people, end without invariant of law c? bfin him to I {esleral fortress? Will‘ Bu, 'eile pmce‘ to arreet him again? ,We"‘ LEl filiink not; and if net, how silly, m . e [appear in his‘own ey‘ps for lzeing the n ment of elevating lofrthe position of 2 cr norofthe third sunk in the Union ‘ ‘ a‘n ‘ whom he be; pronounced guilty nfc ml Ict afllmflqngble tondé‘pcyl” How 5! WI ‘éd mint those seem to themselves ivlmi £3131:- :04 Biirnside k." the proceeding 211 V; 1‘ "I Hmld. ' , ii !- i .i L. 1 l mm m ron‘ mm NOW The Abdlifionisu have said muc ”90.313111," and have beef: very dili {am-coming that Damoornu Won give up party! When have they gi but)? They are so “xi-Me}! tq par ghey evpn de_mahd that all othep sl up ‘hejr convictions and nupporl. ditiohnlly.” nnl.‘ the Constitution, not ‘and luv, but-tlleirfi'party and lheii dogmas! mgetlnpr with fill their via of thefiowitulion and all their in'frt . mp6}; the law, the ljberiy qud‘the lfiedém lofufreepwple. ' ‘_ 194/ . ‘ They strike, down the (‘.mstitutlon [an; 'partyl The! strike down the can {is the writ of {whens-corpus, ghe right or ‘Bl- by jury, the civil liberty ‘and the f mof the people, 3“ for pai'rty l _ They hou‘ld r_nther destroy the great fight of ha] Clan» nee their pnrtgvdefeatedl The De 250 cm“? Tanya nothing for, phrty farther (ha ha lug, , gum llp sustaining the CouslituC’ h, the. Bniogdhe lwextios and the fig!) hf the‘ people. Who then up the misera ' pai . tinny? Thou who unintain the :sfitui‘ _fion and stand up for their rights qd the {random of the people in‘ these tiles are patriots. While those who sancti [6311 “lot! of éqnst'ltutionsl liberty, n Qeiery infliction of law, out of a blind su Irvien q to My Ind party leaders. Img suitor; to every principlß 01' free goyaéfnnjlf ‘t, Ind hecomg the mere slaw?! and has“; n? li— penfioua power.——Sunbury Democrat. -} ,“ Two Drink: for one Money.”-Ox’se of the 6600)“ Hugh: Boston the otherdafi tgrribly dry. BWPPiDS inwoneofthe .4:ch Pqusa, be doubled himself up like : gut; knife, Ide his feet round, stqgk mi 11' plhown, .nd presented svery painful 11 limen f unfit" Raising his hand jam n levgl um. , he asked in ssquenkipfi voiu. 'filfil‘of brandy and water.. {The 91,. moo-13:1!" oftumblers pssistqi him to inflict, Then inching his opppktunity, L mu. nflqd Spooks swod inhdl hi. ”if? he the bar. ‘“A glnsq pf_,bmn. d an inter," said he in a fuming.-. I". hum": hinged him an them mused ”WWW fefiow go to 1‘: hpunquxr— pi nigh m anxiety. e W said hegucscsd he hadsstdpped: 11‘» wkwpor hand may: (am. but Smoke didn't‘ppy but for ome drunk. ‘ ‘ EORGE WM", G -nonK BINDER no um loci I-arrAcM-nsu, LANCASTER, PA. 5 Plain and 01mm! Batting, of every de acripllufi, buckled in lhe'mou nubsuntm 3nd pproved atylel. ‘a EE. W. Baffin, 35% Farmers Rink of Lancaster. 'IW. L. l'éipcr, Esq., Lnnputct County Bank ‘ ifilmncl Shock, Blah 081-muffin [huh Samnel Wugner, Huh Y’oflnnk.‘ . “William anner, Esq" York County Bank. ‘ . I‘T. D. Carson, Esq.,'.B-\nk of Gen; shurg. Peter Martin, Kath Prolh'fififhmgur co., 15;, 620. C. Hawthorn,llq., Burner-‘1 ‘6 u Geo. Whitaon, Esq" Recor e: ‘ , April 15, [B6l. - ' Piano Tun. ROl7. fiOWEH, of Littleum 3 I’lxulu Tuner, informs his fl Funnies] public in general, that pm, not omcrwise occupied, d [Repairing Pinnos, at under-1‘ ipgomues eritirc mtisfuvtion, 9r mi Irecei ml at um office, [B2; ‘ Millinery in New F 16rd. i [St-3,2, WUUDS, furneflfof Bplumora [Mllaving Incaled in New: Oxford,:Adnms icoumi, PL, in the house occupied shy Dr. '5l“, In mmm‘er lured, vi“ can, on the HILLINERY BUSINESS. lg I“ it. bunches win km. ..n hund‘imsxms. HATS, mu- Boss,nuwmm,lwcuas, SILKS,CBAPES, xIACES, kc, and when. I share of public Valronnge.‘ , [April 27, 1863. am ‘ c horrible'scepes reeled for'puk of thelnterSlur 1' y M ' If m. 1 Wall Paper! ( LARGE \‘Micly nf govern}, of the hues; - . and most desirnhl'v‘nflm, many of whit-h trc being sold at the old prices. Call and see them mi. 4 ‘ , ,‘Mcllffll-ISYB. ' \' and after JULY m, 1863, (he p’rivxlrgo 0 ofronvorting the pm-nnlissne 0! LEGAL TENDER NOTES INTO THH’NATIONAL SIX PER. UHN'I‘. LOAN (commuuly gamed “FiYEa Twenties") will cone. 3. . All who wish urinvcst in waffle-Twenty Loan mum, then-lore, afiply before the 18!. of JULY 'uext. . JAY QUUKB. g. ' I'B e("r In .. > ...-.. - ‘ Rnnqglaénx :Ammr, No. 114 S, THIRD SL, Pbilnddpbia. April 13, "363. 3m ' New" Gobds !—-:Largb~Btook ! ERCHANT TAILORLVG. . hi 4 .~:‘ JACOHS. g BRO. i have just received from the cities‘jt‘lnrge stock on goods for Gentlemen’l we", embracing a variety of " ‘ - t CLUTES, , v i ' ' ~ CASSIMIQRES, , ‘ A , VESTINGS, .' Cnssincts, Jenna, kc.,.with runny other goods Fdr‘spring and summer wenr. They are prcpnn‘d to mnkg up 'tznrments at the shortit notice, and in the very best man msr. The FfiiIIiOHQJHK‘ rvgnlnrly recoived,and clothing made in any desired style. They ni wnys [nuke neat (it‘s, whilst their sewing is sure to be sulistnntinl. , , ' i ’ . They nskj' continuum-a of the pulilic's pn tromge; resolved by good work rind modernte chnrgés to (urn it. - z ' Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. ' ’ _ “ Town. Property , ‘ T'l’illVATE SALE—rlll;undersignrd'of fera’ft Private Sale the Prom-rt in which e unwornides, situate in Enst‘Midgle strut, Gsttysbui-g, adjoining S. R.'S:ptommth_e. inst and Sin. .\icldlroy on the en , with an H. nllry in the roar. THE HWSE is 3%“: two-story‘l-‘mx‘he, Wenthnhowm with ‘ Buck-building ; I “fell of‘wntar, with a pump in it, at the door; and I variety of fruit, suchjus apples, porn-s, peaches, npricau, cheuiu, tnd grams, an the mint choice. . ~ ZAGUAIEIAIJ MYERS. N0v.12,1860. tf . l ‘ me,” "his He had “w 3*" :~ ~_New Tgflorngfi S’IIABLISH‘IENt-aGEO. .E‘ ‘SNRODE, FASIIIONABLE AI DB, mlnpgs this mum! of informi gbis friends and the public ggnernlly, 0.12 ch c has‘ q‘pencd n Tailoring. esmhlishme‘a‘t in filtimm‘é street,- Gelwshurg’, (late Post 04.“ ch near die Din monkwherc’hq‘h prepared tit) ‘6O? work in‘ his line in the bestfulnnner, and the satis faction of customers. He epploys none but. first class hands, nud recuividzl b {rm-1 MsmuNs REGULARLY, . La; he can wmrmntr ?'ns])iom\blv fits and neat ind substantial sewing.» He asks a shute‘of'the puhlic’s patronage, promising 90 spam? no of fort to deserve it. “jar finirges Win: always be found an model-Me Its the firm; will nthrw. Cutting and Repairinzgfone at the gh‘ork‘st notice. 2[Gnnyab xrg, fipril]! 186'}. Removal—Tm Ware; . [HI undersigned; has ema'ved his Tinning estublihhmeut ‘neure the Dituufindgwin Clmmhersl-urg street, adj ining A. I). Buch ler'a Drug Store—n very (- ng‘ml locnlion.; He continues to maunfncmze, nu‘d keeps cdhsiact ly on'hand, every variety f 3 ,’ ' TIN—\V'ARM. ' ‘ - ‘ PRESSED AM) ‘ , JM‘ANED' WARE, and wiil always‘ be ready to do REPAIRING. ' '. ROOFING’nnd SPOUTING ' 1 also done is: the bcshmauncr. Prices modem: nte, and no .efl'qn sphred “Treader full satis- Tnvtinn. The: publle‘z eontiuned patrons e in solicitefi. , . .\.]i’. BADGHEKR. VV,..v « - - v - ‘ Gettysburg, Ami] 7; ”‘12.: ‘ , ‘ _ ‘ 3 Howard ”mi; tlon,- ‘ . J nILADELPIHA.—SPoi' Mia fun“ of the P Sivk nnd Distressed. afllicted ivith Viru lent and Chronic DBL-mom] 11 especially for the Cure of Diseases of me, unl organs. ‘ . .\l EXHCAL ADVICE givel%nia, by the A“- in; Surge-ML. x , ,r VALUXRLE REEDR‘O Spérgmuorrhngn‘ ur’gfimim‘l Weakness, nn‘di blhcr Diseases of tho Séxunl Urgzms, nml op the NEVIWH‘IHE- {9l)th = I,Qntflnl; ‘( ‘ Oti Lia—J MS ' gum f n ' n -15an lwfty ihtjans ' tiqns DIES employed in the his: nary; mm to the ulfliete‘d in mum lctler‘ uveiopes, free of charge. de‘aFthrcu SLDT‘PS for posmge will be nécoptzljlflc. ' , ‘ ~Adam”, w. J. SKILLIN HQUGHTQN, Act ing Surgwn, Hownrul'Asso intion, No. 2 South Nmtll Shout, l’hilmlqlph'm, Pa. \ ‘ June 16,1862. 1] . r. ‘ ‘ - I Coops ODECHMSMERH (~ng in: business, in all! it. streetfiotwsburg. FLOU desired qminmy. made to flee and M low prnfifg. 5‘ kinésuutended £O, promu‘ Every effort. will be mlfie tion to cus‘omem. '~ \I ’ Dec’. 29, 1862. 611: = Rem,” _ HEnndenizned,being etithofiuodperson . to mgke removals in five: Green Ceme fiery. hopes that such 9: ton ‘mplaty the removal of‘Lhe remain: of deceasadhelatimq nth-lends will ayail Lhemselyub! thiwexuon oitheyear to have it dope. llamm‘fls m 9 with p‘romptnes: beams lo", find no ell'ort’tmnd to please. a l a Inlrmmlm, larch 12, ’6O. A Keepejl' of 111,: Cemetery. -‘ ParmerdB: Li‘echamcs’ AVIHGS INSTITUTIGDI 0F ADAMS CO., ' luring lnc'teased its cqpiml, has enlarged in business and extended it; Iccgmmoddnionl {John dl}, Wednesday. [34er 6, 1863: if Picking AS RECEIVED HIS . SPRING b SUSHER CLOTHING V. com: out, can: ALL. 331 18. 1863. ATS.--Do you sum 5 nice “ Joe Hooker’ H Hat ? Call a NCILHBNY‘S. HEAmen‘c-n Emelsior Uofl‘ee and Bronia, T for rule as: Dr. B. HUBNER'S Drug Stare, AGO, Arrow Boot, Corn Stuck, Rice-flour S and Gdatin, for sale at Dr._*flollNEß'S Drug Store. N ILLXNERY GOODS, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Shakers and Bonnet Frames, iuil‘raccived from New York, ohaap at. Fillm estocka', sign of the ‘ RED FRONT. URE BRANDY, mm AND WHISKEY, for medicinal purposes only, at me Nerrug Score of pr. IL BURNER. ALMDRAL BUOTS.~“ Kate, where diJ B you get those nice Bahama! Boots 1’" “A! ‘ , )Iclunz‘xY'S." Lancaster Book Bindery; n, a Practical {hands and the he guru his ; Tuning and lk prices. He [myJl Orders .- I. m, 1861. Special Notice“; Hl' . Pug qn theCAoper branches, in‘ ‘York BARRELS, in any dhler, A: short no ‘_EP,:UBING, of all y and Ehfiflply.-—: to render satisfac- The Old and Rehab]? 1 EW SPRING GOODS. ' 1 J SMALL PROFITS a; 017le whys..—l J. L. SCHXCK “' wmfld respenfplly any to the dozens of et. tynburg and vicinity, that be is now recein g M hi: store A—spleudid \ 1 ' STOCK 01" SPRING GOODS. ' ' The "erk canal": In p»?! of Funky And‘ Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. surxs. , ' ‘ MOZAMBIQUE, ' ' I 1 _CHAIJJRS, V . f ) DSLAINES, - ' 1 - BOIRAWS, 3 “moo/gs, ‘ ’ mWh'S» - , ‘ ‘ CALICOES, of Y! quilllieu “<1 pholcoul nylon. which will be 0"“ PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. ' FURNISHING GOODS ofv ll Hula, lncluding'Silk, Linen and n u. dkenhiefa, 01$, Stockings, as, " lao,’p upland lm-mrlmen’l of R 133 _ 3;. I as In‘d Edgingp, Umbrellas nnd Pnnsulaiz .- Ily lmck ol‘ WHITE GOODS will be found Tull Inf! complete, nnd customers mny ray ngn Always gelling good good: at the lowep. puisi ble ‘pricel. “ Gentlemen will and it ‘0 their “vantage to call and exnifiinq my stock of (moms, ' CASSIMEBES snd . ~- __ -‘ ~ g ._\ ‘ VESTINGS, u 7 u 0:! all quohfigp; and ého‘nceu styles. ' fipm 21, 1861. J. n. scmox. Cannon 5; Adair’s NEW )lARBI.E WORKS, Corner of Balti moM Incl East Middle streets, opposite the Court House. Gettysburg, PA.-¢we’ are prcpsreil to furnish Monuments, Témln; Head stones, Marble Mantle}. sum for Calhlnel .\lnkasnmd all other work nplgermiuing to our bm‘ihess. We will guhrnntee sutlarnccion both as (o execution Ind pric’e. Gnll and see 011! desngns and Specimens of work. . 4 ' Feb. 2, 1863. n ‘ The Great Dlscovery ~ I? THE: .»\(‘vl‘L-—lnflummatory and (‘hronic Rheumalism can be our“) by usinxz H. L. M LLEIL’S CELEBRATE!) RHEUM‘ATJC MIX~ TURF}. -Mnny prominent citizens of Unis, and Ih} Adjoining coqnlies,‘ have lcuzifigd to its Feu'utility. Ith success in Rheumatic MIX-o iona,has been hitherto urinal-nuclei! by any specific: inu‘nduced to lhé public. Price 50 cents per bottle. ‘ For sake by all dr'uggisisand slottkeepepfl. Prepared only by IL LJ‘MILIJZR, \Vholeanl¢ and Berni! Drnggist. Eng: Berlin, Adnmuounty, I’m, doalerin l)rugs,-Chemichl_s, (mg; Vglrnish, Spiritl, Huinls, Dye-slufl'a, bot tle’d Oils, Essences and Tinctures, 1 Window Glass. Perfumery, Patent. Medicines, Jun, (cc. -fi‘A. .D. Buehler is the Agent in Genys burg for “ H. L. Miliér’a Celebrated Rheumatic Mixture." ‘ - [June 3, 1861. it 1863.” -' Spl‘il‘lg' Sfylés 11863. 01“ HATS-Mu CAPS V R. F. MrHJIEN'Y, A: Ms old ntnml, S. W. car. Centre Square, (1:5 just opened n. splendid assortment of ' IiAI'I‘SAN-DCAPS, of the lmesl s‘yloy, ijcry low primes. , I’er mud in WnnWmfsuasdnnblé and fashion ableflgtbrllup, in- ququlml to five ltim it call. 80/ T 8 ANI) S'HpESJ, cumpxising Men’s flnr 0.1” “0019, Mrn's Bal mqmls, Men’s Wellington Ties, Cungreu Gul— lera,’ ngsms; Lmlivs’ moron-o Pmlumfiml '.‘mnté, Guiu‘rs, fine kid Slippers, Missus’ and L‘hil dren's Shoes and Gnilers, of every ymie-ty and style, all of which v'vill he sold :15 ,chqnp n‘s flu: chm-pest. 'Let nll who dish to supply them selves with gtfod and subslnminl u ork CH“ and examine our Block. R. F., MCILIIENY. April 13, [£563 _lB6B. . Spring Milhnery.’ 1863. Ml5B SRO-SEARS? inwites DLadies to can and see r new assortment. of Spring‘ .ud Summer Imm, CAPS, 1103314513303- NET TRIMMIHGB AND FANCY‘GOODS, _ljhich are of the latest styles. and being pur chased for cash will be sold at rpasonable p cos. 1 ' K ‘ 1 She is also prepared to Blench and Pres: Bonnets and Huts M. the shortest 1106‘! \ and in the best manner. n ‘ 4“ Apri1fi27,1863. 2m 1 5 . '3 l :Dr. Robert Homer’s ‘Ew FAHILY Imm: um ‘ I’RESCI:II{TmN"STQRE, CHAIBIRRBI‘RG STREET, (I KTTYBQURO waing retired Irom [he autii'e ‘pkxu-Lic‘p of my profession, I lake pleasure in nnnduncing t?) the citizens “Gettysburg and vicinity, tlmt I have opened a » ‘ mew DRUG STORE, . 1 infiho room forn'mly bccnpied by Drs. R. k C. Honsu‘n, as an ufi‘we‘, where I will gnustnnlly kgcp an hnud n' large supply ofall kind’s’ut’ FRESH menus, . . MEDICINES, ' ‘ 7‘ CHEMICALS. ' ‘ . ‘ A PERFIDIERY. ‘ ' TUUTH POWDERS, ‘ . 1 \ ’ DYBSTUFFS, DRY PAINTS, and ‘ - '- mum's grounli in on, . ' ~ OILS, expressed and distilled, -—, : STATIUNERY ofnll kinds, ,Inks, Peqs, Pbncils‘tfnfiequgT‘igLßrushes, kc. , PATENT MEDICINES. ' v All the pbpular Patent Medicines, together with n selection of pure WINES, HRANDIES and WHISKEYLfor m’edicinil pumoses only, always on hand. In A word, my stoclé cmbnceu everything usually found in a first-glue store of this deacr' tion. ' H A large Sitgply of fresh Drugs 1m! been re ceived, and 'thers are arriving, which I ampf. foringjo‘th .public on very accommodating rterms.‘ ‘3' cdicines have all been purchased {uhder my p raonal inipL-ction and supervision frum them t reliable houses. lmn therefore not only r ‘ ,’ mmend them as pure :und (rush, hut can sol glam cheap. ‘ , N. B.—-P , Tiqglhlk ATTENTION given to the treatmqmt of a l chronic diseases. ‘ W.\ l) .'V l-Q E GRA T 1.8.? May 12,-;1562. u 3 ._,-~-- ,1 , , 4 _..._.._..__,_,_,____ The Grocery Store ‘ N THE] 1111.L.—-’l‘he undorsighcd would 0 respeclltully inform the citizen 0! (lama hurg and yii‘inity, that’he lma taken the old Hand “on Lye Hill." in llaltimore Street, Get tysburg, w‘h me he intends to keepwungtanlly on hand olljkimls or GROCERIHS—Sugnp, Coffees, Sg'riups of :1! kinds, Tobaccg, Fish, Salli, kc," llfinrthenwnre of all kinds, Frhila, Oils, and h l'nct everything usually found in: a Grocery. Misc, FLOUR & FEED 01 all lands; all of which, he jutend‘s to sell low sth thg low est. Caunlry produce taken inEexchunge for goods and; the highest. price girqh. ~ 112 hue" himself Lhnt, by~s:rict attention and an lunar desire to please, to merit a share of publib pn trfinnge. TRY HIM. J. M. ROWE“, “Feb. 23,1863. t! j , ‘ something new. HEnndersigned respectfuli ' 1v Enfqims the residentafi ofG'ehssbu‘rgand vieinitynlml he has ope‘ped‘ n WATCH AND ‘JEWELRY STORE, in like room immediately in the rear of Mr‘. J. L. Schick’s Store, ’und {routing the Square} where he intends keepirg: an assort ment of WATCHESJEWELRY, . [wan 3nd SILVER) PLATED WARE, srncuCLEs, QLOCKS, &c., &c. ‘ Having been connected with a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store in llnhillfon, for several years past, he is prepared to furnish every artivle in the line, at the larval. cit! lii-ices, and all purchases will’be guarantied as r‘eprcseugd. - . ‘ From a long experience in‘Watch-repuiring,‘ especially affine Watches, he is prepared to do all kinds orWugh-work promptly, in the he» manner. and‘guurnuty the performance ofit. { 1, He will keep nlwnys on htnd a large “3911. ment of SPECTACLES. null Spec- ‘ tucle Glasses; Ind hating 11:“an experience in adapting than to the sight, is prepared to fit all who needihgm. HAIR JEWELRY made tohfler in the best; style, Ind 5 great variety of palterus on hand , JEWELRY repaired in the nexus: manner. ‘ JUSEPH BEVAN. Gettysburg, Dec. 23, 18613 if Ch ildren’s , Clothing. BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE, II the store of A GEO. KNBOLD. Ladies will pie-ac call and see them? [April 27,‘ i 863. ll qPRING and Summer Clothing just receive}! k, at , ‘ PIGKISG'S. O to Dr. R. HOBEER'S Drug Store and g 6: Gui. MEDIGUE DOUGH CANDY. , /S,a.'• -• ~-.;J7y446 NAIIONAL COMMEBPIAL ‘CULLKGES, ” _ . wunnu. ‘ PHILADELPHIA. S. E. con. ha “in (33:53th 813. ; engkahyfilronklyn,Albanyflroyfiuhio, Daron, levefiindl Chicugq “(13.1. Louis. .ook-k'upmg, Penmanship. ({ommeminl ELI-'1“! metlc‘éCommercinl Law,'Fornns, Corres pp ce. c., practically.mughl. ‘ The Collegw being pnder the 11an general IMid lor‘l management, and nuiLingin each the 'ndmmggvia of nll,ofl'er greater facilities for )impnning \instruction than (my other similu ‘inllitulionsifl the ('Ollnh'y. If A Schulnrthil‘)! issued by In; one is good in all or an nnlimit time. 1 ‘ ' 1 The Pliilndqlbhin Collegt has bgen recently , cal-r_ged 19nd nefimgshed in fisupetior manner, ‘lsnd ll npw the] rgcst nnd‘ moniyrolperoul LQommerrinl Xnalié‘ion in the Sun, ‘. ' Lyßrflnt l: Scum: ’1 series of en Books, Lerobfacing Bock-keg ‘ng, Comm‘e'cin‘l Arith ”Emma?“ COmpetcmhme, for aqle, and‘nent y 3.1 . ' ‘ .‘ l- 3&1?“ {EH particulars send {9,7} a'cirpn. I cl. .0, 1 .62. Iy. ‘ ‘ ‘ Herbst’s Line.l . HE undersigned would inform lhe public 1!!!th inflow tunn'mga line bf FREIGHT CARS: from Gettyshnrg' to _Bnlfimnre‘ every week; VHe is prepared to convey Freight. either way, in gny quantity, He will amend, if desimd, to the making of purchases in lh‘e 'city, and delivering the goods promplly" at Gettysburg. llis Cal’s .run'to the Wm-ehapse ’0 J. H. Boskgy, 203 North street, [initialed-g.— He invites the attention'of the puhlic tolhis‘ line. Msurinp l‘llegn'tlla! he will spare no cfioit to aecpmmodalc ’ll #llO may pntronize him. 1 , l . saw-3L HERBST. Much”, 1863. \3w ‘ . ‘-..+-- ; ~ W Hardware , ~ . ND GROTIERIES.—' A The nvrbsccirnoré‘hm jun rr-m‘rned from the ritics with an immense sup 11y of ”AWL, “'.Hil‘} AND GROCERM‘JS, w‘nch they «are offerings at their old stand m Bultin’un-fl stregt, at priccs to suit. the times. Our stock cousins in part of A ‘ VISCILDING \IATERIALS; _ CA‘RPENTEH'S mans, ‘ ,'- __\ BL.}CKS.\HTH’S TOOLS, . \ "' ‘ COACH E‘LSDINGS, SHOE FINNXGS, w ' ‘ CABINET .\l \KER'S TOOLS. ‘ HOUSEKBEPER'B FIXTURES, Mil. KINDS OF IRON, #O., “ GROCEIIIES 01" ALL KINDS, Oils, Paints, fie" ken There is no nniclc in~ chided in the sevcrpl departments mchioan Mum-L! but what, can he had at. this 816119.; Evory class of )lcclmuics can be Mbommmlnted here with gunk; vnnd findings, and Housekeep— crs cam find-ever): article in their line. Gin us-la call, us we sTre prqymrul m Fit-ll as low for cuslfias My other house‘uut oflhe city. mm. H. mxxnn, DAV“) ZIEULER. mm 9, use ; To Disabled Soldiers. _ quAWZS AVD \LUIINHS. AVD \VIDOWS, L 015 OTHER .llHH‘m‘ HP THOSE. WHO HAVE DIE-U UH ”HEN KILM‘IU INTHE SER VICE —('HAS. G. Trcxmx. A norm-_\- for Claim nute,‘Bnuuzy Lzlnd’nml l’cruiun .«\gl-nt,.‘Wm-'h— inglum City, D. (L—J‘cns‘mns prm-urml mr Sul diers, Scumén mud .\lnrinvs of 11m pit-«cut. wnr, who ll'C «lisnblcd by reason. of wounds reoéjved or dijease contracted whilv in‘pervicmund Pen.- sion ~ Bounty Mumfand Arrears nf Day ob tuiue‘d for widows or 'ot‘m-r heirs'uf those who have died or been killed while in seri'iéo. - Bounty Land procured I'm" servivos in any of the dthqr wars. CHAS. C. TUFKHR. - . 3 Washington, D. 0. -: . J. C. Nun, Agcpt, Gettysburg. ‘ Nov. 18, 186! Come to the Fair! ND DON’T FORGETTOVISIT PLEASANT , 411 mm»: NURSERll‘}S‘.——Porsous V wishing to flint Trees will‘fiml the stdck in tin-ground rctuikknbly fine, nxnd‘nd'orod nt reduced prices. The‘ pple numbers, 100 varieties, embracing all thpnppruwd sorts. ," ‘ - NElL—Somme innicx hoard nom- Flora Dali Post (mire. ' T. E. 000 K I: SUNS; . det. 2, lflfll. l’rom'efon. , i Chan‘ge of Tune. VIE fulluuin: is u. schedule of‘therrunning i ui‘ tho lrnins on ihmGettmerg Railroad: trlr‘e .HRST TRAIN Imm Gettysburg m a A: XL, with {msconm-rs for York, Flurrishnrg, I’ iludclphia, and the North mu] West, All- R’V'ES at (lef'ysbm-g at I P. M.,’with passen g ’ from those points, and also from Baltimore :- xlZWnrhingtnn. Pnssmigers leaving, Wuh. higher; at 6.39 A.‘M., and Baltimore “$.15 A. Mi, [arrive by this train ‘at Gettysburg M l' o‘L-lqck. I’. .\l. f i ' J . The SECOND TRAN leaves Gettyfbnrg at 1.10 P. .\l., with passengers for Baltimore and Washingtun. l’assonrzrrs nrrive in Bultimoré at 5:410 P. M. Leave Bultimom at 8 Pi BL. null arrive in Washington M. 10 P.‘M_. l’ sengars mn‘nlso go to Yurkranrl llnrrisbmt by the seconflntnin. Arrirfin Harrisburg alt 7.30 P. ‘ arr-A RIVES at Gettysburg at 5.3» 5). HP. with pusseng‘ors from Harrisburg. Philadelpllis ml the North and “'8“. ‘. -> 3 fi‘Pnssengel-s can [one Pfiiladelphim by vny of‘Bnltimm-e at 4 A. .\l., and .arrive it} Gem-sharg'n IP. 1!. 0r lame “£l3O Ail, by‘the Pennsylvanis Centml oi Philadelphia and [loading Railroad, and arrive in Gem/n— -[mm at 5.30 P. M. R. McCURDY, ‘ May I}, 1863 Notice toiTax-paygy a. OTICE is hereby giy'en that: the County Gummiuinncrs will nmkr an "' ABATENIENT 01" Fl\'l‘l.l"Eß.,,(‘E.\'T. upOn all State, County and Special tun-a ns se'esed for the year 18811 th'n't Shfl“ bcqmitl to (‘nllectnrs on or before WEDNESDAY, the tat of,.l[’l.Y_~. Collectors will be required to gall Qn tax—payers on or br-l‘ort- the above date, and mke ém-h abatement to (HF-persons paying on :r llt‘fKfi'B will dav, and pay the same to the Conntf' - Treasurer. otherwise no nb.itemem. 'Q'rill be made. By order n! the Commissioners, 3 ’ JJI. WALTER, Clerk. 5 April 13, 1863. m i . , ~ ’ New. Bakery! BWPORT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bflk~ era, South fishingmn street. hall uqunre pm the Eagl'e tel, GETTYSBURG. I’m—- ‘onuantly on lumd, the best of BREAD, MCKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS. to. li‘er ns wishing fresh Braid will be served every lmornlug‘ by lenvmg their names nhdresideneu “n: the Bakery. Every effort made to please. ‘Give us a. call! [April 20; ’63. 11' .‘df—“w ’ ~>"T’“‘"—"_‘—-—- Howard House, . 7 ALTIMORE.. < ' f ‘ The undersigned but the pleasure of gm. Fuouncing to his trienda. and this public pour"!- ly.ths¢}\e bu RFrUPENED TflIS EXTENSIVE AND FAVORITE HOTEL, and solicits the sham of pamnnge—wh'rch its higmy favorable 104:» tion and his efforts to plenac may dcaefve. Having been engaged to; many years in con. ducting popular Hotels in Penusijnnin, Vir giu'm nut! tins city, he feels assured of bring nhle. with the aid of his Competent Aaaiwlntl, to meet all jug: cx'pocmlions of the~lmveling community in “imaging thFlenl-d House, in in style surpassed; by no Hotel ofitqchsl in the ; country., . - 1 ' Terms—Gentleman's Ordinary, 31,75 pen-Dip n Ladifl" _' “ , 3.00‘ a“. Respectfully. ' A 2. ‘ WK. 0. READER“, Propri'elor. Baltimore, April 20, 1863. 6a: Old Gold find Silver ANTED—The highest price in ash ‘5 paid for old Goid Ind Silver; the piewnt is a favorable time to‘aell, the premium on iz being large. Ai‘o, Gold and Silver Coin pyrcbnsed, and the highest price given, by JOSEPH BRYAN, Watchmaker & Jeweller, in. the Diam‘ond. Feb. 23. 1863. ‘ 3w FALL & WINTER GOODS L 4 00 ' assortment of Fall and Winter Goods u 1: cap as the themes: M A-SCOTT 4k SON'S IBRELLAS Brev :y m ‘ l ] ”magmas. msmnus sigma)». Many—hour and Alarm Clbcks, chap u PICKING'S. PR®?E%S§BNAL fihRDS. ‘ Edward B. Buehler, TTORNHY AT LAwaill {.lllletu Md promptly attend to 3!! busingsuntrnuled to him. He speaks the German language.— Ofi‘ne at the num- plus, in Sonia Ihlfimure ”not, neur Furnry's drug “are; Ind neprly apposite Dannor & Ziegler'l store. mustang, March 20-. ’ A ---V- .7 ._ ‘;L..___..~—.. Wm. 4 Duncan, 'r'ronxm AT I.Aw.—.ome,,'in mg North- A wen corner orcentre S mug. Gem slung, ’fl. { 3m. . 165;). M _ J. C. Realm , lI’TI‘ORNEY AT llAW.—Pnliculn Atten tion mid to collecfinn inf Pgnsions, ounty, nud‘ Back-pay. Oficeflh the S. E. comer of the Diamond. ’ . . ; Getty-barmApril 6, 1863. t! E , Ll.Cover,§ '2. TTORNEY AT LA\V.wiH pronjlptly an"!!! to Collcofions find all who} brsinns en mom) to him. «Offira’belweéd F hnestoéka’ Ind Dunner b Ziegler'l Store; Bnmupmgmet Gettysburg, Pa. _ '[Scpis E, 1859. D. McCommghyt HORNE? AT LAW,(oflicn'on door welt ofßuehler'l drug Ind hook t}ure,ohnm— bcnburg street,) Anonngr unSgumon '0! Pull“ up Plsglou. ’Bountyfhud‘ War nnuf Back-pry wapenyed Chitin? nnd all other clnims against the Govern'mlsnt nthah ing'onJ). 0.; nlaoAmcrimnClnifll in England. Land Wurmntslocnted an?! suld,orbought.nnd higheat price: given. Agents qugnged ih lo cating warrants in lowa, Winch and other western State): WAN”! to him yersonully or by letter“ ’ -',l Gettysburg, Ear. 21, ’53. i‘ . ~ ,J'. 'Lafienbe' HEfiTfiTi): ,7 “ AS his oflice one u ‘ ' door was: of the?” :1- uthernn church in ~ ‘ -? . _ Chambersburg swept, and opp‘oshe I’h-king'l Itore,'where those wishing :0 the any Donlnl Operation performed arerespertflflly invite‘dd‘i cull. Runucas: <Drs. Horricfi', Rev. C. P. Knuth, D. 0., Rev. H.lll Bnugher, D. Dalian. Prof. M. Jacobs; Prof. M'. L. swam. Gettysburg, Apt-i} 11, ’53. 1 ‘ ‘ Drs. Grass 8: Taylor, CLfiCTIC'BIIYSiCIASS.—The above ‘ named gentlemen. havin "associated lhgmselves' in the practice dffiledicine and Snrgcrnwfl'cr their profeaaio‘ II! services to she citizens of 63“thnrg‘nndg‘vicinily. Hn‘v mg had huge surgical ex‘perir ce in the U. S. Army, And extensive hoapitu put-mB, they rcspectiulifsolicityour patron flog“ 'chic" menus to choose or selfil. en helm! the but, unrest and most. re iahlc remedies frém all other shmriim uric-a 1 ErhOuls, which have been recommend .1 from the u— [writ-nee and sanctioned by ' malice at the sultan Ecuc-nc Pun-mossy, and diflcurd those ‘morc injurious, such as. unilmony, til-sonic, mercury,iJlue pill, [lo3‘] letting, kc. Ollice in .Baltimore street, in h? one formerly Qrcupied by Dr‘. Dora-v. one Aim r innulh'nl' the “Compiler” ollice. Soldier's' families nut-ml ed free of charge iluripg their absence. , Du. Janus Canal. , Dn.-\\’u. anu. Jun. “51-563. , ' . ‘ " Removal. 2 ‘ . R. O'NEAL lms remtwcg} ,lis oflin-e [ram ‘1) “'lu‘S' lmihlihg l,u the cum-r uf “ulti gxnurc nn«l£‘_lfiglu streets, nppusi the Frag-h)- : tcrizm (thunk. liesid’encc adjoining the office. Ar“ e, um. u , ; ’ U-TUAL FHI‘E INSURANCEUUIPANYuv M Incorporated Mnrch 18. 18M. orrlqnns. ' . ‘ Prefidqnl~6eorgasw9pm ‘l' . . " Vite "alum—S. R. Russel). Srcretmy—D. A. But-Met. ' fiquum~Dnrid M'Qmary. t ‘ H ~. Ezr‘euh'ne Conunnv’lmvnoben XcCurdyJ-cd‘b‘ Kinngndrewlleinlzelmkn. i .lllmagcra—Gcorgn Swope, D. r. Rudder. R. l M'Ounly, Jacob King, A. ll‘glp; olmn’n,‘ D. le ‘Crvnry, S. B. Ril4sell..l.’flg flex-sh, Samuel ‘ Dun-homw, E. G. Fnhnenwc . Wm. B. \Vil‘nori, H. A; Pit-king, Wm. 11. Me lelll‘gm. John “'0! Ll'ord, R. G. chrenry,Johnl’lhking, Abel'l". Wright," John (‘Jl‘nnillgllnmfi‘Ah‘it‘l REM, 21an lLMnrshall, M. Eic ‘olherjzer. ; . ”This Compunlis lil‘lite? in\ita openi lions Lo‘the county 0' Adams. : It Inns heen if: surcessful operation for mfsrmllnin sir your , mm in that period has paid I“, losses and‘e I penseamitkou! any any-mm], lmvkng also 9| In anrpl'ua 'capiml in the-Tromujry. Tile Com pany .employa no Agents—all ,i‘bnsinoss being done by the Mangers, who or: gmnunlly elem ed by the Stockholders. Ajay eninn desiring ‘ad Insurance con Apply to 1:13" or the lhovq named Managers {gr further information. ‘ ge-The Eméntive Cpmmluée r_nee‘s M the office ofithe Company on tbs lust—Welland.” in every month, M. 2, P. l.’ ‘ ' Scpl.?7, 1858. 5 7 ' . Something How-'4" L; N‘GE’TTYSBURGw—The undersigned informs the cilizehs‘)!‘ the town‘aual ponnty, flint. he has commenced the lump“; business, on a huge scalefin York street Gettysburg, newly opposite Wank-3'21 Hotel, w’here he will try to deserve, hhd hopes (_0 receive, a libeml pntro'n nge. BREAD. ROLLS, C3KES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, ha, km, baked ehery day, 38:11:. days excepted.) all of the best qfizality, an sold M the lowest living profits; Crnrker-‘hu'king in nlhu branches is largely’ can‘iefl an, ,hnd ordex‘s to an; mn‘ount,‘ from this nnd adjnining conn fien‘, supplied at the shortest nut-isle. Having erected n large and mmmudiuus lmke-bou‘seahd secured the host \rorkmnn and the most. ap proved machinery, he is: prepared u; do I hcan business. ‘ . . ' ' _- VALENTIfitE ‘SAUPEE. July 25,1859. ”H ‘ President . L‘Majhzot& n’a, ’ OFA ANDFURNIWIEEWA EMO“S,NOI. 25 nnd 27 N. ony nrcet, nllimore, (nenr‘ Fnyégta st.,) extendi’ng from “9‘3” to, '«lt‘redchL-k ILJ—ahe largest establishment orthe find in the Unit)». riAlwnys on build a large Mhortment of HUUSEI OLD AND OFFICE FIiIRNITURI-C, em bracing Burmns, Bedsteadh, Wnnhsmnds, Ward robesl Mattresses of Husk, Comm and Hair. Spring‘Beds, Sofa“, Tete-e-‘l‘eua, "Arm tChnin, Rocking Chain, Eugen-es, ’Mnrblc Tables, Set lees, Reception Ind Upholstered :Chniru, AS SORTBDCOLORS OFCUTTAGEPURNITURE, Wood Chairs‘ Office Chairs, ,‘Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat. links, Hall Furniture, Gllt and Walnut Fm‘ue Lpokihg “luau, Bide boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call an“! give our stock Mi examination, which for variety and quality of Workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. ' A. MATHIOT J: SON, ‘ Nos. 25 and um Gay street. Aug. 9 1860. .j . Coal! Coal! Coal. SHBmS h BUEHLERJ}IB noyv prepared to sgpply GOA L, of superior quality, in In, qunn ity desired. Terms, Cub. . ConeOue! Come All! , ‘ a ’ . ”they film, request those indebted to (hem to can and pay up. in funds are much unfit. .Who will be the 15m to am ome. ope' mm 7so 7. ‘ Feb. 24, 1362. : _ ~1 ' > John W. Tipton, ASHIONABLE BARBER», North-cut cor ner of the Diamondruut door m It lellau'a Notch) (lettypburg. Pl., when In can u. alltimn be found ready to “and to all business in hisJine. He lyu also excellent M sismnce and will ensure la‘iafaction. Give him a call. [Dec. 3, 1860. fi-Snnm & chnnn's Store in well voroi lhynvisitjust M. this time. We doubt-hemerfi ‘evenin our largest cities, Io fines disphy ofj‘ Slaves can be found. Their large room il' full of Slaves of every pattern; also, any, ".3 ricty of Hollow Wage. Sheehiron Wure, Tim Ware, Planished Ware, Japan \Fnre—omhrM-A ing, indeedmverything in the house furnishing: line. deso, Sausage Cutters, Smuge Bmm”. Lnrd Pressel, 116., to. They an: prepared to i sell wholesale and retail, Tin Ware and Shnet. ‘ iron Wax-re of their own man‘ufncturhkeoplng g guflicien, number cfhnnds to lullply any de mand. Their assortment Inf Lumber i; very large; also Goal 0! every kiwi. Adams County nun: noon-Im, N 0; 7; tum: my I“; toil mqumwu-mw Weight} mug vonn h‘br’u, hunted “a mnnécturcfi Expand: for our own In, ad 1: oovgnl “the: thick" than “a: canon shen- Ing ccé‘nfionly and in nll other compohllou tooling“ , and coheqqohlly (tu- non dnnblc. ‘ ' the superior thlgkfuu of an. my»; It mm!; M, in “tuition, t In manor uncut ol' the fixer-prod! cox-position, Ind thug Inilh sea Igb he Ire-pug; equals; on the Infuse, pmdLl-l tho um complffily annulled—«d, w. + unfldént, unfit ({néblhmfinl'now knoju.» u no“: no flld cohappllod on {ln mod.» .3 other um do. ‘ A 11' IS annoy" to run. bowl. I manufactured and put up in rolh Abbi: “died m: long. um um tea wido; irlng qnly tobd “rolled, and uilgd on CM the roof ’ lu‘ thitconvuflcnt ind finished Ju'to, 11. II I » ' .‘ . elpechlly worthy ghostlentiou of HARDWARE ushcmx'rsr‘, . | ‘ ‘ ’ I . ' V ‘,g 'rmrs'ans, BUILDERS, Jand'nll who buy to I‘d! again. We £lO not holgl outxbo Inch the pro-inc! of summon: profit: imuiediately, but. yd ofi'er - really merclinnu \ ' 4 bli ilrllcloglgl faint! even their nd st all timé'l. . ‘ . ‘ fl _ - , w; cannuxs'nox TO A FEW Pom'rs': ‘ In. “1:031:- only ahput hull! In much u tin; and in {wico tn durable. ,2d.,n‘ 1. “Mt“ 4. all kind. or n‘ori, whether tie”; or ‘ at. 3 J . 4 3d. I'. u not nflfcctud‘ hilariously by‘hén} it cold. J _ . _ - 4th. Ag! ollrlinirlry worknmn can ipply il. sth. It is not up “rheapést” roofing 6th. h is the tried roofingfi This Roofing liar b'een usbd in every variety 0! climnlé, from “unadn tn (‘ulifurniuh and we mm must ‘pnsilivn I] rczommon-I 'll. %0 ho onliro lyfpronl' nguinstf Ihr gluing” of [mu my! cold that ler t 9 destrrcliva lo runny omenkinds of Homing. - i I n" WILL NOT énr'rm ARI) has 13 not ' . . Twnuua‘n. . :« w‘wxu. $01" cmcx xx cow ‘ fwsuniza. r.: I , 'h is n‘porfcei; protectipn llgflylnl‘ fire from tho “Mug aim! n Ind fag-(mug (tom bath in; building: 9 'uininz thil’flo "g. _ It. in .9 elnli Ind-urea; um tho ‘ ‘ a , x’ g samsxxjm oynoomgmos a, doe! no; injure t. ‘ ‘ I: it pnrticu {h nimble on' Fulpfina' l un-lrienfilg Rrfincriu,Diuiiloliupddnfl [ h ildinzn wher and air it impregnated will: I 3 sea or moistu e, whichxnpidly corrodc,fmm i "{9 inside, all 111 And mclnl roofs. ‘ly . , _ K ' F'on jstmxncln nmxs, i . l ‘ CAR-TOPS, IZJAzzAs, ard‘nll'mh med for walking ("tibia prlirle n \iwerq (Eu-be m than any metal roul'~—nn it “in: hear mull usage without (racking tr breaking. ‘ V | ' n in eully n plied after old ' SUIXGLE R FS,‘ é; ‘ ‘ wmiou REMOVING Tim smsoms. \iA'lng tho I , ~ ‘ l‘\ “ UT‘I'IJKS , ' f \ ''3 _ i ‘ . ' can \{lo formed ofthia mntrrinluuu'ng the ex- 4 “HISQWIMHTAL (mes. - . ‘ : Thei‘oal of ppbiugi! is very light. and any wnuwooh nbe finished in thy name day. l _.\f’ - ' ' l ' ‘ \‘ g ._ ‘ 1 _ S 1... i \1 . z b :N . ynn :11ng YOUR noon! myofid‘gm ROOF nuns, " rmm 1124 nodr ‘aks ‘ I,\ RUST-HOLES m n', 19 form mi noorx‘ ‘nns ne-um’mg’, our - ’ - ‘ LIQW \ x V GUT A-PKRCHAYQQMEXT . {em effectual] close up Ilflhiwmnllrr nns'r. HULES, um! om s heuy chm“ ' 'M'er he ilmle an furththn” win 1181', 9:? In: ”an longer film; at. ‘~ ' ' ; m mm} 3mm“ Rm Q i ‘ m Y‘pun'ouflnna LEAK, ; ' ? n my mums noun you; c: i : ‘ LBAK’ g IF YOUR SLATE ROOF LEASE, but 5“ ' ‘ ' GOIPOUND ‘ GU‘IJTAWEBUHA CEMENT ‘. gym Gomphhély ill'up I“ the «nice! {n th. .ahinglen, cov r‘o‘ver (be broken joinuln the Lil Fund shut. {o7%| permanently ndhesive, elude ‘ coming "on d chimneys, tky-lighu, «enund ‘ n all these hitunfions will and“! any other |Anicle (or m. purpose now in In. thin n xg Qiclo is a thick, teqsoioul cenpund .r , Gt'T'I‘AJ'ERCHA, ' i Ind ingredients lined extensively in Europe in the prover! o! Kynniling or preserving wood in railroad auucturu exposed to moinzure and deny. Thin very useful property tendi‘di'regt ly to Inc's; and prevenrdecny in ghe shinghj, And will often an th. necessity for several years of putting on I new roof. h is hell worthy of a kid. ‘ gym :5, mm koonxo nuauhs will b. {uni-bed to ‘ ‘ caucus: um Guam“ *s& rodaotia of TWENTY-FIVE PIB‘CKIT. ’10! o'3 muun‘ urns. LIBIBAL ARRANGIIBNTB no: mm “39085131.! ton-ca. O ' Ji’cmcuuns glad sum.” out to. by Jun. Addrou READY ‘ HOMO 00., NO. 73 MAIDEN LANE, Dec. 20, In“. I; *** "nun: ‘ - I‘ LINIHRNI’. GREAT mm: FOR nnmmnxsn, 00m, “mum“; LUIBAGO. s'nnr NECK AN!) Imm», BPRMNS, BRUISES, curs AND wouxns. mmsumammfl, , _ AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND _ NERV’UUS DISORDERS. For .11 of which n is I weed: and «rum remedy, ind ne‘r (nib. Thin Linimcmia pn pared Item the recipe 0! Dr. Sleyhen Sweet. 9! Connecticut, the famous bone teller, and has been wed In his practice for more than twenty yeun with the most. utonishiug Intqm. u an Aneviator of Pain.“ h unrivfltd by may preparation before Ihepnbllc, of thigh tn most ukepticul may be convincad by} {n th (rial. ' . Thin Llnlment will curl mpldly Ind .n’dicnl— I]. Rheumstio DXIOMGH of any W, lid in thon‘undl o"ch when n Inn-pun been known to h". j K for Hannah‘s: Ir"! ufl'ord fining-din. relief (I cuiy cue, owever dial-using u will refine the mint cues of Headache In three minute! and II waryutgd to' do it. Topthaqhe also will it caterinlkntly. . For Nervous Debflity and gin-pen! Lu litudo arising ftum imprudence or “con. thin Liniment in a man. happy andmgfnfliug rrmvdy. Acting di'rectlyfuphn the n'grvmm tisnwu,’it ure {hens and rovivifiel the system, and re main to elnuicily nnd vigor. ' , L“ For, Pilec.~:—Al an “term; rented}; we claim that it is the éut‘known, «pd w- chal leng‘e tln- world lo product! In nfu‘nl. ‘ Ewry victim of .tllll dialrpnlng éomplninl llwnld flit; i‘} . trial, lor it will nut fall to afford lm medlau relief, and in a majority of cue: will sweet 1 radical can. ; ‘ Quinn md Borg Throat no mmeumu extremely maligfinm Ind ‘dnngerona. hum; timely applicnlldn of thin Linilucm will unu (qu lo guro.‘ \ 4 ' Sprung are wmetimeaarrry obnfinnloénd enlargemcui of the joiuu‘h‘linb‘ln to occur it nvglocledfi The‘wnrs! chm may bq conquered by thin Llnhncnl in moor [hm «hum. » Bruises. Cuts. Woimdp, Sores, m- OOPS, Burm and. Scoldfi,‘yiclnl remhl} In the wonderful Bt-al'lru: propel-Hon of'hfi. S\\'EET'S. [SFMJJRLH LINfi-MFSTg win-n used’ Mum-dink. 'o dirN-fimrs. Mm._(‘llll,-‘ lILAISS; FRO-WITH": FEE'l‘,. AND INSEF? [SITES AND STINGS. . g‘ , DR. STEPHEN BV73lifE’l‘,~ of Coin.‘ Hut Grout Nulurm ”an Bmm. ' hr. Sn‘plwuifln'eei:nftfbnfiwulicm, h \mqwu all nu‘v the [Ynitml Muted, " ‘ 1,13. Supine" HWOPI. or Connefliclfl', i: Mi) Ilnfinr of “Dr, Suvcl'u lnfulli‘lg‘h I‘lnfnurut " Dr. Sweet‘s Iglfitllihlc liininfcuk cure:§tl:w~ ‘hmtiim nml ncvi~r ruin. ' DY. Swrel’u lnfiullihlo Linimcui in gunph r0314]! for_ Neumlyil. .. «a ' ‘ r.,B\§efl’n lufillihlo Linlmw'l um hm am) Sum: innuenlinuvly. b . . Dr. Swre'fs Infulh'me Linimom In tho but knuwn nmvdy [_fur Sprain and "mini. Dr. Sun's lufallihle Lininidt Eur" and nekeimmcdhflely 'uul um nevi: knuru v. 6 Cm}. Dr. Sworfi} fullihle Linimcnl nfrnnh inl neilinle nlin-finhlen. and lcltlom falh to euro: Dr.‘~fiweez'u lntnllible Linjment cum Tooth. aclwiga one minute. ‘ ' ‘ ' ...1' .Dn Syn-1‘: lufnflible Llnlmunt mm Cu!- QnlLWWyndl Lm'mcdinldy mu); lure! no urn-g. Di." Swrel’i Infallihlo Linimem is the but rcmo"y for Sara it} (hr Kym"; world. _ Dr” Swan's lpfnllihloibinimtnryhu bum namLhy more thud I million pcbplc, no]. I”. prnise it. ¥ ‘ Dr Hwofl'l Infnmhleflfinlmfit lulu In- M-mnnywizurel Clmlic, Chohrl lérhul Mud 'Olmli'. ' 3 ' -. ' . Dr. Swnol'!‘ annllihla ”Run-nth Ltruly n “nu-5.! inpohl," and cvory Tamil! umuM huueit «I hand. ~ -‘,~ . _ ‘ Dr Sum-Fa lrJ‘nHi' Ie Lining“ is rotllhi. b! a" Druggista‘ ‘ Priée :15 and 310 «mu. ’ n L TRY lT.—=&l)R. SM'I'IBT'S ISFQMJBLH “SWEET; an um extemgl remedy. in withn-u n rival, and“ williW-vinteqmin more ”mum! than any other prepnrminu. For njl Illum nhuit: nn-l Nervous Disordcnj: i: u‘uly inmlh hle. and a; SIT ('umtive fbr Surya, “'ullndn, Sprain}. "mini, kn, its soothing, henling nnd POl'fl'fill ‘strcnullwning pru‘wr'tien. ‘qn-ur tho .juuymldet and IM¢iniuj|g|cux of "H Mm lmns ever given it n trial. (mu- one thousand can tifivme! of remifknhle cures. porfunm-J by It .v'nhin fin In! two‘yeunrum} flu tun. DR. SWEETSJ INFAIJJDLE LIXUEKT FOll HORSES in unrivaled by any, And in all macs 'q! anmcss, 'nrlsing from, Sprmm, Bruises, or Wrenching. its efieci i; mugiml and certain. Harness or Saddle Gulls. Scratches, )lnnge. km, it-wlll 51:6 cure nu-edlly. Spuvin mid Ringbone may be_eruily prevented and film] in their incipient sum-s, hut‘ronfirmed cases an bexond the possibility "Tn radical cure. No one of the kind, howuer. in lo doiperaw or hopcleu but it may be xllleri'nlrd by ‘th [Jaime-1. and its faithful npplirmiun will nkwnjs mmo’i‘e the lameness, and cr’mlilo the horses to travel with comphrntlrvenu. should hire this remedy at. hand, fdr it! time. I] use at ’the In! Appearance of Lamcnen will eflcctuntly prevent thou lormidnble discus", to which all hone: are liable, And which Ten-I der l 0 Inlay ’Glhel’w‘ue ulnnhlo hone! new, wonhlou. nrAuxfiLrLuxusxr, up digits“: in“ total! 3 tniy L 3; P 111!!!) [I I‘ll)! To avoid lmpoiltiqn, chum-e tho Sigma“ and Likeneu of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every , ,label, und nllo “Stephen Sweet’n lnklliblo Liniment" blown in the glut of each home, without which none are gylv‘ne. ' simian t ALLEN, Galen] “33-, ‘ . w Glil street, New York- 1 “’80” by .1! dealer: everywheu. Doc. 8, 1882. :1] V. MIXING continua tho bulinu -. NBA” CRYING, Ind Jolie“: tho m nnod ”House of the public. It is hil co:- uut orgasm: to [in utisfuction. ohr”. modem... Buidonu in Breckinridp mO, Gettybbnrg. , . . P. B.——He k s lieenbed Anctiomr, with! tho Tu but of the United Bmg; Nov. :4, 186.2. . For Sale. ‘ W 0 SECOND-HAND MANNY SIACBYNEG E with Wood's Impronment. Enquire at at. 23, 1863. WM. \WBLE. HEW YORK. DR SWEETB 1311 A ramnb mwnim TO 30333 OWNERS. EVERY HORSE OWNER ...... mi. swmarra "rill SOLDIERS FRIEND, CAUTION. BICKARDflON l (70., Solo Propriegorl, Norwich, Cola. Elsie Crying-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers