II 6. flbt’j Mufi‘pilzn o'un ruck! § Thinning: o! lakes—the nni'yn-of limit—7 7&0 Union of 811110141011! mfld saggy The‘uninny o' henna—gum uan of lung‘— Flng ox our Union‘furerer L L" vr‘; . I . dii’wk?fiéi§i§,§;fl MONDAY nwamxa. :1 UNE 29; 1f - G3l _ g~BKBDCKHIC STATE TICKETK :1 ~ r , __ 1‘: ‘ 1n: ‘ V ' , For (Born-nor! E“ EON. GEOuW. woopwmp, : or 11:22an cov‘vgr. - 1 For .I’ldn (If—Ill? Hum-rm:- Court; , HON. WALTER LI. Lownm, ‘ at ALLIQHL‘NY comps: i j Invasion of Pennsylvanifi.‘ /"~‘ ‘ P- 'm gm: REBELS (IN ADAM country, ”We stated in our Ith that sunrge {oiLeof "bah 1193. crowed the-Pntorgac and ‘b’dcu- 11'!“ Waibingtop' county. Mdlffiyund s‘karge} portion of Franklin county. in thinEtte. 90!: Sungny (yesterday vieek‘ p of: 2,000 mounted infantry anrliicavfilr inns} bmnint-Wuynesboro', sendirlgr pick“. IE; Inf uplthe mountain a: Mon ey 8.91%“!- An atdvlmma Bilhm‘ward was bxpeol ii by‘ that main. A'l‘hés fur, howeva}, it hal not‘ been mude. and we are tnid mm on “1;?" ,day than; were no rebels in chit quni'tipr. ‘ On Wednesday night It repbrt rmuflmd ran‘n» thatg‘thg' i'c-bcls were on" the $OO-11] ”Mouniniu. Mung the Chambeflburg ”urn-i like. It was sair} that ten fiégimr‘lts of‘ minutry, with cn‘miry und_nrflgiilory.| (wel Phcnmped at. Kimous mints. ffiqm I.” top: of zhé mmm‘qiqfin thi! coun'xyfi,:as in" )Bf‘k I“; Grvc-mmni, in Fr-mklin '(‘munty'h On .Tnnr~"]ny Hinir pickelsrcame 49w" vfiithin Emile oi _Czshtown euvemi him-a i (pur ymiiL of pay-why sent out to’yefibiinp?ire.—'_ ,Quite n uumbg‘ oi‘sh’ota won: I’ I d‘by hpm, but nobody hpr‘t. Theregimgfi qnb inped 30-min us was on John Diilon’mfim‘. hear Newman’p,,nnd they-hadn‘a. picket p it op the iurnplke u‘rhera ii. err-won" the rdp of the mountain. .' ' ‘ g L t This was (ha poislitiou of nffa'” on fihurs ' any afternoon. A féw hours l‘d’er alumor w’m, brought here that a rebel fn'cmu ~ r'nent wu seen chase to Handgun-é"! Lafirn, a mile and a half beyom! Ca'ahl ‘ F. i: I‘- " THEREBELSJN omgame. J gOui-‘usufil-y quiet town mg? [kept]; in a High atnlé‘ nf_,excitement all'Mst wélek.— ‘ Raports‘of {he lévanca of th'efir'rabelsl (upon m were broughmin almost? eiibyy d 339, but alkprdvod‘ unuuie until Friday}. 011;, that dgy persons fromi €3s!”on and I‘vicinilera wnqd having seen them‘intfiormlg ‘he. . 261171231 My ‘ ]. Jenningé, Was-acjlnup .3 :Jm road, and Min abqut threeimil tb‘om \‘own 111?: rebel valry came‘tip'ou em, rupturing some férty of the regiment; LII”: ‘ -Mlnnra“gqc ombut zit the tirué‘qf yfitinz‘ . (Saturday-prion) he are not ndvibcd of‘j'PJ‘eir ghereaboats. 4‘ ‘ ¥ _“_ r :15 ‘ Av show: 3 o'nl ~k, sure enough. {hefibel . Mfume (cavalry) entered Gettye'l 'urg,‘ Ichflging up Chargbersburg strees at. a grid} rate, in pursuit, 0‘ a number of personh on: ,gorsebuck Vl‘ho‘were hurrying off «inwni ‘ ‘ prk sheet. ‘. They fired a {Eighotsqflfmd ‘1 Abs pursued ware baked. In srfow‘mo-E ‘..menta they ,had'entire possnsggon (#93th AM. Ind theifiguards around n. it?” assured the chitin; that the" would“ ot‘f gum theta, and Sears 31101118 in; 'quiatéJdl—J " ‘J'bil advance consistod of übout‘one #133 «_in-ed ma fifty meng—White'l cavalry. {i 1 l . “In bl“: an hour afterwards a (G kin). brigade of infantry entered the to_p-—] .Gen.‘£nrly in command. This briga g is' . variously estimated at from 2500 to 40 .——' ‘ We think the nurfber was about miggmyi Between tßese two figures. Probably kalf! ‘ofllhefia quartered tin town—in the art-1 House and on £ll9 " vements—the bflahce ~ -in the neighbor-hang ‘ .1 \‘ln the evefiag s‘eéé‘ral hundred Jn‘ore shaky came in; Us? a battery of artifiéry.! c We arq told that. anpther battery, within-z ‘ fanny md baggage £Wagons. encamgeflkh 4110 Mummuburg 'd. l mile from' gynJ “fherejs much dig-15:41” in getting i3lll the facts. ' f‘ .;. ,I}. I Thé ui‘debridga across Bock +1 I: mm anon set on Eris:| by the rebolq'fid ’ lhilst. in g Maw q‘l‘aumber of curliLjero Ignited and startan down the trucks, hut. they pmed‘over the‘firidgo tn'd wereg‘qon .rumed jun. boyondthhogetber, wé Tare 161 d W'uvemoen gm Were burnt" one belonging to W. E. B‘We‘, bur tcnhagim-y an! Branch, "to to Stein 5: Young. We 16 the Northern Central; and the hinge ‘to’ “L 5. ‘Peanulvnnin Cethal Railroad. 'lbe! _ rrnuro Jpn: of 1.3 m bruise wu burng 3nd; ,‘sxlfin. 'The other two are standing. but! badly damaged. One of themrs committed . gmer‘ument stores for Col. Jannings' l-egi-i mam, (used by (he rcLeis.) and nuaxherl 3,101 of muskets. The balance ofv the! cars Vera gammy. ’Tlleirebeis did not. Fake} any of the guns, décluring ‘ that: “my: had enough already. $0 other ”09.15"1e wr’a fired. ‘The lime can: were all spuriéd. I .' As soon smug rebelsigoé bore they‘fium-l fished for 1119 “stores. desiring to purcL‘z‘nse" ‘1 rats, hats," to. AI the swrekcnyerphndf gm mausuy removal nearly a}: gram:- grids, xl:ere was htt'ro luflafor the rebem. [Law-i tmr, they secured} number of hauling: "1.13:3' worth, genera!!! paying for “term? {Liam their 03m kmd 0t mbney, whi?!» 18" 0:2!- regtrdt-d as at nwch "h!" here. ‘i‘ ‘ ‘i'nay captured horses in the urn pad neighborhood. anwe préaume the mnh‘ber: ~ wag small, 58.1198er everything in tflsfiape of horseflesh had been taken awiy Hays! before. 'l’bey- “pressed” 3 number of‘bar-t rein cf' whuk‘ey, sugar. &c., receiptingi membr—qmymen‘t no doubt indefiune, { On Smurdny‘morning ma divisxon mated " {mum the York turnpike, and by 8. c'clzck abefl use not a greybcwk m ilhei I t ,An - Tar-i? depomnem generally was civil. Many of them courted e'chersanon, wd mm at): djapogsd to intenem wuh ai‘ry lxdy for «urchin; fl,» Inga: liberty; of niOOh. In CM‘ Form, 545,, ”‘3”. Smide no diatinctidm. Dancer-1: Ind RI. publicsm lufl'eriug alike, germ; Phndemuzy Troop and Beli‘nanulry relir :frpln town 3 short time'befgre the Rbehzmtmd. We pro mme {hey made the“- a‘eyat ufely. The telegraph operator fli‘d‘go‘at away, with M 3 ‘mnrumenl, in time. ’<’ j H‘Upon (hi: re'lml'enulry entering the town, they branched 05‘ into the several streets- One sqnwlburried out. Baltimore street, in pursuit ofipersona taking away bones. They caught. uteri! of them and took their horses. Ono rebel quit down the {turnpike as far sn‘Nalhanlel-Lightnor's, fibers he came upon two of Bell’s cavalryl‘ The rebgl shot 05° of thin, “156901-50 Sundpe, killing him on $ll9 336:. There was probably shooting on limb gides, as several shots ‘werg beard. Kr. Sundae was an estimable ypung man, and leaves 5 wife and many other «relatives to gnnurn his «arly death. The body «as remand to his home the same evening. ‘ . ' fi‘Fhadd'eus Swgem' 'iron wdrks at Caledonia. were burnt by the rebels on their route huherward, on Friday. ‘ > fiThe thirty-nix prisoners of ~tho 26th Reg. P.‘V. M. rel-e parol'ed'h'er‘e by the rebels. Two officer: capturefi they took with ipgm. , ‘ ‘ ;. fl-Tbe above particululia n 9 made up of the best lnformatiod we no been able to gather. Our aim is to be as nearly correct as pogible, _ ‘ WOn Saturday, nb'out noon, 3 rébel waln cnplured in York street, by Géorge (influx; of Hunter’s cavafry, three of whom‘had nrkl rived here duly half zin'fiour beforé.A The! rebel was dressed «in a blue boat, with greyl pants, and was riding leisurely along. whet! Serg. Guinn made chase“. The rebel obsefi ving this, (spurred up his hors‘e for, a short} «Lbimice. wimp Mr. Guinn fired‘ and 1151-} e Jk'mm. After examination, during which i' ‘hfgckuowiedged himself, re’bex' ébaplain,l lxfifiaa detained: ‘ ‘ ‘ i Soon after another rebel came riding in-] to lowh, mg! was captured. He Was in dispatch bearer. , _ , n . a - ‘ WW»- arwinfojnied that a. large body of rcbcls Were. encumped 'near Hummus burg on yFriday night, andmoved‘ eastward on Saturday morhi‘n’iz. There were proba biy 10,000 in the comfmund. . _. A: hue: reportfgiveé the probable n'umber in this force at 13:000. with 23 cannon an] a long wagqn him. It passed epst througl} Hungersupwn 0p Saturday morning. wann.\E&ell. ig, wi'th a. heavy foi'ce. ‘rcpogxrd (0’ have been ,at fihlippenlsburg 0.? Fmday night. - ‘ 113 (I:74am; Yawn? Mouxrsu.—'—The 26th Rég. P. V. M. rug-arm} to York Springs, where übpufi Gfluflérc encamped on Sat’nrdsy' mqrning.‘ The r» *e’ finish)! captured nnhmbor of nhém I» r Mr. Leer'smn the. Mummabbfig mad, and some more lowefiyilo’wn. Th;y»paroléd About ll‘U m, }lunter§to'vvn on Safiurday, we are irv‘ormc-d." The r im'e‘nQ‘ left the *3 ~ , ”and proceeded}: the direction of 1‘ I >' , ‘ Saturday man. One is report l . .. ‘y we beef) sljghfly wounded—none kiilrkl ' l . -\ TneVrovox-t that Capt. Bell, of the Can!» ry, wzb' c.:p}yred, is not. credited. ' prim; imgadg of rebels which left this 'on S.x.u_run'y morning is reported to have .gom- dofiin the York Turnpike, thpcavalry bi nncfiing off in various directibns. ‘ No du’, redntinus of consequence were commit te-l n‘hOxfoid'cr Hanover. All the bridges were bunit 6n the ghttysburg RgiiruaJF—i 'Guu‘ndfii's warehouse; containingr probably‘ a thousand bushois" uf‘grain,‘ w’a also des truyed 1) fire. Ham}? \vfiebouae was vis-t ital}. bu?uson Mr. :ngn fissuring th'em dist there was nothing there intehded for the government, it was sfiérgfi. , 1 The force enpumped. "a‘b Mammuburé pvoc‘eededby the way of Hunterstow'n, New ‘ Chester. Hampton and Berlin, imd ‘encain- ‘ pednear’Do'ver, in. York .count‘y, on Satur- ‘ day night, evidently making'for the turn- 1 pike betwee‘n York and Harrisburg. 13A rebort was brought here yesterday aft te'mbon that we?! cava'lry pro‘ceeQed to Hanover-Junction an 1 burnt the cars there, four in number, and an, the Eridgés from that Roinuq York. We presume the bridges on the Hlnéver Bmch‘yero also dedtroy ed. - _ *‘ ,«' " There is no tionht thu; largenumberé of horses w_cre Caken by the rebels in‘the low: or partof :hiscounty, infligtingheav’y losseg upon \the owners. his to be hoped that the inuderl mil he. overtaken, severely punished, and the pmpgnylof our citizens egsin restored anthem.~ , -. ' fibevenl gentlemen came 90 town last evening end) reported thdt a- squad of eighteen rebel mvllry had sfipeere‘d at. Fairfleld. 19d Ind ukon the horses of ‘ number offer-son: whilst up church there. It we! elm aid tint Hill'e corps ‘wu et Wuyheeboro’,hnt we oouldinot legrn that the report. had any founduion. . j The rebels Are aid to be throiing up en-‘ trenlhmams betwleen Chambersbqu‘ nna : Hegerstown. From this it is supposed Shall the rebel line of retreabwill be kept open ' through the ‘Cumberlend Valley, but as; Lee's plgns are thug ‘far shrpuded in mys tery, we must. await the aenouem’ent.~— \ It would be idle to waste space in guessiiur; but fur military» authorities are no dnubtl taking step. to thwart this bold movement, ‘ evidently designed to be one of. the moat imporfiant of th'e‘wnr. ~ ' ‘ ‘ wanton-'3 Cavalry captured. yesterday .eveningkin the neighborhood of Fountain d’Aie, thifleen of me rebei squd who took thé horses from the churohiin Fairfie!d.-—- They also got. Lhexr horses, thh those they had hkeu. ‘ We have 3 report that horses wei-o taken? in the vicinity of Amndlsville yesterday by a. puny of rebels.SUpposed to hue come in from Shippeusburg. ._ ‘ __ @We published, two week. ago. a very 1 .O'A large fire was seen in the direction . sound, conservative speech. mado by Sennay of York from 1 o’clock um“ daylight ”h“? wr'Tmmbull' so an Abolition meeting at morning, resulting probably from the bum-1 Clucago, dunng the «recent dulurbance‘ 7 ~fi_ ing of 7.1525 bchks, machine shops, cars, ‘ there 1n relerenoe to (Jemßurnsm-s’s order! fin", act of Aslemhly in "Min to the &c', there. It is reported that Lleul. COL: No. 38, suppreasmg the szn newspaper.— graduating and valuation of unpaxentedhpdg Sinhle,with'29o men, showed fight..and Ins," For unexting that, speech_ which did him ‘ by the Commissioners of the seven] countle! with the command, odjnurcd. We do not???“ credit.“ ? statesman and supporter". of Pgnusylvnnia, will expire, by it: own limi.’ know how this reyort 8“ here, or whethq‘jfinhe Consnwtxon and constizuuonal ft9glmion, on the first day of Auguu,lB63. Thou tog'we it any med". ‘ ‘ ffdom, he has brought. down upon his ’hemtimeruted, had better take ndygnuge of H. in. the wnth of phe who» pack of‘lllinois fun time, and have than had- tp‘pralnd sb; the pnticg. They denounce {inn 3‘. u V.ll|n-' Comma-inner: nod plant“, baton up data digbam ‘Copperhudfl . _ lsbongiven. é‘ - fl-Six {bnlmnd rebelsm (opened on ”I, 9“,”?! mjmuin. dong tho Chunben- burg tin-11pm: "‘Otir uni! “dummun icatiom us out off, und‘henq‘a wéJtuow naming of whst in go ing on iii the "'on‘ui'de world.” If. itumqv In; to be: thus isolned. ‘ ‘ x hula": rumored, by wiyuf'vffl’rederick, the}. Mcqa'lelhn is ngnip in com-3nd. ' mob finders will be}: us out in $llO amrtibn‘, that we have rarely. if ever, stepped jawn‘y from our path to'nmice the envenomed and malignant slmfls 35mm? at ourself‘aind our party by the We bigoyed portion one!“ political opponents. We have chosen ‘ 9 {3omm of forbearance rather, believing, lint in tilneo like theseLduiy to our cominon‘-country‘ilnd the community iEwhichi .we live and expect_ to c‘oudnue to live, piiintedin tbifl direction. Batman aidéring the undeserqu nnd unpardonnble abolise wliich It‘bese loul-tongued ‘crenm‘ru are* hurling at Democrats” for- no other crime thim that ofdifl‘ering from them: in their 'pclifiml aentirnents, ” patience ceases, to be A :irtue”—espeoinlly when that pug, tience is; misconstrued by those who no unable to appreciate the propriety of the equi'se wliitih it inculafies. ’ - That there ire men in the Republican 'pariy high-minded enoqgh {o be head wind sho’blden above these 'mal'rgnnnta, we are glad, fori’the honor ofibe community; to uni». {They are “green spots in thedesert" of sla'ndeir and defamation—good citizem. dmrfiini the favorable opinion of their neighbor's. Fn be it from us to include them in he ,ulteyance of a. single unkind‘ worfl. I .. , ‘ « B;ut tq th+t cfgss 9th can lopk üßon Demoém on’ly as “copperheadg ” md “ tr'aitorlf’ wk would commend the injunc-i t'i'on‘. “e minim yourselyu‘." Cnn all this} blank angbit er venom proceed from wire} hearts add cl an haniq Ipx}! it the result; of!1 patiiotic‘im ulseß-r—Xove of country“? Can‘ it, if: an; as_ ectpbe construed as proceed-,1 inzfrom‘frig 15‘ Lhmxghts ’and right princisj p‘e¥?_ No,‘ n vir‘X—‘nr we have pltogelher‘ mivi'c‘nd {mm n motives and human aptinns. ‘ “.Ifis EonsEience makes cowards of them all,” and he «anther than acknowledge thegr‘o‘vin ' mica] aim, seek’to heap gr}. fnmy 11an t e"\heads‘ of fihose whom they’ wdulld bsve t e wmld to hatbthoir ponti cal pppohenté. But. we say to them. in as kind Ep‘irit as the aggrr *ina (ind n Epirit 'l5 - U - “wees km mimic 'fn§%~‘=’"'t"‘.‘mB 9ircumq - v theiearfie en ' .c" “mlrwith “11‘” made m. thafi thékfiufrnzf winch we are capablé It WE ka:_;fo_mf.tn—esgvn_nd,m‘ergy. « [Bum A fourteen ‘ , .. . ._- . A -—-»:«+ ._ . uu a“ of “bmeMW}:-§im 39:30:71," ”ENS” Word ' with a :ev re {kl-2i]?! ot the‘ C“? :Troop, met I firefibfizflour ci'izen;socce'e'ded 1 him’ a be‘tm Dom efnocmtwm make ’ A nunhe on], ' entyesterd’l'fiening w‘eek 1 in: of 11:“? chk Egmin ”W‘uih ”r: h' ‘ ' “PM gun—.w'n - ~ \ . “Can-mu we ’ .‘ - ° “d“‘S- Shn’ru .» ‘5 ”n ““096 ‘and‘mo 3’ °°DVlnce “Mud! mrfield y w °Y‘ "Outingl ’7 ““9704 tin-town y "fl" ”‘8 of t ‘ ’ re tfhat he ig 0n the . How 11' . nnd lame four} ‘I a fired; in I ' germ» ref 409 't u rutb; "ght' 1"“ and con : aldei .0 u or" ““3"“ nnmamiflisl e. from "Hich anoilwnumhn“ ”“9 nil-In cMinot coer ‘ " ‘r-V‘ They ““1““ a“ tree ‘1; ‘.‘ ° “lid run 3° Consideml 1e ‘ .‘ ‘n' - . - , , . .‘ . ‘ , 33"?blrth t 0 this Um!“ em“? mlnd Which , [0 3n; home “I Philidelphinneilt] mkrnmg, UH" “n! their Ray inufifuon 9f H’flncovk and‘foste‘rel ii and :53 wh‘f”: has nursed . be. 1P the Eaddie “Skin “,5 ' e 5'.“ heym and released a rebe‘l'noqmy firm mg “flaflhe ship-“washed mlch mil cling to it ‘ Wlll permiL ' ~, ~ Gen nl 1111:: condition :Z‘y’fievgesr Greencastfitrgggf nth}: h l‘lbt‘l - . . annefdln St 1_ _. __A.__7., ; 1,. ' 0 Wfls in r’so “ 4 c 1 €l3er when Fight and thegt othe; COLLEGE“UARDS.-fi:sq;‘—n . ,EL'eut“ E. N, Fogé‘w¥bfor us mul. (if: frand him]! ‘ empest TO2 of thé Pennsylvania College‘G Wing“; “I°3o“.th away. A4e (re 9‘l}. 100 e 15m,- . "plain F. K' . ‘ .unrd.;‘ , x g 4,! thevhistnn; Jifiiflffiwmfic Pfirtybg' i““‘""“-~‘V..hlpelr?!r;1rmg w i ' , 1 $1225“? and” at M ‘cersb “"8! that' Den find-"1d “is 051 V In St Serge-“M HG'p ' ’ “SIMHH 4 - "SICRQ' Pl. Ju ‘ ‘ mcmr, .- ' 3d. S. U. '‘‘ '3 12¢“. - 1?” IMe '‘"° - --Y when their 3a: ' ': 8 PM?“ “’9l mania-d 51h op" 3 “much": “him. wlc' S-h'“f“°u mmghe had “'9 1"”"0'105 69 (:2. > } rmtlbm ,5 ll . 4 ‘ .F. h‘zlc ‘ . Fred", k rebelcgy-‘l . . 9m by grhO‘e‘ V‘husep“ U . (‘fi 9d ln'quegtinn; ' }st (‘lonl‘dl'fllf’.wm ‘H ‘ _ 4 C‘ ,J-l‘ha‘ op Mdndny tiger!“ You ‘ “.1“, dated beydnd the 0021 mm” “mum. he'Efg‘cJ’mEab'sd, D. F {:qu lfi‘f‘ifi M. r_ d '63; chU. .nnd MVS’TS" '3“ '7‘ lmancg ‘~ - . ix' '""C‘ Kn ' m "Shir ~ ‘ “'99! pram". troubles T ment of our S . mger,mh F. u bler.‘ ‘h . . 8 and the . , , . be“, h _ am. am, 1H fl ' n-Wolf m, 1‘ 4' 811‘ merc .“6 hborh “let the Soul-h " ° mud than ) thni‘ ' ”'de :»’~' "h n] ’ "9' mace ' - 4'" .°- ’ “Album. '‘ . l I’m here (We ‘3 ex flying not lin as ) We are better without ! g G. Boyer. P. A. 35:??- T- GJBiHbc-im" 1‘” _‘he excitemrgnltmuri and p ”ed u " trmimr in M : amigo}? attitude to hurl c' a: Felt-1131?. ‘V-‘Bnlxgl,3§ (3 ‘l', :{ltzhaovef} :“3800 panic, Ov Wafgénmffim 0' 5 mm “.9 - " “W. .R,(m ‘ - - lymire W etacbme " fiyunt my now and bk ‘ I‘B then (u k- - _ -|:!\.J..J, (' ~ ' - Mor m I 1. ‘ ‘9. alea bee , ’ are )0 'D- G Cnntner P'w “”5"“9.“ L through here 0h“ ’"d rm fnengs bf the Old'Un?sfin’ the gamut, ; 15 B. Culhns, P. Dnlrg'EF(F‘”ll" ‘r‘Fhmzmnn .mg mountainfnfifile "‘s' t” ’5“: nei constitution, , ~ ‘ Un‘ier the Qld 353'"? “I; [3- Guthm, I; p{E “I)nl1}](“\-I' Fink—l: Wcre Wncealed' ‘12:; '3O“ ff flue ' _ Letithe b. , ‘ . , "1' ' cull". C. A_ neili‘x- .‘." “V “11'0“. . returns-J with; r“y 3 ((‘l‘nnn-l whghea 1 “3:5: thinL Gurb their 3011] 13E" Efinzy\i:isiu‘Ll;Jeli;-,LAD. J,{‘.?,b; 1?? $33533 gnu“? nfm‘i>l about, ‘ieoh:;:ls:;fii igen V ’‘ ’1 960' ‘- " ' J‘r '~"~A|‘-l 3C . e ‘ b? bit-Mega] h" their (so; e €%?n}ry cannot ‘ {Wm} H- C-liinrrcxinl-‘IA :‘Srstleuyprg' Sv‘P: 'lbofit‘sgniga'; q‘mhty' the W} o‘9 34% axstea ih‘ it mfl‘lst‘ . "e—Whllst, if per- , rigs-4E W. Jhléxnigh'; .CA Eunulfl'hfl. G‘ 12.: grog. 3h" ' am} a few Whlral :1 and biéh r‘n ‘: engender heéfl‘burnihgs lib‘lnfgso? E' I" “We, F. n‘ali'§°'§”“d’ W‘WOWHLWilhgnmxmmmed “bOUt’two '63“ A”s:1 - r n... " 'H‘ : ' ‘:' . " up all sofiafimfongn‘whbprs, and br‘eak ale. W, 11. HZCE)S’%A‘ J~ Re"): 3‘. Rial-31L: 'timed out. in aging?“ ‘hokmimmillxw’ NEW ' Should‘anway‘ be figursie nmorrg those who ‘g g, Sayf‘ord, L: H 'ST‘llEChrffi‘szL. A. 5001: 1 3:9 tlhe hush. ,rh;;“::ednigmbars I; win! Th '. YORK AN: ‘7? A , -l‘-em 11. If h‘ . Ems JGW:- ‘ . . _ L‘f‘hick Jv‘ 9 Wit 1' ~. Bup “ml . I (We (WI) D: - xsh enoukh ,0 1 . ‘ ‘3? are fool- JM‘ ‘ ' tlli. F. BW 1r ' 'C- en : "‘0 match and' Imm“ ' ~ ““0”“ _a- 1 Wm such ~ ‘" ' Young H. L.Z' n' o 513- H-Yoiuu ( .Pla‘n (I tbink C - “mm!" H ‘ 71““"K r ' but Ile w. _ V “text!“ :0 hair: Tl ' ‘ 19.1 mm”. ' vkm the FRWford 15 i Jen-I _ F flmmda of l Inummslgm‘izmrf‘ -§l=€lVes‘thnt’or;l‘ De: Remlppcvlrg‘“! ":5 l‘een flinch/gate ihe 26th a gang yo“ ‘32:“: 3:21 gngdly :zffli”? 3:31;??sz the promp’: L , mun. , ' ."' ‘ U wD-n H, w ‘..r- ' ' Orion ' g hher V ‘ He the ‘ salvi v“, 4.y «V m“) findum gan u, .. - vhknlght [,3 attack pn ~ “Why W ‘ ’“and u ' Y mistaken D f‘“ "Posnmn or $3 w ”been un‘u (i h "‘9 Ollwn 'b ‘: t“No do b I-‘u- ‘mlds ‘ ’ ‘, “POOH“, wr‘tl mo-nbe Jfltnuz. Tlu'ec I g I"mme on, ' ut'MXQu‘ a“ t thud", r “Mr’fuognfige 1321qu vote 50 141'281)’ ‘in‘ mulch: 2:11”: befn demiled M WWI-goes: f 33:6“ of n_u you pleing’fit‘ :‘n‘ hum 59d by tho-e wlioihfn .ae to stanu 0!) their o*”:de good . “warts-n. The inhpmy h. ; “med 5 ‘ f”o9ld. of‘ armed. but am; {3“ .v _‘ lmpressxfm EVerywhey}: 3! Cd in 1 a!" 1.221 u_n- ”he meo than 01-01111 » M'. i l‘hen AOUTS‘ :33:er the can Oflheir“+ u The' amgn'ort'_ 11111?? th hllh;r to (n ‘4" of *l“”°’ ”‘0 People at"' feop‘xxnd feel‘ the m‘mfortable aswrancgl 3’01: Monday evening a)~ Combnny ‘cme thmih with theiballot, in Oc'tobér next. they marching into town from Mounting, townehip, willbe able to gend their petty‘ slanderér‘s 'commemded by Capt. Hnty‘vy Cullinu. They back; into the; hiding-place they- occupied! ofl'er‘ed their serviceshto M-ljm‘ mummmm. on Friday Inst; * j that here, and were ofcourse accepted. The, I ‘ made a very soldierly Ippentsnce, and will do good agrfici _ _ -; ' fl ‘ A :varrsatién with ..l‘fi. Vallangligham—ln hi 3 dpeegh before} the Columbus Conven-J tion,§Mr. Pugh said he had sought an op-‘ pnrhinitg on Che gu‘nbo‘at to conyenrekwith Mr. Vallundigham, mud [here put the quegg tion It'o .hxm; “Has Presidm‘r‘Lincoln" givenl Lou any‘chqice between gohvgio Farr; )‘Vunje r m‘gn South 2” Mr. Yallandig—i hum kepl ed: “ No, but I would rather go 10' Fort Walen a. thousand times than to go: Soufl‘u.” Mrs‘Eugh ropiied, "When you are. gnuq. moi Abbxmox) Hm in chajge of me’. telektaph! will say this you chose to 50' South.” Mr. ‘Vullandigham said". "I au-l thorise you, Mr. Pugh, to say that such in' not the flow. ‘that I pefer going to Fort: ,Wnrrrn than to those who_ are rebels again-tt the United States."—Bu_falo Cburier. ‘A Dirty Dacha—Some Abolition lowdies havy‘nnde it s prgotioewsutioxixhemulvu on the outskirta‘o! Democratic meetiiagsln this county, and hurrah for Jeff. Dazvisw— These’ fellown are helping Jeff. sufficiently without numbing for him, and lhéir at tempt: to can odium upon Democratic meetings is well underatood.—--Ven§xngo Specuxton ' ‘ ' Riot»: Salami—The threereJ-sons whol were tied at the recent term of Court in! Carbon county. and qonvicted of riotzrinfi assaulting My. Leonard, the District 12w ternary, by tearing a copper-bend badge from ’ his watmhguud, were each sqmanced byt Judgé Barren, to pay a fine of $2O and the? l . goods. In pulsing sentence he remarked that. it was the lowest punishment the law; fllowed him m inflict-‘tha; the parties who encouraged and instigated them to the atm tack were'the ones who should be severely 1 punished, but he cautibned the volunteers. that. if they ever again appear before him.k on a. singular charge, they would be punish-i edto thevfull extent of the law. g LOCAL DEPARTMENT. CITY TROUR—Yuw'rh; awning . week the City Troop of Philadelphia a‘rm—oi hm, mflcr co-mnnd of Him. Samuel J. Rank".— 11. in II: exceedingly fin. body of awaited may! And ban baen “ on this 'go " all the while wncb {ng the monuments of the enumy 6h the mollu hin. They retain, n 1,115): dengue, expul- I tion of tdmirntion on all sides. ‘ They wen, we are informed. Lbé first 'ofoler their services to m: Gonrnox” They «furnish their own unifonna and equipments—indeed, I most complclg ouf—fit—lnd give their service without pay. ' ’ BELL'S “Hint—4M rouc‘wing m in. officers 0! the (:0 pm] of Cl'lll”; recrnikd in this county . , ’ ' ' H‘,‘ ~ ‘ Captni'l, Robert Br'll.'- I ' lat Lieut., Janus Nickle-y; 2d, Hgnry Lott, Jr. Orderiy‘ P. H. iii-Ebony.“ \ , dj" 1 , The company [l’3s heeu‘lccdpte (by “1:60:- ernnr and mi: foerally sworn int‘f‘ the United, Slates ‘sefl'ice foréaix months by (Maj. Holler, on Wednesday mowing. .i‘he corhpnny in {all ,glnaihns bvcn doing very official}; service u soon" since the nppenrtnce of the enemy.— The men hove been Rerforming :the hut-deli kind bf service, coming frequently inicontnct wrth the rebels, mnkinq'narrow zescnpes‘lnd - . . a ’ ‘ . I - ‘. 9mm E‘TEEEL‘T’EF'EE' 1 3TH- 26t1; Regipxent P. VAN. mu ex pected to arrive her; on W'ednddjny exening. But upon the train .pnssing Swift Run, a shbrt distphce below Guulden's Sh:ion,ithe locomo tive struck a cow, which threw {hohnchino and n nuu'lber ol the oars. off the hack. _Tbil promising to cahse considerable: delay“ the regiment enumped on the spot, Ind camp to town on Frldoy morning. A large number.“ the men were out in the nine months service. All look like good fighting iii-telling and will do their whole duty. ' ‘ .2 ‘ ‘ The officers of the Regiment. alto—Colonel, “'.W.Jennings,p£ Harrisburg ; Lifut. Colonel, Jaseph S.Jenkins, o! llanovizr ;' Major. Lorenzo Greenwnlc, of Lebanon; Adjutant}, Envoy W. McKnight, of Penn’n. College. . | ' whim G. o‘. Roller, of theflth Regular Infantry, has been here fora week."h‘nvlng been assigned the command of militar; apex-Minn: in this cpunty. Major H. has bee'p in service for many’ years, and poa‘sesaes high qualitieax ’lor the post. Hiq pleasant, and gnu-mun], mfinners have won‘fdr him many ‘friendp, and the desire is general that he be nllbwed to con tinue to difect operations here as yang Is the euj‘ezgency may conlinue. All his disyositionl fi-We an; glad to learn that Gupt.;Ad|ir, of the’ 871:: Pu. neg, has i-e Iched lint-3hr“! Heights in safety, with five: or six_ of his men. We have no knowlgdgr of any one beingkill‘cé in on. F. , ‘. , : The 8m: behnvgd with great 331 mm, during the fight It Winchester, 11l upon concur in "sting. . ' COMMENCEMENT AT “'l‘. ST. MARY’S COLLEGE-”The Commencement-exercises at Mt. St. Mnry'e College, nee: Emlnitshurg, were held on Wednesday lent. with the ne‘uiTeelet. Quite n ierge Audience filled the College Hall, end greetedlhe young gentlemen who were “ mouth end wiedo‘ml' en this feeiive eccuiou, end the St. Cecilia. Sodiety,‘vrhich dimmed the music, with frequent rounds of eppleue. The speeches, which mere eight in ill, (the Rev. Geo. McCioakey, the, ureter before the Philomntheen Society, having failed to ireach Emmltehurg in sensory) were of then-uni“ standard and reflected credit—upon the institu-’ tion, which he: s‘nch I respectable and honor-1 ed Alumni. At the dinner given in honor atl the graduates, quite e number of guest: em! joyed the ”banquet which Mt. St. 1117‘: it noted for preparing on Inch occasion; rTbe Commencemen‘speecbu woro-"Popn. ku- Buperstitioo." by Michael J. Burns. N‘s-Hut, N. IL; “Life and Manners,” Lorenzo C. Cun- Ins, Brooklyn; “Ox-store Ind-Authors," Eugen. McSherry, Brooklyn; "Enthusiasm and Earnest. néss," John Francis Dammm, Baltimore; “The Clubs of OldV England," Junea Dunn. Bum. more; “Individunliup,”» Jamel H. Cyrrigan, Newark, N. 1., “Strong-minded Women? Pu rick Hopkins, Lyons, N. Y. ; Valedicmry, Lorenzo G. Cnunm, Bro‘lyn. Pruieuor Dielman had charge of the unite, and i; In. cf course excellent. ' _ 91nd: stand in our lut that Eli Smith bud been united on lulpicion of having set fire to the livery of Beams & Guthrie, which resulted in the terrible conflagmLion m Em. mitsburg. It should have read Eh S. Smith, a very dilfegent individual] {rpm Eli Smith.— The latter is one of th. moat correct ”and esteemed citizens of that pines. _.,____,__‘_» _ .‘.-m .‘. , ~ ‘ .-_ « “‘7‘ “___"; - —-~—-r--‘—‘__«-V_ _‘ _ 7m: INVASION or PENNSYLVANIA.‘ THE 87TH uqxnm, 2. v. m: 9113“ ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC The Jammy“ (f 03:77:! Kmi efmm’ Chum-‘1 The news "thh‘tw:€:",]e 2!; am last [MI-l ' STATE CONVENTION. ' , bailing—Th; Rebel/1590!“. 1”" °“ ""3 "‘3‘ griy i: ;;I§i-"‘ 3 I°“ng 'rhemKW' "1““ eniumirutno and detnr~ [From the Harrinbur Patrioltnd Union 24th from Unrfpt’i;"t L'n'l Qtulxle lonl “if t- e i mined popular (/‘mVPnliun evm-‘helrl in the Rumor uon K “CE” ua i War-v “(.er 0h Ifi'hli Regimen l’mV fljorlworlrl mu heldat Sprinfinld, ImmN }, hall? huibspstoriuzlgiciiis ‘t‘h'm «it?» mi Ruhl. of t 9% ”6 mm Ag“ .1 .. wunsghe Democracy of thatsmto, on the 'l7in Bio of everv o'héi: hour This mirni '«v w; Premature. bath safe "Ll ’ 85;“! in mm” "Nun“ It m emmmed that {mm 75 ”W hoard thu General Kni. oemmnntilinnezlt ”m? an?" "1: eon Sundal B 0“ 1 e arrrfl Yto 100.000 pennnc WHO l'm‘mt- firmly; ro lphlmbel’sbur had i“ llpe'i) k v Shi ed in “‘HP c bel n)" I'"ng 1m“? aglved to (leleml “H ”Ni? cdnxmuuonul ” .3' Ae“ 9‘” “1"" p- to rectum the men 0 sling to (m- regi-‘nghlsrfrec- speech ul'rw H'Psu lpensburg. in consequence of the advance L 'bv order orGen. “firm, and M..-0, “ f' -- ' ' “ant!“xe’“ ‘- ‘of: very superior -ebul fort-a Th 2: news men ‘. ' t Bleed Run in Becif d 'J ‘ l-n-n mm “.‘dm‘ry “”9“ ‘nd N'ml oi 151 Ifor I. lime startled .all’the tiéiild pepple of gum Itztunding I}; a similar orfiirwurty. I"”‘3‘s. mm m the lil'1‘1'n'."“""1 form; 01‘ {the citv. A sudden nttufik upon (hi:- Cflpl- 3., Baffin men attached to the tier? ‘8". tin-1, x‘lxlod gm“? “'9'? 15 ““19"“? WW 'ul wainuticipated hv manvl‘uml great was some - I'th w have arrived 1' Emma: a _spmt “in-and in the land which‘ no ad‘ “he consternation uncanwnilénce. ”Before were ”Foconflict-bv w“ of Cl VOmlthe minifilri‘llon 51'0““ *mNY'Pt‘CO ruiab, and iten 0,6106!" Emmy”; u" {ms “scammed $5713.,“ m Hancock ma from 15:3 tubs-nine): none can Eucyesafully resin—a npu’g Hint telegraphic communica‘lfion wa‘a kept Rm” 1?!” w ”m‘ pomt. Thin MUS" .ng manly‘an patriotic determination to I ‘up 'm‘ Chambersburz «‘lth would "0‘ "l 3 cilizens of llfis A“! d 0 ,y.° intore the. supremacy .Ofrthe Conqcitutioh ‘hl'fi been the case biid 1h Cnnfédprnte Pheszmzngnival in Maui {iurii‘th V‘C‘H‘A‘P‘l ”unite the Staten in the ban nt" ‘forCH been there. This intelligencelabntwl‘ "g" 2; four ‘l‘”,- ml "9 Ordeged : pan, anm'whwh held them touether in frater .WOeiciwment. SubsequentlfiCol.Ml‘Clure. 4 39:3” on the- nit: grounds. Kiwi: rig)" :ml lmle imam {he fell demon of seclinnzil just arrived from Clmmbexsbmg.infolrm€d a men are also reportéd Safe M “IffiPr'u‘Fer :“Mu’ljfl! [lnd mlungpd-Mle nuhhn into trl'rnd that he did not. believetbeq‘: mm a. , after our fox-cu were cnmywlled tron; “1' ”m ” ”'9 fmpular dél‘el‘finnntinn itebel within ten miles of ‘At Plflde- but I'3. t‘thci re iinentbé‘mniedivuled d’l If? rand most; nml-tliis will be nccommlnh. said nulliiug about the falling .101; of Gene-l tron ' took E 0 the molmmim “.5”?! Mel «3; ll 5“ ~l‘“z“‘,r“-“ ““‘1 (“Kill"fll’ 11ml ~l"“"4=l‘ n 1 Knipe. A veiv short Li. e an” ””3 men ennui-Pd by the enomv'ywhil lEMO' “in“ bebrouxlnmhoarngilimz‘iL .... comfortable inform'mion had been re civod,’ were aim the points nnmeri' Mitt?! m' ' florieSYWde'" "l ”1" Ci'u'innutifiuqui -Iwe encountered a mililnry friénd. anrvfi'l‘fr "cap: of the battle‘ sixeik in'hi l “in; "cliernresenls ”‘9 mowing!“ “m““i‘73 al fruh from the seat of war, wlio giivefus tlie fguucignduct and brawn-w of tlighl‘srg"; ‘f“ l L"'V<_)nd belief. 'Lhu mlromlq hrnuuht following smiement. which‘lie told? us we, (:1 't s alane nwinglo'um 0_ it 1.: inigwmng‘nurnberq.'nnd time were Counted might. rely upon: Genaml Knfimlwth 3‘ g: l {wleenem tlmi We wpauignror gum-[4.44 wagonf. Ilium»: mid currmgea in pro. force of about seven hundred ;of n”: arms.’ 'rrshn {Elliowin yis alm(i t? kf‘fnfgd; J cysuon.‘ ,llvsnles thousands of‘hnrrenn-‘n..._ including fem-seven cumin; and NH” my" nil“: in cO5l nniesA’sE a I ginnndf'lflie penpmu'l} were llslnnlwhed. llié Mm. "ll howilun..mn stationed tibouQAFll miles lat?“ ascertained? if ' ' -an ' Hummus” ”llifiOqu-ly “Um“‘l M tile mu. 0‘“ 0r Cbmnbbrsmrg 0" ”‘9'- “reeiw‘mg‘ Cnrpnrnl Jaineson. wounded in lbs 31‘ ‘-' qrnloutagr freemen. ‘ n W“ R grand "I" turnpike. Haring that theirs-be] nflvun‘i:é;Peter Bot: hi , 'Henr C (T l i 1:“ . . “WP lof fight over wrnngnof mull nwr ..r. W Dollar off, he sent out his cnv lry as 'l‘ ‘t Mo'elzafr’ hand .wan- I" “if. .'L“,’°F~ of “9°de “var-dflpmlsm. aml'lliia scout; At some di-mnce. which :53 did “E’IeSJOSP ll'll’enrv iiitl l 'ITYK’J’WM' "7”" kPenly {9l; hydlm advocates ufihmVn— not. learn.they encountered theenmi‘vand 8"; I: wouriil‘éd- Wrii wfii‘fn :Hll‘nm tynnnl nnl Slum adminmrniidm, $5.51. had a skirmish. in which they 10!“. éuien . mi: w 11‘ Finn-ah I kill ",1 If“ : ("2‘3" 39m L'ncnlm ”gnu Burlhllleiiiov. Yam-5, and m some. ksuea. umpon t mm: mm in 1»...*;1;.;~;.J“1=L‘:.‘;.‘ .5213: amass ‘3'?” "t'r'é ""l trelted 99°“ llie‘mfiltfllfgliln 5:12:51. 'r‘me nhghtlfiin (lie forfhfadz' Milton wairhrd: 1 arbitr‘krv egrcise Ziglg:::-'\2:L:;la!2ilig(‘l pence affine rebel advance inésomr’fl They were not followed. Gan. Kni receiv‘ing misinformation. fell back 1 er Chambersburg. where he formed‘ and line ofbnttle. 'intending lo nwuil tack. but otfler‘ scout; comlng in wi intelligence that. the enemy were I clng in force be put his conimundlj and fell back to Curliale, wbgre, an aented. to us, they now are. 'ljhe Visit of J enklns’s Cavalry to ‘ . nellaburg and Meroersburg The McConnellshuz-g (Ply) pampc thug following account. ,of 016- Conf (rai‘d go that place: ‘ i Aboutday-brpnk. on the 18m, 9 r about two hundred rebel cavalry x dash into town, and surrounded it i seconds. The .then commenced work of plun’déz. inking horses, negr :3 large Amount. of store goodx. Scpu then sent cut in every direction. 3 turned with n. large drova of {.ll. can? had been stopping h‘ere for! nigh! are sorry to say that Capt. ht, 95:, .«)fl ‘ had fourteen fine hor _s 13k: ..ey .ugaet, 0. all :01 finances.— The] 10!)ng Lo ‘Janxi lander wu \Colom : um] cour ' (mu: .. use beam.— iYour \ ..esponu.‘ .md a Ing conversa fi'dn iith him on the s'reec (3mm. t a for ‘t‘ufxes of war. and the right ofsece‘sicgu and ‘revolufion, and the probablluicanfreunion. He Ipoke mth great dMerminntion, yer. lhowed no dlSpOalliOH to new "mihtarj force Igninst the free “pressmn of diuénting opiniouu.-—P}lil. Pr": (‘a-r. , ‘ id" to GOVH'HOW Sfi'dm‘" ““9 “Wk"? 5“" , imlly thiftflmr duh tlmt cnuutrv. nn-l jto the volunteers wholao proniplly and 331- «vyiyJ‘nm of ul‘qllntliil’flv’ifii givin Hm ‘lnntly responded to t eir- call. the warm»: £1“): "BY? 0" nulmnl‘i ““4"!" (I 3 101“" “'7 Lthanks or our citizenn. They. in coriinnn n:::::=g::nna”lszn ;}£:v‘r'?'¥vj‘l"r’ I’l ~ , r .. 'ir ‘. . turn 17““ amt" MIMI"? mny fffl'momfief‘f’” thO 'anruk (:DIIIIHOS, thGo‘llyubur; R ' i'mnnn‘er ofthexr reception and the‘wnht‘éf'f' -_—_—:—-—_-——=-- ~ » Lin‘lormation Incl lyejem which the] oqilld‘: -§ron indium} tuning the trnin on tho :uot hnvg failed ’to observe on the ”rt. of Cttljlluflg jlnilrnuti um cit-emu row-3h shii’rt onr nuthoritieu, ciyil ~and miljtnryulmt Io ‘ (finance this aide ot‘témh Run. nnd threw tho mph tltvm'to belie“ thlt the people cordi-I engim. tendcr, 111 an most.’ of {he rc‘nrs,‘ufl' the (lily thnuk thern. and under reversed cir- «has. i‘hegrnilb werc'torn “P,“"MI rmlt, onmstaiicca would rocir-rncite thel nérvico "d we gaging eonsidunlily damaged. nut ‘ they ‘35" shown (themselves toéwilliing to arrange to ply, no one'wns seriously injured:— Lflnder-‘T‘P‘l‘rio‘ ‘9' Union. ; ‘- V itwo per-lons only receiving'sliglu switcher—i 1 v .1! ‘——"'""“—"" ' V [quortion “4136213“: PJ‘JI. Wu; on the truth. Lew. {Yuk} and Phuy/tfinia.—lt in Ik‘Ol’i'l . m .2-..“ ‘ 's‘? "i ”" our! thing ‘tn think that. at n momintz likb 1 “On TuesUnS'. “NEVA? 0‘ “‘l‘“ YMMV”; 'iglia'eisziffmcfl 11:31:; :51] 22):); noticro.‘ nriomly estimated nt {Finn 20 '11.; 85 came - i ' I 9 ‘ ‘ ' ' . . protect her fiom invnxing. Gov. $3.23."? d?" I?” turnmku‘tgfiunsliotior 5 ”Wm. is pnsln‘ng‘forvfnrd regiment Il'ter foginicnéf “mo nylon from this plnce. and Alien m-nt for the protection of our giglef Sulfi—Ajbqéhblck ng'nm: _one of the number wusshot ny A 757“. 3 ’ ‘ jfrom the bullies above Kuh‘h’s saw tum. It 11, indeed, "a glorious thing’ty-and th.: and'bully perhaps mortulli wou‘nd’ed, the Democracy of Ponmylvnnic. the’truly loyal : pearly taking him 511' with thenvi. ' ,5» _ v '1“ I maues. will'not‘nonn forgetthfipromptneu' *7 ‘L"‘<-—‘-‘-""i f—r . “‘Thcresponae of the Democratic punt with which New York Ind NOW '7“ng “.361. Mr. Bement, the Oriental‘hl'lv a; tthStnte in of the moat entliusinstici lent “10" lm- ' } “nil", “we? of ”35'?” :hAFmtelnt c nrncter, in reference to the nommn ion. - ‘ ___._...._;...___ e ‘ ‘ istoxy. was mph; )7 he Le on I. of Woodward and Lowrie. Every Minn“ “Bowling. That the earth}: the Lord’qlm. paroled on the 2Tth.l_nd is now A that reaches us from the interior is full of‘ “gage?”gzzrffgiiéogg‘sigzfi; .(uefi of If; Genrge Arnold, in'this PIE“- 0 _ 3:. 1 . ___—~— a.» A—w 0"" A smut:':::‘;:’:n:::::;:i‘1::°::f‘::| we m mm ..m cm» can», mm v 1": “ nt the pOlla Will nobly record Itheir a d)? t? “1"“ been passed by nconventiou of ”W" Milfdlobufg, V 3" on Sunday. (mu. P a”. mf v r ‘1" th D _ 'r K: :5” religious men, whs‘imngined them-‘y union reports thathe attncked' the Confed- U”n o o e em'ocratxo ,nomineesmf veg wbc the true christinnn. nnd 11l thei mtes at thnt point, and compelledvthem anrgogiheandlhatrhmony prevail feverywberguigt heathens. Tho absurdity of their 34%; to h” b‘Ck ”3'0"“! Upperville to A'shby'n at,“ m “WAG“? W“ organization 3 P ' {of thefioisy “ loyalist: 0, who {ill our public; large’num or O _ima arms: wero captur _:__«W offices. and advocate “no-party,” no that ed. The Confederate loss is believe? to ”Hon. C. _L. Vallnndigham is now on 5 they may be able W "“35" them. Thmi have been hoavy. Sixty were wk.” pl‘lSOn' his way from Nassau. N. P., to Canada. It? persons. if not by actunljords, by every‘ erg. Middloburg ’5 twenty ““195 “o“th is not yet certain whether/hemill take up 1 day concluct, declare .3 follows: twat of tho Bull Ilnn b'l'ttle. field, and trim». I his summer resident» in the city of New } mgtjffvffib Elilllnltlr‘zl'elitf the only pctriotict ”'9lth ““19” “3:31): fill”??? ‘3 v 30;"?- 0’ proceed to'Chaghnml‘A small (’3'! Resolved, That all others are Copper- , Loyal .L‘afi'JN-fi‘)“ lexchangea "Pol“ Ixm torn Opposrte 6W , there bei Hemiannd Traitors. 7 Huge filling 03‘ from this organization, In toould see his friends every day. issue his! .erh'ta', 'l‘hntasonly“loynlmBn"nhould'different parts of the country.. The last mnndnwlvand direct the anernatorull R: 3‘ 53352315233115? "mm” a with“ has attracted our notice isit card ir'r _canvnsn With energy and Vigor; Iy P __.____«..;__.__._._ , the Johnston: Democrat, of the 10th inst., , fiAholiti‘ou papers are publishing in I 18’0“ Friday "991‘! M .Ne'bWSl N- Y» { signed by nineteen memberfl, declaring" declaration said to have been made by a 3 a "98” committed nshockmg outrage upon 1' that they have been deceived and would rebel officer in Chambersban, that the ‘ a young ‘lrish girl, said 10 have been over. “"9 WWB mm ‘0 do "“1! “1° ““5“? South thinks better of an Abolitionist than I :3: “ fajidwleilktd .He. .7” gun-5:64, 52.8.”; club. 50ft: Democrat. The inl'érenoe'frorn this is,i '"r “5 ° 5 m in: - u 3 mg i m “I” the South believes the AbolitionismE’FS'lePf every effort made to preveutit, an maze likely-10 favor separation than the ‘ infuriated mob broke 09°? the prison, took Democrats. The Administration pit-per! out ”’5”???- and hung him tothe first ”99' am certainlj very short-sighted in publish-l Am“ ing.thi- testimony against themselves. A Wlfor ‘VcCJallan aui B relL—The Lnua hvillo Journal. (Administratiopfi in review-l in; the milnu-y pottition of the comm-yd thinkl it is gloomy for tllo‘apresem. and duping M m the future. ‘lfinyn: { “Lee and his genenll hue; been Bulilyl' Ind énergeliully Imnging this movement! ever since the hut. battle of Fritdericks'burg, Ind than is no doubt that thcy have done, everything in their pow_er to insure in aucg occu. Oh that McCielle or fine]! were 31‘ the head of tbs Federal Irmy! Then we! could go to sleep tonight and haveao nth-l or drum than n drum of victory.” » ' fill: an compnny that. left Hanover s low 4 duys :go for Barrinburg, were a number off m from thin county, tong but I doun at} more {you New Oxford. 1: bu bun manned ’ into thc uch Regiment, P. V. I. 5 l _wnumled ; Petér Fall.wmmde«l; leprit-H Witmeyeit, woqnded: Jolzu Lutzfirepoflpd ' killed; W. Il'gonfriu. Wounded; Jmish Landon. may] Benjamin Kmfinmr, lei}?- Sergt. erfiilh labia; Sergt. Smith, wounfl: ged; John Uk‘fly'gnp, (10.; D4nier'Wiekles' o. 1 . ‘ \ . , Since the abov‘a was in‘ type, MLCnl.‘ Stable has .regeivetkorders to_ forward nIL the men‘ in thin plac’e,‘ lug-longing R) the rv-‘g. ‘ iment, to Bloody Btu-l immediately.— Yer/c. I’rcu. ‘1 , ‘ ‘ - —.-—\-=- «“T‘—-t—*» l nee.— e. on , neur~ ‘ anec -1 an at ith the hd‘mn ¢p our: helix-e- peon- In! 11M .dernge GOVERNOM BEYMSOUB AND PLE ~ 4 i KER; ‘ ‘ . ’Tfio New YQr’k Comm‘qtial Ariana". I very decided aliminislnfinn papa}. cil‘iuuin-L ‘, short editorijnl, which in in {eryu-tmng, conlfast with {he remarks‘ of row nil low and mvile Applilinn paper» in mn- nwn Smte. We take pleuuj‘e m‘ro-onangqul yce of _nde II It few their Au and m-re "d re- g (h lt , ' We ’loody p. A biting and generous {monuments (flick wjhakevn sourco they r'qny comb. nnd»!h}réfmyo we givé thil leading .\eerork ALQLUoh Jnur ml we benffitiofour nolum‘ni for eliq‘mmi- plemi- ' hating its remarks, which we mxunwnd.tn """.’:}‘ I the considernlihn of the gum of 11:5 513qu ’l:ng "who hnye beenlumpnrmg in tlu-ir_ donumlf é'lt .. {Tations of Goverzmrn Seymour um} Pal-keg}; ' nine ”The Adi'crtiw Allyn: ‘ “94 “We nhmfld,“ guilty of 3 arm! injh-{Wyn hnjuxl = Were we not My give- dur- crnhl In lhe'finv. 1*“ “C"! ornnnnflhinSLhta and New Jar-my for (half , Fog-‘l‘,“ and promlilitude in “Hedi-m. ,Whnu .'f“ of‘; danger mu im I mlmg. unitlwr of’ilmm hid bolb'} mndmons to $013099 or lernn la wxwL-L Th 9 onlv question wu who chum lint smd ~g_ d molt. o‘fi‘nclunll’)v discharge hm duly an the ”dny‘ ruler cl" 3 free and loyal_commnnm-a~uh.- 4 fig“: They make use of no “112’. ‘amlfl or ‘lml.’ 'ware ' In the mm 0! New >Jtrsey. lullpul. Govern , k- I orjl’nrker callLlUplon the peuple tn mum-Mi ”a?” l the. rescue “with unpremdentml mll.’ 'l‘h'a ivd a; . cgnduct ol‘theae official- will“ be mun ear {ectod { dually apprßClAlktl...l_n§lm]wh m) lho-y_ do not ouflh Ibck'mg to {he polmeafirg'riy to which the n fn- ngtmnal nmsof nutho . have -|le'rn unm “i ht. Inntud. I: n (my posslhlo um hy refer“ " Sued v rmzbo the put we might find {but gmch men 11h0,._ ' ELK'GLIVeIZH'I‘IIB Sequun nntl l‘nrko‘r lmvn- m lor‘ei ‘ ken pmltmns no: to pur llkmgzl bu} nndho . the [deeds of to-day art! in! mum nnrnrmnge ‘ h y ; tlxan’tlne sayings of "pt-wily. v" prrfnj Lu y (:r- i‘makn conduct ratherlgtlmn jurofi-gliunvlhc ”:4" ; lest injudgiug the mt‘iiu or demums ulfiur @9131 public servants." . l Fund Fa? Wounded Soldta'l.—At the recent monster Democratic Mus Convention held 0, Springfieid, UL, $50,000 were raised in 1 four minutes as I fund for wounded wldiefi. What vilhinoqs copperheads they must be. Have all‘the mizquped Uninu League: in the country don hall a much? , . .., .... , leu Without ulm'enxlvnounbml erhmhml wvem terms, and (lulled tui'nnk'e any more nruvwh fntbe _crilicigxu of the acts 0!: public aer vn s. ‘ . ‘ f : ‘Gnn‘. WmfiAr Riclmrv'lann, U. S. San tnr from lllinnh. was , chnson qu.l'§~}n_ l“‘l"l““:““l "Y filly five Yme l'resilllints. le préncipnl spenken werl- chlmrll'mn. (‘O5. Vnorhmd.’ Merrick. Allvn. 'Klu‘p >. ‘Rnblnsnn. Ml'Kmery—nml Judge Mnlsl'mll. ”Pm-re m—ro.’ l|n\i‘P\H-'l‘.,pmrfl tlm‘n 1| Elam-u of ntlwr‘p, and all wvre kept busy nddrdsuing lbfi' pimp]? l'romk‘mrinus gland“; The run» lutiom. for sylllpln are cannot _nnw. ~finll room“ ‘declnrml in favor 0f the Cuiutllutmq. u the nuprpme law. binding ullk‘e @110" 'the ‘pmplemnnl thPlr (mmmmry riders :in “mm of war M 'wr-ll as 11l time": or renew. nntl 'lonmmcod all Ile I'mmlionl aiul nrhi-‘ trnry urn pf ll'w‘All‘nitl’htrntion. In shrirt. the mobhrg wax u rlomnmm‘mon oflmpulnr \nlL‘anvl z-uflmdqm may will m‘vuri'lw fur gnm‘u “Ith ll)" Glénslilulllvn. Un’iou nnvl {rm-ilmn am ”no “mu-J: wmyla uf the people ufJxldeH-‘l’um .t (L? [,‘H'nll'. ' , MA") Dom )crnts hex-Fun m th.. in'urinr‘ me wrv ulfllrdln of having :1 Huh”: \hu Marina or 111537 ”5.30 '¥:rllfy'alne Mm.- )m‘i-vlu ‘ mad» dx Hnn‘iahufm \Ys- think w-Mrm uhggwlinn. Acnw nf hw- M'hltn. Pupmyimwum rnuM vuryérrmh‘ty lu- gut Immune}: {mil lhv’inh-xclmhgw of lgnuphl Im}! ..'.' Ihl’m'lmfi-m uaAu :hu pn.;rm~’nff],., mm» for “’Wfimm». er‘ru'n and I.lmm”, 'vah gushVam‘hswmhlnuu wmud 1.m:»:.u.-. you‘d haw“) I‘.th in do umfil. Wu ha; 9Hm fienmm‘uhc Shiv ()Pu‘lral‘Cmmnmw “u! rumi-b‘r thu;mfi;ivcl utgtlwi‘t v u'lu-mtinm-l. in g. 'J‘niffiluh- 'lnu nmtor shim ~m_hh ”gm-z -mg m: w.» rmlld have null], on brmf yum-u. -—]'}u/u. Ayn ' a 3‘th ugggmtion iii‘u gnnr‘i nnl'. » LI-t. er such a VCt-nvuntmn Irv ennui. ’l‘)m‘;‘hu mncmcynl‘san!“ij rr‘sphnd im'ndJ-mwly. ‘ WTHMM Nationh! run-xl:qmmnm.-,. ‘nu vnrnvil uplv‘j“ in ”in; ‘\ Imzmdr‘; " fur tho ru'nlf M‘l‘wm .\[ka-Hun,“ Ila/m the cmzfirivum- n! the sul-imn um! th.-4m». ‘ 3211-, mind I”! 'l'Juutloul ynhtwims nfinvxhl vol. in timm likn them-film ngwr -Howed l 9 "Mlpprem"_;lniin. ' ‘ /. z _ v: o O as» 4/ l { Our Dlrl‘irx Impr..m'rf.—-A Riff“ ,oxc‘ltn l‘nhd my.” (‘ro-Al'fll mnnngihwfl‘ fkjvwrzf ll} o 4 l“""‘"- nn’ 'hm‘uhry 112E111: :I/VdmLH-‘m l . ..'«-lm-k. ’.l muul of Ilm fin}AliL-x« gumdin‘g fivf’ )[sgiwurg “111'me f’bvluw’ Lulu-L? ’qdll.‘ mum- tn (own Niall 'p'nHvß‘h-rl "HAN." fl‘lir ,ymlh-J nlnrkivs'nmll/lixu‘t‘hmi tlwmgnlf m (Lg.vmh-n-Jlmom‘s/my..Uu- in“ üb'flm; milm-ul hrulgu. Mm”:flu-\lem-uu. mmr SnlllT'- "MU“ .\,nll‘/:|lt_v“')r N)_I'1!1'Wll':: nl— from lln-rF‘bcy’flfin-l 1’: 1'; mil limb grwu- rindvn - ~ [nrrvmkul unmm! [hum ’m mnqequn-qc. unexlngcted u ml ”pun them.- - for]; V 4 NEW JERSEY, lilic Sud." deiirrve llm orpeople of Penn-lyi nd noble mnnnnr in our cry of «lumen:- r mu greatly magm ld have been well In / “..., a nuould grand] '“fl‘u Gnirml LQL-II”.-—'l"he SVaubinpzlon SUP. RSIBY‘SMM‘Q Mm. un- mwukmpnflhw nfiim-rnrénmrlii: ‘ . rang-311v. (Law-“n". ' “.5 Eml’l'a pplw‘mon wlml n m Iy. if hr H: , rfnfi.;,1,,n,., h h,“ it. “.\nyfiud n 1 nl]. nurlaif-nnlmuplntwnrmfl . ' a ‘ I min l'ennaylvnnin, lu- \Vill~}ntnhubl\' slrkau ‘ ounaylmm) '“.“"‘ " “ "y.bur¢, 31ml fiwnm- LnYqu, llvr lm r f- " I 3‘3!- JVKB. Mitchell, of Bellefonte,wha had joined the Loyal League there, has come out publicly in a. crud. and sum that he wi‘ll have no more to do with it. ‘ Preserve Your mica—Com: injure the voice and lungs of course; try a few of Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, 25 cent: a box: cure a cough or lOI'O them. in a very “my; time. 2 *XnfidolsTare generaliy orerlnlouw‘, 33y believe ‘evcuthiug «I at (he “Jugs! STATE MASS CONVENTION
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers