Maintain. Ifil Splendid Farm ID OTUKH REAL ESTATE ‘\T PUBLIC A SILK—In pursuunce oi wihor‘ty gum in 3 III“ [Band tenhmv'xt of Col. BALTZKR anon, donned, will be nmrcd M l’uifliv Axle, on WEDNESDAY, the Sr] «by of SEP TEMBER next, upon the premises, a” the Real Emu of mid deceased, consistingof No.l. A PLASTATIOX or Tract of Land. nihmte in Tvrone township, Adams countr, ml. joining lands of Samuel Dcnrdorfl, “'xlliam b‘pnluler. Samuel Gillilnnd, and othefi, con- Min' 830 Acres 0! p-tentndilnnd, more or I'll, The improvements are a W Two-story Brit-k Dwell ing HOUSE, large Bank Burn, Vitb Shedl, Corn-crib and Wagon Sign], Spring-house. wlth two Well; afnmr hear the house, About HO acres are in ex «elk-at timber; there in n Lurgeqnnnlily ofglood .\landow, nul um “chard. The Fmrm is in a high spate ~of cultivation, having bot-n limcd ‘ «Nev. ‘ll will he sold entire or in two pnm u may "it. bidders; ’ No. 3. THE HQNSIOV PROPERTY of said guessed, {Millie forth-u cs! corner of the pub. ‘llr. square, in Ilcidlershnrg, on which are erected a large Tkvo-smry Douhlo i» . /l‘rrick Dwelling IIOI'SI-Emvith bnsa- , 46' Incht, Log Harm'JVrll of water, 201‘; H“ ' with other imprntemonu. ,44: 2.1.17 ' , w an . \» * h. 11.—The above pruperty wHI be élmwn by Jacob Bowers mid .Aqms Yuma, residing on 73:11:13 (gym, or by‘tbe subsmribcr, residing i 3) Ganynbnrz- ? ”Sm 2,0 commence nt 10 n'rlm-k. A. M., on said day, at the Mansion Prupcrt), in mm. .N‘l’lMl'g. where attendance will be ghcn and terms nude known by " DANIEL K SXE'DER. Adminittmtqr Mlh the “'iH'nLnexed. , . Aug. 11, 1862. l! g Hardware ND GROCERIES.- A The suhscrihera 11"chle roturne 1 from the cities with nn immense simply of HARD WARE AND GROCERIES, which they "e nfl'cring ll their old stand in Builimorc'strret, M. prim tonu'n the times. Our stock consists in'ipartbf ' ’ » 4 BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPESTHR'S TOOLS, ‘ ‘BLACKSWITH'S TOOLS. COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FIXDIN‘GS. __A CABINETJHKER'S TOOLS ‘ n HOL‘SEKEEI’ER’S FXXTURES. ,Q/ ALL KIXDS OF IRON, kC., :' GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Oi)q.;)"aints. kc.,.&c. There is no article in. cluded in the severulflepnrtmcnta mentioned nhhve but. what ‘cnn be Ind at this‘Store.— Erery class of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools And findings, and Housekoep or} can find every article in their liiie. Give us amt"! as we are prepared to sell an low fur cash In any other home out orthe city. \ ’ ‘ gUEL B. DANNY-7R, DAVID ZIEGLER._ Iqu 5; 1862 Ng Stora! aw Goonsinn GREAT nanoarxs: N ——The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens oliGettyabnrg and surrounding can try. that he has opened 3 ’NEW STORE in the room inlély occupied by J. C. Guinu & Bro., on the North West corneF of he Diamond, where he will. keep nlarge and ell selected stock of DRY GOODS, G OCERIES, QUEESSWARE, . CA IPETIXG, &C., of every description, among which will be i found the latest styles of Sprint: Goods. The Ladies particalarly are requested to cull and examine my stodk, as I leel, satisfied it has never hem surpassed in this [place for beauty and cheapncss. Gentlemen, :lso. are request ed to call. as there is no xu'titile~ in the line of GENTLEMEN‘S WEAR thnt they 0 Innnt be ne 'commodatcdyitlt: at prices that will astouisb them.'— ' l' ; ‘ I will also keep on hand a large supplyt of GROCEBIES, wh’ch will he sold very cheap. ’ My std’ik oi QI'i‘IéXSWARE, &c.,. will also he found handsome,’ durable and chenp, whilst my CARPETING wanna! be surpassed. It ii my intention to keep a first class Store —-keeping on hand nothing but pond goods— nnd to sell cheap—j—having adopted the motto— —.“QUlCK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." ‘3l would rezpecltfully solicit a share of the public patronagel as I hone by strict attention to business, and by éealing lmnezstl)L with my customer-silo give satisfaction to all. ‘ . - - , 3, MICHAEL SI’ASGLER. April 14,1862.‘ .1862 pargaitu3! ATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, H TRUNKS AND TRAVELLI’NG BAGS.— Harlng just receiud a very large supplyof the nbofo goods, we are prepared to sell them lower than ever sold in this place. My stock is most complete, emlyn‘c‘ing every Ityle of Shoes and Hats nude. ‘ ‘ . ‘ IRATfijAND CAPS, consisting of nuithn Intest styles for Spring and Summer. ' . QOOTS AND SHOES, lor Gentiemen, ladjes and Cpildren. City-nude and Eastern wtirk from: 25 ce :9 up. TRUNKS of every description; and king” [@olll and Examine the‘bu-gnins at April‘ll, 1862.} R. F. McIL'HENY'S. Grqat Bargains! ELLING OF‘H AT COST TO CLOSE BUSI § NESS.:—Th§ undersigned. having determin e to close them, business. will ofi'er their entire flock of goods 'AT COST FOR CASH. ; ‘ The IbOVG comprises every variety of goods kept in h first-'clnss country Store-consisting in pert of DRY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS 1* SHOES, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, all of which yin] be sold at cost prices. or less .ru: mg cosh. iRINEHARfI‘ a; SULLIVAN; ' fiWe wonié here give notice to those in— debted 39 us, eifiher by Note or Book account. to 6311 find new the same as early as possible. , Foil-field, Aprf1~14,~1562. R. k S. u l ; Natmnal ‘Hotel, 1 ‘ ‘ LIT-rahsmwx, _ ~ ; lfifi danu‘ Counly, Pa. 1 v KR subscriber having take 1119‘ above ’ commodious Hotel, isprepmfi to receive 2 Ind entertain the traveling public, 11 the most lopprovod style. His charge: will be moderate end his attention unremitting to all who mly , fa’vor him with their patronage. His tobb will at all times be supplied with {the delicacies of the season, and his bu he _ " furnished with the choicest liquors. ' , The mbl‘mg is extensive and of the best . ell-meter, and competent and sttentive host ,len “instantly in atteudlncc. April 21,’62.: tt )1. E. CROUSE.‘ SLPREKIUSI awarded to Tysop Brothers _ fly the fienalleu Agricultural Society, Sept. 1860, Ind by the Adam’s Conny Agriculturu Socigty, Sept., 1861, for best Ambrotypea Ind yhomhhs, over 111 others on exhibition. LL the best Patent Medicines can be had It the'new Family Drug and Prescription tor. of Dr. B. HORXEB. 'LABGE mortment of Men‘l he": Wa- A tar-proof Boots, Caldeoots, ,henvy Bro tc. just. received an for sale cheap. at ”32%. 23'. 7 B. E‘McILHEN’S GUM COATS cheap at ~ . ING GOODS.—Iho finest unsort -. .ment of Mourning Goods ever ofiered,‘ can pow be seen Ind bought at lower prices that they have ever been sold before. 0311 at. onco‘suhe iign of the Red Front. . mil 2!. FAHNESTOCK BROS. YSSN BROTHERS are making their prem niqmpfictures at prices to suit the :imes. lIMBRMILAB of Mary nriety "t. ‘ , PICKISG'S., __v_-_~_.___.....__————-——o—_,,___ 50135 call sud see the cheapest IQ! of Lfilhfiégfinr ofiarad E'Getixyshurg, which ’ ' (1 ten 3' an e at “£2l “ FAHNESTOCK'R. ~ - a ' ‘ COAINE Wood‘s Huh- Re- I- 5! LL"? £31“: 81‘; Tnnic. 3nd 001"! p .fé‘zfiéi k‘ .. ”1. n or: a, vaws Druid ‘53::- ‘w. . WWWWMW TTORNEY AT LAW, will attend to collec- A lion‘ and all ulhor bluineu intrusted to lwi care with promptncu. (”five in xhe S. H. corner of um Dimnoml, (formerly Occupied by Wm ll .\ld'lcllJn. Seq.) , Geltgtbllrg. April I], 1859. 1.! ‘ TTORPIBY AT LA W.—-Offici- in Went .\lid- Adle street, one door we“ of the new Cour! House. 4 ’ Gettysburg. Nov. 1!;1839. TTORNEY AT LAW.—Oflice in the: North wutcorner ofCeulrc Squre, Gettynhum, . n. .._— [oa. 3.1q5y. u“ HORNE? AT L'A‘W, wnll‘promptly Attend A to Collectiuni and I“ other busineu ,en' trusted to him. (mice between Fnhneawcks' and Dunner k Ziegler’u Slam, Bnhimore street, Getty-burg, I’a. [Sept. 5, 1859. ' TTORNEY AT LAW,(otfice‘one dqor went A of Buehler's drug and book nor ,Chnl bersbu-g screen) Arron" AND SOLICITORII’OI Pun-ans up PENSIOXB. Bounty land War mms, Buck-[my suspended Claims, had all oxber clnims ngninst the Government. M Wnsh ing'on, D. C.; nlaoAmarionnClnlims in England. Lnnd \Vnrrnntslocnted and sold,orbonighl,and highest‘prjces giveq. Agents (mange in lo c.lling warrants in lawn, IHinois a ‘d other WEatL‘rn Stntea' 38‘5”]? to him‘ pellsonnlly nr bv learn. ‘ Gettysburg, Nor. 2], ’53, TTDRNEY AT LAW, will faithf Hy Mid A promptlynuend to n'lbusinr-sse trusted Io lim. He spanks the German )nn wage.— Omce a! the same place, in South B nimore Its-net. near Fo‘mey'n drug sun-e, “I nearly opposite Dunner & Ziegier‘u store. 3 Gettysburg, March 20. , ‘ ?‘~ ‘ "1"“ *-'-—-———,—-‘t\‘ i J. Lawrence Hlll, M. ;D. A ’hls offlae one I I I dim west offheé‘ ““hg' Lutheran church in . '_ Uhnmbenburg street. undmpposita Picking’s store. where those wishing‘to have my Dental Operation pqrfoulmed are respectfully invited to call. Run-inflow: Drs,_florner, RO3. 0. P. Krmlth, D. 1)., RévJ‘l, L. Bgiglu‘r, D. 0., Rev. Prof. M. Jacohsél’rof. M. L. Shaver. ‘ ‘ Gettysburg, April 11, ’53. J g— I Bastress & Peters 1 -‘ - \Y the highest cash prices for alllkiu s of P mm, .. , . . FLOUR, I - SEEDS,I&c., at. the Brick Warehouse in New Oxforgf. Constantly on hand nglarge mssor ment of GRUCERKES, at \\huléste land rot il—nlso, LUWBER, COAL, GUAM), WASH-Ila kc. ‘xhpail 23, 1862. 1;)" 4 . 1 . Adams CountY‘ UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE POM DIX Incorporated‘jluch 18, 1851. ' . bnxcrsg. Pruidenl—Gcorge Swope. ‘ I’m I’ruidmb-Sc, R. Russell. Srcrdaryt—D. Afßui‘ETér. ‘ Tamara—David ‘M'Grcnry. Ezegutiw Committee—Robert McCurd King, Andrew lfeintzelman. Handgun—George Swope, U. A. But cob King, A. Helntzfilmnn, R. .\l'Cun A, Marshall, S. Fnhnestock‘ Wm. B: .\1 Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichclbcrger. Ahfli‘ John Woll'ord, EVA. Picking, Aim-111 John Homer, R. G. \lcCrenry. S..R. .\l‘Crcary, Andrew Pulley, John Picgi {let-sh. ‘ . .I @‘l‘his Company Is Hmitcd in 1 tions to the county of Adams. It 1m successful operation for more than. and in that. period libs paid ..1“ losse pensesmilhout (my aneumen!,having a] surplus cnpiml in the Treasury“ puny empioys no Agents—all basin done by the Managers, who are unnu ‘ ed by the Stockholders. Any person an Insurance can apply to any of ‘ named .\lnnnzersTor further informal fi'l‘he Executive Commitlee mm oflice ofthe Compnnr on the last 1’ in every month, at 2, PET. Sept. 27, 1858. ‘ - Still at Work! ‘ OACHMAKING AND BLACKS —-‘The undersigned regpectfull' his friends and the public chm. be 1 the anchmaking and Blacksmilhin in every brunch at his establishment bershurg street. He has on hand manufacture to order-all kinds ofCA ‘ ‘B‘UGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring‘ “3320 1 the best material. and made by supe 1 men. fi-qumuu n‘nd BLACKS u all k’indn'done at. reasohable rates,‘ and to the satinfac’tion at customers COUNTRY Pnomzcu ta en in an: work at inarket priées. 18432 Bargains! what-sous duiring articles gr w' Coachmaking or Blacksmithing fin| apectfully in\j_ted to call on I ¢ JOHN L. HOLTZV Gettysburg. Inn. 24, ‘59. Somethmg New 1‘ N GETTYSBL’RGg-The un'dcrsign d irrforms the citizens of the town and con y,'that ha lms c’mnmencql the BAKIXG husi ess, on a large Scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly omosite Wanles’s Hotel, where he will~ try to‘ deserve, and hopes 3° receive, R liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, &c., kO,, baked every day, (Sun days except/ed.) all of the best quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker—hating in all its branches is largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this and adjoinihg coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice! Having erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the,mos¢ hp proved machinery, he is prepped to do ‘a heavy business. 7 ‘ July 25, [859 OFA AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS,NOS. 25‘and 37 N.. Gay street, Baltimore (nenr Fayette at.,) extending from Gay to Fréierick} It.—the largest establishment ofthe kind in thri Union. Always on hand I large Assortment of I HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, emu bracing Bureaus, Bedstends,“’aslistands, War . robes, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and Hair- Spring Beds, Sofas, T-ese-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Choirs, Etagerea, Marble Tables, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs. Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, lint Racks, Hall Furniture, | Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. I Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality ofworkmnnship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. A. MATHIOT k SON, 3‘05. 25 and 27 N. Guy street. Aug. 6 1860. ‘ Nance. WE desire all persons indebted .‘.o n: to call and'make settlement, hnving mndp a change in our winner of doing business. Oct. 28, 1861. «..FAHNESTUCK BRO'S. PICKTNG'S Queensware. ‘ IF you want anything: In the QUEENSWARE line c 5" at A.‘SCUTT & SONS, where you WI“ find the best assortment. in town. Mun-ch 24. 1862.. ' OMESTTCS, Tickings, Chécks, Flanneli km, cheap aanhngstocks’. We have also a MUSLIN br'nnded thh our own name, to which we invite especial attention, as it not]! by far, any ever ofl'ered in this market for the price. 1 —‘ J ARGE PHOTOGRAPHS made frym small pictures nt greatly reduced rates, at the Iflglnior Sky-light. Gallery. -_ -- mums and Cu'rpet Sacks che‘a; 3x: ‘ . PICKING'S. LY SETS—a supaw'fi lsstflmth-dfit ~ - - ‘ .PIUKINII’S. . J. 0. Neely. Wm. B. McClellan, : Wm. A. Duncan, A. 1?-iltover, D: McConaughy, Edward B. Bue‘ller; VALENTINE SAUPEE A. Mathiot & Son’s SECOND ARRIVAL! secoxb 3mm New Hex-cantile Firm t 3" lIMSIITSBI'RG. ’ 1 1 ‘ new 600 st and a LOW PRICES!— Tho new firm MSW“?! & SHURB respccll‘my inform their friends and me pnhlic generJlly, that they have just returned from the cities with I splendid «madman! of Goods, consist ing of Lndin’ . l * DRESS GOODS,‘ ‘ ouch as Prmu, I);- Ham 1. Flu-mica, anu, r gandiu. Robes (.1 all kinda. Allyn-ens, Si ks, ‘wiss Juronet. (‘heck und (‘umbric MIL-I nl, Ribbons, Rm) :1 good assortment of Tm ies’ Call-ms, UAW-Ms and Mudins, at 01.] prices CLOTIIS, _ " ’ YESTIXGS, Jeans. 30.. km, for men'« wear; READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, Snons, ' HATS’A‘SD CAP: 51! prices.‘ .1 (good flock of Conan Y HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, - DRUGS nnd ‘ I good stock of primo‘ . GROCERTKS. kc, and, all kinds of goods, such as are gene found in I cfimtry stare. Having bong}: Cash, wa can afford to sell M the’ rrnfilo prices. _ Our motto 59—“ Quick Sale: ‘ snmu Prom." ' .- ~ ‘ fi’l‘head goods nrr‘ really very hsna ‘ and we want it distinclly nnder:tood thl will tell 331 cm very cheap for Cash, or to [1 lual customers at sixmnnths. Plcnse cul “Mali; belore purchasing elsewhere. woul spej:tfnlly rc_tnrn our thanks w friends for tho liberal pntrnnagc extended 1 thus far, and respectfully ask a cuntinu thnrpuf.‘ _ SHIT” k Siltll l-melulmrg, .\ld , April '2l, Imm. ly ~ Howard Association, ‘ HILADELPHIAFH Fur Ihe Relic-f ‘o P Sick and Distressed. nfliicled with lent nnd Chronic Diseases, and especial! the Cure of Disenseg' afghe Sunni Urgnn MEDICAL ADVIGE giveu' gratis, by the imz Surgeon. _ - ‘ ' VALI’ARLFI REf’ORFS on Spormntor‘ or Seminal \\'eaknéss,~ and other Discus: tilgSexunl Org'lns,‘ Hand on the NEW R) DIES employed in thefmsncnsnry, sent t' nfliifled in sealed iiucr envelopes, fr uhnrge. Two or three Stamps for poslng be acceptable. f Addiess, Du J. SKILLIX lIOI‘GHTOX, ingSnmegn,‘llownnl Association, No. ‘3 Ninth Slrcgj't, Philadelphia, Pnu' ' June 16,1862. 1y ' ‘ New Goods. EORGE ARXOLD ' . I “as just received from Philndqll lsrgestocknf ' x (71.01: is, cassxnnnq Muck, plniu ‘and funny; Silk Warp, F] Chum, for gummcr ‘Dresa Coats}, (0. ben nrticle,)Twceds, Itali-m Cimlxs,.lcnus, Drill .\lg-rino Cnssiniures. Velvet Cords, Gnmhl and \'esting§,al] very handsome, In the :l nook of Goods there areQmauy new and“ tif'ul styles. ' ' I ; .uao‘n huge stark of'CARPETS, mp CARPET IMG_S. nnd Domedics. ; | A N`Y.- Also Margie-stock of READY-MADE CL INC. of our dwn mannmctnriug, in great t_\'. all sizes. pl ices and cheap. CHI! and s ‘ “KW. T..lK'xng is in (‘onnnt-tinn \\'it esinhfishmefllt as usual to cut and um Clothing in 11“)" ’order. ‘ :- Apr” 29, mm. 3m | ‘_“’ “F""' "“"T‘fld Removal.-—‘-Tm Ware. I HE unddrsigded 113‘s removed his Ti T establishment nearer the Dinmu Chnmhershuh-g street, ndjninin‘q A. I). ‘ lw‘s Drug Mare—w \"er_\"cen|n 1 locxflinn continues to i’mnnnfnrlnre. nnd keeps con 13' on hund‘i qvery variety of ‘_ TINA ARE. ~ ifilerflh}; ‘ly, Thus JCCM'H}!!! ' IRGitt . “‘uip’hd nss‘eH‘ I) ing. J. R ,5 Opera l‘been in ix years, and ex\- 0 a large Lbe_ Cum -53 being 113‘ elect . desiring be above tfion. ‘, I’RESSFD .\~.\'D '\E ‘ __ JAl‘.'\.\'l-ID “lam and will alwnys be ready to do lu-ll’All ‘ ROOFING mul SPOL'TING also done in‘the but manner. Prices n me, and no 'e‘fi'un wan-d m condor full faction. Th? public's continued patro'u solicited. :‘ A. P. BAUGII‘ (‘ ‘ ‘irg.’ April 7, 1862. l " " h‘ _" . t. Cannon & Admr’s NE“; “AIMEE WORKS, corner of more and East .\lidlllC strc(-ts,dircvl posite the (law Court "01:50, Gett} ~h Hm‘iug receflly nrrivt‘d from, Philndelph feeling fully competent to cx‘cvnte nll w the finestfstyle of the art, We \\'nuld resp 11.-invite tlse‘nttention of the public u'isl procure anything in ourlino. to favor us cull and examine sp’mens of our \\'or ‘nre prepared to fur’rfis l .\IONI'MEXTS, AND IIEADfiTtLVI-ZS, MARBLE .\l.\.\‘ SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and ull otho nppemining to our bnwiness, at the lowa sible prices. _We do ndt hesitate tu,gu: that our work shall be put up in n mam] stantinl nud7tusteful equal to the he‘ seen .in tEe cities, where evely impro Which experience has suggested is avni nnd~especinfly do we guarantee that our tery and (hurt: Yard work shall be 50 ca set as not to! be afi'cctcd by frost, but shal tnin for _vea‘rs‘thnt erectness Elf positiq at the coxfipletion ofn job, and '5O net‘ea : continued: Kraccfnlness and symmetry. Wow. 28,- 1:859. tt‘ : '5 M the edncsdny THING . informs‘ i ontinucs ‘. business in Chlam and ‘ 'ill IMAGES, 5, km, of ion? work mum of ‘prbmptly ange for :1: mm: , ate re- COE T 111; lIOUSEKFEER'S _- New Furmture POIISI. REITRRED from an improved Re ipe by P the proprietor of the " Brother Jo when Polish," ‘5 certified by all the lcndi-g New York Fumithre Dealers and . Pinno-Fortlt- Mnk ers to he the best in the world for Re oring Scratches, .\lnrks and Dirt. nnd rcstolring n. high and lasting polish to all kinds of Varnish eil work,lfram Furniture to Leather. lt is cheaper (1 .better than Varnish, dries imme diately,n dis easily applied. Wilh's piece of Canton I" minel and a bottle or two of this new Furniturell’tgrish, a Housekeeper can work mn gic in their: iture ofs house and keep itlook mg like of". Now is the time to “shlue up" your tabves, chairs, desks, pianos, picture frames, c‘arringes,~etc., dud muLe them look 50 percent. better. This is true economy. For sale by Furniture Dealers and Storekeeper: generallyl ‘Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. De pot No. l Spruce Street, New York. SPECIAL AGENTS Wits-rip. Abusing Box 1972, New Your: P. 0:, l Jilly 21.1862. _ ' Dec. 2. ‘ly Cheap Grocenes. 1r FRESH arrival of Groceries at reduced A priced—splendid SUGARS at 8, 9 pm] 10 cents per )ound—best COFFEE at. 22 ctnh, '9an mm things in proportion. Call and see and judge! r yourself. I May 5, '62. FAHNESTOCK 3110‘s. 7 H‘. l‘ « tery,' ofth4 CM have —lerml Ha: lii case; brew umr I IA)!S!--u.x....... . Luge lot of prime _ Hnms,justreceirrd n 8 forsnlec esp,” June 9,1862. CUDOR kGILLESP E'S. onmmxc NEW!—A ne style ot’kvms- KEY—an arm-1e prono ced “bfird to batty—can be had at. I G. CAKR’S. June 2, 1862. ; ARGE PHOTOGRAPHS fors , ' Leelsion Sky-light Grllery, Y) opposite th‘e Bunk. [IE attention of theLndics is raw ‘ctfully I T invited to a. large and splendid‘esou. men: of Ludies’ fine Kid Boots, Lasting Gag. ters. Gum Ova-shoes, km, just receivedmt ' ,0”. 28. R. F. Alabama" | Lb kinds of STRAW GOODS, embracim 3A Men's Had Boys’ Hats, Misaes’ nn‘d Chi]- I rafl's Hm, Shhrfloodn, ta. kc" at ‘ Apt-“2L: 'R. F. McILHE.~‘Y‘S. CASSHXEREF. MEDICINE ,hmu. L 3 0'! ‘ ME ‘ the _e of E will Act out): encl: ‘ tiful ings, onn's MO the 0 up 1 nine (1. in naba lle tant- ME 1- ’sutis :c is Bani-1 3' up ‘ lrg.-l-= mam! u-k in arm up; to with n i' We 3 .\IBS LES. work 1 pos imntee ‘l' sub _to he omeut ed 0!, ‘eme efully mmn- gh‘en my to WBlB. 1g the authorized person into Ever Green Ceme mtemplnte the removal xed relatives or friends his season ofthevea'r to made with prom’ptuess rt spnrcd to please. PETER THORN, pet of the Cemetery ave constantly nhnnd of plain an fancy ' ‘cd I r‘ “.1 I .1 “mi plated 1} ch they rue Bel )ckets', mg m. , at {he Eb srk 'strect, , ANaw Firm. , nommms pnowswws. warn-s, cox. G FEC’I‘IONS, NOTIONS, Ic. The nnder‘alzned have gone into mung-"Mp Sn lbe Grocery and Prmisinn business. It. the old stand' of W. Gllluple, In York sheet. one door, can of Will‘s Hotcl,Gctlysburg, where chvy will conmnlly keep on hand for sale, A genanl vnrigty ol good. in their line, Yil: COFFEES. l "l 1 SUGARS. ‘3 ‘ 1 ' . moussml. \ 1 , SYRCPS. i TEASF HANS BHUULDERS, xSIDEfi. ; ; PIS". : l ‘POTATOES, . l‘i BEANS. It. 1 PLOUv‘R AND FRED, With any mummy of _ 1 coxmcrxo, s, It 1 i l 3 ~ FRU‘TS. l l 3 " , xohoxs, he... .., to. They explicit nlsn to‘rldl largely in COAL OIL and 0222.011, l.AMP§—prqmiéingsgo¢d article of t fender and 4 fine Increment of the latter. 1 w: ' ; ‘Havlng exilngca the‘Stor‘e and Ware Rooms. thef Ire pnpfiréd to keep 1 large stock, all of which will beldisposoé om the lowent rues. They offer shah bargains a: have never hereto~ fore been 11qu in Ellis filnce. Give nu 53.1331. ‘No elfort upnred to pleue. ; ' ‘GBO. A. mount. 5 5 JOSEPH s. GILLESPIB. . April 28, “62. ' 4 3‘ Ready-made Clothmg. (J EORGE ARNOLD I "as flow on hand much the lurgtt flock of Really-made Clothing he has ever hid, cou~ tilting of, f l f ‘ ('UATS, nlllslze'fi ‘ , , PAST.§IK)OSS, film, zgvas'rs. 210., j Dvsmns, . ' _ 1 SHIRTS. \ - , i N ’ DRAWERS. ’ v / “ GMN'EH. '. r i r ’ H()SIERY,- to. Ont-Coats“, Pnnht and Vestslrun from n needle to an anchofjboth’ss to size, price unflquality; ll‘ we cann‘t: please 53m: ir. a gnrmcnt rmdy made Mr. l‘ I‘. King, wlm is in connection with the esfiuhlisllment, will at once take vour manure and make you a suit in short notice. Git‘euq a crlll}. ‘, [April 28. mm. 3m fly for ~ on ad 'im, 1‘ we no and “’9 our OM I E 12th Important . ‘ n Pvfzcmsms 0F; DRY norms The bepnnlace 10‘ buy yqnnDry Goods in 4"!“ A. SCOTT & sox‘s. apposite Meg-Eagle Hotel, (‘lmmhershnrg street. W 0“ I’n‘ufe; Fglir n“"‘3"':"l‘_’ff‘_ Everything ,q‘mxe LOWEST PRICE We havejjusx returned from Philadelphia and Balnnlq‘le. and are now toprning an [urge nnd attrnclifq' nsnnrtmem off _ ' _ 12E1 SPRING ”ODDS. to which we‘ invite the‘ specialnl'ention of the Ladies 11an (antlo‘pwn'of mwh and country.— We will not'rmrlicularize, blltginvile ull to cult, examine an}; Judge fo‘l‘ thmnsflvng. - “'42 Ink; us method 01' rehpning our thunk-Q for the lihnq’n} pmmndg‘e thus fnr'exN-nded to us. and win: ‘I say it shall beionr constant en~ (inner to m'hrit n continuance of the same, by strlrl nttontiim tn busiuezmwith a drsire to please by sflling the prvtliesfi, best, and mos‘ goods for tln'lcngt mdncv. " t.’ j ;\. stem .u; say. April 14.12502. :- n: --—--- «av , - , "‘"‘T -A-v«§—— ‘ ___—___“. o};an Coal! weal. QIIEADS MHUEULER are" mv prepared to | supply GbAL, nfsuyu-rir; quality“ in any quantity deii‘rod. Ter‘me, Pugh. ' Conzflnefil Come .\JI' E mThoj {tn‘sn rm‘uefl (”we indebted to them to ml. and my up. :13‘ funds nrv- m'uch m-edcd. “film win he the firgt m can? omce ‘opnn from Tim 7. . . z ‘ Feb‘. 24, 123 m. K , ' Townsley Ahead. . ‘ ‘HE nmlorsirnml roqwcliull'v inform: 1h? r' nlll-l'w‘lfhul he clfinlivmos the CARRIAGE, MAKING .\le' REITAIRLVG ‘msinnu in will its dim-rout (aims. cheaper 111 In any gimp in the county. Atl-work \\qrrxntcd‘ tn giu- mlisfim [inn Invnst ‘m‘rfi. (‘mliltry prmh'u‘r tukbn in exchange an work nfi‘mnxkot [irim-u. 5 .\. .\I. T‘)W.\'SLEY._ Gettysbugfg. June 24, 180,]. . EM TH- Irie- s?- ‘z ._ ‘ '——~ gf‘ The ‘Umon,” . - chsmnl-mr,.annvr~: 'nmnn. _ A ‘ N PHII..\DELPHM.PA UPTD); is. .\‘EWCOIIHR. l‘nnvmx‘rnn. HQ‘TMS? Havel is. comm]. c‘onw-n‘iant hv Passenger [hrs to all parts of the city, and adapted in Fiery pnrficulnr to the comfort and wants of th sbusiness public. ' 1165“?"th $1.50 ppr day. ‘ ‘ 1 Sci“. 23,11861. lyx Great Attracmm AT SCHijK‘S.——l‘ lnye just omm}! thr" mnstféompletc nssbrtment of‘ SPRING GOODS ovfé received in this plate. In Shh, q-mligv nnq firice they cannot be surpnfiedu~ “‘ith‘g‘ut st pping to partimlnrize. I say unto all, gpme aid see. ‘ - J. L. SCIHCK. .\fgril ““862. ”‘f‘”‘ t . ‘_,,_____.‘.,fi‘ T‘T‘T-‘“ 3 Come to the Fan! *D DON'T FORGET TO VISIT PLEA SA‘XT AK’RYDGE NURSERIES.—Permns wishing to Pinnt Tdecs will film the stock in the ground remarkably fine, and ofiered at reduced prices. The 'Applehfil’mbers ‘lOO varieties, embrucjng all the nppfol'yed sans. ‘ ‘ ‘ , X. K—Seq the index board near Flora Dale PosLofliceJ w ‘ '1“. E. COOK & 50363, Sept. 2, NFL “ . _ Proprietoflu ..-.___ L -._ ___W...__.._.___-._.._._ 111581: and Found! HE “gin ‘ds iimesinnd plenty of money " are T found! n the purcimsing' of Goods at S.\.\lSO.‘J"s{,l t his greatly reduced lprices.—- Purchasers 110 would take advantage of tfiiu chance of e;- nnmv in securing Bargains. COME AT 03:03,; No SAVE noxm'i As the sea. son has som what advanced, we'will sell what of Winter , othing we hxn'e onJmnd at prices ta satisfyt most econdmical buy rs. Tau-'3 Till SPOT fl) times like these. Tlse ucnrcity of money is (h 5 made up, by buying so much chenpe). ;L} (Gettysburg, Feb. 17, 1862. »‘ f , 'ano Tumng. ROF. 3 WEE, of Litdestown, I. PnCticM P ‘Pinnoi uner, inform: his friends and the musical'pdbfic in genenl, that he gives his time. not 6%erwise occupied, to Tuning and Repairing i innos‘. nt moderate pricea. He promiau entire satisfaction, or no pay. Orders received aqtpil ofice. [Sept. 16, L 861.“ A _ . ~ g a Frames. GILDED; FRAMES !—T YSON BROTHERS huve'ijual received tram Philadelphia and‘ now ofl‘er no the public the largeat .nd beat asaonmenq 6f Gilded Frames ever lii-ought to Gettysburg): astonishinglylow prices. Plans call and “wine them. Excelsior Sky-light. Gallery. Yo street, opposite the Bank. Get tysburg, Pm [March 10, 1862. “ Carlie de Visits” HOTOGRAPHS l—We havejuuintroduc a s splqn‘q‘id mnuire column in our Gallery and are now prepared to furnish the new style “Cute da‘ Vinita" Photographs—four for I dollar. 1 1 TYSON BROTHERS, Excelsibfi Sky-light .Gnllery, Gettysburg. March 10,1862. g ’ The Spot L ‘ ARISON 1; still in New York, making pur chasesfta keep full and increasé ghe stock 0 his Glowing and Vnricty Stord,‘ on the Northeast corner of the Diamond, Ge‘nysbnrgh where Inles ‘nre made at astonishingly loy prices. Bgying for cash, he can 3153 low for cash—lowér than ever and no mistake.. Gall in m. the Store, and ADA)! Boulxcnn 'wm wait on you with the greatest of pleasureishm’ving you Clothing, Boots, Shoes, to, of every’ kind and price.‘ [Dec. 2, ,1861. “ LL colors of Zephyr Worsud and Shetland Wool can be hnd at BCBICK’S. ALICOKS, as goon} us ever, lat/from 8% to ' 12} 61.8.. per ~vnrd, can be had 94. SCHIC ’3. ‘ OTTOK ’GLOYES, for Men ghd‘ Boys. can. be hagfcheap u scmcx's. ; cum sun's» Full style! or am and ‘ Capq‘ 20 per cent. lowan thnn amid price: . g 3 _ IL}: uclLnENx's. Someting ‘ : ~ . ‘ flßunflenlgnedrnpeflful-i ly informs the residents a Getlypburgand \ ieinltyfilnt he bu. opened . WATCH A, D JEWELRY STORE; in the room lmpedi-tejy in the rear of Mr. J. J.. Schick's Store, and fronting the Square, where he intends keering en assort mqirot‘ WATCHESHEWELE ,smvsa and 31‘1": PLATED WARE, hummus, ,Qc. kc. ' , Hui-g been connected wéh a first—clues Watch lend Jewelry Store in‘ ltaltlmore, for seven! years put, he is prepared to furnish every Article in the line, at the lowest city prince. and ell purchnes will be gunnntied as represented. ‘ From a long experience in Watch-repairing, especial” affine Watches, he is prepared to do All kinds of Watch-work promptly, in the best menner. end guaranty the performance ofit. He Irlll keep elwnys on hand a large assort mentof SPRUT.\CLES.and Spec- ' tncle, Glasses; end having much% experience in ndnpting them to the sight, is prefix-ed to fit all who need them. HAIR JEWELRY made. to order in the best. stylle. and a great Variety of patterns on{hand JEWELRY repaired in the nentest mnhner. ' JOSEPH BEVAN. SALT, Gettysb'lrg, Dec. 23, .1861" If ‘ _ I ”-.,- ~ ...—_L, New Goods !——Large Stock !‘ sacrum “11.0 mm. ( PI ‘ JACOBS & BRO. am just received from the cities 5 larfi stoék bigooda for Gentlemen's wear, embr ingm variety of_ , \ : l CLOTHS’C ssx fins ' A M S, _ ': nts'rmds, , Passineta, Jenna, kc., wit}: many other goods for spring and manner: we". . They‘lPETmplred t'n makeup garments a! the shortest nptire. and in the very best man ner. A The Fashion: are regularly reqeived, and clothing made in nnv desired style. They a]. ways makfineat Ens, wbgnttheir sewing is sure to bo-lubslnnda). 5 - ¥ ‘ The-y ask a continuance of the public's pa: tron-urn. resolved by good‘work and moderate clmrgeb boenrn it. . , ‘ Gett}'sburg‘,iApril‘7,,lB62. , ' ‘ ; Restaurant. 3 HF. ('“A‘HH‘IR‘BT‘RG STREET RESTAU- T RANT. (recently Eckenrode‘a,) in the Ju cohs Building, Chamb'craburg- street, is 66w condlu‘lod hr ”19 undersigned. x . « OYSTERS are done up in all 313303: 1 FRI”) cmcxsmmm T NUDE}, TRIPE. “DIM-ID EGGS, and A .\‘quGLAss UP ALIL can alwnys hmhnd. min. The Snloon’ has been ré-pni‘me‘d nnd‘fi‘i‘led unin fine stvle. ; _ .GI-lURGE JACOBS; Gettysburg, April 7} 1862, , i‘ ‘ Frnsh Reinforcements. 1 TBKSGTHENNG {UU‘R POSITION.—We S nré rons'mntly n'dding‘new supplivs lo dur alrondv hrgr and fuchionnhle stack of 1 x HATS. CAPS. BGOTS ASH SHOES. ‘_ We h-n'e every slylef—of Spring and Summer Ihtf. which in qu -litv ind price cannot failtfo' please. Boy's rind Men‘s Hats and Cupsxof own. description, and of the hues: styles. our stock uf ' g ‘ BOOTS, ‘ SHOES, . - - GATTERS. &".. lie" w'na never more complete. Lmliea. Gentlenrlcn and (‘hl'ldrc-n run he uq‘commodn'ed With l _v flung in thic‘lino, n‘s We HTP homu- prepntcd nnwdo give fill and grmu‘m’ lmrgning than e 'or before, If ycu \\'nn! [brtrgnixm good fit: ‘nd {nailindnhlm gnmh. cull n: the Sign 011116qu Rm 'l‘, in (‘lmmbcrsburg inert. i Jmn" (‘I'LP, g ALEX. CUBEAN‘.’ New Goods, , Junq 9, 181:2 vntxc‘uows2-omm;(monsx l S ‘ l“_\_ll.\'l‘l.~‘.TnCK BPAITIIE S lmve jufil rccdiwctl and are now oponingnln Re and ulwice assorlmrm of Sl’lllXG GHODS, to whichlxlu-y inxile the “mention of the pub ic. “hing 'lmvn pnrulf-xfx-Il with care at rmluqed prim-(nu we are prepared to give our ('u-xtomprs bargains. Our atnck has been largely increnficd by Ille nvhliliqn urn AllulCP \‘nrieu' of the lull-st stylm 30f l._\ ”6‘" DRESS GOODS, material for MESS. \?.2.\R. i‘Rlll’H'l‘lXG. QUEENS WARE. MILLIXHRY (lpOlh‘, $5.. ('(Ihlpl'lrlllg a complete n‘ssorlmcnt of anything usually wanted. (“zllv early nnll select bnrgnins for _vourwlves. FAILSESTUCK BRO'SI April 7, ISISZ z \ New Tallormg Rm n‘zisu u’rzsr.--< ”to. r. larxriknobn, J WHHSABLE 'l‘AllAili, ‘ minim tliii mdllimlui' iumrming hia friends and the pul-lic gi-nrrxrllv, lint lu- lms (manor; :1 Tailoring ext-nlilishmp'i in linltimoée street, (li\!yslmrg. (lutn~‘Po= Uilil-P.) near the Din nion-I.twllure he is pn- \rml 1,0 do all world in Ins line in the but Ingmar. and to like “lis fnction of customers) rll‘c employ} none 1m: first. clan hands, nnd rM‘i-iving l I THE F._\.\'lllo.\',‘l IIEGI'LARIA‘, he can wan-ms: fashionable tits and m: and substantial se'wi‘, :fle ask a shnre of the pulylic's patronage, promisiugto spare no‘ef fort to deserro it. His flung s will alwnys' be found as. mudernte ns tl_e than will allow, Cutting and Rewirir‘ ’ll shortest Dalian, [Gr-tr .1862, Trees! Tre 3! ; HE undersignedjnrire nhemiou lo tlieir lnrgze nmi well grown It. ck of . FRUIT .\ND'ORNAMEX AL TREES,' Shrubs, kc." embracing a la: e and comrlete assortment of APPLES, PE. RS. PEACHES, PLI'MS. CHERRIES, APRIQOTS, and NEC TARINES,‘ Standard lor tl Qrchaf‘d, and Dwnrf for the Garden. ENGI SH WA NUTS, SPANISIL CHESNFTS, H. ZLENUTS, km, BASI’BERRIES, STRJLWB ‘RRIES, CUR RA yrs and Goosnnsamns, in gran; nriety. GRAPES in choicest kindi‘, ASPAEAG '3, RHUBARB,&C., to. Also. fine stock of ell formed, bushy EVERGREE s, inimbiedor the Cemetsry and Lawn.\ ‘ m-zcmcors TREES; fo street pinning, and a general assortment“ ‘3' ‘ ‘ Omar-mun. Tans Arm FL‘ snixnfflnu“. nusss, ;of choice ‘ vpiei’es, CA Ems, BEDDING PLANTS, kc. . { Our stock is remnrkatlygthrifty and fine, and we oil'cr it at. prices“ "it the ti emf goamiog'ues mnilbd (o lnnppli 1:15.. Alarm EDWARD J. Eiifxs, 00.4 Central 'urll ics, origin. “March 24,1861. t; ' ,r r. ‘ Natrona Val 11. ' mums» NON . §PLOSWE :nnd eqnnl to my KEROS , 'E. i l WHY buy an explosive 02; 'when I few cent: more per gallon will turnip you with Iperfect. Oil?“ Mnde only bert/SALT IANUF‘AC. TURING COMPANY,'N lzfi Wu)!" Sui", PHILADELPHIA. "/[Fe1g.24,1862. 1y ..I—. 1 , , Sapomfler! Sappmfier! l HE mum sq/AP lAlGJR—Allflitchen T Grease can be! made 311% good SOAP; by u. ngsarnmrmm ~. ' - manorwxs’ ACCOMP‘NYIXG xACH BQXI SOAP A: as easily {nude with it as mnkingncnp df cofiee. Manilfzctured onlrby the Plume”; PA. SALT MINUFACTUBgNU (must/No. 121 Wumrfism PHzLA ’A. Feb. 24,43“. ly 5 , Revolvers. ; NEW 102,0! REVOLVfiRs, ot difl‘drcnt . ylu, embracing the litest, receiveid‘u A) ON'Sj-anonhwest comet, 6f the Dismpnd. HM, ng purchase! for cub, t. the ban rites, he}! prepared to: sell.“ low the lOWUL—if uptlower yet. Drop in und . amine theni for yourselves. No trouble to 35ng 300411. 5 Ju2y 1, 1861. : W W. FLEMMXNG confine: the business A. of SALE GRYING, and solicits, the hon txuued patronage of the public. It. is§hia con stant endeavor to give satisftcdou. 'Cbuges moderate. Residence in Breckinridge street, Gettylbufg. [June 16, 1862. ERSONSfi it; want. of a. cheap and: fuhjon ahle HAT or CAP can be accommodated by calling at. R. F. :McILHENY’S. ’ ifRST-RATE Eight-63y, Thiny-honr Ind . Mann Clocks. cheap n : PICKING’S. _ ABPETS, CARPETS.+A; lplehdid lat. of Carpeting—good and cusp—just. opened at “1d New Sum». of M, SPANGLEE. [ ._. , ) ‘ Sale Cryi WWlvvh‘mlllumygfl-‘Py‘ . [60.31]. 'z}:le ‘v EW SPRING GOODS. [ N SHAH, PROFITS h QUICK SALES—w J . L . scH i c K l would respectfully any to the citizens of Get-i {yahurg nnd virinity. thnt he is now receiving at his store It splendid I STOCK 0? SPRING Goons. . The Itock com-in- in part or Fancy and Stnpie DRY GOODS, of erery description. stxs, ! MOZAMBIQUE, ’ l CHALLIES, i ‘ DELAINES, i BOMBAZINES, 1 ALPACCAS, ‘ ‘ LAWNS. V ‘ ‘4 , CALWOES, of n‘l qnnlhln Ind cholcost‘slyles. wllirh will be sold at. PRICES Tll'lll-IF’l' (mMI’ETITION. FlillVlSlHNG GOODS of all kinda, including,- Silk. Linen and :Cotton Handkerchief), Gloves, Stockings. to. Alto. I splendid assortment of RIBBONS, lmces and filming; I'f'nhlzellns and Yuan-ls.— My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full Ind complete. and customers may rely upon nlwnyl gelling good goods at the lowest pqnsi ble prices. ‘ p . Gentlemen will find inoahe'u- advantage to cull Ind examine my stock of A CLOTIIS, 4 _ : ' CASSIMERES and , ‘ VESTIXGS, of all qnnl-ttie! annl choicestflyles. , Agril 21, 1862. Jul“ SCHLCK. vmegar-Vlnegar. ; ' , HE undcrxiszned’lms‘ commenced the’mnnu flctnre ofVincgar. on Washington street. a ow doors north of West Middle stredt, Get tysburg. He ha! been manufacturing this Vinc gnr for nenlly one y'ear, and it has given gem-m} Mtisfm-uon. The‘ snpcrio vnf this Yinegm‘ oft-r n“ other mnnufurture?"inp§nr, énnaiah in it being made pntirely 0 grain: no hcid of any kind being used in its bomposifion, nnd free from everything injurious. It is ‘Mroug, and‘nt the same time plongant toxhe tnsremnd has n" the prestrvmire qualities founafin pure Cider‘ Vinegar. ’l9 is prfpnred m wholesale [his Vinegar in any qunn ity. On)! an“ exam ine fox- yourseh'es. ADAM.DI‘_I-IHL. Certificate. E, the undersigned, hereby certify that is we hm’c‘nat-d in our families, (in vyi ous, purpo=ci, the Vinegar mnnnfuctltécll and: sold by Ann! Du:nL,and find it to be iull Um” he reprt-sonts it to Dr, We Inn-'9 fu’rlj‘Jus lad i it and believe it to he superiqr in every rvspoctfi,> to any other nmnulm-lurml Vinegar We lmve ever used, and would recomlmL-ud‘ it. to ull‘ persons. ‘ ’ 4 I Wm. Boyer & Sun. CEttysburQ, Jacob Norm-4 k 5: Co., “,~ (‘odori i; (iih‘uspie. ‘1 ‘ - John (,‘lmmhoxlm,'anklin hi'pq Levi l'ilzvr. ' 9‘ A. F. um. Oxford. ‘ .\lny lit, ”(52. 13* ’ I ‘ w»: ..' rm: fiat-H ‘ ’98:"? . “‘ ‘l‘; s}: . 1_ ‘1 1 _> r.“- Something New ! BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED MAP o.\‘ THE PRESERVATION .\xn (‘I‘LTI‘RE 0F FRl'lT .\.\'l) ORNAMENTAL TREES. i ()I‘IHS hre living pnhli-‘ihed, \\‘hivll rontnini' C mun-.magmfim-nt Enarm‘inzs, surh usl» Trees and mrinuvx '\i‘l'l* at fine Fruitnnd Fruit: Trot“, some 0! the finest spt-qin‘m“ “7‘" ’"WP" ever been put on wiper” The i nit Tteu "a set with übundunt Burdens'of tr“... .3.: ilar loi that “high fmturc presfins in prupcrit. son.“ The trt-es are roprqycntml :15 having their J.. .1 running through thi- snil in a natural pnsil'muL and the Engrm‘ings of Treei are benulilul unrl§_ grand. lt nlso contains 11 fine Engravi ' which;l rim-Menu the innumerable thread-life'- roots; 0 \‘igoronu tree running through ’nn'l oven the mil. The lint-t Engraving cov'rrs tcni' inl‘ht‘i in (“Allh‘lt‘l’ on pap"; and. also ll'nrms n 4“ magnificent engnring. whichnmnot h‘Kelp lmdl prove gratifying to the eye: 0", all whd m \y lie-ii hold it. Such an engraving has never been} printed on paper bui'urt'. The engraving oli fools nut only pron-s n'lmimhlc to themght at" the oyeu‘m! ii «it-signed to mow of grant in»; pnrtnzcé to all‘ who tfikr- an interest in the I‘ul-'l timtion of twin: uni] how to lrcnt fruit trecs=' properly. ' ‘ ' ..- i‘ ‘ i A CHPY contains Twenty-five dill‘crentEngrnr-i in'." n! Tn-fi. Fruits, chu, mmpowdi of Evergrnenm For-ca. Apple, L’mu-h,‘ Dwarf P 3 ramin] Pcnr null ('herry Truen: . kc. Thv- Fruit Ensrnvings mum-rim ' mwphérriefi. (ionwhcrrnes, lilm’khcr-fi ‘ rice. (‘urr‘nnm Grapes, l‘lnnw. Apri-f ~ cots. szgr-X. PcJt'ht‘fl, Apt ‘rs, e: a, and are all culture-1 by lmnd to r: ureonfi the natural fruit. and arr no umpnnqu _ with printed matter 0! grentl impor tnnco. nnd forms a copy in site 32 by 4h int-lam, on map nnrcr. with muslin buck nnd fin-o furnished. a A COPY. with its numl-ruus engravings, wil‘jl he gratifying to the e) c. and [mum no admirable ornament lnr the wall! of the - parlor, and will richly beautify an}: apartment with horticultural {mute ofmuch importance and l‘nncy.‘ Thea: “copies are publiahg-l at a wry hvnrx enwnse. Twenty-fl"? dollars have been paid tn a scientifir artist for‘t‘ormlnfi i the plates 0'? single‘ engraylngs ol trout. mots. elc. ‘ ‘ l A COPY contains primed muller of much imL ‘ parlance nud grentmlue. lléwill tell how to treat all kinds of Fruit- Tree? \ to rrnder them very vigorous n'ud pro- ' ductirc. even in Unfavorable ‘sensonsn 11. will tell how to 'prepxu'cltlle soil! x. yitlmnl inconveniencc beforelplnntrng l the trees in; to itrengthen ttfes nm‘ch | » in vigor, sud tofprovq the productive--I files: of nbnndnnl crops, even; in unful- ; vomhle lessons or Incuions, with ‘ ' proper gmd easy after treatment. ‘ " A COPY will tell how to preplre and [until all ki'nfl’svnf Fruit and Evergreen Treef, , no as no prove successful, will: Iran-q -1y evgrl proving a failure iu‘u lot. df ' nmny~ trees when proherly treflcd Ig‘l directed. It will tell how to train! and plant. Dwarf Pear Trees. It “011:" wins the most auccrssfnl trentmeplzs forthe culture otthe Plum. nwiu’ tell how to train and cultivgte Elm: Grape. A ‘ 1 A COPY will tell how to cultivate and tron! Slrnwberrics. Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries. Goaseberrics, cxc. _ ‘ A 001’" will tell how to treat Peach frees, tot restore their roots healthy from the", disastrous effects of worm insects. lt‘ ‘ « will tell how tomako use of an uppli-1 cltion over the soil surrounding the ' ‘ tree to prbtect the Peach and other - tender fruits from the effects of being ' winter—killed in the bud. The same Ippliéation also restores “Peach trees from taking the yellows. The npplig cation has the beneficial effects to, present the foliage ofthe trees healthy \ and the tree vigorous, and proves to the pro-luctk‘euesi of luscious fruits] ' The spplicatinn‘to be nppliedis not} expensive. All have sufficient um terials on their plantations. I A COPY will tell how to~Preservc all kinds of. Fruits with little or no sugar. It will _ tell how to keep Apple: with mm-h , success. It will tell how to treat and, manage Pears to mature perfectly, and to ottain to the highest flavor. ' l A COPY presents its numerous pictures all at a glance, and forms such an ornament for the wall as will be admired by all , lovers ofurt,drewn from nature’s pro- ’ ducts. > These copies are published by H. F. M. PETERS. Near Bendersrille, Adams ro., Pa- W‘The flap is finished with Keller: and. will he forwarded by Express to any place or— : dered, on receipt oi necessary amount. ‘ fi‘l’rice $2 per copy. Adrress H. F- “- PHI“, Nursery, Floradale P. 0., near Ben, dersville, Adnms ca., Pa. Mr 21, 1863- W STEP into .\IcILHENY’S and see the immense quantity of HATS and CAPS that he has just receivpd. Costs ndphing to look. ~ _ usmxs at low rates, from 6 cents "it, /::;__.,_, _, ._ .. \_._.____.‘_ can be had at the cheap non of, / OTTONADES, and a variety of Pants Stir, FAHNESIOCK 31103 I . Cchenp, at lA. SCOTT l 80%., . ,ADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. 1:: gm: jJ —~gwmmg ...d - H 3,30 .‘ ~ Lriety, “ . 7 SOHICK’ '*G panning; ‘in: cliff “1&2: hug 3% ' ' "’ " _ “no“ and 0! er _ 4 f3]; 5. ”5.” ‘q - 08,1mxswsnmfi‘ i; muss DAIRY drum, n vary a tielehnow to be Inn! 3!. ‘ H. G. (MBA ‘ I THE AGEé—lnllfiuimtory and Chronic (Rheumatism on be cured by using H. L. M LLER'S CELEBRATE!) RHEUMATIU MIX TUBE. Many prominent citizené oi,r Ibis, and glue Adjoining counties, have testified to ics great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec iions,hns been hitherto nnpnrulleled by any specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all drunk“; and Itorekeepers. _ Prepared only by 11. 11. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggiat, Ens: Berlin, Adams county, Pn.,_dmlvrin Drugs, Chemicals, llila, Vnruish, Spirila, l’uinls, Dye-alum, bot tled Oils, Essences rind Tinctures, Window (Elms, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Jun, (cc. .IQ‘A. D. llueliler is the Agent in Gettys "ul‘l! (or “ 11. L. Miller’s Celebrntvd Rln-umnlic .\lixtu‘re." [June 3, lfln'l. if . A Ready Market. IIUSIIELS GRAIN WANT -100.000 l-ZD —\\'e have taken the house lurcly occup ml by Klinofelter, Boninget & CO., Will) A determination to [my tho high“: market prices for All kinds of (‘.min. You ' find as supplied with PLASTB‘R, (ll'ANO‘fiL _all kinds. GROCERII-‘S, Wholomlu and Email LUMBER, COAlnnnd every olhcruliclo in out, line of business, sold m the lawn! possible rules for Cnsh. Call and exmriineourstock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ‘ DIEIIL, BRINKEILHOFF a; CO. April 22, 1861. t." ' Lancaster Book Bindery. EORGE WIANT. G 11001: BINDER AND BLANK noon unvrwn'nn, _ LANCASTER, PA. Plain and Ornammtul Bmdiny, of every do arription. rxecutcd iu the most. substantial and, approved styles. ' ~ ‘ REFERENCES E. W. Brown, 13:41., Farmers‘Bnnk of him-aster. W. 1.. Pom-3r, Esq , Lancaster; County Bunk Samuel Slum-k, Exam, Unlumhin Hank. Suugnpl Wagner, Esq., York Bunk. ‘ wsmm Wagner; Esq” York County Rank. I‘. l). Carson, Esq., Bank of (li-ttynhur‘g. Peter .‘lnrtin, Esq., Proth‘y othnncasler co., Pm GM. 0. Hnwthorn, Bath Register ““ \ “ Uenthitson, an., Rocorder_ “ ’ “ April 15, ISGL [‘ ~ Danger in Delay; lll‘l’nhdcrsigncrl toquvsls us In My “mt ho T \\'lll be much obliged to 0.|(‘ll lmll MI 0! llm~c wimp know themsl-lvm to he imlphlcll to him, cithvr lnrxute, limik .\(‘Z‘unnhjor olllvr “in', if they will make illnmulmle Lfinymnnt. To delay doing an, will cumpvl him 10' ille (lli ngremhlé nocwaily of collecting tlirougli n prnpi-‘r oflivcr‘. 5| \Rl‘l'S S.\ “SUN". [ml'emma imlelnml ran ('hll vithl-r nl lho Store, .\'. E. corm-r uf'l‘ht- Di‘unnml, or on A. J. Cm’u-rfl‘laq , “All. at.', (louyflmrg. J ‘ - l’cl). 17,180‘3. , 4 ‘ ' Change of Time. 1 . ETTX‘Sm‘Rfl RAILROAHL—Un ‘n‘nd nm-r G-Wenlm-zduy, “my. 5, 131;", théfiuorniug Train'will lonu- Gettysbufu at 7‘1?) .\.)!” \\ilh [ltswngt-rx for all the connections. North uml Sauth, on the Northern ('cntrnl Itnilwgy nn-l rrtltrn nlmut l‘l‘. XI. The nftornopn Trniu “ill lt-th'c Gettysburg at 3. I". \l ; huh pwceongor: by this Tnun mu go nu further tlnm [[unm'er the snnn- awning. lit-turning “in rrzu'h Gettysburg: about 5.11 P. \lf. \\ft'h‘purst-n -gcrs from ”.\rrishurg. l’llilgulc-lplth,lAw. HY thia nrrungcmeul pl‘TSlmS from -lho minntrv, nknrthe line of the Ihnlmnd. hmimg'hmim-es {a tmttsnct in HI-ttyshurg, mu tukn the nonh Train up and MW m-m-ly um hmtrSLTn Gettys— burg, nnd rutuln in Un- .\flornnnn 'l'rzlln. R. McCl‘thY. I’rvjpident. my 12, 18053.7 ‘ t Fine Liquors. G. CARR hm added [u h?» firm-cry nnll H. Notinn more. It dewrtmont fur lhl' 5 |l“ ofLiquors, nnd-vaing him in u lurud nml h'u ass-"uncut. he invites the .meulimr'uf impuri therein. ft, emhrgwrs li|{.\.\'l)H-.'S,' WINE". (PINS, \\'IHSKIHH, km, ul'alifl'orl-nl kilnl‘ and p'ricc4, some among the ln-st to Int-dun! in Ilm L-itje<. As his mum) is; “ quick snlw'ljml Hum” profixs." he will sell rhvnp. \i-ry rhéx‘p. furjlm rush. Tu he cohrim-c-t. it is uuly ueqosmr) In g‘i’» him your putrnmuo. , Gettysburg, July I, lBvil To Disabled Sotdiets: QEA‘IHX .\.\'D .\L\RI\"?S. .\VD WHNHV‘; ‘ OR OTHER [HZIRQ (H 3 TIHH") \\'ll-I ”.\VE DIED ()R WEI-IS KILLED IN THE SH“- YII'H —l‘ru.~z. U. Te'cmm. .\Hnrhvyfimr t‘him mnt, Hanty Lam] and I'v-nsion .\pgn‘t. “Whil inclml ('ll)’,' B. ('.—Pominm prm-urdui Mr Sul dil‘ri, Somuen and Marines «If the pn-st-ul war, will) fire dimhlml hyfn-mmu of wmm‘!‘ r-‘l'P'nfl ur diam-1t- contr-u-tngl while in N-rviH-glr‘ni Ron— sinns. Bonn!" Maui") and .\l‘rl-uri u‘fl'ny ul- Mim-d Tor widow: nr mm-r Min of f‘mw who haw died or how: kiln-d \\hih- in lorvioc. Bounty Land procured flitflt‘fl'i -M‘ in MW «3! the Olhl'!‘ mun-h CHAS. C. TI'UKI-ll'l, \\'nu‘uinnlm, D. ('. J. P. .‘iznv, Agent, Gemslmrg; ‘ News”, lSIil. . Town Property,’ T PRIVATE SALE—,Ie mulcl‘figned o"- A fer! n! l’rivnte Sal? flu,- Prulu-r'y in n in: h he now rc-sidow, silunw in But Middle smm, Orig-shark, mijuiniug S. R. Til-Lon on me WI”! nnd .\lrd. )lcElroy on the mm. wnln nu m 1|!le in the may. .THH llUl'S‘l in‘ n.- hro-=tur\‘ Frame, \\'t-mlwrhmralcd. with _ ‘ Back-building; n we“ of wnler, with u lmnip m it, n! the door; and n mrivzy of firm. sm-h n-n apples. pear}; poachos, npricols, (horriw, nml‘ grape-ml] flu: mast choice. . f ZACHARLHI M YEIIS Nov. 12, 1300. :r Nance, n? HE nrdonigned, lmving :1 hr” nmnnnt' T standing on his Books for n mnnitll-rnhle length of lime, principnlly madc- up of small nccuuznte, lakes this "mlhnd ofnnlity'illg thou: him,th he needs mung-y, and if his friends will «all and I' file lhel'r account", he will feel made)- many obligutions (‘0 them. . Sept. 23, 1861. ‘ ' J. L. SCIIICK. ' , John W."l'ipton,: ,I ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-en.“ enr- F net of the Diamond, (next door to .\lr-’ Clellnn’a Ilotel,) Gettysburg, Pu" where)"- mn at all time: be foupd ready to amend to all business in his line. ”(2' ' " H sistnuce and will ensuy him a call. Gettysburg M: EALS &.I¥RO..'IN E M GETTYSBUBG, I" prepared to furnislmll In line, such as .\IUNUMEN‘ STUNES,‘ MANTLES, ch. live, and as cheap asghe call. [Q’Pmduce taken in Gettysburg. Jupe 2, 18: Hanover Bran. INTER ARRANG' Trains run as fol! Leave Hanover at. 9:30 Lem‘e Junction at Hz.“ The 9:30 A. I. train mn) Junction fur the North um train makes cqnnectlon h. 7, ",1,, Through Tickets are inued to Philndglyhis, Columbia, ngriaburz. illinmopon, Reading, Baltimore, York, Wri “ville, and all princi pal way poinls on th line oftheNol-thern Cen tral Railway. ' , D. . THOSE, Ticket Agent. Jun. 20, 1862. Albums. ‘ NEW and exquisitely beautiful Mylej of Album , for “Cauc- de Vinita” Photo ”£9l",st received and for sale a: priest - suilthe ti 5. TYSON BROTHER-5,. ‘l’ York IX, opposite the Batik, Gmyaburg,Pa. J{grch 0,1863. ~ , 4.--... a. ' :1 s‘cmcx has n splendié'lot‘of rain.” .\Silki, very cheap—37g to 62; cents pg: yard; , ‘ _ ‘ r ‘ g -’ G. CARR has just receive‘d 9371‘5. I _. assortment of Gent's 00““ 30*};- ome and examine them. :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers