~x'ms_ The Conunnjn published every Monday morning, by lIINH‘J: Snnu, at $1 75 per unnum' if paid sirictiy 1x “Inset—s 2 00 per annum if not paid in advance. xNo subscription ;discontinued, unless at the option of the anliaherf until all arrearge‘s “8 paid. V ; ‘ . i Annunsinxrs inserted at thousual rates. Jon Pmsnxa done with neatnw and dispatch —‘_ Girls: in South Balti'more street. dii-eptly qpposite thplérs' Tinning Establishment —“ Conn.” Pmsnxu OFFICE " on the sign. • Desirable ‘ T PRIVATE SALE—The mbscribal’ of- A far; nt Private Sale the Property ho- now Mg" 103, situate in the Borough nch-ttyshurg, on (fit‘west hank of Rock (heck. The Trrtct ’ cfimnins 7 ACRES, more or less, ofexrr-lleht 'land, dmcluding a \‘ery'lurgc and ~pruductive Garden. The imprm‘cnicnls Me a . ‘ ’ nnc mu! a half story doublp BRICK HOUSE, with 2 Cellars; all in ex cellent reminu never-failing we” _- ‘1 of the but soft. watcr, A Frame Burn, Wilh Gram! '. Corn (Wm, Hug Pen, #O., also a lot of Fruit 3%”. Thore is on the premises an ex— _ lensivc‘ “WK YARD, liming ant-quantity ut prime shy, and being \vleocntml tor thr bus inrsj. . 'This pruperty (gm-rs rare induct-menu, mrh as nro not often to he luv]. It is in every rO - must .1.-mama. [‘r-rmnn wi<h7ng to \ irw it are roqmstod to ml] on (‘1!- Sllhtrrihvr, resid ‘i‘ng thrrcnn. Tlu- terms ui” luv made enkyv. Ifnm mld hrfore SETL'HDAY, the 30th of AI'GI'ST Mun, it will (mthut 11. x) he pm up :11 Public Sale, at k o'duck,_ I'. M.,-4‘ll tlm prem isvs.‘ - wfix LI'TZ. ‘ VJuly 2121‘962. ts :" ,_, Supéljintendent’s Notice. WILL gx'nmine Tmu'hCN nhhe [Silmfing I mum-«l ‘,imw n'nd plnrl-=. tu wit: (Vxfiard annchip. .\"vw (anrnl, Aug. ‘ZR. 9 n. m. Fromlnm‘ \lurilz‘s n. Aug. 22', l p. m. ' ' Strilhun, "unlorf Hg. 31L {I n. m. Huminglnn. I‘c ‘(pL 1.9 :1. 11. _thinlnrv. Shm- fiIIIIN‘: Svm. 2, '3 n. m. "(hiding and Hum ‘ unplnn..\‘vpt. 3, 9 n. m. H.4mi7tnn. E:l~¢l;1h-r.‘in. Supt. L 5) n, m. lin-r“ wk hnr , \hhml=town. Svill. .'., 9n. m. ‘ I’wrwirk tp ..Ehlvr~ S. ”011 w, 90m. 5. ljp. m. Mountph-nsnm. Hrufih m”) H. H.. Split 6:, D :l. m. lannx-uun. \erhc-rrys'own. Sum. lit-W a. m.» _ . Ynium FrhiMf-a S 4 hon! Huuw‘. firm. 9. I'o :1. rm (h-rmnny, Link-«(Mm Svm. 10,951. m. Mounljm', Two T.|\'<~r’nn, 59M: )1. 9 n, m.— (‘mnlerm-t (h-nvflmnz. Snpt. Ii fl n. m‘ Throne, Ih-ithNhurg. .\\pt. [5, 10 n. m. Ruth-r. ".\thla-nm'n, anl. )1), Mn. m. '. \lt-nnJ‘lvn‘ lh-nwh-ruiHm .\‘opl. 17. On. In. . Franklin faulltn‘x'n. Sept. IR. 9 n. m. Llhnmhunhmi. Fnirih-lnl. St-pl. In. 9 a. m. ’Lil‘L-rt'r.‘liruypmn'- S. Hume. Sppl. 20. 9 I‘. {IL ' ‘\«JHH‘N ('. ELLIS, CO. Sufi/.4 New ()xfgrd.‘ Aug. 4. 1862._ 1d . m, \\')l. 1;. mum's ' ' . DENTAL REMEDIES, in: THE BEST I\' TH]; \\'OHLI), A [\ann’q v l-‘LVE TEETH AN!) .\ SWEET BREATH AK“ (THING TOUTHAFHH AND NI’II'RALGLL I!” _vén “iah t . ho big-<50.) “‘hll nnal mlmirn-d fur l’rumv \\’“HK mu] Snuml T('l'”l')< L'cr: Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Unrivalled Tooth ‘Powder, \\ unmhwl {rt-v l'rnm :u'inl. alkali, or am uuurihm sul‘nmce. Prlct- ‘25 cents per hvu. ’ [Effi’lhw'no of the nrniin'lry cheap Tam)! Y’nmh-ri. which \\himu hut dummy. llv-ynu \\.i~l3 tuln-r(-r}:liri Hm! yénrHRF‘ATII is purv. t—u‘nr-t. nnd nérM-ulnlv ln bud-and nr \\ ifr,‘ lm'l-r or {lii-gill" ~ l'it‘ Dr. Hurd’s 091-, _ebrnted Mouth Wash Price 3711-”!er “IMHO." ‘ ‘ ‘ - ' Thie "stringent. \\'nth i: "19.1 the hen romtfdy ill HH- “4er fur ('.L‘nkrl-r. Um! ‘Hronh. Ilfv'fllnng (:n‘nw. Fun- \hyulh. (~10. h Inn: ruradlmndH-Js. Im \nu urinurrhi‘clrcn mfl‘u-rl'lmn'l‘nll'l‘ll- AUNT-"w! M Dr. Hurd's Magic Tooth ache Drops; I‘qu- L'- N-np‘ 1'" lmlllv. -.\'rt- rnu nIHh-led \\ith NEURAL“! \‘l (PM. Dr. W. B. Hurd’svfleuralgia Plaster; 'l‘lw mus: (theme nil-1 dchghlful rmncd) kuoun. ‘ . '7 Tnm’dfi nnt “NIH-re nor l;_li<'cr..lml «::th \nml l-[num' pain .1“ «v: Tn Ilfcm. Pun-1H fund 3:? t'l‘uta ~.\luilml nn rr‘m-ipt of prim- l "n yin ‘\viwh n» rumplptt- set (If: HHVTAL ("li\H'lfH-IS mu! .1 Tyt'lll((“0|l I'rrsvrvinrz thh? Get Dr. W. B. Hurd’s Dental Treasury, ~l‘.lv umrtroFt :uul inns: \lllvnhlu prrcm't that nuv fri'wul (‘nn quake to numhur. liriruSl. s‘"! by EVpress (I'l I'm-rip: nfprit-P. V 'l'or mm: m. the heat. stores lhrougholil [he —— cmmlm‘. - ' ' , (I‘u'nm.—‘\: there? are dealers who vnkc 311-. ‘\'nmnm- of our :Inhvrlisomvnls In impnuv “pun ”wig- ( mummy-Q inln-rior prup:\rulitw<.-il i: un cc-‘u‘rv to iusjit “an baring what you en“ for} pm! you \\'!ll mz'r nit: MIST. tlmronzhh’ toiled. nml [wepz‘lrwl by an (“llK‘l’if’nK‘l'd and scientific humid. 'l‘rcneurcr of the .\'v\\ York Smu- Donfifl'e‘_\<<oriu\ion. nnd Vu-e President oLtho New York City Dental Society. Address ' . .A‘TM. R‘ "('RD k C().. New York July 21. 1862 . WGET Till“. (‘lllCAl’l-‘ST .-\\'l) BEST.‘:‘ The -“ WiHiams & Orws ” NI‘IQI'ALH‘ID 533 rm DUI'RLE ’I‘IIRF, \D j I} l"l\.\lll.Y Sl-2~\\'l.\'<‘. .\l \("lISE E—Tlm “ \\‘illim‘ns & Orvja" Sowing .\lM‘hinl‘ has lmcn in {he market mnrly f 0 xr yours. rlurlng \\‘lllt'll time it lins ucquirml~ rI-pntminn sex-(lnd to "IQ fno other in the orltl.‘ For excvllum-e, (lur: ilily and elegant of finisll it it unwr pnsg. while for clienp'iesi. simplicfu, ruse Aaml nni<eles<noss of notion. it_ has never hem) U’ "l““llc'l. “'0 w rrnnt the “Williams k’firviz" , to he oqunl in (fiery respect nnil superior ‘in many to any anflimncliinc now in line. It , makes jhe double-loop stitch My] will run, ' hen). gather. tuck, fell and embroider, imd do all the work. Lhnt mn‘ho dune on any Family Sewing .\lgu-hinc ever made ! , . anchines forwarded by. Exprvu with . {woctiouffirr usingfivm able on delivery, " ‘ Every Machi’ne warranted and key}. in repnjr one year without Clmrgu. ~ .- a‘ih Agent wanted in every town and county 1; this Slate‘eust of the‘ Allegheny Panountain). ' fiflnclose stamp for terms and circulars. ' Adgress, (‘..gn. JONES a; co, (Boigssi No. 50 North 51!; 31., below Arch, Jul: 28, 1852. 4: . I’hiladelphin‘ Spectacles, Spectacles. OSEPH‘BEVA’N,Ji§n of the “‘Mch nml ' ‘Spectncles, in the diamond, has new on hld’n large assortment of Gold, Silver and «Steel Spectacles, and is prepared to suit all who ‘ wig. fuvm- him with a call. . 8;; can paid for old gold and lih'fir. . In 2 1862. , _ Nqtice. mum.“ BIEHL’S EST.&TE.-—-Letters of Administration, de bonis non cum testamento annexe, on the estete of‘Abrn hem Biehl, late of Union toyynsbip, Adams county, cleansed, having beet-r granted to the “findersigned, residing in the same township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to laid «fate to make immediate payment, and those swing claims ngninst the same to present them properly euthenticatedfor settlement. . ‘ AMOSLE’FEVER, Adm'r. a July 7,1862. 61; New Restaurant ‘ HE undersigned has opened a Restaurant,. _ it the corner bf York and Liberty streets, tysbnrg, when he will keep everything in an!“ eating line in season—llla Ale, Lager, and 9' at, Segue, Tobacco, die. He is likewise . ‘ ' gap I Saloon for Ice Green: At the same I ~ ‘ Hr hopes, by attention to business and ndesire to plane, to receive a libenl share of enatgm. HENRY W. CHRISMER. 39.31855, 1362. _ _ ~ ‘ _ FIE attention of £ll3 Ladies is respectfully , invited to n higer and splendid assortment ‘ o dies’ fine Kid nndlorocco BOOTS and SUPPERS_amng Ga‘lten, &c., to“ at April 21. B. F. MCILHENY'S PURE BRANDY, AND WHIISIKEXI'), for ‘ medicinal on. 6 anti: aw rug ' tern of purp Ink". R. HORNEB. , DRE GROUND SPICES, Minted aid , ground expressly foi Dr. Roer :30 - B's New Drug Store. A‘ Property 4:4‘tl‘l Year- 'l'hr: [mopit‘ffjf Admin-county hiwe now a fi'iia- (nrpnrlunity to decide which bf tlm~c moat shall lmye a seat in lhafriext-Legislu tuii’e of Pcnmylvunia. “'9‘ have nothing to stiihngain-zt tho private charncter'of eitbé“. Were it awn true that olljortions could be; raised on thht‘scnrp,’ we still have moré ge- Spf'ot Tm: Fmr follow net-n than the conun (‘lrum oF-the “Stnrmnll Banner.” who puts right and loft, with the indis‘cretio‘n of n hulfgrawn school l-rsy. \\ _ lint lnnving all this! aside, we‘ ask‘ the people of Atlama county to think ctfluily snd diqmsinnntoly over the matter, and then ask tlmmsoli’cs the question, wh'ch is the mm: deserving of our supltort—llivnry .l. Myer-q. who has heet'i umvnv‘p'ring in his paliliml course. :1. moral. uprilrht‘nml mn m‘xlrnt mnn_i3§all his dealings Tand doings, kind‘hgarted. charitable. trustworthy nnd mngrinnimous. paqsessiug, in} short, ‘nll thaw high qualitieg which (lis‘ingulish the gr-ntjwmun : or John Ilusbey, xjho lmq pro von himsnlfu chapter of incn sistoncins. a pprl‘oct m‘aitimrcock in politi‘:s, and. Tan: Mimi and m'orhearing' in every new idea usu‘tmml. ' “:0 (1%) Mr. Bushey‘md injudicé in igni’ihg that such in the case, Ineither is it r3l"- dwim to 4h) so. but he is tlie artificer of iiie mvn "rt-Md, nnul nll _our‘ (loqire is to plat-o him side by title witln'Mq Myerthcn lot tho pmplolvoighjhfim in who lmlance, n'ml lot whichovorvwill prove to he the hen.- vinst. \\'n are sati~fimL Any (‘hzin'zec hifi’ opinion: so nl'tori (lPlliy M Mi; Bualwy lmclin tl half :1 life time, is rognrlled inintlml mom nk'eithor ficklen‘ ing nn =olf-cm‘nm‘lfnr somméhlw Lunlrr. without nm' fixed prinoi rule 04' action, shaping his c llm t-lmncm of nr-quiring plat-o . l \mcd for Mr..llu:bcy, hfili hr- \\‘h:it he 1-1‘01'0~°~(~tl, Still‘tt 1)“ ho i'nilpd t 6 mat his fair pr‘ ltc~gi~ltuurc luyfkulking dli‘w‘iil est ‘\lmlitinnifli. lle cnnn tl‘ pimlgml hal:t~(~ii"'\vh(~n n>kinl (1 tn rntnnin fign in theuncicnt < thith. hut his own net< haw-i \\ IPH‘ ’ P W "N UI ' (3 I l 10])? , all] I J .‘. “I V . - ml nmtntm‘: of mode I timm Mr. Hu‘ehey, we “'34: cu no I) than Hunt we hope :m'd pray. 1:10 andunn county may, 1 condemn j'mlr ilicnnsibtenci lln-nry J. Mye‘rs go the LogiaL . . V A l l m hmx wemll not be decew . Mn'. hunk—l’l“: Demo Convention did t‘n good day" ticket is, regaxdod in our part q as-éiwnmhe strongest tl'mt cu‘ sol‘oc‘ted in the piwunty. I]. still the man for us, at; againfi‘ o'flin-o-hunting turncoatv If” the man to taxkejhe cource a“- B'qllinger cannot be be'nten wfl man, of Pmrlin,.ish towei- 0 Duncan and Brinkcrhofliux} Dec. 2. 1y pupular too. MuSlxcrry ,has '\vith him, nnd his election \\'i ‘nn_minuted by the éonferees,i lieve he will IJO. ,: Lot every man of the party—candidates upon the ticket. those whq “#l9 unsuccess jul in the ‘E‘onvontjnn, and jail others—go to work in awslfirifiof deterl‘pififition, ind shmess'must folldw. The‘ gaithful never will‘beJargotten. A t . Bmwxgx. ‘ THE DRAFT. ,’ ‘ ' l Igame radicals of the Abolitiomschwl, } whose liiltreds are so strong that even now, 1 when all éuch feelings sllofild be repressed, ‘ they are seekin‘g.mther to gratify their liticul nnimosities thnn encourage "uni: triotism, .have been making loud be (11‘ that. Democrats; when: they denounce as‘ traitors. shall alone be drsfted, in order to 3 get them out -of the way, and leave 'tkose‘ pestilent ‘Abolition 'ngitators it home to manage ~lhe elections and politics general ly.~ But’we can hardly believe that then!- ficers .of‘ the Government will listen to such dishonest anddangerous oqulnsels. Sliould': they dOlO, ‘the terrible retribution of an out? raged people wo‘i soon overlain (Item; Let the draft, be conducted with strict justiols and impgrtiulity..—Reading Gazette ”Th? political news from I." pert—s'3l! “I! flute is heartily encouraging. The Demo'- gratic mussel are fully awake to theix duty, and determitied to penevere in their leith, in spite of all the imprecations,‘ fnlskhoode and base libel: heaped upon than. Frém the State Conventionfiown to that in the remote“ county, every meeting of the Democracy all)“ has been belithis year has been lignelly bar monious and 'enthusiestlc. the Opposition will find the! persecution qu Demon-eta, in stead of making them timid ‘nud' flinging, but only 'unitecl them it. a strange-[devotion to their faith then ever. « ‘ , 'fi-Thqwguuz dludes to e Ipeegh of Senator Wright, of Indiana. in the senate. some time ago, in which he oondemhed the introduction oF‘party ” into the men égemmt of theater. Does; not the WI know that thnt speech we: intended* to re buke the Ahohtion ridiculing. who ~were epdmoriug to pervert the wen-into e um;— gle for the accomplishment of their party ends 2 If not, our u‘eighbog in not 0 clear in‘ the comprehension; of lcqguege and cir cumtmcea us we gaye him {audit for. E BY H. J. STAIILE :fijiwilanwnfi. r ' C’JJUI T'NICA ’I'IOLNUS'. ' For the Compiler. HENRY J. MYERS-VS. BUSBEYa EST A @EMOGRATHC Amp 'EFAMHLV mummu \TO THE DEMOCRATS AND ALL OTflBK FRIIXDS or THE Constitution & Union in Pennsylvania At the meoting‘of the Democratic State Central Conunitteet’ held the 29th ult., the following resolution “as anted 2— . ; Risolt'cd, Th'nt’ thp Chairman call upon the loyal men of I’t-nm=ylvnnia, through the Demucmtl'yflamlihk Committees of thesey cml «ountghs. to what in the several cities and vounties nt'~thu"state.‘n’t.‘l such places as shall he dr-signqtml: hy the' saitl Standing Committees rmpe-rlivelv, on the 17th of SGptmnher nnxt. to celebrate that day as [he anniversary of the (lay 6f rho adoption of the (Jonflitutifin of the U iitod Stalea. I Pprsuaut to lhi;rosnlutijn. I call upon the ’Dt-mnvratic Sthmling‘: nmmittees re speqtih-ly in the several cities and coun— ties lof l’vnnfiyluanitft to request the Demo crats and fill the bfher loyal lcitizens to can'- vené in ma“ meetings at suéh places and at such hours as they {respectiv‘ely may desig nate, on the 17th ol‘lieptemblfr néxt. to com n'mrnornte‘ the allo'ntion of the Cbnstimtion‘ ofthe United State‘s of America. _ Since the 17th of Sc'ptemher. lifttthere has been no Ifcriodgin the history of Ameri ca when it was so eminently fitting and im- ! portant as thetprqgent to bring to the at—l tention ofthe Amok-icon people, great. fun‘li damental‘ principles, which mmt underlie! any Government Where civil'nnd religious); liberty exiut, nnd'iéspecinlly those that un—i dot-lio' the Government of this Union—l:! Union which res'tit‘fur its foundation. upoan that Constitution oiliich otlirms nnd’propoil hesi‘ to make sacred. and perpetual thosol principlei. Thati :Conitihltlfijl and that Union—”one unit inaeplltimhlc"-are now 35-} I nailt‘tl hy ‘fo'cs throughput the whole land“ by scceusjoni~u inl the ‘ ruth out] hy Aboli-‘J; tio lists iii the North. 'itije former by nhold; organized, nrnietl ;movciuent, strike (lira-tail ly and arowc‘tlly at; the whole sovereignty:h and existence of our Constitutional GOVOI'Ihji mout. The luttei‘ihy equally glircc‘t efforts}, hutfroiu under the cloakof recently «leiv Clitl'l’d friendship and patridtism, are seeks}! i'ngito thrust_theii‘ trnitorouis stilettoes inlo'ji the heart's blood -ot‘the nation. l l ,i The hooplqof this land are the sipurce of}. all power. They [nude Coriatitutions. und' they can. and (utiiess they! would becomei the victims of git-spotism ox; anarchy) must , uphold 'thetu. ll‘he great t'undamcntall : prixiciples ot‘civiithd religious liberty assertf ml in the Americtlu "(institution urc. esseni‘ tial to secure us iii the cliioyment of life Find property, until in hltho purtuit of Imp“- ,pinoss. Among tiicee are ‘fthe freetlonvof speech. and ofth‘oi Pircso," ‘1 the right ot‘the rpeojile peziccnhlygno Itsfiémllilc‘," " the right. of the people‘ to Ed secure it}. their persons,” houses, papers and effects a‘gninst unreason able senrche< and‘ seizuceg’Nthnt “ no war rmit shall‘iasue hultgupon probable cause,sup portedihy oath oi-utflirmntion ; ” “ that no person shall bellield to nriswer for a cupi ttyl ‘or other infuni‘ious crime utiless on a pre sentment or! indictment 05,11 Grand Jury, except, in cows arising in the land and na ‘val force<. or i‘n the militia when in notuhl service in n timel of wai- or‘public danger;" that no citizen shall “ be fleprived of life. liberty. or property without. due process of latvf’ that: “ in bl] criminal firooeéutionfi. tlié accmed shal—li enjoy the right to aspeed "hind public trial, by’m impmm jury of th . ttite or District ihihere the crimerhall ha been committed; which District shall ha been. previously rcertnincd 15y l_aw, and tyo he informed «(aft )9 nature and cause of this accusation, to be‘ confronted with the wile “ ne'sses against him, to have compulsory p ceés for‘ olntuiniiig‘ wiltneues in his fav'oE, 9nd to have the nssiztance ‘ of couns‘l for h'iit defense." “ That the powers not i delegated to the United States, by the Co' - i iititution, nor prohibited by it to the smut, i are reserved to the §tntes, respectively, or i to‘the people.” ‘ .- 3 Ipqrmn who hid so sud legcnuric of via" souud‘ ‘inded, Imm! in of an 917""? aliplm fax" his lll'x‘e tohsuit ml profit. i vim.- him (11' ‘ arr-0311!", but : ‘miws in (110‘ It“ the rank-'t pony that 1191 [or our volea. ! tconwrvn‘tive placed him “901% politH I Good} bye, rm; flurtller‘ hut tho‘peo: 5 their votes,‘ and sond ure, because "o EvElar. 1 {c (‘ompiiet ratio Cmmij' F “*oqu ‘ The ‘ .f the‘cbgntry ‘ 14.! have bpen . rry Myers "is: LBusjw-y, flue Klemzm is just‘ ‘-uinst Peters; ‘th us. Shir-er; uf snéngth.= 3 ie desbrvedly' ‘ the peolpl'e‘ _! take plucel‘if' 1 which I bO-‘ Among “ the mean not delegated tothe United States,” but “ reserved to the States v respectively or to the people,” is the right to hold elections and to determine upon and fix the qualifications of voters. With the peojalo ofPehnsylwmit. this prett right 3 is filled by the Constitution of the Sttte, arid ‘ no powet—biit tli‘at (ionstitutio'n, and laws 1 enicted in pursuance thereof, can prohibit i the exercise of,! or limit or restrain that ‘ right—a ri htrn'ost inestimahle to our'peo pie, and 'ffornridnble to tyrants only.” : i’ellow countrymen, on the coniing anni versary of the day of the adoption of the ‘American Constitution, in the exercise of "the right of the people peaceably to men:- ble,” let us ell solemnly end reverentiy. in ‘thleace of ell men and before Heaven, de clare our firm determination “to pledge our lives. our fortunes, end our sacred honors-'3’ "E prenmemrotegt and defend the Con-titu t n of the United States." Let us nfl‘ordnto President Lincoln the most indubiuble ml denpe that, in the obeernnee thia oathrof ofiice to do thehmn'e thing, we will uphold end‘mpport him’, just as readily as we hove already shown him thgt in filling up from our ranks the great bulk of the army, now and heretofore ii! the field, we have alwoya been ready at whatever sacrifice to ltrike ’down open and armed delinnee: to the exe cution of the liwp and to the sovereignty of the Governmént. A's Democnts, and» therefore loyal men, we can know no other fixinciple of political action, but to uphold theIHG-oveniment and obey the hm:< and i that the best evidence of our firm purpow ; to do so is, that as a part of the peogle, we will demand the maintenance of the Con stitut‘wn in all its parts and the preaervation of the Union in its 'prfect integrity, and that we will hold all men, North» well ts 380 mm who until. our Constitution, in whole I - 7 ' 77777 77777 777 7i777'i777 7' J , GETTYSBURG, PA-; ‘MQN'IDA‘Y,’AUG-_ 25, 1&8? “um 13 HIGH" A!!! win. "IV/AIL." or in part, is dialoyal men, and the enemies or the Union of these States. President Lincoln. ‘inhisinauguml address. quoting the entire provision in the Constitution of the United States, relative to the returp‘ot' fugitives from labor fxéom hny State: truly said that he found thatJn-ovlision ‘,‘as plainly ivritten in the. Constithtim‘z as my other.” and in the same Qddre§s heljustly declared, ‘ “l have no purpose dineetljn or indirectly to interfere with thé institution of lilavery in the States where it exitsts. !I Belierei have no lawful right to do So, ahd I has no in clination to do 8.0...” Yet. the Abolitionisté l of the North aré to-dhy hringing t 6 b‘eer| upon President Lincoln ngfeart‘ul pressurel to induce him toiexert: all ihe power which 1 his ofliéini position ian-eseht circumstancesl affords, to act cou'pter to this plain provision ‘ in the Constitution unit! to; his own pledges to the American freoplh.‘ This‘prenaglre has ’ been so great. that. the Ifresident, in hi2;l high position,‘ we: indtlcedito option] to the E Union-loring Corigrese‘lmenf from the Border ' Sieve States for relief. ‘ Let thogwhole loyal. people ofthe Shite of Pennsylvania come ‘ forward in masgfmeetingqi and with one ‘ patriotic and determinedgvoice give asst‘i'r-Ji ance to President Lincn‘ln of that relief; which -he swim; Let us ‘assiure him that the only relief lie ooh ever obtain is from l‘ the loyal massesunumboritigetlenslt 300.000 ‘ men in Pennsylvianin'nlone, who ate firmly l resolved that as; they areithesougce of nil = power, and are the supreme power in ,the l land. they’ intefiid to ‘hireserreg protect I and defend the ponstitutilonf of the United I States,” against all its ‘it'oes‘, whether Aboli- , tionists or Segesntoniste. I ‘ . ! Come, fellow-c§ilntrymep. as you Avnlue i thehgreat principles of thelComtitutjon—ns" you love. the Union of theée States—as you Tld ' *t (It ot'mr ‘ hnarch' is it " . avert despotism or. .rehy—t ' - . e . ,« . q - your right to gdel‘end the Constitution! SVe/i ave heerisiiigrr‘ngd inn til 'ti. we . . -' y t , u ' i. against all its foes, and its you have ‘the idomp gnml nuthoritv, that file 9mm of power to do 5% devote ”‘9 17‘“ of-Sentem- ‘ Surgeon General of the army 's n _mmt ex her next to such demonstrtfitions of the popu- { tensivo nviurllingestahlishmeni, ‘Tho .lms lnr heart as grili give mom] support‘ta-nll ,pitul fit Aiqxnndrin mntninsia) it r'rr (hour the friends ‘ot‘ the countiv and serve to1"“::¥'kf“22:°“]‘d"lc”kl”? } E??? B. . . - ' ‘ (on ll? . > A urLeon Jane 5‘ ' mgr “'O9 gutde the. ‘iohcyi of- th? office”. Of the g 9“ ’ n Ftttfid mlary. hesitiehfnrty c s pgr «lag/far ornment m OPMSItIOD 4? deadly “”1 fit"! ieach patient in the hospital. In \‘is‘itb the councils. I need not mid; the mum-sols |horpitnlg'once.n Week, and h} in lvr him which the nholitionixts séelk tn‘ give.//N¢‘xt in" army of “follets.” on “ma ls- who. (“'s‘ to the Porseksinnbt'nur cottstitutinnn/l righta. .P‘xpepted to“'ls"'.3h° when” We a ‘l‘. . ‘ a i ’ - .'l he chief of this depurlmen H sordul we should strive to recure the moat/thorough 'crentnre. and no ”5‘,“ m“: 3 n , isclulrgze‘ nlm‘lrvnnoe Qt'nrder. "hd ”he per-zonal til-"115 iaiunfit for duty without his signature, anal 0f ewry citizen} Our enemies seek to im- he refumjs to grant a divvhnrg h'muse‘ it' hute tn'ne n wimnpnm témduce a collis- ll3sl;:so:ll]:{muggefnfif‘i’lis]; x'amgiindl‘lg m" (ff forces.‘ I.“ l‘)’ ””1- “ "19““; merely )sufl‘or in alontlisome'pen uhtil l to it extin'ct, n dowrm'vflt‘m‘ to harem" ”11M“ ‘11"? rather than give up his dailyr—e.‘ The ca.-1 the (‘nmtitntinn ata \yhnthvef sari-iii et i dot-nor students are [mid lnr mlnrien he ns nasurc them g that while we‘ feel that to i Shle‘fl The emoluments. 0f tf Fhlpf I'hflsi" surrender there rights would (leigrmle ‘our ‘ cmn “'9 emu-mono. lt‘therezro 'x thousand '_: i 1 l ntients, an that. Is nhoiit the nP! vein the manhood. “"d'.th"§?f° .no “m" 5.”1e iimpitnl, his fhes henides his 1h; are two der ever will be3made. y ~as,gond citizens-l Ilia-11mm! fou‘r Inimlrni :Inl/nrs‘pm Ih. . or eiz/lzlr 4% will yield Pvt‘rylhi'ng'lmt m“. honor and ‘ [laundrt‘fi um! shown-sir lllDllfA‘dndt In); pom-gym”. ...... GPWM- r We.“'i" ..f:;:..:.‘:.:3:? .'.t::.:...::r :2. :1: appeal ‘o' W" hone ”1:8 “th ‘0 ”Jo“. Md 3 of the same character. the sw‘i (111 n; of thfi l truut and lmpd. vea, helreve, we. mllvhave :tax payers in thin oné branch of he army the. help of the officers , oi the Goviernment fig nt‘itselt‘enqugh ‘0 impover ‘1 t] e ““UO'l' to air] us in protecti your rights atd’riverti --Argus. ‘i , t._-.. - --__, w} 7 ing such éollisidn.’ Let ris show t ese ene- GENE. BUiTLER AND d m mies that we well ndersfitand the, baseness Genhutler has n shnrp nv' 0 of the hearts that. doterinined ‘uponjnon- withltlm {3013 who are 01." ion st‘rous wrong. ‘inuld-[lperg‘iltir’r such wrong, ‘ the knm‘es who are our em: iea. and impute diruful catastrophies which they {respondeneo withGeneml P" ll" .1 ;‘ ' . . - icreditable to his good sense and h may thus occasion todhe friends ofthe Con- "€5B. than was his famous (l’wixi stitution—ot‘ the lime, amid therefore to the loontrnhand Question. It se [ms preservation of Perfect order. Standing up Phelps. 'without authority, as a as we do, only to resigt digression upon burl €095 113th Veredneegfid. for Wilma rights. upon the booth; of the-nggressors j “3““ “12:“? no; 13:60:13.3???" must be the riesponsibility of any conse iwould J 10; be a slave—driver. fl" quences of evil. lint, fwhich may, you, ithe pusjtidn of.slave-lender.;tf} He m count 'me and theiofliceréoftheGo —‘ olitely‘ {PM ”Willis re-‘lilmfllian y T) l” .. l- . . Y ,v‘iie accepted, and that. the hem ernment co-oneratrngl guided by‘ kind {he wams to art!) are neededléto c Heaven—avert... ' ' forests to openrange for thaigun This Phelps began his car firth mntion so silly‘ that. even t is compelled. to blush for thentupi abolition disciple. Ile hasytriv his career. by a‘ melodrama! 4m Gen. Butler ‘éariia him thg' hai suicide. Ind cuts the rope. ilt is ad that the Resident. will prfimli out of his misery. . ' «‘- 1- ~ a . “(ii—Q 'S’The Abolitionists offiw E gland,“ their meeting at Island Gr .., ne r Boston, on 'l‘ueaday. deemed to have‘vied with eacn other, in denouncing the ”resident, on‘ abusing Gen: McClellan, for Jot «purer-ting the, war f? the. Union into 1 ”rid” the Ne}- gro, and. or Negro Equal] . . he Presi dent waycalled a “ moral cornrdi" a “ tor toise-3’,» ,“bromstick,” andE othér names. which everNbe rebel editors‘\ and orator-s of Richmoudor Charleston wtguld be asham ed of. One of the speaker? went so for as tqurge that we let the Schth Foumh emancipation be proclaimed; and enforog And this, beyond doubt, isithe {marrow of the whole matter. These toeope do not want. a‘lConstitntionnl Unim—the Union that. Wuhington.nnd J offer-(tn. I. d Adams} and Franklin framed,—butg%aom sort of I block Republic. after the Son mingo (I Hoyti negro equslily gotten. Ifit is tre son to disoourgge' enlistmer .15, then every man who spoke at that. Grby‘e Island meet ingia a traitor. Men lmvr‘ been sent to Forts Warren and ‘Lat’nyeite for saying things for less tremnablo tljnn these New England Abolition utterancris. hone men were Democrats, we knOW—f but re Demp crats to be punished, while the Abolition iata are permitted to go motivfree f—rßaading Gazette. t A I. iwi—Jh CiTill I . 1 ‘ 11W. HUGUFS, % } . Ckairfian (fut bemocralic “ - ; 3&4: Central Cognmime. Pumnmmnq, August. 114th, 1862; APPLYING mm mar. The following dialogula oecurred on the sidewalk of one of the alreets in this city. yesterday morning. Semi? h Democrat and Rajgublican whp hap' n' Ito meet:— rp.-—I haveihearfit ahid repeatedly that you are aecesh.- " ‘ _ Dam—Probably y a hl'vla. But let us see who is aecesh. 'you r me! I propose that we both go hefdre a otnlryl Public and each take the oath df alle iance to the Constitu: tion as it is, mid of dellty to the Uniop’as itrwu before aéoeasi n began. Will you dq it .I: l ‘ ~. 1 Rep—Hem 2% Wn, H don’t know. 1 think) it’s hard y wgzth while. i ‘ Dam—(Sl g) . mb along. I am ready to take , e ‘ h. end if you are' not a. secessionist, you 1:61 inlx are. Come, it is but a Itep to {Sqni ‘ Miller's office. and it will not take kn ginutel. I will pay {or both. (Republican maybe elf.) Are you not for the Constitution and the Union! Reps—Hem 1: Yet. if slavery is abolished.‘ Den.——Then you are riot for the Constitu tion an it is, for that recognize: the exiata' once of slavery ‘in = the Union. You are. therefore, a secessionist. If you are not. you will go with me and take the oath of llegiance w the old Constitution and the ad Union. (Exit Republican, sneaking off with both hands behind him, pressing down his coat tail.)—:—Ohio‘;Statwnan. ”The attempt of the Republicu'l pa per-I to pdm Judge Knox upon the public as a. Democnt'is absurd. He does not. even profess to hue been a supporter of either the measures or the nominees of the Dem cntic party since 1854. He is an Aboli tiouist of the Tiogm county school. an in politics has ever been a follower of Wilmot. Ta: Faust Hm I": Tnonln 10 WA aos—Ou Saturday last Hirtm Woodrufi ,drove Mr. Bonner’a gray mare, to wagon, one milein two minutes, twenty-three seconds. nnd I qnnr tar, which is the fastest time In} hone ever tro‘ted :o wagon. Flor: Temple's smm mile to wagon is 2.25. We understand thn Mr. Bonner pnid $5,500 to n Bnltimon broker for this mare, nboul two yam ngo. Hit-In: Wood rufl'uya ab..- is the hates: horse in 1113 world. For racing purposes the it now estinned to be worth $15,000.‘—-N. 'l’. Ma. 5"“ :7: ’ I J, a , 1 4» ~ x \ ‘l‘ - y . i 7 " . 7i ' IMPORTANT ORDER mint EN. ‘ KcCLELLAN. .- ‘ Gen. McClellan has just issuSéd a general order. carrying out the order of the? Presi dent in relation t'o rebel property, which ful ly accords with the preiious pfictlé‘ ofthe General of the Army ofthevl‘otomn' ~ This order is‘ ndrpiruble.- It is the; of states lmnn, as wellns a general and 11 Cl ristiun. I_n they course of the order Gen. M 'lellan' gays: ‘ " .‘ ‘ The idea that prirnte property ny be plunderedewith iinpunity ié, pcrhi )S, the very worst that can pervade 33 nrm§ Mar rauding degrades as men and emor lizes as soldiers all who engage in it, um] etums them to their homes unlitteal for ie pur euits of honest inrlu'atry. This rmy is composed mostly of ymmg' then: (I the General commanding. to whose care they are entrusted. owes it to the. p're 9 who hnve sent their sons, nnd‘to (h: communi ties that. have sent the flower of their youth into the military ser'viee ot’their co itry, to warn and restrain them fro an evil so pernicious. ‘ -. , ‘ ’ ‘- 'The GeneruLCommanding tav'ost is occa sion to rem‘inilgthe oflipcrs 'nn- ml iers of this army that ‘iie are engaged _‘ augpnrting the Constitutio and the laws .llf the! United Slatesnnd ill buppressing rehh lion against their authority; that we are ntit en aged in a war ofrupine, revenge or sub} agnti n ; that this ignot' u'contest against poiiulati us, but i against armed forces and polittjcnl gnnizn igtion : that,“ is a strug'ale Cflrl'fi'd 0 within the United Slates, and should eco ducted jby us upon the highest princi on own to : Christian 'civili'zation. , . ' This is sound philosophy, Ch 1 and common sense, which will i ml ‘ favor with the godless crew of E bah ! radicgls, socialists, infidels andanhel Lure bent on overthrowing ou‘ in: ! nn‘d inaugurating n reign of thfmr ting pojitical chaos for constituli 0 . . v '. written law/Sr-(bnshlutmnal tuxon. I Wping Out the Came eflhcjll'ar -The fol: lqwing is: Fatty good ”Mm o " on tlnb plea that a fiery u the came the war. and therefore slavery must he ‘ifipd out? before the in an end‘: 3-: ; -‘ ,“ Samba sensibly argues} that at slnv’ry am de cause ofde war. and (lughuo be wip ed out. den qe nigga am decause of alav’ry. :nd ought to: be wiped out toq; kue that would be no war widout sliv’fiy, and that would be no alav'ry widout 6 e nigga, 'l‘aka ku‘ dat yer don’t, wipe out .100 much.” ‘ Audling the Irish—Farmly’s "Press” of Thursday has an editorial @ticlé in which it. very iuiber'any mails an Irish, their re ligjon and their church. ‘,And the some paper contains another areéle favoring the use of legrou u toldieral—Qlcfiinoniu». , - % TWO DOLLAR; A—Yl-ZAR ‘ i. E 11m nmocm’uc. numb. Republicans Ought! .ll'he countv meeting of tho Denmcrnoynf Chester, on Monday last, was a truly grand trad glorious demonstrationfwnrthy‘ of the 9M days oftho party. in numbers, character nd spirit, and affording Ezrnlliying evidence hat true mean. 10an to tlm(‘onsti!ution und ,7nion, can never be overnwod nnd intimida- K& by the flu-eats and denunoiminm of halition traitor presses, or streevcorner Abolition “bushwhavkersj’ ~ . The speeches of Messrs; Brinton, Rutter, tmd Monn'ghnn were excellent: [nothing . rould have been more entiél'netnry in tone ‘ and Sentiment. and they.were in entire ac~ find with the otherproceedings. Lin-Mon 'hnnhbet'or'e entering on his speech, took .’ ruther a stinpjudgment on mine Republi nns who were present. Pointing to the i fictional Flug which \vmvlirominent nml conspicuous upon the stand. with stars rep es’entine not a part. but all the States—the 1 {vl ole “Union—he called for "three cheers ‘ foithe flag." and hop‘ed the Republicans w ld show their patriotism by joining in. IT e cheers were given. in united voice. and . M'i h a will. He then called attention to 1 so e of the mottoes on tile. flith—“The c ‘stitution”-"'l‘lie [Unifin'L’mr‘id (its-l mended “three cheers for the Constitution,” 3 and naked the Republicana’m"participate. TI 9 Democracy and a very t‘eW Republicans ‘ re handed with gmliusinsm,‘hut annmht-r ‘ ofliepublicans who hadcheered for the (hp. i refused to rise, although directly tippeuled . toghy persons in their vicinity. These pnt- i riot» conldn'tnnd wouldn’t go for the Consti— . tution, but they can be great ”champions, , on}the street corners, and slander and villii‘y l their‘neighbor Democrats. aé “traitors"‘end 1_ "secession sympathizers 1” He next Inked, 1 “three cheers for the Union,” and the'De- I mocrnts. one and all, gave a most enthunstic ’ .reilponse. Some Abolitionist .near the gal lery then culled out. "Three cheers for Pree id nt Lineolnfl“ Mr. Monaghnn conflit the :7 ill n at once, and remarked that, as all ‘true ‘ D mocrnte were patriots. nn'd true to the L‘ stitution‘ nnd Union. and as the Presi- ) deht hnd done some constitutional acts, I nnld refused, ris yet“ to do some nets.vio-, )nt’ive of'jhut instrument, hcwouldthere fore say, “Three cheers tor the President’s ‘ con‘utitutional nctsg" and they were [mu-mt —Bepublicnns of the Fremmit-Iliekmzin‘; ntripe. shiaking their heads and singing t dtimb! . l stianity‘ ut little ‘ ion‘ists, is, who ‘ itutions , übsmu- ‘ ins and ‘ {flue meeting- pnsced off most admirabiy,’ and at. its clpse the Democrats from thera ,riou9 sections of the county loft for~home. . highly grnlified by the prowedinge in whirl: H: _v had participated.— Wes! C/lrah‘z-‘ijlr- Myriam ‘ IE . -—o———4¢.o>~—- ill'ur I,}?!ng a! ”lionna9lo7m *(‘itl'wil’ Orr!!- ‘ly'nig DhanvL—Tlle "Ol'hiduyxbut‘g Standard lute :1 letter from Altona‘; descriptive ofun' enthusiastic wnr meeting in that. place, on th'eßwénim: 0f the 4th inst. where Republiv cahs .nnd Democrats. laying aside all party ' pihues and prejudices, had met {or the ‘ ful'therunce of, our common cause, Elo f'quent and well timed speeches were made the Hon. George Taylor and John G. Miles, ‘ of-lluntingdon ;Mos&rs. Franklin and llirst, A oill‘hiliulely-hia; R. .L. Johnson. of Rhom burg, and Cnpt. Dick Crozier. Everything went. on swimmingly. tlwgrenle‘n harmony , n ’d good feeling prevailing, until, hyfinme, uiimanngement on his part. the “great. Investi ‘gqtorfl John Covode. got the stand. Ills ; s 'eech was full of stale abuse ol'the'Demoi } gupfic party. and was marked bythefrequent . Pfiurrenpn ol' the pronoun “I,” "Bleeding ' K. nsas,” the “Utah Rebellion,” “‘Buclmn i 8?,“ Administration,” and all the partyisms l o «the past ten years were duly commented ‘on; but. the nttflmpt to cast the “apple of ‘ discord” into the nwemhly was! a’n utter fnil : u c. for Republicans. m'woll a; Democrats, {wire utterly disgusted with the ill—timed }' and inappropriate remmks, nndnrmld have i gitvon John a. short. but nmplmtic notice to {quitvlmd he not deemnd it prudent from . cqrtaih indication! ofa gathbring storm to l conclude his egotisfiml'politigal lmrunquo.‘ ; Alter Covode concluded, that staunch old i patriot, John G. Mile», _in a few fit wmdq . condemned the speech as “ill timed. innp— i propriate, and entirely out. ’of pl:tco."—4 1 During the time the. latter gentleman was y speak-in: there were fr-utuent and louvl c-rics tot; “give him Mal—go m, MllBB l—go m 1" 5: PS. ' ! 'dealing n s as with V “is car, )1 nnt less shrewd - on the hat Gen. ming ne hopping. t. and he came ht; covpting WM than ouM not '3 whgm op down - ats. A procla- THE GOVERNMENT ’AND TREASON. ibunc mm ity‘of its ~n to em! rtyrdom.l pin-ass of n be hop ' put. him . The paltimore American. in commenting upon the course othe Government in re lation to treason‘ quotes {mm Wznmu. Pummrs and others. who are oulslmokcn in their (reason, and veryjuatlly retinal-ks; \ “If it. msumes to deal with traitora in these States, let it‘not degerx’nim; in: policy by mere parallel» of latitude, but. let. that trenon'which crops out go unmistakably in Ohio and Masachuaetta cease to vex the hearts of the 10{al|elsewhere.! 111 the end sought, strugg ed for, there is nollfing to choose hatwixtthe “19110:: of Charlatan and that. of Boston, unless that ‘wh’ich imkes its appearance. bold, and with urms in its hands, challenges a greater reaper-w" “Ls-b the Government. confess its inability to deal with traitors like Phillips and-Dr: Olds. or lay a heavy hand - on thew men whose .accuned' uttqranoen ameostingthalil‘a blood of lhe nation. [I llwycannot be rewind, Id minor qflbader: be excuud, since no Gpvmmn: in long be ruplcted whichfails to mate out even haudadjmtice to a 1!.."/ , 5 S‘The only unconditional loyalists are those who respect the Constitutioln. obey the laws. and support the Govemlnent in every hwfv endeavor to suppress the re~ bellion agx nut the‘Consnitution and the Govgrnment. The man who seeks any other guide than the Conatitu Lion will he come entangled in : labyrinth of emu—'— liis loyalty will become as fitful as the winds —n.s changeable as the weather. To follow Sumner, or Wade. or Phillips, or Greeley, or Forney, or my 0! the blind guides who are no to themselves lheleulenhip of the lays? hosts, is w' stumble about among quugmires Ind pitMls—lo plunge from one morass into another. And finally to link into the depths of nnayohy. QM! the negroes that come into our camps are “invited to work. but do not up y!“ inclined to accept the invitation. Gen. cCleHan empl¢yes aIL he can find, and sags he does not have enough. So with at er Gen‘erals, except. those who keep no gro academies." ‘ _ QThe Republican papers would have it believed that there are uniwn here in the North who require to be held- ill-check. If this main were conveyed South,- end the Rebels could be induced to believe the lie, nothing could givethem more “_tid and com -10” I" fiofifiWi’ffi‘ém mu In common»: A npmbar Momma of Green camntj, mic cousin, held a meeting in Monroe; on the 29th uh... and Adopted resolutions requesting ill persons in that vicinity to aka a prescribed odth’qf ullegiqncc; declaring um my prnon who "fused to do an should be expelled mm?- the c Inummhy: nppointing Icommiuec In in iestigate and who cognizance of Ouch ref-null and ojrganizing' I Home Guard lq‘necmo tho deem-1h: of than. cummittee. Go ‘ grnor Bulomon thereupon nddreued dip“ alloinng letter to the com-Mae: ' 1 1 "Armor, Auguu 3. ‘ ~ Gzyruxznz‘l‘hcve has been presented to njy nttengion I handhill herded “Notice (6 traitors," containing proceeding! ofa meeting of cifllen's of Mdnroe, Green county, on the 2m u11.,‘ ‘- , which.» certain oath was prelcribed to he M-i ken, and a committee was appointed, ofwhioh you ‘hre members, to carry out the client; of‘ the meeting. _ ‘ '- ] n‘eed hardly' my tot person! ofyour intel ligent“ that such proceedingl are entirely a:- nutherized. extrajudicial. Ii: my judgmeit nuclflpmceedings are prejudleillA to the lump-- Dsls of the country, tend to onlpcrntc the lti’el ingssof many citizens, unnecessnry and till rullcii for; und, as the Executive ut the’Smtle, l teel it my duty to urge and that all proclfiu. ding}! under contemfilntiou of the etjngjrn terrejd to he immediately nlmndolyg.K ' lflmy citilen of Wisconsin should be so lqst to at)! sense ofpatriotiun, and honor and ditty, us t engage‘himgelf, by overt nets, in them-Aime of tlic yehellion, by taking pains to dHl'Olll'llgo enltllments in the army of the United .\‘tules, the ttention 6f the constituted nuthurilieé M the ountry will be called to the cutie wifhetlt‘ :3 mt menl'a delay, and the blow nl'itn inn-med. suveJl-eignty \\ill fall qylckly, surely and seyer‘e- I‘v. Traitors in \\'isgnnstn, the existence of wh’nhi :l mnst doubt until it, is positively «ts tubllsht-d’ 1w proper invéslign‘tiun, I‘lnlllL nttd shit” be silenced or punished; hut‘lit‘ CxltHKl‘uL he the work of self-constituted local commit-‘ il‘f‘i.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ No_ 84- Ah appeal to me for protection from mah fi olelfct. thrmucuud by Virtue»! the nutho‘rily oi the luv-cling rcfc’rred‘to, has fil’l'lgfy lit-Sen. made, and lcnnuot hesitate a moment in'my nctit‘m. Yours respectfullv, ‘ 1 ’ EDWARD SAI.O\IQ.\'.A. 1' ‘ , ‘ Governor of Wisconsin. ‘ Null-mu I‘nncuzns.——There id prenchihg of the gospel, and there is preaching ot poli lics,‘ Aaron premihed politics in Egypt. l'Qter matched politics \‘heu he cut off an ear Mlle rusnlum : oui imitators of great. men; ‘Withq‘ut 'theiir worth, mid without their énur‘nge. prearh puiiyics to sympathetic women m. anfe dismbécl fro! | the scat nfwnr. _ ‘ ‘ ‘3 It}cnufie liildehrund wieldedlh‘hraworll’dll‘ey thi k they 6m, and with the prupensiry «of in nor?!” students from their offices, to “Tile-ML iige‘rent sentimoulsk they are cunning strjfe where :trife is unnecessary. and prom Ming blood when they pretend to be ministers cl the L Huh. . ‘ . ' - ‘ 'Tlhose itnpertinent clerical babble" nro Inc strdying rcliginnmnd doing more to dostnox the bounty-y [him all the other cause! combined. Religion, nu we understand it, is not 01’ the swqr‘d. We have always supposed that reli giunis men looked forward to the time when thb fickle and the ploughshare should supplant wufilihe instruments, when the lion and the lamb shquld lie down together.wb‘en nnjverlnl lvmlherhqud should [vi-Niall, when‘the earuéht prayer of A common humnnity should be pence and; good will to all; and until thin sung. t-iviil \\ nr occurred, we fondly hoped ougpepplo had; been educated up‘to this point. I,‘ But It “’0?” that ‘some of our clergymen consider mugkota hotter than the kiss of holy [uncommi with imhecile hnnds, necking to grasp the new! ul Hildebrand, ‘unk lc.~s to the religion 01" the Lentil) and inure to thnt of Sutthui—el.‘ ‘, Whinny months ago, any: the New York" Times, sen-ml members‘offlifl Maryland Leg is nfture were arrested upon I charge. of being efincerned in a. plot. to carry Marylandjnto the line of secession. It wns chimed that ML: 3. T. ‘\’nliii, one ofthe members‘ hurl prepared In actlof secetqionflo be passed a! the ensuing resfiion. The government professed to hpvo intercepted this: document, and to have the ori inul in the' hnndzwriling of Mr. “’niii! in the r possewsion. Hence, the membr-ra' suspec ted of favoring it wet-\e nrreued at their redden ecs in the night by a military forefinnd diar ried ’to‘ Fort .\lcllenry ; nfterwnxds they Vere reniovod to For: .Latpyelte, and since. ' tlint\ lirne to Fort Warren, where inns: of themlare nt resent. About‘two months since fiwéfliy ‘ Jain-an. a I‘nion man.an afrieail of Mr \\'nllil, prt red from his knowledge 0'! .\ir. W's lmn‘d wrifl‘ing. Hm the onl/rumor mm a finger”, and; we .409]! stated that there is a strong probability tlm‘ it wus‘ prepared by some clerks in one of tlieibepnrtments in'Wnshinglon. 0p thi: row-v taken inl‘eu-nee from}; foot, whirh turned ibnt. ‘ notito he n‘t'net, the members ofthe (.r‘uis'lfit‘uru hmle not only been arrested for a few dam, buq' detained in prison for mnny mou‘ihe. Tb governmentfsince the diseorerv, lms trim). to In ridg‘yf the odium ofthe tmnahctiuuihy ofi‘erinz lhegt- members their free-Jun] upmu giving their pnrole, but the majority of Imm hnr‘e refused freedom upon such in condi tio n . ‘ ‘ : ' . ——~———o-o—~—«——' { ‘ Hanging Meir [Hindu—We are infd vim/I by kinpld frit-ntl my} veteran Dmnuorn that. four‘"nf the must upright and intplhgt- gm. publicuns in Centre ’townel‘iip Imm I:".er (Imz-lnrnd flwir intention to vag lwrénimr wi ll (he National Dumocmt‘y. ‘ One of [them is man of 65 years. and all 0f than; nrnm’ majturo am nnfll rim-judgment. They Film-w Imin Ilixnustvd with the “niggerisn 'l’ of their lenders, and the rapid (It-gem union of ilm Republican parlyinto radical . imli xtionifim» This w'linlvsome chmngo of Militi mll opinion and relation is but “the ll‘lgin mill}: of (lit-end” in this countynnd lfirgngll oni thecountry.—ll'a_ynesbur;q Musing)“. _ Thick!" Is that all? Why we could giv‘e our brothers of the leumgrr n listfmyn tainin‘g scores of good and imp man film are} fired following me ‘Vendell‘lfhillipm Signor-Wade Nigger “shriekers.”—-li'u:h -ingr n Retina; Li pnng of the blue laws of Connwpcut was as follows: , . ‘j'Wlmev‘éi: publidios a lie to the prejudice of 11in neighbor. shall be set in the stock} and l-efwhippod fifteen Itripeb.” ' { ijhnt n. nible time there wound bejm'lh :bain Rcrnblimn gdiwrs we know of from this law ndw in force. - ; 7‘: The soldiers who return from Hm Silas of battle, all speak But one mntlvfient. E my man of them is afl‘ocfioxmwly~ d'avoc ed ‘to Gen. Mt‘Clellan, and equally bimar in his: feelings agaipst his enemies. .None of them will hereafter act with the clan of mom who have wronged and ulnndered "11-if donrly. loved General, and put tlnelr ‘ own lives in danger. for the sakes! gratifying thdjr spleen spinal: him. ~ ' =E A Biz 9" Addam—Sban Sumnev. in his hypocritical letter to the New York meet ing, says: “ What I can do let me do. There ll no work which I will not. underbake, than i« nothing I will not renounoo.‘ if I 0 1 can serve my country.” ; Wellnnys the St Louis @46sl”?th can serve his country by 8 very clump“:- formance. Let him resign his sent. in‘ the Senate and Maurice chit he will notih'o . candidtto for reelection, and'lhen go: into their!” is p volunteer and “he the fton. nu fiThe Raieigh Standard anuJy 123:! contains a letter written last June by Hon. George E. Badgerto Mr. Ely. M. 0. He do. nies that there isnuy Union feeling in North Carolina. H e says that there was love for the Union there unti} Mr. Lincoln,in April, 1861, called for troops. From that moment ‘ there was no difi‘erence among them.— Henoe the State placed nearly sixtyngi monts in the field, and not a conscript or , drafted man amongst them. A voluhhry return to the may: wianot he accept“ on any terms. 1‘ would rather far that m. State Ihould be a colony of £1251“,qu t qr Sardinia. tinz- =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers