Ham,:«;«;»;§=g;¢,firw‘.,.‘;:.Wmam§ggx._ :_'»;. 3-7 1 1:3 63 A m no: 'lB] PRESIDENT. EXECUTIVE MAXBION, z Wnfimnfox, Augun 22, 1862. Rani Home: Gredy: _ Dun Sm: I hue jult readyouri of the 18th addressed to myaelf uuougn the New York Tribune. If there be in it any statements, or fissumplionl of MN. which‘f may know to be erroneoul. I do not now and here controvort them. Ifthere be in it any Inference: which I muy believe m be falsely den, I do not now and here argue against them. IHhere be per ceptible In it an impatient :In-1 dicmmnnl tone,! wnive it In deference to an old friend whose heart. I lune always supposed to be right. A; to the policy I “act-m L 0 be pursuing." as ypu‘say, Ilmvc not mum to leave my one in doubt. 1 would sme the Union. lwould save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The 'euoner tho n~ttinnnl authority can he reztored. the neurl-r the Union will he “the Union in it wus." Ifthcro be those who would not save the Union unless they could nt the anmc time uvc Elmer)“, I do not ngrce with them. If there be those who would not save the Union Unless they could at the samc‘time destroy sla- Wr)’. Ido no”. agree with them. My parnmont object in this btrnfigle is to sure the Unron, ond in not eithet tnsnve or to destroy Flilfery. ”I conltl save the Union without lrceing nny slnve I Would do it, um] ifl could srn'e it by tracing all the slxn“os l would do it; and if[ could swe it. by freeing some mhd leaving ulll era ulonml wuuldulm do (hilt. Whit I do about slavery nnd- the colored race. I do be cause lhclicve it helps tp a’a've this l'niun: nnd what I fnrhenr l forltéur tit-cause I do not Anglia“ it would not help toknv'é the Uni on. I «hall do less whenever I bjlflll believe what 1‘ (undoing hurts the mulefnnd I shall do mor; wlnlnt-n r I shall believe doing more will help the’cmuso. [shall try to correct errors when 421 mm to he errora;nndl hnll adopt new WNW! so {an as they shull input to be true \lown.‘ : , l l hm-e hero stand my pnrnoses‘nccording to my View (nfufl‘tcinl duty ; and I intend nu mudi fimtionpf my‘ oft-expressed personal wish that val! men rverywhere could be free. ‘ Yours, ‘ IMPORTANT FROM HARRISBURG. Huntsncuo, August 28.—-Oo\'ernor Curtin nxpu‘m to nmko nrrnngoments to allow envh district of the State a reasonable time to fur- Ixhh its quolu pf troops in volunteers. and thus Mutan- thr draft. As sqqn us the c-nruHment 'in compk-tcd and returned, the quom in euch county. townahip, precini‘t and borough Will be ascertained. tugmher with the credit ouch is entitled to for men in the «nice. ’szing macertuinud the number. of men to he dmmd 1n cadi sub—division oflezxch count}, un opimr tuuily n'lfd n n-nsonnhle time Will be giwu t 4: fur-nigh the quotn as yoluutoera. The draft Wu» [:ongch u“ the 15th nfo-p -(ember tn nffprd umplt- time for those arrange ment». h it? expected ”ml the quota ‘of u. (h wnunt‘y und Suh-dhiaiou cin be ngccrtuiuud by {bar-sth of Sol-lumber. “513 mm.” Maximuml E‘q" of Philadel phia, mm ui-rmtml on Mnnduy. an the outh of nneWVtHard, and held to hail (0 uppnnr ‘belurp an Al‘lvi'umn. for dclmunclng the myruptinul under Rapuhlicpn ruin, in his Speech at the great Ih-mocmtic Maw Mot-1.- i‘nx in that. city on Saturday evening previ- Qua. The Now anE ‘War/J. a Republicnn‘pnr per. nnticm the uddresu of Ur. [ugh-sell, «my-«ya that. if theme i 4 treason in it. it, WI“ futile u gnml muny wns'iblojvoople to find ‘ it out; further. that the Admminlrntiun groutly mistake tho tomuer of the people of (hm onuntry. if they suppnso that. good Jim, r9<ult ”hm suvh urre~ts fur expression _ a? npminn. or that they will be long tolera "lN‘l. The "hr/(I i“ right. - It is n grow miutuke to suppose that the ‘Trngdalg Q! syn-rich or of tho Pswn can be Mnmfilflvf am nrhitrury process, or that u people my fnngnvcuxmmed'txLoxcrmuotheir mmtingtinnul rights mil overlook any {my ‘terinl curtfiihnvnt of__them.; ‘ , [’7o:]:an If" ’,‘rnrrrl’ “717' will: 034’ Indian 'J'w/uw.——\7nuhinulnn. Amt. 27,—A {qumh’t 1:4 coivml M the Danuflioe Dupunmont. (1‘ led Suit TLhkc. ymtonlny. my tlml n geno- VHII wnr with- :nMrly nl] the Indian lrihvi cant of tho Mismuri rivnr is (‘lnw nt hund. and the ihmrruNian of the overland trnvel ~31" dni‘; oxpertfil. g. 50 lung but prompt and doci~ivo action On tho pun omhe gnvm'nmvm will prevent 5L The lint-s should he prim-vied by ml‘ diva: at ‘imormls of 100 milm‘. Gmmrnl Pngw'u form is ton small. Culnuu-l Cunnflr'fl . figrce‘ in 400 milm wofi. _trnwding firmly.— Uwing tn the iufurmntinn mmninod in the «Iron: diqmtch. Hu- ’l‘nsmflice Department hm: infirm-led Imumm~wn tn send to Culi , fom'm \‘in‘ New i'nrk. till fu'rther du-ucted. - . , -- -oo.i- » » —-- , ‘ ‘ Inuit-hr umlctlt‘i-n Mimi iii". éndurgd'nuflgridg in Lhe'am w’km ROVI‘M) _thngnn‘ {who r I "fly «writ-o! {be pdkwt Chnnlun ‘Mouming her flue ml "1031211“! {Ruin Liminnvmn If: Mr? Orleans. f’enurizmznill. 61'1“ unkaJlm chm-ML; :enutlill‘ul - “i ' ~r 9 m .p s'l p n.- _ mu ul l. rinlinuny u m Rapport er I rlyug “I I 1 .l . Hn‘’ty. .t l G. VHD de «new of ufilirtlnn. and myth her driug cum: mam in ‘IIU’V'UL’IIR‘ tho mlmnmtmnmu of ",mmmuunn 0, mm m, mum" mmwnn‘ «(has by Gm. Built-r. ha: e-ummiuod hi: ris-J Mn. s-upe‘ u'u Input-d in 1.1!..ch canal-"ma nme 3 on. 1! ix InIdOFMQHd that he r-xtom monds * anvil???" "er”r‘fmgihftz'd "' "1"“:"5‘ "J's: the "turn of tho qwie u-ized hy Gvnaml .31.:uona. 1:3:QO £LJ$$ Suikl.flr‘é.,r. Bun". while in the «mind! oftlm (‘onsuls ‘ H" P'W'E‘" pin! 1m cmiuhlo. not npvgflint, 9' we Nommnds mm Fm I.lm e33“,:22:::.;::::;:.,"x;::::'.::fis;::24215121”a: surrender nf \hv largo amount of sugar uhd idxd in the Church in the “minim-«Km fullnfuineu ' ‘ . It 31' which uh. unaided m the dunes of religiun. SM ““1" I'norrhnmllne {flkl n {run} the Lu? “at Sanctum-v no in: than the prior the Sunlny of _fongn men-111mm maxim): m the city.—- . um, we “9.,“ “.1 when ~Q ..,.gg-r m. m ..,., H 35. Jnhnmn is of the fiiinmn that these the onlv-rd 'nrld. we clhier 'burdcn at her hem. - g - . . , - ' . know more u! the [an n Imus. IN to have I toui ."HZ‘E'T‘ 1W (19?. 1;“‘10'. nnot besuhulned behind that lillcantinuew l ku: find living, nfla‘ by ex"! or nuhtury law. had finned “my humor-rib. of“: nuns onellgmn. A slew dlyrx bafnre her dee , Ibo nrrungvd some ten; nbout h}: mum. &c.. u [must the were lan" "" ndinum. j army. ‘-‘ »fi'The Confedernte 9mm)l who escaped Va Canada in disguise, and who mus su was: ed to he \Vm. L. Yancey. wusGm. X. gand en. [lo i: sup med to 1103119 bearer of‘dis pan-hes frotheLbufedex-aw government 40 lfiurope. _k ‘ mThur-lm Weed Inns invented a new ifiihlfm' the’mdmnl w‘ng of his puny.— fle lls them the “infernal ” Republicans. B‘l—aeéigl _JNTSt—iéeo. Cleanse the Blood—With corrupt, dia :ordored or vitiMCli Blood, you must be sick fill. ‘Qrer. It may burst outin‘l’imples, qr fibres, or 4n some active disease. or it may merely keep you listless. dcprnssed and good for nothing: But you cnunot have good‘henlm while your blood is impure. Ayer's Slump“. ‘ will: purges out thue‘ impurities rrnd stimulates the organs of life into vigorous notion, restor lng the health and expelling disease. Hence h rapidly cures :- vuriely of complaints which are cloned Q' impurity of the blood, such us PScrrsfuln or Kings’ Eril. Tunmrs,Ulcera, Sores, ' Eruptions, Pimples, Blolches, Bails. St. An- Thony‘a Fire, lime or Erysipeias, Teller or SAIL Rheum, Scnld Head. Ringworm, Cancer or .Cpnceroul Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Dis cues, such as Retention, Irregularily, Suppres aion, Whit”, Sterility, Syphilis or Venercul Diaeuel, Liver Complaints and Henri Diseases. .Try “Aye" Snrmpurilln." and see for yourself ‘m surprising activity with which it. clennsen the blood and cures the disorders. “:Ayer’s Cherry Pectoml " is so universally known to jurpzus every other remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Iloarseness, Group. Bronchitis, Incipient Coniumption, and for'the relief of Consumptivo Patients in ad. winced stages of the disease, that iv. is useless here to recount die evidence of its virtues.— The‘world knows them. “Ayer's Cnthartic Pills" for Custivcness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stom s9.ll, Jannd'xce, Headache, Hem-mum, Piles, Iheumuism, Dropsy, Worms, and in short for “‘11:!” nrposes of a purgntive medicine. <‘l;repuel by Dr. J. C. AYEE L“ CO., Lb'ell, mm. Paw: 25 Cane nu Box.— Fm Bone Pen 51. fiSold by A. D. Banana, and dealers averywbwre. [Au;.4.’62. 2m luditor’s Notice. HE nndorsigned, Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, to npo‘n dist 'bution of the monies accruing from the galaxy the Sheriff, of the real estate loviad on as we pro rty of Arms“! Mcst. nor-u}! Sun). fifisnwk, to and among the e in»: legally entitled memo, will mee 11l I lnteregmd, for the purpoue of his ”pointing“. I: an office of l. t W. lcCLnx, r 3 ‘ Us,“ lowing, a. 15a in, of‘Scpv ~., ‘ h _ 9t lon’flock, AJI. , 2 ~ \ 20333 swam)", _mor. Aug. 25,1862. 3: ‘ ~ Probably the most terrific fighting of the "M has taken plad'e within the last few, days. at and in the neighborhood of 13th Run. The telegraph t 6 Hanover on Saturn day evening brought a copy ofn dis tch from Gen. Pope. dated Saturday 5 A. {lt in whivh he stated that a battle occurred or? the old Bull Run battle ground on Friday. commencing at (luv-light and mntinuing until night. The Confederates retired, but his troops were too much exhausted to pur sue. He. placed his loss in killed mid wounded at 8.000, and that of the (fouled crates at twice that number. He wns i awaiting the arrival of Flu John Porter’sl column to pursue the Rebels, who, it wusl said. were fleeing to the mountains. Yesterday afternoon sspecinl train wps diapatched for news to Hanover. On arriving‘ there we were informed that at lo’clocld a (lizpnlcll had been received to the efl'clcti that: rumor prevailed in Baltimore tittl Gen. “'OOl had received orders to me at preparations for 12,000 prisoners; And; another calling for volunteer‘ physicinml from York and other places. The fightipgl still continued. ‘ ‘ A! 5; o'clock another dispatch came over the wires. stating that Pope had fallen back ’lO Centrevillo, there to be re-inforced by llcmtzelmnn’s and Summer’s corps. l A runlm- xwwhc-d ch‘ia yenterllay from Hag eritown, that I,2UOCo_nl'edomte cavalry hgul r-rouhed the Potomac at the Point of Rocl‘b, but it. is nut crcthu-d. Cl THE MARKETS. GETTYSBURG~Snuuun “31'. F10nr....5...................................6 76 to 5 Rye qur 2 White When: .......... .................1 Mia 1 Rod “'hen1................................ 95 lo 1 Corn ....................... . . Rye...........'.................. 0an.........................._Z 8uckwheat................... (310\‘erse(ci.m. Timmny 5eed.............. Flux ;5«cd.........1......... Plnser'of I‘m-is Haste: ground, per bag A. LINCOLN BALTIMORE—Fawn u". F10ur.......~'.................... ........,. 5 50 so 5 Khrnt-:1.. ....... l 15 :o l R} e .. ... 70 to (‘0rn.......... .. ........ 56 m Units ............"nun”...nuuu... ... 35 {o' Glover 5red............................. 5 00 lo 5 Timothy Sued 2'oo ¢o 2 ne'er Cnttle, per hund...... Hogs, per hund............ . Huy.............................. W-Jniskey “...... "mun-...... Guano, Peruvian, per ton HANOVER—Tunasnn-un. Hour, from wngons...” .... 5 Do. from 510rea..........‘........_. b When: l 15 to l v' I (,orn/ .;0rn.x....... Ont! ...... ...... ...... ..‘ C'owrvSood...... ........ Tim01kfl0ed.,......:.m.............. Newton”... ......... ...... ...... “...... MARRIED, | On thexlmh uln; by‘Rey. A Essick, i lIEVRY ALBERT to 31kg SKRAH JAI mans, mm. of Adnms coumv. | On Thursday week. at St. fuseph's (‘hu I Bonnuglmm n, by Kenn, A. 3110‘!” Mr. LEV. MUWRY to Miss FAXNY ZINN. \ ‘ At Eugt Berlin, on the 21th ultn, by Rer. mu“, Mn. mmulx msnmLu to smm lemzs, Imm of York. : On the 22.1uu., m the Eagle How, am. flan-g. by Rem, G. Bnrgqtresser, Mr. ‘JUHKI gWH'ILTY to Miss MARY E. HARDMAN) but ‘rederick county, Md. ' ' \ I . woununry motive: exrceding flix V will hereafter he charged at half mm mm.) vertikinL' rules for nil oval-Jinn number-1 linear“ ' DIED. 0n the 12111 uIL, MARY HI'LL, of this co 1 ty, aged 61 yvnrs 9 months and 3 dn_n=. , From the Gel-mm Refnrmnd Mum ' I On the 12m Inn! . iu Genyllhurg, filer n prutractv nova. Mrs IMMLC . wife a! Dr Juhn A Stun. dAugl-lor n! Juub Witt, Km}, 0! “unwantguJ 33! 1 2 month- lud 15 dnyl . - Q light in th» hnnnhnld. the “11!er in the "ii hm", when fin: Ibmr begifi we}; ghlnmermg gm. Un- moru emu-lull]; tn prank 1. uluum nl Um‘ nix: bereavement. God, m lui mercy, Adda! nuiflher an: |mll’vnl, dunk-r, who” mild and gemle 'r-dunce pbmhlv lure tho [iam- of the summing unel tq bum-u rum ..1 light, : “\onre Minn: immoral reign P' The 2le .0! her 0.1-:th mm", was! reached Ihr 11:qu m Imlar fur Adillllfl. jermy. And man that wvre gnlherel h) the bed tide. rhe placed (he «m of Milo dlughlvr llnu! the noel of bar siurr, Ind muuufymg her vulliugncu lo deput, .1:- gen“, Idcep in «mm ‘_ Gun-Noun] pim! In life and pencehll In dukh Itill mm In angel m-nhn ‘0 Mr chm sweet hula Ind nil! spank- ") the sum nod-rm“ o! the spin! y w her bore-rm] [nub-ml tum-X fnendd, “I am luppyflfi “The memo" of the jun it biased.” } gem-burg, Aug.2i, Im. I'. P.‘ AT PUBLIC SALE—The sxlhscrihcr,iAsl signee of chwm Essxcu and “'11:, ;will ofl't-r At Public Sale, on the premises, on SIAT- I'RDAY, the amt day of SEPTEMBER mm, the Real Estate of said Aasiznors, being A TRACT OF LAND, in Cumberlmzd toiwn ship, Adams county, containing 16 Acres, more or has, an the Emmitsbnrg road, aboutlone mile Imm Gettysburg. adjoining lands 9! flea-A ry Sp’nngler, Joseph Sherry, Peter Trostle.\and Mcholus Codnri. The improve- ‘ “ ments areuTwo-Mory Lo: HOUSE, ,1, 1 ‘l' Log Barn, 3 Well of Water. wnh _‘L-_‘,, In"? a pump in it, nest the house, and c i“. e .- a Sprin'g of Water on the tract. There is‘also an excellent' Orchard, he" the house, with every variety of Fruit. The property will be shown by the'mbmiber, residing in ‘ the Borough. ‘ wh‘-1e to commence at 1 o’clock, I°th 0“ mid day, when attendance will be gum: and terms made‘knowu by ‘ JACOB BENNER, Am'gnu. Sept. 1, 1862. u Valuable Real Estate. T PRIVATE SALE.—- ‘ A No. l. GREEN-MOUNT FARM, adjoin ing the Borough of Gettysburg,cnntaiuing 124 acres. Land good and buildings near. NO. 2. CUMBERLAND FARM, four miles south of Gettysburg, on the Tnneytown road, containing 138 acres. Laud red soil and Lhe buildings good. No. 3. A GOOD GRIST MILL, with 38 acres of Laudin Germany township, l}'miles from Littlestown. All in good order and will be sold cheap. No. 4. A COMMODIOUS BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, in the Borough of Gettysburg, in complete order. All of which will be sold on accpmmodating terms. GEO,‘ ARNOLD. Gettysburg. Sept. 1, 1862. Grain Q Grocery Warehouse. RASITE STATION.——The undersigned has G leased King’s Warehouse, at Granite Sm non, on the Gettysburg Railroad, where he is now engaged in the GRAIN, PRODUCE and GROCERY business on a large scale. He pays the highest market prices for Wheat, Rye, Com, Onu, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, in, And sell: Groceries of all kinds, e: the lowest living profits. Give him A all. No elort spared to render satisfaction. . PHILIP "ANS. Sq»). i; 1802. 9:9 ‘ - L ) attist 7._- Terrific Fighting! 175 ml '1 7 . 6'25 :0 8 .. 4 7; u 5 ..15 00tol7 L. 32 m - -, Small Farm r 4 ' GARDNERk HEMMING’S Great American Circus. FTER a most successful tour through the State the managers take pleasure in an nouncing to machining of tins place, man they .WIM. EXHIBIT IN GETTYSBURG, On Tuesday, September 9th, 1862. Afternoon and Evcnmg, doors open at 2 and 'l P. 31., performance to gommence half an hour later. ADMISSION?) cents. Many new features have been introduced, foremost among which is the ZOUAVE MALT, illustrating with Ill'lklllg sividness scenes In the p.esent war. First the march, then the hnltl (in which all the horses sit up and lay down at the word of command) concluding with the grand chnrge. Many other startling novelties Will also be introduved. , ’l‘llE PERFORMERS here been selected from the Stars of Europe and America. and no expense has been spared in this department. such artists as MISS ELIZA GARDNER, The Fairy Ge‘m’of the Arena, without doubt the most beautiful, chaste, and elegant Fe milc Equestrian in the world. This young lady‘s I"er of dashing Horsemanship, culls forth the admiration of all beholden, while her beauty and grace nuke her the pet of the public. R. llcmmingn, ~ Geo. Derlna, John Foster, < Signior Pucker, W. Hill, . Roman Brothers, R. King, l C. King. W. Green, l ' C. Rickcr, » R. Ball, . - ‘ a. Mons.'anrt, ”std. Ca'miiln, ; Little Minnie, Ale names that need no comment, th'e whole under the immedi-te direction of the Pcoyle') Clown, DAN-GARDNER, who will, Irene}: exhibition, introduce his great Talking Hog-39. l WASHINGTON, : ‘and his ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ EDUCATED news, Pete and gammy. ‘ The Hot-yes and Portia ' ,nre the Ben-Trained in the ~l’rufelsion. and rHie entire entertainment will be given in' a style pfdundénr nnder the new ‘ r '= ’ MAMMOTH PAVILIOX, capnlgle of sealing 3,000 spectators. On We morning of Exhibition the Company will enter . turn in ' { a mum pnocnssxox, l 4 headed "b; Peter Britney’s Brass Bum], seated ,in their H ud Oar, drawn by 3 “gm of bean!!- fu] ”can; colored horses, follou_enl by the e-ntirc ou fit. Theywill ulso exhibit in "uno vcr. Sept unber tub, and Clmmbersburg, sep— lumber 10W. ; Supt. l, 1862; W. 11. GARDNER, Agent. 1 Valuable Farm AT PRIVATE SALE—The subscribe“, Ei ecutnrs nf HUGH ELDHRDIUE, deceased, ofi‘er M Private“ Sale, the Real Estate of mid deocnsed, viz: f 7 . , A PAIN. situate in Frederick county, Mary .‘lnud, lying on the right. of the road lending ‘ fxorn Emmilsbnrg to Taneytownkone mile and In half from St. Josgph'rb‘islerhood, and two . miles from Emmitsb’urg, adjoining: land: of ’ 1 Solomon Krise, joshiln Troxcl, Robert Allison {find others. conmiping 'lOO ACRES, more or Hess; “bout. it! Ann: of good Timb‘ernnd n due proportion of Mgmfow. The improvements are A good LUG quysn, with n. mee ‘ End attached, a Uo‘fihle Log Barn, n @m nov'cr-fniling well'Qf mder convenient to the building's, n‘goml Apple Urchaud, with ‘n yarn-1y Mother Film Trust. _ i 03 .1- '\mr ‘ . \ \\ l’ergons “ishlng to View the p‘roporty a'e requeslrd to call _on RO‘JC‘T‘. Allison, mljniuing the property, who will also make known the (orms of s ilo, or on either of [he xulmrihera, James M. I'll? erdicc, residing in (‘nrlisle. (Jum- Bprlnnd county, I’m, or John Curpenhr, resid inkém xhe Turnpike leading from Gellyslmrg td~ ‘hnmborsburg, six mile-s from the l’ormér p 138: “mash. mummies, ' JUHN CARPENTER, ' SepL\l,lB62. 6w L'zcculort. {Desuable Property 1n- 1 izhl I- I! 111 0! I um .ighfi llhlt AT PUBLIC SALE—The subscriber, Exec ntur f the but will and testament of ANDREW 'l‘l.T‘, Sh, deceased, will offer atl Public Sale, n the premises. on Salurdafy. the 2701:1031 of September next, the following Refill Estate of snid decedent. Vii: . l 7A VALI'ABLE TRAC’OF LAND, contain: inz 4 ACRES, more'or less, in Union tgwn<hip,' A‘dams county, Pan, nboflt 2} miles north of hiltlcetown, IS-inglt the Sneeringcr .\lill road, it‘djuining lands of John Balding, Nicholns‘ Dnllhmncr, and others. The Lind in In good fanning conciition ’nnd under good fencing. The _improvementS’ are it Two-Story LOG HOUSE, with Back-building, Log n. ‘ Barn, Spring House, Hog Pen, 3 well of N never-trifling water nenr the door of the'dweilr ing, and a thriving young Apple Orchard of choice fruit. The land he; 11l been limed, and part twice. _ ‘ ‘ 33-01: the game day will he ofl‘ereq, ‘A ’I‘RACT OF LAND, in the More‘mentiuned‘ township nndmonhly, containing 2 Acres. more or less, about one-half mile north-west of the above mentioned} property, adjoining lands bf William Weikert, William Slii‘er. and others. The tracts will be ofl'ered either aingleor to gether, to suit ‘purchnsen. The property is beautifully located and convenient to Churches and Hills. Persons wishing to View it are re. quested to call on Jncob Gull, who resides thereon. Possession and a clear title will be given on the‘lst of April, 1863. Q‘Sale to ycqmmehce at 1 o'clock, P. 11., on anid day, when attendance will be giv\en and terms made known by: , l 'A. C. WILT, Executor; Sept. ‘l, 1882. w ‘ 1 ‘ ugh [Able unl ‘ hrs 1 the the tube: "at g 6.1 [ln [nerd 'u n [with red : onl a in I a to may I ma I her ' mlly each then {a H Notice. ' MEETING or the Stockholders of the A “Adams County Muthal Fire Insurance leompnny,” willwbe held M. the office of the ‘fompnny in thtysburg, on Hominy, the SM of ‘ Septemlm snd,, to elect managers for the en 'suing year. The election will open at. l o'- ‘clock, and continue until 4 o’clock, P. LL; enchfitockholder beingentitled to one vote {or ‘ each Policy held by him. 1 Sept. 1. D. A. BUEHLER, Sec'y. ‘ Notice. EYI BEARD’S ESTATE—Letters of ad- L ministration: on the estate of Levi Beard, late of Freedom township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in the same township, she hereby gives notice to nil persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those havxng claims against the Mme to present them properly authenticated for settlement. SARAH .\I. BEARD,Admmiuralriz. 5ept.1,1862. 6t, ' Latest from New Orleans. 081‘ received Ind (or sale at 0000!" h J’ GILLESPIE’S a larga and excellent supply at Orleans Sugar and loluses, with a gran quantity and variety of Sugars, which We are selliuglow—eitber wholunleorretail. Syrups of all kinds from 35 to 65 cents per gallon. Sept. 1, 1862. “ " Great Bargains! SAMSON SELLING OFF! Notice. NDREW WHITE’S ESTATE—Letters or A administration on the estate of Andrew Whiw. Isle of Freedom twp., Adams co., db camped, huing been granted to the undersign ed, residing in the same township, they hereby give notice to all persons ludebted to Vuid esuu to nuke immediate plyment, and those having claims sgninat the nine to mun: them properly authentiuued for setdement. j W. ROS? WHITE,_ 1 J. HARVEY WHITE, ‘ An}. 35, 1962. 31' Ah'n, ! 1111 Orphan’s Court we 1’ REAL ESTATE—[u pursuance of on Order of the Orphsn'a Court of Adults county, the subscriber, Administrator of the l nuts of Pnn Gum, deceased. will offer st Public Sale, on the premises. on THURSDAY, the 18th day of SEPTEMBER out, the Real Estate of said dc «lent, to wit: A TRACT 0,; LAND, situate in Tyrone township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Abraham Guise, William Guile, and others, containing 36 Acres, more or less. The im provements are a. Two-story Rnughcasl HOUSE nnd mec Barn There is :- goodOrr-hnrd oprple and Peach Trees —nnd a Spring of water. All of the innd has‘ been limed, some of it tmce. There are about‘ Sncrea ofTimber-innd. The properly is situule" about 2; miles from Centre Mills and 21 miles] from Wlxitestown. It will be shown porsons‘ wishing to view it by the Administrator, re siding on Adjoining property. | fi-Sule to commence at 1 o’clock. P. M., on _ mid day, when attendance will be given and ‘ terms made known by , ABRAHAM GCISE. Adm'r. By the COWI~JVHI Excuoer, Clerk» Aug. 25, 1662. ts Public Sale. ' - ILL be offered at Public Sole, on the is premises, on SATURDAYJhe‘ZQfl: day of SEPTEMBER next. THE FARM of tho lub scriher, at Bonnughtown, in Mountpleunnt township, Adams county, containing 96 Acres,» more or less. with due proportions of Meadow and Timberland. The improve mentslare a one and a half story Stone HOl'SE,wilh Back-building attached, Log Barn, Potter Shop and Kiln, a neverfniling Spring of Water near the house, and usuinll btrenm running through the Farm. This property ofi'ers rue induce ments, being convenient to Churches, School Houses and Mills. The Gettysburg and Han over road passe! close to the door. There are a number of ('iloic truit trees on the premises. @This proper‘iy will he sold entire, or in lots of 3 to 20 acres, to suit purchnsers. fiSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be "given and terms made known; by 1 DAVID Dl'rzmu. Aug. 25, 1862. ft! ” "A Dei'irable Farm AT PUBLIC sum—Will be offered at Pub ‘ lie Sale. on the preminel. on Tuuday, the 3015' rim] Q, Scplembm next. THE FA RM of the late ESHANIA Hulrnux. deceased, aitmu in Mountpleasant to'finship,‘ Adnms county, ad,- joining lands ofallenry J. llemler, John nu‘d Levi Stock, Chriaignn Hauler, Jacob E. Miller and Francis X. Sm 111. and conlnining 80 A'rcs, more or lens~winh fuir praportions of Wood land and Mendos’l. About 2,000 bushels of lime have been pu’! upon the Farm, which is in gqod cultivation and under‘good fencing. The improvements cobsisl of a: one and a half story Lug QIUUSE, (Bnnk Bum, : Corn Crib. Hog hit, with n nevcrfnilin well of wuler, and" ‘pump in it. Alsoa Black smith Shop on {he premises'; and .n young benring Orchard (if vhoice'fruit. . [S‘Persnns wishing to wow ihc property are requeated to tail on George Y. Hofl'man, residing thereon. ‘3 , 1 . " WSule tnconjmencc at l o'vlook, P. M.. on will I! |_V. Illen Mtl-ndance will be given, nnd terms nm-le knomt by THE HEIRS. Aug. '25, ”62."! u - Lgrge Sale‘ r REAL warms—o'” rmnn; the ad dny_of OC'IEQBEH nut, the subscriber szl Mrer ut l‘nhhp Sale, on the premises, the fullnwing vuhmhl‘ Propcrli‘os, riz: No. I‘. A LIVE ,0!" (HIUI'ND, situate. in Liltlcstown. Adnms mum}. Pm, frontinfi 56 feet on Ballimnre iiroelmnd running back 229 feet hlong a 30 f‘et elrect In a 16 feet ‘alley, having thereon ‘3ch a Well hum find ('on venlrntThrce-slniy Brit'k HQI‘SE, 1:4? containingahandpmekfitnrc} roon‘L d n Two-atory B Ickihuilding Milan-h- ff Em ed, Wash ”nus; “Ith (:‘igtern, '- .. Stable. .Garringc :Hnuse,“ \\'ugon b'hod. Huy pllckithhotLlru‘trees, £lO, This properly is locnto‘l near the D- put of the Linlestowu Rail- ram]. and is one if the best business studs in thaypluce‘ or ammo, situate be propcrty null the Rnilroad mber Office and Railroad ‘ 0 rims or ammun lin 66 feet on gt forty‘ feet Fg back to the Railroad 146 l lhrnuzli Onrh. ' . Nb. 2. A LO tween the above Hotel, with n L Switch (hon-on. Nos. 3h 4. T joining No. 2.1:- strett. and runni feet, with a Swiu 01‘" GROUND, in "mover . adjoining Noah \Veiken on lley on the WM", Improved No. 5. A LU street, Littlestmr thé east and an with a Twmstor Two-4101'; Brick Frame Barn, well NO." 6: A I“ Littltsthn, rnn A BRICK YARD and n Stable, LI shnw’s plot. ‘ Sn. 7. A VA adjoining Little: ‘ Joseph Fink, Esq. containing 13 A:- ofl‘erad in four p ‘ or altogemex, as: ' Brickvmzed HOUSE‘nnd Back-building; large double‘ of mm. fruit trail, to. 1 T 0F GROUND.‘ adjoining lining about lfAcresywith i n Two-story Frame House. ereou—bemg XO. 2 of Ben- (TABLE TRACT OF LAND, urn, and afljoining 'l“.de of James Colehousc, and others, 9.4, more or loss. It will be Ls. as now dNidcnl hy fences, my be“ Lani! purchasers. CF OF LAND, in Germany rand leading from Morgan“: own rond‘. about. I mile from ining 6 'Acres, more o’r less, good Timber. It will ha of— cta.- or together. 1!. ldjoins Henry Willet. " ' ' ‘ No. 8. A TR township. on Ih. Mill tn thc Tune) Liltlestown‘ com about one-half in fared in "yo tr David Krepfl and Ho'rSl-z, in Littlestown, on th a lease of the groullqon run three years yet. ~ No. 9. AN [0 the Depot Lot, which it stung]: i RAW md MANURE, Locus: s, Chesnnt Rails, Pnlings, and poly. r Als'o,‘ an". s and ()hcsnut Pm} other personal p ‘ Also. on SAT TOBER next— ‘ No. 10.‘ A T‘ Myers's District, § ffl‘d lending fro joining lands of 1 others, conmini covered with yo 1 no“, the m: an, or 00. {ACT OF LAND. situate in arm" counté, Md.. near the - Hanovcr‘to nion Mills, ad ohn' Janus; John Gavel, and ‘; 9 Acres, more orvlqss, well n2l thrivihg Chesnut Timber. ‘ ACT OF LAND, in Uninn county, Pm, adjoining David . containihg 2 Acres, more or overed with thriving young No. ll.’ A 1' township, Adam Kump and other less, also well Chesnut Timber. ishing to View the properties e‘same by Inflow-y Dyson, fiPennns ‘will be shown in Linkstown. ‘0 first day to commancg n 10 find on the becopd day at l {Attend-nee given and terms ’ JOHN MILLER. S'Snle on 1“ o'clock, A. BL, o’chck, P. M. ‘ made known by; “3.25, 1361.; u Dr. Robert Homer’s zw mum; DRUG no ; PRESCRIPTION mas, CRAXBIIEIfiRG ITIBIT, GBTHBIUBG “Having retired from the active pncfiee of my profession, I take plenure in announcing to the citizens offlottynburg Ind vlclnityfiha. I have opened a , NEW DRUG STORE, in the room formally occupied by Dn, I. h 0. Hanna, M an office, where I will con-until keep on hand a. large supply of!“ kind: of FRESH DRUGS, HEDINNES. » CHEMICALS, r PERFUMERY, TOOTH POW‘DIBSV ,DYE STUFFS. DRY PAINTS, and . PAINTS ground In on. om, expressed tad diufilled, ‘ ‘ STATIONERY ohn kinda, Inks, You, Pensils, Papernglg'b-sl‘flrnsheo, to. PATENT MEDICINES All the populu Patent Medicines, together with a aeleclion‘ of pure WINES, BRASDIES and WHISKEY, for medicinal purposes only, always on hand. In a. word, my stock embraces everything usually found in I first-clue "or. of this description. A large supply of frenh Drugs has been re ceived, and others are arriving, which Inn of fering (o the public on very Accommodating terms. My Medicines hue all been purchased under my personal inspection and leervilion from the most relinblo homes. I can therefore not only recommend then. to pure end fro-h, but con sell them cheep. N. B.—PARTICULAB ATTENTION 'given in flu treatment of all chronic diaeuu. fiADvxcn GRATIS!“ Muy12,1862.tf “L. sdmcx hm: just rewind no: of . chenp Looting (Hum ' an Jazz: 3, ‘lff"gl: (‘9. —r a Orphon's Court We. I BE guhncrlber, Aémlnlnrflor U Joann ' Ennnuux. detailed, in pursuance of In , Order of the Orphnn’n Court oflldnlh county, Will offer .1 Public Sale. on the premises, on FRIDAY, the 19“: day of SEPTEMBER next, ‘ THE FARM of said decedent, aitinte near ‘ )lummnaburg, Adams county, Pm, “gadjoining lands of John Hartman, Victor Stilbenny, Pexer Winler, nnd Jouph Harwell, cbntnining 62 Any, more or lean, in a good state of culti vation, improved wnh nTwo-story Log _._. HOUSE and Kitchen, Frame Bern, Hbg EHSI: Pen, kc. There is a good Young Or chard, containing a Variety of fruit trees.— Ihere is 3. Well of neverfniling water near the House, and running water in the fields. There are almui 14 Acres of good meadow. and about 5 Acres oflirsz-rnte heavy timber The proper. ty is under good fencing. About.l,ooo bushels * of lime hme been put on it within a i'ew yenrs.l fiPersons wishing to View the premises‘ will be shown the same by the undersigned.! living in the neighborhood. A line opportuni-i $3" is here afforded for procuring .3 nice home.‘ S‘Snievlo commence at 1 o'clock. P. M , onl nnid day, when Attendance will be giien and terms made known by I JACOB WISLER, Adm‘r. By the Court—Joan Excuouz, Clerk. Aug. 25, 1862. u Orphan’s Court Sale. HE subscriber. .\dmlnistmtnr of the estate T 01.10le J’oxxs, deceased, in pursfunnce of n'h Order ofthe Orphan's Comma! Admins 00.. will ofl‘er at Public Snle._on the premise‘z. on SATURDAY, the 20th day of SEPTEMBER next,llle Real Fsmte of said decedent; being a HALF LOT OF (EROI'ND, gimme in' Little!- town. Adams county, froriling on A public unset: bounded hv annlley and lot ofAlo; sius Lawrence, having then-en erected n‘ Two-story Frnme Weatherboardod :' HOUSE and n One-story Log Shop—2:l :§ 5 34' There is a vull ofwater with a pump' " " in it. ‘ {3 “”8319 to commonge at l o't-lockJ’. XL. on sand day, when attcndnuce will be given and term; made known by z , (Human STONESIFER,L4dm’r. By the Court—Joni ExcuoL-rz, Clerk; Aug. 25, 1862. (a ‘1 ' Orphan's Co‘urt Sale . F REAI4,EST.\TE.—In pursuan e of an O Urder of the Orphnnfs Court. {Adams county. the snhscriher, Administrnt r of the «sum of Fnscu A. MchnD. deceésed, will olfer at. Public Sale, on the' premises,ion .\iQX DAY. the 22d day of SEPTEMBER ext, the Real Estate of said decedent, to wit : A TRACT OF LAND; situate i Strnbnn township. Adams county, bounded b the Car llslc rond «ml ’Ghumberaburg road, nd hind lofNicholni Shriver, and containing 0 Acres, more orlcss, improved with :i Two-st y -'.. * Frame Rnuuhcnn Dwelling ”0113?, mix: with Buck-building, Log Shop, 3 Barn, Corn Crib, Hog Pen, Wood Hoise, n. va riety ofyoung Treesmnd 9. Well ot'\\’m§i' with pump convenient to the house. 5 fl-This desirable property ofi‘ers‘many in ducements to purchasers. h. is si‘unte one mile from Lowerv's him, '3 miles frorrilnunters— lown,‘ and 2 mxles from Bender’s Ch: rch. fi-Snle to qommence a: 1 o‘cloelfi, P. .\L-, on said day, when attendance will be given and lex’ms made known by L . JOHN WERTZS Adm’r. By the Court—Jon): Ewnouz, Clerfi. Aug.25,186'1. .ts Real Estate ‘ T PUBLIC SALE—4n pnrsulnce of an A alias (lrder of the Urphnn'e Court of Adnms counly, will be qfi'ered it! Public Sale, on the premises. on SATURDAY, the 20th day of SEPTEMBER next, the Real Eunlé of Ann: Yancy, dcccpsed, consisting ofA TRACT OF LAND, silunlu in Strabnn township, Aduns collnly, mljuinimz lands bf Fred‘ rick Quirkfil, William \\'irl. William GillilniiJ, Dimicl Fid ler. and mimic, containing any-reg, firm of los<. The improvements are n '_,,m' Tim-story Ling Dawning "Ortfii, #9 ’l' with morllmz‘n-buildings nilaqheh, ;h,""’ huulile Log Burn, will: olher‘ont- kw“ buildings. There are two \t’ells of Water—4 one at tho’hbuse and the othér nmr'lhé ham} There is a. gcl'aod Apple Orchard mi the premiJ sen. with a. variety of other fruit tr: 3 ; also a sulfiriency of Timber and a la’rgc .1“ utility of Mmdow. The road from the "NH )urg road to Bender’s Chnrtgl: runs past. the pr erty, the[ building being within hnlfa ufi'lc aha liar-a 1 risbnnz road". ‘ _ WPérsons desirous of viewing’ a proper,- ty wiH call upon the familyflivingo the «tune.l or upon the Administrator, resi ing ear. .L ' [3-8410 to commence at lo’ 101‘ P. M.,ot{ said day. when attendance will be iven nnq tqms made known by I'l ' ,' . “mm 910 fldm'r. I By the Courtdonn Ln, L‘Lnr . ‘ Aug. 25,1862. 1.: j 1 Q Valuable Real 138 to 1' PUBLIC SALE—[n [mi-sun re or an A Order [of the Urphun’l Court pf Adams county, will be offers-d at Public Site, on the premises. oii SATURDAY, ‘the 27 day of SEPTEMBER nm, at 10 o’clock. is. LL, the Real Eatnm of- JACOI Musnonrr, laté‘of Frank; lin township, Adams counly, deceused, cont. sitting of the following dear-rifled True: 0 Lime. situintv in said town-hip, viz: I ’EIIE MANSION TRACT, (near New SNIQWIIA con'lnining about Ml Acres of lzlnd, mljoining Jagub Deurdorfl'. Andrew Harman, Burnlmrdt Dehrdorfl‘, Hezekiah Lombaw, and others, on which one erected a Two-story Stone -; HOUSE, with A one and n'linlf story ,- .. building with basement m .mhed.—— gag There is n neverfaiiing well of water " noon the, door. Bunk Barn, put stun. and part frame,-with Sheds, Corn Crib, ta, ?lnched.— Alsop. Log Ténunt House and;SLabl . _ ‘ GRIST .\HLL, ‘with three pair of burrs and one pair of choppers—all in complete running order. 33 A 8:“? MILL, with water power: ‘ ficient at all times; Two-story Frame Wentlarbourded IIUUSE near the Mill, meefimblcfikc. This property dfl'era rare'indncemcnts to Mildew.— The Mill is on "sub Creek. a halfcmile from the (‘hamberrburg and Gettysburg‘Turnpike, 5 miles from Gettysburg, 2 inilcs trum .\lum :nsbttfg,and about the same distance from Cnshtown. The land is in a goojd state of cultivation, lmving been all limcd. There is a suificiency of excellent Meadow, aid 3 large body of good Timber-land. A Chfirch nndlu School-lions}: are convenient, and the neighbor hood is very plelsnnt. , Q‘Pqnons wishing to View tlrLe property will call upon either of the Adl-n‘iniutmtomV (the first-named living near the )4in by whom attendance will be givennnd terms Ide knb’wn. , , :ADAM REBERT,’ CHARLES B. POLLEY. , ' Admittulraron. By the Court-Joan 'EIOIOLTI,'CIQQL Aug. 25,1882. tl _~ ' Notice of Inquest._ I N the matter of the' partition or vnl‘nntion of I the Real Emu of Sunni. MACH", de- Wed. in the Orphan's Court of Adams coun i U, to Hand? Mutton and Cnnxsrul Mncnsr. ‘ Notice is hereby given, that on motion 0! N. k W. McClean, Attornies for petitioner, A Writ ‘ at Partition or Valuation. of the real estate 01 ‘ Samuel Mnckley, den-Med, issued out of the Orphan'u Court of Adams county, and that in pursuing: of mini Writ, an Inqurst Will be 1 held upon the premises, in said Writ described, on Saturday, the 20th day of Sep‘tmba’. 1861, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon of that. day, lor the } purpose of making partition althe real estate of i the said deceased, to and among his children i and legni representatives. if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling oft)": whole; otherwise to Value and lpprnise the! same, when And where you may a-fitead if you ‘ 52c proper. SAMUEL WOEgF, Sheriff ‘ Aug. 25,1862. 3'. Notice. USAF SPANGLER'S ESTATEp—Letum of S administration on the estuteofSusaq Spang. ler, late of Tyrone township, Adlml "county, deceued, having been gnuted to the under signed, raiding in the “me townlhip, be here by gives notice to all persons indebted to arid estate to mike immediute payment, und those inning elliml ngainst the me to present them properly Intbenticnted for settlement. EMANUEL SPAEGLEB, Addy. July 23,1861. 6t ~ 1 ~lAll6§EnYror .11 ind ' NEE" \' ~_s. at Dr. E. HOE. smith 3; aw Pnnul) Em; and Fll5l ripljm, A vuamo rum - -[ T PHIL") BALE—~01: TUESDAY, tbe" A 71h day of OCTOBER next, by order of} the Orphnn'o Court of Adnms count), the sub-1 scriber. Administrator ofJnnxm Rmnunoun,‘ Sh, decuud, will offer at Public Snle. on the? premix", ‘ho folluwlug Real Estate of said do. [ cedenl, viz: ‘ A FARM, situflein Liberty townrhip, Adams icounty. Pm, adjoining land: of Jacob Biker. :Andrew White, Dnrid .\lcmin, John Welly, and lolhm. containing 21.1 Acres, more or less. ‘nhont 75 acres of whivh are rmered with fine 'Timher, with about 40 acres of .\hndnw. The ‘Fnrm is in a gnnd state of cultivation, (part having been Jxmed,) and under good fencung. It is one of the very best Farm: in ', ,_' that region. The improvement: (46": are A large Two—story Double .3“; Hll Dwelling IIOI'SE, Bunk Burn. ‘ - ‘ Wagon Shed and (‘orn Crib, large Hay Shed. Carriage House, Hog Pen. Smoke House, Wash House with (‘iiterm LOG TENAVT HUFFH. and other huildiugq; it well of {mod Writer m 1 the house and unnther in the barmynrd. both: uererfniling, with a pump .n each; two lhriv-‘ ing Apple Urchnrtla. of choice fruit. with pennl peach. cherry and other fruit. The Farm isi well watered, and is in erery respect a mosti desirable property. 1 ”Persons wishing to View it nr‘c requested 1 to call on 690. W. Riddlemoaer, residing thereon. $3310 to comml-nce at l o‘clock, P. 51., on said dny, when attendance wxllsbe given and terms made known 5y JOSEPH RIDDLEMOSER, Adu'r By the Court—Jun! Elcuoux, Clerk. Aug. ‘23, 12963. 1.: Valuable Real Estate T I’l'llldtl SALE—OII’ SATURDAY, the ‘A 20th day of SEPTEMBER next, in par sunnce ol'nn Order of the Orplmn’s Court of Adams county. the undersigned, Administra tors of the estate of Asunxw. Bnorafl, late of Reading township, Adams county, decensed, will otl'er at Public Sale. on the premises, that valunhle TRACT OF LANDflflttly‘ occupied by said deceased, situated nbout one mile north , of Hampton, tn the old Menullen road, con- 1 mining 114 Acres, more or less, with sufficient; Timber and Nudow—adjoining lands of An drew Brough, Jr., James Townsend, Jncoh Miller. and others. The tract is well wntercil by it until str’efim pusing through it, and a number of springs 111 the fields. , :‘h . The improvements nre it Two- .35 ' .story Roughcu‘st HOUSE. with Z"; :': Buck-building,Bank Barn,\Vngon Q?“ 3": Shed and Corn Urih, and other out-huildings; two good 'wells of water, one at the House not! one at the Barn, with pumps in them; with on Apple turd l’ench Orchard, find other fruit.— This Form is hundwmcly situated, and is of the (lrnnite soil. It will be offered whole or in several parts, as muy best suit purchasers. Also, A TRACT OF WOODLANlh’litljolning Ihr above, and lnnds of Jacob Smith, Jacob Muller, and others, uontuining ‘2, acres rind 56 perches. _ . fifPersons wishing to View the property ire requested to cull on either of the Adminis trators. the first nnmed residing in Lntimore township and the last ln‘tlettysburg. WSsle to commence at 1 o’clock, P. BL, on said do}, when attendance will be given and terms mnde known by‘ JOHN H.‘ MYERS, ' , JEREMIAH Dll-lllbl, , Admmiuralon. _By,the-Court——me Eicsoer, Clerk. ‘ 1 ‘ Aug. 25, 1562. (I ' Valuable Real 'Estate T PUBLIC SALE—Th:- undersigned, A Heirs of Hun! ”nun, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, at the late residence of said deceased, in Monutjoy. township, Adams copnty. on Saturday. (hr 20!); day 0/ Sqmmbar nut, the following Real little. to wit ; ‘ [A TRACT OF LAND, plllllllt‘d in the nlmre muned township, Mom 3; miles north of‘Lip tlastown. nnd I mile from the Baltimore turn pike. nt Jesse D. Xurmnn's. ndjnining lands of Charles ()verdeer, Pnlrick .\lcShcrry, Jacob llnrt, Levi (luhlcn, and athera, containing 192 Acres and 46 Perl-hos; about 35 Arron uftlu nhovc Tract is excellnnl Timhl-rlnnd, 25 Arr-cs Meadowland,‘tlie lmltlnce is under gobul rultl rnion, having all been limed from two lo three times. anal the whole under good fencing, part lfinew chemnt punt-fencing. The ' a u' improvements are a‘ Two-story ‘ 45. T mum: HOUSE, with buck-build- is? ”u‘ ing matched, brick Bunk _Bnrn, _stt l Wagon Shed, Hay Shed, Carpenter Shop, Spring Home And other necessary out-build ings. A Spring of never-{filing water near the door and film a w‘eanear’ the barn. Plum . Creek runs through the farm, metering all the ficlds. There is a splendid Orchard of fruit trees on the place. , Hl3O. A BRICK TENANT HOUSE and out buildings, with a wall near the door. iAlsn, at :he same time and pince,wiil be sold A 'TRACT OF CHESTNUT TIMBERLAND, situated in Union township} Adam; county, abou} 2] miles from Littlesto,vn,«containing 5 Acres, mun- nr 1453‘5, adjoining lapda of W. Winch, H. Bear, and Mhersi wl’vrsnns wishing'to View said property nfe requested to call on H. 14. Hemler, living on the Farm, or on Jon-pl: Rlnler. Po“!t‘¢slofl and a elm? title will,|xe given on' the Is! of April next; - pfl‘Sale do commence M 10 o'clock, A. 31., on said day. when unend'gmca will In- given uéxd terms made known by r E . JOSEPH RIDER, ' , Agent 'for. the Haifa Aggfl, 182?. to T— Notice. ' \UL‘ “'Enan‘s ESTATETLettrs of Ml— niinislmtinn on the estate of Paul Weber, late of Conow‘ngu fowmhip, Adnms cagnty, deceased, having been grantbdw the n'n prsigned, raiding in the same .twp., he heretiy gives notice to all pernons indebted f 9 said estate to mnkr immediate payment, and those hnviugcinima agniim. the aninexto present them prepaid; authenticated fo‘r settbment. MICHAEL KEILY, Adu'r. iAug.18,1862. 6!; g ‘ Auditor‘s Notice. HE undcrsigned, Auditor appoihwd by the Court, to make distribution of the balance remaining in Ihe hands of EDhAfl Suuu, Ad ministmlor de bonis non \\ith lheWili aunt-(ed, of .\hclun SLAGLE, docvnsvd, lo and among the parties legally entitle! Ihrrelu, will he at his cflice, in Gettysburg, won Tuaduy‘ (b. 1131): of Sqmmber neat], M 10 o‘clock, A. 51., to attend to the duties of his nppoiurmenr. W. A. DUNCAN, Auditor. Aug. 2.1, 1862. 31. ' A Forward Movement. HE SIEGE GOING ON. . '1; PICKING IN COMIiAXD. nvlng removed the headquarters of my Clothing Emporium from my old “and in Chombersburg street intn Baltimon street, a few doors north of Dunner & Ziegler’s, i take plenum in Innonncing to my Oriana; and the public generally, that I am hot!" prepared than ever to accommodate them with every thing in my line. My room has been painted and handsomely paw-rod. and the recentnrrival of a splendid moorunnnt of SPRING AND SI’IiMER CLOTHING 1862 I! run LA'I'LHT anus van 1862 nukes it emphatically the Cheap and Fash- iunnbie Clothing Store of Gettysburg. _ In the Men's Depart-men: will be found a most complete assortment of FINE CLOTH COATS, BUSINESS COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR Our Boye’ Department comprises every va riety of styles. Boys can be trimmed out from hand w mm with unit! compléw and vhaqp. FURNISHING GOODS, Inch/as ‘ , BHYRTS, ‘ CULLARS, '- HANDKERI‘HIEFS, ‘ ' NECK'I'IES, ‘ GLUVESéS H IBRY, In, AWN! with the greatest cure Ind told at tb'e‘lovutcuh prices. We deem it unnecessary a» nuke my extra newspaper floumh, being confident um A cell will satiny All that-our good: ere jun when we recommend them to be -—well made, of good materiel, and cheaper then the lame quality of good: clll 1:941ng in Adams county. Thin much I will uy,‘thnl l willy-mac to :11 who may furor me with 41m: pnromze, entire patilfsction. :- to qnnlv {knit Ind price. ‘ \ F. B. PIGKINfi, i Apnl 28, 1862. 4 A , y ”(‘.-a r uh; Mum-me «my». 0 Asnignoes of Dunn Goounn And ”Q, will sell at Public Sale. on WEDNESDAYJIIO lat thy of OOTUBER, 1862, on Ihr prembal, tlm {allowing Run] Estate. sinmta on tha Tutu— ptke mml about half-way between Gettylbdr' and {‘h uulx-rshunz, m anklln townnhlp. Adams rnunly—Slfl ACRES 0|" LAND,diVidl¢ 'imn tr-mc. .|< follows: . No. l : Tlll-Z MANSION TRACT. conuinlng 150 Arron, nénrly 50 acres of which In In prmed lnnd, well limed and la :good mu ‘of cultivation; the bulnnce of the track in well ‘sel m‘th chesnut, pinennd other timben. Thu '(lllfiil-‘lilih‘lll‘lllu HOTEL AND lSl’lilNGS.()nn of the most healthy ‘nnd plcnsnnt Sulmm-r Resorts in the country, and with hm little expense can rm made 9 ml to my in 08:“ are upon this :rm‘t. qfhc main builfinn ll brick. 62 feet. by :10, with a. two-story brick bunk-huil‘ling, 40 feet by 20—1nid all into 1 moms to firrommodnte h-liturs or bonnie".— annnevu-d wnh it is n Smre Room and Pol ‘Ullice, also n llrgn nuzl convenwnt Bath lHnusu. “ith 20 bed mums (numbed Imm,» lexlcnsno Stnhling. Ton-pin Alley, Smith Shop. I Revolving Swing. lcw Home. and all other no cnasnrybuildings. .\lso'ZgoodTennntHonm, :with a young (lrrlmlll or choice frult, and olhor small fruit of various kinds. I.OT No. ‘l. nlijnimnp the «home, vconuins M Acres, and is well con-red with YOUNG TUI BER. LOT No. 3 romaine 244 Acres and 94 Perchgs, nearly '2O ncru of which are cleared and in good order; Lln: bullnce is well soror ed with chofnut. pine any other/timber. The imprm‘cmchcs nn‘ 5 Two-slur \\'entljcrhon-rded Tenant IIOUSfiV, Smblo, and n now‘ $4“! MILL, in good ’unning order, on which from to to twelve hundred feet of lumber can be uw d daily. LOT Nos. 4,5, 6 and 7, cuntnlu n-mn fifu-eu to men y-l‘our xii-res cm h. and are well not with chesnut, oak and other timber. ‘ LOT Km 8 conmina 61 Acrol and 100 Pcrch'es, and is TIMBERED the Inn!“ lots Nos. 4,5, 6 and 7. “ LOT No. Qyontaina 17 Acres and 52 Pen-hot, part of which is meadow, the bulnnce’ in wood. The imptovemeuls are 3 HOUSE 1 and Stable, and a SHINGLE and‘ LAT}! MILL,~ in good repnir and urdcr. LOT No. 10 contains 201 Acres, and la well so: with ymmgmbnwut and rock unis. _ Also FIVE LOTS, adjoining land: of lamb Denrdnrfl‘, T. Stevens mud Dxuu’el Kuhn, four of which lam nonmin 20 Acres‘mhnd Int No. 5 cumming 75 Acres. Those lots are It?“ timhered, with chesnut, oak and other timber. Also, the undhided u’ne-lmlf of 98 Avrca, situate on “ Wolf llill,"»udJnming lands of T. Stevens and Joseph Slnhl's heirs. This in“! is «1!! m with young fimber. . WPersons wishing Lo‘ view the premix” wili be shown lhe sune by fluid GOMJ‘CI‘ residing on Traci No. 3, or either of the _AE signees, the Erin-hum rresiding in Puget? ‘ ville, ankiin connifitfifl tha other in uri l m‘nsbnrg, Adam; counbg‘. i WEAR: to commence at the‘ IHue! pom ity ill 10 o’cluck,~ A. 31., o ,id day, when a}- tcndnhcc will be giwu ”Frans made know}: ‘by 3 l .10 N DOWNEY, . l Aug. 18, 1862. ha JOHN HARTMAN, ; AW! . Assxgnee’s Sale t F“ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—Tho üb deraiqued, Assignees of (ho. S. T ’ lind r a deed of voluntary assignment for 'lFo benefit ni'crediton, will expose to Pull-fie 8n n, on SATURDAY, me 13m dnyof samumrfu noxt,‘on the promises, in Anndtavluqflle fl 1- lowing described Run! Estate, \‘iz: i Sol 1 : 'l‘hut, certain Meuuage or 'LOT QT Gnoirxn, situate in Arendtsville, Franklin townihip, Adams county, frbnting 0n Waller sin-Ml, mljoining the Grave Yard on the south; 3 sirdeen feet alh'y on the cdatgbelng known on this plot oi mid Ipwn by Nos. 23 End 9. The improvcments nre n Two-story Fram‘e IIUIISE, curled with brick, a. well of water, rind all necessary out-Quiflfling‘, this heing I. very desimbli‘ maide‘nt‘e. 4 No. 2 : .\LOT HF GROUND, afloinlu‘g the above Lot, on the soqthmonmhiug 82 parquet of lnnd. ' ‘Ko. 3: A LOT 01’ GROUND, fronting on Water sirect aforesaid, adjnining Nos. 1 ind 2, onzwhioh is «noted a. Frame Wéotyherbo‘rd ed Cnrpentcr Shop. ‘ ' This above lots will be lold leplnulyfil jointly, to suit plm-hnsers. ‘ - 4 No. 4: A TIIACT 0F VALUABLEJ’AIN— ING LAND, minute in Franklin township, Admin count}, adjoining inndl of Gnome Arendt, l). Beecher‘ .1. F. Lower and 1. Inner, containing 21 Acres and mo Perch", nan meunrn. This tract lies clolo to Arcadian“: is under {(0051 fence, and in A good mind} cullivntlon.’ - - i A “ L Any person desirous of viewing the pnfll‘fi will be shown lhe unu- hy either of m4:- signals), residing in Arwdurllle, or by $90.3. Thomas, residing on the same. i \ ”Sale to cummencn at 1 o'clock. P. 11.4,: mid ‘dny, when ntienduuce will be given Clad term. made known by ‘ MOSES RAPFENSPEBGEB; 1360!! F. LOWER, ; A I 5;. 18, 1862. m 101 W __r_._._‘- . _.___,_________ » Public 8819 1" REAL ESTATE.—-—on Gum-day. tin 271‘ ‘day qurplr/nber next, the unblcriber fill sell 11l Public Sak-1 u [SI-uh Run School House, in Monmpln-unl township, Adnmn‘ conn‘ly, Put, ‘A TRACT 0!" LAND, containing [9 Ann an 95 Prrclles, in sightrol'suid School firms". honndcd pnrtly by thcflublic road lenllng from Humerstown to HcSherryamwn, I‘ljnln lng lands ofllcnry J. Ilemler, Emnnunlilu‘ldlu Henry Kresger, a 'l olhcn, being put of - tract lormcrly 033 M by Anthony Smith, dt ceased. Abou 'omnfuurlh is covered wizh o‘. cellem Tirfimul the remninder in ungr— good renal and in xx fine slate of cultivation WI: ill be told in 1011, or the whole, In enil. pur lasers? ‘ ’ ‘ ale to commencent 1 o’clock, P. Minn snifl day, when aux-mince will be girunlllml terms made known by ‘; . Aug. 13,1861. u JACOB I. Bmm. Notice. ACOB WOLF‘S ESTATK—Leuen of pd ministr.ution on the estate of Jscob Wolf. ate of Txrone towuship, Admm~ eouiuy, deceased,l hm-ingheen grunted to the under signed,rcsidinginthcsnme tawnshipfiheyh‘re— by give no'irc m’ an pUSOnI indebted laidmc estate to make immediate pnyment, and Mime having claims ngainsq the same to prelem than properly uutheucicmed for zenkmeu. ‘ JOHN wow. ‘ 050 mm lineman l Adah-0. Aug. 4, 1862. 61‘ Cow Lost. TRAYS!) away from the residence of the S subscriber, in Gettysburg, on Mutiny, August 91b, h' NILCH COW, light-I'M lnd white spotted, with but one ham, the as?" having been broken off close to the head. ‘he Cori: about. 9 year: 01d. A renoublo ro ward till he paid to 11y one who will POI-gm said (hint, or give information where Ibo «n PETER HOFFMAN be got, ' Aug. 13, 1862. 31. Semng Out , z I T A N Y 1’ R 1 C E S.—GRRAI' BAR. GAINS are now obuginod u Sunn‘n'a. arson: having made purchases within 1w hss four weeks will testify to this (set. How mm time, Come soon. All come, and bring your nPighbors with you‘ ‘ ' Aug. U, 1862 10,000' lbs. Wool Wante¢g UH subscriber will pay the highest pmca T for WOOL, either in Trade or Cash, dc llvel-ed at the Good lytl-nt'FacLory. Perfit‘ms having Wool for sale who are not prepared to deliver it, will please Inform the inblrriberlby mu. WILLIAM “Gum l’etersburg, (Y. 8.,) Pa», Aug. 1:, 1562.743; Dissolution r PARTNERSHIP.—Tho punter-hip u‘ego tofore existing between tho Munigupd, in the practice a! flediclne, bu this 11.33201 dissolved. The books of the kn rm to and h: the poueuion of Dr. Ghlrlol m. filo will continue the practice. ..I}, ‘ worm one door 31:0va p( Dr. B. Hornet. CHAR ' 1‘ ROBERT ~.V ’ i 1 April 1,1862. I N. 8113180”.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers