MMI II \ .7 _ , , __m : _ . _ , ? mw‘nifi i 5 pdfilisbed every Honda? morning. by HENRYJ. Stunt, at $1 7.5 per "mm *if paid strictly xx \m-_ucs—32 00 per mnum if nqt paid in advance. No subscription (Escontinued. unleu at‘th‘e option of the pubh-xher, “mil all arreargqa are paid. ‘ ' Anvnnstxrvn inxortnrl at thousunl mm. Jon Pxxvnxa done with neatness Ind dispatch. . “ . ' Or rum: in Somirl§.\llimnre=froot. directly amp-Kite Wamplorx' Tinning Fxtablichlmnt -"C‘o\xrn,nn Pan-rm: ‘ )rrxrr. " on {he sign. (} HHWI"! I; {H ‘l‘2lN4‘§'\‘ Great American Circus. T‘TH! r vn-~‘ ~ w A ~l .' hum ‘l.rnw:‘~ 1h» SLR: {'w I" mu; 'r~ P-VI- [.‘wu n- 31 Ark Lump-mg 1n 2!.0 [-.h/xn: hf [his I'll-C", ”In! ”my . ' . :WYLL EXHIBIT Y.\' fi'j'l’Y'YS'H‘Rf‘. . On Tuesday, September 9th, 1832. [\ftr-rmmn and lin-mug. Izmir: npr-n [n 2 Mid T l’ \I.. pv‘rfnrmmt'g m cumnnm‘c half an ‘hpur thcr.‘ .‘.iHHbHOV 2.3 cm". ‘\huny -m-w {endure-1 lune-luv?“ inlrmlul-Wl, farcnmai among: whit-h ii the ' ’ - 7m _vr: “.\LT. i illnttrnringz w7lh sll3ng {Hidm'cs Wine: in thn P.l‘sol"'\\Mr. F'r-I Tim mnnh. liunfihu 'IMI. {in which all tho ll<ul“»l'§ ~EI up an] Iny 41mm at the ward or connfiaml) rpm!" .‘nr: “ill, 'hc4‘pmm! . h unit-r 11~ ny mlrcr Harlin”: lunc‘ltivn- “ML-Kw ’r" I"ST'I'JH W! q ' - THI. I‘L'H'l‘”\lY‘:ils' l '- ‘ limo [mu )(‘h'i'd'll (mm the .‘.I II: M Turnrm Hm] lbw-mu. :Inv‘ruu I-xpmvsc Inn: hcvn spund in lhn- nicpxr‘n,«g|'. Klnn-1| .uth u i ' \n»-:~' Lum-(._\:.1;.\'1;I:; The Fairy (20m 0' lhu Anni. \ul’.mn dim“! (hp mm! lu-uuh‘ufl. fluf‘l‘v. u ‘1 l'i‘L: ut‘ {7o+ I'mlo Ih-uwlrlml 1n Hy- “mi-1 Thl: y‘ung In«l;."~ «.\lv of (’.:‘ci’xin; quhcinnnfl‘ip, 4a!“ hvw'h flit-«min: “VJ-'1 M 4'} M-{u-hh-vs. «fill? in': Luxury .'.:m‘ ,'.'.'.-.u‘ maki- 211:) 1}”.- IM‘I of 1:0 ’mhlu l r‘.o_’p..~=.,«_ ] s:9..i‘ur P'lckv-r l.’ Hulnnfimfl, I.)}.th l‘u~er. .‘:'. Hull. . I‘. Kvgr. ; \‘. hr. Hl4, Q‘r: [1:111 f‘.‘h7l. 11mm“. g I: uvu':|n_l£rulhux=, ‘ .; (‘. Mm. . ‘ ‘ i“. L.." izvr. ‘ ’\l-Inq Lutt‘r'. ' ‘ ‘ .1 Link- \imnl“. 3.”.' ”..1 "IL-4! ‘uv: l-l)“l!ll1‘ui.!"v[‘ whu?’ Izmhr lhc Ilnmuiullu tisll'cliul. hf mu l'mph‘s ('lsmu, .e , ‘_ L“ ' DAN 1: \m» ER, ‘ { film will. A! 0:14-13 mthunn, in'j‘rm‘me ilti pun-ll lulkmg “mi-v ‘ “.\.smxn'mq, nnd MS ‘ EDITH-3n Mr! N, 1m» and Barney . , 77'" ”hrs“ «vw/ l'fi'h/‘x _ ‘ an- tim Itwt Tinfl" H- Um’ i‘xuf “ism, 'n'i lin» .na‘m‘ "l»(“r1"!:-vxxlu’ \ull ‘lll guru n. u ru};l-Uf§' .‘.III‘CU" u"! .- 1' 11M 11vM 1 _\ , 31:0:an mv mm, t-npnguh- nl sr-m'wg” 3 W"- ~';'¢_t"-nl-TR- “'1 "J“ mnruing n! ilvifimzi In the C(Jfi'pfll'} \MI! wler 11 N vd.l «::: \\'n' Pf:(:-‘}~ZS.’<‘M\', ‘ hemlnd I.} I‘gu r Bnmvr": Urn» lkxu'L «Mod ifi llu-ix [mudd'x I" Alrflzn ‘n.\ :l lino nl‘ Imfihlv‘; lul amt“ «Mum-t! lllll<(‘~'. fu'iuzuul In" 11an ru|_irr umh' i‘vm} \\ :L ulm .-\hi ,n i! ”an..- \‘vr. .\‘nlm-ml. r .:'h uh L'l umh- ”1.40;, mg.- lxmlu-r Inna: ' I A ' \\'. n ufnhxm. Amp: Sop? J], 1* :3 Aggignec’s Sa‘-_s\_ i A F \'_\‘.X~ \EELI‘JU'LH NET \7 11:.‘0T‘Ii' ‘m g uk-uiuu-n}. A ~ tux-w~ M" in w .\. " )mv H. I““.er 11H"? m \ulnni‘ '~ R~i"_i:'fi"7‘v’ 1m ('1:- i'om'm Hf <'§f"'ilN'§ W?” (XIII/‘0 '1- I‘m hf- \' "a ‘uIIS\TU;H’.\Y,IIH'ITLHHH I 2 >1 I"! IK‘TIZI-‘SQ‘ um". [-11 [Hi ,[~rIIII~u-=. m .\ r. ”.I‘ 47.51;. HH- 'nl— Jnu‘luq :Ivereu’mi HP 1 I'Ftuh‘ \I.: ‘ '\n I: “H! rmvmn \'c=.~ll-11.1- or LU'l‘ UT ““0175. I), kcnmln in _\TF'|"Y~\l“". Er‘mkli'l Yuwnahly‘. .\dums tum-(y. YZulltllt'Z' nu \\'.vtur “I'm-t. nihin‘mfrxhw ({[xuc \ art! nu Hu- ~IHXYiI, n -x\lw-n feel lIII_\',O.I' t‘u: raw. lyri IL" imam. Ln glw Mn! N <.'lll town .'xf".\n~. 2:2 rm! I'.—. 'l'lu-im mnlm m~ urv u ’l‘w -\lv rv H _ anmmm’va ...qu Mm -«.. \. ' _‘“-,-§ ;1 Ir “'(‘H'U' “H“ r. and n” m-wkirr» R 5 3 2r mn-huvllhnga {Ln Lung u, \u; ...-u-~ Hmim! Iv r<-~ivl':m'e. { . .\IL '.': .\ LUI‘ HF (HJH'VI‘. mljniniu: [he flhuvn Lot. nn‘lho mum, mm‘. mung elm-whys nl lmd: ' 2 .\\». 'i: A [.UT “4' (”JUI'VD. Fruntimr on “'RIN': can-N :nh‘rg‘ehill::mjnining .\‘us. 1 mm ‘2. qn “'hil'h in x-rm'wd u anw \\ m 1... rhimrvl ml Cnrpmm-r .\‘hng‘. , The uhtna job “in be suH >(‘l'l.‘f.u;-!y nr juinllv. (noun pnrrh:l~ur-‘.. _\'n.'4: .\ THM'T m~‘ \'.'-.LI'.~.nL!-“. rum. LVN LAND, ~Judu- in ['in.¥\liu tunnHfip. .\ll:!nl4,t~mlnh‘.quinnis.g Imm; 0f “NFL"; ~Aronfit. D. ISoF‘rhvr .I. F. [mm r \llllJ.\Huh r: (onlnining '2! ‘\Anu MM 14m P 621118». um: -JIIL':LSL‘I'I‘. (TN: ermt ”(‘1 Now: in \ L‘x-filn‘llha x 3 nuderzuml‘ Rnéc, and ”in u Lulu] ~M=c ui' cultivation. . . ‘1 ’ Any perin‘n. do<3rnzl= of \ ivwiuig Hm prPQl‘w‘s “'in be shown the s:tnl‘c"~y eilinr ul‘ 11141 ‘\’- s}): )ce‘s, rcsidmgin .\ romjtqillr, an: Ivy Gen. 5. Thomas, (sliding on the same. ”Sale to‘c‘ninmcn'ao m l o'rlrv-k. P. .\L on sai«Llb\y, when atteudm'ce wtll ‘bu gixcn and terms made known bx: ' * MUM-ZSJIAE'I‘T‘I‘I‘I‘ERC“IR. JRCHB F. LUWEH. ‘‘ . Aug. 18, 1362. ts ' ' Augusta. Noticg of Inque ..‘,» N the mzmer pf the partition or valuatinn of I‘ the‘Renl Estate of Swumu. MACKMJ. (li-- x‘e-rnd, iu the orphnn’% Cnurr ui .\dauN coun ty. to HENRY .\hcxumnnd “mun“ .\lACer‘J’. hoticc 'is herein}: given, that on molién u: .\I. R: W. McClenn, Attornies for petitionen a. \\'ri‘L bl Partition or [nitration of '11? real estate 01 Miguel )lnclgley, (rec-eased, Issued put. .01‘ fine ()rphnu‘s Cami. of Adams countfi—And that in {guidance of said Writ, an luq'zest w.:l be ‘u upun the premiws, ir. said Writ. descriqu, on Sunday. Me 201/: day qr'b‘rpiember. 1502, :1: 1 s'clock, i 9 the aim-noun of nm day. ior the purgose of making partition ofthe real estate of the said deceased. to Ind among his children and legal represengutivés,_if the same can he done without prejudice to or spoiiiug of the. whole; otherwise to vnlue and Rppruixeifiie name, wheurand where you may attend ”jun Bee ~proper. SAM GEL WOLF, Sheryl". Aug. 25, 3862. 3: Spectacles, Spectacleaa : OSEPH BRYAN; sign of the WAN-h nud- Specmehs, in the diamond, has now on hand (I [urge assortment, of Gold, Silver und Steel Spectacles. and is prepared to suit. all whp m favor him with :\ call. | ; N. B. Cash paid for old gold and silver. June 2, 1863. ,r . . New Restaurant. I-IVHE undersigned has owned a Resmurant, « . “the cprngr of'York and Liberty sweeps, . (icky-burg, waire he will keep ewerythiug‘iu wagging line in season—also Ale, Lager, and Cider, Sugars, Tobacco, ~&c. He is ‘ngemse fitting up n~Snloun for Ice Cream M. the same place, tie-hopes, by attentiou'to business and I. dgsire “jigs“, to receive a liberal share of custom. HENRY W. CHRISMEIL, _hlgy 5, asez. ' _ w _ QURNING GOODS—The finest assort- M meqt ot"§lou'rning Goods ever offend, can now be 5:91} and bought. at. lower prices than they time ever beqn sold before. Calla". once at. the sign at the Red‘ From. , ' _A'prn 21,.‘ , J “3535100): BROS. TYSGN BRO I‘HERS are makingjheir prem ium picture; “_pflco! an aim the :imea. ‘ magnum of '23ch virihy it , , I ‘ ' _ fl " " I’ICKISG‘S.‘ !IEBEM!!!!!!IIIIIII311111119 1-;./ . ‘ r _ , | ’ 4‘ ' ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' R . . 5, ‘ “Humps . “I, < M . ~ ' , ‘w ___ W_..._...............w.....vm_.... ~...—,....mrw...m- > .. v-x- ‘ 7 1“; “a ‘. .» ' _- ~ ‘ . . . ‘ . ”7.5-, a. A-.~. < » , Q ~ ,f ‘‘. r w ' ‘l, . , .‘..‘T:I’;'£Z".;;2;ET" L 3" 41"»? ‘5 Pmfi‘gfi W ' '52.:1‘!;'l “,3 '» a. , . - ‘ .' _' }— -: l // , . mm‘ ‘ fl :_ oi ‘_g . - , . . ~. , «1 , ‘ r . Murphy. 1! t. Lem: an ‘ .- . ’ . ~.,1‘ ’ ' -_ w 5 : ' \‘ ‘ ~ , ' ' . m...“ killed—all oftha 58th New Yoda . ...; .__ a???” .f, .’V (a , 4”, V , , ‘ . \ , ,' _ f ‘ regiment. » ‘ « h"" , ”w; 5. ‘ ‘ \ A . ~ , .’ g.. ' ; \Vfimxwmv.n\ugmt3l,—Tnhrmation r - » (I ‘ é , . ~ ‘ :7” 3%. ‘ 3 ,' '.., / (‘ ’4' - coivofi hare intlivntos that ,tlhere hm bum \ ‘3 , Qt“ 5" #r/ g~ I ''' i ' ‘ ' ‘ ~59 W.f ”Q, z’ ~33 'l:.‘ ~I a. Q). ‘ . . but linl‘o irnny filming today. Our army‘ . ' ‘‘ , . x 1‘1"- - ‘ _, ' , I”, / xl5! .m 4" VP ‘4; “ “7‘ ~’ fl 3'. - ‘ is'val cunrcnlmtcd and tha men M 6 i; a.‘ ,2}t's w i“ - ‘-I , f 3 , I ', " . -i' ’ “ ,- ' ’\- a ' ' A goodlcomlition and apirih. < 3 . \A , ~ . \ ~- ~« r x ..<- ‘ ___«_«.~-—~. - - -.~—‘ ' . ' K . ' , . . - / ' , SEVERAL BATTLES IN KENTUCKY. ‘ ' V‘ " . E r ’ ' » . ’ ' " f‘Nvas'fl. August 3L—On Friday aft"- , ~ ‘ ~ ’ ~ .\- nnrimvloc-vnnd ’Richmnnvl, Ky., (ha robeb ' - I \ ‘ ‘ ' - «lfrwé in' ourxcm‘nlry; \\hpn Con. Human, m n. J.. sun”: 44111 ,Year. (T ” . x . ', ”mt d 9 snjonrn among vnn; of them shin." , (I; ' , 15ft . £lll tm‘f‘. fyr- buy qnzl nk' lhoir‘_fanlilietl“that are .with- z y \ 9;.) . ‘ ‘ * you. which they bvgnt in ynu.’ land, and A‘s ~ «.7 I I}an 47m” In; ymlr pnkvun'mz." . ’ f . , ' (' 4"”“101” 210“] {ML lin-hem! nir, frdm ’c m? ‘ Much Y w‘innM likfl‘t" ham-{mu (Indurothe l G x irlflwllh‘fm not only Um: Lfl'ing thpsn Ohil-' o “"054 “5" - ‘Jdro-n w": n um. I-ui‘ Hm; “pl"hsesjnn” In re 4 ‘ “"“ l l E has I n r “ min-u 1,3" -' ’ V7O Mk’n 11m {rmmvihg from the Nzlifiwfl ‘ 03771“, 3;; Minna“ in Um 1103‘: "w”- 3; In/rr'.'s.{/m Mr, iri \vhivh Pa?” it “i’¥"‘“""‘l ‘."‘7' ".‘m l-vn ~|| nil t'lUmme m )1;1i::l:rr2'11n4'/'f7m Ii w-mly. m one ofu series of“Lel:ma to 111:: ”MT t'lrvfu'r'c: nf/rprf‘v! tn inhurit thom't’m‘ n a President :" .‘ ' t . “VET; Slou'? ”“17 “3”” 11" gm?- Lordmarn farJ [r up "M "’" ' ‘ H a Letters to th, reSluunu. . ! Y-mx‘ nih‘qioUS’rhu, “when” fin that 9 "HM m‘jninml LI-Her. bring the mnr‘lnr'l- , llhémr- at}; {ln- Jamar/c nI (hf. G'm/ ’lz'msr’f j“ hygnumhvr of n “1'34" "f'm-"IW‘ICP‘I LY, “'3l nixllmrizw the buvinm of xi .\.-:04; CHI M'M’Zf "f Kl-n'hl'l-(‘VOP‘U FWD?!“ 3‘2“"! h'"c‘jhmm‘"'ijul‘lhorizvs Hw'n 't'n 1|» hnlnl' a: "n. pomp;- 91‘ has WM! 571‘ ”1‘“ M" mmw “W‘k‘v but if“ ' siun "’ (1:11] /mn:.r/}'rieolurr‘s lxhnt thrv flu“ 0‘ hnhlEculion delay-(l (4' tllr- mum“! ufi'l ‘ bra‘nm‘n!w-ri';:nr‘¢,"lpuéuinalfrmu lathflr m 4' {xxut-xz-I-ctv-l ..,.” nf mntznr vhabd'zd nnt'; m” Mimi I'M, ,I’/‘+]+(.!“losu:‘f Hwy 53““ n--. I, (..’) well «mm to admit of '1". ‘lynm rumm—i :n-t‘n' in NW I‘v‘ntirbn" "furor Jr." fi In Xhi‘ umnummmnnn 1: m” h" w-n Mn 1 3'01”“, tmwh 11.51 quan‘ g, {‘3ong Ci"; 6 thr- dminunhhml “ r‘tr‘rdihv‘lfl” 9"“ moral! HAM {h}: hm‘inz nl4 nxynml wSmnn for mr-nl-v I? "grant? of plum-r“ m cnnmlfrmltin IKN ruin-g i‘fiii‘l" : ‘l‘, It‘lltfl’l‘fif‘g ”mm M. “a. po~~t~3~ A hon In lhndntvnméw hnm': Mr Hu- puma-u: r s~,mn i\ n «in: ”mi; {helr ‘lhn<mi<~iun :1: '4’ ,nfshmving that ”mt initrhllmn‘m pm of n'n‘uni.‘ inlli‘!:§.lll§3L"‘ {',‘nm {NH-31‘ 20 gm EN 5‘ 1 mm-ul quuhw w} ivh (“112% l'nr any, va-ltmu f 5)”; and that; hul‘lim‘: tin-{n in bonddgt' 1' nfit’ln-(‘ommnuon tn bring :Lbcu'. its vinl- m “55,019,." ;, nu”, mm ann‘.;llmi..s_" \\' eifinf'fil‘n- ' _._ ' ’ \Vh'ttfii“”l‘('Jllfl-I‘<7’.!lrwl? Ethnr {h it _vrm t 1" I'VE"! P1"“""‘”'E" "X'W‘fl‘m‘v “Mm" do hut 'ur-lim u [hp I'. Ne. and a‘imnw m hr- ‘7 "T" ”Y ”W “rl‘mr i'“!‘“"“""':‘?" 11"“ fi‘him" ilianW- it onlvna :\ rm. 1; m pnm‘dn \mu LII-211‘ “" iilnn “5 hi“ "i"“‘“- “'3 ”‘s‘." Mk" “"C-“"!"” m » untx'nv lunu'mnc mfihinmi "\lH‘.’ wuuwn.” fir "9 «Iv—l3h! :2 3‘ ll Nlilw‘ "”310 “‘II'V'WVI‘IW'” van ..1» HM"? l'lHt 71H" Hunf'f Ivy/115ml .\Pn : Han " \\‘Lit'll WP .'M\\“-‘ LIN H‘ ”[431!!11-‘101‘03 ;la.nm//'.v"r}vrm'y: urn/11", 'l':"~:u “hit-‘ll 111-1‘11““ :11 our un'umnx T'H'r‘r’mg ”’4“ ” fhf'm‘l h". (MW «Meln'ma you m‘ we ; you (mind eficmm v (nmzmm-l m Hz" prniwsvtlly 1-.-.l;_-mu~ 1"" v Imth.‘ : ~ 1 . ‘FI 1n 1~ n ‘zwh. a! 114‘}. 1‘“ ' M ‘l“.‘s ".‘“‘:“'s‘.”'§ ~§ 1,“: n= n-n':"rn\'ié+.'lf‘tm uni-jfr-tii‘. the light “ (“"5" in’” -“ l""‘ 'l‘ "‘5 “”‘1 nuhlm'y “d “V“ :HT 1216 N -w 'l‘mtnzfl‘ht.‘ "I L..?" #6 IQT‘I‘JE "”“mnvh‘fl 0" "“."l.’r°v‘""" ! 14' s'wwv he “HM «um nf :11} \‘iYlnn?n°:"-‘ I" :4Puiar‘jumlmhsts that m 1 are £ll9}an lit-’\'nrmzx] 5:2: '1; it Inn: Mr myv that vam 1' :.vl::"n,'.l<mumiu'~l (hmn' ”l“ “l‘7"“'1“""3' ”‘l'!‘lnvlr (l d 110' (I-m-‘w‘lnr-é i? .iQ :1 ~in. thmu': 1? “En-nib: I'm-W main I] _V”""“"”- II” 'l‘“ "E? mum-n} -1l! :uonul him? " \ 2““- u‘- lmwgvo :hnii {vo [-flrnlonml In ‘l' 1L“ _ul-r 43.1.1323 Mi AWN!!! “4 infirm! of de- 'l‘ 1"“‘1 mH 1‘ “"93" H“) uw‘m'flvfl“Wang"!g 7l4“l'1-:n_! it 34‘: F3fi-fl'.m';’vxnxvl 1' ‘ lhv ~U'!i"“'- "a ‘il?¥7""’“":" """"—'"""l hv‘f‘lm' :ul v-rnl‘wn. [mold ,5 (‘x-X'IJIII L": win-run! writvh‘ “h“ ‘|'|\"‘.!‘““’C“lly ‘i"”““" tlm 1“ Ju't Eh- I‘Azlitzl'mn th‘v (Mll‘lvm‘n 0w (Laugh 0"" millinmu ' \ “mu-or. thy-G m] r-l w .uh In. ~ ].rc.u~i:c‘i and 1h:- qum-I whivil 57'“ inn-~10”: “1 TM (umyw) Luxgl‘pé Lyl‘.lv_zl:mdl‘vtormn ‘1 ioij‘wl upn‘n u n-Iy 131 K“) (0 bu‘cwnnnv‘ m ‘tliL‘ U ”Lnn‘iwn when: 1“»? dr-mn- [nu [.‘.n-«i Emu. n I"!\|l Yimu «21‘.1e Lgfi 1;; a -ex-v:m' .’ ‘ lan-m! ‘l‘ I‘W'H." “'3‘ l‘.:n!.C-}m.thl.nsl. 7»-21. 3JW' ‘ gang-'1 tpaclma me: 111 mm. dL—qnllom au'l 11’ r: Eng-Hum. 3‘ A BIBLE VIEW OF SLAVERY. BY leE -Ilo\'. .\HOS' KEfVDALL. To Mfr/flan) [fur/vyv'r, J'r'z'md'cif If 37.: rhi'vrl‘ MS Rh’rr: Trn 91x: ~Mjr d-jvog En Hume M: lf‘l‘~. be iifli<till(‘{‘lv “mix-140ml. i~ not-m w-m‘npnd Jaw-r} u~~n rlwuuh‘m inFl‘XllHnn‘ nnr m mitiymn in {Ho 19:14 Hr“ vrww Milan 1.; n Ihy ni‘ Hu- Smutlu-In rah-Ilium : bu! it i<. hv I'm,- 1 gm “I'm-um. :o-ilnrm. in mmkdo- glow. u M t m Numhvm ~{imam-s, Winn-1 iri ~..nw imlr- -l nf'.~l:\\vr_v nmkvs‘thnm mln‘ullv lamnit- to uur git-nuns L'Jlnlhuhuu. ll I~ tn simw [ho hum“! people of the I%ch .\‘mh ~ 11ml, .h :l pantie-ll win-«limp. ihnyr are nm. h‘flhnlh‘ihlk‘ 101' 11. mm )mve no rightful I'nnll'nl uwr it, and than us a [Rural an- Hun. Hum-1» nmluhz In il uhn-hprnfim [Muffin-uh. rum-v M urluv u 1 .gny "h gun" I‘“ " tl‘un lleuw mutmn rui‘thcn' ('numrv. thM m Nun nn'y lm d'vmred 02 (hour r-"'n\ (.. (In) hhox n’f thew flunk" :N s'. 1 ml - tor ler {mummju—t n< fu- n~ Hm)- mu) 1; - dun-mm] u! 1'»IIIL‘I".‘:I)H Itlhlh “gab. M)! ii.) !'.vtul~r; but furtiw l’zlilx-1M.2.< (0 Mn ii~|= H.» ul‘tllnlxon hum-u‘ioim‘. . 4441'. Uzv‘.thMth".’~’th«".lll 1!.“ l'ObPUh‘ln, \\'mh' “U :u _ern-Y‘ :w V-un'ymon a: a awuof-m; .mt m ‘l3- ru- nil \\'.x'm hom (Ewir hlbhuh‘li hurl :nm ..1] vhilvirvn Hom‘thcvir pnronh in .’l“ thn San clm‘uhmr s2.:th For tlm numv rruwzn. 5..; Nu!” uHV urlu-r nmihe thrn t-)_ 1)] mg h'umv m'nm vn‘mly In Atlu- ifiinds'uf a} Ind vr tln- Dildo truths developed in m~ Lyn. Mn-r. 1 mlu'rws myself to u Reverend “-va (mmivo m u ch“. b i~ .w. 'n hnzx. do .\fuu. m cnmmm \\‘l‘h 31‘: or mmt L'ln-Niun {mu ilk'l". recap-xx." Nnnh :1‘ a prophet 01“}me ho spoke b}; inspira (lnn? .lF,’~fi, it wivfiml flinN-lfuhrnll4mm -011 Mm lh-"oeml‘un.~ oi. {Lun to purlm-tu ll =r-'l\'i:m{?‘. If. therefnrv. slavery Lo um. (Lori in Ihk case by rtl>lvnvu‘E'-l¢t‘v‘rit : null u lu-‘n yun anoinp} on ‘tna! grbund tn Hume tlu- .\hicnn Imm shvery. yuu nun-mvtn h.) {nul'w \\'iwumljufitlh:m(‘n’vlf "[4 lfnnt <0? Ahmhzun bouglit servant: with his mom-y, nwi ‘.|.x‘tl humhmh " horn in hi: lmu~(-l" I!“ was a \lmcml favorite with ”ml. \\ 1:0 nét nu y humped blessings “pull him. bu: 01mm Imn (who {he father 0! his vaglinr pcnp'v. :xwi the progenitor of the'fiavmur’ 01' mun km-l. ' ' ‘x'uilflonnunco the btfi'ing of mm. and‘ ’ w‘nmvu witu l'umh‘yrh‘siuful.llml3l-".\L‘rar : “an in vur cpumry :14 “a gym: nanunal I $3.14.? which has hr uggb: (leujn upon u; the { judgment of vamu. Abraham (11d thmi fsnme thing, and Heuen :hou‘erod blmsingaz “mm; mm Uur lntlh‘rs an? thixeN dxd' ‘ [he Munr- thing. and were: b eve-i M Abr:s-‘ ' lmm Wus, uhnl Hu-rejormprs of God’s l)lul'&bf‘_ ‘- inw, by their implous msun‘xptxoni, dmurb ' ied the fimco at the cnnfxtry. and )lliletl in E bridging down upon It, the Calamitiea mule ’3—Which it now mourni. , ‘ I ‘- You denounce slavery as sin.’ God Rays: . I(E4\o‘l‘l<, _212.) “If thou huv a. Hebrew ‘ rservant, 51x years he shall serve.” Titan's. :Jltll‘l'le, or involuntary arrvmuie byJ/«r row/mint! ‘ Mgr" Gaol. Who knows I)th what ivsin, ~you ‘10:“ (find? ‘ . . , ‘ He may become free at the Pnd of “six yams," but. if he choose, heme be madva slum, ‘ffm'cvcrfl by-meum of u cert-many prcwribod in Exodun, :21 6, npd I)"}1f8|‘0u0-, my, 15 17. “9 had no xurlher option on the subject‘s hm. sayi God, .“he shall be thy ~«:1»an forever."_ , Butvynu may .Eny thTs is volun‘tary SPY'Vi mgle. Nut, certainly for the first, six years ; uml. according to your principles. a man cnnl‘ alienate hi»; iiberty. [t' «n, this vol untary slaw, alter he had become so volun tarily. I ‘zly ch‘nngfi his‘ mind and resume his fréginm; but God says he shall be a servant, fiforcrrr.” IxGod a sinner? But if he accept, his areJedom in. the en_d 6f six years. his sons and daughters. if born 'of a wife given him by his master, (doubt.- 1985 hemeif a slave) "shall be Iwr mama's ; and he shall go out, by himself.” In other words. they almliuot be free on the sevomh year, but shall remain slaves fan-var. This )5 God's order. 13 it, :1 sm‘. Reverefid 511‘? You say there cannot ba~owuerainp in man. God says the Woman and son: and daughters In this cue "3/14,1e liar numcr's." 1!; the 215 i chapter of Exodus, nltvr di recung that if a master beat, hls slave to death he shall be puniehed. God sai's‘ verse 21: “Notwithstandmg. If he conlinne a. day, or tWO he [the master] shall not. be punished: for [w [the slave] as his mom-yfl— Is not a man's money his p’l‘opcrty! You, Reverend sir, say zhnt a. man’s sluv 'is not his property. God say; he i; : wh‘; aha“ n. Christian believe? I “'IJLIILIwh‘KQRO hvnl‘ you much a. sermon from these Words oz' Scrlpture : ‘ " [for 1‘! u Immouey.” “ T/ma‘ sail/o t/ze Lord." in Levlncus. 2.344; “Both thy bondxnen and [by bondmmus wmch thou alxalllmveshml beol Lllenmtlwn that are round about you ; of than s/ull ye buy bondmen and bondynaulam." lec u.» a ser mon upoil this text ulso. and show us how acts which Goo expressly wthorize Can be sihfu . ' - . Y; ' -77 m with 0;: ,Lordg; in ~Lbe‘next‘ vene, 'Moroover, ol the children 0! Lll9 stumgtir A EEMGQRA f GETTYSB . Tim Gown—3 (n'lchl hv Pan! nnll Peter on j-‘xim wrv Int~ to in? lnlmrlfrnt to lnmr ”Lh- Vl l--' ~. \‘illt‘illilf'ikinll l(ll' crawl, “Servants. in: I 1» obedient 10 1110~9 Whn :iro your "HMO!“ no," an'lmg- to Earl's": lays Paul, Eph. (3-5. 9 "Lot an many rer'v‘lmtq m are under the, .‘ yoke cmmt their nw‘n m-uxnm :u u'm {hr of I all lumen.” My" l‘mal. l. Tim. li-L “J‘.'\'- i“ hT-rt sewante. to heirllvm'liunt u. lll"l!‘ on n 1 m'“""‘ “5'1““ i—"f‘nlfl- tlu‘m i') llll‘hillll‘:\. '- 3‘ ~' «_\'~] Piul [‘l Titling-9 “\‘ervnn'q‘lm «wilv- l‘ jgct toyvvur ”numb-I: with all l'c-lr. n t unly l ‘l I~"_\' 'l with? gmul and gt‘inltle, hut ale}: tiluhe lro-‘ llxtr’ wag-l," ~.l}'s' l’i-t- l‘j. 11. “Litter. .1 IQ. l'mrr in'-l gospel tt'lh'llLN will iul'lel's 1m om. uhmll- .- e-nuo to them "Llirtl‘l'i, \\'lH-"iwr they heal fl “.mn'flr'il" H." “ .'Ivlll:nx.l cumin " l 7 'l‘li«-lir-~iv-l “'2le iv.- l‘lulllll‘l1"‘lt‘l'|‘n'- l: ‘in ne.l Hymn wt mute to nerve then murders ll with “EW‘l-Wlli." I‘iIeJLTJ i"Xot wnh eu- . isl wervmn," Cal. L 2, 23% “'l.) plans-filler)! o‘elli i l in all till.;;;<, nut :lile-‘Hugfigmn. no! pur-‘ ll‘ 'l )miug‘, lull, Shown? all will llllulnvxt I ll» Titus 22-9. 111. "l‘ll l mlurn grid. hull'eungl l ‘ . , , wrongfully." l. l‘unfr ‘.;~1‘.1. l l ‘l’. 3—l observe limifnllmqing ‘cnmmuni‘ . ‘l'um' lznfin‘ltv-«rhl-s servantutlmt it i- not- billion in your paper'ol the lilth metallt. illt‘ll:(lllly l: servo; llmir mil-tore at all. nor . ill :‘ * l l -, A to virtue them In :fmytlnne; lobe met-navel ‘, :“.\le<sr<, livhtnral I ‘lmrnthth been inr ' wrvants girl Luthlull 1n nntlnnu: lo purlmn lérestcd :nvl amn mil with 'Mr. Komlnll’a their matter’s‘ y-rniiqrty. {lml run away wlwn y’l‘rlmmte l-tfilrt to lpr ‘ve thé excellence of they can. and to «tilt their masti-r’R throats. .5 :n'my by Scriptural q ntatzlhna. Mr. Ken ifné-vo-‘ifll‘y to 2113" their mm hh my, i ll Lll ls ton gn-ul n. l‘hw~ er not to know that. What motive or! and (lam the lu‘mziml h pnnuot make m 1 part ‘nf‘ any docu‘ taught. by Plan! mill Pvt: r huhl nut to ser- 's' blent evident-e mtlfmj, nor-opting the whole. v.mts a~ inihzrexn‘t-nh to he obedient aml’ ll thrret’nrn reminnehil t-ol luq ntten‘tir‘m laithtul to limhnaiflon? That it isj-xioingi line following inuhalze in» hearing on ai'uzao 'thy will of “ml." lil'h‘ 01‘1"]‘hat the name' HY“ alare law: ! ‘ j V "1'; Gail and hits ilcnitlrinn e not l-lmph‘em- l 1 i “T/mu .‘flltil rm! chi/2’" until} I": ”trum- the 5 ed.” lv'l'im" 6:1: “fl lut they mm‘ ‘ulm'ntile : ‘,Vrmnl th'n k is r933} Fin/7:1 "ri‘fllizN/‘rvmln (lye. l ch‘tflni‘S ofliod ritlr Saviour," Ti‘tu< 2-1“ ;} lie shall (1 veil 2"Il.llilvl:‘fl‘,f:\'k‘ll31110"); ycnjni i "'l‘h IL ii’is ur-ceptllllile tnuori.” 1 Peter-2 2’). , 111.13. place wh' ‘in .ie A hall chome in ‘one of l Anvl “hat mail-4‘o lines the gown] y'u'l 1y gar-Pi. where i} lilo-1h him be<t : thou l tencli'hohl out to‘ the floor black mm lur' shalt; iotl oppressl him."-lhl)cnteronomy l sou-king to e<capel mm the pnlenn aqsicn- { ,‘xh ii, 1’) null I‘-. i , i l . lPd him by God thiruiugu Noah, and vlnlate ‘i l “l’iulu‘lelpnis, .llz xgfi. i. l all the (llllit'g :I‘rbq‘tfli‘lll)‘Pillvilnf‘il upon him] 5 ‘ Auk} iklterhm Par-tom,» . gby the Gnrpcl ol (fill-in‘? You prozniwh'm . lUpon this I he: 31 lzvc to submit the lol i v’n’gcrfy: not the. h {my of “thi- Im-«l's Tree: lowing remarka, up} , ‘ 1 l 3 mail,” which l‘onh’i In eternilyns in Chri<t’s ll ll 1 have made ’ ' ' (impel. but, the gtnvolling liberty whinh l excellence nt slam . looks only to time a: in your gospel ; a hb~ i simply to prove th,‘ ' vrty which knowil no equality, ‘not even ' fill. 1 I i '- with yourself; lilnlrty to exist-a degraded t if. In my argumelillthere ih nothing about them; among nnothrr race of men who ex- ‘in fugitive slavedeE." . l k clut‘le him from all civil, social. and (10-l i 3. The ScripturéJquotz-fion rnpied by lmestlc relations; liberty to live and die 3! “Audi” of itself eres the existence of l miserable cutout tm earth, without. that. l slau’eryuttlmtperi dlzothorwlnethere would .' cheering hope of eternal liherty aml eqml- ' have been no serv his to eschpe lromtheir ‘. ity in Heaven whinl Paul and Peter promise‘l muster. ;. l ll ‘ Eto the obevlientliml faithful servant. I l «l. l commendt the writer his own raglan. l 5:. Paul was a ghoul painter ol character‘ viz: “that hécann tfmake one part ofa doc } and somewhat firbplietic. He seems to L umeut evxcleuce ‘\ ‘ilhout accepting the u have foreseen the ‘anti-slxvery cruzade of, whole,” as well astt e mldililmnl rule, that illllS day nml described its lenders. Al'ter'l‘jcmj/ document «Izod be coconflruedgf paw/ll: { having emphatidall‘y directed Timothy tr“ as (a make it conduit; mull imb'." By these ,7 teach sermnts tq‘lhomr and serve their; rules let us const _ . tlnin'lfiéripture quota,- [matters ;1. Timothy, 6 12, he adda. in verses! tion. ’ l l: ' ‘ 03,4, 5, the tollowihg picture ofanLi-dnyeryl God authorized t%lb Israelites to, buy the "teachers, viz: "If’anJ/‘man [mg/'0 villa-wile. , heathen for slaves. ,‘Lev.. 25.‘fl.-Does this and Consent. not tb‘wtmieeome words,even l text mean that. ' va llehréiv buy such a to the words ofoxii‘lmrd Jesus Christ. and slave today. and h takee shelter in another to theJloctrino which 1:! according to godli- l held-en”: house to 01-10 me shall be forev nesa. he iv! proud. known]; noth'ng, hutl er free? it ' f ‘ doling abhut questions and ~trifes of worth. God authorized flue Israelite: to hold the whereofcometh envy, strife. railings, evil heather-r3O purellzgsedfis f‘a possession"— ihurmuririgs, perveree d'simtingi or men 0! Lain, 25. 45,—h this text tnjbe so‘coustrued eogrupt minds aml destitute of the truth, - as to deprive than at such: “possessions" sup 05mg that gain is godliness." l (whenever his slaveshould step into his next. this passage, be it remembered. follows ! dom- neighbor's and claim pmteetion.’ dir'éctly after Paul'nl injunction to Timothy! 'ole declared thin the heathen <0 purchas toikacll servants ‘0 honor and serve the”; at by the Israelitet might. beheld m an "in maa‘ters. "that the‘nqme of God and hisi hen: nice for their‘children."andshonld he doctrine be not bl.§<;.heme«i ;" ““105? things ‘ “‘nn [mm f'v'r'rr."ll‘-—Lev.. 25. 46,—v‘li this touch and exllm‘l,” say: he, and then pro-l text to be so congruod as to deprive the eeed< to my. "Ifauy man “(“5" ill/m unit." &-:., l c‘hilnlren ol'their ln‘herltam-e nnll release the l "helsproudluowlugnotifingfdzl‘. llt‘nwl servant from bongage whenever he shoul‘ll it 381416.51: that, this description ol’ character l| (“calm from the ironielllate custody of his we; designated for jun. such anti-ellveryimm-ter? i, i ‘ teachers as yourself and your u»oci.xtes ‘ui‘L God says the llq’brew servant. who chom- ‘ the pl'eaPDh (lay. iAnll how true the pic- le: to undergo acenain ceremony after serv turel ,What "envy," what “strife," wit-At l ing 51x year: shall serve lac master/bran— “milmgsfi’ what “onl murmuring.».” film: l 13;. 21, 0; Dent. l§,_l7_—-ls this text to, be "‘pervehe (li\; wings" have your teachzngs : so constrhexl as g! relieve [HHS ‘\'QlUlPElerr,‘ 01 other documes produce! 1 Say, m”: a: ; slave from his obligation whenever he might i what hatreu among Christians: “/2141 leH‘ 1 choose to run away? ‘ ~ . l ions of churches; what sectxonnlnanpazhm; ‘ God declares will, a. man’s servant “as 1113} what excitement: amt commotious; and, . monpy_”-_Ex. 2Ll2l.—l‘s this text to be m i l finallv, What' desomufln, bloodsued. and l mmtrued as to rob the owner at lud money 1 i mourning have your unuhrntmn Ledumngs l Whenever the Berfimt should choose to ah- l l melt-xi in in mgmg upon ourlately izowm'iul, 1 smm! ; l _ . ‘ ;pmsperous. amt ram-y lutml l , in slmrt,_shonhj it be construed'so as to. l And. not cement wall the onl you hare ! n'fimy the ln~tllilglon xm-ll‘, show mat Paull 1 given tremor: m involving your country In C 22ml l‘eler (ltd mil. undorilund whatntfhey E a devastating civil nar‘you nre now moving ; here about “her! they mcmmted obedience C enth and hell to prolong it, to tender 1!. l and fidelity ofsegvmits to theif master}: u i l more bloody and perhaps insure the success l a Christian duty, and the; ' Paul actually i of the traiwrs—«renunly to atl'ord them ‘ rialaud thg law qf God when llu m 1 omm}; , their only chance of success—by converting bat-X- to Ills master. v; I: . , the war for= the" Uonst‘itution into a Wgr Allthesouppurd‘nt infirm-Manges unlit ‘ swan.» slavery? ‘ You .u‘e as hostile 1.0 the It om by cousniPins {new qnmsl ‘'‘ ' l v [m [AND FAAAJLV A©UAJAL . _- ..,‘ _,_ _.,-_- "firm [3 xmnfi Aim vniL "Emmi." RC3. P 13»? MONDAY, SEPT- 53, 1862‘.‘\\ l , l ‘ . ' rigfijulion m tho: robols ”MW“ and ' 115 anl intimation] instead of Neil romlfltlan. \l'prPf‘Qr theirsuq‘ms lnr tha pre~eryatmn lit was (lnuhtltss intended to regal P thel ' the Gm‘nrnmpntitmhsmitfm‘l to u: hv nur I l‘nmhlct nl' the lernolrftr‘c towards the hen thers. simply Lemma that Gaunt-lunynt r 5. , than noighbéw. anrlnot towunls euclmllmr. gnirns .'m in:!ltutlon;‘whivhfl, ul h-u munc- (Of this i: contains,inlrinsic r'vitlr‘nr‘ med and right: nf ma’utr‘h hnrl t'm dutins 7 'l‘l-r'ouzlmfiz‘the ankfinl‘Mou-s the [Nuts . r sonnmtn ad pert'rilxévl lvr.‘ ‘tbn Apostles of I “tlmu” and “Mm? and “fly" mo in c. 0" inn 3 , Iri‘t. In short. 3 u mr? not willing to live mnnpril-lo xun‘fto designate the who r‘ 119-] Tn MK“ Alér a Government tthich ‘prormtg slzu'p. { Mar: (ummuxfuv. In the [345420 1 ‘1‘“! ‘l . chief. \Vm I'll‘lvri. though It, tlvwé not knn-v ”mm in if i 4 prm‘ivlerl'tlmf the fugitive “shall lu’f‘ll; rific' l-attle at chancterzind Has‘nopower over the in: l \\',Hh vibe, onn amon: you. in one .1“ 157/) Hnnrl forct‘s\ itminn. l I 3 l £3199." ”er thee and you.obvlauflymmm ’ n-"lt Mnfinun I wmulr’r tlmt yfih do nn‘» npon'v rulml l suln-ztnmlzylly the same thlnz—“llrr” luv-kiln n‘rvt' (l'n'k. bv mi,” mp yaw-unbunx 4.;‘«;.,.1‘1»e<-;m-e "ho g in: I)", [I'M-w mtmn. and “ym” l'mV oopleg drivrn from the l n'leth 111'. min nnglluljnxt 4'l4} (m thn my: if‘ompmmgthenntlon. “In our Igfl'gr "IM.",'- 0%” trbopn are <2." To be- r-mwidjunfit you fiught tn olfim‘t 'nlnvlmlfily moans. not a privatv dw llinz. [my mattrrs, but A living on tho unlit) earth 11ml ululvr the l but one of tlmxitiupt Israel. that 1 lmuso } of the morning. as 5 mo «ky with slav‘gholillora, to being w'u'm- ' bring nl‘tPn uS‘enl to stnifya wallvtl tqm: or, ten-’3‘ corps (‘oqu “pk lby the mm“ snnlnntl b 1 vulhmg tlir- smm- cily,’ hut sonwtimm tlm whole tax-hm}? 0H 'l'lw one-my is "film 2‘. Ant! sul-ély yo: will [u 5 film n lm'tvnn Itllf r.:-::nn. "The atmngw that. is within ' usml up. ' ' yr>ln'~v-l\ m: fur 1 mac wlm thin‘k m. slm‘e- l‘thy gn'm" moans! (110 fort-ignors tlmt tw-lde' Wu have 10:: not 19:5 tlm ldm- mm Im 11 fit hwwhto lfnr (hum in n. sdnvu‘lmrn '\rhithin tho lluhrm‘ rvrritéryr-D mo‘n killed and wounded. :x\\ njuriun ohm-oh émmnt lré h'mpv ,in al’ With thou: hots hetmo uxlgt m .'vmvly‘tlwm Hpmmm—e of NW field thr- nnm 3mm ‘pooplwl \\'i h aunh wlnvchmllom aw" to the case in hand. changing 11¢ Wilding" lmut; two to'our om}. He S’OL ,ralmm, Ia um an Jun-oh. )1 mam deid, l ot‘tlw quotation wuhout gbungmg its u-u‘n-l the Hal'msive, and gevexy uhaul )vl Solmntjn. nnrl h vh‘zulvmuh-s uhlnvqty ling. thus : ~ ‘1 , lby 0 Irénlvps. x ‘ Rllll and Peter. 1 wa, lnlmv mn vmr'lm ' "Tlmu {meaninzthe Huh-9w nation ~lmll ' Ul r troop: have l‘lolmvod .lplvnu ‘l'l'lv' in that llaziven \\'herle that GUI/l i< lvnt nlv-ln'pr uhtn his master the 5: want} Thfilmttl’o WM fillfl'llt on the l(. ‘m exprescly autlz mm} M3l people {’,f 01‘] Awhioh hath o-qcupmfh-omllm mmtr-r into', haltlfifinlrl of RN” awn, \‘vh'u-h urmfl huy slaw; .'mtlEll. ld them iln h(,n\(!algp for. l thy tfirritorie‘l.’ He shall dwell in your; created the onthm I<m ol'nur mm. er; or that (Slur, t. M e<lr4ntinl ’part nf lot-usury. FVPnI among you. in thrrt plavc; Tho newzjuut rflche: me from the :1 . . ' ~., is I" rheurfufl obedluncg Qf WP? ‘ [I ' ‘v mg: abmzthufiqtinnu and 'u fin: anilymromote re. Let! in yam/r u-mann'y. but gm innnlhmml nf' Hod! , ; \‘x’th/x'bfi yrnw: ch)“. ‘vnry is In :1~:-II"Ir:nJul wlhli-m. }'nu W!" ”W mm !114- numk fink/n :lm nut (M 1 or m Bible i 2 n Gml a; (h). and flux! ('EhrLtmm ', M‘luught by the (Infidph sl"Clwiat,i<l>ut vlmk hr “Ih.- .grxj nfnll whammy— ‘llfy hr“ ith-rn s Id§nn nmffhor rmcmiom 1-~ hurl Ink-11vn ‘ sflwh 11)i-rl~1!1"9rv‘.‘ If \ ' mfivlrh dw- “5:. ,fimy arc-4n the lzig'nvz‘y ‘ tin: lmlmo.” 3 l 5' 1 Nu": 2mm“ Wtylkinxszk.’ thing fir-f im "“i will: {hednyu u“) n ~‘J'Poxy i.~ m ”w” ~ ll um! g. ‘ nine. ain‘t)“ ”My (‘mxm h. find ::It flr~|l)‘H:‘v,'.’t-~itfs Rrveldufrr-vt‘l H Irv/w: ~ezi u: a !-.\"nu‘ .mil~ il-)!IIM’III‘:~‘II'm insti l tion. “PI ‘llw ”MEN-Id I!» I'll-mi Hu- \\‘I‘IUIP ' NP {14.1 t'.»bl<\.:m idle Gx‘nl {if the “able as 1m Igmnz‘y lremg‘ V : ‘ ‘ Arm, ‘13“). § [ Amos KEVmLL. I'. .‘.—X! 3}quth l 6‘ Antv‘} €th theftirook ”"1 1:71;“ "sannl 1h" lain-w \fiortlmlmlptrami te’gl' by Hm flinch: \ Yonl “.{enumr .iu the ‘lnle. moam Imin whunt :or Hun». The oak word trm‘ldaimll“}ll'r4'4'lis‘4rdmt” i: mac: m. and the “eh “45 had in clx'fl'erent ex‘ ‘l“:th for that l‘uihql‘n. Boll: vl‘ellltifill" .- xm-ml'mmk m {Nu} 6:]; Who 02' the. "u vluplor of I -\‘."l(::,+.' If ‘H‘r- l‘th pm of unm'c‘" an 4 slink). ‘Lo .1 s‘nf'n‘. on”, 1t nnr, wwni .2' i ”In it ‘is 11:04! move 'l‘ :,I._\' I (.v-:‘ I‘.) AMPMMI Hm 13:19”- h ‘uxtmte Hn' h-Lzllru Leprm'm‘fiun rnrl tnl'l lawn? 'l'hc fining.“ Ih, : 11x1, 9+th ; .- l'uflwl I'm“; .'.' nH ..1 ”:51: AIM] |'n.:.>l‘, E’ ‘llnj *l't in Hun." ul, Lmlm-l ddvoiml m lu-x‘r ‘L'lVJi‘ a: .1 43.1 w hi; mum x‘s. all-'l i luX'JlquD and (‘tittwr‘zue l-u'ximl mum-r. ‘ um _n-latirxp \\‘]er nfnl umnnj': mrn. 101 ml nut an inn «(plumb hiMJ‘h la? :n -.nnm‘, nyfutiu r a d pixihhivn, 11.1 w Len-n Liwrsauy uaed [tuthjvr Hum unutur um! have? : . .‘ mee rPHgmn ls‘fl 4- Hlavo to h’i ma Yo»; in )pnr "dot rih-s of’wnrdu," _v ulutmn and Mouth m are ‘uppml; t‘. unirv's rHHJiun. INE Hun nin- 1‘ MI Aq‘ V“efi‘or:t‘t,op‘rovo (hie |y.” My effort hazyheeh Méit is n‘ot m itpell‘ sin- ”flinch he :Imllir‘hnqué in on» ol'yuur i where if hketlfl‘ him be“; You siiuli m ”was: him." - ‘ g in simrt‘ tir- Mamie lnw trcntm isim'e= OffnrniC erscsmpinginm the {Ni item-Hm}: .:"" d:_ Briln‘lz Ami 1.71 m Anyr is“ «:3 escaping 'dydo Urninlr. i ,‘lt int-iiade 1 ln-sturntmn to their inn-(ere. , , , j AH wok Uniy fhrtzutli.l>hnil’~l I ilhph'r “Ant-ruin Pat-tent" (pftfm iii'gi lit there, be any. By wlmt mtmr' con . tipn ozm liw lir‘bicf be made cumisten when? I panel? I‘m a reply, 2 Jun: I‘6, 1862. ~' i A_ i ’— kw.“ '+—'—-‘ - Trig nnmoqmcr 52:35 TL": U. 5 We Finn-rob" boii‘L-n- lhntg'there my :rann-iuzi'l resturuti'on of [“9 Quinn. S'uc Eiuitrnment‘tiitfiv“ :3! tie Dainocmtic pry.— \H~‘n\‘9 we are lic‘mncrnts. We love our unm :try—our ivhnie country—hazy)“ end all on it, rutki, [IHLV’HOE’V mnnn'ninr; wmorpn d it: ‘nnrmnlirely free and yet iniiérv‘niiynnlil men. , Beenufie we paw?“ 'this I'm'ie, {Ce ,t'm' Puma .g'nls. We wish to: see on whit! [.lsoring felisvcs prowerons And 'lmp 3‘, ("Hi enjoying iumt to whiéh they are eutitl dqfl w itc man‘s [government tor while men. 'l‘ur thifij renqan we iare D'emm‘rati. Y I, 3’ . 1 .We desire to entite negroési 13y". fy’i'irion :10 «Liv-Ti timyin‘ve been (lnfiifnC' yX itnrc and Ex itnn's incxoriLlcinwsin‘ lit}<, wwhilt man's lrountry, snhur imuel in n3l r spm: to the ,n lxitc mzm,bcli» 'ing‘rouii'ietétioufly amt nil' ef— l'urn' 19 in'erfe e with‘ih -t hibnniimitiUH will §dwnrh the rigituions L‘L‘l‘iii thi is q‘n‘pn. sed of nn 2112 mm. endiess vat-ind 01 Km" from the Infinit: to ‘imt which issthe most 1; “ ‘Fur t‘mt \\ e‘nr Democlumii ‘ t We behme hat our nounkryilr‘s be :ripitmvd from fie biggies: niacin of pr 3;. ‘ty nnd nuiiers l h-ippinosxfi our": lmvt t \‘nlel , joqupuinr sulfa ing .md nnti iiiHl‘lHflli mere-, 4.., lly because lizlift'razy puli;is.{#ph§lo,~nph is 'md ‘ .0 ganglia-13312:: 03' infifdaylu t gir'n'pudent busfihodies mu] pilglrsicling poiiti- ioutTii‘euilglfiiviu:disbnzzlii‘:l Dress ‘ .en 1“”: 1“” ‘in",i”? ““emi’tpd ‘0 ”k“ “t 0“. “fawn-crux, Aug. Lib—The enemy was H?“ 1‘1“} place i "y the side 37f finmh' ' hppwiy rmni‘drced yesterday morning, and : We knnwjt tall the oppfmmnts‘ni c-mor. . atlnbked Hem-mi Pope’s} army beforwtne rifey have am I! themseiregl with tfms maud- : ”5'2"“ 0‘ Franklin find Sumner. ’ Itin WHOM?!“ g and rat-gins, demr ognes,’ lhelat‘tnck was ’bnidly met nndn eeyere I . s. . ~ battle followed. - [he advantage. ,on we Em,” ”mm“? “1° “‘"flent ”’1" ”'l‘ “5 “1‘ "whole. was with the. enemy» undxfien. j’ ’l‘“ {immN ‘0 HTML??? ‘he “or/:9: “things,” and for fell inn}: (0 Cézmrewlle wall: hi“ whore urxny‘ gthis cause we are Democrats; ' f tin gnud order. _ lie hm nnw been joined at I But. it may bk mm. the “phonpntgmf'pcmoc. '(‘lentrevxlle by Grneml Fuml.l}n. und- (fem, trim.“ Profess nipo to he in iiimr oftho tnion. , Sungwm-r WM fin‘thv "MFR?“ "’l”th night. ‘Wc know “I?" ido but we aim hum that ‘1 i 4 . (general. FOP? 00""po {he strong“; Pa“ 1 ~‘ '. ,’ fl ‘ ‘ ‘ '-=:hle position at .(Jc-mr-‘nile, has milruad in“ an ““"s‘l" Hung f‘" hmozritts "’ K'S‘P‘f co'iimunicalion with Wilmington, and is “he livery of [l‘mven tr) surfiethe duril in "-_—‘ expected ln'om'wiy to rnnewjthe' 'Cdmest i Albeit they weia Union men}, still, they cannot : NP! 110001“: UH" “KN-‘95 0f FlTNlW rextnre the .Union, However-honest they might! hh‘l‘TY ”ff?” “foam be made to 1‘43”" 'm in their intentions. heeni s‘e‘th'ey pull difl'tr—E " egiorwatdmg 0‘ ”i new troopsu ‘ ent‘wnys. nnJ have numgqn Hit modes for ‘nr-i :Wonnded from the Battie Fieid. ’mifl: “‘,th [1'81"] result. {“55 i“ “WWW-~41 Wumxnrox, Auguxt.‘.l.-Irm-ns::anxic- The linjonifim ofsnme portinnso’f Sew Enginndh iy prevails here an. the hotels and on the ‘in not [hill amid Border Suites, nor oflthe ma- . streete‘to gather inmdents of the battles,» a 50m; in Pcnnsiyh'unin, New'Yer, Illinois ana'i ”:3 “I“ rework?” y” indefinaie 9-8 {Up to Ohio." ‘ i i Y; n n ta-dny) not toJusuzy their rel-etigtmn. L .Thp‘Unio‘nism ofthe Demeemfic v: h[3 The followmg areeome «if the eusunlaws in t v . _ pnr 1“ or' the recent actions in Virginia. shunned from :33”? every Where, fur “ '9 lbumied on: he con-1' unofliciai mkyces :nGt‘nel‘Ji fichnork. who ’servalire principics containédliy the nstitu I arrived wduy, was seVerei) wounded in ihu‘ bio”: and fic\'gncd}zy tho rmmmg d 1023 0% right wrist. in tho_bntt‘.e o} xe<tmduy;i(}al:t.{ Ithe Supreme Com 0! the l nitcd Stu 'i. 011%, Megiellnn. lOlftfi'ew York, wounded in the ‘ i'. , i .., , grow) -, Capt. \\ .L. Allen, oftbe smug regi- 1 t.ns_nccount we nre Dcmutrnta-l . ,- ' mom, wounded in the ankle hy uslrexl; Cup- 4 i Ems party. except the Denver-“‘9 n {Whig min B. L. mackwim, wounded mihe new ;'1 ipnrties, when in State Niven] has it ccedcd k Liqut. Namer m the hand—ail or thei>ztlllp‘l iin setting at nought, (or nuemptedto (1 so) the regiment; Lieutenant “ligation, M il‘ int l decisions 9f the Supreme ,Courl, wk 1) they! girilf'tlfizlvotl‘ndg Algiwshonlder; flaw-‘l‘ . . . . . L - ' e n I ' In. in em )er, wounf em ‘ Inn 0 come m 99m1“ with ‘f‘tm' pnrnm news' " thd ti'xroat; L'ieulgnnntb‘chelrwh in tiié foot; 1‘ The Democratip pnrty Mn"); ”N” “ ‘.‘° ““3": Captain Francis Kernec'k in the head; (Jap therefore “'9 “F 0 Democrats: :3: ~ lam Vernek in the leg; LieuwxmntAntiion ‘ The Democreey knot: nc‘ North, “of 011113,: G. ’l‘roner, in the arm—all at we 54m New 1 inc East, no WA», but the Censtitutioni. nd thet Y 0“! Regiment. ' I -, . 1 'm: Wm Win" «at E“s3s3s.63;fiiififiESS'ifi‘Jnffifl'f‘e'i‘fii and if observeii, mil continue Tim ,dncfl E ) H. B. Rakinksjiiied; Lieut. Darrxcnt. kiized: ‘ Ptnnmus than has not 0 t Its g:igzuficatmn. ' Cnpt.’l‘homns 0. Here, wounded in male-g; and they "8 “INNS who o‘ll. Pmcufllly I Capt. Donovan in thelxeeinmd Liam. White i mislmnslnte and force even ue on: oftlte many in Lside; Capt. Writers, With New York. 1 instead of rendering to 5‘ “5‘ due,‘£o “A“ Wounded in_thigh atlalonflflnntweil, of the ‘ from the many there may b but one people:— 1 82d Ohio, killed: {mp}. .’Sunan, 0‘" the Mimi: I . A , I’m,Brown nndCaptaun I‘empiuton.ofllroth ‘ lp"wah‘l““‘,l"' ’4 . r g, ‘l’enmylvnnia regiment, both killed; Lieu-i ~ _"‘T”~"'“ 77“”, _T ; } ten‘ant Curtf wounded in stomach ~nntl ; ‘ T“ N" PAI‘iYCH—‘ATW‘S'E‘KEHT Hume ! breast; Lleut. Ihzen, Wonn led, prubuhly :_A thsxclfilAT-—Th9 VI“?! 9" nnd‘the "'l’! ‘ mortal; Lieub. Patton; woumiwl in he!“ an i ‘ (Vipers that are clnmoring ”,2! n 3) prrty; in this Hit-m; Lent. 'Biair wounded; Capt. Ulnar, J pmrtiefliar criqia of nguira,‘ M}; the very men“ wpuulled in 1% £‘3‘ll’l-Vuu ‘inrl‘cnr-u m ”WW and (.'he very pnpcre that ~nre doing all ’hey can L Lieutenant enence. In buck: 801' bug’3lw' ‘ to ““1““ flick incongruous elements. “I“ wutuded ind!) in the leg;. Mann Envy-nu . ' , > ‘ , my mled in the handy)“ 01 the mum Penw‘ they may fill the {Mines wilhtßlnck Republicans syivama regiment. Col. 1.; ”a and .Qup‘t. and Abylilionism—or in pfisin language, they Heady, 46m New You; regimenttxholh} are trying to mix bug fat anti dirty inter by Lhc ‘ we nded ; COl. Brown, of ”‘l6 29th Il'd§‘§"‘.l} alkali of burning, n woulll he a may Lhing, ‘ ”Ewen" "’qu kin“ ‘ "”1" .111” "”5 “:31 ingeed, to but nut one pnrity, as than anneti- 2 fag-"QLVSE‘; :g;:;s.igfi;ninel:é;.cjgg.{ mom‘“ Paekamfl'snnsh ""h‘“ u o“ “hmh ‘ K. C. Thompeon. wounded in the moniker ;.1 would fill the ofiices with the stay at home war- | Capt. Robercknnk, wounded in the mouth! riots, and road Democrats and other nonserva- | H: Lu-ut. Craig. wuumi m nrm; I,lcul.' tin- men to fignt for the Union. which SePlion- \' Ej'fm- :lltghuiolm 3’3. “cf“; Lilli); i} ‘3l ~\ -. , -,- , .vrai mo in an ,m ‘\'H‘s|e~—fl unu .llsl: .H‘L strxuugto brelk dp.—Democmln Lea- ry‘n’fnm. 5012 Soezt, m. the 29!!) N. Yfl ' wounded in the. arm; Adjutant Van Seed-i ‘htz‘, auppose-l mortally wnunnled ; Lieut. i Rosenbuugh, in arm; ~Licut. Feidmen, in i leg—ail wine regiment. Alger Uenkie, at i SMI) New York regiment, in me unu ,‘LmuLI \\'enkiebndgh, ndJataut tu «ien. Steiuwehr,| m leg; acting Adjt. LieulJ‘dweH, somut Br. ’ lumen, or Second hxeelsior Brigade, wound ed ‘ Lieutenant Fi’uxkimmonndedm grow; Marat. Col.,t’otter, Wounded in land and arm ; Capt. Green, muck by nshcll ; Slalom: ‘ » . 1; L‘ ‘1 4 -———° 0 0-I'—-“"' B 15! two Parties—Honda McMic‘qaL-I says the only‘hva political pafiies now in Pcnm ‘ sylvama are the Abolition find the Mat-rah!) , parties. Merclmel for-fonr‘e has nymken 1 truth. and his is undoubted authbfity with ‘ all Republic+ns.——Lanc. Intel. « l —~-»:--~--~———-‘v, : new ‘ rough of Ybrk, Pa... it, islstg i (ad. has ne’Ely 700 vol uteri-s in the sci. {we ont‘ofal qting pqpu‘Zation 0:13:90, MI TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR ‘ HIGHLY IMPORTANT WAR NEWS. second Battle of mm Run. I Am)! .Ln-rzns szn or P-nruz, ’ ) { Gxuvuton. near Unnmwlip, ‘ " Augusuintla. 1503‘ i ’,‘or Gonnml [NIL-nit. (‘rvnmxl-Ap ‘ | xinzmn. D. C. We [ought Mr 4 ~ hm‘n‘ vodenhy with the m l K of the r-nmn'y. \\'lfich ldflml I ~ x< fury i‘rnm‘dwlifzhtuntil ~hwh fimo the mwrny wnc. ~ Id.whir~h we now occupv. ' no mur-h exhaustéd m 'hullda =0 in the cnmxe i on :1! En 'Jolm For f‘ m M-nnwns. ~ ur trout but Umny' '. night t‘hmwnnd w d from the 1"". l v have 10:! :It‘ 1, strictly rm ‘1 was made '_ '(Hy. , i emiml. 1 ly Tfio nt ‘ t cl if‘ifrs 9 L up- that the enemy islrftrmting ‘tnwnrdq h mountains. I‘ go “mum at chin) to "an. ‘ WP have made :‘t*»\l,cnptltr-sa, Um I mix not. hlo yet to fnrrrxTnn Men M thv'u" extant. oux‘ Porn. Mnfim-Gen.Comméhdmg. ’ The-Battle of Friday. - The Washington Star of Saturday bvonirg W: Home particulars of the battle upito 4 P. BL of Fnday.‘ We quote {l% tnycms: ' ’l‘hroughouL Eritlny thp battle was cnn‘tin und by the nrmy corps of Hmntzolm'm. Mullmjeil a'nd Sigel. (m our sitlo. 35:9an n rt-I‘yol furr‘n believed 1m number frmn 53!,- UHU 60 60,000 rtmng. That in, ngnmt tlm’ nrmy earl": of Jut‘kitm. and, we pvmumhat ironic?) uf lho‘rcflt of Lee's army that had sum-(«11341 m making it: way rlnwn from \Vlute ”:lin through Tharoughl’are th. , 'fho location 02' the {Mule n?~ tho (1 xy “"1“ in ’the wtinily of Hnymmket~§rnm ILly mn‘if‘et off in the directivn ol‘ Swhvy Chu Kch ; or. in other words. but a tow mi'ws' nortlmeat of the went.- nP thé hei'exaw-Le t‘ur‘g Lten battle 0f Bull Run. ‘ “gintzelmnn's corps, 1t we m‘n corrqctly hum-pad, came up wlth the vnemy's jrmx' at about 10 a. m.. seven mxh-s from Centre -1 illO, which pojnm he let's at d \ybrcuk. > He: {'uund Jackson's cummund- fighting thh‘ Mchwell or'Sigel, or both. on the right m thedm-ction ot' Unymnrjwt. the position lhev'took (by going north Imin Guinoax‘jtlu) to cq‘mmamt the c~ntrance to and exit Irma 'l'hm‘onghtare ”up. ~ ’ n , é our own informant, who left. Centmville M. 4 I'. M.. a. cool and clenr-hvmled man, says that up to lhqt. hour the imprmuou provaiienl thm'e that nothing bad drfinitely rasu'tml from-the 'day‘s fightmg. whm'h, thonuh mnlinunm, had not hrr-H a. wry hlqofimeulc. Persons suhquucntly nmv lng, who were on the field of uctmn lhi‘m kvlqu until 4 I'. AL; huWovor,’ rowan-”L trhut‘tho “do of uuvcwa was decidr-dLv wi'h thP Union army. which pushed the rebels successfully on both sidPa. ‘ ' . the IT“\' mun lIL‘II' 'e to mm. truc with ”31?. E no STIII EMI pre peri- I LL; . withgho Sixty-ninth and .\‘r'vmnyfirst Ju dinna, moved up. and M‘tvr throwing a fl-w" «he the cnomy rotrentml rapidly beyonil' 1% wine. leaving behind mlegun. Genn‘ 3. ‘ biv’ouacked for the night. and on‘ Sf“ '35". mmuin: arlvnnct'll with twp A" pnnni] gum. and cumilrV up with the one): my. :1 fight begun, qttcntTed with heavy 10am" on both SM; 4. Ime attomptvd to turn our 18“,; whrusmne slurp fighting occurred betweel; ' the akinmishori. The 69th Indian. udvnqfikk rm] Lhmuph a Lit-me fire ofshot and she"!!! NO., ,C-.3-'O. the I‘élfc‘f'nf‘nnr akirmishem, and behavedL like old ngmrs but tlmrobelsfinnllv (uni-3 («I out: left fl.lnk. nn‘l mlvnncpd in full force my ouh' column, when GemMnnsnn ordered; :I rdrhxt, nml fen luwksthrc-mmlm. and Wu ‘ ”)Hlfl‘fl his {.ln- IvY' luxlllo UN :1 high NIL? (\‘Sj‘: M :nttii‘myy in lunsitfun on Uzerighl, mu] IMI Hunks. ' \ 4' t Fl' 111 mm ‘Af'lfir‘ my a“! “‘l‘ 0f ‘ )1; m) ‘ .innm‘i bump! 'mmo .‘ E}; M the nrtillnry was now focnmu‘ , l :jwl knpt up hriley by lmlh uideif Mani} :Emn': nhnntitwu Imur-I thfion‘Qv-‘L mum <1 3“" mm rzpht-flunk, under no"? “in won/h, null, 3X10? a sevelfilfiflhtli wua-t-mwieri in tummy: it. Aretm ; Jimmy took plat-cam the (whim?! ng prnnnd. l‘lera GPlN‘l'ld Noisnn, ”wand. anm‘ gfrntvlemurli. zgurceeded] y'm‘g nur‘mup- and formed anothcn [“th ‘ '3l “Mary ammunition was now new]; i «ml, and snmn of onuugpm were In L It anxu-mio work them. 111} havinqr "lllml or Wounded. Gan. Nelmn *ul'i led uhnut 3 o'clm‘k P. M'. when mat} puin feLl but}; retreating to’ Luring-J :1 hr {-nr‘rjly’s forces numbered from? an m ‘ Jul" (1 { (kw 3oxhu ‘ i TWIN)“ ‘\n-en ‘ Iwnun 1 mum ‘1 gian‘fn fin‘wva' ‘ Th . I’vrh-rul Farce: en‘gazca were tthJth 102 m) mLtlm l‘llh. 6'3“). mm and Tl~t In klmnu and Mundy’fi and Me-tcult's pantry l"l‘l-u 1(‘33 1n iniml 11ml wounflod Erhcavy m: ‘bum ‘xdou. 'l'in number ixhntyétknoim‘. LEA. C 1 !. Topping and Major gunkle, nftha w I~L mhana. m-m killed. Gen, Wrighf grill 1 H murniug to take thE‘ fie'glund Ucn.‘ ‘Wul vlcq ieuws to lllghl. to join him. ] iARMY GENERAL ORDERS. { 1 WV“: Drmmuam, : Wushinéfon, August 3“, 1862. I ~omm-Inrl rgi‘ihe armies operating in R an Milan's: | ‘ Burmxdo mmmnmls his own pt (”and that have beer; tempt-fl ~lmd and nusngned to Genhr. ’{Mlnn nommam‘lu that pOl - the Pummm- thnt’hfl ‘wyrgl to General Pong): I t Hi. A * mr: = ('.\'m L 5 (lt‘tn 1. W3l 3"" ‘1 4:! Hie .mm innn sent \ _ ' Imnd. ‘ . " I‘ wrul PUPP‘CO all!!!" ”If! flflny 0 M , ‘und nu Mrcoa empornrily at che l'tlm fnrcoc are‘n 101‘ ”187411!!!“ ljnr (”n nv'm! Haiku yon, ruin-r4llO l; ’ ‘ li. IA ’l'ox/Vsasn. _ 1 , A k“»!‘.!‘ 314’“: 'M/xt General. ! ‘... L A“ ‘49.; < ,_ _ ' } Felonig‘rllian Sc/mmc, If sneml that Ijhiriqui mlnmizuthqn so'no. 10,11!“ «'xJ “If A'Wuflnington con-esp ndcnt of .ew York Times/(gym ‘ : coanuence‘ art/the represenm has of mm Rwun minister, an wpll, it ‘,uné Had. a: bmsmim 0i mime orhfnr (11' Cu“- 1 (he wayflit mn'linally decided |n 4 wt Invoking on Friday to abandon t lp :bhcum—ut least {Le far m it. in‘: . 'invuives glnetbemlemeut of a Dean, :Ly m (.'inrigui. . , f ‘ Th {LV‘IXLU i (in hmp: h-nrii) 'J’va w" :amn ‘ put ! Larmul i Go giuiu :tvit. r A“ hr 3! 7 TI: 111 w I :plmh k 1)» - i In ‘the «low Les i Elfflliil :whnl gvmv ‘onitu . 1 Bgmwynnl.-—A lnttnr intercepted at New} ‘Orio n: from a Confederate snldirn hi [BI-Mfr. army, has the following, underdaggh ,of the 241 th July -. “: "L 9‘ “({n. Bragg now cnmmands, an Be ‘l'e-1 ’gartl' h'm requmveg, which wlw fortunate} f 6 the ‘ountrymn ‘hn énnnat nrgau‘ze in‘ ’9' 11: \v a :1 moh wlmn ha lr-ft : ,nbw it L full'gl" ‘1“? am] slur-it; uw mg {n the irnn‘rulé P Jim 2. Win) will shuot a. nun K he stenlmfil Mm ‘or : prg.‘ - ‘ ._‘ :15 .——< ...I—7" «.IbflJc—c..- ‘ V ' .\n arrivill from NPW (ilk-uni ntfi'efvi brings the intpillgnnvo m‘the PVIIL‘IH > of Damn Rm: :1: by Hr} ‘deeml tmo‘rfi”, 8K1"? t'alhme to 01001) NIB Missimippi‘ LB} mg nf the-place was not deemed nwew tn zhn onrpyifig out of the plum 0! ‘41!" «mm. 0n Hm 16th of August. wlm ‘ l'X-rlom! gunhunt “\‘umtvn‘ “714.814“:ka xyou SUI-n. sun-r 46 oxhv'r guanats cnvng er .'u‘erdHC‘f‘, and mun-Iy. destroyed UM . .\‘nntht-rn «Inspznchen confirm mug moms. ~ . . ' ‘ : ' ’ :7 '3' TM Indians, it, apparahre fizhtiri: nmen': thom~éivnm pv‘ohuhly caused by f, (lbsire of some tribe to cnntinue at, pom \\"th_ the pavemmvnt. A dupnmh an” :h’zt nn‘tho 27131 uh. a for-1:0 0f lbw Yanklfm 'md .\Tsoux mbw attackml'the P.nvn.-c vilju 1.x;.:0< mmhc rtficrvnfighs in Nebraska. and kx'lwl fwelv» m- inurlnen squnwu am] Eh ‘ ch-en. ‘ The whites in lhenw‘ghborhood’l notllzcon mole-«ted and View not {unmet}. ' ‘ 1 ' ——““*fi-—9‘">‘;"~~;~ .H ‘ Ro/«timl Pri‘fl"r".'.-‘-Un Saturday eveniq nsq'lmd of ml'liMry brought to thin oily, Draw: 3 WeLLnnmwr, Carroll county-fil'tpon politih ch twisoners. Thoy are charged. vuth haw“! Hfiglfioon hpgwml in rncruit‘rmz n. guerilh ‘ mvupmy for (fun Cunfvdnrnle Rev-vim. The , mHg’wmg are [hair unmei: A. J. Ymglin‘u‘. ‘ leflinvn Mint-r, Siflnpy D'rmmick, Wm?- I:i,-141~‘.nu0.-,J¢.ex Blizzard. Jabeph s . . [lam-y Bayle. "V. .\. LII-nine, Char! . i Pnylv, I"; W. 33-31, H. S. Neal, G. Bout? Eva‘ smC. C. Rnymond, C. Burk and Jr) {I q. $113911. UH reaching the city they wvrb ‘ takén’mtne c¢nzml police smunn, when? {they as ~ml detained to await an exnmiugr i tiom—Ba’t. Sun (5" Mum-lay. 4 ‘ 3F; " The Republi‘can organ of Luzerfieoodfiv ty, e‘he [lam-d 11f (kc-47m, on the‘figy‘pt August hand: /<- " 4‘ “th Hulk-ck has bean nppointad 66H— ornldn~Ghiof of all the armies o(th Keyin lio, and will have his ‘hendquartem in \Vuhirugmn. JV: Mae no more cqnfidmc’i‘iu Gm. Hal/ed: than we have M General Maelst- Lw, ‘auJ (Lu/1': lil‘le funny/11113171010. BM, {Villa I.lm iukmnge of policy indicalgd 'by P 0 olden. tomb: myomfind the half 3nd I] m ders of me L’tgqid‘ent we have some lw leh our Generals will fight at last.” ,‘ . There's loyalty for you. tendon-17 m 0 mlilbr of the Ream! q/t/ze Tune: has no cam mm the numeral: that. are leadinyhp mmyjmfl hvm‘e lr- would rliwnurqgefihp young men 01. lhe‘mnu‘ mun enlagngu» ‘ tin-. 1; lead! 'l‘”;rtlmr comment is unn { , sun-y, a r. _M. D-Z‘: Tin-re appear to be two has“ of hiya. 1y iii the Norm. The Domacrats belieuh um'll'upholdad zhczr doctrine. “wavy“- | an it‘ mm. the Cunsmution as it inn alga-W1 negnnes when: ttk-y are.” Tue great kid] at dun Republii‘ah lenders and eduorl. . le bnner hand, denounce all as dial ‘ wnol do not cnincide with them in theft dd- : SII'OI'JI‘ the Hbvrutinn 0t 4,-MU.OOO of no {llo% in the South. Tm: norm—ion hon. r 251: xmseos~mn decide unhe comxng ewe, tiun u Inch “(these hLunJau‘d: of lays“, ‘ the comes one. “ I Mfiln the recon: engagemant witht ' rebel monster Arkanuc. a shot, 3; pounder, alch the Bcnm’n in‘ he". ‘j. quaflter. wéni thrgugh the Oommmd’r” oéolbroom. “6.. peach-suns to. ’s, Mp’mm‘lodgul on they 1910! n .1 FIE REPUBLICAN LOYALTY. 1. . “ . ”_E . . .R .h a... " .. . " A .1.» MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers