1' - - , Termis. The Conn.“ is published every Monday morning. by Hun J. Snuu, at $1 75 par annuin if paid strictly [x AD\Z.\NCI—-$2 00 per unnum if not paid in advance. No .lubsoription discontinued, unless ‘at the option of fin; publisher, hppil all urrenrgos ago paid, . ' “ Anna-”swans imnrled at tllouhml rnlvs. Jon Paxsnsu «13m: with ueMness nnd ditpatch. ' . Urncn in .\‘puth P- gtimnrc street. dimctly oppowitu Waxpplvorx’ 'l'innihg Eitublrishmwit '--“CUAH‘ILER.PRISTI\G Urrwr.” on theaign. Valuable: Real Estate ~— 5‘ m'mj.” .\‘KLIL—The nuclcrhizlwi, ‘A“{}“vl'i ..1’ Hmzzv ”I-EHLHLI. Jaguscd, “ill ,1‘ "apt: _c‘u'uu M flu.- 1.110 rw'nlencc uf ‘ “f n v}. m .\lmmmy township. .\riza'm (“Mm ~ u/l ."1.’31r./IV.‘!}M 20/71, rlvll/ nl' 5..;,,:.m.5ér "ml, xho (u'Lw-‘in: 11‘ij Kane, to wit: ‘ A TRAFT (H 5 1A.“). sling-1w! in the 9.th [l:ln):.lh;‘.\n~‘fip, «hm-j, 1H milv: nni-t‘x nf Lit. lll'thHHl und l “1311' from- Um l’ul‘Hnnx-x- turn- MM... 11! JaV'T' D. \‘lnvm‘m'x adjufninz Inn-i; nf l'hurlcs fluiulll'r, Pntriyk “cam-"r3: 'Jnr-uh Hurt, LQVUEIJJM. mp] tt'nv-r=. Nunl‘fiin'xnz i"! .\‘rrv 4 :1“! 5,". 1': rd“ ~: H mm: I'. .\.ch ufttw alufi Tract in vu‘dlw'fl 'l’ixzfiu-rka. 2'. AMP; .\h-nxluwldn‘l. “w h"hu‘.(‘r' 'l3 nn«!n-r LN‘Hnl milli \nllfi‘n, In! H“: nll ! m-n hml'd [rum two In ‘J'rl-e 11mm. I|anhW \\quimnnh-r gum! fénuvvz. n Art. 15' m \'\ chum)! [and-{Nu 2mg. Tim ‘ . ‘ ilnprmrnwxltd~ mu u Tug—cvmh *w T‘g; mum liniL~l2.ui:lu ‘p:u'-k-hlnll—K&1- 5&4 in}; utimhwl, Midi Imm )lizuxtl.y:.-l-,3.‘j';u{rf \\’.ngnn S‘ml. ”(V3- ShM. (‘lvpvryhr s;:an Spring H ma- nn-i‘u-(iwr nwuwxzryxml-E‘ln} '3 ingik A swing of ”own-faihn': nuwr um: the dnmr um] a!!!) :1 \\'«H ywnr va- hum. I'l'mz (‘rf’l'k rmH ILrt.‘l,“| UV (ivy-I. \\':h-‘l‘ing :x‘] t m ‘fiyl‘xla. 'I'I-(rv L :1‘ upiy-zx‘illl Ux'cuizul m fruit (gm-a on lln an-t ‘ ~ "Am. \ “mm; Til‘: \\‘TUM’SE mu! nut lulfi 1111 p. “th .1 \ui} mur tlu- .‘nmr, . MM. ‘1 film = -: v- HHJ- um! pi NHL“ ”1 1:0 «I'd .\ TI! \f' I‘ (ll? I'III'N'TNUT ’lfilli!2”i!;‘..\’h. éihmH-‘l m "IE '1 «mm! ip. .\dnma ru'l'nv. u‘hnul’z}, .'.f‘. » .‘xmn I?,th 'M‘w. 4 uV-fn’ui‘": '- Av-vo‘. u ,r h! 5'34. u'li’iJPi-qffduh "f,\“" ,“RHA-H 11. Tr 'h" w." Hi'irl\,: ' prff I‘vr w; ‘,Jvam- tn \ i‘v'x s-Ijl pr"‘_[\“."_\’ urn rv11111»-¥.AI$-II.'1 u_r.« H. ‘l.l‘(mhr.l2\'in§( Em Uu Ilurxr. ur r n 345111] N Mt] i’n:»(-=<‘rm nm] ‘1 :2» :- lifiv \\.il_l~l.' ,_'l'\hl un_ I‘m 12L of -‘|”"} y. H ‘ . m: ’"pml‘ M. ' mum-“mm 4'! on =-i'l‘:!.-\. vb“: ‘l': 111.1 Midterm mm. 1;. hm; LL" OM .hw 1s Pkg ‘1 ‘ V nlzéublo PM 7 T-I‘l';:Ll|' SA'J-Z a... 4N Qt'ih llrl‘l n." >17"; 7:“: qun‘“ M m fi'r'l-W ul‘ ‘l.- Alum-«numb: 'h" H ..-, ' ‘ “tars of Li 1' Mn I" nl.\\lw ~L'vnlj'ng. ll)‘.".“‘*:'|. ‘ «'ux. ~ '\iiH 0”}: «I i‘JLh. \Jn‘ nn \'.nlu.uhh- 'HL-;u r n:‘ L\,‘- lv«_\"<.lid Ih'l'rdLv-L ~l|l..|'! J:" of ”.llnptrvmj-H Hwy-M 31 t dnhiu .'.} ‘ \-;1~.x--~ r; x rlv ~' y} 'I 1x ~.l 'l‘Hnlwr 411.1 Plum-“2m: fl \, ‘1 -i\.i~|-_' Jan I . ‘uf‘ \v - ,t‘vi-w la'W-ujh .7:.. .' 1.1-4‘ l'flndflt" ’ {nub Nsllu-r. "M 0;: lr‘. 'l'v Vim €~ '; v H \\': turn (1 1.3- :I rmznl 4‘. mm ; I: !l‘_'l"‘lrll':il it mu". :1 mmflu-it Hf Sp '2‘ m \l‘m ”3 "in‘ _ “'B5, 'l'?|c'xr.hn.nn-1- w: 1.1 1 [i'ivr-»§{::i’x‘n g 5 mm L». m .. :1 ”x". man 221;?“ “Ink-“u : «up n. 4,: 54. mm ~«: 'l7:”ifiri, . u . Q... , Slim} um} ('nlv. (‘. n ..,”1 “4| . n“: } .‘I 1,, ,5“ (WI) cum} \\nii- : " vim '1 i‘fl' J t‘w Hum” ~:'1l nm, a! Hm I’. «ML \\‘ih pn‘u: It 1: I! .- "-:IM .H: Aug»!!- ‘ \mi l’vu '1 (3N! ”J. «,1: ! m'z ‘1 "mils— Tmcl-‘ul.i-.hl~-I uI.L-\ 4: "A Uh}. 'fiul 1‘ of UH' Gr'mfih- 9‘7) “Juli In 117 M 1‘ Lu ‘m'e- ’m in «Why! u ‘l' < g 2“ ~. In .\l‘vi'. \TR \l' I‘ {l}" W’“ ”w n’ n\'-. :xml X‘u‘L 1f I .1! HM. ”n.l,um r , “1r” ui: pvrv'n-=. '. - Oli-ifik‘vw‘m v. 7 ‘fhw 1n 'llP-{F’T-IHIHH“! ‘w v 1" o'l 51‘ ‘ mum . ljzg'fimr nun-l u ’fiwmquu ,g-ux, 4w; L‘fif' <5l“ Lu myvmx Sui" :11}. “.\." I, “1 tu-rm}m.nlu {an-v . , ~.- \. ‘ I I ‘ 14-1? 1;. fivz‘ug. .I:l!i'L‘}!\'-H'II”L .1.; I.” l n '- I. ... ‘Ale‘?,lr'V(“ Ik 2 . ..11 4 '1! t- . - Orphan’i: Caurt 53-310 “I"Z- w! Lyra r'mn ;' hm. ‘ - . 3 limvxhx.‘ “Nth : Han-fl‘l‘ "f' \\lllllii‘lAF'l'9l'l ann’. mi» 1. a n ...1?” ._. . ‘13:! ‘ [but Ar ‘' , ‘ ‘ k ‘ m‘fifl-lmwj. \L ‘Urh u i. “Hr," I ; I? “I“ “r LL‘ I} P. "u: ..‘-1 .'.: iw‘ ‘ “ VII-.yfi 3 \» r r —.. ‘ . ‘ h.. v V ‘,_ 'l‘ l V H ; Vlctpr“bh‘ I levv.!\ 7” "l ~l|v‘Nr (JUN-1': .. ’y'»- <A , . 62 M.“ ‘ .an _|., “I. i 1 ”I I! ‘. .1 ”..,H‘x. T”A ninja): .'\' }\l,.;.‘ 2 -..1n vbld 1., - ‘ "-~ WWW" ‘ ' J: " ‘ - lin m Yam" _.. ‘ “.,.. . . n 3. ‘ v mid-u r .1 ‘ ~I|()1'\"1-J|I;"”i‘:\.vf‘r m.x ML .‘. '-" ‘ ""‘-' ’ {Br THU ('3 .. 31% Inmfiefitg ~-.. n I‘, “my ~. - "‘ 1.x... H "..' ‘ ~ 13pm M. I"; u ~q.._ x,, H ': _r‘ I!“ f 71'} p , -L- bugluu); .‘_ “H. .4 .. ‘‘‘, . 5:: A :‘P 11" H'* "A". I 9m“! ‘ . V ".. gm” .’ .. ._., 17.; 1 n; 1.1..V1,\‘ .V . 111n-raxfnmu“wh'“ ‘P““u ,' lbw—..'». 5 . 1L Ur 1. 1: SuMw-jq .‘ ’.\ ha‘h‘.” ‘‘,\ J (M'- . ~ C >.\‘HHs~<. |- u .\AD ‘” H_\ ,- (Hm, h. 1n . <.U Hm”.- .p H.‘ ,tlxw q. “ . ~,__ ‘ ~"1 'I» ‘‘H ‘ . ““Mll'lmnwnw i : rsw-‘r ,I .‘vn . ~ I ,Lknm I’v nn-nlmul‘ll; \-I a . mm. 7. 4. I. 11' :r, >'- .' ~. ‘.‘ “my; “"l ”V“ I“ ' -"\ """"~ I .‘ ‘< “f” ’l ‘ ..._ A II": ‘1; -.m;’ nA... ‘ "INC Jr- : .5’ "er9~||:!1“~"1"1|" ~ ‘flnn (hm.- 1:31.}; :‘hh V 1h“ . 11L TI” \UX'E'IN‘ ‘ I! mln If”: 3.‘ N llnY!P";r()' 1 ‘.‘ nyflEmlu-f 3‘, ,« m n “'3'“ "'1"! i'~‘.El"N'\r ‘lle 4' “1:13pm: ”lb“- .oflimc l, W", h 114:1 J, ":In‘ur] ' “f-rnzu-I- i ‘3': "3‘ ”NW". NW": ' . ("A ’3‘“? NH WNW] ‘ .. ul. won mu :‘ .' ,L w x.-1 “v . ::~ kuwx v. ‘ m»utlh‘:\\~\r I‘. “l"' “V “KNEE. .v g , 011.1 n[U ‘”II. “M I I ' ”rm." H w ”Km“ .- . My, |. ~ . . ”,.x- . HUmhn - Imm. . A \._)~hl|~. -( w\-wk 1‘ I‘m-1.2 .‘. 1 ' To)“ dI H ‘ “:11!le slivlrn Ll ' ._- lm \u-\\' the .-.. ‘ . l.?_ .‘ '- s‘n!‘-hrs:~-ll}' ‘ JAN. wh‘!“ 11‘1""! in ”H, “a 'lo] S'm: by 1h” Mull 1.. How; i x‘ ‘ u. 'lul gun |.. 11111 H ‘llkf'hct Ig- UI‘T ~r-h. .h- i: .V . :‘lthu‘il ’ a. ‘ ("mam-.1., “' {mum 1f ' ." ' a HUSH '5 W." ' ‘,- . 5.1;“? “1"”an f}??- - -| j\ ”4'lO““:‘UR‘H-‘li-|§VH~ In: ‘‘ U, “”5415‘" n! 5111-.” V 'l. ("m a.“ mum“ ,Hn'nrnw “.. ‘ :1 _ . nuts 1.: Cun . mm p-t;...-_ (mill Ihr \“1 (bllfhlnt‘fl H 1 9.4]: INN," .urno, s'" 'h'mll'hn‘= ~"”'n.‘ Im. HAHN-smm W" I ... “I”: .' ,' v”... ..V .~ u .'.-:‘< .. u tu-rmslnu‘ 1. I. nirmlmVQ-uvill 1 ‘ l\! on \\J5-«h u! {.41 u u ”l. "1‘" "”‘x‘"""’x‘“' .g L“ Lnu“ “.v . ‘ 1:: «(cm ~ I luv" . - *lle of (l ‘ ‘ U“J x I b . :3 z “..1 HM" WW": H. l) \x“ “MA" "Hm . ‘ ..[v ... 11-\~,ln.'."v-1\A1( .. u: tho-(‘ourL—Jnn .\JH \\ THAI}! u - in -‘\l n " “WWW? m" II nM W A ..... .p: . \ “.11,” w” .. . . ‘4: r. H ”1' .In'. on“: p‘» ..(lEx'.U\.\lv7-" V - .'.-r [a ' - (,lu-k “I l ‘ 3 “mu m. ' r "”1“”. -. . .UA :m nu ~ . A .wlm ”‘1” '.- L ‘ . ' man and rw'“ Ml ”A“, 1“"va Ipnlu; .\\-'4] \ nits] uric-nu 'uf LIL: . _ A . l 1 (:ngmvinga. ‘ I; ~ . ‘ . o _ ‘._..‘ _ _ 5“” ' Orphan’s cgurt; Sale. V Rn .\LL EST \l‘:-:._¢!n }~';r=‘l:l‘nrn of m 0 Uruh-riluf tiw 01".]: «0'; Fault pf A-‘nnx‘ g-nunly, Hf: all'ml‘li'u r Av‘minietrnmr 0t thE‘ “(no uT-l twr'r: .\. "yU-‘uww. dprl-nsm. \\ in» 0!?” M Pubiir Sn‘hu on Hm pru-n'lm-w. ”n \HL‘I- D.\»Y. Ihe 22.1 duv M SHI’TR‘IIHZR non, [he Raul Hsmlu nl'iuid dl-Ci'lioulytu \\jl ~ ‘ ‘ At mmT. m‘ LAND, sun-m. in smug", ’tuwnshipfjdum: county” hmmdul by t‘n-‘(Bvr “5"!" run um! (‘hmuln-rihurz ram]. uml 13ml [lnf Nichulus ."vllriu-rz 2011 Icmrt-iining ll) Aer-Eu, mot-ti,or]c.:s,-immm 0d wit!!! =v Twrmfinv ~. fray“- RunL-hrht Dam-Him" ”Hl'S‘LEZE with Buckfiv‘uilding. Lo‘g Shnp. Lug I {Tfi‘m' Corn Crih, Ilng‘Pc'n. \\'qml ”who, :1 \‘n k {iety ofyonng T'rgos, nnd a Well uf \\'ater‘ “jun ‘ mmpconvenieut tn the house: , ‘ ' SQ‘This desirable propo'rlv 05ers many in ",(lucements' to pllrolrrivrs.' It, is situiltc one a .mile from ILower's Mill, '2 miles from Hunters ‘ town, and'rz miles frgm Henge“ Church: Q‘SML to comniané n! 1 n'rlovk,P. .\1'.,.0n snid' day,'§leen «nemhmec will be given and germ made knowq by ' ' § - ‘ ' JOHN }"PIRTZ, Ad/n'r. ‘By the Gout—Jam: Emuomz. Clerk. ; Ailg. $5, 1862. :s _,‘ ’ Aug. '25, '.18t.,?.. Spectacles, Spectacles. OSE’PII BEVAX, sigh of tlw Watch an-l Spectacles, in the diamond, has now on hand a. large assortment of Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, undis prepnred t 6 suit all who_ will favoi-fbim with :tcllll. v “N. B. Cash Raid for old gold and silver. {and 2,:1362. ‘ , New‘ Restaurant. (EBHE undersigned has opened a Restaurant, ‘nt the corner of York and Ljherzy streets, unysb‘ugg, where he will keepicverytlling in ‘i‘ch‘e eating’liqe in season—ulso‘Ale, Luger, and . Older, 5983”: Tobacco, kc. He is hkewise fitting” I 3110021 for Ice pream at the game ‘ - place. He hopes, by nttenuon to 6usi|l3s§and 3- deli“; :6 please, to receive a liberal slm’re of custom. f ‘HENRY W. CHRISMER. “3:55, “62. ' OUR-KING GOODS.—LThe finest assort— ‘ M min of [coming Goods .evpr ofl'ered, run now be seen and bought at lower ptincs ‘ “an “3‘0“" ever bgen said before. Call at ' “he!“ _ sign of the Red Front. ‘ j April 21. ‘ FmNESTOQ BROS. YSOK BROTHERS ”‘3 making heir prem illllt Pick?“ of. pric. to luifl. e :imea. ‘ L-ffiCHIGK bu 3-131 receiwfi, 40!. of ‘ . chenp’Looking 3:455; : f . l . ‘l}- W m H. .1.. S'I‘AIIL'IC.‘ int-1:11 Year- XT I‘I'I’JJC SALE—In pmmm i-e of nn I mins ()rdcr in" lht‘ Urphnn‘s Com-9.9 n! .\‘Xan vuuntf. “311 he nfTvrul ut I“: Jil: SlllO, (y) :‘zi- pry-mu»: MLSATL'IEWAY, t‘u FOL!) ‘1 l_'.' «51' SIZE"I‘E\IHI’.R‘n(-xt. 1110 lii-:11 Eat“! of .‘.:H'A YP-I.\'_. ‘l4 4 c:\':(‘d, cunsifiinp’ u!‘ .\ II [.\(f'l' U? l..\.\'.' -.:u Wu ‘in Mr'aimn luwn—hi r. Aulux‘n: ('1 mu).- 4v'lwimnzhmh of Frederic} (l’xit'l. L V. 3211“”; I‘,\":r!, William (iilli'lnnrl' Dn'firl F. .- lrr my"mhrv<, ('unmihing’ l-I» ‘\crc‘. "”5" n.‘ in . ’1 hr- i-rwr';xw-x:\(11!s"Mu a Mr ’m..-=yslL.-.- m, Difei‘l‘ling In;(z~g~;.f£ fig; “’7l. m.» li\t L-lnu'n'inp 11H «Lt ligfi'gv'zjfi if. Inf-Wk: [pug “urn, WM: oer n:~l-é§.};u:::v:;'f. lufiMEuzL- T‘l-H'K'i: nrv tun \‘v'cHn t»l'\\'.vhr——~ ,yv'" an [her hnuau mid 1111: UHP'r ”PAP'UJL‘ 1; Am. T'.(!v~ h n Lam-l Amm- (m lmul tm- Hm! pun 1- M“. WM; :X‘nirihty m" whe‘r f: I: I m I“ : Manx *‘l‘h- foul-y hf Tixulu-I' hm] n lurg: qu Emily nt' Mum-w. Thu run-1 I'l {nu {Li'- ”.|:xi..:!, M; [will ‘m |it'lu{v|'= ([lhm 1; run~ [mxt _UV(' 1”“ Inr’v~ flu: ”,..gmqg; lat-. 11; uglinin half :1 “.112 rlth;Jl.lr .rx-lr-xr} urn]. _ . . ‘ _ Ir. .‘]7{-;‘\un€ «!(-=§rr>l:= ”2' vi“ “.Iqu l} nxll'l .41! ugru riml'.llx.€f~.\',.livid*go or mum tin- Arlnimi'vmmr. uni 11m; ['J_}".~"\]v in l ummvnvu n'. lr-‘(u'ug int} my. ““0” :‘m-nrlumc \\‘EH he trim.» made Luwfil by _,. , J ‘_lnl\'m' \\'nzwn L 5- um ”611”“.gu EKHUL'AZ, (‘.‘c Aug. 'l7. HUI. I‘s H’) 11:0'!1(“\. .\. \T., in I- “31: lA‘ 'lh‘ru "I z-zz’v‘ Imam _rfm xht- vllclr- . Im. WM. {l. HUM)" j DENTAL REWIED 1 1:: '13“: “:th 1x 'l' u: \\'u j _ xvq-m‘u .I'INII Tmrru .\_\n A Mun-2T 3214-63 by) a: vlli 22w f‘i’ .'.‘IG 'I'HHTIIACHHIAVD .\' )rM-tm .. I‘lm ‘ I'M _\l) l ‘\'.‘Sll h; LP 1 Ivan“! \lfilh: fur i‘. mm \\'llzir. :m‘L Sunni '! Dr. Vim; 13. l-lurd‘j "17111;,in i Pgw‘lcr. \\.)§r.\ulmf’fifi :7le i. : um: I:.j-urious b‘l'uLAinc. I’“ng Lin. }’ . I'l““D‘zvmro n! t‘w oniifi' qr»- XV... Iv:r‘,=. \\ hh !\ \~ amt-p lIIIFI’P tx- I luv-._x-m; u 3:1‘1 m In ’ranxin ih'u 3.: ‘rnv l. ;\vl'n-‘)‘<.x.'x --.' "um «.1 Van nf 1 • „.1, =EI I‘m- u-‘r-zvll.;u, vi» It ‘pnm'm; Lnl' ninth -‘f'l ‘z'éh ru I! 4 'l i 1 gyml'. fl I'W' “IL; In: 1:! «::-1’13””! K i'w Dr, my 131‘; Cal. n‘sruicd Mouth ‘Vlus‘u. 13:qu. 2. ‘ x -:-(‘r lml‘m. 1 ~ ' 1.1% :lé‘rin'rv-m “10:23nhmt‘hi-hwfi in L: ' Mu} ‘I I? I'l'Luf; r. “V 1 “Hmf‘q ". (Ihllli. Fur: \imnlv. . ‘u. (I I: 1: \‘lll‘f (19.” 1%” (m. or _u) .rcmjdu n wt -.| “:11qu m: cgnl‘ .~\= mi! | r: Dr. Kurds M; fey'i‘coth- fight-r 9151» Drops. I'. ur- 13 www- W" H .\.;lm L Inn-1‘ AH" '. H 1 :nl'fil 'tmlkhh .\IZI'HA .’,.L‘{_’ ‘l-. 31,161 Dr. IV. 3. Huvd’s New-alum”. Pia-“311$. ' ‘(m‘n ‘ 'l‘; - Imm: Mfume :au‘l dgiigh f.” hum-1}- f, ”,3, kmnvn.’ _ r’r [I ‘ ' my} 'Tm'v vlo rim rdh‘n'c- finr Mud! H, hu!‘ may?“ mull nnl riumm pain :m w. Tr) IM-m. l‘rvc in nHp ::x--l 3:7 rmflz. Muilgfi on xvrript L 4 prim.- . { "(Luv 1M v «x (“15h :1 tom; L‘h’.‘ut 10:] I‘I'ZX'E‘AIP' £4.” , [H.HHAHI S :mvl n‘ Tun “on m}; l’ln wxfiui «mu. '3‘".-:‘n" Hut Dz‘. \V. Bulim'flfl 1')<“ht;11 11M T:"3‘l'§lLl'§,', 'l‘w m- Ito-=1 :mgl :' I": \H ux': Eu; 1’" . ‘ y:-.v.v ti. :1 H‘l"Tfl."l‘d mu m: I«- L 3. :.. .. 4 :‘ 3 1": (FL. :h M !_\ 5:\')!(“<I|'l :N" 1:: .V, In 1." 1‘1““ =I I ”a. m \xgu , :4111 x'r: .:n1 In; ME '\iz‘w Hu- I‘rn-ur'y 1"" nf 'iu- \lNf'lik- _" in LJ .umru k. " ‘\Y . v": :iu u ..:.d DIE (WA-Jun") I <'- 1 ‘xl-_l\‘.— h f‘mrz- .‘H'P timbre uEm .‘.‘f‘u’ x] 15H}. } ‘l:l|Y*\L."\':nl.lrlll‘ .hlu‘l Nun-m m ' I {m- -- m. ' UM“ ”x w {a lunar: nH‘n m‘ y" :-u|Llu..~.‘l:.~ no." [W ‘\gm‘lfi nu. .~,\]‘ H‘l‘ 1‘ “."l’i‘ ‘ x 5: (x (E v 1 firm} | m 1 . i 1"011 Eilii MEE= :~. ‘ll-! \uf‘. ‘\'.ll my 1' , . Cu .1. ‘,‘l p“! 1:". l»_. 11":‘53-‘3 $5114 rr-HI-n ‘3’“ T 3, '.x m - g “ ‘c‘: 'l J I'3 3lr • O r CEIII I 5'11“» F s“] | -. .. . .Uncillurvl the pron-ml; of all Sills: lii-tionfll §cnt xlircruu u=‘~.\i.l he ~lin 101‘ tho rl-lml’nh llfsai-lwl 5 :E-Ziurs. anfl goll pursuns nhp \\ whit} mpv of 12m “ark, nufl aliuju lwrv-fi’ullio Sill «’lo'l.<, zlmull <2an tbi-ir n-Inic null“ :uHi‘é-fi ut,‘ m.-~v. .\lm. nny uli cér or plivutu. 0:1" whim in .my :01 iiuu 06 ”ll: cLllntry, 11min}: Emmi! «lge ‘ of n .llcruic act or sfiirring incident, will oblige u: ly_\ scmlinz us an nu-ount 01 it. ~ ‘ ‘ Buoliaollcrs, l’nsmnutcrs.‘ uud (“maxing .\JL‘IHS “l” he furni=h<d with n‘Suhsc‘nptiuu ~ Pruilm: us. on npplirmiun 10‘ the I’nlulers. EggerA li‘mr.-.1 gummL ~iou ‘given to {ohm-rs Ih'sinng‘to at! as agents in tzikmzbnbacriptions: \ ' _ 11. ” THE HISTORY OF Ulla‘RlCAN MANIiFAC— . TURKS, FROM [($08 To 1360. ‘ ily Dr. J. LEANDEK Illsuor. 2v\‘nlé.,'Bvo . Vol. 1. now ready. VOl. Tl. ne‘urly 11:5in This i: probably the largest and mnst im port-. 111 work now in the American: press. ’ W 0 h~u’L- nlsojns: published néw ekilliUus of (he following useful dud popuiurlboolgsz TH E IiUSINENS .\IAN'S LEGALADYISER: or, How to Sm‘e .\loncy; by Conducting Business nccording to Law, [ls expoundéd by the llcst and Lines: Authorities. 490 pp., sherp.l— Price. Sl. ‘ . ‘ ‘_ OPPORTUNITIES. FOR INDUSTRY: OR‘ A, THOUSAND Cll-XNGES TO MAKE .\IivNEY. Cloth, ‘5l- This has been‘ republished in England. ‘ Everybusiness man and clé'rk should have those hooks‘ They will pay the buym' whun- ‘ drerl fold. firery parent, should get them {for their sons. ,‘ _ ' , - ‘ 1 l ' All these books are maifed, postpnid, on xe ceipt 01 price. We pay particulat- aucmian to mailing books, wrapping them curefillly, and will procure nnd send, yostpnid, Ml." book anywhere, on receipt of publishers’ price and six stamps. Address . I . FREEDLEY & 00., \ Tribune Buildingsl New. York Hanoi—Persons who wish to buys Pi no of the best makers win be shown how'mey an sun's handsome sum in themnrchase if t ey address PIANO, care Jov. Ca: 45 00., Publish rs‘ Agents, New York P. 0. »' .~ -_ - July 21, 1862. * ‘ (Dec. 2t 1y RS. WINSLOW’S soowmo'svnnp, for Blochildren, at Dr. B. HOMER}: Drug lIIIMI DRESS TRIHMINGS, in; . LA RGE assbrtment of A tor-prob! Boots, Calf 2““, 3m, justj‘received and .Oct. 23. . . _ R. ' TRUE KS and Carpet Sn: ,1 I;‘ . ' . Real Estate m»! ugnn Hal‘- 1.; ‘Ex He at {he I:\.::4 EUIIL; =SE Wu“ H 'J- l. 't'lwlet‘l T! l. L 5) ' ' ‘ ‘. M. "-91"! unify. --: '. Hl‘nLJSnui-J) H. mm» c;- m: Np.» .w' rDIE , B 1 ~r.~x~ mung it; or! Flu: shadow ve mo! fxvsh \re fiinim I (1 ill the up! The cow-be! ul crimncn i 1 Evan finial-i,- Icynswthc \‘cr And II rout ((’.-r (hr- (uni-s (:ln‘furlh I}]. (1" blue (‘\"l‘s . “is dark 03*: lint gum-in; .1-“yrnpof v. Ilu- \‘ilDlb‘. M} u". .l'. \r.. m lain-n um]. 01' period. ”1 [l‘n‘Juw 'i‘z/A‘J'c I Grim pl/rc th ‘ ‘// . , .xicsx Ihr tun 'I‘III/K‘h [mm "9414!: l-me to , Mdtmhgh! 1 l \ .i.tw back cL ES, _ mg, ‘i‘ :IKITATH Xfih'iné the I ME MI {‘lt \l‘.f‘.l.\_. H" Al. lin‘ir’fl L} ”I " 1.“,- 2d “20' 'h I,L.lkp}islu'r 5 tt‘lln [war IMPORTA; 9i» Paitic‘ul into QM hump Tunlll t‘ . 13\(‘ 1‘0”]? lUHLXT” via-x n'x ur [yo] ill\"">i"l r 'z . . v‘ . w. _\. . ‘ myfiuvaru I‘s l‘l-n‘} um “a DE r...,w‘uy m n: fi-(w‘ ‘(l'\M‘i ughv rr-: mm ~l2va mu} ré-I gn-I'laawvxnpi‘ m‘ 12.1“ .le'k K 'V‘x'xiL-~,‘\'::‘ Mlluknesa]. ti:.r, -1 mut of I'm)? ‘ mum frnm upon thiwwc n ! lhl‘u‘o rog Ir {‘(‘wl’ ‘\’ii'u (‘t‘l‘nl‘vllnllf‘ 11;", 'u Imw‘m L Ullf.‘]t It MEE EU f•11 . -cs ~_u!‘Hm ‘nimr :x' ‘l. NIL :VIKI‘; inpn‘nt u! ,t: ‘ H ‘ n’. mum U (“20": t" 1' .m m ‘_m\ . , L‘;|'.ul‘| »» ‘1 ”LI; l‘v. ukwvi‘ihuh rummnmir‘uli «h hie-t affirm VFW: 10:11? w." n'v‘u ck ”li\ n -H‘Al the tnwnl v-i- kvh “are 2:“ q'nrnt m' m. Hm (..r m! inml {He 11“. MEN { tin]: mm x v-«ting‘with (H'ltnntvly thx :mHy “‘JHHHI 112‘ V I. " .lm l(' 1 .‘1 ’ ’. w M 11;: mcitznmw 531214611441, 01 mulu :ti Ids-n t kvmo, Kiilml ‘I nn‘lhv n” n.- 1510>S W'h‘ Hm "i it x: , :11 ABC) I v varmwe ml 5:3 x ‘, n Hm‘rn‘uH i ucl,_!l.c§r2‘l (”.5 n bur fiu‘pm i) c .on the aim :u'ih'.‘ ~ ”"ne ‘elgolc crm for lin4tho rivr—r. ti“ 1‘ oi‘cmnp fin]: nu (ng'cus‘ ..1-1 In . :rqhwl Jim-NH NV 00 milM frnm “.1‘ tn destroy a Mq-nnom-y‘ ' They- are-,nmb conlmgxnlnf.Lu-L e 1 ipk ahnut’lll o’l stxfict, guards bt-ii shbps,:‘nnd privh rpéppcfed. The H 13.1'Itimorc and G nugl‘havc tnrn mi ‘thp culvmts in s prick; They ha big-us. 'All the was- saved excep mine disabied. {Frnm “private Jpnrces wn‘ Imm that when the whep advnn edupon Poolesvilk they :topk I)l‘i§on§rs 1} énvnlry livhic‘h were there 119 ml picket dut ', and paroled [Ed] the pn '\uq‘les. Cuptmn hnmhorlain, of the Fir<t IfMJisachilsens :szlry. in command, re ,fufivd to :nocept. mythmg ‘ but an uncnndi ‘ t nu] release, a d was accordingly sent. to eaburg. L ,; 7:4 ‘ {lt is rumdred mt Ex-Giiverlior Lowe has ‘béen ‘pr’oq‘laime Provisional Rebel Gow l'ernor of Maryl d, and Bradley Johna‘on, IrébelColonel,Pl vosb Max-shale! Frederick. ' 5;“. six o'clock this afternoon Gen. Wool I M Gavempr mdforJ gm} 3 .committeg o citizéns. thud th'ere Was no cause for} 3 arm in Bahiméore. ‘ 1 Military movements are such as to allay 1 - s. _prehensions.,; ' l {..1.-om nonmarsmuaa. .4 4 __ « ' epmtions fdr the Defence ofttle Penn I ‘ syivania Border. L . I ___. linin‘malzimaL fiept. 7.-—We understand a ngéments are: being made to foxward t. e entrance ofiCumbei-lzmd Valley all tha ow IE" hex-bin camp, and other regi ilentsi m qu'YOtk and the East Lh ave arrived, pie detained here for th .urpose. w , If an attemp shouir} be made ti) invad 'ennsylmnia /warm.xeéeption' will awa' 'hem. The ci iwns are: organiziugitfie- ‘ 'elves into co im under Lhe’Governor ' rocimimtion, - ml are not required to cloth 'r‘equib them ivcs. Arum will be furn‘n: ‘ d, on . ppiiaiinn 101’ AdjumngGuner lauds“ bi . lh l'cgulariyiciesctcd Unplau‘ul ’. ~ ‘ i variety, at f w ‘SGHECK’S. { Men's heavy Wm: 'oots, heavy Bro-t for snie cheap. 21".“; ' McILHENY’s i . alien} Y ‘ ; ‘ ,I'QCK SG‘S. ,; R v rj,\7, GETTYSB t‘gm. ARTE“ In: co‘Ws. fin; elvnv‘H' on, NngUJ-u :14: w-su-rn lqoczcs Iffl)‘p:\=t; M P.l-lu:‘:l_‘§. xinl‘les afiriil, ~‘ . the chm-r gl‘flrj’, mrd hill.‘ * ‘lni hill-mp. ' Hu- mllny Junk, ‘1! suns“,L d' iund nmi‘fl; ed: n.r.x.»i~;}-:, i 55v'k hul‘ fad, t-cndntion' £21.31: gruqe. flze'fu-rcsit moothhdulfis; *3" \\‘.lnrlcru ' he Ill‘n UHF. the milk-jnrd, - mm "In; 1h! ir hm". a, lznl and flip mama], lEM 113111193115. [T WAR NEWS! rs cf theimbel Raid hr‘yland.‘ - \\Cx-nn'mnx WM. 7. . f “duh“.fil:llf.(lk‘l|¥* u" 'of_ 3! {Brim}. AL; u! :1 mm fivam‘nlrnl n-‘u-l t m arm: t'Hx l‘:w!v\m.~l(‘ at ‘ ‘; rnuchinihr‘m [A~l'~:“.H"_'. - E n 2 v.l mu- Fn‘xhlu'v :mzi ‘ v . i .mnh"v.x!tl(l-v.n;-!r,»ol “ 'L-Efl'“! :hqmmfim- 1‘ ~!-;~_r‘n - 3 lIHIIHEXL'JJLHH _n‘v'n L, l" n cm.» ‘15.», r?\~r 1) thfi .‘. lvh‘zul'i. [.\R-lq n‘< 91.4.1 Junw'w. :inilnmfln 13w" ‘élvi-nl~uvwhml. ‘Tiuwc. I *3] Hut nf'fl‘tpml ni XE-u'lfi'. ,» l HIE-mull?) m» "my" Wm... ”3.1 wan sum, ‘- \’.b'ninlfiml. i 'l'Hr» “val. ¢ \ . ‘l.' . ‘ ( anon vomngtgul nrln-twnan , 1 moms of?ayllry,nn.l nz‘ ' vushw‘pfi-{Lmn ‘ E-Jmty ‘, nail \.i:l;x';l:X' H w; - 3n :1.hw.~":z1,1 mn- x'n-"iyl J Inuivm Mk" :1 My ...! ! QM . . Emlyn If: . ml ui 11.-3 111F231 :- .- :31 >l4l 4111le will 1‘) labs bun .~‘~\’:lTr- nil In.“ 'Einr‘ (WW. 3' rvuhm ‘n'w‘n vmlv num (« 'Lmv Hun} \ :‘n .nvLu x} 'l.u.l'fljn"’l"_xux. 3.1111114 I. .j ‘51.: 11;” ya! x} v -:'-‘: .' .(«W‘nn ‘,i‘l’c ‘l~\. M 4m |- .‘ :4 . . . ltH'l‘. h'né- MIT- ~ 1: 4m! rum-'1 4-1 umuthp‘xrqu'h |L-o‘(‘1:- n,‘ g in n li'whl {mule “Oh » gutnvnuKWfidfinztnn. LL: I);p:znh(ndi.;dmf half-V net‘ lfith’n V. n‘nfl Hm (fivnlry f pHLmvn‘.‘him-wt ‘r (on): vW.(-‘ ,1“."fl.l}rn:1l m win; ”‘6‘, I u‘ 1M II “Hui ‘ilud :1 »‘l3];‘x:.’:ll‘¥ul‘l‘l ‘zx-xnh mar} hp \\'.l2'an4ll3‘n~l3t. ! ‘L'Yrgyu-hdl:‘lx‘qinv‘,living' :1: h} «ngk rutvhzc [3w I'D-g I- fmm {unruly}; tn h'uivhl L i‘m: w‘w.“:!nl lhnx arm-i ”NR forth!) NHL", town of} smm: tcn mi‘mk in thc{ sy-IVrl‘rrrru-L “1: lm :ln-x'i ('HIII" I, I‘m'tvovnq', IN “10: m' ~(ll'mn3 “nope m;vnmn_u' rm. Ixu-iwmmuu the m 1 . nobuhfi Enmrin: :m mum-k} Hm Vim!l:fc:.x':lm .11u~.x3‘.v | “.40 14111le the enemy's; snvl between the ferric“. 'l‘ho previbn: (in-rjlonltr.» Sta. mm; fins»; to xnix‘lozul hmr rv-xli 61041111”. ley to \\'hhe (Mk }\‘prinu<. Broderick; ‘ Thvix fix»: not. tunnel bridge acxjosvr the .I'Qtnod to be under the mn. The)" réuchml l‘rml ‘ lack. Disqipl‘inc \\‘:N Hwy 2 ranted :it all the liquor tn property being rigidly hols lmi‘a ”0410\5241n of the bio milmml at. that point, ‘tllc track and dbflrnfi‘ed -voral pl’n‘cw east of Fred» '9 also cut the telegyapll olliug sfipck at Frederick 'oue locomotive Much ‘be- t it ' 11 -1 MM TEETH 15 mam-q , not necesmri! ; MEM 'ho (hrf.xin<fi‘ill ‘ ome pom] qmur T. (Yomymnirs m ‘ from 3'2 to 'J 4 m ll'vglnwnts lhu< I~:nm'.-.', and 110' ~ tn mzuvh to A JKH‘I 111-1:6". ‘ i‘lm mnphnym~< o I <1 “hop :I'. this 'o hunllirod, murcl llhe Capital zt'r‘u [lil'rN‘i'Nl 1-5 Ihu U't l‘hn Suyvx'ixxir mlv i 1 \\‘:h'in le ran 4.: and squume wh' :uul y-rlxitiin [‘ l‘hc Ulnw'nur hit} .Ihmfl Ull- infill ‘ Imam mmmunic ' Mm'xn'm‘ Mr: ITmTN: :—W .1 nl’ thill2~ um .- 1mm“; nut what L ' :un’ thgmre Umt unz'lxt :31 (Mt. me n” my“! n.‘ 1.: Lu luHL"f m n J xmiud, ll “'7’lil-1‘.(vll i wv I mm :1 I 131 1:13] Hm‘ nx'u (‘ry‘in‘z ‘1 -:d-31}In~‘,n} uni!!! .»y no the .\\ 15'! m-iunl: {—2 whim: mn lx’fn‘e [1:0 fun ‘ um L 1 tlgjn'g Ln!» ~00: V-A~i»"vl"1»o~\\ h. f n (:f‘Jl-ur'crnce 11:11 ‘ th‘ltltl -3Xu\‘.‘ in I min‘gi 1:» My all r‘ke tings Ir. arid;- s'll‘Hilll‘fl'l)r:l7ll{ hr "ix\‘.ll.-\;t.l i' L ”——\'.']n-n ul’ .n punt? (r i mum lun‘l‘uim- imn . i D..-':;"|.:-u\.\'.h. r‘.\' Hm! Hwy \\ - ,1» 1 .\‘mn n H l Cm- 72'" :n 3 i" :m 3 ,[H'ufla :1 "~1]‘:.Ll”':~1‘ I. E Maw 14‘}: {Hr - iugnuEh‘ :unl no .‘.-I‘m mm mm [o ~:mw.)‘iyut in~ niiy 11.-up um! ~~ vnnrwhiamx." “5 11::t“,§~1‘:lmnr(- I «dun uh in Use, imjflv hvr-«uw :h ‘i-xm «l and r-;\':lm 'u.n'-rl'u‘~—'.'s‘u, .IHul. 11mg .\.-.Ln-n :3 L IMBEIZI =a l u I H’ i ..‘L y 1, _ an m I ' ‘- I= IRE MID DIM MEE :1,. V err l‘"1! ‘ A .1 :lh- \ Imm !:(n‘,& ‘\h v‘. f 1r vti. i.l•• arl; 1 xtt‘.‘ ‘1 ..1 Kim] nunh’ l! ISIIM i ct-n •; , 1 I fl! mu 1114114 an '1 x . | m ywugm‘. [IH 11"."1'1vw nf' :".1' \. iii-HV‘II ~ 11 "I n . {E'xt’J' A “to 'zzl'm wilztnltxy '\v6- 111‘ _\' Lu-n I'lvr-‘p'wi' \\'L-w Hwy nw Y'ivr- .~ nis“m~an t mnmn :n-h'? Ui‘nne {I 33: X n ”)2 lie that it"z‘ng' {-0 x. ‘L r 4151- ,m‘nllni: ni‘iru-xu |.. w tho 'u-mnml rte-find? m 1 n~ hm p'wfl‘nnf. Hwy 11} '0 nubtrlv thr‘msfihm. Hl2l vha 914’ am he oxpuoh-‘H ‘4’»: HI)“ (‘0 lie \\'hr-n :m {mail 2 xnimlr 1:0 1135 lMt 13w "( ‘ p-‘Nom. m' \rhl A men In; tolling :! lmihnmh 01‘ ohm (Hmnflflliva'u. H' v ~v war/h, ' y ndrafl.'it i< (..‘.nly’ 1t .\‘nomwnu-HEnuts.” but we mmrl "49110 tm‘P. An nflicn'l 1 and MW, :lidingtl I} intriotkm in L‘ni seven-«t cr-nyum I while it Show; :1 ‘3 rnsonlity, nnvl. H : of some of th» “ o I'conmle xuvs‘olfi )3 heads of Dopar 1': choice of more c l for the more rm 0 ing the Draft, uni] Imld that/amt: n were (lllpPS of 0% manufacturers fl But to return I omity of fine 1h 1 mitLt. An‘ eli‘o t, ultra Black Re!“ create n fer-ling: n c‘omervétwes, L! to get the Demo r ‘ drafiedbefore t e sincerely to be. I o entrusted with t (j ining Surgeon, 'il give the peeple of ransom to be (H5lll urge thehones I servntiwes of ail p in their rasculit' 5 right and honorr' “Tris-Awake: nation of the 03* ‘ ‘ ske’dtddlers ” from the cou'nt \- —wns made at teen of them "m c'apes, and in 0‘ u capes 2) wére [ ! the Canada sidegl Bunthns I drafi 300,000 In; Dr. My, one 01 Tribnnc, [ch for mar, and 3h. ‘ papechfi for 3“ hunnn; mm [is draniag. I DflFA’J‘mLJ ‘ mam; it :i axn my. Mann}? L; McpNl‘jAY, SEP‘T- MN through H3O Brigafigz ermw‘rpd +ngfm l-muh y fur their will 1:139}:- hc' mfiaufzvl m nu r.- k and filv. (‘tmnvm'xm "1‘13.1e ‘1 “I.Bmm (kill 1 lekxlg'ifl-3 nl 1511'“- ’» {efcn‘ce‘ff’cmr bowler thr- Pwmbkhjn‘nin I rlur‘o, numhd-fin: M ed in n‘lwklv'ymm I'll for ([4ll4lan \ 'r‘rnmm‘ x ,3 X It 0!" the ‘Miv‘d‘l‘hf‘l up u mix-nu», (:3! rimng toying in' l lfl'l' 'P" Aur (it-li\ 11's; (WlOl «W. and l'urn'x. m-«wongr MEE tion “ilh MEE 4 For 1111 «yr, Raf-l him. 2'l} :1" if} lad-{0:11 ‘1"! .hy mu} happen. 1 m mmty t 4 ‘I-‘v'n't .'t”,'f MPH-J nn-I lIM‘I‘H lEEE ‘ , , mp nf‘un‘ ul"Hl':lan.(-.—¢ ‘lgf‘iflgfurlh. ! hél Hun 1m“ ha, (hf-[Anvil ‘ Herr-,.." .3! [lls’ .1] :1 lik‘kui'illzsi *3 :md \\‘Ea‘m—d i y. I', i~ [Hi 'lev ;).IV.‘.n'x';:~l taint pvt-m to Winn," \\ MIN“. Emg [Ms cnnnl 4.1.55 01 p4;- nu]:ml\'. I]: but “ 10H)» “’1 'l‘ and L m. wimp {(x dukeli ‘ (-\« h: u" rv my! uh ‘.r- \\jnl‘hl 1 iu-r-jn dicol n'l imp“ [can ‘ .. vi} ; .Hxil t' n 111:! hlll'nl hlmtuvy um‘ nfnrn. ‘ .‘.t. a (Ix-'2. (: nun:- .i“ ILh-ulh Mpw 1m 51ml lgml )1 {mu “,lele mm 1111‘.“ Im‘ lama funnel lupin Hm nnn f...‘ in I 10441? ('v»n~‘!imtfm‘l ‘HLI'Lit-uinx'l,“ l 2 {HU'I'Ai {if-m" =II In]? “..nnt'ii ul' w “n # ‘hmxln L in «(a a 2‘""l - [whim ~ . HMMIJL ..' Inn-Tin w ix? ‘ ”Tl" —\§ izllul u-fltn 'n «14 ML "i'uvix-m-i ‘l - “\ihlglEV-I [.O x. .1 \\';u 9- l' -vlt:iin’r. (y Miran! ('nnque X 01' ,ms pf penpln 41) mi Unit] ‘. '.?3x;‘.(.§!xl i.- m:.;\' bum] .\ .l.¢ ".w‘n nut nim._>~‘ ~ Hm ‘ “well-. 3 “N'ulht‘l'l3' u llml‘l Dvlnocnlt‘.” ("Ii ‘ riabi‘r 11*"; \\'n :e “S‘s"- . mllr.” Anal HIV?— _4 “Hf-mg“ lvx‘mcip'mym , 1.- {Wu “1 >II«-.ulr;:.\i. :) mar-"1&1 411' 'lm- o'l nv Pl'Q‘ 111.}1h82n117n: 1 'H\‘fl’|[l't\.'.l}\“ 1m; ‘ finnlnn 'm»| erllmil ‘ '3‘" 11ml K}. “ ‘rw ,1, 1&- -h.§r..;‘ltfil.-j 1 HIV t x E's 1:13.1'1) 1 will 'ii'rur :Hl 1L a: W l l¥:~ 5“ N ‘1“§1‘;1““1”f'} : 17:! ( w .'«t; : ',i-! i in ‘ fiJ'HL. 'AXI-rwu‘ {.\nfl h :m x' h i~u \\"lf‘lll val-3' .6 l- n I ”AL-‘l4. 01: id]! ‘n-jn» .utwrtf , wilfiul ‘ (Hum =SI .h ‘ ' n ._‘p pf .\‘lmn 1. ‘ J ‘ ‘. . '1 {'l2 .l ._47utl‘y kn uhmc' :|!~ I" \,'-‘ . l mu‘ to .\nwr- i‘b in, ~m‘ up . , . [nVHL Hm (‘un- I-L‘UAP‘ Ii 4:10“? ' “awn Hm mm iu} mpugh In. int 10;]; {0 tin lixi .111 mm! n: W “ no-[ux ly " MEM l" {I'M "IN ,’ l .'bk. ..' U I’ll LI c .‘.ruhtvy! m ‘ :11)“; Or any |~=lxrntiwpuhl Ilum‘wlr r3l" Hm Lsu‘sXl-a l'uvim: oh“ m :‘IAIIHII' t!) Mama. but _ ”mu c(n~nh- Llfiérvnziw- pub :ll h'ii< m‘ <2l* 5‘ ML" for certain 511111 {inf/<1 \m .V , , ivhll (huh. tbvii' “nuann! again othtr; 1! flew-ya) rov‘eivelluk v u yueud hot be afraid of n m to QM Dfimocmti mull ‘ ‘\[nl'e ni'aqht, ha :ulnlud, s m th'xénk of the ‘pic 0' mfirmzf» [tr-ting in ”L's I( wrs to wfihto nml dwtrny \, he, s}:er vlr‘wn’t‘s (he =MI Mil \\' l I' 1' “'ch they ‘ .1 I'.“ mm . his 103' ll vcountrymnn. mmoltime‘ Hm mhitl ‘ ' NH. h Hif‘h biltmnnu mrty"l|.vl'ltic'mn44‘ “But the nNtlr..n(-e. (flat. the 41!: ")in have fund» ervafivi‘ nhnl loyal men usibie pibsinions in nmk -1 hope tb b 9 pxcusml if the «polling otficcrs men; (with young pill id.) ' ’ . ‘ y sfflvjflk‘t: the e is rns-j est. dyelncgwoi in our is being made by sbme ‘blimu Ahdit‘i uii<ts (0' n ngsttlm Dem i'nts and ht the Draft in t be mafia ive men L: and con<erv electiofi. and N 1 that: the g Draft. . pl5O ( be very care; Adams ¢mluty ,isfied. fbove: ram-2cm 9 11nd l m‘ties‘nq'p to h‘ 1’ but goibn in : Hie. 4 ! '1 t is most ntlemen 1e Exam ; Inbt to ‘ rny more IL Ft me ‘ no; con-l fl ultras 'll that is, CM llcafizfl'fli 'g."«-‘-An ,exmhi. [cl—sacks feigh‘teenofglle 'the {db 3 who aye flebing to get.\ leaf of the draft evelmd,;o6in. ‘ln seven ‘- e found 1' “ Wide-Awaits}: ” e a coali oil ramp! The I)? used‘ at magma—on -- is the order to . r'eached Chicago, 5 of the Chicago, to spend the amn li’erl editor of tan: pend n raw months iuonisu don't [lkg ' am—Soo' a troop [the edilo ; ew Yolk dill, ano nes’ota, to i pg. Abu At. ‘ A. . • .• is, 18332,; mn's FOR, THE Anomnomsws. The ['nxridt fl: rL'nio ency‘i: [We db 1301 .Ufj'nk it nmls‘s ufi lim 1 tu‘thmw flit-I‘3l - ugcd .\bo!itioui=.’ls :squ their Black Rejmlr 12mm allies alféw put: g 111»?er from t‘lxé tul szxan mm ‘téqcs g: owlhg in tlmlilitm‘n ‘firrw‘w. It nmus‘ca [l5l we Ilncnf‘l‘mpljy-d in Ile cracking: pmcek'; ind than to wit? now the WW fnci-s,th( ' Wake whcxlihl‘y have picked Hie kor'ne .and tllxu‘d it.“ uh] pmwkc laughten' from [(heh'eriesc' ()1; c.— In imiufon‘of tfhe Ic. dink: eniunciprl ion: in of we's'dAate; the . bourionzn-d L’ Eur the‘cuunl‘xy‘lhns pitchc l hqels-ovr‘r he“ in to the m-gvo qgcétinn, o tbnt, unlm‘s ‘O4 chm-Lad by gheg‘podso Ise of'tlxo mode u Mm form :Lbylxo ufe' nfi‘ filslgniijcfinf r 1944 61‘ [the Repufilnlimi parity, Hui-9xl md‘b'ul plvgmns nfgum wr, lleo, (£32111 & (70., urn; cg‘ytai'n tn 1; ‘cnn‘ie the .\lgol lßfimHionn platform. It is with“ \'i m‘mricx-.|lil|g{nx' c'hccki g. iP'po-sjble. h ~lch fury ()litlxis‘ class of p¢lilicrd Mutt {him Wu ocmfiiunplly cxll tiwir utlt‘Hl‘i n h, , {luv mnri‘ \\'IJOJ(-:pnxc ”illitnl.‘ nf’a'vl «s of balttvr Imam-031 inmd , frpjn whmn “1 die ‘ pubizmn party. in (In infdfi'cyvfi'fiho gain iillirn. drl‘h‘edfinnu- [)vl ofit?’nfle= -! to ‘ \+‘ll),~L"('<nul :nul fiationll‘lpdgfisuls it ie 31.1%- I)“ imlvhu-«L for its (- 'istf‘lflce and 1?“: me :0“? \\!l:ogl_'c'rn\\'pPJ i?» MYm-lq in file {(1111:- ”Hum" ”4“." In otherwonjsnvn lhruw Lem ’those' lull-fiffld {\e “‘(uitl jlhmw plank“ tl} ‘drmvnin 1 231011.10 53:" > they} hgm-tllchi'hirl ‘ you) low;n-:§< which hey {we .rapidl‘ygri‘i't . in‘c, ‘aiu'l will“ I: ianfil :1 vq'h‘r cynSc-‘l Ancoi ICE-wing thefiniplry with 31mm“. 'l‘l (xi-193‘?“ : ulum \\‘v {‘iulig‘V‘L-Iluit uslflnlTcNthvu}. may Hum- :s_ Hum 34: im‘m it my sliélmy nzuheu “kn the <l|\lfilll'lliflt fix: 1‘; ‘nl‘lt'\\'u'gssurmtht-m i 12. is \svhnlo~‘ox:lv,“mvl, ifflxrfi} swaflnw onruilgh, Ii" the d'u‘:qs we {Urr‘wl i 330, vzvo‘cm snfiliy pre dict the” mu=f grati'yhm {umnlis‘r Ifniling Ain the hhnudy {Yo In-npqu, ({fi'nh; 'rwk l‘lum’u- on ”w {firth}! 1130 ll’qtknts, u} «hull 'lJ‘,‘ “H‘s-gm! 'tu yak/r2 Ito (Ho Amig! I “‘fliFl ’r‘mt and «fin-I'9; d?>q‘.]vl'nc; u~iunlhy ilvptod? Hmfl-vfu-ril hen-Ll @(lacmrfi irll 'flxc mug. 0!" re fi."(‘lnxx')":‘xxil tl nimt-rri‘ni \u‘jm‘hfi ' f y “'0 4‘lan Ema! I.th pro-Jpn! “(10m _0 two ’ nu! =, mm _flllilnilfl] m ‘a 1‘11“]IllWiv-Iligl‘uve in 21m Vic-Unity:l»l‘Alltnxxy,( New Yur ': tho ‘ nt‘uor [mm a wiry Large! ti-w lhf-n! 51:»:le n. : Inn-iinn 0" 1110‘ vjurlz's im {Wm in hmmfl‘ lAN-'1: dj~trgvh g’lHumie. ‘Jfl‘lu-‘w are l 12 ”unfilnn’g P.lx‘+--“urm\lh'. :u‘Pq‘thivk-‘h H. ‘. i-lm. whm‘) né 1.1)}! the wizf‘hnvxn ‘l‘ r \'l\ Hun-~l2} m- “s'ninmwl- (Imp). Hut m in. \ n u: 3w .140} “mg? TLm-ku ! 3:4! ,‘HM' ’lz‘hf‘f 0! “fly“ I:if‘fll};“.‘ll (4.2:1'111::~w-..hi‘.‘c‘itpvusytinhs‘iu'n (‘2‘;ll‘l:~,:tx')'l (11$: OH“? 011 Mm fin m l) I‘d \“l‘H\\!Llll;'-, 21.6 lin-ml 4%? Un- J'h-l'm 57m in l' :IIrC.«.:;111-lt!u‘ Cdulidchti nl. flat-nil m 1 xmizle‘nl I Ixu‘uhfijwlné‘x re My {aunt-Ti tnkwc‘ Nu m: (Illdkad, n .tl-d ..:.r| quéurc'i thhh‘nc 5‘ onlv» ' 1m :ému'i \rr'rxi'k "X‘T. 171 m: S'ft‘ ‘\il‘mlnv vallhli. J “'mm'.” - "'\V‘f rli-‘EUUEIA’WI‘ lh'j [l'rwi‘h-I (‘nhx'n la-ih-r tn Janm: HEAT l--\ .i h~<‘ .. ‘rv’mmhr. “:10 “film" fig-Hi; :hy‘rhxfr. "Irvin ~‘l'\“m\‘ Ihvn [tn Hxx-El'iqlat,h-.u\'ix N uni-mt“ in (min 10 1110 i 10“. ' ft n.) 1!. - in-nhmr‘x- {lf j")l12l]‘! ink} wh’” ~13" Muir/:1 the-.(h’h'r-nfinn nf :ll: tum-on n Hm :I"m\'. ' It vim?” tfw h»: t'q :n‘ul‘p il‘ d‘:.“,\':' 03' than“; \5 21b urrflr l/m ¢ '*"“;';§;‘ ,f), ~i,,,, H 3.» y'rlmnu'm #‘¥I",IU t,“’.’v‘( fix/:1 / VI ‘ u .' f’u «I'Crlu‘jfi'mlfh 1' "1"":l Ills: "ml r 1!” ‘ ,~ Nl' 7;.‘..’; (MW r: ”HQIUJQ/ V 'n'l‘xll’w :z/l dirt"? LlH‘l'll livid: ,1/ [(l6 ADM/ll” k l-‘éh’gn flue s.\r§lo: 1 {- i “!11t!:‘~ mmirgr‘jncv—t ' . Imm pijo—mcfn who km itin'~n).\(‘h':l~=. 9 4.31: lo uli~t§ who L‘E‘xlpk'zm'l: m \\'nnks-q lg‘ Hiludzn: fin'wuhl Hu-H mm. by INN-1f» :lml i'n {I ‘U ”L ffMO m‘rugnnflyuliqtxli‘flg MINI" l’f-mi . policy “Inch \fiulhl. if sldfiwlupd, nmiih the hopes :In} th ,wnlh e offnur bu :m-l “Um 'pmp'n. Vuuli‘t‘eeJul i: l l suimmf‘. the fulfill“; Pukl «humnd {I.. 1110 T. {m w nagnnmimi to filing. ma n: u tlm-e wh u in lthe‘C‘khinfi. (land It} L nowq‘np"? Ilinmtili‘n. , i = { " In} ("~lrc'n:n~l'iu|l+—:lnul {that than: muy (In- ~oiln-hh‘fl-i; or lfullawfi 0! our \imh nmv :ul-nuuidi our frionqis nn-l rua‘k bé‘WlH: of cuhmela which» (8141 (5:; oh} (I of thix whr 1» [u tlufilmy shuvrjs’r wn~untuin that iH “Lin/i, 3:) l“"’*“-!!' Karma-mum"!xinnl'flw Ul‘ihn. Timid: a”. l-(-.hpllinn is 10‘ win. Lhnvrv. HI ’r-ffirl, if the war hjo \yisciy candunx 'l] ‘be its dostruqfimé, for it? La ev'cr “'2" imadnp-S‘ preQedes vlcsmxctinun AMI 1hr“: ofnuture :fi'nd Provillcn‘cq can n hovel-SM ‘by count/Naming much: “a ftfolly. Infihprwords, “Le (10.7“?) to x in Hm most ufieniivqcal anguzme, t m finn thug if. tit tgm cxpefnm of} ti '. millinns of treasure, nqd rlvcra n b o fail to crush tihe rcbgcllinn. ré-n f In) nnthorityt nf the (LPVérmm-nt u! lentnlly work But. i'lfl‘uncipufian i be becauw'lhe wickmlnws and bin 11 sinvury is ‘Hntpnsh-d by ‘lhe‘ fanuti at fol!y of Atoh’fion." j 'scxpon' nnowmxé's arm-. 3 'This 111-publicnn Unihul smg i 'rncentlv addressed a. lyrge "196 E"; fellow-citizen? at Quincy, lllinoip. [lnn/{l {ur‘niéhes the substance of marks, as foliowsg - ; a ' “ Mr. Browning explained ’th pc upon‘ the mhfimfion question. a d‘ to the satisfaction'and [approval f mnjbrity of thosqwbo heard him: 1+ that Congress had no sum" to 11‘ property, and SI3M. con ‘seation w 4 bag. lithe powér of (pontiscatio q anywhereu. it existed in the Pre dq virtue’ of his office, as Gommaudg ‘ of our armies. . ‘ ‘ ‘ Th’e Constitutiop conferred o 2 or upon Conaess,‘..snd‘, he had gtipport. tb'e nstitubion. Jig c support. {heiconfiscatioq bill aqd siltut‘ion :60, so he supported the non and opposedmopfigscatlon. ‘1 question hestood with the Prggjth same 61.15: 01110 upon the questién the llt‘plfl‘u‘fi. Ho Wasfipposed 1 {them and to was the Prhsident. no: the Umpn .3" it mail and the tion as it truly pan \\':zulnmiiy x Mr. Br:- Mq in mm the about Somme—n —:\< rli~loy Mum-u, 3 upnh Hm l “0 Inul ‘n 1 rpfmexl to continue I! owned. :ml nnv that sl litxml film “.13 Tm- H: (utidn n 4 inhmlml l north of ! world sle 110 “115' . “.‘. I [-I'Pfix‘lllt, \I «_rorpmnvt'r mg rfsnonl (0111‘ DH) (0 M“ will :h' thpy m ninn ”and :hkvd the “‘de h“ i this UH I‘Lhfi, if 21' maftq-m {{ll‘ c 3117.“ —lle \w 111 Q ”Nil bw 101). w of v in'- «law b. 3h lu- Sn 1 rt it) {.\v tion. but t m liberti of x‘viurrv Lin-ix“ wi‘ lAn‘othu of \gl‘. 11. omunripa om .m-zp: N .k I , sir ‘, 5110,13: w 11411-1 itiir- (I nnn ; we Hun-s.” film'u‘m i Mr. llmw Mr. 8241 :14 he did Mr. I’._ . upon thé nulu, that and hymn. XUIHD fie: Ilknlllh‘m in: (m n the)" $llO Umérnm N. lulu-3;: n“. 1'2“” TEN gub‘ I: of ml”; or-uhl 1w (”."s‘hlf 4 “K'IR Vt ( I]. -i ncltr ‘l H» I" 111.2: it ('niutinl lu-gipmn Urt- I'ninl ml f'uzh Tlclm‘uw \"Jn ,h-x»; We In: xfimn 7 +1)!” .Ih“ '3l . al c` -t. I g}. ”nod 13 m'zv‘l (m inil u- 01' 1110;in {winivlw} =of lauds; Ihxer-ral le tti(l, ”Min to :u'rvH'm' “lute f flm' tub 1111113: hu l\ I ‘xis hn'u‘ o".iv jig» out nfflm but? my] to ‘l‘ HM Hm‘vulpx rm‘muz 1. ‘ l )Pykdll.vlla\s {L m." :1 ‘\ 1 '1‘!" n (l H: “,1 l Jul-g r'c 'uzrzmc iv‘c‘hr k'” «r. l ”'1; 'lTvré“ u ‘mn! in 1 prunes! A pruned ‘ resi‘slc L intlxmdu nu)" ma “'ollltl h ‘ l 1 uh: an m: the lin-T null ) l)f -:'.i~t e rcb ME In“ I n? the vi“ hut. NIH y be - and 05a, MIX i ‘lO P Ciu . and and. Ili~h ‘ will mid mtor. The is re~ sition did it, I vmt a said L scate hum {. isted me i advise file A submii ofiexmf oi the, a y at -139 r I In: by iia-cbier cf pow yV ru to nuld not. the Gon - Sutu ippn this mi ‘The .f fiming . rrbing [a was ‘ namu- aguifn men!” not. go it se ‘ uy." Two "nouns Axum. lq - c)., 51_ 3. {hi the utterancq of 25950 mic St'nfmwnts; Mr. .thrukfuinh mu"! PnHHlbillsiirnny nppluududj vnimz denounced. the ‘\bnlttmul t-usurcd tt mm. 110 «IL-Imunmul nn hutderi in thn't’nitm] Stntm min;-QumnorflVthnn mlothm-s I—trr‘itora to My» cuun ry—wt‘t-l, t'nzy htq:ttit‘~. \‘ho \ rm bent ectructinn ot' the 7.; I’] mvwnt. symmflhy “'ith'thtrm nhtl lnul ,mnpornt? with thnm. .lltl'rllodj‘t :10 m. He had xum- ml out his I >houhl purguo it.‘ I muttered ‘ mo nt' hi~‘ ohl pt't'=nn- l and [>o - hx'd turnevl :tgnim him—he ~ t'ninn malt wnd myi he Gunsli t is. and upon that t- :ttfornfiha n Haril, though m'c 311101141"; hmtxorty that ho’ mtn‘ml intthe Id be sacrificed or d--~,t't*n|rc«l. intm‘ruytt‘tl {Man l-ohtim‘tjst. "no nhnrgml hi_m_wl h having o'lho Denim-rah. I) l'. I%an lt-d that howus randy to gntoi‘f'r moi-.tta or to any mho ' puny, pr mtrintin nn-n, tn wh ivvgr [nur ght'hr-lnn3, who \\'rre for the; U— the (‘nlt~littltiott. M". B. then brazen-{new} Ahnlifli .nijLit'Lhn filling to rm't-ivn jinn-H :uuh buck' in‘ncwith nil their not \tiLutir‘mut ho tm-ht-ls wuuld hty me‘m thejr. sn'nw? As might ‘h rxpocted. mutin replit-vl no—he ‘ouhl not} 1 not he “111 mg to waive the ( HTIII‘L< t 10y would fr~t nltAtli-Pt Jr; Browning HM th :L wnsfiiiht |l“"‘"'1—”"“" (\bolit‘tunikts wore 1' (fil’th’o I‘n‘fin and th Cnnfltitu mu‘tl bfll‘l'iflt‘e but“, and, brig: ‘5 0f thn pr-nple tut-you I tho lmpes Itidh. H'tht‘y t‘uuhl ht}: u'comlblis’u led and mm mm {LN}; Ahnhtiqn fanaticwun Ivhot hvt"hu would vqtt tn}: the 51mm: it he he by wnuH I»th :m engl mm )Ir.‘ 1;.. ~31 «nu, tn. wrath." [have sw .t‘t‘stitn‘tmn; under th; Mvo am pom-r tn 1 A} liti- [NJ-Ht. Uh) RM" 3 the anthem-b, WAS h ' ‘9! “N u truitur to h‘: tl pot ptnlmhly hem“ ! not cousins-mm to i’tu ommeutv-d :‘tt onndclm: ('ourw afoot-tum Ah have tlevntml much 0 to dr-ttum'iationi of 0 tl. and m little of th innw pt' the l'l'hOl com t bvlivfi‘ I’hv'u tn he t I“ take an oath to mt hl‘ would not holim" I'll tn thewnr. lll' \\':fi‘l 't‘Lit‘ nn'l Hit-col ."ql 1.1-. hi> R-qntldi'uu fticndt: hrqtr‘. t.) ht'u; thr‘ w! mtt it;ll.g*}:ul:txh- it, at}! he th-ntrwt.t:~:‘t.rx xtith ‘ in :t “in' 0! that now it; log‘tixft-tttu r ghttulr‘ u: w by, .‘H it ltd~ it,“ ', a M‘u‘l‘ f'rvv‘ 1111- I.3mm, . t,_:md 11w Ih'tnumjub‘». “ Plh’flltt’i‘l' t 9 :Jiouldt mé—indvrtl. all th egl-tolq‘now in fawpl'uf iox'od ‘muh to the “fur“ [1 (not give u"?! tokup— t Comm}:- untmoi'pate .‘lx'. King. and t 9 any. ‘ country." hr- wrufl'k, 300 if. inkle lwngfll lilgun jour thnir limb I_l- Ucuel‘uii , ir sp‘ re 10 “lPd.i'l“~‘f |yal, ntHf nmmn the ',UH-ir‘untb. ,r ifs {vigor =l-(‘ll'ioll.’ ‘s {lnmlhvy in‘ in i die: bvfu' 101511“: ', mud-11ml ‘ lint ("on rvlflvjfiqt—lvb ln fmyiu UH" 'tulinu n‘nfl I\‘:;ll]'lfiY§‘J';€ -r \\Ah the :lmtriptw of war." \lel'l wwrk: to '4O Miner nul< in star ~n-nt in} tho print-Ht? [hum that [ln-w L 13...; lgt-n! luyul li‘l-L‘ihlivm pf‘l‘ in mu” H), ing'g‘.“ 3: l u.‘ gnrnnoneax ”I‘m“ “up .I'nflm .5 “1m h‘nm , L w.‘ , lnpv-ngl HUN]! ~11-“'si J‘ W.. I‘g~t,]:lW<*H-I{Mnfh ”\n the ov‘m. l_h{i~' 'e. , . ‘ . ('.llh 10. ”:0 bid”) ‘ ' . 3‘ ' ylulah n 3, 11 m- party ‘flu' u' and pnzhmc 111..“ I} éz'mm’uhg in {I 4 Hi gin-n Hem‘Hs, Wu hsvu, “9‘ n-‘m-i‘lh'xt flu y wiif ft; “to. lumiulic 'liopuh; ntr'fixwh‘r'l >lln-‘lr‘l4é \'(Lulli.l.lltllgn thvm,‘ 'q o; o;'\z\to “id: lrynl 1‘ Hu- In;ng\l‘c\.~. of mu ‘ utiwx‘ SUN?“ {Must rlziunluf ll}\l'xii.lu‘ :nt. oh d(‘~“u')l‘\-\m upfl "-::.miz gt’jnn ! 1: nnt onlyi Lut Nye, m h it; runiy.“ Dr'vn'n‘cfmf. , “IS CEAS- “on 3'..." f‘ i‘.’ NANCE sormri ts T 0 133 "A VIRT o i‘t'i"¥ll"‘]’, nrmry ut‘ z‘w Nnr'thl l‘ u: l‘mu Im.» u!’ .‘llu fnnlxl I'vmnrli nle: of ;..IL7'-1! lg lin-MP -\‘.'ron;;. an! I 3 hp \\urld (‘\kr \\u’m-su'ggl. “'flwy\ll:l'\'c < d “1::erle slim: b) the p Irty-iu f\u\\'-§ } .\q ler uflr m lnu‘rg h: I-n :Irrnzn‘x'l'nml r‘lJl in'n {Mimi}, willm-n: mhhm'ily olan, 3%.”; .'iului m nl’ Hu- l‘n';:~_t|'m!lun. 'l‘hvir ’flim“: .\u ln'C'll lll‘Sll'Hytd by mull), anal ecu!” h” 1' I" [ll ' :uvcnnnnl‘n. Yul. they‘lwqqnut ! I; tn ‘\l'hy 'P‘ llcmmo they have born '\‘9 lull? No 1‘ Thu, lmve kliu‘wuilnt M émsi lent they hml km. to rise up and there it gsl him eud ux'dll \ln-su {Mugs ; lmtllney" ’ mi mul mien-thing rumor lbw em‘mr- 1212‘ iulfi autumn? i'n us en’qrts to put down “mi llmh. Do l'rh-r gl-L any thanks: lor N Laramie 'I- \\‘v harr'yo-f 10' see tlné ‘ulZ l of it. 'i'huy 1!." daily -l-u<uuu-c.l m {)t' 1 MM a‘lvntfll Ila-1y unlawfully arrested. 70] n while an mimige‘mure arusa tlyul End nut. 11 rebuke xruzu n>llepuulican pa- 1' i, sr-x-s llu- llmger umm cuursc tho-. 0 m. ‘ who an- iu power are prlr‘uiugr— i'le, Aline: iepuke from flu: New York 'lngl merited, and just. Esaiys :x. “a! lllisll elseth-Ic the Siltm'h 111-ljvored lhe‘ .'uilngenoll, Ee’[., at Uu- l’lfilidz‘lphid l! a \li' mneling‘ on Saturday last, for llll“ e inn been arrmted Ixy urdu‘: ol‘the ll“), lent. In no ulun. cunmms n \\mrldll u" whiny .m-l disluyzd n‘llyllurl 1'»; else he IE9" u: lrn‘e hev-n arrested: In; xi gym; lal meat people will, “cudgel their brmns” ‘lpk fingliug it out. lie exyrcsws a lluuht iIOf c Wis-tum mud honqdy of glue :_ld- Hi' fiun. ii ‘ii true: but. (lawn~ Horace ' s n ‘uh 2 my uw‘ and Wendell Phillips have done the ing in a fifty-fold mor‘e orfl'cns‘are man t. lhc our: ofl'ewler remixes a r‘espuuful ed ',‘A. L mm! 1" uni the other is sent I an exumrdiunrr spec-mule which we iimessed for the last year—n free people, via-1 earth. tenaciuus of their rights, In: for the largest ll'flffly, quietly lub ! togthe suspension of their rights and a, ton. restricted freedom of the press, Ipeusibn thhc writof lmbea: carpmfim; i cut. without‘trial, liberuiona. without .lon. ' |1 resident of me Uhitcd Sinai-3nd his :9 will terribly mixuke th nemper of ericnn. geople, and the dectezvuf'mgir sion to the demand loi' fhese metclms nth-e power, ifthey preauLno' or net up. ,pn-sunpptiun that they wllam'a them for -er and whatevei- than the ‘puppmsion of l-ellion. 1 Wendell-Phillipa is prenrhing'ncrusade the enlisuncntsealled fqrhy ghe Govern- Prentice guys “if that has; traitor is go‘m Fort _‘Wnrn-n, that aa‘mhliahmmz, m us,‘c3n hardly ,hc worth hoping , . ‘ l i 331530933 Ann owning? ‘ Whifo‘ tho Union armiel ‘wm. :13de to be hmking' s ccensfu] ulvan‘cea' into the rebel teriy'itory'lind scattering the berdes of ' ‘ tobel traitora g ml “tempted to stay thei! progreacflwo hm] u ulna uf anUH’ncn wha - nmmedt emarh'r‘a by procluming thvir own hudxant patriotiun lry hindering brnv'mln,‘ at Che sn‘tno time taking ovpry convenient ogportnmty for dispm-aging or suspecting. t e‘ loyaliiy nfthcir npighho‘m. Among the‘ - mags: unprinc‘gled of them papers wvro tho: ' , Philitlel )hiu rm and Lholfittaburg GNZC‘IIII ‘, The fin under the cnntrtclof npoliticnlf L hnrflvqui . who had th-m-ived every one who E eve;- tru tad him PlidE-m‘ofl'fl In make up by, i nqiby pr :fessiom whnc he kicked in sheen." ,; ty wind n order .to he the mnre effective inj ‘ nttmctinq attention to hisown incaicuinhloi i love ofc untry. ho, like hypocrites in M'ory' ' dopnnm m. {nun‘l it necoémry to oust hiqr [ “RWY Ell picirm upon moniéf the highest: ‘ L integrit and honnr. In qu Mlile’q esti-i 11 mnliem,‘ he. men lii-w his n’ighhor, Roborfii ‘ { Ewing, \‘hn gave two «ms (it) tho‘ serviw 0"} '.‘ the grm mm'Pnt, or ihL- mén like tho latu‘ ~ Gm. S(- am, who gave up his life to nucsti ‘ his’dcvo ion t? the Union mm“. were not?" i, 16 bu in: 1011 because thy t mind thomlea ‘ , I traitor Irwkonvidgn, .ixptpfi Ithis me’} _ 1 himwlf lid {Kerwin-IV. .chmqon. WhiLnf 3 min nrm (‘5 mm: thought 1 ba on (he high: 1 ruufd lo vuliy.§uvcums, Unis miserable con-i - i spirutm- sntl hi~ il-iinwvrs pr six mouthing I Inhhn-d Daily lu [-ravmhat n 6:114“: at. hawk! 'f ~f ll“: y u-h of ”rung-Wm iflJ‘v’L‘X'Q in symyi , InllPiy'W ilh (In: Print-14. 'mv mark Hm: change vmuzht in mm rli'nminnm: nntl' ‘ ‘ chmxrgl. 'i‘m- that <nrinu< rm‘orm 10 (MN “yin Q: Na “3“ «inwardly f- "‘1 in tremble»? 1 olultlvrhu‘hl-th p'nrrnt beingE n. ' I the ~l‘mlmurmz 4 nil-Man of‘his' ‘ and quill. Yo! dhiq (mmnicncn-v _ ‘ \\'rflch. ““110 mu]: . wing-u he To}; ‘ .‘ =a"\‘;§lt.:‘!P§t :vn lap ulnud tlie'arrtwt 7 .‘."nr ~:n\.x‘<m: his *n- xtixupnzq. whom 1‘ Mind K 11“ {NM WM: x‘xr'eol' Inhloyul- 3 'Utll;i> nu)? dim 11 upon hisiknom,‘ 1 ‘purnlnn lm\)xi< In nrluof, nml inn-1 \ '4Jl"_"'}\'(‘Hl“~"4 l'mxhihxl nif‘yuvnr ul’xlquVZ ‘ . 111-ml'thr- 1:)“ng nu I'l-(mi tho 9.11;; 1 ’l‘hursdny‘sFrau. m‘nlsm the n4i~ { (;t:]»"xlitl'll<zuull' ~polt‘rooning iul'. y w, 'Hpkl} a: .' \ | ,- unithun-fuilh if'w “'\IIH 1M! 'mt‘m‘l."| \ wluul r-n ”I!!!()“UNi[.\th‘fljlnllllfiu’fll‘ ‘ hOl tun!\':lmfixiusr nee Mn! l'n-gem [ ity-—\\';II'IIOVI‘1'I1I.Iy have lmgn dmm _' mat—«:mvl’ith ”an we lulvlwmllu'mi ‘ T—‘tlw pmvfintr is lull ofdanzéfiuuj j Whm-nw-r we Inn wn fintl U. tone nLuMum. It Imy lm'tompn mi ll"\'(‘!’tim|o<<, it i»; I. ~[lnn us wig) n 1 ournudnvw. It is lumliv pmlmhlq\ ~l3] hm l4itl'l;hllt {'lo v-nm-rlummm -; may hit lin-own! [n Vifizini'l m urxnv :I uhullgflhglin: bucknntii {lva lm ulmmt ~ ml ’1” h > nn Izvr [ln] [‘\lenngtqn. Wh‘u Shani-l 'wo aw ‘Predflvnt? In “-:isic my am 1.. l Li his jld‘ J? Lln . nut: lmmwt :url M 111+le ungluho'rurl from-11m hm :tosorliryr-LHufénm‘givfiolllloth c ruin-Him] [my _b crushed. Wh “'07::le me “me Is in fhe field m'ma mun tin-Lu: is :q po'wer'to whlol‘ n rnslmmthu. and [which examine ulion with :1 ij.-ulut+~; we. It give mir ‘militnl'y hymg uml it .tukns i thm cwn-iunl H is dutjfcfindidlj ":roly and “'0 Juou Ilitl'ust its judg I Umq'uruv'v.” I'>E:‘|_4l‘m‘<lhi~ him a mug Ira-x (tithe nu w 1116!” .’ A “"101 to No.l n dhwmiun: :mm guns 0 Hlll 1h finl tnt '1!) ginmnj thaw} slnduld OWr t Nagy a hurry ' thm t qully. and :9 “Nut i Tu \\‘ apply ~ who L'i lzutwnii “MI (‘lO false ’ll socialol ? \\'lm Ila—i I:l'l"i a‘Pn‘mulont my! Hmm t ( )Emerv he comma of HM young. Mam-Hal tnwnr , - . 1L in' cmx‘wu-Hml lul Clllilfl. 1131'} s\ hut hni )il'flCV ul' lhc: \‘ilcw't l)’_l'l1l'~“fl ‘ymm: I m Hm! 1m mm] In H hm fih-gflinmtn 01'}: I uh‘lflh» I I’LL] 32mm its ex 21 {con "mm”: {who \I uh» h‘ "my t! tiiiwzrcl ()h' (n‘nj-ild L3l 1U“!!! MINIM =I nun: (M’- y :H t~l ILE t-v x~ l- qn'x» -l r7IIPYIxJ-w'ull'ug‘l 3' '55 1.: lu!'n ‘.'.y) I l‘ .Ing ISE u" Ln 3m" 'l‘ H 1 0 In if; mun x, who: 4”," lm .4 ”Ulla-l ‘i’délxu .um Im] -- - ~ 4’ ~ . HIH‘IH 1H nl‘xs'l“ u I". TlH' ['l 8K" \\ ME ' in; on Ics' tw in) I'3 us rc—x Ha I 1'31; 32 E l'w [lh- m- u' Y ‘ ; but NW NW?“ whine wr .mlu! r 2. ,1 1“” 4.. mlphxl K“. rrv l lphm NM NM cr ~ “1.0”." them Hiwq mi! mu ml, wig" t. W - WHth rvil. ml tmlnn ”3an Hum: hm?» hm)”. 1' ”Te‘m I‘JV fiwfli h‘ = I‘m-41m 1n 0 1).)! )1. (“U1 I! [u EH")! .1" ‘t' (”g-hm d: yn ”Luv MIMI aim 9‘ ‘VII’ HUI}; mm m I’EMJM": , , uri flu" ‘-‘v WU n pint. . xH“: k |.. .WL "‘33” Im. mwl‘ \\w-u‘ n-hh'yAJ‘nin t 1! Ihino ml rv.‘ .'l‘m L I'ual. The 94419.!) H .wn‘ Fm‘hl I‘ . , rus 2mm '.Vn|l‘nr~ul -.. .—- - A...» [Fndcml Admims ‘ - eraLl Gave: ‘xi'l.'n‘(.~:v'x-fii?'l ~...uyfu.) 4~ M. 1m 1 m: :Li‘ ‘:-~‘ZH‘l,l:._.l m h tuv-Ez l‘xi- I‘Ll 'm: I’M-M? L'|‘\V""Yl ‘ n :l'hl t'um‘“: 1“"qu "‘ ‘1" :- vnl'iK‘ Isle IeerzLIEILI El'l'ul'4_ ..nlfufi”: 63“)!“ gut 3: Ngmviun'u :M'u" '1 t. I»! row-.- ‘ The ¢‘ 1);!!! an“! “I'M-’1 "I A ’ n':t and. rcPrL-s m "31.13011 N h “a 1"" M ‘33:» tbs-(prme'm u! co‘~ ”3 W 0“ 1“ ti) ‘f‘xa I?“ l‘jvu'slly’clL‘EZ- . Hovur apt-5):; m‘x (‘..“ 7"" P'm‘mn "a )r it LA “114?“! my ... '1“: "mu-mum}. in. xrii'eun E'|l‘9.‘-\Tl‘ll""l.sSV”..'rnh': fl” “1"“ . n: paraph- .\ll'l\:2 )J.‘ ""4“th 10 n 4. ”my” h"""”“""' .41}. ~dimer in vital: ad ilipidrnum, “Inn: , fir rus’”émful’ at: ‘ \\':lr. H'lhn'. ‘."-:’l'.'.t“tlf",)nq Ryan“ ""1”” ‘ infirfim PM mm ‘2‘!“ 'lruvcrin‘xlncntfl The ‘ its infi‘fl'lffl‘v' t; .4 film” us to (“10:57 ‘ ’SLPM‘MLN‘? u ..'l.’ 31'le to m‘g’rthl‘ow ml ui‘luup ,r:,‘.- p; 1" I's:in ‘in, ion‘ 1’ 3 XUW ‘r 0" {l'lufl yr”, 3‘ ”.121 ‘onc}, "a "J“ . t‘i‘ah tlm'lrz'nl‘ {hm WI Ir ml”, is " wtinn the minim! of: ts‘im; biv free a ch 4‘ we Smlr. lrm (1.11.1; ; fr’eu you”, “re ear :5 fut-I: [..x'r-las as: us; .monruir con" mi iul prxinugpu-u m (1:; .m Zrlloguinlc find ”- ”game-l)?" ‘31“: ck‘eed. Tun Eden eg - 2|:ll'a‘;l\y|2:::: 11;“ M? insidjuusig: tam.) inE ' r x I ‘ " ‘ " w m "M?“ “‘s‘ "7 'l'l32s;”.Tl'lmmion ur .cn and prom. W {:1 3 m but. they W” nohlfsc mmhutrs of they.“ L'rnational De- _ hrcotne xhe pmpnl Damion] ufJ. 11'. iii crncy7—loy;llyv_‘lq;m (1151:.“ . : , on lit/1. o ”pd/i: : ‘, . , I"; ‘ 'T“ ~ ' "In “n qnigcdnd ‘Pluhrnn {on (J.)vzfug%:\v——, me p“ flu fchzlrth in” yum-sm} x;»‘l~’;;nve mu m 90“.“ 9" {1” mark: tiwrf‘l: Them 0 I “10 ‘UHU‘VW‘J 2' i 1“ lflfl‘fll adjouriflfdh t Cun‘grossjms :mlm‘y l’degc: 'tht 30mg of V nl. in Thy, good pm I fiche MY" gtfln R we}?! wiltSEZfie x 2: id its hall, at but. in 0‘ - “alumni" ' ‘ v shullhave le' nrd to Irgl ' 1 tl‘atxlgé‘ to regard thejmerena of and. K?- c." L . .' n Burnéd in all/fl y.-—Wd léarn that Es 'xo ’mdeu, of leltiamdfurg. Upper, I?th I-thel’. was burned in qifigx lately for ships Harrisburg‘and bribixm 1 bag}: hit 9. ibV , > ho had tolunteered ii) Caprfler’ Inn, ‘ ny, an the gtddnd. ou’ ‘ 41nd,, Lt c was a minor, alterlmving swnrg {l9m to the inrvicm hinuzvll‘. .'l'o pr fii‘ :A intake we beg {muzn um Liz-(093324.» v :0. n Bamak—Eutén ScMind. ; g ‘ fi‘i‘ho Unto; 811 d pub 09%!!! mare and hllvicg "glhfinu ppuiten‘b 'u-l lwun laborini: ,_ Hm pmpln h}! l’u'ts and its as)- .) . . ml m At~' nwnultii fl; hlllilifll‘ll‘l‘s ‘33- lmgliro mvlicnl g; ‘t .’ whom the p. 012- .11] b m 1: upnn ih it. bet-n? Why‘. Juarm‘h‘r it) pm?!- )llim-r, \vhos‘efif- L ru-nuil them Lc purpnscs. Well 5 uml imm'ugph ”1:"! z-nll~ vi'.’ qum— hm» (h ihv H(‘(‘l"§'ifi I m- ‘3 nm the PM. Phi : :- .rt nnrl‘mll. I ‘\Hh sllln'f‘l rm 41h) dir‘litvhq my}: )‘nrnyu I.» digging (“10‘ “IL huu‘Jl ('01! “1' thv'lvrzlyvl‘ H u 1' ;" nccnréu‘ Phil m w.- Mw _Nn. unfitunhifllhc I t‘vrwe of a pm LN annual “‘Q m; but. they“! M' l‘iul'l'lulnlxl v hi'uv-Ilummrm‘ H amxml tn the - 1 1191 mm“. Th I n ofthe ummug r'ix' imuuliful-‘éi 1 an“ n-lmt umw lin will :mey w h_. Then M.‘ [ Imji'vvpnnv of LI f'r- Elwyn“ nf t! Imiyytl :m 1 do“ «- mui nmi {mu ‘ Inn-k m "n- Iln‘ ‘l'}:ulls'. lag/Wm f-L .“ri ; -l ration and F meat. ' 'l3 Mint".- (LLQOnmm-fa ‘x , c-u'é? In tn ..y.) 1' lo “out :1 Jill-g 77.12 H l'vLifiaLt‘ willin -1:. Tan mlmimidv’ u m" mnjdqnti'pll Are?! "- 1.4% It 1’: DE BEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers