Ii 5(1)}; L nmpiltr. DI OUR FLAG ! the unit!!! or hams—Hu- union of lunch flue [Vninn a! smm; none would ncwr ;‘ The union 0t hcil.'l'-'——Hn: union ul’ luuds— - And the I'ngwf (mr L'nhm forcmtl a. J. "Am: Emma Axn rum-11mm}: ISM GETTYS‘BIJRG, P.‘ l MONDAY momma. SEPT. 15,1 ch DEHOCBA'I‘IC STATE TICKET For: {\IJIDXTUP. mmmu.) HON. ISAAC SLENKER, or C 3“!!! COCATY For. Stm‘mmz GENERAL, COL. JAMES .P. BARR, or rnranrjn.» - ‘ . ‘ . ‘m-,_‘_ . ‘ mmognuxc 0011}ny TICKET. ‘ ' ' (‘...nyzrrfl.‘ ' : : ’Gcn. A. H. CUl’Fliu’l'll‘ Somr'rm! $O. . L. Scmtor,l - WILLIAM Mcsnrznm’hquz, Littlcstown. j -T Asunmhly, R {HENRY J. MY €116,128!qu T 3 rone tp. ; District Attornvy, \ W3l. A. DUNCAN, Hem, Gettysburg , (‘o‘mmiasionc-r. JACOB EI’I’LEMAN, Bulk-r tp. DiN‘CYln' of 3le Pour. JACOB M. BULMXUEB, .‘L'niun 1p ' Andimr. . JOSEPH H. SH] REMAN. Humilmn {p CrmnlySurvl-3or, JOHN G. unn‘ml:nm'l~‘,Sum.“ tp -. ,r - I “ff". 5: ,V! .- ‘ afi4 - "THE UNION AS IT \\'AS;" c “THE CONS’I‘I'I‘U’I‘IUN AS IT H!" CELEBRATION :. To Una ”(macro/s am! 0(1de [Hum/- Ql' (1w Caulilution um! l'm’nn in Arlmns (fun/My .- A}. a. meeting of the I‘vlmu'rntit' SUHC Con trnl Committtu'Jmhl the 22th m'July. pumm [allowing refilullon \\':H "domed, \‘lZ: . ’ Resolved, mt till: (‘hwiuuun cull upon the' loyal moi: of Ponnsylnmin, thrungh. tixq IJcm chdtlc Standing \Jommiuwa 01' "he di‘tferent counties, {0 meet in the several china and! counties of am State 21: such phoe: as :hnll' he dealgnnled by the said Stnnfiing l‘ommh -4m respectively, on nu.- 1m: u: blai'Ti-ZMIHJ‘. ne‘xt. to ceiebmtc the day as the :mni'regcury mkthe adoption of the Cunsxinnion ol the. fihited Smics’. . . g. jn pursuance offing rr~=dln€irm, we c: 11-upnn} add earnestly [9qu 2111 Damn-run and mei-u friends of the Cmmitxniun framed by our" hither: and the l'uiuu li-uxmlmanL-r ii, in ris-l semblejn .\lass BIN-“ting. at the (‘uurt liuucr. in] Gettysburg, on \\'!i!).\i-I>‘H.\Y, .\‘I'II'THMBIIIIi 17, 186?, Ml u'ulork, P. \l., for the [unwise of commemorating the adoption or the (Immun gun. JAM”: MIXKERHUH’. l ‘ Chairman Domoerufi‘x ('uuut) Cumming-c. ‘ Sept. 1, L 862. 2 DEMOCRATIC, COUNTY COMMITTEE The Drmnrmtic Standing L‘dmmim-e ~nf Adamé countywfill meet at tln Imm» o'f (‘lnrh-s 'WillJnGettyslmrg, mr\\'ED.\‘lZ§D.\Y. KIM-17111 0f SEPTEMBER inst, nt 10 n‘l-Im‘k, .\. M.— annv umnmn x: runnn To In: rummr. ‘ ‘ ‘ JACOB BIHNKEIIHUFVF, Chihrnmn. WThe followinz‘ persnm' compose the Committee: Ja'cob Brinkerhnfl'. 11. J. Stable, Cornelius DhnghL-rly. Henry I)ysortl_.!osc-ph J; Smith, isunc E. \\‘ierm:ln,,(‘unr.ul E. Myers; Daniel Biesorkcr, Edward .‘lcfnlirc, anry W6l3} Fgcdm'ick Wolf, .\‘Atbnulcl \hller, Simon Hamish, Joseph L. Sbm b. 3.5 mm \\'i<lcr, Sim- DEI AxGiHiIJBd, Jnivl-h \\'ul‘, Cynrgw Lady, Jesggjp, Néymun..h=r-Ivh him, Wm. S. Mulde bnifid, John M. I'Rleqtul‘l', \\‘. Ross \\'iniuu ‘ Sept. 3, 1552. . ' . THE CONSTITUTION! 1. SEPTEMBER 17TH! ' ‘Democi-hts nudhull other citizens of't‘ue county loyal to “ the Constitution as it-is 395% the Union as it was,” remember that WEDNESDAY NEXT. (Septgmbér 17th,) will be celebrated in ihis pince as the Am Klimt-airy of the ndoptioln of the Cohslitu tion, by a reavownl‘of our devotion to that med instr'umentrtq Lhe‘ doctrineé. of ZWaghingwn; oMadisnn, and its other wise ,‘lnd patriotic framers—and to‘ the Union, puma; was the only relioble bond and basis.- - ' ' _ i . An Address appropriate to the dny.will be delfiered' by‘ Wu. McSnsnnv, Earp, of Littlestown. Ffiends of the.Constilution And Union, rally to‘ thi's meeting, so that. it uhali be on'e in’sll respects creditable to an! cause and.wo§lhy of The purposé for which it is cal‘led. Run! RALLY” “ RUMORS OF WAR.” Considerable excitement prehniled here 1 ,during the week. “was stated in our last } tint the rebels had entered Frederick A ‘ few. days after it Eva‘s reported that they had l moved ofi‘-—supposed to have gone -in the l _ direction of Willinmsport.. Next any rumor had it that they moved back again,’and sub sequent accounts confirmed the report. "Hagerstown was reported to be occupied . hynlgge force of rehel cavalry. About 300 ofthem were outlet Brinn’s furnr. three pages south of Greoncnstle, on T hursdiiy evehing. This caused great excitementin ‘Chn’mberihurg. Many of the,_merchzmts Wkfid up their goods and sent them oti‘. and families were leaving. 0n Fridny mmihg. the bars were" closed. None of the ages were open:- 'On Saturday morning thaexcitement had measurably subsided, under the suppositronrthnt the Confeder ates were crossing into Virginia at, Williams rt. ‘, ' ~ ‘ poolx Thursday reports reached this that some 500 fibel cavalry had marched into Weltminster. This created afresh excite— ‘ment, which continued until Friday night, when it was reported that they\had lett tlre .pkeo. and ware seen on their way to Ha gusto“. ‘ ’ .3011 gum-day several deserters from the 'gpl army arrived here. They reported " ,mo rebel troops in Maryland, and 75,000 on the Virgipip side of the river” They‘d:~ sorted otrßoonsboz-o’, on Wedueéday. ‘ 131 “ remaster- Castle arrived here fr'nrn -' ‘ are at noon on Saturday. He in ; us that a train was expected to go ‘Mh from that city to Frederick on Sat: éyégipg, {by which many refugees m:9 to their homes. _ This is good m “gym gene to quiet Ali undue 65?!!!399? Q‘QF‘QW—‘efi ; ' ‘ . ME la it urge-min» manual We take the libehy of? Ippmpwin our own use a very] good article, out subject, which we fi‘ud in the New 1 I. been said by fly or of (hair very Tyima. that n {my}? the mmo subject, , uu’c side, Wonk! 3: ’5 hm. both dosh: . bollownéss of Ha I been very Charl‘ lions : fqr, whiie : fulogflctl irigoofi ,‘tlmxruppmnfimen l! ilifary, have b‘ee ‘fl‘j'frnm [he Alp“ 1 epubli‘czxn 'rnnks. l Lion‘s {mic hem? o} lfumn.‘ As we—H. (I: for their hyprsr-ric; ! d_l>cmnc§;.ila on t iii-s (iflhbau nbjx zlfrnm the Arm‘s. "the mfly bald); u Leafy can be pry: rldutz ~ Argus. So much I pnhlicnn press in fnl liar theory of 710qu mme suggeitions on ing from llxe'lmm .1 to be not only pro] and necessary. Th .1 lican prnfesfidm hnl lulmltqd by‘tlmir - :1 falsely claim to hav 1 (1203.1)?erprim-il4l oflicv, oumdc (be 1 filos!,.ifuot-cxcldsi 1 and Abolilinnizml 1} their political némin same unmistakable ' fore. t 6 nlmko tlwn In put linsnp‘nhtiuul gull) «s<h tile proton'h-ra, W 0 git-6" I’u-mncrflh - iglc‘; of which the nn-pm'ty l ly and usvfu‘iy curri A grm! deal of I bow} offered, «'ince. wur‘ on the sul‘joct ‘ (ionyiulding up(‘ to the demands of i Amtuitouq advice th'c bogip'niryg hf‘ ‘lf su‘lyxdimfin'g 1‘ rparfiun‘ profe‘re ‘ ‘ r crrl‘m't‘rfi'n 'l'h'u: ‘ nnr! we think it 1 I fisin thnL‘v. Wt tgixw 34 a gnod one, mn-k m-U in practic decidndiy in favor If trying it.in t‘he [preaching politihii c. mpaign. “i A In putting in practice, hqwevorfim collcnt a principle—h. principic dictfitc the highest donsidei'ution ofvlmhiic‘d‘ we are not goingto accept thedictfu the Rel-übiican haulers and almiKMn own convictions of rightour mvrivinw ‘goxernmant, or our own idonvof lhg ni sures which are tlom‘indcd to snvcthqci try from' tho‘ fc-m-f‘l doom uhicli . thrgntr‘ns it. We m, _not going?) giv om adhesion t 6 the oqhino that-the p ont ndministxatlcon iginfzillihle, and I Democrats ought, t :creféi'e, to‘ Mint: their own organizatiqn nndlbupfiort it. The truc patriot is fever roatiyio, Siibo hate pnrtimnship to the calls of.his com —ospocially when, M now‘its wry oxisto is endangered. and if imihority set at fiance. H‘e -wiH for my more panizm vantage foi' the high 1- and nohler pur OrauatninirLLthe Govsi‘mment ; ofimlint ing the (‘miflitutipn Jim! re~turingi the ‘ninn. This cvcry‘ pztriot is willing In "Hie only question, then. (which can iliv ‘ us is, how can such aigreit and inomgnt work he pnrformad? ‘ ' ' ’ ‘ The Republican lenders tell us that iduty’ connis‘ts in nuptial-ting nnd Miami!!! the adminiutmtirm._ryixfl giving in Gui-1 h‘eiion to the principlos' ot‘ the Inuiyi power—nos to 3:1”:er I/rc (lm-vrzimcntfimhr _——foy that. We all have done, and ure‘ilo with mien and money, ~voice and. mm. to rc-clect the members of the domin party, or 20‘ fill their 'phiccs with' other: ‘like vimvs, and .tn 1-ei-bi-tuutc-—éo 109% the war shall lust—4.l2:: reign of the bring irresponsihii and inconiiofltent‘ i’uiinghnl‘ or. This, i‘ cording In the radical Ifép‘ liczm creed, ii the lciigth mid breadth;l a} height mu! (Kept-h, in‘shmt, of [mi iotiziu' \\tii"! nil respect, for (how whl giiic =ur‘h mli‘ico, we rr-l udintc the t(_-nchi and rqjt-ct,_‘cn{plmti ally .mid togxlly, ‘ invitation to nhandoi our plim‘iplc‘s—fi principles upon \\'hic l the country roiei grgatnms, gmwpcrity and powon, {\nd adopt tho<e under Hie .practicnl wmfikir‘ oi}which it has boon 'brcught to peril, n is iifiii' thi'patonca \\'i h totni‘destructinni If the goumry is t be preserved‘frti iqipending ruin—if he C'nmtitutio’iiiisi rho' maintained and the Union‘ rcstér“ there is a high and it pm‘ntive duty flir} ipatrints to perform— 1 duty, indqexl. nbci 1 I artix‘nn rind bolitiml dvzmtagcf‘iinvolfl i [he demo-«t lights am the noblelat; in'stlti ltions over [massaged by man‘s The ‘ BL ctn ulonéJmt to 'm I Mr)“, and ii cons'. ud determined pfl'l : all l-mnchquq l Eve, Lngislaiiva li\ lid prhlciplos {v}: i or ahposfi three} 11 lring ’its unflafallkl} but. whose pui‘ i -din brought disds I upnlling'chnrndur‘ appeals not 19 Domocr' truo friend of his 0011' in the most powerful“! ~60 procure a. rctm-n.’ \! Government} Exccm‘ Judicial, tojhé‘gqul goyemed the nation I ters of a century, (1’ growth nndl suc'cesu,‘ zrfiand‘bnment has we and evil of the mmt- i end. a‘ lime (or 5: lip to patriotisanl I l-pposr‘d Lo lhé ('lk‘ we obtained practi ! ‘tihn of we (‘.: "e efforts andput fo oduce n'chang . a 4 chance‘for, tl e I . We do “not-ins I allvbe perfqrmed I is sufficient; to ( ‘ of all trulymatrio ~omtic party leads! ‘ The present. is, int lordinatixpg partiznnsl‘ time for all ciligens .- am'l doctrine which bl way in the administ manta. to unite their all their energies to p thus open, at least, ] storation oflhe Unio that. this great work a Democrats.alone. I ‘ mund the entire eflbrt citizens. If the Dem i ause the Demoqrh ‘ 151 one with vifl‘ 0 lift 'up (I slap: ‘ (I by other'pfl ri ' d onward to v 91 1 ' y oftheAbolit oni ! mor’ewational id the movement, it is’b organimgign is the o] zin'd'power sufficient ‘ qfrrzttoralion, find; nidJ citizens, bear itfiloit a' The destructive poli must be ‘checkcd, an be brought {0 _the I the time (01»bzyin I l to 'inquire» into t l a‘gemcnt. ‘ It is s‘ hile'the people 14:: ldof‘monns evorthi‘ I fples of Republic en overthrown, t Government. Now 'I work. \Ve d 9 not sto : details of military ma ficiént to kpdw that .‘I contributed 3f men n ‘ a~ked, the} greafit‘rtiu governm’e'nt have b; isregarded, and and re‘constd‘uct. rights oglhe people 1 purpose’ to overturn» politica} system bold! proclaimed. ‘ 1 ' Let. us hot listen «0 the ‘syren song of: party abandonment m en it proceeds fr-in‘ these who through but instrumental Ky: wqpld ‘more; efi‘eclu Hy .retain rpolitigahi power. The times demand selfisécrificiqg ': high-mindal‘nction, not. for the snke‘bql piny,‘ but. for the sake of ”out country' and of constitutional governgent. Or-l ganized effort is required, and tflosel who appeal to us $0 abimdon’th‘e Dem-i ocratic partyhp'leadgnly for a cumin-1 uance of the policy which" js hurrying us as apation to irretriemble issolupiou. 'ihis. cannot. niust not be, whi the poms: er! isge with the people to ave t it, ; anjor Gen. Reno has began assigned to the command of the third arm§ dorps. Major Geneml McDowell halving" ’beeu gruntefl leave [of absenge fcr fifteep days. - —~———«w —— --—-v { ‘ gnglqnel Thomas L. Kane. of thq ‘ Bucktail Rifles, has been sprain“!!! v. briyq' diebgeneru {or gallanc‘ and infliction: j gpnfluct in tin; field. i‘ I ' 00103233101011. magma -‘ 1 The Democrabio Conferees of this! ‘met at the house of H 3. 310Dnlmld ‘ ton county. on Tbuwlny list. for ‘ lposa of placing in nomination 1 (a ,fiu’ Chagreq. On line first, ballot, 1 EH. Connom, of Somerset. reqoiv yous, and Hon. G. W; Bazrly'o ylin. a}; “vow—whereupon. on m Mr. Hnmshcr. of Franklin. the no :was make unanimous. The beat ‘ prevailed. and high hopes of the s - ‘uur nominee were expressed D" a ”maple, in all the counties oftho "aru wakingzup to thy importance 0 lnymnn‘htiye mun to represent. lye .nufibnnl council“ Gm. Cnfl‘r lgr- found {rub m '3l.}: enntimnm— _ '0 “his > nrk ! Re. ',cu'. ole ! m‘ [.- Me mi»— |‘ nz‘ 'hoy ion and r the Ly his V6lOO, Lut‘liy his mh'a'. '“v e}e- 13' for (hp l'niun “‘U. the Can-Imm ."M' tlxorcrnrtl, {roe fmm nll mint of A Hr is'm. A sound lnwyflr‘ and an L "(3' ' rlwul‘rr. ulwuyi {o32'le in nplml. the rlglnt, tlm‘ people lnu'e in him a 5 1”" Learn ul-pn vylmm they run rally ‘ cul- lire confi‘tlenéo, asuurwljlmn tlm l i . ‘ i we xountr’y will find in him one of [13,3 valuable‘mlvocimxs. tlm' W 0 .slz'hnll allude to him again. ’oji. coedingsiof IIIZB Coufu'cnca will Le lcvs out: needl- , : . lo‘c-T " T"‘\f‘ “‘.‘" ' " "‘ l‘i'“ . I SENATORIAL NOMINATI uro‘ Tho Demon-mic Sr-mnnrlul Con lap-lat Clmmllcrelmx‘g. on Wrorlnozrln} i lmmrllv hominalod \\'.u. Mvfi'urm: ox-' of Linlegtown. this county, to rnpro |.y' munfiosjof Franklin, fullon and l"; l 3:; the Srlnnxl qr llw State. 0.3:. ' Bf} 8~q..0l klmnklin, very, gracefully wi I ur‘Jn [defcrqme‘ lo the claims of Adan : of 'need lmrlll say that Llni- nmnlnnlj New; anixaontb’fi‘fit to ho mmle‘.” ‘ ’l'hf-r m}. an unprej dig-0d man in the county, lowl party, ball will concode'to Mr. M -. in‘y tbé 31059 (lesixtahle qualifications IPSJ post, cnuipled with the purest pm Imt’ No one {call be ‘mmfe' ufiekcnplim lJon ’“nono numehim but luprnlsc." lin ’ lto the luv, butlnmv engaged in» the] (11-' of agriculture. he is pocnlign'ly}lle . ltry-I the plan-('. He was not brought out 00‘ cll‘ort 0f his own—(fir from it. ll‘ O-i nallmLx-efiultcd splully {mm a. uni, 44- I and lnbnrlily expressed prcl'r-l‘enée b “‘B' ucrats 3an other conserv‘uyvea c iID-l tlzgouglmut the entire enunty. I Us; "the ufl'xqe ‘sought the maufi’ it did? kg} imtuncmiand we cannot but bolim do ‘lllO people “ill omlolrso the achcLiux ”15; pulls triuhplmnlly. . _ ! ' Thekpr-ock-cdingslof the Con Rm- i ”11' ! bexfuundji’n another cnlumn.’ l 11g: :—_—--—7—~,aoo»r ..v d- ‘ £9“le Dcmocrutjg: Cunforeo; 111; T“ onlyfilrird C'qfugrohim‘ml Di>lric I}, {10:97} offiAxmslrmi‘ggnd Bulk-1:, gun u” j All: ghemhcouxfiy, lrm‘e nom'mahul Lu: ‘ ('nu Zuzuunk for (bngrfiés. The odd. n! ' his surcess i: not dvspm-nto—nml of" Dvnioorniggmmrry 11m «libll’k‘t, [l.O ‘m ;is the twin: lII} k (m..- 01' that 36” m t dauntx-(l,:11r-vm- didmnx-lvm q. Zgugl “..‘ L tropid, induhligairlc in We pursuit til;- { thing be undertaken, if. “vim-y lu ind “(here in’ the <li>tzivt he \zi'l 121sz ll ' " hoid fast to her. - Sng'rms to him. 1 ‘ss“)?“yiths’nnrimlg the fact I (ncmv' is Mongol)!" vm-y ‘ym'dvh‘, (I Ilépuhli‘cnns in our mth \\‘l.o:C] hnt‘e'is $0 bitimfllmt they still 1w dnnounging Dymncrht’s'}: Imitnrs n ul‘ms‘of lho'zr 361 ml“- i‘hii i: 1,0 The coume of these men [-nfiuk‘a‘ 1 the ihfcrnfll than the humvn. I :n'ot see that it is calculate! to giv and comfbrt’z to (he n-lgole, air! ‘2 tendency‘lmust be tn pl'fiducE harsh elifig; among bim- people? Every true ~nh'2ui muct tum \\'”!deth framfiainh r ieklt a _or thcuglatlms “ dl~tuerr< nf the p LO.” (7m. .mt'l’vZ‘hnF—T'hc Log‘rhuure {'Kon ‘ .1 . .' . . m‘ky lvnwunammomlypaw-d tuc tuluwmg resolutimi: ‘7 ‘ '-“l.'Moh'rd,.Tlml KcMucky lmik “11th de light the restoration offion. Georg? 3. Mc- Clellan (q the command of the A my of Virginia, Land Tog”?! zl 21> a high tokgn that under his: command the \\':u‘ “in” he butter be prosczfulml “with Um skin and Energy noceséary, to -brißg it. to u. speedy mgd em:- ccssl'ul texfmlinnLipn.” ‘ ..u lejmlm | 5i -——--«.u—~r— ul 1 fi’l‘he duty ofm‘t-ry lover ofhi< 01‘ I in this crisiéfis to ducountonhnceullx . unprofitable talk, all speculations u ”V: mors which have‘ no foundatiqn in t '8: common sense. II: is Jrom such zfi ‘1 , that both newspnp'eh and-Vixensm “I'_mzlnul'ucture panics. a'nd unfit. men 1 "‘!l'.lzlin,jpx-qctica[ dptics of the day ‘a ”1 rdevelopmonts. I‘ l ' ....- A «o»-- E (I? Politicu! A 1 st: -A 'scnsiblc *e— xollticm ;rrests.—. very ..nu M 1 will befifclt‘in the order of Jndga A ,y General Turper, revoking the reslngt e-l' travel, and annulliryg the wholmale ic of fines: forfldisloynl practicés” her in given to manhuls and policp officers ic I stitulional Eldon. , ‘t E , _: ,-.Hm..._._..___ ”’1: ‘ ‘ nmnocmnc- rum. 1 ic!» TIN“: is something {ubliuu‘ly hu’oi ‘ i calm faith with “‘lijt'h Dcxnucrau look I" {Ell to the inm‘ithhle triumph at their [wine |' i They know (lin't their principles me etc {‘s i truth,_nnd iiinstkther/ctbxgcl prevnil. The if! Argus addresses these enéoumging \\ 04rd of Demoormgy of No“) “-Y‘ork. ' They are as Qi prime to us (if Eqnnsyliznnin: f" ‘ “Feliow-clem cmts, have pntivnco, 0 im; by your 'principlcs, calmly cn’d g flippnnt repronchos '\nd misrepresg - [I kill) which partizuu angngucsfiur It i honest but weak ndeuatub‘le politicall )e'nssnil‘ you. ‘ \\'th the storm‘oi vita, e’shnll havé passer}, ahd the nojsy [fret patriots of xhe day shall have: shrqn from the dnnfiera which nnw imfiemt'ul the last hope of the nation will rc~t‘up gout-age and firmness, grounded upon gent political tuitlv, whirh will be equu terrible urdenl, and the salvation 0f yau‘ try will be wrought out by your own h Cherish your pnliticul principles; preset organization, patiently struggle ior‘ th anclmrepnrcfor the hourwhcn the war Enion will, by‘commou consent, be tutti to your hands." ' ministration of ' “AIRS Enicnox.—Ponlanrl, Sept. turns from 91 towns in this State give lowing vote for Governor:— Colbtfrn, (Regulriicnn) Jameson, (Union Democrat) gradbur‘y, (Pt-ace Dem0crat),............! The same town: last your gafie Was 21,964, Dawn 7200, and Jameson 7754. The mfßepnblican loss in these nin towns is 3962. From appearances the ' , can: huve carried ('0 re) the firerCongr ; Ding-lets. The “I‘3: District is in There will be j. lar Republican mnj both bmncbes‘of the Legislature, thou : so large as last year: ~ . NM Jump—The nomination of Ge Parker for Gavan-nor, is hailed 1n" unease gratificgtion‘hy the Democrnti and people of an Jersey, and his 2 is beyond a reajsonable doubt. _ ‘ J I .V I. I. ‘ . V, x ‘ I 0 LIIE2 x 1 a ARRIVAL 0F CAVWH‘ Our téjkn was gréintiy enlive yesterday by the arrival of two lvgimnnls of.eavalry—' the Ne}? ’ York First and I‘ennsylvnnig E’ightlwpde‘r gonnmnnd of CULMCRonms.’ acting 'gndicx Gum-ml. They l'efl Fred erick o Saturday,}nml await order: here. These gimenta hu‘e noon much service. having 11 with film. McClellan through the PM? SD‘A cain'fnaign, and dpsorve to be clumed Among tho n‘t’h’anj. of the war.—-: Ofliccrsfténd men, by‘thoir soldier-1y dopan ment. h'qm made a most favorable impres 4-ion u fiourcitize‘m.“ It. is to bewpgruuod that ”#8;- stay nmqng us wxll neccasarily be brief. 2 1; 3‘ ~. They m distrifl. in Ful- Io pur- '. ten. A. 1 vine Frank- tion of lIMEM feeling T The istrict, having mm m ”I win pmjt that; man. Burrtside took pm f Frodt-rittk on Friday, charging rehr of Mn: Cofifodcmtcs. com cavhh-y. 45116 entered, and cap ernl. ‘ ‘ ' UM session l.c:srti- u pon posed n, and,. olitfuni turing DTI [typeset] HIM t!ne_‘rvbch will endea jn .'s inlu \"fi'gihifl at “'illinmsport.’ ; 'what wads; rhmnin's to be seen. king was Hoard here during sulur ‘i‘f‘b’t‘cl‘klfly. i , 4 "It. is repuflcd ‘Hmt Burnside is n! in.” A‘F'ighhhg All day y«-qk~r-I.Ly— ‘in: lmbchrden Bunnidr um] un'krun. '_"clln'n M. “Frederick ,cszc'mup The {wince to-dny; ‘\ 1‘ . , MOM MEM Pg the MTN m‘dnrd it]: 9n- Cannon ‘dny an EMS i- P. 8. Middle! s"“ka GJQ. M m :0 pm vcn in .1 cumin: 1 -' - SE f The: 'r- "1" 530-5 ~r<r—»-.7 NATORIAt CONFERENCE. ‘ IL-fimmrinl C nft-roc-s of the I‘Mrict '4 of Adam‘s, F‘nunklin :unl Fulton ‘,hm‘t at Monmnmc‘ry's Hole}. in 'rg‘burg, on} “Wednesday, [the 101.}; lio’clock, E. M. l . - ion, .\‘mnu‘ol Robinson, of Fulton, .gntedChuir‘inmnnnd \\'m.S.Slcngt-r; Hill. Sficrotfiry. MEI -: MU countio Chmnb I‘3: (1.. m the _llzmb‘, ()1) I 1 BAX, lxdrew, ~ We l Wasnpp‘ ' of Fran m ; danercnce ghon procboded-(o nomi» idutes forsmtegvnt|tnh “'iHiam ?. Buy, (ff Littlormwn. Adams Luis ‘numinntcd by H. C. Neely, l Calvin $ll. Duncan. Esq“, of iburg. 15y Dani»! MCKL‘niié. . 'l's one iq nqt r eitlr‘r Sherry t.“ the inliujm. HMO— ”Tuned m'suiis Inn {ol' Ly miy nomi- i mgufly" ' Dem- nalo on Mcfihml counly,‘ liar}, n : Clmmlle‘ nl' (_‘ulvin’M. Dundanm‘m‘ im ithdrmy‘n ‘\ny Wm. S. Stongt‘r, The n‘ . medium . Hun-1101: Dimmm felt it his duty 4 ilw ‘hifi ‘nnrlxge from the consillom ‘l': p (L'nnforémgeq inasmuch as A'lnms My fen; undoubtudly entitled 'to the .\nt‘lE-lutii. On motion of Wm, S. Swinger. \\'m. .\Y'jfghm'l’)’, 0t ‘Atlfiixq, (ms unminntnd ll w'ho pm? ' In with] [Jinnwffi [county ‘mwmuta lny :m-Imimtinn n 4; Hid candidate or the Ih-xm'n-m‘lgiv flirty _ujl‘ t‘ho Mahiql for Smle Sulllelu'. lg'l‘lm thmfing tum tl‘ul numLN nf the (‘nnffiew—‘Hom-y A. making. hr. 1%. F. Simnfiml J.‘-(‘. $2013.“.r.m:..m; .1. w. l‘ulU’l'. . Imuo-I lmldnwmpnnl Hyru‘L'P A. fizmhh. 0E Fulmn 2’ [lnnml‘ “«‘Kfi'nlfit‘. ,I’. M. S'lm-l :xkt-I mu! \\'m. S. .\"tvngur. 70f Franklin Hun L}. Hunn’mx, ('Laiumm. W. S. . Exam, .sZ‘I-rnhuy. \ ME! ME in this ,L that TE TKO . , _‘ ~... ‘ ._H_. ‘I; : lv‘ur (lu- l‘mupflor. REPUBLICANS 0F ADAMS com— -u!‘l of 1. J .\- TO THE 11:11 [-::rty [ll.-L I \rnultl mlvh'oss linemuuqin; Mun: :1 1m mM-r of Imfiun niyapH'. In my Lnl urti - :m (~:l:'H('~fI.'11?}u‘:'.I In ya“ to lay Invziy' 11131511”! :vml' «‘Yulm‘il- yum wru-o awq I‘mlht- mun. nr “'Mu 1h du tho ‘m mir flight} ought tz-‘(ll‘u‘bllt mr-nLlyJu Main -0 \\'o think nil rush! in purluv in | ("Fifi I 'l') 7h»? WK}! 1Q la" un» :1d‘n(n;::::)i/yrnfuurInn-[y or m a. 115’ dm‘flwn it. TM» m- «In- I' nmn. \xlug‘n hi¥ _v-u'rzy fn thfnilv h is t 0 than 0"“ Hm: nrun !UM am y do 1 mm! :iv'dn all ‘ \‘utns for “'0 (In ‘ \\‘hnt lln'v \\'lml cum this f- .n-h (lon-Jam! i‘, lEEE IE2I ' any a uhv 'r and ono roidv qmv‘ in 1‘ en‘rz’m m MEM Hm lri‘ni-‘lfltw ”pun \\hich .3! '\«MI: 11:11 (In-Ln ‘2': u~ :.'I,« r‘ t-nlmh'v: :4 {n4 5.3.11: ‘l'.“ M NH. I‘leer lm’ n‘rt dunn- m: :m‘vt. “n -nrn Hi}. Icw'i'r‘: 2'! dunn. 3mm 'l {in' Juildu-n MU inimrlt thé 4 Imn‘g‘figv‘nmu (HIM. I .’wrl-o my \'r- that raw pun-1y lu'h not Lc~ 'u-h :nlMl"!i-H).qul [-lan vmixt N— :«1 I'm! “in: H 1 it n! Imut lllulnv ' of mr-ll‘ mcn :u WLmh-Il l'in‘i gloinvjlmm-e hm‘m x .m yam! in Y Kim Yn-mi. I wm'nld Him: to “as fir~t BSEIZI r'nuw‘, ()1 :rnli il ~ol} mmr-f H 1: vhiHH‘n .' huih ofn w” In lye! (‘4 me [no :IHVI‘, “1' I HlO gu‘nlm liym \\'.l: n the- mum MEI MEM IDE Ol'(‘ of ) they a “ nix! MEE our partv .HI ll'l]m'i|}’. “'ll. TI wml~. llf‘rf‘ i~the um; Tlu-‘nc-Lk IH~<-.;..,in~g {vlqiuvr (‘\'L-l‘y d w It 1:14. ‘\huljztir‘niun i< Euhlin: furl to the fit .» uf mlwlli‘ n. mal :l' we, mv“ f'rt’r-mls. do; not by four vuhw 5:! (luv m-xt v‘u ctinn ~lslrw~<lhi< Dnfl‘nlu‘hmg Mnnlpm, “u m 'v m" truly lx‘erri‘lbu: timm are input] uu. Nun" :‘ i can donur hurt in rrhl Adams. I! win Lo 1 erimll linilo in ”IQ" mind. but (way 121! o h<-}p~', hml if Hum he Lu! :1 conscEcnti H ufuhihg of (L:- Iyr-nphx, in the l>fi\\‘(‘\'rfll engine “iii bout work. ”shay I‘4 “.ill nnt vute.‘ I can? 1 him. I believe him to be :m .n It is spill that he has exprok» (Hi himtolt} , and Irwmlld ivv‘plonseLLto-soo ngu‘rngnhfia lur My}, not vote 1‘" Aho'iti‘imi to the gun x‘ury him prov; of him nnt-ry la and I know‘ to be right upon this 11 I" fceli it'my duiy to ~uppurt w you Evil! do the samv. 01' la Demo‘ymt; and opposed to us ilnut shit“ ‘we in [lune trying Mr. M) queati'nn, 11113 him. I ‘l 1- n politiv oriuls ctwomlvtwo ppfiliqns. and lyt. s lhhbqy. who \\':w mme annify ip i‘ntqfiho Lx-gislulure, them ournEomont to n! olitionism, I.lm Inn-,0 lwen the muse 0t! our 'O, myl hivmls. I will not do it: I m 1051 th our good and yrval. .l__v will 'éeek the overthrow of hours halt. mgcrs or the” \ . ml Its “fell a ma Dmnncrnt, to give which see cafimntiex. I mourn and nann causes whit! feeding th My Mein warnings bf ‘ relief vocnfie ;- us on . I huvsx rqnsgg to believe, 'in-o res of clyellmn a, I hwe hot. forgottendhe \Vushi gtoh, Clay and 'M'eb- power ‘ wfore —.Can‘ ster. ‘ j Come’wgl in thh th resort to s m 9. and with one vmce, fan IDomor- mic party. as the last. I ourcémtt‘y. A-REI'UBLXCAN. l —-~ «ow—#7:»- Uomtii Seymobr hm been 31- (.'mv nor of New York by tic amt Cons mtional Union [Hm ucces: may bé safely 5 Abrilnionizgmqs‘doomed. I - ;.._ W ' In thel I‘hila elphia Republi ion', :Ltfeaoluli n was arloptwd, {mentiofacn mince If) 'Wgfit sideut (if the L‘ uited States and .inoval dfnny‘F- deral appointee !‘ ho FIIMI not express, in writ?- Ingnessl to perjmmlly 'und bili r'lhe néminee ‘of Lhe“Converu ls no. Qarty“ dn theiAbolitioh filler-g. ‘ nhminnted? f the Demo ‘ Convenlin a counted u o in the; ‘ rwnrd p 105.— ‘nnl as \lbnuj : to the NI: Par/j ca‘n,Co'nve forshé up i upon the Hr request their inJJmt cit ingl his 5w I ciul ysu ' ‘ tion." 'Pfifix prmcip‘e. sii,pro- stunrj re the ”ions .'.!ly be rut-mix, l‘rmion MEM ' away Inn-. 115. n om "telli to the nounce ‘cnt-of the restoration of ' “pm :2 the chfof command of about Washi‘nglon, was i-oceiv "(Rd N, by the entire army.— ercn lh‘ sickmnd‘wounfid sul \& to anti: feelings in rouu‘ds‘ of WTIIO General .\I kill the. iorcés ed with nn 0 h is said Lh t‘ din-,4 gave 9 applause. 1 i COIN]- nus.— I: vo‘ur rigM, of we mined News I”?! “Smash/ALL? JACstx.—-.\ pas senger Irn _ hambersbnrg ntrhed id this city last evening, eport: that “Stouewnll’LJaL-kson was thrown” am his horse Milly or_two since, near Fredé i k, and f badly injurpd 1.1 m: he will not. be eto In athe’field torsomc time. Our iuiormgn received his information from a persob wk: ‘nrrived in Chambersburg from Frederick, nh gins u for v- but it is gum..— P/n‘z. Ingu'ufl , ' - g ‘ . - ~ , ,_ , Hmong E; I" I} PIXXSYLVAML— Gong nor Cunin,o Pennsylranin, has iasied special instructions!» the drafting qommiuioneg-s of the sum, it: thjch be‘ buys: . Although ihe ordei-s of dye “(gr Depart mem. n-qn‘xf d thq exiroilment 0f...“ men be, tween the; ges' of :eigbfgetl Int; forty-five .-—l'lch he 10l- 17,350 2,325 12,170 burns ty-ono pnblii ‘;sional doubt. rity in lzh not Alia lawigf this Stnle'nmpl from I” pnmng under manly-one yaw: erel‘ore, :whm; holding Appeals, 1e list. :1; p‘erfibng why umbgish years, the Id whiny duty You will, 1, erase from I . Joel 1: im. - my“ ,cuon ur mzilficden than“: an 'un thex fut. to -e yurz.‘ ant pin egggnine web 1- oath wren- you are {not olyer,‘ ’ ‘ i 1, 1. an ”any person: an wise salisfi " V l .‘ 1‘ ‘_ u. comma l dnmaml ,it I , LocAL bani-diam. _ ---“ . , ..V J.“ ...—4“.— -- r HUME DEFENCE—A‘miv mepnrnhonl' for home defence have been: in fcjgress he“;K for the lug ten duva. ; ‘ 1 The ‘Zonn‘qg hue re-orgaqi follqwlin‘g oak-era: ll Cnplnin. \\'m. J. Martin. 1116 Linn", \\'m. 'A. Duncan.| 2d ‘ “ Joseph .Brodhend‘ ' Orderly, JuMupp. _ : A new Compa‘ny: was orgnn‘il with the" Miofiingiofliuers :; .‘ Cnpmin,_Di. E. (In. Fnlmen . 15L Lit-ML, J. T. Idlbennyr 2d “ C. X. Ihnin. f Orderiy. CNN. Bushey -A third Company was orgdnjz d on Weddel day—{coxnpns'cd principallyi ofi «lit-r men—fur." d‘erlhefuflowing’ofliu-n: r_ l ‘ (Explain, S. s. )lgCn-ury. :" f k ' Isl Litul., John (,‘nlp. . 3s' g A J. L. Hill 9d , ‘ ~ ' - m, ,\ ‘ 7- i z ! Tlfq Companies that yegxnlxlrl for drill“ ‘ ! lnhfiditibn to the above, a. (.'lh airy Company ,is being filled up. Perry. Je‘in‘m’ has been ii idrilltng tbeiu. i 1' ’ , i l Tliesc prffnumtidns are cntfclp' pm; or, an}! . lit is Enot'douhted that. they u ll lead 143 big!!! Edvgnrc nt proficiency in the _iutiimry inn. 'lf -1 not liki'dt‘d‘ no lmrgn WI)! be (fink. ‘ 5 4~ ~-——,7~- “17—“; i I THE l)Il.\I-'T.—JC0L R. C. . \\‘opc mfrc-rtism ; ,iu the Republium pppersfithnt t eDmft for 9Ml] dish-ill :u'ld township of the chututy‘, xi 1“ com- ’ thence unfridny, the link inst}, fur the numliegrl iot‘ men ‘nc‘cessury‘tn'till its—(Wain, unicssthc “ dl:tr[chur\tuwnsliip furnishes itiie men-n 3 Yol- Luntct'rs on or befure that any; I;}?th idistrict . his 5110 prh ilcgc and can ofl‘flréVolm tears to I ‘iill its quutu ou the dn} th'e Dr‘nffi isto‘b‘c made; i and tJms‘obviuc the Draft entirely. 7 i' ‘1 I xoflj'bO'llbztlflntS mny be ciei iptcd.’ Thcyprc 1 ‘tu my sixth fine as the next Lo isinture pmy fix, I} and subscribe to thee roilein 4. 5 ~ ' H I But'urt- mo. Conunissinnormihpt-fink‘n'] draft- 2! :ing for .mul, t"ounL_\l, pcrwnal Iv hm-t‘urt-d i ‘-——. \\'hu' lit-in}? duly'—4— dig dicp'm- and my i lthnt he cnmucnxidusly sqrupipailg hbur .irnls; ‘ {lmiivws it ui.].u\'t'u'l tu do 50,1 whether in self ‘ Hit-fence or in duf'cijcv nfhi; ('( uutly. nr other-J lwiJ: \\‘li;st_~ue\ex'. "ltlmt ih‘l'Ft' nth-s “pd belief Inlmvl- state! have {IUL wen [u m tHig‘hlliy, hut [cur -tuH_\x (It-iiiiemtfly and con cicutiotuly‘ aunt . Lain-7mm dovlured um! prbt‘érrgi up: t'ot‘,thc wir- H ‘pmg n; Hauling lin: ‘mii’itury surh'ittv oi hi: claim-1 [try [n the prucnt eIuL-rgcncyl but hc’vuuunhe Sulmmxl'r nnd rtilgiunaiy Imm Am! maintnhns‘ than), and 111 hi: omm iOdI-e 1l lit-it's that. 1} 1; I his lzuuunh-n‘ utnty ‘tn ntt in qi-qtirdnncc with them on all occaniqns, and In :1 ‘r :11! ciruqlm- '\ sumccs. 1 - 7 .)‘ 117“er .iljutl nf‘i .‘ ‘ , [cunt [Ii\EIIICI-p-ll‘ E l, in Hit hit-MU; fi-gf‘llirut. .L [tau Howler-q Huntcr's (‘.WJIry, fell inithc r Luspurg. He \\'.ll :hu'tf dual and in llx'le head. “\‘n cflfm \rii cow'r 11L houly. 'IH- \\fl's'jyhc 11. John, Ilnl'ncr, of this (“MIME—I :37: )éllh—‘Jn' llxc pHmc 61‘ m; lxglurc bqurc him. 'l’L-ucni Lu h , . , [lf-33'“ (hgusmnl‘ shunfi uf . hilly}; or {he urg.lni%'/.i-d o|.”an ls’.,"lhc;|3\"ilh mqurms‘uhé ly “in he szilhcicugw Ilejcv .\ fouling.” l ; 1 s, 1 V“ -».~~: "~— ‘1 [agiWh- x-ro rmnnsu-d by ggiu-Lnuu‘e lh.u{lhcfrxx-rdisu<'o I 4 ‘ ‘ _I 1 L'Lc xilfivuuhul 1‘1! [hp 13’."{'(1‘.l Wm." all the sdmlim u u m 1 , . _, Unwrfxdum; s g ‘ _ ~ _. writ _- ! ‘ (Q'fifJuhn FJF¢_’El:.‘, (hctm-H LEAD”) Furl-I‘l3 u: INK-Mr}; r‘tr-:':.'l’hlindvbrhiji, gnmuu'lcwxm h'h'wnsufl (Hf-yum}? ”IQ’OIA'IIIHEJ 51‘ n hf-nl- übnl 1w \\H’lhfl-dht'u of H'ms fur lam-65' and (h '.- dn-n'al \\'mr.‘ {lr-ml‘flim imlm émcénta hc 01111:: in mi n'iicrl‘uinrufi in lhi: imu‘c‘] »_-‘ -~ 1 no» ‘ -.4- BENJMCQLELLAI'I'S sItENCE. ‘. g; Hm. .\l’.’(:‘-L'ni\llglfi\‘ won éwacc for “is“ t-h:nza(~lc-:;,!‘.u:zn :x'! Jthinking nivfh, hy «x-eeg-h '1 \\‘Mé‘ix blls, l mu sillvvr. l-nl Inojujlé lly >ilmgfm" whifl) ImQIM-rn gnxg‘lon. Al‘mn‘n fwm "Q" ‘1 Itn-liiClstlhl" dvjvx [ill hm": fin- 1m;~ lmén ‘ the gnlgvi‘uf un~j{‘,u)~u‘.nm :mfzdinh. I’ulitirfl ml lAI’A-lili‘h'l.ll4l p‘phonul Innihinh-noo hm‘y'r .lisphprgr- I “U “wiry\\'(‘..llfixll<."’]“> mmmyy‘ “Lilia”. l‘szu‘u- h-vn'l nliHu-rl ‘Lyllxifimir‘rnir‘s, mm-u than lin-y lldjfi’bdrngvét-lj‘nhxd by his ‘ I'rit-ndw f'liho grim} me which he has hunk»? of the while tocnuntorpnl‘nnvb‘ihe onomyfs , wide in ljllvtflkols nfily omnml for.him from | thr r5ll lhu 11:31.01}: of "Ditchg‘l'i" , PulmyTe‘ lxerljd nut 'ler nsflhOfl’fl] filoiwhito Homer,‘ v.) 3&1; y 2: wt in pthor ant) hotter service,“ he “11% :\C( wed of :Leullmion with} traitor-gr!— ' I’lc Ifir‘g rvc-t-ived fund I.lmm {york all the nl-gr'bes which. o.lth his fink-v, yet was‘ alwni,‘ accused of ox‘ll‘udink ;them. His phuf Wore thwnriu-d‘ by thb intrigues {7 his fiTnomivs at Washington’, Iyet he “'3“ ' N mmihlo for Ith fifihixeé thus caus- aspmhh .np mi.“ lle ni-vor underrated thg {power of the I}‘. yvt it 11.1%. rirquix‘egi‘thei bjttg‘r lossnna ‘wvlro—mnnth‘to convinc‘ {the rndicnh 1,10 was rightfimi‘d (lnrin all that iinto'l clay of propqration'or fdnutinn in‘» denounced' rl5 the (1913'. df comlirdlqe, ‘lm-ihly. ‘li‘iix army wn divided; yiét‘ d 'nqt complain. His r ucst for 1101‘- _ on to attx'u-k Riciirponglfust Before h‘e, was lardered to leave the Pe .'nsuhl was rel, fused, and\nppnrt-mtiy his 1 "t. oppbrtuuitiyf of vindication (l: nied him, at. he yieldegl' withdnt an open mumjur. 1135 army “:35! witluiruwn’ from under’ hit; bommnpd and! vi to another who has wort; than «lacing»; t, mull left. all _things warsé-thnn they, la. twelvemonth ago, y‘ét _he did u t' l. Indeed it 's said that m? other (in;u ibis oomman wnébutn‘ mére hand!" i! n. he told th Pmiden‘ that. be you] I ‘ s duly faith ully {with that handfu , F'thpse were withdrawn, ofihxs resigni iesired, he would give {it ‘gi‘ndlf, btlrt' i thonibhoui era musk tdhéen‘listipl ,nks, lfiillée he ‘had entered for the wq’r‘, d not iutend;to leave ti lit‘was ‘endeilxfli :3: Jittunfly I eprived ofaicommanad i not ask to £9 relievbd, But acciapte‘ ‘ . {crior which assigned :9 him; we t,’ abourhis luminous) and with thel instinct f q soldier had the ”IN-respect- ! astrong In 1' 'noblé characberjat 'all times Im] under a ll N. I 900. nfn that the 1 been or In he d miss ngu [('d i CM reslg who of m duh] and i lion Woul the r and Thou be (H the i provocationsjtifl kept perv u; silence.+ ‘, 1.7 ‘ . -'_‘_»_, er Not. one word qfooinplninc, - explanation” rem-'Liyk‘fi,s‘fm£,°:“fi§d ngggdhrk or self—exculpahob‘, or denial} riflefiense has ’ diflbum‘d. UP '0 Wednemlay Inst. sl~ "on! _ever passed his lips orlpen'. Nix Has an '3" the amount 0£5_19'2..000, and $2 notes Id one been anthnrized to Speak ch words f ’ thefimwm ,of $4“ '3oo' E him. Ilishpparent silenée which won] I " I”. ‘ - i eel I , - law-e been nhrewd.‘hu been real silen ~ . dio:{g;n£o:e§£|;u gigfififltngfifiq W111;CIIIitYnB‘ fame. . E. . I % 1119}: :ux lan n 1! congctionen. 'groqers;yect., . 0 10‘s mmpmgns,by_ the It!ernesqand!¥“, :6 JPquxregl to take out a ,hcemeq—J‘ misrepresentuions: wbi W‘hpany out-[£543 “flrrnneons. section M‘pFP'PVidef,‘ heated lliscuuionaJy-are! image eeuomh'e we, or Lgtfi2;;'guflo‘sfiof:§wtifg candidates Feroflicoinmf-de nee. Bitten-f inghonses, tobacoonigts 0':- retail d’etlers ,ness and :nureprepentnflon vs beenbefii dull not exceed the sumrof‘one thousand haugted upon GedLMcGe but he has'd°l.l”" Inch apotheeuies, oonfectionera, gone übout his business in? v! I»! no time : mmgggutsgstnzumetrd dléum'gl'gimill! 20‘ be in anticipating thejuéfiéa of 'Sfiory. Tbi? anything in :hi: :2! “12‘ figgyconuiiz'ygfigt is the more remu'lfable,ifor ough pplizir f withstanding.” , 3. . Giana and ‘ Mic n. ‘ ‘ ‘ ""“——"“"'°"““ ' g - . P" "3:” %“‘W¥9s§“§°’: ‘ ae-rrhe‘dmrc in New Jersey has been g 9 tune learn to covet-[then sensibxhtxe; i‘ndefi 'te] t ed; Rec it" - u hithean epidérmisas (hi I: M Rh? hidé of’ m y PO3 POll r-u His 90!!- h' _ 16 M 00! 1, e , , tinuu to belnsk. ‘ 3 ‘ r momma, en. 9 mdw‘ays {n.pn} , _w__,___ yet; liFEHnever an haye'wqdired by lmcli’ I ”the Cincipnui 77am, In pressed as lac-nu such‘ indifferon¢+ H‘qulence IT Taft days ago, haa'béen allowod‘tfi resume. I _ 3 . , ._, ~ 1 . ‘ A “ , i a, . —. .. rather to belauribumd to the cool decis Ind firmness 0| a well-balanced charuc It speaks for him. however, as no ton could do. If with his guns he mli silence the thunder hr the rebels, as by Mliconce he hnssik-ncod «lotrnction'nt ho the tongues of the peoflo and the pen historians wierpve Inoghihg<un~mid far] that can be cqmbhgzsod by HMI.f—A York “'orld, tong-native Ilttlmblican. ‘ ed, under ‘ihe d on Hoary: . LATEST ,‘ - WAR .: NEW’S Battlé at: HfiE'a‘ Fen-y... Rebels Repysod, with Gr Slaughter. ; ~, ' HINDI-”Ni 0F FHWEPJi'K 5.19.3)“ . ” ‘ ‘PJWSTXLRJ ' [Front the 1‘3"“. Afluuricm of SAlurtluy.l hhpmtnn! mm‘mnoints lm‘b lain-n [lum xhc 'pm-iliun ol the cmttendiug unmue i'u' .\l‘n I:lnl],th’\: l‘ull Cunmqlrk‘nvo: «if \\hil‘ll “u ‘ I! nnlly “Llhe }.-H-<exn.J~ "my. :uLI \\ilh'jhc i forumlion X 1 ‘our pu wetn-fi, htixmtc, ’prlmnry fm {a Ilmanpt- “hula [gin-k farce Frx dcrick ll.l\q.'l()\'ulip\\ wiggling in the div} “(m of Uncvrslwru, u M ”...1 Flmlxrick «‘l'! unduubu My nnw rwungnuiéd Ly l-t-u. .\‘n;L_‘h-H:I lorrvs. The Tldwlmuwnmm cnmmuficellvm on \\'c<lnc.~du_y morniuk. The slnm‘mlnuulj3 n .1110 strength of the RUN stmltiuuc M) Illn [that it is impossible 11) get lib Hu- runl Huh Mn- cnsu. ~Frnnl :ux izgtu. Hugéjjt im‘mumqu In Emu in Fwdujivk cjtfi th’e whim: timflof Ekolml om-uputiun and Ear: :hplrm-mplmid'“ itln‘uugh o'u lluir \\'ny £75 zmgcfetnwn. \\ 6:5.“ ’lbe fullgq and mm; filial)“: s Hjt-munti ( l‘jnfngrnmnl is ([de 4n Luring l: m: bnflivs pron!- MM 1' mil? ‘r_\.i:§h :n m) nus. :u: mg" isnys UNLIM- wlgul': umber u! lv-ln-Qc “ ulna-ed union-1h hm!“ (k M [lth ext 111 mi lfiumml. lHHu‘ mi um's mu): RN gt 'lmwnd by niir‘wn m ru'nw. Ll}! In: i 3 ctr-Hui llml [he umuhcr of: Hx- ir (“was on this“ )0 llhokl'ulu'flnv in: In on f“ L"_(’l"‘h:ll. ”mu!“ fullyconviuu-gl, t'umJ. [lnglh’ln-Is \\«m'uu. ‘in I!» rluring LI 1: (DP) \L’M u huhml hr l’qmw *rnniu, llml :lU“ \\'-,5 hm! lhxir pin-lump. . llmt utter gum-r 1”; ah! the ‘ipnl': ’uui th-ir ranch, Ihr) \\’uui l’m me .0 l .rgnJL 1h Hugcx'smkm uml \Txllzulnlpurl‘ :Eml ‘lu-‘nvu Planizhhurg: The ihfi-J: Inn;- \\itlr Uz‘ lillccn hum’u-il en 1:13 \\‘..gnlm, wlm h In" lis r 1; I'm-,l}! 11 ml: Munipmpn'l' to fill. M‘m in I’luluxiuk um' ixu‘u'zzx,.mt Law «1 I:l.urH‘q. ling hum _lhc lit-lulu lint «.1 nhuwm ul [h {rm-c, unfiur U: n. 1.011;ng luul .xmn.;.‘.ui [u isnult uux pusiliun at ”min-2's I’\«lx_\,u4nih “dull minimum! \\iL.. gun‘d :I.m;lnrr uy mum“. \Hhh‘l’ CuL 'lliluq flit-re; h L'l - uuduuth Hm. n An C(3IIS‘IIAAUL'IIII2I‘IR'. .m‘ ch unnmLuH Would be hwy! .u l‘l"u"l’i€’lx. ‘ ‘ t A 5..: l” iitlnl c Hairy fur/0 QCNHJM'Wu Inhhhr, (‘uxrull qum‘r}, hvrmj-yig'nl: m :rum llnlijnmxr, on 'lJlmr-u 1;; “'l‘“. 7'l l. rmuhict \‘-.\!‘;l;lAl‘T.’L”_\ (Huh-11;, mid x.» ixyjAni \\uu Ihlilvu-d ugmu “'ll-: pwph- ur the: 'ldu‘n "I‘m- you am: e pg.“ walla hcl .ud foul» {I .m ('.H mm] «If. The rm‘ullurui 11351051’11‘ rmml rnlmul .u \iun of [Minna-1,71. \\'vX‘L' 31-0 9:0 and |!"11ll>.¥1:wi: '1 l-«-_\ puuhfit-L-l “.me HIV :LU.’Q~‘.']L\.'.:’llL’ in lidhuuult‘ .md :4 mm ‘\‘i.\\.u:.\. Thu 1! -l(_\ \c i in” {Ev-‘1“ n 1 'H-‘V 131 in}. _vmu may nunfi:l;,._ nlh I diklrojiug rnmll b;.-'.;,c on :hr \\‘-dun Marflm‘u‘ Lin 10nd. Tut ulwh'zdlun’o| Hu, \uwtcmuju‘kt pi nt‘ (119 r..=n...ye4l:w,u .9: 11w Magnum-y u- (n (mil-xl2 1L “..‘;I‘iUV- n ll.}o(_nt,.“u.)tll._. 1.: mm ijc mmlt- tu 3m- rd :0“ uf (hum [\\"3 :.gcd ahfut » :‘hb :1 Lright _s flushes. f 'V‘ . ! ujkcm nrrn‘n-X c.jp'..wc in lhv qu m ‘l5 - mud -133 in the unhi nix: on u “W's!" , . i “F. Lri‘hou’fiu ~lirjith‘nu] I” as. i .. J m-r, :1 “1:: h 1::me in buliu \‘Tlu- izzfi-nn H't u 1 Inn's :mny <hm\.~‘.lha mnvmm m in“ .n'-l~ LIN: lim-M‘tho Munhcu In this munnlant t .\K'nhhm'z aw! cru‘m'uy f‘lH'f-ank'r", hut w ~u~ um: .-_'t mmzl, Hu- j-l m (:1 [in- “0‘; up}; {Would-s', wh'liovor it {in I): In". nu: imzh mu :-. {nub-1m AI ~L:_\‘ M qudvrwk' ur a fence ”1‘ II: \t pr'nz lmhk (El-right n! I)f‘.';llH_\'. \\ns'tn N Fxml-‘ri-"n' H‘quihv'.fln-lwu-n l'unlofsr'zu mmi Hl!’;,'('\"H(‘ on ‘i'HHrMJvj.'..~m-l (I?ny turdny Hu- mlvvm 6, {un'lvr Cl'h. Hunk Jun \H'hin 1' H!“ mth 14‘ Flw'rlt-tivk (.'ny Thvy x'm (lnnfui ('nh-rg-rl it chum: tho «5 Imm tjrymhmtwl Hrm‘lq‘v 'Juhl:~'nn‘.~"s!wl ‘lil‘ul n'ign. The RP nlx huvm: 1.7."; t :Myt-m of Fn-Jr‘rlck. Emir“ Uu)’ nrlvh) :lu huH (ho I‘mium at :no wn‘H'H hcrfl 5x11“ "ht- l‘ninl u!" lid-k 4. vfhivh i¢,’llu“mfi)nl. Am” ii'm-q- Hun. Md 40!".1h 'm-mmnmmpui. fivith “my: ~ Fmiy.lflrl Ilwlm- lino-5.30 in" our hurmw {it (1.1 It‘phrv, \‘.'}AlL[_2|l§o'gi gins ta L" [Lugonzmtxuw ufnil Um 11ml: hph zlhr- I’vrl'y. ‘ ' - g A ~ol§nnlou-hnunjnn) Inn'o cmsééd H ll‘ulmnnr- h'om‘ .\lurm‘dymg .'.ml ml‘vanm lupvm H ugmxu‘w” lyjlmu. rm . TIL-[fun that “(Wu-1“ d “.111 m's I’m; ugh-mun In ll..\'(‘ rm“. .g ulnnvglui ul‘u mph-v! to [_M' hv lumihun L)- :m :uhi'::nLr-r",hnln 3LI"- Mbr and rulv. Ln ll!):}1"_'1 ri< nis ”fr-Hm} ”:11 111-). .I fire tlxat‘naqx‘ly' mnhflu'h ‘1 (hi-mm linfmmnlinn rum-nuyl at llax‘r;.~huy;:~.,\ni n he uiiubw, mm; 1 Ml ulna/km” enlvrv‘ Ydli.un.~}um, I’LL, :. «10-vvu n'vlni}; u l‘llu‘mday, and iuunwlfhfcly 10 ('l'lbrud [ii l'blomu: mu Vsrgmm mm {Llu n Hum nul men an} Iv\('hl_\"pzm-v.~ ol :u‘lillur}. l' lhxs, he : HILL-nut: le im'usn-u (:1 Mar. and “ml l'rnnsj human n 25 u: .m end i he [10:01”. 4 i ' ‘ ‘ . (éiy‘Tlxc m‘nlcrs truml‘l‘mrlnnnli me impnn :ml nudgenifilg. x'l'ln: lie! (la an: said l [mu uriwn m- lllL‘ .\.lllignnl’pirkcls ["30" 7m ingL- u,;u.d wart: rqnln‘ml :u ln' in lumr u 3‘ mm mmgs Inlm on_r lmcs, gradually 1.33:.“ llt‘ll‘ .\my.‘ .\ dvspa’ull Imm (xm’nrnng rc' )urls llm l’urhcls at annm 5‘.;3llg;,lllulll sev ~n miles trol.|~('l.siuglupl, and it. “9.5 genera” xpeclc.l Ilm't. n fight. mluld 'iyxumlimely ml. wluce.‘ The National “film-s. new: Fli-lzililll arge, and nu nmlrulxedslTns w-ls fcll‘ns go th csull ot‘mc coulliét. } . l ._J\. .7 .-.;+,__. -0"- BQ'The call of the GovFrnqy of’l’cnnsylvnni. or nuupilof the defence: of the Slate has bee tspondc-l' to with firoxlufcnvtlula-ium, and nut! 11 abundance are pryssillg imp Harrisburg,“ large force has heqn mint "forward to Ulla : :crsjmrg. Al the stash. .nda'ice's the [tube mtl nu. entered l’eulufil‘nniag. . I ‘ mFiflt-cn hundred fiche] Cm'nlry hnldpo.«| ossionml' Frankfufl, [he‘lCnpizuFof KeutncF-l 'irhy Smith hus issued Myruchtmuliah, infoml ug the Lilitvns that lh'ch‘ must fight fun hill Ir against him.- Thc [rebels hm‘c’orguhitc he city government, und zmpoirilcd _u )1w;:or. IQ” From a cm-efu! ralritixitinn‘ it is 'h jaw-l lluzl tlnc‘ entire mimlier otgmnnde n the lam bunk-a will riot. (moped 6.000; ti; ‘ illed 1,000, and 2.000 prisoner-s. priucitunll inked up while struggling, and who, wil be exéi-‘pliou of the officers, have been p oled. ‘ . , ' ' ..—«4-———¢O.“--——o——~ gag-Gen. McClellfin will nbt’permifi an epérters to accompany his army: ' A I x x 1 =EI INVASION 017' MARYLAND J . . . \. . Jackson Crossmg mtg Vzrgmm. iv v . —"’ ‘ 11;: N; mama". 7'13; 'mk‘s". : C ‘s' \ N 17,”! \D_ . ~ .- lld'm ”N1,~*.\.,.[. “.1 ma. - , c. GENERJQL 0311112: \‘n gm. T L‘\' “Lumhnx II) Ullfln- I’ rm]. :xt';ll€iA«-lflltll Al ir Shun. fif'xy {Lnihuntl I liu- firm mun «.I‘ \‘s I'l:nn~_\‘lv.mnlm§l-cl.~!~_v nib-‘1 2+l ilutnmll at}: wrvim- In lgvlu-l llw hmv ,mmnm nL ’5 MLlllgl‘l' from inwpun 1:.» H.“- onqnua ”M 1..- .Vv‘ u-fiumry. ‘\'_~ 1 ’1 ‘ A "x‘ ‘3 Hiivrh in t‘nnimmrl Hf c-Hrip'ljny unnum ‘L In lull'dhns Mllimdl'imwl ln' ann‘yxl U ivx' ” N . 54-3. duh-d \‘ufivlmnlu‘r leh. will nl. mu - “L rp'm-fi‘ Ly lrL-vflrllxh, tho pluck u" Ih‘n :- .“ ht‘mhpldllg‘lfi, Minn! ul-lu-H ni-Ly Iw I-ux. I ‘1 fruluvlhukp Ftflni’kn'lPHGK i‘ul “mtg-"wt; I. \lhm .. m llm‘liflr'u _' In? ~m-h3O-)":ngqu :n In A.' L M‘ I min-m} In ::h}\'~'. 3, v ‘ h; F xrih’or v dL‘ufill ‘39 undo fur :Oleh I: I _ .‘ fur v~ us Hw \: 2121-“: ill 4 (If) Mr “le ivu m Lv J; . ha. in-. Tm- lufm urn-11,0!" v-Hn‘muuN nu . . ‘ (ln'r lhu “Mk-m“ ()lllb‘l' n" SUMI‘n-uxlu r l”. _I-rr- lm-l 11w” r-nz lu , . . - mm (Mm-nu M‘IC it IHW‘LN-n in net H. [3,“ l',urn~ i-lm \\ ICZ ._ ‘ ‘ .’. $2 gad- "MT "’*"-‘-* "w ,-~--—’~ ‘ "““““f'““ 0" .HOME DEF " CEXNQENISYLVANXA.. 5" 1 Gammon; urtln hm; issued tho folléw‘mg uo‘order:, 7‘ 1 ~ - ' lOW '. liadquarlcra Pcnnqylvanigz Mum, 1 his :. _ llaniphutg. Sept. 19. 1&2. I l In/{ww of the danger of Int-won now .‘9- . thflteninga our} State, by the enemies of Of"! the government“ it in deemed nhccamry to lin: /cull upon fl“ thaj Able Ladle-(l mean of I’cnm ”7 sélvnnin tn orutlnizo immedintely fur the l' [( fence ofthe Smk‘mnd bnremlyffor march . ' in: orders uponlom- hour's nnltce, to pro ‘coerl to we}: pdints of rendezvmn _m the 'gogwnment may‘clirect. It, is ordered— ? lib-Al: That mpnny organizations be smmle in‘ hccord nco WIUI tlm pumlmr rc- Muirml under tll laws of the United 51mm, Ho. wit; ‘)nc kmpmin, first lieutenant. ,somml Mull-mart, eighty privatesnas tho lmigimum, mu] 1 Egon-«eight Ethnteé‘ nu 3.1 m \n‘miéimum standard of me cmeany.- 18 ’1 he cmmuny ull‘lccrs to be elected y earl: ntLofiznniaatinn. v ' . c; Sat-and. As tho; (“all mny b 0 iurlt'l‘ifl. it L‘ “losimble that tho n‘lficvrs nut] me you; t t . mcln company pl‘nvide tlwmselvw with the 'T‘ [103! “I'an they {can nocmr.‘ with)“ Ira-All sixty roundso'fulmmmil‘mn to W“ tlnéklwl L‘nl‘ Imm in [Jessa ion of the mldiora. Sun-h ‘ lwrsuns‘ us cmnlwt mourn and bring hm... .witll them. “'llch lurnishcrlby tho gnu-m? ment after the r arri'vul ut tljo place of in rmulozvpus. - g . 'y—V Tlir‘l. E-u-l: ‘00: and member: of tho nu mmpnny shall -1 rnvirlc himwll'l-wilh unmL iu- stout - qlothinml (uml'm-m' or ()Ull‘l‘n'iuuj ht‘ , bouts. blanket-i. tuul lmvorsnck. {can}; Lo g” "1' into camp wlu-nl mllml lntn nut-\ju-u. "j', I‘lmil’z. Each vbznpany urgnfuimliun tn lu lj“ lwrlm-to-l as wmi a~ 1-o~<'¥MO, and I'ole t llu ” '* ume of lhg (Alidc-r in running!!!“ le' num‘ "13" her of men, :unl {the pl we at IL3; 1..5.~.t1.‘1u.u-. f'f' Him. in oi‘tlvr tl .lt hwy may In} prm‘nplly 2'} unfilitul tn mm; \\imn LllL-u‘ slanm-s :n-"u 11.. ""‘l‘l'F'VL .1 . ‘ - ‘ he; lan/Lalh'pamyham, who“ nrrlmv‘l I) move. will be- [llanthtvxth-lnubspnlLullum by the gm‘urninult. ‘ 1 ' SIM/t. Un [lug Lrt‘iml “H.llO ibl‘it‘o nl' run» dozvnus they “fill ln' l‘ulgnwl inln‘ rnzimunu or such ntlu-r Lrgwuim'imm ml the (i I\‘ m'nhr. mnnmunvll-lvin~chicful‘ Pullnsylvalll-t. may «lit'nct. ‘ ' , '. nu Nu'nJ/l. ‘\'o fin-[m pru‘timh‘m. find .11 m w :‘L IN Luuml (bind-firm. \\'ilh lh': Hung-nu u.’ of the [-uwic wrvliw. onulpnnivsi l'x-um tim H ”I“ Humiiiim will lm ytli t-W-A‘LlPcr 1n mv-u “y lnr- -r hwgnnlzqtifim m may lw I'u‘u’nn-xl. ['l I'lzgfllx't. “Finni‘fifiuui i'ul'lm-J dumh'l' f 3.) ‘_ f” er-nt lil‘HC‘LlHleil'lllH AI‘L"I’Jl‘lluf‘lyrcllll!“‘\"l "! In mlum, \\'ilhul l Ileluy. «Lu-h in‘-vuurm :u’ -” mn‘ hr Harm-ml“ In “amply \\':Hmhx’s ”Mar. "’ Nam/u ”(Jam diunnvnllwl mum.» rL-H 12L IHIJU' lhp‘ullhfl) \\ I” luv thl [‘lt' ~llr‘h V r: ‘ ’\'.cu uu'ey‘ :w (ll'\§‘,|l'!'~\‘.l3 3 ““.—',‘“ u'; rl'nu PM: w Hlnh- (L~lk'\llt'l~ m.'£\ mnunuv. ‘r. ’ 413 “If 'Jl"l"\<3’l' WNW-fl ‘i:_‘..'»u!m’, (in'-unru m . aux-l (.‘uu:un.«<lullanchiul. l [ > I .\.‘L. Mum.“ it Hum-mt I’cui:§~_vh‘.miz\'. A xlj u 1‘ n slumhl vgnlftintxh in» lu‘ hm. iv an haw) iiv n. )vI)~~Ihl(‘|1MiX :t-n ‘Hu- AH“ bmln-tl 'lnf LI '1). 'l ‘ Hf,l‘n-nnsylvzmin‘ 'l-- our'nlhnl and I'm-1y l-u‘ : ~eJ‘l‘iLw. . 5 1‘3)! ”rm-r ”f ‘'f ~1 IL \. H. ('l'lafx‘m’. an‘rnnr ‘anllA 'nunmm-lffin (mu-r. .\. 1.. RI ~>."::.|.. .\llju'nntHulmqul ['\L . ~ ~~ "-.. ~..., ‘x‘F‘A .51 TRUE! 31312213217335 ' ‘ ; Hu:n_l~:u‘z:r‘.. HA” $319!. ins—"mm I‘uwyilil‘ _V ni‘f‘n-wv~yl!.'n|ni-gniwnmv flmrnnghly 'n'v'lv-I Al. I- . :ultHi'" H nu “TM“: Pit-Ha ummvj, um! I.“ "I n' frum ('ho-lgr (manly. \HEIJu-uhuw' lm in r,- :L by nmrnini'. In :ynljvipntmu M film ”luv”- i nan m“. and Mill?!» '3l 1M:ll!<2w.""’"ln n iwiH lu- in "mn'nm’himi \' H't-V. “Mom .I .‘L n 'v-nn mm rvnch ('Yrmn’erlrll'g hwy?!” b-- n.“ y quinwl lo nu-M. ,nwl Inharnnw ‘3l.!qu ul' ‘- I" nun lumiT'» vfiwhmnv\'—'lu-nu-‘mrfn [5 1M \' l in; fur HHHI‘ P‘Ww ~- 'l'hmhnmfi rjl'wnm ,Imu- Mun dig: :Lm- 51 .hr-nughuutllw bur-hi ‘0 (mnnvim pthv- Sfrnvrx: ' ‘ ‘ 'l. Thu M-~l «it with «111411 the \‘i'fiy "(Inn «" lifimtinm L'mt Hug St ur- ‘nnw «(Fin 1:: ’n “my: ll hf‘l‘l'os4fi I \\'H )1- new} m the» hm mivunbsgu '0 in :11» lfuzuhcr‘lma'l Valley mu! "’s'" the Sm .‘ ‘ 2 unuhwmn y‘ l, A” "Inn-J ”w Ynérhsjrn {‘u-nmd nni Hu ‘ 'Y'gvk :mrl (it-HyJ-ur; r‘n:,h'9.u3a I‘u‘n “ILL-u. '1 t'Nl‘hl'HH‘H‘r pvt-v. 31". Tva h ml: :x Hui" ‘I.WILm-orhmnlmioh-w r m humbh l“""-'4 n— , ’l‘siflnifilhng’dm-s imt hum! iL~ lmnfl o'.r yum-i -} om. wlnl'v an) drilling nip! nlht-rwigér‘ m ukiu: I rmpadjmium fur W'M‘H’nfh tn Statéin'aipdl ‘H‘pvi prmoctinn uhho gvnrrn‘ gnv‘qumwny I By dal'Q-lul‘vulnulali "Lit hllx Upon aka-M'- ' 1‘ Quinn! that Nun-é :uw- nvwr dwyi Hmnwmrl v mo'n 0| Um Ruse-rim- .\lxlilinonmvltal-(rugby I nrnunizwl inm cnmp'ufiH. . , , : “4 The hm}: ln'idutzuwr (He Susquohymna M ; Columbia is we“ ‘gnnpled by imaging. 1' A r-ommiuvqnfi sufl-ly hm bueh formed ht: - ‘Lanvzuwr. who lmvu ihsuml :m nIMn-ss Mdl: I. mu upon 1,110 people to arm for thpicummuu drR-ncv. 1‘ ' ‘ 3 ‘ . thvn- Bonjamirj Wnshulmugh,(ilnir-fnflhu ', nruhmncp dopargmvnhmnl Culnnd :Inlm It. ', Parker. of Curlislk, aid-dc ("mp lh‘rthe Guy-h . vrnnr.’ haw Men filmmimcd m z-qperinlo-ud jhe. armpit-Won of the reg-large militia of {Punnzylva’nim 1 > ‘ _ 2 ‘ .' ;' ' I ass-An arrival .from Nei‘v Orlefmabrinzz‘l the intolluflvnoe that Buton Ronni. although evacuated by theimain hndy nftqu Fwicml army} was still held by a compaiiy of nn-. a rim-a. Only about twenty hang-shad hvegl (lostrnynl. The 'troops which left' IL-lnu ‘ Rouge ureflxt Ugu-rnlltnn, near New Grimm. where they were throwing up fortificaciuns. Y ' v _ i 'lth daily expected an smile!“ i: B ‘ -—~-. ,_ -~-< «I»~—--—----,-1 ‘ ‘ 3%“ was rppdrted at Fortresti Mom—o 9 ‘ nn Frxdny that, “ad New Merrimnc 91ml cO3lB lclown from Rich‘momlflmd wuinenr w Few flotilla. Iving_ofi' Newport. NoWs.‘ "l'ugn "filled vusdls‘ ure leporu-G w hflVu y,cmgw do“ n “in: Que-r. ~ ‘ £ ' .—-~‘—?-- k»..- -l——-——-—-4-I [ l ‘ @lllo} lndimi mu- is'nnt «'mled. A .figbt occurred at Forest. oily. Minnesota. ‘on the 3d instant, in which thel Indians {were repulsed. The lass on Wei part of ,the whites was lhreu' killed mill fifleor‘l wbun-led’. The gammander thinkg Llial. the troubles will be very serious. “ "' . Tn: Rum An ”cum on! Nudv‘un—Eé , vAcm'rxox'of Tm: {luv (Janina—Mar York, (Supt, 8.-——A special dispatcrg to the World, from Cincinnati, snya that imporlafyg'gfiews is lupened from Nashville. Generaliflnel bps ordered the city'm‘he emcnnled. Pi‘lmw diu- Epatchca from‘Boyd‘z Stationrerntlgcknsny‘ ' that. 15,000 of the emy‘enlered tha‘t‘phce --. I day. The telegrnpfiopemtor left allqbon, ill 9a: ~the advance gunfd came in light. f - ’ —-————-—+—Wr4——v‘— f 9A Aiispatch from sun bake gluten a!“ the Indians mung two trains three hundmyl mile: north of mm city, and killed‘rfiflgelc fit memy persons, including womegl “"4 «him. The tribe: in insuriection in this country m 111.3 Snakes, Dic‘BfldnUCkß and we Shot-29‘”. WGeneral Leefin a byiefreport 16mm idem. bf tbeflunfedémte States, claim: we. casuiou or flames for his army in We regent, operations before Washingmnu Ho “mi“ Hm ' loss otm'zmy ofl‘icers m lulled and womfided, m does not. gin: an estimate of the genehl mu,— Serex} thousand prisoners were “flung.” paroled; “game v?” pieces ufcuuion bfi’pn, besides up a mm at of small am]; m Ind ambulances. : ~ I ‘i‘ 3 “E? Ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers