mu. the Rebels Encapadt. : The New York War/.1 nnswars‘ thi: quay tion in the following emphatic terma : F10ur...... But. why war» tho relwls permitted to R;‘X“°?r"t"~- ampe from Ymktown at all? The rut-wru- “'1 s“hcuh...” is It hand, and the time hm: mm when it Md hent......;.... should be mmle pulilic. The Jit'bclamjl Ina: gm“ “ ucaped only becauxr (irux.lfi:','lz-l/au'a p/an was 0:55.. inmy'vra! with. and in an «sacrum! pprle'v'ubr up-, Burk:h:;t:m~"mm act, by (hr Surrnfarj/ n" anr. (lenvral McClel- .Dloverseed"...'-'f2".“ hm proeecderl down the Potomac With the Timom Su‘J'W’ understanding that Gpn. McDowell was 10 Flu Seyed "“'"'"" follow him with hil, r 0151): «1' Juneau It WM in- Plnser of par" tended that the operations against York: Haster'gmnnd, ‘por'bniv town should he prefl‘tlf‘d by the taking of‘ - _ " Gloucester Point by McDowell. llnd this ' ,Ign bpgn aulzercd to, retrflut would have _~,Flour.. heen impossible, I!‘ {.9 the Secretary offl'ur 'Whmt... who i; m‘MITIILIC for ”If (stop: (3/: Jolnutnn’f Rye ....... .'. . army—a Mum/Pr nr/u'rh Ila: [{L'f’l'Ulllll’ll nur bmre‘ C0rn....,..... ..._ aaldmra N‘ (In {ll/77y of I’m! valiant am] nigomvu .03“ ...-”......a...» 'y‘tingfur «luck .llr. Stanton pro/c5“: so much Clover 5ecd......... admgmram. , .Timothy S"? -We have reason to‘ Believe that the whole "eel GEM“ "fid mn-tpiracy Mainqt McClellan lies in a nub-v "“5531 l’" 1’“ """"‘ shell. MoDowelLfls nphew of Secretniy, m" Chase. and he has ha; r'liqne in the Cubi- “ I”Sk'-‘;,“°"’:' "“"‘"" net. actiVely enlisted in hil causg all along, ' Guano, gal-'3‘“) 1‘" ‘93"2; __h thg idea being to push him foryignl tn the; HANUVEfF'I-uflw” L“, Chief Cnmmnnd of the Army over Mt-Clel-' Flour, 1",", wagon"... __ lnn, although he i« now, according to com- pm trom'atores“ petent. millmryjudgmr-nt,further nllvnncedt Wheat ‘ than his merits jmtit'y'. It is to , lmpwl“ Rye. that, we have seén the hint of tln _‘ecics of (t0rn..L....m........ .wire-pullingin military circlesa ;()nt5....------....... ‘ v .. ' . ,Clover Seed..." V 'lhor \l a'lnngwn lcmrcapon nt of the: Timothy Seed.. .ew 301 k l’unr: say-t: . ,t ,thP,_,_ It is: not. imprnpor now to slay thét Genet-i _— al .\[t-CII-llun’s plan (if the (-mnpnigh ot'tho‘ poninuuln “'3“, when he got into position be-( ' _V-..-.-. - » fort}. Yorktown. to haw- htdmwnll pmh‘ tfi'nnm & m'mn.rn's glow is. 6",?! WM, across the; head of the I’ennuulu with 7M.- ”“q‘thu-Hm M”m 1],“... “-..,kmm w ”the, 000 men, and cut off the rebel retreat that cw" in our huge“ cm“, so fin:- .. 415 lay of hammv taken plnqv. lffliifiwlunlmdlmeh “my” mm be (“In“). 3mg,— ”We 1 nm is curried out. not a regimnnt 0f :11] the robe-l full of sum-- ..riex nr‘v‘ puttvrn; :nléo. cvqry vu nrmy at, Yorktown would have esoflllt‘dHriq-t)’ of llnllmv \l'nrc, Sheep'irnn Wat-(u Tin but. the-plan WM changed at, \Vnshinctoannre, l'l.unii<ln(~tl Ware, Japan \VJlrg—crhnu'. after General McClellan got before York- ing, inch-flmvn-rpthinu in the lmulw fur irhiug 1‘ W“. and Cllnngvd ‘withmlt hi~ knowlvtlge line. than. Sunnngc Cutters. Sauq‘ugc Sinners, or unnsont. tilis énomiu-s blnmfl him now“: lnml Went-IS, Mai, M. l 7¥l.<'f€{feif’rcpfl:¢;‘l ‘0 . ' n tlm opm of n“-,‘v' the var rl‘” whulrw eum n-tni. ll] “2‘ fun . lect {El-ngtihllh-nlhoilgrs ‘fvl'mgt Md‘te'nnniflun):-l irnr. “'nrre nl' lllt'il: an n nmnuht-txkrc—l‘;ccping if tnllmud, “uuld have cficctually yrw ‘ 9 5“‘“"”"‘v 'f""‘l"ft0511"‘“l" “7 “‘Il‘l’l.“ fin." ‘l‘" Vented. ‘ {I'HHHL 'l‘hmr nuqrtmont 0f Lumber is \‘ur'x ' llargc; also (foul ole-wry kin-l”. . ‘ ‘ L ’ 4‘ .., >7 ‘4'... ‘l’ R'Bl’flollm‘) run easily obtnirllfibi'nfi plgum- of tho .-\lmliliunisl~s. ”0 may :u-lnivvu no‘lliug in militnry matters. but if‘ln- will run ofl'mdm-lmyr'or two [mm Virginia, he will be nt «:m-o n fiat-ut'flmmml. :1; Frmuont in. McCl’n-llun Ml. find sull grr-n‘lr‘r mlvzm uue in taking/Hm nrpmmnnla. U;- oan final M llllK‘lf'llsl lu- Mame-a. 110 and lllx friomls mm INNL'Nt “Sh mom-y. and still he will have llo~t*’nf All—lnfirl‘rs mu] lll!(’l()'_’lhl~' “no {vin mm on llh‘litlooto the nighm militmy and MG] lmr‘mls. :tllladlzgxll he m [V m-vvr rlmw. by “W"lh, or nah! any Capacity in mm or pmmeg '- f ‘ Nothing (I: ('lu'm' ’l'hm.—"p h (hp (hm ‘ ”VII?” HIP lulminixlmtxm it-lvutvfix-d itwlf' fully with tin:uLnlixirxni~ts._l>sj r‘('~_lrn)}‘int!: Lurluvvry in HIP hidrivl‘ of Columbia. ”Io ln_\-- 111 ”1;" in (\lm Builvr Matti: '\n-rr‘ 1161:0111] of u spmdy sup-Ivn-ssinn n!‘tl:r~l‘f“‘ollinlx. the pn-~el'v:niun oftlw I'nirfu nnd returning, jvonro nml pruxpwity. Lutw‘inco than. they ; are without hnyu- nnnl‘ know not whrrn tr)‘ I~>ok' for gum-6r. 'l‘iw-v Imvo nothing to Shut-r thr-m-«rnthing tn hnym fiu-~nnlhsn;}“ tn-lnnk finwflwl (r) with joy, ~incc nLnLitiogl #l" 1m; fn‘Tcml the administration (n‘fnkifiv ’iu ylmlgm nudhl'ivo (LI-m Um}. it~ ~ummt l-y invnlli‘nj! ‘lmir ri‘ghlm A dark and xlnomv hum-b is now bufnrn than) nwl Hn-y mm in (Im(lcptlhofdmpomlL-ncy.—-Frchdv/x I'nlnn. H ' ' - ‘ V 1..» v , ~<’ [[urlrfljiL/ifl‘ 11ml .\‘nrr 'l'lrFMh—TMN'l'lmflm 'srmt :m'l jnlinfal rmnh of “Cnirlnin'zrl'nM." orummml I-xr-x lif’hj‘f‘flm vnnnl organ". In W vlt amv tinh- he pom-1x « sl ln‘ nlfnwjng on» m twn of " Brfm'u's. “Emu-hill 'l‘fnrlws‘" nix (‘mrch Law‘ngm, to ili~¥olvo slmrly‘in [ho mmIHI. ”Mme. Sing-“31ml I’uhliv film-uk or! will fiml Hymn uf liltml‘i‘ll‘ ndvan! we). “ We hm‘n fuuml lhr'm of grunt ~11v';"«-n in .nllnyiug'Blwli-h'3] Irritation. and in «u!»— gllfinu Tumrmnnw iyrnrlumul Lv "MIL."— 130;. Dam}! H'-./ut.- I-J/Jur oi'Zuu's llv-m’ll Pay-{Lanv.l.~flnv. (fun-tin hm. “:o'lonrn, mrdQlu-‘l Maura flux-“M, Ehnrlv. 1111-1" kiumnnn. ivlm luv] lwon nonvir-tml nt' nur 31M com-t f'nr 'hu £llm impriumnwnt nf Juhn‘ Ko-mwdy. I‘-\' this lumlnn the tin-l fvmlnnls "HA )olimml of “11-92” fine, but not the ch-flE—Hn/PAL‘ "dunk”. . {67"le nlifihronno lwt‘veon mbo‘linn nhrl nbolitinn is 1m! 'thc dim-romp ln-tu‘unm (I. hold lxigln nyman and n médnigllt‘uv‘ 12:1310 ‘A denr old ('1! un 11 <fnud: cm“: by the wand. ‘Wllcrc of.‘ hnn'o met the much-u n'ud the good. Many Suhlulgl umrnings hm‘c- we fail vnnlu‘llx “'hilg- willlin 35.1: mills the han-x we «punt. The inge l’ns‘hr stung-(II new} to hug in his unl nnus task. - ‘Though 'mom: hi: flock found such M were _ but a mn=k. He hnsyrcnchcdund prnywl “mil hi‘ noble head “us become A-mercd with many a (fire: [lnt-ad. Tn pro :6 the pin-1y of tho au~enihlv one (I W'. ‘A.“ mopiug 0\\l" into lbw-hc’lxch had made his war, The inattenljrc found nm-plc means their time to hfiunilc. ' For the fealhered intruder sat trembling all the . 'while. . . ~ , :Of those who then me! far Warship iHhis plm-P Some on the sunsncrntc«i ground claim but u . K narrow spu‘e; j , . They lmre gone, but. their griffin; hm“ vel be A seen. . Marked wk!) whim stones-and covered with -' «green‘ ‘ ‘ Thai walls of this church withstood both ' min '1 -and storm, ‘ An! its stm‘es in winter ivcre ever warm.’ {ls paint.“ length became dim, and dark its} ' pure ivnlls, , l (Afid‘itolten resounded with children’s squalls.). at new sight now meets our, wondering e} ea. A‘ remodrle‘d church now pointsi its steeple .i tn the skies. ‘ ‘ It: Beth newly painted white, and its frescoed walls, . Bemlndd lie," methinks. of heavenly halls. (Neg tiny liners running swiftly to nnd‘fro, . Never more be seen near'lhe feet of Vthose who use tobacco.) «1 “sync idler’s pencil e'er again p‘ollpjedie wnll, flay they meet there for good, and get it one‘ and all. , , I . Now? my all try the Sabbath school to re—or gnmze, - \ Where childrencan meet of every caste and size. This well built chu‘n-h stands long end firm, We hope in We“: may never receive any lgnrm. .Tbil must crumble, like all of men‘s work we ‘ are sure, _ , And to see lasting houses we must keep our ‘. ‘ hearts pure. p_ 1;, n, '. Liulesw'n, gay, 1862 t , ‘ L, ‘ _ For the Compiler MISCELLANEOUS ENIGMA. 11‘"! hamposqd of 37 letters. m 15.3 11 18 6 20 4:9 is a. Gettysbu'rg 13??? 22 1 is a _part of the body. 35 36 31 is an awful“ 14 3211 i: pmo the head. 33 25 1 16 wane. distinguished Romun. 31 2917 28 24h b-mnn’s_mme'. 34 19 5 is a‘young animal. ' Z 10 16 u u put of a. hot-59’s foot. ‘9: 3 17‘21 "tits {or no man. %16 25 30iaannuimal. '~ ~ . .;37 32 17 is a boy’s nickname. ‘ - 15 35 20 23 33 s is akind‘pfcptmh goody My whole a so. WE MARKETS GERYSBCRG-SA'ruioax' Lu". ........4‘\ 75 to 5 00 ....... 3 0!) mu...‘ :0 h) l 20 ~..I I 2 [.Ol 15 Special Notioos.’ 5 ”F. \L THE SH‘Kr—lnwuHlOf the. Umyefi nnnl Slum-win nrc nhmys‘ ‘Tlllrt'd by llr'Lw du pu~ile of hurtful nmlur, lan-b} ball 6r impure Maud in lhnsv: impunnm mgam, Imd the pug-l eun'n'm nmtf‘rix‘fl HI 111 i: \itidutl: |lequ. uchug (In the swlc-Vy; nmkl'u it [on “wk 14) 'hru-[ud’ Ibis nunto'rhyrhc Imtnml c)l.qu-Is,urifmxyls carried «Wit i-n wry smm” pnrlion. figurine diurrhmu my!» li\-~(-I'ncr_\', clnolu'. cosln‘curaa, h u! lcrl-Mh, filtuflf‘,~liull, nzulsczl. loss of uppv lilc‘. Lvlching of uiml ulrtln- Stomach, etc. To euro :1” tin-<9 hthe hlnml is llu- 111 i: " and mum. h!‘ pvrt'm'fl'y pure and Cll'il']. [ln-n you mm”)! l-bc {Wk A .hnrt’ u>é nf JI'DSCDN‘S'MUI NTAL‘J IHZRH PILLS will lit-light you. 9131.4"; \HII I’ch \\ ith Mum-rid! their nuuhry paw“: HIV! he ‘\ull 'iug to say \\ llh U-o rm] mrp of the Bust, truly llln-y mv lhr- “mighty huh-L'K mm by all “\ledicine I‘M-Mun” - [Mix]! 28. hr: .‘ ..v... 7 . 'I . Purify thq. Blond—NHL a few ofttho “mu-t dimmers glmr afflu‘t "unkind uri»e_ f’rum, lIIL‘ (-urruplmn llmt :u'rnglulutvs in lho Maud; Ufnll the nliscmuic-i thnhhm‘o lu-l'r. muderlo‘l purge it out, nnm: luvchccn lnund whivh (‘Qflld ‘ ““1”! in «Am-a .\\mx‘a Vommnn‘ ser: Low (" j] SUHAI'AHIHJ. lL tlcwunes uml rmnn‘z M the. {R- l.“ Howl. imtils the \lgur 0! health into _l an») T-‘l ‘l‘? lam nnd [mun-“out the lumluré wh'clx millmi T din-MW» It stimulutw lhc llmllthy,fnflclinnfl “ L‘ of the hotly and (-qn-l’ lhc dignrulerq th' 1:10“- ; NY *- nu-l rnnklu in the blmul. IN ammoplinm'y : L l vn-Luu- {l7s‘ um _wt \vi‘loly hnn‘h'n, hut wlmi‘ ' £9 th‘ )‘Tr‘e it will no lullgL‘l: he nlthaliun \rlmt' _EI'S“ roxmulj‘ln muplm’ iu tlu‘ great \gnriL-Ly of {lf-,1“: I!“ tin-Img (li‘e Hus that ruquirc nn alu-mti‘w (mu-l "’1 V?‘ ml). Surly, urt mmlv. that could bu when} unL 1 'h‘n‘, “l hm lung: hot-u snuLhL fhr; and ,mm, for t‘hq I ‘ l ‘5 l file-t film-.11“: public hmc one on whit'h they ‘ ”I‘M’ run dept-nil. (hlr qmro hen: glues nu mlnnl “Pn%£ w-rlificuh-e to chuu‘ 1H (41-0115. Uni 11hr tria‘] kiclfif' (Ira <inglc butllt “ill .-hn“' to the sick [halt It k F “‘1“? hzu \irlues <urp:\_=s:'ng.nnvrhing they lrf'g'eevtr/E f & h'm n. Sum-rum from tk'rul'uln, Sz‘fiolulmu fl 4 Sul-lllngs x‘m l Sun-a. try i 1 flunl Lucille mpirlhy i I“ L uith which it cum-3.7; .\‘lml l)j.~un»cs,“l’ln|plcs\ ‘ ' l'xMuh-z, lllntrhvs. l~§rupzion';,‘ $5., are goon" clcnm-vl n“ of [llol.4th. ‘ - L 1 H. .\ulhony‘e l-‘m-. lime or Enysipdns, T‘LLL‘ lot or .\‘nl‘g'l Rheum. Smhl ”add, Ringwdrm, kc”: hl|()]|lll ILOK be hurnc while they mil be .9: \lwv «lily min-Ll by .\\‘rzn‘r; .\‘MLSAI-ARILLR. ' “'— .\‘_\ p'nilisfiyr Ventral Dham- is emu-[led frnm Lhe- walcm by thelnruluuut-d u~é 0’)!!th Snrmg— p.lrill:\..nml tlu: yu'n‘nl is left us hL-leby {ls Ff hr h.ul m-Hr had the disca-Ie l‘uu'le'llinowscs mo uuhcxl-hy Scrnful:(_ in the h‘uud. and am mnrm“ mu run-d h}- 11x19 li\n-zuv nf S;|l>:lpnril‘:lice [Bl' puf lmltln, ‘ r a; hotllM'tur Sh. _ 1 ’ Fur “H the [llH'p(‘<l-~ ut'a family phykic. take .\}9l"s(‘ul'lnllit I‘xlls, “hich :m- m'Jr}. “11th" kn -{\'u tn he the Met Imrgnive that. xsyolforcd to Hm .\mr-ricnu i’cup c. ;‘ “gr-MW“ by m. .I‘.’('. AXE]! a: (10., Low-1L .\l.x~~. Pure 25 (‘mm ”:1; Box.— var I! Has yon Sl. ; , - [rsz'xx'nll by A. I). Brvmmn. and} 110.110” (\L'l}\\'hl‘l‘(‘. [.\[m 14,132. 211;; ‘ ‘ . MARIKIED. T ‘. (in the 15th in<L, ‘Vy Rev. Jacob Ziqglor. \Yr. HILXKS .\L THU\L\S to Miss ELIZABETH \'\ .HHKZ'ZN. hull) ot .\Lt-Imllen township. 1-‘mmn'unu Mm! 5. Lfi?‘()bitumy 'noliccs .exceeding hix line; will lmrcxifter he charged at half our usual ad- vol-thing rates fur all over that number of liuca?l A 0 Ilnrrislrfirg’. on B.lmrt]ny\lnftctnom}. after a lumz'nnd sat-re illness, . iss AGNES .\l. U'IH‘ILL, fornn-rly of Gettysburg, ngetlllmymrs. 1' 0n 'l‘ueulny hut. WILLIAM HEN Y, only son of Philip and .\[zuy ”tamer, of‘Su'abnn xowniship, ngcd‘ 2_3e urs and 2:! dnyi. 0n the 4th inst-.., HENRY CLAYTON \TIRTZ, of Butler township, aged 2 years 11 mouths and 6 days. , ' On the 6th inst. of Scnrfet Fever, DAVID CHAMBERLIN. agod 5 years 2 months and 21 days; and JAMES ADDISON. aged lyem‘A mouths und 6 day: ; and ouxhe Bth iIRL. ELIZA J.\.\'E,.ngcd 3 years 1 month and 'l4 41.1)5, chil dren of James Alt-under and Reba-cm, Cur xeus, ofFfeedom township. . (In Slinday morning lust, EMMA (‘A'PIIA RISE. only child of Wm. H. and Cuthurine Dcutrick, of Butler Lownshir, aged 1 {eat and 3 months. “” YFHE undenigned, having been appointed Assignees. under n deed of trust for the bmzem of creditors, of UAHD GOODYEAR nud Wm, of Franklin township, Adams county, notice is hereby given (0 all penoqs knowing themmves indebted to said ‘\ssignorsto make immediate payment. to the undersigned, the firs; named residing in Ft nkiin township. Adams county, apd Lhe lust nmedin Guilford township, l-‘muiiin county, nd ihOSu having claims against th same to pr em lhemproper 1y authenlicnud for settlement. . ‘, JUHN HARTMA‘I, JOHN DUWNEY, Agaiyncoa. May. 19.1862. 6t TWICE is hereby given to the Stockhold h ers in the Gettysburg Water Hompany, that an Election ,for Fina Managefs at said Company will be held at the hymn of Geo. W. McClellan,7in Gettysburg, on Salufa’ayhfltc m day of Joni ml, between the ham-s of z Ind 4 o'clock, I’. M. By order of the Board, ' ' 4 ‘S. R. RUSSELL, Sec'y. May 19, 1862: td ADIES, can and see the cheapen lot of ‘ _ SLLKS ever altered in Gettysburg, which are now open and ready {or skin M. ‘ Aprill 21'._- __ W, '. F;nxss~o¢x’B. Cums, cngfTsé—fi nplen'did m of Carpeting—goo n cas just. opened 3: the New Storepf l], gP—ANGLBR. 7 um: wimpy, wrxs AND Wmsxnv, rot gum-Jul purposes only, It the New Drug to of‘ , __‘_-_-; 0.11.1?- 5955'?“- " ‘ YER‘B CHERRY PECTORgL, 3 AYER’S SABSAPABI LA, ‘ . arm's BILLS, . . for ule at Dr. RJHORNE'B’S New Drug Store. KAI!!! CREEK. "...-“.1”! 75 to I 00 BALTIMORE—Fawn- Lu-r. 'f 5 37 (a 5; La .... 1 35 :o') as .§..- 88 (o -'H :14. 53 ¢0 "’1 ...'. 37 do {I 5 00 {o 5 25 z on so 2 25 .. 7 do again as .. 4 25 u 5 00 ....m 00 mm to .... :51b 26 !co ob . , boo . ' 500‘ .1 xogol 25) . 3., 60. ~ - L .‘43-3 .. j 3'l; .. T 425[ ~ _ 1 751 . . G 25, Em: Assignee’s Notice.l Election. , ....,. i P. l 40 7 00 L 00 :reat American Cucus. Jmos! completely equipped eqursn‘n labliahment in Hue “urld. comprising a lullenion or bcuulifullj lmincd horses lies and a 3 lnTgcr nnmbvr of perfnrm u'ny mnelllug company, will exhib .ll‘duy, May Z-uh. “ , , Friiny, “ Qfilrd. :sliurg, L; Monday, “ 20111. ‘ esboru', , g ‘ Tuesday, “ 27m. l on and evening. Doorsloppnit 2 and 7. nnce to commence huh! an hour later. i on '25 cruts’. 1, l i l unagemcnfi reel happy‘inmnnouncing y are able 3“) calcx (or the amusement uplic this :s‘nson of 'd.‘ ll] 1 superior :r Io any tra\‘¢fiing cnmn‘finy‘. The wag ,r been newy'lpaunted Mid Hecamlud 50' p went a. ne'q nml elegnntiuppenmnve., a uess IS neflnnrl ion-1 it‘ul. the ward-i ! l the most pJ-tly do‘a'riplion, mann a from deoiys impermlmm Paris (101- ‘ Inst winten‘. i One of tlip great featurcsi £lflbll‘llml’fill i~ the l Exams“ STEEPLE 3mm, ‘ u-cd this so iwn fur th‘ lib! time in n‘ ifsg ( irons. ' E'lli: :m-nci nt‘tllic mus! ex-l H‘iinion. ; lu- linrsmilunpmgl&lch Tditglics, 51c}, while surmounted by: i lcrs. l 1,, l l THRZQI'AVE IIAILT, i at {mun-o, u (1 :ii el. p 1 cox-rec! idea of: n the [ii-est": t wnr. first the march: i n the lxiilmi lugnning cnmp lite—all? r H hing «11.- 'n and ’s“ng up utthc' (command, qrrd finishing; with the gmud‘ LEE] T es laxggfi . and 0 an tin it at? Ger; Ha o, sburg, | Eam W ‘ I Audio l'erftgn Ad 5 T";- tbmx 1 of “I ma ' 0113“}: ml lb The, robd fuel}: ring uflfia in“? “.131- (mm hrdp HAM IA al sun and Lhu ‘ “'O2P ) c 1134 x ‘ . L , , m: nonéfis AND POWER, ; ‘e bcst'tmineq collectiuh Htant. fore. u oug uhirh EH the grvzu'mlking horse ; \\'AS[H.\'H"!'U.\‘ ‘, i] be intrudu'cg’ui hy hi~ 1 minor i J)_\.\;l(:,\nn.\x-:1. . . n ple's famrii ' rims n. "he performers b on {mthcl‘mfckmn Elnora nnd Amt-nun. onprise thn ‘,‘4"“‘" both llz'manhA‘H-s. A " mok u! them’zmu-~ :——l.):{m. (‘mrdm-r. R. |i ngs, (ho. [l4’ inns. Juhl'x Fmter, Hrury r, S-gnnir I'Lri‘t-r, Ker Br-Jfllels. \V. , “is Eliza flnl'vlmr. .\lndnml- Gunilla, .\ innie, Muslbfi Ed. (Lard ‘L-r. W. ”M. ('. r, T. Swan, .14 anhold, T'. Slflllh, and a If we” telectupllnlxxlll:lriulj. i ‘ "bun: 'perl‘érjlmer; “in hpponr in evoryi y of nick's. er l'l'.’ scent-s, 1! and 4 hurse ;. light mp - 4:l‘lung. s.ka rope mulling.‘ 1 g, dum my, singing. #yvnmhflh cw , &c., &c., m 4 “hol‘: culn'cnnd by the: f :u "1 . I Tum-2E (”new Cquxs‘, , 1 I} nrdncr, Jim I‘osu-r, ‘ Yum” Dn‘n.‘ :l l' morningul éAl'shnmuthn-Dunn-{my .\‘il’l u \vn iu gram?! Epl‘m'n-kfl'unt.IIL‘AUL'II hr Pe 'x ncr‘s .\.nm'lx hm Hrnsx B and. smm“! in u if lklimnl "affidrmm l'v En hm- ol qplvn u" SM. folio“ dd! by «H the: hursc‘, punk-«1I a S,lugg§lgek’§nn. km. hr. ~ W w. G ,x.nnxl.:n, Agent. LINE)"; .\(fliniwrs. f“ ‘ x:eth,lm. i E ‘ ‘ Dr. Bobfzrt Hofi‘ner’si . ‘ ’ FAMILY‘VIDIH'U Ann ‘l‘ Ermasvm 'me ‘S'I‘URE, \nnlznsm'nngsrnxur, uLT-n «yum. Mg rcnrml {Tm Ih.- uuilivc p 1 ulivc 'uf fessiunfi “1,0 jvhhlrlll'd in :rmunmx in: 'imeng n!" ('dll) .dmrffg Jim vicinity, 11ml 10mm}! 37 {I ‘ r xmv smm: sm nominrmofil (wrup'u'ul i. as an uflik‘l,’ “In-n- I l lmml a Ind,, - supply 0 I bums. g . mmmxxs l ', J (:HhMtrst. g "LNFUKIEF V TUQ 1' arc-. 1 most “'5Oll Ulla l have £ and“! I qux More I Grah- I inlc 1110,le hm“ . \‘ufiip rulF‘u llllhl ‘ plujl : \\ it u‘ mun ter '1 luau; II”! I mni 1 :z; I ' ' ~uws. MU 1: V l'AlkTS'nglmd in OWE K 0114);. (‘\'prt 3w}! . ' J‘TATIUN' I ns‘ T‘j-ncilii Pupt-r.(‘uu ‘ lATE 1’ .\UCDII‘IZ he. pol-uh“; £s!th \h-v Salt-man mule WIN HISKEYJ dune-ii: ml _onwlugnll. u \\ (Ird, m hipg nsu-llllv iouml in dracripzind. ; ‘rge Supply '7? frc~h Dru I uml othethru nrr‘nin to the pub, (:1 on very I My .\lcdinfijxei have all mfpcrsmm‘l ighprcliun: lhu mun. rclitho huuaes lnly recu—xulanU them 311 > In sle them Limp. A. , h.—PAI{TI,U| LA“ ATTtCXTION giyen to I-ulmcnl ,uf 4 [inhrunic nlgacnst‘s. ( -“ A l) \‘l L‘l‘E 6111 I‘4l Sifm - )2. 1862. n , - ‘ is All wixlh nndih Mug)- wag}- of U4l. Aw cch‘ ‘ leriF 1 tl-rlps mink ‘ 1 [my ‘ \uuti ‘ butlg- ‘ IME Di f- J ‘ PALRTXERWR—The partnership hero lot'prc cxiéting lwtwcen’lhe und( rsthu-d, pmcticp ofwmicino, It“ this day hem ‘\'ed. The ingh: nl lhr‘ firm will [re fuund “(1.; dislo tn éh possession ‘0" Dr. Uhnrlcs “mill-r, who will ominue thc‘ FLICHCC. { _ ‘” Ollice one? our Mum-e Hue Drug Store of Drhl . Homer. El‘-§£IIARI. IS ”(IRES HR, - . I'. 03m: 110 mm” 4p illl, 1862. 1 . 4 . >+.~-~ - .2 4: ~;————- _— 3' 5 { 'JVJden . L ‘ 4 Bus or Cnrvsmznu. 1‘ l‘ - = sl‘ay 6,1662. ; E Bank of (L-ttysburgflms misvdny'de :hred n Divqlond of F L'R. PER. Cl-INT., lpital Stock,}]u:\_\'uble n or nm-r Monday the 12m: , g 'l‘. D. c.\i{sox, cams»: I‘.’, 18623. I‘3: 1' ___,l , . W -4!___-_...._..._ NotweJ; . T on?) n n jag; TER Dnmctairs ESTA lE.—-Letters ofad ministratiod on the cats - of Peter Decker. of Sualmn ! township Adams ruunty, >sed, hflving been gran d to the under— éd, reading in} the Sumte ti wnqhip, he here r‘ves notice mid" person indebted to aid t‘ to fluke inimediute p‘ P‘ment, nnd lbo<e i g, clui'msniatimt they‘lsnmedo present n properly anfihentieutedfifor settlement. 9‘ JEIO. F.3FELTY, Adm‘r. :y 12,1862. :6: _ . ' ‘ .‘l Nouce lto Taxfipayers. lOTICE is lxdroby givem that. the County . Gomnfssionjor‘s will milqenn IABATEMEN'I‘ OF FIVE}! PER CENT. ‘ ‘ all State mld Counlyrues assessed for yenpllsp’ that: shall he: aid to Collectors 5r helm-M15114: 1:! $1111.21. Collectors ; be reqn red} to cull all tux-payers on or in the aboveldate, :Il‘Jd make such abute< ‘tto all periods payingfijon or before amd 13nd pay the Mme to theJCounty Treasuren, hrwise no «filament lynx be made. By lr of the Commissioners}: , 3 l J. .\l. (WALTER, Clerk. ‘ Nil 28, 1862', td l j 7.”- .- .H . .w-..,.. ___..m_ Auditor’s Hence. ‘ El n‘p‘o‘ the A. on: 0} will; 116qu mm 4,y th i dna IHE undersigflt‘eed, Auaizo‘g nppoiuxed by the Conn Co ”tribute the balance in thq Faith of Ramp! BISHOP, Ifiecuwr of I‘llwa 313‘ or, deceased, will :5: a‘n his office. for tbd put-pose ,ot' makiig slid diskibution, on ”May Me f3d day 91' flay uql, Vita and where all pa; iea intereste'd can ntlemll ~ 1 1. l 11‘ J. GIFNEELY, Auditor. .Qeltysburg, April 28, 16$} ((1 ...; EW SWING GOODS—fins: opened at the ‘ New Storéiot gl. SPASGLER. ‘ L. SCHIG‘R has justgeceived a lot. of ' cheap Looking Glass”. _ ‘ ‘. ', 1 ‘o x S L I p], ‘ cm: Guam-D snags, zelocted and {_ ground exptesfly for Dr. ROBERT BOB ‘NARK New Drug Styre. ' j H A a! x {in}? attention ‘of the Ladies in respectfully 5 invited to a. lamp and; ‘lemfid usnomnen'; 'mdies’ fine Kid Ind Mpfocco BOOTS “(:1 IPPERS—Luuni omqrp, am, am, a}. nil 21. , *ILiE.,McILHnNPs. . ‘ _ Borougkqf Getfylburg. {Fahnestnck Brodie”. ' Lia“ “£OBO ;J. L. Schick, ’ r ‘ 11 15 on ; Dunner &_ Zipglor, ‘1 13 10 00 :M. Spangler, 13 10 A. D. Buehl , ‘ 00 , ‘ ‘ . er, 1 , 13 10 001 r L I}. I’mkmg, l 4 7 00 Hoseph Bevan. r ‘l4 T 00‘ ,chrge Arnold, ‘ 4‘ l 4 7 001 “3031911128011, 3' ‘ ‘l4 7 001 ~LisstcCrc-ary :, I H 70f 1.1 . ’ IMS, Mary Martin: 2 i 14 7 00' Mia: Mary MrAlhslq'r '7 14 7 001 112113;? \Vimer, 21' il4 7 00' 100 11 40.11 1- ~ ‘ 7' I p, 14 7 00 'Jncbbs dc Brother. ’l‘. J 14 7 001 ; Drugobert Homer, ‘ l 4 7 00' [llOll (mm, .1‘ 11 14 7 007 sandman, . .1 ‘l4 700' ‘ Mri. Sophia Strausb ‘1 1‘ l 4 7 00" IM. Samson, 114 7 00' 'll.F.Mcmleny. 2 i il4 7 00? Gugge I‘. Kuwnciach, il4 7on " E. .Minnigb, 3 ' ‘ 14: ‘ 7'00! Gegm Myer’s, « E 514 " no:l 'S. 1 . Forney. Agt.,§ Y 1 H 1 OU‘I ,xogbeck & 11min: ‘ 114 1 oo' 1 Rowe dz Brother, ‘ ‘ :- '4 'l” 001 ’thLCarr. 51‘ i 4 -"" 00l CodarikGiHespie,’ i '1 14 U L 00" F. tVifmtzkpy, ~1 il4 ’- 00" Die_ll,Bn’nkcrhofi"&?(‘o. 1 9 "5 m Jn anke. i : ' 3 9 ' 5;; on Shtmh 11' huehler,’ ; ;12 1 1-7 501 w .8. Dane, ]= 114 5 '00: Jlounépdgatant (p. I Jo.+ph Shaw. 1 i 114 7on Samuel Fuhezz, Ag“, f . H " 00 A.}V.Slauh, ; 1 il4 101 (11 5114;111:1101, 1 1 3 14 7 o J? Smith, : l i H 7' f .1. ‘ 1;. Miller, I , Fl 3 1101 .1 Gcémam . I Yglhnt. &,Cnlohous 'EJ'P [1 l 4 'l' Ml3l. Mary Remmétr‘ "l 4 7 0101159 &_ Brother, 2 F ‘1 14 ' L. 11.511111, 1,! 7 14 .\‘lug‘ly 1!: Slnnosifer. ’ El 2 7 )uphunie? Enxues, 4 , i H God, \\'. Rowe, ~3 t 1l 12 11» ry Dvsnrt, :' 1 il4 s 1 uel timelius, i fl 4 .\‘un‘uel 1.91110. i ’ il4 Ihvull .\‘lemmtz. 1 i i 13 1». TE. F. Nmrb we”, * 9 Snyélor 3: 3011, il. . !14 11.4.1114", . 7 g ! I‘3 Johh Ummra, 'i! 91l ; A. lfieimen, ' ' § 14 Johl ~l’. B-lknr, . Chth-e Uvu‘rdeer, ‘ 1 Juli?) 31199133, : l 1 ’ ‘ package tp.]' Roiiy & Shem-ingot, E . Jnhh Buah‘gy, $l2, E i ’ E ’Joht Fowlqr, i ‘ .3" (km All Fox. ' 1‘ E “album 0.51913 3 i 5 ‘ Buruficl‘ bong Twnéis Jnrlly, } J ‘ t \\’l3.D.wl<, \, f 1 B. . Knpnor, ‘ i D. (I). Marlin. ; i t q: ord !p. i .\. f. Hime~l .l CO4, 3 Aut'lu-ely, , I I 1 John “may, ,1 E 1 lid '\'nrtl \Vnfigln. ‘i , i Baku-(Ni & Pym-rs” i , Fl‘.‘l,'llk. llf‘l'sll. 2 i I l-lLi .‘bm. T.‘Sumt§-rL 1. Fr: noi< Smith, , i ‘ i Jul n (Jinn-r, ; I ! j Emma" (~.; Mu {in L. Mill‘eg. E - ] Mx-F. Ann I: :llnjah, l I[.;\\'. Witmnré‘, I ‘§~ Px‘h‘l‘ “it‘d-Ila, a i I Jngi-nh Mark, ;1 _ ! Phynk J: Sp'mfler; 1‘ 1 J. J. B39~Pckhlfl I l'. {ll. Fuhreiler, § 1 5 Win. Rut)", ‘ l = ‘I ~ librrly 1p! qui: A. Ovegholdz‘fr, I Smmnl Martin, f 1 ‘ E Jufhn Miller. E f 3 .Hubni‘fir nlum (p. Thinner 5' Shinhhi, = 3 sqniwm & lumbar}, ‘ 3 VPaxton}? .\llCrvui'h 1 Jqlm C. 5113;12er 1 ‘ g - ‘ (Jujynlmland lp. .. J.[‘Crawfor‘|inmj ‘ a ‘ , Um": ipJ :54th horn rP-‘ Peter Yentk, ‘ E ‘, ' , wnirh .[ um 01- ‘ .lélm Dvlap, a i i " nérmnmudfiting Johfi F.l[ouuk, 3 ‘ ‘ bv-en plprcllflfihl . ' '_ I’ym'more‘ (p, mnl .knpvrxisiou ‘ Jl, " 1 hy Dru: R. k f‘." \HII ('nn~t.lntly nll kinds of ‘. ' I numnms. .1; an. :‘m mu dinij'hl, .RY nf‘nll kinds, In, Brushes. kt. 'l‘IS. " chm. together ‘s‘, BRANDH‘IS purposps (mly. :~l'Jlk£‘llll)r:\|‘t s tint-r 11)», yum: l mu therefore plirc add fruah, oluticin Mammy" ITHIN the 0*“; of Adaml, returned and ciasgifiea by the undersigned. Ap praiser of Mercantile Taxes. in accordance with me several Arm of Assembly, for we year 1561-63, onoodl. Wgres Ind lurch-nuke: ”(guy/11y fp, ; _ ( ‘ . 14 ‘ ' t 4 Ahlnm Lerow,‘ _ T}. M. Breuumnn.‘ r : 5' i l “ Ema-119m 1p; Aibmham Wuyhriutt. f : Jfr allcri‘tfi. George P. Minniglu g (iharles Eldon, 4 i ? Abel 'r. Wrigm,§ c ; J,‘acnb I’itzur. . 1 i K. 11. 5.: C. Hooper, I H. PenrQse, , : Wm.over‘deer, i 5 ; Hamilton 1; .W. Spangier,j V g 13 ‘ i 10 00 liiinhSpnncler. f i . 13 10 ('0 XS. Hildebrant}, i 13 10 ()0 John J. Kline, :I ’ 1 14 ‘7 00 Imm: Km”, 1 j g 14 ' 7 0!) Wm.’ Wolf, ' i 3 t 14 7_oo n. L. Miller, £ 1 14 1 7on George Mundorfl',‘ . i 14 i 7 00 Miss Cnroi-ine Elwyn". i H » 7 00‘ _Miss Hannah Mmhigh, ‘E 14 7' 00 ’ ' 1?“!!!ng (p. :9 lemon Chmnifitér, { 13. , \voir. ; 1 " i 14 R. Shipley, ‘F 3 1 14 {Michael Myers, ; 1 “ 14 ‘i , thban (fl. [Daniel Golden, T' l E - {Philip Hann, j ' ' i .‘P. ‘A. Myers, ‘1 ‘ § [l3. Eichehz, ' i' EJamal) King, f . :- . {Hugh King, ‘, ' f f ‘ - anringtmilp. Samuel T. Browh.’ ; 'Er. Hiteshew, ’_ ‘ l J‘Jacob A. Gan-dun. . 3 {Wm Megan-y, ~ 1- 1 ‘John Gardner, ; ‘ . ' Imam Houser. . i , : John gei 1i ; '_ Amo i ‘ I‘ ‘ #531 l eter n‘, 3 1 1 I Abraham Sell, = . J ‘ Samuel Crawfoth. I ‘ ‘ ‘ {Butler (17.. Noah Miller, Edward Smley, Wm. Mlller, Shank J: Bra, gunman. Henry Wolf, Harbilton (Pu David Rhodes, fied‘lo’kp" _As 2 1? EA: L . . Notice is hereby giien tom“ person: inferen— ed in the above tutu-n of di'assification, that I will hold ‘3l: Afipénl, It lhe Cqunissiouen’ office, In Getty-hum, on Sunday, a: “M day of Jun; ml, helium the‘ hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. It, ,when and: when Ml person: thu may consider then-semis purified by mid dnssifi cation may attend; , J. M. WALTER, Appraiser of Emma; Tue- for Adamno. May 12,1862.; u? 1 ' ‘ A ~-...-. _ . a,.1,_._;.. -«,w___-.._~_,~_§ Buttes! &I§i’eters . A? the highesi>cuh “am for .11 mm. of P GRAIN, ‘ ‘ ‘ , mom, , —‘~ . SEEDS, «..‘ “the Brick Waéehonpe in: New_oxford. " Constanfly on hand a. large uwrment of GRUCERIES, fl ‘vholeufle Ind nail—slug, mum, com, GUAM), PL‘ASTERhtc. ‘ April 18, 1861'. up 3 4 . ' anELLAs of every‘ nrlety n’ ‘ . p ; mama's """"' ‘_"T ‘.‘""'“- M .‘J _ "' 2 if" ’ ‘ ' "" " ‘ ’ """I.T"‘- I Important to the ladies. New Mercantile Firm ; , ‘ ABOR swim ‘f 4 [IN Euurrsnrnn. . H. L WASHING .\u qnnkn _, . NEWGOODRnnd The undrrnignrd in now hnildiny;tnd offering LOW PRICES!— ‘ for rule, (l. W. TULHL‘RST'S ‘le’RUVl-ll) The new firm of SUITE & SHURII roll-cctiully WASHER, at Gettysburg. and ingnds lo lup- inform their friends and the public generally, ply them to those persons thrdmbaut me'tlmt they lnnjunt returned frgnu the cities : com” who derirc n'lnbor-guving(inching "with a splendid "sol-uncut of Goodn, cpnsiu: f "Phil I‘chine is gotten up nn an anilrely new. mg of bullet principle, and is umsidrrell by than: who have DRE S S GOO D S , ieeé l: 'in 'uee, the but [hut mg; ever been Inch u Prints, De Builduchalliea. bum. or 'b}oughv. before (he public. H _ :gnndiea. Robes of “Uzi-til, Alpaccu.‘ Silks, ' Among the many "dinning: o’fipismnrhine Swine Juconrt, Check and Cnmbric Muslim, on, mom"; may be mentioned at]; mum's”; Iliblmul. nnd I good‘ Woman: at Ladiu' i In. In simplicity ofconsuuctiui‘; , talking it Collnrs, (‘uliwu and Mullins,“ old pficel. ltlmostimpouible to get out of null}. , CLOTHS, - l - ' M. It: lpced, which utouishg alike the i ‘ CASSIMERES. ; operator and the locker on. :1 A - . ' VESTINGB 1 3d. The lucnlit)‘ with which it @nptr itself Jénns,&c.. Main? men's Wear; ‘ , I ‘ :lo the bulk or quantity of clothu {wind to be i‘ ‘ ‘ READY-XIADE CLOTHING,, ‘ ‘ trashed. :1; . , , (BOOTS, SHOES,‘ - ' , '~. ‘ j ; 4th. lt washes equally well 111;, finest and y . RATS AKD caps, . lighten! fabric. or the conrsgci a heari‘esl, all prlcu. A qon’d flock of Cotton Warn :mrh as bed-quilts, comforts, blun ts, Eu. HARDWARE. 1 - , 2 bill. be managed by a chil frumllo iol ‘ ' QCEENFIWARE, .11v ‘ k 12 reliant. { ' DRUGS nnd i K . 6th. cumcs} len soap Lha my other. MEDICINES; p‘rorrs: of washing. ' a good stock of prime ‘ ' . 7th. Will last M long a my ot Jr tub wl GRUCI-lltlES, &c_, : ‘lnme care. . ' all kinds of gooda such as are funerully Bth. Snrei half the lnhor. und in a country store. Having bought for May 12, _1862. , ‘ S. HERF; 'Cnsh. we (‘nn afford to sell‘ ni'the very lowent T— . prim, Our motto is-Lu Quick sine; “.41 I I v. XECKTII-ZS, Certificatm I; I bms¥iofifi d n I h II I iiLUVlfiqésmPY & . . ”N ' pAI_W III” , -' as n s are reli yvery until“! I I I . ~. . c. Afi?g\,l,§dl(l,(;:eberéfim-v that 11%.?“13225' - and we want. it distinctly iiiii‘lerfllond that “‘B' 5" "lIN‘INII With the greatest le‘é ““d’l‘o'd’flv and tire 95in: now, G. W. Tnllmrsfi‘! lmp‘mro-l . “I“ 59” them "11-V Fheal’ I“? CHI)?“ ‘0 P‘IPC' :llejoerc’l‘cul' I’rl‘les' We deem ’I "mean?" M'nshing Muchiue. nndnrr In") SIIIIIIHIM ihntii I tunl «'liistlomeru at Six months. I‘lcuse coll “$091333 OMy extra ucwiipgiper flourish. hunt! is just the Tub Mr. 5. Short}- r‘cp rcrntfl it toI examine betore purchastng elsewht‘rci ,ll‘ ’0 III," IvIIIII'II-111111 “11111 ISIIII’I‘IIIIIIIIII“ our he. and 5",,”de “51m“: 0F III“ killll we wouli rcspccttnlly return our thanks to Inn-I‘ll“ {Jun What iro recqmiueuil t ion; to ha, ha“. "(.,. Fern M F": numbiningfinu it (Ines, friends for the liberal putronnge extcnrlcdto us II N "”dl‘,‘ 01 HM"! “1319““, Infld than” 31“?“ speed with llule ”In". “my, ”running tlma liar, and respectfully ask u colitinu‘nuce . "ml ”' fl'mL Q'l:|lll.YQrgoods can be bought ite work in the mmt sniistm'torr I nnrr' '1 lIIIIIIIEOIII ~ S‘IITH ‘i‘ “Kink 111 fII.“"" mum-'- ““9 ““1““ 1 WI“ “J, tlmt We. tht-rl‘fore. reconimonriit. to “cry IIIIriiIiIv: EIIIIIIIISIIIIIII‘I’IIII" AIIIIII 2l' 111111111 111 I iI‘iwIIIIgIIIIIIEIIIIIIO Io 111 “III? “my. favor me “In." III) the County with great plofisurp. I lIWI . lIIFFIIIIIIIIMQQ’ out"? SI‘III‘II'II‘II'IM‘v “1"" 'll‘mi‘ 5 (it-orgi- Go} or, Marin. Gas , ‘ I ReadY'made Clothing. , lI'II‘ :IIIIIIIII; ”1::in ‘ .111 13' P‘ltkth. IGuthnrine .\leills, _ Szirzih Slil i, 1’; I- EORGE ARNOLD ' LLLI _ 'l_’_ . I‘“ M» _«___‘-__l_ ~ - Il'pton‘T. Forrestl Sal‘nlillE. rri-rlt. _ I If "as now niihnnd much tlielurkoat stark I J I “I New Store t ’ If‘hristmn ), (‘llitlizi at" Instill-Imam, Ready-made (‘luthiug he has over lmd, Lou-I I IW t“ 0 q V (V I “I. > , Juhn Chnmlnrlin, .\larthut.‘ mhcrlin. : Int-"0r: I I I INII 'l‘hleO ißilail-111 laciIII:nIirIIlIdIIrIII:Iii:tII’\ISlI ‘ n ‘ I ‘ ‘ . ‘ I I ."“ , I W ' . ‘ -_‘:E1.1.,1-I 1§921,-_____-._ 'i, «_«7.__:; lIIII‘III’rih'II'I‘IhiIsgIVS do. I-_ II Inun’u we to their-haw: of Gefiysbiirg :ni Vinégar—Vineg I I i‘ESTSIdoI ' S I I gr" Hiding country. that he has opgueif ll , . ‘ ' .‘ I ~ , I‘ 2’ "I I , I I-;\\~sTlllu-‘. in (i'l-iiysimrg,in the mom iutel llEiiniir-rmgnrd has mmmem-i thefmnniid DLSTI‘IRSI ' I. I I lit‘vulii‘d I", J C (iiiiiin at; “m on'thc \v J: 'I""“"° "”Ih‘mr- "“ “I“F‘V‘ F“’"I-“"'°‘»5 SIIIRTS' . I‘l ti'esv coruér in hm hiamliii "an re lil lll‘iil' “ ”‘7 doors “0'1“"! “It“ MIMI" lI‘II'L 0““ ' DII‘IIIIIIII‘SI I llchlln large und troll sclectl-iIl It If“ 0“I I Ityshiirg. lIEIIRSIhPGn manufar'nri llll: Vi , GLOVII‘SII I. lill} t I (r‘. 1.1 I: 5 II" ‘ . . lilflil' for nr'mly one year, at!!! it lni: 'I-n Lil-no . I . I lI‘IE‘II'I‘R‘ ‘ I’“ I II“; II I‘IIII" . 'I‘II,I‘.III'.I‘I.II'P' QI‘EhhSWAKE, sutiqt'zu-tmn. Th» snpnrioritv nt‘ ii~x Vinogrzir‘ 0"” 09““ PM"! “"‘l‘ {l‘m 7"" Prom I‘ Imutllc 111 I 111 [III HI “I“ k“, .¢. (I lover nlI other ninnnfiil-tured Vine r. cn'i-‘ieis tnlun “lll‘ll'fH'v both “5 I” ‘lzevl’rif" “"d qul .V~ II el‘crv (I-PFWIIIIIUHI among Which will III"! In it hmn'r innileentlrl-Iy or gm, ”0 "(4,1 nt' If We cannot plus} you ii: Al ‘gnrmmitf re. I 3" fiiunq ilic hilt-st styles of Spring Goods. 'llhin any kiinl hung “w! in it: Hm”, ~itimi, nn-l "IMF Mr. W. T lung. “’llm is,.in‘ mnncci OII'I Imdicls pziriicilii y are rt-quollti-fl torall MEI; (“,.. from “Ye"."ll‘ln‘l injurious. in “mm. = With the ottnblishnient, irilllnltlloni'c tnlteii ur' qxnnllnc my sin ii, ms I trcl satisfied it him find “I the mmq time plenum “,1 ‘ t-ch nnii ll‘lf’itsllre ian make you n unit in ulmrt lII'IIIyIIEI I new IJl‘l ii burp] ~rll‘tl in this plaice fur bounty“ I I.“ all me Ilrcsl'rV'flliH‘ qualmpq Inn-l ih "n”. (”vim R‘CAIL . [April 2E. lHll'l. I JII ‘III;IlIII>lit-:1IIII11I:.~ii.F chili-inch, nlso, llfll‘ ruquoiit- I (‘idt‘r— Vino nr.j llc i: rI-pziri-11. i \ilmlesiiic “I _” “—‘W‘fi‘j’fi 1 - “I IM 11 'is on article iii no line of llll'l 'Vinegnlil' inlnny quuiitity. l‘n :lind Ivmm- _ The Old and" RBll3ble., I lIiI‘IIXjI‘LHWI’I-Jx'h WEAR ililit-vhey cannot be no- I _iue for yourselves. - A [III DILIIIL. XII-“3h \ISIIIIIIIIIJVIBFIIIIIIIISI l‘lf‘K g “Ll-WI. ‘IIIIIII ‘IOKIIIIod With. ut lII'IcI‘Is tllatlnill ustuniulrll - I O I; 3.. 44 I: 3&Q A: .i —— Ull- ' I _ ,I J . L . I's 47 ll I.,t‘ K I | I 'ill iglaolim on llilllli aliir'e am I 01‘ Certificate. I.‘ “-mIlIl rosprrifnllr «air to the citizens (It' (IN—I ulltllCElllliS, \iiilii-li ii ill he IBOItI;\’0‘I'VI Ellyfllp.l W"; ”1* "Mm'fiuei “W“? ”W “m lIIII‘IIIIIIIIIII iicll‘lnv'ilm’lh‘e is m- mach-1... Iv s‘o<~k ‘oi QI'EI‘ZNM‘U‘RE'M ' will aim Ich we have nspi'l'in our finiil :. t‘nr \‘lrl— sit lIISEION‘RSPIPH‘IIIJ ‘ I _I I I 15. niiiilE liiindwnic, durable rind Ihlienp, whiln. (ma purph-rn. ”I" hut-gar mnlnn I~iurl d STUFF. (IF SPRING GOODS: i I .1113" Alll’ETlNGi'nnni’lbe surpassed. I 111 SI-1111 111-II ‘III‘I‘IJIIIIIL' "1111 111111 II I III“ I ‘I The stnl-k uninigts in inn-tint Ilium-Iv And II I! li'S'm) intl-ntiliii to lump n first.cluu Storoll he TOPT“§‘l‘"'s I.‘ ‘nll’"- “1'1““ .'I ll‘ I "‘1 RI lIIiI- DRY GOODS, ul’ cvcrvldcacriptioul .I—lit‘l‘piniz on hand nnsliiu‘g but good gotids—ll II lIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIC I” 111 111. :IIIIIIIIIIIII." II 7"“ ”“I’F'm SIIIKS. ‘ I ‘ I 0 I lid II! at“ rlelp—linting uilopted the inéttu—l-I‘l to any other mnnutzu'tiirt-Il \ iiu'll.” “1:41:qu . ‘ , . I I . , .., . , I - ' I , _ , I. .. Mull-43mm“ B. I - _ I I . ‘Qt in SAIII-ib .\\o bM.\l l 4 momrsm I:er mm, uni Mould reiumnu II it to all ‘3“an o I I l\lt‘ d I‘ll' l'-' I 111 péi‘suus. % ' II I DIEII ‘\IIIWIQ I lII‘ I iull iI’IIIILtrIiIiiIiI:(I InIIiIIIhSIIInIIli; :tlt‘itl‘ltiuifiigilitiiiiti MK‘ -' . “ ." ' 1 I ' ' i I I XEII'JISIIITIIII; {"‘(lS'm-H "”g' ‘ BOMRAZINEIIF. : I I u b sings. and hymeniiqg honestly win. my . (‘mloil-I.Sirliilli-uiiii- -I Ii . II ALll’At‘t‘Ag.‘ I I . u Inn‘s, 1111 girl.- antistnviion to iill.‘ Juliii Clininhcrlin, Frank n tit p., I ’ I L‘Ii“:t7I:I\II.lI(‘OIiIS.I ril II Item MK “ALL biggihGhEß. LII“. lIIIZIII‘, I' .II ; 'nt' u‘l qualifier: rim] clmirou stilvs. \vlvil‘li In” " . ..4- Ll.’ .I. . . -.-... ~ ' ~f‘ijg, "‘,‘l; ‘ “"I' -,1, - he sold In I'ltli'ES Ti) mart (I‘IO\II’ETIITI )N. I, rli - New Goods. _iL“; ‘ I ' 'I ‘ (in I: lIFL‘RIXIIISHIXSGB‘IIIIIIHH dl‘ II? IQ IINGItiUUI).\"-—-,(‘IIUII("III GOODS! . n ‘ .3 o gin n, in:- n ifigfii . lint-n an «:‘o on I ‘ I~'. lINEI‘H'UI‘ ”m l . ‘ ' Tue, Che‘esle. 801 111 IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII"! lIIO‘II‘SV SI""I‘I'.I‘:“'I “‘3' I I lIIITLV just rcr‘eircil :ln‘ii are lltlw'oifilélliugfillgfil I‘m TIIE III'IIIIIII’III‘f‘WI“ “' 9“" °f ‘\lso- It Splendid ““mniem 0‘ RIBII‘WFI limli him-t- ll...ilrlml.~i.i'lii'H'iii‘m Goons m‘ ”I" lICIIII‘II‘II IIII“ lII‘II' II II 111111111 We" I I‘M" “IN Eulojnfis. Umh‘IIIIII“ lIIIII‘ lIIIrIIaIII '_ IWI.I( Ii the) invite the uni-Mien. 01' the nhlliél ”I'll-“El” ‘3O- Th“ ”rmv ”IIIII" I'QIIHHJH‘ ‘l' m“ :My “(Wk 0f “lIIITE (”KIDS WIII. ho {hum} full I” U “I! hm.“ purt'huuud with cute at, rzduwii PIIIIII'II'IIIIII-I' TIII‘III "1111 “III"? 11, '\l ’ lI'II. . ““1 c"mI’I""?v ““‘I rustmnm “‘“Y ”III" ',llol‘llliiiit-Is Ivr‘t- inc [Irl:l’:lI'C(I to give our Customers If! e ‘llil~l,{lllf‘r hug; it'uVr-lUI i‘lllIIil’lllIIIH" (II I- ““33 I; FElling' good goods at. the luwpsl. Pig“; lllmrlqiiln: “II”. stock m“ been 1m- relying-mica "III” "I II'III»I=IIIIII“.IIIIII 111 lIIIIII'II-II" lI‘IIII' 1111 III” M" ”II“. . I I llhv the Audition ofu choice \‘iirietg' (111 the lntedil jll3llt'l'lrlll‘d Il'Ulll tl.lit_i',nnvl hli~ Inirl‘li.i~l-Il (lontlpmpn Wm find it tn‘thl‘if lIIIIIImIIIIgI to l=t ,1 of II ”HI-SI I)Ill'if~'"5‘ G()OD\' niuleriinl “ M". Wm?“ “"1“ 9' “”‘l‘ InII‘I‘III”°’ "II “I“ “l"‘III-mtnitic my “WI: 0f - ' Ifni [PISSII'h\t'I~J.I\IIIi. (:liiibizriNGl'hlliiizxnil °“‘“""" "c ” ”W!“ "‘-'-“ ""3"“ '" “TI" CL'IWIS‘ = I’ ’ lIW \ i: MILLIYIIIIIY nouns he Ich mini. 111111 lI‘IIIIIIII' II lIIIIIII‘IIIIII ‘\IIIII 1111 111111 1111111 I CASSIIIERES anr‘ II- In Icolinlllcln l|<;()rlilllcll1. of cil'orvtllliiiig'lilßunllfil I‘II’II lI'IIN‘ “II""IIICII lIIIQI lIIIIIII‘ '\IIIIII‘IIII‘NM I - \‘HSTIXGS,I f llilvnnlt-111. (‘nllleiirlv and St'll'l‘{ lmrgninm fuflvl (Horn, and lI:ln-lkr-rvlnvt~—nIIII, IIflII indie: v- of ill! (111-'\litit’s M3,] Chou-psi “fies: f " ' Ivmir‘clvNl ' F HIVIIISIIIOCK BRU'S 111 thin in thoNoti ii \i'.l_i‘.\'orli‘i‘(-_ I. Snummr Ari g ‘32. I. L. SCIIII'II. II- .“ ~ ‘l‘ ‘ I ' -,I g ‘i. _ p I LlB I A lli7 181.2. . ~ Illatu “till (Lips l‘rmn I“ (THE lint ‘.‘ '5 Iln «19-. .- -..- - _ .Ifl _ __._~.._.. ..7 $— I—r -, I .’ i ,_ _ ,_ (I ...- 111 ‘ILIIIH (‘ull‘cl-I til ”19 .111111, I'II.I:, 1111 EITIIII (:1 , New Spring GOO :I I Hil 111 V Important. ‘II I.VI\IIIIDS.Ini I ll_1|l". \ rIiII my. I. .u I run T AIN-ZXDTSYILIJCm- 5 . . II ) PUR 'IIIASERS (IF DRY GOUDSII lAN-gar! «lIILIIC hast brillll: tlI-It (‘III 111- gm; all I. . . ' > ‘I I. , ,II - Ikiillls of l’cr‘nlni’vrv. nnl llii kiiiila if Hficnt vs. A.II:IIIIIIIIIIIIII‘II‘IIIIII1IIIIIIII‘IIIFIIIIIxIImIIgIr‘IImIIT ”"3 “(’s‘ I’l‘W" I" I’"! 3‘0"" Dry (”“4“ i ‘ \\ linll-4.illch Xllltl‘l‘t‘lillli unit :1 (er; s In'rlor urii— :IIIIIOIIII:II'I;IIIIII,IIII;IIISPIIICIIIIIIIIIII,II, Egghdnfll; lIHIIILLKIIIILIIII‘I AT A. $001"? It SUNS, «I etc of Blank lnli. nt 27 cunts Iwi'q irt. Nl3” i‘niliriiriii'r: 'I _ I ' omit ~ite the Eaglu ll'utvl, (Iliiimbcriiburg atrce I I Knives. Furkn sin-l .\‘lmnna. 111 .\I liinuls : til-<0 ‘ CltlTl \l‘ '"~ 5 33'; (inc l‘rirn. l‘iiir Dealing. nnd Bi’crythivg In very superior lirticlc of i'I)II\I1 Hg l'l-wllrr,' I‘ ,‘ MASSIUI’RTCS. ll' at the LOWEST PRICE. 111 IM‘ hum“ “HIHIWILN 'I“ “WI “5“ “‘JW- (lIUFH “‘ ..' I I CASSIIVETFI I “V have just returned from I’hilmlclpliilfll lloc.=,fnr 31 cents Irpiere: good #llli'bla 211. 5.0 I I ‘I ‘ {s3l‘le . yiil Italinnmv, null are now openiii‘g ii. ,lurgi centé. I . . t . I KbIE-QI IQ" KS II ‘I . I and itructiiojiflsortmem of I S’II‘IIII I Fn‘fnt’t. nil W¢lHk is forfolks lln giro m(l "I “)B“,qu ' . _ V II I 31’1”in UODa, ‘ I ,I call- I-Nfr truiihleua show 20ml» g 1)?!“ WWIIMI ALILIIIHI‘C \q I I to u iirh wr- invite the s Ecllli iiticnilonyfltli I INW l’lN'ei NOI “3- TIEI" "DI”‘I‘P: ”‘ ”Wk, “*5 ‘ ' IDELXIQRH . II I ‘ Lillie: nnii (lenilemen of town and control I York «in-rt; fight-mg tho onli- mm in the. , I I bl-JIIHLIEFI , ‘I. I We ill not. purtiuiilariw,but invite all to co II .town iit which you will tin-I Him I unyiliinzl . I‘4"qu .l l I emu inc and judge for thcniilelves. II lund evcrylliing that you “aim in! Sniion ‘Antl . I ‘ 1 IGISIGIIAMSI, \ c tiilce this method of returning our thnnkl IGWCI‘U “',“Y-I I ~ II- (II- ‘INIIEI All- I I ' ‘ I x MUSLIXS, . for ie libi-riil patronage thus fur extended I I May 12, HUI; I , ’II- I l I ’ _ \ FLAIISN I.S;I in, rind wunlill my it §hull hc'onr Constant en "“—-**—_- ~__.4__. - ““7" 4 ' I .- H’ II mor ' Incont'n - oft cum I . N e. a -. I ““49”""‘9“ "WWI II I ..‘" I - A II I . our 00 5' i: - I Inns, CAPh, norm and .\liilhm . I 1111111 mu! II t. ,I {1 ,mt . 111 , (‘1 EORGE ARNOLD I I“, .I . HARDWARE, QUESXS‘V-IRIIIII ’[llt'fl ixlby selling the prettiesz, bdut, not I I Has just received from l’l‘lilmlr-lpliiu uI anoganmsp. . ‘I I ' IjKUO‘IS lUI'IIW IN?“ WOW)“ *luigo sttirk llr 111 I I DRUUS, ' II II 1.. , A- SGOTT“ S I CLUTIIS, (‘ASSILIE RES, I - PAINTS; I. hlack, plnin itnd flint-y: Silk \l‘liri'l, Il‘lrt-nvl: ‘ ~ ' -. o 1 ‘t'lIlLS;II InlolhSY r‘” Shinmer [”9“ (lI'M‘Qfl“.I’I'I'WIIIIM in short. snoli n [lmam-l vu'i‘ictyiiwl commit t‘nill lurticlm)'l‘wceild,linli-inCimhiLJml2 <..Uriliing~. to give general nn‘igfnplii n—nml Mhirh thlyl Morin“ CMdeN‘F. “8”“ 0'“ I‘ “I‘HIIWOO‘” ' will sell for CASH, or at. flirty ilnyp toI promptl I and Veatingsgnll very handsome. glii‘tlm‘Miove huvers. ed“ in. and 3“. I'd? yuurlelVY-EI-DOI .Muck of (ioode'i‘h‘orc are many üb‘w slinil buiiii- trouble to show Goody, ' 1 - I I tifiilstyles. ‘5 I lAlso,lconstnntlv on hand POSTS gn'll I 1 AIIISI Also a lzirgili‘ stock of mnrn’éh, II‘IIL‘INKS,I 'pLAXK & gIIIwGimIL lICARI'I'I'II‘ BAGS, :inil ITnnio<iii3<..J .'. I I Arcndtsville, Adnmls GIL, L’ii, I Also iilargo‘stock quIEADIY-WIIIIINII lIOTII-I Him“ “I lgggl gm I I I. Il.\(i. clear 0 n manuhctnriug. i] grog-t VitrlP- II ~ - I . a 4,“, I ~ ty. ill! mzrmpijces und chimp. (‘l'lll liuil ai-ouqfi New Fll'm. . I . I I Mr. IW. T. King is In connt‘i‘ on him tlw tROCERiES. PROVISIONS, Flti'lTSfli estnhlisliment as llill‘ill to cut II hinkc up G— FECTIUNR, XI)TII)NS.,&CI Clorliing In ShMLOE’IH- I . I The undersigned lmvu gone into partner April 18, .lfiG'l. 3111 I I iii tire Grocery and I’raiisian businouz, i.I ‘—‘“" ""’ —‘“' ’ .I'” "’ " _ InIII stand of W. (ilill'ijt‘, in York SIIIIIIIiI , I Gettysburgl I door th lof ‘\'ill'u Hntrlttiettysbairg, II E .\i ALE l X S 'l‘ IT 1' IE . . itliey will'commnily keep on h-ind 111”..5t IF The Summer Session of Hip lnqtitution' geiieiE'lil variety of goods in their lluc,‘\'lZl WI" commence on MONDAY, ’l‘ IE lOTII Ul-‘I 00F \EBSI ' ' ' I ~7, I IMAY., If i‘rillcipai.~.\ir.~. R. ' EYSTER. II SUGARS, , I I 1- . Assistlint,l.\liss MARTHA L .‘GWELL. II I ”MOLAgsIEs. A; . I I Gettysburg, my 5, 1892. 3t. ,3 . ”II . I- ‘ MIIIIIII’I‘IEAS, 1 I 7W“—;~_—- "Ml'B' I I I I ‘l’ New Restaurallit.t 'l iliAiilé‘ SIAL‘II I III") undersigned hits 0 “neilél I estniirhnt, ‘ v ’ . I Er at'lthe corner of Yorininil Lllieriy aim-tsp I SHOULVERSI» '/ I I ‘ettllvshurg, where he. will keep I 211” thing iuII I SIDE-“II ' :,I' ~ the eating “up in season—also Ar, , Anger, and; I I i I. Flhfl. I ‘ 1 L‘idl-r, Segnrs, Tobacco, he. lit lis.likewisa‘l J -I POTATOES; fiiti'ng up a Snloon for Ice Creuilllritlthe s-tmell I ' . BIE'IXH kc, pluce. He hopes, by attention 1 ébnsiflcqg god F LI- 0. U R . A N D, [I 'll BI In. desire to please, to receive 1 l ‘ileml a'hué ofl With “U quantity 0‘ ‘ I custom. ‘ I HENRY w. . imsnsii. ‘OO3 FECTIOXSI I I My 5 1862. ' . I FRUITS, ‘ I I ~ ’-iI- 7 ; - —ql',l—~—-— I‘ : -, sorioxs, int, he; I . Notice. I} -‘t ‘ They eéxpect lISO to dual largely in I .\iiUEi. tuttCKLEY‘s igsrglTit.—i.etierl 011; and (:30AL OlLLAl‘lPS—promifinsa S qt' administration on the esgiteiof Samuel I MW?“ 0“!" former “1d 3 511° 3330"nt Muckley, lane of Strubnn to\ Ishzi, Ada‘msl‘he litter. II I county, dumped, having becnvgfirn ted to thol :Emnm enlarged the Store m 1 Wm RI undoraign ,rcsiding in the so tiiwuiliip, M i the; “Qll‘Y'Pl‘rf‘l to keep 8 lnrge Siockll hgreby‘giteshotice to all pangs indebted to! which. in I be disposeo oh; the lowest; Inid estate to make immodhitegbnymeui, and The, other such bargain. ”have outer bI those hßVlng claims against the fame to presentl for6_been hail _io thin place. I them properly authenticated fo?‘tleli‘neni. I 6170 II? ““331- 1621650: $3833; PII ETb'ltAl " BY d'r. . - - I' April 29. isezll In . lII’IIII ’ 111 ' ‘ JOSEPH s. GILkESI ‘ . Change of Tithe’ ETTYSBURG RAILROADHu and after G Wednesday, )liiy 5, 1862;: the morning Train will lruve Gettysburg at 7t15 AI. .\l., with pmengers {or all the connectinus. soth and South, on the Northern Ceutr i [Emilia]. and .returu about I P. IL The uI ernoou Train will Ilequ Gettysburg IV. 3,5 PIIIMJ but pusuhgers by this Truiu can 30pr further thun Hanover the some evening. 'leturniug will reach Gettysburg shout 6.15 P. 1... with passen get: from Hurrigburg, Philadq 'pliin‘, he. fßy this urrangcmeut. persons froni the country, near the linupf thr Rsilroudfliiriug business to transact in Gettysburg, cungfiako tho noon Train up null hue ugurly two lfiuruju Gettys burg. and r¢turu in the Afternoilu ‘l'niu. I n B. HcCUllD¥,Presideut. 7‘oo if (m 7.00 7 (10' 7 m. 101 no? MN o 700 “_7. 00 FA. (In l U!) 13' 1.". 14 14 10 m ‘lO (M! T m 7 00 14$ 7 00‘ ‘l4-] 700 7 00 OE 7‘oo .7 “0 7 00 10 00 7 ) 7-3?) 7 00 'lOOO 7,00 700 700 2000 ,mo ‘7'oo 700, 700 700 1000 1500 2500 0700‘ 700 700 700 7'90 11l 7m 7'oo 700 7-00 700 700 700 15 .00 *7 12,1862 ' LL colén of Zep’Vol-swgi and Shetland - Wool 51a» be ha ‘I 1; SCHICK'S. ALIGOES, :5 good u eve” at frank 61» ca 12; cu; per yard. can be he: n. SCHIGK’S. OTTox. moves, for uensnd Ira". cu: be Ind chgap at g SOUJUK'A. OWES‘HOS, Prints, Ginghfimi, Erilmn‘n, km, n A. SCWT & M'ti . is! ' ‘ April 29., 1862 New Spnngwmnery 1862. MISS MCCR . BY“ l AS just returned from (herbily and ‘ I Opening an unugua'uj large Mid 'ful nuortmont. ol ‘ l ‘ - BOSNETS and ' '7 l BONNET TRIHWNG bf the [new styles. Also, DRESS G and Dress Trimming” Shawls; Hamil Fancy Good; of every description, all 0 having been‘umhased for cash, will be prices to an the times, ' ' fi'llisa M. is now prepared to ble- . do up soxxms in me has: mum, F reasonable prices. ‘ I April 28, 1862. am ’ j ‘ LA 368 namrtmen‘ ot- Meni'l bu: ter-proot Boon, Cllf Boots, hen gum, kc., just received and for "ii-pH oa. 23. n. F. ucxufin‘ ‘ a. cum has jun mgirod a my“ 5?. . assortment of Gem‘s Conga 11000.1- 3“. “E ’“E‘i't'H'PPa- ' .. f. ._: ' cu COATS‘chup.“ .E. 3 3 ( 3} 1391115634 ~l‘-‘-- ' ‘ *-—"?‘r‘" ‘A Forward Movqment. m; smut: umsctox. H T; womxuw comuxo. y. ,‘ Haring rammed t‘w headquarter! of my' 'C'Uljlng Empurjum from my olwund in!l iCim Iberlb'urg ntrvet into B-ltigmre 111-« t, 3|; _ [sw dnzgnxmnlx of humor & Ziegk-r'a. l thm splra€ur announcing In my Mum): and ”NH "puhlic general”, that I am hotter prvgmredki ’thqum‘t-r to accumqunté them with envy-‘1 thing in my line. ' My room hns been minted ’ find randnomely pnpcred, and Lhercccntnt‘rivsl “ of n nplendid usartmumof :SI’IHXG AND SCAIHER CLOTHING 'l 19:32 I! m: Ln!" anus you 1862 It" nutter it ,emphnliallyév l‘heap and FMb- |L ‘1 , ionnbte Cloth ng Store . ii 1 I of Gettysburg: ~ - t i In :zhe Men’p Dep-rttuent‘wm b 0 found k: than complete assortment of If fitxascmm cums. - . f 2 Bram-ms QUATS. 1: ‘ t . . 5 '- ”351‘s ANS) I'ANTS.for 1 3 SPRING AM) SUMMER mun. 1 ; Out Bays' Dtpartment comprises every "4 f 3"; 'of 515429.. Buys can bq trimmed outfgom [ end to 1‘60! with suits Cpmplcla and clump. : 1m: umsutxc 00098. f ‘ ‘ such an A 388,31‘9, , t i ICULLARS, . V 1 | : qunchnmrs, ‘-’ I m 11,.186'.’ Rémoval.---Tin Ware; IE Under=igncd has revqnvcdhis Tin in 1 enablislrnrpnl nearer the D2nmun£ i 9 "hamburg: street, uljuinixgg A. D. Ruth} Drug Stare—n very cumnflomfion. Hf: xmuesm nmnufncxurn. nnd eps cfimhc r: lmnd. fiery variety of T xxx-“firs. _ q ’ x , r-lmssan AM) ‘ ~ I r JM'AXED WARE, , willgflways he rénuy lo d 0 REPfiXKIN . ROOFING nud SPUETINU ‘ -‘ a done in the but. manner. Prices modal smm rmi etfixrt turned to remit: full “If. (m. The pubhc's continued patropage if “in-d. : ‘ ~ A. P. .BAL‘GUEBJ I llyitburg, April 7, lsuz.‘ , :J? 2D In leril cnnx Xy o‘ 11311 ”Is. Me fifc luli [Shin .3: m up - her In ' Great Bargams!‘ ' mum or? AT (:031 To (moss nus 'HSS.—.‘he upJerligned, hmsing dale:- 0 flow Illeu' busincu,_will after their em ~k of gouds AT (JUST FOR CASH. 4 he uhovfcompnsea every variety of. goo trim; firm-chss ~ unuy Stow—consist]; fup l DRY firms, QI’EENSWAF 'VSMUICS, . TEBRY,IIAIIDWAI f W xivb ““111 he sold M co“ priceiuor I Elm c 9311. lilNlfillAliT k SULLIVAN; I fell' Ingla lk ‘ “in?! ‘ nu‘ [ all ‘ 1 furl i ’ We \rnnld lwr’g give'nollce to Choc! #- E’ de ted m us, either by 2501: or Book accent“, Eto all and settle the same as emrlyru pot-Mg. A gamma, Apfll 14, 15:32., It; 5: Eli" ~ ; [Glorlous News: 3 ‘9‘ “E undersigned takes ‘his fifethod toll:- f ' form the cuizéhs of Bonnnglhowp 1}“ l n 'mlty, th’ax he basjuu retained lromthe «lily .4 I wi h a splendid assortment DY SPRING AND . S mum 60005, of every Jucriptipn sad ‘of 111* late» styles, such)" Ladigs’ Ureu Géoxln, of It kinda; Clotlu, Cnsaimerea, Canonudés, ,an :11 kinds of'goocla for Men’s- wear f Hatfzoi :01 latest. styles; goons, Shoes and Gm, ‘rf ‘m de to‘or'der; and mending done M. sign n 'ce. A 3130, Hardware, Quechlwqre, Cyockdrg w re,§Drnga and Fauna: of Ill» klndl, 1n fin fin. t everyghing that. is generally kept i EA c ‘ htry store. All kinds of Country‘fl’r o Miran iu mde u. the higlnen mlrket prlc .i— -11: would inform his customer; “It! all M "'s' v at purchaied from him win he cut gratis ..‘" gdod uninsured. C A. \\'.,STAUE, I E l :- Squdre Currier, Adams county, I",} ~Jl¥ny 5, 1562. . ’ . F ‘: ME ~ kc EUAI 200‘ an! d nomi, £3ll or ("I-ates. - rew lE.‘ ’I MEE 13 now mult- 523 ; Cheap Groceriel. ‘ I 1 FRESH "rival of Growth: It nflu'id . , pricey—splendid SUGARS atfir‘fludélo cénu per pound—hes; COFEEE“ M ants, and other things in proportion. 03].! hack “a 34d judge (or yourself. f ‘ May 5, ’62; FAHNESTOCK BRO’SE i ’ '4"; whicylh old ptv nd f.‘ I Tavern Llcense. ‘g HE following'xpplicmipm to Ree; puhmc house: ofeuleruinmcut, haw beta 616:! in 1:? office, wimflm requisite numbpr of li‘n‘qn, ad will be pr’elentciut the Court of thfle: Sguiaus, on Tauday, Mb 271}: day of May nan-1.1 _ gheob gunman, Menntplelum “mutiny 1” 8111, Union ’ ” ‘ g . mm moaomz. Qwi ’t - Per: S‘ U. Elcnoulz, Dppn ~ ill] 5. Im. to ‘ “ I 1’ Wk. 1 Br!)- ‘e‘Pt N Y's. El -—-—-‘V4 . x . k 1 I y?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers