E 311 gm. , n-‘We unfimmd that (mum k Bliumm's Circus is to be in ‘own on Saturday the 24th day of May. The by! is lined with the large pictorial»; oi dye eetiblilhinent, and they promise a rifle efinestrinn entertainment. The circus is i new thing in town at‘the present time, mil : ",5 expeet that the 20th will be {gala day in Getty'ebnrg. The company comes well I recommenach, nnd fie advise all who mn raise 25 else. _to ntwnd‘ ' ' * ”‘We have sent no notice of the 1015!. Regiment of P.‘ Volunteers being in the fight: Williimsbnrg,but we obgerve among the mines of the wounded, thosé‘of Samuel Doyle, Janie: F. Wiley, and Ale-made: Miller, of Che 1015}; the latter of Compa ny K,(Capg. Chrltzman'a.) From this r - port, we should judge that our county folks are in the foremost of the battle. ' MB Rebels an Friday (lied and des troied all.tbbir ba‘i'Hacks a}. Savlvgflfs Point, and-blow up theirgmg’nzine. Of the fuc ‘ty-twdgilns formerly mounted at that. plac , but ieveu now remain, the balance having beén carried f 0! IZRichumud‘ last (Monday night; dong withihe uvyfiuishc‘l gun-boats. ESpecial ‘dcsp'ltchcs .statc that the ii'dn-clnd mnmer Gélenn has s'unk {he reb eL hteamer Yorktqwn, and captured the Jamestown in the James river. ‘ w’flhe steamer Commodore arrived on ,Saturday,‘bririging sevoml hundi'ed of our brave soldiers Wounded at the battle of ‘Villiam‘sburg, and also some : Wounded au‘d" loxne unwoundch "Rebel; prisoners. The wounded were convryed to the differ enf hospitals Prepared for therynvhere they {no rcceiving‘thc kinde‘t care of the sur geons and of the citizens, who are eagcr to cnnttibxite to their conif‘org. fl‘lie unwoun— ded firisoners we‘re transferred to the jail ; the wounded receive the same care that is boatbwed upon our own’gullant men. The ‘ remains of-seveml officers killed in the bat tle were! "also brought up and will be .for- l wax-dad to their friends—Ball. Az’ncr. . , W‘Forf Macon, N. 0., iai a; p'reienr gar ;isoned by two artillery companies. Thq dugago done to-the form is not an severe as anticiliabed. Tlie walls, though éomc‘c fluttered, are still strong. LThe main c. e of 'the surrender was the rapidity and free.- xdom of‘our firé, which rendered the fun untenabie ‘exmpt within the leasemonts, which,.in a short time, chame too hot for safety. General Burnside has advanced ‘ hie force, and, at last accounts, he was at L; Ba'dger's creek,about ten niihes :lbuvc .\‘cw “ begn. A number of’citizeus of Newbérn have voluntarily come forward and taken the oath of allegiafice,~ 31ml have formed a regiment for thcflcfcnce of their homes against-the Rebels Y $3llllO important. intelligenc}: isj‘ebort cd i??- €oripth, by way of Cairo, that three rigadeé of Gen. Buell‘s army had seiimi that partof'the Memphis and Charles ;on Railroada‘midway between Cofififfi and Crde Juu‘cfion, thus_cutting qff the Rebel comijmnicatiowbetwccn the two points.— Jt iséhs‘o reported that a. "détachmcnt of Gemig’pp'e’s army ‘ seized the road sduth of firintb. (The Rebels, according to these accounts, appear “to be so cmnplciuly hemmediin ‘that escape seems to be imposa sible. _ , l ‘ S‘Mr. HENRY chtn, :1 member of Capt..Ho{ner‘s 'Cnvnlry; died at the resi lient? of his mother ini'l‘auéytown, on the £l<tinsh He had been in the Hospital at LHagex'sto'wu for' some‘timc beforé his re fimoval home. . WAéxnanmyMay 11.—~1'Iarry .g. Stew art, son of Drusftewart, of Baltimore, 11 .prisouer in tbe‘Old capixawmi tempt ing to Escape to day was shot. by thésoutry and died from the effects of the wodnd. . WAsuxxGTpN,Z\lay 11. Hm. Samuel' F. Viuton, of Ohio, died here this arm;- noon, after a'brief ilgness, of‘crysipchls. He was for many year-31a Lepreseqtativc in Coav :gfess, am} rgceutly appointed one of Ihe Cainmissioners nudegthe District. of Culum~ biaiEmnncipation a'ct. ‘ i ‘ ' ’ WAFeallfire 'oc‘cured- :“Sfl'rliEy. New York, on Sn‘lLurdgy. d’cstroyingpnv-quartcr of the city and causing a loss of mo millions of dollars. Anu of lives are 81:0 105;: _ 6_. l j Gettysburg ‘ TEA)! LNE. \HLL: (‘ORXFIR 0F “T9l" S AND R’MLRHAD STREETS. NEAR THE -FOUNDRY.—Thc subs; rilvtr. baring lenscd [lug .tefim Mill of \lrJ‘. \V. HOFFMAN”, in [his plm-o, aahad it thoroughly repaired‘hy placing; in i 5!. £5l! nut-95M r3} machinery alor grinding Limes: atone. ~Tlie mill is unw'jn operation and l m l rady to supplv any demand for this useful?! "Fefiilizer. GROUND LIMELSq‘ONH is now I .co edsd by those who have tested it, to be at much better Fertilizer than Burnt Lime. or in deed any of the other Fertilizérl generally np- l plied to land. I‘m-following Certififikte from ‘ Hr. DXIEL, m 1 mteu§ile_g:\mer, and highly rc spectnble citizen of Adams county, will attest .‘the truth of this usertiqn: 3-? E have been trying the Ground Lime _‘atone on.m_v land fov' the inst {mgr years and ifind is to, be a bettep fertilizer than the Burnt Lime, and cunt-m. __ It has given amisfiu-tinn in thelfirit crop. 7‘ PETER DIEIIL." ‘ -‘ ' Nnméitons other certificates of lika‘chnractcr " .eould be produced, but this is sufficient. fi-Famers are requested-Lu send in their orde’ra angina give it. a trial. ' Xu. 4, 1861. ti , JOHN‘ HOOVER. Notice. I ~undersigned, having a large amount I sundmg on his Books for a considerable slang“: of time,principauy mnde up of small ..écoulu, take; this method of‘notifying those Inflated to him, that he needs money, and if zillll‘fiiemis will {all and settle their accounts, In wilHeel under many obligations to them. _V': mg. 23, 1861. ___- 1,44. SCHICK. ' 14mm PHOTOGRAPHS'flmdo from small ” ‘pfctntes a: greatly reduced rates, n tbs ”yin: Skyvgght Gallery. GUNG. Men'l Fall style: of En: Ind i f 0“). 20 percent, lower than - val mice: ”..‘ r: » 311?.ch .‘Y’S. mm i 195 . splendid lot of 'onkrrd J B‘lkliml ¢..,,31§» 62} cents pér 781 i ‘ , ' n ? v ”. ’ “ " “—T‘i‘“""‘_‘"—_.—““‘r;=. "“‘ ‘ ? 15:11:11 x i . Danggrlanlay. gflztr 1 2 I . 'Tlilfi‘ undersigned request; as to any that he _ ‘1”; --, ‘ ~ ‘ I 1 «nil bek much obliged to each Ind'all of 7—— -~——«: A— ‘ :—-~——4 A:1 »—'- -:.:;—. ,tmpd Who am: ‘hemgclres to be indebtcl 10 P? D??3QIGNAL I“ 112330 i himile'ilhor by Now, Book Atrount, or other ‘6 a.) 3 04. l. I¥ls§,}lf {Spy will make immediate payment. -——— ~...”... lo cmy oing so will compel him to the dis . Edward B. Buehlgr, hinmtuble necesgity of céllrning {hroui’s‘ nomfl'v n! LAW, will r min; nnd Prov" “flit-er- ,1 ”was 5.55%“ ‘ ‘ promptly sand to nllbuincsa entrusted: , @‘fcrsons indebted can'call exthe at. ihe to him. file speaks the“(icfimnu language? Hugh, .\. E. cornei’ of the 'Dnimond, or on A. (mice at the lame plaice. in South Baltimore 'J’ 0"?" s’“ v 3“,“- 3L, Gfflidburs- ~ unet, near Forney's drug flare, and nearly, "m ‘7' “5°22 ’ , opuns‘te Dunner A" Ziegler‘s note." i -7 7-" - illicityshurg, March 20. ‘l I 3 Flne Liquors. .7”! Q G: o}le has udded hi hi: Grocery and . . hounnfi .a. dopziqlmcut for the stale qf ..‘ q‘nors, and Ming lnid‘in 11 large and fine‘ fiséxtment, he iiivitca the qqenxiun of huvvrs‘ I‘;ng to. It mime" muxnlxs, Wings,» (HRS, WHISKIEQS, Jun, of different kinds and‘ rich, some amohg the best to he had in the‘ which. As his ni‘imo in, ‘4 {Nick snlesapd small prpfits," he will‘vsell cheap, fiery Lhcnp, forthe (mil. To he coHvince 5, 11.13 only ne ‘ ry to’ gin; him your illitronnge. \ . 1 Gpnysbn‘rgJfllj' 1, 1861.1 , 17,. g, ~ -7-.. ‘ ' Lanmsféer Book Bindery. f h ‘EORGE w ANT, 1! 1 . . w- ,L.'_-.__.._._.__. 913001}? BINDER J. 0 Neal“ il' no BLAXJK noon VAfi‘i'Pfit‘Tli'Rßß, . I, v v ‘ ‘ TTORNEY .mZiw, willnt to colloc-, 4 0 I I‘,‘."‘*““ST“" “- tinns and nllothorhusine trunk-(110 ~ . an. "i???” Luann”. 0; "‘1" de hii gum: with prEomptuc-a (”line in the S. E. "I, imp'zl'fxflcuqql m the mix” sub‘tantml and corner of thr- llizimonJCU'ormL-rly oe'cupiyd by r “MTG” A" 03?. 1 1 ‘ “9. n. .\lt-Clcllun Ea: .) v ‘ u '. . . ' E . ' .: mttysburg, .\pril If, 1841?. “if f “3: $211? I}: I D. McConaughy; TTOR’NEY AT, LAW, (office one door‘wesl A ofifluehler’s drug and book store,Ch.:m bershu-‘g sheen) A‘rtonsn‘ unfiqucxmn roll Pun" um Pn‘nxoxs.‘ flount'y {Land War rants, Back-pay mspehrled Clniuh, Cull all mhergln'hns against. the Government MWuslx ing'nn, D. 0.: ulwAmericanClnim l'n England. Land Warrants lacuteztnnd 901d,orbouqht.nnd highest prices given. Agents eng‘nged in lo ‘cathg \mrrnms in lawn, Illinois and other western Skates WApply lo him pérsénallv or by letter." ' " _ ‘ Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ’s3'. Jun-snug s‘ 6 1‘ .15., Farmer: _:\nk of Lam-“ten; . 1 . r 24 .. Lnncns t (‘uuq‘ly Bunk ' Smhiud Shock, ‘3an Cnlnn “in Buhk. ‘ ' B:3lqu \"ngncr§?'}sq., ank finnl-i. J " W‘l inm Wayne ‘ Esq..Yor Connflv Rank. TJ . Parson. ESQ” Bunk (iffiicuysburg. , Pt}: r \fnrfiih. Ea ~ I’roth’y og‘i‘lmm-n‘fitcr cm, Pm: Ga}. ('. Hmulmg ,an., Regatta 3” ‘ ‘- 1 ' ‘ " 'A ‘ "_ _____, ’ Ge} \\"hil=an. r. Recqrdc 1 “ “ 1 Wm. A. Dfincan, l 3 ,m 15, W*l I, TTUHNEY AT I. \W.——-Hflice in the .\‘nrlh- 5 ‘ I] ‘ "'” *A"—‘—‘—‘;— A \Vcsuorucrqucntrc Sui-«mo: Upttysbur _re Cataxfiba 85 I bBll3l Wme. p‘.‘ [.m.3,lusa.. 1L 3 ANVFM‘TI mm M mmwnnm 1t "—-——-—"“ """ ' —"""“*_""" ‘3 \VHNUN‘,‘ I3]C.\'DER"\'IHLE, ADAMS .3A. J. 00463:, 3 . I(‘ol’33'l'3', PA - ‘\’o— are Immy ui :L‘nnomhe to TTORXEY'AT LAW, wxll prnmpflyaflcnd ”I? [(ilizene 0“ dpme an'i’lf’ HIM _‘y" NWO! A n (‘ullcvtiulh and u“ other Inlainesc cn:"qom‘lnvn(-(-dtlm fizlnulnrmrflp f Pur‘e \\ In? from "“31 [0 him. Uflim- between FHW'sh'l'H“2f“? {rapt—mm! that we a :110W prawn-:1 to nnnl Dgnnur .\ Zicglcr s 81.011",“MIHIIIHX‘CHFQC‘Q' film {‘\‘ll'm. 1." ‘NIPMV {_ht' KhIJF—GI‘IIIHUUMOf qutyshurxr. Pu. , ‘ [SLpL 5' 1,335.4. i VlEQ‘J‘]!(nth'ff‘lnfli xtswadlynmnhr market. __.. . .".-—. --.—.———- , < - i ‘ ‘.\ me is pure" mutingz sifpml the tcetoftthe J. Lawrence Hlll, M; D_ I befifll-Juv‘gnc. Pfisnns maxing? pure artufle, HAS hi: ofilu’ one ‘ . “Km 3 V :fyun‘mv 'IWIT'WIETHI nt lto‘ f':‘l;‘::::r‘tl!o]:|sk door “Testoflhe‘k' ‘ 8- .L‘ nq-mg 1m 25c l I'pnn '. a 1‘: >. :r. . Wm, (hm in , , T Lfifl“; :3: 3:3,,,-‘.;,:;g '§;~;;.:~‘;g;3",,:y.33; Gthbvr-zburg firm-t, and Oppodite I'irking’s il" i, “.k"‘.;: ' ri; 1‘ '5 x ‘_- stow, wnrrc- Llfmc \\i_=hin;: to huvuuuy Dynml Nil". ' (in 1 Z I;“!{ss' ‘l‘. “ I, ° Uprmtim: porinrmc-a':xrvreEpH-qul‘.) invirgwlgif :.n.. " .2'”" l W ,i. HV___ 7‘ «::IH. Rmmuwcm: ‘Dr-I. lurner. va. ‘. -. g ; 1 ‘b - Kmmh. n. n, Rev. H. L. nmgher, n. 9., lieu! ; To D: Eqb id! ‘ ‘ Id§er§. , ‘ Prof. M. Jm-oha, Pmr. 31. 1.. Sttm‘er.‘ .Qs;\'\_lx..\,.‘\\. ‘ ‘-l.\}~{\.k AV) “JPN”, Gulvsburfi,l\plilll, '5,3_ . [L » ‘9‘”!!311” § UNI? r ’ll[n>l..\\ [m ' n \'H;\\ k DH.“ (71' WEY'A klh 41320 1\ T 1”, SLR ,‘\'§{L‘:li.—('lms , (‘ |Tl'l’iil R. . litnrmy for ('1 nim— zln‘f‘s. “nullity anld and I'vlfi‘nn .\g'cnt, “Hith in'g '1 ('itr. D. ( .v—PI-m‘innxflprouurod fur Sul -di ‘mmf-n :l “urine: {tho Minn-n! \xnr. .w‘ e «limhlmhug-10mm: fu'njmfls received uridi’sww mutr ‘I-le whih' n =r-rvivmnnd Pon si n. 4, flounlr \lhnvy :md . {roan ofi Pny 0N» mini-d for \ridnu”. or «fine;- tir< nflhme who ln‘fiv‘b .li'ell nr'ht-lé'x kiHI-Jl \‘Thi‘p in ‘k‘rTiCl‘. ifountv Land imcun d I‘.» ‘Lsomiws in any of th’rlollwr Hal's. % (In .31 Tl't'mzzt, ' £ § :alvinuton, n. C. t‘ C. .\‘erV. ‘ gent, (Ictt :Iblxrg. ._ I'. . 3‘3 x 3 ‘ 3 : Johp W. T ton, 7 H.\SII[O.\'AR[LF‘. mum: .xund.on=t m. ‘ . I‘iwr of Lhefithmond. (‘xmn xldor m 3'?- Cl M“hunk 110101.); *(h-tt} «hr. 5;. ‘1’.1.. \rlmrn ‘llO mp a! :iH Limos flue fouml n- uh ‘to attend to all ‘hqsinoss in his lilr'ic. “C h: flak" cxcrllont a:- Si hpucé mnl will ensue s+nti~£wlimn Jlne my; a clhll. 5:. ‘ ‘ [Penn 3, 181:0. . £1 . ; 1 ‘ . 4 ‘ fiflqunvengßranf Rfllh‘Ofid. “7 Imm: _tirgn xx”. ‘\4 ‘.\"[‘S.—ll':‘.=sengcr I 1‘ . fl‘l'nins rnEn n: :uHm‘Ps: l Llcnvg: 11”quth n em 3,; » L‘m Iq- Ju-n {mm at Hz'm ‘ 'l'flu- 11:!!! A. \r. Hun mukl Junivtinp fur 1?” th nn‘l truiin mnko: <' Ilia-nun t'xpr Tplrnw‘igh Ticker: .xru in?” (‘oliunHLH Hurrijslnxrg, “'3! ' , Wm: B. McClelfian, I TTOHXEY .\T LA\V.——offi e in “75%)“!!- Adm streak, one dgor west of the new" Cnnr‘Jluuse. . ‘ \[ Grttyahurg, .\'u‘\'._H,lBso. ‘ . - Adams COunty‘ ; , I'TUA L FIRE lyxfimxmc (‘l)‘.Ll‘A.\‘Y.-—- i lucorporntod “finch X 9, 1551'. ~ IH‘FICHRS I’rwrlrnl—Georao Swope. \ l'mol’wui/{lmnfifi R. Russell. Sum him—D. .L Huehlcr. Z'rn/ z/rrr—YMYM \l‘(‘rc;\ry, Iz‘ru-u/[r'p m u-mrm—Rohort .\[cCurdy, Jacob (King, .\n'ln-w llc‘ntu’lmnn. J ‘ JIIMII/.‘rx—(:('Orzc'S\rr)po.D. A. n‘lehloh‘ulnq cob Kin-z. .\. Hoinuelmnn, R. .\f(‘llpl_\'.-Thns ; ‘ .\. ‘\[xnh m, s. F.l‘un-stnck, \im‘.‘ 1:. Mx‘f‘lc‘lzmy % th.f2.'\\fil=n'l,\l. Rivhvlhvrg ‘Vr. Abdie] P‘JHM John \V‘zlrurd, H. A. Firkinng hcl'l‘. h’righ John [Firm-r; R. G. :\ls“renrv,'S. R. Russfihié \l‘Crmry, Andrey I’uLlcy, John Piqk’i‘ng,‘J, (harsh ' RE-E‘This Company is limifed ‘in its open-' Hon: to the conntpcf Ad‘mis. It has been in' :uccm’sful opiration for more than six? years}, find in thn! poriml hnfi paid ‘3“ loves-mad cx-I ponws‘ mil/mu! [my umwsmrnl, having 521:0 u l-lrgq‘ snrplufi capital in the Trcmury. The (”am-F pmy employx no Azania—an husinos: beinz‘ done 1w tho \llll:\'!€'l‘=, \rhn nro annxxnllvychrti ml ln' :ho [\‘ka‘mth. Any pom desiring! nn Imumnce can applygo nny of‘le shove nzxmml \anmuerq for (hither infxirnmtian. l AnirThe Emu-mire (‘mnmultvi‘ mrr'stnt the oflicc oft 0 (Inznpnnv on the Inst. Wednesddy in every I‘vlh. at 2, P. .\I. 7’ . I SON-3 1333- . ‘ ‘ ,‘ ..' mum, um...“ __ J“; V ,_ _ W < L _ 4 _ 4 ‘ . - ‘ 9 ‘ ‘Jhdrimdre, Yurk‘ :\\ rizhlqv A" M3?Ill?t8§ SOD 3 “inmwnii [minis 0;)» the line ols an’AAXDi-‘L mm lib.\\.\niant)p\rs.)'ns. :r.i§'l:nuu-.w. gi[ I L__ '25 and '27 N.{l.i§' strong, [ultimq'rm (“Far .-I ' [i E. TRO.\ Fay-Ho SLJ exiei i'l‘l from (guy to Freiieritk; J‘ n. 24‘. ”gig SL—Hw largest uli~hmcm "WW“ in Ilic; {<A‘AA. ‘ w, . ['uinn. .\Lunlysl Amnil :l‘inriro .. ‘ ram-fit of J " Li’st Not “(H'SEHOLDAXi OFFICE H'NNl'prili'bein-t E i‘ DTH‘F .‘ 1:1 1‘ , n- .p braving: Bure.i:L:,Bjn-d<tc:ld=,Washsmniis.\Vim w N 1“ ’ nthESi: r." guy, TOhG-S, .\innrccwa bf "11‘!“ Cotton and, lini “Well ‘11:“ in ’l t: li-im!‘ oi Spring “uh. Sufi-i, Ti-te-o—Tctgs, .\rm Chair , (fa: 11-min {ion—LAM lac-{in Rocking (Jlmirs: I‘ltnrzurcs, 31:1?13J0'I‘Alri6\Si't-‘TYi: 1‘” ‘ gm”;le u‘ Q” t leqs. llcrrpxiun and Upholstei‘cd Chair“. .\S- got no lll\'i;l:'|l\3io:‘;'ot;fl)rt‘ SORTEDCOLORS OFCUTTAUE FI'RNITURU, ‘ cm‘) arm-ii 0:} IE?!" nccofi 'iti’ Wand CJmin. Office Chairs, Huber (‘iii‘iii<,'cow ' “mm“! I _ f” Cribs and CHL‘dleatht Rack‘s,Jl:lil Furniture, h Sm)! ‘1 1:) ! A)" 'l: Gilt {uni “'nlmit Fr:me Looking mnzsts, Side} 3 fit :1 Mu" . ‘n! mum. boards, Exxemihn Tables. of oi‘ur)‘ lungth. I ‘s‘ |“5 Wang}. M Pcrsuns din ioscd to )urchM-e are invitmi i 0 . - ‘ ‘ 1:411 nil] givn (Inn- stm-klnn enuninntion, which '1 éiug. 0’ 1861' for vnrioty and quality of \vgrkanship is notl if equalled by any estabiidann! in the lountr'j. I iA R‘ . A. .\u'ran k SUN, ]oo’ 00‘ Nos. ‘25 nnd‘Z‘.‘ X. Guy street. » , . Aug. 4‘. MM 1y " . hontd Intolymm ’ "‘ “ _ "w—w‘ kC, ~ with n del ‘ 2 prices fm Still at Work! OACHMA'RL‘IG AND BLACKSMITHING C —The undersigned respectfully inftirfns his friends and the pnhlic tjxut‘ hé comimms tho Coachmaking and Blacksmithing business in nwi‘y brunch at his eflnblishment in (Jimmi hers'h’ujg street. He has on hand and wiii m:iiluf.u-ture to order .111 kinds ofC+RRiAGES, BI'GGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wn'gons, km, in the best mntvrird, and math by superior work mefi: wnizmmxxo and Jinxizxsm'rmsa of all kiixds dpne at reasonable rutfi, promptly Mill to the s'ntisfaction of customrrs. ' Comm»: PROHUCE tnkei; in exchange for work at. market prirga. , WPeuous desiring articles or work in the Concllmnkin’fi‘mxmkammung line, fife ma spertfuily innlcd 16 call on ‘ ‘ JLMX L. HOLTZWORTHJ Gzttysbnrg, J'm. 24, ’59. ~ Somethmg New‘ . l N GETTYSBl'Mf—Theundorsifinedinfnrms ‘ I the ('itizvnt of lllk-‘prn And enmity, that he lms commcnverl the iIAKING bysi ess, _nn n Lug» u: JP. in York heel, Gettysburg. nearly nmmzite Wau‘lL-s's Hutulywherc lm will trytu dvschc', mu! hopes to rereivc, a liberal pntro Ll age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES. CRKCKHRS,‘ PRETZELS, .90.. (an, lmked every day, (zlun thy: en-l-ptéd.) all of the best quality, and sold at flu- lowed li\iug profits. Crm-ker-bakin}; in ull IIS bunches is largely carried on. and (mlers‘i to any amount, from this-31ml ndj'oining doum— i ties, supplied at the Shortrst notice. lltring‘ erevted u Luge and commodious halcc-houscvnd secured the best. workman :Ith the most ap proved mac! inery, he is prtfp'flrud to 30 n heavy business. - ‘ ‘ VALENTINE SA‘UPEF. ‘ July 231859. j Hat? Boot. ‘ - Shag. / ORE NEW GOQDS AT~THE SIGN OF BI THEJHG HOUR—The undersigned have just recoivexl a fresh supply u'f Hats Caps, Zloots,‘b‘hnv‘s, Trunks, Came! Bugs,’&c. Also, have a‘goml supply of Siddles and Harnes’s, Bridlea, Collmk, .tr. shoes mm flats ’of all kinds made to order by first-rate workmen, and on 'short noticin— Ilume-mude worlg always on hand. l’ripeslow for cash. ‘ ‘ COBEAN & CULI’. . Oct. 28,-rnt -Notice. ' E desire a“ personé indebted to us to call and make settlemem, having made a. change in our manner of doin business. ‘ Oct. 28, lgsSl. ._ FAHNESSOK‘BRO’S. - Queensware; ‘ F you want. anything in {he QUEENSWARE I line can, at A. SCOTT &~SON’i, whezgeEyou will find the best assortment in tQWn; ; March 24. 1862. ‘. ' OMESTICS, Tickings, Checks, flannel: D 8342.. cheap at Fahnestocks’.‘ We hn've blao e 3108le . banded wnh our own nun , to which we invite especial nttentibn, as It «::-912 by far, any ever offered in this ‘muket (on, the price. ’ _ K ‘ - __L; .mfi' mmss rpmmas, in Win- L rim,” at SCHICK'S.‘ .\'.\'ER 8; 3t I ' RESIN“. Erin—Wi pfietl lly Kl‘ rminnfian jall kindh ’with PL. tings. WI émnd every {sold at tlx Saul] and main drhusin! e 131) lam, Imm; If Lpglit-d G {OC} COAL; 'sincss} re pu‘ ME l 1961.5 - l ' l The Great Dlls overy ‘F THE ASK—lnflumn' ory Knd Chronic , Rheumatism can he (Er :1 by uainn‘H L. LER'S (‘ELHBRA'I‘ED R lEUXLVUC MIX ‘ E. illany prominent cv. zens of this, and adjoining célmlies. luv}: Leeiifiad to its t utility. Its succcsfi 'n'l ,lihenmatic nfi'cc s. has been {hitherto uh nrnllclcd by any ific, intrmlurbd to th nublic. Trice 50 3 per bottle. I. For sule‘l’i} nll drugpists and kcepcrs. Pi'epnml only [V U. L. MILLER, .lesnle‘ and Rem-ll DpAgfist, Ea“ Berlin, ms county, Pm, dealer-1i )‘rngs, Chemicals, , Varnish, Sp‘irits, I’nin'yq, T)ye-stnfl‘s, hot- Oliv‘i Esscxiceé arid Tihctun‘i, Window *. Perfi 4:1" *t,“ ~ icincs, &C..&C. .“ .\. ' (ll Agent in‘ Gettys ' {of “ (‘eji- )run-rl Rheumatic TU‘ the! grim tip' qu are. ‘r - [~-—~—— dry. H‘x‘ifi ‘pprglmsed the HF) 51 7,i . JitlJ Foun uerl‘y .m'lrivl) has commenced ness, 4 pfl'lejCll {n ofim‘ to the lie 3 lungor ‘hsaortmem (“M‘hhwry than herétofore been offererl.l mix as THRESH .\I.\CIHNES§ Clover Uu] crs. Fodder: Cut } Corn swung, nnfiMor' n"s lane improved e Rake. Also. STOVE . sx‘lch as Cook es, three (“fin-om kibdq ‘nhd five different of Ten-pml Stoves. g ikcwiue Mill and _mm Castingg, and “1114 i da of Turning in or Wood. .i - ; , WPMRWG of all kk (1: on Machinery (Dueling! wijl be done] order on short i-e. Ppttcrns’u madc- to or: er; Plough Cast remly mgden; I’LO'TG , gueh u Sgyh-r, . erorw, Plodxer, WOO 3 oak, and mx'my rs not. mrntioned hl'N‘; nll eight different 3 of mo»? FENCINd“ for Cemeteries, hes or‘h'arda: i ' .30, )lonising .\fnchincsL‘one of the best. yin use. Thi Machine rks with llever land; nay litae boy cm nnnge it. 11 and exanfine gnr at k:’ no.doubt but | we can plegée. Peru ought to see it i advantage go buy much cry of any kind I me, where iris muufaq‘ red, so that they pry ouilyg‘efi my part rd ed or repaired. jn‘ DA D STERXER. nyaburg, Feub.l3, 18601 t j 7"” _~.~ T——~ ‘ , Album}? r EW and exfiuisitflly‘lflflifixlhtflfl of L Aflmms, fQ'r “C ne g‘iFVisitq” Photo hs, just recefir d and fan mlc I: firices to hem“, ‘IYSONI ROTHERS, 'brk at... apno 0 Bad; {GettyxburmPL Ilu'ch 10,‘1865. - ‘ u ‘ ‘ ter‘ HlO ' sun} nib? Sim! Ho j inozil I! KGB 2*"; re! mhn thei O? h ‘ (Mn { fit {Y ' E sltentionfiqf the Lnd'xktpis respectfully invited to N Huge an ‘ lendid “Sort of Ladies’ fine Kid B . , Lasting Gai- Gum Overshdes, ML, jukfi‘eceived at ’ t. 28. " _122 F.’ cILHENY'S. . Townj Property g ‘ T PRIVATE SALE—The undersigned of- A fer-at Private Sale the Properlyin which he now reside-I. situate in East “16111: street, ‘ Go'uysburz. adjoining S. R. Timon (m the west :nd Mrs. )lch‘lmy on the east. with an die, in the mar. THE HOUSE Nam twp—nary Fume, Weatherbbnrdud, with Blah-building; n we‘ll of nutter, wi¢h a pump m it, It the door; and a varit- y of fruit. such a: apples, Hears, pouches, apricots, cherries, and \ grupu‘,nll the mou choice} Nov. 12, 1860. If Ew MARBLE {_wunxs, «timer or Balti mbre Ed Easflliddlz-lstrwu.directly op— posite the ow Court, liauso, Gettysburg.— Having rccemly Barnum-d from Philadvlphin, and feeling fully comm-iv": to int-Me all work in the finest style of‘tlle art. c would respectful ly invite the attention of'tue public wishing to procure nnylhing‘ixl burlin'e, |la favor us with: call and exaniiuelspm‘uncn? of our work. We are prepared to furnish .\IMSI'MENTB, TOMHS AXE) 111-lADSTUNES, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS for‘ Calrillpflmakorg', and all other work appertaining to ourbusiacéi. fit the lowest. pos sible prices. Wq do not hb§itnte to guarantee mag our work shill be putlap iu'n manner sub stantial and manual equal to the best to be seen in the citialiy where:¢\‘er'\"impfo\'_ement which experience has suggeqto‘gl n! availed of, and especially do we guarantee that qur Ce'me teryan’d Grave Yard work lslmll be do carefully act as not to be ntt‘ql‘ted by frustibut shullmain min for years tha‘t‘ crectngss ofpositiou’gfvcu at the completion ufajulhpnd so nercgsar‘y to continued gracet‘ulness and; synl‘men‘y.~ - ? N0V.28,1859. xtf ‘ _‘; * . - Come ND DON‘T FOl A RIDGE SUIL to Plant Trros will remarkably fine. «If The Appir‘ numhor‘ till the approval #0; NHL—Sou thei Post affix-o. ‘ sgpx. 2, 1301. = Tow - SHE undersign . public that in MAKING ASL; RE 'fdifll-rent furnh‘.'(h gummy. .\Il Ivor}; fllion to:u<tnm~r.l., ”exchange for “ugk GK-ttyshurg, Juhd (.u ' | ,7 V Th {ARCH STREFJI“ ‘ ~ 7 FPTUX F, Ts‘xlil : “arm: Imin] T’wsqr-ngor (‘ur‘ 11 :ndnph-«l in ovr-ryfp. fivnntifilho h min 7 pl, I‘m» 31.5, i Sept. 23, 1801.; "—1- - 1 ‘~ ~ 7 ‘ "xGreéol ‘g 'l‘ Sx'rmtx‘s. A mmt (mnvpki 1:110lmvvrr rm-¢i u-x.javin- nu! prim-£ll ~‘\’mhont stumxiué < 11“ (‘nmv “pd :66) i Afu-il 14, 1:02.11 7 Coal: Rump; .v urn: k “lpzlh' VUALZL l (infiltilythin-41.; I (‘lnn’Hm-Y (‘dm' 1 3-3?‘T!u-\' n's'i ‘ Kiln-m to no” :'\nll‘ l aye-((5%. \‘Chuu'ill ' p‘yn film! 7' In 7. 1 17611.21, mu. { ] Farmer’s“ WYIM‘H r‘<<'tl L 'l'\'. :;I:‘rr\>.j!: \‘fl ullh \nmm l-\ [lx-5} 12m 1: in {Hm V‘W‘nfilwu In 13w 1m“ {hi it “ML-um m 1 rb\nfl \H ('1 him In" ‘ 1 Kilnuurnfll. I.9L}! I‘v * I i ,i 3 h 5 ‘r .1 uxlfi-I m“_ v I IL. “Wm . e L "2 . L j; ’lflzu; h I I‘l ‘ , . I'RINU t!lB[|.llgsu.u’i\.u h.u'94intrm'lm'ed‘ .4 I 1 5 L to the nutiqm‘af the; m "n! pmf‘vcs‘iun 0 NJ: country Ulb ‘l’urr- dl'l,‘ HI (‘,‘Jnrflr qf Urqnylvzmmr, :13 l. LINEN]: FIN RHEUMA TPsl!;:mdh.n‘iugr bythjf'rmn pludciu “#1:! from [unit-mt. T :sj‘nmans 4 H e fl'onum-m of (hi else?! we are imlunlcl iq ‘ll form READY which we hope Wi who :u’b sufi‘mingu mid to the mcaimir fli‘fivosed to test. i] re‘medy H!" “In! I? "-n P. “..' HAL. am! I‘m r. \l. x'u'U-um-uinn '1! HM Stunt‘l. The 121:!) - 11w Sumh m:l\'. ‘sl tl. PllUJJoip‘niA, ‘ hncpurt, I’wnnling, 11?, and all prinrri-f {ML-Northern Gen-i I lA, Titkct Agent. ' ce! I Hunt the Banks, Hzm‘n. .lus., have [.\. J. Comm. 1351],, Inf .\lr. “Uigl‘tright kl}- thic Inst rcsufl. iron given to all f‘lclmilxzthcir M‘- lqv h.u‘lm_r neglcd sicompcllcd us to l L‘H'IGLER, JRS. t. IS GRAIN WAXT me) have taken: the l efclter, Bollinger qt; paylhe highezt f‘flmin. You will . TIER, GUAVO of clnsale and Retail. 0 horm‘tiulo in our 1? lowest possible I inc our stock and 40 here. \ RIIOFF 8: CO. ‘mem PROPYI sq‘oklfu ~of‘. has rém pgri outed with in I’IT.}L, and with 3 nqpcgr from the mpdikpljonrnals.) l’ 1 \ {33%}: is curef'uHF p‘lit W) ready for 111::th use, with full iruclipna, and can I tallinalkl from all the druggists at 7's‘ccn’ Muir, and M. wholésale 01: l { 1 Bl'Ll.opK .2 anSSluw, infiuggist: andmfiuumcluting Chemist Puly 1, 1801.. 1,4 .. .»§ ‘ ‘Philndelp ‘ Lost and Emma! HE “roads times and plantyof money I [mind in the ‘ purchhsing ‘of Goo‘ S 31$0N‘S, at hi< >,z-rvnm" rcdu'red pru Purchaser: who mfiuld take advantage 0 chnnto‘ofeconomy in socufling Bargains. ( .\‘l‘ ONCE, AND SAfl'E .\ltfh‘EY! As th‘ son has somewhat advanced, we 'will sell of; Winter Clothingiwe hnhe on hand at 1 to,snsisf_v the most 6 unomical buyers. 1' ml: Sfmr for times :2 thése. The bear: m?nqy is thus mm ‘np, by buying so ch‘eujgel. [Gettysburg Feb. 17,‘ 1t BY! [ Tne 3,1861. u Infill,S]ont& Co.. ~=l~. : . » ~ ' 1 Plano: Tumng. ; PROF. BOWER, of Littlcalown, a Pr {Piuno Tuner, informs-g his friends all musigul public in gainer-:11; thn. he gn‘ film-Aunt otherwisq‘ loccupied, to Tnnin’ Repairing Pianos, m deerate prices prbmises entire satisfaction, or no pay: I reccifed at. this office. 1 [Sep!. 16, ll‘ , inner) Fantasy—use): BROT ihm‘ejuat received from Philadelphi now 0391- to the phblic the largest an assortment. of Owed Frames "Cf brou Ge‘ftyshurg, at us Ififilfnglz‘low prices“ on“ find exnminc‘ them: Excelsior Sky magic”. York street, op'poliiie th‘e Bank, Eé'ib‘fifi» PP: ._ .H* 4311??? “”v. 1. z “Carts deYVISIte” dowocauus i—We _lme jam-1",“, P a splendid maisive column In our (1: and ngre now preparacl to furnish the new U qurle do Visits " Photo raping—dour, dollar. ‘ ‘TYSOfi, BROTHE ' 2 Excelsior Sky-light. Gallery, Gettyab fiafrch 10, 1862. ' I YSONS’ any cent piquuel Ire M.l T lea‘ed. ‘ { _ l Tyjmixfifty cent pictures a‘re water pm. Ty ans fly ceptpigtuces are entirely duj Ty ‘ons' any cem pictures aye unsumlse‘ TyQQns' fifty cent pictures qfe wurranted.l Tynqa’ fifty cent pictures in put up in a at small cases. [Oct 21, .1 1§ muss mm? 033153,. my I ‘ tit-le, now to “had 111’ R. 0. CAR '- fmpasnn Phida, Sprénz 0. mm Jan opened a: A. 0011' .5 SO.‘ ZACHLARIA II MYERS lIEIEE Cannon 8: Adair’s {to the Fair!- , 3‘ GET TG) VISIT PLEASANT ‘ERIESL—I’Drsdna Wis/fling find IM. élnck in the gropn‘d d offerufl m reduce-1 prii-ps. 63 100 i‘urieties,embm¢islg lbs. ‘: i 3 5w Mex MM]! hour Flnrn Dale ST. E. (:lun & SUNS, I t I I I’rupridvrb. I v,_‘. “J .~_ _ __._._N gley Ah‘fad. ‘ fl rocpévm 15"infotmu'the cmmn m: {be CARRIAGE" .\TIHX}; lngsim-ec in (ill its! upL-r mun any shop in the “nrhmtml 1p give :utisfzu‘q Pountry'pqndme taken in ratingn‘kui prices. 1 1 .\;,.\t. TUWSSLEY. 24, 13m. ~. q ' ‘ _ V vb- A- A Union,” ' ‘ ~, Lunv'r-21‘Hrnn. mm, \mgu'un, PA ‘t'tHH‘lß. I'mn-knz'ronu i 4 -com§rul, (-mncuiont' Isv all pubs bf Um'vih‘. and nix-“lazi- to (In: comfort and u puhl'w. ' ' por‘dn)’. ,3. t 1 1y , Attgacticn l 111 W: jth upbnm] Hm :- n'uurmfun of SI’HIXQ ml in Hi~ 1:1;1c-2 Tu =t\li-, (-.V (-.znrtmi hv sum {$6.lM— -0 lull]: u‘iJ‘li'lv. I my unto j J.“L. .SUHH‘K.‘ CBE?! ' 86511 1” [Jill .\i‘v: uufi' prt-purm! 'm u? .\upqrmr «llzhlllty, in any l‘t'l“:<,£(“|sll.‘l ' ’ ZOE wpr‘vdi'thncr- indnhlerl lo :l_\ ”Pd“ Mum nro lllllt'll Lu thcifirsl lo LA“ 2’ (mic..-v 3. z w i ‘ 8: Mecha‘nics’ ' I'TI Rf up.\{li.\\ln‘l,‘lfi'.\'- :IIL I-.\, ’ ‘ ~.n\r‘"'_". l)<~|l,|<if}l)llrsllr- Ln; 1' :IHJW, .H UM me of n Ht. 1” ill~ hulihuinn (If u‘ un‘léprwn “mix: dqufillu uulvwfl‘ "V .. ‘I RDPY‘LA' ' a M i ~AT‘SW wuifi-“l from m.\n_\‘ :o‘urces, 15 nt' {l’lo highcdwfundflg ‘lw .\[(.l.\"l‘ l-‘L.yl"l‘l€lll.\'u l-‘ l'l‘h': lU‘IXL A'AIA'E in painf‘fl and obstinate dis ‘to présumi lo the public ‘I-‘UII } UNIFjDIATI] C 516, 1 c‘omxlhmnl itself 0 thgsc th thisiaiflirting complaint, prwtlnlinnvr .‘who may feel - (powqrs of this valuable ARIINE}, in the form Above nfly ly'con extensii’cl" “ ‘le m;.\‘.\'sn.v4\xl.\ .\RKHp smrfiss (: üblish‘fd ficcolitnti i Frames. “13",.“ 7 if" is? My"? ' llfinndersl d ~ ‘ i, »; ~ ~ ‘ gne respettful- l t 1. ;fr _'l ' “‘L’ V iT l)’ informs the residents&%‘ 4 $1331. H.WA. 8 H, , . . lofGettyaburgnnd \'ieinit.",tlmt ‘ ‘ 1- A BAD EME'DY FOR A ' Something New! ihe hm opened n WATCH -\'.\l>~ JEWELRY ‘ Bkugoilinnoniins BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTBA'gED MAP tiff-" 55;? $013133: 'g:‘;‘:£“‘;‘n‘~; ‘2},223‘311,‘ ' ' mm 0" THE PRESERVATION ‘\‘.'») CL‘LTL’RB Squarewhere he intends keeping an nssort- DISEASE!) BLEEDIXO GUNS, ‘ OF FRIeT AND unmttnsrirL'TßEEs. .memof WATCHES,Jtzwinmy,3lmmand Ain h NURSING BORE Mom, COPIES are being published, with contain l SlLVfilt PLATED WARE, serlC'l‘ACLm, F; d‘ ‘ ‘35.“: ”with: now in use. for any an. many magnificent Enzrs gl, such as I CLOCKS, &C., to. . l fu‘e “all. 1:011 (tithe mouth. It" P‘ni‘“llh_ I Trees and ”furious kinds otfinc iii and Fruitl Raving been connected with n. firtt-clnsg: 5‘3”“ 0” “WHOM wearing ' Trees, some of the, finest specinfi‘mg thug have Watch and Jewelry Store in llnltimore, to}, : ARTIFICIAL TEETH, ever been put on paper. The Rtuit Trees are ‘fivcml years lm-‘ll he is P'eP’H'L‘d to Furnish “”91““! destroying "”Kifllm Millennial, set with abundant burdens of mm, similar m cry article in the line, at the lowest citl i‘l’POl'blnzlnd removihgalliriipuritlemmurllg tlint which netnre'presents in ifiroper neaauni 1 grices, and all purchases will be gud'mntith‘zg i, l A SWEET BREATH : ‘ Tlxgreos are represented as haying the” roots _cprcsented- ... g 1 , i ‘toghll who mgke‘uu of it. No Young Lu], in .mning through the soil in n n urnl positiomi From it long expertence in Watcha-epamn,‘ - Yquug G'themen who I: afflicted with»: 1 andlthe Engravings of Trees aresibeautitul and: speciallyoffine‘Wnu-heslheis prepnrel to do i , BAD BREATH ‘ 1 grand. It also contains it fine Er‘ I‘erng which ll kinds of \l’ntch-(rork promptly, in the bait , Illiould deln nl“ H d ‘ rcpreeents the innnmgrnhle thigdd-llkc roots 1 trimmer, and gunrnnty the perfornmucevut‘it. ‘ icertain curey IKE png’t I '3'“ I, for k “I I V ofn \igorous tree ning thegfugh and over‘ 1"i will keep nlwnys on hand in la‘rgei unsort- eby Overy’ph 3::ifipprov and "o°,”me the so“. Thelß‘Eugmt-mg covers: ten man quPRpTACLESwnd Spec-M438 been hrou .qu nn under who” notice?“ im-lresfiin diameter 0 paper, and also forms it tncle Glasses; and having much’ . .' pl 5 fl {3“, BREATH ' } lmngni cent engraving, which c:' not. lrel butt. experience in rtdnpting them to ’the iht is islan ‘- e '. I prove gratifying to the eyes of 11:3] W3O raspy be- prepared to fit all who ne’qd the“ r g ’g ] ~i 01:52:: for "men there ““0 exculowlllltk’.) i hold it. Such m. engraving it}; ever been, Imm JEWELRY mode to on n the hm c; b' -3- HURD’B MOUTH WASH J printed on paper before. Thofscng'riring at“ style. and a great” variety of patterns q’n hnntl. l a?!“ a procured“ ' i l roots not only proves admirablégfio the night of‘ JEWELRY repaired in the nentost m‘nnner, l rig"?! persons “"7 "Kill!“ It bndhrenth, the eye: bnt‘is designed to pro of great -im- f ‘ .i e JUSEI’u BEWARE; igl‘a‘t Jul," the aillioyfflnc (1 alien to the dii. A portnnce to nll who take nn int estin the eul- Gettysburg, Dec. 23, 1861. tf , lwitht 110:6 \y t whom they come in contact, tivtttmh of fruits and how to at. fruit trees ._. ~’ ' ’’—‘ v. "“—;—;—fi-f- ‘ltévc :‘gmgg‘frfo “Elfin of the feet. To eh. :prdpErly. ‘ . . Another kCtOl'y. 1 , v n 9": N‘Lfll’dlng this, i ‘A COPY ‘eontainsTwenty-fire’d ere‘ntnngnn mums, take. notice ‘umt n.- .mnin E’i‘E DH. WM B. lIL'RD'S mourn WAS“, i . ‘ingn 0' 'l‘rees, Emits, tc., composed i F hi“ the lll—""\(“;fof‘”'_a Sfllclll‘S‘dll‘lilNHßLS 5 gmeflnllm‘fls t the mouth is of grent impor. t of Evergreen. Forest Apple, Pench.‘r.\tPßovEn “mm. MILLS; Awhi-h im-e tape? to the gel ‘rnl health, which isonen nit. i ~. Uwprflryrumill Pear M 1 CherryTret-s. lztkml twenty—three First Premiums qlrr nuholt fe'ptcdpnntfiot nu equently Sirlouaty irn ‘l‘, kc; The Fm"- Engrn .lngfi Comprise I the State of Pennsylvania, and the Pi tl'rcq‘l. ‘ e . throng want of proper attention topt’li‘ Rai‘plgrricspGogfiQéréies‘. Blugibcr- I ium at the Slate Fair of Illinolis. 1 A'ntbdsotlig‘t BI hjL-ct. ‘. f = . , J, l . rice, .urrantst‘ grapes nms, - pri- I:1 one for the mle of'A. [1.21 iGLI-Ill'. L S ‘-' ’ t ‘ , v v v , ‘ my, pm“ Peaches, £2185, etc.,nmt.l§oxyana wrumum“ Sm _m prom 18!} It: ‘DR. Wit. n. m nos nor/m “ASH. . are'rtll‘ colored by hang! to represent ‘ whit-h hnve tnken the'P‘itst l‘ emimn l t all te F “Lug” at Dr. llurd 5 Pentfll Oflice, NO. "L 7 'tlr'c’nntuml fruit, “"dmrf, accompanied Fairs that ever they tvero ex ibitcd uh, \\ hi it urt A ”19‘” Brooklyn, }“ D' ' ; With printed matter Oil grunt itipur- isfin‘lltt- GIX or eight in npinhdr. M. I l I Price, ‘37 Cents par Bottle. 3 l ‘ timer-.land formant copl 1n “he 3.! h)" Purine-re. Un- Milis Kuul'rl'lougllsnrt- mpg-fl, A liltcrnl discount mnde to drillers ' i l 40 intent“. on map prtp r,'wit r muslin ed tu' give sutiat’actmn'. it" tht‘) don‘t ’nu c' ' .. r -, , ‘ J l lmnk turd face \‘arnishffl. l privileged to r turn them to the agittnilnt h‘u‘fil iggggizgrgglgfls 011196, Tribal” A COPYuwith it: numeroUs ckrnvings, will 13.51””; 1. l [9“.- ~ - ‘ .S l' 9‘ . prune 83.. N.Y, he gratifying to~the 9H nnd fttrmw nn: A—s ’ ' 0“ “130 b)" (“SWQL llnck k (10., Fifth ndmimhle ornament torgthe wall of thc' ‘ cnue‘ll‘otel lJ' k L Laddluglu"! 715 "Twil parlor, and will.rit§lfi ‘bennttty nnyi ‘\ a) : l). b. Burnett, 202 Broadway, and by rill apltrtmt-nt with horticilfiurnl matter: "33"‘5' - l ofrmwltimportnncenn ancy. These topics nre published a it very heavy expenst-.Tt\'enty-tire dt lnrshnvobecu '. pnill to n scientific urt ‘ t for forming ‘ ' thei plzttt'fl of single ngt‘nving; at "tn-qr. mots, etc. lint "In order that . madly can obtain suc cthies at n ‘ tri'insr figure. the pri e for at copy Di]! he nmdc so low, t t littecn pr r mts can now obtain nltll‘i for the ' ‘ Emit thfit‘hns been pnit for single en'- ; trxipln‘zi oi" trove, etc. t ' l A COPY l'()l>l1|lns minted nmtté! of much im portant-e and great rnl . It \v‘qte’ll ; hmt' tntrmt nll ltindslff Fruit roes ‘ to T‘D'll‘l‘lllt‘m Yer)v vi- mu.c nnd rm ‘ dugtiw'. even in unfirt' :tltlt‘ smrnns. I ' ~ It '\'ill ttll hon- t» p pure the soil ‘3’ William lnl‘t)ll\'l‘lll(‘l‘lC'f":A'illrcplanilllg "" thcitrres in: to strt-nzt ch tree: timt l 1 ' . in rigor. and toprow u-[irmlm-tive ‘ no I (If ulttludan,’~ crop: evencin untit fir lllh‘ Wiser]; or it .ttiuns‘ with ‘ proper :Hld omy after t .utm‘r-nt. . A COPY w ill It‘ll hhw to prcpnr‘ .mrl pntntndl Z . ~ kind: of Fruit and Er green ’i‘rt-oa, ‘ so Its to prove wet-cui‘ ,witlt sun 0- I 15' pvur proving it hill 0 in :1 lot of ‘l ttnntrr tree: win-n propl' ly trt-nted nn l 1 ' dirtt-tt-d. It will tell mw‘tn [min '-' mu pllnt Dwarf l‘enr res. It Lull tniiih the mod 511: was tl treatment“ 1 fn'r the I'Plllll‘lv of the lnm. it will ,= tell how to train and» cultivate the' ; mum. Q . ‘ EA COPY \rtll t--ll ‘-'i‘\' to culti t 9 and ttent : Strii'flwrriun (hirrnnt: Rusphenies, i ..‘ H7ll]. I‘liiirrii <3 ”mast-luv" vs, Mr. , V A COPY will (I-ll lmw to treat imh tlee=. to resinrefhvir rnot:’l4,-u._rhy frmn tl’le 1 , (lizhéirmh Wool: of \Vufhu insects. ‘l i 1 lu'iiil Hil luow L 1) in Ike lift} of in] “I'l'iii‘. I ‘ (uninn mor the soil =1 nuniling (he ‘ ‘. ”1+ to prnii‘f‘t the PC vh nnd‘ther 1 1 4 . -it'11lll'l'.i"!11fi~‘ I'rnm thee not: of lwiux: ~ 1- wivilvr-kfllul in the ln . ’l'he 5.111110 n;-'lliintiiu.ljxlxl7 nah-n loath Irrii‘: ‘ trum‘ I Ikinzthe yellow - he appli catin'i l 1.1: the hvneli‘nl e'h-«t's to ", Inn-p.2lltin-filiwgeut’lll tr e~llmllthy ‘ H 1111‘ tho lrg-l' \ignmus. n- prove: to '. ii theiwrp inexin-nuss of l ‘i'i nus irl‘xit,<. i T3lei.lp,llllnx_tioll to h(- m iell is 11!! 3 I i ’M h-n‘iw. .\ll' il‘\\(‘ -nil iunt 111:1- i' th on theiripl-111Lui‘ I.‘ ' A (Jill‘i’ u: (ll how to l'resu :1-ilkirllls nf' . 1 Pi‘tiils \rilh li'Lle or nu 1:.11'. It will tvil lmw l 1) ltwp A”) s \li_tll Inn-H}. sun-w ks. lt nill'll 1} hr 'to Iron! 1m! . ‘m dug» l‘vur: to null!” 11ril-4lly,:luxl ; to an 111) to the hi;_hes Avor. , ll‘Y 111'1‘4(_"1l.- its numerous ictnres ull ".t :1 51.1 mm, rut-l form: 3110 ,nn nrnnmviit for ithe w ill us Will he . min-«l by all Im g-Faufart.i!r:tlrn frmfinutnre's pro; dimis. - , ‘, . , [me cnplg‘s :Lrepllhli»:hml hyg i ', , 11. I*. .\L firms, ,1 ? .\‘-‘,-2r Remlt-rsville; Ad: 4. en., Pa. 1 it"l'he )l-Iu 1s finished wit Rollers 1H!!! 1.1- furwnrilml hy Express 11y plru c or-' l. or ri-It-oipl. of necessary {nounh 0110 Live .\2lsllts will he nppoin {I to ehnrnu, ,‘nuntv nml receive subscri uns, am‘l den I iirer‘fthe \laps for $2 per ‘cnpv, '1 i Influential Agents n're mum» to canvnss‘ every r-mmtv in the l'nhted Stnx , um: 10 tie-i liver Slaps to snhsrriherfs. An . envy for the? Min will surely insure prnfimhl icfiplnrment to such as 0:111 cwrut 200 d intlne 're in making' sales rezrlily-z Lihernl imlucemt' ué nr'e m‘ulei to agents. ' .7\ sample co,y mm b‘ ,seen n! this i amt-e. [Pi-13.10, 1862. [.\jovJ 1,162. I,3'] : ..... ~- ‘ 4 1 ___ , Hardware 8: Groimry e TORR—The snhscrihersstill hhre a splendid S (ismrtlnl‘n;ol'HAßDVVAHEkéflllOVEll'CS, at their old: established stand {in .Baltimc:e. street. . ‘_ ' 3 They have just returned from t& Cities with an immense stock of Goods— . nsisting, in part. (if 1 5;? ‘. mumm: MATERIALS, 3 " ,as man,‘ Screws, Hinges. Bolts, Locks, (il 5, rtc., etc. i ,_ T 410115, including Edge Tool of every de-, [lcripliom S |‘W5. Planes, Chisels, 5v ,uges, Braces f and Bits, Angers, Squares, Gongs, Hummers, eta, Pi ‘. , ‘,‘ l . BirAEKSHITHS will find Vils, Vices, ,Rnslis, Files; Horse-shoes, Ho -slme Nails,‘ late. with‘ them, very cheap. . '_ , COACH risnmus. such as“ :11, Cnnvns, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Mn' . ‘oll-vloth,‘ Spri s Aries, Hobs, Spokes, llocs, Bows Wflfis, etc., etc. 1 i . SllOl-I FlNDlNGS—Tnmpieq Brush 11ml ,French Marci-cu, Linings,'Bindin , Pegs, Lasts, . Boot-trees, tun, with a. general ssortment of Shoenmker's Tools. _; 1 i 1 c.illl.\'i:-y.‘.\l.ixsn's Toop'h- general n 54 aortment : also. Varnish, Knobs, gin, etc. ‘ . 1 HUUSEKHEPERS will also ii a_ large ns-i , sortment ofhinives and Forks. Brrfihnnin, Albata' I and Silver Plluted Tuhlernud Texfifipoons, (‘llll - Shovels and'fll'onps, S:11l—' irons. Emim led and Brass Kettl 1, Pans, Tubs, Buckets, Ch rns, Carpeting. waffle; 1 , ' Also, a g neml assortment 0- Ferged and Roll-ml IRON ofall sizes and kimé, Cdst,§henr, and Blister Teelgrwhich they win selins‘cheup us the cheap st. 1‘ f I I ‘GROCERIRS—a full and gene lassortmeri,’ such as Crushed, Pulverized, larififd, a _ ! Brown Sugn‘rs, New Orleans, W t Indies, and Sugar-bonsai Molasses ‘and syrups, Como, Spices, Chocolate; fine, coarse,_md dairy Salt, ‘ Linseed, Fish and Sperm Qil' Turpentin , iFish. etc. ‘ .L - g i I . A full assortment of Lead and: inc, dry on gin oil, also Firagroof Paints gigin fact, aimo. I l every article in t e Hardware,’Conch Findin , :Shoe Finding, House-Keeping, filackmitl , Cabinet-making, Painters, m 1; Grocery line i all of which they are detemindd to léll u; 10* for cash no my house out of t ‘9 Git}. ‘ , JOEL .iDANXER, - DAV! gunning. . Gettysburg, Dec. 24, 1860. t!,. EE will deri or x tlli‘s IR= EEO aswill in the‘ Dime e 01)- ELM ■ " nre s at 85w— this 0.“ E -. sen what. «ices 1147's ixy of inch lien} d the 3 his ' and He rders RS and best lease light Get- need ”my ‘ptyle or n W. The Spot! .. ~ AMSON i; still in New York,“nhkin’g phr éhues to keep full Ind ineré se the stock 0 hie Clothing Ind Variecx, ore, on the Northeast corner of the Dinmon Gettysburg, where sales ‘lre: made at astq ’hingly low prices. Buying for cnph,‘ he on sell low for cub T-lower ’tlmn ever and non stake. Call in nuhe Store, Ind Ann Bonux in. WI“ wait on ybu with be greatest of plot: re, showing you Clothin Boots,‘Bhoea, km, 1‘ every; kind And price. . : [Day 2, 1861. CO rim sacs PHOTOGRAPHS for $l, an the Ex- L celnior Sky-light Gainer]? gfork lu'en, opposilo die Bunk. £2 RE ‘ Something New. esh Stock R has {ash received {n n fresl stack of (Hm "'8 the invention offal" .ufi‘ces,‘ Surznrs. Ten“ killdi,;i'r}cl|ldi‘qg ti st“; 5‘ .\‘piuts, &(‘. . ' ; aid in a new supnlyo Iml (Pdntlemcn. : ‘ , kind: 511 v xys’on Imin; mlrmsu. ‘ ; 1 1.862.. f i G. CA - . ‘ (h-kphi go which he in It emhruros ( .\iolnfaes ufn” liclu fur bhkin . ”1; lm“ also RY. for LEU‘AQS I quuul s of :11 .\‘LL UREA Fobrufzry 24 I'DfiUX’S‘; .tain Herb Plugl ‘ I n pun-(«6t likoll9=s "F: T«-/.m~o.‘n trim» nthe stmng’q Amer Nu :ulwl .‘vll'.\i( n. Xmllu IH‘ _tiu-l St in) am!hispconh-mkmjl Pamph 'r.~z—to he had gmtiaj {rum the , l’xlls. ' ' I n 1 v V ‘ "'OHWJII" I ‘ MOll l‘ “ kHzH’U fl ' rhicf nf‘ 1131". that nun-f fllurlu'uulit of ‘lvls gun-l .\lmun A 2» m: furthr-t 'l‘lH- invmmr Muunmin Horl pnrn' of his I: uc-a-fiv créry m ow: <.i\' year; : \lmpnaimnml the f?‘ .\IOI’R‘TH. .\ wiry inn-rm le‘o, .\nu w} .mlphh-t.‘ IL ie {m cat. mire from; \nu‘l nmnnfiwturcrm. ..lami'g Pine," ‘lms (pent #llO .mmficr ‘ in tr:fwl‘xng,_,ln:u‘;i|: \irin'l’ untry in_thc wnrl‘l., 'HP flail", mung lhe‘ludiuns M" flu- lhu-Fy t’WlQim. nml it “49$ Huh ‘ljfl-ll [lmm PILLS" \zc'rl‘ diwmcrud. in}: :Irvnuntof himndgfintufiw 1‘ find )1: unrAliml‘ix'Lm :réul . ‘ . . y .r; ‘ Miahc’rl fun, that. XII“: glrcazE-a C "3 I ‘ “a .i’ITRE BLIND! 'l , l l he 111'?! uml whqn :irlv furoiirn ‘ Hcr gets m‘tml with it, it ivhl. l 0 m‘pr'v uuan of ‘lllt‘ liml_\' {— ‘lllt'plll~oll.lln4l all: the \lllul ('umplain. ' Tl: : :10lele ll will mi purl'm tlv. ‘ ’l‘lu:lih~ru-u~:(-< ‘ .cicnm' ui'hilo. TM: lm'lmu‘hi kmwd, mu! «n he [Kin ”LN-Ila!" ”o'." IH'COHH' r )ggfl‘ u 111 l Ill»; 1‘: “Hull. a CDIIgI—.*Ill:lllln1lll ' iv! the limutlin-‘liclxi ”Flinn—«E "if you hml Iln’tm'n'jnnu- mp'lllr, ‘ n ]vun' spring. lnrm} 111%le r+nl in :» l'r-n’ minute: =1 .1; “mile Irunn lmmmu,iii~gslionulflmd « qmr kly duo: impunc Tomi {h .11 mm- in M ~;1..~§131.1. .Yll unwulNirll(lwl.<m-l ll'l'yu‘lmg moved, the la 1;, Ullllfc -"’¢;‘“i . 1 , , 3| C only purifyvflho illrimj. hlitl '- ~crrq‘tmn; of flu.- 99%“ ; 'tlll-y -Iri\ Illml :1: a l‘ I | l A: Mimi's-ms“, ES, } i r, Silk 111-finl.l«lr(~, & Thlia It-im- l-Tpt'ls lmm, thfildumltlw Abuse. :ml rvmli'r-a :11l illo hm: purl- and llv‘eul: clmring x"’:<:\ilxiliaizalls. El ‘ l ' «l. it ii in n~. (‘IuL Wi- ure’nMel ’our reach. :1 mv-ln-ul‘c like tin »l’ills," that will pns‘ Mummy; pnn‘, tlirungli llu- ipluunl anil‘ V. and (with? the Hullcrrr 310' i finch ot‘hmnuty :frill health“ [lw Raf Il‘nuwfi/ in riffs/me: [o‘r Ilumny ('nmp/wn/s :‘ , l Lints, . ;Ilu:n‘nr‘!:cil.‘i I i ’ ln liL'i-stiun, l I 'lnfluvn‘l..l,ll- ‘ 3, i ‘ lull unmfit'ipnl l . . In“.lril-"i\ll-:Iklmz3',‘ I Liw-r (‘on'prl linfs,‘ Lon ness d‘ Syirili‘l WM 5 , , 1 , Stone nnd! llrnrel,’ I we, ‘ Sermldmm ngilp-;' I pink. 'mmw; - f 1 FEMALE MENU ‘gE ! l l'ulue lmulth. Fllnll :i nnvvr he ills; Thoy purity? he |.lmjd, ions of nll kin-ls, Q: cxlnsc the -s and blntchcunn'r bring the lib in IIIP pile c‘llor l Is and lh-rhs (if \lhiL-h Unlu ‘ere disrm‘crmlin if very “11-- ung the Tczucnilsglt trihc inl’- lt-xim. Got the _‘llnlilllflt‘ of on liill' read whh 1??“ng tins account it Contains. of tile ” oftlic Jitters; ll ‘ 4 "Mountain llerhljl’ills” hire" utifnl Wrapper. ifEacll hbx , and Retail in Emit-unis per e have {_llé sigrmlu‘l‘lc of IL 5.. on cm-h box. H , . JUDSON& 0., > ; SOUQPRUI’RI‘E OHS, : 'l _ ~ ~ ._ .omum STREIET, X 1 ' Yunni .\arnta “’flnlm alwnys—Addrfié lls "how; WU. (l. “A n. .\m-nt lur Getg'sburg. a July 29.1861. :yeow . u _V- .-‘ V. l . if I w .91th Cold, ouch, <~° ”a“ ‘ all a q, . «man, _‘ ale BROWH'AL lu‘aat, whwh ,mht b. [’7o “(£3 . with a mum»!- C 11. U" W: W “'7". mm serio y. Few an away: d‘ the bnpartmwaqu gtogpmg (“flung/z. or might ”2441 m as first mm,- that which in the ibegimuing unuhiiyldd t 9 .amfld Mi, #WM“; 30m attkzdcs the l . ‘I a ‘ @W’nlfirandugl gran/1a It has been M that Marci the bag mick béfm (he publfo, for ; fluids, W, flm’fh'ww in); sum ,é ’ mum , awful". ’ . . bfi. Wu | _ . Public 89m and Men, Tln- mno'd i 4 ‘ nr "Mu-:nhiln' m‘ uncq di~tl‘illmm li\ My m‘n‘u Inc nr_r:xh|~ «pm-Hy no} (Win-=1 the !‘ tn EFL-rem}! ~u ‘ (he ht-H'L is \vv: i= fr‘uhle. Thl- ‘ puiJmuns umlt : “s‘” impuril he inn...” _\_ {wasp-v.4” 'ti‘ny rivuh-t, "'55" Inf YIN ~("Mnrv L ‘A, (‘\‘vry pnrt. u o nl~dli_’(<ll'(‘ Nfrm-fiim is 0: (out. Tl‘dw pin: q _vo'u-r t 0 ull t} 'l', pl “MAT. t "yum w Lin-ll- (‘mnpl til .13157‘5’11'0‘11 .\ICI ‘li-Ivl‘vn weds o ”with nud srvre :llLTfLwlHl‘ilutiu T‘lm: sm imit l llhft‘ \vithn \Hnlut~uiu ”or the :1?!“va EMI= iyh‘ton wit. ulxon's [’l7]: Hr l/n' ft Ban (-1 Pump!- (‘duxhg ("914“, Chm! Dieoafé ("nqivonlrss, I’yspvpzia, Dhrrlurd, Drnnsy, Dummy, Fever and .\2 Fumule (‘mnp GREAT Ft‘lm'flei who wilhnut Ikm: remgre (blurrin filamornl! pimp rich valor of hm mif’l‘he Pln PHI: fire made, prizing way u Abnnizim-bs in our Agent. and Very Smart-itin -5‘ (:rcnt .\lc-licin ()ustm‘m—Tlx' put. hp in 3 Bo contbiua 40 pi]. hint, .\ngnui JUDSUN J.- (‘o‘, No. on mefi ‘5 M mm, at .95 cents per. baa-2‘ ‘ m. D. Evian“, Agent, Gettysburg Dec. 30,1861. cm ' lievolve'rs. NEW lo: of nayo’nvzns, of diflerun't . ptyles, embr‘pcing' the latest, rbceived at ; A) SON’S, nbnhwest c’orner of theZDinmond. Having purchases! for cub, a: the I?“ rates, he is prepnrqd to mull ‘M low as the owou—lif not lower you Drop in nnd enmiu‘fthem f 9: youmelves. No tlrouble to £110" gods. July 1, ”81. :- _ A 3 ST PREMIUM Enwnrdcd to Tyne“, other; bylho Menulleh Agricultural we”, Sept. 1860, and b 1 the Adam: Cpnnty Afiimnumi Society, Sept, 1811,10: pm. Ambr fiennd Photographs; we :11 other: on ambition. 'm m. CEHIH ‘ .e publiEj ‘ Svrlxfif ‘ . rior n}?-y ‘ DR. WM. B. lIURD'S . TOOTH PO_W‘D~EB‘.. ‘ This powdor‘ potsesses _tlle RBQNIO \\ ITIIIH'T THE INJURIOCS I PROPERTIES ()F CHARVUAL, ' «I is I‘ve frhm'ull Avids or .Uknlies lllutcun Hue lvnsf‘injun- the Tut-(k ' . - 3 ln._m~xiuu Minguntirrb‘x chnnicab-‘pulish- - 1 “illnoul; \v curing 31w enamel. ». } D". “'\F. B. HI'RD’S TUHT" I‘U\\'DRE> rcqomnwndud hy all Eminent Ik-nmu. ‘ ; llropnn-d at Dr. Hurd‘a Dent-. 1! Uflikc, Nu. "H , [leth Sum-t, Hrm‘nklyn. H. I). 7 nusxtz. 7.1 L 1 r 1 Brice. ,25 Cents per Box. 1‘ ’A lihcml dmwmt mink- In dmlexf. ‘ “ - ddreaa Principal Office, Tribufio Buildxpgs, No. 1 Spruce St.. N. Y.{ Sbld nlxo by ('ahu'vl], .\Lu'k k l‘n., Fiflh ‘cnue ”rm-l; J. k I. (ludllingmn, 71!: "mm!- y ; D. S. 13.1mm,qu Urumlxvuy, nud hy {lll ur„i st> DR. WM. B. lIU‘RIYSr . TQOTHACIIE DROPS, or (he cure I)! _ ' TOOTHACUE I Int-M hv (-xlmswl m-st. .1 i t ie purlirulmh :ulupuulfi nl] nmwjflchjl. n "MINI-(l with TUU’I “.\(‘IU‘L . 3 flux-“[4 'rnu rclim‘c tllcmu-Ivcs from mu! [reusing “Purim-55 cunwd W » ,‘ ’ Luss or swim, . . ; ‘l thoir children from grunt. Eum‘ring) by win: it lmllln-‘nf‘ I , j i. “'\L H. [HA-“IVS _TIIoTHA‘FHE DINIPS Um him-F. A ‘ ’rcpnrud m. [‘l’.'”|l_l'll'% IN-maYUmx-r, .\"u. 77 Int“ Sir” I, lvirnnlxl} n' E. D. “ - 'A ‘ Price. only 12 Cents per Bottle. 1 |\ libvml {liwmulwumjo m (huh-r 4. _ j. d'dress Principal Office, Tribung. lßu-ildings, No. l Spruce St:,N.Y. : l'nM :ll‘u hf (‘utu't-H, \hrk & (‘ll..yl’ifll)‘ omm "nu-l ; .Ht I. Paghlinqmm 7].? Himml i ;‘ I). S. “.H‘IIL'S, 202 Uroudhzly, and by 1;]! nn In- In in DR. -“'M._‘n. HURD'S ‘NEURALGIA PLASTERS, or Ihr run- of NICI’RALLIA . l 1 {l‘oulhnthe pro-hwml h\'_rolll3. . gj . g . LUKH. NHWHJA‘HA ‘ mmcxliutnly rqx-ml My [Emir upplii’ulinn. 7 fun-y art like n Charm. and Me lr'rhr“y mlms in their mm r 4»; I!” not prodm-ci u [mm and Inn 1' nn nnplb‘xa‘nni rufulti. ; l.\\'.\l. H. lII'IFD‘S NI'ZI'R \MU'A PLA?TRRH rr-l'hil (Ir-give sutisf:u-tiun‘to all N m lust Imirfim. ' ‘ ‘ {rt-p trt-«I nt. Dr. linrll‘s Dental] Office, No. W ‘ 7 i rth Flt‘l‘ct, lit'unkl'ut. li. i). , . Price. only 15 Cent: each. ; > i")0l’1|itil~'"fllllll lll.|'i(" it «icnleri‘. ‘ l ddresw Principal Ace. Trihr‘itne. . Euildings, No.l Spruce St.;N. .. _ . ulzl nlao hy (Mun-11, )lztrk k Cm. .Fiflh # .\ mu» llntt-l; J. (c i (‘mlllingmm 715 Bron-l -~ v; D. S. linrnesflu’l llrpmlnny, uml by oil lrtggiéts. [Di-c. 2,1";1. I)! " t S 0 'i‘ i (i i“. . r ’ 'e are daily rot-cit inznrderfi to dent! h; min“ to u- nm- or more of Dr. Il'nrtl’s Dental “(Illa-- ,(‘S which we (-nnnut fill. wa tll’l' nmilnl-le rx 0 the Neurnlgin Planer: which we «will: nn emolupe nn rt-i-eipt of [Wire .1?» N‘llli) :liild . on) sfmnp. "lit to iu-t'mnmodztte person»! in pi: ilO5 where the llrll‘lflidl“ 'ttnd Marc-known nr Iholtinll the age, we have lint up inn knew-s ‘ ,in hite embossed lmww, «wen inrhw by lu‘ur, \ri h compartments—ouch hot: containing 3 hp tie of Dr. liuni’a .\louth \th. uni) Tm'fith .\ :e Drops, .1 lmx of Tooth I’mv-ler, the Mll- ‘ rnl vin l’lnster, rind :\ \‘alunhlt- little Trentiamnn Tc th and their llisrnurs, ILL-“best. mountain! pr starving them, llllti the proper trentuwnticlf Cl i'ircn's Teeth. worth of itself the entirceost to very young mutt or nuumn. 0; parents with yo n 2 children, with sundry other nt't'csutry nr 'clea; [trice per paeltngouSl. or six pm-lgapa ' f 0 55. sent by exprws n 3 diretlo'l. .\t the Ex toss clurges are not met-h, it any, Innn-lun _a ozen than on one, it is {air ohr'npor In mile. si. or a dozen package‘s ‘nt one tinu; A lurgc fgu lin will want all, or the surplus can he dis 'po ed of to neitzhhors with public hem-61.1w no’nne cnn estimate how much pain, sull'uring, ‘nnmppinesa nnd disfigurement, expense, log of time and money would he saved to “10' ‘ ('0 niry it'ew-r'y family to-dny hm] one of tlti-se ;pn kllg’l‘i, which, in itself, is a complete setguf ,U- ml lieumlies. Address “'ll. B. grant it A ICo , Tribune Builulinigs, New York, fin wr‘ite’a ' nu 1e and address plainly. Thnt rennin-nee: m: be made With confidence, W. 11.11. 160. re rto the Mayor of Brooklynfio fi. W. om fitli, President of the Farmers and Citizen's Bank, Bro‘khmklyn; to the Editor‘ol‘ the .\nteri- / end .\lana ctnrerh' Gazette; to Joy, Coe 3“}qu P ilishers' Agents; New York; to P. T. Bar nn ; Esq., who knows n good thing when in! so it. and who has already ordered a second “A Ju pl_v,etr.' " ‘ t . £OOO AGENTS WANTED to introduce Dr. :_ ‘Hn d's Dental Remedies into every County’— Meh 0r women who went to‘mnke r’uoney quitikn lyhicnn do Hotter with these articles than my? ,» . thing in vmarket._3 ‘They ‘are new, uiefn}, 1?! pri ed, and we‘are spending thousands Injd‘ vciisinir them {Jr the hem-fit. of agents. Bone. ~ of . mplel contuip’ing a dozen of the “9° dob ~ iflrlpnekugeu above «specified, with circuit" will, be sent, on rccefpt of $7, ahqnt half pril e,_ to (thy person wishing «has! hi: or her skill i'n‘qelling‘ with the View of becomin, u agent. ’ 'l'th can be told in I day. fi‘We 10¢"! ’ rather pay ulories than Commission: to then why: prove themselves emcient salesmen. ' , ! fiNow is the time to go into the tau-ind". '5; For! address and reference! see above. <1 _, Jhn. 27, 1862. ’ , .. I :r ___ ~ “___ 7 1 ‘i.. ' Removals. , ; ‘ finndensignedmeingme authorized” 9 A . lto make removal: into Eur Green Gem lery',hopes that such nu contemplatefihe ”1.110131 oft‘; remains of deceased rel-lives or {begin willmnil lhemlolvea of :his suntan oftheyul'i‘o have it done. Removals made With prompting —-te‘rms low, nnd no effort spared ‘0 please. § . . PETER TEORN, j z . Hitch 12, ’6O. Keeper of the (Emmy. .4 _ , ___- _ ~. usms at low mes, frgmr a “cent! 'ha, can be had I: the chairs-tore bf - - f __' FAHN A Ich 3,308; BUSES ind Gel-pd Bach chug if i e g K ‘ Pl KING‘S. ""‘ 1.11 m- Eight-mfl‘Thlny-honr and F; Alarm Clocksgeh‘np u PICKING’S. DR“? am; 'ni’nfifii‘a’n‘i‘” 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers