.zngurflfifialfis., u; 5 The 90!?!LG is pubfished 2'7er Mnnday; morning. by "may 3. St mm. at. $1 75 [lol‘ “nun if paid strictly h' .\ov.\\ci:;p32 00 per annum i)" not phitl in_ ndvnnfié. ~.\'o subigfiptiqn Jhcoutinued. unless at: ”:6 Option of the publgaher, until in arrange! are paid. . .‘ . ~ Aivsnnszvm‘rsénsortednttho usual rites. Jon Pus'rtxu done with naug- and dispatch. C Orncz in South BJltimore street. .dig'ccfly oppmite Wamplers" Tinniug Edlblishment ' ~“Cd’mun Pusnw 02mm” on thesign. . Public Sale . F \‘.\Ll’.\BLE REAL ‘.\\’D PERSONAL PROPERTY. 0n ll‘ulnuday. flu- 28th dun; of Mt!!! mu. The 6n‘\3(‘?‘ll‘tl’. .\isigncc of \VILUAI Salm wa and WIPE. will sell at Publir Sale. at me 1 residence of Mid Assignnrfi. ln Oxfnrul tnwnl ‘ shi 7!. Adams cannlv. (lu- fullqwlng highly val ualvle Personal nnd Realil’rmucrlv. viz: 7 head of Superior Dr ugh: HORSES. 4 nn-‘ dor six \‘BflTSZ \larcnnd (gull: 20 hen'd oH‘OWB‘ hml YONG (‘ATTLE’G inn-rover! breeds. in good order. 3 NFLLS. lmll Dnrlmm, one Full grown ; A lo! offlIIOATS, somv- 50 in number. ohm". 8 montln old, in thriving condition; 221 hemlof prim: Int HUGS. Also. 3 full assortment of Farm‘inz Impla mentn, consisting nf l’luughn, Barrows, Culli‘ tutors. 4 WACDNI“, l ()ne-hnrsv do., Cart." C'vrrln'n. Sleigh, nn exrtllent “OWEN AND ‘ IKEAI’J-IR, ‘Thn-Ihing .\lnchino, willy dnnhle ‘ shaker and hqrse power. GrAin Drill, ,Corn Shell". Harness, Chums, Log Chili-s. kc. “'iH ho’nffernd n 2 Hu- Inme time. A FI'LL LOT OF MANNYERY ”F A FIRST-CLASS DiSTILLERY. in 20nd ord". but Itlfle wnrn— nn Engine and Boiler. Iwenty hon}- powur. as good as new—2 pair French Burr llill Slonri. nonriv new. tngeflwr “in: lho-ir fixture-1: n. IMuHo Diniliing Ammmma, whivh is turning but first quality of whiwkuy. Pen-ans withing: to buy lhe‘whole npnirqtuu. ('nuhl nut my to Mcnre' I bfirgain, us ix will be sold at. halt i's cod. A Alla, THE BF‘EDYVCS containing iho \in chjnerg. hugmhvr with Stger Sui-10. ”cg l’rne, Malt House.' and» lune Wnrc House. four siorioi high, put up lutci)‘, and rnnmnu-ni in “I Rimvhrrr :1 int nf vorv ifnhmhh- in'iteriuls‘ pine mid on}: Inmhér. The pun-has” must. remnre {ill this: buildings from tho prv'vniSu-z. “'i'i Mil) be oflcrwl :l int of SI'PHIUOI‘. “'HiSKRY. mmo r'mmuon do; Grain by [he huslulnn i Gruin in flm'uruuml. ' Mm so'm- "HUM-2110!.“ AND KITCUEV FIZRNITI'REi a vnriuy Oran-ides, 109 tedious tntgt‘m'mn. ' ‘ ‘ Kt do «me limtfiwili he nm‘rcd..4\ RED LAN" FAR“. in Oxford tnwnship. Adam: “.., nrljoiuing'llm-h 'u( Jun-pin J. Smillm Just-pk Lilly, nn-i’mlmfl, alt-“mining 2.!!- .\rrvs. more or if“. The’innd ie naturuiiy ”(good quality. Burme}.ooo or 5.000 hnehi-is of Lipm imvu‘beru applied In i‘ in liln'coureo ff a few "mm, null, Meaty can he hail within 1 Knife. Tlmn- ii umm the me Rt Luge 'l'\\'o~smr_\'- BRICK llUFSHnrifh “'lvkrhuiltiing.null nut-‘milxiinzm « Also 1\ "(H'Sli \SD LOT. in iriiihtmirnV the LM conkfiniuz H ui'T un .\ttr, nnvL hmidc 11m Hume. lining Stable» Oven, Hog Pm. Jun, filmed“; ‘ _ WSule m cnmmonre M 9 o'vlork, .\. film‘— éqivl ~lxlv, and to continue, from d.|}' m Ilny. until all is mhl‘ .\ucnd vzzcc. and n creJiL of 9 mundls with ru-rurirr. Lv'n'i-n l-v JOHN L. JENKINS, Jul-gilt!- April as, 1852. ts‘ ‘ Nntrona Coal Oil. ‘ 1 .\RRAVTI'ID .\"H’ - FXPLOSH’B nml Xv: equal 10’ n“! KERHSHXE. \WIY hm] nu unJodn» UH. “hen :1 {WW cont: mnrv- pl~r ._.- Man s‘?" furnidl \nu wilh :2 pvrfvrt ("11’ “wh- nnh‘ 11v PL KHT .\I \VI'I’M‘- 'Ti'RINC :(‘IHIPHX‘fl No I?T\\'n.\'!:'r Shela-'l', PHILAITELI‘HLL" {Fri}. ‘24. 111092. ly . . Sapnmfior! Snponmer! in: I‘.\\m.)‘ SOAP .\L\KER.—— \l! Kmm-n T (ho'w t-t‘n hr made inio good SOAP, by u—inu‘SH'll‘HFH-le! ‘ HIHHVTILLVS' .\(‘FnWPAVYLVn WAV“ INN! 5011‘ is M Pasih’ made with it as lmiking'u cup uf com-e. “"nn‘ n-mv‘ml nnlr "V (‘l9. P ”',9‘7l'o'“. ".\1 S \F.T .\[.¥\"\'| A"Tl'lu\'('v CUWPRNY. \‘n. H 7 “Um-v - Sin, PHILAD'A. Feb. I'4: WV}. 1y I Trees! Trees !. Trees! THE “nth-1'52"!“ inr'l'l‘ ultmn‘xhn to ihcir _ inrgqum! We“ g'uwn «(wk of ‘ ‘ nu‘n‘ .\\xn nl:\’.\\H-‘.\'T.\L TREES. Shruhs tn. emhrtwiu! u hm! nnd yum 4011-. fli-‘urfini‘fil of APPLES. l‘E.\llS.‘l'l-I.\I‘%IF.S, Y‘YJ'HR. (‘HERRH‘IR ..U'RII‘UTS. and .\'HC~ {THHVESfi Shlndnrd ’Ol- [ln- Orrhgrd. nml “muff flII: the (‘vnrulv‘m EN‘HJS" \VA LNI'TS, Sl‘.-\"+Sll "HHSXI'TQ. ".\ZLRXKTS, kc.“ “\SI'RERR‘HS. STR.\\\'RERR”CS. {'l'R- I? \NTS mu] HOUSI‘BERIHRSJI‘ grentvnrimy. Gfikl’flh‘ of chaired kinda ASPAR \(II‘VS, HIN'HARI‘. kn. kx‘. ALn. n fimrsuwk 0f wcll funny-:3, hudu' EVERGREEXS, suitable Im- Ihr (‘gmMr-rv mm Lmvn. UHFIDYUI'S TREES, for shoot flaming, and n (rm-ml nunrlmemmf -' Onu‘vww TREVS Axn meann‘n Suurm. “HRH“. nf rhnivo Varieties, (‘UIELL\S, BEDDING l‘f‘. \‘s'TS, kg. ‘ 0m- nmrk is rcmurkakly thrifty and fine, pud we «Her 1’! at :‘rit'fi‘ tn suit lhc film‘s. EPMnlomerlili-d m «H ‘uqflivn‘ntfi. " Address EDWARD .1. lanxs, :: 00.. .4 ' I Central Sun-cries, York, Pn “Much 24, 1851. n' ‘_ ‘ ‘_ ~ Nraw Good: !--Largo Stock! , ERCHAXT TAILORL‘U}. l‘l , “cons k mm. nut» inst remix-9d ‘rmn the‘ chic: n Int-_rc- «ox-k o'roods for. Gentleman's we", embmcing a “Tick! of . .. . CLOTHS. ‘ ‘ , \ mssnmmzs, ' ‘ . VESTTXGR. Cwiuets. Jeans, (Co.. with many other good; [ml-ripring mu! summer wear. ey are prepared to make up‘ garments at the ghoroe=t nntif-e, and in the wry heat. man lct. The Fashions are rocnlnrly reoeivnp, and clothing nude in nnv desired style. Thoy «L "’1 milk: gem. fits, whilsttheir sewing is sure to be mbsmminl. ’ ' ‘ They nsk'n cnntinunnce of the uhfic's [m tronage, resolved by gout! work mg] moderate chnrgeslo earn it. ' » Gettysburg, Afiril 7, 1362. .~ Restaurant. HE CHAMBERSBUEG STREET RESTAU RANT. (recently Eckcnrode‘s,) in the Ju ‘co I Building, Chambersburg street, is now qonuiucted hv the undersigned. wGYS'I‘FIRS are done up in a“ styles: FIRED CHICKEN, BEEP TONGUE, ‘ ‘ TRIPE, ammo mas. and . ’ ‘ l A NéCE GLASS 0? ALB, cm nlwnys be hm]. all in. The Saloon has Mon recpaifitad and fitted up in fine stvle. ‘ GEORGE JACOBS, Gettyabu ; a 1 i 1 7. 1862. ) . @6er .0 - Bargains! . ATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS AND TRAVELLING BAGS.— nving just received a very large supply of the’ above goods, wan-e prepared to sell then lower than (We: sold In this place. My neck is most copplete, embracing every style of Shoes and Bus mule. 1 331's AND CAPS. c'onslmng of all the latest styles for Spring Md Summer. ' . inoors AND 311038, (or Gamma,- Ladies and Ehimm. Jinx-MO ”(1 Saturn work from 25 cents up. [BUSES of every description and kind. ' 3050.111" ‘nud examine-line bargains at‘ __épfllflfi 51882. ‘R. F. MCILHENY'S. mnoxt 181mb AND ANSWERED..— Why i's “that H. G. CARR sells HOSLERY '9 ea: (wreak?- Becsuse he buystor cash "“1 buys nothing but a good article, and sells It. a vei-y short profit. . Lguiies and gentlemen, K‘Y‘J‘mfifign. ‘ Don”. forget. the pace.— Righ} Oppopxmhe Bcnk, in Yer}: at. [Nov;2s. TWFJWOT—EBSMYI wfnuynsnfmnd 1 I e "acumen: ,of,pl&in l :. ”CL mflmg‘a frames, gem sfid'pfltgd‘locketg Minsmczmwesmywuurngagi -utoniuhinglylow prices. . . "2:1. I- Al li=ll=2 Br H. J. STAYILE. flth Year- Hopc‘l a deceitful, lying Imfie! X_ prm‘ml her such lonfylean ygo; She often say: she‘ll give my fry“, But all I ever get}: a “W!- , She told me, whvn n little one» To school baref’nnlcd runan, Thntiifr: was one long dny of fun; I now, know she was “ fulillninig." (n little seems like fun or filuy, . This luring duunvd nml rimming. 0r ’rwixl the banks. {mm day to dit}, . ~Kept like a river, running.)- And “hen n bigger buy I grew, 1‘ - U!“ wrmlling I was fund, I own, vaunsv "upo Mid she‘d “s;-t:l\no tin-Img; :" She (ml) mount she'd-see me throfin. In every fight or running mnt‘th, \ (fly score-s [‘\'r made such man-hon.) Hum- h-d me to the “ store "0r " scratch," ‘ But left um, scored with scratches. ’ I'ro fared no better with the Mr; ' 'l‘ln~ dear. tormenting crenlurrs! } I‘ve loved in turn all shades of Inglir, a All slgles of fuel. and (mum-p: ' "9pc told me muo bmwn-hnirgd Ste, Tu whom I was a suitor, ” “'olth have rho: when I n‘sked her to, She said I didn't “in her! With fu-lings hurt um] heart nigh riven, I .' l {call}- Lnew not what 10 llu: - ’1 Mairetche‘l'sclr I d then llnve given, 1 Add gladly, for a single SUE. 1 Hope or! me m“ tall JlX’fi (ox-curt, Rug she '-’ the queuinu " partied Six 51;"th or max-li, jun fur the s rt, Th n told Inc s'hc was mnrrjed ITO And mus Ivy Hope each flame is fanned, \Nlene‘cr by love ‘l'm sxni‘ten, ' ’ Until M last l as}; a hand, ‘ ' , But all I get's_themim-u! . § imifirrlln—mm v - ¥ ‘ Sung-«yourlnxtwanenew‘amondmvntshnve . i been mmle to the bl", nu follows : ‘ For playing “ h’mifis all-round and ladies (in the Fmtrv." $5.00. : ' ‘ ] Fér visiting 11nd}: tfiroé time: and not lmv’nz sufficient gallan‘try tn ofl‘ér, M laist, ‘tn ki<s her. sl7.oo—thh being an inex'cusa bio nmicsinn, d'i‘fiorving ”robigl-ost'consuro. j ‘Fnr kissing a lady on the forehead; 33,50. | For kiéuin: her on the clmok, $3.00. 3 For kissing her where every intplligent gentleman ought to kiss. her,‘ “ not so muell," Fm- ki<sing a lady who uses gnhfl'in any wnv wlmtovet. $10K“. ‘ ‘ Fm- ]atlies going haro‘fmtml in nummer. Sufi—Hf: ii a. wise provision to prevéut tlmir Tent becoming so lurgé. - For, gain: slip-shod,m Mlll slnoe‘smn tied. R 8 cents. Fnr ladies wearing sixties large enough for tlmir feet, s4,so—thisbeing gross impio— prioty. . , . For a gentleman looking over-n lady‘s shouhler wearing a low necked draw, 10 MEE Fm- : gentleman stopping It I: show-win (law in 9rdur .m see u lady getting out. of hm- can-inge. 5 emits for hurh'in'z out of chart-iron put-pone to see the lguliw coming down thg steps, 20 ccnh. ' ‘ ‘ For 'n married mgn spendinz‘his eyenings away frpm home, to avoid nur<ing tile baby, $9.00. and $2. aflditional if he spends the evening with asingle‘lmly or‘adies. Second offence. 312.00. Trim ofl‘ence $15.00. and be gommlled to w ar 11“ ‘I pigdmrrativef' frrim his coat tail for one week.=— -‘ 7 For smooth-faced youths of sixteen‘ shav ing or usipg any other mennéngto promote the growth of theii-"beard, $2.50: For attempting to wait on thé ladies un der-the age of eighteen} moor—ans being considered misdemeanor By the “ M. C's." and prejudicial to their futdre prospects? A Rnoxarn'ucl no: lineman—A ‘dia patch to the Ne! {ark Times lays: ' TheVMilitnry lion-d of Fen'ueky, who, under the-anther“; of jhe loyal' Legishttrc of Hill State, practically took ill military power out of the hamls of Governor Mngofli n last summer; and saved Kentucky to the Union, have sent a deputation to Washington to esk for moderate and conservuive actiogon the part of Congteu. They say that the emanéipation act of the Dis trict, coupled with the general emancipation bills still pending, are creating wide sprend uneasiness and disnfl'ection in Kentucky, and weskening the hands of the Fnion men there. And this disafl'ectien is manifesting itself in unmistakable Signs in the Union armies of the West. ‘ l lIM Bargains! fiat schoolmaster, who had an invqte raw habit. of talking to himself. was asked what motive he could have in doing so I——- Hg replied that. he had two good and sub stantial reasons: “In the first. place, he liked to talk to a sensible man ; in the next place, he liked to hear a. sensible man Mk)! Proriloted.—Hon. Owen Jones, former mem ber of Congress from Montgomery county, ha: been elected Colonel of the First. Penn sylvania Cavalry Regimt’ut, to fill the va cancy occasioned by- the appointment of Col. 1). Busde u_n Brigadier General. Col.‘ Jones .entered an wrviee as Captain, was dodéd‘uMou-Jnd than hint“.,'and now takes commmdof momma“; .I‘ : ~ ___«__;._,_____~_‘ _¢._. ‘_ _Wwwpfi -.’: -”:—lfiyw"‘"» ‘Vfixrmv‘ifl' vrr ;-~rwsrwmw~wsp W». ‘ Q “E-... in.» : élr . .‘~r . ' j ; ’J H ‘_. . , é ‘iaiégt; g: 5‘ E . —.-.. Vi" :'*?3‘-7"..";: 4m - I " * ‘ fl _Q. ' rOl , w ~ a W s 4, SKO ; '- .~.,,. M, 3 ‘ i 23/“: , a w , -. Pt” '4‘ ~’ 24/ , i 3“ ”’3‘ ngQs’ ’ ,Q/cé .- 4;» yi J - k] Q . ~ (~/ ‘,pw' w§t a». ti 't ' -: 4 , J 7.) ‘~ :/ .7"); \‘ r9} < 9, § 1 ‘ . _ 4 ' ;/, . / ‘ Ig! = @7133 Eggnm. m THE TAX BILL. ' A‘ DEmmme AND FNMA] mmmm i A {Adam DOG. The ividow oflJeytenunt PfieiT,oflllinoi<, was en bled to find her husband’s grave at. Pittsbxfi'g Landing, byesfoing a dog which had acdompanied the Liet'uani tozlhe war: The fiappruychqd her with lhemost in tense anifestntinns ofjo‘y. and immediate ly indi -ted to hor‘, as well a; he was able. his d 1 ‘ra that she should fnllow him. She aid 59., and be led (:be Way toga. distant pxirt of the: ‘fi [(1, and stoppéd before a single gram: ‘ .éhé causeq it. to W opened and more: 12::qu the bogy of her qjleml husband. It’ up am from thy: statements of‘some of the so] £Oll.ll 'mgine iors that alt the tim’? Lieutv. Pflefi' 5 dog was by, hisi SM». and there re‘ licking hi,» wounds; until he was mm the: 691:1! and burial.“ He then . station by} [he pramjgmd nothing nduce him to alt-Judah it but for u. *lnken: took ! could ent length oif time eaqfln day to salis. unge-r, until by some Imeant: he was 'are of the Xreschcp df his [nigh-05:5. d he watchsid fa} miex‘ve days by (He his slain “ruin". ; -- « ‘.“-" ‘1 "-,- 01mm n suflic ry his I. made a Thuuzh : grave: oI i‘ leave (hinjgs lyling about: ashawl ' pairlof slillpersllhcrh,‘ and a bon imwhqre elsdl-ftrusting to a servant hingq right.l No mntgtér how many Is‘ you lmveg it is n miéemble habit, I 5 source 15’ not in tllue intellectual ml charactér. it will {inevitably ter l there. If ivou have lu<ed the (lip vel, tumblvl', eta, pht. them‘lmck place=,. null you will know wlmre thg—m whom y u want them again. u set an exfilple of carelouenvw, blame ynufr servant-i} for following ldrcn shod“ be m‘ught to put in tllPir proper plmles as soon as e_ old enough to lug 1:11pm ; and if mlncr nf' tlle llguiehhld wnultl ob lnis simple {frulo the}l house wguld el: much 01:” of ortldr, and “large of vexatloxr and luscless labor ‘lf'ei her’e, net 2201' to set ‘ sqrvnn' am] if and m I minute per, finl in thoi tn'findl Or if (yo gntl it. (I'l. thing they p! 011‘th I‘ MEI DOV?! amnm would ’be avoidNH ‘ €~:—-—-‘»—-—4~OO>— .n vEnpiiuhriu'm in is went into n 111 to get hif dinner. il'nacquail‘itrd . 9 French hhiguuge, yjet unwilling to show nix ignnmnc'e, he [winged to the tint, line a the bill of fine. uutl (lie polite waiter proug t him a fmflmnt plntix of beef soup. ‘ This “a Ivery War], and which it was des i patch I he fiointeil to the sic-consul line.— ‘ The w itor umlerstoml him, perfectly, and lAbraug) t. him a vibgemhio éoup. “Rather more map than I ham,” tlnhught he; “but lit is I ris fashions” Heddely pointed to i the tin rd line. nngl‘a plate dfiupioca broth Was I; uglit'him. i Again tomhe fourth, and l was fuhnished with a bowl 0! pmpnration of th. He'tfied the my: line, and WM i ‘ with some gruol képt for invalidiz.~ ~standers riow‘ suppo'sed that they unfortunate indiziduhl who had lost W res (hr ‘ with ,u grrmy. su ppli! The ' -l , all big teeth, and (bur frievnd,‘i determined to ‘ get as at from the soup in possible, pointed ' f‘xfiles Hill" to the lfist line onlhe billoffare. who litelligent Waiter, wlgo saw at. once what we wantgg, 'politely handed him a. bunch, nf_toothlific;ks. This lwhs too much; the Bngliihmanfwid his bill snd left. A _ -,-,_- ._.-‘ ld Irn rTe'pmqter wlas .n dreadful mean‘ an. Ile wins awful niean. One day, the ol fellow’wnsfat work lupfln the high i beamsLofhis barnhwho'n he lost. his balance gand fe l heavily ,oh the flohr. twenty feet. 4 below.i He was “like" up flordmd, with a i maul-pd skull, amid carrierllinto the house. 'The Djnczor was callledfliut iii ntjempts to ‘bring him to conpcinusnossé web unavail . ing. Finally, the Hoctor, having trepanned ,luim. tin-nod mid hskod Mrfs. Teamsterlo ‘ give him a. silver Polling, to ? put_it where a piece {if his skull mu waintirlg. At this re ] mark," Ira, who had been breathiha heavily. ‘ turncrl in bed.anr] gronnedn “VVouldn'L n. centdo as well 2” igir. Teamster. it. is need less to say,‘recovei‘ :l. .3 [slll2 following anecdote is‘ related of Queen Victoria 'E—“fThe incumheut of Osborne had occasion -to with. an aged pnrishiouer.— Upon his arrival n'. the house, M be entered the door which: the inrnlid was, hh an} sitting by the. bedside a lady linjeen ménrning, reading the word orGod. He was «bonito retire when that lafiy remarked, 'Prny remain. I should not wish me invali‘j to lone the comfort which A clergyman can nflbrd.‘ The‘ Indy recircd, the clergyman found lying on “mind I book with texts of Scripture adapted to the sick, And he fonndfin out, offlmt boqk planting: ofScnp— ‘ture hm been mad by the bag in’bhwk. 'nm lady wl'aa the Queen of England.” ‘ x V‘ -.A._ --———,¢-O~~——-—- WA country Magistrate, hated for his love 9f lbetpleaaurea of the Lzble, speaking one day to a frrend, mid, “We hue jut. been eating - snperfi turkey ; it was exCelleut, united tram” to therneck, tcgger, delicate, Midfif‘hl‘gh finer; we led only the lumen." “How inany of you were there ’3“ said his friend. ‘ True," replied the mdgistmto. “Two!" “Yet, tho turkey and mvsefl."l ' E ' fink: old lady entireiy out of hearing of the‘ preacher’s voice, at avcamp meeting, being‘found sobbing, was asked, why she wept since she could not hear the words of thé minister, “0,” said she, “ I can see the halfway thix head. " RA justice of the peace at Lafayette. Ind,, refuses to perform the merriuge cere men;' when the thermometer is above 90, on the ground of unconsimtionaiity. (WAX! eminent physician has discovered that the nightmare, in find mes out of ten, in produped by owing a bill for I news paper. ———~~— MM Shim wttqlktmg vile 9mm mull: find Him! they have lied to ‘nqvpufpoyg “nun rs lIGI'ITY AVD WILL ruuu.” GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, MAY, 26, 18362- DEPLORABLE ACCIDENT. THE END OF THE WAR. Fit-n Sisters Drawnch—Aboutlo’clock ye!- “ Propheh, says the Journal of Commerce, } tordny, “William Ward. 50;. at Mr. l). WuZz‘d. ; are abundant in those days, and-,nnt n ff'W ‘ fishermfin, eml-arkcd in a small sail boat. iof them edit. newspapers. It his not been ‘ for a cruise on the boy, accompanied by his a common practice for them to utter their ‘ tivo sisters. ’6 eldest girl WM about tllir- lpredictions in Dolphic style, leaving the ‘ teen years of age.‘ and the youngest o ly t resdornbrmd range of time ipgwhich to; four. After sailing up and down the gay i look for a fulfilment. but thigfve claimedi for an hour or so, William, who was Stt ‘r- l the gift of second sight with . much confi-/ ing the boat withan our, attempted to gut depot; that they have pwnoun‘wliegain and: it omanothcr tack. He sat upon tho 3 n- [again with certainty on the fifth-10. naming“; whale in‘order that he mightlmvé 93 or i dnyg ofitho month, “aim naming hours of purchase; over tliepnr, whizln thel sail s d- f the day,gwhen the end of the wur would be} dimly flipped against the; waft; 113 ml ’he wrenched.‘ “ "All signs fail inndry time ”3" boat cnpéizcd. All who mire onl bohrd n- I‘ on old proverb, and all propheciefs ol‘ pdace l 513“”! felll into Pl"? water. 1 T 1“? boll m ‘6 f fsil as long as the warlnsta. mostiorrtuihly. ' every effort to savel his sisters. and to ri' ht » One of our cotempornries in partiiéulsrlhm I the boat. l A iter cohsidernblc effort he s+c- ‘ been noted for prophecies of the 'enll ol‘ the l Iceeded it: getting the boht on, her k ~el ,wsr. ~ When it began. the crushing of “the: again, and when‘ the two eldest; oiliis is- a rebellion wais predicted by the Fourth of“ “"9 came‘ {0 the surface hq‘ mflnilf-"fll ‘0 9H the then coming July. .7311}; swept by in n ' them into the boat, which} was flmlt [ii 1 storm of war. with the immpofurmies hm! ‘ with water. When about to get? on be “in the horror o““.de 59mg, huttlle l’rnllhel himself the wind: e'gnin cu'lght the soil of , was still declaring the will to V. vicar, find i the hoaglnnd in im instant ‘she was on; ti: ‘ fixpd the date as a born": th tin} smin"! 2““ nseooPd time, ““1 ”‘9 POOP Blf‘lfi 3‘ 2 , 'As autumn Pppronchcd and l o cloud of: with tho ‘lsd who had a‘cted sol mnnfu y. . disaster paths-zed thick on the‘horizon and ‘ were again battling for ”I‘9” lives ‘in !8 overhead. the same prophet (loci-tied ‘llmti writer. Elle made another sittemph to ve : üb'efom thel winter’s snow “.33 mel m 1 n. 9,“ I them, but they sunk before his 0139840. *9 ithe bills,” the land would he at pcnf‘c. and ‘ I‘o more in “(9- mile boy hltlltl'lgh m ll gin-day the :imperturxhle seer is homing exhausted, succeeded in lgetti 1.: hold of another time with the same unlmeitnting the limit} which [was driven hither ul co'nfidpnce'j ‘And‘ the people or:r given sto thither by the winchnnd shouted lurtily or believing these prophets, because " thewish nuistnnce‘. llis ifnther’s liouse is situn .i. faith“- to the thought,” and “vim-e ready about a thousand yards frognorhere thehc- ‘ to hung our faith in 11m early c 3258 of our cident 0999”“1“ I i ‘ l itroubles on anyjmnn who confidently as llis puihl‘ul cries for assietanco were not 'sumes the responsibility of pmmjatng it. heard by the inmates in his “UNI”! hilly l Butithe future depends fimt 0 God. and [Nit 1‘ YnuP‘a' mun ll‘i‘me‘l 2'B""th had db' =secondly on thefimerican poop]; and it do scxvcd the accident fiom lithe Esplanade, ‘ pend's o“ the American Willi for two 1 ““4 l‘"t 0“ l" “ boat t“. render “SSi’t’l'llnb' things. First, for the resultol Hie military I: ‘ “9 fortunately sfiucceedcd Eli" rescuing the ‘ port of the trouble ; second tor the forma ‘ajl i“ n vfry 93”"th Slf‘le' “ml collie)?" I tion of a miited people cut-lot the present II . GEN. HUNTEB’S 03' him to mi father's tlwcllinlg. "l‘he gm! of : combatants. He who rests his prediction“ ‘ The following important, or the Farml“ "my, if“ "“"¥‘."“d: “"0“ tlrr—y lot‘ peace on the militftry result: ul‘ngw. omits, ll‘unter, of the Department 0 1”"?wa tlle melen‘choly intelligence tf’f‘t’ l froni his view the neceuity of moral results, i was issued from his heulquart the” two daughters, who ill"! left them in sno less important than the phyla" ‘1 effects; Head’s. C.. on 'the 9th of'Mn health a slim” “-me “mm" had all “’9'; a 'of victory. IWc cannot to‘o ORPHE“ atten-l “ “’\DQI‘ARTEBSA Dzr‘r or r watery Elma—Zl'W’T‘ lit/tr, ‘U‘ly 12' l ltion to the vast difi‘ereuce bctwceii a foreign l “C num-"(lft-PD' “Hg; Milly 'i ' "’ 7.; “’ ” l ‘i ' - ’ v ‘ vnxxn u. norm, . 0. . 'nmocmrxc TRIUMPH ml umon— N.“ ““d “ cw“ ““- ” “$11"; 3““; States of Georgia. Florida. and TOWN, PA. 3 5 , ‘niinds when they res-non on I: e.suts o , “‘3‘" comprising ti” Military Learning that the Ropuhlicnm were pre- lv‘ictory. Ifwe were fighting “ film?“ "“' M the SMII-11. huvxnz dL‘llbt‘r-l mc a rim can" W W“) "W' the electicim for Borough oflicorsin this pfim series of great Victories, and remain unmo-{lf taken ‘l9 nrms aminst the ‘ on Monddy lnet, tiic Dcmoémts nominated a. flm‘ed'by our humiliated foe, fr“ century. i Sl‘utrs. it became‘sehnilil’ii'y n n “Ron/at Drmncl-aelic (the! fllflll/(Vj (o omlmd J But tliafis “ct m be the-end. 0‘3““! war.“ clare Elm“ under mm’fil. 1“ Alo’ili'onixtn in nag/1:52p? and form, to muffin land flor that: very reasonhfltiltot‘ly m batll6.lsli 13:31.11[gil‘lyfgoattfltxvtggifil‘l the Union «:13 it writ}: inn] (hr (‘onstflution us iii." . $:0:;8win:‘::w;:::ew Elish- w Ersinufihl are ;&lIW2(ACT incomjulltiii- IT/tc - ~ ‘ * ‘ ‘ i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ the): Sta 1. mar la, ord 4an Hi.” wd: r «um. w . , ._ i y . : Ithnt. after _hghtthg, we sho tlilmve tlioiilamlforcccrflcl.‘ send gnu-[ling to Ethen brothnrn throughout same old questions forscttlt-n nla avuin bc-I' [0‘1”le .. DAVID H the County, and elsewhercgns words ol'crtn- l fore us . . ' a Q . “.\[ajorfieneml Cl} fort n‘nd iconsolation. that: thigh“ Show {s‘ ’ 'We heliei'e that our armif’g will achieve - “ Evl W' 5‘1”"? Ammg Adj hold of thuhlicenist’u has, alter a fair trinll bstant' l ,to , tl ii'l. a to i This order is estep in ad of strength. yioltlcd to lleinocmi-y.' ; is" mWe ry Eve; to. “:3“ ry :6 ‘ famous proclamation of Gene. For Inniny yenril past, the parties 013 W lot‘ the “mi"? B". l e “33qu to m“ e A which he was directs-d by the to the Democracy ‘hdro hiid tho o‘Onlrofi of x “5° ohhe mill“?! victory “_‘h‘ stopltowar‘l' modify. “'9 shall see whetl this Borough. The people here followed .the 39'0“] “3’9?!“ " fer-manly wontmg I’hl repudiated of Wuhington, o the Whigt, Knolfi'fixothiugsi‘and Republicsfins EConprresv-I. in, trust “2 '5 not WW“? 7|th wasissued in pursuance ofins from year to year”: h‘i‘ they can not, "i” ithe ?mlde§t. But unless hi GPPI'PCIQU‘SI‘ headquarters. M not stamh Abolitiopishir-lUnbnlown Daub- } ”“3 xmpox~trmce of the first “3min“ ‘5 “s‘! it. will be observed that t «at. . . \ilatcd to tlic‘other. if he mnkesfth‘e blunder ‘ not discriminate between the WhiCh the radical men "9 mining in “my and disloyal owners—they are posing that it bloody battle dU terrible}. free, upon the ground thet defeqt of the rebels is to he tie nd of r. ‘ martial law in a freeoountry {Kimékand the seahof the gluon; If Mil incompatible. This, to my hnoolmshbll fall mto the p:?folinnl error' new discovery. seeing that. ‘that the van: can conquer rcbep xhto l‘mon'; in Missouri Gen. D 1: ‘in M ‘mgnl, without any other victdfty fiver their . Jmnmw inr'Tenn and G reason and their affections. ghe we may. New Orleans. hviazél adnii“ look to along (li\stant day of ” acé. through 4 tary luw successfully lithout the lilaclicst clouds which luw yét darken- ' the freedom of the slaves. ed A meriean skieix ‘ i Let any man compare the 3 Wise men must when moral v cw of the , Gen. llrxfi: with the renolu state of our wuntry inxl‘orming )inions of: head of our columns, mused. theaimmedir‘tte lulu": ‘Q‘f‘? 0 9 C 3“? “‘9 ' last Summer, and determine l that. if victory at Richmon , umls‘vicl’nry ill? '. are competihle', and whether Corinth, were followed up‘lly a convincing l merit thst sanctions "Genet: proof 10 “I? 50‘1““ “t“ “"“H‘L‘imsm ““1 n " m be held guinnza on powerless at Washingtonmnd‘ha‘ l rcccived l in thus viblating its solemnly lite death-blow simultaneously with seces- l suranceL-Y—Pab'iol J- Union. sign. then we might expect a rallying to the’ Urion of'thla entire body of thsern\mon, e ‘cept the lenders who would? doomed. Bl“ ifst the some time with‘ fvirtory over tl eir armies. we send them proof that abo\ litionism ‘réign‘s in our councils“? hen they can hardly be expected to yiél willingly; end the day of submission is firifii. ’l'nke for example the passage of Mr anejny’s bill for freedom in the Tsilrilories, and trace its probable effect on Southrern minds. ‘\'nst numbers at the South ieve that Congress has no power to legizgte slavery into or out of the Territories, a {l that Mr. VLovojoy’s '; bill is unconstitutiOLaL They recognize in it therefore theietiwt of the. success of the Republican par ' , lnd charge at once on thedominsut pox: design to 'carry out. abolition scheme; iThose, if there are! any, at the Sbu’théwéo believe that Congress has power to legit.- to on thé subject, regard, the use of, the war by :1 sectional party as tyrannical one unjust:— When millions of men are in;' rebellion. misled by leaders who have at early told them that the korth will free t. eir slaves and destroy their families, in it sdom, nay is it not. madness, to accompany victory with such evidence of the tem' r of the victors u this bill efl'ords, and wiiise effect on the minds of the mistaken gouth can only be to confirm them. in their errors ‘3— Can my men convince them. cy Esuch argu ments that they were errors 1 I . The conservative men of the North and of the Border States could save the Union and restore peace to its broad extent in thirty dsys, it the destructive element of radical abolitionism was crushed out of Congress. But what can conservative men do? We appeal to the President of the United States at this moment,to be the mvior of his-'_ country; Lethlm :now place thew’e‘spous» in the hands of conservative l . —-—'- ——>« p.“— ~r——-———- , QM ”Portland, en l-‘friday afternoon. two olitho fireman of thélstgamship Bohe mian started to go'on «hot-e,l to settle b} a. fight, some difficulty that hard existed be tween them. One slipped land fell betwfon the vesseljand theiniharf. Rtfikinrz the fender and pitching intn the dock. “is opponent immediately jumped doWnlnml remed'him; flom his perilous situation. The fight did not. take place. and the Mom-e now better friendé than they=¢ver wefiebel‘oro. ‘7 . .... 7 --~,¢¢.»— -l‘V-—— -~; . ' The Fntll I‘mwcd.—Théx§’e has never will}- in bur re‘Eollection been albetter prezpect for a bduntiful fruit crop.} at this senson‘of the year. than at. present. The apple, ‘peaeh, pear, and plumb trees «regunusually fdll:of blossomsfibut none more sb than the cherry trees, nlljef which, both lame and snutll. seem littenlly covered with a. sheet of white flowersfin'promisé dfnn extraordinary yieJld. We have the same favorable report. of 1a fruit crop‘from anal-y part of the oountryj M—MW x-l—r -- fl'ln :Vemmgo noun ty, PtL, there iis a queer fellow by the mmje :Ime 88min, who drinlts andmtuttersnnd flutters n d drinks. He has in brother, Jim. Jilin in grip of tongue and ruse great; liar.-'—-We hdpra he has retbrmed, .far he professed to becoine a good men. and; was beptiled in the,rivzer. It. was a bitter oq’ld day in winter-(and _the ioehnd tq be cut to make t place fer the ceremony. Tom mm in 1 attendance. 3rd close by. ‘As Jirn came up out of the In er Tom seidrto him: _ ‘ k “Is it (arc-0014,1311)? ‘ , , 2 “No. not at 311:." replied Jim. ‘ 5 “D-d-d-dd-diphim again. m-m-miniate‘n" cried Tom; “he l—Ll-lias yet." ~ . , , ’ 0.19 Wdy The’l/ Go.—-The Newburypért Herald reminds us of facta-calculdged to di minish individusf' consequence. A thohs‘ Ind millions ofpeople, u‘venging only the age of thirty years. required 91,000 to‘: die every day, or on‘e in every sewngl'of tilfie, and as many to be bom,wike‘ep the number good. ‘ ‘ ‘ —— ”-4—. o 0- -———- 36"“qud morning, Smith, you look sleepy.” “Yes." replied Smith. “I was 51p all night." “Up where?” "‘Up suinin bed." ‘ fi‘l‘ha hardest thing to hold in this world is an unruly tongue. It beat: a hot smoothing iron sud a kicking horse consid etahly. ‘ x fith is fife largest man? The lover ; he is t feljpw of tremendous sighs. , '" 't fiWIiM fishhu iueym names: togethr «11an must MEE --I- - 1= “Id“. and filmy will finish Ithc \‘rork of tho wax}. lIOJIM bpon steqlfi'xstly sdpported by thém. He (Palm-ed that he wquld sustain the Communion and the Union. 9nd, trmfing in his good faith, he vim: at onqe surrounded by-‘the strong mmf of the nu!- tion. and we “say without hesim’tion (0-day that he has deriwgd his on 1y st sdfinst. mi. wnvorin‘g, inwarying m pport In six ménths past from conservative men, whi e the fierqe Abolitibnista have cursed m most bitter curses. If he looks ful country during his admini— mm; look to conservative (‘Ol ncilp alnnb for that refiufl.‘l Conservative‘ )eri desire, now that the Enpportunifiy is pesé‘ntml. l'n gé to the Southern men in cilie and town! which are mihlc to our (‘0! meme. arid! were reatén with Southern me _. We do}- nmndargumenw. WiLLLho Prx idem pine}, them in our hands? ,Hml he veu‘wd the emancipation bill in the Dislri toi’Coium- bin it. w‘ouhl have been worth thoum’nd Union soldiers in New Grimm}. today If. a's we believe will non hn uije clue, \enr-raLMch-Hnm enter: R'mhmrfiq‘l inltriumph. the moment, for .- to'answer this demnnd \yill Lav come. ['l3 timm like fife present a. nati‘n's fate (If. pends often on the voice of 01 L ‘man, an“ Um fate'of our tutti/m, which, a (or the pa]- sage of the Lolvojoy bill, ma ll re not co - .id'er’sare in the hands of Con _ the opuhsels of'lhe President. Génlghas mic answered his prayer by givin wisdom in Cbngress, but we trust ye} that. ytwill be ail - sweredin me person of the Pr sideht hini self. On Genera Lumen” .11 Conen‘p Hallleck now rest. the result, 0 battle: huh. on‘EMr. Lincom and his cour. with'refefr— enée to Northgf'n'us well as .‘utllérn ima uuionism, tests the on}! of the war. ‘ 1 IQ‘The thn‘delphia. Pl74]: evidfl'lflfr considers it rery unmanner y mm the v Breckinridge Democrats" 3 ould raise m cry ol'eorruption against the publicanp, founded upon the revelations of the fo'n Wyek Committee and‘the vol of censure in the House of Representativ Now the “Breckinridge Democnu" not'find it necessary to hunt up testimon against the Republicnns. They have on to publish what one set of Bepublimus tify xgainst nnothersetof‘Republimns. 'l‘lte VanWyék Committee disclose the most audacious and criminnl frauds noon the 'l‘reafiury. which Mr. Dawes snys'have amounted in a. single year to as much as the whole cost of ad ministering the Government in time of peace. 0n the other hand. the late Secre tary of War says that the original intention of the appointment of the Committee was to control the War Departmetfl and place money in the pockets of its members, and that its chairman demanded a contract for furnishing ii regiment with arms. munitions, clothing. kc.,a.nd was so offensively impor tunate that he was ordered out of the War Department. The “ Breckinridge Demo crnts" may be very much to blame for these disgraceful squabble: over the spoils. but we don’t see how. If the Prat does not like to hear the Republicans called a “ set of persistentscoundrels." it should endeavor to stop the tongues of the Republican lead ers, for if what they tatify ngainst each other is to be believed, this Gotérnment has neverbefore been cursed with such a set of repacious plundererL—ijfit 11: Victim. fiWhen is a plant like 3 hog? When it begins to root. 2 ' , 5 fiWhy is an ink)“ like 1 didunbnd ’F— Beuuse‘it is a'dmr (we (ling. 'L f." i ' TWO DOLLARS .LYEAR NC+ all !TEE " the South. rs, 1t Hilmh ‘ : Soy-m. }; , 180‘). t The (In ' South 0:}: Department 1y declare?! - prntection and having aid _Unite‘d esng lo de -.‘ This Wis iay of A ul‘ifl. a flu: cow—dry ~ «out in. limit So-dh aub- Mfrcfore «ff- STE“, Hamlin: tr. GQlietaL'f’ unce of lh'e Fezmoxt, ‘I ‘roxidvnb 1p ler it. will He whether it. ‘fl ~ ordflfr doés llama of loyal all declared ‘ Iluvery au'd I 'elaltogetlm'r e least, is I: en. “.sanij lylsmd. Gov}. PI". Btu“ fit ismral mull , proclaimEnf ‘- ve orderof tiqn at ghia |‘ y Qingrm’a sow‘fa: they iihe ”fiver“: I‘Drg‘lér N 1). ‘ inqimuhfioh I cordrd a - m mu hm m 01v )3 run many mm (e of Car} Sghufl countrymmghavo speaking in no very complimentlry Lei .0! his (hunt-lion or his diplomatic posil, mm! the ace:- pmnce or: Brigadier Gen eral hip. This censure of his conduct by the; whom good opinion he is emit-led tn. has nduced Schux-z to write a letter inrvin (li ’3O“ OWNS conduct. llc confesses that. his olives for entering the army veto pa ly purlizan. It? says: "I on will probably have rend the n!- taoks whit-h difi‘uront Republican journal: hnvé publi =lmlngximt me on amount ofrny p pentive emmnce into the army. Brim ”me people, then. not see the whim w»- (irra upon 11.-kirk 21a": xlep ix band" It ikl’fnn evil‘thiéaiening fact that tin: army LH' ’15.: hung; of file pro-:lnmy demonic. H is El” eerfnin that the army will throw a hcnivy weight in the “1119 by solving some of the. burning questions of our time. Couhl our friends not comprehend that the untigla very' mixing in the army (or (he introdun tiun of the Abolition element into tho arm ')- is 'the more necessary, the more the nnli ary— problem nppmzmhos its solution!- lluv none of the gentlemen thought. of it. that I make a great sacrifice in exchanging a rn re considemble civil position for an in com «lei-able military one~ in order to serve anu newhich is mmmun ti) us all? Whv nttmk me for taking a step in which} I ah d huvé been more supported by gll who entertain political views iulgmimlruiilh mm , than invuuy other!" i um entertain: the idea (hut-Um o‘an ent should be reconstructed on I nil 80‘ em. basi in it with the military,” the ruling poSifH-r Schurz ii an agitator and revolutidn- He was that gt home; he in the “(no OE ‘ A diplomatic [mitiom her knows. h ; speedily terminated, and is not and I‘M its pbssessor to lake adv‘mu‘g’emt‘ sL-mcey at homa whichvmay endfin: ! no}; ovhrnmezl}. Pacifier: in flu; "my gather different. It is, in n mean-arr. Innenl. of‘ the highway reupoctahili‘b Ii“ case ofmnvubsions, opens the'uiruyr ferment and greater distinction, {ln 11w York Cooper Institute speechwf h 6, 1302. 3'lo said: “The old‘UuiQn. i have known it. is already gone. Elf Davis would come. to-mormw and d“ [x sword to President, Lincoin, and 311! be} armies were captured in one déty. tforcud to penance in sackclolh ap‘l ' at (helfoon or Capiml um, the .514 11l would nag, be restored? He. tht‘fn. '. the army _io take [wk—military-brrt x“'_,solviu¢ affine/of the hurningiwrzs of our fiméflgand in ereqtiug a up»! I n’meut onlhe ruins of the old Uni“. us think: his presence in the army In: inure n‘ecegmary thé more the milifitry o-m approaches its sdlutiofly—Pdlffl may: to all GSM gcr l is a) " per ‘ and, to p hi: ; Mnf 11% w J} fl'. up the and ash .Ulli enh- ME 1 134 m , '80” ‘and 1 ‘ um I grab J: l' o - o—-—--——d ; From the Button [’an ‘ THE NEGRO QUESTION. -! ‘ ore six months [here will [0! econ-4 or and; of negro contraband: on our h's‘u'dn.‘ ilhou ‘\’ln 'lt i 1“ I iq Ljue best think to be done with Hakim? ‘ rlaia 111:“. lb: negm in better of, both} in > In himself find to the whites, in bondcgo ‘ 'ln any other slate. His cohditlnn. prqvl‘ o the febcllion, was hippy. Name lms ed him tithe the ship ofthajbiu Halt, ‘olhingalse. Eve’xy feuun oflu‘l Mind, ‘ diaposiuan, um or his pain-"n, indichmh 1 n all lug is, he in nature‘s wart u~ 136ij ‘y as the white min is. Philmlhr‘ophbis ' up 1 lb an inle _ and of hi this. I ptctc n . virtneflmtit is I vice when it in)?” rt the decrees of nature, whluh i: use!!!» u for God; and itu elm 13.“de on the sun shineshthlt th'e aerv’flé‘mndflljon , mast htppy in which the buck can mg:— i: no sense in ohjeetiig to thin l‘act; #ll4 ms made it, end history is the vitae“.— -ndngc, th union, the contraband negr’oul it be restored. Expeddmcy requires Ith. unity—n generous regard for the 1113‘ h el\cs-;dflmau;l it with 5 load ‘vuicé.—~ nge is their position. kn it they wareh u they could be before the rein-dial aim gmi ; in it they would he h‘ppy agent ~g them in any other eondifio-nuld 1p“. ... been le‘en,dqing 3 series of double Jaim- I the most unfortunate? exteuL To Pyn they should be restored. To do to; in - to put them beck ta th‘eir own right, a), happy plnec. ‘ * l'h'uuuehieér that the most ntuml led the moat him -4 thing for all parties to he done with the labaml Much; is to restore them to Mn. I end to bonda'ge in their ntivecouutrjn— ,.. nth. .The Abolitionista may rue Hm: we 9 the {NHL—Write by fuctl qlone offlleh I is the absolute author. f m 1 or t whit. is Lb Thar hire 1 I shou H um them Bun + happ' mam] Pu! ' I 8 [I V! ages dagal simp natu : fain, diet tht the CM 13 alu aawry is now costing the country “in 0 cm millions of dollars per day:— ny means rebellion. Wherever slaye tmng. there is (man; where lhen‘ia Every, and no sympathy with it. tilém - man is loyll to his Grumman.”— lulu'e lkmocrul. ‘_' ‘ 1 :Q The above is a fuir‘specimeu 6! libs ! in which Abolition editor: indulgo‘ sélvea. and insult the understanding“ remix-rs. To even tho mmtmperfidbl vor :i few moments' yelleefiou mint Film Fallacy ohuch reasoning fiiimnt. fry ha existed in this country silica 4 prior to our becoming an indepegdnnb Irnmént. yet. 'who ever before hgrd of '4 lug well an expemivé luxury! Under 0 . ratic Administrations. have lub-pr ml , mu, m the mum of the Uniied 1"" “"1. when lhia "peculiar'inslitutiou" red in nearly every Bmin lhe Cn’iou. ,nutionnl pmgrmiwaé unpmoedcnté-L ly after the Republican puty unc ‘ed to the reins of government, howeyer, l ére plungnd inlo ; civil war, involving lily expenditure of lwo millions oracl- I 11. is evident: from (his but lhstlbo I ge in our nnfionil pro-peck wuow‘ing echange in the politic) lent: arbor one Slav ry is no a .PVP [lan . logi s} thénl lhei 1 obw ‘ mak Slnv ‘ lon q _8" . Its 1‘ D 6”; detl Stat CEIE: Ijiiu we ad cha rula's. In other words, that it. is the he. pm lEmu pgmy. inueaxi of slavery, thu «its in 'ch immense sumso! money. Let us fly-ck to first principles than, up song a ‘ible.— u'ayne (b. Herald. f Q'The Government wtlmritiés of City cinuan have discovered n wholesale larceny oxmfadou which. for atmil y and boldlvno hilly, lnr surpmmylhinf ofthekiudflut has‘been brought to light, ately. It}; up othér than an organized band of plun‘det‘eu within the Fedeml lines. who have lien appropriating to their own use Government supplies and stores sent by benevolent. ‘hands to comfort the sick and wound“. pl! die". ’ ' , \ --r ——- coo-o —~—-———— fiat man asked another, “which highs heaviest. a. quart of gin or ! quiz-6'50! watenWflfiin, most assuredly, for I 4" 9 mm; who~.\ weighs two hundred pound! staggering Under nquut of gin. flaw. would have finial a gallon of mm «a easek” \\ - r 'T'ji’ff Mm“- - yu~u WA Chaplain ‘yu one paneling“. chi; p! coileginnn shout the‘ fighting?“ ”1‘1” “1‘35““ kW“ lea _. ,nti .\ two“ :'f ° , ,imflw};,cgwquy haul :4 I“? 7 '; x \ E 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers