H _ ...—... n The Coma: is published every Monday mqming. by Harman J. Sunni, at $175 per Innum if paid ‘trfistly m ADVANCE—S 2 00 pet mnum if not. paid in advmce.‘ No mHocription discontinued, unless ut the opcion of 41m publisher, until 9.11 urea-gen an psid‘ , . @nfunsntxninfiertedattheusualrateé. jar flux-“N0.19 with neitnea and dispfich. A ancl in South Baltimore street, directly opposite Wsmplers’ Pinning Establishment 4“;Com'u.u Pnlxnanrnc: " o’n th’e sign: 6 Public Sale I" VALL‘ABLE REAL AND PERSONAL 0 PROPERTY. - , ()1 Wrdnmfny, Ihr 28!): day of May hut, ' Thelmhzrribcr, A-signeelof Wumur S. Jus rws nud,Wir:. will sell at Public Sale. u. the resigcnce of said Anignors, in Oxford town- Fhip, Adama calmly, the following highly ul unble Permnnl and Real Property, viz : '1 head of Superior Draught HORSES, 4 un der six yeah; Marc and Colt; 29 head of (‘OWS and YOUNG CATTLE, imprnverl breeds, in good order, 3 BULLS, hull Durham, one full gmwn ; u lot of SIIOATS, some (Alvin number. about 6 month old, in thriving condition; 22 head of prime {M HUG“. . ' , Also. BTH“ assorlnwnt 0f Farming Imple menu, consistinfif l’luug‘is, ilnrruwa, Culti “Roma, 4 WAGONS, 1 Ont--horsc do., Part, fiilrrinzo, Sleigh, nn' excellent MOWER AND lil-lAI’EII, Threshing Machine, WIUI double shaker and lmrsr‘ pom-r. Grain Drill, (Torn ' She-lief, llarnen, Chums; Log .(lhnius, &c. Will lw ofi'erod at tlw Shine tinw, A FULL LOT OF MACHINERY 0|" A FIRST-CLASS IIISTILLERY, in mind order, but [Lulu warn—— an Engine and Built-r, twenty llurHl‘ power, as good (ls new—'3. pair French liurr .\iill Sum“, nearly new, Lngethor with their flxtnfi-s: n Dnuhlc Distilling: Appnmluu, Whit ll is turning ' out fir-it qunlity of-wliiukcy. Persons withing ‘(0 buy the wholi- Appnrntul, could n‘ut fail to Vlf'l'lll'e u h:lrgflin,fls it mil he sold at half its furl. ' ‘ Ahp, THE [H'ILDTNCS containing 1h! “:1- chinerv, tnytthur with Steer Smhlm flog Peps, Mall Home, um!’ 11 lax-rte Ware ”on”, {our Morin bighfpnl up lately, and consumnd in its uruvfixrc n |qu nf‘ {cry \‘ulnuhle m'nterinld, pine and «onk lumlwr. The pun-lmser mun. remn'x :- n“ Ihyw building's from the pn-mE-m. Will M5O ln- Ont-rod H. lut of SUPERIOR “'HISKM', emnc common do; Grain by the buahcl and Grain in [‘l9 ground. " .\\:n mmr “(\USFMMJ) AND KITPHEN‘ FI‘RM'I‘K'RH, n Vuril-ty ot'unidcs, too tediuus tulumxtfun. 7 ’ » AI lliv ~zxxlw time will he nll'orml, A REEL LAXU l'.\'L’.Vl'. fu (lxlhv-l township, .\(lifl‘lh cm, adjoining: lnml‘ nl‘ .laownh J. .\‘nxilh; .luzvph Lilly, and I!lll('r-. mullnining 221'- .hmés, more or 19“. Thu h'ml L'unlumllyul‘gmnl qunlixy. “Sumo 4.mumrs,nuu hrnhok nl mine have hL'L‘ll nmiliwl In it irl 1h": cuurw rl' n hwy-urn nn~l planty‘Tuu' lu- lmll Milli" n mile. 'Tneru i 4 “pun the Fun“ :1 lurgr: Twn-slnry llllll'K ll‘Ul'SEufith l’uwk-huilllingm‘mlnut—hull‘linga. ‘Aisun HHI'SH \VD LUF,iIIIri<IIIOWIL lhu 1.0! ('nnminiug ILIH' :In .\x're‘ null, lu~<i|lu the Hunw, luring Slnhlv, (hen, llug l’en, 'kcq thorrma. " V Mfiulo m enmmcm'o nt U 0“ lurk, .\. 3L. on s'nid dny, um] 10 ('Unlium‘V from day [0 :ln‘v. uni‘il All in “old. Mitch-I .rx-o, and «s mm“! of 9 months With fizmurit},'gi\'l-n by I . JUHN’ L. JENKINS, Aaxv'yw‘nr. (mprn'fi, _1862. - ts 1. ‘ Natrona Coal Oil. . . ' :«R \VTI‘ZD.‘ VHS ~V‘I‘IXK'LOSIVE and maul to .my KI'LIH“I~IX-E. ~ WI T Inn/1m Mylo-in- (lil. wlp-n n few r‘nnh mar» pvr vallnnu'iu l'urnLhym with {1 mun-rt UI" Made nulv M I’\.' SALT \l.\'.\l F.\l‘- TSlUYG(‘(|\H'\NY,Nml27,\\‘u\|rfinmfi‘, Pl H,.\DI‘IH'IH.\. [l’rlL 2}, lh'u‘L'. 1y D ’ —'-—' . , Sapouifier‘!) Sapomfier! ‘, q‘HE'J-‘A \HLY SU.\l'.\l.\|\'ER.—\lll6l:lan (in-uh: mfn he nmde iu‘u gum! SNAP, by" u-iiim‘SH'DVIFHCIr! ‘ - - ' , llllH'}(‘l'lU.\'.\‘ .\l.‘(‘H\H‘.\.\'YL\'G EAHI' ”UK! 3014? i; as msflv nude with it n: making n vup uf «‘nm'e: .\Lum'vn-turml Imh' ln' t'm I'utouiooe. I‘l. Hmm MAYFF‘U‘TFHING Cn\ll‘.\.\‘\’. x”, m “'zum'r 5T2, EMULAUA. j Feb. '24, IR'JZ. » 13" ! Trees! , Trees! Trees! , ‘HE Ixxndcr‘~i;_v'nih] im'ilont‘tmninn totbL-Sr largo nml \u-H L'ruwn Junk uf FRI’IT .\‘Xl’ UH’VA .\IEXT \L TRE'ESJ VShrulfi: &(‘.. Hui-raving n lurgr- and rum} IMO aswrnnrnf (If APPLES. PEAR ‘l'l.\fll";£, I‘l.““h‘. ('HFIHHES. ‘U‘RXL'HwnuII NEW TAINNES, Sinndnnl Gor the Orchard, Md mm for tho Garlic)". HSHKISII \\’.\L.\l"r_.s‘, SPANISH 4‘”li:~'.\'l"l'_S, lL\7.LE.\'l"l‘S. ha, B.‘.>‘l‘)H€lHlH-§.\', ETRAWDHRRH-IS. (‘l'!! _‘?AXTS and (IINNI-lIIHIHHHS, ingrpnt \‘lll‘ii '.",' HHAi’ES of dwirust kinda, ASPARAUI’S. RHYTHM! km, (W. .\Lo. :I fine slut-k of well («u-med. Imin). l-Z\'F.K(H‘.l~;l-2XS, summe 10: the ('omrtu-r} and In\\'u. ‘ V ‘ . 111-X‘U’I’UI'S TREES._for street plaufing, and a general nssorlmrnt of . ' Okumzsnr. 'l'nuzs Aan Fwwuumn [\‘uuuusl nusxs. pr (-lnhicc varieties, (‘,XMEIJAS, "BED’DIX‘: PLANTS. kc (Mr sl’m-k iarnnnrany’ thrifty and fine, Ind Ire ufl'cl’il In pricr‘s tn mi: Ihr fimm. ‘ firCumloguv: mailed tn nl] npplimnts. Address El)\\’.\l:_h J. ‘J-Z\:.\.\'>‘. & (m, ;‘ (‘n-ntml Nurseries, York, Pu. March~24, 181;}. if ' n . Announcemept F‘PARSQX BRUWNLOW‘S BOOK—v" O .The snhscriher, is about puhlishint: n narrative of lhe perils, mdrenlurcs, and suffer ins: alt-ire ”CV. W. G‘ Buuwvww Inmom: the svces‘ionists of Texlne==eo. The manuscript is nearly comnlolcd. and will be put to [yr-“as fwlhwilh. Tho :immrmnce typography .of blue \\ nrk will he nft-lu: Fug“ : mulit will be fully and h.\urlmmeiy alumni with sketches of the acorns ret‘orrnd tn, and a finely engravellstecl portrait of the author. ' ‘,Ag to its conteim. We have no hesitation in saying that. the public will he startled at this nnrmlive of filcls. ' R will lay bare lheperscv cnfions‘andpruulty which imrked the drveloiw ment‘ofthe seceeqion conspiracy in Tcnncsioe,‘ the disastens and the rain with which it de< ‘\‘aslated fornmunilios once 'proslwtnfis and murdered fumilicslence happ“: more than all, it will etpme the bad and reckless mu‘hilmn, sad the relentless hloodthirstiuess, by which the ringledders of the conspiracy were stimu !nted to their work of crime and treason. The nutritive is one of personal cxpcricpcfos. The author touches for the accuracy of its_ netemems. The üblic may therefore accept it u not only: refiable but, a peculiar chapter in the general history of the times; and we are confideot‘ that no more significant, startling, or instructive memorial of the Rebellion. in its minute personal and social bearings, is now tcéexsible. The public are well aware that Mr. Brown low is A bold-speaking fnan. In this narrative of his Infierings, composed mostly while cbn fined in the jail at Knoxville. he has utter his 7 thoughts in language of extraordim _ force end fearléssneu, scathing _hlt agversurle: even while in their power, and appealing to him conntgmeq even from his cell with the urgen cy of I. martyr. ILwill be published in one volume, 12m0., Tully illuatnted, of nbont 400 pages, at $1 25. GEORGE W. CHLLDS; Publisher. 628 and 630 Chestuui BL, Phila. ”BUHBOLDIB a; Wxnsox. Agents for Adlm. county, Bendersville, Adams county. April 28, 1862. . ‘ ‘ MSIIQN ASKED AND ANSWERED.— QW” is it that. H. G. CARR sethOSIERY I 0 c up for ash? Because he bugs (or cash nag! buys nothinghut a. good article, and sells I 4 gnry short prom. Ladies tnd’ gentlemen, give him I call. Don". forget the place.— Bight oppogifie the Bink, in York 9!. [Nova 25. TYSON BROTHERShnve constantly on hand a large mortmenz of Rain sud fancy uses, gilded frames, gold and‘plated chketa, bmtpins, he“ km, what: they are Belling u utonishingly low prices. ' ; TEP into McIiHENY’S and Dec the immense quantity or HATS and CAPS‘clmt he has QnltAreflyid. Costs nothing a: look. , BSONS in rat a; a‘cbea}: lad .faahion sble HAT. or CAP on! be; accommodated y calling at R F. McILl-lENY’S. B 1 11, J. STAIILE 44th Year- NationallHotel, - , , LITTLESTUWN, fl Adams County, Pa. ‘ , HE snhnrribcr having tnken the nhmc T commodi‘nusflotcl. is pn-pAn-d IQ twelve and entertain the traveling public, in the most. nppl’ovfld style. "18 charges will lu- moderate and hi: numtinn nnrernniitiug to all who may favor him with their patronage, - llis üble will at all lime: be supplied with the elrlh-ru‘ies a! the Susan-3 und bu lmr’ bf: nlrniahqd with tho Cllolcl'SL liquors: ' '_ The k“milling is exlf‘nsisc am] of the belt charm-tar. mnd comm-tent. and attentive host— Icr‘ “unfunny in utteudunpv. April 21,}2. tl M. K. CROUSE, ECM Bargams 1 Bax-game E . Lt - . ' - .\l‘9, PAPS,’D()OTS AND 31mm, v H TRI‘XKS 'ANI) TILH'ELIflNG HAGS.——- Having jul'i received :3 very large supply of the nbuve gnods, we are prepnrvd m 2w“ \hum luvyer than ever sold in this place. My slur-k is most (maple-to. embracing every sylu 01 Shoes qnd Huts mullre. ‘ ,‘ HATS AND CARS, {,l consisting Q" «I],th latest style: for Spring and Summer" ‘ I I . p - _ BQUTS AND SIIOES,‘3 (or Gentlemen} Lmlics and Children. “ City-lmdc and Husmm work‘frmn 25 ‘centa pp. THI'SKS of‘evcry rtvu’riptiun and king. \ WEI” :rnll exzu'mno the,blr;_ruix|§nt 4' " April‘zl, nun:l 11. F‘. Memmzxvs.‘ New Goods !-—Large Stock! Jcm‘lmxr TAILORENG. ' I‘]: ' E,JM‘mL‘; & mm. , )nm- jun receive}! frnni the cities :1 hwy;- “OCR .61gmu.l« for Gentleman's Wen, mum-{ting a. vinirty‘nf 3 ' CLOTHS, I . ‘ '“ . ' C.\SSL\I‘ERES,, . . * _vns .\‘GS, (':l€<in(‘tfi,Jmln3, &'c:, with many 0 her goods (ur wring and summer \n-nr. i umy fireprcpurtwl tn make IFP'gnrmcnts at the slmrnwt unripe. MM in the wrv has! mun v‘.‘K ' ' ' . nor. '1 he Fashion: .m;I regularly rut-l-n‘ml. and clulhinu nude in uuy clmirul Mylo. They ul wava inakc mm film, whil~l their sewing is sure 1.4: hp rulnmuliul. Tin-y adk n (‘nntimfnnve of the public“! pn— trnu u solvent in} good work um! modulus “turgid”! il. ' , _ ! (lg-L ‘ g,.-\pl'7l‘7, 1362. ‘ Restaurant. r ‘HE (‘H \‘HH'IRSIH'IHI STREET RESTAR} [ H \.\'l'. (rt-cent!) El'kt‘n’UllO'iJJll ”H; Ju-; cubs Building, (_‘hdmlmrdmrg Mxéetpia now” comiurlwl by the umls-r-ignmfi ‘ UYSTERS urv dummy in u'll»=hlea; ‘ ‘ FR“ n ('HH'KHN, “Hf-II" TUXHUR, TRIPE. HIHLEI) EGGS. and . A NICE GLASS (IF ALI-I, - Tan-Mam,” he hm]. Fall] in. The SAlmm. has been rc-paiuted and filled up in fim’ st_\k-. GEORGE JACOBS. (ienyhurg. April 7. 15121:. . . )1) New Tailormg : A psywusuu33s.-uno.REPKENRODE, I; ‘ FASHIUX’AHLH TAILOR, n-Enpu this me‘nmd nf infinrming his friends amf ‘Hm puM‘u- generally. that In- 1111: opt-nod n. Tuilqrinz e=t9hlislnnenp in Balhimorv sum-t, Hem uhurg. :(lmq “HM Utfive.) near the' hi! mom. “hone he is yrt-parcfi to do «11 york in hi< Hm: in (h? Chest nmnner, and to the =ntis— lutiun 0f customers. He employs none but first (13:5 hnmh, nml receiving ' ‘ THE FASHIUSS REGI'LARLY. E file can warrant flushiunnblo fin and non! ant; th<mntizll sawing. yl*nski a shah: of the pulnfiu's [-:Lgrupnngc, pro using to spare no cf“- furt to desene it. His chnrgvs will always be found us mmlornte as the timvs \rilk allow. ‘ (‘utting and lécluliring dune At the shortest: noliu-é‘. . [Gettysburg .\pril 7‘,1862. nw+—v—««——-—~-A , ———-~——~‘ ‘ ‘ Rehef Tax. - .\’ ficcordnnue with the .‘c‘t of tho'flonernl I .\.:Wmhlym I't'nusyh'nnin. approvedrhe litlh (TI)- uf May; 1361, in regard ”to flleyrelief of Vohmlwn nhd the" fnmll'ws, the County Com n’ytsinnors lune levied n aux of 1 miil, which he Fullerton: fur the present yearnrqrcqnired m (‘OHVC‘I and [my the snrmc q or to thn Countyf Treasprcl’ in six weeks {mm the date of the“? d\\'nrr:mt:=. ~For general information, sfiect'ipnl 1 I'l 05mm ,\ct is appended: . l 1‘ "Section n. Tlmt it shall be lawful for ml proper aut'lioritics of any county within tliié Conimonwealtlt to assess and levyn tax for tbb pnymeut ‘of such appropriations as ma’y hnvé been. or n)ny.fiercafteF by, made by such“ uni thorities for the. relief .of volunteers, or theilfi families. or both, which volunteers shall have memoi- may he received inio‘tbe service ofthis State or the United Stairs. in tho procent ex igqucgof the country. Provided, Tlm. Vsuch awwuucnt shall not in any one y‘enr excéed ,two and one-half mills upon the dollar of the tixnhle propvrty of such conniy. Providnd, That all loans here'tofore negotiated. or money! DOI'I'SHYE‘I hy l'mnmissioners or‘municlpul flue t’liorities, are hereby vnlid’utecfi" 4 V JAMES 11. MARSHALL, WM. 8. GARDNER, . EPHRAIM MYERS” . , Oahuwiuionen. Attesb—J. .\1.W.u.1-sn, Cleric April 28,118.32. Assignee’s Notice. THE undersigned having been'appointed Assignee, under a deed ‘of must for the benefit. 5! creditors,ofo. S. Jxxmxa and Win, or Oxford township, _Rdams county, notice is [wrehy QiVen to all persons kuowingxhemselves indebted to said Assignou to math immediate payment. to the undersigned, residing in Mount» P‘Efisnnt township, and those having claims against the same to present them properly an thcnlicated for settlement. 4 ‘ JOHN L. JENKINS,‘Auin¢. April 28, 1862. ‘6t ' ASSignee’s Notice. [IE undersigned, having been Appointed Auignee, under a deed of answer the benefit ofcreditora. of Lemma Eula: imd erl, ofOumbex-land township, Adams county, nq eke is hereby gn’eu to all persons knowing themselves indebted 3) said Assignore to make immediate payment to the undersigned, ro uidingin Gettysburg. and those haw-ink claim! ngiinet the same to preseni them properly mi thenucated fox- semement. 1 JACOB BBNNER, April}4,lB62. 6t _ AW OURNING GOODSJ—J‘he finest wort» M mam. of Mourning Go'oda "er ofl'ered. nn now be seen and bought at lower pricel than they hnvé ever beén sold before. Call u once st the sign of the Redj‘ront. April 21. FAHXESTOCK BROS. COTTONADES, and a varietxot‘Pauts "Sana, chenp, a: ‘ A. 8901"? & BON‘s; " YSON BROTHERS Ire mpki'ng their preq'p inm picmn‘o u price: to unit the thug? m. kinds of srmw GOODS, embrncing ’ [en’s ind Boya' Hug, Missel' Ind Chi}. ran 3 Hats, Shaker Hooda, ta, ta, M _ A 1)!“ $l. 3. E. XcILBENY’S.: DRESS TENHINGS, in W Variety, n: , SCHICK’S., mmfimwxragh; . En (15112 @1115): fi TRUE POETRY Fpr + egnnue and beauty. the following lln‘u frnm t-le pen of Camus MACKAY, challen e the wh Ile world ul po93}: 3 ‘ - I -ow many thoughts I give the“. \ . i Comé‘hillxer on the gran, 7'41 if‘thou’llt count. unfailing ‘ ' The green! Blades uwe pan; - I r the hang thy: sigh and tremble, , To th‘a sweefiwind of the west, ‘Or the ripplihé of the rh‘er, Or the suribgenms on its breast, . 'l] count 9h? ihqughta I gin: thee, ‘ My benutiiui, my Meat ! {low many jl‘yh I owe thee! ' ‘ . Come‘ sit mien: seas run high, I I jnd the swi?!iheaving hillows, ‘ That hreah fin the s_hore um! die—w r the grating?! mud they fondle, ‘; When theflprms are uverthrqwn, it the peril.l if: the (igep-smcm'e! ior (hp stars in the miiky zone; _ \nd I'll con iithc'jqxsliiowe thee, My bfautilguj, my own! ‘ ,nd 116 W mhclh in“: X prom-y ! Conic swap} the Ocean dry, . 6r weigh iniitfiy tiny thn‘Ee ' ‘ } ' Thgamr—qhfim of the :ky; [or twinc'ardufd thy fingers, E 1' The sunligth qrenming wide, or (OM it in: thy bosom, 1 ‘ While Hwfinrm is dark beside— And I'll tell hhw m‘uch I love thee, My bcnntilfiq‘l. my hride ! MEI gigiagmm A Hafipy Bax-key. . Louisville ElLcm/wml report“!!! happy :jwkeyl M ‘gkclaiming: “’Puess d 9 Hallelujah {lit (Ii: ole qiygor should we dis [nip 5; time, when white men gab}; “an: flnhx'mvo :'llmut,~nn<l niggs‘r .m where iljix'il plclxaos widout (me;— de Lnrd." S } ~ “ ’ ‘ 7—... a—A“. 1"...” - —.—— " ' A {Near Field. 1 , - Tl] 01d UM m) to mixkh ‘ 1m ab I 10d story. i! tuhl at the cxpfnsq of' a «91‘! mumher {of ’ihe Slate Send‘te in -- rds: N 1 3 1 “cm. when n tandidnte for a seat [in thn ‘ desiring the J upport of n ggflnin @029, tin Friend tn bring :ulmnt Kn nrrnnggfmom. lIFO nt ‘fi st defljncfl to have anything to l 1110 rnJm-z. h ‘ after much lmrd ipress - promiid at gig“: to lend his n‘id 0n difinn‘ Knfl 3th“! was “mi Mn 7—— ] 0"“3’310 him'pelfnot to steal moré than time.“ He szjnid ”If that promiae whs ml ! ,he rfilhorgthjoughtghe candidate would t “li\-(.111 a? the general Murine.— oport \y-us “11,119 to the candidam he in ly rvpl‘l‘yiiul'oq the bargain, sn'yingf nnt “Int to§go imo the Senate at. all, r to be‘ ‘mhqrr’nssod in that way." 1 ecdléb to 5:1? tlmt‘he‘gét in, and, liming \ cred, flhnéfxnade a big thing of it.“ ever z y’ - ’ prom“ {these ' ‘ On 8411:] ‘ be" so The ( ‘ ’9O w in; 1.; one c ban a] £31“: ‘ ere do an m:- dign‘ if I. an :1: my]; sine? ' in his old 9,1526, Dr. Brown was oné day upfm b)" a 30mm clergyman; who éskad \ yni (mentions in regard to divine grace. Btust stfttin'F; put for A walk. nnd said: 0 :ylongji'gm. and I'll expound as I go; hook nner my feet." They gm. up'pn a" Pit of groqna, and the engen- old Emu? ane V him 51 Ile‘w! " CO—l hill )1 roug wnait nndtb‘ his " l Ejhe midst ofluxltfeldirllg the divine scheme, 1 ‘young mnh :wns ’so busy in drinkil‘ig in\ ”4515, lh‘a“; heifirfot to look after the‘vcfi- If maps. "Thc’, 01d Doctor presently snum- ‘ rid fell, lam}l ggting up he sharply s‘uid :1 i the gracgiof God can do much, bf“ it gia mavn quillmjaon sense.”_ "1 ‘ 61:1on bTed g “Jnny min - u— l—«p -f— ~ I ‘ Judy, .my idnrlxnt, what are :you ‘ .1 3 1 st! Palfialkjr I'se thrying' an exéeris ‘l' . : h‘; and whit ‘s‘it T"! 1 i, and iit’sjymi-st-lfthat's after givin? the I'. water, *0 ;Bee if she won‘t. lay boiled 36" doin'E 21’ Hwh menu“ .“fi‘i “Shil ETS sid‘k '1 I ope' m e‘cu MEM m schi [nated CHAILIHC. as collwpoxiorthe port ofNew Orlénns, rial]; raising tllxe bloclnule,‘whichAL it is led, can M; déne legally without ralsi‘n'g Lule blockndq Mr. Luna“ is “1“,- to al Lodsifinian. He formerly redfded Orleans, bht'f let! there on the Emailing he remand-1.5 ‘ - _ j. 1w- Ir. Reilly, wine was woundg’d at ‘Bim hing”, a Mime by“, any: the seflulioni m simils go that. of h s‘inartblaw. Then is noth ing of n piercing, c‘mtlng (‘n- tenring pain} the win issues tnkihgéthe lien-es entirely by!“ nur pris‘gjnd deudanfmg‘ the adjacent put: before unsuibn can begin. ‘ _ f_ -7- ‘r—jo . o—~ —-———- A and Ham! a; Oak—Charles numb once sfiid to a bpoghér Winn-player, Martin B‘uzhe‘ , whose minds were none of the elemeit: “ Mgr-tin, if dirt were camps, you yodld§hold all the: honors." . _ ‘3’ Muffin fqnndiitheonvenient to sppw 3 limb deaf. ' , . : ‘fi-fAn Auguétq @le.) editgr thus distin guishesfietween difl'erent sand of patriots: 4‘Some esteem it sweet. and decorum to die or one’soountry;{otl_len regard it sweeter live for one’b qountgy; and yet other! hold is m be sweeter still to live upon ono’l [hunky], > . ‘1 v “be Reppbfiun legislature of Ohio _ {chased to pass 1 my to allow the so!- on in the «my hfom that sum to vbte. GETTYSBURG; Pg}, MONDAY, MAY 19, lSééZ . 3x I; one being called, by} her id m her, “After lim g’one 'a your father dpnrly, fan}! i ‘ ‘ dohe," replied {with I'll keep him cm of OF NEW ORLIC:AB.IS _ “ninth: Imur’run WILL Puvun." one'usurpntion of power: without‘guppres sing a single newspaper; without ‘ ‘\prison ing a single editor;without limi? to the freedom of the press. or of speech ih or out of Congress. but in the midst of the grass est abuse of both; and without a arrest otaaingle “traitor.” though th Harlford Convmli‘ou sat during one of the ars, and in the other Senawrs'ihvitod the nnmy tn ___,. a 5 I “grcd am- ”0,112!th Itfilll “will, “.1 ‘1 . .‘ - -_ welcome tlu-m tn 0 inn I gram. ' ‘l-‘nanwngznsr—The jam-item condi During.“thistlipmeweilthincrofietl.busi tion of our country demand ‘ that wo Ihouldi neu‘of all kinds multiplied hperiiy restaon mid-hen Putty organimtion‘ ”I smiled on every side. taxes were Pg: wages surged within MOP“ iwlg'“? apositive were high, the North and the ch turn firm find??? Yflifwmay‘n 5 Gagging; ished nmarket for each other’s'lipducL-x at (-0 epu "to n {1" 39 enemte into good prices; public liberty was Beoilrr: priv thevwgi-zie‘it :ariln‘icswi’n dc?" fism‘ (he ate rights undisturbed; every miln’s house chiefluse 3f p’hwpr in in crudliihgoout fiarty ! was $2 castle; the ““1"“ were 0 39"”10 “I" i ..i‘ ‘ S . 5555550555. 15555555 b 5: 55:5555 awe-whiz 52:55:5izzéavz5155r: 55°5s5i‘z Hence 0f the last tin?!” - rhonths proves. to ass’omble pénoeubly. the right t pqtitian; "Fm tlmninny lengonm “if“ the nnces- frepdom of roll ion freedom of ) ech a :1“). pip“?! or”“?“£§:‘bv .1);§:t?e::é\;:‘ fru ballot. and Efrehprrsx-nnd al iliis tiine xmsrainwnsm. . h ~ 5' . , . . ’ ~ . all civil act‘p and afifiointmcq’is has recognizr LitiQlCoréstitution main‘tlmncd, “"15 io‘Umon ed, and still does, its fcnlty pnd obligations ° éufl 3:3: i’iigfi‘Lii‘oeicé fruitsot' F 'ocrrit~ to thsttpar’ty. ’l‘h'eiie nxust PM! will he an icliirin‘ciples and policy carriedo 31ml; h °PP°““‘°." Th” PM” sa‘my'and‘ ”ad i thn whole period during which 1 e Denia demand 1" §hfllL lit beta now organization cratic artv held the power an adminis gran 01d 0 0‘ Tho. immoqmtic pnrty,wnst tercd the Federal Govornrriebt 2 unh bins tounded m “-5 “m“ slttty veil” ago. It has been the history ofthnt partv t a l'nion nFVPr-l’fiemdtuband‘ld; To—(llaylit numbers i’ art forit; 'raervedthoUnin ‘wiwlom one million hve liumlrrd thpummlalectors lI" y. 'd p . f h ‘ hili' in the Sta es still lbval to the Union. [ml [- 321:13?’ o°‘l‘lPi'mmfifi. or m 9 an 1' recent nu xermm victmiesg‘ in munici n , ', ' . g ‘ elections iinthe \ertttqrn and Middle Smiési [hennetther the nnmsmt l' n PIPF' the. proves its :vimlith Within‘ the_ last ten! WW?“ ”0" “‘9 W.“ “W"? 9 ‘ P Pom.“ months itl had .1! 1d Suit Conventions I 0W” party require nor .WO“ ‘1 tum! “5 and nomini'ited fulli Domuf atic tickets in; digitialxhlggntihything in ‘the re ‘nt origis ' I l ' " . , - ext”, if:egiiillgl'liligehéliflhlicg’tlhfhiitifié* which demands it? ’l'ho more {ginediote Earn: bci E“ d 5 P. i 1!. issue is. To “mum ml; Cow lug-tux asir - ' ' ‘ 5 ~ is AND 70 RESTORE 'rui:~ SIGN T’WAS. . 5 SHAH; 'rx 2 qunA'rif‘ 9???“ FE xow'nisu! 'To maintain the Constitutio iii‘io rerfsect if“:flh—Jifgnilioflgqll; .‘ $13911}: flgicx£2:; the rifi‘hts of the St‘tes and th liberties ‘of iitlfilnltflfiil“ fin—thii‘ty foul“ speakl 1 the citigon: It is to Adhere fai ht‘nlly to the ' “ li4‘Bo/N’u, That the Allieh'icun Democra: very. prmmpllt: and pight‘ydwl‘n h km Dehmho' cy place tlieir trust in tho'jtiitelligence, the fr?” 113$er as 15:27:32.“! 0 Til-T}; D I?:{ioti2m and ”“i dilscrmiinating justice! sii‘ltsafgzgi‘ili't: boninriihgx-pfg I {’hotlierri: o ie.mrn-nn mm o. . ' . ‘ - .' 5 . “ That. . remiril tlixis as aidifltinctive‘feug m“ practldced them. W e app ‘llgflmbly to turn. in nu ‘ politic-ii creed. t which we are} th;;ec£r t. t t . 1 t I ‘l.’ fth ”555555555155555555 More “is “‘0r1d~“-“'°i 155555555555:55':5:.75:5:.55mm £353: iiiitluaimflli; ‘3..’s‘ll°J,'3l'l3lfdg33°ss! Sion M “is. Salons «in my: uglintuinrsl POI‘I'I.An whit :md iwe cont rut it with the' l" {aitv'tfing‘Pnt I‘lizeglea“:d Y‘s: “f“;flmtn (‘rm‘l nndi‘pmvticci of Fm rmhsm, under I'} F'll’v'n" n. l .9. (‘1; can $1111.11?!) ! ivlmim'er puma orlfnrm.‘ vhich seeks: to “3,0 'lfinlzfilz'bgf‘onm‘t it a t' 1(i «t My 5112' w éfthdmwwmt- 555551 551.551“ 55 55:; with; it??? 1:55. 5,: limifiti'r‘"J-Tu‘iiiiim t° hummus ”i' {s6l3}? of"?! gegfifn;bl=;tlthf’l-' ixhfiqnd .'-‘. a ‘ , . .- ij'lefiallt I 1 wt *rem nn 1' I‘l h“ t'f l‘f'W‘il "m of Wont N on? of the Union mill-91E ting Conhtltlll . “‘lmt lmllf‘d pnh‘r-r. «Mum .\n/o train tho. ((i\- k .. ~e m doubl cure as ll 0 to W» Frirl'rmx :inn-l thi‘ ‘igrhnt.~t if puwormudn “ “"‘l'nf if t} t .V r t ' ’n' l ”:51." thoroin might to bl,- «tnictl (-nnutrm-(l by 316318;?»«I‘li?n\0l‘ll':‘lll:n:t‘f:ly02:1,“?l“Toff“:l‘l: all tho dv-mirtnmntd‘ find a}; nta ot‘ilu- (,ov- vii-tr“ (lid secure the proper-iv llit'llt~_li||lii ernmont : Jand tllfllilt Is ‘ h PXl'i-duuit- rind : liliertim oftho States-and nl‘ tin-énéfiplo" 'm'd danger-nuifto excretfcdoulitiul comtitutipn- thus (11,"! mnintnin thé C‘Ufl‘titutihhnml he :11 ponertn‘ 5 3 i i serve the Union. and with thg‘n) titre multi _ And as nxplnnntory of tho“? tho follow—s plied blessings which diStinguishc 1:; above ing from lilr. Jarrmms's first inaugural: ,| a” other nations? _ g 1 9 .. uTlip‘Sllplmrl oi the [\‘rfntr: (lmrnwtfix‘rs "l‘o ”do“, the Union is to out out “I“? m “1! {Mil- _ri3'!h‘§ i“ the him“. mml'emmwnnlism North and South. 'l‘ 'ogin the ndmimftrhtmn nl' Sour domestéc com-ems great “.0“; of restoration thrnu the bal and the surestliulmarlu agiins tmti-reyub—V lot-box is to kill abolition. Ting Itpr wan J‘m',“ tendenoms. . f ,A l lon of secesxion flowed first and fire fed still U [he P‘°-'P"““E"l" 0' t" .GF¥EK“‘ 6"“ from the unclean tountaion ofalviitionism. ERSMENT n “S wliple' con timtional rigor 'llmt fountain must‘be (ll'ied ' .1). Armies m the she tam-her at. our mace at: homo mm’ hmnk down the power of l Cuul'ede~ and “fitfi'flbmudl ‘, l ' . 'raté Govcrhment in the-Sou lie but the .“A J“ “’"3 cnru 0' ‘ the} “EM 0f elechgivork‘ot restoration can only i. , rried.n “o",va ”Ste people: i 5 ‘ through political or'gnnizution a l the l).tl~ “ I‘m: trim.“ ‘s‘“ 'il' THE! “N" 0”“ nu! lot,in-4the North'nnd West». n his grout “um“ s‘l'7l‘9R‘TY' ‘ .i . i work we cordially invite the (to-o terutiori of “ Economy in tile pnlalip expense, that i all men of every putty who are '.»posed to him}: mutt be “31‘7” lmrdorc‘pri. t * the fell spirit of abolitionhand. t oin sin~ ‘lhe h “9“ liai‘mont 0 0",“ dd)“ and verity. desire the Constitution n. it is and sacred pr servant?" of the duhhc t'mth. ‘ the I'ninn as it was. Let the‘ ilcad pu<t “F"uin“ or Minnlnx, “mum“ or ""7 bury itsjdead. Rally. lovers ot‘ithe Union. PRES“ “3 rnsanmir or ”Kin“ l‘th-Jt '1'”: thé Conststution. and of Lihory to the» "”“CT‘O 0" “Fl umumfs com-is," 52‘“, standard of the Democratic par . already rum. 1" 1"" turnxruun SELECTH" ,5 5 inghe field and confidentof vic y. That Such. emocrntsl‘ are “119 DYiPCiPtEH of, party is'lhe natural and persiste t enemy your part}, essentiall to pfihlio liberty and of abolition. Upon this: question 'ts revord tothe stn ilitv mid: Wire 11‘ Immfh'fltmn 0f its a national organization, lion'ewr itimny the Goveitnment,,fllik9 m pence “a,"fll’w- have been at tin?” with partimliir men or They are! the principlrs. upon which the“ in particularStatex, is clear and u;r question- Cfins'tilllt on film tile.l7lll°!‘lW6T9 fnufldf'd; able. rFrothe beginning of the')nti-.~lave~ and, und r t c control of.a ptgrty wlnclmd- ; ry agitation to the period ‘ot the Ni: Dvmo» heres'to e . the Cnnstlthllonfiwould be.‘cratic National Convention it‘ili 'hehl 'nut mnintninfld nd the Umou could (not be one-language in regard to it. Let heieoord dioeolvedi ‘ ‘ , 5' . speak: ' ' Is the troll!” nti the Primocmhc party Ulaolurd; That Congress hm 3110 power wrong “Mi should be distan‘ded ?‘ ‘ under the Constitution to intorf with or Its 1’0“” “commie“ “'i hm" principles control the domestic institufli s of the Md muy‘be sumnjifd “P: from the begin-[ several States, and that. me totes are ning, as thllows: ‘,he sup rt. ofliberty as: the sole. and proper judges f every against wer; W the “33:19 83 38mm“ thing a pertaining to their 0 ‘ntatl‘nirs thgir ng tggand [561-th9; and_ 9f SQfeino‘t prohibited liy the Cohstitu ,n: that a r _.. l c e il >5ll IMPORTANT POLITICAL DOC. ' UMENT. ‘ ADDRESS or nmmcm Tm :VE'VJVRS 01190.“ kag TO THE Db OCRACi or THE U. s. ‘ ; V 5 u ,4 .. rights as gainst cgflsolidqtidyn and dentraliz— “ed despo ism; .5 a‘impia government; no public (I bt: low taxes; ‘0 high protec tive tan” ; no gen'eral sygiom of internal improvements by. Federal “thorny: no Na: tional B l k; budl money for the Federal public dues; no tsku mptimp ofState debts; expansioh of territbry ; éelflgoVernment for the lelritories, subject only to the Gemini:- tion ; the absolutemompatihility of a union of States.; “ part alive and §pnn free ;" the admissiop of new States,— with or witheup slavery,” they m'ny elect : non-interferm‘ch by the Federal Go‘vemme t. with slnvgry in State «land Territory, or! in the District ofCqumhin ; and,;‘ finally, i l 3 set fourth in the Cincinnati Platform; in E 856, reaffirmed in 1860,1bsointe. ahd etem \ “ repudiation of ALL nit-"ox“. mums {up ‘liLA‘lnoxxs concemihg domestfic slavery which seek to embroil the States and incitpfto amazon and armed rq‘sista‘nce‘ tb law; in ithe Territories, and «Mos? avowcdqurpoaa,] if _czmtummaud, must end CIVIL Wu AND nunmcx.“ . Such {as the anqiem and; the recent pol icy 6f he Democratic! gpany ‘running through h. periml of sixty years—a policy consistelgtmich the principles of the Con stitution /and nlgssilutely mum to the prmflaglion of the‘ Union.‘l ‘ ~ Does} gamma; of tbe_Den3ocra‘tic party I _ ‘ _ l :y prove thft it onghpto be abandoned 2 “By i their firm!- nheliye know them." Section-‘ 51 psi-ties do not. where Union triumphs. For sixti years from. the inauguration of Jefferson on the 4th of March. 1801, the Demoenitic party. with shortintervais, con trolled the power and the policy of me” FederalGovei-nment. Forformy—eight years out. of these sixty, Democmticv men ruled the country ; for fifty-four years anti éighc momhs the Democmfiic policy Fprevmled.‘ During this period Loui<izuia, loridn. Tex-4 as, Nevaexieo’, and California, Were suc cessively annexed to our territory, with an 1 area. more than twice- as lerge as all the originaiv Thirteen States together. Eightl new states were admitted under strictly ‘ Democratic Administration—one under the 1 Administration of Fillmore; From five _millioneuthe po ulntion increased to thirtyw one'miliions.‘ ’Fhe Revoiutionary debt um ‘ extinfiuished‘ Two foriegn wars were suc‘ ceeafu ly yrosecuted, with ‘a moderate outp‘ ley endixumall army and nevy, end without suspens on of the habeas corpus; without oneinfrimtion of the Constitution ; without all' efforts 'pf the Abolitipnistq 'r others made to influc’e Congress to int ere with question's of slayer-y, or to tuke incipient steps in elation thereto, are an fluted to lend to tt’xe moat. alarming and ‘nngerous consequ Incas, an}! that all such ortslu‘ave an inev table tendency to di inish the hayfiviness of the}, people and endinger the stability'hnd permanency of the Union, and ought not. to be oountpnanced by any friend ofour pplitical inptitulions." I ' ‘ Uponwthese principles nlone‘, sdl-fnr a: re lates to slavery, dug the Union «55 it was be restored; and no other Union, Qxéépt the errv or stmfxsx, can be mail ined in this cquntry‘; and‘this last, we wi resist, as our fathers did. with our lives, 0 -' fortunes, and our sacred honor. . "" ; BuLit ii} said that you must dfibnnd the Democratic party "to support the Govem ment.” We answer that the Hamocrntic party hualwnya ‘lupported ran 65 Elxlll‘l', and while it was in power préryed the Government in all its vigor nndfintegrity. not by force and arms, but b‘ wisdom, sound policy and peace. But it ever did admit. and never will, that this fidminis— tration. is “the Government.” 5 t holds, 3nd ever has held, that the Federal Gov. ernment is the agent of the no a of the ll State.o Ihr ‘vthe Uni ‘ ; tbr' ‘ severe! m.» :s composing the Cnién; that it consists of three distinct depart ‘ nts~the Legislative. the Executive and tEJudicial -each eérmlly 3 part of the Go mment. and coin 1y entitled to the confiflence and support of the States and the people: and that it is the duty of every patriot to sustain the several departments of the Government in the cruel» qf all the Coulitutmlml power; If each which may be nemmry and proper for (In: prnen'alion q/lbe Government in its principiea, and in its vigor and integrity, and to stand by and defend to (he 14th (Iteflag winch represent: the Government, the Union and (he country. In this sense the Democratic party has al ways sustained, and Will now snstain, THE Govnunnr against all foes. at: home or abroad, in the North, or the South, open or concealed, in office or out of office. in peace or in war. ‘9 If this is whet the Republippn party mean by supporting the Government, it is an idle thing to abandon the old'and tried Democratic party, which for so xfiny years md throu h I 0 mny trials supported, pre served anj maintained the Govehment of the Union. (But if their real purpose be to _ - TWO DOLLARS xvi“: aid the ancient enemies of the Demoomcy in subverting‘ our present (‘nmtitution nnrl form of government. and under preltenve at" saving the Union, to erect “trying? ntrnl izod despotism on its ruins. the l) moor“, ic party will resist them as th# wqrs (nbmy to the Constitution and the Union, and to free Gnvernmant, everywhere. 1 ‘ We do nnt pmposfi to consider now the calm»: which led to the present unhappy civil war. 'A fitter time will come lierent'tev for spoh discussion. But. we remind you nnwthnt‘mu rnninsn made your Union. mu cannons: fifteen months ago would hnv NW9d it. Repeated ofl‘orb; wnrn made“: tho last. session ot‘the Thirtyaixth Ware to this 0 t every stage} thn} fir tmn ot'the Sou ith the whole De IMrn! party, an whole Conutitutinn 1 {mi partv of the North and West. unit wl-in‘ vnr of certain amendments to the onati tinn.—anil chief among them. he y known “Cmrrnnnm Pam-mum“. ’th Would have averted civil war and flint 4d (lip Uninn. Atrevery story, hll rt; )4 dmemlmenta inconsistent with till} Péii fincttinps of the CHIC mo, Purmhu ' stionunuslv and unanimously rosi t¢d dat'nntpd by the Ropuhlicnn parjv. “(‘fittefidrn Propositions” never 1- Mi .éimglo. ppuhlicnn vote in either "0| For ”up proof wn appeal to *9 m of Congres: and to thof‘nngrm on i l “'0 Forrn'n reply to the charge H 1 Dr‘mncrntic nnrtv is oppnwd to vr aid anal support to tha Fotloral C 'ment in maintaining its! safety, in jmd mnetitufinnnl supremnr-y. and i ofdi~hvlnding nur armies and fiur' -' tn the South. The chmgn is lih‘el 4 nlsp‘. ,No man has {ldvncntmlany ' asitin. Demor‘r'nts rocognizo it llutv as patgi‘nt: to fiftiport the Gov 7‘ “‘I . in all constitutionnli :‘hccoseary nntl prnpr‘r‘: efl‘orts to mnintnin its safety. integ ifiy, untlif mnutitutionnl authority; but at tho‘ snmegl time they are infiexil’nly opposed to‘wugingii wnr neuihst any of the Stutos or lit-aplo ofi this Union in any spirit 0! opprtweinn. or for?” any put-posh of conflueetror suigiu tion. or! ofovertrowing or interfering.' withfiie rights? or astnblished institutionapf any Imam—i Above nll,jthé. Democratic party will not: support the ‘Adtninistrntinn in ythimj which looks or tends to the. lou’ 0 9m po—j liticul or personal rights and liber cs, or a; changh of oqu present democruti form 013 government. _ i Bu mo, Democratx, it is not the support; of thé Government it! restoring thb Union? Whic the par ' power require if‘yone-g t-Yownrafimke.ive up your i, l'ncinles: your [2o (‘3', a ‘ our party, ‘nm it!) stzgni ,by the Administration at the party T putters iin all its acts. Ahrwe all it in (lvm ntlt‘tl o Iymi that you yield at least a siltnt‘snppor to timir whole policy. nml to with iold ul} 'scrntiny into their public congluct'uf every? :‘kind. lest you I-hnulll "embarrass tho A 1135 :niinbtra‘tion.” You are thus askt tn re}; wouncc one of the first princi'piesnnd tha; iichief security ’of a Democratic Goverhmonfi, !'—!lu: riiglnl (a hold public smianlam-sp mxib/c (d ' that? updater the people: to tend" the r prrsrntui tire acmuntable to (In: sunshine"! ,- Me ai 'O2! am‘ 1 urulnubiéd prnogatirr 42f .4 mrn'cmm t comm; iquitp/ia mamrrrs.m:d- pill/lit: mm. - I in thiei '. ‘high ntitutinnnl privilege" wh (‘h Dani“ iiicl \Vegr declared he‘wmild “dotknd {mil 1 exerci within the Ilou~e,nnd‘in nl‘l plan-en; in (hum war, in in Inn's prm'ln, nil at 11!! ' timrs I" ‘lt is 9. right secured by th 'Consué étutiOn—n right inestimabg to thelpeoplei iuml formidable to tyrnnh nly. '. ‘ 2‘ ' lfevvr thi‘re w": n time when ti Egtoncc and consolidation of the Den [party upon‘ its tprim-ifxlm and polio: {vital necessity to public and private , itis now, " I ‘Linquestionahly the Constitutio , amgfle’powcr to the several Dcpartt _the Government to carry ‘nn war, ' suhiect to its provisions} and, in cusq war, with perfect security to citizen :ioyal States. Every act neccswry , safety and efficiency of the Gave .and for a complete and most Vigor iot‘its strength. is ye‘t wholly eon’sist lthe oheernnco of evnry provision i instrument} and of the laws m pl: :of it. if the uqle motives of thmu- i were the suppression ot‘ the “er iand no more. And yet the‘histm. 1 Administration for the twelve mont ihmbeon and continues to be a hit I repeated usurpations of power and tions of the anlutitution, and of thsi i and priyato rights of the citing” proof we appeal to fact.- too re t trecitul here. and too flagrant aid “for the calm narrative which we pm i.Similur acts were done .and a Bike P,phrsucd in the threntenml war with n the time of John Adzima’, and w amenltimnte pnrpme. But in two i fears the ' ue forced them intmm its. A“ ...v..,, ,_ Able macmgh France: rebuked th sectignal party based upon . nntugbniam £0 5585 and abuses 0f pow‘er, Vindica‘ the vital inter-ens nndinstitntiofisnf l ‘ Constitution. and turned over the A ‘ ‘l Hh g a , a "to Government to the principles and 'p, nu.mviler ° 9 ‘ {Mes 9' ‘ 9 Unmn, "id (lie Democratic party. To the .“sol; thinking “1“ the Democrats '9'“ “0‘ "ll! 0'“ thought of the pebple ” therein ‘ ll enrn¢xtin thairemloavors‘touv‘othe Union, to the hallotrbox, no n‘r appeal when i but tlhnt- may look a"? é, d. i.- spin in like peril with our flamers. 1 lt‘ - f h ‘l ry 13”? In WP. ‘ 1811!. if every Democrat. concurredl‘ih ,thé pw- levnfwo ‘ sw“ e'ilubjectofAbollu n pélicy of prosecuting the war to tli uneq' 'Mn‘?nahsmr‘“6/‘WJ° 7mm. ' " - ' sq‘bjugntion of the South and forj. a sub 3 1' .~' ” ‘*‘ “'T’f'T-fi ' , v¢l~ion’of her State Gozernmenui Vth 1.913 33‘ heAn‘mTEWNW '7m°‘-Th“"0l" institutions, without: 3 Convention of the! Wee‘ raper—is_ constrained \to coda-la ° Sunnis, lltclld' without an‘ ovlerturg for ”Zeal“, that (he slaves in the Soutli, who '"ifill‘v‘ we son us ureso ute resm he is. ' . ~ - . n .l banding olgthe Démo’cmlicyparly. : l isthé" peeled In “”1“ m the" of", hmnm' h". only party capable of carrying on a at ;‘ 3‘ not manifested the nlaonty lo embnob £l5O is‘the only party which has ever ooh acted opponnnities {0? freedom which thallepurr a war to' a sue: ul inns, and t eoni limnd limici led at an m' ‘ party which has done it without. a use of; w“, ’: “We [taunted n n I”eran 4 power, without molestation tother bta o‘ u 'h . *- . ' ,” °/"(°YC"I‘L any class‘ of citizenmnd with were m - -- “P°. ,"'““"‘-‘€"°“*“°mble ml me!l - ecqnomy. All tllis ii has done; all this}; Wren?!mWW‘WWMnWW‘M/milfipop need lie, ii. is nbll; to do again. . If s cum; ulnfiom ;" but ibe result, it fining)“. not then. in in military point. of view he eqnii‘é could go past. The W” rel: to .4 ed, the Democratiwparty Alone ca cons}l ‘ . ‘ ’ g - I’3 mand it. , >l~ : ‘ that rxpenrnce In: sin/fin that'wweflu r To‘nclude: Invitingallmen.wilgh unlit?- 1““ Wm“ M" enammloms 0 M2l“ tinctéon of State, section qr party, “so erg Ind nilds. gloomily/f« “This is not I' plpqxs. ‘ l for line Constituzigu u_lt is and the. Unio gm .hfnth to IWD: 'but we minim; know 5' it wu,to umte mthrns in th+ gnu ltooulon ~ , / - 81k) upon terms of perfect quality? we fit. g '_-_../_/i-_. «...—.... , ‘ ‘slst t ut— ~ ' . 3 It s be h in" . l The restoration of the Unlun. w'helhe} unmnfflzfn ’?:;pot" Rf??? a: ‘ lthrouhpneeorbywar,demundstlxemlfii- '{fih' . I 01’ ~.!!!» ninueg organization and sum I my 1"“ W ”mam"?! "’9 MM hum; lDumocmtio party; <’ . r ‘, l-“klgtn ulyanuxge of choir position, tn illv l Thggreservation of the Constitntion dd} yfi'fi them.” Well. we luvs Myra mam 1!; 1‘.3 I ' ' , ' The maintenanca of liberty mld {reéx’ m'dflthnl‘ggha: the argumel “"0 9'” democratical government demand; it;/‘ 9‘“ a e .u .111 upkm '1“) by. l The restoration of nsound syslehfaf, ri- 3°“ do'“ ”"1"" from “'9 North. We ‘ternnl policy demands it; 3 f 3-“ doubhnoq the ne sat Port Royal. who ‘. Ffignomy and integrity tin all; pupligi‘on- are now being In?“ a dzily upon“ {a 1 n itures,_nown era 9 o our-X ‘ 'on‘s' ' - i igfedollma day, demand i‘; '4!“ ' l tthegolremmento thousands of dolkrs, l The rapid accumulation otfin emu-moul- 1°“;h much prefer 90d be btjller 03‘ and” land ”figment public debt, dam-91 “fix“ t e ‘ round protection ofthau old W. lgglifhizbc grudylone “2116:1311“ . illiodstm.wff'fi - ___J' f ‘ _ o ,nu equa u e ream la, in ' - “a“ . mm yen-I, to England's: (105;; 05a 33m1? “3:333? canbc loudmbluh l - l , , ‘ l. ' .‘v ‘ i uni ufinflin growth: - ~ . _ The M caution} M‘md mdlmtfi flute and Federal: nlrudy more “an twp hundrdd millions of dollars n. year. eating Imm the mbnumco of the people, augment,- ‘ in: way year, demands it; , Reduced u M, an pricesfiepmion of " trnde, gecay of blflineu, scarcity of work ‘ and impending ruin on every side, denumi‘y it 1' v ; ADdJ‘flnANy. the restoration of the (MMF cord. good foolin , find pmperity of former; years. fiemunda tint the Democratic party man be maintained Ind made victorious. . -’ W. A. Rlcnnnmu. of Illinois. , ; A. L. Krupp, of [weigh 5 ‘ Z J. C. Rolusso. o linoin. -‘ , 5 Jon! LAW. offidiam. ‘ 9‘ ' D. W. Voomnzs. of Indians. , w ‘ , W. ALLEN, of Ohio. ‘X I‘: ‘ C. 4. anz. 6! Ohio. .. 3- % Wunu P. Nona, of Ohio. : ; Gm. H'. J’zxunomof ohio._ » , JAS. R. Mourns, of Ohio. _. I ' C. L. Vuusmoml. of Ohio. \ “1‘ 1 Pmur Jnmrmx. of Penn. ’5“ x S. E, Avon, ofPenn. , .J I ‘ Cg. X. 81mm. of Oregon. [‘ XML—The names of nbamt memhpm ronmdring in'tho above will hm nfiixad‘m ‘ the pamphlet edition of this Address. ___—’— 17 «.0» -——~— -- * II No , 04 ‘ Depth of Plunging 00ml. ‘ V A (‘omnfunicntion which we find in unfit-hi. ma.“ Trlvympk gives {be following sunny; tionn gnd facts, respecting the proper dapull for Na Iting corn: ‘ ' Cox-3r the n carefully, am} never mo . than (:01); Ongld a half to M 4 inches deep—4‘ It‘plm} ml Map": than this, it {will bollouger‘} coming}:pnpd after it comes up it willgrouy very: wen‘u 3] it is three or four inch“ high, when iti will rcTnain stationary for 10 day} ortwo wrcku By qu’mining vi win find mm ‘the first 501 m 'ixi‘ bolmv tlies'llrfnro of the soilmlso that the rootJ' are deLuying.,while new :‘mes are thrown on‘q from {‘11: juint;these new roots require lomq' ten hrfafleen days for their complete formationq and dqring this time the ph'm {I stationary mg. fur as 'growth' is converucfl .45 soon us thq tre fully formed th‘e old one: will entire-1' . Ppcnr, Inna the grow th will‘ proceed 11L ' roofs Iy di ~ n 3 n 9: Fro 9 .. , u army cxpefimenga' with grnim take.i [mm t It mm? mr and aamcpai't of tée car, th' urn-NJ! n} the following rem)! :‘Qorn plan? ml mic inch deep mum: up in eigjlit days ftlm‘ plnnllfil une and a hnlf inches dice}? came up i? nineJqu n hqlfdxlyn : that. twqmid n haltihf ‘rhes ei-p, eleven and « quartér {days fibre incl”? dcrp, twelve tiny}; threejnrli n hal‘ inches} docpnlfificen Jugs; five gm]; :1 half imfil es deqp, eighteen IMys ; aixjnchés deep, twenty om: (1)4151. The lust log fame uh and gravy until .ihont three inches high, when it roqminf ed szaj‘iunnry for a long time and finally iiiaM ‘— o - -... 4 ‘~ I éflnid ll'enry Clny ol‘ the Abolitioniit {- twetiay yetirsingoi: A “, 'itli them the rights of propm’ly «to nniliiiig; the dcficiency of the powers of tin Govefnmenliia nothing: thencknowledged inconitestible powers of the Slaves (in: holly-i ing: icivil mu, a dissolution of the Union‘, and itiie overthrow ofn government in whirl: are ‘cnncentrnted ‘ the fondedc :hopon. ofthecivilizerl world, enothing. A ‘singlé iilen lum taken poés ion 6f {half mindia, and onwnyl they pn ueitsoverlon‘ - ing all lmr‘rieru;rcckleau mdjegurdles; 1 conseiquences. | . . 1 - .— -—;—~uo»~r——‘——- i Shirt and Stacey—A meeting composed til boll: ipnrties was held recently in Jon» Duvinsgz county, 1”,, at which the followin'g ‘x'es‘olficibn was“ udopte‘d with but two dili semi g vol”: ".. . . ‘ If». fl,(:;l/, That we will no lopgcrjend on r infill ncc. .citlwr directly or indirect-l , eitlie politically or pecuninrily. to any pet snn. wlwtm-l editor. politician, or pionchet, oC Abolition tendency di- procliviues‘. j _ 4 .-< ~ «00> »-.»--<r- ‘I ‘IQThe Democratic party has heartily supported the Administration, an the riil-L preseiitntiveliead of the Government. i' all ilqjust efforts to put dov‘vn the rebellio and via-ambush the supremticy of the Ln 3 over {he 'entiro country. It knows no ethol issue ltlian the restorutjon of the Union ti on th'e eternal pvinciples of_justice, and , regard for 1." constitutional righfa‘o! t Soutli as may; the Norm“. 'mmg‘ is t. 3610 object fu which tho Demojamlo par impairing out its best. blood on our'. bemu fioldsj. To fight to establish negrowqualitfi! or to hock up the Administration in it‘s abolition «cliem‘eafis no part of tlte p ‘ b. gmmine of the Doryi’éracy in the money; wm‘, box- can it be held in any way account ‘able for the tnormous taxntvion’impmeii uponéllxe penplelto aovernp the corruption: nnil‘nlty the ex‘mpges of the plundering: and dxtmvngnnce of this Administration-1— : , r . . - i U ! - l allay Spill; ...» . : I‘ I? Previous 30 the Presidential electicin of 1860, tho Opponents of the Democrgtle party Epplied 0 its member‘: mnny opitlngln of dérinion; but. among .tha catalogue i)! sarcastic appellations‘ fixed upon us by - publicnns and‘ Abolit‘ioliisls. none Were -~ term? with anal: unction of scorn as that l' . “Ynihn-Snvers” nnd“Union-Sllrieken.2' , - The lvaliant omtorgt or Republicanism w': ' in .thiflmbit of pointing tlieii wit Ind Id ' 1 ing their denunciations ol‘ Democfau n gone‘ml by milling. than! Union-unwn ax d . shrieikerp. The people are now hold 5 backftu the Mlmonitions ofDamocmtn thén' spok 9n and written against tho woos» aim at Id axis; ' drrnti ’ waé :1 liberty“, I ‘ngoq cntu‘n stirivtl): x o((‘ivi‘ of lhd fl’)!‘ find i menu" i 5' trial (,witli ior may mam? )r-WL-Q Idiom? of the 911:: ms! Armry 01‘ if vinlaé - ~uMi‘ tor 1.11: lo m-nq ' einoug “ax—9 poficj ”111 an 1.!) 1h? ‘lr llu‘eg lhonur} ' : 93065? I 3 m 1 i e-ler‘n ‘ i licy of ‘ 'r wail e, and ! 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers