I MI “5115*? ssh? 2'}?! .J‘ - I $3.3, '"MWSC NORFOLK WACUATEE! 1'» lonian Blown Up and Bgmxgd j 1-‘9mns 3093302, May 10. 12 o’clock at pight.—Notfolk is ouri. and also Pom. mmth wlthe Nnvv Yard. ‘ 1 Gen. ’ool, having completed lbclnnd,‘s ling of his (Green at Willaughby [‘oint, nb‘nut 9 o'clock (hfinorning 'commenced hi“ march to Nor with 5.000 men. ; . Secretary Chase .aécompaniud the Gen“ an]. ' i, ‘ ‘ i About 5 miles from the landing plncp, a; rebel battery was found on {he 'oppoyifé ' tide of the bridge over Tanner's creek. Afg tax- a few discharges hf companies of infan try, the rebels burnvd the. 1.510;». This compelled our {arms to marrll arm'nnd five :1" nliles further. A! five o'clpg:k.in the ant-r- ‘noon mu-~ forcps were within n «lmrt dis “not of fiorfoik. and 'werc- mg by n (10:10- gntian nf chin-nu and um citv rm-dly «mu funds-rd. Our troops murclmfi m, and we nm'v lmv‘g pmsefiéima. ’ | . Gehrfill Vaile is in rommnud an mimuryl w gayernoru ’i‘hccity and navy yard wore uml w burnt. The fires whivh lun'e her-n suun‘ ’ , ’ forfoi'néxlwurs [Troved to be' tin.- Wood's DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. ’mgmeril WO3l, with Bocrphry' Chas", re:E 1” ilcc.wd"nur‘w“.h fl it‘vx'l‘lfmn fir Hie 19pm. ed about 11 o'cluvk (omight. ~, i uchh-z Dian: nvmutn‘c (wwmlneo. nu. Dunc “:mprm Hal-go: wnmmv higurce g-zup' Km W "its-“WWII ”1 "It-“fin STATE .out nhaule. J ‘ . ’ ‘CQNYENTIUX. “LIIARIWSL‘URG, nn Funny, . _le’Mcrrimn. i: «in of? Squli's I’bint. Im. m; Ilny urJu‘g, Xsft‘z. n: :0 o'clock, A. 51., (tummgdorl'e “Jun;pxPl'd-mm' Wm “‘7‘"! to nomin no .nndidmes fu‘r .\.cmrnu (Manual. {’3‘}; this 9““: can, ”WWW"; w.“ James and btuvu'ou Gmsxun, and to udqpt MlOll II o ' l ‘ uglxnrnsdrus ns ~"my bc dc‘emed uoccsmryfur The ri<pottg from Gnnm-nl McC‘eran are"""'"s“”'s "" "“‘-' "“ , a . lbwomhlm- Ilnwx‘._.‘-{. ."nx‘mfi. Ethe n‘t’lt'nc uf :th Democrnuc party and we ,Fuunls! M'uVuot-Z, May H.- To Nu. Iflnz. L'uumry'. “'{LLI ”I H.-\\' ' SH, . - .77. B. Wuhan. A n :hv-t N ‘ ENC! "f ”7%": 4" Ciminmn Of Dvm. St- ‘om. -'l’hje MeFrimac “um hllm‘u up My thn ri‘t‘g‘lil ...... '_ _: ...,. ;__ ‘ . nt twlo mimmu bah-re :fiva n'olm-k Lhiq THE DEMOCRATIC ADDRESS. mornmg. She Wu: ~rt hro Lo uhuut three; W ‘ . ~. ~; ,_ .' o'clock. The oxphhiun [uOk 111 m»- at. the. opu )hah thh mot-ntng the mhh'ms xsT' time flamed. h‘o mid to hmc been :1 grand . med by Demon-ratio _nwmhn-rs of Con-f Sight bylthuse who saw it". ' {grass in the prupln ufitho I‘uitnrl .\J'tnhnnlz The MQMW‘V Meyer? "gig-the guxgbout‘ ’ and heqmuk for it a careful IJ'NH'II. I [his 1 haggli: 2321:2122: afn‘.\":rx;'«'lllc was quy ! “WW, ‘7‘!" FL“ I’Q'frl'ni (‘3 Z-"ninn, with im- 1 ,cohfirmed in 'lfuesrlay's {Qua-rm V ._ I common 'ahxhty and ”1102', “ml- thhal fin 'The‘d’elegalmn‘ot chi/.5415 “:hmmf‘t (“‘n-ji‘tcrw my] chair that it cfmnot be m‘wnlh‘r "Wool nn hiium-rnn-vh lu (hv rm" “(an homll- stood. Weflwp" {lnt it muv roach “1...“ ‘ ‘ ' ,m‘ l‘ ‘ , _ . V ‘: ‘ . . 31éytfitn'hiflfiff’f.333,312?{235{I‘IiiLJLJihL Mfg-1 mulzma of the I "if"? Wes, ,mfa 149M} privhtc prnvr-fly shnuh‘] 1w I'L-qutgtl. and 1 fruzts for" LhOngmwmt‘xon of the n man; ’,4‘; that the usual hu~inr~>s m’m alums z-huuhl ' Tho nddruw >hnw< mnehwivn rq:l=nn<why.‘ JlO on.,unmnlcstt'd. A" 50mm» ("‘l'”- V"’l.“":*thé Ih-mocratic [nifty should not hcl 3in the military pm'mnrn‘, “‘2”? ”MI" ‘hwl l" l lumulgd—wh‘v tho fundamental prinvif es Ins headquarters at. lhuM‘Lx~§oxll-I.(.LL~\. ho]. , H ; . . ' , N inmed n prm‘hnnntmu in newly-Annot- with!” “"‘ orgmnm‘d to nlmntm.) ‘,“e _“O'VHW’W ttlwée‘nrrnngrfinnnlfi, Althouuh an inn-me i neommry for-tho, prewrvutum nt nunhhor nxaitement prewiletl in uho mtyrluring the‘ tips, of that‘(»n.~gituzir»n Sand (if the'Union. day, ther’e {was no ouu'ri‘k’l"”ll.lLhii:T”): than at any previous pcriml‘of'our nntimml ' gflfifihgggm 2333:11'2‘?!tn]:ngghtx.‘jwh‘ux;n; hisgorf. Stnrtingxfith fixeimm‘nnt‘lrulhs number of .tho vessel: lying 1117 the hurbur i onuncmtw} m Mr. Jr‘fh-rsonkfirst mangnmh ‘n M'N'e burned. A _ »‘_ '.,lig is little mnr‘e thunfm glulugmtinn hfithnsn #- ~u'-1.1._ V.‘ '.-. ' bugggdflgi’tyliiiizrlhiiitthrill-£222l3:lliltiiflflqililli‘l prinmplw fin-«la thmrrfapplication to t‘lwvdx- l but’ thisflas prnlmbl}y lion-- bt-l'orv tlw Full- ; ”“3”! ('omlitmn Pf "mi“: “fill”:- - l _ eral troops ontm‘oil Norfolk. 'l‘lu- (‘nntt-d-I {llic pasi‘lges' in relation to s‘ml‘i’m": finite fortificatinvin :It “'t'Wt‘ll'q 1W1!“ cm'ltln: Govornmont m‘o poolfiinrlv llilliprflll‘l 3193' Island “3‘” "M ”W“ l’““‘"““"‘ “w": “H 3 conelu~ive. The Dnmor‘mtic‘pirtv i‘rbunh tukgn possession ofimd zurx'wnnod Ly l'ctl-i u V_l‘ . " ~..1 W .1 «ml. tmope. (Yon. thl‘s r-lhmql I‘rlport;m”n° t” “'"‘V‘_‘r “3 9‘_-T“"’zm” “ “. mm that. two lulnllrcd gum “'m‘f‘ (’fll’lm'" "19““: of ”mppnrtmz “"9 Govornrn'oillt."— pd; and 3.141131 nmount pt shell 4 "I“. 1H“; . Itfhru always sumnrtml the {layer mont. m ifi‘m- The fl“*trmtl?" 0f the Mi‘rl'l'fiilul \riil nlwuvs continun to do so. rip-n it s fullr conhrmwl. blur Wm fir-it run' . G ' . . t . . . i 5 fie nndithon I.lmm “ll- Prosidr‘nt Lin- i uhderstand~ this obligation in n drift-rm}? coin hi’msetf Supt‘lllltt‘ntlt'fl the landing or. <rnse from its adverqries. We ,sdpnnrt ‘ the troops at Pm‘hmmllll and at the int-l the Govérnmont \vhr~n we conform tn'thc teries. 11c ioturnm} to Washington on Constitution, ohr-y the l; > and disrhn‘rgo Manda-L- ___ _ id.» . ___,__‘_. lull our Julia :19 citizo‘n‘ fidslity. l If‘ FROM’CEN., HALLECK t l t‘hpsi‘ appointed to mlmi or the (ionirn; [wont (lo'wr mg; we are not bound milky} Itnih them in evil (loingfl Nay. fiklt‘lll. i” i l the Government «demands that “‘0 sliolilrl Tdc-nziunervnry departure {ram its'Turida- l I~mnntnlfiprinciplc'n. Irjnltr in 11m ill-eel l countiy‘doos not ri-rllliro§l:lvi<h winerviopf it“)? to individuals. Mon in power,- qre imt . o :- kingly ruler-li, they are the snufaifts of lt’h‘e people: and it is the right rndthe ditty .of the people to ~hold them to a strict‘a - leountnbfility in the perfnnnztnce of tlle trust temporarily committed to them. This in notthc some in which gr opp: lnents “innt us to; “'suppiwt thnGo‘xTri tmcnt.”,l‘hey demand that we shall :1 r quimm in wlittt the“ Administration do Q’ Qwron; as Well m: in What it (loos right. Supporting tho Govrjnmont with them lb to applaud the incarfirntinn of citizr ghastiloywithout waii‘r‘ t of law—‘4o n parsive spectator-Q of ncsnulti upon tilt ‘stitutim‘i—to stand by without a mum «lisnpp’rrwul \\hilodthqmnck-pritriots , trate enormous gawk upon the Treafl t‘o‘npprlore of n [gm] Hnnncipaticin :_u population of the Northern States ~. alien and ofl'énsire race—and to givt+ the revolutionists and anarchists in Colgt‘t-lis undisputed opportunity to work outlt l 'r inm‘ne doctrines, totthe destruction till“ 9 l'nion and the liberty of the citizen: This is not. éuppnf‘ting the Government. lit is helping to destroy it. The Deniocmtlijc’p I'- ty will support the Government in almigh or/nnd better sensgknnd maintain its ‘ r2ll] ‘ imtion on theanciont‘bask of th (Tait stitutiognd the principles announp «Jihy it: great. Qnmler—Tnuns J:rln;nsox.i ' Ol'cnurm thin address ill,he donmincod 1 by the» Ropulnlichns as the production of disloyal “ Brockim‘idge ”Doniot'rnb‘l”?l It is~ only nécessnry to‘say thatrthg firét hame‘ attached to'it is “'illinm A. Rihliardshn. ot'l lllinois, the confidential and ardent friend‘ ofStephen A. Douglqszand that. at lemt two thirds‘of the signérs‘pere supporters of Mr. Douglas for the Presidency. No man who knowa the principles which 311'. Doug lus mlvocuted .u'iug his lithime can doubt that, if he had been living, his‘ mine would hiwp appeared first. upon this address. Skirmish near meington; «Citing» Mny IL—Stvnmf‘ri have nrrivod {mm l‘iflsburg Lnnrhpg thh news to "0011‘ pf Saturday. No gflnm'fll engagement had taken place. On 'l‘lxfimlny tlm «omnd bat tanion of the Second lllmnis Cavalry, un pler command of Major Apmimzmn. acmm pnnied— Gen. Paine Imm l4‘drxningtrm on D. xe‘annoisancc of the enemy's pobition. ‘ ,‘thl about, two miles out the scouts who . had been sexit in al'lvunce mme back and ‘ reporteda force of llvlmlinfnntry nmbu~l|~ 'ed in the woods on” bnth‘side': of Hm'rmnl landinflmm Farminatnn to Corinth. Af ter (‘0 Nation the Federawrce advanc ed for the purpose of :mcerl I n: the rebel atten'gth, and were sun-cum“. but cut their‘ *Wgsy through the who‘s, whmhnd i'omhml a “he on the rend, and made tlwir way blink lo cagip,sringingrvll'tlno luxly of the major, who was killed. 2111C} [our ol'tlu-ir number who were wounded. A dézf‘l‘tel'. whomuno in subsequently, Sllyi tho relwlu lost 49 kill .pd and wounded in! mi.~>in!. of “‘hom n lieutenant colonel and captain Were Jelllndu- V ' ‘ . On Friday rolml Gnu. Brngg's division at tncked Gen. I’aifie in 1115 poaiuon. two miles beyond Farmin-Jton. A warp on: gngement followpd, pur mvn fxlxting bra-vo ly and making sovbml bayou t charges on the} enemy; who were ropulwd with great Haughter. Large rkinfm-m-monts of rebels lmyigfi subsequéntlj' 'arriyml. nur troops re turn to Furmington: We lmt nearly 200 in killéd. wounded and prisoners. No further particulars have lmpn .rnceivéd. ‘Cmcmé, ’May l4.——'A Speclnl'dentcl) from Cairo to tho Tribum- 'suys mlvlom from thlsburglnnding roprfisont that it was not expecth Ihat‘ an attack would be nude on tlxerepcmy.‘s positiun for several days. Our siege guns were not ya! in pgsi'tien. _ Gen. Halln‘ck ’is still ndmnéing mutimflly. and pharynx)? fortifying :N he udmnrcs, all his movemunh being ’predimtull mi ll'xe ~uppn sition that. the énemy i: in largu‘force at Corinth, and that ho intentlsmmkin: :1. smlld., Grand Junctmn ismeing ln'rtified b . Beauregard. with the evident intl-ntinn p¥jfidling chk there'xf beaten u! _Corimh. The number of the onemy's troops are os timuted abflxlleck’s headquarters at from 120.0“) t 0417 ,000 men. "Gem Lovell has joined Beauregard with 30,000 men. _a _ _ _~'—.—<. ,‘4 b .-—-—--7 ¥- mm 34mm Ah WILLmMSBURG A letter from “'minmsburg. \'n.,in the ‘Philndeiphia. Press. under daze ‘ (he Sth , mstdnt, contains-the fnllowingz’ - vmrvwo THE BATTLE nan-n. ‘To day I took a walk over the battle field. All the dead had been buried, and the trees bore _égidence‘ of the tn‘rible fire that was poured intofihe forest to drive the rebels from their Gover. Limbs were cut off the tree: almost as smoothly as with an axe. while muskots. rifles, cannon bulls, and fragments of shell su-ewed the ‘grnund tn every directkm. In one instanre I saw u ‘24 pounder shah which lind buried itself in 3 gm“! tree, 'and then failed to explode. ‘ moifir'iai 305. of the Exceisior Brigade 91 ' 773 dead, wounded, and mis~ing.— {flail-st regimmt of this brigade last mne- Peen out'of twentv-sevcn omen-s who went, gnto the fight. Five of its captains Were )(ifled qnd two wounded. one fatally. The (regiment numbered 800 men, and 13037 musters s|}: 31:0: This is but one instance. Many other refiixpents suflgretf as severely. {The loan -of t d Néw Jersey Brigade is thofight tobeas great as that othe “Excel fiu.’ They wére in that action all day. Ind Gen. Patterson is ;said to lane fox‘zght ”em eplendidly'. _ WA number, of petitions from citizens . ‘9! Maryland. praying lbgimmediate rcpcul gf‘th-e hm to abqlish slavery in the District. .igolumma. were presented ip Conga-(~95 Eigg‘wegk. We doubt: whether Any notice “hymn.“ them. Aboxixiogfism'wiu ..’.- . themost 61' its short reign. ' in; kW M: Booth, the Abolifioniflh '- mgd to a. shower or unmorchanfibxé 935: whilp speaking a! I§caver Dsin, (Wil.) ‘ Neatly: ‘ - . _ ’ 11111113 "F 3?: “a THE LOSS . 'EWF .-““s, ; . ‘fifl".fi."‘:"> (Ebb (Enmpi dull-IAS! Tram uni-vn‘of lake‘s—tho union of lands—- The l'niun of Sinus- nnue “nuld scwr; The union of beans—the union 1;“ Matur .\n-l the 1‘11: 0! our Cuicn {inner} ‘ h. l. snuu:, EDITOR up x-nurmmof GETTYMBI'IHE. PA I MONDAY MORNING, NAY 19, 1802. DEMQGRATIC VICTORIES IN lOWA. On the fitlx‘instant the charter élection took place at Des MoinesJ lowa. and resulted in the Ehoioe of 3!: Democratic mayor find 12 out of H councilnlén. Ah the [fist fledtion the Republicans had a lxirge majority. At the charter election at Ottumwa, lowa. on the same day.’ the‘Dfimocmts carried; nearly MUhe city offices. 1 ‘ @lt is staffil tl t {the mass of the Illi~ nois sinhliers have , one in strong for the new constitution ofgflxqt State, which puts all sorts of disabilities übnn negro residents. In view ofsucllun exhibition of feeliflghy ting} soldiory, the Logialnture‘of Ohio is eaitl to l have mjnurngd without. mgking‘any ' vi-z sion for inking the votes of the soldigof 'tlmt Slate for members of Congress, tam, qt: the autumn elections. This will probably be remembered by them when they ghall finally geach home; - From fear also of the: votes of. soldiers, numberé of lending chili-l tiohiéts express the hope that the war; will not close for a year. becausé that‘con‘n tinned disturbances will render all slai'e ' property so‘insecure‘as to be valueless. l fiThe colored people of Barton. ata re centmeeting, passed resolutions Jen‘ouncing oozhpu'lsory ébtonizati‘on, Indheclafing (but yhen Line; wish to long they will go of their own gear-dead acthoir own ape-nag; nlso that ey don't. intend 10 leave 111:6 Igni [Cd Sfatos: - 1‘ " V 7—»..- ..-; hwy“ .. --,___ “-~—- -——«— >7 u— fi—ah l _7._ » ___ ' t I t i .. . J! - 83 AM PHILANTHBOPY. ! 3 . VERY- IN THE N Bums. ' Q Athaitierkman. othio. in n. latespppch ThL House’ 6! Itcpro-sjestwtncs on Mon on He everlasting negro question. main-(“‘39 1%“ Pm‘Cdul—‘S ’1 "0190‘.“‘3530v ""3150, . thfi following? candid ndmiuion us to the n" ‘4‘” mfl‘oddcwl‘nn’gl fngmccro‘l b 1 1}"- bf rindict! squint-t the negro that exists Lawton 0f Ilhuais, Which dWl‘m" "’3‘ , nt‘nphg (1,. people he ”presence”: slave” uninvoluntary aqrvitudn .lmll :hereu ‘ '_ “in the Sfiote where I live. via dq tug! Mr; after base and the prohibited forevenin a“ ‘ it. frEZdeaggt flgfitffi (00W: d‘gli-i‘xwht—i' the 'ljerritoriea of the United .‘sjtutes no}. ex- ,I “if I..._W‘rd‘,n,‘ W 2:4qu IMP]; of: I,” ’sl:}!- xmhgl! or hereafter to La {omwi 0|: u‘squlr- In. an 811 mm? for ransom. whether cnr- o‘l mi‘my “’35" Mr" ng, «it 01110,; very vochmr not. omincul to hming any negro“ womriy called this bi” “'1 3‘ t‘o “9"! out. tyt'npng Lin-m; mpl that pt incnph- or [m-ju- ‘ the Chicago pluttm-m. It is c tirply a part ‘(fintli’tiz imithrtfgtrrhhgift-HHm)“ of izun Elm-usurp, of no practical value. mid ‘-°;~_ whada confe’wion of‘grb .incon .5 was 110 doubt intended tomct as an irritant , ‘ j ‘ s 5 , a; . V . i 1 Q sov—Whut%tt oxpoyu're- of the sham phil-’ uponit’he‘ t won men of: the b‘mdd dim); ih-m v “is" k R bl' _ d d . 1 Atgthe close of the lspt rnguhtr smton of P, "W ’7"! icamsm; ° “”8, Congress scvérhl new territories were or-’ t worth. COIH'JI‘VB lie-re 15 a party which . ' . ‘ I . . . ‘ ita-oriaih it.) culio‘ngl intro] which :gnmzpd, Without .' chute [’whd'tmg 81“. = ”‘2' '-il:‘-1} " - :[i'ivd that lmtrcd‘to such an extreme that i cry ' am th w too “hm? {uh 11:11:93 con 3 . ~ . . . : tumeln Republicun majority: \\ etemc-m -‘ Imu- wnstthc bloody .rult : which “ould 4h" ‘ filth-mar“ the iot&: Union) how huh the Btnthoremmcnts oftne South, ' ' t .. i i U » . Home of theqwqe m dernt ulmcan reduce Imm to the (Inpentlont mndt- - .t 'l ; t l" } l , (if ‘Tr‘ri' tdrios ' which would discard 10m :8 [ln-moire l"h \for ma ceon ‘l° ' _ ' ‘ .nrt the m‘ r' e"den e thutle 'Constxtufmn, the supreme law of the I]; 151’ ,'0 If? ”51. H c I 3d ‘d “*0 tie 12- ..n f P: ‘ «.1., :cnnutet‘e. 0t ill-spasm! to engrat’t. ’t’ '1“: _ r 131! n .“I_“ O in: “’ their peculiar t rritm-in theories upon acts ~,.,.- . . . ’ t F u : f'W'iL ”WED“ :nygflyv'mo :1 3° ule of th s discripti n. whph there was no rou i". 1: ”f 3",: ”til? ““2"" fr"‘_‘"m ‘ son 0 :xpprvhe :1 the fh‘vttxer extension of s . ‘ ' '- " ’ i . thit‘ibzginitrilfiiop fa::rt’;l§§:‘f.no fining: slave”: If (it re was‘E-cnson at: thnt time ‘5 1". . ' z ‘i, . . - . ._ I eim the IS hate. public” «lawl-u‘ei (lat for hemg MUSE“) .wif.h I ”K? meW‘tLJ We 11mm If, main”, unit that. the \‘cry freedom of tint territqrics. witt‘hout reaf-i ‘pirojor-witn .hnanenkfl. have practical- hm}: $.33": dtuiree 0‘ lamlnd‘enie 4‘5 {NJ-I r) tlcnidnd,ll?v passing laws to knopth‘ese 1“ . “HF. ncc 91.1: .MK ’ plO “1' hhorttml nut offlm frecg'ltto: ' tm'y Oghlutmpithe ”3‘ n ’5 nmch‘lstrong- ‘ hhit; “lure the arrant h 'hoc- er n w' DE”; inhal‘l’nb' To} the céuntry,‘ :t' “ 1 ‘; f‘h F‘t!‘ Cong: 858 is‘ cpmflctoifi! under _the foutroi “1:1: LTP“"]“"_‘ ”I " ‘7 ‘ 1'”; Offl. élnss of tidnitics. who cam comfli'eht-nd H m: rv'A.rse. ~.' 5.1 2 rain? ht.).r_x.r::l‘_”w L lnothlng, and? ‘ieghhttai‘ for nothing but 1“}101‘ thchomm‘mtic party—J the flog“). If; lmflnesi not come. in nfitl’l- VP, 509 k “mum,“ its Mpmny muyl they khffl‘ him in} by the “not' of his Mines, nrztl-smrm tn fight he- l'mjl ’ ‘ A Tilui'ttvina—ii tn |~c=tnrn tKe ‘\ . t . V‘ H" Them can be but two pur fut clogtirm—the party that No hrnatl Hn‘tfotm- nftho Con -5 thin ahoiition party. The one Hill the IDL-mncmb and enn tin tho count-w. Tim (-thnr in I . . . I. turd of .\hbhtmmhtsnnd plun- I 1 . '. . and ‘ 7\‘ith a slight cprmkhng nHttn- Thea tulnm-ratg‘iof the flnhn Rmveq,‘ to ”-1 1- lhv‘mmxmtic [urty will sceki “"5 lUfiiLn uflon its nncicnt Innis. ““4“. “$- two ddnot know prorixolv . , ‘ J 3 . ‘ to w, lanithnui‘ptboqmhnptlzndyot) and i" PGQN‘F. Fin-mm nu its rompo- be 101 » unhttnnrrcm. hmvm‘vr. "\th‘t ‘Scottl i t lire-amt smn, whihl it will I , _ , . Wt ler. ¢:l\ an: (it) 05, when I rm" mon' .u’hucmiis 3"[113 r- M;1 ch do» n ulnlwilflo ‘ «I njmske. on ais‘ it v.- 'n.t thp n ltin‘n. n‘nr rnmprw ntiwmw he vamp MEE 1053;;an I. on). v’lTh‘ «tnra‘ the o , lwr 7,11 t to call iN _ .- -! he ennui cool: its Sr tnms-Jn {_v disirn t. whmh m qmrtyl of Mir pqrfy 1 must hi: ,1.” Dvmo ‘y Alynlit ' s are hm !n[: “ I‘l‘bt‘ l 0!: Hum: i "t‘rto ”IO 'l} mu! wm he Simmn 1] 11m lm‘d’e party in mm of RI munntuti week tlm the Con, 'y is to box} re tic-Mala ‘ [of the Rt- [w nvprtllgxh st «be dt-stxb: I’m” Forum; , ’ Patty " if? - gr‘pat [roil' o ngrcmfixp'm _re knmvn.3 ‘ .‘yAcnll thmhi llisiz, PPGPH i rpse bv any] at." Byihi‘ l ropojtmffl give. tax p I‘ subject 11;] |>ihle for t lq use villains I Ily uttaghd t the Morey: vlic lies 1: Tc lir’own seq.» ir own 13: ! 13 kports: fin q, . jys $1 I.l] Q: artist facé the‘ ‘ 139 mm Lb; waver.) (fantnil 1so«ba]le(l L'nig I .ip ‘ch Yor‘ ‘3 to n s'imilur "1‘ fnqt by the R 1 Jutfrnal says: ‘ ‘ Whilst. Mm gpo nted in th'i ipe tnot withp‘ fi‘n pn‘riots‘ 3 Wabanml “sum filly implies Hm "Jm mvn cstixnal *dc we fatal (b! )arty does 0‘ 4 3, not 392111 mny‘mov n 5. iéls if'njny 17H :1 cunfewion (in they!” m , , ,_ __-__u,, ‘ ffli , Republic? loaders tlmt the Ropublicnn' l _OF BUYING NEGROEB_ : :pn Ly as such 5 odious to the mhjority of - . l . i ‘ I‘ ‘ i§ll Northern; ‘ioters. The movement is nni 'lhe lizntrQEle 'S‘lsqliehimml‘ fflllply I)" iaanowledgmdnt that the Republican party; loom“ 0f ‘35? “Sek- says, the “'1“? $31.3 “3'l - its proper; pliaraclor is plnyed out. and] u “3?“, residing in Lenéxs-Mr. Grniv'u dlB - _hope to” fiucoced in the appmacirings t ict—wriles io niquirefiwhethermiyl means .91 0“”?5. OM2; by cohcfi‘illillj" "-5 i’l'ol‘leri n e to be provided forjtlie fut ure *liclief of '0 rue er_ uu yer an 115°11ch name. 11 _ - . , . i ' i; 561 er wordsgtlie movement presuposcs thatl miss “mikes: Sh? "‘3" he}; husband H iimjurigy of the Noni: are national. not; bf” ._ no P")? iori‘oun month, an adds: ? el tional. Tliis survly is ncliccring assur-i i "lolaink that Cfmgrees liad‘bett :- stop '; "nix: from tl) highestwuthorily. “ allow-l * lkmg “b 0“: buying “18 “28ml” unless i vet, would Vll3 wxllingly dispense with the ‘ ey Cfln pity this soldiers regululy‘ ,so that 'iqéuraiwe. swing that it has come in the_ 1 en- inmllxaseah have something tcijiveon; :h p 9 ofn bald and dextnrous attempt to. r, 1f ”195' WOW}! take one half the Amount. ‘ ..iim'y the truth while Mknowledging it.” ' LPN impose mm to the South, icube he ‘t l __#?_i~_~, ~...,_._,.__ w~ i 5:02:25.an divide it among tbeivolnnteers’ t ECBH- Shim“ Cunmron, late Secretary l milies it wonlil be more to their cqedit." {it"War, and fie‘cently appointed Minister to: 1 There‘ is nigh!“ d(‘Bl 0f _ti-uth'in the R+isia, left Npiv York on Wednesday week, 1 “b 0” “Mm“; 9nd if the men who ure fool iu‘ the steamaiiip Persia, for Europe, with , ins away their {time nt‘Wnshin‘gton" in bab ik family, and Bayard Taylor, his Secretary L . lung “‘O9" be 95mm; “'0 colored "“3"- ‘ . lLegulion; vWand for ISt. Petei‘sburg. The , ould "fifs‘ lf" I'o the complaints of the \trial. A: Unéqn predicts that Cameron will i bites, It “Emil? saye “I”? froin the storm urn before Mi“ 11021 mcétiny q'f the Legislature. = f ”PM" "1915::th ”blob "11l '7‘,” "'08? 1 ~~4——-—{——-—-w~-~—-—- flieminw meii obedurity. Thiswoman, i @‘Tbe rppugnance of that soldier to ’who has leather husband to fight for her‘ 1: ‘litionisml pnd deatg‘atmion of it—is not! country, gxfimases just the feeling :Ihnti gulur, butlif shared in by three-fourths of“ is new beeéining universal all over the l _1 e atmyu The feelinsis {net-again; in in- i land. Ii ‘ '‘ , , ‘l : . , ' . . i - ‘ -~—-$- “Mb—~— te my evenfiuy—(Yn‘cmnah-Ingu‘ira. .g “60‘1”.” Lady‘s Book for June is 31- l g l fSc-nnior Wade’s till-cry is onl-neat. that :lready on our; fable, am; is fully up to ill : {lije Conatliuflun is suspend'ed, we s?°ul‘l'.'icham"°r {o+ i'bmutyfiand utility. ‘The l gifts to know; if?“ €01??? 2:12“ an irrés'uldouble colored lfnshion‘réplate is . splendid i ‘uvrmm niacin". as no powering" d hi u“ ~ . ‘ > tat don n'qt iii-Tu: from thngnsuitutiom hiya-‘1‘”? r‘xe F3213}, "‘ "I°,“ 3; : I. dif the anstimtian is unguided. the 1+ low, . ' " _ . ““5““? in ctions of Congress and the resident are ‘l‘ commnornry I '1 '3 pure 1!! 1“ PW, “‘1 mimendedu—nmncumali inquire}. tpeerleu mus dlmbelhshmeut.” ‘ i 1*" 15 A : ,f.’ 1‘) 11-91;"?le lflumlm‘om Mm r I;}ntc-x-lirqn ns‘a cow-ring fnr‘ ‘ Jinn. .Whrr c'm doubt which 1...-[ khe welfare of Hu- country, ' 1d improve 'gho mm: :nLJnntial' 110:: id‘t‘MVM-mnv‘m? The I) |m- lb-l-li Ea: ri;]lt:‘fl§tl|f‘(‘ons!itlluon in th} huh—Hun?” (f‘ 13:23th i ”q -‘;--'6— - «w, - his h =I , 7.. -- "PPM"? is nn‘ 5“!- \xhivlL nwnm‘rn Jurnpmr-d h) ('nn. (1110.113 mm ”PM“ ”“1 . . .‘ ‘ . ' I . :' :tol‘moxl.‘ by the Hu’nhlmm “”1 PM.“ "I 0'“! m“ (‘J r z. . Hm [tfill‘llfilhl “'4l::an tinnmzhamw. In Hm nlnn- “ml inn“; \énul‘l 91”] 3 :xmflnt}: p-nrin'j no ("19'5" {3m} undmeivsmk-NJ -. ‘mnmorpt Mm dun“ not fall I”an “null! :il,;\ in Hm ninzrninhr- (rum-lion! ”"1““: 'd ”“1 1‘ ' ‘ ._ _ (It-m 3! that zmk' rnnvl Law-myfi. Amigot \\'\‘ ~vhi~Llval~ in}! 'oflle fll‘uh' Imm] and pairi- whit 1.4.10“; wim mlzrou-E'l'ha'l. S'rvunt 11m 811 -‘l {V ~lt‘mh-i‘m .1 . ' ‘ A ~ : ’uluhmmfm 1n il'r- ”me hf H H“! {1}“! 1‘1“" L—aoknnwh-dging ,0!) .\lan- . w “ 1‘” v N "em? ; ‘ . I~ I». nun nml‘w he “an nm m invnr of roxtnr- ‘3‘.“ V “1.4 “I'.“ x,.. . . ' [anon and UN Lmr-n xf‘kh- I~_ 11m! ”Mt-ml. rim-(1d also. ' Tmt tin-I‘o he 1.:UIII '—:l n 4111.} I ' , I . . ' .' -' [ho to.“ intents mu] purl. 1“"; ‘ 1”“ MM , . ‘ . Q 1 . - ml. I‘Nl thvniq x :lmnn ' lmdvk. . .:u'or.\' 1: l‘”' ”m." “V? 3‘ ‘ . ‘ ' , . ~ .. I {'ll If the (mwrn’munt IN)” the m: m‘,’ gm“; 'ed to :x¢-mnlp!i=h thix result. 1.u~.ml tn lii ‘i ‘ nul ~c|it~nlo§ ‘nptml M“ 'm :uvd. tin-'u MEI Mil ilujoc'ta filth? nwmqol “ Pro :‘pr tlw (fuming munpnizn.— We wviKh: tho oppnsitinn now 1‘) :\ tithrlhy which thrynrr‘ to‘ film it will m'mm‘ littha’whnt #elvos—xf‘hezhor it ho Almli~ +5. I'nion or Republican.— .‘iothor nfimo wnulhllsmnll as livir fruit! 3'o shall know tln_m. :‘brtnin Congrewinnlnl (‘mnmit yen-s all the infnfnmfinn «m IIIy wantimnl it will bé'im jpnrty ‘ hioh hula inwartlml l 0 almfie the orlilhn which J to (ficalhy, 11. 'chm‘ging iid “révéclmlons ’l are Dvnm r those enmmEm-‘r-s were 67' tum and n majorfiy of one" le frlgnlls. defiging as Ere to ‘tlle oppoeition xhey . lukic. Whore ii n 6 escape. l ~., a...» _l~- —»-~ nisvil‘le Jmmml, (Ifrmtiéc's ts a serme nrticle'aguinst the or fusinn partv movement (which f 8 ‘rqunlly applicable voumnt} in this State, set on YJublicnni pm by leaders. The - ever, We are} bitterly disnp-l i movement.l it is in (mans-1 ' 1 ~onéoumgu‘umut to “fleet—l Vin-n a mah ilrnlns His propor‘ nos an (Alina, Jtho t ’ck gem-r 3: t his préper‘rlmr ctyr ha? in l{ioll become. obn x‘mm m 5‘ §bis metJif-qlnr finds: \\'lwn—‘ the-trick implies that samel rally, but uhivcrsrflly. Thew \ent, therefore, is, whitevcr g A ‘ he ' rf 4m, a, sth 4 we limit? boon locum; Mum! HI slglmty¢afinl part] ,1 of our ’(fiungy's {my 1'; tuuyifd in' Hm ls ninre‘tir‘ww in c ‘uctrincs 0:1 llu- JCh} "pvilling {‘9‘ the pvt ‘ xltiumte [l‘L‘nl‘nrmir imc- emf}! ‘vvd in a ‘ 0H Rm'J (2f sfivvri 'mw? t}ul;l|js\\'a‘f('d.g I :m‘ no tgfirxturimi ’pivh' “11*? paw uni i2ll tlw na‘xt phi-oi ~llxllly imu‘fimihlu N} t! dealsion Miami» mi man gotti CI'UAH‘I -£ sp: 11 the HAT IS. LOST B' Vlmgin ti» row/.0 I x 11w I'niun (‘l-llil . ”Inn's [lf at 0| \un‘.‘ TI MEM Miran Mm i- lullmfnj; \\ fm tin-N urn ('mn Mi»: ‘rmr l-‘r ti "r, 1"." I brwr—r ‘ finnnn ' ‘ 11.4.1 tn ‘l“lznr-11.,\Tr~(‘lr-HJH }m:w-«l in \' r 2." :1. .jln- 1 wqmswl m oxe .[\|r.:h-- u-~uhj~. It i.» ~ (Hp. r :1 [«rrw-‘v‘v-lml tn} :thvw{Mm-lath“ that Hu -1 C 1»! "rut" m luiflh lhl' new: I lthht .\lqli“ ”.\vlZfs. n :;~~E~1; 0" mm ngmn’ Um“ A!h"‘\. ".‘funn- xtzil Ile (‘1: (u nhlkn‘n‘in chm-1t- ‘gn I'm n-lu ; Ll}! 11m! 7‘ uyunt‘vri Img uln_n vuzjuumé- Jr Illu-l I v 41:0. doymmivf ofi no‘m ml; L'WH'MH‘. \y'.n-\n);ld<-.: rzll . :xl-H w .qug-‘vm-i In f-ri-j ry to vhf“ r'uw. ’l'th remitl n 1" llm‘q‘q‘um- a“ up whim“ Mun-h dw- ln-‘zrully ln-xfinln +4! l.‘:.m. «vumn :hthfo ro'bbk +H'fw 'u h- nhnun info Hm limh- :1 :u‘xxnit mjm-imm In .i‘ 11. 1.1” h lvle'pubn: h: In 1m: } "1 . FunninLV-nn‘ .h unflvr th-x :. Tim buyw ll\‘l‘l‘h\u~ not mr mu" :1 im‘r-«lnxtflht i<m I‘m-”n ‘Jn lvficnnlvinr'lutlg‘ fvlmmtllk :n m} is,lu~t‘lnr- ILHM? ul'fhe maul-.\ig‘n. “Ml:l imam“! a o.lqu :n a [-::-hum \ .mt‘, “1"” II [ht-xv idemlrlr in ups-1 [pun [:wnnmul. {Wm rr-linnrl;cl-JMcg‘qweH’s / $ 40 (:1!!‘nfll.li‘_ll‘::ln~1 the r. Lel 'mmmptuw. 'l'helinfinilo: inftomfrr-nve i~x hnhwlly all s l‘ur'vglt:._ln.-‘l-mnnob. Tho trulxl} \m-ttmtlw ‘\rnunfiry l dwinp: the pl't'sperly of. “'0 lpzp this much; :Inll‘ I'nw Um? llm war it. pwlmct xnting fqgvp fal‘Jan‘Azu-R to mgc: oflllnc gulf Skin‘s. 1 I . -. ‘ 1 ~ heard {that )[ttlc‘nlnn had a conjfiuldnfiinl jriond- in? x _ V ‘l l : ', ' pnlxry pf mmwm‘iq war. $O. Ittri i l 1111, i I. 111‘); Mir, (-qn-‘lmo. { " gun-ml yin M: rm] M" nhr'.) 11w: \ M nlnl liuécn lu- Minna; )’ {>lo4 (d 1y is mud chit-T uf 1h n‘um‘ll in {h ‘l army in} Ibnmlonanjn inhabitané~ low a]! tin-{l by the u-ér mountaingr Long ago, 1" 0.42 th will ushington Hi, Tull in Imule, f‘r‘lyc deposed t i! he shod] )1 the Cabal F"), “'aahihglon', Ihe menus‘of i dicnting h§s repuiuliion “hum i‘be still ‘1 . . The cmjn :iign ofitllp Mhsissixipi. _the st expeditin , and ‘IGC ‘enjplurd of the ts, m m-Il sis the onuipu‘igfl of Yojlfkito“ li, re all laid in t in mkinncmhnuchihs the! v 0 since evcjn mum] in fuel}. 'l5 r; ‘léplellan hil y he ccimpciicd to have rt“r . rse to this §sfllntemenh in Qrder I'9 vindi « e. the chamfctier of his fining}! in'one of 5* most ('Xititf'a}: nntl himfl'ddns pnixits. As ‘is, he and hfiéinriny chm? within an ace ”.f istruction dnfsimdngi; [health of; Minn—*- iie chapter is {'l cui'xouH midh: novdi one in p 1: Aerican liisgofy. (is all will admitlwhen ,it fully” innde chrmn. ‘ “L __‘ ' 'HAT A sotnmn's WIFE, THINKS g rn FROK HcGLELLAN'B COIN“. The main body of UrancClellan’sjrmy misfit Cumberland, :13 miles from Rich mond, on Tuesday evening. Skirmiahd hid taken mace during'flw day. and it. badl beui ascertained that the Co f‘ rates nrn‘ in‘lfipvy force: in from. And i knobs lint: :fliéy are gathering 3mm. vanable men; to dispute the passage to Bid oqd. NofihJ ing hm been‘lward from the-Alonitor. Tim L-ilesL—The latest. dispflch from Gen . McL‘lell .‘n's army is dated a; Cumberland, “Wednesday the Nth inst. Tannouhcing that the lxexgquarters of the rmy lmd been established there. This tow J: twentyvsiad miles {mm Righmond, tnd . L'lituatcd onl llle Pump'nky river, in New SOM county; five miles bplow the poinlt w are the. Richl mnnd and York railroad chrésxlw thé river. The main body of the Federisl army is said to be rapidly collcantrxnirig at a point. dmignatdd by". Gen. MoClellm‘nnd the ML mes guud under Gen. Sto‘hémm still 60m cupios’ the position at 'tlleM'lxite House. within sight of the (nnfodefite‘pi’ckots.— A fugitive due from Ricllmw reports that betwwn that city and the ‘ ‘cku'hominy, n rlimmco uf seventeenklll‘ltgtheflonfcd. emtps :tre encumped in lar ‘ orce, await. ing the advance of,the Fode‘itl army._ 1 The Repuhhmhs change t; eir name evpry ‘yonr. It \vnk Know Nolhin then People's ‘l’ai-ty. l Inn Republican" lb “Replflxlimn ‘nnél Pullple's Union," an ‘. eflt it wiH be ‘ slmight nut Aholitiouu A ‘x‘opublicam was the oth day heard to say 'x,ut they only wuined a me the name “26dplefs Union" for one your; nnd thatithe ’they would be ‘ prepared to (-all lhvmselv Abolitionihts— i that they wouid do it now. : _nl'y that it was ‘not exp-edicnl, and that. t] time for that hm] hm y}! (-Bmc. The ha xé“UlfiOn” {m piiod to {1.9 Ropuhlh 9115‘ . ridiculou-—n parvc-nion of‘tho tonn‘ ; foniif thme is any bully. in tlneYonh than has h'flmred and talk e'rffar the (Lawlutwn of! 9 3Union. that ‘mrrx 's fuuml in the .Rv ul‘dicnn ranks, ‘quk' loudwt about I’u n‘ tn-dny, pxeo ‘p-ntutm-y to Ahnlitionism i) the Full. 11. in» truly mtnnishing that m'e _ uh be fouml to :fonmv (hr long] (I! ~ll44§npl¢ly§bu§ it spams ' that tho yrvuth' itc inmnsL Zoncy the batter some men LkT n.—.l(7:i:.ta h Dame-owl. 1. , '» ...... , .t { ' < 1 Q How? AUTHORS ‘IFFER. ; : Tim Hcyuhij‘czm pro.“ sin: ,‘Hl’l‘hvre never ,wnuld have “lift-n rivil orvyéwhinnal war in i lhij country; 111‘ Jeff. Davis ind oghers of 1m; Etri'm. had nu dqmnded up 1 helrpohtical Nt'l'f‘ in the $01“: to hold the 'Ailndfi MGM'- eminent.” §. £ Q‘ .. _ , ' }ltrnMeJ mlj grant 9 nqccouity of for l platforms, Fin thi: paling-11d the ro’m- , fart that Qongrcss nrxying into effect Irngn platform than 'N'uution of‘tho War In 'or the 171 mm— . irritant in the tux'é‘iturir-e - I'n filly fix-‘2 place "(the Unitoi‘lSluma Illd'lm aliplir‘nlrh‘; si“ oxer-utidn um»! km 2 213‘ (110,1). all revenml MEDDLmG. m' nim'h Inn's lmrn' 1y tiw vhnnzv of '.' am 1' In» -h>m:llml Rwlflllrlit‘llls nf‘htv are :1)?! 6f quoting Douglas, 'l'poy cannot im -:u"+,h .lhtf crmli lulily of Uréirlouum'ihw . ”We seek lo oLnr‘m' from I)m;_vh>. thou-NV», wln-llu-r film “Hui-ulnlu'wfi lgmlma might _. chnvnxavdrtcui gecwwim. and war by u HUE asurmgvlegidl lmilm‘; and m- fiml Li‘s um ui‘ in a. wry: d'qln'urc'l My h'm in 11w i ‘nznv nu the 33* o‘l Jumwr'}. if ~1. mu 1} t‘ h' Ml’m- l)'{(£'tllu‘)i_ irilivyn #va3“ In: l-mm M .d 111tl:0\;luuc‘l .721:an “a 1 ,!. . I ;)\‘.K‘l| .131: At! 1.49:". 3 m: the Mud alum-Ky I Mk V: Ihi~ In Ln a (II 3 Mink «ffimim l)‘o :v‘jn-humn It you MM Ibumhl'mm‘ “-10:15nflli'ui'tfill‘.’ m :n my! Huh. n’ir Klu -13"!” Jun“ 1}“ I H‘ T'l‘h‘xl-n‘. um KNI'III'kV. {3.1.x (‘xialmul-:xl.j gray 11H! h “1...:qu are \fllnin: mM? : ' 11 “I :ultlu‘éu ILr~ inquiry ‘r. Rapilljlimns plum». inr llx‘g- lu-uwn Hm! i . thoCnm nibhw ui I'HHI-I-lIJAI fr“ tl.'\'\ “a" ‘I‘ZVERY‘N‘HXL rL‘ERc HU 'H'TH I: 5‘ WT”. "chiming! Hum; ‘h-um 41»!th 941-». [MM =. I‘AVifixunxl 'xfnmn'..‘<l.‘\,.r.-.dem.ir nmlinnm‘th ~.3. (mi I 11:0 I.lva ”sme nf Ipy m‘m-nhlb ‘flgnnd H'um KQ-mu. In [.\ir. (Twin Jul] .115 a ”1141 u-étlnmv m u: ”w mnfrnvo v. if xixtm dud upW-nhlaiinvivl by (1... New; way.) H)V!H:N‘l’s. ‘ "Hll4l, ill" .~ I‘u- Mil-rm h.lity,': [Hunk Ihr Lmfiuu'nz'J‘ 1, "of ‘mxr “if 'yx'N-rnq'nl, anti rlw (\n‘»\'§¢l§di- uh; m Hm . 99v hf a'mmnh'o :utjuflnn-hl, iih’ .\\ l'l‘dl THL‘ {EI’UBLICAX ‘I’ARTYJ’ ‘l i ' 1 119;? Wv hm o ruwivc-gl Hx_ly:lhuia Damo (m', “with”! :IL Indiana, ’.1., hyinur 01d {tipllxl Huh-35. Lm-l) of Um 71.110“ ficmm‘ru The part-r is largo axylfisnnl ymrint‘edz am] (‘g‘h hwlml with (-norng unit nbflily.‘ Th gulllunl _I) nui’nmm‘v of Irulz.l(.lflun'tf_:l tellimf b]?- nx-gan' zngllm I). nun-ml. nijd “e ask {or it u Tuinlsumel 5111:1101! fit' U. x‘ Lands. Suc u- xto yuu, ‘, Jveuh.” 1 ‘ ' E. ’ ...0. 3- , ;- - '- T’ul-k .L’mL—Ono s. Wm ! “I‘le u’y‘nl In New Ym‘k. v ed; and i» :n'g-lium 9“ lhe‘c ing mnnuy {I-nn. pin-mm raj (li‘luynlly; uflmn tin-mm; of ~ For: Wan-v 1) if the)" refuse” (ijlllnlyjfd! The Albany ; not the only Jim-son alga}, charge [uh been made‘ 35V]. definr‘e In ‘these matters a u; learn win; innocent men: i 1 b 5". the gnvornjncnt agen mice [lacy csznpéd . i 4 «a» fl 1'; :_h A. ! ;‘j..11/:n’{{{:ay.i.§in at “Tit/ting n._‘ 1h the Hausé, at \\'n«h‘ihgton,',nn Fridail' ‘e-ék, Mr. \Vick lid'e, quy., :4qu he had ju been informed that (“y/Lt luau/1 ed slaves iro Mdrylnnd had m‘gde their escnpe to that ci 3', and the mili tulfi' nulhéritim had arreste those who hid littenxptml to recover the'm . \Tfio men had bat-n n-cgmly nrrested‘fbf ndeavoring to [elbnvor them and placed ix, arisen and re legsed without any explnpiho'n. M‘The enemies .of tin Unionl North [and South‘ are uniting for vigorous rand fixinl- gtruggle against it. ' '- eltrue Union- Suh'ors, the constitutionnl -' dofthe nation, arts ruliyingito the supnort I the Old Union aghiinst enemies on both aid 3.. ‘ The Shibbo loih Ly which to know apa iot now is, “are you for thefiUnion of. Was ington, the Old Union. the American Uni-j; One and indi vxtélible?” If any man I) :i ittités, prevfgri eaten. or explains before h: hays yes to th’gt question, 19% him down as}: disunionist. ‘ . ~t -. ...>- ‘w.—— : in The gieveismd L 543”; 3 .mmtiaja Abolition sheet, says the rJitex‘t acts ofCori mu, freeing the negr'oes iii: 1 0 District of Columbia, empowering th§:tn|to carry the mails.&c., “are the noblestqht ofthe Ameri can Congres's since the De’qi: ion oi" Inde pendance.” Whatdd thejyh' men of Ohio think about it? _"'{j ‘ ' 1 .. .1... #W'H‘é—f— ‘ . Q‘A didpatch‘ from (fin. Wool atoms that tho .Federai troops we okcupied suf- folk. This place is in Na twentyl-um 11111198 muthw I“: the poa'ixt of‘junctgio a'nd Weldon: and the Norfo railroads. ' fi-A sweeping bill has qeen treported ii) .the seam to eonflsgato @ll9 property (if those‘ in‘ rfibglfion, free fieir slivss. and arm neggoga to (like part than. . ! P-hv—‘O. » , , 30-111}: fiepubliqoqrcal . ‘r - “ligople's” State Convqntion in Pa lunid. studi— busiy avoid} all allusion , [the Cowhi tion. ’ g $5.. ‘ABOLITION ‘m - rtnn,” a.Gov.;(~rn~ {as hvfl'x nrrost urgn of extort:- of); acqusod of F uling {ham to, to pay the sum rgus says he is SLWhom this In the full (iv?- foldeq, we will a-r fixéd upon and at, what : mbnd countfi, L frym Norfbll‘f. of the Notfogfi - Mid Richmo • 4 “ LOCAL DEPARTMENT. whit-win Scluml Slatcmrnts, for School Directors—n convrniv-ut form 3in manly printed—fur sale at. the Cour-1L” unite. I _ .V xA. H > 5 [Q'Tha Summer Sesa'mn of Pehusylvinia College commenced on Thursday. 1 g fifii>4n§l Dmu. manufactur’es “Dan" on a large acid}. in [big place. "it: pronhun. red It first-Intenrticle by those WM hmgé grim it. See his udfunisemém. ‘ ’ E, gar-Mr. S. SHEHPY is now Iqady bank's cellebmed Wnahing Michi‘ out Adams cdnmyl It'll said to b ximl. See ndvertisemcnl. . , ”The bells oftowu were rung " in rejoicing dver the war new: r‘ day. . V fifi'l'he corner-none ofthe Germi ‘edgChurch in course of'ereclion m: ‘was luid.on hfulurdny 1351'. Re“, . ; Len preached the sermon, and Ravi 1 I um; oflicinted at the earner-stone. dance wu quite large 3nd the 4:01]: faome. The edifice is 30 be buily iwhich abom‘ms plentifully there '3pfltiou3;t&a‘l€ffll, and creditable and congregation E EQ‘TLe ind intelligence of (h iLicut. 3335:!" [human was me lyesterddy. He died at Quincy. IlJ.‘ .trpm wounds rewind at the bait] His‘rcmnim, it is expected, will urri‘ 'fevening. _. 1%.“ an election heid on “(iii a President and Direétars of 1 Branch Railroad Company fur t )earfllic tbilowing.geulfcmen wcl President, Capt. A. '\V:' Hiclieligcrl tors, Messrs. Jacob‘ Young, un-I George D.‘ Klilu-felfér, Jucdywir Myers and Stephan Keg-fur. ‘ gay-Col Tlmnms Jame-SUI}, for m Ircsiiiqnt of Yn'rk, and havingQGl‘ReJ t 1 ‘ 51min; Clerk uf the Coma, m.” anicida m. hi: residence, "EA!" Lum lhlliluom Gunny, Inst .\lundlny \V'cr I FATAL Acumlax'r.—.m‘ mm ‘ its consequpnre-I, oct'urred on ‘Wm‘m noon, at Ins; week, ucar Uun‘lzu'alml .\lilplu-im .flm'nqhip. The u‘lglnrtuxL , was: a nun numrd John H. Hollin‘gvl rol'Cmrohnfloum'v,‘.\lnryiund,‘my“! m:- lthr‘ i'enmylvnniu liuc._ Bolling” 3! in limc: ‘mtgon. n‘ud uasfrctuijning . kiln with 41 Inn] of" that mind». nil ‘ pl‘nro nborg named. helmush h‘xu'f‘ f 3 his seat and lu‘rn either run m‘ér by‘ : “luirh is I.s:)lusl)lc,‘ur (hro‘y‘il ‘\i‘lh ‘ll-:ncc to Ihc'gmun‘d‘us' to‘ flunk izlrnH m-ur th'e sllo‘ll-lt-r tin-i pmihn X rinus injurioin. (mt-n torrildv cumusin ‘hend. “'ler: tlu‘cbvrlrctl. Ilff‘Wd3 ‘ ‘il is rummeod that hp ,djed nlmo. nflur nccixing the my- A (‘nrezw ’\vns held m‘t‘r the nuluin<,uml’ n v mom] in accprdnncle' will flu: Eula lcqnscd was .zupp scul to hl‘ (\llmu‘ 'ymlrs ufnfir. and ban left In lune. fx ‘sibting nfn mic and t‘uuhceu ‘chnldr ' I"},('znmx. ' , ' ' LETTERS FROM THE A ‘31:)“;in foliowing lettur was writ .\ru'a Nir‘inzvm’rn. offilpt. Vlmi'rz lu‘my,lol}!l’a.‘l{egilm|ln.in“9an L‘UIIHILH, to his ’mo’tlmr and .hruth plan 05“. , v ' Nun ’\VlLrnus‘rrtm‘ VA)‘."III\ .Drar .‘lulhrr and llm/l)rr:—Wt- In Inn: 0! mmch on Sun-1.13- mumfi rhnrcc on ‘u x-c‘xml fort about No our (-mprhm “cro gruun} «Hmm fihding :hcéxobl-l.‘ had (If'FL‘I’XLNE it: in double—Quick. having ou'r ‘MIHIHJI —}nnd hnve' hm gm- NIL-m plain“ Lluthes in ”mm. Tim Inight no @lOll fiL-h], ‘wnhnu't hlnnLcls (m me it raihed 3qu night. In the mummv the cannon? in our ndhnnrr. mar “{i‘ W:- smrled in the rain, all “m. Ah“! . hehl of‘hnuh- : hout B’b’clmk in the: The rth-h fought'hqul. In) ing ova ”tree dim-nut. Ufincs and our men , Wm) were‘dgn’wn Ii!" iallllclof hum». m 1 Lohin-I a small strfp ofhnn It, wh mvnincd fur hadhn houé—mnl the robl iug “e “on there, threw -shclls £1 thirn-two pound! shm_, gm'pc lind‘ afnnng us, the shrlls hauling ln-hil from of Ht, “nunaifiy .\anurn I 0m; Coh‘puny. in the arm. 11c “as min from ll‘H'. and the no“ shut wn two pound mhnon 'hnll‘, right ‘ovvrl n'nd smwk hhoen feet helm“! megw the noxtmo‘nhng. Thc‘bnlls mum: 1 hi“ through the lrces. 1 We; were‘ ylhen man-bed IMO t “here the battle was in full hlaiu. 1 of firingl the rehelsgave wey.npd on their fort: nnfl batteries, luil took po the field li'il murni ‘ , when-wee ha vc knulter brluh umllem, but the} we buried oh: dead, and theyflel‘t th field. We buried some of theirs, i) there being «my m»-_n'y. We took w'eunded, and did the but [Ol them after we attended to our ow‘ . l 5 lost from ten to lwglvyhuldred € woundedhnnd fiom what i [Hi the i from twelge to fiß‘een huqdred in: wound. ltouk n wnlk owe: the nest morning,_nnd Ihe rebelsfwere I; mostly shot in the head and Wrens!” as (old as In wedge. ltlso pained; hi the rebel you’nded were iyidg, and} could see a‘mpumu‘on going in: in_ fj lay a pile of legs and there a {pile bf‘ We then started aficr the rdhels it: and, raising; the Slain ahd‘S‘uipes: 4 liamsburg, went. on towards Riyhgu having gone fur, they'fiuding i‘e werle cop they threw‘nwny. five of theig heavygnm any qfiuntily of wngonu "and 'knnpsdcks.’ keep fliem moving in double-quick time, can": come up with lll'em. We iuwnd ha a finishing stroke at Richmond, gwhich‘ tench themn lemon they never will forgei Pc'rlmps this yill ‘bé clue that yobujviu {row—"God only knows—hm I am dam ed to fight an [mm as] I can 4! Richmond or die. ijr'boys are in 3:01:11 spirits. :1 think the war will be event :Iwa we» Richmond. ' ‘ . . 'ya'r'rha following In mu; Mr. 105"] “Inn. of 1319 sums CompuTy, Lo‘his'ufii near this plum: ' ‘ z; ' ' (‘Axr Ix rj Wodns, ’ Near .Wiflinm’sburg, Va. “my 9, 1863. ‘nm Im:——w. left 0 Ip Winfield Ilse-org on Sunday Inst, mid occupied the for? at; Yorktgwn without opposition}; The rebe‘s ré-g} tmhed to Willinmsburgfiwlfieré they fought} from ml; on Monday moi-hing hntil néalr 8i o‘clpck nt’night. WV: .301 to the backfield? about 3 o'clock in 'ghe nfmrdoon. Thq rbbels’ came very 1:10;: to us, find in_ {rare In tMEbnt—l fl; shout gin-co hours. Thebqllets new so plow} ta“ 111,13” had wrnot ntogpjed H. 000? a": wa: did, the Captm'n 3nd myself woulyfi not file inl e‘erui‘y. IBut. we all escaped Rim hut? a»; cépt Junxmh “than, wloyuiyoqud hi the afin. He is nav doing wen—fans nu ‘lhu! re}: ofthe boy: Ire well. , _ I 7‘ r - t 7, The- rebel: fought very hard‘ but they had to leave, sad we eu’cnmped an the grounrl‘ umil n'ul morning, when we smrugd that them. We hare been chaningltbc. ever pince. Whélher'wc will June aanth fight i 3 Very rim to mu. u il'luppogcd they willffigm sfnmewhere 4doni_ls miles this side of Rich mond. . '. iWe winton the battle lie the next thorn ing. and I must‘say iL wnfl'ery nick‘fining flight. llorMLand men were Tying dew! side if: aide. The rebels ie'fx willing: buirymg their dead, and in» their hurry left a largo fiimount of wing and ammunition behind. ‘ Ew— I'fi' dsy our forgenu-e bringing in rebei pfilan _’§‘:‘”"- The’r'bel loss ingabout three times n 9 . heavy as cum. lam u true lYlu'un Soldier,’uud ? éfiillflo all I ctui to nine our country. i Io sellfl‘nl— l' lhrofigh. i wilhtfiulfi ___ i n “oddity, eh'cdS than. .E-Rgén‘m- : finn- fplluw‘m; utmc! refers d) i“?- 30m AlNoumnrmorly a? this county, “15% i'cll ht the battle of Spilnh. I: is taken Imm Het ter written yo his aifler, Mré. U. A. m by n‘Trimd ‘ . ew mister ACOB m:- ‘. [Ligan- Thc atten v lion him!- of grlnitc, I" widl'be . ‘ . lfl'r'rsucnu Lupin“ T 2" ‘1 . I. >‘ .Mgrll 20, um. ‘1 It is withzno small dogma of ngrL-t lI hen you these lines. You hnve’hcn‘rd 1 .fgrc'm'hnulv: which took place (inhibit! fie like gm: nnd»7l.h..df tlfis montlb—hml pt hon have lief-n anxion: (thnr {rum sox :J'yonr friends, that May ler been there, .. ...“ ‘,lan ful field n? blood and cmrnnge. lt thereforu LbechL-s my painful duty to inform yoj 'hnl‘ bout—brother, Jon) 0. .\‘uu, tell (on the“ lib qf lffipril.) fighting like a hem, hvoundcd“ [Hood . 'clhw by him and snw him ffnll; he cullod lo L line not. to lum’c him.’ 1 huru him frmh lho lfield nnd snur him comfnrlnhl)‘ fixed nnd lnul' “the surggon to léuk nihis whuuds—hc yrénun icedthbm fatal. A braver 'lfi’nu never (lint-ml "n bnule firld than John 1“ Néel. l snw Wm nll lthrough lhufight—hc never smm buck uneFinch, d thut (:Ith to his comrades ti) mil.)H nmnnil lhu h‘fld flag." and «lie mlhcr‘tihgln run. . I thyught in! one lhne that he would cnme Olltj-lllflIllll‘lZ: Ilmtjgsl :H “glory pr-rchml "on unrfi Imnnil'r nu ' new nnlort-d to. full bark, and at ill-«l iri-ugmt your I.smm, “ill! rhrcc- of his (‘omrnllw‘ fill, struck. by u. Slltll, null llmt‘vslu-ll Wxls thé' ln-i “that lhe‘enerny threw. The hut I saw 065m”- ’brothor ,he was put on harm of“ “annihhzh and taken tv .\l'ohnd t‘lty. when» he Alu-nl. - 1 I the tOw•n MIS -ivcd here on FrJduy, 01' 8%1011, ehcr this my la la Hnl over xc on 0 ch ,uing Sen 2 UZI 11 ‘FO . Dm‘ -' Hey, I ‘M. rs n as of [h d |lny 5'9 I?! 1”“ ‘ ‘cnmn ‘ Grey :11. fit «lay: 11. in Me ,\' DE Iter ‘lL‘hl gimlzulnfyou LLuc M 4 :l Imzing hmt~he|l——u u lune Inst .1 hrnw cnmrmln: all uH'u.\n,\l!th “liquis Volunuu-ra. mum‘in \\ilh _‘?l|.—‘«[.\,.~ n uhrisliun l \riil my . to _wu, put yourl "153': In HM. “chill hmrynu ilnrzwzh‘ynur Almllr linn. But {l'4l usyncdlhhl ‘vuu'r hml‘flw'jv um; “all guluju t‘prgol‘. 1 ' . l'.‘ H. I —b -f— v ‘ The Unioni Mangof ‘Kegtuckyf‘nd 'D¢mo- HEM -r,‘:\ vi hiding‘ lEMI =I EMI lung Lhe it the ME be“, I nlh-n iiEl the W. ,such gull. vlu his cratic Vi'céorics i'n the'Nßth. 1 The s‘lmfiri) nfnl Hgfiflhll‘ l'ninn "1‘; h Inf Kentucky lluilhilfl [uznlifidr ph-zwuv Hid“ 1| - luriw tho Democrat} :Ll"(";l|I'hlcVillg {n ”i" lu (‘ul and Inmyiripfil elm tinn ‘iu the North Hlc-nr wlmt lln-Ir’rd h- um} n-liuhgu ur:nu,‘l|u [Andy \ xllr lhmm‘rul. 5:131; in u Htr nlunlwr‘ ‘ l' xv- I M 3 1 i mu] mllv m up( nim’l MEI ‘3 in. rniiéli l Tm)“ FM "W - mjniw (u «14* that throughout lhv fi‘nr'h 1111:!)1nnu-1'11t’,‘ ur {unnoxynhm flll‘ \ci‘lfinihg jiv'ulim nu Ins. ilnfmthl‘ll‘ lu (hr pm (If lhu ruuntry 'hun thou.- pnuml h.» Mun-1y ‘filhu I'L Iu 1h" Srmlh The 'riunrhn. lhllrlnrv, u'f Lm Stalin-m Dohuh'uhy ls! ,iI-clf lnumglh h. ihu ('nnrlimtmn. It i 1 [ll “1:114an 11) thu ln-uph: in the rehrllnh ANN-m lrlmt 11h- 1r rightadn-i ‘1!!|Illllhlt’l\‘~\f“; Ju- [lri-~4-l\ml.,': In su-m! u! Khronu-ning (ht-m 1 \\ ith thrvhim 4.1195” urn [mun rlul ~11 Minn. nu: waif wrung:- uh; u’n} n'fh Ts, V undrr Ih‘u ichlu-r uj [he Lolitalill‘umh.‘ jusln-u- any-1 qvunily. ‘[ 1 , 1 ' “Excu'lmlfly Ihr‘ ultrns M (-u(-h .\H-liun‘ will he can]; L-lhul m mmprmnitu upuulthb hulk-v Hnrh vull IvnEu. lhruluh illnudJlllQl :uernvj, ,th lht-ir'nuu llln-x>l|Lvr-.1-.;.«,t hr n.lnnd out. The um mm‘lgnuiknu 1.1111 l‘u- mhlqucn nl, 1r: nu \etvrli‘h a: [Lulha (Minn)! «iv in um.‘ ‘ gsgi EMI EU on U i~ . [\‘d ”115 EITE I= o, 15. (1k 'nl‘ 1:}: 'HH, ZS i~ ~sJqux :It [mull-:11. “In"? x ‘\anld ho Mikn- l , 111-“) |lll'd.|l“lfln'~4 ot'nur ul‘hllCJ‘ ugmluliim ~ Lhnnn i_n (he um o‘f the ”’l‘ wind. :1 thhnlvr {cm-hug m Ilium-“ply “mu-‘,“l‘h lu-wli.ur;);:.w - Inlncsi. lt“.snvu;:tlzcnn “:6 in 114- hulmw 'lml wlmu-I rr pnllunun x!" no) _'\ m- in MI" ~l|l um , #lle the gin-5n funnl.nih o|] :mflu‘l H) Inn‘s! pulu Ht ‘3 ' ." ' HchA!‘ _‘_--L‘ ‘ v; from ,1 on niuu- Vt- “4 ‘\s "‘l I! ..u .ud, ' ILOM. I M ll an nml (um! ‘JUST 29113332. . = Gennral 3110191141131”- 4 m Vil'hfl'ivjfi Imm had Um I Hl-rl 01' Mum‘s: lii! ¢l(-ll‘.ll‘l|'1~ In tin-ix: kin-m. (M Purim}: “wk Mr. Lulu-jnv? pifvrml. mud“! In] Izouu- urluplml. u l‘t‘gfilguln'rn (enduring sinner? Hun kg; @(h'nerul Mc- Clellan iur the di~vltiy ‘Lijlhmc Myl. ”Mum.“ quu’i/{m filth-h mcnn [in/14:34:11.1 ruulb Uf'in ’v ’ Mlle sawing-é qr’lmmun Iy}. 1 \‘v'lmt-r.rv;§ulh :1 ‘ uiLuu- i~ tbh to tho- m[ili{lniwgklfl :Iqu Km huumnnly ol'thf- Cnmmhniding (irnmafil, .mvl ‘i'lmt a nuhukn tn the fmfiiun“lnic}n|ll}-ml.l -ed to displnm‘ lmn i'rn‘n: tlw tw-Infipufil at. ‘tho army. 'l'hc connu-yk‘nu 710 w ”iv Un brilliamt {min of mnnllllisT of ll‘divll‘l—Pw‘lnn- In'bti‘onhspent in orgnmljnfi Ilw army Quin. ting it for the "('hiewn‘tvm o! ”I('.~0i':‘:)ri0lh yesjtms ; and «MM tlmmkiinu the L‘unnlbmnd» ipg G'enernl, it. cnnnbti but. mhfihte Ins wohderfui courage uhd patience ‘fimJJ‘r assaults that “ould have unnorvv‘flfl [cu l'eSOilitß man; nur can; it "will dwflidng the cabal epgnggd in lIIC‘JIIOI {u dagmdt‘: him. ‘fu-ngmn, r Lv 101'): ‘1; it, luc- (Mu and I‘ cl<,vk nd r 4 :- IsH-r, l in hird it,i al Ili 1 F. the n-lljli my 1" .1 "re ‘V . lhi‘ EMI ME t ll)‘ 'k n: e ig 1 II tlk EOM ron pee! flail; . ‘ _- - «it: ‘~ -~ ‘ Wkn imam!” [Ht-14in}! qfconsm-vmiw: member“: 0 gress “ms. lwld in \cfl'ae+lli}\ll' ton on Satui‘day wcekfi‘dr Hm pun-pouc- ‘fi-nu spltinpz‘as (n the ‘best 19am to defexrlt the bvhemm of (he Seceasi nigh; am] A 503 A ists. About fifty mo bats were. pf! composed of Dc‘mocm‘s, :1] fyion men the border Slam ind Even-a 1 congwn RPpuhlh-ahk. . That vegerablo [-zgtrior‘, J. Critt'onden, 'of Konllbcky, preaided lIE IMO 1.1030 lined label Ii leg] Zlll and nTmr‘un harmonious iby-rcl'langemf-nti ment, ’1: committee-mm? appointed gt? draft. .reet'dulion?= and répogt an ant adjoinrnod meeting. The main pu’rpose (if them eting was to procure a concentration of'th «our, 'scrvntive vote in 01-pm-lilxtion to the rtfljval abolition?! and coufiscntitm" measures ' leli‘ch3 kthxe ultrns‘are enduavqxjing to pass through' Congress. , ‘ , \ ' ‘ ”M ’“‘" " “..'? I. 2”" £l. ‘_ fiber )on New rml 10! l astc, iwu xol "131 and We but. Why the Unity} Sm‘tes Soufil'p, on “'edndsday last, Mn, ’\'ri‘ght,‘of ‘ln’gfiuna, presented 1 petitio’h {la y numerouslyisign ed by citizens of 573’s . priying Cofigress Vtolce‘ase me igitation' ‘f; the sStun-115mm»- .Ji n and give attentio. ,w the "mix-Anion {of the war, and restori g the Union the 9 old basis. 115 said hel believed the} peti— él tion embodied the sq Liments of aq‘lemt 5! twor hundged and fifg‘f thousand, 6 the 9' papulation bf his aim Suite and thetswe i' bf lliinois. =-; - ~ i ' .4 . ~ —_s‘--—< . ..- -~‘- .. - l 'l Sum“ n Funnwa—Miu M. “flagged 1..)8 yearn, committed linicihe up Frederic I!” ,d on Monday night lan, by‘iakin‘; laud-mg. h J tppoarl sinfwu the betrothed bride 0r 1‘ 31'0“!!! i‘ min tuned Dennis Stung}! 50”?“ i“ ”1,91 ,3“; T enhtiay,wlaodieda few 11-31 ognlrom Wand. 1 halved in mm. The fist-miner u!" ‘M 5. the funeral of her loréi lb;° PM“ In” ( ll {5 under hiahqsmsndnmlrwiu'dfldnl long 1 mm“ mm‘, find when he; own death 1 { m. g? covered, the photograph ff her bottom Vnu I found under her head, £51110“: gflié‘l in): 1‘ 11:“ it should be 'lhtzmd’ with ' 11¢”. ilmaina. '- .\ I‘ ’ "é; ’ " flwfl ii- ‘fi'Tho WNW! Abqlit, nit would not In" tho-omm: my :; “myriagis of worlds." nng will m M7l tier, MS I” ”6 "WWWWWQA: itil I! t I'} llml I II the d, on Imp: Le of “the , MEI «out, MB 121112 MID mid i say! tor :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers