7=2212 -~ 'V Terms- i The Comma is pubiinhod every Mondéy morning, by Hun J. Snuu. at $1 75 per annum if paid strictly ix Abuses—s 2 00 per annum if not psid in advance. No subscription discontinued, unless at the option of the publisbex, until all arreargee are paid. , Anvnimsxnxrsinsertedattheusqnlmm. Jon Pluxnxa done with noun” Ind dispatch. , . _ ‘ Ornc: in South Baltimoi‘e street; directly opposite Wamplen’ Timfing Establishment —~“Coxfmun Puxrmu o"pr ”‘on‘the sign. New Store! EW GOODS AND QREA'T BARGAIRS! ...The undersigned would respectfully announce to‘the citizens of GettynlSnrg and mrrnunding‘country that he has opened A NEW STORE in (fettyshurgjn the mpm istely occupied byJ. C. Guinn & Bro., an the North West earner of the Diamond, wherg he will keep n large and well Heiec‘ted flock of DRY GOODS, GIIfH‘ERIES, QI‘ESNP'WARE, CARPETIXG, &C_., l E of every do-cription. ‘amnné whirl)» wil’ be found the latest styles of Spring Good-x The Ifntlics partichm'ly are requested to call and examine my stuck, my I feel satisfiuyj it has never hr-(n surpaswrl ju'this plum- Mflsr-nmy and chenpnmi. “outlemen, also. an: m neat ed tn cult. n 4 lht-ro is no. article in tlu; fine of NESTLE“ li\"b' WEAR lhutlhcy c nlq'ot in. Itc cummodutcd with. at prices that will ustnuisb them. ' I “ill nl=n lien; on lmnrl a large supply of CROFERIES. “Much will he sold very g'lmnp .\ly stock 0! QI’EEXSWARE. &I'., Will “ho ~lla‘ fnnnd lmndmme, durable‘ and cheap, whilst myjéfA RPE’I‘LVG rmmm he surpn used. [Lie my intention 'to keep u first clues Store —l§oepinq on lmml nothing but good goods— and tu‘ sell (lump—4lm ing mloptul the motto— “Ql'lf'lx' ' SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." [_wuuld rblpcctfully Foljcit n shan- of thg public [-:ntrmmgv. n: I hnpc by striqt "m. ntiun‘ lo hudnv-aa nnrl by dclnling hune=tlv with my cus!omur<_, to g 4“: <nli~hgmn tn :1”. h! H '1” EL ~SI'ANG LEI! Apru 14.1 w Gmat Bargains! Bum; ”FF \T msTJ‘o ('LOSF. BI'SY- S _\'ll“>‘,-—Tho unuh-i‘aignmi. having dolormin ed to rhu- fllr‘ir Im~im~~=. “'IH nfl‘vr their entire ntnvk of unnda AT (INST‘FUR CASH. ' TINI abnw (-mnprisv" every \mirty of goods kept in :\ hrJ-t'l Iw umntrv Stnrl-—:-m'=i=t"ng in mrt 0! DEV _(LOHDS, QI'EI‘LY‘WVARE, INHH'S A SHHES. I‘I’T‘LERY, HARDWARE, n“ u! \\ In: In “‘5l! lw MM M rmt yurivea. nr lc>§ fur the Huh. mzémnm s: srmw’u. 55E“ “'0 “(mm horn givr- nnlir‘n to 111050 'in d: lm-«l to us. oilhvr‘hx Note or Itrmk rim-(mm. 1n I'HH Ind cnm.» Ilu- ~.um~ ns't-arly :IS po‘sihie? I‘nilfith April Hi lb'h‘l. i V R kg. New Gnodq laLarge Stbck! EIK‘IIANT.TAILORYV’}. RI - ~gIAPKHIS & BRO. 11m v ind rmwh‘m] t‘mmélslu-liho<nhrpc stuck n' 'l4-th fur “emu-men; wen, embmciug n uriexv uf . ‘ v * (1.01115. 1 , ’ ‘ . Emsnixmcs, . - YES‘TIVGR, . (‘ntqinnifl Jame. .h‘ . \\ 71‘! many ulhz-r 5500113 fut ~hriizz ~wai,<'l'n'nvr “'l'nxrf ‘ r ' Tln'v :lro pn-pwwd to make: up garments :1! the drum-«L “okra. and in fun \‘pryho‘t [inm- Ilcr T 1- Fn-Ihin'w :-rt- ru‘zuhrh' I'hfl'i‘ v-lfand rlnlhinq m n-‘J' in nnv druilr’il “HI-Y Th"? rfl “-:wtm r‘u- 111‘ nt tib. whilst tlu-ir sewing is‘icm‘e to HE anhfi \m'mL ‘ ' - TIM-x" :xsk .l bmnhumnu‘t: of the pnbfl”: 1M- Iron-lg». rumln-vl hy gum] work and nmdpmu: char-:0: to NH i}. "I . _‘ ’ - Uettplunrglwril 7. Imm. ‘ i ‘ _ ___ ‘ Rr‘qtnnrant. m: Pu \\H:FR\'IH"|N: smmz'r RRSTAT‘. T I! \‘x’T. (n-wmly Hrk’onmdo‘s.) in Hm J:\- m'!.: .luiUEur. ("hnmN-rrhnr: street, is now can "H'h' l in ”W unrh-rJunrd. ‘ - 'OYSTJHL‘: :Vrv- than m: 'm «H :tfloc: « V ‘ l‘lllf'lfl'l‘lflt‘l‘f‘lY. REV!" TUXHVE, x TRIM"~ “NEH-II) Ffi‘is. :md ’ ' .\ .\‘U'Et ULAQ§ or? .\Lfi. .f‘ I'n n'gzwv‘: ‘w I‘ml. 1‘ H‘in. Th" Swinun lles 'lvrm rr-p Hutu] :uul litw-d Imin fixw en la. p ' (SPUZIHH JAL‘UUH. . , Gm!) \‘lllf'g. “er 7.-I§~'i‘_‘. ME } Bargains! Barg fins; 1: .\Ts. ('\l's. Imn'l‘p‘ \\‘h .\‘imfii: , h]: LTu'll'V'x" \\'H TRAVELIJVH il,\'l\' —— “.Hinw in‘u ru-vv‘izml :I \‘(lrr Y’lrvfr- ~upplvur lin nlmro «:nmls: nu .n‘v prvpzl'lml h. ea-H them In“ or llmn :n‘r 5,! l m 131 i: Mum. \I" slack is mm! ("mum-10. eluhruing vu'ry a!) le 015111115.1 e Huts mag-Ir. 1‘ ‘ H.\ 'l' 2" o .\NKI (2mg, cmxaidihq‘ u‘ :Lll the Inge“. :l)lefl for Spring mul Summt‘r.’ ' 5 ”OUTS ,\ \',D Sno 159-, (at (Ivrril'finvn. L wfivt HM § hvl-Lfl-n.» ("itv-III.I1."~ jlll" F. ILH'rn “-.an Iron) 27» ('l‘Vl‘." up. THYVK< nl'vwrv «1(-~\r».»t-(yr_x :xm'. Linc]. . 1:513“? 11l n“ (mammclt u: lnngjin . at Ayn-“ 21.13403." ' 1;. I‘. \lclnulaxv's. Tre w- - e“ T 1663 llyeS. HE hnd'rznad invite ram-Minn tothci‘r lnrgr mu we“ grown Hock 9f _FIIL'IT ASD ORNAMENT“?TIN-lEI, Shrnhsflkcq cmhrM-im: u lmqn :mrl (-mm‘h‘m n 5 Krimont «If APPLES. PE \RS. .PEAPHF“. PJgMS. CHERRIES. AI'RU‘UTS. find .\‘lit‘. TARIXES. Stundiujd for the Orchard. and Ihvixrf fur the (:ardvn. ENGLI‘H WALXI'TS, SPAXIEH (‘HI-ISXI'TS., THZLEVI'TS, km. RASPBETHUEK FTBA‘VBERIHES. CTR RANTS and GOOSEREIUH HS. in great ‘nriety. (mm-2.: of choicest. kinds. ASPARAGL'S, RHKB’ARB; kc, k 9. A‘ko. :! fine stock of well fo’rmed, lm=hy EVERGf‘J-ZHNS, suitane for .the C mom-v and ann.‘ - l-JIEEIDUOI‘S TRI—IESV foi street planting, and I. geneml fliinrllmmt nf , Ola-guru Tunas mu menmxr; Rrrnvni. ‘R().ES, of choice ~\'arieties, CAMELIAS, BEDDING PLANTS, gr. . . ,Onr‘smck is rem'lrknkly thrifly and fine, And we om-r it m. price-5’15) <uit the times. WCnmlngucs mailed to n” applicants. 5 Address EDWARD J. EVAXR 8: CO., Centml Nurseries, York, Pa. ’ March 24, _lB6l. t,f , Natrona Coal Oil. WARRAXTED NON - EXPLOSIVE and .equnl tn nuy KEROSENE. :WHY buy an expjosive Oil,~when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with a perfect ‘0“? Made nnly hv PA. SALT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, No. 127 anm- Sun", PHILADELPHIA. _[Feb. 24,1862. 1y ’ Sapomfier! Sapomfier! HE FAMILY SOAP MAKER.—-All‘Kit_cheu Twréue can bound; imo good SOAP, by 113 mg SAPOXIFIEBI - DERECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BDX! SOAP is as easily made with it as mtkinga cup of coffee. Manufactured only by the Puenwes. PA. SALT MANUFACTURING ‘COXPANY,¥O. 127 Water” Sn, PHILAD'A. Feb,‘24,~18¢2._ 1y « - Pawolvers. NEW lot of REVOLVERS, of different styles, embracing ‘the latest, fecei‘wd at A SON’S, northwest corner of the Diamond. Blvi‘nfi pu chase! for cash, at the best rates, fie i. piggy“! to gel] as low as the lowest—if not lower yet. Drop in kind exnmine them for ionfselves. No trouble to show gods. ' Jniy l, 1861. _»__ 7.‘._. - ST PREMIUM 'awnrdgd to Tyson Breather: by the. Ménallen Agricultural Society, Sept.‘ 1860. find by, the Adams County Agriculturgl Sucigty, Sept, 1861, for best Ambrotypes and Photogrxphs, ovér afl omen on' exhibition. __ ‘LL the he“ Patent Medicines can be had u the new Family Drug and Prescription tone of 4 Dr. B. BURNER. ÜBSTION' ASKED AND ANSWERED.— " Why is it that H. G. CARR sells HOSIERY lo c M) for cub? Because he buy: for cash 11nd bait nothing bin t good ntich, 3nd sells a nut: short.profit. Lune. And gentlemen, ‘n him u call. Donfz forget the plum—.- Elght opposite the Bank, in York st. [Now 25. 131!IMlililiil BY 11. J. STAHLE 44th Year- @7112 ' mg nmsx. AND AWAY! 4 [There is a beautiful rill in Barbary, recei‘ imu a lame basin, uhirh bears a name Sign in: “ Drink; null awny !” from the grant dun or meeting. “ilk rogues and as'suuaiusé- Shaun] ‘ ‘ ‘\ l'p. pilgrim and rnvqu ‘ Rmbculdc thy lnute. Nor rest [bee MU over , Life‘s wonrisome wame. . En- the wild forest rnn' er Thy {untitq‘rs betrny‘fi _ ' To troumr and dnngt-r, - Uh! drink, undiawz‘y! flare lurk-z the dark sxu'nge - By night and by day, 1 Tu rob and tn mmge,‘ ‘ .\‘nr =o:prle ED_~l*)'! " )1? “mi” fnrdhp slaughter; The Mom; ot‘his ““1" - | Shun ~t._nu tlmlstill min-r; : ‘ The!) drink. and 2min! ’ a ,Wilh tnil tholgh lhgudanguishj 3 The “Hindu”! ohm-y” _ .“‘ Spur on. though in anguish, ‘ There's domgrhn dchty, ' ‘ No‘hhmdhuund, “uni-,nnau-d, } , Is hcucr 'thun they " -‘ Pas: by it uulustc’d, ‘ I Ur Urin.k‘, and 1m :1y 1' . Though snrr- b - thc trial, 1 I Thy God i: ‘thv slay; ~l ’1 Though d: up {héa llG'Xli‘ll, H ‘ chzd no: in dlsumy: . ‘ Bnt,'l;-pl in mgfiman, ‘ ‘ Lm kon lu the day ‘ ~ fi’hrd fountains (-lytiup ‘ ; 'l‘hy ”lll‘rl shnll alluP‘i. ‘ j ‘ Then Elm” ”Tum f'nrm'mL - ’ .‘1 ‘ Enjoy thy «fume, ‘ . {Thérr I:l‘«-~ m-mh» river . ‘ ~ Human)" Mons. ' ‘ ’ Yos.lfwnv shalt than 12:: - co ' Fl)lfl¢.:l'_':lHd n} L‘, ' “ Wrth um"; to I‘m-lug, Ihe9‘;§ ' Thou dlink, uudnwg} ! i .‘ . . ‘[]lr_ Pranifl. 41iVitettillem #4: SUBSTITUTE FOR’ CHLOROVFOR > A mnimnnicatinn on “M cilhim‘fi I! just hnmym'ulo tn the Frvnoh hmvl‘vmy .\V-Emu-n, :mtl nmv he Ila-(11} to.6ur .~urgvd and Other medical mnn: ’ a “'l‘qu (innqu attendant upon the in‘hn firm of (-glter. chloroform, km, to prddn. Slum-millilitv rlux in; painful oper.ntinn4, I: I i‘nv; often detorxrdpmients from ~llLm'uti tn lin- pmcvcs'mmd evun .buueed a cart: hosimtinn in npm'atnra. who wnuld "1111 not. if Imwhlv. have remmw In it. the ten‘ti‘rm of medical men haw been Imm} Inrly dirt-(l9d In My" 6iionvm'y of some 5» PW“ 11v whivfx the nv‘lvnmmzemf inscxn‘ih ty may hq serum-d without. danger tot Mn 0! the. patient.” ‘ ,‘ _ z , 'l‘hkcommunication is from Dr. i‘mlmi who lay: fin- ~nhjort before the maiden mull rm‘nnlmpnth a now [IFOI‘L'i‘ foxlobta' in"; Inc.” :m'l-«zhc-au by .\ant h terl r‘lllfliflvehzl‘li\". . ‘ I ' l MI "' ll.u ing." hgsn’va. “ snlléfr‘btexl a. part nt‘ my i 194“ I 0 thy .m tiun ot the» rmzumlh us Xlmm : nleuret‘ol :u‘BllC acid mill chloo tnl'm l nbthiuegl 10ml ‘miédheduz ’l he numnrmh experimmus‘ I hatve ~mce m. e on mywll n‘r nnimnlsfland some of my m tientx enable me to :tate 1h:- l‘ollmvi g prnpnsitinnf HQ] an npm‘tmr‘nt‘, the t- \- pw‘aturp ‘éf which m ll‘k~' mme than 17 e grvm ('onligrmle (62 degree: Fuhr.) v Je_ lfiifu‘e of a tlnn 2iu« phinl‘,‘ containin a (“untitv nl' pine (‘l'y|‘~hl”‘l’llllll£€‘ 'ucctir‘ tgid mlual t()(xnt-—fi~ul'tll ot i's mpncity, and n t quul qtmntitv, nl’ chloroform; lie‘k‘xncfily applied to a hr-a'thy and clemi skin, not (. e )ui-i‘vml obit elmlermis ; and ifthis phinlllfie cum-land)" maintained at the tempérntm‘e of the hand 11 qmnplote incenslbxlily of that hurt. and some of thé deeper ones. will lbjo obtained in five minutes. 111111 at the (-o.4th u very slight seniminu ofpuin. The vubt‘ns of acetic acid and *chlorol'grm. mixed t gether. anthappliy'l with arglam‘ retort WC}; pm't wlnch it is fntetylcd to rL-Ilader insenst -I'l9, tlne‘ndjnining.y p-t‘rti being [irotoéted by (iiacll_\'lt)nl>l:l~ler frnm‘the notion of thtwa vapors. may be employed by nmmtheticd in all opt-rations of slow surgery; and in m"’ny of the higher branohés, in all saw; whlre gehergl anawtheslia may be conaidt-retl d- u getous and. declined by the patient.” —-“g ——- «c.» ~— _ wA'Schoolmmter hearing one of is soluflurs read, the bakuhen he came to he word ‘hnnm‘.’ pronnunced it full : the m'as er [EM him} it _should be pronounced with int the h, as thus—(mm. ' . ' . \ "Very well,” replied the lad. “I will 9- member for the future?» ' . . “ “Ay,”snid the mgster, “alwaysdrovptlle ‘l.” The next mm ning the master’s tmmw th 11 hot, muflin. lmd lieen.hrougl;_t to hls (191ka but the duties of lxispvocation ma'de him mail till it was cold Swhen. addresring the “me boy, he bade him take it to thy fire and brat it. a “Yes, sir,” replied the scholar, and, ink ng it to the fire,_ate ft. 1 - . __ fi Presently. the master called for his m n. ‘ I - “I have eat it, as you bade‘} me,” rallied the boy. - J ; “Eat itcyou meundrel! , I bnde your e it, to the fire and heét it. - . 1 “But. Sir.” answered lb lad, “yesterd you told me always to d’rbp theh.” ,1‘ ___-l -.,... . . - ' fikmflo‘i dropped _out of 'the riggipg 0123 shiprof-wu, some fifteen orltwenty feet, ‘and fell plump on the first. lieutenant. ‘ ‘tWretch, where did you home from 1” said the officer. as he gathered I ‘ s'elf ‘up. “Lame from the North of 132 m, your honor.” ‘ > fiDr. Chalmers once ,asked a. wbm‘im what could'be done to induce hex- husband to attend kirk. “I don”t know," she, re‘ plied, “nnlesa'you were to put a pipe andja pot of.porter m the pew:” 1 [Q‘An avaricious personrwho kept a very scanty table, dining with hip son at an orth muy hotel in the city. whispered in his ear: "Tom, you must eat, for to-dAy and to-mon row." , ,“Oh;yes,” retorted the half-starved lad, abut If hain’t eye: for yaterday and the ‘e are yet, at er." ”w [G‘The bong that is being sung in New Orleans—“ Picayune Butler’s come to “awn, du duh, du duh, d 3.” " * SEA parent’s fwgiwneai 0"! t dmghter when her heart is broken, il pardon me:- execntiph. . A @E‘m , 1 3 LET FRO ; FEWRIG " On: the 524th ol 3’». “'mcu’r. rtlpré District in Candi Jettéi‘ tn his mn‘ vote‘ ‘1 the i we uL in w i“; [LI ‘ Illhfi' I 1 yt '23". ! ‘ I . 'l‘l unf m joru :l {inn ffiry ’t he w “on. : ‘TFI _me l Wit‘t‘ m‘nhl 'rmr: - ha, vill 10“ f‘ '. hm I.IL ,Tk hi 4: Stfixl BI!) I mm mm {€oan Anything \\ 'I Khimxhl t'Qlinw ‘ Tinarlhuhip ; ought ‘._\-nu. mim, haw kt iNu, nm ."l'n’ni the nris‘ti‘tjutkml tot (1 >O, and .fij Junhmicnl shhomt‘ north. :1: well n}3 :SQPC‘leit'H‘l nnrth o i It ’s mtfmglit muninn hnt tin> pn=~n2o ‘of th slnv‘ery :tl alitnin hit “its ‘mm‘v ti»- tlstit -' than_tn?*wn with» fifty thnuumrl mph gin tho mnk ‘ nt‘ thn r hak. _ How? it inay.’ he mid-rl. . By oxoni tlif'vinL'. in tho int-Lylwh'nt thpv have? uni 'nrmly ('hurezml upo "‘,flnd whi -h “'o‘th ~tnut!ytlvnlr~l. that. it was a war to vmnm- mto nvn‘m-~. in 'phli‘h’ of" rostnrin tlm ['in m: l'n' holding but th our army lnn helm t' om'uwiputmn 'lvlm'n tlm prm‘in :vtinn 0 ”iv oxét'utix'm itvhivh called the- n to thr- old, was to sup girmq thn rolle-ilil 1‘; and! pr toot the p-‘hnll" hml twopertv (if lh‘val mon worv wherh. ll' tithe Q 3110! of, thehnwmgo - Elm hill. i< cul- Fuhugn‘d tn prnlortg th'l “.ll‘ tn wmkmi :m-l Ih‘mrtululli'le tho twin-ml m‘m :i Ii ~t“oncthcn tho yig-lml m-uw. lhon imlo d 5 should have fictptt in (iirm-t “i'i‘mmm ndt nnlv to mv qvimi‘tw. hut fm; the lrpst iziterest of~the coun‘ ry ii‘L‘givinfi lit my su wht. it Injmy opinionit‘his “VB 1 ot‘ thetinw nnr ithe nccminn toafiitntr‘ the lzwvry question. 11(th ' mo'nr‘ntm s i=snoi are ugmn om hnnix “fe' hm: in ggvem iqnt to save and the hum: of th v‘ty millit m of pmploL tn ,rprnté t. Lil'eor lenth‘oft vgrnat Republic shoulfit tie. the at ‘flhsfll'bil L’ qnmtinn.‘nntl ,thntv than». till it tbv snh‘e l. Novor; sinr‘e tthe s m tint dimmed upr» tiw globe, was ther so soic‘mn4—sn 10“ th ~i|llo u pmitiun as thini (me, now goupiml 5' ‘thn [maple of “this [datum-y. Q (-tl'm‘t f 'hich tho hu nnnanlhearthml t fhunmn: r me is capable i got‘ («broking shdx 11l hp m it Pym rmcuh I frnnxiruin nnrl misJuhrmv t m 1': tr‘d States i of Attic-rim. lhttviwno tlmn :hli ~houlr! (won : 'py (fie public mifll. and o e fimpulie m'e |¥the ‘uhlic hearh ,how is“ he governgent in h waved? T4ln,nnd n "euro almlitinn‘ ‘35110111 agitate the Cong-me—‘the nation—— ‘ithe eople. W'ehihouhl :0 the the féoiings ilnf n u- lowi} hrrj‘tiirnn of Mnrylnnti; KPn ltuck . Virgininfi'l‘ehns-«i‘ and Mi'swouri, rzlth :- than hurrhw the up. .nnd‘ drive t then thideem ofl pnulnesé by acts of legis i, lntio which ha f ,;n tenth}; (-y to create diy. [trmtl for, if nahirm dvstru tion of. their so~ gcial timtmn: nn‘llvllwnl lmT. The-irson: nre J'fight'ng side by ‘ido with, nm of the north fion the same lmttilh fichlfii d many of them lfioccufi)‘ the snmelgrnve! l midst these th- ‘ :firihle scenvs, hoin‘or and ’nstioo, nay the i ‘comhlon deroncies of life forbid that they; treat: ve inmlt l'rdm that: vnrnmcnt which ‘ ‘iithn'yllare pouring out ttin‘ar flood to dfifendi {lt w s indend onit‘ot time and pluce to lug‘. gin tl e negro quoytinn am: c“ n moment..—- ' 3Half the people of the typs Wire in mourn- i ling hver the slxtifn nt th lmttles‘o‘f Fort Dnnelson andSptingfield t‘l’en Ridge and ‘. Pitfhurg Landi' ‘g. at the v ‘ry' time negro} emu qipntion‘ocynpied th (iEhntes in Com-l Igres _ ! Was the my? upOn th bloody fields; that safety of thi; "nationgo‘ the freedom OLI‘ the negro? If the lather wére the issue” than} it. Wm all right. to p q the bill. ifthe,l {ti i, then the} squect s ould have ham 3 [fired from therhalla of ‘ ngress. At all (WE ta, expetlienéy and due regard for thé ipublicintezésts damn dbd acessationl of ho_stility ngnimt the i titutions of the Border States, 33 they wei- marshalled um i der the. nationat; banner. But suppose the l nati¢n in feposeJ-the great tattle of freedom WOJIJ—Ihe Statesl reunited and the leaders ‘ of the "rebellion hung mi exile, wer‘e not, th‘ephople of the District of» alumhin entitled to a'jv'oice in n mhtter wh hgafl'ected them so much 1‘ Are the seven yifi“ thonand peofiie of the Difitrict to treated as ofpo‘ account? Are they dumb was, meie stu ‘ pid things, to refirct the hms “d capri ceé hf abolition tfamaties? 1 proposed an amendment to the hill sub i‘ting the.eas l ure to them who decided by their votes.— It fell as matter {if 'conrse. ; , t I would have gone so far the {very grave constit whether under: the term‘ cessionpf the Diurict, bj' inia apd Maryland, for t ghfional Capitol, slavery i 1 iahed without. their conse I of the Distnet had determ selves of the unnatural an tution. Again, I am opposed to , of money out. of the‘nu Bay for the.freedom of 513 istrict. or any of the S». ists. I assume that eve - {lvor of maintainmg the 1 , , mmuccs MDFMMLV wwmmg GETTYSIQILJRG, PA”? MomA‘Y, JUNE 2, (I‘3 ll ‘ ‘L L K j .l , ’ , , , 5., HON. ,:§ rT. REA April laet; «entiug th 'rm's, wmi: l roginjd to his Illi~h slavery in r‘mm this letter lartk: ‘ l ~tituonta, Bill to a“; 1 . . Humhm. i ‘uguinst‘ Hm him-1c: of (:«i Hake th‘e foldowing vxt? non you (Lid 0 fiTl'n Com: )Huwing 0H ML thev fu lppmhatinn ey "Mire to u v power. to y : out an 1m! to vow to If , wins t_n su n‘verrimnnt 1 _‘mg, and d»? ‘ ‘ nor to emit me ‘ pulsed upannje (l I am frfle to «liully met my Imt- thp I'l‘l Essa-vim u! Imntmni, all fly and c 9 d and has Ht do“ n '1 L tn the extent 0 rebellion and mlv and y irked int-urrec lniw mum and thy nr‘cos ppm-t Hm I; to stand by nfillne m-Hi .Hmn and now all 1 coul' 1 101' its rimtom- ohligntin ‘F impncprl urnn mlitionl 11TH!“ nf mv «IK lmw‘ {a}? Iquy mu] hnn-' }. 'lth I did not then 1‘ nor nmy to lmrmnn ,1m is. the Infir‘pmitimr that I (mat whim I h.n‘e-,rr-I<m) iuvlamant] ft. ’l‘o hillbnnw :In' Aboli- [os7‘ “>an th y La”: ”IF and which y (lisqhnrgl nf. and Ni ‘itinnist. It lasmmo, at M wnuhl be to rP'.‘Pi‘~l“ _v public lileinntl H£ «Im-trihes Muir}: I hil _ .ed forgh poriod n" lhifl Bo doctrineq of “Tamil lsmcirnus :I'. Ln nhhq‘ r: as thmn 5F J»fi‘.'ha{" tm‘a. Bath} tlu- opo'n’! l a; of the (lmtrllr‘tmn +1 i as the \m‘hd newri “In W'hnh- emu-co mive Hl9 110 to ‘9 publicly pro- Iy yam-w 1 Phillip: and amt and mm:- 4 and hii non nd :n'owpd ml - n unvvrn :42on mm. and infamy. “Kim 1121'”: KY, and n") I‘Vr-r H 314. whfivnr-d within i'l'ulil‘. nullivnm‘ on (man-1911.902- ll :mumntin: to e I'n’lon: and PM: of (IR un nf apphwe' "l of tr" the enm , IZIVC‘ I nhq {SW thnll lip 11.-1 s p 1“ 1m"- to :13 1110 hull b’ yonn il‘pl p-(my ,Ui'. Hm mfnn h. Tllnlldu inml J‘ 1 down-inc I ',n-r nf' [hum ‘ n'hninflt‘m’ PIMP“ «Phi! [mt ‘hwm 1110 i ‘11: city. that\ Incl ninM'r-ni throw and .Fr-nH-(Ad, on «‘qtnd (roam, A .L-fl‘. “wk" Ann ..‘ Wuhan .v Hm idn‘n that m of :mv sin-h po~tomus with so many yofire. wan Hunt! l-v vn’the <h'vnfltll llv against lhn H‘ N hn 2})“ w: L to ho p 1 hmwn mr h mm. m ,l‘shi!» I h :ht mun“ ‘ of: _Uw' ’lf‘ [finhll 'Qullth! Eimf funntivimx mu doctrines of I - to have waived idnnl question, s‘ of the deeds of he States of Vir t e purposes of a it could be abol qt?’ if the people mad to rid them . » repulsivg msti‘ I e appropriation and treasury to eq, either in the tag where it ex ,loynl mm is in tional o!edit.—- u T“— “T ""‘ "'; " ' ' Ef‘nzvm Is 1101‘“? [So mu. rmvim." \ . ‘ i “film to mr-Pt thé inter-5t nn tlw inéhmome 'lt’ht nlrr-mly inrurrmt, ulna tlmtyvhid mtxst I he pnnvoidulvlv Il‘l'lfld to it will giveluq trx } ntiion to on} hmirt’q content withn t pub— ' tip: on tho mhlit nhul hurtlizin of!“ em-in-l ci' atinn nf slav a. Seer-haicn and Ahnli-l tigrt togt-tlwr ham nlrvnély made alfthnw’ [bll'lnP-‘R men ofllle north hankrny , nntlw pnlfttpnllless oxadtinn“ upbn the *pe ple- in I j,t away "of oxci~¢s and taxps: and :sum-; 1 m "that the war fan-e to end in si'x‘n rmtlis'." i l t nmyunlos‘s ,t'anatickm shoulll‘ mks-it, lin rminuhln,) twenty gefinrmions 9 pence in l presperitv fiill not iconcehl it It is! (-11 ugh in either‘eyent without th adnli-' l tit)! nl‘millinm' Err emancipation. l, I “l; nntlmr object “l‘ to tllelhill ii, d I: the '1 n , or nfulwmx ii mmpellml to Rm“ pt the "nnfluht awnrdegl {my mnihfissinnpra. whirl! I l ~h'lvl in no rake elxl‘N-(t three liumlr d dol-i him, and whivh‘ might nqrt. b 0 h In rtli of. i th‘ valun nI‘tlu:'§l:l\:o. No trinn’<pi liir-rtv '. <h tilll lm tnkpn lfmm lxim.lvy com] tills'nrv ; pr‘J-vs‘s in vinlutirlnq’ of the: grmt "my 'ch.Zr-.l' (.1, “linciple of out- ("IthllllllOflulllt‘ 'ghtuf film: I Ivy-jury. Ax (“he sl‘qu ~lmll I ‘onm " pot nt witnnsc 5&1“! tho ltiy‘alty of hi 3 tvr lr a fi-ntiii-u is ii‘nli atrilkés the min inst ni<hmont :m l julurmll ' ‘ ' 'l m fnkyoing npamniz‘h gmrfr'm/a: - (luv-:1 me to cut my vntPi‘ nfzJimt tl l'n'} c-r ”It" vim» lithte ofll‘l'ax-ts I we ,tlmtz‘imo thing u- hln. f ' ‘ A One timn l slut-'\rtnllnml the‘o thntltlmr‘npcm-vn ivv. l'nihn men -of " tieflcnulil li:l\'«hi§'im’ml (up in lmrmt 'lwut until the Hi. lw-ri )H'. muniti ' “‘0 fitill lizitl n uft‘tilmnl rlxi~tenma ontdrtninwl thi~x up to thfe timé thn magi: (Iwioletl u‘yhi} tho Ilhollllfill m It i vmy’nppaile-iit nmfl that. unh hu‘l-iiunymmmtlxi~t. , jwvrvénnsit nnhlhor of «nihlu'x'u'ivofi IloinfilnljF (:‘l\lL;¥l'(‘<~ vote-l fir tho :rhnlitinn ii 9x! "ma rnlm-tzinra. Thtlvyviohlml t thph’lQuipnsml Wi‘l‘efilm lll'l{'o7:|ll\‘€-tlk‘ 0t" flirty : and “hit an fifntormg w inzult- by the pa 3:10 of ltlm Distrit \Vlllf'll will lund finial-n :iljll mole we t'in‘nl‘iml Insislnti nl. until] all hope i, (-41,” ml parties ‘mlh‘t iif‘k‘WGarily a Illt‘li‘ ulnl InasitinnH 'l'lii~l indeed is z lht . . I 1| I I gsnogm tn mlu itlnt» ‘l'h‘ln omm ‘lmn ”rim: upon fin-Ms nf kllnuuinnry \ mnlt, under the u‘MN oli'th’o Unliitql wh'l¢ tho bodiel bf .mimutea. I'm» 'lyi is: ~olvliv-r= :u-nl lim-m- 311011;: the :n' t‘m Ithe wr'mnglt '(Il' thuillivmg: ~hni (In ‘ 11. anti Iqu lmlie: ot‘llthmllhml In i'mlfin the ulmnqrvgnf .'i'l~rtnfliiir)nl Inn-in untl lsonp‘ of qiil:it!ci]-:itlim. fl‘h'e s cork-JP .leulil l‘ffimndl th‘ellrws ontl'i ir-ts‘ nl'~lxi~li.‘lll(lxiit‘lit\l|l :uul‘ ('rn/y‘ io~ln “'emlvlll Phillips drill his kintlr lt“\l0T~‘. 'll‘ l' H , Thlo Di—tr'r‘l hill lii IllI‘t" (ly snncom I iii'rijtjnts 'nt'liw chi tho fill“ nt’t'ony :illlfn,lh‘£rno< to rm nmylnyml in th w-t‘t‘il-o at" the llpitvll .\‘tqtnw : tnriv ‘ 11l rftgi-t Of Hillbiflt‘ iii tlm Dtrtl'ivtju tlu m to ontnr tha‘ jnvv lmx. at“ U uflirq‘. The next flop will he‘mmp .{Lbrtliltion in thu 51mm; hyl a decree 0 wt» ~ 7 . I ‘ . Alltl i: thi; thplmorlo aifld iiinnjtir‘r {wk ing tlm i‘nllvllimi fighl reflux-in putol'nitibnt‘? 'chi— tlmiltlor‘trins- W] to min? the nrmgmfi‘rl givofl‘oumue am rfllhlo Sflltllt:l’.\ who me «filing battle sacrrTltl chase nLthe cuujhtry? C.m pnfisi, He that 3mm, can comb ofit? I 'Cive mv nitl :mgl: muntet'jhnce to nnv wxlcl iiid in jmliplnus svhrl‘nen : and its ("Quite sopamtqsg'me I'iunlx mnn‘ ivhq ',zivo im‘, tilwir édmmrt, while I regre rtliey ditl'gli‘ with‘tgh‘i-V to m lfit it he: ‘ I \fill nlltllllill. "‘h‘ho oljéctu which ir ratm the war. jwlill su min the L". men ‘in every dmtitutlhnal nlll‘HSll ,put own rebellion and p, til-h tiogimn; ~\|‘lll mt 10ml "<k-ll' In Eltonmtelnhn it \ <olimliio=,xtlwi'cby m-nkmihig and Ilr-~tl' Iy ng it I‘mm‘or. Ilm til“ m lll‘ a patruntic m n, lifl m not Imi nistnM-n in‘myisoll‘. ml ther fore it is“ ‘ilh me 3h. mnltolrv ol cbn «inn “V If tlu“ lorn tlmi‘wilil dq‘otri :14 of lil'mli inn urn not thlmnm‘lln l‘ partyt st, as , it n w soems tkl Ibo, n'ndl'the nojrn c t. up ngni xtftho confititntionfll mus't .1311 mi evor mm done,l y‘the latter. I ctmu Land will at contentl to yield the lifeiprineipln ‘ of ti 0 Ilopuhlicg ‘lt is trllu- the vnte (1f the Hon awn: cont ninth-0134‘. small in nppmi tirm~ 0 tlié hill :‘Eut'l tliittk those Mir. -mm nay: oprawnt ngprinciplo whidh mus sur ‘ five. and [he chjauces art: that the nu ibcr will 0 four folnl'incrrzised in the 38th Con ; menu: for betwe—l‘n' t'his luhd thnl peri (l of f limo th‘e pi'eatlztribunnl; of the sove eign { poop 0 will hi'lve settl‘ged the qu tiqn iwhe ‘ er abolition or the constituti n is kingl . " ‘ S‘ ‘ l A] Your obééient servant. \ , l f y i 'l ‘ llflhltfilfk B. \Vnm I'. l 'l : ....» .Ll—l—-<oao>%J-——~——- l f AlDle'O THE“; UNION AND‘ COMFORT ‘ 1., TO'MBELLION. g l . Alletter fronthnshing‘ton to the‘et itm: ‘ :l of mi: Chicago Mm»; stittos. u'pon ,th nil-l l thorilty of an irtltelligentldeserter fro tlwl i rebeilgarmy, that thé yyt‘imme (Vim nia): : (land? has hPE‘l'l suppressedt for publi. ring I the atldress of the Demqltratic mombe . of'l l Cnnfieafi. and the further-:‘publicntion the ‘ l addrehs m the s¢chded Sthtos declared rea l sortable to the {later-est: hf the Confed rate ‘Goveljnment, ass tendinglto theLreqto. tion \of “1? old uniog: and theiflemq alinti n of the rfe‘bel Lax-in}! It is cohsidergd by prpmi lnentt‘traitom anti memléers of the .F‘bel l Govefinment at. ilß'i‘chmon‘l as the most ' ‘ gero 5 attack that has belen made upon I perm nency of their newflconfederatio I Nol d'oubt thé Squthbtfn leaders re rd I the utidress in l L tion iiith the game oly hop-ctr as the mutants“. because it 's a ‘ pqwgg'ul and uhnnswa-ahlé files in fa i- of this mtitutioqe is ‘it. isumd the'Unio as it ”mi Both egtrcmes nite oppoged to 'the Cons Iltution unit the U‘niondmil eq Ily venoxhons agaihst the ’party that in ist upon ltheir preséfvation.: , ' i 1 ' . While theNegi York Wibitne and the .591 leadetis agree in Benounci'pg the Democ tic addre’as u n treémmble dhcument, It is hot. surprising that ithe jourrluls in the intellTQst. of thq' rebel oligarchy nrqlre-publishingta‘ll the ”leeches ofi Lovejoy; Sumner, Wixon and glam Amman dhunionim. . ey daily kumish sit! and contfort to the enelny ENDRICK: B. > IT! Inn. Hnsmurx Luzorno (li-n.) an admirable l ——v—t—<o..>~—-——-7-’- 4 f SIM. thil‘aouon of the your. partichla: atten ion should he giventocell'm. 251 de cayedl vegemblqmauer should be who ed, and the cellar: cleaned, aired and! its wuheid. .More aickneasm'mfxom foul l lars tflm people ihmgine.‘ I . | THE REPUBLICAN “UNIO The recent dodge of the Ropulflicah lea!!- ers in X9W~ank, Pe‘nnfiylvnni. rind. Eon)? other States. to conceal their liliqnim} under the cloak of n “ Union I) W.” is nnl likely tq he succcfiful. Demuclli a. and all enmervutive lnfn, everxwherejr vard this new organimtinn 'M hula “mnskllulmtfiry” nf the Abolition enemy, and “',il fin treat it: The national men in the B 0 lm‘ Sm»: promptly' repurlin'e it. That Lnnisvilln Journal. the organ, of the venom 10. (11-mon . , den and the Union men OT Ken: (-liy,ltl1l11: speak; of it :—1 ‘ ‘ “ “[9ll this attempt sucoeml ?“ Shall (h?) =et-tinnnl minority tnko ln.‘ m Him- What Lhev noknnwlmlge they cannot M almight forwardly? “’ill the mznim-itv ntltan North. lern votvrs. who nré nation-xi in h ir vimvs ‘aml sentiments. who onmpr and that. .‘L [lan/ls qfl'” and ” .Viml yrmr n 4 £711,531,": " «r 0 tllm hm golden. ru'o- ‘nl‘ 1r pnliziml sv‘tnm. who. althmlgh Ili-liki T‘slnverv, and roinotinizit on th--ir mvn mph-111". urn npt willing unxlnr \vlmtnvnr nuke tn mm 1‘ upnn n syctnmntic warhrn 0.111;} mlmr my: blfwarfure nunimt {he oppoaim‘ylk;"whim“ nntl dotm‘mination of tho pet'gllo of thn Snuthm'n Statfiq, who hohl that lr’n rnnunnn gm't-rnnwnt should ha RI]!H,lll'~l-_I‘I‘L‘(l in the whit-neither of hostility nr‘r ’nl‘ f‘nvgy tn gnul‘horn imtitutinns, but all] H‘Ei im‘ynr tinlitv. and ‘who bolirwe that tl n i‘xvcnrv:\- tinn of' the rlightfi of tho [\‘mt - in tlwh wjlmlo constitutiunnl. lntnzritv < (lmxl‘ulv sure ‘yuv nf prmmving the Iqul- nr P‘Nl‘n iho nxi~tmwe of tlmgnnoml gog’r‘rrimr‘ht—- kl with In ill. do '. man par: Hmt ud- I (‘01)- ure. and abh- 1 will W 0 =nv. thn mon who my grand partimxlnrfi, and who on: majority of tho. Northern v. thomsr-hms 10.1 w chmltml out .\vhvn victory to them $< \‘ir‘mrv stitntinn. viotnrv to ”w I'ninj the natinnmf Whlf‘h thnw glp are thyhod'y and the soul 2‘ { “'0 nmy nnt_ I . “ ff (hey do.’ thov will mm 1 mt- inah~fi nitr-h' Ihr- rP-mhhlhhmr-nt (‘l' w gnVurng mont: for, the bx-eaith which c "r“ rm hni made in our sy-‘u‘m can m-vo l-o hinged undnr the :uugldws of Cutm~ ~ cur-h n< Hume onunniuf’ml in (he .Üb: ymhlwvw. _\':-\'¢\r. l'mier euvh ‘xunpir‘flc. ho Shim. than-1h vuuqu‘w‘uml and (Imm Q-I, rjnmhl rim he hmuuhfibm‘k to “or u“ 'iunm. but wnuh‘l he in‘ gltmn'ly cnnmmqr' § gnIIIe-ring strvngth fi'nm ho kat‘cring 03-fh'cinusnms nfinmlt and npfii‘euinn. and \ nrnins: for thr‘ moment final to all. whi u it Imm— (‘nunsels shnuhl 'nn: uitimnt 1y prvvuil nnmnget us}. \ would oan :1! hut}. whwn lhn :Hmuh 01‘ 5 foreign fne .ihuuhl pf int out hc-r pp‘limrhmi'v inmlr nor-o=<‘.!_v. *- tlak Hm ctnuwmnnxflnip offlm [-opulgxr 1954 M: in thn -.\'oHh? In Ihia {hair putriatieufi? .\ro Hm .Vnrths-rn pnnplo to be Im] In: <13"?! 11-u'L'F? We cannot believe it. We do Mil hr-how it. “ (m 0 of (mo events i< M any I ‘tm‘mmin; a‘n'l wr- Main '3l» nhflrnnjix’m» at in thy 1 MW what la‘mls (Luv is Bill, mum]. ‘ end flame E fixed n are u‘, :11- : and «THIS. 1 In! Iter- =a MUM nan Lnnt cl fol- :- wx m ‘ mml . [hym' :IHUW lmld ; ‘.~nrv; ‘ Cur;- <pirit ofdictnfimi or (if m‘r‘nm‘ oum‘ivtion. Hrlwr {lw 11mph wmi "17w uni-untur-Jv rrlnu/mlr :1: Lift nub’m. ymllr Meir Lmhrifln r flu}: {ll:l7th M‘U‘Pme’;(' ”magnum! Nnrt morn Brethren Inthrmvtl‘m at the point of pul‘nliv <ufl'ermg lic poril mmpajred with whirl: g terribln onl'unitios are but :1 ileum: vi~i':u‘ lion. OHM“ tlwrp can lie nd run-um \llln doubt The fnlal l’n‘mknr: nre‘ iu‘n nimml in full View : am] ”new film he: “Hi .\'nrlh ern lefigjor<,.rocklo<s of (-vpryth 2 z S‘H’P Ile plemr-vnlinn of: *hoir warty n< a!" cngipe of nmliitinn nml-plnmlr-r. nrn vlriviiiiflirizht On. The rmnlt if incvit'xl‘lv. If‘thfii ',V'nithv-rh penple do not - trnnsfpr the lxq‘lnigtn Wik‘l‘r nnvlq‘mrt-r lignélfi now. tlmv mtht Emma the sllipnf'h‘mmshall lxmlmhml nrunil- Vlmmvlv, ,if it he nm. burnt“): “lor‘kml. "W,”- nn‘y que‘tinn in ibis rhywd i<, \yhy'lmr the trnnJvr slinll lm marl? lvefnrp (fin (-:itndro— pileunnd in smuon' in prevent fit. or n'ter~ wards. Bu] this. qm’r-tinn ia n §imnnnmu< one. A qu'ostinn of more aw l momvnt has selclnm come up. far the lnml-inn of any ‘pmplo. in it the real Irrigation nn promptly! for film decision of up people (ii: the .\uth. ~ l ' " Lot. thegqu‘eétiou be‘ttripr- .Il ofull die-i gum-s. xand the decKinn wil thrill tlml‘ lieaizts of pitriots withjoy and . .litude.” “ Or to m: on '—¢-—-—— «.0. ~r--——L-§!‘— ' l " - SURVEYOR GENER XL. . f Frnm an ‘fll't‘ll’lle in the flaw/EM. we infnr that. William 5. Run. of LUQmG. is'the luckv individual whc has lnw-nP-nlic'tml Ln run an Survevqr Gn’nerll 415011;}lm l'nim .: Ropuhlionn-No—l’urty-I‘qoplo’crllm tgkl‘nvnj- League (irket. tn he frvrmnllv I _' m¢nnlvth t. Harrisburg. on the‘ 17th of i‘llly mutt.— llonrv Souther, the present ini‘lumhent. in unceremoniously thrust nut inito the (WM. “onindcount ofthe prenslngglpqllnnds nf hi< private bu=lnoss." nml'Jo‘hn l{;_' 9. having I; premonition of the coming a r'm‘ in on‘ birolv foo‘exnlted a patriot l lrgcome u mndidatc for tiny office. Sn tl "a choi has fallen uponnr. Rosa, who hn'stll lanr‘lfiake the job~of decaying Ember-leg ml Denm cmLfi into the rank.- of the q nlitionizell Republican party. Mr. Rnsa w ,3 member ofthe last. House. acted with t plflepuhlr cans throughout. while profile ‘1 to ho ,u nmparly :man, and [helped to the dis grar‘eful congressional nppnrtidfixment. By the way. as' Mr. Rosa toggles in L1;- zerne, the home of Hosea Carp." (tor, Presi dent and w’thor of ‘the secret. filler of the “ Loyal League,” and as thOrquWp-t a mys. tel-ions meeting of Republicagg, editors at this place, lately, which Hos 3 intends-{L the anestion arises—is not )1 .‘Rnss the cnndvi ate selected by the Sta .{Gouncil of the midnight order .of tlneLoyaH League ? Perhaps the Teltgraph can “heal"! some in formation on this point.—'—Palri<§‘¢q Union. An RemfromOilCredz—‘An efl-hhnge tells the following “whopping” stag? :‘ "Thrée boys went in bathing. and whey they canle out were no greasy they couléfp’t stay in their clothes. Atfast mathey sfipped them on they wc'uuld allp ,ofi'agein ; a. lone oflh'e lads. in a heedless moment, na owly esca- Eed‘llipping out of his skin. n reaching ome, their Karena. being exc ingly fru gnl, wrung t em out, and extrgcted about ' fourteen gallon: quure nilfrom MS three boys." , WWW? . an. I the ”Low-joy. the Abolitionis“; has intro duced a bill to make liberty flntional and slavery sectional. The tiuth is’ that. the ob ject of Lovuov & CO,, is to rank} the negro national and the white man seen an]. They, expect to come in themgelves . . honorary members bf tbe‘Africsn face. . ‘ Latvian—Tomatoes, cucumbjgrs, new 1”; tubes Ihd Ihwberriel hue muffle their an pom-snob in the Louisville swig-Cincinnati markets. ft _ | iiiil t < r - {62. “E, i I] BIE '3 PARTY DODGE (Vin thmr «Hum Hm (7m, sufl‘ur of \iotm"\'. to l'lM‘ml viMm-y (0 nu powers . 1101-0 not. but of and l/u' _antlr hwy/rm. or N. :‘n‘, q [if l fnrvp ml'r ovr-rhmnl nd nfpub 1m prw nt it.fotir.m CZE TWO DOLLARS ~l3}qu '.I E i \ ‘,i THE DECISION 011' mm: SUP Mfr; comm - : The decision of the Supreme Céui‘t 'of Ponnsylvtmiix as deliver-m! by Judge l'Wooldn ward, declaxing the army vote unc nslitni— timml, is so exhaustive and conclusi e that it. cannot fail t'o recoiVe the.conmu“re'nce bf the public. Hownvér much the 'Cou’frt mfiy hive, regretted the necessity ofthisde‘cisiob',‘ it. obvio‘psly could not‘ have detex’minfi‘i othomis‘e' consifitcntly' with its: duty to 91k ponnd, and not to make, the fundn 1cm?! law. ' , , The reiemion bf tho army vote wi the efi'eot d? di€giacing Mr. Ewing fr office of Sliorifi' in Philadelphia. 0‘ Stevenson from that of Clerk of t phzme’ Cnuft,‘and 51m give th’ Refit a mnjmity in_ the coulmonrcouucjlib dolphin“ { ' ‘7 5 At least five Republican mr-éflwérs‘ of th‘e last ”01:59 l‘pf‘ Repremntntivm wore? élévt-xhl dver theirl Dcmrkmtic oppnnépté by “+9. nrxhv \'ut(‘,l\'iZ’: Messrs. Hull and; lylms'cl‘i, of Lll‘nrné. Bquy, 0F Allmm, Crmo, M Wayni, m t] _lXmghr-rty, of Sightiv Hun;— Thow‘men’ sub and voted as mm}: mm (bf the llofuP, and gave the- Rr'pu'ulici 4 [llan majority inrthwt body. By tlwiryvdt L Jthi Rdwc was 9190!ch Speaker, and_ 121:1" mu“ iniquitnus fCoilgreipionul gcrrynaner-tlu‘kt (‘VIEI' Lleju‘eul lholsmtutb bar-ks 501' thb (‘mnmomv'ealth was pmsod. Uurlllpis vl‘ vision bpodrvndnrm} horo'm or durinz'fl‘ =r~°=inn of (he Impidafum, i; wmxltrlun' olmngéll ghc pxfliticul cmnplbx'iuu ‘of 11‘ House“ l f‘ Whother Hm decision “‘11! amt; pnrmw who ~how Timid county smm; in d fibrm parts of the State Ivy virtue 01' ole an) vote. in means where a contmumsml tum; ‘monr‘ml within thP time prmcril‘wl‘hy In for filing \‘otitiom in m<e< 61' H 314 dm’vrifi tion, is n Brim” upon whirl) we do not-1W cnmymmnt to venture in 014inibll.:4l’.lll I; (f‘ Union. . ' . ' ‘ 1, 1 .‘T—-————«bo.o--———v -——-A f. l LIGHT FUPON GEN. STONE’S 1 CASE v A :pncittl port-osponnlont of the Ngw le ' Burning Pll7l, who “Tilt“! from Yorktown n m‘chufit 0 some (-nnvuv-Intion which he it had with éome rebel oilivors who had 110 caliturengiwc a statement» which tin-0g until? light as it sot-m: m. 114 upnnffinnerl Stonlc's rjw. nml contirins the belief thfi that oflio ‘l' hits been the? victim 01‘ urjm flicpicinmt fq-aterr-ll hv [gt-501131 animmitia it svema ithnt one of [the pri~onérs 'with ttio ' - - t l , whom flu: mrrefipnmlfint canvm‘sctl \V‘lfi‘fl. 'l‘”’l a I 7 l ' . Captain "(-wton at: tlweli‘ourt-h Virginia . vutt \ (rgbel) (tawdry. This Nuwtht nindc the .éctri followingtstrikiniz statmnent‘. , ' . l ‘*‘ “l heath] it nwntimwd n thrttime sint-P 3 pm Msm avirtonre of Gmmrhl' Stnn'n's f‘lVflu'lll'l- Pml ty, that-(Tnlnnel Jordon. Adjutant {tn'no‘rnl .‘ atml tntflunera‘l B":tl'lt‘t‘;_'m'tl. hm] cent tationr‘r‘nl Aflol StOne :1 copy of n (liqputr‘h fmm t .on the ”A: hodv of Col. qum‘ nt'ter hiu 'tlnnth‘ at tho Itlw battle of Ball's ltlutt‘. I lil‘ttlt’nt‘ltt‘t‘ vol}: l ' (listihotlv having hv'nn infin'mr-tl about tlgylt ting;- by C‘uptnin Walt. l’ull ot' myrn‘uimmit. l thn one of his [)lclit'li lmfl oaptnrlml 2| t'vyl oral comic-r with dispatchr‘a. an the “winch:- Vlllt‘ turnpike, mldrosc-vl to Genm‘alfiicthtll ogthe .'r}ite«l Staten tot-09‘. ’ornim'mg n it”.- mmmiungloe in force of the country :thnye Drnilmsvil e, in the dirtfition nt‘ Unnm creek. art] mentioning ti 3‘ nimilnr da mnn<trntil it would he- mgule hv tho .t’m-ofu nt‘Gnn. Stone. ' This intorooptnn‘. rrf 11.95,» ‘(lispatvheg was the omm- ot'fihc- (let‘ojt. hf the fedoml {moos' at, Bill’s Blutfl. Wht-n the northhrn prr‘cs hlzimetl ‘Gvn. Stanc- tor this vi-‘t'mt Coll Jnrtlnn-‘snnt un-10-r {I tlacnt' trum- a m'pv, of this disputeh._\vith z'll I“:le zmtinn nt riti interception. man {ll‘ title jtn' t‘u-n. Stomp undnr the circumet'uw r. 'l‘hin' writtep (txplunntiuu t'ruin Colonel Jnrxl t 1“, 1 have lwmi intnrmonl, was fount ant-mg ml, 'pnpem of General Shane, and W 313 olie of the t in; '.. n . i causes‘ot' his attest. 77 ‘ , , _ I. .m i l“ 'TO REPUBLICANS. You cahnob oomplain of Dvmo‘prats (or standing hp in their own tlclo'njcp. We would bathe variantgmmrds, if wé Hill ll‘Jt, fepel lheinaliciomfiflsehnmL that mnmh |'~z ; of ymh o annizntion flI‘P rhily cih'uhm ii; against ‘Domoc‘mts hehevh thémne-lv s ‘ {ligand p 9. q‘ots as you are—the? are F 1"! earnestly for the supp'i'essinn of fei;oHi¢n i an. you arm—they love the Uninnf with hll‘ the affectipn of thew natural-4nd Ihl 3": will n’ot (finely s‘uhmifio have their loyany i quesuoned. Whenever you 'com‘pol yo 1“ pgrty friefids nnld Ti'lpEl'S to cede fsdserlly‘ changing. uh \vim being “secession symy'rw thizers." “ traitors, in disguise," “Pnpmlas' of the Government,” kendhe dayb of Mgr-ll nibnioua pdiitical feeling which you profiss . kc anxiouély to desire. may‘ arrh‘ve: blut‘ {certainly- not until them—Erie 0.71 pm”. V ...—77.7“.» ___..- - 'l‘hl ”How can Conservative "new. who! the hate SL'ISER and LOVEJOY, and all man)“ It their class. and villas}; éole dMire is to flee ‘thn the Upion restored on a true Comiitutim ml per basis, consent to remain any longe with the elm Republican party? That organ mtionwit 'wil ca'nnot be denied, in} new in full weddpilz' Bu: to the projects of the Abolitioni is Bern-y ser‘ Karly can he. qu—lhirds of its‘mem ‘rs of? five no sympathy whateVer with {he politi-‘I chit cal views of the Soulhern Union linen, and 5 mn seem more nnxious to win the frigmlshipiofu ofl thnzu PHILLIPS and his clas . than all no! Cmnnxnszouxsox and Buowxww. Hum. wr then. we repeat, can gentlemen who do not;l agree with the radicalism whichl now runs ' rampant in that party, continue tb act with it? Ever‘y‘moment that they do manly! eneoumgeatheirfanntical l-reth'cn‘a the mom. Justice to themselves and their dountry rc quirres that they should absolve them selves from all, connection with those for whose political opinion: they liavefio hei spect, and aid in rescuing the nation‘l’rbm the common perils of Abolition and wow; sxon ‘ Mn: McClellan.——The Providenge bu A: a story of Gen. McClellm: 1 Pivé months ago this young Napolnn wab informed that General Wool wavignd’y' and anxious to Hike. Norfolk. The; l mm. in oubstnnee. “Norfolk is well {aim um} cannot now. by. taken without gigmt sacrifice of mampljnd' « t loubl'lik. wpt awhile Ind‘wh‘etf ;.' . :- .it’,,Gen. Wool shall takojtg-J" a"? -"., at. , M.” l min.” The Nedgaol' Gen. 1L? " , khan lie-The best my tfr'zeg’hglp [in this 31”?" ‘wfffg‘;- 3%" ‘ world is to help young. . , ‘hqv’vt at you The Wind Dun’ng the TM! 00,-. n‘_ :szfimz'f::::‘p,a‘:e magmas: m. n. oushnen. of up-iqfié‘fiier out. folkg’and they will has (p give you‘ Village, hasgent toNew qukalefcf‘floma 3 lift. ‘ 4' " , l ':&§th>emaker’s 5” book, which- ~wé'sjité‘wn WWW?“ ‘ *7 S‘Coming—the weather thlrt trio- 'ffut ”9 him." f ’', g j” .m] , INI [AMERICANS Imm mam. i" is bu'l. n few ‘Jenrs ago that the preheat Roliulilienn part}: mus flourishing hinder flu mune oilinow .\nthingamroseribing and peru nu‘ing fotcignurs. and claiming that. “Ameri ‘cuu‘s muét rule .\merum." Where not? ’i" the 2 foreigners. wlw were nlnndeied us dun gerfius to the perpetuity anti pence of the “94"“ :l-‘y . in the hour of in peril im‘y w'er‘e I‘m'phg libel am to mare-li\ m its rescue, Nu! db}- nre now in nrmi and defending tho Big; i of Jair adopted ennuiry’at every/”point, VP“. Ethemajurily of their Knew flowing scener -are.iquietiy at home, laying to' build up “girl:- parij inconsistencies by denouncingtbe pm, -mulithe‘true Union men—who have :fllWflygéle j fencied their pmnotism—nu Secehsioniuu, ll'fti ‘lors', .tc. Nothing, perhnps, so full; emblliilh. lea lfzc liosliiily of the AbL-lilionius'tn m n76,"- lied lziuzeua an the emu-ls an [heir part (0‘ II the lworkulmps of the North with‘ mntfily lslm-ies frofi‘the South: Theyha’ve not fo 1 t ten ilu-ir oaths of hostility to foreigner) Hid Culi‘miics, whit-h they took some years 'iiuf‘d in Know No'lbing ludgen.’ _Theyruill cling‘to their old prejudieex. and nrc‘ now hilly "univ ed tn [ml their prim-‘ipleé into prnetice. “in“ they} gill slrain every nerve to do so eannoil i'o quedlim‘ed. ‘in Massachusetts, the hot-India! Ahoiitionisin, they have passed nlaw requiring: citiflpfi: (iffor‘eigniiirlh to reside in the State iii!) yemis nflerheingnnlurnii‘zeti beforlelher reehlja, liedlio \‘nte, while iheJiegro, '\vhp in F 5: n (iijii zeiflinhe UfiitedSlntes and never can be, infil lmeéd n]! the privileges at" the cleetivarnm-h o M [the age ‘of twenty-one y’enrs. ‘ Thin! sucilfn.’ in iplnees ghe negro in n, politienl pbiutllwgf hrieknbore tqhe ndup‘trd‘ riliLen, ennnécniili‘h ny' ropriety be denied. That lnwslillxemnl'ps t‘ r =l’atule hooks oiliaanelmgem an; "inn in of the fully nnd hostility of the ,Ab‘aiig in: 1.0 the mlopled citizen. it ie one oftiiu i: of Vow Ninthipgiim, to which. the Abil pizla, n few years sin‘e‘e, nil belonged” L‘et ‘hdoplvlf citizens redaembcr‘thEse fuel-Sli— iu‘nn'n Dim/mm]. fir' IMI =I 1 I ’1 hmfo rm We [(l5 Mr. 10 O'- diea s ‘ Phil - lion Irni Ltio our ‘ Alla _av. .«..'._,:.. ._._~ ‘J ~." In 'seeking to knovlv ‘yhat. this .Go‘fij‘T J‘non} nngllt'm '10,?" ‘lcllninn thp engfiscntMn 'of Q 1 imle prnporflr, or nmduqipgfion 'ofalurfi I’in (flu.- scnmiin: S‘n'cw, the ob\'\ious,,qucxliiin [D'N‘THYJHII itu-II tn may nflndr {II the thireflh .\I. ih‘ what in the HM “‘higj‘héc (hwarrimflnl xdglhfl pcnplv nn- :(ekiog Yo ,nttnju? Thifl'e I’w bntum‘lUvulun<war to tllathu-stinxl.l,v’h ) [urnene tlfc l'uinn and the Constiluliin ' . o . . . x . v - .- fln-Ir "1:00”!an \‘xndmate In “cry pnrh f inn-'ilnle rnpublic, ils supremo lnw. Ton' as", lym\\'p\'urhumnuc, .lmueficicm, mink" iro, mu} din-rt. mgr stgps from the pjaiin, gl-t pm. nfx‘grnm I‘HL'V. What Y 9 \‘x'rit'iq ’. hr «thing to rhyuugo it by forge (Hunt! ‘vur‘nme (ha thl; \N- are striving '0 film, - . 1.1 is n pl viu pxupnnilinn, that srrklngkn rue the 1.1“" two are, so far as posdhle. .L" thri Inn". We ate not to desnoy in see?- tu pn-‘r’rw‘. Tin-.\oplt‘ do not desirel‘n -r and wmqrsvlon strlifiglc m'l‘r ‘he defid iv ()fll;e ('unsfilutinu. We map-misc n’nmiu In-niW. :md pmn- nut :15 xvntJrr M:- m‘yn hfc phrufl M'lhc w-dph‘tbut “‘9 on?! eiilnll-r k nor n‘vt wisvly, li\e we” nr_dic ll fdr ‘repnhliv. ugly.“ we kvpaflhrly nnanW‘n’yfi km the mx-I ol'nll nur lnburs nnd sxit‘ridfil‘fi :- I’x‘viwp of am fillh‘cfi find flm (‘nuht‘t’luf I, whirl} is Us nnly bond. ‘\'c‘thouglg‘riful | cnu Ju-Yicvc-flml. then- is n po=cii)ilit_\' oMP nrnrtiug the Union on any nth“: lIhRiFJ ’or it is within "du- province or Gannon; ‘liu mhnr but the pvucofnl way ofnmcndmgln, ‘nnke ‘the elforl.—Jmige Thomlla'l. 3Ml}. «Pr juncl ‘ plll’i 'trEhil ‘1 due ‘ ~enf‘: I f .ohr- Ell :- mil , . y. 'Tho Louisvillv Urmnrra(,'a uhumqh ‘nfml. lvlourgnn (If the unsondifinjnnl‘l'uaioh "PP“ ' ml.i‘:'k‘v, ‘tu whow «Form, in campfir " I r‘ _ with ils.nblc ‘dnlimgue, ,tbe Louisqme 'F‘lul/«Wl‘. IH‘ new“; indebted‘ I'6! the pr! pr im offlml State tn the ['niun,s‘nys,in :fl'fi rinumhcr: ' P f 'n . . u u {w x' mm: Ith same Abnlmon putty ”51+!!- ~ ‘1 m 1111- South I-\'('l' being ropru-ienwfijn trrrr~=. _ It'wnnhl "rm-t all Illeirg‘nlqnln 19m y'iq‘pp'firnl‘llvl'ir[lolloB. They don't may L'nivm rcxtc‘uL-fl :~ it is hot their interéfil‘l‘f— .‘v :-nr§ thi- r-:'hn!s Squib are :1 unit in "mimi rim "10 I'uinn. A rodnrcd‘ Union MW bo kdomh of hum of them." ‘ ‘ i ~ -.‘ -.—— «no. ——-——.— ' g m Tnmsnnv NPR—E Luv—Thu Supvirjng pt of Illfnni: luu «‘,vcigrd the case hmxljh; rt- Hmm-by the_Smte‘ Treasurer, M to flip. of vhé act qunnzreu making (Mam?! : n Ic-ggl 11-mleg. The rnu‘thn's dbcjid‘kd the St tu- hw r‘rquirfixz go‘d and silvét in ~ pavmvui‘l uf Ilnhu 1.0 the Slab in as db“?- 1 amen-xi and um: the‘nct niConm'easd )cs imp’iir Its lurcu. Thercfnre tlte State My” thn the t 9? no! it he; paid 'iu 201-1 and silver.. The at: (If grvss JOGMIOI, in Hm 'il-w nt’ our Sup mo}; rt, (ivm‘nrlp llw 1m 0;”14' :fhlm Trmpn-V an“: nré. [ln-retort nu! xLlfgal-tenddr! in 1 on: in 1:43 mum ul‘bmte rcvenue.-—G’la§oflgo m 1 ml ’ 1'1“! I BUCHANAN vs. LINCOLN“ 3% 'hon thu nFlminiutmtioh (1f Mr. Radian. ‘z rh \rgml With a w'mt of vigor in qn‘rll tho rr‘hnllihn When it "Hf. prmo'nfifld f, it mll b 0 u L'nll'n-il-nt answer (hm Mr. min iv,“ in power frnm thn 4th of March ho lllvh nf Alml lmfnre a nin'gle ofTbilviiw-y ‘ {ml-n mus lnknn. The ndmmimrntihfi-of I Lim‘nln eman trim! to (or-k an uh?”- I mth lhn anthmities of South C-xtqlfna.‘ Inll'v rm rvinl‘rircomonts were to be’iant. ~nrtgunlptornn Cpndition of llmir allmw it (n h» nrnviulmmd. Ami Mr. Seward, the lflth of April. by} (lii-fiction 0!! {Elm lmlvn'. Wm!“ In Mr. Adams. uur Mink lto England. that “the Prcwidt-nt onLlha - h md. will' not suffer the Fellrml family to fall into nlmvmw. nor will)!!!“ the n! hnr. diff/ram!»lurid/nip mils br/ (WWII)!!! . .erAi/m {lv/“cl; nun] luvuml' Illefo'rm of firm rim-tint! iinu of 11m rm‘nfldlamfi/ Staflji" ‘ , Lincoln alm said. on Ms .way (6 Wish u on. that he “aw nothing wi-ongpmthn (“aside nf‘tho Pnfumac. The ham S7M he outgoing administration of MrLlßu— lnnn. (_in which such men as Holt} Dix , i Stan! uu haul planes.) as well M :54 in- Engm 9 at Mr. Linmln, tlmt peace covild . preso V9ll. ’l‘his hope gnu-met! the; on: of all until the :m‘ult on Port Slim l-‘rnn': that day a change took plum _- Democrntuarmml for Ufa Itandn'rdl of ; Union with equal nldcrity many fibers. was only the‘ (fisunionist nbolilig‘n'a 1 did not r'lmnqc. but with a Mulllhrn evr-mnce held qn to,tlleir mnttu—i-"na cry or jno union." From the slidhjt 3 be agen that ifthe ndmipistmtidn o! chnnan was wrongjn endmwrxring td; ‘ -e peace in the land. the ndministr'bn incoln was eggally guilty,-moie 30‘: Im «e it is known that Lincoln posses‘sed h moré positive evidence of the‘de'si 5 hp rebels than did his predecessor. vflrkt hing was‘ (lone until alter the mifzplnef .geconlplished.—chal4orn Adveru‘ur, «‘s’ - .- ' if“: :‘""~x"J-- In Troy to his village, a dmtincgipfiafl on. The leaf in charred on all lid'u. = MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers