~. _ ”Q '1 ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ""‘~' 1“?”“".~’* j‘W” , .. “ 1 "« * -"- t . 'E“‘ >,r,_-rl , l , ‘ i ‘ ’ ‘ m. . ‘ , . Proclamation; . ‘ ; Cheap , i ,FpretgnAttachment. ; .FA“t P I E "If . ' mI W ' 331 M 7"“RE-‘H "‘° "°"- mm" '- F""“- VF-“C0 A T 8, - ‘ ‘ " "it’ll CLUUDifiLLPR, Va 3 Jan 1' 'L‘ Still in-thelUm -' ! ’a; i , “ ‘i'rt—qnmmmm qmmiimimwruom- O ()VElllt:o.\TS, ll‘l ‘“i u ‘ lisiiw'rmi l; Rix-EHAnresninnyAx beg mm cull _o, It ; 1| . mun I’lt‘fls in the (futilities C()mlilbilillg the 19th [)lufiss COATS, a ‘ g 0 w HOi’F“‘l' - J \ttgelnnen‘t. the Intention “rum" friends , tithe pub ‘ r 0 g Di~trict, and Juxtiro at the Couru of 0101‘ Ind DRESS CflATs, ‘1 A ' a ' u y' “5‘ ' ‘ llie generally totheifiirt tlmtthe)’__\‘ejust re . . ‘ Tonniutr. and ”mm.” Jail lleliiery,.fiir the tr'm‘l . lil‘b‘lSi-‘JS COATSt' 1 out con." (1 bmlmonwenlth of Pennu‘l- ‘ tut-nod from the ethos of. Hula: [Phin and iof nll calm! Mid other ofl'cuders l." the will ‘ “'slst (:‘UA'I‘S . ”ongfwsx‘m‘rbrmm wanv_ Baltimore: with a NEW AND SPL_.\lill) AS -0 * idi-irirwml Umu Imam mull—un- E. “mu-y l nnxxm' JACKET. ,‘ \ mum . l rsnlt'l‘Ml-INT or Goons, clieupcritlmn cm i ._ Z- "”i E’q’" JUd2o92or "W Court: 9' “WWW“! i MONKEY! JACKET , ’ 1 sWe eéihinnnd yo‘n "‘4! you “_ before'ofl‘ered in theeonnty. - ‘ i ' ‘fl' ‘l'lt‘flfl, rind Jugticv-t of the Court? or fly" Ind M. 4 fiilllt'l‘s,c§ . ‘ t-h C W ilol'mlti' late I. 1' “string bought their goodsfor G. h, at panic 1 [4,” "ljurlnim-r. Ind General Jail Delivery, for they ~i ‘ SHIRTS, A . cruntv’ by fill. and siq‘glil’al'y‘il‘l‘ prices, and utntime when the (led ein minty E ' trial of all mpitnl un'd other offenders in the i ‘ Dlt “'Elkl. ' l it'd nd ‘ eincnu' whom‘ikmds of {dint-sis unprecedented, ey are en .i'rl. (Jouilh' or .t.i.u.u._ime issuéll mm "mm; -‘ - DiIeERS, : .¢”d*v”"'"“i f‘“ 5; “, "i. il" b abled to Dflersllch mnmms in ll:iston.sb I: m d - s - { Nui’efnhe in the? \Tlfi'l‘rl .h-nds "r “”4“" nu ”Merl.“ "mt rim! e, the most t'rfeJul it.» if our frien s will but ' bl ring M" the NJ dfl“ o ' r’ . l ' ’ ' '5O that l E‘lie ‘l'hl .tppeur belnre our Lourt of ~. J" . ‘ ' renr ofuur Lard one thmignnsd eight hundred‘ ‘i - \ ' TESTS, 4 ‘OO, 111 - " l 4 .i, .' ‘cnll and entnin bur stock. which a complete ._ . . . . v i ‘ . ntmon ,(ns. to be he den At hetlye'bnrgfln . d _ 't w 5 ”f 4, Inti-onemndtoiue dirccledforlioldinguCourt-t, i PA',\T3, . l l . M..t _ .n the "Utlidiu'be tnunr In every eturitfitn ,l‘ are sure can) er ll «0" U-‘HIH‘IW l’lhl’lJ-lil ”NW-‘1 Q"“"“" 5°33i"““ ‘ Pdl-VTS- l ‘ 4 'lzittmihgi‘r‘. ignitiiin'er Dfl-nik'l Miller . [Luigi sun-h indut'tmenlifikns WI” innply rev I then} for [g ut‘ the Peace, and (lent-rail Jfi‘ii Delivery and; ‘lmts of theta, a little cheatier‘ than the {1'0“}! ang-Jolln M. Miller. partners 'trading lllL‘lferllllle. {Everyurut-le,usnnllyékept'in a. 25“ ('ourtof ”yer and Teriuiuer. tit Gettysburg. on elifitpeut, all of ou'rou'n unite. to he find nt the under the firm of Mllltr Cloud & . Miller of ‘ i first elites country stnre Will he fund on hand. ~ 'eJ/mulnmré :IUI/i'dim or Januarynrrl—NUHL‘h when“, Emporium oi GEO Amati). I . d b d m 'mM 0" WW1)" muiuredmnmncd in)? To BE LNBERSOLD is lilil'l-‘lil' un'iz's tun“ the Junim ol tltu‘ h... 6 mg; m 1 1 ‘penm .e I. an H M It .; i ‘. ,nn’where “midwi- m. cm,“ ourmuno is l ,- 4 ‘ . . . , . . r 3r I .1 . --- _> “74v persons in whuse limit]. or [ioqsesmqn the nu]. “ 'elr S.tl _“i d'Sumll Profits." N 0 troubl llmw, the Coroner .uid tun-nitblu Wlllllfl the . j r ' drandciisttell lhdds and tenements, nrnnvi Qui L: n . ‘. e 8 gtziid (.‘uuntrJd‘ Admin, that they be then and? . Shem! 88.16 _ ’B‘” ,’ h 1 died h‘ tm v 1““ lb- Ltu thaw Foodz, . . ' - 15 ' '- . . ‘tl th 'r Roll' » ‘ . . . . “l “m“: m“! e “m“ '9‘” “ l- " e' ”he also take this occnciont relnrn our. there m llmrJ‘WPlr ””9"." w! I H ‘ 5' 5' “film cc of €an writ! (if Elan Iclfll and n J our before 0 r with Court iii. the dry; . , £2 1 .t‘ i ( mum: hxnnunutmnmend other 1! ."H . . if, . H’ .3 i . r. . thhnkstorthe verygenoronstmiron ewehnve» ‘Uizur . uiui >1 . . . . . :lud \endumnx hxpomts, issuediout tho nnd place drorementumedtonnwerwhat slmll, _ d' dI, h h h llentembrunvemtu dnthme llllllzi which t 9 their _ . 1‘ f \du‘ , ‘l tr .‘ J . l liai‘ and bidethe heretofore recrlwd, an '." ii 5e t ope tII .. l.tl . H ”ull' anertiiin to be do“ ,Lourt of Lominon Pens o. ; rug eln :' \be ob‘ieettr agnmsttiem or ii, ‘ a bfifitrlct attention to busmwfl a" high re -1 0"“ es ‘nm in 1}: it; -. ll . .*t th’ and to me directed, will he expomd to ltublie judgment ctfihe Court thereon, and) hue you :th M the intrrtsts of both 0'” "(ms and 8 ““II “M“ they “”7““ ”New"? agnnu_ ‘- Snll‘. at'tlie (Jinn-t “base. in ifiettfi'sbnrgmn then and hero n. 3,; writ. Wiluen; the Hum 37 .l‘ " 11 - y - In}. 'k l d 5 pmunersthutnre or then nth-.dl be in the-Vlad 0! ”Wm," (In islh d." {Juana MLUBGLL) nt Poh ',J fisher Pruident Juilwe of our mid oursc ice, to meri . to'n lnllzllvice o err |l ' ' h hen and ‘ ~‘" ' -"°.. . '3' . - * °' ' . ' .. . . in w rut-on. nmtinu it bl nu ,n, 2 the snlii ( uuuty of Admit. are to Yl‘ , . 1 o‘clock, I’, LL, the lollowtng described Real Court, at. (petty shut-g, this Ltth tiny of l)cc.,.A. ‘ G - \I-iin d Mom” “d 9 there to prosecute (Ig'flltht‘lllleut f” Sll‘h hiejuxt. 'Eslnle,\'iz: - 1 k‘ . D.,1861. 1 ,J- F. “NILE"? I’ra.,. mr“ 8 ”tamer. .an l-‘ai eldul'm ‘ . . r). ,(. “i“u’f‘ “0”}! " "“r' . .t ’l‘ltAl‘T or um, mum‘pmiyi‘n Ty:: ; 3 Per'lllJV. niiigv,nep.l'm. .JL; ' t -;.-_;-_; TEL: ; .1. i “1”” 5 ‘..'“”~" i.‘”“-".’“’~'°’} . m. ir‘nruy in Huntington, and pm»: i- Ale-i ; . t 41- 1 . ‘One Price to Aul I PW! “0' “so" 1" lnnllcn lownillllrfl, Adxluu county; ndju’iiiing John T. ‘Ncllhenuy. -iJ i T 81" . ‘p , V I V 9 V‘A—‘ .. Ilands of GlOl’gO‘ Harman, Jacob Hui-man. imd ".- '\."’ .6}; M“ ' 1 "WT"; snbserthen- have the pleaaufitlot’mformg l Orphan 8 Court 3818 i. uthers,contniuing93 Aheamoreorllaufiibont C. W. llutl'n'ian.’ l‘Orelg‘y .ltttithmtnt. ~tl - ":1. thheir friendgiirid (it; {iulxlutfirugi‘gltllyl‘ . F 111-IM. i-IfiTATj-L—Thc snbsr—rilmr. .\d- gown-reg good Timber-Lind, with l Acre uf “A“ “”3an. . l > ‘ l mt“|'.e,\ ‘(Eelrlluel-lf‘43i 11. snllt' it’l‘d ‘ 0 Whirlwlm’ 0‘ ”WWW“ 0‘ JO!” Flt-"“3: Mindow, more or less—~innprm’ed L... i y l The Cuiiimonwenlth of Pennsyl- i'md "Lu.” “f‘l :1“ "‘ ‘ '2“) are “I ‘ 9 llpl‘t'ilalfll, in pnrrumice ot nuthor‘ty giien him ‘with‘ a one and I hnll‘ story Log i “If! vauin to the Sherill'olfsnid cunnty— l 5"" at 19" “1:93 télwgatf‘s ll . l by the Urplmn'd ('ourt ul Adnms county. will _l)it'clliiiglJOCSE, within one story .V". ”H Jill“ s greeting: i‘ . l 0 .. ,i , A -iCI th. (.. u l oer" ‘“ ""5““ 53"“ on the l’Wmii", 0" S'NW- lok elied roof Bnek~huilding nt-. »"_ 4. '-,"" mil; \\'ecomnmndyou¢thut t'odnttilch ; ,“rfm‘F?m!3”'“P'l‘;mk " ‘5“ “f“:‘frfi: lIH'I- 1’" ”M '/".’l ”if J"’"“’".’/ “'l’: -\ TR-H‘T 0" liit‘hed. double frame iwentherlumrdcd Batu, y '~“..,.»-’ Chiirlés W. llull‘mm‘tl, lnle of yuun ‘ “Stings; .flntlt)me‘lts,v ":f “IL 1 ‘1; ‘I ' l 1..\.\1), Fil'li'lci“ Li'lilllon’ t”“'">l|il’v 3.43"” with Winger: Shed nnlLCorn Crib nttached,‘ countyJJyullxindsingnlnrliisgunds a": («1‘15“ “m“; '(tofisffnfrfi ; ibis-haul ‘ "Wm.“- ““J"*l"i-".1.’ I’mll‘ 0‘ Jim?“ “01“: 5“}!!- ' Smoke House, Spring House, and all other ue- and chattels, lands. and tenementsfi in whose “fl . :"e 11. "sh”? 1 ” ,‘E'lfli‘, ‘9 tout" 1 uel [Lilltuiirr turd Howard H. hiell cuntminlng C(‘filrill’j’ out-bulldingd, brawn! of choice iruit hands or [ltiaéeisioh 50“.” the shinelmuy be,su . Sheei‘l‘l’vlgsi (Flea-Ci]: its? .:?|]{rt\.'l:l: Jof Aeur ll nlmnt 'i' Acre-4. 9“ which are cret t- {,2 . trues, good tipring of waiter nenr the dOorol'the thnt he be and nppenr before dnt‘lCuulrtol‘Coin: 13ml . “'o' "dig-ILC. i (I): tsniuiil film“ lion“ l N “ new T“ ”"1"." pmlfllhmfl M” . -, [dwelling nith Bermudian Creek running- thru' munjl’lenisJ to he liolden in Gettyibuirg. in will; ”unini"; ll“ =1 _ “It”, limitindii lEEiuiil-unde‘ “0553' “r.“ ":"u-‘L‘ ""‘l H l'imllll :21,“ . euid lt'ucl. It is situnt’ed on the road that runs for Said mlunty, on the L‘Ulll dry at Jniiu:iry.{'.°[s"3"‘ l'["“j"? " ('2 r'wr'o" mW-“Nfuh; llani. There is :i‘“’oll of “Minx/3.0333471? from the Lower Bendeliswille road to the hyper, heft. the Ito nuswrr John T. l‘cllli‘leuny, of itl 'ISLJ'm' Jim: I:;‘l’m‘s'3.;i:u:‘ “Mil“ kinds“ sit the lluuw, uud an Urclmpd, contninlug .i Ln] Li-tlilerst'ille road, 3 tulle: norili-u‘st' from plea in de it, and ullsp that you eummon till ‘ kl!“ _"_"')l‘;;]§']"iti'u ifiki‘m Pa '35“; Thri-ad'l :ler cl finit trees. "The Lind is ofgoud qlmli-I‘llwilcraville: Seized n'nd taken in execution . IM‘I’MH’IS in whose hmnls or po§3i9s§lqll the said - lift-:1“: &I' ‘w‘. {llO Bell (“glide Im] M-n: t'r, This it n hire them; for :i nice .comfurtii- us the propertybfllfiln‘ R. I’m-ans, a goods nu- chattels, lands nuditencments, 01' {mil IL'l' It: -I' (‘l tlL‘ “nan H \u: "LLY nim lile little lionie, l’u‘wns \yi‘hing lto \‘iLW itl , ‘ - .t lno —— : ‘nny of th in, may he :Ittm-hedl :Olllltl. they ‘"f “)r than“: “as net ii-tlledl thirers ml] in; <bmru the priipvl’l‘)‘ by the fulfill), rc— .\‘l.()’l‘ 0F GRUl'Nlll, situate in Hummus- shall he nhd uppur before uifi‘jSflid Uuurt, M- l “Edi. t h "It “i'c‘et'éritluln'; u." ii if“: in l hiding on it. ' ’ hut-g, I-‘rzinklin township, Admits county, l'n.., it‘ the day n d pliu-c itl'orcnieiitifl ed, to answer 1‘7"“ stilt-“MU ‘ll 1h: ” _ dirt-d: 1 3-1;] [Jim-m 1 thy-Sale io dmnuu-m-c at l «ft-luck, l’. ,\l., nn being I )l. .\'o. 1! on theltuwn plot of said town, i whnt ,slml .be ul;jcdte«l‘ag:tirts:l thdm or him, ' ”“mlDl; "LIB”? him-i} thltu m” “g'lnmn‘! :zri-t 11.1). “Lt-u 2|lll'llllilllCo will be given and, n “rhyming on lixiltiui'pre street, bounded by and abide the judgment ot the unit therenu. ‘2? ill-lzdnitl l-l-intfur whi“ l‘rieti ; than; term: mud:- kitufitt by _ -, tulle-ii (in the allulll nndl‘ czist, itnd by lot No. lo I Mid have. on then iiud there tl ia_\\trit. \\ if-l or”), in d eli'nhniu fur \‘uiirs‘elvw “:12”: “~w‘ “'3l. H. GARDXBR, Jilm‘r. [tun ilw.\ur h,on “I'hit‘llhll'e tTecit-d 4",” JHess the lan. lluhurt J.',l~'is em l”i‘rstd:it,“tu:“”'fi":” ‘llfi'l‘h'l‘fi tn vilmiv‘nnr ‘ 'ods Wei 13." ”w “mm—"M“: littnhuz, Clerk, J ‘ ‘ " T“'“"‘m'iyD‘ml'k‘"liiknwcmllfl ..*1?"‘ " . Judi!" “f 0‘” 3““1 Court, at ‘3 ”-lv'im‘r‘ia'i I“Hugh-turn Our ninth.“ llinlilrt in n gout-‘3 iils l'llhllc’i mega), nut} is ‘ . f . j illul'n‘lihlmme slhopJFi-ume and 1"”; EB 2131 Jay December. A. 0.. ”5.15.? ) . ifurilic‘ltimliu-tiilnrwtfiu "mum” “ohm us”; i 7“— ' Log'hldlilefi. “huh 1‘ WA“ of waif-r '54-‘34,- : >1 I." ll.\l;l¢‘h\.' Int: Innd fen conlivltlut [lull hr n hirint IQII-Illiufl to: near the dopr of the «jinx-Hing“ fruit tress un‘ ‘ Perth. “7- Bil-M1!» 1‘7"."- I’9- “miners and dlllll) A“) 0mg“; {54015. ‘0 iii-M “It" ' ‘ f 4 . . *T—‘ '< ’ i ‘ i - ' ei nt'tht- S'Ultf'. .l i‘ ‘ , Aim. rlrnEr. Lorsirromingl on naiitmm’ Diniv-I S “‘th “93‘4"“ ill . f ' imm “(Lemma)“ L hum-2n 4; slumps. l sire‘ut, in LlltltlU\vu urliu'fiinmshuig, mljiiuing Swopc. d ting bll‘lfiorufi'lldtih-r i‘\.°', 9. thin: Tu iFlirficld Oct H 1501. um . ._H ‘ lut Nu. llliin ihi- soutliitn'd an alley onlh~en<t . the name nd style bl' \\ hile x I Imii Foreign 4' ‘i A 1 .' 9‘ -'~ .-._... v i \__‘__ nnd north“ they being .ll'os: 8.1! liquid 1910* plot Shape, \‘s. l ‘ I].lttflelimcnt., l N¢W GdOdSi at Arena vine. of :AtiJ town. ~Scincdimid takentn cxccittlunna ' C. W. ”Ulr’lll‘n- : ‘ . Il . l,- ‘l l‘ ' . <t. rll i I frn ‘ “'9 ”NWT" "”1”” i"""”" 5 hi l M” wilni ”- V r‘i ”ll 01' Psl. IT [llitlilili‘izll-‘Méiliai «L‘x‘ticleiiliilld' ‘t inf Veal . ‘ —.t-so —' ' l .ull "it: 'nnimlu wet i enniy 'l . ~ ‘ '3 . - - if . i 'rnn IiTEREST l.\‘]’A 'I‘ItAfITOF L‘AXD, ,3 ' ninth in wasn‘t-yin; mini county, l-nodsvy’lsllwh-sw,li‘rri=slt;!.;'_iii(lgii:l it"nllg‘utiiuiry ‘siumiein yruuelownfillip..\«dnns‘t‘otlnl%,l’:i., f, u greeting; E , ‘ ismic‘e'lil-r‘w”."'§“#93,?"i2i3l‘;‘s‘firm'“fl' (111.1110 raid leadingfnim lleidli. sliurg tollumc . ll ‘l'; “'l‘L'illlllnflllllhl‘nll‘tilfltfl‘fll‘l nttnrh Ii net:,l 031111;}: .. L) 1.5 i ‘ li, .‘ Yts-i'l')‘ fl lit; 'l‘rnttle'h Hill,ndjniniugltmdt Jf .euiifldQL-lnp, ‘ x“ tl 0- \\. ”O""3‘FHIW'; llhf‘f‘” “O““Will\'“c"t‘il_ firm“; _ it??? “I“ iy'l3lllll'lVlll’ Alirnllnm Linuh, gin! ; others, containing 10 ‘ by all nudifimgulfir‘hls minds. clint- l iglufillgl‘dah‘ xit'll‘lll:};!(.).01t igiyimiétniu '13.. "H “111;, A rem. u“ or less, "'l which re , v}, tels. land? and tenements infirm? hnnds M‘i’A’ll‘tLl': ("I By _ 'Ellntichllll‘gg’iil‘ll'l'dt ‘ei 'L'hcll it l‘n’u-stury Leg Din-lli'ig 3'3? ’ ‘ |l()~.~(‘~slfln :omer the shine ninf" heal eo'llmt lie )L‘ :i(;~§l't‘l'.cj|>“l~|rh -l ; i'v 3-" 11;; ll )I'SH, with Human-qt, Log Stit- ',q‘ji [L] be and :iiipenr beiiire our (omit ilf ( dmmnn 11H!!!“ f {l* vI“ 'f 1.0" 5““ 11: val‘lfkfilfit‘mn 1 d bl , well near the door of the ‘l‘l-£A $155., l’h-ns to 'he holden ut ‘icl‘xi‘flirflv in and tor enlntiiituii‘n [it"Fllfi fin‘ernflrioi: 33:11"; dwelling: fruit "‘9" Oil “id prism-fly. bunt PM" “0" "l" on ”ml imh ot Julru'l‘i'v bent, l' i‘: )url nluii‘ tire: y‘allfnfn'nd s migr’vou)r -3 hen-s tlrc‘lll tiluln-n; Scited'nnd tukbu in “f .1”; he" “"d “'l‘”. m 915‘“? ".‘mcl S risa-ljl’WY—lll'o ti'uithle'tu t-liow Got-«ls. ' axeeiiiiuul its the priitlerty ol‘ SAM'LHL'IHLAP. “ "“0 “n t. LAliio eonsuuth nnb‘iudl’US’l'S d‘RMLS. ‘ . ~ 5301"“: WON", 544%- .d” ’l‘" n. ’ ‘ . ‘m \\'K t: SPAN Han iSlii-rilf'tpffiee, (lettytlinrg, ltec 30, 1,1; . ill‘bl- Mid ‘ ~\renilt<\tlle \dal til it mgr-n per cent. til‘ the phreluise timnry “1‘05“" O't .OR lQi‘l‘ m ‘ "- " ~ I.l] in“ lu' .i ‘ ‘“ ' ' ('linttele; ‘--~' t -' ~ - luny be ’. 1 IF4 mmr—l - 4:5: “‘ = .. r: 3. _ a _ 9' 5‘ i- a a .‘ ‘ B. IRry f .nnaryfi 5 6| 7 8 -1: 13 14 15 , ‘l9 2o 21 2-! . >26 ,27 Jet 29 February, 23 4 5 9 10 H H ' 16‘ l 7 l 8 I 9 713 24 25‘ 2a Huck, f , , ‘ 131 ‘ 5 1 9 lo' H II > N 17‘ l 8 l 9 ‘ 13 ‘l4 15 26 730 31 7' ' AWN, é I 2 . “a 7 s 9 ‘ 'l3 14 15 n; ‘ :20 21 2-2 23 ~ ’ , 27‘ as 29 so I”: 45 6 7 111213.14 118195021 §253627 2s ‘l2 3 4 June, ' a 9 lo 11 5 15 15:17 Is ' 2: 2mm 2:- 119 30 3"”qu , z " 1 £2 1‘; ' g G ‘7 8 9 ,- ‘j, 13 )4 15- h; - ; §so2l 22 9:: -, ~ , 27 25, 29 so August, g z 4 .. r. i 10 ll 12 1:1 17 1x 19 20 2! 2.3, 2:; 27 , 3! W L Septemb‘grfi '1 2 3 j : r 7 a 9 *lo V‘.‘ H 15.” n g ; 21" 22 2:: 21 ' , % 2:4 2;) 30 ‘ . Optnliey, , ‘ 1 j t, :,,5 6 7 x . K 'y I“! 1.; H, 15 . ' ‘ 1.9 2n 2: 22 / v 315 27 25 2‘.) ._ Kuvemlmr. I ' a 2 ‘3 4 .5 1 9’ 'lO u L! . g It; 17* 13 w 4_ 1 23 24 25 521.7 . I 10' ‘ r ”chamber, 'l l 2 3 z7B 9 m ‘ 14 I”: I“! 17 2| 22 23 '24 f‘ 28 29‘ 30 ;;1 S‘p‘eoial Notl K TUIVGf OF “HAV'I'Y. ;\' PEI-lg ._\\'l....-.m lu- hmulifixl lulu (found-Finn. Ker;- lhc pur QTPP.-illld Hut hlounl "Hr". nud ju vie \nth Illr,ru~(- and l:'_\'. 'l‘hu ~ vim lhununvln ofiuuc- inurryi who" “Ilia-til in m min} UK the“ clan bloody-I.” uvkuunflwlged mu run of minkiml—‘w‘wn lhv; ~ [inched—mlwn it i- run-rm] “it when it i». rujl-i xllui‘tlnmmyJ—wlu Murd fewr finr intlu-n u |liuxn.—-i! lur ”"4 skinhnnlcr [Ln-~1- rin'mm {mums prujwr' funrtioui. and to {nu-“rifle: "um (he Inn-13' a: dc (‘n-ntor. . ; Ju|7~;).\‘;s \mt'xl‘AlN mm [you ‘lhnq hhdrucllflngn and pr; fwnhhr Mfd‘ul, rcm'~\‘n- Hu- crupl rkiu. and rub»: it 10h"ig|xl6u\\il p‘umhumrl {mint-v. Nanny r” I n'nd lm’rd. lh-nmy \uthuu! pa m‘piva—l-uc: haunt} pruduu'd l {lnfihinM-I. lJud-nm's‘\|ounHlu I par-lb! nll Medium: Duh-r». ‘ {[l V , .n'mrs CATII.\[I'I‘I(I PILLS. \ M ('lmmi-xrf 1:1111L‘l't-(llnilic hm ' their ullnml to [um-lure lhi- Iw~t = p'urgulhg: \ighirh i "Linux" tom.” Me pron-ts :L‘re mul’u‘lhat (howl {mu which {Fllrpzh‘ in Hill-Hence mnji‘ciues, and Ilm [ln-y “in nu upon ‘Llie rum-m uf,:|ll Illl‘l.. ’ and plcnnnlit lu ilk“. th pun-r #flgir‘épruflruling’prulicrriu: ~'|'n nclh‘igiri ul’thc hufy.r--umwlh 11! its brgnm. purify [lu- hluml, ;. (an: STIR.” purge «011 M luui I - breed; Ind grim dink-nuwn Mum N or uliM-rnlercd orgxuh inlu lhrir n nnd‘i'xiipurt healthy tonv \\ uh st , whale [nu-m. .\'ui only du 11 ‘_ ovary-«lei; oompluuh of eu-rv )- farniidilnjo' My! d.ui;rr.n_u dism ' balm-d Xll6.hi‘t or human hkiH. . prn’duce pufuol‘fufl'rni'cts. mg— :l thine,“ dlnlillisuhu dams, the ml phuir ghfl’ miiivhe I-mmu} rd 1‘ Bejng Mint-roared. they are phn Indbeiug lime]; \lrgetuhle, :in- » fink of hxifm. ('uhw hm. hflt'll purpass belief \\'i:rl- lheypol nu!) _ Inc: of such cultyd pusilimn :‘III l m: lax-hid the suspicion at unxrulh nun. clergy'méu nnl phygi ‘inus h J Jungian to certify l 0 mg: public Hu -0'!- rtmeéiu. While othvrs hau' . auunmce of their cunria‘liun llm . {ionnfiontribule iu'jmelneiy [0 1h gfliicted. sqfl‘ering Oéllow-mcn. The Aggnt below mum-d i: plan gnu]: ,our American Mum) Ir. 1 reciions fur the [l:9 and curtifi turf“; of the fulquxiug temp] .in Gostirrnessjhliuux(inmpiaiutq / IDrinay. Heartburn, llcminche u {on} staunch, NuasrnJmhgczfiu rut-9n of the Buwcls and Pain 1 from", Flnmiencyfllms of Appem which require an autumn me :Ibio. by purifying the Mun-l an the Elysian), cure many cump‘iu . would'not be supposed they can! ll Defines}, Paglia] Blindness. . Nervous Irrimhihty, Defiuiig‘cuien ' and Kidnayu. Gout, and other plain“ arising from :1 low .mte n ph'struction of its functions. Do not. balm. ofl' by unpdn with somc'other pill Huey nuke n Auk for Ayer's Pills, and take n ' Kn other we; can give you comp r fill its intrinsic value oi‘curnfivo flc‘k III": the best aid there is . thofflnonid have it.‘ . firi'repared by Dr. J. C. . Lowem Mus. Pure: 25 Gnu ‘ Fm: Bans run $l. ' i _S‘Soid by it. D. Balm“; negwkege. ' [Deer «, ‘ ——~-.-.....—~\ “ ' GREAT DISCOVERYI—AmpI tests. 1’0“! ~ OSEPII CARBAI'Ufi‘S ESTATE-when"! bynble‘p‘nctitloners and chew ul mmlysis, J ofndmlniplrnlinn on we came 01 Joseph , :33 flhmoustmtcd the great fell .9 ofl’ml‘. De Unrlmngh, Isle of Franklin township. Adam: ' , " h'l bountiful combination, c lledl“ BLHC- bounty, deceased. having been granted ‘l6 tile 3:! 0111)," for the wild and C! e of pain.-_—‘ undersjgned, residing near E‘uycneyille, Funk: Kayne people themselves an r during their liu county, he hereby gives ngfiée to all por- VOIM ii ‘ ”mm" mm unm humble ”“1 sons indebted to said esmte to make immediate “fiduciary. M‘nre than two m lli3h bottles payment, and thus: having claims against 1120‘ in”. “an sold an I very short. lame-n Km": same to present them profierly Inthenlic-tedl proportion of mask“? beard wars ”WHO, settlement. JOSEPVH Booz, Lum.’ ; mend “{th In! the: IL “I‘ll“? “alpha-did Dec. 30, 1861. , art j l - g. ".1! ag; u- are nc'n we ge ,hnd _l__-7 , '*‘ "”"".—“‘“T"“““—*‘— 31:25; like it 1‘76); over before p epured. The Tavern Llcense. ‘ i only genulnl Electric 0“ is P” 3799 ”film's, ‘ [IE following application to Lfeep «1' public which is to be had a; all the res| WWI" Drug- house of entertainment, has been filed in! gins in tho cities, and at. wlxolestéle and l‘efl-gil, my oil-ice, with the requisite number ofaigncrs; M file proprietors' price: orthe agent hqre. l,See and will be presented at. the Court of Quartelj ‘adunziemenn. J 3989 M”. 0! Hominy. “9301‘“!1 Qflflnuflfy ")3! -‘ ~ -~-<v-'r T - H JACOB W. PBEI‘ERS, ’Bntlu‘ township. ‘ 525 !] Euphonwx'pl [s7sl JOHN EICHULTZ, oqu. » I‘63sz WANTED 2—Way; gunfire-15.25 :9“: 30:18"- W col 76 par month and all ex 1e 835,, to name ‘ " W Am“. 0, gm 1‘ “mum!” Puticngm ENGLISH DAIRY CHEBaEJvery fin'clr nnl Inc. Address Eu: 5: :0, About»: Pfi'flfififl‘flfllEL " o*!qu R. JAMES, General 8"”! Hunt}, ADIHS’ DRESS TRIM’HNGS, in ma: ,vn Ohio. [SepL > 1861. I] |L tiny, no. 80350108. MR " a E. ‘1 9 10 1:; H 2.1 24 :40 31 6 7 13 H 20 2| 2'! 28 aé 4: ‘3 H: 20 2.1 :7 as N 3 H) 17 24 5 12 la 26 1 4 10 11 I? 1x 24 2.3 7 8 H 15 21 ‘22 25 29 4 5 ll 12 M It) 25 26 1‘» 13 20 27 Second Supply i F Tm: SE \SU.\'.—(H;IUR¢;B ARNOLD: O h I~ jun! relururfl hush I’hil dulphid. “th :I lu‘g: ~uppl_\' 111' English :m'l Flu-$.41 WHOTHS, “HA VIII: In).U\'Hll(‘,u.\'l‘l)€t2.\',»V'-ES!ITI;\'I:S m“: ('.\SS[\HIR:'IS, in great. v..ri‘e:y, froanf), rents In 5.5:; per ”rd, (Lin-m ts. \"thh, .h-Mh. km, 1.1.; with u gum-ml fiisorunt-m 015 Dunn-div Guml» We‘lunc nowV‘uu hrnd n: I largu Huck of(“in-rvunLgL‘ugiug fliqm $.13? lo 9 $13.00? .\l~u,?' Dru-es Chum, liueine'ss Hunts, . Mon,» and Huy“ I’numlouns, Veda, Shir“, ‘l‘ Drvuennnd )lUIIkt-yJuckL-ls. ()upclothing is (I’2 51” nfuur nun In xkc :uul wnrrnnlc jun-n Inn-10.: -9 in” .uy-k ut‘thurn-unls pzulivnlzlrl'y is burgh—l \R- :In- Him-hing Un-luout~',&c., dalxly flow the, r, ln‘mds We lune nuplny-d, :0 Nut We keep mur 1;; «lack Wu” uuorlcd. The nhz'nje 1&0qu Imu- Min: 2]) ’ purghnscp on [he Hr) bod terms ton-“shawl 27 will he’ told at u very; redmcd price fpl [he -." aumc. (Pixe us u call. . ‘ : Im. 30, 1591 ‘2‘ 3 ‘J ‘lO ll} 17 2.: ‘2! 550 31 6 l 3 gu 27 11 r In lo 25' 26 0191. nl'lS Kl‘\llll£ll.\.\' l‘ re~pcetfnlly informs n on all slales hy the .“heeifi‘nulst m- p.iiu over FUR- L lll: friend" jun! the pnhhegthnt .he has» it numliutj-ly after the ITUIICH)’ ls struck ll'nwn, lllle Cum neneml th'e 'll\l.l;Ulll_\'ti lut.~ines~V In talk 0 upon‘fi'tlureit}l'_mnlll)'thel'e\nthlllc[imper '~l\lll ~t'eet, .uppo‘ite the IS xn‘n, Getty-hum. where 'l): WI” oelagnm [tut “(ll lur salc.‘ . ‘ x -A\rill he han to rewlvc a lihcml share at 011-. l l : l ‘ "'l mu“! I.llllr.|,_('lll\'-ll‘.llll'_ wm'mnts nll_lns~y\‘ork to?» :1 - , Sdmething New. l “rm“; lit. and (he t‘nnl mg. to he Sllliélfllln-fll. lle .r Vlllilln‘llerpigned reslpcctl‘ul-‘ “a I 1;“ BF la' regularly In 11-well)! nl the I“'“”“i-“. an “ informs the ritalllcll'SW ll di<- 1“!“ he 'Wlll be able to plume ull‘klates. hue .m;a‘u_\.~lmrgund \il-illitthnt “~' lr mu] 11“" I‘l‘l'”: _ .1! l lllt' hn» opened ll \Vj'l'l‘ll Al) JHW ILRYI 1..,.__- L’J'Dblolml“ hnmxnt‘rnut "150 “"4“" GYM” SEURI‘L in the room ”him-dime _\‘ in the on or" i~ ln- Slmh .Hll Stam‘ lrmu ('lullllllg‘llll.‘.|' shorty“, . J_ L, Schhk's bllm‘e, md lkolllifig the vii-h- tune. nn_d at mo-Jerdte elinrges. 4*nllhhu'lloll Sgume. “here he intend: kee ling nn IISFOH-' ,w. gu-rémwl- 7 l [“0943”, ”si- ',l‘x flirt; \\'.l\in'lli;:s,“aware. ,SllA’l-11l nnd ' xm- " i '. ' t ' : * 'is ~ a: -...\’ ID “an: :, ‘l’EU'l‘A ‘LES {3 our (Notlce. l ' lptlm Ks, kt, kc. {‘ W l " ' ' . ,\CllllSTU\'lil‘.'fi l‘:5‘rATE.-—L‘ttt(‘rsof “d'n 'lltning been leounCctcd w; h a firsL-(-h|ci‘ h‘ ‘ IT- QI minixtmtihu on the" estate of Jneuh dub er, {WI-etch nnul JewelryrStnrc in linltinm 0. far m u.“ Litt- nl'lhmilt mintu lu\\n=hi[-...\d:lnis enemy, ']~‘9“‘r~‘l years piiat, h‘tl is prep retl'tu llurmsh ‘tnfllh: .luunml, hinting been granted tullhe (lll‘ll‘l‘v:l:\l'f_)' article in the ine, at he luwelt cit)" :.<h ”f =ig-nul. l‘P‘ltlillg in Lt‘tmty township, he lure- ptzi 0., uml :11l purclnt cs \till I -gu.irnntied as lmirv-(l h) gum “mine [mull permit: indnhled to,~.iid ,rqarerenn-d. , - S 1%,“ (‘s'mln‘ t-y’hmi‘e innuedmte pug-talent, and these; l"rom :\ long exporilluee in \ uteh-repftiriug. h nml‘ Inn in; Cl.t:|l|~.lg4ltlldl the ::|llll‘ to [lltstuL‘hL‘lu Lespeemll} offiue \\'ntrltes.-lleis prepare-l to do :; nre‘ properly anthem“ .Ltml mr settletuunt.- l ‘ull kindal o‘,“'flll‘h-“(¥Tl\' prom ally, in! e H 1.” £7 l-iii'llfil'Jlllfli llclh'l'lllli, admin 1:) tuner. and gunmntyl the pert rmunee f . l .l)ec. 30, 18,61. 6!. 5 He will kL-eplllwnjg on hum a large hssnrt ‘u ._ ”g. ~ , i 7 ~ , 7 nentm Sl'l‘lC'l‘AULß .nttds e- ' :Tlltei ll:ll\Lv(-d HOUSES £01: Rent. ‘ l tiltlenlllnsses; and h. viug 11).: mm ““hhmf H r “V” ltll‘lt'K DWELLING HUUSES._ _ ~Et-tpem-nee In .mlnytifig them to the sight, is l 1 1..“ Jun-4f 1 un Clmm‘htrghnr; street. fut rent. . .jii. : lvl‘cp=\l"ed I? tit‘all ‘Yh need 1,“ m. ‘H’ I” gen.“ 9 )l. HlClll-ILUERUH . M f ,11.\.1l Jl‘.“ l-lLll) ule to u ilhe o dilmrv'l “H‘- 33~ 13“”. 3'- ' “’19:?!“ it great)... 0” of I" hi,“ “mm 7 . . 7 _..- .i ”W- ._.- _ Jl2“ thin repmre m then lhvy :I'e >:|l-e - Estray. l > ~ . .105) full to ire.-- C‘HIE to the premises uf the snhs‘erlhnr,’ -Cett_\ah':rg, DW'Q' ”UL llJlell e vit.il I itfllen illen town‘hin. Adnmsieounyy. the . kills” (-timls llrLfifl‘k ill Urluher‘lmt. 1| llnrk; brown Bulll l MUSICRI E terta M?! ~l liljx (‘nlfi \vith a white flu-e, ‘iillp‘osed t'u heright‘ url A (‘ll-\\“ llnau-nl‘lintertmi inuur‘ which ten mnnllu all. The owner is h~qtze~ted tn? fill‘Ml‘l ln‘ll‘llliVEUlfllj W blth’.ng!p~h 'eouug tor‘wnrd, prove property, [my charges, l’l-l‘lltlifillCllG: (YUT Sl’l’mg uni! «um. and mm mm): Ju‘nx «semen. l; ”la-“HI duy "Hm-sum. 1862 with to the I)“. '45, haul. 3t " t ‘ 'l.‘ 3 uuluek, 1'- M- .T 'd Elm“ H Hre ”he , ‘ , e, -, .‘ _ _,. l hi. 1 Me .‘i givenhj :l large numbfl of Ln ll). lvut nlm ' Notice. . l - ' men] “11-:1? hat"? hwnltho‘l‘nnf .4 i-l|:t hue 7 “IE snlucriher res wetfull}; informs those. "Hum“ Sl'lp Ineduqing “a, “l' l“ the." l ‘ who 'ure'imluhtedlm him that he intends lee:uuc:remengher¢o'll. “' - tut 1‘ Tue chulug up His business In the hurougb of Get— 3 ”a"?! ( “13"?!“ llhuufier, ‘ °‘t . "‘l “‘s‘ t‘vehurf‘j in }VI|ICIT ”s‘an G. Cum lull: been {0 foal?” .‘M‘t 71‘0”}!‘1 mm. 9.!” ””31"" ueting Ms hi; Agent. He therefore requegltal ’1"??- m" at) e 0 Sun?“ “M " “"“i them t 4 e.|ll nud‘ ~ettle their Il‘Colllll‘l Immedil P “lung’s" nmch F 0 l'“ “e r W" "I Am." atelv. - nexm JEFFERSUX muse.» t’“-‘.‘“g ””‘.”‘° .l""“«"“1”m“ um} uhich Deer‘lli‘ 15131. St , ' ' . ‘ (i seeing and listening to. In?" Lintnted by ' ‘ . .. ; .. . » ——— ‘ MH'lotk. Concert theommene K'llflr. qtt‘l‘ M l» t Railroad Election. , lT‘ivkt-ls 33 cents. Childaeu 11l MA LY mnl- r 11m Aufittnl Election for ll’l’eqldcpt and ”em-"0v 1““- ‘L‘ " 'UlWl’r' I 'l'welve-llmmger‘s ofthe Grit) llaurg ltéil "U" “if," of road. will be held I“ the Ullice ol‘.t;he*‘,‘otnpnny, sen‘Jut-“the l” the second story of the‘l’ussengerlkput. in Ul’ [ "f‘l'um' the ”(trough at Gettysburg. on the 2d J/umluy ”Ill" "l "l! qf January nul, (Jun. 14, 1862), a one o'clock ‘ ‘ in the afternoon. 3393“.“ the su 0 time nhd enltifurmslhlphwe there will he held the regulzu annual "“13“”: d!“ meeting of the Stockholders. ‘ , ' ues pr them I . mm} WILLS, seagy. = ; Dee. no, 1861. m l - . llhetjmatism, .m— l , ‘ . ' f-l_ _, -..._, lainifmm u. .. . r "An Electlon {l ' ~ 's‘!" “if 1"“ OR. ong's‘l’resfdeut and t“ elvé‘lDin-etors, to ‘s'P""'"°‘ F manage the Ml'mrs of the] Littlestown I".l.D‘§°“s°S Hailroml Compm)’ for the eusuihg _\'e.u', “ill‘ wnlfi ley be held in compliance with Lemon the-2d "ll”“leF Monday ueruumrll, 1862, between the hours of m Twig l and 4o'cloeka P. )1., in’rhe main of the Cum re: 1'! “”11 puny, uttuehed to the Freight. House. All per ‘ugjjlfii‘hf‘fl‘l Suns intern-led are im’ited to attend. l iilllqed (0‘11: ‘ By order of the‘ Bonn], B & . the; bully:r .. __ ”H _ _E. I'. SHOE , cy, . JUY rilh ll ~ 0! th r due n i: i u h m ‘I inuuzriz'l ~r of ml, in i< (.111 I erupt -| ”urn is im'u IH'P‘ - lII'P} gnzd , Hm uLL- Ir uh h the Itl'h . Eh I rc. 1' I ’1)“. 30,1861). td ple‘d demons. " ' ‘~ Notice. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' i r» mm m "E “Mains county-rescuersussocintion" hi"! else.-_— . T will hold its next. meeting at New 0W)”: "33 s"“ulh'skcuulnlellcing on Tuesday, the HM 0f J€""”"!/y 0‘14": .The 1562, and will ounliuue in session threu days. 1' “Fab “3‘ The Teuche'rs of the colinly, find all ftie‘mls of‘ ‘ I Common Schools, are invited to be present.—; 'El’! 3“ 00., Dr. Burrow, State Superintendcngis exlieclefii N 2“ ”05-“ m be in uwndxuce. By order of theil’rcsxt ‘ ‘ dent of the Auoeiuion. Dec.,30,1861. n 3 Notice. and de'hlerl ‘2361. 2a ‘__ ICI Tailoring. ? :.__:‘_- a sign: c ‘§‘Qw4& Ma w. BRONGP'QL. 5% ' | 6900* “15" #Few i imam ' My- 1 ‘ ‘ 3;; Wain: qf gtogpme 9’th ,gau 1.? u; I whwhinthtbeg-iming‘ armumwdy,'yf;lwt attach the lungs; @raum’: s3}: ‘ It has bun provedi‘fiwt article bgfizre tho public fields, final/1.1155 ,g’atqn/L. W 3W ‘ ”gum. and 71b -‘ -‘ the Mani.ng raun- sine-lien « .stragthming the rink». Sold by all @nmrists ; Wm, at 95 cents -=-l lei-A. l). minty, Agen Dcc.30.1861. 6m: Restaurant Fu' _ HE subscriberintpnding 3 business. offerrqhe good of his Restauringiu Chum!) Salk The Beaunranuuug. and will be sold cheap for en entiun desired. iGEO. 91’ Getty-burg, Nov. 11, 1861'.1 ‘ Hohday \. REINUOLD CALNE, Mum . cy 8049 AND i’RRFUfi Ind Remil..No. 320,\'ine at! Keep: always on haufl a “\th Whit. and Mauled anile 8+" ’ Bxu-ber's Soap} | ‘ Ulive Soap, : “'inllsorl find a full assortment of PE Dec. w, 1861. 5a _ r Ysox BROTHERS h. -! 04113.1.11'1', NEEDHA l DECKS. These inflrument for beauty and awwpbesa o! ’ can be aeen Ind testad by cu lo". York sum, opposite buts, h. ‘ I pmlr befol ul‘orcmrn - rd ngnin. or the (‘t (have Lhi Fisher. 1 UNUJIU By \‘ir' lad lhr f \\'. ”om \ ”A @or . wining X Aka.) Iva. In in the NW H Wed. SherilTa' Unit-c. (écc'l'rshurg, . 1 DIVOI‘CO Not 09.: l ‘ IN T! n mum 0:“ can) u): WEAR 0? AD. .us cu, nu. 7,.\'l)\’.'l“ElL\l. 1:1“. \\’licrl-;l+L\'Du xix Bimwx. h - her? 111-xli‘éiu'nd' J. .\l. \VILTI-le. 11L! filo her PL"! idn i‘oflfivprrn, u rincui'o‘ malrinmnu’.m;.iinst, J A‘ E$ WWW-N, upon \\ llirh :\ Suphm-m unis nw:nflq!l,l€+lu~l'uxi the 19m (13!; ot'April, .\. IL, 1861. l .‘glld whereas an Mias \‘upjunun, [um-r!“ in 541‘ d pate, rctuum l'fie therwlh dny 10f Nov. A. Di; 661.. NOW you the said James; Brown. :I imfifiod to be and up] :uin yuuriqlrupef [u-rwli‘ingsaid Cpurt. on Ilu- ' all: da; of‘Jnnunrv no+t.éto!auswer the l'uliliulu ut' ynur Svii'c, the ma Lydia ‘Anu “1‘0“". Lv her next t‘ricnd,J. 3:1. ‘Wfllcr, nmlm show cansc. ifnny you lmve. M'liy gshc should not be Jimrted from the bonds of ring-into“. j ; SANFHI.‘ WULI‘, Sheri]. _ ‘ And now, Nov. 20, 1&1, on‘ motion. in open (‘mn—t, Ivsln' (h Pivxnn, Egg“ is appointed Cummisiunur 0 min: losiimpny min the part of peti iuuur, fine?“ d"):l nq‘liég of lime and place Lin be given my puhlim ion iil one news paper published idihc borough ol’iiettysburgr I ‘ 5 I \n rm: Conn. To quszs Bn )w : You nre’ barf-h)- uotifidd than. life deposilid¥spf witnes‘ses w 11 be tuken,‘ uudc‘c like above hilc, at. he ‘houise of J L. Gnust in ,Hunleistuwn, rnbnui township, AlLlmslcounLy. on Friday, tbd li’th‘of January non. bbtwécn the hours-of 50 di‘viunk, A. AL: and u I’. ML. ot‘sni‘ any. ' i a rdcr in the best ,llcrns on hand. mtcsl‘mn urr. .{l’fl BM AN. 1L nmen lnqcnl. l) 1151 II EIST ITEM ,)c'm MU 'DAY. commenhng at inumul I‘ll be ies and ieutlv |]_\' exert sad in illhl‘efi oaths. ALEXA. DER'S d, Ab- Peters 'ul and fled in worth n m. 1 lack.— cw Us!» [my nnd 1‘ In in aid! e 1 warm I: will 1... "00!“! 01 I at! '3 o~i It price _ nrzxuxf . Hcme, Qa¢piul'ou¢. Dcc.l6, 181 M. 4!. . . .11 , ‘ , 'l' ,- ‘T"— ‘ ; AnothenVlcfoljy': ' MIMI-IRS. mic police, that i}; G. mm: has the “your? fur the sale offiGll RINK-ZIPS Immqvxcn mxwxu MHLLS‘» funnel. have .tnkeu twenty-the; First Prenaiuutrsfthroughout the Stqte of Penn. ylmnin, ankljlkie‘hirs! I’m-mg ium nt'the State air of Illiuuis. a‘Ahud also the ngency for the ml of A. B. ZEEGLIER‘S CAST mox .md \vnu GHT sn , A}; jPLOL‘GHS, which have taken, he First‘l’ emidm at all the Fuirs'tlml ever :1 t-y were exhibi‘xed at, which is somtgsix or ciz tin numbir. i' ‘f Funnel-s. file .\l' Is and Ho ghsnlre warrant ‘ed to give autism ‘ion. 'IX' tum-y ddn'l, you Me p‘r'n ileged‘to retnfu them tu MIL- hit-m st Get tysburg. g [Ochkld } fil, (214* i”; ioh might b. .. .. qfiep ter- Langzi { .Wzdm: tc!, wore . Hfézha v ear-3‘ . yswpfi‘; Ii! : Lagxt Nonceg‘r - ' . TOTICE is horohy given; tlm‘t the Books, gm, of Dunn & Zulmxhdlxsq have been placed in thé hands 05A. L Comm, E‘sqq fn‘r collection—tile deatli of MHlWiiybrigbt Zieglergompellink us to tall: till; lust resort. Nolicg having hiretofore been ‘ 'Jreu to" 11l concerned 0! the avessity along}; their ac counts' without diary, sud H: y hzl‘niihg‘neglect ed to attend to t p ume, In; coxopellod at to tulle this course. 5; l , . [)Ai’NNER 1: 2136 mm, ms. Aug. 5,1881. “st 3 ‘l‘: , T"'—1““—“ iiNo‘fice; “ ! E undenigfled,£viufii Inigo amount winding 0" glis .l ills ‘r 'u uonsidemble length of lime. principally mmle ‘up of small accounts. takes ttil method pf uotllying those indebted to him, lut he nedrls money, and if his Mend: will if” and settle their nccounu, hem-ill feel under nanny oblig’.itlods to them.‘ Sept. 13. isci.‘ ‘ ;J. L. scmcx. in CV7.- tlff 8 9f Mm, doctrine and “wash 1%,: , Gellyslfurg Sale. '« gointloinnother [will Ind; fixmnl "burg street, for '. all run olcuslom, sh. Rub applio sensuous. . I —”*—“" ode! ' 'afncturer of Fm- ' 5311121011“, » ' HEREAS my Wife, Harriet, has desertrd SS mo—hnvipg left my bed abd board on the 9th dayof Ngvemhgr lust—‘sl harebylcau tion all perwns mot Lotruu her on my account, :3 I will not be desponsiblei far my drbt the my contract“ E I PHILIP: THOMAS; Oxford, Dec. 14, 1861. an , MERY, Wholesale 1, [’biladdphin,—- 0 stock of MP, a r Soup, 3 neg-Son 'gct, mum?! ' ‘ “Nance. i . . «L W]! duire 41 pair-on- indebted to pg (0 '—-+-——‘l call And :flake ”Mammy: xvi-g nude the NIP-BE! {q 0 absuge in our “hand; of doing business. , & CO.’ MELO- 0ct.28,-1861. FAHNBSTOQK 3110'5.. art-ungzupauéd w—rf—k 1p!” ‘ LADIES, at .G, Cnrr'alil thja place to gt! Gloves aadfj (hamlet: of All kinds re.”- ‘4'”!!- Cnll n reunite Ibeme No ~trouble to“ .how you. -; , H [May 13.; . me. A bpicimeu llng It. thit Gul ha magma“. ‘ I. 2 _ John A. #{vofug-déipk ll§~idess un tme and ship uf‘ Whit;- klh‘wupt‘, in :1150 [lnt :vtiu munmuz.\ltllgpvrsons in 1:15 or puehcl-zsiuu llu- mid' uods and hind“ undElEm-nwm'nhr ugly of them tm-hed. u)‘ [311! ”my film” gbe and up 'l: our mid Iquth m Ih}:- xi‘x}'nn‘d phwe iuncd Io :ynhu'vr whnthlulp be obj“!- t them nrbnu nnll abidmhp judL'ml-nt urt then-L)“; nnrj have r 6" than and \rrir. Wnfiuuss lhu Won“. linhm" J. Wraith-m .112:ch uf‘ unr NHL (hurt. as jg, this 24th 4.:f0 of [IN-51.x her, 1.561: ; J.3F. I: mm, rpm/{w 1 Per Il.|\\". Hum-h", ’l‘lqu‘ I’Lulll’y. nv of m- ’,””"L' Write‘,‘ i hiu‘e th'h- Mowing (IPA-filled Rdul Hanna of C. on. the duf‘c‘ndnnl lhl'l’clanil: 1* LIIT Ul-‘fllufl'XH. on, the North [lullllht‘l'ahfi‘ll'g :lrl-ot. Gettysburg, 11d (of Johnb‘icnu on flu“ Elm . Him-2 Akfulis '(IF LAND; mqrc in :rtv.~lmr:, qdjuiding HIL- lianlroald nn £510!» or . I‘:lllno<tuvk‘<.h an: on tho .S'UII‘HL. «9w, 51mg): (133.11). ‘5). In .‘m , ,‘ L. _-____. Another Rallrozifi? C(‘lDl-INTI—The (‘nrs 03 m 'tgack n‘m A York. hut nll mfg-l l - U. G. (“HHS ii lhe place! :Hiil‘4. in“ come and we hid ii'lc selection ul'fp'iuirl‘s nu] l'nilcr hlecl‘c , filming Shins, “lair; _ 75inch. mg»: and, in, hot. ,vurfihing in I‘9: Ilmim! way. very cheap {Jr mm or countl " ipludum‘. ' (lrullcmtu, :1 “ord to 31m nl~n.’ .U. (‘ARR husjusx rL-lurul-d Irom the i-ily of P ilmlc'phiuY liming bought. u live H~>IHUHUIII l' \Vuuiiuli Shirts and b..l\\‘l‘l‘j‘,lll*l)l'.ll' wr} l 03": .4510 of “'uuili-u L‘mulorb ; in fiat. e\ crylh lg to nuke pcuplu ('lelinl‘lzllll'e‘in (‘Ulkl wmthr- ‘ ‘ ' H. (i. (IzHlll. has jual roruiieul; .u-ry line nssornncut n 1" Liquors, wh.ch ii .ii’.=elliiig very chi-up fur c.ish. 451' . ,lion 1. for-gut the putt—right llusile tho llmk. in York mm. . ’ Uniqshurg, Dec. 9,1861. 1 , . h . ~., ~ .14“, .___,, ’~ 1 A Ready Marines » l()i() (){) Jil'SllFll.S GR. is WAST ? ‘) l-Il).—Wc lunei taken llie' home 1.1 i-ly m-cup'ud by KlinL-11-ltc Hollinger J: 130., with u ilotcmninatiou 20 [My 19 highen market pfll’t‘a tint a‘zl himls of Grain}! You \\ ill find u; supplied with PLASTIC“, ‘l’.\_\’() nl ‘a'll kimh, (iIIUI‘ERIHS, Wlmlc‘nle‘tnd Retail. LUHIiIiR. (‘UAIh and every ulhuru‘r 'cle in our line of bueinuss, sold a: the laugh pusSihlc mics fur (lush. (’u‘ll mid cmminc ongsiock and :priccx bri'uru purvlmsini: ('l‘fl'“ lug-rl. . . . l Ullilll.. BluSKElonf ‘3 CO_. I April 22, 11861. If ‘ ' A: i i . The Great ‘Dlscbv‘g F‘ THE AGl‘I.-—-lnflmmu.imry " I 1 (:hmnic . llllmmmlifim (‘nn he run-d hyvulsingz 11. L. ‘MiIJJ-ZR S CELEIHLYTED RHEUéA‘I‘H‘ MIX- I'l‘Ulli‘}. Hmy [lmminent citizensmf (lib. nnd. ‘thc mljnining cunniics, hzne tcr‘iliofl £0,115 grqn utility. lts‘ snc‘vess in i:lml£.;lflllfi nll'm llimn. hm been hitherto unpnml ’fzi‘i‘hy nny :spomficL iulrmllu-eii tn the public. l'riiL- 50 jconts pgr bottle Fur Silit‘ by nil (ltugklrlsfllld lulkaerprrs. ‘ I'm-pared mil} l)_\'il.ln.\||l.l.lill.' .Wh IL-snlc n'ml l'u-luil Druggist. l‘ K! Bvrlin, lAd. ms rounty, i’.i., nleuli-r 11l Drugfi,‘ llt'lllicui‘i. Oils, Vnrniih, Spirits, l’uinl:, Dye; Itfl's', bul ticd Ulin, l':.~s(‘lM'("’ nml Tiuclurcé‘j liiuduw ‘ Glass. Perfumery; Patent Medicines ' En. Sr. ' ’flETA. D. lll’iohle-r in the Agent: l (it-Lly’s llnur: ior d 11. L. Miller‘s ('ilebmh-il‘ hcuumtic Min-lire." . [June 3. 61. tf ~r— v , - v” l < r --v—- 1 Jury Listl-January. rfilarm. . 1‘ (mun Jl'llY. fl . ; Tyran—Jnmfi Nl, l’il‘cnturf, (Fprcflan Slur ! . til Huilbnsperger. I" . Genimny—Wm. Smul). it {alumina-David P. Lerew. Wm. F.‘ onner. : Miler—Samuel lion-leshcll, Burkh rt Wen.- ‘. llumilfon—Aienrgr Sljder,’ A. “\St rm“ lßPrwick Hi.l—!Tln‘:o'il Klunk. [Befwick haul—Edward Wenchofl,s - ' 1 Strnb.in——Jolin F. Felty, Isaac F. 1! inkerhofl'. ‘ (iduysburg—chharinh ll) ersfilgx. .Bzulgiier. tlluntingtou—Jnmcs Davis, Eli Goa uouf. , ' ,Mountjo;j-—Jucoh Lefever. . V . ' vLiberc‘v—Dnvid .‘lnnin. . (lonowago—Anihouy h‘lrnshnngh. ,' . ‘ Mountpleusnm—Jnsepb Spangler. il. qukhn—Jamcs ilfiaaell, Georgu ywalt. ’,Union—Jolm Diem; , . .’ cash“. JURY. - , , inending—Michfiui .\lyers,.lnmes Dirl%,Solomon‘ , )lillar. . ‘,, ‘ . lMou‘nlpléMAqt—L-Geofige W. Kasai-1%“), Duid LC. Smith. 1. _ . ‘ ‘ . ’"amiltofi—JMG}; Baker. , 'l' > LLAtimore—Jicobfmcht. " -- ‘ 'Simbm—Theodpfl Taugbinbangpfi, Moses C. g .Bennc‘r. ‘ ‘ fx‘ | Men-Ilon—Amoc Sable/nor, Franck dole, Abra l ham Hofl'mu'n. . 'l {Huntington—Hugh Hartman. & ‘ ‘ ‘Geuysburg—George L'mle. .. iUnion—John Splnzler, John 'H. I" ltyfihcob i G. Bnaehon. ’ *i ‘- lflamilionbm—J’otln Sinner, Jere la Sun, 1 Daniel Snyder. j {Franklin—[hula Kuhn. ‘ '; L l Moumjoy—Jmntluu Gilbert, Snui‘l‘l urbonw. iConowago—Edwlrd Slnglc. : ‘a , Cumberland—Henry Myers, JohniF'iCnrren‘p. G ermuny—G eo rgp Shouesiferrlngqnaul Grog". Liberty—Uenr'y D. Bcimnn, .g i Tyrone—Euunuel F’issel. ; . Oxford—Aloysius Mun-shallJncoh) an. , .' Freedom—John Baker, chse P. 'l'}: per. ‘Berwiqk hon—George Strubingu.s EBerwick ip,—-Sulbmou Bechtol. ; 1 Dec. 16, 18,61. ‘LL “The Union,” . 1108 STREET, ABOVE 'rmnnz, \ PHILADELPHIA, PA. livprox s. vacuwm, Pmmmu. , _fi‘Tl}is Howl in central. cq'nYenient by fuming" Cars ‘to' all puts of We city, qnd 'adapled in ei'ery particular to the 'mfort ‘nd want! oluin lmsiueu publici' T ”Term: $1.50 per day. Sepl. 23,1301. 1y i ‘_- “mm‘aflxenrmu min or: Km “.1 Cups mp" cont. lower t? and“ n 7 i _ :3. If. e 1‘ DR. WM. B. HURD'S 1 , l ‘Gmnmonnf ; ‘ MOU T H WAB E , ‘ hum-mm USION—DRAW 'rms WAY. ‘ 3 SURE REMEDY [:O3 A _l ~The nodersigul Im- the plenum o(an -A: BAD BREATH. _ : Ila uucing to the public (bu he lml purchued ‘ 1‘ .501“; MOUTHS, “the More of Mr. Ala-under llama. M. Gmn ' » ; - CAN-KER. [fmounl‘ on the J’OIIII lending {up Gettysburg to ',DISEASED 13”“;me gang, ,jl-Jmmitshurg, find will continua “lE-busing" on ‘ NURSING SORE 5100111,an (‘l’llnl’ged scale. He will always keep .- And the but spccinc non- ln use lor my dis- 'lh'fnd " “"80 flock 0" DRY GOUDSY 0'00"“ lensoid «(Audition arm month. in la particular. ‘fifrfivflzmflvurQuuclinusrwslhril-{h :31212‘531; c‘ in lo ersuns wenrin ; '.. ‘ ~ ' - ly, n c Angll'lllhll. TEBngl, g twice: lus‘uiz the times. Alan. Dye-ltnfll. WI, “l "h:i::::::,;.£':r§wt:v $292.7."'2‘i.i::“.&:i"':v a a rhmgund mmoi'xnfiall lmphnuosrmsunug l‘know'llul my Knolls and m 'grinca mum! {all ll l ’ «ksWEE’I‘ lllLEA'l'll A "to plc-mb , , .YP “9 l “'h" "ml“. use of?" IN9 "mm“ Lady "i #Th‘! nfidefiigned ulna cattle! on “I. yo 1; G~ntlemun who Is nlllwted With a CAlllllAGß-NAKING buxlneu .g Ibo "a; l : BAD BRENT" , [flag-c, uhd ultra run inducem-nsn lofrnrclm. Ishoild delay applying this‘Jremedy. for“ i!‘ fi- rs. He will wufrnnt hi! work so" . whllc lcérthin cure, and Is npprow-d and reenmmend- is changes are Anon; the most modern“,— Ed lfi’r every physician under whose notice it. B°P|iri¥l done on ghofl unlice. h f u cen brought. Wlouutr ' ,iruduco take-n in en up 9! IA L - Aup mum . 'igoodi. .’ I ABRAHAM Puxx. fig 9 oll'ence for I'hichlllierqis no oxen“ while ‘g ‘ ~_.._. . DR. WM. l). HURD'S )luUTll WASH t can)“, procured. . . ,1 l Milny persons carry with them I badbrutlifi grc Ely lo the annoyance and olleu to the dis- '01“ those with whom they come in eonlnct, out being connhiuus of the fact. To re- l yourself from all tears roux-ding this, ‘ .DR. WM. B. HURD’S' MOUTH WASH.“ “Mines: of the month [3 of giant impul-l to the general health whjv-h 13,911“: m" ‘l fdclld, and nut unlrcquenlly arrimhly impnil-l at). hrough want. of proper huuutiuu to Lhia‘l subgecl. ' 1 BSD: DR. W“. B. YII'RD’S “OFT” WASH. ! P l-parcd at Dr. Hurd'a Drum] 001 cc, NO. 77‘" Fuufthflrccl, Brooklfi u, E. l). - H Price, 37 Cents per Bottle‘ ' ‘ AI libem) discount nude :0 dcuura: wit liev. IL‘S : E-C Mn ~ dress Principal Olflce.l'l'ribuua I uildings, No. l Spruce EMF. Y. I old also by (".l‘nycll, “wk It ,CO., ‘Fiilh - uc “0101; J. 11 l.|(‘oddi‘n§lu'n. TL’; lhugd ; D. S. llnrucs, 202 Bwadnuy, and h) all rgista. ‘ . ‘ ' f DR. “'IL 13. ”I'IHI'S ”I'OQTII :POWDER. [lisjl’uwder poskc‘iscs (ho . ' lll)\‘|t‘ - \\'ll'llHL"l‘ Till-7 ”JURIUCS . l’lml’l-lIKTH-Zn‘ OI" CH \IU‘UAL. _ , 's frsu from all Achh or Alkuhex that can m In“ injure the 'l‘ut-lh. A s ‘S‘TION nun; r:vrlnnl.ff xxcxuxlcu— smx‘n wxrnorr wumsn rm: mun. A i. \\ .\l. B.lll‘R|)‘S Tnn’l‘fl POWDER “mumcnnlnql' by .cll Eminent llcntiqs. I‘p Wed at Dr. Hur'i'4 Dunmi Uflice, NO. H .I) Street, "mum's-n. H. U. ' Price. 25 Cents per; Box lihornl diwnnul umdt“ lo (loaders. dress Principal Office, Tribune uildjugs, No. 1 Spruce St., N. Y.. luld him by “fliflcu, Mir-k St (30.. l’ifllx "mallow-I : J. k I. l‘nddiugrun, 71.1 Uru‘ulJ : ; D.‘ h'. “RITIICH, _'U'.' Hrmuhm), am} by ull‘L ggials. . ' § ‘ 7 1m; WM. 1:. “mum ‘ ‘TOO‘I‘HACHE' DROPS; or the cure bf ' 1 TUOTIIAUHE - need by "pom-d nerves. 1 is particularly ndnpn-d loull cases of chil lafiiiclml \i'ilh TUDTHAFHH. arems uni ruliL-rc themsch cs .from that ressing wcnrin‘vss mum-d by ' IfNS '0!" SLEEP, 1 their childrim from grunt. suffering, by ping n bottle of ‘ WM: B._ UURD'S TOOTHACHB DROPS be home. fn'purL-d at Dr. Hnrd'n Dalia! Office, No. 77 rth Street, llruoklyu. .Eußa . Price, only 12 Cents per Bottle. ,‘ libcrul diimunt nmde to lelunx.> . ‘ddress Principal 01110.9. Tribu'ne . Buildings, No. l Spruce St.,N.:Y, f old- also by (gum [L Muck & ('31., Fifth i-nuc Ilol(-1;J.‘& I. Cotld‘lugton, 71?: Broad» ' : I). S. IDJI'HES, 2U”: Broadway, aud'by‘ all I ggifls. 1’ ' . DR. “'3l. ‘B. ‘HURD'S , ‘_ NEURALGIA PLASTEBS, ur the cun- of NEI'R'ALG'IA ' 'OJthnchc produced by cohla ‘ mm \L mammguu in Itmévlinlcly cured by their xlppH(-:llinn.' - .. ' [y not like It clmrm.’ mu] nn: pt-rtgrtl) ha mless in their: mm”: do not perfice 1 I»! stcr,:lnd leave nq nhplcgtsnnt TCSHHR. K DIEWXI. B. “PHYS NPZI'IMELHIX PLASTE‘JL m: cr fnil to give snthnu-lim. to all Mm (05' Unit virtue. 3 , ‘ ’n‘piu‘ml at Dr. Iluxd's Dyntul ()fli‘re, No._7. F urlh F‘tg‘m-t, Brooklyn, 15:". ‘ . Pripe, only 13 Cents each." , A lihnrul (“13‘3th mzule tn dealers. ', ddljess Principal Office, Tribune 1 Bmldings, Natl Spruce St, N. Y. 'SOM nlro' by ('uswcll, “wk & (70., Fifi! A 't‘nur Mute-l; J. an]. (‘oddingtou_. 71;) ”road “if; D. S. Barnes, '20:! Broadway, mn] by «'1 [) uggiétd. ‘ ' [Una 2,1NU1. [y 7 AlFreSh Supply. ~ j i TAKE (his 'mc'l‘lmi Lu infnrm rhe‘ puMi ' that I luv:- New" (-11 Iran: the oi‘} of PM!» I,rhi.| n l’lil‘lfil Sl'lV‘K 'UF GUUI)S,}:um 5111; all ol‘lhe 11¢qu 5%}!(‘5 9! / [HUN/{Si DRESS GOODS. Sll.\’\\ LS. . ‘ ’ (‘LUAKIVH trrnn‘us, . ‘ < umwrze, ,- - , . \ l HUMHHY, E : HUNVETS. ' I KHHIUNS, ' _ H lIASDK'FS, ‘- onl as A fun nsanrl‘menl if ‘ l l l'Elu-‘I'SIERY Axn l-‘.\'.\’(‘Y mus, fuct ovurythin; llmt is unmlb l'uunJ ln_ L'k army and I“.qu y (inudi. L i l'Ull THE (il-ZX‘I‘J.H.\H-I\’ ‘ are as com‘rlch’ :rutuck M “LOTUSFASSI IRES, (“NINE SUITABLE FUR lrliUY [-:.m. 113 mu,“ (mm-Es. 51‘qu m. \NUKHRL‘UIHFS, NHIIK TIES. SfSl'l'ZN ‘B3, km, as “us cverhruugm to llnisr'mark' Inldlea’ Dress Irrimmings in grenlg‘m‘ieiy. ‘ Nixixing Cards, Enwhtpua, sum, time: an “P Pnpcr. ‘ lrish‘ Linen. Bleached and Brown ”UL-lii How (‘nse Muslin and Wide Sbefling. i Oct.2B,lBu'l, J. LHCHICK. 1 ~ Town Property. - T I’RIVATE SALE—The undersigned OIL " fem". Primte Sula the Prpperly in whic‘; ‘- now resides, situmc in Ens: Middle streq, flu-shuns, adjoining S. B. Tipton on .th; wegt d Mrs. McElroy on the’elm, with an 3 {By in the roar. THE HOUSE in sin”! ‘ o—star; Frame, Weatlxerhmlrdqd. with ‘ I ‘ 'k-buildiug; a well of water, with a pump ip "alzthe door; and a variety of fruit. 3 ell as plea, pears, peaches, "pi-icon, chcrrfé, nnfl npu,nll the men choice. ; " , * | ucumun nuns. f , 'ov. 12, 1860. tf . ‘ Chegaranstltuta. s '9- AND 1529 smvcs 2m, Mimi. Dd I DELPlil.\.'——'l‘his lustituhh c. ' Icled for two years past, in this city, In)“: Cum/mt And has niece luau lluuuu, upon the sum: principle; a wk 1.- in New York, ratuhlished then in “toyed! Ll 4, will re-open on Monday, Stern. Nth. wit Insult! ample syd complete provision for t! Inciting: of Youug Ladies, nude; the directio {Madame D‘Hervilly. ‘ Circulm, 39d ‘ll 1' - lisizq iniormaxion, cnn be obtained on appli- Mon to the Principal. ‘ ' ; ‘Aug. 1‘), 1861. am ‘ ' i‘ 4: - Notice ‘ OHS! FICKLE‘S ESTATE.~Leneri 6f ndmininnlion on the estate oi Job'n !- cklu,.lnte ofllltimore townshjp. Adams éoud t_, deceased, having been granted to the un d rgigned, residing in Huntington mun-hip, lie I: reby givet’notice to all persons indebteq to 3 id estate tb mske immediuy: payment, and t one having claims ngninu the name to present I em properly authenticated for zcttlcmvnz. 1 WM. 8. GARDNER, .41hu'r.: Nov. 25, 1861. s: ,I ._ . “A V , __ —-...._..L HE “mention of the Lndiu is especially.“- vited to 3 large und beuufiilul «Mg ‘0 Ladies’ Ind fligses' HATS, FLATS AN '8 AKER HOODS, oflaten spring styles, aci ybrwing Boulévsrde and Vernon, which we a a [craving u gu-fly radioed prices. It < I . “April 22. ‘ . "ILT. lolbflENY’S. ‘ 1 ~ Notice. ‘ ~ BHAVIXG disposed of mnmre Io .Vr. Ahm ham Hunk, I -bcroby give notice to dl lpenuus'knowing themselvus indebted to I. gcithcr by Nine or Book Account, to mule it)- jmedinpe payment, up 1 wish to will. nr I] ‘bmineas wufium delay. I will in found at. lurct-umonm nmi] me la! ofzJumnm-y um. All mtufimu‘ not some-d bemoan Hm Ind Hm: time.“ 1“ b 0 Rll. 13 the-hmuls (If up 05"" In! culk‘t‘tiou. J. ALEX. HARPER. [ ~ua.z|,lB6l. 1 ~' A » 7 g = gettysbuflg Foundry. i ”R ! subscriber, anilg ywchloé‘m. § Fnlhnrlry oliMe‘m. Zw‘lmxtgll, Slout & Pt». :(fnrmérl’v “'nrrens’ Foundry) ha coal-amt} ibufiuwfif, and is now prepared m only lo‘ tho" épuhlic “ Luger Issurlmeyl 0! Within"! til- Ebnswln-rgtuiuru bueui offered, sin-h M THRESH iixu Mxmnxns. (7lovt‘l‘ llullers, meam (2m ,lora. (‘thShelh-rs, and Morgan's lute imprinter Hon “"1“!- ALO. STOVES, such In UM ‘Stmékghru- ditfen-ut kinds; and fn e difl'ucnt sin-s of Ton-phat: Stoves. Likemse Mill and is..i\--mifl Castings, mul unkind: ul'Turumg in Iron' M anl. ; ! “PIN'IPAIIHNG of all kind» MI Mpchincr! and (‘umiuga will be: done mv order on short [notimu ‘ Patterns mun-An under; Plough Cast ing» neniuly mule : PLOL’UHS, such an Suylm’, “'ithordwj7 l‘lochor, Wooden: 19, "ml limnv m-lwrs dot Inculwm-‘d bore: and eight ulifl‘ennt kinds 9!" IRON FE‘SUING, lot gemeterics, Pun-hes or Ynnlq. ' ,5 . x\|;o,l.\ltg§jng Mnrlxines, one of the be“ n‘ow in 'PW- _ This machine works with a Layer, by hum}; any lifile boy cnn manage it. ' ”(‘ull n‘unl qvmnine nur flock; no doubt but “-.th uje'cun please. Pox-mus ought mm in “1011' mivnnmyc to buy rum-bin?!) of my kind “0 humu uhvre, it Is muuutm-lure‘llnn that (My 0 n Very mm}; get any pm I ruplnrrd or npnhrd. ‘ DAVID STERNEIL * ' Getty‘shurg, Feb. 13, 1800: . L Gettysburg . . QTRAM l.l\ll-‘. .\111.1.. [TURNER OF WEST. 3 AN?“ RAILROAD b'I‘IHZI-ITS. NRA“. TIM-1 lt‘illJNll'll-Y.—The subscriher, hm ing mind lhé Sty-Em; .\lill of Mr. U. W! llurru n, In this plum, ~ lnis had it thoroughly rqmirrd. hy placing ln‘ it ll:é ncress try mm'hinery for grinding Lime.” stone. The mill is nowin opt-rlliou had I um ready to supply any damn Wilda u‘leful Fortill/A'r. (moms!) pm? «my: in 1110?! 'cnnccdcil by those whb have tenlrd it, to be 3 much better Fertilizer than lurnt Limc. or In. deed any of the other Fertilisers gvncnlly ap plied to land. The follnwing Ceflific'llto from Mr. Dmm.‘ an extensive farmer. and highly re-l 'spet'tnlilc citizen of Adam: county, will nun. the truth of this assertion: ‘ 1 . ‘ ‘ 381“] have lveén trying tho Ground Ling!- ato’ne an' my land (or the lust {our years and find it to be a better fertilizer Illnn 'lec Burnl Lime. and cunt-Im. It. Jun given “magnet 'in the first crop. PE'I‘HI} DIEMIu" 'u . Numerous other eertifit-Meq of like chuulof could be produced, but this in suflivient. : } WWrmors are requested 1.0 and in‘tbeil ‘ ordcrzi ,and 30 ghc it n Iriul. ;_. mm, 1861. u JOHN HOOKER. . I 0 V l Grocenes, Nonons, . Bm, " HE undersigned hns opened :1 Grocery Ind T Notion Store, in )lalfimore street, nearly nppn‘ite the Court. "mun. Geltvqhgllrg, who" the pußlic will’umwmntly finvl,wllixug cheapo}! ,the cheapest. mums, hivmps, “Muss". Cof fees, Than, liifl'. ('hc‘cw, Spices nf ull kindl, ‘ ‘-.\l:u'~kcn-l, (‘hm‘oluteV Brooms nud Hrulhle; ‘ Fresh Butter n’m! Eggz, Gm‘nml ('ofl've.“ Essence oftnfl‘ec, Ht-Mch Herring, szdlpq, Son ps; Salt; 'l‘obnt-col Sognrs, Snuff: Confections. ull klndt n!‘ .Nuhs. “mum-4, Immune“ lhidns. erl. Crllckér-I. (‘ukt'i of diflpreut kin-k: Shoe null Slu’vo “dish; anrv Goad“. lllulileu'inzhmm, ('mmn line. Wmhling. Ibnii-ry, Hundkcrulm-fy. Su~pen.lrra. l'im, Nm‘dl‘iN. Noun-1 Pins,Bur dons, with Kuhn": 0! nl] kinds. A Ihnre firm.— I public's patronage is rt-upm'lfully Inlifihed. l , - mum c. NOR§ECK.’ 4 .} .Noy’. 19, 1860. tr ' Come to the Fair! ) x’p DU.\"TFORGET“)VISITI’LEASAXT [A RIDGE XI'RSE [s9,—4’H’lonl wighink j to Hunt I‘m-curl” find ILc stuck in the ground ' rcnmrkably fine, and offered at roduccnl priccu. iThe Apple number} 109 \‘urieHcafllnbrnflqg '11“ the approved sorts. , .\'. 11.-—-Sue the in lo: hamrvl near Flora Dplo Pabtoflire. T. t cool: J: SUNS, ‘ ~ ficpl. 2, IRGI. _ ‘ l’rnlgridon. Something} New .\' dwrrvsm’ma-nm undl-rsignod Inform! [— th'r ,lfilill’ll! of the town ind oounmthn he uh“ r nulvflféd “w ”AKIN“ fun-mus, on‘n largef¥nlm in Yurk nun-m, Genny-ham. nearly uppoq’ o Wank-s’s Hon-I. whcre he will try to denerve, and hopes tn reroiw‘. n liberal pn‘lnm age. “MEAD. ROLLS. "AKEE.”('IL\(‘I\EK~'. l‘lll-I'I'ZELS. «hula. huked‘ every day. (Hm-- 'hnn éxcepled.) all of NW belt qua it}, um] I9ll] !n: tlm‘lowest living pmfiN. '(3: gr-bnklngin Eall u-rbrnnclmu i.- |urgéiy mgri gm“. and order; 1 to any amount, from this and ndjninlug coun ties. supplied .m jhe‘ shorten nmi’ce. fining J erected a large andcmnmndious lmkcohomm and secured the best wn‘rkmnn and n..- must Ip. ‘ proved ~'mncanry, he is prepared ts do p heavy business. ‘_ . ‘ l ‘ VALENTINE swmm. » July 25,1959. Piano Tuning. _ ROE. BI)WERfiof Liltlestown. I Practfml P Pinno Tuner, infqrms his Men-ls and tho Innsiul pu‘dic in general, um he any; ”I :ime;‘not olherwiso ocpupiod, w Tuning find Repairing Pianos, Qt mode-“to pfiqeu. prbmuas entire satisfaction, or ad puny. 'received at {his olfice. , [Seph mum; ‘ ,Townsley Ahead. . {IE underqigned rapt-runny inform! "lo I public that he continl-rcs the CARRIAGE ) AKHG AND REPAIRIe bushel}: in all m dllferent forms, cheaper nun any qbop in the count]. All work wan-um! to give nuanc tién mt-ustomm. Country produce (Ike! in uchnng: for work at nurket prlcm. : A. 11. TOWNSLEY; Gettyqburgfluue 24, 18M. : John W. Tipton’, ABHIOXABLE BARBER, North-cu! en. E nor of the Diamond, (nut door to lo lellnn’s Hatch) Gettysburg. PA", when In unit-all timol be‘ found ready to tttcnd to All hulineu in hi; line.- He bu’nho ”cannu lisuwce sud will ensure latinfncfim 6110 him 5 c 1“. ’ . ’ ‘ [Den 3, 1860. Tuning ! Tinning! HP} undenigncd rolpeczinlly inhmal tk T citizen-70f Getty-burg and the public Pl orally, tlml. he has upcned A new Tinnin‘. "g mblishment. in Chambers’burg «11-eel, directly opposite Christ Church. He will nmnufnclun, and keep constantly onllmndserery variety- TIN-WAKH, PHESSED and JAPAN-WAKE 3nd will always be ready to $59 REP/llama, ROOFING and SPOLTIXG ulsn dam in the but manner. Price: moderate, and no efort spared to render hall satisfaction. A slate of the liubllu s eronuge is solicjled. I A. P..B.‘kl‘(lm Gettysburg.Jllne 18, 1860. Iy. ' , ~ ' ' Ladies, = IF you on“ M Fubnestuoks’yan will find tho bnndsomeshDßESS GOODS In town. 09- muu,‘ Onshme‘reu, Figured ”who”, Comm French Marinara, all Wool, a: lot i! ‘l5 «It: gym-(1., 08;! won. ._ . - .~ .. “1135510“ BROTW (M. 25'. LB6l. 1" ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers