fly 111 _ theyninn ofhmdh- I s unin- uoulß lever; lbe~nninn flu Ind:— r Union for \crl ./ ‘ 1%.} fl'hi union of Luke.- Tht‘ Union uffiuu Th 6 u’niqu 01 hearts .Qnd 2hr Flux ul 0 .J,_. ,_ , . » . EMI I! AND PRUI a". J. sums, xOll (IB'I‘T’I'B MOMMY manx dell Giveni . ndonce ha Hum: 13nd sBl The‘ofl‘icial gorge.- ‘ army-mauve»; of tJ 'ment nnghnae of}: relatiop to ‘he cnptur Hide". llas‘benn pul with the sunynder 1‘ the blinded; und'yr tainfL, " a 1 e Anwric‘ gland and ()fMPfi‘Y‘fi. ism-d sim ; »f those ge tection of 1 confhh nfix 19mg, I'. S. o. 1801, ~ 'l‘ lléltfir‘st paper is n! )Ir.:s«um m Mr. Al 1.0141011, dated Soul ‘ Hr. nganl refers from Mr. Adumsmn 0! {ha lune! amine I l ‘,m‘ch be’ lmd intim: thug athe Southern taint-(l entirely , by how England and nun-rt: in theanolc would lead to a “2.. Slates nml all the pOI em inglepemlcnco. urolofllnson nml ' thel United Styles uplhoxized. and Inn 1 01' England will Inn i .u'uyi up (01:08 ilg fro a 'l‘hh next letter I Lord Lyons, hedgint [s6l. which opens i taking of Messrs. 'I lnntl uml .‘l'luutls ft the Trent 13y tlxfie I flared to be an}: and the nhllonlll repngmiun : and 3h:- lmsls that llne‘iov ,S'fulos‘will, ofig.‘ o ‘ll‘ltlhll government f u. mad ”groves 1 ord Mnyor‘ - (vd (0 Log-(I thug blfl‘h I V. between ,t ! ers foengni ‘He $110316 ! {Hat-IV! nsu I [ gou‘mimen Ls thin! ”10' I ! thq gal-jot! L cann-uul 'ftqm Earl ‘ dutc Land-1 it]: a state I ' Minn, Slit}.l rcihly from an Jucinto.l "In! to the i mnor 410 m: Mujosly's rnmcnt of 11 accord, - Furl] rcdré l-iti‘klx nutic fnur gong ' I Lynn=,i placed un ilea upoll L [mm (13m could Mgtisty the ‘ the liberation of th . qhejr doliven-y to La Hwy ,mny again be , prqlécliog. and n h‘ ipnggu‘ssion “hick In. ’ ‘ Mr. Sowunl rr-pli In i k‘m‘r datedjn drcsged IQ Lord Lyt Mr. vam‘d refers ll (0 lllia m ember 20, Io an existil nilod Stat oiully pm éion, and! says 'llxe «Great Britain m :11 ntnnding ns :1 'gwmm UP nlhu : lessxrs". lfn l"r;nm_a m i nary Am; 1 n_ how Jefl 'nnn. Uni ed they I Thntfif : md Eomisssl um], um“ d knowli «mu-germ a like: (was i cnpturing! BimK-d- rllnmvlor of dell-ms ‘minirgors‘ to from -lhe insurrecli protegded cpmmisd pi “wed! known at. H 1 it “11. rightly prenu liglls, dispatchémjm P‘s Imm s‘ihcc' ronc imprro'ctinn in‘ l-fl'ygl .061; of the Trout } phnraetqr of them p: prges flint ('nptnin a limpha legal uct i pf War. ' He assumes that 1‘ Wilkeg to have ink 1 for n légal decision I‘ pops migm'd by (‘n ,1 L uni wqre two-mil , numbel: of his 0w y" we: Hu- (1‘ ‘1 ' the Tlll} in mfinirnlt b‘Vflkes ' :One wmj , (5.0%, “‘1 admit pfpptt'm . ‘ 'l'vént. {The other cause xinconveninnr the crew . 'ns agkunw L to 1,0“)? imglrtl. This rfuised 1 no qu‘pstion’ rupture of the" Tie , Wm: abn voluntary or‘invoh tqrfi‘ moti fiewnrd comm (0 U 6 conclusi ‘KViikos acted from combined HM tlxerou’poh ask how these nhhnld gfl'cct the 1» ion offh- exnnfiund at length.— ‘E'quutes the{viewa‘of Mr. re 'tqy—tlm action of Eng ngracé theneuith, “tbaf uthgt the qimuion shnfl ‘xe (raptor, Hut/be carrig-d nal.” Bel; exulls in a cipléwhich shall bind -r and river; Hie arbitm. forms Lord Lyons that ‘3 now held] in militzfi'y rm). will be cheerfully his lordshifi to please i: ~nnd pluép to rec_eive augment, nn'd thig is many, Mr. sewmj Mndison in refcyené "Ilfild in 1804, and thé rule in dime/95.11 not. be decided by t‘ Min-o a legal trib ”filament of I pr'x she nations hereuft p‘ent of war. aiigl i “l 8 mptpmd parts .custody at. Fart, EV liberated, nnq ask go indjéato a. ti 31mm, gletterfrom M. Fre'nch Minister a. rig, Deé. 3,‘ ‘ISG. "the 3km; qfifair 9» Thnnvepol mi. Mercia, \Vashingtdn, dated Pa prosents 51115 View of ‘ltermineq $1 the Emma- l -, \ I (p: dwsffls briefly the {a Mason nydi Slidell,m -1 were by virtue of princi ‘ cc and the bgiited States reed, ‘pei’feblly at liberty flag of‘qnglnud. The honvenel gis) in conflict '- 5;: muffled by Mr. Hg .1“; t e Trey. was ‘ trbl‘yptt o Mower. he mum! flirmmylsiely ns and [l4qule it-pnp- NF: ' ’ .l M."Phouvenai. r chum“;- of Mgss pfiflmt they the 12qu bn which}? - 111,73 inereiofore puden- thelfieut 5‘ 'arkumedc of M. j pit}; flap game v] ‘M‘H‘p {0" 'e‘l ,W «we ‘ ‘ W “I“ (hp! Buck-the 13¢st ’fi.‘ " J 1 ‘ 1 '3: discuésioxi of the case Thouvenél, and We}: 5 not Mich ram agreement rowers, ns‘is gl4esirublc on . . elk. 3mm} “in ~ Ins presented by L , 1‘91“ that (here " J twice}; 1.119 thre 3:2, “li. gutégpt’ ~ . with» Briti: . .M.£mip.cetow ‘ Way last, 9' bond. Theirsec ' wmwm- It filgland, rpm ' ”bf .00!- co 5 "‘ opinion thatit ~ s;an gupl'wd Rinaldo . 311155., fof finglpnd. on LI: Mason ind Slidpl) op - _ipéiccompaqied them. grit-enda- will serve to qui éins to be soon. Whilst mpornrics ‘inclinu to the ill, there are othefs who t that the sinkigg at" am > -rn harbors will 55798419 onwer to bmk tba block.- vaticpply muiyeyepts, up} . 1‘3“» a» may occw- . ;70•4Xpteu the belie addahips in Sout glue excuse by sin "“9- fiVs must ‘ 'mgke the beat of 14%ka mew! :0 915m»:- - SOF , 3- •-•r-",' .« n‘S’ The Democrtticfluty- end the Union“ ,‘ The true love of country eute'rh‘ined by '. ” -’ " " ‘ .the Democratic party in a noun-co of deep ir~ i Tl”: PORTER GU33 jritation ‘to the radical or nbolitiou wing of York TONI! CM’MTYy z“ ithe Republican patty—rthat. wing t 6 which mentioned in our lashi' ‘the political inomdjarit-s who mnnnge the :in town. at the several p ‘Smr belong. Thny'evidentb see that lilac/An t‘ consequence our ipopullr ;tide is turning top-43d the Dance: | lively than usual, but in lint-y in this hour of triul—hhd that the lika- nll the while. The. dni} {mocrncy are putting forth their best efi'ot'ts mewrl with intern-t by i jj‘ur the Union and (Ir: ('aruleruliart. But this the and surrounding countr] iAbolxtionists, being at home Disunioniitfi, ‘ whom are always attrnt‘ ido not "like to see—and therefore littt‘e Square. 1, lndnptml the. game of howling down ovéry’! Um Tue‘ulny‘ a Rcrir lefl‘ort' that is pot forth for the restoration yam creditable one it inf the Union m 5 ourfifuthers made it. Those the the” finale came ingitntom care nporé for theveholliiionhot: ‘ (3-; lowi‘hg' order he remlrl igtohlu‘y-ery than aught oLeef—iroultli-mtiiergi Headqun‘rte 10mm leoe the “ Union rentinto teh thouspml tit-f ‘ 3 ' ‘ “UP?" Ilimo ” than nhandon their hiverite politic] ’GeXilfiilingl 33‘ Zi'n :plnnk—nnd dsuhonsequencethey donou ce immis fro-m' will (3},an l'nll who will not fall into theirtrnees as fiscu ml (pr duty, and will, a l cmion’edts and traiton." But their trtek‘byj WWW" "file's-d [‘h g in tramg‘arcnc, :rg-heii tloilrgs in anti and of: :ii'riigmgziii‘ril mat}; L‘ongre. leave no morn f¢ qflllbt MQO tlielr ‘ all guard dug;v an gentin ‘renl desired nnd intoligtions. {The folloWi‘ngi, at I’nrmlm, Rieyit-wn am :t'rom the Boston PM. is nofimfu‘ than n fair Thi- mombent of it wil‘ :vindication of tlie‘l)e:moeut:ic pitriy on this . “3912141 th 9‘95? , point. and wecomnmnd it to the consulrim. lio’illed'nflioe tion‘of ull radicals, the Star tnunngcrs inéluo 10‘ ' SWIINW "duh v. i .. \-’ ! :iuthlhm-ity us: i Mr. Lincoln and his Cnhinbtstnnll firm. Officers. “0““ ' ' ‘ votes, are 0 ‘ But among the people. and in Gorgon, ithe‘ and prompi] :cxtremista of his party are endeu'orin to “hp“ ““l‘li’ lmalic rebellion revolution, to destroy ihe fished. 'flC‘onatitntion that they inay improve it; toi i strike at. the lunrt of the Union that they ' may give it a more vital life: and prosperity. The prose of the pnrtv, and the notoriinns nhohtion element of the [ml ty that ltwe ‘positions in COngrc-ss, urn: Oll'lt‘nfl'orlllé to ‘ l’orl'e him from his propriety of; action into ,n. polioy, of omanmpntion}; {filieyhave elec ' tell it l’rbaidentjaml now'lliey Igill not hinve fconfidence ll) hiu jujlgineiit and ability;— i'l‘hey will not selb that thoyinrerdividing the ‘ pnrty; that they are driving the morel on. aidemte’ and tlloughtful nonservative' le monts of their nnrty from‘ then}: tlmtltilest 'elemcnts natumily clingito-the ‘f‘residle'nt mm. t ”ind .fistnin him“: that they are driven bitch Russell to ‘ of their’ former positions'cyen, nml nightfal 11, Nov. 30. 11y take their placgsfiwithnhe l‘leniofix'ticy, lent 0f the untl bOKI‘OIHC more or. less Ahmrbetl with. it. ‘H’ Macfnr- They |camnot carry the nnniejn'ith them ; s on board ‘ the name ‘Repnblicun will cling to illi‘oso It is (19.; who are Mfocntting. the extreme docilii res. rim), flug Because the emancipation party ciii not nding full I drag the Administration intoils position, it hvpynnjont turns moon and hunt-ks tljg.\ilmiuii<tt§:it; he United ‘ accusesit ofimhdcilitymnd ‘nccusoa theimi ml to the ’ ofournrmy of Si uthern pt‘ocliritiik. Mr is :33. alonex they are flying (jfi' in their eceontric til . ‘ z i i L . ’ J ‘ n, namely, I menu; tho Atlnnnirtrntxmy must he with omen ynntl \l2d, and ”‘l‘. support i 4 giwn by no ”It ‘ ortlnr tlml ; organiqution >0 thinly. so'lmnestly. so oil or llritiéh ‘n: hy the lh-tnocrntic party, That my gy (on the-finals in closk‘i' :tlinity to—dny, nith; nittcd. 3 present policy ninl mornnwnis of. the t pnt length ‘ ernmont in 'up‘ilmlding ‘ the Gonstitu i ill], nml lltl-l inn] is sounder iii its Counsel, than any” 3or party orgnnizhtinn. 1 I _ii The ehnrgc of Uihloynlty we; miidoinglii it Lemme it dill lmi- utlilinte with Noni: coni>m in the lfhll 4-lmitinm. liuttini now appear in n llhh-yztl lpmition ’.‘ It ill in; in 't-heck thnco who would Lireciu‘ the. Government in‘ ruin, if giving it support to the Prerident iin the pronoun of the war. if using all?“ influence to i‘ p'ress the rebellion 'irithit’t the laws and} Constitution, beidiéloyult‘y. then ‘the ML cratic putty igdilisloyuliparty. I'l’he . Union mgn of the North-rind the Democra r‘y‘ stnnd‘éxaotly u‘jion the same plat“ in tltis'prt-rcnti ‘Frout innie~metwson t‘ and tiln?‘ cumerrntire Republicans the; no significant distipcti'on. Ultrn Rep onnism has gone over tojAholitionism, the President i 1 nnlnniljly falling intoi hnnds‘ ufthe “Constitutional 111-puhlicq and the “ bemoemcy." and that, too, V out the abandonment of" n cardinal ’pn plp hy eithel‘. {The nlm‘gfflopublieangj would 'nbolitipnize thé trnr; tile I’residontitntl his gupporters would keefltmmler the Consti tution and main/vs. finitrn Republican party of ISGO'Can never restore the anion— the Dernpcmcy and their associutos ittttirnl ly fall into the position of the true l‘iOfldS of the Union, linil form the only nailing party that can reétore iti Oirpobed o rudi calism and pledged to jconastimtinn llsztfo guards, the l'tpsident eat] but see‘ (:1 this combinatim morefsnfetyzand more in ty for the ucg‘omplishment of his lap his gigmntic labor—llianiin the prmtic coon, Et'lb uml dimgerons (15mm; of ‘thdap who were the immediate inhtrnmep‘ts Toil his elevation to power. Stainding in innih a po sition, a position of loytiltyi to the Christin:- tion and the Union, inneonseii'utive pm sition‘ that will more, the faltering! Union sentiment of the South, that will o+n'vince Seeessionist arid Unionist that‘thel North is not at war with the South, but: hgninst rebellion, and against. that alone, Iliad ‘pos sessing organization aml strength,thé Dem ocratic party as now constituted becomes the'refuge of those elements that cannot go with emancipation to effects final and disastrous revolution. They {Jon 'cnn es snre the South that w care not at in lupon {their institutions, nniiby this théy lalone pan mist the President in that pdliry that [will retain Kentucky.){insourii Lint-flood, ‘ I'}. Tennessee andW. Virginia: They must , oppose CharlesSumnol-‘nnd his silly hotionsi i00mph"?! Al! 9““ pf Showmanship; and the Stevenses ,nndi fnre Boominear the ‘Lovejoysofllongress, (it!) their ré‘tlutionn-i large Coaelt‘ Shop, \. ‘ry and revenget‘ul propositions; t q must: puny Cin the Court ! resietrthe New York Tribune and its soundly-i Shawls fl: Bnehler’e llous attack: upon our youngand awom-i Company Hin‘Shead iplished‘ mmri-hI-Chief; they inustitliird story'i; Comp: icieck those une y whirlwind; that gal building; Pompany i about only to shake down the ternple which ' building mini Cont [our forefathers have so nobly buildcd. | Hall. The Bond in g " ._._..__ “fir-f ~—- . l road‘Stntioii House. 5. fi-May;Gen._~ann, at Fredenekt, hasl Quertenhuter F 1! Elmer} thp following. Geller: > , . .1 ~ imrner room of the l 350 Mice!- Sflldwt-f—“‘F"W.9' W 11?" Clellan'il )lwhm person connected. mt I this human. wrll‘ . .' i ~ be permitted to‘ also [forage of only kind vnth l”! Ikpnttmen Wei-theme ofthe Army;litlxmtt‘thebvgnor'si The lltifil‘ollll ‘3 i obnsent thereto; except. itbo upon the’ owned by i 1) McCoy, Wily?“ order of the anrter?nhter of the I‘M" “(3, die “rum“ Dmston or the (lommandmgt cnefal. p . ”th healtih 0' the Every Violutxnn of this order Will be m yatignjtpd and pu‘nish‘ed. i£°°d- 30430, 25 or i ‘—-—»-o-¢ o————-- ' , em ~ mom smufitffiiti.ihiif‘ Committee is called to nieet at Harrisburg Th: Sutlcr of the on the ma inst, to fix a dayjfot- the hold-154w“! his opened of a. State Convention to nominate Stole bu ' i -- - . . r -. rgstreet, adjoinin mdl‘h‘tm, pout)»: look likp r.‘ ,\o per-7 book store. - ”9' 3°33" ~ -4-.."va i There ere severe Shep, W_. {l. Rain: haii’been ”point, i unong the Compani ed A Brigadier General by President Lin-i since givei £lloan ppln. 91m. K. h,“ therefore resigned his ' node. o'i New Y em a Wmflwlnf chi-m with" "r h“ in “I Gov. Chitin ha appointed ileum 309mg,z Pio"! W '7 Beam of fill; county, to’fill the vttcancy, ‘ l “ 5513015 "i 0f Conn mpiltr, !!!!!!! lIIIG. PA fi, lAre. Na, .u x =CO 'n govern -1 France in (axonmnd ltanenmly tk-mon to rent Bri- note from Inihto itt &} note 9 remark- dinner. in ‘u Immston was sus pcnmxiticn r. Seward occgnitinn 10 United ing South-‘l rf the soiz-' yachwhich I Mid not vermnem in such a' ~urrcc t‘xon| tapes of ‘runco. 5 v insnm'c nrdefl er, though -s in the n‘s— n_n ans! >1“- .l_' 1:11:11"le under a rmn Ihviu. argues that re creden disfiatclx: es of {he I mt tho offi (120 of the , d therefore {{orfprming cohgnxbpnd [ff of C'nfit‘. ut into port [a The rm -1 r not doing the named ich ‘did no}. 'll board the illingness to 1 parties '6l: ’whethivllgp doned from' l'es, and Mr. n‘tlmt Capt. Sentiments. sentiment: Briiish gov- "‘f‘ yams-1: a”??? Saw :1. {3* ”Mfr. Muir Pan. Mgr fire \'9- (:nnr-m] ord. [art-l “flicer‘ I! \ from F: ‘. . {339’ Squad mm} {1 ’s’ Th“,”xd(‘:'A '{WW mqrning rot]: gthe thrgm absml {‘,de svnro : nnd bl linn. illg‘whu-ns. 1 , m suck. 1|“jlll “‘l‘” -—u hioh mm I : m‘mnifl Adju in»! can]: day. ‘ ',* it 1. w. r;'. m "Id” “'0 give; Ihlte ml and hm.» ”“11 puny cilia-11¢ [inn ‘ - v Ln" 1 Colnnt‘lE—h]. Lieut. Coin M'ujm' l 4 1’ Ni ’ mo rue- ZED MB 0 L 5 bli the j'ilh inci- MES or—of LOCAL DEPA’RTMENT. lEEE '. , and Fer' got the Pol duck will bl pmnnssml mined to t )mzs 5n n -d. Gomll By o?er . JUH.I 'ius‘ I-‘n w then p s of UN .‘ Jugs FM ‘ Capt. Pu: fan? .the Ludl given with nl winding up i will by th entire. ith the in vitnbla unluy, No v Yeari vrbons fr-m the ' vviaus i Drill n I 911 Wetln number of ' lurgfir than ‘ I’m-ado and Imm}: _ . 1 0n Thaw. [was read to ‘ E Headquart L ‘ ‘ at an y p Battalion 1y the fr»! he Rngim r< mu. m' GL‘U‘th) ‘ '1 No. ‘27. Ni [)0 n] \\ nr 0i nm- do. n ' 00. \\'ml liOll‘ (fish By qrdnr i , Jul] 1 Genera} Orr] Na midis) I forbiddm'l, sin-9h or n I mi~s£nnml «'- Hmn that w 'rank. Er., M'E W. C. POT; G cucl'ui On Friday —as follows r‘Y [nth 1‘ Gottyd. r XO. '23 ‘ill will I. till 0 from 0.) Hemlquart MEE nl5, «lull and the; ‘nll, lmf'o Admin 11‘ \(‘l‘illp‘l ~n. 3111:]!11 nut. :11 By nldn . Juli 3 ropun ‘ronmns vmrkil 'm 111» .3 '3' Ann, M- iilml r bofnr 'OT 1 .(‘. I. n, Rm: m-rmt nnmm uxeriw )hn (‘, I Hmmm I Irvin . Henry uhll 1L nl4". l J. Frm Wllliau l‘ounr‘. we 1).. JOI'LDJ -rl—llo 413 m. -_—.—Lut h‘rlnzn H. L: 1‘ I]. Wm- Willin #:llt'ln- \\ ilm‘l.—. l lnnt—\ ‘Dr‘g'l. Adj Adjutant l MEI llat'l. :- Sn rgoon—l 'Aab't. Surg thplujn ‘ 111-gt. Qum ISf Buff]. ‘ 2d But“. I MEE l- cr Ku, EEMZI HH‘AXI’ Company A \V. C. PM tcr; ' ('nplnin 'l‘] dun, T n', A. I’o., Ju .—(‘:rpt:\ Field ; 2 .——-(‘npl Company I.ieut., Henry Company in, Job ;2d do n, Em L. P..trnc sLicu'., Lulhc . Cumnnny I; Liam, A. T. r. ?umfiany l LicuL. I‘.“qu Snyder. l - ; 2.1 0., Joy Q. Nor PAI l_ —Copt lin, IV. ‘ 110., W. In, hhlo Conlpony LICUL,•B. } crva ; 'N .——Unpt: Company Liam.y Ah‘u I L‘nuqmny Ltcu(,,l-‘, G: x '5O I% ate rs i ‘ld dO. in, W. I. L:——.(,':lph Unknop ECUIIK Tmsr J! lONEP 3 Tuna. I. D..P ,n B. Ki MEI IScrgcnnt Ml ant-3d Q. M. Serg ‘Commissnr: Sergcun therinaq Surgeon I ‘limpiul filefnrdr— I ’Sndler Seré glut-Tn“!- ‘ . [p.ogin II i {-Maps ' James 'nller K lep‘h T. P Arum Lerick “ ‘L y E. Bu t'—-Oscn ‘.l or—Frc L. t—He .Scrgennt m. ‘ Q. )1. Scrg .1 '(‘ommis'smiy Veteriuurj'l ‘ Ilospitn! 81¢ Sndlu‘ Set a‘ _ The Rude»? Add me Begi .. Addison Cow. Surges Ii urgcon‘ .I rd— ! Abram ant—7T 'I if the Bvl lenmlß ! dis Pr leu GE 'tpred in; “19 Old Lec : Jnil; Tmpwy B in . Middl street; Com ‘muse; Qampnuy D in ildihg, Mud story ; l. a Buclfler'n building, y F in Pnblicfichool IQ» in « public'School y H ip Hd‘onlaughy’s {A annex-cg in the Rail- .n bu his ofiice in the nulklid Home. (Me i m hriving business v will ml .- I 4110 {tick building ghy. 3:11., in Cau'lisle ton‘ Ho e), (Yountlrg) ' jun? iy'ge'nemlly ‘0 me onzthe sick “at. luridusly ill—the cases uslés nn’d colds. Regimen‘t. Hscrox I. "lit: storehn Chambers , Buehlér‘s drug and exoqllént musicigm -, who ‘ few eveninfis v‘ery gable Seto r’sday sham “ prgm - Din d—the chum: “’0! _ panyCl’d Iny F. g The varhiu 4, E 213 “evolutions ”‘of the “'ring" were perform ed In accordance with " the style," and Much to the IglnuM-mt‘m n! probabiy fiftecn' hundred lockers on. The set lo‘continued an hour and a banfiwhen Adjulnnt. an "flipped in pnd mliwly cram-a 1 we ” htmpiony": and fligh- f‘bockuw " in pre ila for drfirmdowhfichcnded the pore ‘ ,mnm. ' [- .59 H ‘ ~ ‘ IZEI RU‘<.——The }Joie arrival CM inn) still quanured ‘oint! before stand. place'il far more 0d flex pun-ail; ‘, pa ea are wit. he citiiflm “(mm v, large number: of ted lathe Pnblio .lw‘l‘he deemmnm has grmtpd‘ a r - qbisition for the putting pp of {malt-n lulu rst for the Reginjnnt. his ”noggin. that ground of Mr. Jahn‘ Sockvt, nmr Mar-ll (frqek, will be’ chosen ‘as the location. 'w was bad. and a 'mu. Afler which off. widen the {Ol. I Adj. FIT-rs: 000 D TUVIE‘ A'l's LUTIIERVHQLES upt. Mann-fa Company, at Rutlmrville, ' a grand time of it-‘dn (.‘hrfishnu glay. .b citizens“ 04: mm phlegm”: whom; ‘che u’npuny mfidgjin high favor. gave them a mptuous id‘nnéer, em'brfhcing all (lle‘sub ntinls nnygdelioncics ‘pf the season—l 9 Carla. Y. Vo|.,\_ Dec. 3 .1861. ) thrm Pri- 9: been detail. s< gsuyoraedéd ..| is charged t! "in; quiet' ievod frman r will appear . wemonieq. ir aide arms .. fling y. lug gt until ‘l‘ Gn‘m If pro: [1: be r 015. bur fl other ‘- earth id), of cfilirse, our {bake dill all dual jus ce they myltl. 11‘ 119113 Vets a nudflar of simrs preifept, and} 3111 participating‘hn y'ed tlmmpeflvés in Ethelhighest dogma;- Vé‘publish with pléduur'e thb acknqvgliedg mm or ‘Hmf Company fdp' this mark qun- Pem, us we: find ii infthe Baltimore Aimcri ctm : '" , ’ f i : > 'yderJl want \. ice Gun duly ‘ ml nfli m utm iipfing ' larder n ‘ been ap lson Leigh : .nnd their iespech‘lls— :era nml pri nt diligenoe {the Guard; us! be min!» * i ; {Cup Bl'zuuli._ ;) ,Lntheiville. December 21L-1861U ‘ ‘ ’ Jpn 9ft“ (lulli‘morc .-lénericuu: ‘ ‘ ‘ i The compnhx statibnefl a! this plzicely'em i ‘l'gh'ly ndolgtfd the .nccémpany'mg rekolu on“. aml as [its object cal} but be nflanifieh [yr :nn inérfion in lyndlr paper, you‘i‘fi'ill’ ,uéhoblige 19 and my communal by giving I a place‘ix‘ your cglfimnq. Yunmi Rig pcélfully. ij. 1, Mans. Captain.‘ ‘ E ()om'g Con:’l,lF,'sTth Rog’tJ’. V. Hawk-ml, ‘l‘hnt our Celfvtuih he reqll6~tnd 0140th to the citizvn'agnf Lli‘thm-\'ElM.‘nn :q mginn (Mom- rlcopnnfl ‘mrnmt" gratihule or he nnifot‘m ‘kindnast‘a which they have hn m to us kwor sihce we have hec‘n (inur ordtl among“ {ht-m; manifested by ivnmnn- I'll 3h.- frivntlly “mg,“ mid a mmwnt kllivi mgr for our " cmnfnrt : mid more cupw-fiully n tlhzmk thdm forUthe‘ QuranumN ohtbrr :liflnwnt (111+ (lay soil bc-f’mre u~‘-'—¢-\'iuh'-llring «I‘sl (100:, a poglpqof genol-nsily'ilms< )iHlity remhrknblw oven; in ,azllzzryzhmd dnzmunity :1 and. urthormm-p tn Mugg- Hem that “to room )3ch in their kindnms l'oj prom-2111.3»: 01113 gonuhzé latrinli'am. jlidl cam mum}. Fe with 1h:- mldi r in .13 privatiqniu untl ' ovrr rn-miv tn, whom l L] anonuml'fo hiny than .0" thix «Marion Vl‘ rccngnizogln (-‘Qvfoiali munififitufinn, nfit omin}: to MT with “4'"; hom‘h‘ :lntl humls 1d a ‘linu- “lll'll. of H odhm-«i “yo nmn-Mwml \ (l nmun 02:}l0 tlu- 'lnvu;pil:\l.!_\‘-.—ut a limo \ wn our hqzu'ls 21 Unwind; turn tnm'n‘ 1y Lam hnmb, \\'h( 'O. .In’ (11.5 :"wth'c- rlm . m‘ plane: “i" won It ih Hm run-ml (fil'n'hn H (hr hmht Inn. ‘ fni' Hit-w jnS-w uhfch u): only hg- I'umpl :1 ”:1“ fmuiiy harm. i 'l‘m/ P-I fwlhr. 'lnuiflflnild “Naukqwnv qd m “iih 41' Mrlul mums “mi; 1:“ 1t iii-l 1-4. \\(' (him to . ~~hx‘e'tlu m Hunt it .will . Illrt-nl|~‘lsur v‘fl'o t u‘jnM-iu lhrirmill‘t n (‘l‘llt‘xlh‘yi‘ cnrq- \"N w in mm» {ln-spm" 1 : «mm-v 9 “L and t at five \-:i‘=l m (-1 hthy - H ri~h llu) , Imllm ”I'll! of llxi~svl'c.~fl"\l-§d.._\, xu in aflvr‘vmls whvmmfi 21min"; Uni“): Lll huh' high“ ‘roveeltulzfl'th-ot :‘m-l‘ {N mm! (04%”- I':,lisill9,h :quf Jim: hung“: 0. en rrwmt go it mul n \“ll'l (lu' hrqpiu‘st‘tlflv nfuur ~nHH-I rl‘vah‘ Immmlll “unfit (\l'. LullLn-mzw‘ ‘_ _ . !B:l's!’"i'hv 'E‘ Khy-f Jul:\'hlmu'u-IL RIM Mini Col. Com '3, Act. ,qmsod ‘\ sburg, film-90 cheers {which were Regiment “ tiger." Is hay, the ' nuntrv was me. Dress re had, as nernl Order ‘ -- 4ULPOI'TI-ZR: ‘ l'. Y.,V»)1., I 5 1 2,1802. ) ' ~ 1 u] is <triofly' Inlhn‘ in the ny nnn-cnmfi 'qpmw-l ncllt‘l‘ gs oflico :und‘ 1 win‘gzfl ‘ nt by .1 L':(‘:l\'. * rg, Jaml um}. ‘ zvu'~x o I' will» any n Imtd: h “MON. 1 Col. Cam. I ED Hj. ulcr N '23 was rend '. 3'. "01., ) 2, 1802. _ j g. (‘n v. i n such day «Mummy and I] I]} A. M. Enmiun with line “.Ipr of fur wt‘h M)— ig such mom ‘lum rn n. IN. ' Rx-gnlnxinns » In thi- Rn-gik ‘ 9 A. M. nf kn Mn '. M. .111, ti ME mum. f | 1.1;}. “01210“ _ ( Hf ”I dllil .~' I‘mn m hymn ‘ll' and nun Orirn'r. =I Tritnds ‘ [~ll \"gu ( ”‘4ont M ”inks,“ (-01 L. Lemma" ‘M‘ {c-inpcr; 3 )lh‘l'. - MEM 3‘ Field. - I“. Scm'a- ’ 01'1“ Bumpy \lt; ls! ”out, l , “Z! . _. fl ‘ - EWCHIIL; llonwt‘gr'.‘ iCmnpnnv Illsrlc>rcd it} n millinh‘ut one mill Yillinmspnj . erlomiy sixlrnn i moin, under; idem. jitvflil‘l!.\'.\\'ohf i Oflnoitoriniik-xcursiiifi t ,Imm Kn. iscovercd ii pm‘ty 5f rlu-ls on ll ide ntlompiiing lo (imlréiy the D :m few rounds the rqill-lii\\'n§e (Hep ll (lira-limit ‘Limit. Ilil'xtan In» inlwl Baiklulion unrlotmnstor. era xlmuldmg ndd jcsseil t 9 Willi: Washing“? co.; 3 ‘l., (lure of Culi llnnxck._ i, l , "flip heth of tlletCompany i< maxi—lint thifon on till? sick lit: and llmy not ~1-rir9ufi'y. l" I ' karma ,I Ladies" new (‘umliiil‘ttioqbf Affendiwillp have ‘ mld: up (Inga lloxg-s of articles To? the H Ipitfiry Comxuirsion at \Vgslninglloqli. which wogdforwnrdcdbn Mon day last: U‘Beys cdlmlwibéd thefollqwing rticlec: 1 i j E _ l' A“ ‘ 3 bed Nmforilez‘rs. 2 quills“, 9 pillows, 1' blank-eh Clif‘hMi,‘ 20 flair of «11-aways. 15‘ shirts. 18 under shirts; 26 pair Mocking-1. 19itowelu. 4 roll; linen lhnndzutos, 4 rurlml hnipcunliiofis, 2.pair HlimwN. 1 lmx lint. l ’m'und of" soup. 1 impel: fat-inn. I}; busllols dried nppl¢s. lfilmnlielg dried pencha. 7} bushel; chain-rial, 1! bualxelswlnortlt-I‘Trim, I}: bushels: elderb‘erriefi. 31 quarts l‘lncld berries, fijara preserved; fruitn. {24 ’lumblcrs and cans jlelly. m q'gmcks and inrs of pouch, y-lt‘nm nnl. lpear Uutlcr'find clienfy, ljar tonmto 014::pr l 1 ‘s') _ ‘ , fl‘he Conimiyloe‘ consists of lfli‘fi. J'. K. mixer, uni. Jacob later; Mrs. Jacob H. Plank, Myfi. I’qtep‘ Bo lili. Mrs. C. Manes and Mrs, Skmixe‘l Eichoilz. ' —_‘_ ._l J ~~ ”J! im' f n I‘. Hart i Oydncr, Is! 1 John Weirick. ry I’urdy; 15: ~ h A. Many. is More) ; lst . do., Wm. A. V. Page; ls't u. Whiting. ‘ (‘urpcntcrg Isl. J. G. Pierce. ; H. Peck: 15". In W. Allen, - i v \m '1 P. Woodrufi'. ', Dickinson. “‘l’thr: rifiin, i- \\‘hedon., lAler !UM mas Ba f. Ed! ii: Pier; rge Struck and nay-Tho yum! menir Association mm. ltlestown Molomnldgd—tb'o following ar- Eticlesz l ‘ ‘ 1.5..“ ‘ 3 ' 5 blanket‘p, :2 mmforta. 2mm". 0 pium'u, 14 dressing-gmrns. 10 humlkcrnlluzfu, ll linen ‘towels, 6 cofilon flmmal under Bllll'fl,lkuit dd, 4 redulof‘.)l shedts, 13 cushions for wdunded lilnhs, 9 glpps for cushinnsffl pair Idrawers», 2 ’lmxes qu lint. 24 Ed, woolen "Itocklngs. 4 pair epttop do., pack. old ‘nli‘nau, 4 lh.»corn starch, 4 packs 100. 2 D. castile soup. 4 lmm'n (10., 4 qts. seeded l'cllerriei, 4 of dristl warm-s, 8 of chétrlbs, L 5 pf apples, ,2 qf elder emu-ion, lJcrock cherry Hbu‘ttpnl peck dried apples. 2 lb. mutton met, 5 cake: chm-blah, ‘2 qts. dried flack 'bdnio’, l'juf peachgs. 1 can quince butter. ‘ E‘Mujgy‘Bn-myn made a visit home Inst week. ‘He looks heixrtf, and represent! the Regiment as ip fine‘condition. ‘ ' 1“ 13-11.. 3mm of flho House In: ap “pointed Ho'n. Bath-n McPHnsor on: of the Regent; of thg Smit‘lhsaniun Instilution pa Behalf of the House. ' L ‘ I‘ than”. Guilnn'hu bean math Post. under or Qimit‘oi 11:11 'lB. 0.. the 9me to ‘be moved to Gillden'a‘ S’fiiion. ?: . ,‘ Dunn R. Mum.“ )9” been Ippointad TaxntldifillcpfStar.‘ g. , I, EQNO Wight/u!" ‘ - t - wgéllxifig (lbing in Congm 4 1 t-, ' - ,-I . ho mum-"rm" ‘ \ Htf’ (“H‘EJHLM “M; or I:4lth l Hun L? ”It? '1 N~ ”T’ huh)" {1 rm“ W 3. “1.. Im h «ilh'ur S‘l'i :Iml mn- kimL L..4.«:~.":tu-r 1 ‘ivwil llu‘ "hl'wl ‘Adfimk‘ " lxm'ul: [v I'Lwn “NW 10 lm-ur I'l.-- ': ‘ ‘m‘ iu-r‘rk fin" burr ixLilL u‘uh! {u-rm‘; \ - P uhzl'v [l]: 'kl’mhu u Jul". Th :13 km“: «hm hm an) [9 yu 1. fun ”:6 m {11: _\ml km» k7mllv. .’l_l )tlmr (111‘s nun- rnH- 1: “.4me rum mm ; I pence uhul (Enid. L y Remix-[5311132 a‘mn'=.- 1, Ag. 111. Ihmel NM! “immu- Ji I‘m‘rll‘. l“ mu )“-tllll‘\-:ulv|~ lllu-“thfmu-l lzxxt vv-‘nEmz. rm" ‘f “ ( W] "lel luuv '\\, nm 12m: {iw Imm 0 .la'x A" h. a” Unix :1! h élulx, 1011 :it “'0 ”In t Pry foi l‘ 1] 0w 'u' formic M :«Luo’w‘i—A‘s-sz.+ : LETTER FROM GEN.E§L‘LELLJN.—‘ mm the “Louisville Journll” am. Mrs. bun St‘lln'lfl, mph. mnbla mdmv , “weal, 11¢: hrliew um; uugn in this ice of‘ of Pumr Scumvm, Int '0; Cmnlnei-lamd t‘ht‘flr' [Wllllt'fllmm In} Work‘y-mi he murf' rem-1 tnwnship llliwcounlymet n I‘. “pm 30503:) quulnle than tlxr terms or tller‘rientifiu Mun-ri- MI'C ‘ b l 1 ill EM 1‘ um n! s;- pL-r nlllltum, nub menu-fifty" ‘ "ELL-“‘- y he “"1 on. CL! cont- din-(mu! m ‘1u1... h 10mm n 3“,],- Punox. a pair 701' Stock knit in Mg; mhn-e 0183! pay, qmlrxo, wi'h :In imhrnse white and blue; the to “d. hot-ls Hui: ""3“""ororlpmfd “’“Viugi ”VP-"mu.“ “‘3‘ . “h. I"! la ‘ (I ll tall“ Mm? ohm-n, valuuhlcm hum. z-ndoluem flat-L " wuf“m. an ' r ‘ 'o' [vntilcjnlncllu In. “mining ofllrlnl Ii ‘l5 of Emmy" 15 80 your: at ‘ml her preyenfl patent claim", hipprlnm Mullfllta. pnl'ficul gloriva additional into; st from the lacti “" ll“ f“: “‘er“‘,d9m°°“° l""’P°~"°‘-‘» “9-1"“ (I t'! . l_‘ . [n] l t. l .H lung elmnd. both 11l “1}! “funny and lumps.-y m I. “as It? 9“".“01' - kj ‘ l‘l“ 5’9 ’3 as tlm highestunlhbrn.‘ in (he mrclmui' am (he mdmv of (l mlxlwr tlgfn- wnr of‘ll‘l'lj (11ml sx~u>:ncc.~. lete 'n uo'publiuallougmure Gl‘l’l.”“flCLßLL#-\' makes ’ e "'ullowing Imp; ‘ {NW-5'11” ll" ”'l' 2"";01', ”ml engineelt'nfll} iron ' _ 3' , . ~'g nun out 12 mar uu‘r. or ln: uiunu 'ncln er.»- P)’ nolklll)“lf3d‘gmellt. ; . {'Wc lmve newr (mt-[2rd a number'“ tlluut‘ : HIAI’QQMH. or 11f.24\111\'.1 ‘5 lumping Municlhlllg we nov r knew- efou, ‘ h N l I ‘YMNDS‘O I) .or’fil. } ! _un:l ohmioin'g mllmblr infuvmulmu f r the Mrs. S!“N[S¢'lll¥ll. 10 y>ltuufl l’u.—%\ lwnrfit uféur remlc-rs. Thrl‘uhlishrrs.. essrx. My Ikg Madam :—Perm t n tu thunk yo Mum: .H'u" ow? l‘urk “Row. New Yprk lane for them welcome we pnliyml haven-eh deserted the Inc-ecu whirl: they h-vca hier goodmnounh oneml m Umbugln Mr. M 3. ml. Kg one, should rim llun e‘ny v: 11-91:: l‘llEan, i sure you 1h“ nutlfing 0 . mulling nl lbolrpaluliul estublighmunt, lllch couragés ma ore or 1w" gun-nu me " is :lmuwung‘ofiuvemh'c geniui,cullccl from much in “ID ”my link me ”pd upon m ’ the entire world. I! any of our friend away -a~4 tbp feelingfifhatl nm u- illpd um“. 1 in flit-country do not Inlay: this work-fl d will old nndynungf ‘lam. M In I. “A”, l'vapl‘c _ lgte our ndfico. flit-yvall mall 52 um! come full)’ ybnrs‘ '‘l Gzo.‘ .‘fii'vlleAs ' aul-uzibennmedulely. “' h) “"9".” mu" _’_ l N . Ikm U VIVA . Publish!“ Hwy can übhniu n rpm-inlet copy ‘J' 1 '_‘ '‘ ' , grub, whirl: Will It! sure to confirm 1h lrulh rs lilnsuol‘hun . ulaurrccummtndntion.", ' ‘ Em 'plm‘ml {flu _' We fully enilorse the alnme'mnd we Id ro-l pr' m" 0f sever 1‘ qommend our rendcrs to luke l’reulice‘s “hire. my nmllheolb r and aubtcnbe fur line paper; A new ulumcj n factu're v“ c cmumenrcs on we firal oqun 'nry, and i 1 being" F! the 1:65: in L.a valuable «ark; Irell'llL-‘renceicontmnlu‘ an 1%, Fur fit“: hnd e does, the only oum 15} 0111] gut rlmnslmbg )PQ'Willgghn lm e' hslml 1n then-nun ry, elvyery nllmber sh qlvl be ' k mvn “:0“ w ll‘ preserved, The p per upublnheJ-eve y Dal.- this“) é‘qulxre f urduy.LHhh\wll- llO\“ll[mlelltx§zcnts, ' b 0 “ mm. mlapl (l Munn .t‘ l 0., Mt]: buficgltouducu-dle M Vino and ll (3 (luring: the pl 5? II teen/yum. ' ‘io r' tlrlt MT 8. ln uddiliun In nrlflihing specimen ”I?! )nlnl, on ‘ 0 3 of the puller gmi {um puhliahcrs will D I “gm" [inn of: ”:1 llmmphlrl ofudvic to inventors free of ‘ne‘~ ~ . - . \[ \lh Bl'akllullrl" Addl‘qsz, / ”lAN“ L ’ i ‘thl nmv fi If] > , 311 mm Row, New < ~ u ,: .r’ L" and Llh-y ha -I, he golden ol [0 E 5310 by A, rpm: ”\l'lsh;<.—Mé “3l.so3. df Bendenwille, «Hz-r obligatibnk for the)‘ 'boitlps gf'Winé—one Cll 1 Isabellal—lof their own_ 1‘ quality is-‘véry: fine, (Kill -I ported ‘fl-om ‘lfowlgn cI doubt_nbt thai these W I a 1111;35:5519. .I-Wshorove pen. The easier-n or .011 our nlo‘unt‘uin is, we am'l to We pfixlucll‘inn of g I idén is-not altogether v 7} many yvms every avn' -< slope‘ \yillbe given to {lll grdpé {qr tliat purpmo. 9 ER 1!: W'gmos, the piano have “sltruck a "good 'vé too muqh‘cuterpfiw m ]mrtunity slip. ’ ~ I z’l‘heir \Vinea are 110' Bram“: and E. HIM” Being [nu-r. they ,are f‘j medical purPOseS—and olher’s. ‘ ~ . ÜBXEHAW WINE. .‘ 6f this, {Em-01min, has [l] a bottle: of his Honshn-i which 110 Has our thnnk tide—~ll mighty nive "1- In the very bwt of ixnlwo Ml-Jhiy‘er'; succe<s in th: and {M manufiycturo of rodlixmll hiqlhiglmst o‘." will, th'é-rfiicy'e ('Xtcl’ln‘d tn proflnde a larger qu ‘ your. flirts wine is eql and ahbuld so" a» rr 5 ha; pmflxv} :1 fortune to i] ~wc hr‘npé’it may turn rcqwowd Imvusmnn. . , ‘ Mrwfbyvr hm tlw srlm} pa'n fiat it by mlh in‘ ('hnmbmflmrg :U'ce How). ‘ '1» :pgnm ulr‘rv hm‘ :- "1:1!!!” 'i:‘\- 11..» \‘hill-t on :1 fl€'=n 3.. n’few d'nys Si; } Hm Lwn wry Inn: e—“ Mr. Juan A. (j Partnin {fin-- m urg. n~ Irnlhfs. “'0 u i ugh but“ by: the y pml ' m-m. much > “11“ llm MEE MM: ‘ Hurk~ and <. {Lu lwrll :ls' their 113]“. ) im 4'" m 0 I’lliy‘nnid, g 0! LIMWHI. “n “1}" will 1‘ J IHH?‘ u: rm «3? HI.“ 1 ‘éqd £loler and Wu 4'l3} pug-ml of (“'l3 Hr p“flb“\l|!n(‘uf~'. ;- “F 6 paid :1 viv~it ,u-Lid, film or Mr. . :m’anl 11-h anz-w ‘nllgLup‘ --| r-n'nngh " *t ‘1‘“;1“? ”‘l' uf‘tll‘nll‘ (‘h’fl nu; and qy] mpqm . 21:0 (I hulm _‘ inmuml‘ the gmume. 1"? wt in :IcGu‘ianim nl‘ Hm 12mm, Imb- Honlllifully :u‘ ‘olmim‘k't ‘flmvers. u s—‘flne “hole lmvi . i may soon vvon " ‘ of mc‘rchunt prim; i upon) such an om’ -I \L‘nr"! 100 Loa is now jn ulmve [ of- -tlm' T; (311' Monday llzmt‘ ~ 1110' Prothnnnlnrd minim. a Commi» _v in the mutter or Legislature frbm e was made by Had it , thfew the KL ke Hopuhlieun k .1; in which their -} Denseemed duo “ nn It ro- Ifboy MMI EiMI • 6,i in men up. .Ujl let mspnrt, ME " he Commissioner poi‘ ted to-day, and U a Week from this—Lth as Mr. Mung inlem' I}; Nuance“ Brsmn' will dquhtless IJ fake toe-(um ‘ have testimony/take ' films been; ‘ busy in tryingto find 5‘ hingto {mad but whén apd how we mi st “flit, to 16“ ‘ PROPERTY SALE. rgi‘lm Hnma ‘ of Gm. Puss, dece'niso ,‘m'Cumber township, was recently ‘soljfi by the Exmf Ju'on Pun; to “$815? Smmum 1 acres, 51,820 I's per ‘ u 9.1] Tmc‘ No. 0‘ sold to- Jouxl Suva @ucrcs, at $lO acre. ‘ ‘ . . ‘ ’Jacop - kaxuxuon: property of E#—Sberj 1 Int $2,“: ‘1 ‘ .Sherifi' W 0 .1, on : property of u. Vn 113.113?“ K 312.. at BIG Ho6B?3con Alma-home, ' forms on Bmm; 1 at, w and 548 ;lbs. respecli‘ ei’ghlee‘nlmonths. ‘ . II: L. "3211.“. of on Monday Rm. slum ty-two months old, \n' Joszm W 5”. at A slwghtered a Hog we' about 18 mouths. ' ‘ ~These‘foul' Hogs Egg-agate 22-151 1%. qertninly a ‘imsmmot ” amou‘nt qfv rk {pr the number of an Is killgd. [A hms shied! “lad“ *;_~-_ ‘ a CHURCH DEDIC. “0x—.313 Ikm- Ghurohuof the Uni! BreLbren inidrist, 8,11:qu north of 'pder-«uilfeflw' I be dedicated an thel2lh ust. 'J‘h‘o pu‘bl' are respectfully myipedt attend. - g taut Curie; re run his tlmnkkfor the liberal rec-option given {fun on gflew Year’s day. ’ , 3 {fl-The Bank: of New York,‘ Bbiton, Philadelphia. Albany" and other cities, suspended. specie paymepts on Monday. , . _..,,---.,~ w" a» _ . fi’l‘he Svnish expedition has 'tMcen2 possession of emCm without firing than. ____..__.L..._.A,.. - a, V Queen IW—l-‘mgh‘shmen in this un- ' (I; are said it apprgngpd axle “$336821“ ' e to upenfromm: n'a' «:3: get hex-3451a t‘cudcncy to' ~ ' i- 3 ‘y is feared. f ‘ l ye, Jlnliriw: 11m! l“ ‘.pvculix;l~ifivr~ 9f I thin/they "(-ch I" "will. .‘Vlm, ll) 'o' klinw that (if nl ““l'i‘lu-iry l’ectoml j ‘;u that ever “km; pi l Pill; are at am i," ' smivhing. nmut ,]G.Lml_\‘ egrr [war 0 lot, a ~iinglu ease? up. 'l-‘numl where F:- wl Mic faithful lrinl -_ lmhl unortinn, bu 1,9‘ And Hill mnn- ii g." ‘lllfi‘tllir‘rrllil‘f, ('{lll he ”no alto: anmlw ‘axlllwir lt-xli'wy. (-l lri health, by this wi K, >kill.. Smurulull ”Min thi< plu t ‘IC tliinp’: l n bad” for v ' i .’ G 10. GEEK”. 1-2 .1 up: nl’nur m ( ware Min». . ~ ti< :qu-imn :ygnmrv‘l-rvfim ‘0 Clmmlmlu r:\\tln<vffl)t{gl'. i has {hurt (I «gratifying n )d ‘ ‘. [wrufirvxm :01 n y fln‘rn ynnr d ,’ Luxwwfn‘tl I? '. Thn twin 1' inrilm-Iti'lri l ‘u .111? Kaine in I .w .tcnnms of yeah [“1 lulvtion uftheir I My live to sulfma ' ‘ Army-jug out the 1 it‘ h", enln. 15mm ed llleiignrot'lu ’l' t h‘s ".qdunmy 'the onjan-nt (f‘ 'O. 3mm: M E: ale: ”N", W” they - Y“” .(r~la{lo\\"it?l \\" ‘ i if L. mm 'ra. W mm" "m." 3le I J'l'mcr‘fOH, [l']. (h. he \wrn itrlr-k ' - ‘ 5,, mid Fla-gun! $11.17)} 7100"! 1),}.11.» nNin's imll ML. 1.1.5 'i‘r(z(:2u~..-_“ (450% 351051ny ,4. m. r:.l|.l'mn,,}:u. ‘,hfil'l‘lnullv pm] riv- graiviul to yum-13.x; rlmlu‘d JVilll l u'ir :)Uf llu- “Muffin-”.33 mwut \‘gn‘in-MN~ ”than“ uw'l tin; '1! 919 w (3m nll'ul \1 1 wind. The (J 101; vxn-mn‘c ell-'1 gut-J1 Lu urtit. not \vn than 20- ll)_\"t|l)‘ 1(»r-" \\i(h,grvat [ah-mu {H} £5301) Saturd. mt‘ >ln: lu-rmns m-r‘a "3‘ “(h-ltpburg liq: If>f tho‘mmxlng-ymn' 1...} Vic'o l’ruédvnt. ' IL U. Hirpn‘r: '1 Loan ,(‘umm‘ittmn “huh-sand Xicl I‘HIC fink-NHL] ‘. ' mm nfurm‘.” ”2&4. 'H'ohnl win: ilm \‘l'ly 11¢ -u| ‘ numl- 3] ml e‘liml‘vllhm f r- “0‘1“ and *3. If" n air «11' 01(- w o “Hum-bun E , 511. i.-iilu::‘m km?! to 51 nuts]; Flt £05“! unfn‘ .llrn3ing. the C our to lukn l lhe‘conh‘pu-‘(l so: Ile énuuty. ‘ mind: m‘m. M Low anhing: \' 3”]; :(IC ‘mt! W CupL M «In July at 1,1“!erle (“mp “ (Ump Ru tolil L‘nplniu, who I m-nt. . I 1011 an, "' “ ‘ . ‘ti-i mJVa had I. Em _ I-‘Ai luy‘njgzht 31m :3? AN APPR un uL'smxas's 'nc}; » . ‘ .8". ; {(ch Mo <l_cr.~ into 1| tor o .the Nerth : aux-cad. . , anrzstdwf: Mm, ’ Dec. 2 damage to llhe L\‘onh )liuuurL] may be mmmtd lap ‘l5 Inlluwn: at Sturgeon. Cenrralin. Mexico, and \Vuuemow'u bunmd ; Valeu an and perhap: melny cars from tilt culverts, large ‘hhld nimll; three water'ntatiunn, Ill,l.lolliice,lroxn 2 telegraph poles. end The milcsnf strayed; and ten milea ol'wirc rend less. ~ _ Two trainsfble having eight of bags and seveul car loads of be two cars of meretaudise, are in 2b aion 'of the Bub ls. Four engin’ in where they #m be gained by t em. Some of the men who belongell to the trains have arrived here, lrorn ‘whom I learn that. the persons who_ did theldnmag'e are yet. euaxmped ,along_the,ron , about five hundred being at High Ilill,a dpther bodies at 0'! near Mnrtinsburg, Mex oo,Cen. lrulia, Sturgeon laud Allan ’,At ntrnlia they were within half» mile ol 1h; Barge .Sha'rpshoomre and dalroyed a hri ge and‘ water: station; lTwo freight ‘trai s were,‘ captured within[l'mlr urilumf the mp 01’“ a detachment afg the game force. 3 1‘ V At licuick the 'work 1m dirdeted by l practical rmlmafi men, andxihe right course was always taken to make} the“ desifuction' complete. Where the tru’ck wins taken up the rails were thmowed, the ties gathered in pileu and set Pu fire,aud the mild; thrown across the pile, so that when the centre of the rails became belted the weight bf the cold and: bent them so as to render them useless. 1 2 The Damage mul‘rl, the ref]; y to =lmre.—-——— i 1! probably 110' tfistimony hike ig, such jvstig l f‘p. S in M 1:90 I 300 L m 1 was 3pc:- fins yurchnéed l‘qons, in Ybr ‘ ' ncsdny‘ sold 3:, n Peta“)??? 3 7,5. 3 ‘ the to qua Steward ‘4 the s that he bud kialed. ' ogs, \feighih 556 El} Their age ' as Mountjoy towni nip, ink-{edit Hog, t on ghihg 612 poumys. bbonétow‘n. ,yecqnuy 527 11:31.. it? age In deeming the bridges the {in}: were kindled around the poi-nun where they would soon thrbw thtl bridge down, pad the trade guides which spanned the open cul vert: were Burned, u were also the“ frames on which the water tanks stood mudlly. The houses of railroad men and ,ofnll Union‘man in the vicinity ol'thc mild Vere surrounded, And the inhabitants assured that no harm wu intended them while they remained in doors. . We hear of scarcely my pillage,sor any other outrage beyond the destruction of §he road and telegraph line. , 3 . The daqggcv to the road canno't 1311 short of $300,000; gud a: least oné mnnth will be required to repair it so that-mlinl can pass. , . " , ’ -~-._ ~ 4'»- +~o «.3 ‘ 19mm Memphil Avalanche when am (311 an has been unwed byrtfu Con federates. - ' , . 211371 FIZZI copies seu'd a Wage. n, . ork. -. - Orv "urn—(sm: of Hm peoial m in, I'. .’\_ch".~4 propnruti lisll “hat is pI-mm his community, LI Lhc. cough! rt‘mml :9 by fur tlm 11051.? 5 but \\ in tell ybu ITS 31213 is (he I Who \yer‘s mnst . tho mildwt um} fil-ohmlnf all? 'l)‘ hip Aguv Cm-c'fw 'ot aam immnoe bl} er :‘ml Ague has i 09' ‘IL. This nmy‘: t we are :ISQIII'E'Id it ”mi tum u're the ~(-l‘. «l EAU'XH't (WES-IHI ‘, patwnbxoune fin“ nu‘wogl and llulifit [(‘lnr-ty of [unlit-03p! with the accumuln mt! polquwd by l ml: blood, ”my ran ”his: mm??? combi uul'im] urit‘ros; 1m“ thLtflul rofim-Nl‘l ‘ liia ngtiin‘. 'lf'th mo. slmuM 'not 01. (lmt Ins-berm We. ti't'uucc to them ‘3— any iug in ni~tvd m-m a .s time. ('l3 of 3a} i-llu'. I 11'0le d iutnl mnicn! ‘ In? rot- % m cor-g f! d on” E Minn. "still- NI/ IQ ‘M: are r wad- Illmirh :- : m‘hinl lm Rev. I ' 1' feel [a reach 3 d 5. 1 .v.—-.“ “mm-13's B 'h Imzrngos. Yr “'Oud'rlfick, Cl. _ -}v}aA-lII;_I'\\ILMH t} valuable u‘ i-ou “who! three ybu less m my gonr‘ra Cut. IréctJmm-n l 1: omen-r“ hand.’ .- With' width ‘ (hem follow 01 the ," Tun 'lntlflv'; y fiwpifig hit (11 ‘l‘y-vlm'tml 01500! \‘fit‘iill .\~snni:ltin .‘Plthilll‘lll‘, 11. J. IL-‘nry Rug-p: Sr Kahuna; .l.’ B. ' Wm. >IL mama nln-l'lfoduri. z . ret Imm; , 11. U. «u». I -- l n'n Cumpnm', , h‘, ano, ('lll'ith). Illlcr." in Immu a now Major" of t! OEM= .1 mm . f Uwir e Rgi- «o» ~«- ghu‘ull; of snow .oflmr last night. 11221111 IRIX'r-J us 01-» ZN'I‘IUI‘Z T 0 'l‘” 1i WAN [£ll AT 1“ m ‘ -—The luilruad Hridgg‘! fawn n Imiun to gist} _ur four In 300 j ron dc-l c-l use- r 'loadVa p, ‘and {”90" are ly: . , < _ _ [.l Vinficw»: \ ACI(BTIC.—-FROM A rhmsu. Liv-n: all pour Hf! flow on In yo l—y-n thin fair world of unr's', _ sLuch higher joy: which never S—ieet «In-n will be your hour: fl—uy» Christ in men-y hrlm lol‘ I‘m-oath which nhnll uvror fn 3—”: than on Him—Ha lon-:1 Yvon: friend Ind lime}; aig.‘ Ki—ind friend luv is m .11 who Is s%uviur's coast-1c“ love—— . T—o all is bu ask 5?: freely [‘n‘u } E—lerual happiness “‘och.; . ‘ , ‘ s~'3\'——hilu unveiling through (hi world ofgl‘ U—Uud, if in-our bcnrls lhczfln lO—F Inn: is kindlml, deaf) and j' = ‘ ‘ D—euth‘then enu'l break Hig- ch fi—gcurud by Thy almiglny In: ' L'nionlown, ”4.. Dec. 2'4, ms .t ‘ On“): 2}! in!!!" M the unidéu fuller, by ‘lin". J. K. Miller. 7 BRUL‘GII m'niu usmmu n : Ncnullen (ownkfllp. .; aOn ‘lhc 2511: ML, uonr Mike I Watson, .\lr. JACOB HHPLHH : ,- (Eulyxlmlg. to Miss A 3)”; 3 .Sefins (how. i (In the 2-H}! “1%., by RH'. I’. BERT B. CRIB“! tu Mrs. 501’" (3BR, both of Adams county. . lu Dillsbnq-g.‘ on the I'Jlb‘ Finfrpck, Mr. GEORGE S. S! Lntimore lgwnshjp. Adam: :- mum.“ MILLER, I;qu ship, York counlr. ' 7aIEIX). . On ”1818lelg",,3lrs.(".\'l'll in the 7513 i your or her age. 01. th .2914» ult., m Spring laud cuunm Mr.’ THOMAS V, funnel-l)" u" this! county, aged 71 o“ the um 1:11., “mum ‘ son of i\lr. Htlwigrd‘und An ‘ 'Lxdnlus cnuntfiuged‘i' mogul-5 . In Link-stout}.- QII Niel 501‘ SWUYI‘I, 5.41., kin! 1030 M: '4' days _ On lho \Mh UT .\pl"‘il Lust, It lhlllg‘hlurut'ucnn and Mar! .‘ lelurd gum uolnp, ugcd '4 36:11 11 gin): (' Immunlcul Un theflfllhfinlh, of Mum: Uln- hem sl"sA.\‘N.\ll,v~ife ulTMr.uUz-or 'l' Daughl: .Hu-d. m lu\~l. uuvd {nu} urn l mun Ht dnys‘ The deuwd “fl: Ifillcud 1‘: years, \vhirh nlll' hair with u lln n-mm l-‘rirud, in tour hmmhrld Fin-lo ( Nun-y: set-u anoint-nu! l'llllll’; , yolher'n gum, Mn! N; lm‘s‘ lum-Iy' Fcnns our huuwhuld—shp'q not lhv: \\ l {~n ~~lu~ I»; lllmn her dgenlh had, ‘ UN “1 )UHNI :Irllllllll hcr clutch,- l'ngnyed that“. iu lu-uwujglixhl uw “'lu-n our earthly rucu in run. But uh: mourn \\'-- [hut flu- in Ma'd, Fhr only Min-pa lu n pen-end bl'll; Gad wlled her to n nucllrepuw. And she will aleép through uihlor'ul _ Then let her in the pum‘clul 'gmvo “Hide llu- lawful and dad, For the quic; i. lhe unly‘flmc ' ‘ To “run lung-wry lu-ud. ‘ AdiCn, z-wi-el bonny-r 0! our lojvo, . A 10m! and lust l‘urewll, , ' Thy epin‘l new the rnluu nbofvl Mother, once nine, lurchlll, l‘unwrl DIX-d, on (‘hrimnnwwnhiafi lu lufiuu-l nmr I'lll‘i’aiju'g. j\'. h.) M“. l;l"ll| MAN, )vidmv ut rum; “ilrmun. 4w “god abum Tu .u-uu. ‘llt-r. Ill'lllll 'wu sudden. N-uuulul lrlinng in Hir n she umpluinc‘d ol bring lll’, Uuo‘ 3m mmu- mum-mu . bul be‘ and! ruuld by ab. her spirit wn: mulled lo n-uhm ul‘rhrl blirg. Durin‘glixo hr-r übjutr “us In a! “ruling “burners; 1: mm.‘ {\onu knv' Imnu luve Lur. I v. ‘ u _ ' . "vl’ri'ends and n-l din-I. do not \chp, 'l'v grim c is ull in \ .xill, Fur in you sum] heaven .Wc hope to ugrulubuin \\'lnilc round her [Hu- w-duy we “ICC: . A Irihluc ther’v mfiymy} ‘ V lluppint dvu-lln mill; (and lou highl 5 In rculm's of anal.» dun ‘ - Died. on the 2911: “IL. in \{oxnxillvlu hm .mcr u prulrm {"0 innit», \leidu sh- nu (Tuis‘iun l'uxtiludz, {Mix} MANY “If. ‘ daughter of anjuithtic.nunn, ngcd M: Hum. . Slnezbzls gam- fo‘our F‘Rllnni's hon“. Um Pullmr : hullxc in the -Li: 1, Where Hm‘jn) ‘ql ln-r hunt-know nob Sur lun’ nu hrnkrn lira. _ ‘ w'mur {-lww "“l’.‘ . ' ' Tam mmzfnm'r GliT’l'YaUUHun-incur“ m" ’3 0] 11‘: ‘ I Flour. . Kw Flunr ' While Wheat Jud-Wheat... Curu ............ _|'-ye.......n.....‘ «‘m5‘........,... Bud“ 1nexy1.}....... J. «Hammad “mm.................‘... 1 7H "ignolny 50:11.“,................‘....X 7b,! \ Flax SL-L-d.........A........’ ‘ Hui—r bFl'nng ......................‘.~ 1, "’lnstcr glounn, pér 1mg....§........ ~ ‘ ‘l‘urké ~ BALTlMUliflufumn nut. ' l-‘i0nr1‘.......,........................... 5 62 t Win-m. mm...................... .m... l 10 2 u) C n..." a - I.“|uq~‘.‘lll.'l nun-10}... 70 :l ‘Jurn.......... ..........,........ ........ 60 t UM:........... ~.......-................. H \ Utoyrr 5tud.........;...,................ 4 H 2 t Timulhy 5eed...".,................... 1 75; Bee! Cums, pm humd............. . 5 Q 0 1 H 0123, per hund...,........ .......... 4 50 s ii“."'ll\|!"llujl‘q‘|....l‘looon'lo-naooul-llla “a ‘ Whi5keymm....‘.,...4................. Nlv “mum, Peruvian. per 1.un......... R‘ HANOVER—Tunisia: u" Flour, from 11303:...» \u- «an» Do. lrom 1wre1............:......‘ When: Lu..." mm... Rye.............5.......‘ C0rn......... m... .., Uut1...................'.. Clover 5éqd.......... Timothy 5eed........'.. 4 .1‘1nat0r..;................* u. n": u- "II" nu. .. not... u" Pm)? Catawbg Br. Isabella *' ‘ .‘JUFACTCRED BY BUIZVKHOLI WILSON, HENDERSVILLE, (‘ULXTL PA.—\\'c are happy to auuo I the citizens of Adams county lbs! I cumin-Iced the manufacture of Pure W 3 the Grape,—aud than we are now prep 1 Ionu: cut-m, to supply the trade—quad it hmiug already lruud its way Into the This Wine is pure and hunt stood the ten best Judges. Persons withing apure can no“ be supplied at home uithoutt i of being impuae-l upon by an impart I E‘f‘or sale by A? D. “cum.“ all )Xlxxmu, Gettysburg, nud‘li. lhnsuw, burg, York Springs, Pa Jun. 6, 1852‘ I Notice. . I I mm .wmxsm'a (P‘ALV‘I‘ER) r :1' TB. , ) -—Leueu iesumenury bu the (In of ! Peter Wcikert, qu ofueuysburngnn‘: -. ‘ Ky, deceased, having been granted g‘to the 'undersigned'; residfing 'in the ‘snmc puflrhh whcreby gives notice :0 Id] perxons 'mfi MOl to .Mid pat-ate to make immediate pnym nt, [hid ‘ Iboac‘hnvmg claims against the mm.- tower“ them properly nutlnemicntod for well'le cl . I NANCY “'EIKI'JLLT, ‘ " 1 Jun. 6, 1862. 6!. - ,_....__.. " t , ’ Sleighs for Sale. f , HE subscriber will ofl'l-r at huh“: I” I his residence, in L'humbeubug' ‘ .1 o. A lurduy um, (Jun. 11,) an. 1 O'cioclz, ‘ 1., was smugluus. naming WW! chm. 6,1862. 1: _ ; , ~ ( ~ Holiday Presents. f ,' ‘ Us‘l' uceiud iron Phihdolpkb’ tJ! ‘ . sonmourof Photograph Albumlril‘fl‘fi or Holiday wanna, «high We ohr . : prim- 'h'sos nuo‘ , =I 'c', | 1:- lobe =MI w. i Z 7 1 u .I_):e b MrJLHW' ”NAN; M'- 11‘!) ml- I?" _v .f . got l, by It" Eli, ram: , |.. I'lll'l‘ I A 5,. _| m. Ruby, Mr A K. 11 , ref “L, ll] R I "ruowr may, to hingtou l ,- um: \' a! mm, ('u Hum 11 ‘ ; yearn. 1 nbyn AQK, LUWIN. I‘. SIM! and 5 (la. 11“., fid‘ mqulhl If M 7‘1“: - [ (TEL d 1 :1 ‘ nu u m: ('ulho ‘ ‘J mun! DEA, kc; of s and. Ayn rm. of h Mu! I'4er flilvlk (‘nmnm nivn ml in. in; “I: by: Y“'PI } uh M. t.“ 112 5 2: {ago :I 2:. '1 In .% IQ MI EiTa!! "f 5 . 4f.- ‘ o‘o 2 van 1 23; 6 50 l 00 4 u 1 61 lEEE 4.7:. 'l. oo ‘8 so 4 23¢ a an MO ‘I on [I 15 1 ~30 - 1 33 t ti on H u I aa‘ m t [HUM me I. v "i -SLI I of hot. the cle‘ *, 1E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers