TERM The 001 mm is quliqha making, by Ilnu' .1. Sn! nnpum if [Hid siru‘tly 1" in! anmun if not "paid i iuhcriptiou disnontginued. option ofthe publisWer, an no paid. , i ‘ Anni-mum“insertedn Jon ”Paul“: 419110 wit dispatch. J (”not in South finltimnr Upponilo Wmnplors’ Tinnin_ -"€olru.nl’m\"nw Ornc PRO?ESSI®N&L . , Wm. B. McCl TT'ORXEY AT [.'A W.——() Adlo street, ”on. door w our: Home. Gotlyuburg. Nov.- H, 1859 . 5 Wm. A. Dun T‘I'ORXBYAT‘IAKWT.“ .1 " was: corner oerntre S.” t. ‘ ' [Uc i , A. J. Cove ' TTORR'KY AT LAW, Will A to Collection: nndmll oz} (ruuod to him. (mic-6* betwe- Ind Dunner a: Ziegler] Stores. Gguyuhurg, ‘91... [ Edwagd B. Bu ; ‘TTWNRY n LAW, wil A promptly attend to I“! bu lo‘lum. He speaks: we Ger 035:: at thg unme place} in S “rut. negl- Furneyfs‘druu lt' oppouiu Dunner & Zieglu's n ‘ Gettysburg, March 20. .D. McCona u 'TTORNEY }T L\ W, (arm A qr Buohly-r'} drug and ho 'enhu-g urea.) .\Trmc'xnv n: Pun" m. Fusions. flour Yum, "‘Ckrll'ly lusp‘l-mled (7 other cluims «gains! the (lover jlg'on. l). C ulsolmericnnqln [Aid Warrants landed and snln Juighulxpriccn given. Agent! 'uting wurmnu in l‘myn. [Hi Vuternfitntol 3834“)” to‘ or by-‘lotwr. G’Mlyuburg, {s7. 2], '53: \ WC. Neely , wronxm M LAW, will a tiunn and fill ntlwl" huuin‘ vi cgre with prompt'nchs. ()1! can!" of the Dhmun l. tfurrne Wm. It. .\rlH'chnn. EVH | Gettysburg. .\pril H, 1539. ‘1 ' J. Lawrence Hill . AS his ”me-e one ‘ I I doorman afflfoém Lutheran rhurvh in _Uhvnlwmbnrq atrret, nnd npp ltom. vgiwrc Llun't- wishing to (Mutation parlurnuhl ure reuwc: ral‘. “Run-mam“: Dru Hun erlflLh. U. U , “CV. H. L nuugl Prof 31.1.xrobpl. Prof. H. L Siu Gullyllrurg: Aging 11, 'QZL V Adams; Conn , CTI'AY,PULI~II\'3ITR\VU r Inrorpornlrd Mun h 18, 5 nvru ERR. » l';(-:dan'~‘¢ourge \rnfl. ‘ Fun I'ruribuf—Lh. a Rune” ‘ , F‘fillury—D. A ‘l'mvhlrr. Tr-Jltlrlr_hQ?-ld \H‘rrnrv. .1. Emmi” ('. ~-u-w.~__'{nhorl . ' Kinz. Andrew ”wimzrlmnn. nyma/rvx—Cvnrge .\‘wope. I). cg‘; K;’l?.‘ .\. ”Vol/minim". R. 7‘ A; \lu'lh‘”. H Fihuncfm‘k. “‘1 . TWVM. IV‘VVHM'I. W. Hitrhwnmréfi ~11}!!! “"zlforl. I'. ‘L F'Et‘kinz. , Jx‘n llrzruer. If. 0‘ “d‘.-«arr.» , Y (‘ran And-uv‘l‘ullr-y, Joh , flor-h. ‘ ‘ ‘ 9?th- (‘mmnnnr ‘u liniiu- Hana m “Ir rnunly 0‘ A-hfiu. ‘ Enrcefllflfl opmulinn in van- ; and in Hunt nurEn'l Im- i." I! pénausriihqut dfl'l nun-mm. ha 1 unmln‘u minim! in Hu- Trennu p-nv amnluu no Agents—all i (has in Ihn \l-tnngon. who are] ”I hr (3" Slovk‘mldirm An" ; an Infivlrnnre cnn‘npnlrio n 4 named ”bunny-rs {or further i-v j 169'“): En’cutive (‘mmnin 0159;. oflhr (‘nmwun‘ rn the 1 in our! munlh.—nv 2, P. M. I Sew. 27. ”SR. I 5 > iCannonz'Sr. Ad. TEW, \i.\lllH.H WURK‘}. '(' h morv‘nn-l Emwildln nrc polite tile new ("u-n1 Home. “M'ing rug u;u}|v-nfr| 1\ m“! from P funding fulh' finimwt-gn} In our the finnt 'in-lo afflu‘ gm. We u [r inriie IH4- nncmiun o! ”301'“ prorurc anything: nrnurhnu. tn cnll‘nud examine il}?!‘llll!‘l|~ or are} prom rn-i tn {ur'llfl‘l .\i- '\ I' AND “Hummus. .\nnm SLATE for (‘.nhian-uni‘on‘. an. ~hppqrt‘lining in nurhu-mua. nt uihlo fir-11L". We 4LO nm hrs‘im 1h“ our work :hn'l he put up i Ifanlialnnq tuneful equal to Men in the cities, where an whichfiniqriencc lms suggest.- nnd (chcially dn' we g :nrnntre _tery and “raw- \'Eird work nil-‘1 set I: not u) be nfi'crtyd “fin“! tnin for your! HIM. Cronin-=5 o nl‘iho coinplelimi‘of a job. and continued gracefulness and syu 506.28, 1859. If Marble -Yar:l_~Re ‘ HR mbqrfliwr having: remo'] T businoap' to Him: York Mr. ‘nnce below St. Jnmon' Chum-i). l to lE2 public ‘timt he is slit] lirel all kinds of wyrk in his Line, wmenls, Headstones} Im, kcfl, 0 11,10 sud finish. with and “‘.- uo- keu, to suit pnrqi;mmrs,and : the times. Person! tit-wiring; an will find it I: decided Mummy! flock and prices before purring! « W. Gettysburg. March 21, 1858.. " , Stfll at W 0 , _O’ACHHAKING AND m. —-—The 'undersigned resfx. his {tion-(34 and the puhfitfth "hi Conuhmnking and Black:- ln “(cry brunch at. his establis hamburg street. He has on manuhuctnreto ordcrallkinds ‘ BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. Spring the but marerinl. nnd‘mnde h. 'men. finunmsp and B: I“ kinds done at reasonablr and m the-antisfgctfiongot cust Comm“ Pumice: taken i work In. mhrket pr'lcpa. , S'Penous desiring art’iqle Qonchmlking or Blacksmithin apeclfnuy inute’d to call on ’ JOHN L. BI 24, ’59. 3 Guttylburg. Jn ' = emoval. ; . Igw SALOOX.-GEO. it}: “mom: has ‘ fl‘moved his 0% ena-ishment to the pp did new Saloon «cob a Bro‘a. Build ing, on the North side of Charm ersburg street, when he will It all times be p epared to serve upflie best of OYSTEBS. in very style. By < keeping a good articledue expert“ to weave a libe'nl share of publxc pan-o age. TURTLE SOUP, CHICKEN, BEEF )NGUE. PIG’S - FEET. TRIPE, BOYLE!) sad 5‘ [ED EGGSJCE , CREAM, BIRDS, #O., in their Carlson, A nice / glass of ALE or LAGRR can always l>e~had.—l Come and try me. G. F. 30K8.“ RODS. _.Ajfl'ilz, laso. : ' l 31 Puma! :san to by an! Man-auntie.“ 1860. Ind byahe Adam: 00‘ ‘ Rocky, Sept. 1861, {9613011 Pia-unplug, on: .11 other: n 36!!!! DAIRY CHM! flak, now who ma. 1 «very Monday .:. u 51 75 per D}'A\N‘l—~s2 00 admn‘be. N—o unleis at the 1 all nrmnggl theugunl mtek- neatness and street. direfitly Badblishmeut " on the. sign @133. nah. ‘ Br 11. 'J. sum}; cc iq ‘1'”! Mid rt of “I. ngw 44th. Year. e in tho Kohl]- re, (:e‘uynburg, .3, 1359. lf ,p a“ "a ’ 12 :gmum. 4...:~....8.__ :,s3;:s?. ~,,__ ..._—..~_ . - _rn‘li. BELL; or alumnus) ‘ i romptly‘nuend I r husincu er ‘n l-‘qhncsw' e .o 4’ | on, ' 9‘. nltiu'loru 'ep(. 5, 18 EMI faithfully mid ‘in!!! entruue‘d -» n “11““;ng— uth. Bultimor’a e, Ilfd noun] ro. lIMil one dtisr Wefl' ‘k slnre.Clmm- Sum‘rlfonfiim 3' Land Wur uims, andg'nll mm! M Wuh msin Englimi. nrhoughlmua ngng‘od in‘ lo nin and 01,1)" nim person‘illy [and lo collec aa inlrunlod to ~e in the S. K. _v uccupied by At D. LEE! ng't nlgl d to Rite Pick \F any I" f-va inn! l-r, Rr\'.( 9r, D D., \’tl‘. IMII 003.11%“ 55.1. uCurdy,J L “3:44!- {'l'urdv. ‘. u. \s. (‘I § AMM F ‘ luff “ 11!.Rxm , Picking, hm: Ha}: {Hill is!“ l_{LD J.ER 1 391 if: n [r 1n... 1m MCA MEER nr_fi. i (X -urge om- Masts -n haula s'. Th: ”Him-Ix --- ‘ 0 in: $33)) near Cork, 1 chimes (If hells. ‘ , n nunllv I‘rsnn' dM \ of the :| rmntion. v 21!"! a 5! \\‘edul m ‘ fcgggifirtfi 1 li".- sday THE WAY THE GOVERSMEST IS gm rm-r of 'I Lttdirccfll (:uitvslm iladolphi: 111‘ J“ W 0 'nM Hwy-l )lir wixhi SOME DETAILS OF THE .VAN WYCK: _ h INVESTIGATION; i— , The Ago-r 1 anti olvrmfloll ot'l‘lr. AIPI. ~ 1 l‘nmmlnp. ‘ , The rocont‘repnrt Auhxnitted h the Van flVyck Invasttg‘atiug Committee 1 Congress fine-cu: parthnrlari gttention to he opera" tion; of]; Bll‘.[.\l4EX.\NDlßD(—:l‘\llllr‘!lis in 111'er cilnving :m-my “supplies in New lank.» m :npp‘c-al‘G from the to<tinmny that Mr. Cum !imings and Gov. Morgnh werg «pgointcd‘ Especial aggnta of the Governmfnt by the Secretary of‘Wnr, find that (id . Mnrgah ‘ declined to Serve, but ‘delegat bid a 1 pointmént- to his brothenGeorge ). Morgan. 1 The report then’ proceéds to detail the lfollowing far-ts: and testimony: I] , i - Ggorge D. Morgan" mi 0. rgflntivo and [JII‘IinéBS partner of Gov :rnor M ‘siding in New York cit . GO4 gun ieems to have regn ed thi nary appointment as a. f nchisu be transferred at pldmsu’ e. l A . In connectiOn thh 9 apin tment of Morgan and Cummings hunk? these pur chases, thé Secretary War and of the Treasury, uis stated ‘Mr. Cg: things in his testimony, placed in the hang of Gehe ral Difor. Opdykea d~ BILL latéhford, of New York, $2,000,000. Th‘ly lingo mm of money has subject: to the (2rd}: _of Messrs. Morgan and Cummingsilor eit {r of Them. Mésars. Dix, Opdyke afid BlatT ford‘tvero distinguished citizens of New ork. and prominent members of the Uni) n Defenc‘e Committee. But, singular en gh, whige these $2,000,000 are apparentq'placed un. der the safeguard of th'éee wellx known citiL sens, and indeed‘lejb ur‘tder thégcustody of the Uuited;Sutas Su ’fl‘reésurér at New York. it was in Effect glazed 1.4 the path-q digposd of new-s. ion-gun Andi Cummings, or either Of them, by thé Secnfiry of War. So that Mean-i. Dix. deykeixtnd Blatch ford were more treasmprs. hotdingjfunds‘ subject to the order of ‘Alex der} Gum‘- minp. ft in true that Cumming: aayp that” the oommitteo (Dix, Opdyke #ll3llth fret-d) made purchMrcharte'rhd "mots; ~ to the amount of $90,000 3 et he lays thit‘even‘where they Etude phEdnwa, he had to make requisitions on m m for thev money to pny with. \ ’ 1 l >, V ‘ With, & féw days nftqr Chmmthgs ‘wu in. Vested withfthis authority; he dn‘elw‘ from the wmngtwe,‘ through the, Shh-Twenurer, Mr. ones, a; New York. $250,00q} $90,000 of which, “Mr. -Cummihgs than“, was ap. plied to pay for the pfitchnaés' ade by the committee itself. or hy Mr. Btutchford, I. member bfjt, and thetqeaidue, 33160000, he placed to his own «.33; at M yak Mk, 4 of Net York city, dad‘ho I” in his ovi awgrgfil dance that. he madam patch-fies for "the "£6; cm; IGwmmeq; w the Want «5169.009. fn'ur ue \ mr work. HV'I'S. Tl H '\L\.\'T RH m'wr tho luwcal r mfglm R nlflllno he, best Inuirov is hail mt our ( o :0 Mr ut shall 1‘ wsLtion - Iran r! to n neress xctryf . oved. or! his pl et. a aha vuuld‘n mred to 1 such as cvaryja \ - out bug: t prices thing in f to exam] n}: elww . 8. ME ce of =I 1 rnish onu ic‘y of L: nnd ‘ mi! is line +lO his ere. an! I cxsm mm clfnlly i flu-ma :t he cmhinnes - ilhing business fluent in Chum hnnd knd will ICARRI‘AGB3. Vugounn,'&('., of superior work .\cxsuxrfixla of Mes, prpmptly mrrss. ‘ ~ exchhoge for 1~ o'rwor'l in the g ling, are re- erwonm. ‘ Tyson Brother: ' - I Society, Sept. ! (y Agricultural 1 mbrotypn and i - ambition. ‘ Snbhnlo pang), ,‘ , Funero plunge, E Solemuin ciungo. 4 lmcnplmn an cniold (all. With deep nfl'ection . i 3 'And reculicctiun I i >_ I often think? , i ’l‘hose Shfinfion mil, _ i ‘ Whose mounds no'wiid wonid ~ ‘ in any. or childlifpd 1 ; Fling round. my r «die ;- Thai} magic spéllg. i ‘ On this i ponder, i. And mil grow [onl/er, ‘i ‘ .\weel Cork, ofhee, 1 . ‘ wm. l;hy halls of‘ undgn‘ll That sou'nd so grnnd‘on ~ The pleasant wnten 1 i .- Uf tug river Lee. ‘ 3‘ i I I’ve heard bells chimiu’ . 1 Fa“ runny n (‘limein, 1? - , Tollinx’sublime in‘ ‘ 1 > (‘ntlirdral shring. 1 a While at. a glibe mic , Brat.- tongues «0.1.1 vibmte, But a)! their mnsiJ ,Spéko naught like :hixm; For memory d“ elling 0n en‘ch‘prdhd swélling ‘ Of (hi bc‘fry knelling ‘hs Eol’d nmos. free. ( Mndolhc hells of Shandbn Sound more grand on . The pTensnnt wzueri - ‘ U! the river Me. I've heard he‘ls tellin* UM Adrian’s moh: In, Tlncir.thun icrs rollin' ’Frmm the valicnq. And vymhpjs glur'roui S\\jngiug'uprunrhfx‘n In the gm'gaoui (arias 0! 3'oer Dum- ;i ‘3 But thy s'bund“ memveeleH Ihnn (li\-[dome of V’Her .’“- Flinga Her the Tilg: Pulling sylcmnlj Ollfiliw Dells of Sh ‘They‘soun-i‘ sum-q Tim pit-hunt Run-t Offlw rittr Lea; HIMII w 1 "1 nndnn, } In! on I There's a bell in .\ \\ hxlr in umn and In St: .\‘nphiu l; The Turkma‘n gq And loud m afir ' (‘alkrmcn to “"314 FrumE the, tapering ()flmll mining-ls, S‘H'hj empty phnmi 1 ”(11!)“ grant them} ISM there's fl phnn irowfi Kiosk, 'summit )htrc drur 10 mt "tux mm an at m Thnttmuud :50 gm The plumsuut wnlv vathc river Lee anllun, I d on J MHZ .IMI T#o. I’LL'N DI‘IREI) A DEREK) Mr. Immings employed ‘a. clerk. Mr. Ibe I'll! familiar? . James II phrey, and exhibi'pti in lhnc‘fiil Answgr: ”"3“? beef and porkJ think. in moxt oth trhnsactions, a bonfilling (lis— 1 5 (#l:?ng ilflgnmé‘fl) :0“ he “‘5 of the pomtion har- y consistan‘ thbrough rxmwpg' l‘ucsuuzied th'fi‘n ‘, bu"'"“"“ ma- 99335'5‘1 in dUtY- Question: Had you knm ledge then of Mr. Cum ngs appears 3 knnwn I the particular busting“ in wlioh if. Coming nothing wh ex'erzabbut mifi‘hrpy, l & CO- “'9"? “HEM-'0 ~ .‘ :’ , , except that Thurlqw W cl he was dufig-‘Wen No,sxr,except.'?d”:lienln pro “rph‘llblp'n -‘1 : if 5 = l Question: Then you reliedonthfely on his This clerk’ was autbgri mill? pur-i own stamenwm? ‘ 3 i? ‘ clmsos. _ g E J Anuwenijes.sir.h h i all: _ MiCummin‘gs acted in this xfiamhlinafy (3%?!an ‘A" 11, 9‘ 9" i W.” on- Vclznracter for dhout fifteen da s. :Tiaé $90,” i, £71,331)" Are provmon bus”; 38 ll)“ did not ’EOOO «yore, paidlto Mr, Blutch rd, iorrgo the} Answer: That wag my impkessl n.» \‘Nmmitteg with which'he‘ as artirgg. hy'l The firm of E. Corning &. . re a film. ‘ Mr Cummings, wixhout ah examination ' not) in the grocery and prod cef. l-‘i in the 3'" “1° “mm!" of the lexrm‘ndiiure-J hardvi'are business. lnAleu' NJ‘, fork.— ieitl‘er by himself or Inyhody elsé‘. hip ref-Fur, Cummings .wah firohub . ipipofied 0“ ‘ orenoe to hi: thawing: in theill favor Fix- the; fm"; -wM of ge‘nernl' lueqs experin Swim. hedoslifiqoas follows i ,1 enc P - ‘ ‘ .Mr. Cummings ‘qeqma toh ve fix 'nded! Again: ‘ i [the $150,?!” placed to his ow creili in (he Quentinhlz What Ne: ‘Park Bank a ording to his ivn filn'l‘y.— I ble "am all vour‘fiulfr-hase . ‘lk’flfiyu he‘exlinded “about, 3‘7 ,OOOin cloth~i Amwgr: iLllnrll bread. 1 mi: and on that point” 5. 1 g l Question. And what amm ‘i ' - ’ . y ' I ‘ lyou purchllsb? i Question: Of whom did on ‘p mhaae Anawenil do not now ren ‘(ilflilliflfll f i If 1., . ciao nmountt. TAIUWN‘: I cannot recall th nnm :finowJ Question Did you Pmcl ‘Thoy‘ worenearly all strung rs w se. I ly? will prnglur'o lhe vouchervi. I Anfiwer: : Qnmtion: Did youjpurchas theeoCthing] Qur‘etior. in the market ? § i: . E AthFl‘: L Anéwer: Yea,sir.limllmlt mvawfitnnm Qur-~tinll twink, through “him I pur llnsed‘véhnt 1 knowledge voultl. ’ " , . I- J H I Amway: Question: What niece' the‘clothes, full Qthimi suit»? - ' J ’ ‘7. the funds. Amu‘vr: No. sin, :There w to lwnéitoms solh-r? which (‘nvnrt-d the larger pn‘t oil the pur- .\nm'er. chum—{mn’nlonm gnid lmti.‘ 1 i ‘'3 , hero. 1 Qumtion: What (lid you (i wilhltjlmm? ' Qnmtinn: Paid in whom’ Anqworz‘ l inrwartllfll them In Am: ”ml'in‘ .\vmw-r: Uremiyi to the 11 Question: 011th :equisliou‘ tll'd yuu suphusu‘ i {unrvlm'w Law and pgutaloon ;? ‘g § ‘ Qupqinnlz Ry anl‘? ' _ Anew-r: Nu roquiq’ilion. J 1. l E Anus-or: ,Bv my olm'k. ,le Qumtloi): How «me you i td‘lpuwhmo Question: What \ygu yhur' liim‘and pammloons, rather lmnimmthmg connr-rlinn with the trumurui‘ (414’? , V t ‘ .\n-u‘k-‘y: thhing“ imztlw‘ 1‘ lll'l‘"!l thi- pmrhu-euh in: rrn‘l tick-s m belslnipperli ‘ lwasq the :ulgivgct fibl‘ mill it Wm win) to limglux lho phrcluwe - 1 Mr. i'xltuinigws.al~u ,clmnlt ‘ ll» N~tifivs. wfnlx ré-fm'l-ncr ' ol' the (u’iulzm-iunlcm. u fnlln Qmm‘lihx": \l’xlltu'hum (lid contract?! . ‘ ‘ l .-\n~wv_r:|\\'itll Mr. Hnmz Qul-stiwl: ll (I you {nuke ‘ ‘ aminnlirmiof ln‘r? ? . L lmwegxi l ltml pneumuxlg 1 . Q I.»:in Itinl yuan Illynko lmdy 0):: 4n xnnkfn‘g 11m (‘0 l “4“" : ‘ 2 1 ‘ ' An~\\'o,r:‘ l flluink fnnt. fipoc: (zulqti'pvl: l) d yin (:mmfi: ' .\nawdru .‘ln. sir‘ h ‘: Qupstilui' Whm \ran her kl: Aneiwlm l 'in nnl knni‘l. il . Qumti‘pn: lf'ur hpw ungil (‘lml lu-r lm’r? } i . fl Auuver: 1 sin! ndt sure wlié nnv timé‘sypcifiMi ( {i (gammy llvlore3lhr- conty :lml ivith him} ulml other ind, mukv- fn'r shiiw to l'haruxr?‘[ Answer: What slxips‘worq! could he hmh mm A subject 0 quiry at lhnt limo. iuul I hear \‘ov—rnl )drmhscmhn m we,- r (In‘-silt)“: \Vhati other“. , Alum-sir: Because} thong! hp llfi'mlml‘. m hot wéuther w ] hurl seen flw soldilgrs pn's‘s with warmwintor chiming-_I. w .tlmy “ ould nnl r-uduip‘e when k muhl «any: qn. M , Qumfinn: len yqu wnr'eA n'mm inhrmntim) nml’iudgm \\"ulllil he nodded at. M'ushihg Ahqwr‘. Yrs, sir. ; L ()ppéLEMJ: Iqu ymll nixy otl Alum-r: NO.» sir. : ’ _ ()I!n~tihn: Had ydb any If upoh your nofinns o’xcoy! m Juweld hy vnm“ own discxetion AT‘"?““ No, sir. i _ Quwtinn: You rpprthnscn unnlhv nnd amount hfi was di own judgment «293“ ‘ - vaar: Yes. sunf ‘ ‘ TA.» HUN/[up uas linm ran! 1m :0 (A. amount o/b'vt/ 321.4. r ,Firout td for 1h suigioct, Mr. (‘l‘fnmings . ‘ Qt:v<'fiml: Did ypu cons "hm-Hy a: to the firopriety n-‘m‘pantalnone info mogu- ‘ I AllsWPX‘: Not until nhér {tor it was done I ltalked l-y. and he‘saiuf that WM no lith the arth regulation; v axed to‘pUmixafieJ | Mr. Cumminpa pdlrchnsed monies. On this subject Ix ' (gnmtion: Cal yo? give I ny firm of ivhom {"0"} pu now groceries or provlswm Anuwr: I think §nme cup m‘wd of Gaming &1 Co.. of Qucsliml: Do you know wl An.~x\"vr: I think they wen QUE-firm: hid yo‘u go to ~ fir... 9 g w firm ; i Amwor: No. six-J? Qunclion: “'ith L‘fihom di‘k ‘u‘sinoss? 1 ‘ ' y Anw'nr: With 3 i‘.‘ David? yf the firm. ‘ l, (| Question: _‘Vherla' did you : \ Anuver: At the flistor Ho ‘1 Qurstinn: What was the supplies you purchéaed fro “ Answer: T hey «Tm-e provi ‘ Que-itiom Did ynu ascrtni for‘ehnnd M to lli's familia bmnch‘lf business 2 AnflWF)‘: ,I-suppoéed he k 1 Quostiorg: The prpvisions in which «dealt? organ. re— ; rnor Mbr- ext mom! i squect to Answer: liglgpqsed so. Question: Did yhu Beck 11 Answer: I met him at th Question: Dnd ydu seal: purpose? I ’- ,Anawvr: No, air :15 he mm ' ngstioga Then Davidso‘ pud p‘rop dto Iztvou a you now think some ions .'P g , Answer: Yew. my. ‘ .Quéution‘: What‘iwn the bill ? ‘ i ‘ Answer: Ido not remem em will show. 3 ‘ ‘ Qufistion: Was it lm-gi'o Answer: It inqunted ands of dollar-3.7 I l Question; Would it exce‘ gmmoz . ‘ Answer: leenno‘tsaya ’l for itself. 5 . . Questionz. Did ybu see .thl Answer: No, sir; v Question: How fixer; the Answer: By him arid pu vessel. ; y { , 3 Question; What knowledge hath yqu:of the _qualityof the articles'furn bed? 4 Answer: Icould ndt he a mudx‘ knowl edge of it. That wont ”he hudstion. Question: Did you on y any gentlemen. 30559 the articles; . . 1‘ J . Answer: Only my oierk, Mr. Hum'phreys. Question: Were those articles brought [from llban’y here, and shipped]! Answer: I suppose so. - Question: Were they in Albany when you 1 made the purchase? ‘ ‘ i 1 answer: I suppose so. ‘l ', ‘ ‘ uestion: Had you any übwlutefknowl ‘ edge upon that point? ' ; , ‘ Answer: No. sir. ‘ .1 Question: What was Davidson's stfitemeut to you in reference to {bag thing 2 § _Answer: That he was ftmiliar with that ‘kind of businessL—thnt hq but the value ; of the articles of which Mic Government 1 were in need. . ‘ r i Question: Whnfi bulindl d“ I}. ll] he 11l familiar with? 3 *, V ! Answer: Ithink the purcheping of lup ‘plies and provimuus. ' , . 7, 1 Question: With whet. _ eh fgthe‘supo glint you won then ‘ id he say RATUCG AND “He's 15 Itali'n’ AND wzu. ruvku.” GETTYSBU'RG, PA-, MONDAY, DEC- :30, 18 they gvunhl s comiiu on. :hrqugLs horn ‘ivh I "'livhw‘ 15ml xejmhvr i . l ‘lided I)? ynur m as ogwlmt on? f 'm- gum? 1 y In‘! imxuwml ‘z‘h us Eta-’in ‘ Muril- LimJ. (a Red ”>5"; ynu r r :‘ Mn! (4M! eh'llu' 1. 'zain. on nyizAF; 1h WM} am' fintm'ducing y? s‘? “was Hlpno.— lithJMjnjew sm— I ii? In mg’dam‘o lui “Hill; I lmd ‘ , I. rovis oils and - says " [91.39 éme of‘ '1 e f any of T ; l 1 i r ) ie's Wore rur i Hum. . g s , mt 21. 32mm“? :~ pmv s'pxis. ‘ lban rto we amine' . Anmer: I Hill nht oxnmi I took ig {or granted that 55 thny worn, aw‘p-rwt-xitnd to be. Ql!_N!imL “ hut: othe; n‘Ji to we luyfmv‘nmkihg tlgie an ' Anqvqfir: [ do not think 1!. shim. j . i . ‘ Question: Ynumeni to see ship. did you: not ?; 1 Answer: liionnl mink T with a View to channeling h on her lii-«vi u<ly,; Quentiun: $140" (you on from your knowibdge oil acquire-(i? i , Ansmxr: Yes, ‘in : and up l_aiinn of Mi. Roberts m suppnsdd knew. i Qumiiion: .On what (by upon bérf - ‘ An~wert (in the Sundiy Col. Burnsidp andih'is ”Mi Qumiion: Did you ncfiu knowledge of the; charm Ir timt time? y Answer: No. sir‘. - i Question: Had iyou he .. gaged the ship, any peno “i her character? 1 L Antiwar; I mid i] had I) i her, otfherthnh flint icq i casual visit urhon i J Quesiion: What: peso then. had you of uhe chm previoqs to than engaging in Answer: I relied mainly u xenhtiom of her bwnov. Question: And (but. i t e lipowledger ‘ , ' A‘nuwen You. air. , Questinn: WM this he chartered ? i ‘ Answer: Ido not hi I first, I chartered imo Ol‘fili time. - j i“ ' Question: Wu 1 thin than patience! ? ‘ Answer: This mu he ever had in chattering“ ‘ Question: State thou! \ plrty. i ; Answer. icannbt. ‘ ‘ ‘ Quest“: Cannot pui “ii stance i i .4] i ‘ Angler. Icannot.’ ; . 1 Que ion: How‘mmh did "f pay? Amine: Eichel‘ $l3OO or 3 .30 a day. The price was conihq‘od Vet; high.but not more than was hing paidpit the time, and in the pres-m senbwght it wine to take her. , ‘ ~ Mr. Cummings imam-tad himnolfin other purchase! for tho‘Gowmment. . . Question: Since iii termination of our duties under that ommisqion. have you had any other tranmctions with the Gov eminent of any kind' ‘ ‘ ' Antiwar: Not in Hf way'of contracu. RI had one tynnuction hich. peljhaps. might. come under the scone of your quationé— When at Wnphiugtor. after thin. I heard 1. great denl of cismor in account of the wnnt of IhOQS. Anion otlbrs, I had heard Gan. McDuWe“ say tigers Were re‘imenh tint could not be mkrchid on mount of the want of shoes ; and hinted the fact to tho WafWu-i, ficignngciktw to < i . | ‘ . . isi i ’ >il‘., ~ j 1’ - Fon, fitnembcr 1‘ . seeihiméf , . «5.. ' lnatui’e ‘of £ll9 .thnt Film? loqfi. 1, ‘ quit him bo fityl ith that. ‘ ew‘ an about it. ere offtbe kind Il m ‘pu‘m Ad‘to} Home. iml ow for this to mb. . care ?to yew «thing; which kind‘bf ‘.provii- ' '.' “9°an of the . x-r Th 6 vouch “m E ' «vent? thong. }d qr m 1 ibon of ebih Hll nhow ‘i w 2 ntiFXesg'? ‘fm-Aiahfedr an Ibo‘u-d the FAWML‘Y J©URN . ‘ I 5 ' ‘ i) ‘ I ‘ *xt} (:bnsidem- x ‘ . t #11.“ «pa 1: :~ ‘ w mgr met-pre- ‘ {persqnal my; ' " DIV clerk p'urcha ; From \éhnm‘? . ..2‘ q"; I mi‘pki n Inpersuf‘m lit-1% Jim “Mr ofkhe Frumuliousein I Did ydu 'lxm‘n 91‘ that transactib No, sign ‘ , I It Did \Ou furn‘kh‘; ’ur dul.) qu diuwi :i’t. cry-fired It was [mill {Or ’.i.+4eliillg, I a ‘pgmonnl {‘that I M njul tho ar ogx to let Flight (6 be H? ‘ ' d l “#915. [Him Hmflfl' ttkn,ike th hé owner. ~ “annual ex ! , - nmpnh hhr. «A {will uf‘unvl knit watll Xr. MU .' - helr boilers? I, . . nng‘e? him did you he)- tl‘mre was ! ‘ ‘ ct ins condu ‘uhies did you I 2 = xerf and am mmtun! 'in ohr. number. . about 9131:. »s did you tax -1~ A . :0 uhy‘hilpsr— (l9‘ here what w flit] you go aggmmnt? :Ith to see any > , ‘ bid particular» out to use her . '1 11nd been “zed ’thil kbip I nippideumlly th‘e represen others who I ma, you been I_ U exfiqus. to Fee . uh" pet-nodal ofithe ship at - hen you on klrowledge 9f likuimvlodge of led} by a: mere . " hnowlédge, 1M“ thiq ship 4- 2i . it extent of your !_ hq‘ch was the -. {about Hut ‘ . 19m first or 3 ‘ q'xperienco 1 I. t _ e Ins the sub- . .. 1 'fhe Auiimnt Quarteimnnfer a! l’lhiladel- Plain. Colonel Thom“. telling hing that )f :e had not a .nuflinient supply" to glee (hi: asuflivient supply {or .1 farce of ‘mt 1( than 200.000 men was nhmiued. filling curl; ‘tlmt no greater mm should be pnid. bvrefof ‘than the Government had before “aid. I took llmt‘lent-‘r to Colonel Thomas and he nutlmi‘izgd me to procure slums and! orwar them to him, if I could find any; Ody 1 make them. If» ordered 75.0001) . ' ,l ‘ Question: What did you def." . 7 ‘ Amwvr: I came tn,l'lenedict-& ~ all, 031' this city. a large fifth in Brnadw v. V 8,!“ well known, and ‘told them that Talonifi Thomas had told mo flmt it cost 9Go . emmom, to make“ their own sho . abou $2 20 n pnjn wlfich wns‘the amqun hp 1135 limited rim to in)". They said Hi} “foul 1 undertake {o_make 11pm at Um! in», “I, though the (lovo‘rnment slandurl really‘ made the show wnrlh more Usnntlmtq—w, 'l‘hev (60k the order. ‘ . l l Qfiestion: W‘lu-n wns‘this? Angwgl‘: It wasin my or Jupehh ‘ The confinittye havefim nobagin' to can in qumtion tl‘xerintvg'rity of Mr. Cu ~ mingsf'.‘ Mr. Hall, in'hia teatinioyly, rays 111‘ He did‘ nqt pay Mr. Cummings nnythi'nfoy his Evr'vicés. but Mr. Cummings- sii’npl requir ed, in this way; the kimlnusq o_f flu moa~ sional temporary loan 'rif $5OO q; "- ‘fme a dollar and Ifinl‘ty‘cent’ dollars pér mirwouhl‘lmvebqnn a ‘ ir priZfe for the shoes, (Sun-<l.) If pegge,'sl 25 SUM ‘ ‘Mx'. Cummings says he make; u against the Governmant fo'r his: I nnfl as to the settlement ofhis ncc‘ (osli‘fies M the gimo of his oxai‘fimfiinn (Sr-pt. (k) {on'}: months after this tr .sac'tioh had occurred, m follmfi: ’ k, f I Quenion: And what Amount of upplie have ymlfp n‘t'h’mvd up to this: tim '.' l Answerg ‘hi: authority extmvle nvor : period qffi twp thys, when T rt“‘i\'ed let‘mr from the Secretary nf’Wu l Rayin thatthér’cm municmmulmdbeenr pene and that Ila fiurpmo-ol‘my-np ntme hm"! boon complwhed. and he «‘mwit for it. h‘n'vin ' calmed. (here wguld If no fu Hm: ‘OQL‘flSit n for} uclionputsidouf c rem: lm" nnthori 1‘0? bf tho (inrommm u. TH nuthn‘nty 11 MIN} hath Millers (WHO :1: th expirnunn bf aimut fil‘lnen (lav: pm {1! dau- of flu- 1:“! one, and pmhubly mm H ' TL :11" date of the first, one. ‘ here alqo‘ -..._ the sumo Limn’u legtg'r fi‘o'm Jhc gen-tut. oftho Tro'nury it‘l‘tlmse gentlemo I have named. asking thmn tin) dupmii Ith‘ M 1". (”am thb’ n-nminlng fupds in‘thm. hnml’s. They novorxlm lyldvpmitr‘d with I‘. Chen; in round numllerfi SIJ‘SQO‘K‘. ' Qumtion: 'l‘hr- whole of yu‘ur pr cedings undvr both letters clwcregl ho mutth mnnf'yl. .‘. l ‘ ‘ " Ansm-n Almulnfliflwn ({uegxion: $901500 of lvhi‘flw Wm rnfu d thmo gnnllcmen Mmt they had (1‘ msolv a 40x1mmlml‘.’ { A 2 ~ ‘ . ‘ J Amwm: You: r: thilll is my 1'? llootiqn'. (bur-“Im- An'lfiutl ft {cnu S’ll‘yt (N9O with whirh to cover; your uni-n expense , . Anm‘c-r: Yes. sir.’ 1‘ ' ‘ ansllnn: Hanuthé‘ ‘Go‘vr‘mmo‘ upon )ou to gen]? thiulm-mum.’ ‘ . Answer: The Secretory of War} mé_nbout it rot-outlyJ um] I to” noon sin I ohtainéd thd vmmhnrs ‘Blau-hford, We)" should all be"?! together. I i ‘ ' : ‘quxtion: How long since you 1 vouchers with thl“ Gnvtmment l" ppndilqre of the SI6OJ 10. ‘Anm'cr: 'l‘he‘vhnchtlrs Istill h returned to'tho' IM-panluxent a sh: the articles {tum-Syriac].l Question: 1110 lpnyisince you 11 sgnlenzent 10 the Envemmvnt 3 Answer: There ha-x :been no .4 forwarded ' lo the Gavel-ummn l statement of the articlrs furnishei ' Ques‘tinua Has the IGovernme u , Upon you to furnish thle \‘(méhon - I Answer: I dn nm In” no “my" ave mil- Nl upon me formally. lf' Ilan' a 'tcd that I was really to forward“ thr‘m M at ' timt'i Question! Ilnw long ii it sine", your ad'- HAGPI€3' was supetceded? . l Answer: [tin-:15; somée time in fay; but all thg'a tmnsm-lidng “lore not aloe in Buy. There Wm; some )umhpses of ma I wait ed to have that slfipfiell. arid the “I wuited for Mr. Blatchfotd m ieturn to t. .. city, in order that I xiiight he: the 1. sets 50! vouchers ind forward ahem-all. 1 ’ Quastion: Wat the coal purclw e an ax tensive purqhasq?‘ . . . ‘ ‘ Answer: About 2.009 tons. i" Question: From waom did 5" that. purchase? .‘1 ,~ l ‘ Ans‘lrer. DI: the pal-flies who a: ing tho Navy Department with on Question: And :1: the tame pr?“ Answer: .Y‘M. sir. ‘ , z - Quazioh: Why: did yon‘mak chase? Answer. It was ordered abm their (int purchases wem‘ made“? not all shipped. 4 1 LOW-tion: Wu there any difii~ ‘ ty in the ordinary 'oficers ofihe Gavel-um Ming that purchue under contract? , 1 ,‘ , Answer. They had no coutnc ' ‘ ' Quettion: Wu thore any d' on!” in their furnishing articles of that nd? ‘ Amwer: Nat that I know of. . Question: Through when: w the coal purchased? - , Answer. I asked Mr. John ucker to purchase it. and the reason was at he was 1!: Ifhitadel his. and wu‘familiify with the who]; coal gunman Quation: Was then not 3 gun in l’hihdel his? ‘ Answer: gm‘ sir. Question: Would not that sup] Ky be furnished‘by the quarto-nu Answer: Yet, lir. it would, if 1 him. . 'l‘; Queuion: The quartenmutor has i com petent pemn, an be no” '.5 Answet: Yes. sir. ' " ‘ Question. Why did you not (hit through the preper officer of the Governglenf-Y K Answer. chnuse I did run t. 111: in no ceesuy. {supposed my authori ' coven‘od .Lhe whole ground. ' . Mr. Cummings, in spending j: money, does not seem to have regaxdod importa’ut to act in concert with the reg 'Govém ment ofl'ncers. ' Question: Did you consult with Gen. Wool u; tn the chateau of purchases you made? .‘ , Answer: No. sir. I 5 Qustion: Did you have any éonferonoo vim ofiicemof ‘he Gov-rumontxho, under other oircumnbnus. would I)" pnd con wol o! u» department of Inning” m which ”manta-goat. H 3 ‘'‘L' l’ i , El I'. El. 1_ 1‘ 2 4 Animal-z I wont to Major Entnn. Auxistnnt (‘nmrimidsnry here, and I talked with Colonel 'lV'xmpkins. 7 ‘Qunstinn: Did you make any purchase; under their snpernsion or direction 2 énswor: NO4 air. . Mstion: Did you 60 any one of thgncts which you did do under this 'authprify in concert~witfi cilhei of those officers? ‘- . Anéiwér: I can hardly say that. I did. :. Hnlgnvo fin honfl for thb faithful appro priafil§n of’tlle large sum bf money placed un'dc his control, mid took no on}: of of. ficc. His relations to the ’Secfetai‘y oiVVnr are tux stntod: = . ' ‘ Qn stinn: (By Mr. IlnlmßnJ You are {:Mllmuy aéquuimed will the Seen-envy of ur. I ~ : ‘ , , Anqwér: Yes. air. 5 ‘.’ Quqfllon: Hmv ‘lnng hare you been no. quuimml wnh him pox-zonally. and what are your relations politically? - ‘ .‘ Andwer: I haw been noduaimedwith him for m‘gny vonru. and my nevrso'nnl reunions are vary intimate. and wejhave been politi cally ;tlng together for many yearn. Aft Fer. Cummmgs hhd'conclutlod his tentin any. 11ml taken the Same for revision, he ndlled the follow‘mg note: - , “ Lhai'e réfninml. uridm“ authority ot' the Snoretflry nf_tlm Treasury; by Messrs. Dix. Blntrhford nml prtlyke, one. hundred and turn tlmumnd dollars. holiday; what I have stute§ iii‘my testimony, which is acmnnted for by the Vouchers. AUCuuwxgs." Mr. Cummings exprnrxsly stgtad that. hé had ‘ mwn ogb of the hauflé 0f Messis. Dix, Opd'y e and Blatt-liforcis2sll,ooo of the 82‘- 0001 .placod in their hmlds, and had pniél to th V $90,000 to cover the supplies they had mammal], and had expended himself Shit}. v and that the. rcsidxle, $1,750,090, by orilor of the Sécretnry df‘lthe Treasury, was qudepositogl with Mr.CSsch.thesub-treh-" sin-gm Still, we are informed‘ by thiswnole that f‘fr. Cummings has retained $140,000 o'i' did maheyiover nnrl abéie‘tlmt stated in hidéjtimhny, ($250,000,) “ which is necoun'tr ml (0 by the vouchers.” This itemfieems to line hem: overlooked hyihim in his testi monyL "One‘ hunrlred rind forty thousand rlollaifs 'in his hands, over and above the smug“) for which hehns filed \‘pug‘hem in. the Y!” Dupartment. and over and “above Ll:e's9l).mo for which thdxouchers nrége mined by Mr. Blu‘tthomll,‘ and he deemi it; sutliuici‘at to state iri gqefal terms thzit it. is noon“ tell for by‘ the ‘ivouchera. 'Wlmt. Ivoulclfllra ; and whp ham g t. them? "an the Seol-qlmy of‘Wnr pietenj that thc'nntionnl pox-i 1 rid the noécssityfmiimmedinte nation justi e-J these irresponsible expenditurésof the 11:11“?! Inc-nny, with no semi-merit for four hmnlhstlfterwhrdf. évcn if thhrexhnd beeh 1m respnnsihle nnlhfexpfliencfll pub-l lie (““oan in New Yor‘l'c to perform the] dutioh! ‘ I ‘ ' ~ l chm-gs rvicrsr: nus hé Among! the army wpplia purchased by Mr. Cummin gsvarq‘ the following N 0 (101"!) pints ofale {rid pprter, .'3l s"' $5 qnintals codftah, 3&o‘ box” { herring.................,............ zokvhnxu shrew. 26_ pnakagu ITEM poke 0 him 3 um I . Win g‘lguilcr. and curmgcrm. I barrels of tongues..‘.... Ln‘m dozen straw ..IJLJauL 19,630‘pniri of linen pug"; 21 burn-ls o{,pirklcs..‘,'.... 25 «wk: ofScotchAale, pricc'not ‘ 5tated......... , 10 cash of London pal-33!, prion not “Alert. ....................... 750 HAH': carbinesuhgj‘d 1113),) 5‘15 e‘aeh‘; 35 cases; 335-..... 11,390 01 5d yo the ' a. 'hut X mum of ade thrkt tomcat xccpz a It 'is not necegmtry to’say that these at not finderstood to be "(xi-my lupplia.” as “I; {emf is useqh exce’pt {HO 700 Hall‘s cur bin . which is th’é aam‘e arm sold by th WofiDe‘pm-tment in the’follqwing J une fo s3 5 each. - , ' ' cal led Some of the above erticies ware «hippo: by‘ the Catalina, which wuprobainiy'loade or private nfoount, end not being able :4 obtain a cloy mace; the cargo was in «om way‘ through Mr. Cummings, trapsfer ' oven to the fiovernmen‘i, 18:0ch ale. aboudo porter. ulccl firm'ngc. and, 1.11. 4 The Committee cell intention to the uni couixts furnished thcm‘ Lb} Mr. Cumming ' He gays in his tesjtimonfthat Mergers. Dix; Op?!“ & Biatcliford p'urchued enppli an gchnrtered vesseix. is” to the amount ‘ , $903100, for which; he d‘flew in their favor o, the fund: deposited intheir hands ; yet i funiisbing tho mcbuni oftheir car pe'nditifre? he flakes it $164,971 ‘3B; and "V 0“! hieown loétfun to 3 sum largely exoeoding tint um um Mtioned in; J’lil evidence. ' wo Id mm impoheibld that thege ecooun ib 1d ever he imelligeotly eettletl. fro the miscelhneou: was in which the boning“ bu beep conducted. 1 f fir. Cummings has no geneml alcq'ueint «nae with bunineel in New York. He i 1 beJn a newspaper editor in Pennsylimi : for twelve you-e, and Bad been in New Yor u Lbs publisher of mother paper {or earn? ‘ eig' teen months. He was the intimnop ‘ pe' one] end politieelifrierid of the Sect-é -ter‘E of War, nnd.“‘a.cquainted with the i '- ter ll Imogen-lent: dud connexion: of til \ 1:31er: of Pennylnn'in" over which sup ‘ pub-1m to be chipped. end he in Vinvesteti l ‘ with the controrof 52.000000 to purchu’p | eqflipment: for our umyfsnd tho charter , of hotels .for tamper-ting troops and up phi» u.“ take! no oeth‘end gives no bon4. Without eny occuion 3191' caliingin questiogi ‘ the personal‘ integrity of Mr. Cummingfi, hi‘ want of fitness $9l- tho pom‘tion, from we tof experience. is very manifest, and ”f“ thet very time there are in the ohmic city of New-York; gentlemen of the highest chili-eater. who” quelificatiom‘ integrity and patriotism have never been quastiofi ed; 30 for M thir Committee are informed, fining the public offiuee through which hm away: been performed the very duties u eigned to Mr. Cummifige. Their greet e - perianoe in their magnetite depertmend. u‘ oommisury end quortermutor, was pt tint moment of ‘pomliu importance to tqe doves-mun: yuthqmvhmdlymwu} =EMI ‘furniah- the par,- Hm him unit was Lermastei 1y mun-. 17 to! f ’ [dead by TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR No_ 14_, $325 00 " 2L4 3 1,541 ‘ ... 12191 ... 4.145 6 ... 17,220 (r ed. TheOonimittee has been unableibpeb ceivejnny ponible noon for thin. 11l the judgment of the Committee, the mloymoiit oer. Cumming! by the Secre uyy of Wu. tb 'purchue army suppliee, ehb‘fler vaneln, be“ to the exclusion o! the competent omcm in the public employment a New York. wuiunjuntiflnble Ind injuri oul to the public interests, end I. dangerou precedent. It in the system they quution. and not the integrity of the Igetit. The Cemmittt-e calllthe attention of the Home aperislly to the failure of the Wei! Deputi moat lb require an adjustment ol’ these to oountl, four months having elapsed ’in" the supplies were furnished. and still :even the members For the aexpem'litul'ee Minot at that time been-sent to , the WarEDepetb merit. And the Blatchfptd voucher: m utill’untiled. and the Account! still unset tled,” tthon‘mittee Meini‘ormed, though it ievpmper to state that; the Secretary of War has since [requested their letthment‘; The pablic‘intereels den’mnd more figof.‘ 1:)"de nntl promptnose,{and n 6 condition' of public nfi'ails lini'ejustified this loose and iru‘gular porfnrmnnce of public duties):- Sucli a system of public: policy must: lead idevitalily to‘ personal favoritism at the public oipenfie, the corruption of the’pubf lic morals, aim] ruindui profligacy in the expenditure of the pi‘iblic tmnmreiorgnnia ing nn army of suppers and miners whose rovortlasmults by: the nntionivould scarce ly be less 'efl'ective than the‘ open usual“ ofiiite _tmlforous enemies. ' in {he judm‘uent of the Committgn, thel pakcha’ng of’suppiies for m-mygnd nuvy pur poges by private cnntmrts. “Then campeth tion might be invited, ‘nnd through ink. hpoqsitflo pc-reoAn-al friends 9!“ parties hald~ inglhmfitimx mad-er the: Government, “when vegll at {nitl I'mxprmsihkx agents of thg Gov ernment can be employed; cannot. be too sev‘ernly' condemned. Eepecinlly at this. hour ofnatinnul peril, the people have a right yo expect figeuc‘y‘una ‘g'mgleneu of pmfiose 'on the part of their agents: ' 'The' suhjech of railroad: and transport» lion are only incidentally referred‘ tn; the , Committee. .with the coment of the House. will repnrgspecinlly ourchese gubjecu a; u future timé. _ . Abolition Goqspixacy. Tho N. Y. ”rm/li, in a. long, article. trim“ of the Abolition‘mnvemonts. apmches. eta. . against the Ad‘rqninintrntion and Presidium: Lincoln. as a conspiracy to overthrow ii?— and than demands summary ‘mPnsures a gainst the cnnupimtgrs. The llrrald.‘tn ea; lablish this fact, cites whnt some Abolition jnurnnls are saying. thus; The Heston Librrator saw: that “Mr. Lincoln his blue» dy received the stigma of the slave-hound" of Illinnis.”r “We have a right to proclaim loudlyfi’ it continues. “ngninst the infam'y with which he lmq violated thn (‘mnmtitu~ \ tion." ; th it adds that “(ha (In stitution of the‘U. S. was ‘cursed with acurge' up 300i} M it was made,” and calls on Congress to “10919 no time in enacting the tomlqnbolition ol'slavery, unconditibl‘mlly. throughout the Ar-ruintry.” ‘ It spits out venom against the ' flag of the Union and asserts that “the angle of.t’b.e'Unit9d States is a. very deformed. ob-' Scone, tlnievish, glutto‘nous and cruel béut," nud‘tlnit "not the slightest faith ought'to he put’in this foul. lazy creature l” The Anti-slauu-y Standard call» our patriotic Chief ‘ Mdgifiti‘uta the “unlocked for assistant of Beauregard and Davin.”rimd falsely Mould! him‘ofjhavin‘ quenchqd the enthusiasm-of the peéple paralyze ithe~ northern am more 31nd al the HuCé‘eSscs ,of the Seas? eionis' .”—»E. change. ‘ " ‘ ' ‘ These Abolition papers Are nilowgd' to conde n the Administration as much" 1 they p cam—they ‘are even permitted to do nounc'?‘ the Copatitution and 11:9 Union! andavm never-hear that the éditqn no pun ? iahod $1- the papeys suppromd. {For‘ tiling , ( lupgua'ge. [mt one {with 'part {trimmer I; ’ “J's aho’t’bf-not against the Government.- ionly hi mfcrehce to a. mag-e temyzonilfy Ad ministirition. Democrats Have béé gaggndf lhrowtinfio prison, and lheirfilivasondm-y’ gored y the foul minsma. of bully} lventilv— ! tpd nnid unhegdthy dungeon cells. LWhen, [we “k is the justice that tolerate! the-o . lifelo g enerpim of the Constitution in mt itorinp'zlivhnir poison broaddast ovgr the land t lwiibo‘ t, fear'ofqrfest’or impgisoninenl t. while those lwhom devotion to that. m .ra: instru r—mont‘vfis never before doubleil, jun not. evon expose 11:0 frauds which hgx'e ibeoomo «is stpflch in everybsdy’3~ nostri‘s .4. {without 'Being. lihekyl n 5 traitors nnd-glesng'viné of [mimis’ punishmentfl—Lanc. Inletligenicr. The Tables Turning". Wellearp that ulnrge numbcryiol' Republi -12:11:15,:wa indulged pretty freely in dvnoun cing bempcruts 1L: being aecesfiionilu and traitors, have been arrhsted in Hnnbgomery cmlnly. and bound ovo‘r f/r trial oi Court. There has been some talk ofmnfutingj few m this county. I! migh} do some good, though we doubt the propriety. 31%;:qu se'mignont in this soctipn in begifming to as-aumo a more hnithy tone. arid: ‘miny who,‘a slmrt time‘sipce, justifi’d ‘hmblllw. burglary, and rpbberyhete" whereit ‘dir‘i noudfi'ect thnir interesu. um hginning to ngopnoeflthew acu.- Wat Chadd; Jej'cr wnmn \ , z fi'l‘h'n rMognition of the [1 «r 5 govern men of Hayfi and Liberia. ugh" 90855- ]iduyiaout of diplomatic inteécoqrso with finely. it dutined to b5OllO o’f thojlbolwon hobfiin of the pram-. 13 maion‘gof pongr‘cn. Benito:- sumncr and Mr. Lave-59y ‘otr‘tho Em. have :lmdy mounted n. filth : do termination to drive it throgh‘ md n anagram ma opinion that 1h ,‘ wfu he moi eesalul. Negro stock}: abovc'pfi' in Con gurjlutE?Y: _— «..._—_V—‘Jl- ' , dummy—The Wnshington‘ fimpon drn‘ of the Eocm'ngJoH infimate’ that her lain contractors, occupyiqg high ‘places in 'thz'jgnvernment. are beginning; to 'grow :19 loulin an'ticipation of certainrdevelop me . n say: :‘ " The evidencel taken by an) ouu Committhof Investigation on Con acta-is ‘noou to be publisPed, or 3 Hitch of It at least” Some '0! “up develop ment: win not be pleasant. toiq‘guin im pottpmt gentlemen.” . .:1 sf“ on (be Mnie.—At Sn Paul. Minno- Iqm, remntly. Rev. Mr. Fisk declined “flint {Joh' Brown was a second Jesus Christ]! Sou-{:3 men memhled to consider cumin poli ical‘mntters canon-wing thaidomestin "Moi-est: offiinnmom. and. igjv§ew OHM Iboyn. uloptodjlm follbwiug :’ : - . \ . W'An-au. Thn~RPV. Mr. Fisk, otst. Pm}. , has Heckred from the, pulpit “lam: John Bro n was assocond Jesus Christ,” then for ~ ~ : , 1 ‘ inched. That Mr. Fisk hnl nim'ie himself a "pond Balum'n ”.3; Provided, however,- nothiug herein contained in int-ended to slander tha original as; by intimfsting tint Mr. Pink is n lipeal deacen'iant. " ‘ ‘ f‘ » ___” '.--—«-:- I fi'l‘htt wan patriot wife ornMaine v 6 unmet. who begged of hat huumid to k . 3 1 out of s haulei he mum. W] - lift It not inflated-dial. Tin-5 .' ' . .12
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers