E: 1 - Ted m puma-«‘10! an Act b" puck lamb} publish-1 amt. description nnd uli Pmfiuiom, mamnbk by 'o’fi =7" :5: 453-" "a" . a!" thorns-ho ‘ r *sl‘llllrif . _ 22691 25761 1693' , 174;“ .1 2169: ‘I 1293 E 23421 ...1 14231 m} 1:551 Uglipbur', .. (hinterland, 0:?th 0 ........ If ’ qngmh, . flaming...” lllglihanban, 1.iberty...‘...... llnlfilllou, GE I .1748 =1 EMS fitrlbrin. 2599 Frapklin, only C0d0vug0,...1'.........;. 20:1 - 'ryrer, It .1309. : M njj0y,.....'....r.....‘ - 20 w : Mantplenunt. "mu: 24:09 Bedding... 2082 . 1s:-;wick,.'........‘r.....r..i 309 Be ‘ ick b0r.,.......t..* 41‘2“ Fr5i0m,.......5.,...‘... 164 b, L'ni‘pn,........,....L......' 2121. "g 1592 I 3.33133029- Bht‘lerr... Mi. —J, \l. Wuun, ohr]: . camber m, iflacl._‘4g _ 1 Prof. De Gr' RIGLVAL ELECTRIC ( ii ‘ cl! discnw-ry ii now cr.‘ nation among the Medic-u! F . and this country. It will _v.~l (no; everything:) 1 ' 5 , ‘ wmmsrnn ; fink Vivarium] Aguo in one x Cn‘ Chills in firo mlnntes: Cu: Group in dngniéht; CukDentness in two to four (3qu Burns‘ and 3mm in ten' CuTe Sprnlm, Wopndi and B - ‘ 'loyxrec days : 7 huh inflammation injono Gm! Con Xeumlgia, Croup, 10- I 3 ten minutes; » ‘ Cage Hemonhagn, Scrofuln, '> ! ‘dayrv‘.~ ‘) ' (”mic Bruin-e, Wounds, Tettc ‘ " days: ‘ (‘m’o Harm-ho. Stiff Neck. Ag Cut. Felom, Brnken Breast 1 three)» six duy‘»; Cutonuinly. Panlpilalion, P“ t ten days: _ Cufo M‘hnfil, Palsy, Gout, - I t‘nfl'wenéy days: can?" Hugged Feet, Chilhln I MonicßHelxmnlism.. } let Fort-r. nnd ‘the In I byn {aw bottles. This on (De Gmh'.) in a} .Ind is a great. Familymedi Gearing. kc. \. i - ORIGISAL GENUINE R I. Y 3“! it has I'm-ed mornj “nought hopclcsw than any m . AIR those who have used you that my oil [mi-e relief had failed. When you ask 1? lure yau ask fur Prof. De Gr on]! legitimate Electiic ()i pine other. as all othersfire will not be renpdnnible for an be it writing 'upon “16}Vl‘flp blown in the gin". READ THIS Mr. Lh'ingsmn,‘ 0f New Yn Monthly Law Mngnzine, wro! ‘cnred ofuwollen nnd stit’r‘u ntion. The Oil was mean: in the Gianni House. , “v AND THIS. >3lrs.'(‘lmmn,n. Castes Sm Rand. tuned May 14th, nmi s cured hq; of Npumlgia, Chm Mpthen, supply yourselve bottle. and doubt no more. : Mr. Campbell, of Montgqm boy'ght nboltlo A' few dnys -; lmd ‘use'd it in his family for ‘ ancllings'which generally, :1 ‘ flu} hm‘inz the Scutlaf Few ahead of all ether remedies— Pérson: are dnily calling South Eighth Street. Plnilmlcl mof iu’wonvlcrful.curntivo ‘ Price 25 ‘ ,50 cents, n] Largely tles the cheapest. is told by all Drugglsts nn United tales. Use none oth Bld by all Drnggists. De} IL, ghilddelphih. [Dcc. z ,a Attention l ./' “scnrrTs WANTED 9—5! ‘ mi! AND mvs wurun neh'as immediate-1y M the ten :1 be‘rubnrg street. Gettyshnrg. I were nominal Pficc‘ flflr unif‘ ' cunt}- equipmenta for a win hale taken ipccinl cnrc‘m pr ‘ fort of my gnen by visiting”! " inq‘jn an unusually large sup Ov {contamevcry deseriptio ‘ ' ' {3131“} Cloth Dress Coats, : ”fillers Business I' ; ‘ Panmlnnul in 0‘ ‘ Alf qmlnti y of Winn-r Vest -‘ EUndershirts, me'ers. H .;' ‘Glovcs, Suspenders, Ghn Overshoes, and Gent] 1 / . .-—‘— “.er -—- . Trunks'and Carpet Sacks, fu hoh’r, eight-dny and Alarm {Angel-deans. Pistols. Revolve .‘fnnlfegcellcm smoking Tobn fiotio in endloiss variety. 1“- Burchenpk Cull soon. my good! chehp‘ for CASH, ”Nahum-clues?“ than they! {uroii Invthls p the before. ‘ 09:. 28, 1861.: ‘ ;‘ Basket n = . . 6m: ELLOWER would .1 {inform zhelpnhnc um 11: C D ‘fiASKET MAKING bu Baltimore street, Gettysburg, of “owner 3 Ziegler’u Store, hand 1 large assortmem of B‘ Baskets for Sleighs, Wash Baskets, £9. kc. He invite public ind promises to futni work. Price: moéernte, to 3 Nov. 25, 1861. 3v; Arch. Str ARPET WAREHOUSE. LDEN & RICK. KER, 832 Arch Street, 2; oar! Below 9th, south-aide. l'bilxdelphin. W commence the Full trade with one of the be assorted flocks of English and vAmex-icnu C rpetings to be found in this cily,purchascd ful' nah at. Vetylaw rates, mid intend selling thetulnt extremely low rig... We have all the ne styles, Velvet. gap-nay, Brulsala. Three-pg, Ingrnin nnd lvmmiths uplendid stockiofOlL CLOTIIS, Rugs, Nuts, Dragget, kc. Nay is the time for “than“ ta chmin bargains in the Carpet l‘iue, n we will sell M. a Very final] ndmncennd gunrantee 11l goods to be a lepreseutedmnd 3“. main satisfaction to thsipurolmser. - fi-We buy and sell gxclusvel3' for cash. . Sept. 16, 1861. 3m v The Spotgh AISON is stilljn New Yo‘rk, making pur clung to keep full Ind i can the flock I‘ll Clothing and \‘ariet Store, on tho Kuwait corner of the Dinm ud. Gettysburg, ditto ules Ire made at. a nishingly )ow Fig... Buying for cash, ho an sell low {or ”ab—lower than e_\'cr and no mistakc. Call |.' “the Store, Ind ADA: Bo man will wait pl; you wig}; the grelutc'st of pfiasure, showing ~.. Nothing. Boots, hhoes, to, of every kind said price. 3 [Dec. 2, 1861. G. CARD. all: Coal Oil Lumps cheaper . uni nny body .2!" 5; the county ; forget the place, nghc 09901599 the Bank. jxfigTISG CARDS. Enveio j C 1? Paper, jnltnceh 6i! and. Assessmefit rm- 1882. Assembly pass-«d the Hill (lay anuly. 1842, Hub following Sulta > by the l‘ommiuloners of Adams coun'y, which exhibits the Eu! lhe Ron! and I'rrsnnnl Propmy, T;adeu,.ocrnpulions and he (event Acts ”Assembly or NH: Commonwealth : K . ~ E; e:‘ g); i _ct H. 161 E:-I '?:':=?'=°: ,g’}¢e¢os_.; ‘ -.»n 'I:¢""0 0:” nu’a.“" o=°rs 315° ‘ =.,,=r_°=. as' .m -<u.=" = ”.e ’l4o= a": '7";‘}a~fl" ‘.sg_lg‘(nn.‘—”¢ ‘ .—. lpN. ‘1“! =3.-°b.—a l .q-Pcas‘Pi' 01"? L cl -—=, “'5" . at ~ H E" ill _ V as! .225 v 25?. .1 ‘39.” 39:: Pf.“ V‘; ,\EI-"EI§ ‘ E: E". ‘ .:I .53. I; :1" 55763, 5350- 5003 I'oll4' 9930 118-203 4595;' ~ mar-o .4845: 9345 9w: ...' 10275; .. 141931. .. if“); u _ 605 . 5110‘ ‘ I'm? 631% 311301 4730; 5190; 3665 1:»;39, 687.423 2524 36539.1 U 947 Valuable Real] Estate_ . T PRIVATE SALEflNo. ll GREEN- A \l()U.\'l‘.~—This benul‘. (Tallthery desira ble country amt, ndjuiuiug Lhc'Bumu'zh of Gettystnry, on the rum! [H‘Tng Lo Fnirfichl, is nnW’ofl‘ercd :1! Private Sale. ~ m I l—Thls grem- n¢ a grant sen ilieq of Europe - the following The Farm confining 124 .\QRES.mqre nr Ipm, 10 to 12 Acres 0! which are in timber, and nhont 30 «mos uf meadow bottom; than: are two yi‘mng Apple hind Peach Ol’chnrds on Lne’prcm isca, the land is The red granite soil, s’usccptible nfa high state of cultimti'utn; lime nets well upon it imd cnu ulwnys bu Had at the Ruilmml depot, which is in sight, at 12.} cent; porbuahel. The improvements are nTwo-story “'enthL-rlzonrdcd lIUYS i, with ‘- cellnr, ’Bnck-huiidingJ a ire-oven. I Sinnkc-hgusc,» Lurge Bank Barn. , ' with bins, Corn Crib, kc” togclher with R” necessary out-'buihlinux. in uomyilctc order; there i‘g‘n. pump m the deer and n ulcwr-I‘Ailing spring‘, of wntvr Mme hy. Willow's [tun hound: me west end nfthe Finn. Thu prnfl'cr. ty wimbc shmm by .\ir. Juii n Hurting, «min: on tixelpruniscs, or hy'lln: shim rilncr m QM tyshurb. , l mini i- the, Burns, in bseess, In. ten n ohe to three in on» dxv; Mt. Rheum, in rlsy, in one to No. 2: CI'MBERIULVD I3l.\R\l.——This Firm i= flls‘o in hnmlsnmn nnd very +lo4”th prupo'rly, bitlmte‘; on the, 'l‘Jnoytown'rozlll, tour miles Fun" (lull) Jung, cmytuumg 113,8 ACRES, more} or 195:. Ahuut 30 new: are in; limbo} unnl 23 to 30 more: in mmdow. This lhml is .114: (if lite red gm'vcl §pil kind. clear ul‘ibmncs, Mei!) hil tinned: [ormiuN-i “ell. and i 1 :ipnhle n£ 111-i951 highly’imprmal. All it wn is to mnkt; infinit of the. best farm: in tho twig horhoodis :1 bond farmer-{anal} little lime, which mm in 3331 hi: had either at Getty shur: nriat Litllc‘ town}, nt l‘.’§ omits per bushel. “Thor-t} ii n, y'lung Lfipple and l'qach Orchard and twtl springs of \yntrr nonr the house, and a strenm at mitt-r L'l'ntL‘ilL‘S the south emlofthc t’nrm nv-nir the buildings..— The improvements Me n oneiaml n ‘ ' ‘ hulf'stgry Stone Home. linkeloveu," 6* g; a Smoke-‘,hnusmnlnrgc Don‘lvluilhirn. at"; g'm‘j with Wagon Shells, Corn 'lCnb, -- jig Hag Hen. nml all nr~<-e=sxlry nut-Eiihlmgx chum-lumill and srhuul-hbtico nll clmo by. in :9. healthy Mid plyavuit neigllhurimml‘inml g‘cmd society‘. This property “illbe 53mm] by Mr. Wm. lirefluverfiiviqg upon it, or by Mr. John _ll‘lnckmljoining., Term: cit-iv. N 0.25: A \',fiLI'ABLE RUM. PROPERTY, Al‘ftntidlfi'tfl 38 AClll‘lS‘of 13“.“.910100r‘thik1l are it's‘almher, sltunte (luc-hnll‘uf {L mile-3. “'1 from Eiitlestown. the terminus of the Railroad. The im‘prowmonts fife » 'Pwo-ztory Fralqe him, now}, with sheds,- 3- .1 having nll lhc neceSsnry nimhinmy 51‘ " s’: for Lien-limit work“ A large Tn‘u- " " story LOG ‘HOUSH with Basement: Stablv, kc. This is a very Ileairnble; prnperty and will! _bc sold: on accommodating tut-um, "Mr. Thu=£ Biddlmlliving on_the premlsés. will Show it.- pull and see it. _ (3 EU. ARNOLD." sipelas, in fivc : c Thrhm. Scur nmde to walk. 'd and pleasant. 'jne for .childreu All RIC OIL. runes thnt were licine extant. il. ’thm' will tell q” all remedies Elect-tic Oil. be ‘L‘ll’a. as it is the prcpni'ed; flake mitutinns, nn 1 txcrpt my name e and my name 1 Editor of the elhat he was by nnr appli fidcd by a lady ! above Ridge 'd than. the Oil :1! Group. E 25 cents per _" cbnnty, P 3,, , and snidhc . '10:: glands and [fear in persons . He thinks it ml so it is. ': Gettysburg, 0c!.'14,1£61.":3m fi , ‘~ To Disabled Soldiezjs, ‘ EAIIEX ARI) MARINES. AND WIDGWF. S UR OTHER ERIK-s'l” THOSE ‘ WHO HAVE DIED 01l BEEN KILLED XS THE filli l’lCE.—Cn,\s. C. 'l'ccxan. Attnmcy far (7 .nim ants, Bounty Land and l’ensfion .lgnnt, )“11-Fll inglon City, U. U.—Penslona procured for 301- diers, Semen and Marines ol‘ the present “PM. who are tl‘isabledby ream) of wmmrlzrcceivod ur disease contracted while it: sérviL .nnd‘l‘cn sions; Bounty Money and .U‘rmlrs ofrl’ny. oh taincd for widows or otnbr lleirs of those p'rllu have died or been killed whk‘loin service. , 1 my oflice, 217 411.1, and telling cots. ‘rl $1 per'boltlo. Iris valuable m 1 ", dealers in the ; bulDeGrMh‘s. H 217 S. Eighth [lO, 1861. am 00 Ann: woman 5 report them ' zvousin Chn‘m ’ d receim, at n ms‘and the" no ; y :- campaign.- 1 ? ide fontherqm ‘-. cities and lay i of Bounty anl procured furaservices in any of the other wars: CHAS“ (7. Tl'(‘Kl-le, . Washington, D. C J. C. Xxx-um. Agent, Gettyéburg. ‘ Nov. 18, 13051. } , A. Scott 8: Son, 1 EALERS in Fun-ign a'pll Damnflic r'v D (Mods, Fury Articleswuwnswarol ro ceries. kcuN. \\'. Corner of Qhunbers'l urg uud \Vnshingaton streets. We Emre jmt ece'xml ‘our Shock of Goods, suited“; the PA A. . ND WINTER SALES, 10 which We inn inc: (3 Mivng firm of buyers ufpretty, goodnnd cheap (indie. For (ho Ln’diea. “a have :1 good msarl’ment n? DRESS GOODS, SIIAWLSfiTRHIMIXGFV‘ISZC. Our stockof Cloths, Cnuimereg, Cass nclus, Jeans. «to; for Men and 3031,19 Jlurlgq ghod and cheap. . " [Q‘Cqmc .one,‘ come all, and examine‘ for yonisclves. 1 A. SCUIT & SUN} oft. 14:1861. 4 ’ , lain: dlesl val-1&1, ,cry. numb and . I‘ cuts Shawls -ratc_Clncks. 30‘ { lockh, Violins. I" anren, P 1 5‘ i 0, Cigars, 15;}! 'ow is, the line I‘ vin’g purchased ’ am prepared to \;e ever heen of ! LPICKING. ~ K Sands' Samabanlla URIFIES THE BLOODL . ‘ P SASDS‘ SARSAPARILLA . ~ . ‘ Cure: Scrofula. SANDS‘ -S.\RSAPA_RILLA - ‘ Cures Stubborfi Ulccq. ‘ SANDS’ SARSAPARILL.I ‘ ‘ , Cures Strum. us Complainlg. SANDS' SARSAPA‘RILLA ‘ . I Cures Mercurial Diseases. SANPS' SARSAPARILLA, " ‘1 .‘ ‘ j: Xarcr Fails. Ask for Snuda’ Sarsapnrllln gnd‘grke no otho . 38-h? ar’ed by A. B. b D. SANDS, Drpg- I gls’ts, 100 PPultnn SL, cor. of William, N. Y. F 0: sale by A. D. Barnum, Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 35,186), 1111’. ng. ' oat respectfully harcomgnonced ness, inlouth we doors North here he has a" kets—incgading i sluts. larket ‘the calls of the : but the best. of inhe limes. ‘ Notlceq g, , . NXA McGIXLEY‘SESTATE.—7Letter§ of A ndministrntign on the estate of Anna )letzinley, late of Gettysburg. Adams eouiny, deceased, having been granted :9 the under signed: residing in the same‘ place, Nu: hereby gives notice to alllpouom indefitcd to said estate IQ make immediate ply-meat, find those having claim: Against. the same to preqent them properly anthenticnted for leu‘nemcnt. . MOSES MQCLEAN, Adm}, Not“, 1861.4 6'. i 1 WlSflfifl to inform the Ladies of Getty:- burg and surrounding country, (lintshe has recciwd from the cities the most fiuhiona ble uym of CLOA’K, com and SLEEVE PATTERNS for Cndies' and Children's wear. Residence on' Bulfimore slrcct, next door to 11. B. Row: & Bro,’s “on, Gettysburg. Finkiug attended to at the abacus“ noliao. Nov. 11, 1861. 3; WILL "change TWO OR I‘IIREE FARMS I either in Missouri or lowa, for Real Estate in Ad-ims county. “‘1 will Also exchange‘l nimble HTML PROPERTY“ Adams coun ‘,togeaher Ikh 88 AGREE, {or n FARM. $5O. AIgNOLD. Not-11,1861. 1m ‘ ‘ ea. You. Letter .. fl sqmdh's. Ysex Bkomks m qkiqgmu m in: 9km“ m vim v-o wk :1» film. =WI n 9 9g: .3 ; 2:-E’:;;“‘- = . _ M am 33:10. 3! am¢:anv.‘ =°~m=°-x. _ :5 =s—; 3 gang--1 -5-1-1-52 ’ - ._..., E: =-!l =E.‘ “54 "f if '_l_ c" -—t-—' IMM 2552:: ‘ 12 : 27w '3: 1.....1 122:3" 7 _. ......i 3940:. .9 .7 «300. 2596? - 2 .V .1...» 157.51 'l5 , 4...; 124% : z , 4WI Im. ; 3 . .....4 3669‘ ,g a J .1“: was; . 2 _, 3w ; 1 ~ 21mg? 3 .' .i....; 2697,12 .... 5....§, 2373; , 2 .1..... s com... 3;... ‘I ....J 370.: I I “1...? 83+ 1 MI i-‘J , 397 ..' 3.1.? 2:351 ....: .t...., 1837 .....; .17....3 2336 i :suofi‘ Euuf 5294:! BM JAMES H. MARSHALL, \\'M..R..(;Ann.\r;n,j~ , Evumin m’ans,‘ ' ' . Pennington": Mrs. S. A. Chrismer For Exchange. ' kHardWara ‘ TORK—v’l'holllhmi - S nuorlmenloH-IARI) IL their old “mum street. 'd from tho l'ilicl with Gooda—qonuifling, in TIM-y Huge just rrtnrw nn immuuu flock of putt, of ‘ BUILDING MATERWXLQ, sud: M Nail! ‘Screm. Hinges, Balm, LV 'kx, may, um, ctr. TOOLS, including e Tool! :0! ('W‘rv do». scripllon, Saws. Plnnop, libelsfliougon, Braces; and. Biut Angela, Squ es, Guys“, Hummers, 1 etc., «to. 1 BLACKSMITU-s Wil Rnsps, File-1, Hone-uh etc. with them, ”my eh ' COACH mmsns, Dunnsk, Fringed, Co ‘Sprmgs. Axles, Mobs, l‘olei. Sl'nfu. I'iC‘. etc. : SHOE FINDINGS ’ French Morocco, Lining , 8001-lrc‘cs, em, «with I. IShocm iker’a Tools. ‘ CABINET-MAKER'S mortmcm ; alsq. V'nrni-Ih § HUUSHKEHDHRS wi iromnen! ofKnii'es nnd xand Silver Phied Tam ‘dlcsticki. Waiters, Sh "I irons, Enamuludzmd Ur ' Hun-ken, Cléurnn (anpo i .\lm, a enuml nu inulleH IRON. ofnfll nizq ifln‘l mm" Stu-l,‘whic ~33 tho (-he.lpo~‘t. ‘ : GROGHRIES—én am ‘such ns Cruslu‘il, (I‘ul Hirowu Sugzirs,‘ Ni-w ()r iSugnr-huusc Mulnfics istoii-OR. T‘ilOl'U‘iltiP, fi 0, 'Lin:ced.- Fish 1 4.114 "Li Fiqh. etu. ? , A full Inmrffiwnt of in OH. ul~n I’ur‘i-‘vpruuf Hery urtitln iii the ”A Slim: Finding; Home v(‘u|)inet-ln-ikrri¢. Pain“ ‘9.“ of which {in-y “re dc lmr flush .ia any bunne u fin l -._Anvils, Vim-n! eu, Hung-shoe Sula, luch n 5 Cloth, Canvas, Iwn, may. nil-(-xom. 'pokca, l‘fllucd, Bows, Tnmpleo; Brush and . llindingg, Pugs. Lmnir lgeucml gum-uncut, ol \ TOOLS—{a gvnenl ls- Knom, flu. etc. Inlso find :1 large as orks. Britannia, Alhmn and Te: PSpooni, Cup vels nnuUTongs, Sm]- as Kt-tflleq, Pans, Tubs, irnu‘ Ble.,£f!(‘. ‘ [imam oi Forged and and kind . (‘l5:, Shear, they \fill scllns chcup nd unncrh agaortmcnt, ‘crizéJ. mum-a, nnd cans, Webr Indies, and nml Sf’rupfi, (‘uffl-v, mam». “(N dairy Salt, mm 011,} Turpvminc, l |.end nnd Kim. dry and Paints: i'p (JUL ulmmz dwnre. (' run-1; Finding, chp’unml “luck-Imith, rs, and incexy lino—>- llcrluiu'oditu sell us luw\ Inn of the [“ny. JOEL n: nlxxxm, mvm rlliuLl-IR. Hit), ”’1 , . ( _ ' déuysburg, Dec. 24, Arrivil ‘ Second I THIS FALL—Lanai JACOBS & BRO. 58mm] put-chime of PI: which [hwy nfl'cr. chca hongln at the mm! trn' } tlu- puHiv m rsz in :m mum, muvmv-wl 1h nt'c\ fielL Their (‘LU'I‘HS, [\‘GS. (“hint-Q‘s, (Kurds cwwuml fur \ariety, mm which Hwy :Iro oii‘erul Numb mgule up M the lalmt styles», nnfl at as ‘ he (-qu-ctml. TIM-it est Lorshnru SUN}, :1 In" 3mg Store. 1 r Sloa- Ilium Ever!— nvujlut lrvceifed lhcir ll nu-l “inner Honk. or tlmuicvcr. hmiu rimlu mu". Thyy an), 1 ‘OO zlufihllurge nesurr my hula -:\n lw grni ‘LHSSIM RES, VEST ‘ .lonm. -.. (-.Annot h- HH'II llu- lnw prim-l n Ire really. n:tuni:llim_. shortwt olive. in t 1) turmmbl rah-s us my |hli~lnnel t is in (‘lmm dam-s he nw Bunlxlor" [oa. 1.3, 1542.). |Shea I \Y. .‘UI Ir 2d, lac; If‘ tire m . - Miss C. { mnr‘njn .\\n I B “gnu! 'v. s(pu-mbt‘ ’l‘rrnN—l‘cr Imminn i For \lm‘c nnd'rlung'ung For qulu-r {rm-Lirulul‘ e nddroc. (‘5 |.. . Hull \ngx‘lfi. ISM. 0m l ' '‘ ‘ i f . Only 9119 D: "I )- ‘ REAP : o,‘ 00 lEXGIL I‘IMYI‘IR Him SALF‘... ilhvm AWAY! The ilk Lnr¢l'< Prawn-Ty an (-1 imenrlng And nr .mg'mq ‘m prmlm-o at (info n [Ler “'ll-: (-nm‘cin-d ’m fin‘ . the ce-lvhmmcd Bank 1 York—Cin‘. I! common 9' Med war}: Pf "pp!- F in snvt'vuiun tho mhel arm-v phrntp of \\"lir'll i ’9lry:mtnndtxttnfllim-v "of the nir‘lurr‘ i: n =u‘u OLT» S_\\'|L|!‘.. and mu ‘M llm ohm-Mimi nro t 0 icon or thr- TEX 'r'tnn: cravingh N rorl‘lix'ethho ll‘rnm the religious com"! ‘ing of A sootarijm l-hnr: boon novnmmcudvd lyy' lmum'n'ninnu. ‘.\i an m‘ Tnmd Fplhx‘lllio] (-x'n-r pn‘ !'ln'i '1: vh‘nhw‘l 10‘ tnko grin“ of ultra: iIILN. T Hr; 28‘ ithN. and hi "le cs! cushninz M't-rmflu‘vr “Wt—S VINCSO a of eep 'gmvmz; ! In such lh'ldfl!‘ of; rnrriod lNotr En, r: wilh (- ‘ ”10"." n 'rluh’ bun in ling: t! 9 nppnr pnr! I Mark. Mch hearing xmmx" s. The en. um! iqu'lifiml pruim unitj‘msflmrc i~ unth rn-r Ain’t! it. luring: (‘lorgym‘n of all M 'lr‘ncnt hi i 4 pm- nF 11w, :dwl in (hit ('mmer. the pLu-i> of n pourur e eirc nf ‘lc plur‘ i< 2r) leflinnnMy Hu- (-hmfp «l in thin r-nun Orv. i nlhn‘dt- iglnclnduxiy mt wrufl. rent-he. lho n work P: cnivuhitel; <o“qu I copy “hrn 1 li DOLLML “m. the, . 0 sum. i l addition, n.‘l lu-r vath-lo L'ifl '.‘ : 'ulunhlex’ml heantifn] ‘ « thdn the; Dnlhr :I:de . :Icknmvlialgt‘tl an ar' ! snhscnb'prs intend to In pun-Ivan" of thc‘ resentc, 3101 mm: . “around . ‘ l 101': mnkpgvnrrantcdg “'lmtlmtlnwfinrt—Jh ' II fine mmrnving-—whn t! ir'nnrcssinns whinh {lnfill tn ilnymn. “mild Tail 1 the prism in (NLY 03" chan'o of act-"ring for I\ pennant-m home nr nnnl Ai a work ol‘nrf this rhyming: is worth mor for it. :15 will remlily h. inmccfinn nfi! ; but H: x make a Gift Distrilmtin Pnsrraviu‘ga nfxalunhlo l llonw‘nml Lot in Ym- Z’leglzios. (Quinn 8' Pull l RorkNW‘ly. . it’lluihlinq Lnts in an ' 1.000 ““laner Bonks,‘ 50 lubh. Flunr. (warmn 1.000 Gold Gilt. Frames n.» Lord'n l’rnvor, 50') Steel Plate Engrm‘inr Mmmifiro I. Looking Gl (‘rnld and Eilvrr Watch All kiwi! of' Jewel" Florentine. )lnsnir. G! A Gift. worth‘ from 5 inch ongrnvlnmsnl-l. Whrn thevongrm‘inzt‘ of the Imr-‘hncei'smll hd llnll. York. l‘:1.. when 1 will he «liitrihqted in m chnsors may dnterminl' IH-ling n apmmltfee of m make the ninth]: in m‘ni designate. -. The pl'nl'u'it‘tnr‘. from in which this (liftflplcr um! the érrnmhnr of on bone to ’b_e nhlc- in huv ofhy 0h? let of Oct: 'm-e sold they will no‘ti have the distri utiou with. ‘ This engraritig has r 0 Jiqn ofllu: Rex-Henri Cl ‘ qmi indeed ofall classesl Qpil’ll. i .1.) E- I to suit Engmving of t Birth 'fChrlst, 959:, 7 ' -re n“ :‘!«l a meeting . rnllmi JWASll‘nztng M Gifls ammml‘xbove‘ II vnnnlfér an the pur -I‘hv pin-knee“ so diflfitoreétc-I persons mch ngx'pncr 354 M; ‘ ~t the {urn ' Me manner ri'ue has $99 received, "Wings slr‘cndy sold. the nmdnni disbdsml suing. nbd when I" the pn'ehqsers, and the Gian proceeded I aired thip mmm'endn .rgy, onrifirat citizens, I who cm?!- into it with Elmtg. ~ Gzoaqp Wznnn. i Ameé. M'Sm' .: J. )I. Ans-rm“ ' BECOMIEN’ We invite attention N u endntimm: From Bor‘c W. Thmnpmn. F I tint Sincere-[Eh ocm! «1! St; John'l Protea -ruh,YorllPA. ' rlvc—TVllle engraving which‘is: now ofi'crcd Mn & Wlhhrly o! “lii ltith mn§h tun nnd ommendfimlfto pub lmt will kcrp that no c mind and memory in work seems to meonly n order to be admired, t ‘he gentlemen who I tion at so moderate 5 'ly rncvessful in their lc. w. THOMPSON. Mrssrfi. Auwtin & We of the “Lofll'l Puma-”l for sale by Messrs. A Borough is “got-up" I hennty, and ought to re lic nltention—ahything 1 ‘hle composition buforr L likglymdn good. Hf, to r‘rqnire Pxnmin’ntion and“ can but hope :11 hn‘e rn bandits distrih nu; will be Ibnndnn! nnderhkinz. I '. Pumr 0‘ tho “011th i'rk' l‘l , hunt the Ru. P I. “n;- Church, Y ? Yor i .1)... Feb. 20. 1861 'rly z—Haring had the essrs. Austin & Wehr- I f the Lafd’: Prayer. 1 Mum. Austin & We pleasure of inspecting . ly’s splendid engraving I would cordiallyrrcconxm' attention of theix fricn whnre. It in no‘ only a the dwelling of every C : useful nnd edifying . School: and similar hen ! nd it t? {be favorable in at York and elfie uenutiml ornament for risfian fnmily,hnt all!) i quisition for Sunday . volent institutium. F. F. HAGEV. her: 0! papers giving rt'mns, willhe entitled ket, by forwardiuglhe ur flddrcit or by “11 unpainted for the «Hl - nail“- onca in 4 the engraving framed c In with: size and a 'STXX A: WEEKLY. pas-Edam" or Pth‘ this advertisement G‘ina to In Engraving and Ti paper for that timn to ‘ sci-ting it until the time trihufion, with an Edit woekt, they will reqeive with a fine gold gilt fn . Tivke'. ,A York. Juno 2‘, 1861. , (Lama 1m in ,_ . upon-mat of“ ‘ meufinemv I received I. wry fine eu‘l Cotton Hose;- | Grocery 1 null“hm’venlplendidl ARI'Z&OHO(‘HR'CS,| “and in Baltimore j _ [LL “H PAID FUR ANY MEDH‘INE TINT WILL EXI‘EL CHLBER'l'fs‘ (ML)! l.\' INLEAIIJ—Hmnu nu Ihmq :‘llfi 10 TH! ’3O“ an: DALml’rrul or Anus- TKN '——-For tlu- quick cure 01 "radiumTomh ache, mmumtism, Xevm‘lpin, Pain in Hue side, hu-k nr smtharh, Painter‘s: (‘ohc or Cramp ‘ l-‘rnnlcd Fret m- Ewrl,‘ Burm. Fresh Cuts,l Sprnhi. “nun", lliurrhmn, Sore Tin-on, and all similar Pomplniuu. ‘ ‘ ‘ Toothnchc: cnrcl in l’tn minntcg. Emmy-he flared in fir" m‘mneq. .Ilh-udurhe (1170th ten minutes. Burn: cured;from nnnrting in "re mlnllll’l. Nburnlgin piinn cured in fin- min utes. l‘olic; cum-d in Ku-n ml‘nutv-n. Spru‘ms refined in t-r} minutes; Sun throat relieved in fiw-m'mnh-c. ‘ t mo t‘xm-w ‘lnve h «n (‘un‘d hr one Agent in 3 311111119 nué: main)"un'rm—z\vu:u.\.\'l'- Hll. Tnv rt? TM 11‘” TH 11 ! H Price ‘l3 and 50 vc ts per Bottle. 1 ‘ ‘ ' Thou- thirigs w’pr‘m-e on like :pm and before yo Ir ayes. oJlly biéng 41 your (nu-q. I ' ‘ k 1 li t-ml moo ml made to A nu; on wunted {in every t£wn; aI-o; F {«::wa tr vulingA (I. All 'prder-c and communica fidm :houlgfiq uddresafd to 1 ‘ ‘ f ‘ _ r (X S, FOLDER? & CO., ‘ g 123.8011!!! mi may, wilndelplnm ‘ ;DIRT~7(‘TI BALM l.\' ‘ over the he prl‘~<ing lh cured. In x Balm. find llfmdM-he, 1' the the xmpl’fl Ipd Apply to Ibo nose: nnd IE2 from In to thirty drops in half a mmhler of Inner, swt-lened. ‘ o 1 For (‘rmurfinnxl Sore hrmfl, tn‘ko Troni tell to lb my llropfifintcrnally.‘nn sugar or iusweelén— e warm “altar: ball»; the ‘throm freely fl'nd hi d'on nfin no]. Pnrlllemid’qlw. Rheumatism. .\' Hmlgin. lnlme Bm'k’br Sim- lmhe freely“ ith lem’ in (:llfad : and ptnornlly take internally. For Burn fink one] Irl "Mn; in (”lead gm! 1 n or wan-E and Hank, m‘ make a paste. rover Ihgc huru lrin ll! ‘ sa-lunj, Fnt ( uljv, take from lon tn ford} drtps inmhnl hm er: lmlhe the, bowel: nnd pply'wcfi ILmnl-I In the above (“4: smnllcr 0:0 is l'orgl‘hildrrh and tho 'lnrgrr for mlults; airy nccurd‘tfing mph: we and tin-unf stances, 'L‘dllu-rt's 1) Win Ihlm T‘lme “l n 1 be will“ Agents we 00L, .npel nth q, S 7 r.•.. • ctra H EA D 9. 'sburg, P.‘ 11131 1 ach! ICE" PLATE H’unlllllh‘fi 'p'. I'nm'mnn’ (-senllng' the_ and of Imm) 2| manner 9! flL‘hYnlN‘ ~uml put by Um”:- tu'vr. ant-w u dim-s m’ 1: new. It unlrnll":m \'A man: m limir In min luauriunfl“ and ;_’hl‘~‘ it 1‘ IN]. wit, {:1 Hwy and “(“3”thflp:ll-:'.‘»'.|Hl‘(“ and ‘H" uhrro tlm' )luim i< l‘nuwju'fn.» lIIM thinning, 'uiH uiwgslrgngrh {Pllil [vi-4MI” the mats, I! |fn~4tnn~ rhe :zn'mlhl m thaw. pun. whim, \"e hmmmi lnhl, ézuizing :11; to ykld fl fronh voting- «If _:l'lr. I:. II" ‘ ' ' , Thorn.- an-EIIIIIIh-dgk nf Indil's mu] gontk-m'rn |,. . . . .\I-w hm “hm |::|\"‘JL.HI"II‘H‘. h.IIr rIwI-Irr-Il ‘lm" IU-l' I); “IN I!|I\:;{")r\1l":l"‘, “111-n :IH otrlpr mivlrnlhvn lkl-I Llill-I’l. [4. M. lI:I- ‘III hh p 44. ‘sjim ll'iilh il‘l‘lgl‘lfiornl inHrcln'fiillJ'tu Iro Mr ila‘l‘ls, ‘frnur‘pt‘ruhu "I; (I‘m lIIL'IIIN‘Q [ju wLlh‘lity. It will H'm-JI :Hly m'va-t the Ir I'rmu [II niug ngthlntiH Um I HO4 pt Hm! hl'u: 1111 l i I WNW} \\ [mn- HML lEr 1v ‘1: 3111‘?va :u.gl-I1 il< dth'KJll‘ Luq' M~ I‘lt' hummruur ll'u'iih cox :Iin!) rc~mrc ”Wilt“ orig‘llllellnlgn hg: II II 0] rk. gs‘ljn' q: awin-.Ir'iIIII-o ._\.; .I pnr ml- 1""er tniH-g :lIHI in H lifil!c-tnh:fi\‘9 iI ii rlit'nlnrly Mummo'lllh-d. h I‘v'mg :Iu 'lL’l‘l’jlhlhlc grunt-0: ngui‘lht‘ grvzu fiH‘iFIiIN il :Ilf‘nml: :fii lox~ing_t‘llofll.lil‘. \\'lli«‘ll. Ivln‘n. maid uizh‘ {he righmlor QIIII hp Ilrmgcul i'u llv-I‘uquiriv ] fun In In In progrm'o ih play-r. \\' L-HIC‘; pl [III In I." I']‘_.!~(‘Hl'( llw mom den». ‘3! In: it I) llm 13...; :IsL I 1 KIIIIIIIIIIIFI! 1.1.i11~§ 1:“?le \shich Illllfl?‘ gm In hv' “llhull'. RH ”In przuo lllz‘u'f': it \lzin “.Ic I'4nrknfnllQlwmgiz F ‘ ‘ ()XL ' ITWI‘IVT ’J‘H ': H\:'TH' . r bottle, 'll he ha ! xlt nlll gl'fifl‘khlhk‘ drug. ts mul pr finnem. I : 11. MILLE would on?" lljch'ntlmfion of ,PH ins and (h :ITliimns hr" thb ll‘ v llrhi‘ Invigor- Ir. in vase wh‘l-n ”H‘ltllillllhll‘l|.ll‘riflllhléi II be weak. The use or it Hi?- llw filu‘n-lntiml II n gum] lli-ml pf hair, :N if I‘m-mm!" amy inj rilios Xlllliinmj‘ have hI-I-lIIIIH l‘l)an"l’H't' \viih Ic; scalp. thcfn-Inm'nl“ llf lerh is ll('l'l:§§llry 'th for the hénhh‘ nf the chi”. and the futulro Icnrnnro tififs hair. 1 L “ (‘_HTTl(L\"—\"une gqxnfinolhfithnu‘. the the ile of mil-I3; \III.I,I:II hv In; an “I" ngtor upper: nl i,‘ 1., .‘IIIJLX-IR'SI-HAH: [SVTG'U TUR. N. T. ”man in tln- gin“. \\'hnlosnle§l)»:'ron 56 HITS“ and mhl by n" I‘ pi‘incipnlfislcn-hnnls and “Higgislluefliruugh. (Honor! . ' t' 7 ' * levrnldisg‘qnnttopnrclmwflehyflwqnnnfity. fi?[nlso§desirc to [l‘lcocouq‘m [he .\ml-ril-nn Mic my Ntwl 'un [strum I? lkurnnnrs QX‘H) HA Alt DYE whfich «flier yogrsnf ficion r: experim ntingl hxnje brnlwhl m pmrfl'rfinn, dyes Blnci or “>qu ilhtdfl'l)‘ \l‘ilhnn‘ in ry to ,thc fit or Skin—mirrunwd I!» host Iticlc ollhcgkind in mamm- PnII-I-1.11.\‘1.Y '(fl-ZNTS. IDcpol, WWI-‘3' SVQ'H Ntfiw York. 001.29, 189 m. 1y I ,1y a I I quiciH-lv ("<- ~lrhcn fnlmw I the pm} or. ,d In Hm mm: 1' HH- hnumn um! lund of pa 011.2%] N, pr. .\'"l ! \ . 1 omhrmcgnz Cameos, Id Stu-n 3; kc" kr.’ cent: to $560 00 with ‘ angs of Tlme. 1 mus: I'm; RAlLROAD—annnnd nfler r Wedne day, May El 5, 15¢}, the Morning nin wm mire thtysflurg at 17.40 ~\. .\I,. with summer: f r all the mnnaqfl‘iuna. Nnrth um! ,nth, on t£elX(rrtlrcrn,t‘qnmll Rnilway. and turn about 1 P. M.‘ Thcflnficrnoon Trnin u ienve Ge‘ttyshurg at 2215. r. .\l.; hut Fsengcrs by this Tram can go no further than inover 1h snnu- cvtninz.l Returning w'ill nch Getty-31in: about 5.15 PM)!” with pnsson 'l': from Hairishnrg. Philnglirlphiu, kc. fly is arrange cut persons Tmrn the country, ar the liu of the Rnilrond,‘;hnriug bésfness transact Gettysburg, can take the noon bin up an have nearly two‘huurc in‘Geths. .rg,‘aud refum in the‘Afu-rltéfion Tram. ‘ ' ‘ 1L MCUU 11', Pr‘esident. ‘ . some or the ruom- iThmugh Tickets are issued; to Phillifilphil, Cfilumbiu, Harrisburg. 'Yurk‘, “'illinmsport, B ltimore, and m principal W’fl‘ paint: on the like ofthe Northern Confrn‘l Rigwny. ' f D. E. T 110312, ickct Agent; ‘lnne m, 1361. 1 ‘ j I ; Removals. } ‘HEnndL-nigqedmeilig fin authorizedpenon ; to make rcmomls inw Ever Green Ceme -§ tery, hopes thbt such a; énntcmfflste the removal "of the remaini of dectnscd rolmivu or friends Iwlllnvnillhemlelvélohhii ”anon oflheycnr w ‘hdve it. done. Removals mndcmilh prumptueu t—Jtems low,,:nd no effort Ip‘zm-d to pleusc. ‘ I’HI‘RIL TIIUIIN,’ Keeper of the Cemetery. March 12, '6O ISSES"AND CHILDREN'S SPIDER—A large nnmrtmrnt of Misu‘ls’aml Children'. Shoes. Black‘and Coloredmt i , ‘ , - April 22 OMBBTICS, Tickings. Checks, Flannel: D tn. c‘nenp nt Fnhn'cstucks’. We have nuol 'n MUSLIM branded wnh on}: own mmo, to which we invite especial ntten‘gion, M ii excel! ghyfnr, any ever offered in thing market for the lpnce. ”1. .-. ~_.._._.__‘.;..__...._.——+— ; ,msn LINEN. Bleacbpd m‘tth’own may-y, : Pillow Cm Mali. indnwue Sh‘eenpg, nu zrqceived at 3 SCEICK‘S. » 01000 Rewad! ,DNS FOR URIN’H" COLBERT'S JLEADn—For T iolhhci (- npply it E and gunfiéfif 11w lunth affected. ,imm‘ npm .Ehe “we: rrpxmt if not meme ya}?! “:91; canon “Mum- _tonlh‘:mil mum. Fm- Balm in “film“ id) nnloss. Cul tin Gilmd I‘m-R mi mum, ' 0 have mid Unih in Gilcnd’:will Put it. [2 ‘ 1 _ 1 Med. Fai' term}; nlidrefis ‘ ‘. h C. S“ (‘ULBJEHT kkx‘nn No. 12%;, Fonrtlufi't“ P‘ljlnldlv lifl. Pa‘.‘ .\'. 11. H n: «ml by Expire“ to uny part of_ 0 ['nilrd . 'M‘tmx M ‘the so?ch notice. April 29.11%“. finfl ~.:' ‘ « I I A‘ ’ 7' r > ~‘ , 1 Prof. L; Mlllcr's ‘ {lnn n\%\'um>n.nm:._u\u Huh-«five,Sufe 1 Mn] llkunnha‘i-ul‘u mpkénn-l: {TOR RES (‘DRIVHW‘HLLY MA”! tail-:‘nrigi fl Lulw xxil‘mut die]; :1, Aug] l'rl'\t"lfllllg "I 0 pir from’JJ min: 4,3112 = ‘ . . Fulfil-'11P: 'l‘l.\Tl.\'l2 ‘IHLHIW‘SS nmllmrm‘: “In-n the (“i.~ [ht-3101p!puthirluyi unduly or 'upvramr.‘o-m~r;_r_v hm :uinnig. ' ‘ Full [315.“ )\'L\U‘s(‘l'l{l-' .txf). D.\.\'N}l'FF, II :1“ (-nm (mud nth-rtinnd l I lhé Smilp. m. J‘Ull BIC. I"l‘H’YlNU’l'Hl‘ilHllLinipnrting ' ‘l' and gi'ilh m: i- *' ‘ nilluvllglxufi and M'iih un :v. nmkfn: ”(‘3' in ixg {s3ll'er and 1 fining iuu E- - , i ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ , E éolrhrily gnu! IHo InI'I'OMEH'I Ile ' juu-anllml l-rrfimnnnn. mm I'm-0‘ Fr‘ “l.“ \hw‘ ”an! H: unl‘.’ \ni":x'~<fi|"" dirvorninm‘ plrhlir of in >l|gl’l‘il)fi runy min-r pli‘mlmlinn u! pnunnt“ humus ithk- hmd‘li and st ‘llp from E olJu-r [',lfllilll‘nllfllnq‘Hf". mum»; it an “12"” soft «ml = II“! mum;- 1T)!" gront {lnd fur th' - pmprk-t [nniJv n Hanmier ‘ Branch QRailrbad. cum-m éARRANGEMI-ISTSr—Pusebger p Tminu ”In as follows: :3 FIRST must lends umbver at 9, A. 31., king dine! coimection M J'mnctihn for York, » rrisburg, Philudclphln, qud’lhe‘WjuL SECOND Imm loaves anover 9! a, r. 1, th‘Passengcrs for Ballimurcnmd interluediue IMHS. 5 » 11. F. Mt-ILUENY’S. 1 , Something w! ‘ i BEAUTIFUL ILLUBTB TED NAP i ON THE PRESERVATIUX; ND (Tl'lJ‘l'Rt'l OF FRUIT AND ORN.\.\|H§§T.\L THREE; ONES nro- being: pnhlhhng‘ whirl: cnnlnit C m‘mr magnificent Enmfivinya, Innh :x‘ Trees and variant kiml: nt finfl l-‘rnit «ml F‘ruilc Treri, gain» of the fine". «pm-smm! that lnrp ever been put on paper. 'Th lFrnil Trom- nm at with abundant hnrilms 033 mm. slmilnr ‘ that which nnmrr pr-wnu i [”opr liens-3E Tlchrcea are rcprrtenlrll .1: having their mo running through the soil in at Mum] phi-iris; and ”10 EW'IViIZ' of Tron rt- hnnnlifnl an! gravid. ll nlsn rnnmim a flneingmvinz whirl: rqirpcenu the innnmcmhle lrrrmHikr rm e of n‘ vignron! tree running r rimgh and over the m". The Root Enuriu nz corn-a um int-hm in diam-m on paper. ml nlin l‘urm; a pmmxlficen! engraving. which a-nm ht-lp hm prove gratifiyingm the or»: n all who m'lv he. holnl it.‘ Snell unlenxzrnvln: hiu md'er horn printed ‘nn paper befon‘. 'l‘ e cngmling of roots notonly prevos admin I: to the light {if the cycfibnt is dedignml to p va of grrnt in!- -portanc¢ to all 'Vho lake nn hut-rest in the on ~ tivnllon: of fruits and bovi- mhrcm. fruit m 4: properly. ' , f . u A COP!" contains Twenty-fivofiim-ront Ennfi - “inn of Trees. Fruit , elm. tompq. l offirerzroenm Farr . A‘nyxle, l’om- , ’ Durl'l’yrnmid Paar udl'ln-rry’l‘ren . i . 'kc.‘ The Fruil. Em: wing: conmrivlz Rnrpherrien. [loam-l» rim. Blurkhv - ‘ '_ tier. Pnrranv‘g, Gmgp . Plums. Apri . Econ. Pears, Pom-ha. \pplcs, elc..nnd l lure. all cola-dd by h nllgto roprv-solgt 1 , the‘nntnml fruitrnnd ‘ rt- nccqmlmniéd } . _ ilflth printed nmiulrfilf grrnl lmpnrv ‘ Lance, and forms a c " v in size 3': by l ‘ 40 Inchew. on map p wr, will: muslin l ‘ lul‘ck 9nd face mm; ell. ‘ . A COPY. with in numernu grarirm, wi , l he gratify-in: to the“ 31-..nndfnrma :' ‘ I allr'nirghle ormuncnl r the wall ufll I -pnrlor, n'nd will ric lly lu-uutifiv m { apartmc'ntwith ho; Inllural math I ofmuqh imporlimcn :lme-v. Tho l copies are pnlilhlm- M n wrv hem h cxpense.’l‘weMy-fiv lollnrnhmolm , ‘ paid to nsciomificl’ liq fur l‘nrmi! ‘ (qu plates of Quill ' trces,'ronts, Mr. I'. .many can obtain g 1 trifling fignro. the Vbrice fvir a (W ‘ nil} lu- made so Imy'. Um! fifteen [-9- . sons can now ohmfu mph-. 4 fur ll _ ‘ sum thnt has been m] for single on "vgrm'ings of ti-ees. 9 .~ A COP‘: cohlnins printed In "er of murh M , .; porhucc and grain “112., ll wi'l tr] . - ‘ how in (rm! nll kin In of Fruit Tree " :‘to fonder (hi-m very imyrmls nnvl [‘rd ' du(_'Li\'P, own imunt’l rnrnhlo smxson] 11. ‘MH tpll how "hi prmnro the m} L ' “imam incnnwuir-yße lu-fa-rcicl 'Hfili thdirc‘cs in: In slr('§;’ll.4-n trrf~ mm ‘ in 'é'ivbr. and unpr'vge Ihr prmhu tixfi. ‘ new nfnhumhnt rrh‘pa, own in unf: - \‘ornblF 503 mm nanr-tinnz. '“i 1 ‘ . . pram-Hand may :It'ufi trcntmunt. 'A COPY uigll LJ-ll how no pl ' nrv mu! I.] In! n E i Lilith 91' Fruit nndfifvorng-m Trees, . so he tfi'prove curreéful. u irh arm-(:0- ~ ‘ly ever proving a ilurx- in a '11:! 9f ' mnhv lrvei when pryhorh' H’t‘fllf‘ll {la dir‘m-M‘du It will ‘H JII'II‘PPU} Iran} . ' and mum Dwarf Pr Trr-Mfl ll unn - min: the mod slur Why] trgmmm : for the‘ culture uf tlbt Hum. h“i l to“ how to trainvuul LulLimte t 1 - ' Gram-J ..' .j? .\ ('OPYVwiTI u-H haw m t‘lt‘fi'fl‘ffi any]. tro t Stmwderrioa. (‘urrz :z. Rauphcrriv. 3 ' Bluvkfl‘erriw. (Hum-y vria-s (dr. 5 A COPY \Till‘tdll hmv'tn (rt-g! I'D‘U'h trove. reslnrd their rnntugmmhy from H '. disnsl us efforts n: vnrm hum-1:. It “fill te I how tnnmw lIGP nfnn . [ml - x-ntinn \‘cr Hm .loilgrnrrm‘xmling II trqo t protect I]w€’onrh,nnd nth r ' . tender fruits i'rnm Harm-on: of hi v . ‘wimer kiHed in thebbu-L The 9.1! application Mm rmflres I‘Mcb hula ; ' from Liking tht- u-IL N." The app]:- ‘ ca'innihnt the lu-nE‘liriul emu-ts 15 i ’ prw'sc-n tho ful'nm-n he Irn-Mhrnhhg' A and tl trN‘ \‘iznrr‘l’c. :mvl pron-a m ' 112’ ' ‘ ‘ NIH-1071:”! fr'vit'“ y“ ~r b mv‘tivonrw z ... :n'm‘ 15 ylivnlinn 'n o nihdiwl ia no! s'o. .\'l 11M . An‘fiv-irnl mm on flwir Mm rim-2 _' ' Ihmv In I'rr‘lt-nc all “0411* with iimo M%. =l[:.\r.r l' \\ il . a H“ pr 37M. np Hrwm (brink A COPY will to: , Frxiits ,H V ...-.... . ...I “(x-ll hu‘w ta kN~p‘ Anyfloé'u‘ifll lan‘ .~ Sufi-Mg. Ilm‘il! tulifimw to [Tom :m mngmiw Emu-a m nm‘ ‘ru‘ ”orig-Ml}. uni fto {main to (he highfl»! ILH'nrr ,1 A COl‘Y‘préwn Q it= lNllnnrnE: "infill,” all 118 , n. glnn'flp. and l'wrmq if «.1: nu ormxm-n for‘fllegwfll In nil! kt admire-"l hr n! . . I(l»\‘rr's‘+fnrt.dr:u\n .innfinmlre'apru ' d‘lll‘fil. g {5" I. . ‘ A COPY (Em nTw bn nlm'u' id fur ELGO 1 ‘ » "min-Iv or pnehgo-IF‘ lupj-I. ‘, . Theae cop‘ni; lire publel y A I 3‘ 3 i. H. F.‘ . PETERS. { . . Nrnr 8011v‘..-r=\illu-,. v’anu (40.. Pu. ’ WTM‘ “"l‘éi' nmr finialf d with Rulivrf nn'l cnnnJ‘t be pent by mnili my more. ‘Bufl will Ilo'fohv‘nrd ll by own-4:1 0 any part: orm dare-L (ME few I" of news rr mnuunt _- . ~on‘ ~3‘ “ her; ‘ snmplo (‘n :y null bl- .u-on :it fly is oflicl', “‘lll'rktl ~ . . 1 ' il‘ "‘ unhsrripiilyu axle l'l‘l'fljed. fl ‘ l L: Alaxander; Frill-31', l Nov. 11,1861 ; .l)’ g “ mm; .xxn “’ATC‘IIJXIAKI-thlmsrejnm‘od " ‘ 'l‘ " $ . ’1 "'""—'—_l C his: shop to Suntli lhllimorc Mrcel' xvii-w ‘ ‘ 8W GOO- . dmrrs south nflhc (‘nnrt ”who. when: e will ANNESTIKiK lllln'l‘lll-I'Ul wnnlvl rewoflwnlwn‘rs he lumpy to attend to the calls Of’llS F Fully infor I their frinmlgnnd {ha pnhlifij' customers. II: is thunkful lnrpnst foTO ‘9, ml lhnt they have jlust rot-Mum Llrwr‘ am! lmnd ; Imp!“ v. 9 receive 1111- continued cusmmluflihc some slack 0f FALL SKI) \ .\'TF.R GOUDS' , public. [(ht!) shin-g; April 8, l'fstill consisting of i , ‘ ' i V ‘ *— i ’ Lndiéé' Drei- (Fonda. Slum}; Flaunt. Cass: l ‘ thtysburg Restauranfl; men-s; Flflfin"'~‘~ (”"Kh" f' )lnflms, ‘ l "H uncleraignod.hming boughtout (ll - 31MfllfOlQUNMWM";l'm‘T'TcPv lT R. Bushev, will continue the GH' M-v “h“l’ W'" 9‘9’ "’l“ "t “'“3‘ "WW" ll" mm: Rasm'uux‘r. M. me and slandi ing c-hi‘nged nml terms, “'0 not} sell ’o' C‘Lfiu‘: Mel‘onnughv’n llnll. in (anlisle ilrect. . 'Z ' i . ‘ . " ' "' ’ ‘ . ..‘ughyz- nu lin. .fi, 25-mgfilsvefiognys CFEQI£IS prunlDl-Pnhng‘ I"! will uhmys be ready to “me “P. ~ ‘ ' " ‘ .;' ‘mullsoftuxtomers.OYSTEß-‘3.CHICKEN, FPfiCWE’“?! " ”‘e 5' ""8023: F 3“: TUXUI‘E. 'rmwz. m: cum“, ma, ‘ . "-_: ‘_;__ lfmmzsrlc “Ist. ALE, Mum; ....d ‘ ‘ g .He will spare no elfnruo render satisfac -182:; nil w'aL‘efeezgin§fi (-.v we r333}; Illnwho may Wmfiflgwhxgfifilfix ( ' -‘ ‘ ' 'cl . . .\ . J A dispatrh‘thnt R. F. .‘lc ,nENY‘hns jus -: .Julyl.lBCl. 3m ! opened». complete nssartme- n!‘ HATS AND]! _. _A _ ‘, ._ fi-_.-_i CAPS, includidg the lutvatyll style Silk't Fine Liquors. , 1 Beaver, Slouch Cnssimore n-gd Wool; Ham—j G CVUIR has de tn his (3qu Boy.’ and l’ufultns’ plnin "mgfuncv Hats and! H V'uli'on Stare tydepnrlmomfor ll‘ CRPSIIWMCh f“ ncntncu "f "ii“ and quality" (31' qu.m;rs And hm‘i‘u laid in ulxu'gc m ’sunmls Rhyminfg "f“‘e‘l‘h'd 6?" om-red “Km” nszdurtulcnz, he invites tlw attrntinn of l Pl“‘.°_T‘u.of“-uwh will be T 4; “$3Bl-$241“ lhcrL-lu. It emhrlces IHIANINHS, _\\‘ ’XJ‘JL‘LPFW'BSJM “‘3"- ‘ L - - IrGIXS,\\'IIISKIBS,&I~., ufdilferentkim 3.18;“ . I ,___ ‘.V “w... u ). BUL, _‘ SHOEf,incl}lding A fine n.=< imam of Ladies? 1 r i r- ~- Morocén Baht-:3 I!nlkins.Gnil GAITSBS AND SLIPPERS .} PAUL, All in “mm of [:00 "spec. ally invtted to gin hi (20mg one! Come all! I And‘gire me n friendly cnl For _llgood~l will he sold a To ‘ercomettbe unlocked (Jews, 1851: . v L cities. Ashin mono is,“‘quick lulcs andsuinll 00$!"on l'upu' llul r rmd' 11l nk prulits,"lre will sell cheap. very cheap, rthe B 11on ginnufinqmfl silKFtory,, Sin 1?. wish. 'Tohc convincel, it is only new: ry to. building, Centre Square; 'YUR P PA. B: hr K”? “WHO!" M'mm‘fl- , , lCmlnty Olficen, nnd Unnnting Holrn‘en {urni «I ‘ bct'r‘byxu’uly l, 1861- _ , with lllank Books, made tithe-“”113!!!“ pn " ‘ ““W "‘1 and an the mug: rusulmbleJNfill. "in n 0.! i ‘ Bea-dY'made Clothing. ‘ ievcry de.cri,iiou ‘cxecmed with names: n'rl BORGE .UISUM) ht! now got uph l Full dispatch?" Orders b) mail prnqlplly {tie 'ed ‘ and Winn-r Stock at firmly-made 'lolh- 10. . ‘ Ding. 26.418“. .3 iir‘gmonslstlnu oi'Dßl-ZSSCOATSmfever kind,y-—~-~--——— - ,-., - ~ —r——»---~4-—~ ‘iH’l-iRCUATS‘ in great i'urietynllllYS 00.; “ Flour, Grannies, 8:0. - , i MUXI‘EY J-‘EKm-SJ “HTM‘SKA‘Ii V '515: HAW-2 constantly on hand, EFLOCR; on i bran-era, Shirts, (farms. Limes, ..lodkp,’ I nnd llui-kwhcnl. “31‘1“", "o“",an at“? Hosiery. Inc-vim,mlhhlmvufimynrl 'lexin Beans, Dried Fruit, and l’icko'lu; scum our line of'fiausiiiess,nli of “zluch will b com cuyffifis, Te“, Syrups, N. 0. Mohinel, 9' i cheap, for cash. The clnllnng' arc [mo ll}: of crop, .g 50 “if“, pp} gaunn, theirery but ill K 0‘" 0‘"? mnnnfimlure. 9'", M ‘ 0"", Id if for linking) English Cheese, and "cry o O! “Pm"“m' fit 5"“ l,” nanmeul ""“h ny‘n'uiicle usually kept invn Flo and 6" r, in“ sell you I'o Goods, take your mmnrcfl Store. um um. ('nll. WALJ‘EPIIJESPI . , and make yousauit‘in short order. 1 ' i Gettylhui'g Dec. 3, iB6O (hull Oct. 4, IEGI. {.3 iA _ , T um ,I _ v...r.._l__ "' ‘“‘ " “‘—“- ““—‘ “—w-‘ir ~< " ‘ on n. i . ‘ . A Ge°r3° Arnold El‘ ‘ sonar; A. C‘URWELL. oflhe Union in, IS selling ofLADII-SS' DRESS GOODS at on the chamberbhllrg Turnpike, a: the can. (jail, if you want bugging. ‘ , 3 top or the Scum Mountain, takes this met od Oct. 4, lh6l. a . :-‘L l “informing M 5 friends and the public tlil ho " " ' 7‘ ”ma f‘; is pro and to necémmodule all who my- #- Call at Samson’s. ' i "will; him,in the best manner, and at m or- HAV’ING returned from lb. wnr, (minim mo churns. No cll'urt will be spared in m 3 being lotncvhat neglected inconseinmco eatislnction. ' liis mule and bar will be to nd ? of Smson being sick,) but uA. BULLI 'GER wen providcil,nnd his bedding unexceptionn I'. ’il M home again, a first-rate ,gssortmént of Lnrgo stubling for horses. He only gills Q ACLUTIIING, ‘41., hits been forwardedfirh‘ich trial. [Slay 6, 1861. 31*: aw“ hp told as heretofore u the RIGHT ~~~ 4"” * ‘ "““T‘, Revolver; , iPIIICES. N. n. Cornerofthe Diamond. » i Removal NEW in of anomzfius, 'oi Merci-mi Gettysburg. Aug. 19,1861. , ,WATCH .e cwcx ilßPAtllfl‘p'Gi‘TlL‘? I: .1 3gei' c' the kt on, received rm: 7-". “,‘ “' _ —"— ‘ ““““ “" ZEITLER has removr “V in $180,545: nzuet’rwrlagigcnrno 3f the Dlamond.‘i '1“ 50“ BROTHERS uneconahmtlyoulmnd (“00“ “fling Esmbnmmw" to sou"! - k llnring purclmwj for cash. tthc heat "”5103“: 13:52; n;s.sortment ol' %I“‘.nl‘:?o:::g iimoro street, two doors north of Dunn. V it» I: prepared to sell as 10“" s thclowcst—ir' hr. ‘l‘} ”k mmcs, s’?” “" pm ° llii I; Zieglcr'a Store, wllvrc he mil be glad to n notloweryet. Drop in nnd examine them for: e. i.”,“."' c., &°".w'"‘:h they "n u‘l g ceive n. continuance offhe P""°'3'B°lPf . , yourselveh. X 0 trouble ‘0 531°»: gods. guloms ”“313 luwpnces. .-..- _.,_ ,-.-; ,_ i public. By close nuunlufll ‘Oh bi‘mfllk d W‘* ~ i a w - -—~i """ms ”mm“ “it.” “£lf§;..i‘;?..?:?:‘;;it‘ifSiliffiiigroi..°’” ‘° '9 {723110}; ASKED .xx Axswnnan..-' Me :Zmfi‘t’;‘l'fiff'fiwfl‘fim' "m’," mitylliurgHMirilflylB6?. A _. , . wunnmwnnm RgcllxlmSlEßY‘i- '°" '° I; soon asm 2... . r“‘ ‘ ga‘oiea‘i for f‘lllf Because he bus for club, -.--. r h 7.”- . “.7 ' ’ —_ 1 iv” attention °r fl” I"‘d‘9'l‘ m- i Y Ind b'uyu‘ nothing but a zoo m-‘ticle, and sells-g LARGE usertment of Men: he", Wu. muted f 0“! “”13 I“ finial!“ . “aver! than prom. Linii anl gentlemen, team-qt Boots, Cnlf Boole. hem; prn- ment or Ladies flue kid 3001!, lyflu- .. . in Ha; ,a all.’ Don’t Ito M the flue. gnu, kc. just recoii‘ed and for ule ehonpqnt iers, Gnm Oversize“, thine" received t w?- ftightopnbmcm Bank.lnY rksc. poms. ' On. 28. . i3' F- “cum Y’s ‘' W- as. , “' "’ 3mm!» .. 3 , Hat. ‘ ; Boot. , 9m: NEW GOODS A THE axq 1300 12—71: just mfihfl a fresh 3 u‘yp 300 a, Sibel, 'llrunks. Curpc. hare a good mpply of Sud Bridles, Collard, kc. E Shoes 3nd Ebola of nll'k! by first-raw workmen, and " Home-made Wdrk nlwnys on. for cash. COL oa. 23, 1861. ‘ New Goods & umber. ETER BOBLITZ. at A - Maxine, has just ‘ [scanned from the city filth Llnrnc and select stock of Dry Gnodé. cries, Uncens vm, Hummus, noun, 8! 9-, Hats. Caps ‘ Trunks, tc., #O,, chenpcr th ever. ‘ ‘ Ho also has on hand a. 10:? POSTS, RAILS Ind SHINGLES, of excellent. unlity, which he will dispose of at. the lnwesgliriug profitu.-- Give him n «all. He will al 43': try to please May 13, 1531.. an, s , JUDSON'S' y g . - * RM! M g Mogntain Herb Worm In. { gunk! m Haws, ”Ami-(:2: mum; I WX‘NWSM . poxsoxocs anxsmm no nnrps. ‘ ”HEW§“Q Do you when chanting the-unenuy of your children. consider tlmgit [any hl' llmn a mere Cholic that “mini them 2’ LI msg- out of ten, the cnuw of the little I tu-‘n Anguish h Won“, and dumb! be looktd ID. I ' HEADS or “muss, Do not 10! your children suffer, whet? sum. 50!: in JUDSOX’S WORH'TRA. A SAVE AND I‘LRAHAK‘I' CUIII! POI won How much better and safer wank} 1' have i! xilwnys in Hie house. .\ link “hen achiid. is (nigh) ill maw oflcnlmth of in death, while acting without deli: by giving the MUI‘NTAIR HERB TEA dinlvly, )ou will not mfh‘ save the (:11th and lmlimn illness, mu] yourself much C but also feel lmppierin Lnuwinglhgt .\n done your duty, nlld’pt‘rchxuice sawed i This Invdicine is combined purely of HER'BS AND ROOT ‘ No more filthy \‘ermil‘uge will he n (Imu- who once use [his Ten. The only principle of all mher Vermifuges and Killers is MERCURY. , . fl um um Simpie, Snfn, Vl-gvtahle .m-af This Worm Ton was dim-mum} in «f null “'3l) «hung the Wild! of Northern —»1 full amount of it ynh uill'find ”ll ummu-a. Ask fur the “lx’m‘ueqf Tula .H} of-lhe Agent, gm! when you'lmvu rend i i! In your neighbors. that Hwy mannls of‘nud be cunt-d by thia GREAT RE)”: 1 engru‘ings . in order u h copies at JL'DSpS'S “201”: .11: In“ nuns—ls I'LIANAN‘I' 10 u GET A PACKAGI'I—J'RICB 25 CE is“ Dhsmu‘m—Always find “l't' Ndmo and - 0 tun- of IL L. JL'I’SUX & {‘U'.‘.fllld the; ll of Trzum, on each packuge of this Worn I; ‘ B. L. JUDSON, h-CO., '! SOL}! I'RUI’HIHTOI‘L _i 60 [.noxmu S-rum'r, X'uw You. Fry‘Jrn-um’s “'nlzn 'l‘“ h nohl'ky on in mcry “Huge, and by all “mug-Hg. H. U.('Anu. Agni! f'nr Gullysb'urg. July :51, HUI. lyouw . 1 ‘ Lancaster Book Bugged ‘ ‘Honw \\‘x.\xl‘.. ‘ , i G . R (I‘lo I" I} I3’ AND BLAVK BUUK VAM'D‘ACTCIIEII,‘ Plain and Olnmtmllnl [birding], of en‘ srrimion. (’(N‘hu‘ll in the mqat syintant approved styles. “ . njnnwmt‘ns. E. W. Bro“ n. E‘H-w [“l”an Hunk M'Lnn W. L. l'mpcr. Hm; . Imncm-ler Umu‘ny'fl. Snmnol Shut-k, Huh Volumhin flank. Samuel ,Wugnl-r, 35qu ank BNlfk. ' \\"i]|imn’Wugnvx-. Bar“ York (mvimy Bu Tnl). Carson, Hath ".Ill‘k‘llf Genyshurg. Pch'r' )lkrfin, Earp. l‘rullu'y uflmncuslcr. 1:00.”. Ilnwvhorn, Esq , Register “ ‘ (Sc-Q. "Vim-Im. E~q., Recorder ‘ “ April )5, 18151. ‘ . ‘ Trees! Txeqs! Trees! HF. undersigned il‘n'iu- Mlominu ‘ T large and wril gru'wu'itock of ‘ l‘Rl'lT .\.\'D ()RNA‘JH‘TAL TRF.‘ . .u Shruhs. km. om'lrzwiur; u l'ru” and col :\-~1Irlln(-nt hf APPLES. FEARS. PEA! I’Ll"||\.\'. (‘Hmlllllfii APHH'UTS. ‘undl 1’ \lll\|:3.\‘, Standard In; me Umll-u-J Dunrfl'ur the (atrium. _ ENGLISH \\'.\l. . ...-(urn. _r,.\u . ~ . FT‘AMSH (‘IIESXIY'I‘S; ll \Zl.l~2.\'l‘Tfl. kin, RASPHERRIES. SI‘IL\\\'HEIH{IES."!(TR. lL\.\'TS:u'ul IHMSEBI‘ZhRH‘Z“, m grout \ .r'H-tr. GILH’HS. of rlmit-c-t kinds. 'AfiI’AR (H's. IHH'HARIL kr...‘w-. Men. :1 fine stm'k ' we” fornml, b-tihy EVERGIIEENS, suitable Fontne CcmcH-rvhu-I L urn; - ' li‘llf‘lm'Ul‘h‘ TREES, for street [mintiuin and n gvnvr'nl nwnrlmonl of . ‘ . U::\,\\u:\:jr.u Turf“ AND mevnlxn S "rm.- RINHS. hf “Infra \zlgictiL‘s, CA)! ”:83, ,HMHHNG PLANTS. kr‘.‘ 1 t- “ : rhnr :Itm'k is rwurku‘bly thrifly nnh fine, fan-I \w- aflor n ‘ll prii-os L.) suit the timtu‘ ‘ WVnmiogum nmiimi mu" upmicnlits. I '- Adllress EDWARD J. EVANS k (‘Qn ‘ I ‘ (‘oulrnl Nurseries, fork; P“; I Sept 23,1861. 2m 1 ' ,‘ _ u, u. prices, some among the belt_ {0 be had -r! and Slipperq 1'73 CENTS PEN a in myliue are} I} a call. ‘ xghmr‘l ofprices, j! crisis. 4, Shoe. gm}: SIGN 10F qwdcrfiighed have 59! ’JMS, Cups, ‘ “up, he. Also, 1;; and flarncsg. rt;- made 00 order n; short ll)tiCC.—‘ mud. Prit-eslui BAN & GL'LI’. V .VOTIIERS,, mm: 1131:”? i so? A Pia-firm: or ’ CALORIEL OR MINERAL 15 I'll!) IN IT our: x'o P 0 I 8 0 :f 10 ‘ 1. mun cuumnm KILLS ll'nlf.llS_, LAsts'rEu, DURING the pun: yam; iv. huh introduced to the notice of the mcdiqul profeql‘sjan tionn mbre nine ufl‘er- of this country the Pure (”ryt'vdu‘rd Chlorida q/ z-mmzmig,, as a REMEDY Fo§n nltauy.i mm; 7nd havihg received from innny mph": bwth from physicinnn ot'thc highest nunding «in! from [mm-nu. the ”MOST FLATTERi-VG TESTIMONIALS or rrs um. VALm lilo ljfifi'tmc-m nf thh painful nndobstinnfio can, ivé are iiiduced to pwscntil‘k) the puMio in a ram mum l-‘UP. nun-1 [ATE (ISIS, whiéh we hnpo'wm c‘ommnd in}! to a] who are sufl‘erlng with this ufilicti 3 camp!“ and t 6 lhemctiicnl practitiuncr tho may disposed to test (INS powers of Hi: thin: remedy - f. t Zffdi I prc-‘ he to dI-lny muse . nud‘ izynm'o a lung lmpse, I have ‘ life. ‘ ‘ y mem PROPYLAKISEJn {in form 51‘ ‘spnkcu’ of. has récontly hot-n (-ij‘tt‘mif'd” : p’cfiugcmu‘l win. inlhé Pm'xsrqhxlé n 2 VITAL, gun! with MARKED SC 11-133 (as nppea; from the nuhlishcd Iquunts in ‘A'medicnquql-nnluj‘ ‘ ' . _ I fit“: mrcrnlly put lip ruff}- fol; In: I dink me. with full dinfclioms, a d cal]: be I mined from all glue ‘druggista A 75 gents 3 bottle, and at wholesale of I I | ‘ BULLOUK‘ 5r cm-mtuxw; I Drugfiits and.“ m'ufiauyarixrg Yhumis'ia, ;. July. 1, I%}. 1y X‘Nludclpbi =I ed by 1, Active warm .ine. tiling- ledv’o :- Al - . send know Y! X _ A; Mathiat 8c Bgn'a ' QOF‘A AN!) I’I'BNI'!‘L'IHS W'AR umbOMB, L 25 and 27 N. (ln'y firm-1. “It‘ltimure, ( Fayette eh.) extending tru‘m Haj lo Fredx m.—!hu Inigo}! oflnl-lislnnenl 0! ho Lin-l it l'an‘}. Alwuv: (m hum! u 1.1 m» ussnmncl HUI SHIMI.“ .\.\'h HFHCH HUI NI I'UlU‘}, hrm-in: Hurmlui, Ht-«l~t\:nld<, \Vusl flnudfl. \" rum». Mafin-ssw 0f ”11-I“, (‘nl‘nn and ll Spring Innis, Suf.m.‘Tolo-e~-Tt~lgsL Arm Ch: Rocking Chairs, Elam-rm, Mm“)? 'l‘nhlcn, [ix-4:1. Iln-upfion and l'plluliu-rv- Chain. 84 )RTI‘IIJ (30M ”15 UFCU'I'TALH‘I‘ FI'RNITL \and Clmirs. (mice Chairs, linrhcr ('II (with zmd ('rmllészfllul Rat-Ru. “11H Furni‘ Gill nxni “'4!qu l"rm.v."r Imokiuflfilnsgcw, r hounds, [int-11AM: Tnhll-s, otywlry length. I‘m-nous tli~p()-al -l to pun hnuci an: invit_( on“ an I give our utm‘k an cxnmiuufion’. n fur 1' nit-h uml quul‘Jv c‘rfunrktnnmhip ir t-qlmllud by any («lululiphmont i\ Um gum » ;\‘. sinnrn‘r x sux, NO3. ‘35 um! 27 N; (3.13 :[lrm EMI igngi-f Hrnil Toll; :s , ; Agent ' 1 ‘Ang.c 43w . . o *. Mefichant T 211104 TI'IW UH(H)S.——GEUN(:E i b jufit rflnrm .1 fruln lln' vii stock nf “LOTUS. ('ASSHHQI chfi-n, (Truths. Uu-r ru::hng~, Jonnn.D;illing~z nml \fu-livue» at huring Hl‘L’UTC’d‘ Ilw arhiws uf Fnuvm-m, “'l' nrc prep m-«Llo pll ‘nmh in «I'vlr, equal In ”null“! luring estublMxmt-m. having tur unwunl of “ark during the [mul uh'u II Inns ghcn‘ snli-fnrlwn. increuw of‘ our lnlsixww. goes} clusivél} that “'94.; hufincsx in} In be surp'tuqd. Uui- Hark of] he Inrmux-d in qlmlil) or My ml}, xyolmn- no doubt we sun 1. on. 4, mu. ‘ _ I • I UM PAJ‘ y dd ul uhd aster tak Fancy Furs! Fauc: ”ll 9] 7| up Me 25. kin. . nml l'a'l‘S, F.\\(‘\.' YulduN-F ‘hildr-i ‘ H n i| mum” "—z-Tif'jiagf-Er mv uni DIN-mifui awomm-nz oral! 1111-é fill". qu‘llifim of Fun. mth‘d'! Full null Whirrr Stu-«ms. l wux'! l_\ imilo nn (-mmi'nuiuu«July l-l hum th-i-a inbon-li :g In pun-hm MHz-ll ‘n ui'rr [hr-m \t-r) tlwiruhl ; .\H m; Furs 'l:.ur 'u'l'h pnrrl and made by Mpul’cu- ml at ,Imnda. um! lh.‘ I\r¢-~u.-nl mnn irt-nd: r-iv nvl'lixi wry ”In! latlmuh l goudq :g \‘(rr‘m-xnll : dvmu'e un 4‘ ‘ l'nm smhficd tin-l it “ill he of lhnae .wlm dud-5n pun-hum [‘l v - H CH“. J‘ . m?R(-rnllem Hzc-rume, num‘r-r nnd M M Jnhn l’nrl-irn,'(Xc.\' Fur flan-44‘ Tl! Arr EL, l’hilu-lclplnMj [so]“. It. hm. Ex ' , - 1 ‘ . --- ' ' HOWard Associamon, [IILAHELPIHA —.\ Hem-"plum .Inu‘leu» IP tinn csLlhliuhed by sin-vim! Enrlowq‘mt, 1 fur the ILnX-th'oftltu Sick and Dinrcncd, 31ici .ed-willl Virulcul Mnd Epidemic} Dz'fe’niw, ind "especially for the Cure qi'nisc.usui oflhu Stimuli Urgxx‘m. " = filElm‘AL £ova given gmiiq. by the ct ing Surgnm, to all who :Ipnlzr hj létlv, wflh n Imlgles TYS under . V . .. . . m' h drwripliun uf 'hcir '('011(l§lllnll,‘(ngo, ore pn liun, mens nf lifu, .l c.,) Am! in «A 503 of en no pawn-Ly. Medic-Ines furnished frre‘oh-hnrg VALUABLE REI’URTS on Sprrmnforf , un-l ullu-‘r Diseases ul‘vflm Scxuul Urgnna, nd on the SEW REMEDIES employed in the )in pcusnry, sent to the almiclrll if: neulrd I In ; cqrplopes, free nfclmrgq. Two qr three 5 pl Lfor [mirage will be ul'crpm‘flt‘. 1 . AMI-en, DR. J. SKILIJSIHUCGHTON, in. ‘ in; Surgeon, Howard [\ksficintidn, No. 251:)“: Ninlh Srrcnl, l‘hilmlelyhlu, I’u.‘ By orde of the Ditectnrs. f l L , EZRA D. UEAR’X‘WELL, I’rull. ‘ Gm. Funcmun Src'y. l l 3 Jun. 7, LB6l. 1y I {- where M the ”3le ‘ with ‘ POl3. Fun to nkl 11 Elk. Chas. 0. Fields. ~.:.~3 13 444 int, You! Me !rick r in rd- ure, idh- LE33 |\l:.\'m.n| “ith u I [—2B2 (mi' \t‘hvl. ('l' Mary A}! V. 'II. KISI uplhv: «I [rity nnmul [ed on! n! v smwm, I \'ilb n l ilo thaw I Imgnnnmri [ goods (:1 I'. Giro cue. ! "C -v ‘ ‘O7 rgo un- Furs !‘! FAHEIflA', , .Uch Sin-gt, ntuvrp 7gb nndlflt‘l Sin-Ms (Luv: n! .813 Mdrku $1..) l'hiladv‘lu phiu, mpmltr 1:11! \1 "1.1 M“ lurv’r oT.lnll'l ‘h nh-r in n” kindh or .....u _ , H‘m. i ‘ra , Mist'h' ‘llld n _ Wenr I"; lIUVV’JIHHHI 'nnI it} slow :l‘ Inge llllgll S‘ilrinu' ”s'l" u the coming Id r’hprcdful m. k and piin's e. in“; mnl'r’n inducement.» :IH'J for Chill. :51 oumpepout jury Royall}; Vdia‘pou lmy ‘0“. J to lile “I! I!“ , to gin in n
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