fiflmfimmmm. EMI yawssugm; mans. , }. ci‘xeely, MHNBV ATI‘ W, will uncut! '0 en)!"- ‘uo'm gm! an «Um bu-Sneu inuu-ml to ~nn'lflth ummiflncu. Uflicr in flat 3. li. puma-ff the Dunno“. Ifomcrly occupied by Wu. l. .\ld'lelhn. EM.) (hay-burg. April )1, 1859. tl _., fl flyw. _.....“ ..." ___ yin. B; HoClollan, ’ Tm .vnr'n nun—mm. Sn Wuufld. dlc «mu, “3' door well it! “no my mm "on". 5 r’ J Getty-burg. Not. 4. 185’. .\— Wm. mm a , nunxm AT I AW.--o_l¢d In oxen!»- A wcueurncrof cum SqmiéeJighyabm-g, '3. [Uc!.\3. mm. ’ tr . CovFr. AW. w: l prompuy ntund ml all nun: hulincn cn nu between Fnhuulorkl' 'n Store‘s, ”ultimo".- urea, pm». 9, 195:9. - , A. { "URXEY AT A t» (.‘nlltlbiolll “and w W», 0 .ud-lhmm k Zingie unsuynbnr‘, Ft. 1‘ z.“ . J. _lnwre AS hil office 0 I I door deal a! La on: church plumbenhurg are non, when thou “perulinn performo g 111. Illnnnuu: Knuth. I). D., Rev. Prol. .\I. Jacuhl. l'r (Zollflburg, Apri 1. :nd appetite Picking? ilhing to hnn my Denial In respocuully invited to hm. Hamel. Itcv. l'. l’. I. 1.. lhmglnr. 11. 1)., KOl. (.31. Int-tuner. ' WEI B. Buehler, TTORN'M" AT ' promptly M" .w im. Ho speak “(in u the nme ‘ punt, Mar Form) 5990.“- lhnnor 8 - {hilpburm Man .\W will faithfully and nlto hi hull-"lemma“! ch. ~(lermn l-ngunn.:—— lane. in Sun“) Haltlmdn Idrng "on, unol nwu'ly iegler'l no". I, r 10. ‘ - Conanghy, D. M 4 ‘ 'TTURSHY AT A of lhlehler'l d ershu'z drool.) .\ Pnuru no fun ranli. "wk-[My ll ugh" vlnima again: hymn. I), (3.: nlwA (,sml Warrantslncn hiJheu pricu gin-- curing Warrant» i wulern Sun-l or Irv loner. ; I AW“ («MN on. dbor rest { ug Ind haul. IlurrJTlmm l “mu“ nu Soglrrrun yun ms. Bounty Emu] War. vprnded elm... and all 1 the Govotumcm at Wall:- lulcunlflnlml in Emzlnml. ed and yoldmrlmughlmnd I Agents Engaged in lo ‘ lown, Illinois and ollnr Apply in him person: 11, 71,'53. ‘anlvihurg, .\‘uv. - sun 1 4) l\l.\Kl.\'G —4 0 under: bu Mend: nnnllhe mp anlwukinx n 1 fin we” bunch M ‘ hush-m Itmt, Il mmuhcmroto on! “iffy-(HIS; SL3I4“ ] flu but muteginl, “l mini ”Dunn“! Qll kin-II dune nl. ‘ ”(It to th: lulitfiu‘ll I‘nuxnr l’nwnrcl Work M mark." ivr'l fifl‘enons llca‘l (‘onchmnkinz or 1!} "mum", finned"!l| at Work; . AND BLACKsNITInxn gm‘d rapt-grill]! ium-nus} public that he unmlnm-l 1 d Blnrkllnilhing hutimu‘ In ounblhhment Kn (“haun-y {9 but on hand an'rl mill. 3 aIIkimInnICARRIAGHS. S. ipriur: \Vngdnw. hr" mt ‘ d mndo hy luphlnr work jn uml Burnnlnum of) f uonablr tutu, promptly} on of cumming. , taken in exchange for H. ' in): utmo- or work In the “humming 'l'me, Iro‘rc . cnll on ns' 1.. nomzmmru 24, '59 Gnu-burg. Jul _ Hardw e a; Grocery STORES—Tho In crib": If!” h". a, splpndid . g‘l'ortmrnlofu RDWAREtHRW‘i-lIL'ES. In their bid club him! sand in Bullimcu “real. . , They lmve jnfl r um“? from flu- PM" with nu immrnn Mark 6! pooh—confining, in rut}. of ~ HI'IL|)I\'G .\(l ERIALR, Inrh as Kaila. flux-m. Ilium-I. Ho - s. l'.mkl‘."ulau,o~lr.. ctr. TUHLR. includi - Edge Took ol ncry do _lcripliou. Saws, PM on. ChiselgGougu. Huron Ind liils‘ Angers, ‘ mares, fiul’gl-u, Hnmnlerc, Inn, cu: ‘ will find Anvil-[Vinyl «hoes, Nurse-Ihoc .\‘Jill,f cheap. I S. such as sloth. Faun-v, Comm. “nu. l-lil-rlnlh, «, Spokci, Felloeu, Horn, 9'. ' , S—Tainp‘mn. "mill and i‘ngn. Hindingl. Pom, Lam. 111 I general ”acumen: of: nl..“‘fix‘fill'l‘flfi Mum. Filed, HM etc. with them. rer ‘ (MACH l’l-N'DlSt Duhnlk. Fridges. HIM-inf". Aden, Ila l‘ules. Shift]. etc. I; SHOE FINDIN Cyan-h “Maren, Li ‘ not-lull. etc., It Shaun-\kcr‘s Tools S TOOLS—a gem-ml u :h, anbwelm. Mr. ' UMil-WTJMKF ”amen! : tho. Vn 7 will also Md I large 3:- n! For)“. Btu-mnhn, .tlhnm nhlc aml Ten Spam“, Cm)- 'Slmvdn null Tongs, .\‘ml -1 Urns: Kelllcx,{l':u|,Tuh|, [nu-ting. elm. Hr. ltsorlmenput’ Forged Hid izex and kimh. Cut. Shem, I hich they will ullan rhenp HUCSHKHKI'EI nrunem ol'Knirn and Hiker Plated «llcuickq, Waiters, iron-A, Enameled nn Buckets, Chums, 1 . AL“),- u general ' noun: Hens. on”; Ind Bli‘tcr Steel, u the chunpedt. II“ snd genus! ucqrtmont. ¢ .l’ulverizecl. Clarified. un-l ' Urlennn, Wen lndie'n. and I m and ,Syrnpx, ('om-e, no. mat“. and d-iry Han. Spun: 021, Turpentine,‘ GIuWERIHS~A Inch M Crushed. Brown Sugars, Ne flqxardguuu “at filling. flhchlnfe, [gm-cod, Hal: nu yiFll.ML'. I -, of Land :uu_| Zinr, dry and 001’ Putin"; in fuel. limo-I llnrdwurr. Coavh Finding. ” use-Keeping. le-ksmith, intern, And Hrocery line—— 9 determined (0 sell as luv 59 on}: of ”2° (.'lly. JDFJ. B. DANNY-7R, DAVID ZIEULER .1 full assortmcn In _oil. 115:- Fire-p every article in th Shun Finding, H finl‘uinehm-krrn. 1' I“ of which they a if: cuh n nny ho flohphurg, Doc u, xsco. n . 8= - - . ‘Amval ' z 7 ["3 FALL— .argnr‘ Slur! than Ever!— JMIUBS' .k A“). hnnjmt rcceivnl lhdr' qecnind urclxau‘ 4' [fall mu] \\‘inm “no-h," whi h J.., offer Reaper than ever, Inning honghl at the mo: [Humble rm". They ask 01(4)qu to cull ' and Ice their large anon mecl, «animal 1 at every mm- mu ho' gmfi- End. Their‘ Chu us. CASSJMERHS, vss'r. INNS. Canineu, ( rds. Jenni, Bm, cannot b. "celled for '3l" .9“ than she low prion u yhic! they I.“ 9 red Mo Hilly utoni-hlnz. 1h“) mule up the [honest notice. In flu 'l mu llfles, and I M reqsunahle rates as cnu 100 expected. The r ennhlhhmenl is in l‘hnm. lnrlhurg urcct, q few doors below Burbler'c Drug Swro. f V [oa. 15, 1860. . gamble inn-d Removed. lll‘: subscribeU-vinx removed his pliue of T business to ' at York strut. n uimh‘. dis tance Inlgw 51.. Jul el' thumb; would luuouuce 1301!": public that no is “i“. preplred to furnish 9“ king: qt Work, in his line. such Ia \lung; time". gmmnenkm as?” «if mm min: at .3qu A“, MM: :iux nd without bull and IQ: OR, 1.9 3:“ pa Instr-Jud 1! prices in unit tht “MIL . "I 0"? desiring; anything in MI line villjnd it ‘ decided “vantage to examine his flock “d prices béfore purchasing gluwhere. \V‘V Wing, “arch 21, 1339 Lam Notice ! O'IIICB is"hg’rchy given um tho Books, km. of Dunn. t. thoLn, 113., hue eel p‘ncod in (hi: hands a! A. J. Con-.'hsq" for chection—thfie deslh of Mr. thrigm Ziogler onnpelliui u to uh chi: luv. resort. Notice having In olofore been girn to all concerned at the lieuuli'y of cloningtboir Ic «lnns withoncdelhy, uld they having neglect ed its-uni m ch? name, has compelled n. to uh thin count. , mixer: x 1113 mm, ms . An¢.5,1881. ' '_ ITIIEIWIUI ‘nvurded lo Tyson Brother: 4);“. nnllbyn Agricultural Society. Sept. I m. tag. I Q 0 “dual Pounly Agricultural _ My, 91., II“. for belt Anbmzypu am; Rim-m. "If. a; «then on “mum, G. CARR fill: (‘q‘l Oil lmnps clue-pct dun any {body _oln fin éh‘e WWW" 9-. {my} 99‘ aim. mm mamm- huh. (Imm Won't; Mt mm aft?»- .:1‘ Cap: "£oler 3x «I. lawrr that..." .1 . V] 3‘ g 121. Lic!!.lyi:\§§_ ~ ~~ . _ THAT WILL EXCEL PULHI'IR T‘S JLfLI I." (Iflllflfll—Hut." nu Hun .nz'u I'o "I Son no Dawn-nu or Antle {npx !--For the quirk cure of Held-rho. Tooth inrlw. Rhomntlsm. .\‘cnrnlgit, l’uin 134 M ride, back or "mum-h, Plinter'u Culic or Cramp , Frost“! Fret or Ilurl, llurnl. Fresh Cuts, rim-3M. tiruiku, lhnrrlmm, Sore Throat, nnd a .n limilu “mph-iota. ' Tooth-rite cum! in ten mlnntes.‘ EII‘MIIQ [pun-d in in m'nuvra, llcuduche cured in tun :miunu-a. Burn: cured from nnnrtiux In two ' mmutrq. .\‘eurnlgin pains tnrod in s‘! min » um. I‘uflc turr‘ 'in tun minutm. Sprniml ‘ 7 reliunl in tau minutes. Sure tltrout refined in five minutu. ‘ ( too CJ-er' tun luau Farm] lay one Amt in la Sluglc Day! tzvrm' "unwwmmx'r. ,Ell. TIY "l- T" I!!! ,T" n!!! Prtcr‘ 25 and 50 cents p" flame. < { 'l'lam thing- :9 pron on he Ipbt Ind borer.l :your or". only bring an yo r "In. ‘ " VN‘A llbcrsl din-nun: grand: to Agrntl'; 3o“ Inntcd in over; my"; slut”. I lr‘w good 'trueling Agent» All ordcu And communica tion: should be Ml'lrrsltd t. , ‘ ' c. s. co mm: a 00.. ( l 123 south «h u t, rundown... \ i DIRFJYTIUXS FOR [7 [s6 \JOLBERT'S‘ BALM l.\' (”LEAR—For «otlmrlcc Apply it 2 our the face uud gums ol' tho tooth I'Mrd, ‘ ,{ pruning the ham! upon thlsLM-q: rrprnt If not: lt‘ut’ul. In extrem'e can u t cotton with the t ltnlm. and, cover the loot and gums. For _ Headache. lmtbe the temp! Ind upply to the ! nun- : and hh frn- ten to hirt)‘ drum in lnlf ' n tmuhleruldrntrr. surrrtt-nfd. » ‘ I Fur Group and Sore TthhtJnke (will up to Ithirty «"an intrrnully. on 'l‘“ ur in nun-etch :ed ‘i'nrm wuhr: Imuhr 15‘ t, throat {tidy and 3 him] on n Hindu-l. Furl‘llmt :whc, lthcll‘mulisin.‘ l Nrumlgin. Lume- Ilack or Si t.’ lmthc frdoly with Helm in Gilt-Id: am! gcncr _lly Inkc~intcrnully. 'Fur Burn! tinix cub purt nlm in Gilud and [two of u'ntrrLWuur, tn uke I paste, rmer K Ihr’lunn‘wfllr the same. F'r ('ulic. take from \en tu furl, drops in hot iunmet: billion the, barrel: and n-maly .\ret flan ' eta. In the nbove‘ ‘ the mmllrr dunno In for ch“ Mt, Ind the largrr tor ndulu; vary act-urding 0 age and circum ttflnuu, . t } (‘nlhn-rt's lhlm In Cling" bc-rt‘l ILflln in ”Niall gird T'nnc “ho have and TI {not he withunt it. , .4 ‘ Agent: wantc-l. For ter I MMrr-s, I C. s. roam-1m s m.. ' .\iif: m s. Fuurth 5... "billalelphin, r.. i X. H. Unit-rs .‘mt by Ex run to any pin 0! thri’niml Sm" at the 111 rtunt notice. 1 ; i. A“pril2!r,lwt. 'mn » t 3‘ Prof. 1.. er: ‘ .\m INHGHRATUIInL—An l'le‘rctito,Safe Ind Erunnmicnl ('n pound. . ,- mm ltES'mmxu GM HAIR min nrlul inn! rolur nilhout dyinggwl preventing tln I llnir fm‘m turning: array. . ] rm: rum‘nsnxa ML it. when lhn'c it: the lea-t p‘ I rrrupomtiw em-rgr rm! ain‘ ’ FUR RHHHYISU St'L’flH ind all muniuu- ntl'm-limfi 3 f 0“ DHAI'TIF\'I.\GTI vfo it an uuoqtnlled glad; nn ‘ it soft Mud silky in it: texlu our! readily. ' Tho- great nolehritr and ,mhnd for thin unequalled [I the proprietor tint one tri‘l it.) satisfy n di-verfiinz pl «putliliu «nu-r nny other pr iivruw. It cleanse: tho h tittnmlruffantl other ruume that lullr to [row luuria 'rlrln. son. glouy And tit-xi nlm wlrera the lmir i< 100 it lill give Ilrrngth and? Int] roltnro the growth 101 live I necmm' rmori'ng of hair. Thu-e no hundred! of I: in New York‘whn have Inn: by {he nte‘of thi-z lnrigon prrpnmlinn! lmd [lilrtL I 'ieslion lent" innumrmtl More (am, from pcrebna npumhilit'r. 11. \\iH rfl'c. hair frmn turning gray my! bf life: and in run whrre I clunged “m I-ulor, the nu will \\ilh certainly redorci riviny: it a dark. gloqy np fume fur the toilet And a ] parlirulnrlyvrommmended. (IMI‘MWO: and the grant f drauiilg the lnlr. which. lnvigoralur pm In .nlrelscd ‘ so as to marine its [li-“hi curh—honve‘lhc great do ladies M a Standard toilet ought to ho wlrhmn, M‘ within the rmrh at n“. he? ONLY I'\s‘ES'E\'—l‘ per ""3”" to. be had at I gi-t_l Km! porl‘umrrq- li. MILLER wanld cnll term and Hunynlinm tn ll: nnr, in cnu-I «ht-n- Ihr rh l-lrru'n hnir infilhu tn be wrak. The Ille of it lays lha foundation lnr x («ml hem] nr lmir. a it removes tn! im puritiu Hm! mny have her me connected with the prnlp. (he romovil ofrwhich is uncanny but!» for the health of the fund, Ind the futur npponrnnce of“! hair. ‘ ‘ (‘.AI‘TION.—-Nuno germ 9 without this he nullile of_l.ol'lS \llLlJ-I. {ln-lug nn Hm nulnr wrapper: also. L. \IHJJ‘II 'S lIAUI IXHGO RATHILIV. Y.. luluwn inqdl glass. ' Wlmh-mle Depot. 56 {7'2} Sn, nnd snhlAhy‘nll thr pl inripnl Min-hunts nn‘ Druggiars through out Iln- worm. ( Y ‘ ‘ Llhrrnl «lilcunm t‘npunv'h Ina hythequnmity pita“! nl.-o desire tn pre cu: m the Amarinul publir my \'mr A\B hum l"n Isa-rurujoca I.!QI'ID ll.\l[l DYE whir mar your: of Icirn~ ‘lifit egprrimenlingl hue WWW p) perfeyci n. J: «lyetmm-k or Ih-mm 3 14+tu #l6lan q“! funny» mun}; qr Skin “granted :ho _hnc "tic-19 M the had in exist ‘nce. l'lKlC-E.(I.\EI.Y 'sp (‘Efij‘k Depot. 56 U y Sweet, New York. E, Hanan. lam. l_v .1 ; .. - 4 Change of: Time. 2 «m’rsm an “All. pun—On Ind um :(I Wednesday. May 15" 1861. the Mqrning Tmin will lea." Ilettyshu It 2.40 A. M. will) I‘ ginseng"- for all the connections“ North and q._mith, on the .\‘orthern (tentml 'Rnilmq sud 'return abovrt l l’. M. The Ahernoon +nh ‘ will leave Gettysburg It 2‘15, P. it; but ; pnpnongers h,- th't: Tum dtn go no farther than } Hanover. thé ume ennfing. Returning will rnrh Gettysburg about 5;)!» l‘. 3L, with panel)- ‘gcri (ton) llnrriiburp. Phil-delphia, kc. ll! lthis nmngement pn-hong mm: the country, { nurthe line of the llaiH’md. having business to trnnsuct in Gettysburg. can take the Ipoon Thin “h mm \\ln nearly m: Imm in Gem-- 5 burg, and retain la the ARM-noon Tnin‘ , g , m. McCL‘RDI', President. ; In, 27, 1860. ‘ rnmefiagn mm » . U\I.\lHR ARRANGE“F:.\'TS.——<Puu|.u S Trains run as follows: ' fir. mm‘ nuts leaves Hanover m 9, A. 31., ' ‘giq qire” connection at Junction for York, End-ium. Bum-lemma, and ms: West. 1_ slsoong 'gRALVJc-u‘op Hmnqn: n 2,, n. 31.. , with I‘assenggn fo‘r Baltimore Ind iuzermodiatc pain". i ‘ I Through tickets nrc issued to Philadelphin ,(‘ommhiy Harrislmrg. York; Williamsport’ : fldhilnnre. And 3H principd way point: an Hie, ' lint ol‘lho North": Consul Rani] ny. , D. B. TRUNK-I, Tat“ A‘ent. Juno 10.1161. , W 113: mum I": Indtrsiznod. being the nuthnrhedpenon T m nuke "maids into Ever Glenn ('eme wry. hog?" that me]: u conumplue the "maul oftie rem-tint of duct-mud minim or (Hand: will uni! thamulvu qt ‘hin muon olthe you to hue it done. Rel’nonh made will promptneu —u I ll: ng up, 959,“ l and to loan. A“ In ' 4 ' né‘rfilg Trfimx. plan-h 1:, ‘53:7 Segperq mp Hume!!! ‘ ISSES‘ 45D CIULD!§"S SHQHSu—A 3 hrgeusqumont oflli es‘nnd Childtoq‘l hon. Bin-k nd Colond. u. , April :2 DQKSSTICS, Tickinzl. Checka, Flannela , m.. “M“? u Wine-mitt: W! Man a» I XL‘SLTS banded nth on: on lung, In which we inviu especial “tendon, u it. and. by fit, my our qlfrrcd in £th fluke: {or tin with RNI t T Ft: Mil 31000 Inward: 3 ILL I"; PA", FUR .\NY “WWW“?- ’in hurmlru. 'Cnl- Illllhflcllnn. ; ha in Gilt-Id will I Gr- wries, h I "E umfi‘rbignml haw u, Noliun $10”, in II: ‘ oppanite Ilia I("mu-1 Hun the public will rondnml: "tho vhempn‘lqfil'fi \RS. “'5l, Tom. IW'F‘. (hm-w Mackortl. Clinenlntr. Fregh “Inn-'1 'nnal Eggl.‘ ofllufl'rc. Sirloin-h llcrrin ‘ TohnccovStlghrd. Sun”: of Nun. (Prnngrd. Len f‘rncknq. (‘l-kra nf‘ difi Slow U(:"ifi['Ptllll‘V Gun (‘unon [has “Adding. I Suspend"! Him. .\.-“n gum. will: A Minn! of all 5 public's pnhunage’is r - the inrrnm'ng Ile-‘ ;a 1‘ 1,) parationjmnvim e ‘ Nov. 19' l‘ggo. “ l is only novel-My ._‘—aw: r..“. plic of its Inferior __ .iF A I 11. ”WEISS. and curing ' nick.- ofvilulily or AND DANDRL'FF, 0| um Scalp. " 1 "MIL imparting hrillianry. milking e and causing it to pantie" 1; present ”8““ in t I "‘ "“‘ "‘"P r" "‘ Hamil" .e sun in: dtuuo‘uu'J-u‘4R .019 I! e'ncinn or thC fl" ""1 “H“ n 3 lie gnu-mu} lo'the fart 2" .pponrlnte. 5“ turned fro who chin ”.‘"“ "Id :lhlnmllu, Baltim-‘brr.'litll In NH“ "R" N ‘ ‘ ":3"- sumamm 1m“ com : '.'"‘" my; ‘l, "h ’ bolhrc «am-ml in n... rm n. to "e ‘ (“hL llnvlng Inhjghtl‘hrir min 9-,:llld its line w kinds nffuhfricl is nnpr v nluled Io nlfqfinuvh ISAI‘. the man cxjeiulmu. l‘ l'fln‘llld vxhguine our u in every dc mum-mt. w Inch induct “en" 95 W 1 I dwir troul. Evvry « first cln-u m tinny slun- Wc are «1011-framed Nn' nntmhcr: nubido uf H» [“Qllivk SAM! and Sun] flu Ilmw amid; 3 - mWe Ilym nlu- {hi thanks! for llgb w-ryfimr ‘hernoforo rH-rircd. nn hr uric: nlthnfion ’0 In gum] for thtlfintereats o pulpit-Ives, mimnh n m flavors; JLRINHH \R 1 . Owner Main ‘ April I. 189:1. cauein d‘lu and patient-n their hair tutored ‘ (1!. Ihvn all mhtf '. \l. hm in his pm. :- ("lifting to the of [be highest re. many prover! tho il tho- Ines! mriod he Imin. ha- dread} of the Invienrnur no its original line, nrnncc. Ara per. air Restorative il is' “will: nn turret-able oilillu lufffnrds in hen: moist with Ihé n In! require-[lnn m hcther plain' or In “and fury! by th udole I ich none the price' place: ii g . \' l-Z (‘EXTS respectabl; drug.- e ultentiod offa nw of hit TIMI/(gr- Rein t ovalL R. I". NdLnRSY’S . "i‘fii‘: (ItArygniiri Foundry. HR In'hsciiber, buying purrhnned the Foundry of Venn. Imbangh, Slant-“‘0” (formed; Warn-u" Foundry.) bu comment-9d busineu, And is now prepared to on" 19 the puhlic I lunar assortment ot Enchiucry than hu hcrflnlurn been ufl'rru). such M THRESH ING SLU'HINXS, ('guver Hullch. rad-kn (‘uh ten, f‘orn Sheila". and Morg'nn's late improved Horse fluke. Alan. STUVXS. nun-h u (‘uok Slums, three difl'cn-nt kinds, and the dim-rent mini 0! Ten-pure Stun-I. Likewise Mill and SAW-mill Cnstingl, 3nd :3; Linda a! Taminx in iron at Wand. ”REPAIRING OLA]! kind! on )hchiner’ Ind Outing: will hr dune ta «(der m: short notice. Putterns mm: In order I Plough (‘.m. inn ready made : PLUUHIH, Huh In Soylrr. Witlumw, l‘lorher. “'oudrm-k. and many other] not mentioned lu-re: and eight dim-nut. kind: :2! IRON FENCING, for Dementia, l'orcbeamr Yfl'dl. ‘ Mm, Marching flnrhiuu. on. of the be" nowin use. Thil rug-chine work: with I lever by hand; nny little bog-«um manage it. Cu“ and unn‘fine ourpnck; no doubt but what we cin plensr. l’ltrsou ought m are it their ndvontngc to buy min-Many of my kind I 0 home, where it h mannrlclnred- to 111-t they cmweryeuxlygc! any pal" replnred‘or npnired. _ DAVID STEIINER. .' Glttylbung-‘ch. 13, misc. ‘ f , Getty: qTEw mm. mm. I [I «AND RAILROAD s‘ FUNNDR\',—fl‘ho "lbw! ,Stnm )lill of Mr. C.W. l f has Ind it thdmughly r , h. We necmsary machine ' stout. The aim is now I rend; to um‘yly any d Fertillur. GRUI'ND l - court-din] by (hole who 4 , much hem-r Perlillzrrj lhl . deed any of the (filler Fe plie-Llo land}. :The (all Mr. Dunn. ”lichens!“ ‘ Iperuble chiion of Ada ! the truth 0‘ Huh user“ ”“1 hm: been lryi “one on Di? lnnd for lh ' finJ it In he . better for Nine. Ind dun-nu. h ‘ lu [he first twp. * Numernu' qlhl-rrrrtifl would lu- pmhm-d, but I , ”Fm-1331'" an raql . onion um] ioigivc it n l 3 3m. 4. tact. u 1 “““’ ”““ "‘" . .1 Cdme t 0 ;«;‘ .\‘n _mvx’j'r FORGE EA RIDGK NURSE" ‘tn ’lnnt Trué: will tin-1 .umnrkihly fine. and m ”The Apple n'mnhers 1 full the :pprc'med mugj .V. 8.-Sr;¢ the index Pout unit-'O. ; T. 1 * Sepafz, lam. Somethi ' .vcET'rvmme—l I the rltlzdm of the t 4 ‘ has commented the I! ‘lnrge mm. in York w ‘oppnsite Wattles] Hot deserve. and lmpu tn 1' ‘nge. BREAD, ROLLS PILHTZHLSQ kt. Jun. l 'days urcptetmall of ti nl Illa lowest' living pm I" “Q brunt-Hrs i‘ int-gel 5 to any nmou t. {mm (In ; Ii". Inpplil‘s‘l a; the l ‘ em-ted I lug'o and tom "cured the.j‘hcsl work ‘ proved' mnclincry, Ir ‘ he“, bus/111:0“ July 25. ”5". l Arch| CARPET M' ARBIIO I NEIL, 3:32 Arch DA loulh lide. Pllnulelph Full Ind: with one uf ol' English .find Amer found in thif city.purr I nun. null igtend srlli P prices. w.» In" I“ Tapeutry, Itfllhfll. ‘ Venetilnm’i‘lh I sylend Rugs, Hauflhugget, - _purchuerl Lo obtain ‘ line, :3 we‘ll] 101 l It ‘ gunntee qll guoda ' [in entire §ntisfncii«» ‘ EKLWKQM lel ‘ _I.? -_LL.=_ 3“- *zw s.\Lnox.-«: .o. r. Erasmus 1... N femovied his Oyi or establishment to the uplendid new Saloon i Juroha k Bro‘ui Build ing. won the North side I Chunhevshupg urn-M, when he will n'. all ti 1e! he pyepnred to serve up the brutiof OYSTBRS. in every lulu. By keeping 5 good Irticlq he expects to receive 3 liberal nhnre of pubhr patronage. TI'HTU‘I 80(7)", CHICKEN, BEEF TONGUE. PHYS mm. TRIBE, “thqu IW] run-1n Ems, [cg FREAK. BIRDS. km, in heir icason. A nice 5"" MALE or LAM-1.1 can llwnyu be hm},— nme Ind try’me. G. F. BCKESRODE. April 2, 1860. Tinning! Tinmng! HE undersignul rospectfully inform! lb. T ci'lzena ol‘llenysburg and the public gon enllthn he bu opened I new Tinning ol mblinhlnent. in (‘hmnbenhurg Itreet, directly opposite (‘hrm Church. He will mlnufncture, Ind keep con-untly on hand, enry nrirty of "fixtwumfi. PRESSEI) and JAPAN-WARE, Illd will thr-y: be randy to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and SPOUTIXG tlso done In thu bgn munner. Prices modern“, Ind no clan spared to rend)! full utisfutimz. A lhlfl of Mn public'l patron.” i! lolieiul. A. P. BAI'GTIER. ngylbnrg, June 18, 1860. ly Butter. Ens: [1103838. Ind‘other norhtiug. consult. 01yu be bald n ‘ n. G. man's. An. 2‘, Ft“. \ , ‘ ‘ H 9.01 m: in ‘mmemd u 5.. . "mg-"gum of ligqg‘s Coflql 53”,: t 4... 7,- -~. :.'-:‘.r m {ll- - ‘ ...lII,' ti iln+lin■ EMI HE “bu-fibers hue tho plum": ufinfonl hm their friend: and the public neutral"; I at Ilse} hr. rewind a full "1"}; a! Full And Wiuur Goods, which they an ambled to ull at their mun] law rules FL! 11 1‘ A S 11. ,0!!! “Wk "oflli'la in pm at ('lu!h=.Cnsxlmel’cl. 1 "ratings. Snuinem. Black snd Fancy silks, “d. lAdnu' Dxm Goods genrmflr. Brown 4nd White lullinl. Tifkilzd. (Menburu. She-dings. (blanched and unblruched \ Cotton 3nd Wool Flanuek, Stuck-ins; Yum. of every , dcrcription. “nu. Cups, Hook llld Shoes. Bou ‘noln Ind )lullinery at All kinds. Rudy-mud. .Clolhinw. llnrdtare. (Jrorerins Qurenswure 3nd Drugs. “In“, 0.1 Ind hints. or I“ kinda: Morocco and Lining Skiut. I'rzt. Shoe Thread. lirialles. *- We 51-10 roll ll"- celehmml New ;Annhor nu Ila. Cloths, “In‘“ W: ILLIJ WAN.- RANT. Also. Fbcncf‘a unequalled l’nst Auger: '-—ia (not we hue evrrything uxually kept in ‘counlry Store». Ind an prvpnrcd to m H them, 'Io think, I link- lower Hmn our neighbors, 1 North, South, Butt or Wc-L Fricndu, give us A call. And examine for yourneh'u. as In no .It I“ times pit-Med m slmw our goods. W 0 ‘ngun our sincere thanks to a general" public ‘fur'flha kildnoss thus fur mnnifenled toward us, ‘ln‘d frvl confident (hm. luv a strict xulenllnn to ‘ buiincn and GOOD AND CHEAP (BUUDS, lo mérit . continuum. ohhc lamo. ‘ BANNER & SHIELDS. , R ‘ Pnlrfleld, Oct. 14, 1861. 31:: our: ‘0!" WEST - —-- ’ ___r_..____.__ MEETS. aims ma! , Gwenmouut [lien having hurt!!!" ' THJ. INTHE ['SlOX—l-DRAW THIS WAY. arr-us. iii this place. is —a-I‘h¢ undersigned hm the piounro nfnn paired, iiy‘ placing in Inouncilg lo? the üblic that be 1m pun-Mud I _v in? minding Limc- ! the non of Ir. ficunder limit-If. u Grgen in opcngiob und I In: lmom», on Ibo road lending from (Telly-mum to nnml for {thin uuefni . Emmihburg. and will continue thohu-inru on lIHBJ'I‘O. H in now ian cnlnrgod mile. ilr ‘l'ill nlwuyn hop on II are tour ‘ii. to be. u ‘ land I ling. flock of DR)’ “GODS. Groceries, i 1» Burn! lime. or m- . Confeniouflu. Quumw-n. Wooden-inn. liliurn 29 ”all! ID- 1 Hardware, [O.. lull! ufluhich will in will u wing Caniiivnlc from quite: to suit the timu. (Hun Dye-plum]. Oiil, JIM". Midi hithiy re- 1 Pain". Drucl‘ in, run he had uh put the Ii "Uuiliryiwm In"! Greenmount Store. Friepdsmive my: call. l ’ ‘ ‘ how tint my good: And; in, prireg cannot fail to please. . I ‘ ”The undersigned jniso onrln on the (!.\RRL\(iE-M.\KING liming" I! the um. place, and um." rare in nemnentg to ginnin ul-s. He will warm" his work xoad‘, while. iiil via-racy are nmnng (he mm}: moth-rate}— chdring do" on nhort notice. ' ' ”Faulty pwdncc taken in git-hung: [or goods. AiiflAiLUl i'LAXK. n: ‘3 th- GmLmd Lime hm. {nuryyuu and ilinr thank the Burn! u; gh‘en Ihvidaclion ”mm IEiIL.’ Mel u! mi thunder I in i 1 unflirirm. lenml'to tend in their linl. Jonx mom'sn . Notice. k ‘AVIVG dilponed ofiny “on :01". Min ham Plank. I her if give nutiqq to I" pardons knowing Hum: lvu indebted to line rilhrr by Xulnvur Wick Armani, lo make im medilto payment, u i “iuh to qrtfli ur my Imsincu Million! delay. 1 “ill M-‘fuund nl Greenmuunl until the 1:4 n/‘Jummmuul, ~ All “gm-nu not unlit-VI" bntwrrn this nnuluhn llma‘will be left. in [he him-it of an ofiivrr for coliel‘licm. J. ALEX. HARPER. otious, I go. [wind I (Bravery and llim‘urc sun-ct. near]; 0, fl:tt.‘nlmrg. where v finalde'llingrhcnp u ‘_vrupi. Molt-non. PM. Spil-l‘d of; all Hnda, mom put! llrnshte; i round Qnflae,’ Emu-nu. I“:lm"l' Halt; (‘uuti-rliuull, all kind. Inn-I. lLiisiha. Bread, -n-nt kidda‘; Shae and '4. \luilinufiinghnlfin, minty, [luridyen-hirfn. ~ (‘lothug l‘im. But kin-h. {A ham ohhe perlfullj' :i‘ivivrd. ULL‘CJS “BECK. fl 0 )0 "FIM'TJ‘FI‘I. STEEL HATE . ‘ ENGRAYINHh‘ur'I'uILURD‘S PRAYER FUR SHJ-L—Hunnu Pnarnrr Ihr“ Aunts-Thr- i-lra of rcprclomlng lhe Laid"! PHI)?! by An engulfing. and of mun. mnnlinz Ind "ranging it in lurh ll manner M In produce at om-r A, 15M” of nrnmun'nnd t:ll‘tr.w.ll mnreitei Mulufirried out by Unus l‘ .the cololmiiod [hunk Sole l-Zugrlrei, oerw Yul-k Pity. It comment-é- with uquiuilgly q:- erilte-J norho! “Our Fw‘lhrr." Ind\ihcn follcjw In Inn-Muir": the other part: nf the prayer. "fry phrase of whifh ig‘ ngrnn‘i] in tho man rlrgant and tuneful mali’ r. Nearthé lvmmm of tho plI-ture il a lu‘wrf! lv u-xr-umed hind of OUR SAYIUH, am! (mi I|!ng [ha upjwr p"! of {he engraving ar- tn‘n; yup-la. Purl) hearing on. of the TH.\' ('(“l‘fN DMEVTS. The 'n gravinghan reroirmllhe n“ Ht unqnu‘lifimlpraim from the reli imlyrl-hunilfnily. as (hero i~ nnlh lng nf : Inwlfirlsn'uharahur .ahmu h. having bran remmu‘nendwl hy (Ylrrnrnn-n of I" do. nnmhnviom. \I an urrinmrm iv. i- one anho mm! -p|r'n li‘l (var pn‘lfdu-l In um onunn'y. and II denim»! to tnke‘ pu- p'au‘r of a pawn ("3" of I-nzrnrin'ri. The silo of thr plate i! 20 Hy '.‘H inrhr-vztnd Is Ilnqdellimnlnly thr Hump -9.! warning n‘cr’ofl‘rno-I in'lhii munlry. I Wlmthnllan-urt—“hnthu'deligluslosmdy I I‘me engrming—whu that would réroin [he nnpn-ninn; ’which'svn-hxn work i! culrulnlwl tn human. anH fail to town A mpv when tho priro i‘ ;l)\'l.\' INS DOLLAR, lidi HI; rh’un‘o of «during {ur the mm. in all-“film, a, prrmmtnt hhme ur In-Murr vulvmhle gift? .\3 a wnrk‘af gr! lhimvluluahlp- wngl hoauli'ul Pngrlfhlk l: wnnlh murhhhnn lhe‘lmuar nvLed for ".1" will rrrdliy Itchy-know cdfi-«l an an infipeclinn nfit ; hut their-“Mr“ rrs ink-m! m inalt‘e a Gift hi-trihmhm to xpnr haneru of me opumzinp. 0f ”lust-l» ”mu-mi. u follows: . E Ilmxu- Ind Ln! ip \‘nrnlioningh. g RJggin, (Quinn‘k Pal er'l‘muLePwAi-ralnted.) l Rm‘knwny. ' ‘ 1 ‘ mm); I \'AN bpg l‘ogvo to cull ir friend: in}! the pub. hat they hiujun "- of Phflfld'flphia ‘Aml .\Vn snkxmn 1s- N,_cho;upod um. enr m t lorgflmh. at panic .‘”]! div! m- in many vmlenlo‘a. {hay nre en :AINS A‘zl will n-‘lnnizh ‘nur‘ (fiends it!“ but .k. v‘rhirhfis oomph-(e nn‘mre we run nfl‘pr lamply flemy ‘hem t‘nr viu-lo‘utinily kept in I wil! be kujml nu hand. T4)Bf2ll'.\'l¥l€ll.~‘l)l.[) I‘ivv‘. an" in» mono in l'ro‘ixsj'; No trouble V nernsiv‘njlo roturh our ~111 pll‘n‘uaga we haw ln-hllgtf the hope th zine-u. 51-h! a high re. hnm‘nfiqpnlmn! and flunk-HQ.» ‘n' then- kind .t srlgmvu, and .\(mfiplnin It! Elirsem, r.. he kear ! f'rm’mn PLF. \SAVT F.i—.l'¢r§nns wishing [tho mink in nu gmund Tm] at ”(furl-d prlms. ‘9 varicfilllbs, embracing 2 nuu.n..g‘l.pu xn \'nrkjnorough. 1,000 Valuable Books. ‘ ; 50 hbhl. Flour. (warranted) ”mo Gold (“In Frames ‘l9 m". Hum-ulna of the Lard'typnver, I “ 500 Steel I'lMo Elujzrll'rin 1 Birth of ”mu, Mngnifirelt [mu-kid; (Mfg-elf ‘ , hour! [Ear-Flam Dnlo .. cum“; snxs. 2' , . E ‘l MPIIIIOI'I num .ud sum “um-mi, ' All kinds 0! JH‘IIPVJ pm‘hnrinc vf‘nment, Plan-Min“ \lnuic. o.qu Ston‘. km. kn. ‘ A um worth from 50 Iran" to 33-00 00 with Mvh engulfing Mill], 1 ' ~ When the ”gnu-[mu m all ml-l n_ maaolng nf Ibe pun-hm": will hiuillrd at Wuhlngton Hull. ank.‘ Tm. when‘q 0 (“fit mmn‘l “he" will ho distnihuu-d in ninth manner‘u lhe p r.‘ chm-Pu Imu‘ delermim‘.‘ The pun-huge" |Je lpvxing I cohmitn-e of ‘dlnlnlcrenfil per'onu _to unto the awards in purh‘ mun" as they any duignnkr. 1 3 ' ' The proprielon, from :Ith fivoml-le mnnnrr‘ in fluid! thin um finlemriie hm- heen n-reivnl. Ind the numhnr of engruvllégs Ilrendy uni-l, hop:- on he Inhle to hug the linear“ lii-posed of hy the hit of Och, aiuulnx. null when ‘1" nniuolnl they will riolilfj’ thr-junrcluurs. and hub the dinribudo}; of the Gift! proceeded pith. j 1 ' Thi. on‘mlng has néeiyéd the command» Lion of lh- Rani-end Plot". ‘our'fint‘rilizl-ni, tad indeed qtlll clnglelqwho enter lnto it with pitit. ‘ ' '. krs'rix l. wwmm ‘ . I. I. Alcu‘px. 1 Glonl Winn. ’ RECOWENIDATIONS. 1” g N’w he undefilgnod Inform wn .\ndidounty, that hr \KLVG Hume". on n on. (#ctylburg. nearly .1, Irhqre; he will try to relvo‘ :Jibernl patron- C.\KiEs‘ CRAI‘KHRS, nked uiéry dAyJSnn a but qgnlity, Ind sold nu. (‘ravkcr-bnkin'z in Ev ('lll't'ifdjfll’l. and order: a and uljnining roun gmm fiance. "plug ' udioug’ fine-home Ind mm slid} the: Icon up. . is preflnred to do ‘- Lamina suns Street Erie—nanny 1 mm. net. 2 dbon/ below 9fh, n. We jcommonce Ih. be but ply-nod nook: ‘ In Cupning: to‘ be ' led for‘iash It rerylow I» Ihéma‘ extremely iow he nchufles, Velvet. | rec-ply“, Ingmin» and 'd not-ktfflll. CLOTIIS, l . . . c. , o u the tune for lurgiin: in the Cnrpel very Infill .dvanco-nd ! be 1,: €9l!t¢l¢fll¢d,und ! to the norchmer. ‘I exclusively for cu]:| We “hit. siueution as man of the mom. mend-Hahn;- f " ‘ 'mll Bu. (7.l.nmflfgzkfirg at _Jull'. Proton uh SIM! (mint; York: 135.". - V ' - ._‘ “at": Su'stin b Wollrlyz—Tho engraving 6! the “(Mr Prayrr" which in now offered fnr nlo by‘Meurs. Austin t \Vchi’ly ol' this Borough in “got. up” wlth muqh In. and ‘bcauty. and ought to recommend [ml] to pnb. Ilic nttcntlon—‘n‘rthing am will keep that m). ‘ hle competition below: the mind and memory In ~likel_r to do pod. The work seems to meonly to "quire unminltion in ordor to be .dmired, um! I cadbut hc'npe that. the gentleman who l have in hand its distribution It so model-Ate a lute. will he nbundanfily mct'mstul‘ln thelr [ undertsking. _ ‘U. W. THOMPSON. Jur- an an. I 7. "tin. Putor “who Mwnvtu , Chum-h, York, [‘|. York, Pm, Feb. I'ol 1863!. L Nell". Austin 3 Wehrly :—finving had the . pie-lure ofinspecting Maura. Austid k Welly. I ly'n splendid eugraring gr the Lard”: I‘myn, I l WORN pqtdully recommend it to the favonblo attention of thtlr Mend: at York ud else< lvhnro. his not only a beautiful ornament for itho dWelling of "My Uhrininu flmity, haul-o ‘1 metal and edlt‘ying ncqnilition for Sundly ‘..choull and limlllr benerolent institution. oval.' F. F. “AGES. Wflditon or Publisher: of pupa" giving (li. advertiument 6 its-onions. ""1 be entitled m In Engraving Ind Ticket, by forwnrdingthe paper for than timn to our Address. or by in. parting it until the time sppoinlefl for the dis. tribution, wi|haan Editorial notice oncl in 4 nelu, they will receive the Ingrnring framed with I En. gold gilt (ran. to unitiu sin and .. mm. AUSTIN a wsugm, York, Jun. 24. 1361. nor. BOWER, of Limuton, n. Pncucu P Pilno Tuner, informs hi. {rim-1| and the mulul public in gem-nl. that he give. big time. not otherwise occupied, to Tuning ud Rewiring Pisnoa. I: modem. ptices. u. promuu omin utiahcsion, or no pay. Order; mind at this omen. (Sept. [6, lan. . ABGB mgmoums ..d. {m- nun 4 pigqgu u “only “dug“ mu, M the! 1+» M ~2q: SK; _llghz Gmcry. Ono Price to All. 0.4.21, 186:. * ’ 4 , ‘ Only One Dolhr Each! Piano Tuning. Something Ngw! “AWL ILLUSTRATED HAP on‘ THE harzxmvnwx _vxn t‘eri‘m; 0? FRUIT AND URNAMD-if'fAl. Till-IRS. OPIHS Ire lieing puhlhhmt, whirh ruutuin C Innur magnificent Engravinui. .nrh m 1 Tm,\nil uriuus kinil- m fine Fruit and Fruil TR". imno- of the fine“ 'llfl‘ifllcni Hun lure gfer he"! put I)" pupvr. The Fruit Tri-rd 3": am with nhllndunt bur-Icm writ-nit. iiinilur W [hat which mature pr‘wrnu in prom? si-nuon. The tree‘, are n-prrwn'wi as huvmg llgeir roan running through the nail in a ourumlgmailiuu. and the. Engmrinza of Tn-ct uyo beautiful and grand. I: ilidu eunmim a fine Eugrnvhig which roprcwut- ihc. innumcmhle éiireml-FLe rm". “f”, vigurum ”on running ihmugh and (nor the soil. The Hunt Engraving covers m. inrhcu in diameter on pnpvr. aéul nl.-p fiirm: a magnificent engraving, which gamut hcipf be}, prove gratifying Ln 1h? r; 9: 0K)?" whvm-w be. hold it. Such an engraving Jul vein-r int-ch printed on paper hrfnr». TI;- enunuink of root; not only prove.- Minimiza- to 1h:- sixht of (he eye‘ bu! it designed to .prérc of grout inl )flnur‘ m I" who who an iulxzt-rcsl in lhticul; ri‘vution of fruits and how tuftrm: ffuii imqs pmperlv. : g 5 A COPY rontnlm Twonlv-fiie “Ti-rel Engrafi his! 0! Trerl. Fruit NC” «umpogqu wt Evgrzrornu. l-‘nrr‘ .\1- .l'em-l. a." P r on .:rzv, drag. .\p‘ Dn'nrfl’yrnmid l'mr ri Chain-Trad. kc. The Fruit 'Ellgmingn‘ umprik Ruplwrrles,flonsebéirirn. lnrkheh tin, (‘nrrunuJiml-g. Plu A. .\pr4. ‘tou.'l’ut¢,. raiding. mile: elr..lm| In I“ colored by hand to rpm-em 'clnc natunl fruit. Indjre nft‘Ylnpdnifl with printed matter I grr inlpui. . tuner. Ind forma‘uc. ‘1) in ; xi» 3': I’- 40 incite-u. on map [1 c-rl wi h Inuslilr husk Inn] {at-u unis Inl.‘ , ‘ A COPY. with its nun-crud! f‘ngfnvifms. will ‘ br gmlllyluu la the e 139. Intliluruui um ‘ ‘. ndmirulole nrlwueutlér the all nfthe pdrlm. ml will rin-wy hefiflify nny uni-mam wim‘lmn ullur l rumor ofmucluimpormm-cn dl'nnc . I‘hc e cnpi'eu as published in v rv léeasy txpenue.'l'wenly~llve nllnrg nn-ln-qn V [mid In nu‘irnlifira is! I'o forming' “tel lpint“ of sinyl rug Egg; 9' trees. roots. etc. i! .in o «lertthu _ , , many can ulnlnifl,li"h million It :1 trifling figure. the |%re mm A row _ will hp null: In low lmt fil'u-u-n pv-I .uns éuu mm- nlnni “ mph-s for the nun that has hes-u Inf d (or Jinglh on; gmvingq uf_lreos. an; ‘ 5 A COPY contain: primed. ma pr 01' mo“ infi . punnnre and grim! ham. \rlil (ell . x ‘ hoiv '0 Iron} all kin . n! P nil Tran ‘ 'tn rimler them \‘ory'v gown and fro. flm‘five. or"! in nnf nmhlo senmnq. II will tell how In irepfll" (ho «oil wilhpuflm‘onwnil‘n lxrf-greg-linlinv: " the mt" In rm Inn-n then m-eq much In rlvnr. and lnprtm' Ihnprmlunhe. not-Mo! andnnl on . ch‘ in unfu vornhlo ”Hmong or luv: (_icrun- with prop" and 9:“! Ifle “14:!" A COPY'I'HE tell how to pregnan- nn kinda of Fruit gn-l WW" In M to proxy sixccn‘d‘nl. In ly_ n'v-r proving A fa'fl‘lm- 'il_ «nanny Inc! when prob-rink; dinfl’d. It will lcfl hum“ In‘d plant Dwarf I'mr‘gTrm-ai mini the mm! lqw-é’s'fill I] for (In rullmc nfhh'yi l’lm ’ to" how to :11in cu: ‘ Grnne. , ‘ ‘i A COPY wm‘ m) how to ('ll tin-h ‘ ijwborrieg l'urn- }" xll. Bilt‘k‘wrrien, Hansel rriM. _ A COPY will tell haw tu Ire ‘ Pom- trl-rs. ‘in "HI-Into ‘lhrlr mou Beam]! from the diuumm ufi'm-M afghrm ' mute. ft! will :10" howlnnmlq nu: o in n-ppli— . ration on-r Hu- Inil ‘fillrrm din-._' lhe (rel-1m print-w! lh— 'chh ud ulher , trudrr fruiti I’mm llermxlErnf hving wintjrr-killed in theibnd. lu- uma nny-uranium :I-o refiners '+'l("J Inga froth; liking the yellgj". Th 9 Amp“- - cn‘inn In: tho hrn_-‘vlnl irfl'u-u‘to ; pun-m Ih. (“Ila-:0 with.) (re w'hrulllly , ' mid the trr‘o \lgurnam ant! promm (0 l Hm ltrnductlvvnniu,‘ luu'i In trultl. l ‘ The nmulim'inn In se npl‘ rd is an: l ‘ - exp-Imin. All hm ‘ snll icn; m'n l ‘h-riyln nn lhoir plwn llnl-l , A ('Ul'i' «lllgpll how in PM: ne .- l'klnrls nf , Pruitt with "Mayor? «I»; . lz‘nill i ~lt‘ll lmw to L‘N‘p .\ ulujlh much l Inf-“P". leill lolllmow t, treat my 3 ‘ mangm- l‘o-nrt m unédre prql'crlly, and v vln nlllaln m thr. hizl’ rt ll Him 5 A (‘.OPY prrfienu it: numrru I l-i-w‘yrw all M . 4 .n zh m-P. and I'M‘LH vh qr; ornament } ‘ for Elle '1” In \rlll In! mlmlreul by 11l l 'lm‘rra «fugdrnnu (gain In nro's pm » . div-N. . ll; '3‘ Al‘lll‘Y‘cnnlnow In alumin‘hl fun $1.60 In I moul‘y or pmlage-a "MILE , The-o cuplca are puhlhhi'lécy K ' _ - 1 11. F. l. l‘l‘l ERR. , i ; .\JII-ar llamlerwillo. «’nln (m.. I'm. ”The, lip-nl- mm uni. d ”ll llullnn. land rhnnox ho l 0!" by null inv; ore. llm will he l‘nrwairrlfld bv qxprn l 1; sh. pvt: n-‘r dt‘red. nu recllpl nl’ nefra yla 'omnt. A llnmfilo up; in In- IM‘H at l: uffira, wh‘cro :lnhtcripllom are received. . ‘ “ l { Nov. 11, 1961. IV I, Z ‘ *New Goo .: 5 ! Anxasmcx manual would mpedll ‘ F fully inform their l‘rienr .I xiv! glgé puhllr. ‘llul they luau-jun rrnrinni‘g‘gl-vrre nn-l hund ,lmlw "Mk ul' FALL AND “ .\.TH l. GOODS. ‘cnn‘tiuinz of ~ ' ' l _ ,3 bullet-Dram Goodu. Slymhi (‘lu lu. C.l‘l" l Inn-n, Flmnelg. Ginghfis. .\l ding, ] i if .‘nlno Qunomwarv; lumen-in, p ' r 10.. whirl] wlll he mld’M lhéfi profits. "9‘. ling changed 6m- venm. we nqv lollflur'f‘xa‘ll. ‘5O: will give 6‘)‘lll‘!s. rte-In' promphpnyihg cuatnmrn. . ‘ ‘ f . g gay-(7m an} n the in nff, mo RED FRONT. . , . c. 23. lam. If W" ___“f—"-.—‘ '_“ ~‘#“‘r‘.‘— ~"?' 1861. ~ Latest No 3. g 1331. ('B7 an" were going to re" fie received QI ; dhspntcl} flint. R; F. .\l [LN-153' hu'jnu opened a complmo u-oflmc .‘ of HATS ARI) '(‘APa-l, including the lnlnfi‘ full Ilj’lo' Silk, Kcnrpl; Slam-h, (‘usimerc nd Wool links.,- Boys’ Ind lnfnnu' pluin an '.[M'xcy llauvnnd Cnpl, which for hexane“ of Enlah liml quality lurpnn Anything nl'the kind fir ofl’g-re-l in tlill plaJ‘e—lll of Wll'lclljwll-l he I: la a! n-lnnishing. ly low price-firm- cull. A ‘, Emmi .\.‘fh SllUflS. l rludinu a “no thé' man; of Ladiesf Morocco “nuts. nuklm-Jlu bra and Slinpeu. GAITERS‘ up sm'mzns 1 7:. mzxm rm: PAIR. All in run. of goo in in] HM Are le-mrtfully invited!» give in an”. (,‘ome oncl t'ome ll” ' g ' And give me I friendly clll‘i ‘ For ull ghodn will he mgld n ‘ nlmml ofprer, To overromo the unlo‘ukeigr crifiip. OM. 2”. ISM. ‘ ‘ fiat. Boot. g ‘ taboo. ‘ h our. szw (mans rm Tm: smxvpr I TH I»: ma noon—ah. indemgnéd mm jun. received‘ I fresh l-uvpl of Hans,“ (319:, Roots. Shoal. Trunk. oan! ‘ ngs. kc. Mm, hue 5 good lupply of find a In! Bantu, Bridlel, Collars, he. , Shoes and Boot: ol‘ I“ Imp]: made to order by first-rm workmen. Ind of. short notice.— llume-mudo work alt-p on and. Prices low tur cash. ('UllglAN & UL‘Ll'i 0n: 21, um. i ;_ New Goods 5: Lumber. * ETEI‘ BOBLITZ. It Argudurifle, Ens jg“ P returned from the rit"‘..with s large Ind lelect flock of Dry Goods. firmed", Gunsh were, llardwnro, Boon. Sl‘oel. Hats, Cnpl Trunlu. km. km, cheaper ”lg" "of. He alm hnl on land I lot _ f POSTS. Bill’ps Ind SHINGLHS, ol' excellennfiuunlily, whichlhe will diupon of 3: 1h! lnwu‘. living profits.— Give him I call. flu will nl‘yays try to plenu my 11;,l86l. 3m " Revolver& NEW In of REVOLWRS. ol‘ diflercnt A nylon, embracing ‘ho hum. received It .\A SON'S, northwut corner of the Diamond. anlug purchuoj {or cash, 5‘ the be“. rules, be is prepared to sell u low-u the lowan—if notlo'er yet. Drop in Ind enmine them for yourulvou. No trouble to giant gods. July I, 1361. -, ‘ FESTION ASKED ANQ ANSWERED:— QhWhy 31 it mm H. G. U Ag“! sells MUSIERY .o c '93“ fur cash? Bee-nu he boys for can Ind buyn nothing but a good Irliclc. And In“: u a fit} short profit. Lndiy’u an I gentlemen, give Hm I. all. Don“. faggot the place.— mght oppmitothc Bank, in {wk u. {Non 23. JL'DSUX'H ‘j 'c. Hountgin Herb mm In. . UXlflsnmkzw IW F~®mww mxsuxucs mxrzglys xx" mums. , ”utumsw‘ .'0 TIIE‘RS. I'.l KI'I lIL’A'D .' Dn you when dhwrviug the unenn nations DURING-flu: PM“ Fm“. w. In?! “trod of ya!" chil‘lm.h¢:)lllltler dent it any In‘ mum to the notice a! the medial prof“J "um I In." Ch" '.I ml nfiliru diam ? In nine , , mu”, m" of ten. the mun: “f blu- link “m" of this country flu l'un Cry-(clad (M rrk nnguinll is WW)”, and :lqu bc u! wu‘r I'nqplamim, no I REMEDY FUR RHEU, 10¢.de . “SM ;,Ind having nut-hm! from nun, nu? mm "on: 91mm". at tho mm: mi and from‘pnllentl, an $O3l- unfit: nuns up FANIIJES, ; ‘ Do not let your children :ul'l‘ér, when w: pre sent .\o'u in v 4 > : ’U’S‘W“ “'o‘“ TBA u ' mansluxuu ol' rq‘s mm. mm; A In: Axu nun" tl'll rot reign. gm. "m..",m 0' U!" Pd?!" and fibula-Hi llmr mull boner Iml life! would 'i In to ' " ' . hun- il ulwnya in llw hndu. .\ lilllr} (filmy fuc‘ we at! ““9"" ‘0 present“ ‘0 “n pl when a child it: lnkpn ill nun «Ila-n helhé Gulf“). In a form 111-2301' FDR IMIHDIATK ‘ Min death. while nrlinz will-on flrlu' . and 1 . ‘ h) h‘lug me MOUNTAIN {mun TEA lume- «men ‘" ”"9” “”““‘l“‘"““ “'“r “” ding-Jpn gnu will no! mllme‘e ”:1 child in lung who are Infl'erlng with all: lllllrll'ng comm and lediouv "Ines-. 31"! foul-90W 9 ac): "flaws:- ‘ ' - “ . but ulna (rel lmppigr in knowing an“ .Wll m": Ind lo the medical [ll'll' luoner who fly done your «lung. uml porrhanca sun-d 1 lll‘o. ‘diupomd l 0 lest the po or: o! um ulv , This Infdlf‘lne ii éulnhlufd purely 081 , ~l‘rc'medj'. . , I s .' l . . 1' , n!- lln i A\ n n ) 0 rl, ‘ I mm ram-Yul 'my A unnru f" f , {poison at. has rel-gully - , ‘CALUNHL U“ ul)ElL‘b " l ‘ r . . lperlmcmell wllh in thc l‘ u um 11 l . 2 l I . . g .\‘o more fillhy Vermime will be "M hy Pun" ’.“f‘l "u' ”A! 3' than; “llolllll‘l' nu- lhis Tim. The mrlylm‘lhe Apr-cur from the publ' ‘1 '"''rl‘ ' 4 . . {ZITLtT'iZ git-513.3%? ‘cmnfl‘bfl. ““15“ "n" medical Jam-nah.) ! n . ‘ l .2 t' ”lull rarel'ully ym \‘t‘il‘lle me. will: full dlr I .uined—from all the dru l I hold», and a: whole-ul- o: "H" 1 BULLOCK ‘(Tlll-EXSIIAF, .‘"-u" ,_ : Dwain! mnhlmul’p-laring Chomilu,« liffll «9, Jul} l, Ifloil. I; 4:1 l'hikddpb‘ ur.l-‘ f“ —“ “"-*‘ -—r->~“ - .‘ "an"; A. Math a: Son’s ' gm“, gum .\sm‘mxm: unummnnns Y :10» l 'l5 And ‘.‘7 X. llny n rvrl. Baltimore, .5 ‘Fnyelle n 1..) unniling row (in; to Fred ‘; ‘ file—[lnc Iqrgml Emmi-lid mull ul the giml i + . liuiuu. .\l\\:l.-. uan lmnl‘l n [urge n-nnrlm ' :IIUCSEIIULDASD 111-'Hll'li Fl’flNlTClll‘} ‘ llrm'ing lipn'um. "uld? I‘ll. Wuhslandu. ”obi-s. .\lullreuon ol' ll iL, (‘nllon and iSpriug [lo-la. Sufi”, Tl‘llT-Q-Tl‘lrl, Ann C ; flux-Ling l'lmin; Eugen-1. Marblt lelOI; let-u. Ito-crpll'ml um] l'plmluu-n-d l'lluin, .\‘UllTl-ILH'UIJIIIHUF‘W'T'I‘AHHI'IIILVI'I’ \\‘oud l‘lmin. Ullive ('lmirl, ":er Cl ,(‘yiln and l'Fulllen. llgl llm-h. Hull Furn ililll Inn Walnut l'éuholmuklngfllauu. ‘ Lou-sh. l-leom-lon Tahlr'u. al "my longlh J' I'm-sum ullqmud lo pun-1m“ up invi I «all uni gin- uur .lnck Inguminuliun, lur 'jl’il‘l} nml quulily ufuorkmgu-hip ‘ nlunllml by an! uynhlh-lunenl In Huge .\. .\l.\‘l‘lllul' a; 59s Sm. 25- "ml 22 .\. (3:: ll!" P 0 I to YOUR CHILDREN I'le this Simple. Ssh, Vmelmhle Hr: ' This Wurm Tm mu dju-m'cru-I in n‘ Iml way among the Wilda o! Norihgm} —u'full urn-mt of it _vuu (rill flaw tin-nan. .\lk fur the “km‘ur 15f Tale A ohm- .\gent. nnd w’ln-n you but: run! it In your nl'ig‘hlllll", that {hey may :II 01 and be cured I»: thig GREAT RHME JuuSos's w‘mul n; KILL» worms, flu; lumn—u ”nun-r to n' pm A' PM‘KAH‘H—I-Imwz’ 35 CIHTS , ()nsum‘l,—.\lwap find lhanme an ' tin" of": l..Jl‘ll:~‘uX & m.. niul thr] of Tam-o, on purl: [nu-huge u! this Wol ‘ B. la. JUDSON & 00.. '_ soxwrnurn’lurn 5 '6O Luann» s‘rnxé-r, Sam Yuk W‘Jt'nflm'fi “'um‘ 'l‘la In 10ch by»: in t-u-ry Vill'gr. mul hyaxll l’rulzglilx. 11. (LVAMI. Ayn! fur (huyhurg. plum q" frees, July 22, Irl.;1 humpb n In: bf mm} M to train Lancaster Book Binde ‘ ‘. HORNE ;\\'i.\Nl‘. fl , I '. G ‘ 1 ~l!l[0l( RIXIEI: ‘ no ILA.“ gout In: rurrruhu \ ‘ ' LAXI'AN'I'HIEII'A. Plain and Unm'mmml ”Nanny. u! "if: dv-‘ N'rjpl'mu. exec-"tn! in the must nubsmfilgal Img appnn ell nylon ' / ll‘c-m -cau'n'lm . n will into the and "at. p‘nrrricfi‘. c'r. : nrrinvvrn. ‘3 H. W. Brown. Hap. Farmer: Manknf Lu aminer. W. L. l?“ n-r, Eu] . lmnruslvr I'unlll'l' Illink Snmurl S'hm'li. HM] , ('nlnmlrln Hunk. {l ' Sunni-l \Vugnrr, Eu... ank llnnk. : ll illiulu “’nKm-r. l'lsth.‘\'arli l‘o'inl)‘ ll ink. T. 1!. l,':lr-nn: limb. lu’ank 0! (2m) nliurigl . ,l‘iirr Harlin. l-‘.«|. l‘rnllfiyi_:,l'l..iln~n\lu ;u.. Ru. ‘ll‘ll;“. llyruhorn. Edq ,llezifilrr “ I ~- (lcu. Whitauu Huh, lim-uriler “ - ." Aprllslh. lull. 1 Trees! Trees! Trees! 7 lll“. yualerdgm‘nl lmim fiflfll'lflll'4l ll: r large und “1"” gruwn "um-k of .3! Flll'll‘ AND Ull.\:\.\lH)T.\L Tlll'Cl-IS. Shru‘h‘. .tv . Hn‘.r.lcin;; :5 I'm:- Mlhl afilnu-lutc :N'turllm-m nl. .\l'l'l'.l‘.>'. I‘I‘ZUL“. l'l'; l'lll'lfi. l’l.l'\l.\'. I‘lll2llllll‘lS. .\l'llll'Ul‘hfl “1:3 .\l-J'. 'I'AJ S'nznlnril lur Inc‘ (In limld. uml llw .fnr u... man-n. mun-5n \mhr'rs; Fl' NIFII l'lll‘ZSVl'TS, ll \Kl:l'l.\'l‘"l'£'. I‘ll'.v lL‘fil’lll-Illlllb‘ls. .\"l'll \\“lll‘lllllll‘lfi. } ( Clir Ii \S'l‘s and mmil-Zulilmuts'am Imm vhrluy. uniu-izs. ..r i-hnlm-~l Linda‘ASl'AllAfil‘S. lllll'llAllll. ki'.,.\'u'. Hm. :I llll" slut-I‘m! well farmed. hu‘h} lil'lh‘lllllll‘ll'lxal. “nimble! lnr Ll”: ('rmeH-rv and lawn. 1 mzc'mrm's Tums. inr mm plnnllnz. nml n‘gcm-rnl ntslwimrn! ul' ' l Um‘ulswu. Tuna nu ll'L‘mmunn .énurnd. unsizs ..r nun", vnriuiu. (Inning; m-znmxu l'l..\.\'T>'. .2». 3 Uur flunk is I‘l'ln'lrknbly tlitlflyr All-l inc, anal \\‘o nfl’rr it w prim-1 in unit the tilu-11. “\‘(Znnl’ugm-u innilml to all npplii-Anll. Adda-u HHWA ill) J. H".\.\." .I 6th I ‘ l‘enlrul .\‘urwriu, \'nr ‘, l’n. SopLifillfifil. 2m' Alexander mer' l l “gay nu-nlln-O thr‘nmnr number and ("MFR .\SDW.\‘I‘CII-)l.\Kl§l'l.lmn lttmlfl’l‘tl John “"3" (\'m} Fur.,;[grr.i ms A. j 111 l shop in Sunlll llAlllthly‘MrtQt, a frw, l'llllfidlllllllfl, _‘ [SqIL N hm. Alum” mull: ui‘ilio ('uurl Hons nlurr‘elhe will . ' l ‘ alivu'i I l-ejinppy in Inn-ml in ?he Wall! Of lll‘ , Howard mOcmtion' rum-men. H: i:- li'unnlirul lot as: Living. anal . Imp" iu h-rriu- ihe mnlinmrll l-uuugn ol'ihu PHI-LADHJ'I‘I [A T.‘_ [bushing-£11.! l' ‘llblic. [licllvsliur'fi AprilB‘l36l. ' , “u" flush] 41“.: '1; ”m 'i‘ "I m P - _.' 2 , _ l lnr the llrlu-l onl-o Burk and Dmrrluul . . ‘ mu ml with \'irulen! and Epidemic Dina" V‘llgettygbm 353 m 1"; ‘ o-pn-ia‘llv forth: (fur. ol'hiuucs affirm ’l, .umlrrngng‘ilmumg bought «nag-i???" Ur'mnl ' 'R, "ulllO-V. will continue the (3'. 'S- ". ' . . . n _ n 1% RESTAURANT. n menu ".171. mum . ”fifty fE:"L,',';fi"",;",“‘:lf;:{r'l .\lci'mmughv'l llnll. ln liaHiilc llrtc , when "'2" .I ll "' r°,' l Till "y" 'm ‘11: will nlu’hyl be wild}! to urn: u ', I! thr. df‘:"'|lll;:j:' ”thrift ff: diallnglgo'fc‘ mlls al'u-ustnmeri,UYSTHßS..!'lllllk'l'gl‘,“HEP mm. I" h‘& " lfuunillnod frocnl‘n-bal 'l'n.\'c:u:, Tun-li, "-1-: mm“, as, um.V “fig-'l} J“ ,2 1'11‘,,‘,'“1.,.'M “pend-lo Immzs'rn‘ wuxus. ALI-2. mum: aid mm. "M .ulm'rni-Lm‘x o(ch “,3", 0m lle \\il] tpnn no exl’nnlu render “li-Izmir»: to on the YEW l:|-2.\Il-Z|l|l'l.'4 omfiloiod in ‘ .“IH'IW W wwm 193;:“g33' s;}: x mm. mu m m mam lanai-d c“ ' , ‘ ‘ " ‘ ll " .ennlupquec ofchngo. Two or three. ' “In" ”9L 3m " L '9» pmmgc will he m-rrpmblo. l'i‘ll‘fl ‘'_ .' ‘ ‘ 7 “ .._...__' Addresl. DR, .l. 5K11.1.1§ II” I l l .p FREE? Izllquors‘ ‘ l ”5'.“ Snrgrnn, Howard .\unvlniion, .\‘n. H , .snuedln hi- Ivrorrr! and .\..n. aim-v, l’hllndrlphil, r.. is; oi . Notion Surge. I olepli’tnmn furl ihc sale [htmfflmn' \ _ | at Liqunn. Ind Inning lain] In I lurgoinml line . EZRA l). IIEAII‘I‘WELL, [1 ulortment. In inrin-I thelnltenlion alliuyers ‘ Clio. Fuurlnw. 3.3% , then-10. 11. rmhi'u-u llIl.\S!)ll£S.. :Wblfifi. ‘ J“, 1 1861. I’, (”$B. wmsxnzs, am, nf-lifl'ercml kinaun . ' . . . - -,_ pricn, some‘nmnng ihe how (9 he llgd ln lh ‘ 10m, 0. Fields, cit-ll!» Anni: mono is,hqlll('k sales uhd'smnl . IOK-lllXDl'lll Pap” "II" “a p...m._u he will «all cheap)"; rhonli, fur lh I; Honk" Mannflcvturrr. 3d‘ nor}, ciih. .’l'o be conunce i, ll II only flcl‘fssll'.‘ lo hull-ling, l‘eiilre S‘l“""v “mg, 1!,“ Jgn‘e him your nnmnnze.‘ ‘ County 0m"... Ind wanting liuusulfu % hetq.l.urg,.luly l, lgul. : _ ' will) Blank lhmhmmle «I|!th- beu I|an . ‘ “ "' "_ '“ "' ' “'4 “"»'"3"““ and on the man reuunaht N'l'ml- 1“ . Ready-made Clothing. lever! «giftihfiul “...-up“ with mun , Gmg‘ifihltß-‘gflhf: 3011”"; 5“" 5:?" iliqmu'll.‘ “union by Eur! primal}! i am in er; -' n on _v-ma c o l- to.’ . ug. .u. .’ lirg, cumming o! Dill-SSS i'OATmeHer) klnd, 1.4 m..... -. - —-- -- '——~' *4! low-menu‘s. :- gm“ army. Hal's [m..-’- Flour, Grocories, 800.. , “0":qu 11“.“613.‘ I’ANTAI‘JfINISS,; YES-(sv HAVE cofintnnily 0p hand. FLUL'ljl. Cor‘g' ".:.:m "'l'§"w‘i.l.‘ll.'..‘.z.. ;‘.:::':,.?;:’::: I- W»? a c. ‘.- . i '. ‘ ‘ ’ ‘- s'.' - ’our Inn-yo! {mine-nun]! of which will be lnld “.'thfln? ”flaunt“? gun fuolnul (inv. cheap for rush The dotting are than”; at H '"’ a" I y I: 'l. ' r be; kin-ls l '' ' ill-dun Gin \u . cnll nud lr crop, “'3 M “HP p-fl ‘.-km' In 7; I my. 21:11:25": vou ln'n prmem mdb'ny, in rur'hlukmx.)"l'.nillal: 3:13;? I:J‘sf;ffyl will tell you {ln Goods, Lil-e your Ihcuure, 32;... 22‘": It‘lqélm W“. GllJ‘Bql‘lE. 1' Ind make you I III“ in Ihufl urdey. f Gguylhup‘ Dre. :1 )8“) 9m' ' , l on. i, 1361. , ; 2..-? "_.. U . I jail»... . ————-'“— “ '7"“““"""' "‘~"“' ' 5 mon nn. 1 ‘ ' Clem-gelmrnolala i . ~ ~-‘. v _ i [€osz A. (()RWII.LI.. of the l n 111, l S "_llinp ofLAIIIRa" Dam 99008 It Gon chu'hnnbenburg Turnpike, my up i . coll. Full, If _vuu want. lnngniluu ‘ ;top at the South )lonnuin. “he. "11l “594 ' on. g 1561. 4: ~ ' ‘ orimorming his friend: and tin public lb“ it s Lidia i IF _von cnll u Fnhnesloel-s'yon I!“ find the ‘ handmmeu DRESS GOOD-1 in ‘0'“: DO lain". {'nshmeru, Figured fivrin'oep, Cobnrgl, I i‘reuoh “Wino", ull Wool, as 101 51,35 cnu A :ynrd. 0:11 ”on. . ‘ . rmxzsrocx nnm’klns. { I On. :3, 1861. .‘ Removal. L "_"— “"’”""""“ “T a .\Tcn g CLUI'K HEPMRIXQ- .00!!! ' x 133 0' 8‘13““. ~ f W 21-211 mm: h“ removed his «my; 13mm,“G ”0 D” SCHOOL, ”9°"3610ck mung Ellnblizhment to Sun"; In. Monday, September 2J. £81.31. 1 himm [um-g, two doors north of ”til" 3 ("m""" "'.‘i‘m of 5” month, ‘3s'-" Zlogkr'n ‘Slore, where he will be 3116!“ to. F 0? ““530 “d ““8053” "1"“ vcein a continuance of the 1’19”!“de ‘5. u For {urthct paniculus ntldrul q 'pnblic. By cluse nm-mion to hush" [cod 1 9‘ {f SHEAD' ' ‘vork, nnd meditate chug". M hope: ‘0 ‘l'. _ flux. 26, 1861.‘_fi6m_____ffcf‘iflf‘"3v .91.“ gcneral Intisfnctieu. as lxwetofoto._ .' A LARGE assortment. nfgzn'l 39:" I?“ “9"”me “flurim‘fl' I‘ ‘ ’ m. root Boots, Gulf. ts, e v row ‘ ” ‘. M A .- .. W“ Tdmmxm': ‘ om. 2a. ;,151 5.145393: 1...... «LW' 3" ma ”90%qu- - g xcusu mm clxlsfin mi flame firs. «unarmmfizuam - E 51:10, now to ho land 6H. L}. C VBB'S. ‘ 013.328. ' .F. . GIL . ‘ IMTE3 S 0 N i 9 Himm got-trait IA Tm. TIM MEI Nah “I. tom 1 IN NSIIJ'ANIAI no Sl'L‘CI-ZSS( had lot-onl“ hi ; up ready fqu lianl, find an L Igi-u u 15 ion Aug. 6 1860 1 Merchant Tailoring. j . YEW mmhsi—(ZHUIHHZ Alum.“ h jllhl reqmml from llw city will: I Esmck' M {TIMTILSZ ¢'.\..~x.-z|~:!. (‘n‘ Heanr‘l‘lulhl. Urer-mnuingn. \'rlvol G‘ ‘Jrani. Drilling: and \'Mliugt. nl' "cry nl’ 'llm'ingurund [be wnh-u ul' \T. 'l‘. RI ' Fnrffildll. wr are pranrd m'pnl up the gang}- in ulyl'. maul (u Ilu lu-q m”. luring e-lnhli-lahmn. hating lurnnd out I amt-um of 'nlk during the gull wagon. whirl: lull gin-n smhl’aflion. “'3“: x: inrn-n-e If nu: lm-inru. gnu-I to -how cluninlg ghnl 1" d 6 Inn-incu- in a. mum m be Immann‘d. fin:- itunu'k uf “Ind! l he lurlmuod in nunlny or “flu. (:i‘ ‘rnli. no firm [ln dnum guy-u plug/e. UN. 4. 13-”. ' « Fanoy‘Furs! Fancy Furs Inna" .’AHJ I 7” Arrh , :lufrn Tlh Ml} 'n-qh. (lan v ‘errt 51.4 PM An. Importer Jun-If.“ lurrr n imlrr in .3” \il A\t‘\' Fl'll :ufin'. “in" In! In" I WM‘ lining now ‘nchlrtd nil in , mr u-qu "Img+ .rnl of a” line Turinuu‘ nul Ipmlifiu 0! Yuri. Min-red in the 1* Full nnd “"rmnr .‘rn’mm. I nuulll rnp ‘ ly imiu nn exnnninnlhnu “(my exmk um! I Imm lllmo intruding In pun-how. nl- l I nhlo-d 'n ufl'c-r llmn very ninimhlv induce \l‘ my Fun hands-no jun-run"! for 'hml lumlu by éxperieuu-od Ind on ‘ ihnmh. and Hm pron-n: monvlnry lr undo-r it nwetmry IlutJ Ibo-uld Ali-pun lfln-ul‘ 3! "-rr mm" "drum-(on ro-I. ‘ Jum ”tidied ”unlit “1")? lo Hu- .1 i "f Illusu who nlullgn pun-haul] g, In giv is prepsrod to scrum-mods“ all who fin, yt trnniu him. in tho but gunner, Ind 51 ynodere m glitz". .\o efl‘an will,b¢ npnredpo (“A ulislnction. Bk «bio and Lu will be; (on‘ well providedmnd hi. bed-ling unexcepu'bnobio; Lug: “aiding tor honed. Ba only M" . trinl. ‘ [up] Is, 1161.} 3‘ II !!!'.l ,u -bu. ‘ "I; IN!) is In diu- MEI Eil 1m Alt, fool w. been rn‘emh‘o MI 41* 'sh ow INoI. nu rick Hm I!) v! I IN. IMd- Init liri, " HI!- AS -1.“. lifl, um, ‘idc- I I l I . bu urg'o mu. EIZI ‘G n kn]. hr -1.: :0 H of Imp rou- inn% rt.' rii it 11=1 and •ti 9 atm; rue. 4 null. "A. 010»: .u hln of my CM 0123 111 IRO I fl 1 ‘ r Ach M: I. cup:- lruu =I I. Inn! 0 m.. lmvr llgflyl ' , {Ark ."nnth dqr 'of ti 1. I Blah . will [' Alan. filled , PIP" I iug o" u‘ Iml tended lam"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers